Author Topic: To Stand before the Archon...  (Read 26714 times)


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #90 on: 20 November 2019, 09:59:53 »
December 22, 3080, Kowloon...

" way of knowing if the Prince's Champion, Karl Steiner-Davion, survived the attack.  what we do know, is that SLDF flagged vessels fired in a blue-on-blue and then began bombardment of Harlech city on Outreach.  I've got other reports here, as well, units from the 222nd Com Guards attempted to storm the POW holding area on Wotan, with the clear intent of killing the Clan prisoners held there, they were supplemented by the Seventh Skye Rangers and a Mercenary command under contract to the Word of Blake.  We were able to evacuate most of the POW's but it cost us two cutters, a support tender, and the LCS Inevitable."

"Where is my brother?" Amanda asked.  The thirteen year old was sitting in the Coast Guard's headquarters at Vin Drin Lap.

"Jump calcs, Amanda, Mid summer, june ninth of last year, run from Melissia to Main Street, one stop, pirate point insertion at the second planet, show your work, when you've finished it, I'll try to answer your question."  Commodore Li ordered, "Make allowance for a twelve hour block of time based on Mainstreet's prime meridian noon."

"Aye ma'am."  Amanda set to work.  she wouldn't get answers unless she gave the right answer.

Alicia turned to President Vanh, "Orders from the Archon Regent on Tharkad are to scramble reserves and it's war plan White."

"Jesus...what about the Archon Princess?"

"Last confirmed location was safe on New Avalon, they're scrambling fleet units out the galax yards under a Dirtyfoot so-called 'Admiral' named Hasek.  I met him doing inspections, guy still thinks ramming is an effective tactic, I can't think of a worse man to command an Avalon class battlecruiser if I tried, and he's got most of a fleet group out there."

"How much of the Lyran fleet's defected?"  Charles asked.

"Lots of it, same for the Leaguers and even the Dracs have had a few.  Bigger problem is that Luthien is under siege by domestic terrorists with top-line gear and backed by elite regular forces, and that was before the goddam HPG net went down."

"How are we getting reports then?" Amanda asked.

"Black boxes." Li stated, "Coast Guard, some of the AFFC fleet units, and a hand full of FC Guards RCTs."

"So compromised."

"To our eyeballs."

Amanda finished her sudden quiz, and showed Li the jump calculations, "Where is my brother?"

"He didn't make it to Outreach, we know that.  The Dragoons weren't all there, and he was on his way to visit your...biological father, so assuming he's still with them, they're laying doggo somewhere between Coventry and Outreach."

Amanda was in the 'no-place' she went when she worked on navigation problems, so her emotions were damped, calmed.  "They're going to hit us, aren't they? I mean, they kind of have to, don't they? if they're really making a play for total control?"

"That's our working hypothesis." Li confirmed, "Here, Coventry, Skye's already subverted..."

Amanda nodded silently, then, "What are our guys going to do with the Budgies they pulled out of the POW camp?" she inquired.

"ehm...I don't know."

"Bring them here."  Amanda said, "Offer them commissions and equipment and citizenship, but bring them here."

"They're Jade Falcons."

"I. Don't. Care." Amanda stated, "They're trained personnel, bodies to throw at the enemy and they worship conflict, they're a drain on resources if we jst try to keep them locked up, and I want first draft picks on our team.  see if you can't scrape up any of their scientists while you're at it."

"They won't be much use on defense." Li pointed out.

"I don't want them for defense, I want them for the counter-attack.  Someone is trying to undo everything my mother burned her life away trying to build.  we will kick their teeth in, stomp them in, beat them so hard their posterity will shudder at the idea of trying something like this ever again. to do that, we need forces we can place on the attack.  I'd like to think the Archon Regent will agree with that assessment, but if he doesn't, we do it anyway. we're Kowloonese, not Heinies."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #91 on: 20 November 2019, 10:48:45 »
SO, Questions:

In this 'verse, does the Master aka Old Thomas Marik exist as the cybernetic boogieman of the WoB and MD forces?

If not, then who is the leader of this Slightly later than originally planned Jihad?

Also: Any chance that some aspects of Kowloon society becomes cannon?
« Last Edit: 20 November 2019, 10:51:26 by ThePW »
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #92 on: 20 November 2019, 11:32:20 »
SO, Questions:

In this 'verse, does the Master aka Old Thomas Marik exist as the cybernetic boogieman of the WoB and MD forces?

If not, then who is the leader of this Slightly later than originally planned Jihad?

Also: Any chance that some aspects of Kowloon society becomes cannon?

what a good question!

okay, that was cheap.  I'm editing this to be a better response.

Second question first: Probably no way in hell, I kind of missed the boat when it comes to contributing to actual canon when I dropped out of the freelancer pool at the start of the first Jihad Hot Spots book.  At the time, I was recently married and unemployed and 'not in a good headspace' would be an incredible understatement.  I pretty much gave up writing entirely for a couple of years and by the time I wasn't too screwed up to try again, the window was, as they say, closed-complete with some burned bridges and some less-than-classy behaviour on my part that really put the torch to any chance in the future.  It's all good though-they farmed up some VERY good writers from the crop of people they recruited in to help contribute, most of whom are flat out better than I am.

Now, as to why it's 'no way in hell' it's very simple-see, this stuff I came up with?  Okay, I'm doing it as fun, it's a hobby, but there have been people in the past whose ideas were close enough that when those good ideas were too similar to what Fasa/fanpro/Catalyst were already doing, the guys on the outside decided to make a mess and even in one case I personally know of, filed lawsuits that had to be defended.  This is bad, bad stuff, mm-kay? The guys at Catalyst don't want to expose themselves to that kind of crap, and they don't want to be exposed and I don't think anyone rational could find blame with that, so like with a lot of properties that have active fanfic communities, they're not stupid, they're not going to risk even looking like they are thinking of doing that.

because it would be incredibly bad risk-management and it would be mind-blowingly incompetent to even look like they might.  Because I did this stuff as fanfiction, it's outside the 'good' boundaries for what can be submitted.  This might be different if I hadn't dropped out, but I did, so my stuff doesn't get included in the official canon (except the stuff they already paid me for back in the early 2000's, which was work-for-hire under strict guidelines and I still managed to blow it on at least two entries that probably made publication because of deadline, and weren't up to the quality of the rest of those sourcebooks.)

Let me be really ****** clear here: I would apologize to the people I insulted and mistreated, if I could.  it was MY FAULT.  The fact they even let me hang here after some of my behind the scenes conduct is an ****** miracle.  There were times when I look back on it, that they not only had the right to ban me from the online community, but really should have and didn't.  this demonstrates an enormous level of class, patience, and positive-good-things on their part, for which I am Grateful.

I won't name names, you know who you are.

Now, as to your first question...

I'm not gonna outright tellya, it's 'wait and see'.

Oh, and by the by, I'm doing the fanfic here right now, because I'm kind of stalled on something elsewhere, which If I can manage to actually finish it, is going to be my first novel-type publication, and I'm doing it the stupid way, on Amazon, because their vanity press is nothing-up-front free and I'm an insecure cheap-ass.
« Last Edit: 20 November 2019, 12:54:28 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #93 on: 20 November 2019, 20:04:57 »
Good luck with the novel project!  :thumbsup:

And I'll take what I can get here... Even if her brother technically rules, Amanda is going to be the one in charge...  ^-^


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #94 on: 20 November 2019, 22:41:02 »
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #95 on: 21 November 2019, 07:23:45 »
I am merely a decades-long fan of the NGO-Verse, not involved here with nothing else.

@Cannonshop: I must say that I very much like the style and form your apology in answer to the second question. You did not answer the first question, though ...


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #96 on: 21 November 2019, 11:16:43 »
Abandoned station, Somewhere between Outreach and Tharkad...

blood floated in the corridors, because the atmospheric circulation system was down.  "come on."  the Blonde girl, Harmony, told him.  Patrick followed her out of their hiding place.

She was his age, but so much cooler.  The two made their way along the ring.  "god, you're hopeless." she told him, stopping and adjusting his bandages, "Didn't your mother ever teach you about blood in nullgee?"

"Mom's dead." he confessed.

"I can see why, hurry up, will you? we don't need those white-suit maniacs to come back around and find us."

Her objective was clearer once she finished altering a panel, opening to a vision like a hanging garden in space-green plants along the far wall, lit by lume-tubes.  Patrick followed her in, and she closed the portal behind them.  "grab what you can, stuff your face, we've got five minutes." she told him.

Pat drifted down, the smell compelling.  "Will we be rescued?" he asked.

"Don't know.  Can't know.  Space is big." she tells him, "but we have food and oxy, water filtration, and..." she dug into a locker, "Weapons."  she held up a cutting bar.  "We might be able to hold out long enough if your ship managed a distress signal and they had follow-ons, otherwise?" she shruggged, "You're a Dirtyfoot, right? Planetsider?"

"Yeah." he nodded, then took another bite of the red, plump fruit.

"Gonna need to find you supplements.  Dirtyfeet don't get the implant when they're born, lose calcium and muscle mass." she said knowingly, "you're young though.  Apprentice shipsman?"

He shook his head, "Sorry, no. I was a passenger."

she let out a disgusted groan, "What do you know how to do?"

"I was training to be a 'mechwarrior." Patrick tells her.

"Oh finagles bleeding colon!" she muttered, "No skills at all then.  alright, Patty, whatever you are in the Gravity Well, you're a nub here, do like you've been doing, follow instructions and maybe you live to get back down into the dirty."

"What...where did you come from?"

"Linedecker." she tells him, as if it means anything.  "I'm actually rated now, passed my ado-quals, Bos'n's Line, been here since we had a seal malf that tossed us out into the steady-black, but I'm qualified and know how to be a Stationer, you don't.  Why in the purbie blue gonads did your ship come outa jump here?"

"I don't know." Pat answered, "I was shoved into an escape pod and-"

"And your ship blew up, yeah, saw that.  You think the maniacs had some to do with it?"

Pat nodded.

"Okay, well, they attacked a ship, killed people, screwed up my steading.  we kill the bastards.  We get good fortunes, mom comes picks us up, but that means no ride home for you, you'll end up being my 'prentice and I'm not even Journey yet."

It filtered in, finally.  "You were living here??"

"Gotta have a Stationer doing upkeep, it's Adulthood, right? prove you can survive on your own, that you have skills for maintaining a habitat, can do fixes and upkeeps without a helper, only you show up and Now I gotta explain having a helper, at least you're unskilled, so I won't get docked points toward my ticket.  If I prove I taught you basics and you end up useful? I get extra points, maybe enough to get an officer-slot or even a birthing license...but that assumes you don't get stupid and die in my care."

"you sound like a.."  Patrick stopped, "You're not a Rockjack, are you?"

"A what??"


she nods, "Yah, sounds right, your folks have contact with The Folk?"

"maybe.  My sister's  Alicia Li."

The name registered, "Murphy's Ova! wait...Engo...nope..." she pulled out a tiny pocket-display.  "Ngo.  ******.  You're a dirtyfoot from Kowloon?"


"Okay, maybe you'll go home when MY ship arrives...if they arrive. we just gots to keep you breathing and healthy for another two months, which means removing the maniacs from my station soonest...just one thing...Do you know Free Stars?"

"" He shook his head, "never heard of it."

"Oh, we're going to have fun." she smiled at him, but it wasn't the strained smile of someone under unwanted stress, "I'll tellya abot the Free Stars and you can tell me what it's like to live at the bottom of a well, okay?  but first, we dump the unwanted trash."


"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #97 on: 21 November 2019, 13:13:50 »
Calling Captain Mallory... calling Signy Mallory...

Heh. I'm getting serious Mazianni vibes from this lady. Fun times.


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #98 on: 21 November 2019, 17:18:29 »
Spider Moon CGNAS, January 19, 3081...

"...Free Stars was a movement in the early colonization boom, It's part of why my ancestors helped your ancestors escape from Old Earth."  Alicia Li explained.  Amanda was enraptured in spite of her feigned lack of interest.  "You might liken it to fraternal orders that crop up from time to time, or a religious movement, or political philosophy-it has all of those.  Your mother was...uninterested in it."

"Mom had a lot on her plate." the young girl said calmly, "She was kinda focused, wasn't she?"

"She was.  I think knowing how little time she had made her a bit hyper-focused until just near the end."  Li agreed.  "Where did you hear about it? we don't discuss that with...planetsiders that much."

"The War Diary." Amanda said, "mom left book marks in the copy she left us, I sometimes read it to try and understand what she was really thinking.  Commodore Cu'ong spoke to Colonel Ngo about it when they were discussing the supply situation and the progress of the war against the Rimjobs, from there, I visited the Library and looked for every reference in it I could, all of them were Rockjacks or people who dealt with that part of our society, but nothing was...defined, definitive or descriptive except for some Rimjob propaganda pulled out of Dinh Diep.  I thought it was interesting, and guessed you would know more."

"Most adherents are separatists." Li confessed, "It's mutated over the last thousand years, but in general the principle is that you can leave if things get bad, that there are always other places you can go, to start over again, if all else fails, like it did for the Yizroelis or the Ell-Dees on Old Earth, or the peoples in the South China Sea after the World Government handed them to China in exchange for integration into the Terran Alliance.  The majority of the colony ships that left Earth for everywhere, were crewed by believers in the Freedom of the Stars, which shortened into 'Free Stars'.  First into the Belts, and then into interstellar space, but it didn't tend to last with the passengers-the groundsider colonists had their own ideas about faith, and culture, and what constitutes 'freedom'."

"is it unified anywhere?" Amanda asked.

"You don't have to give up your gods, or your politics to believe in Free Stars, Amanda-except among some of the weirder branches.  The first principle is motion, the second is self-reliance,  losing the grip of 'group identity', so there really isn't a 'uniform' set of doctrines." Li told her, "Hence, why I serve a Nation subordinate to an Empire that is subordinate to a political state, instead of choosing the life of a nomad, see? I, myself, am reliant on myself, I can choose whether to trust and obey, or defy, and it's a conscious choice."

Amanda frowned "That's really confusing, you put up with me, you put me up to following Assembly meetings and doing political...stuff. how is that letting me be an individual?"

"You're still a child, still learning responsibility." Li explained, "The social contract is a trade of mutual responsibility.  I provide you with the best parenting I can because I chose to accept that responsibility, I could have denied it, Kelli Whyte would have understood it if I had stepped back from that, you would not have suffered...but, I chose to raise you, and in line with your mother's principles because doing is follows my principles." Li passed a bulb of tea across, and Amanda caught it one-handed with a clapping sound. "Also I'm fond of you and your brother." the Commodore added.  "of the two of you, I had hoped you would be interested when you grew older."

"Why not Pat?" Amanda asked.

"because you can do jump calculations." Li explained, "You were practically born to be a Spacer, I see how you behave in public, occupying as little space as you must, you're naturally neat and mentally orderly, heck, I have training officers who spend untold hours trying to break bad habits you never developed-Amanda, Patrick is a Grounder to his core, he's..." she sighed, "And you get TDS, the sickness you experienced when you visited Outreach."

"what about it?"

"Great navigators often suffer heavily from what medical people outside the community  call Transit Disorder Syndrome.  Visions, nausea, it's a sign of real talent, especially for Jumpship Navigation.  I suffer a touch myself, but my ace Cutter bosses suffer from varying strains of severe cases, something about how your brain is naturally wired, makes you the sort of person my ancestors, at least on my Mother's side, would look for when recruiting in the Gravity Well."

"By 'recruiting' you mean the stories had a basis in fact, that Rockjack traders would...spirit people away?"

"By 'spiriting away' you mean 'freeing from slavery or worse'? yes. those activities kind of tied us to Kowloon in ways we probably didn't mean to-the Rim Worlds were brutal overlords, and practiced chattel slavery, and it was partly humanitarian and partly maintaining stable numbers, but often we would 'recruit' people from worlds to join us, this as a very long time ago, we don't do it least, this branch doesn't-we have better means now."

Amanda nodded, "The Coast Guard.  Mom didn't have to push the expansion so hard-but she did."

"She wasn't interested in the philosophy, but she saw value in it, I hope you do as well."

"I want to learn more.  Why keep it a secret?"

Li brayed a laugh, "It isn't!" she says, "it's one of thousands of philosophical schools through human space, we're just...selective about it thanks to old wives tales and a very real and rational caution in the presence of some other viewpoints, such as those held by Feudal governments and local overlords!"

Amanda sipped her tea from the bulb, "I'm not in charge down there." she said after a moment, "Mom did a good job setting things up, 'Duchess' or 'Duke' is pretty much vestigal...can I...I want...can I apprentice? maybe start early on my 'five years' of service?"

"School first, Amanda." Li told her, "You may feel your role is vestigal, but millions of people look to you anyway because of who your mother was, and how much you resemble her.  I will consider allowing you to select a Junior Reserve slot with the Youth program, but only if you meet your responsibilities firmly, and without hesitation.  Hesitation in space kills more people than shoddy equipment."

"Where do I start?" Amanda asked.

"in the Well, Amanda. This spring, if it's still there, you will begin as a Seaman Apprentice with the Vin Drin Lap Junior Cadets, learning the ropes, so to speak.  To reach the next level you will have to be signed off and transfer to Giap Island for Blue Water duty, and you will have to qualify for submarine training."

"Why subs?"

"Because piloting a Dropship on instruments, is a lot like conning a submarine, first off, and secondly, most of the skills for a submariner are direct equivalents to Space duty.  We don't normally draw groundborn personnel from the other branches, but we draw heavily from Submarines and Aviation.  You'll have to qualify for both, if you want to serve as an Officer of the Coast Guard's Blackwater squadrons...and to do all of that, you still must pass your school exams, so get studying."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #99 on: 21 November 2019, 18:08:35 »
Interesting. I'm taking some of this is you on the soap box, in the vein of H&MP in Starship Troopers?
M. T. Thompson
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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #100 on: 21 November 2019, 18:13:06 »
A separate question. How long did the above chapter take to write? How long ago did you start it, how many days did it take to gestate, and how many days between writing & posting?

I think I know some of the answers, just interested.

And now Patrick has to unlearn some habits ...
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #101 on: 21 November 2019, 18:42:25 »
It'll be interesting to see who's learned more when the twins are back together again...  ^-^


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #102 on: 21 November 2019, 22:26:08 »
Nicely written, thanks
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #103 on: 22 November 2019, 11:58:37 »
January, Harmony's station...

She must have been watching him for over an hour, before she laughed.  "You're so hopeless, Paddy." she said, and float-tumbled to an inverted position over the console.  "Look, see?  The capacitor bank isn't oriented to be easily seen from the angle you picked, you gots to stop thinking twodee, this isn't the Well..." she took the microtorch from his hand, and soldered the connections quickly.  then she craned and spun to face him, "you're cute from this angle, though."

she called me cute!  He flushed, and couldn't find words.

"come on, got something special in Hydroponic three."

"what is it?" He asked.

"Rabbit.  the population's gotten high enough to need trimming, which means we get to eat meat tonight! no more veggie-substitute...and I need help."


"I can't figure out how to cook it, there's .25 gravity down that axis, spun grav but it's there,"

"Lead on, oh station-mistress." he said.

In his mother's letter on raising nobles, she put down an emphasis on 'regular people skills' like teaching her kids to cook.  Patrick hadn't understood it as a child, Nobles in holovid dramas had staff who did the cooking and cleaning, but out here? with no staff and at the bottom of a very short pecking order, his 'domestic regular folks' skills were getting a workout.  Third time in three weeks that Harmony announced 'meat was on the menu', and that meant breaking the rust off of the survival cook training that General Mosovich or Commodore Li, or the staff personnel assigned to the Ngo Children in their absence, ingrained.

"Set up the vacuum?" he asked.  In the rest of the Station, Harmony was boss, but here in the galley? the Galley belonged to Patrick.  He looked over the container, it held a fat, old, male rabbit from the animal deck, the creature was not aware of what he was about to do, as Harmony locked the suction unit to the inside of the case.

Patrick opened the top, and took the animal by the scruff of its neck, and with a single, clean stroke, sliced head from body and began the process of skinning and cleaning.

"Ever had meat besides rabbit?" he asked.

"Had rat a few times, and chicken, of course, and lots of fish...mostly at Stations." She answered him the same way she did every time, now, like it was a ritual.

"Well, what about red meat, beef?"

"I've heard of it." she told him.

"When we get home, I'll show you what I can do with a nice, heavy loin of beefalo." he says, "you've missed out, Harmony.  Beef is good."

"Better than rabbit?"

He nodded.  "You'll love it."

"I can't wait...I brought the ingredients you told me to last time." she said, "is that okay?"

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #104 on: 22 November 2019, 12:23:40 »
32 Light Years away, Galatea system...

Commander Bianh Vu Dao studied the passive sensors.  two cruisers, four destroyers, and a pack of jumpships with dropship escorts were lined up in ambush configuration at the system's Zenith point, with a similar array parked near the system's Nadir, both clustered around recently reconstructed charging stations.

"Send to Beresick, SLDF Outbound Light, code book two, 'They know you're coming', and pipe them the imagery from our drones."

"Aye Mum." Her RTO powered up the mark 2 Black Box installed on the bridge, and tapped out a series of encryption codes known as 'book 2' in the Coast Guard.  An RTO specialist on the Flagship will be decrypting the message, bypassing HPG and-hopefully-most non-humint methods of detection.

"How long until we're ready to make the jump out?" she asked.

"Next orbital point is in nine hours, seventeen minutes."

The Sampan Mk II class is tiny, not as small as an SLDF Bugeye, but tiny compared to most jumpships, let alone combat vessels, and the jump-sail is made of a black material designed to absorb, rather than concentrate and reflect, solar radiation, (along with most other forms of electromagnetic spectra), making for a sort of 'hole in detection' that amounts to a reduced Radar sensor signature.  In spacegoing terms, it's the closest thing you can get to being a submarine-a ship that, so long as it isn't burning thrust, can drift along a vector and be harder to detect than a rock half its size and a quarter the mass.

all passive, all disrupted if they have to turn on the active sensors or fire the main transit drives.

"Nav officer, keep plotting points,  If the Blakies are holding the door and the back door..."

"Come in through a temporary window?"

"Exactly, we need to verify with passives, but I think there might be enough temporary points to bring the fleet in right under their noses and hit them before they can reorient, and if I'm seeing this, so is Beresick."

"Aye mum."

"They asked us to scout ahead, we found it.  Someone is compromised in the allied fleet, near the top of the command chain."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #105 on: 22 November 2019, 14:56:34 »
SLS Invisible Truth, Cameron Refit, one jump galactic north of Galatea...

"Why did they fortify this system?"  Flag Admiral Alain Beresick of the SLDF navy, formerly of Comstar's Com-Guard naval arm, asked the question rhetorically.

"That should be obvious, Admiral.  There is something in the Galatea system, or near it, they want, or need to defend."  His aides were gathered, "Some reason to fortify here, it must be of some strategic importance."

Captain Giao Pham of the 11th Coast Guard cleared her throat, and the gathered senior officers turned to look at the Kowloonese reservist.  "No there doesn't." she said.  "Think of it like this-a double ambush-they're counting on a Naval fleet action, probably on your scouts reporting it ahead of time, you've got to commit a major force to take the system, and thanks to some of the truly spectacularly nasty shit they dropped on worlds with major yards, they know you can't make up losses faster than they can reactivate the mothball fleets the Star League salted all over the old Hegemony."

"What mothball fleets?" another ex-Comguards man scoffed, but Beresick looked interested.

"never show  your whole hand in a game of watch-me."  Giao said, "you don't deploy ships without backup, the lesson from the first succession war was pretty ****** blatant, sir." Giao snapped at the man, "We don't, why would they?  the configuration is a crust defense, which is not what their Precentor naval would normally do, so why is that?"

"What do you mean 'crust' that's two major battlegroups-" the Fedsuns rear admiral in charge of the AFFS contingent scoffed.

"Two battlegroups holding pose just outside the jump limit." she snapped, "Does that make sense to you? Oh,'re that imbecile who tried to use an Avalon class as a ****** battering ram.  how did that work out again? Oh, right, it didn't.  Admiral Beresick, I want permission to pull my ships out of that place, it's a trap. you're not letting us use our best weapons, this can't be won with tonnage alone, not from our side."

"you want to use NUKES? are you mad, woman??"  the Feddie admiral practically spat as he said it. 

"Captain Pham, inform your Commanders, the use of Physics packages is authorized." Beresick said, "We're going in, it's a trap, we know it's a trap. fine...Mister Linklater, please escort Rear Admiral James to the brig, where he is to be searched and held for interrogation by vetted ROM agents."

Guards in PA(L) suits seized the indicated officer, and dragged him from the war room.

"There were three variants on the Galatea operation, and that force your scouts observed, fit the one I told James about." Beresick stated, "now, we make our offensive plans."

"It is a pleasure to work with a professional of your caliber, sir."  Giao said.

"Then please cease disrespecting Rear Admiral Hasek-Davion, he might have made ONE mistake, but he is a superb officer and your technical superior." Beresick said blandly, "I won't have, as your people so saltily put it, 'rot in the ranks'."

"Aye sir." Giao said after a moment's hesitation.  "Did you mean it about uncorking the physics packets?"

"Yes, but we're not just going to do this pell-mell, I want your cutters to strike with real bite...and at the right time.  pull in the other two Patrols, and have them begin plotting timed crossings into the Galatea system..."

He began describing the timeframe he wanted, and Giao took careful notes.

with the main fleet acting as the distraction, the Cutters were to conduct surprise reprisal on the Blakist naval forces, hitting from the flanks before drawing off their lighter escort units.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #106 on: 22 November 2019, 16:59:27 »
System (redacted)...

The star here was ancient, an oxy-magnesium white dwarf remnant of a stellar explosion, wrapped in the nebular remains of its past life.

Nicole Minh reclined in her cutter's command couch.  On the helmet HUD, she watched as the jumpship Half an AU away, docked to refuel a Baron class vessel.

The orders from Li to the 13th Squadron, were explicit; locate the Blakist supply lines, and begin severing commerce along them.

They'd gamed these against hypothetical Clan forces, with a totally fantasy-based enemy commander who knew what logistics even was, and was willing to use dead systems and off-routes to secure his line of communication.

"tight band to Seven.  targets are fully linked, time to make the donuts."

The jump-sign here had been promising, the Blakists were conducting offensives deep inside allied nations, leapfrogging past heavily garrisoned worlds to strike with atomic weapons, bio, and terror-raids from orbit.

So far, none of the cutters in active service had trailed the enemy back to what had to be a string of secret bases and cache sites, but this system fit the description as well as any for a quick layover between known enemy sites.

"gravitational window in jump."

in-system jumps are discouraged in the official training most spacers get, even most military spacers, only Pirates, and those who hunt them routinely, truly master the half-science-half-art of sliding through a point of neutral gravity barely wider than the ship itself.

fewer still would slide from one such point, to another, within half an AU of the target destination.


she crawled on the floor of the frozen cell like an animal, and like an animal, she was, for she was starving to death and could feel her life ending.  The corpse of her cell mate lay there, cold meat, preserved by the chill.  calories to feed on.. she tore at the body with her teeth, cold, wet blood on her lips, the act of chewing, swallowing...


"Gunners Mate! Fire as we bear! don't wait for the screens to clear, just count on your calculations!!"  The cutter rumbled as her missile packs fired, launching megaton level warheads at a range so close the initial ion waves would flicker the lighting.

"Missiles away, tubes clear!!"

"Battery status?"


she typed the coordinates into the ship's core directly from her seat, waited forty more seconds, then hit the execute button.


she was an animal, in a cage with no way out, starving to death, eating...eating to survive the cold and isolation, she wanted to die...

the frozen doors creaked as they were pried open, and lights-so bright, in her eyes... "We've got a live one here!!"


The enemy wrecks were visible from the exit, a point between two colloids of material and a gas cloud at the edge of the stellar envelope-that zone of clear space made clear by a star's magnetic field and particle output.

The Baron tumbled, her port side, the side facing the tanker/support ship a gaping maw, the broken hull of the tanker itself tumbled as well. 

"Engineering, get me damage reports, RTO, transmit imagery.  when the wrecks cool enough we'll send boarding parties."

"Aye mum."

the move was...ballsy.  the enemy were using a moonlet as their rendezvous point, and she had come in like Crazy Jane, only with engines going hot through the transit point. The pulse of thermal and EM at that range blinded their fire control systems and the nukes were fired on the move, by the time they reached MIRV separation she was already clearing the initial contact zone for a smaller rock that was orbiting the bigger one.

"Drives are clean, Mum, hull is intact, we took a little hit of gamma to the port aft."

"alright, secure and deploy the sail, radio silence for now. unship small boats and fighters, assume triple rotation CAP at early-warning range...I wonder if their nav com was hardened?"

"could be useful to capture it, assuming the bombs did their job, and it somehow survived..."

"Let's hope for Earth build overengineering."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #107 on: 22 November 2019, 20:38:48 »
You know... BT space combat could be as exciting as the 'mech kind this way...  ^-^


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #108 on: 23 November 2019, 11:21:51 »
Hilton Head, Terra...

"Apollyon, do you know the problem with big, impressive forces?"  The Master asked rhetorically after the report of the near disaster at Galatea came in.

"No?"  the Cyborg 'leader' shook his head.

"Everyone who has one, under-estimates everyone who does not."  The Master admitted, "My calculations failed to take into account something small and, at the time, silly."  There was no fury in the Master's tone, more of an amusement.

"The Coast Guards?" Apollyon hazarded, and the Master nodded.

"INdeed.  primitive, mass-produced pseudo-warships crewed inadequately by a mish-mash of personnel from a spectrum of backgrounds-trained by the traditions of a local system that has been, at the best of times, a thorn on the foot of every empire that's ever claimed it...and yet, we have lost proper warships to these toys they build at Kowloon.  Beresick is only just starting to use them to their potential, and we missed it."

"They're not as flexible or as useful as even single Mule-based Q ships, Master."

"I know, but they have strategic mobility, they are hard to detect at range, and are armed with more-than-adequate antishipping weapons...and we don't have an equivalent. Every jump-navigator we have, is too valuable to put into such tin-can ships, and that begs the question..."

"Ah! where are they getting their navigation training?"  Apollyon announced.

"Precisely.  Our best digital modeling software can't execute the kind of maneuvers we know they're using, someone, somehow, is supplying them with superior training, and superior technology.  We need to find that source, and make it our own, or find it and eliminate it."  The Master paused, and looked out over the Atlantic shore.  "Enlist what,or whom, ever you need to unravel this, we're in a race against time, if their methods spread, it places the entire plan in jeopardy."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #109 on: 23 November 2019, 12:15:06 »
I love a good, thinking adversary.  It makes the plot so much more interesting.

After all, its not like he pulled a Tarkin... he doesn't underestimate the small ships.  And he keyed in on the navigators.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #110 on: 23 November 2019, 13:13:51 »
"Near disaster?"  ???

I wonder what went wrong for our heroes...


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #111 on: 23 November 2019, 13:46:53 »
"Precisely.  Our best digital modeling software can't execute the kind of maneuvers we know they're using, someone, somehow, is supplying them with superior training, and superior technology.  We need to find that source, and make it our own, or find it and eliminate it."  The Master paused, and looked out over the Atlantic shore.  "Enlist what,or whom, ever you need to unravel this, we're in a race against time, if their methods spread, it places the entire plan in jeopardy."

And having made an observation about underestimating someone with less impressively sized forces, he makes the same assumption about technology.  No, the tech isn't that hot.  The wetware using it is just that awesome. :thumbsup:

Breaking down the last fight, the Sampan jumped into a point blank range of the Blakists, fired off their missiles in Maddog seeking mode, then used their LF Batteries to jump out to A)avoid return fire from the Blakists, B) get clear of their missile's blast range, and C) avoid the potential of one of those missiles locking on them if it missed and went looking for a target.

Trace Coburn

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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #112 on: 23 November 2019, 22:30:28 »
"Near disaster?"  ???

I wonder what went wrong for our heroes...
  We know that ’Loonie scouts spotted the trap in time, and that the Coalition planned to pull an Obi-Wan: “Next step, spring the trap!”  The Blakers clearly realised that the CG’s hit-and-hype nuclear raids were the Coalition’s reaction to spotting the hook behind their carefully-dangled bait, and once they knew Operation: PLAY BERESICK FOR AN IDIOT was a bust, they also knew that if they stayed to fight, they’d be doing it on Beresick’s terms.  That being a mug’s game, they instead did the sensible thing and refused battle, withdrawing to preserve their remaining forces for a better opportunity.


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #113 on: 24 November 2019, 13:55:06 »
Tharkad, The Triad, March, 3081...

Peter Steiner-Davion hadn't really wanted this job.  Victoria pressured him into serving as her regent, forcing him out of self-imposed isolation at a rehabilitation facility masquerading as a monastery.

but, there were compensations for being shoved into a chair of decision, things like being able to right some obvious wrongs.

One of those was standing before him.  well, two of them.  Alessandro DeGaurde, Lord Duke of Arluna, and a skinny, mid-twenties redhead who looked like chewing steel nails was a balanced part of her morning breakfast named Debra MacAulliffe.  The two were both here facing judgement.  Duke DeGaurde for embezzling tax money, running his landhold into the ground, tyranny and corruption.  MacAulliffe was here because she'd been leading a rural revolt that threatened to tie down better than two Regimental Combat Teams to put it down if the Archon-Regent hadn't stepped in and demanded talks.

The Mjolnir class vessel Ymir helped reinforce that demand, along with the lead company of the 1st Royal Guards.  The girl's plea had enough solid evidence, and the backing of Arluna's closest stellar neighbor (Kowloon) to get his attention.  well, that and Vanh's threat to drop a Marine Corps Division on the planet to set things right if the National government wouldn't.

"You're here before me as your Liege and Lord." Peter began.  "That means I have to decide which of you is going to be charged with what crimes in this mess. we're under national emergency and just so  you fully understand what that means, it means I can either hand you over to the Judicial system directly, right now, and go have a nice lunch, or it means I can make a ruling as Archon-Regent, which involves a significantly longer period of argumentation and evidence displays before handing ONE of you over to the me decide here folks? You see, before me, I have two people charged with Crimes against the State that has resulted in a minor civil war, during wartime.  To be really clear here, that is treason.  One of you is an official, sworn to loyalty to the Federated Commonwealth, the Lyran Commonwealth, the Melissia Theater of the Lyran half of the Federated Commonwealth...and the other, is a farmer's kid who picked up a gun."

"Bit more th'n a gun, yo'hahniss."  Debra muttered.

"Yeah. I know." Peter snapped.  "bit more than a gun by a hell of a lot! You damned near had Kowloonese Peacekeepers dropped on your collective heads.." He rounded on DeGaurde, "You still might, I'm half a mind to let Vanh send Mosovich to sort your shit out, Al."

some of the Royal Guards in the room stiffened, Peter rarely, if ever, used crude invective, and almost never addressed anyone by a derisive nickname-especially in that tone.

"You are both in luck, during the weeks of your transit here, I was able to examine not only evidence submitted by each side, but also to get a full accounting from Lohengrin of the events that have brought us all here, on this rotten, cold, rainy spring morning."

"Milord, you can't have already decided!?" the Duke scoffed, "It's barely been a month!"

"I have enough evidence, Al, to have you shot."  Peter stated, "Your lands confiscated, your titles stripped, your brother in law put in chains, along with most of your miserable damned family, most of your friends, most of the officers assigned to your militia, a good chunk of your police force...shall I go on? we'll start with the easy one, the extrajudicial murder of Thomas MacAulliffe, the incident that began this whole mess."

He turned to the woman.  "ANd you...incitement to revolt is also treasonous, we are at war.  Terrorism, is not something we tolerate, not something we really can tolerate..."

she turned white, "din't have no choice." she muttered, "it 'uz rigged, courts an' th' guv'mint..."

"I know." Peter said.  "that's why you're here, instead of in Blackgate Prison waiting to be executed."

"Corporal of the Guard!!" Peter barked, "I've made my decision. Clap the former Duke Alessandro DeGuarde in restraints and conduct him to Blackgate to await his trial for High Crimes.  his land remit is to be pulled from his family, his assets are forfiet to the State, his title..."  Peter drew in a breath, "Is to be held in Trust until such time as Miss Debra MacAulliffe has completed officer training and basic Decorum classes and can be demonstrated to be ready to assume her position as Arluna's Duke...and inform Mister Vanh that I expect General Mosovich and her Fifth Marine Division to deliver Arluna as intact as humanly possible.  She will be supervised by  the commander of the Fourth Royal Guards, but I want it done by the end of the month, and services restored there by the end of THREE months."

He reached out, and touched Debra's forehead, "congratulations on your promotion. Don't screw up or you're going to be following him to the execution range, understand me?"

"yes Milord." she gave a curtsey.

Peter turned to one of the Lords standing witness.  "Maggie, she's your problem now. civilize her... like you did with Liz Ngo, but try to curb the bloodthirst?"

"Yes Your Highness...Come along, girl. we have got to do something about your attire...and your manners."  Margaret Doons said with a beckoning gesture.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #114 on: 24 November 2019, 16:00:24 »
Hmm. Did Peter have the same misencounter with Free Skye, or was it something else?

Nice call to a different background company from HB:HS.
M. T. Thompson
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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #115 on: 24 November 2019, 16:26:57 »
The quality of most nobility is improved with a few feet of manila rope and a short drop...

The smart corrupt ones will settle down and who needs dumb & corrupt nobles anyway?
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #116 on: 25 November 2019, 01:08:50 »
MS Out of the silent planet, Merchant-class...April 22, 3081

Harmony's father, Brian, breathed, "confirmed, the hull is the Kharkov, which makes it..."

Patrick flinched, "The Dire Wolf, the Wolf Clan's flagship...I think they're aligned with the Star League now..."

Harmony reached over and squeezed his hand, "Relax.  they're non-hostiles, you might be getting a ride home."

"Handshake protocol established, we have visual comm."

"This is the Wolf Clan vessel Dire Wolf to the unmarked merchant vessel in our targeting queue. Identify yourselves, heave to, and prepare to be boarded."

"This is the free trader Out of the Silent Planet, hailing out of NIOPS.  Our defenses are on stand-down, and we are prepared to accept your boarding party."

"To whom am I speaking?"

"I am Brian Oldwell, ship's Master."

"Await Boarding."

the S-7 from the warship was escorted by fighters that Patrick mentally identified as Visigoth class omni-fighters, a rare choice these days.

The Clan boarding party were outfitted in powered armor, at least the first wave, and they swept the jump-ship with precise efficiency.

the process took twelve hours.

"You are running a little light, Ship-master Oldwell, and this is a long way from the NIOPS facility."  the lead warrior announced when they were done searching for contraband.

"We had a good month, but not the best.  This insanity from earth has-"

"Spare me.  Your crew roster checks out, except for that one, and you do not have any manifested passengers.  Explain."

"This young man we rescued from an accident site."  Brian said casually, "He is not crew, but it would be inhuman to leave someone to suffocate, starve, and freeze in deep space...and my daughter is quite fond of him now."

"We will need to take charge of your...rescued person...hells, what is your name, boy?" 

"My name is Patrick Ngo."  Pat said and straightened proudly, "I am the son of Elizabeth-"

"And Jaime Wolf's bastard.  savashri, the universe is certainly playing a fine joke on us all.  I do not know if the Khan will find this merely humorous, or infuriating, grab your things."

"Um, if I may? My daughter was involved in his rescue, and she has never seen a planetary surface, we were going to deliver the boy-"

"You will be compensated for your time and effort thus far."

Harmony frowned, "ah...what's the big deal, Paddie?" she asked in a low tone while the officers discussed just exactly whom was going to be doing what.

"These are crusader wolves, Vlad Ward's people, they only signed up after the Blakists turned on everyone, and they're still rivals with Kell's wolves.  it's not 'good' luck we stumbled on them-at least, it might not be. they will do what they say they are going to do, but it might not be the way you wish they had done it.  They're allies by necessity, not friends."


"You might want to rain-check the beef barbecue just in case..."

Harmony glanced to her father, and some kind of silent signal passed.  "I'm coming." she announced. 

This startled the warrior officer and paused the discussion. 

"I said, I'm coming." she stated, more boldly, "I can work my passage, and I'm a better general tasks shipboard tech than you probably have, while Paddy-I mean, Patrick here, he's a dirtyfoot right down to the roots of that red hair and completely bolks with tools, but if he's important enough you knew him on sight, someone needs to be at his back to keep him from hurting himself.  Also, unlike Patrick, I can answer questions about where and how his ship went down, including charting for the wreck recovery, and testify to-"

"You don't have to give the whole store." Brian interrupted.  He turned, "is that acceptable? I would love it if you said 'no', my daughter's a spacer and she is unused to more..cosmopolitan and advanced views."

"You may accompany him...but you will not be joining our Clan.  Not yet. grab your possessions, you both have five minutes."

Harmony and Patrick took the dismissal for what it was, and, followed by an elemental in armor, hurried to gather personal belongings from their spaces.

The boarding team's officer turned to Brian.  "you know we will be testing them both, quiaff?"

"Aff.  no surprises in either one, but you will see that for yourselves.  will they actually be taken to Lyran authority?"

"Absolutely.  one, because it will deeply embarrass Phelan Kell, two, because if the boy is who your report said he is, he is leverage, and three, because once we place supplies in your hands, I want to be certain those supplies arrive where they are contracted to go.  a Hostage means I don't have to waste resources on crewing this...ship, or posting guards.  I know you 'Folk' tend to vanish into the deep night the moment things become uncomfortable."

"Your supply train will arrive at the coordinates you set forth, on time, and intact."  Brian stated.

« Last Edit: 25 November 2019, 04:53:37 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #117 on: 25 November 2019, 04:31:47 »
Ummm… date stamp?  ???


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Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #118 on: 25 November 2019, 04:52:27 »
3082-an overview of the middle of the Great War.

Inner Sphere estimated population at the start of the Great War:  2.45 Trillion total

By the mid-point of the Great War: 2.46 Trillion

average estimated population growth across the Inner Sphere without the war: 11% (based on birth rates and average death rates prior to the start of the Great War in 3080.)

In the first three years of the Great War, humanity lost billions.  Entire political entities ceased to exist, worlds were devastated or even lost outright.

and yet, the population as a whole, increased.  admittedly by less than half of one percent.

The devastation of the Great War can not be underestimated, and the impact among the Clans was, if anything, worse.
Raw numbers (all Castes):

Clan Blood Spirit: 235 million, January 3080, 11, January 3082.
Clan Jade Falcon: 114 Million, January 3080, 10,347,535, January 3082.
Clan Diamond Shark: 223 Million in january 3080, 15 Million in January 3082.
Clan Steel Viper: 53 Million in January 3080, 742 in January 3082
Clan Wolf (both sides): 113.7 million in January 3080, 12,500,000 in January 3082.
Clan Goliath Scorpoin: 57.8 million in January 3080, 7 million in January 3082.
Clan Ice Hellion: 31.92 Million in January 3080, Extinct January 3082.
Clan Hell's Horses: 192 Million January 3080, 18,753 January 3082.
Clan Star Adder: 253 Million, January 3080, 11.2 million January 3082.
Clan Snow Raven: 33.8 million, January 3080, 41.6 Million, January 3082.
Clan Fire Mandrill: 81.6 Million, January 3080, Extinct, January 3082
Clan Ghost Bear: 224 Million in January 3080, Integrated w/ the Rassalhague Republic, population standing now at 18.752 Billion.
Clan Nova Cat: 11 Million January 3080, Extinct January 3082.

The Clan homeworlds were savaged by multiple releases of a Biological weapon related to project 21B, as well as targeted chemical attacks and internal strife.  the survivors threw everything into the effort to pay back the Word of Blake for this horror.

Parallel outbreaks at Alarion and Pandora, Dieron and Galax, and other worlds critical to war industries showed the Clan outbreaks weren't an isolated incident.  But humanity pressed on, and a cure was found by early 3082.  The 21b Virus was identified thanks to Clan and remnant inner sphere records, it was a project initiated under the original Star League's government as a pacification agent, only it worked in ways the original designers could not have predicted.  The "Kerensky Flu" claimed billions before it was subdued, in the process fundamentally changing Clan society at the basic level.  Most of the surviving Clans found themselves in desperate need of basic help, and the angry Inner Sphere was at first unwilling to render that aid.

But then, sometimes sanity does prevail.  The Blakist viral attack with a Level Zero contagion was as harsh to their efforts, as it was to the targets, indeed, harsher.  Mars was nearly depopulated, and Earth itself, went from over twelve billion inhabitants, to less than 500 million-and that's before accounting the wrath of wounded surrounding nations and Clans eager for payback.

3087, Allied Summit, Glengarry...

Amanda's dress blues itched-or would itch, if they weren't wrapped around a skinsuit.  The ranks on her shoulders were Coast Guard rank, marking her as a Fleet Captain. on a leatherette tab hanging from the button of her right breast pocket, the AFFC equivalent rank of "Hauptmann" dangled.

"You're under-ranked, sis." Patrick told her.  His SLDF uniform only carried the rank of Lieutenant, and it was brown trimmed with a Wolf's head logo on the unit patch.  Not the same Wolf's head as General Kell's Wolf units, this was the rabid wolf of the Commanding General's bodyguard unit, Wolf's Dragoons.

"Not under-ranked, I'm not sure I even qualify to be here." Amanda groused, "My boat was just part of the escort."

Patrick didn't correct his sister.  around them, were Generals-or rank-equivalent to generals, Khans, and politicians.

"You know they could decapitate the whole business with one bombing strike." Amanda continued.

"They could, if we didn't have the bastards on the ropes."  a Marik officer joined the two, prominent lips and curly hair over a permanently flushed complexion, consolidated SLDF uniform with purple piping.  "You know what they're discussing? who gets to go into the Sol system first."

Amanda rolled her eyes, "of course."

"you don't get how important this is, do you?  we have representatives from all the remnant Clans here, as well as leaders from every faction that the Blakists hit.  The Clans-"

"First Clan in gets to claim 'ilClan', as if that matters anymore." Amanda almost snapped, "Sir. it means being 'big dog' among the remains, a leadership position and prominence, could unite them after the war."


Amanda sighed, "I know who's going in first already."

"Money on it?" the Marik Captain asked.

"Coast Guard.  we'll go in to scout their defenses, like we've been doing since this started." Amanda continued, "the prestige spot isn't the scout force, it's the main body and whose flag gets to lead the main body of the invasion."

"Who do you think it will be?" the Marik asked, "Leading the..'prestige' forces?"

a group of Outworlds Alliance officers, accompanied by obviously-clanner types in black uniforms with white piping, clustered near the far side of the room.  Amanda nodded in their direction.  "Outworlds alliance, maybe Taurians, but either way, it'll be Snow Raven ships-they have the largest fleet-in-being and they're recent to the fight, they've got the advantage of being in without making the mistakes everyone else has.  I'll bet a shiny Kroner that the main body will be led in by the Snow Ravens."

"Interesting...aside from the subtle slur on the Free Worlds Navy, why?" he asked.

"No domestic enemies." Amanda stated.  "Nobody on their border is someone they consider a threat, means they can put forward heavier forces.  Your lot still feel like you need to guard Marik-Stewart, and the Lyran border from ours on one side, and watch the Cappies on the other-means you can't put forward the forces and don't trust your allies.  They don't have that problem.  the big argument's going to be getting them to commit to it, and that's like the briar rabbits in that story-enticing them to do what they want to do."

"That's very logical..." the Marik officer scooped a stemmed glass from a passing steward, "it's wrong, I mean your strategic analysis is spot on to a point, but you're wrong.  My pick..." he surveyed the room, "is either the Ghost Bears, or Wolf."

"Rassalhague still has enemies." Patrick noted.

"Yes, but they are angry." their companion said with an amused note, "The two together can match the tonnage the Snow Ravens can field, and First Lord Shraplen isn't likely to want to commit Taurians or their close allies in the Outworlds and Magistracy to what is bound to be a combination blood bath and meatgrinder.  It's interesting you don't think the AFFC will be first across the line, even with your newly acquired Falcon and other Clan residents."

"Numbers don't lie." Amanda said, "We don't have the hulls, not with as much space as we have to patrol, we don't have hulls and we don't have the bodies, neither do you, or you'd be suggesting the FWLN would be first across the line."

"but you expect the Coast Guards will be the scout force?"

Amanda shrugged, "it fits the numbers and it makes strategic sense-we're the most expendable asset with the needed capability, and we've got a working supply network to handle losses better. what the Guard doesn't have, is the heavy firepower to bring the ball to goal. once the naval fight is over, it's a ground war."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 10700
Re: To Stand before the Archon...
« Reply #119 on: 25 November 2019, 04:57:52 »
Ummm… date stamp?  ???

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

