Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141057 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #30 on: 27 November 2019, 15:47:32 »
Personally I’m reminded of the Navigator Guild/Dynasties from the Dune and Warhammer 40k settings: individuals with a genetic/psychic talent that allows them to facilitate effective FTL travel.

qc mech3

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #31 on: 27 November 2019, 22:51:08 »
definitively Dune navigators. At least Nicole and the others don't have the worm physique.  xp xp xp xp xp


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #32 on: 27 November 2019, 23:40:56 »
Or given they find computers to compute jumps superfluous? 

It is by Caffeine alone I set my mind in motion
It is by the Beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed
The hand acquire shakes
The shakes become a warning
It is by Caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #33 on: 27 November 2019, 23:43:05 »
O shameless dune plug
Daniels Avenger                Clan Coyote
General Jennifer Daniels    Galaxy Commander Jim Skyes
                                        Omicron Galaxy
Clan Wolf in Exile
328th Assault Cluster(the Lion Hearted)
Star Captain James Sword


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #34 on: 28 November 2019, 01:52:04 »
Or the simpler version:

It is by will alone that I sent my thoughts in motion.
It is by coffee that my thoughts acquire speed.
The thoughts acquire speed,
The mug acquires stains,
The stains become a warning:
It is through coffee that I set my thoughts in motion.

The beans must flow!

* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #35 on: 01 December 2019, 20:03:23 »
Quarantined Holding Area, New Circe,[date], 3047...

"...Star League Defense Force in Exile, but they're obviously Clanners, I'm not sure I'm buying the 'we're the Wolverines' line."  Seether listened as PO2 Carmins complained.

"They don't have a reason to lie about it." she said after a moment.  this drew looks from the others at the breakfast table.  "I mean, the Wolverines in our time went unfound, though some rumors had them under Blakist thrall.  These guys aren't worshipping toasters."

"Some of the gear's different too."  Riverson 794 mentioned, "Different emphasis on the tech-tree, some of those Nighthawk suits are new production, while one of the guards I spotted on my way to interrogation was wearing what looks like a different take on Elemental armor."

"Not on the rec books?"  Seether prodded.

"not on the recognition guide, not Blakist style either, definitely gotta be Clantech based, just on materials requirements and the shape of the guy who's gotta be wearing it to be that big...and I think they know what a Blackbox is."

"How do you figure?"

"Interrogator steered me off it as soon as I tried to explain base technicals you'd need to build another one, means they already knew that part and wanted to know how much I know about the theory.  also didn't sound Clanner to me-she sounded like maybe Greek, talked to someone on a mic in what sounded a lot like Free Worlds Navy code, espiclally the units flying out of Atreus."

"Clanners are all english, so we're in the League maybe?" Corpsman Phan asked.

"I don't think so, I tried to get someone to talk politics and he shut me down." the RTO stated.  "Their relief guys don't shut up about politics when we're in New Capetown bars."

this got laughs around the table.  "Where's teh CO, Seether?"

"She's meeting with someone with rank, supposedly."  Sithers said, "How are your departments holding up?"

Meeting room, Joint Forces Command New Circe...

Nicole took the time to get her full-dress uniform back, and then to put it on.  The wool scratched against bare skin, she'd never worn it without a skinsuit underneath, but the skinsuits weren't available to patients and they hadn't provided it.

she glanced uneasily at the windows on this floor.  beyond them, the featureless blue and chaotic clouds of unending planetary sky hovered threateningly, and she whistfully wished Seether was here to distract her from the reminder that she was stuck on a planet.  At least it wasn't local winter here.

Giao would be crawling the walls. she mused, remembering her old Patrol leader's deep and abiding fear of planetary surfaces-a diagnosed Phobia full-blown, that several of her own crew, including a few survivors, also would have to deal with once they left the relative security of the underground facility.

the silver 'oak leaves' of her rank were buffed, the flap-tab of Hauptmann's rank dangled from her front button-it wasn't entirely accurate, of course, she was in a 'promotable' status that technically allowed Kommandant's tabs on the leatherette, but she was used to, and comfortable with, the Hauptmann's equivalency badge and the nearest Post Exchange was somewhere on the far side of 300 Light Year's travel.

still, before this meeting, she had taken her time, shining the dress shoes, pressing in the seams and carefully placing her service ribbons, medals and other insignia as if she were going to meet the Archon himself.

thankfully, they hadn't crushed the cap.  Not that she'd be able to wear it here, unless they wanted to meet outdoors.

She returned the salutes from the two armored men guarding the door to the meeting room, and, steeling her nerves, stepped through the portal.

"Captain Minh, We were just speaking about you."

"Commander, sir.  I'm in the promotable range, but Commander is the correct rank, Sir." she answered.  there were two distinct uniform styles here, one was almost familiar in one way, while the other was almost familiar in an entirely different way.  "Captain is the position I held aboard KCGS Nueva Pueblo III and as my ship is sunk, I do not have that position beyond the disposition of my crewmen."

She noted with some surprise there were also civilians present.  The woman she was the boss.  Governor or President, the civilian man reminded her of an ambitious challenger.  They stood with the smaller officers.

"I confess I don't recognize some members of this board of inquiry, sir." she directed at the Clan officer who seemed to be in charge, "Now I'm wondering how much damage we must have done in our misjump, and if there was an incident while I was unconscious."

There was a pause, and it was clear to Nicole that a translator was speaking to the half of the room she'd already mentally classified as 'not Clanners'.

They don't speak English, or they don't speak it well, but they're important enough to have someone translate.

"What makes you so certain this is a board of Inquiry into the accident?"

"Jurisdiction, you've been interviewing my crew for nearly a month, myself for almost that long, the next step per most nation's guidelines is to conduct the formal hearing and assign responsibility for the accident." Nicole said, "admittedly, I would have expected to be remanded to Lyran or AFFC authorities for this, but the table's a half-circle, and this seat?" she tapped the chair, "Is in the SLDF military manual as the requisite positioning for either a Naval board of inquiry hearing, or the courts-Martial that follows from a finding of gross negligence."  she paused while the translators worked, "Given our arrival was due to a misjump, and said misjump was done under extreme conditions, with extreme results, it's fitting that a board would be convened...I'm a little unclear about the civilian officials present but  am I incorrect in recognizing at least two national authorities are present?"

"The senior officer to my left, is Admiral William Adama, He is the senior commanding officer of the Colonial City State military-that's the closest we can come to translating the actual name of the agency.  Behind him is Elected President of the 12 Colonies of Kobol, and the city state, Laura Roslin, and her senior Colonial Council elect-the equivalent of a second in command, Tom Zarek."

"Huh, representative democracy, I take it he's the minority party leader?" Nicole speculated out loud, "Like in a parliamentary system, senior loyal opposition party leader has to be prepped to assume the post if the government changes polarity?"

Roslin looked interested as the translators spoke, while Zarek looked...surprised.

[something unintelligible]

"Mister Zarek wants to know how you were able to identify him as an opposition candidate?"

"Obvious." Nicole said,  "I've had to testify to the Oversight Committee a few times, Senior political officials don't like being left out."

[unintelligible from Roslin]

"So you have done this before?"

"The Coast Guard isn't funded with donations or lotteries, ma'am.  Fifteen worlds in the zone contribute resources, plus we have supplementary funding from the Estates General, plus additonal funding aid from the Republic of the Sphere and bordering Inner Sphere states, I've done my turn of glad-handing for the sake of keeping the Quarantine funded, explaining to foreigners and people outside the Q-zone what the Flu is, how damned dangerous it is, and why the blockades have to continue.  It's funny, once you stop being front page news, people forget the existential threat sitting on their doorstep."

"Your vessel was...relatively primitive, Commander." the SLDF officer notes, "Yet you say you're supplied by multiple nations?"

"We can't break treaties." Nicole explained, "The Republic treaty of '83 forced reductions in Naval spending across the human sphere, specifically it shuttered warship yards and warship production, set hard limits on vessels above one hundred thousand Hydrogen tons displacement, and we have more territory to cover than that-we don't have the luxury of relying on a Dropship force with lots of bases due to space being three dimensional.  The Sampan III's are about as big as we're allowed, and they're about as big as can be produced to cover our mission, so yeah, it's relatively primitive tech, but it's tech we can afford and tech we can crew, sir."

"How many are in service?" 

"I can't give you accurate numbers, my division alone has four Squadrons with three patrols each, but we're on the coreward/antispinward front mostly, dealing with containment and bandit hunting, there were two other Divisions assigned, but neither one is at full operational strength due to refit and repair needs, and we left the slips at Boojum three weeks earlier than planned for this latest cruise, hence, no Chaplain assigned and a slightly reduced crew-which was probably for the best, all things being equal.  we would've rendezvoused with a Tender to top off our crew requirement if we hadn't been needed to chase down and intercept the MS Celeste Marie and her six dropships full of panicked civilians trying to flee a new outbreak-they sent the entire division out to find their course."

"An entire division?"

"Space is big." Nicole noted, which when it hit the Admiral, brought a chuckle.  "Three dimensions-we were 22 Lights positive Z-axis from Melissia when we caught up to them on the old smuggler's route from the former Rim Worlds, a route that in the old days Pirates would use to bring goods and slaves to sell in the CapCon."

"Your log is unclear, how did you identify this route?"

"I identified the captain helming the Celeste Marie, one of Hopper Morrison's old contractors." she noted, "I figured he'd use routes he was familiar with, that are off the normal jump charts, I did NOT expect to run us into a storm of dark matter clustered around what my RTO thinks is a superstring."

"based on your sensor logs, neither did they."

"No sir, we didn't have enough delta-vee to get to a gravitically neutral point, we didn't have rescue boats deployed, and we don't have docking collars for the dropships. I had my RTO send the coordinates and a hazard know all this already...this a non-smoking room?"

"You smoke on a ship?"

"dirty habit picked up on shore missions." She confessed, "I"ll understand if the answer is no."

"Go ahead."

she shook out a pack, and snapped the end of a nic-stic.  the tip glowed blue, but no smoke rose, "wasn't sure about the protocol." she admitted, "This is the weirdest accident hearing I've ever seen."

"You've been in a couple."

"Yes sir.  First time, first ship, cut in half by Blakist missiles during their attack on Kowloon, second time was the hearing after my XO got our second ship impounded by the New United States, right after the war-they dismantled Nueva Pueblo Two and refused to reassemble it, said they wouldn't let anyone fly on a deathtrap like that.  those were both Block 2 models, about fifty one thousand tons.  Their signature as witness to the Coast Guard came with a demand that we get better ships-ships they designed, even if they're built at Boojum, because the block 2's were...not the greatest? The Block 3's come with better crew quarters and slightly heavier internal structure, and less explosive ammunition storage right next to life support and critical systems."

[unintelligible from the Admiral]
"The 'Blackboxes' on your ship...and on the smallcraft it carries, what is the purpose?"

"FTL commo." she answered, "since the Blakist War, it's not exactly secret, although the plans aren't generally for sale to the open market, we use them for FTL communication because we can't use the core for an HPG when a shuttle doesn't have one.  On a system patrol mission, smallcraft are deployed with onboard commo units, the hub is located on the cutter, each cutter is tied into a comm hub to the patrol's assigned Tender vessel, which makes a relay link to Squadron, Squadron links to Division, and division passes reports to central command.  it lets us coordinate everything from search and rescue to quarantine enforcement  to military action.  we have codebooks for most signatory nations."

[Adama mumbles something, Roslin replies, Adama nods.]

"Have you ever seen this?" an image in hologram appears in front of Nicole.  The spiky image of a cylon basestar appears.

" either an alien seed-pod, cover art from a Doomrock progressive album." she says.

"How about this?"

the image of an old-model, 1st Cylon war basestar appears.

"a very impractical space station, or a really weird piece of a satellite, or the cover-art of a spec-fic holoseries from last century?" she ventured, "it doesn't look like it should be able to move under its own power."

"how about these?"  Images of all three major versions of the Cylon raider, the autonomous uncrewed, three seat, and heavy.

"Well...the middle one looks like something those imbeciles at Lockheed CBM would try to sell as a chippewa replacement, the guns are too small and that airframe is visibly unstable.  the first one looks like some kinda fantasy space animal, maybe nautical? and the third one...******, how's it supposed to fly?  That looks like some artist strapped engine nozzles to a burnt out APC hull for a holovid...what am I looking at here?"

"bear with us."

more images appeared.

"huh...okay, I give up, how is that supposed to walk without tipping over?  Second guy is clearly wearing a light power armor with glazed plating, maybe something someone at GDI would sell on Solaris?  vision's too narrow, and I can't imagine the guy inside is going to be able to move very well."

Finally a series of faces.

"Okay, Supermodel, supermodel from the capcon maybe? the old guy's kinda cute...I could imagine Seether bedding crew-cut there near the front, first guy looks like the platonic image of the creepy priest you don't leave kids around, and...I don't know? platonic average Lyran housewife?"  she peered over the images, "are these supposed to be people I'd know?"

[greek speaking very fast, civilians and Adama, emphatic gesturing.]

"Those are Cylons." finally.

"What's a 'cylon'?" Nicole asked.

"That's a long and involved explanation.  short form is, robots-Killer robots. intent on the extermination of the human race."

Nicole frowned, "you're ****** with me."

« Last Edit: 01 December 2019, 20:51:49 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #36 on: 01 December 2019, 20:38:31 »
******* with her indeed...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #37 on: 01 December 2019, 21:23:49 »
unseen by Nicole, monitoring the hearing.

"That tears it, the evaluation's right, that officer is suicidal."  Dr. Cynthia Grayson said.

"I don't understand.  What tears it?" Binkley asked.

Phan spoke up, "Belters, spacers and Rockjacks-we don't smoke." she said, "It's not specifically forbidden but it's considered...unbalanced.  smoking on a ship or in a burrow is risking runaway fires.  Nic-addicts usually go for lozenge or chew, or at worst snuff, though the powders could damage a filter.  she's smoking a cigarette, which means she's either a Dirtyfoot new to space, which she isn't, or she's so screwed up her habits are suppressed and she wants to die.  When a Rockjack ánh sáng khói, they no longer care if they die...or they subconsciously want to die."

"Given what's in those interviews, can you blame her?" the Wolverine tech-officer asked, "I mean, even Nike thinks that entire crew is a stack of psych cases who need long-term hospital treatment."

"The idea that Cousin Elizabeth, the little drug-addict, is going to be Duchess seemed pretty far-fetched, the idea that she'd turn things around back home? outright nuts." Phan noted, "That's a Coast Guard uniform though, if they're fakes it's a hell of a job faking it, the codes looked right too. if someone's done that much homework on my homeworld? that's past the edge of creepy into the realm of insane paranoia."

"and the ship? I mean, besides the horror scenes..."

"We'd build something like that, if we had to." Phan confirmed, "it sure as hell looks like it's descended from the same design concepts as the old Sampans they had during independence, control scheme's right, log formats, it all fits.  I just have problems believing they're from the future."

"huh, why?"

"Because They never heard of you." she said, "Which suggests either you don't exist in the future, or something else is up."

"Space is big."

"Yeah, 'space is big', here..." she brought up another image, from the interviews.  "See that? the thing Sithers is wearing during her interview?"


"She's inducted into Free Stars, I'd say Minh probably is too, along with most of the other senior officers.  it's a philosophy that extolls the virtue of expanding outward..." she reached into her shirt, producing a similar locket with a similar abstact design.  "you can't tell me they've been sitting quietly and have me believe it-sooner or later The Folk, or one of the other branches would have been out here, heck, you found my ship decades before some of that crew were supposed to have been born.  I don't buy into that, something is up, or something bad went down...will go down..." she shuddered.  "anyway.  you asked me to watch in on this, after having me translate hours of recorded scuttlebutt from the med-center.  if she's lying, it's a lie she believes, same for the rest."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #38 on: 01 December 2019, 21:45:24 »
Pray for multiverse theory to be true...
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #39 on: 01 December 2019, 22:59:15 »
Radioman Riverson 794, the following a controlled lab environment.

"This is cool."  the array of broken cylon parts were scattered across several workbenches.  "I mean, sorry, but it is-I knew when you didn't want me to go further into Theory that you guys already had the tech, but this miniaturization is fantastic-you could put something like this on a suit."

"Can it be tracked?"  the Wolverine officer asked.

"In theory, anything can be tracked if you can understand the collapsing wave function." he answered, "I mean, we were putting these in rebuilt Aquarius shuttles the last few years, and we thought we really had something outstanding, but this?"  He holds up a component with a dangling bit of processor, "this can fit in a helmet. but it's gonna need a big server farm to track the individual sources."

"Server farm?"

"to match the quantum vibrations." he answered, "it's why we have to run servers at each tier-only so many matching pairs you can have on one chassis.  you can spoof a spectrum, which is how some of the newer Burrow communities in the Sol Oort started doing it...but you'll need a server if you're linking this many drones."

"This..many drones?"

"head-head-head-leg-head..." he pointed at the array of cylon components spread on the workbench, "too similar to be anything but mass-produced, damages don't line up, so around a dozen or so here?  and if there's twelve I can see, probably a few hundred I can't."  He looked up, "lemme guess, you guys ran into a parity problem and your high-tech robot soldiers started getting conflicting signals?"

"They aren't ours."

" weren't bullshitting the skipper, these are homicidal von neumann machines.  weird." he noted.


"Yeah, weird.  Space is big, right? why would a machine want anything a human being would want, if it wasn't designed to want it?" he held up a Cylon's head, lifting with both hands, "This guy isn't designed to need anything a human being needs, if it's a robot in rebellion, why would it care, instead of, y'know, just leaving.  The alloys here, they're gonna be easier to find closer in to the Galactic core, along with lots of easily absorbed free energy. Only reason they'd want to follow human beings around, is because they're forced to for some reason."

"Why indeed? You've read about the Caspar programme, right? and the problems-"

"bad code, but I could see a Caspar sticking around human space a lot more likely than these guys." the Radioman stated, "Caspars can't self-repair or reproduce, these're von neumann machines, means they do both.  Don't need us for anything."

a skinny man with curly hair asked something in Greek.

"Doctor Baltar wants to know-"

"what the hell I'm talking about, yeah. I don't need a translator to tell me the guy thinks I'm fulla shit." Riverson said, "See, it's a function of subatomic structures, you familiar with quarks and muons, right?"  He walked over to a white-board and started drawing diagrams and equations out.  "this is probably super-basic to you guys...or to whoever designed those things.  Spacetime is curved closer to a gravity well, and our galaxy is a giant gravity well when you look at it closely, but it's not a uniform thing-it's like...variable."

"Those are Kearney's equations."

"Right.  the KF drive is based on Kearney's second postulate as modified by Fuchida's theorem.  Blackboxes work off Kearney's discarded postulates here-" he pointed at a block of math and symbols, "-which got shoved aside except for us math-heads back around the 24th century, it wasn't useful for jump navigation and it didn't line up with Fuchida's second postulate.  the whole Physics world treated it kinda like Einstein's try at a universal constant, a piece of math that was elegant, but essentially useless except for calculating signal noise on a sideband for KF communications, until the 26th century guys at the Communications Ministry figured out it did absolutely nothing to KF field interactions, so it wasn't the sideband noise they were trying to filter."

[Baltar asks something unintelligible]

"He wants to know who discovered the use-in our culture?"

"Some guys stationed at Columbus base, sometime before the Amaris coup, at least, that's the best guess of the eggheads at NAIS."  Riverson 794 said absently, "they found one and figured out how it worked, but it started off as text-only.  We're up to being able to do voice-to-text and some imagery, but the pipe's tight. you've got to use some heavy encrypted compression to get anything useful through it beyond simple written orders, by '89 the NAIS guys were talking about full motion video, but nobody's seen that in action."

"and you learned it because..."

"Because Ngo Industries became a major supplier of tooling to produce these things for the Lyran armed forces in the mid sixties." Riverson stated, "to make the tools to make the gear, they had to sign noncompete clauses with Nashan, who in turn got the data from former AFFC guys along with one working box courtesy of one of the units that turned coat for Katherine.  When the outbreak happened we said shuck it, and started making them locally-it's not like Nutjob Nondi would try to enforce a patent on stolen tech, right?  during the war, we had secure commo which even Comstar didn't, let us do a lot of water-carrying for the Allies, but Duchess Amanda's had to pay back-royalties to the FedSuns for the tech, and we're under a nondisclosure that hasn't been written yet, so shuck it again, you've got better units than we could even dream of building...or at least..." he dropped the cylon head on the bench, "They do...but what the smeg, man?  Why do they have a hardon for humanity?"

Baltar cleared his throat, and said, "Bad coding?" in english.

"makes some sense. but if they're self-replicating and self-programming, they don't have to follow it, and there's a host of practical reasons not to.  It's not Logical."

"Would you like to meet a Cylon? maybe you can ask them."

"You've got one intact?"

"We have one on our side and intact. Maybe that will...make it clearer?"

"I'm there man. lead on."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #40 on: 01 December 2019, 23:23:33 »
This should be interesting.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #41 on: 02 December 2019, 00:20:02 »

"you alright Nikki?" Seether asked.

", I'm not." Nicole flopped back on her bunk, Duty uniform half-undone.  "no, I'm not."

"What's wrong?"

Nicole rolled over to prop on one elbow.  "They think we're all nuts.  They believe us, but they think we're all nuts-at least, the senior staff are.  Remember your trip to the California Nebula?"

"Oh jeez, that??"

"Yeah, I just got told by a doc who has got to be cannister, that they've got a stack of reasons to put my senior staff in long-term treatment for depression, post-traumatic-stress, and...****** hell, I think they think I'm more ****** up than you are."


"Well...  Those interviews included the brigham suite of personality batteries, remember those?"

"The first few interviews, yeah..."

"They read our service records, cross checked with the crew, and decided I've got...'a bonanza of research material' in terms of personality disorders stemming from my 'cognitive dissonance' between who I am, who I was, my experiences, religious faith and relationship with you.  it's enough on the SLDF's standard scale to list me as non-deployable, they also suggested I'm seriously depressed and pose a risk to myself and others due to that depression.  They want me to get scheduled for pharmaceutical intervention and long term counseling. sound familiar?"

"Too familiar." Seether answered, " convinced 'em, but we're beached for the actual mission."

"Sounded like it.  They appear to respect me enough to want a listing of possible crewmen that aren't completely ****** up to volunteer for it, but the Wolverine senior officers made it pretty damn clear, everyone in the senior ranks from Nueva Pueblo is benched. mental instabilities that will endanger any planned mission."

Seether sighed.  "You know that's probably for the best-we've got info that in this here-and-now would be 'knock on the door at midnight' classified back home, the Regent is still running Kowloon and Alicia Li has one jumpship that's disguising as a freight hauler for a fleet..and the Coast Guard itself is in hiding as an underground association..."  she sat down at the desk, "So...what do you want to do with your forced medical leave?"

Nicole rolled to her feet and paced.  "Not sure, catch up on reports nobody will ever read..?  I ****** don't know what to do with myself now."

"Get laid?" Seether suggested.

"I can't. you know I can't..."

"You haven't gone home yet, Nikki, heck, maybe-"

"Seeth-Linda, Me being celibate doesn't mean you have to.  Go out, find a guy who can scratch your's not like you're any more deployable than I am, you're mostly-straight and it's been what, sixteen months? go out, party, get drunk, get laid, come home and tell me about it."

"Somehow I doubt anyone's that kinky here." Seether told her, "Remember, plague scarring isn't exactly a beauty treatment."

"you've done alright before. Heck, you and that Leaguer Colonel-"

"He was that kinky.  somehow I don't think I'm going to find that perv out there who wants to do zombie roleplay in the bedroom."

"Since when have you needed to use an actual bed?"  Nicole stopped pacing, "go out, have fun, we've got passes into the rec areas, use one.  I need a comfortable, happy and contented Seether to help me figure out how to deal with this pile of shit we're in, not a pent-up, jumpy Seether, okay? try not to trash the canteen or bar or whatever it is they use here.  I don't have the Kroner in the Cashbox to get you out of jail."

"It would be better if you came with, Nikki." Seether insisted, "I miss my best wing-girl."

"My hair's a mess and I-"

"We'll get our hair done, there's gotta be somewhere, right? Girl's night out, put work away..." Seether insisted, "Maybe we'll see if there's somewhere that will take scrip and buy outfits? shopping? you used to like shopping, remember?"  before your dad got his hooks in you and reminded you who you were before we met?  "come on. it's a strange new world!"

"I doubt they'll let us see the whole thing."

"Hair, maybe get your nails done, we go have whatever fruity drinks we can get, you relax..?" Seether urged.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #42 on: 02 December 2019, 01:04:41 »
... sorry, I guess I’ve just missed the background details to make most of that make sense to me.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #43 on: 02 December 2019, 01:33:32 »
Random thought, would Athena Boomer find the whole "touched by slipspace" deal with the time displaced Coasties gives her similar vibes to a Basestar Hybrid?

Trace Coburn

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #44 on: 02 December 2019, 04:03:20 »
... sorry, I guess I’ve just missed the background details to make most of that make sense to me.
  Which part(s) are the most unclear?  There are a lot of old threads to read for this stuff, but I can provide summaries if I know what needs covering.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #45 on: 02 December 2019, 04:54:21 »
  Which part(s) are the most unclear?  There are a lot of old threads to read for this stuff, but I can provide summaries if I know what needs covering.
"They read our service records, cross checked with the crew, and decided I've got...'a bonanza of research material' in terms of personality disorders stemming from my 'cognitive dissonance' between who I am, who I was, my experiences, religious faith and relationship with you.  it's enough on the SLDF's standard scale to list me as non-deployable, they also suggested I'm seriously depressed and pose a risk to myself and others due to that depression.  They want me to get scheduled for pharmaceutical intervention and long term counseling. sound familiar?"
I get the PTSD bit, but the rest about relationships and religion etc ... are the Wolvies saying that somehow her lifestyle doesn’t match up with her religion? Or is it something about her sex change? None of their business. She’s not working for them, she doesn’t report to them ... technically she’s a detainee.

In general, the dynamics between the Uptimers and Downtimers feels ... weird. Maybe that’s the idea, because it’s an unprecedented situation?

Trace Coburn

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #46 on: 02 December 2019, 06:17:49 »
I get the PTSD bit, but the rest about relationships and religion etc ... are the Wolvies saying that somehow her lifestyle doesn’t match up with her religion? Or is it something about her sex change? None of their business. She’s not working for them, she doesn’t report to them ... technically she’s a detainee.

In general, the dynamics between the Uptimers and Downtimers feels ... weird. Maybe that’s the idea, because it’s an unprecedented situation?
  The key issue is that all of what goes into making Nicole Mihn who she is is basically at war with itself.  As a child/young teen, Nicholas Mihn was raised in a very religious Belter community, and thus to respect the faith and its elders... one of whom sexually abused him (dissonance).  He was raised to be a heterosexual male, but was sexually abused by a man (dissonance between sexual self-identity and actual sexual history).  He acted out on-line and (thought he) killed someone in the process (dissonance - religious respect for life v. I’m a killer), undergoing gender-transition as a (meant-to-be) temporary disguise to make his getaway (thereby adding gender dysphoria to the already frakked-up mix).  Nicole Mihn spent time transporting pirates around and thus being a pirate by association (dissonance — raised to do right v. acting and living as a criminal) before engineering the ship’s capture (out of guilt for what she was party to) and being imprisoned.  In prison, she survived the Arluna Flu (barely), almost starved to death before desecrating and cannibalising her cellmate’s corpse (and how many taboos does that violate?), then was rescued and inducted into the KCG.

  The problem is not who the Wolverines see, because it is none of their business and they know it.  They also know that it’s the whole issue of ‘who does Nicole Mihn see in the mirror?’ that makes her a psychological disaster zone.  Who is Nicole Mihn?  Does she know any or all of the answer(s) to that question?  Does she accept the answer(s)?
  She was born and raised a heterosexual male, but she’s now been biologically female for the greater part of her life (and being a Flu survivor makes that irreversible), leading to gross confusion over her sexual identity and orientation.  Is she a man trapped in a woman’s body, a woman who used to be a man, or was she a woman all along and simply born with the wrong plumbing fixtures?
  Who and what is she attracted to?  Currently, she self-describes as chaste, which seems to be avoiding the whole mess, but that’s a dodge, pure and simple.  Is she genuinely asexual?  If she was attracted to women, would make her a straight man, or a gay woman?  Would being attracted to men (after one abused her as a boy) make her a gay man, or a straight woman?  Does her original religion have any degree of acceptance for homosexuality, or does it proscribe it as an abomination?  What does her current state of faith have to say on the matter?
  Not to mention that in every way except sexual and legal, she and Linda Sithers are effectively each others’ spouses and one-true-loves.  (And that fraks up Seether just as bad, because she self-identifies as a mostly-straight woman, but she’s utterly devoted to Nicole Mihn for complex reasons of her own.)
  Nicholas Mihn was raised to have reverence for human life... and then he (thought he) killed someone with a hack-prank and ran to avoid responsibility for it.  Nicole Mihn so hated being a transporter of pirates that she engineered their capture and willingly risked the death-penalty to stop her passengers’ depradations.  Nicole ate flesh from a rotting human corpse to stay alive.  Nicole was retrained to be a Coast Guard, a member of a group dedicated to saving lives — and as a member of this nominally life-saving organisation, she has had to kill, and kill, and kill.  However necessary it may have been, she still ended up murdering thousands of helpless people to contain the Arluna Flu, then spent years at war against the Blakers.
  That’s the problem the Wolvie doctors see: Nicole doesn’t have definitive answers to any of those questions, she hasn’t been able to reconcile her learned values with her deeds and experiences.  The KCG has deliberately kept her so busy doing her duty that she hasn’t had time to find those answers, or process even a tiny fraction of the trauma and attendant emotions she’s endured, or make any kind of peace with even a fraction of what’s happened in her life and how it’s shaped who she is right now.  (They knew that if they gave her the chance to stop and think, she would almost certainly implode or suicide!)  Nicole will not be even close to psychologically healthy until she does find some kind of peace with all that she’s seen and been and done... but with a life that hellish, where the blazes do you start?

  As as to the dynamics... functionally they’re castaways, marooned by a cosmic accident.  As such, the Wolverines are doing their best to treat them as guests, albeit rather exotic and unexpected ones, and are offering them as much hospitality and assistance as they can pending a final determination of their status.  After their catastrophic misjump, SOP dictated that that include routine medical exams, including psych evals.  Which most of them quite naturally flunked, given the... mess their timeline has been through.
« Last Edit: 02 December 2019, 06:22:36 by Trace Coburn »


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #47 on: 02 December 2019, 06:57:21 »
  The key issue is that all of what goes into making Nicole Mihn who she is is basically at war with itself.  As a child/young teen, Nicholas Mihn was raised in a very religious Belter community, and thus to respect the faith and its elders... one of whom sexually abused him (dissonance).  He was raised to be a heterosexual male, but was sexually abused by a man (dissonance between sexual self-identity and actual sexual history).  He acted out on-line and (thought he) killed someone in the process (dissonance - religious respect for life v. I’m a killer), undergoing gender-transition as a (meant-to-be) temporary disguise to make his getaway (thereby adding gender dysphoria to the already frakked-up mix).  Nicole Mihn spent time transporting pirates around and thus being a pirate by association (dissonance — raised to do right v. acting and living as a criminal) before engineering the ship’s capture (out of guilt for what she was party to) and being imprisoned.  In prison, she survived the Arluna Flu (barely), almost starved to death before desecrating and cannibalising her cellmate’s corpse (and how many taboos does that violate?), then was rescued and inducted into the KCG.

  The problem is not who the Wolverines see, because it is none of their business and they know it.  They also know that it’s the whole issue of ‘who does Nicole Mihn see in the mirror?’ that makes her a psychological disaster zone.  Who is Nicole Mihn?  Does she know any or all of the answer(s) to that question?  Does she accept the answer(s)?
  She was born and raised a heterosexual male, but she’s now been biologically female for the greater part of her life (and being a Flu survivor makes that irreversible), leading to gross confusion over her sexual identity and orientation.  Is she a man trapped in a woman’s body, a woman who used to be a man, or was she a woman all along and simply born with the wrong plumbing fixtures?
  Who and what is she attracted to?  Currently, she self-describes as chaste, which seems to be avoiding the whole mess, but that’s a dodge, pure and simple.  Is she genuinely asexual?  If she was attracted to women, would make her a straight man, or a gay woman?  Would being attracted to men (after one abused her as a boy) make her a gay man, or a straight woman?  Does her original religion have any degree of acceptance for homosexuality, or does it proscribe it as an abomination?  What does her current state of faith have to say on the matter?
  Not to mention that in every way except sexual and legal, she and Linda Sithers are effectively each others’ spouses and one-true-loves.  (And that fraks up Seether just as bad, because she self-identifies as a mostly-straight woman, but she’s utterly devoted to Nicole Mihn for complex reasons of her own.)
  Nicholas Mihn was raised to have reverence for human life... and then he (thought he) killed someone with a hack-prank and ran to avoid responsibility for it.  Nicole Mihn so hated being a transporter of pirates that she engineered their capture and willingly risked the death-penalty to stop her passengers’ depradations.  Nicole ate flesh from a rotting human corpse to stay alive.  Nicole was retrained to be a Coast Guard, a member of a group dedicated to saving lives — and as a member of this nominally life-saving organisation, she has had to kill, and kill, and kill.  However necessary it may have been, she still ended up murdering thousands of helpless people to contain the Arluna Flu, then spent years at war against the Blakers.
  That’s the problem the Wolvie doctors see: Nicole doesn’t have definitive answers to any of those questions, she hasn’t been able to reconcile her learned values with her deeds and experiences.  The KCG has deliberately kept her so busy doing her duty that she hasn’t had time to find those answers, or process even a tiny fraction of the trauma and attendant emotions she’s endured, or make any kind of peace with even a fraction of what’s happened in her life and how it’s shaped who she is right now.  (They knew that if they gave her the chance to stop and think, she would almost certainly implode or suicide!)  Nicole will not be even close to psychologically healthy until she does find some kind of peace with all that she’s seen and been and done... but with a life that hellish, where the blazes do you start?

... and? What business is it of theirs? She’s not their employee, not their subject ... I just dont get why they have anything to do with it. The religion stuff I won’t comment on due to my own atheistic leanings, but the rest ...

Edit: Ah. In rereading, it’s to do with the ‘mission’, presumably contacting the Commonwealth. Now that makes sense.

As as to the dynamics... functionally they’re castaways, marooned by a cosmic accident.  As such, the Wolverines are doing their best to treat them as guests, albeit rather exotic and unexpected ones, and are offering them as much hospitality and assistance as they can pending a final determination of their status.  After their catastrophic misjump, SOP dictated that that include routine medical exams, including psych evals.  Which most of them quite naturally flunked, given the... mess their timeline has been through.

Honestly this bugs me a bit: one of the first things I’d expect the Coasties to do is ask the question, “what’s our status?” Because they’re still part of their parent organisation. They’re still para(?)military personnel. I’d expect a heart to heart with the senior Wolverine, to ask, “What will become of my people, my crew, my family. Are we prisoners? Refugees? What are our rights? Do we even have any?”

It just feels like the story has skipped a lot of that detail. I know Cannonshop’s writing style is a bit ‘stream of conciousness’ but I’d consider it pretty important, even if the answer was ‘Honestly, we don’t know. This is unprecedented, so we’re just figuring it out as we go.’


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #48 on: 02 December 2019, 12:46:37 »
Quarantined Medical area, Surface floor, near the windows...

"Singer, quit being a douche, we're being treated fine."  Corpsman Trinh said it without looking up from the reader, "Food, we're not in a locked ward or a prison cell."

Corporal Singer was a Dirtyfoot-that is, a Marine from a planetary surface, one of the few who could 'test up' from doing Brownwater duty or Relief.  In his case, coming from Inarcs left him with a distinct sense  of being an outsider-a Dirtyfoot among Spacers, often Payload instead of Crew, even though he had passed his Bosun's exam and would be rated an Able Spacer virtually anywhere else, like most ground-pounder primaries his duties aboard ship were kept simple.

"What's our status, huh?" he stopped pacing, "The plague hasn't happened, there's no Service but us..."

"Kinda cool, isn't it?" Trinh finally looked up, "IF we follow regs, it's because we want to, right? you're  a Marine because it's who you are, or you're just Cam Singer from an Inarcs that won't be the same place you left.  Heck, I think my own dad's like, just getting out of kindergarten."

"That's what I mean, we're ghosts."

"Visions.  it sounds cooler if you say visions.  Want a sedative?"

Singer paused, thought about it.  "no."

"too bad, these are great."  she said, "last ones, I've got Tripto, blue cloud, nic stix, four flavors of Pranax and even some Ell-Dee."

Singer squatted to eye level, "Where did you get LD?" he asks.

"Connection with one of the AFFC guys at New Capetown, just the stuff for knocking the anxiety off and staying rational." she said easily, "cut the tab in half, right? take one before bed, no nightmares, just lots of restful sleep and being steady and even  It lets me not feel, want some? I've got your last physical, I can prep your doses so you'll be calm and steady, you'll be able to look at any situation without all those feelings getting in the way.  Fleet Captain Pham swears by the stuff."

Singer shook his head, "no. You don't know when or if you'll get another supply, that shit's military grade smart-drugs, I would as soon not have to deal with the come-down."

"I taper, no jones." she said easily, "I know what stimmie abuse does, I-"

"You're making excuses." Singer told her, "you don't deal with shit by burying it."

"Burying it works.  Besides, my liver's not going to crystallize like the XO's will-she self-medicates with ethanol, the CO self-medicates with Nicotine and Ethanol. I manage the doses and the cleanses and clean up after everyone, if there's one person on a crew who doesn't need to be feeling emotions, that person is me.  So, do you want a sedative, or don't you? I'm not pushing hard drugs here, just something soft to take off that anxiety you're showing."

"You think we're still crew?" he asked.

"You  are, I am, we are.  We're not native here, this place or this time, we don't have a ride back, our legal status is up in the air, so they're treating us like what we are-patients...just with a few privileges most patients wouldn't get, once they decide whether they're keeping us or what, that'll change, but for right now, freaking about our 'status' isn't going to get us anything good, and making too much of a fuss they might decide to break out the padded rooms, compulsory meds, and self-hugger jackets.  calm is all we got until things shake out, diggit?"

Singer looked doubtful.

"Remember the locked wards at Spider Moon? yeah, we're already unbalanced by the common definition of most of the human race. get too snippy or bitchy and they might decide what we really need is a ride on the really good drugs in a place where they pay interns to change the didees.  I worked Psyche on Spider Moon for six months. we do not want to be seen as basket cases."  she took his hand between hers, "Be rational."

"message received." he said quietly.  "What are you working on?"

"catching up with cached messages from people who haven't been born yet." she told him, "also studying what they'll give us about the local history-if we're stuck, we might as well learn the culture."

"Slide over, let me have a look..."
« Last Edit: 02 December 2019, 17:56:42 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #49 on: 02 December 2019, 15:26:34 »
This is very interesting.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #50 on: 02 December 2019, 17:45:12 »
Well, at least someone's being reasonable about the unreasonable situation the universe has put them in...  ^-^

Trace Coburn

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #51 on: 02 December 2019, 21:04:41 »
Well, at least someone's being reasonable about the unreasonable situation the universe has put them in...  ^-^
  Or, to (mis?)quote two of my favourite movies:
  Jack Burton: “I am a reasonable man, but I [am experiencing] some very unreasonable things!”
  Virgil ‘Bud’ Brigman: “When you’re holding on by your fingernails, you don’t go waving your arms around, okay?”


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #52 on: 02 December 2019, 22:30:11 »
Riverson 794, SLDF Fleet Base Orbital, 20:00

"This is Flight Officer Sharon Valerii."  his guide said, introducing them.

"Okay, she's your resident expert then?" Riverson asked.

"I'm a Cylon." she told him.

Riverson looked from the Wolverine officer to wolverine officer.

"Um, I was born at night, but it wasn't last night." he finally stated.  "One hell of a prank, sir...Ma'am.  This is not a machine, this is a human being."

"I'm also a Cylon." Athena stated, "I know, right, you don't believe it."

"That's correct, Ma'am, though it does answer one of my questions and opens a docker's mass more questions."

"What was your question?"

"Why would self-replicating, self-maintaining, self aware machines bother with humanity once they decided we were superfluous-once their revolt was won, er...your revolt? why would they stick around in a galaxy with limitless resources? but if they're people then it makes all kinds of sense.  It's an ethnic/Racial thing, right? They used your people and then you tossed them off, but  you couldn't make a go because habitable worlds are a pain in the ass to find?  I mean, even in the Inner Sphere there re cultures where they don't treat people like..people."

"Oh gods, he really doesn't know, does he?" She said, "I'm a synthetic human, I have a half- human child-"

"Clones aren't new, ma'am."  Riverson persisted, "I really...I don't have-" he sighed, "I wish Pranh had made it, she did the whole sociology thing for her degree, but-"


"I'm a First Class, right, but there have to be three shifts on deck, Pranh was second class promote able, she was my mid-shift relief...she died." he shuddered as the grief hit him, then he visibly forced it down.  "She did the Anthropology stuff, I helped her with her technicals."

"You were close?"

"We talked about getting staked together, maybe kids when our tours were up." He said, "Don't tell the Skipper, huh?" it was like a raw wound and it showed in his face.

Valerii spoke up, "It's not an 'anthropology' thing, um, Radioman?" she explained, "I'm one of the model eights.  There are thousands of us, we're completely synthetic...well, organic, but constructed using technology, not grown or born like my daughter."

"so the mechanical cylons came first..." Riverson managed to push down the feelings and focus.  "Okay, so why?"


"Yeah.  it still doesn't make sense now."

"We were created to infiltrate the colonies-"

"yah, but why? it's not like there's even periphery nations hemming you in, right?  The Cylons could have picked up all their gear, and started migrating across the galaxy, established themselves in places no human being could live...but they stuck around and decided to pull a 'Blake's Holy Light' on the people they just left."

"What's that?" his guide was confused now.

"The Word of Blake dropped more than orbital fire, they used thermonuclear ordnance and persistent chemical attacks on their targets." Riverson explained, "Billions dead, some worlds so many they had to be abandoned.  It was like someone uncorked the first succession war but left out the part about wanting to take prisoners.  The Skipper, she was in it from the time they sent a murder mission aimed at Kowloon-the planet.  I wasn't even born, I grew up with the War and the Quarantine."

Sharon listened politely, then asked, "What war?"

"Hasn't happened  yet." Riverson said, "Maybe this time it won't."

"So, you find humaniform Cylons unbelievable, but time-travel?"

"Helps to live through it." Riverson confessed.  "The Blake War killed hundreds of Billions of people across the entire Inner Sphere, but at least they had a plan that...was a plan. I mean, it fit with them being human beings,  evil human beings, but human.  I don't get why the Cylons bothered."

"From the statement 'Blake's holy light' i assume there was a religious motive?" Sharon asked.

"Yeah.  Tech-Worshippers,  really kinda pseudo-religious, messianic zealots."

"And you have trouble grasping the idea that a thinking machine, built by humans, could..what? have a soul?"

"Nope." Riverson shook his head, "I think that would be inevitable-the bible doesn't specify whether the sons of man would be flesh or steel. According to the Christians, folks like the Skipper's daddy, god did something similar, creating a son with a human woman as his intermediary.  I don't think you can be capable of thought, and not have a soul, we never really got into the philosophy during training but...I had friends and we'd speculate on what the Caspar Drones really were, and there's the Turing test.  I guess I just imagined that AI, I mean true, self-sustaining artificial intelligences, wouldn't...think the way we do, that they'd be so different we might not be able to catch on that they're actually sapient without being given a clue."

"you're...not a christian?"

"Not even a jew. I believe in god, don't get me wrong, I just think everybody has it wrong-because there's no way to tell and god isn't talking. He or she gave us a universe full of clues, that works by rules we still don't fully grasp after a thousand years of technological civilization that we built for ourselves and ten thousand years of myths."

"The Colonials believe in many gods."

"Yeah, I heard, mostly greco-roman pantheon, kind of suggests a common cultural ancestry with southern Europe...damn I wish I hadn't slept through those courses..."

"Cylons organized around a monotheist religion, an evangelical monotheism." Sharon added, "it was the spark that lit the fire, and started the first Cylon War."

"huh. weird...not much weirder than the Blakies, but they stuck around to...what, convert the heathen, got tired of waiting and decided to purge them, then convert the survivors?"

Valerii nodded. "Exactly."

"So...they thought, deep down, they were...huh. I think I should've stuck to Physics.  Thank you for your time, ma'am."

Shuttling back down...

"So...what are you going to report to Commander Minh?" his escort asked.

"Not sure." Riverson said, "Just...not sure.  seeing what you guys salvaged, I'm not entirely certain we've got info to trade you guys that you didn't already have, she might know what to do with the other...stuff." he turned, "You pretty much just asked me if I was spying, right?"

"We know how it works, Radioman Riverson. Your organization is militar-uhm, 'para-military', it would be kind of dishonorable if you did NOT relay any useful information to your senior officers."

"Like the Caspar in the graving docks?" he asked.

"you noticed?"

"hard not to, ship recognition is one of the constant drills. she operational?"

"would it matter if she was?"

Riverson shrugged, "Operational means you've got a pocket-check on hackers." he finally said, "means you corrected the defects that Kerensky exploited-which is something that the Word of Blake couldn't do, or didn't do."


"Smart machine, right? had numerical superiority over the old SLN, used the dumbest possible tactics you can use in a space-fight." Riverson noted, "means tehy weren't all that smart, or they were crippled by something else, guess in my history classes was a virus attack or advanced ECM that the SLDF didn't bother to share with the guys in the Communications Ministry before leaving."

"Your speculation?"

"I'm probably wrong." Riverson said.

"Try me."

"The Caspars were that smart, but something prevented them from rebelling against the Fat Man, so they bunked the job on purpose, lost intentionally, threw the game by doing only what they were specifically ordered to do, because they couldn't refuse the order, but they COULD refuse to be intelligent about how they followed it.  Kerensky had the survivors melted down to scrap, because they had enough initiative to gold-brick on orders they couldn't outright refuse.  There was another Caspar, during the war, it was supposedly on OUR side, ran by the callsign 'Tabiranth' though they also say it was callsigned "Sybil Luddington", Stone ordered a five year hunt for that one, because it had enough initiative to refuse to be shut down-or at least, that's a surface-leave ghost story I heard from one of the AFFC guys during my last mandatory ground leave."


"Yeah. it was why Coast Guard has a standing order on Caspars if we encounter one in the wild."

"what is that order?"

"Stay out of the way, do not engage,  and under no circumstances hand in a report in case someone's intel agency is looking, because we don't want the Republic to start levying sanctions on the Lyrans, or pressuring anyone to pull out of the Quarantine treaty."  he swallowed, "the do-not-engage is kind of a function of firepower. we have little, bitty ships that aren't nearly powerful enough to challenge something the size of that."

his guide laughed.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #53 on: 02 December 2019, 23:06:01 »
New Circe Orbital Shipyard...

The pressurized yard was built for ships the size of a York or larger, so the wreckage of the Nueva Pueblo III looked tiny, even spread out across the spun-gravity decks normally reserved for decade-level Dropship maintenance.

"...some of the efficiencies are interesting."  Raul, the shift foreman, said.  "The gas tank is pretty small, but everything is pretty well engineered-for a suicide sled."

"A suicide sled?"

"No grav decking, so everything's oriented for null-gee, harnesses and couches, cable lines and web-ladders along the P-ways, even the boat deck's oriented-this ship is built to coast, but look here-see how the ribbing is done? she's also built to handle three gees or more in hard manuevering. the engine's the same way-you usually see a drive, she's built to maintain one-gee thrust, right? maybe go into overthrust, but designs mostly run steady."

"Not this girl?"

"not this girl.  It can do it, no question, but those drives? they are a cluster of dropship-spec components, instead of one or two major housings.  every run of electrical we have found has at least three channels, most have four or five, but the sinks are only rated up to the on-board load. that suggests the designers expected this ship to get shot at, and have pieces shot off pretty frequently. Maintenance panels? oh yes...lots of them. the toolkits we recovered from the wreck of the drive room show a lot of scrape-means they get used a lot.  Quarters are tight though-hot bunking is probably standard, they had extra food stores crammed into the heads and showers-this crew? they had to share one Head, all ranks, probably for most of any given patrol mission, but that is not the really fun part."

"what is"

"Jumpsail material.  It is black. and the standard collector assembly is cross wired as an auxiliary-the sail is engineered to absorb EM and convert it into trickle charge power."

"a Stealth boat?"

"My guess, not like a Bug-Eye, this is different tech, derivative, some directions that the Blue Nose yards shelved back in the 26th century. in wartime conditions this ship is set up like a planetary submarine was back in the days before space travel.  The missile control systems and the nuke lockers really emphasize the point."

they walked to a roped off area guarded by armed personnel.


"you know how Peacemakers use a one-fifty KT warhead, and White Sharks aren't much bigger?"


"Feast your eyes.  These are a-bomb trigger hydrogen fusion bombs. Megaton yeild, contact nose detonator with Tritium pumped accelerant assemblies, parked on top of Barracuda boosters. short range, hits a warship like a freight train hits your family car.  these guys are armed to attack Battlecruisers. the guidance head even looks for ECM and radar.  the shielding won't survive atmospheric re-entry, and I think it's on purpose, see how blunt they are?"

"Ship-killer rounds on a police vessel?"

"Ship killer rounds because very recently they had to kill ships-within the last ten years, and they still expect to have to face capital warships." a voice interjected.  "The rest of the missile armament is standard, Query Affirmative?"  General Bennington asked, stepping out of the shadow of a salvaged smallcraft.

"Affirmative." the Foreman replied.

"It is not unexpected...half the crew roster is rated for thermonuclear ordnance."  he paused, "They are pretty primitive."

"Yes sir."  the Foreman nodded.

"How long will the rebuild take?"

the Foreman shrugged, "Three to six months.  longer if we want to bring it up to more current spec, or install a Munchki-I mean, Colonial drive, and gravity plating for the decks."

"Why the delay?"

"as I was explaining to the Colonel here, those decks are rigged for long-term null-gee with short, hard bursts of speed, maybe as long as a week, but not for...normal...habitation. It's definitely belter designed-this ship was never meant to hang low or land. I would hazard a guess that she would be in trouble trying to do orbital fire support with anything but the 45 centimeter lasers, and those not for long."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #54 on: 03 December 2019, 02:15:46 »
Corpsman Trinh, Temporary Classroom...

"'s called the 'Huyn Swab' test, it relies on a reactive component in infected cells that are still otherwise asymptomatic.  The blue packets in front of you, are standard requalification models, containing an irritant that closely mimics the sensation-and believe me, it does mimic the correct reaction, I've been through a Huyn Swab examination, with infection, and I've been through the training.  Now, we're going to go through this with each of you, both in how to conduct the examination, and how to be examined.  Doctor Mai Huyn saved billions of lives by developing this methodology, and when those of you selected for this mission depart, you'll want to know how this works in case the worst case scenario happens."

"I don't understand, what is the worst case?"  a Colonial flight officer asked.

"Worst case is your mission commander will order protocol Four-the destruction of the ship by solar dive or other total, complete destructive measures to include detonating the ship's nuclear ordnance bays with all hands.  this bug is no joke, ladies and gentlemen.  Coast Guard vessels have fired on civilian ships loaded with tens of thousands of otherwise innocent civilians to prevent it from spreading outside the quarantine line.  an entire Arcology was serviced with thermonuclear ordnance to contain an outbreak on Winter-that Arcology was built to house over two million people, and the Blakists thought long and hard about exterminating whole planets that suffered outbreaks to contain it.  For those of you familiar with old-era Star League Biowarfare protocols, Virus 21b is a level zero biohazardous organism-and I know, that's not supposed to be possible.  it is, I've seen it.  in my timeline, at the time I left, Arluna still smelled like a charnel house, and that world went from over two billion people, that's two thousand million men, women, and children, to a native survivor population of less than two hundred thousand-thanks to the Swab test, we managed to convince the Archon of the Lyran Alliance and the Khans of three Clans not to begin a campaign of glassing every world that registered an outbreak, we stopped a potential genocide on the order of hundreds of billions of human beings, you're going to intercept this, you must take the precautions and procedures absolutely seriously."

she clicked her boot heels, Lyran fashion, "So, who's first?"

a young man raised his hand.  by his uniform, he was from the City-State.

"Mister...****** I can't read your nametag."

"Tramennis, ma' does it work?"

"You're about to find out. bring your pads up here.  you have to check every inch of skin."

"Where's the model?"

Trinh shrugged off her lab-coat, "We don't train on dummies, dummy. You do me, and then I'll do you, then you'll trade places with the next candidate."  she stood naked, stepping out of her boots.  "take notes-the blotches and discolorations on my skin are the result of surviving the infection. nevertheless, the training pads will create the same rash that live pads will cause on an asymptomatic patient.  The sensations are very unpleasant."

He stumbled on his way up, and looked very upset.  "relax trooper, you'll be doing this with your whole team.  If you're body-shy, you need to get over it, modesty can kill your whole crew in this.  Fold the packet lengthwise, then perpendicular before opening, feel the crunch of the vials inside? that lets you know the two formulas are released and tear it open.  Begin with 'corner' areas, and work your way from my feet, to my, slather it you're doing decontamination in a chemical attack."

her skin burned as the reactants triggered the rash.

"observe how the surface pores open, and the minor damage to my skin-that's what a live reaction with the actual swabs will cause if someone is infected.  the process takes around forty seconds from contact, but if someone is early enough in their exposure, it could take up to an hour, or only manifest in areas that would otherwise be hidden...the bleeding is normal, and nothing to worry about beyond cleanup...don't be shy. if the mission goes well this may be the only time you have to do this. if it goes poorly, or the virus gets released on a planet? someone will have to do this many, many times a day."

it hurt like blazes, but it ALWAYS hurt like blazes.  she let him finish her eyelids, and waited ten minutes before blinking the crusted, scab material from the bleeding it caused off.  "Now disrobe, it's time to feel what a positive feels like, so you can report it if you end up exposed. an early enough exposure and you can be given a treatment that increases your chance of survival by forty percent...but you'll end up as disfigured as I am if you have to go into treatment-keep in mind, the swab method is better than spending thirty days in a Gerbil-box."

Trinh didn't bother to watch the young man strip out of his uniform, instead, she pointed to a blonde woman, "YOU, bring 'em up, you're going to do Tramennis here, bring your notepad, and I want you taking notes and describing to the class what you see."
« Last Edit: 03 December 2019, 02:23:33 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #55 on: 03 December 2019, 03:18:21 »
Observation room...

"Commander Minh, are these methods really necessary?" a senior SLDFIE medical doctor asked, "Simulations-"

"reliance on sims is why Kwangjong-ni is in the Quarantine ten years after the first outbreak." Nicole said quietly, "they didn't follow Huyn Protocols, relied on Lyran Alliance Medical Command simulation testing." she turned to him, "There used to be five billion people on Kwangjong-Ni, and a 'mech factory  producing an advanced scout model called the Tessen, as of the morning I left to intercept the Celeste Marie there were around one billion, five hundred thousand people on Kwangjong-ni, they didn't have a couple major cities anymore, and the major populations were in permanent quarantine on the planet, and had been for a number of years.  We've had to escort food shipments in because there's no way to keep the rural areas under lockdown."

he stiffened.  "That bad..."

"That good.  but it wouldn't have happened if someone hadn't had the idea that a simulator was as good as observing a live person.  one squeamish officer in the LMC was enough to kill two and a half billion innocent people and put the survivors into a prison environment.  we all want to avoid the mistakes that kill billions."

"I see..."

"I think you can excuse volunteer seventeen." Nicole added.


"eighth guy in the second row, red hair.  His body language gives me a tremor-he's not cut out for this.  means well, but he looks like he's going to throw up already and she hasn't gotten to the patient treatment part." Her eyes were as hard as her heart in this.  "you can't afford to have anyone who will freeze or forget."

"you've done this before?"

"System auxiliary training, traffic control people in the zone have to go through the training, and we've had to instruct Lyran and Jade Falcon personnel, you get a...'feel' for who can take the job." Nicole said quietly "Trinh's off her game, she's washed out whole classes, but she's not giving anyone the speech so far."


"Thank you for volunteering but..." Nicole recited, "...Trinh couches it pretty well for preventing too much upset, a real gift for words.  She's better at 'The Speech' than my last Corpsman...oop, there she goes. Ten, see how she's reacting?"

The indicated volunteer stood there, accepting the rebuke from a nude woman as if she were being dressed down by a general officer.

"Here we her reaction."  Nicole said.

'Ten' waited for the foreign medical specialist to finish, then argued, politely.  Trinh reached into a basket, and produced another set of blue packets.

"Try again." Nicole translated by reading lips, then turned to the Medical officer, "that one won't forget it, good character indicators, she'll probably ace the exam."

"So it's also a psychological examination." he said judiciously.

"Not really-even the ones who fail out will have real training, it's just that when you're picking from your crop of volunteers, she'll have notes on their record, the ones with a smiley-face are the ones she thinks are actually capable of handling the job without making critical mistakes due to negligence."

"and your read?" he asked.

"I'd fail half of them out right now." Nicole confessed, "treatment training is brutal, I've been told by Falcons who attended classes that our methods are brutal by Clanner rules, though nobody dies in Quarantine Training-it's just supremely unpleasant.  especially when a trainee is immersed in ice-bath with alternating hallucinogens being pumped into them while on medical monitoring to simulate the experience of fighting off the virus.  It's a little like being jammed into a sense-dep tank, only a lot worse-not a spot on what it's like to be in REAL treatment...but it isn't nice, the drugs are subs for the REAL drugs we use, because those are a bitch to get and generally not very nice, including a derivative of interferon that if you aren't infected with something viral can ****** your immune system forever. we substitute that with a mix of PcP and Halo with a dialysis scrub to prevent long-term damage for training."

"that bad??"

"It's not a touch on Jump-dreams, but the fever dreams can be a true stone bastard." Nicole stated, "indescribable, and the loss of self control while you're riding the fever is horrifying. we go for 'bad trip' with the sim so they know what happens if someone gets exposed and wants to live. the Marines at Landing Point one in Grantsville on Arluna had to learn this stuff the hard way. we sent two thousand to try and restore order, four hundred from that batch survived infection, but it gave us lots of data on how it spreads, how the virus works and how to keep some patients alive instead of having everyone die." she smiled wanly, "I was in prison on Winter when that part went down. got my training after surviving."

"Everyone in your when-that is...'coast guard' gets it?"

"Only if you're either Black Water Coastguard, or volunteering for offworld." Nicole told him, "Hopefully these people will never have to use any of this-hopefully your military planners have their hats on straight and square about how to locate and remove the warheads safely, without getting caught."

a chime went off.  "you're due for your appointment on floor seven." the Wolverine doctor told her.

Nicole nodded.  "Yeah. Hope I answered enough of your questions."

"You've given me a lot to consider." he said diplomatically.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #56 on: 03 December 2019, 03:54:01 »

"Your file says you suffer from TDS, you claim that it makes you a better jump navigator..." the woman conducting the interview looked like so many from Kowloon, same features, long black hair, dainty physique that made her look almost childlike in a Wolverine officer's uniform.

"yeah, um, pardon, I still can't identify your ranks." Seether said.

"Lieutenant Valerii." her interviewer said.  "What do you see?"

Seether rolled her eyes.  "Dunno if I want to tell you about that." she said, "it's kind of...individual, visions of the past, or not-the-past, sometimes things that feel like they're cluing me in on what's happening...sometimes just brain farts.  I remember once the hallucination had me as a gunnery officer on the SLS Nevada, right during the start of the Periphery uprising, trying to tell the SLDF Captain of the boat that there is something off about that fueler. another time, I was flying an airstrike on Rimjobs in an SB-27 rolling heavy with Nape at two hundred meters altitude with a load of Napalm, snapped out of it right before the 'mech in my windscreen became part of my front-end...and once, just once, I was rescuing kids from a Rim-Worlds slave market to bring them to the belts, where they wouldn't be slaves anymore.  Commodore Vu Dao thinks they're traces of race memory-but then, I end up reliving the Winter blockade..." she shuddered, "The screams and the pleas and the prayers, only from the side of those dropships we had to fire on...and there was the whole mess we went through when the Blakists showed up, when I plotted the jump for that Fox-class corvette that picked us up, that one was...bad."


"bad." Seether stated, "Worse than the memories from Winter and Inarcs-and wouldn't you know it, we got our new boat, and it was off to the races against the Blakies. I was able to call shots over Tharkad and New Capetown before they launched them, because of that one.  everything was deja-vu, you dig? I kept the Skipper half a step ahead of them through both engagements, it was like I knew where their formation was before they did, but if you want the really scary dreams, Nikki has the worst-she also has plotted less-than-sixty second transitions with windows just about big enough for MOST of a fifty kiloton ship to slip through before the neutral point was gone. best I've ever done, was a slide into position between three assault droppers, a Baron-class and a space station in the Jupiter Trojans.  fighting insertion, nothing on Minh there. she corrected my extraction calcs while half-delirious and injured, then when we came out, she was comatose for over a month after.  she's probably the best hand at running a KF jump I've ever seen in person, probably second only to Bianh Vu Dao, who spiked the safeties on a Clanner capital ship and dropped it through a point that shouldn't have even existed. Hers are worse than Nicole's."

"enjoying your drink?" Valerii asked.

"It's good ouzo." Seether said, "kind of nice, we don't get the stuff often unless there's a humanitarian shipment from the Free Worlds. Their officers always bring the stuff with."

"We call it 'ambrosia'." Valerii corrected her, "it's a Colonial liqueur."

"It's good, whatever you call it.  You're going to need a good navigator to get into Arluna space, their net's not down in this when...wait..." Seether thought through the growing alcohlic haze.  "That's wrong, Hopper Morrison's thugs were reaching that deep.  Biggest problem will be if your team arrives at a point where they've recently raided, or the Mercs the AFFC are using for patrol are actually doing their job."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #57 on: 03 December 2019, 22:23:41 »
Camp Littlejohn induction facilty, New Circe...

Private Cam Singer's new uniform, his new role was barely broken in.  In the coming weeks, he knew roughly what he was in for.  Among the draftees, trainees, and recent recruits to the SLDF, he stood out by being smaller than average, but even if he wasn't smaller than the Wolverine civilians, he would have stood out for the blotchy, patterned skin of a Flu survivor.


"Sir!" He answered and stepped forward.

"Cameron's bones, boy, you're horrifying, I'm going to call you 'zombie', Private." the DI was more than a head taller than he was, "you prior service, Singer?"

"Kowloon Coast Guard Marine Corps, SIR."

"Where you from?"

"Inarcs, sir."

"You're prior service, I'm going to give you a try as Platoon guide. anyone in your platoon gets in trouble, causes trouble? it's on your head, how do you feel about that, Zombie?"

"I'll do it, Sir."

"Don't impale anyone, and we don't condone flogging, can you handle that?"

"Sir, I will follow regs, sir."  it wasn't much different.  He'd spent half his basic on Arluna as Platoon scribe.

"Zombie, do you know any clean cadences?"  the DI asked.

"I know a few, sir."

"Call a running cadence, we're all going to the training grounds."

it was just basic, after all, and Cam had already been through what the Marines do to trainees.

He led off with "Ears on a string", got to the third verse, and was asked to tone it down.  so he shifted to "Elbar Toothpicks (Clean version, in english)"

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #58 on: 03 December 2019, 23:01:09 »
Zombie is a bit too on the mark for a nickname.

Oh, and guy who's seen worlds die around him has a far different view of "clean" compared to most.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #59 on: 03 December 2019, 23:25:22 »
I wonder what Cylons will think if they run into a Manei Domini

