Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141309 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #210 on: 17 December 2019, 11:28:04 »
Boojum Belt, August, 3048...

"It's resources."  Bianh Vu Dao insisted, "we're cut off from normal funding, operating like bloody bounty-hunters to do our jobs, having to watch over one shoulder for LIC the whole time, and they're offering resources."

"Which is why it's suspicious." Alicia Li argued, "I'm not one hundred percent sure, but seems to me like a setup-get us to raid a military contractor's site, toss the valuable Star league technology into the sun? seems like something more likely to be a weird Lohengrin sting operation, More so because it's something nobody sane would open-a bioweapon?" she shook her head, "It doesn't line up as a clean operation.  This can bite us in a major way."

"like how?" Bianh asked.

"I don't want the Guard to wind up on a terrorist watch-list right behind Free Skye, for one." Commodore Walker interjected.  "Even IF their tip is good, the involvement of the Coast Guard in an op like that can be used against us with the central government, you already know how many times LIC's tried to infiltrate the Association of the 171st, and the Regency has been tightening the screws on our ground-side colleagues to get the service there folded into the Militia system, which would mean not only trading in boats for hovertanks, but having our people scooped up for foreign wars...but still...if it's as nasty as your source is claiming, someone has to do something about it before it gets loose."

Kat Whyte 224, the unofficial boss of the highly unofficial Organized Crime Branch, turned her head slightly, "What was your impression of these...whatcha call'em, Cylons, anyway?"

Alicia leaned back in her harness and contemplated the ceiling before speaking.

"uncanny." she said.  "The lady, miss Caprice? she's not exactly average looking.  she's got a supermodel or trophy wife build, and looks.  Leo's more 'average guy', but like the kind of actor who plays the likeable average guy in a holodrama.  They're both far too pretty, more like media icons than anything else.  Funny accents too. warbling, like maybe Portuguese or greek, not English first, and sure as hell not german."

"Maybe a Free Worlds op to hit a classified lostech project?" Kat asked.

"No...the changes I saw in the Rim collection, and going after Pirates as effectively as they're doing, doesn't fit a Free Worlder op." Alicia said, twisting to relieve a hitch in her spine.  "They're out of nowhere, and I don't like it, but I can't put my finger on why I don't like it..."

"We can always check and see how much of this is bullshit." Kat said, "Do we have any assets on Arluna?"

"Some groundside, nothing that can run an operation there." Walker said, "But we can probably get locations and photo recon done pretty easily."

"Let's do that, then, sir." Kat said, "get imagery on the site, see what our assets on Arluna can pick up in terms of scuttlebutt about the site and what's going on there.  I'll look into Rowe-McClaren's holdings and finances, see if they've picked up any mysterious income spikes that might signal a black project, and maybe get some of my friends on the exchange to turn loose with any insider-trading secrets they might know about what Rowe-McClaren are up to."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Sir Chaos

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #211 on: 17 December 2019, 11:54:26 »
*snipped for brevity*

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you do not use "You fight like a girl!" as an insult.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #212 on: 17 December 2019, 12:02:14 »
Poor Henry having to live up the Sergeant's expectations.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #213 on: 17 December 2019, 17:24:52 »
Poor Henry having to live up to Elizabeth's example!  That's about as tall an order a big brother can have...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #214 on: 17 December 2019, 19:52:21 »
AFFC Dependent's housing, Arc-Royal...three months ago.

Allison Russell-Ngo answered the door.  "Yes?"  The two Provost officers were standing there, her daughter held half-suspended off the concrete door-stoop.

"Kommandant, your daughter."  He heaved forward, and Elizabeth stumbled, still partly disoriented from the stun.

"Where did you find her?"

"It wasn't hard.  Your daughter and a pack of delinquents were vandalizing public property down-town, she put up a fight and it took several applications of sonic stunners to bring her down. Once she was down, the others fell into line." the larger officer said.

"You stunned a child??"

"My partner is having his ear sewn back on, we did a hell of a lot more than stun your...precious, missing daughter." His voice shook, "She was the ring leader and some of those Delinquents? are old enough to be drafted."

She stared at them in shock, and then, looked down at her daughter, then back up.

"They had in their possession quite a selection of illegal narcotics, your daughter tested positive for a cocktail they call 'Shred', it amps up adrenaline response, provides a mild stimulant and strong euphoria...and makes users very aggressive.  It is also addictive.  the General has recommended we bring her here, instead of booking her, and that you should put your daughter into a strict rehabilitation program for people of your social standing to prevent this...embarrassment from staining the Regiment."

"I will see to it." she said, "Thank you."

After the officers left, she glared at Elizabeth, "Kriminal, you bring shame every day. I wish I'd never had you. you're a defect, if your father were here!" 

Compared to the batons and stunners the officers used, elizabeth hardly felt the kicks.

Three weeks ago, Sofia Marsden Youth Clinic, Donegal...

"Why don't your parents visit, Lizzie?"  Penelope "Penny" Winkler-Doons was in for overdosing on a euphoric drug called Nirvana, she was one of Elizabeth's roommates.  They were the 'babies' on the floor, most of the others were at least fourteen.

"Dad's on deployment, and mom works with the Logistics corps, they're busy, I guess." Liz said semi-listlessly.  "I get letters from my brothers. Henry even sent me a picture of him sitting on his training 'mech, and Patrick says he'll visit when he gets his rotation orders cleared."

Daphne Rowe, their unofficial 'third roomie' was here simply because her parents thought she was using drugs, at fourteen she was 'the big sister' of their triad.  "Hey guys, Benny Brewer's here!"

"Who?" Penny asked.

"Benjamin Brewer, youngest grandson of Graydon Brewer, you know, the family that owns Defiance Industries?." Liz said without looking up, "golden boy, straight-A student, jock, plays gridiron and Futbol, 192 centimeters tall, blonde? cover Youth Quarterly?"  she rolled over, "I'm surprised your mom doesn't make you memorize names, Penny.  His Dad's managed to pump the stock price twenty percent over the last two decades. Him being in here is a big deal.  What's he in for, Daffy?"

"Steroids and opiates."

"No shit." Liz snorted.  "Figures. He must've really ****** the dog to get sent here for that."

"Is that a 'you're not a real junkie' tone?" Daphne asked scornfully.

"nope..." Liz rolled back over, checking her stock-tracker on the bedside table.  "Not that...Hey Penny, think the caf is open yet?"

"Sure Lizzie, what do you want?"

"um...a peanut butter sandwich and a Karma Kola, if you'll be so kind, I bet you'll see him somewhere between there, and here."

"you lazy ass." Daphne scowled, dropping into a seat next to her.  "she's not-"

"I know what you're really in here for." Liz said.  "it as pretty easy to find out, and I gotta say, I'm kind of impressed."

Daphne froze.  "What did you-what do you think you found out?"

"That you got into some of your dad's scotch, then dug up the codes for his 2735 Gieneh Roadster, and if you hadn't been bringing the scotch wouldn't have used your boyfriend's house as a replacement for brakes.  Congrats, angel, you have street cred after all." Elizabeth sat up on her elbows, "So I just gotta know, were you picking him up, or punishing him for cheating?"

Daphne looked miserable, "he dumped me for someone else. okay?"

"Ah, young love, may I never be cursed with it." Elizabeth said, "Your secret's safe with me.  it's just stuff, you didn't kill anybody and nobody got seriously hurt, but it tells me one other thing."


"Now, we have a driver when we sneak out of this place tomorrow, because you know how to drive a car."

"I'm not going to mess this up, Liz!" Daphne hissed.

"Suit yourself, me and Penny? we're gonna go hit the virch arcade in downtown, maybe see if we can sneak into a money game or try out some boss fake ID..."

The next day, Counseling office.

"Why do you do these things??"  Dr. Simeon asked, "are you trying to be thrown out?"

Elizabeth simmered.  "We didn't get caught until we were already back, all you have are suspicions."

"I don't get you, Elizabethe, you're a good student, you're a natural ringleader, maybe even a natural leader, but you keep drawing negative attention to yourself!"

"it's attention." she said, "Even if it's negative, it's better than being invisible, I can act and be in control, instead of being dragged along like luggage.  what did my tox-test show?"

"You're clean." he said.

"That's because I wasn't using drugs, I just wanted to get some fresh air."

« Last Edit: 17 December 2019, 20:03:46 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #215 on: 17 December 2019, 20:21:34 »
Poking the system because she can... that's Elizabeth all right!  ::)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #216 on: 17 December 2019, 22:33:39 »
Poking the system because she can... that's Elizabeth all right!  ::)

How early did Liz find out about her genetic timebomb?  Was this coincidence, or early self-medication/I'm going to pack in all the living I can because I'm dead by forty"?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #217 on: 17 December 2019, 23:01:34 »
IIRC, this would be right about the time she finds out.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner

Trace Coburn

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #218 on: 18 December 2019, 00:32:02 »
  ... Liz Ngo with a Cholmann’s diagnosis, the ink still drying on her accession to the Duchy of Kowloon, and a handful of picked Ngo Industries assets, very abruptly ‘repossessed’ her world from Stonecipher and Condit ‘with extreme prejudice’, as the phrase goes.  All because Kowloon needed to know it now had a Duchess who would get shit done and had no tolerance for that scale of graft or incompetence.

  Liz Ngo with a Cholmann’s diagnosis, the Duchy of Kowloon, the backing of local partisans (in the KCG), and the Cylon Republic to give real teeth to the regional militias and naval patrols?  Possibly even back her as she plays for full-scale secession for Kowloon and neighbouring systems?

  Lyran Commonwealth, gg no re
« Last Edit: 18 December 2019, 00:48:17 by Trace Coburn »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #219 on: 18 December 2019, 02:23:47 »
New Circe Shipyard, August, 3048...

She couldn't get them to build two full-scale prototypes.  What Nicole could achieve, was a half-scale model.  The field dynamics meant using a much smaller hull than the planned superjump's full-scale prototype, but this also meant building it took less time, and at least in theory, less Tyllium fuel would be required.

"Cutters were named after historical people or cities." Nicole noted, "But that's Kowloon's tradition. and this test model's more of an armed sloop."

"We didn't really have sloops until we started converting dropships with Colonial drives.  Those just kept the same names, until we started working on the Olympics."  Colonel Bennett noted.

"if this works, she'll be a training vessel and development testbed." Nicole observed. 

"You're not going to push to just build these if they work?"

"Doesn't work with your doctrine." she said, "New Circe's leadership doesn't see a lot of worth in something this small, and there's a high risk of tech duplication." she crossed her arms.  "Which would be bad, given who you're planning to fight."

The elevator stopped at Slip 13.

"You're sure you want to do this?" he asked, "you've already been through one ridiculously bad jump..."

"It wasn't bad, it bought us a do-over." she answered, "if we don't come back, you can still rely on Seether.  let's go meet our Nuggets."

she stepped off the lift.  "Welcome to the silent service, nuggets."

Nicole had deliberately chosen 'authorized uniform items' from the Blake war.  Skinsuit, with shipboots covered by a bland-colored BDU smock, her dress white cap, and a ludicrous black trench-coat.  "for the next little while, everything you know about jumpship navigation will be challenged, everything you know about starship maintenance will be strained, to the breaking point, boys and girls.  we're the guinea-pigs.  Our job is to convert theory and speculation into functional practice in the one environment that can truly test a spacer's abilities.  You all volunteered, I hope you said good-bye to your families and sweethearts, we're going on out into the darkest black, and we're not coming back until we've either proven this technology in practice, or as spirits of the dead."

She studied their faces.  They were young, more volunteers who passed testing, than she actually had slots to fill.

"you, Munchkin, you had kids yet?" Nicole asked, indicating a young woman in Colonial uniform.

"No ma'am."

"You're dismissed, take your bags and report to Dry Bay Three...for those of you who didn't read the request, Only those who either won't be able to pass their genes on at all due to disfunction, or those who've made those contributions may ship on this... Ginger-head, you got kids?"

"No ma'am, but my genes are banked, ma'am." a tough-looking redheaded young man said.

"Step through the lock."  She already knew who would answer what.  This was, as much as anything, a final chance for the ones she had already selected to back out.

She worked through the group, sending those who  didn't have offspring away.  It was how volunteers were chosen for the suicide mission to Arluna during the initial outbreak.  There were plenty of volunteers, but only those who've had children, or outright never could, were allowed in that first landing force. 

Because the mission was to be live test animals in a lethal environment that would not allow for a return home.

as she reached the end of the first rank, there was the apprehension in their eyes.  They finally got it, what boarding that ship would mean.

success, or a lonely death, and the possibility of worse than death.

She worked through all five ranks of volunteers, one hundred twenty five, and only twenty five boarded ship.

"once more into the black." she stepped through the airlock to take command of this cruise in person.

"I dub thee, Tesbed One." she said before the lock cycled.

Bennett waited for the connecting locks to cycle, then turned to his Aide de camp.  "well, that was... disturbing. Let's go to Ops and keep up watch."

Once the concourse was cleared of personnel, it depressurized and slid away.

In a flash, Testbed One was gone.

"She didn't even pull out to the jump limit?"

Bennett shook his head, "She took a shortcut to the jump-limit, remember, it's a synthesis of Colonial technology and Star League theory.  First run up she tests each individually before setting it to the linked status."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #220 on: 18 December 2019, 04:43:43 »
How does Tyllium work again?  Is it something that has to be manufactured, or mined?

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #221 on: 18 December 2019, 05:19:13 »
How does Tyllium work again?  Is it something that has to be manufactured, or mined?
Tyllium ore is mined, then refined into fuel
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #222 on: 18 December 2019, 15:00:45 »
New Circe laboratories...

"wow, you don't get it, do you?"  Riverson asked.  Dr. Baltar frowned.  "You're a genius, and you don't get it. wow."

"Get what?"  Warrant Kyle asked from his desk, where he was going over the signals specification on the Superjump prototype.

"Gravity control." Riverson said, "What it means besides deck orientation, inertial compensation, and the Colonial jump drives."

"Enlighten me."

"It's reversible." Riverson said, "it's also adjustable."

"What are you getting at?"  Kyle asked, getting up from his desk.

"He's talking about speculative-fiction ideas."  Baltar said, "Force fields."

Riverson winced, "not quite.  There's a system built into the arenas on Solaris VII called 'blue shield', it deflects energy weapons, but it's weak against kinetic and high-mass impacts...but gravity plates calibrated to push outward instead of pulling, you plate a ship with it, and back it up with a system based on blue-shield...the only problem I keep running into is structural stress and waste heat, though there's also potential for thrustless motion."

"Thrustless motion?"

"meaning instead of dumping hot exhaust products out of a nozzle, propelling by shifting a gravity gradient ahead of the ship and letting it 'fall' in the direction you want to go, reactionless motion."

Riverson was marking the equations on the whiteboard.  "our biggest hurdles are engineering and testing." he said, turning to his colleagues, "but theoretically the result could be as significant as the invention of the KF drive, aviation, or the internal combustion engine.  see, gravity control also allows some really funky things with materials."

"how...'funky'?"  Kyle asked.

"alloys with compressed molecular structures, or using grav-plate rings in fusion plants to fabricate elements for alloys, superdense metals, maybe even high-energy materials like synthetic, atomic Tyllium, or even..."

he did some more math, "Antimatter.  set it up in a vacuum, use  gravitation and magnetic fields to invert hydrogen into anti-hydrogen, then using precise gravitational gradients, wrap it in charged carbon atoms with a spherical magnetic field...of course then you have to figure out a use for it."

He pulled another whiteboard over, "like, say, as a more powerful source of energy with better energy density than hydrogen alone- the math kind of suggests you'd lose about ninety percent of your efficiency, but that's still nine hundred times more energy output per kilogram than hydrogen fusion, which is enough to power things like energy fields, superjump drives..."

"Gotta be able to build the engine first." Kyle said.

"Yeah, and that requires something we don't have."  Riverson put his marker down.  "We don't have superdense trans-uranics that are stable at room temperature, which is kinda like room-temp super conductors.  The whole thing is theoretically possible, we just don't have the ability to make that key leap yet."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #223 on: 18 December 2019, 16:44:38 »
Mission Command, 'Superjump Testbed' project...

"They'" Seether pointed to a plot on the chart.  "We're getting feed from the string of surveillance bouys, In another two weeks they'll be at the theoretical limit for a single enhanced superjump, then, we'll get data on the first integrated test with only about a week-long delay."

She crossed her arms, "Problem is, so will the Cylons."

"WHAT??" Protector Vaun's reaction was just a hair behind Admiral Adama's.

"so far they're playing it subtle, but there's a Cylon heavy recon unit following the Test Article."  Seether stated, "It's too big for a fight, but small enough not to want to fight."  she brought up a low-resolution image showing a heavy raider with an expanded hull.  "He shows up in detection range about half an hour after Nicole jumps out."

"Are they aware?"

Seether nodded, "Nikki's aware of it.  The Colonial Tech modified DRADIS detectors show a radiological warning, but the raider's keeping his distance...and it's the same one each time."

"That suggests either pre-knowledge of the flight plan, or some means of tracking the ship."  Colonel Bennett said.  Seether nodded.

"What are they doing? when they show up?"  Vaun asked.

"Dropping a satellite, doing a scan, the raider sends a lot of data right at the sensor installations.  There's chatter on the same band the Cylons use for ground commo between Centrions."

"Can it hack it?" Adama asked.

"Nothing to hack." Seether said, "We built those to be pretty hardened against magnetic pulse and burst radiation, that meant dumbing the onboard cores down to what amounts to cheap calculator levels-just enough to process an analogue signal for transmission back..."

"Tracing it right back to the start-point." and Vaun grinned, "So if they trace it back..."

"They get to explain it to the Bismarck's battlegroup thirty five light years off-axis from New Circe, yes ma'am...but I'm kinda curious what they're using to pick up and trace our jumps. there's no course-forwarding on the arrays..."

"what was it Chloe said, at the summit?  Raiders are 'chatterboxes'?" Vaun urged.

"This heavy raider that's following them, it's trying to talk to the relays..." Seether frowned, "We need a Radioman up here, but Riverson's on assignment..."

"Biers is free."

"A skinjob talking to a cylon, is that a good idea?"  Seether asked, causing Athena to stiffen before suppressing an angry retort.

Adama caught it though.  "yes..and skinjob is...I thought you were better than that, Leutenant Commander Sithers."  the reprimand in his tone was gentle, which made it harsher.

"Apologies, at least she's not a Heinie.  Dvorak, contact Nike and politely request the loan of Comms officer D'Anna Biers please, preferably before I stick my foot in my mouth all the way to my hip."

Vaun frowned, "Heinie?"

"Perjorative for non-Kowloonese Lyrans, or immigrant Lyrans, shortened from 'Heinrich'.  There are Heinies, Dracs, Cappies, Pierres, Terries, Dirtyfeet, Tinspawn-"

"We get the picture.  my goodness you're profane, commander Sithers."

Seether turned back to the data streams coming from the surveillance drones.  "I used to be worse, and you never met the ChEng from our Terran adventure, everyone who wasn't a jew was goyim. except for Blakists, they were Trayf."


"Unclean." Seether said, "Which isn't technically true on a strict scale, but the Blakists were pretty damned bad people."

« Last Edit: 18 December 2019, 16:46:43 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #224 on: 18 December 2019, 17:18:55 »
Test Article 1, 830 LY from New Circe...

Nicole sat in an observer couch, while Nav officer trainee Katrin Holopoulous, formerly an engineering rate on the Pegasus began calculating the next KF jump.  the Gemenese girl was nervous, and it showed.

Not the best one here.   The girl struggled with the final calculations, a mode usually done by computers on both Star League and Colonial ships, but Nicole's training methods emphasized learning to do it by hand.

Belter style.

it was difficult not to step in and just give them the jump solutions.  she distracted herself.  "Ops, what's the status on our trailer?"

"He's hanging back at one AU from the beacon, Captain."  Jordan Hallis, a New Circe boy with Marine enhancements and a keen mind, replied.

"Good enough.  No hostile moves?"

"none Captain."

"Alright, furl sail and prepare for KF jump, miss Holopoulous, you have the conn, take us out."


Nicole recovered from the jump-dream, wiping a sheen of sweat from her face with a towel.  "Navigation, get our position fix, Operations, deploy marker bouy and escort craft, Deploy sail and begin drive charging. by the numbers people, I want us ready to go in forty eight hours or less."

"Captain, there's an M-class planet in this system and it's radiating."

"****** me running.  Radioman, report back to New Circe, we've found a possible ETI situation.  CAG, I want a boat out the hatch with recievers and sensors, shift to EMCON protocol Zulu, and when you've finished fixing our position, Miss Holopoulous, get my telescopes looking at that planet for signs of civilization, we're going to send pretty pictures back to the bosses."

"Aye mum."

« Last Edit: 18 December 2019, 17:47:10 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #225 on: 18 December 2019, 17:57:59 »
New Circe control...

Ensign D'Anna Biers stepped off the elevator, and almost ran back in.  Admiral Adama, half a dozen Colonial marines, were clustered around the room.

"Ensign, good to see you're available."  Commander Sithers said, "Let's see how well Riverson's trained you."

"What do you need?"

"Well, your butt in this chair for one, your eyeballs pointed at this screen, and maybe your ears on a headset, it's a decryption and analysis job." Seether stated, "Tick tock, Ensign."

"Aye ma'am." she hurried past the colonials, only relaxing once her thoughts processed that most of the people in the control room were Wolverine personnel, and that they were armed.

D'anna studied the decompiled signals.  "It's a Cylon code." she said..."hailing, request information.  this one is a recognition signal, followed by more hailing attempts."  she looked up.  "It's trying to talk to someone, there are expressions of frustration because nobody is speaking back."

"No viruses?" Sithers asked.

"No...there are heuristic elements, but that's normal for inter-series wireless communications, as are the adaptive subroutines...ever since..."

"since what?"

"Since we started making bioform cylons like the advanced raider models." she said, and then, "it's...lonely."

Seether brought up the image.  "Do you recognize this type? what is it?"

"I...I have never seen that model before."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #226 on: 18 December 2019, 18:09:45 »
Test Article One...

"How long before we can get a reply?"  Garrett, the young officer Nicole called 'ginger head', asked over a tight-beam radio link.

"About a week, until then, we're on our own hook out here."  Nicole stated.  "What have you got for me?"

"A few artificial lights on the night-side, no movement though.  Day side shows the patterns of settlement.  The debris ring around the planet is definitely artificial.  I'm seeing a lot of solar panel arrays, looks like it hasn't been maintained for a long time.  There are mass-drivers and missile launchers on some of the bigger ones...and they're pointed at the ground, but no active signals from the planet, your 'radiation' is just that, probably from the craters."


"Yeah. someone nuked the shit out of this place. I wouldn't suggest landing without NBC gear, or going back up without a full decon rig."

"How long do you estimate?" Nicole asked, "Using your best guess?"

"Well, the ash content's pretty high in the atmosphere, but based on the destruction ground-side, I'd speculate forty, forty five years ago at the closest? I can't be clearer without getting samples analyzed, and we don't really have the gear aboard, we'd have to take readings and send them back to New Circe control."

she relaxed.  "Well, that means they aren't going to come out here demanding to know what the ****** we're doing in their space-at least, not immediately.  Bring it into the barn, Ginger, we're going to do some survey and surveillance practice while we wait for New Circe to tell us what to do."

"Aye Ma'am, Shuttle 1-1 bringing it back to the barn, over."

Nicole straightened her coat, fluffed her hair and turned to the duty crew on the bridge, and in her very best holovid Lyran accent, she announced, "ZO!! Who'z Rready to do zum Zience!!?"

" that supposed to be funny, ma'am?"
« Last Edit: 18 December 2019, 18:14:55 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #227 on: 18 December 2019, 18:28:18 »
New Circe control, 8 hours later...

 Protector Vaun had already left, and Adama had been replaced by Felix Gaeta, who was working reluctantly with Biers on a full decryption of the mystery Cylon's signals, and their possible meaning.

Seether hadn't taken an off-shift, she was up here, like a mother hen.

"You're having an idea." Colonel Bennett observed.

"Yeah. I am."  Seether acknowledged.  "I think we're missing something obvious as a supergiant's gravity well..."

"Because Biers didn't recognize our stalker?"

she nodded, "The hull looked old. pitted." she said, "not shiny or new,at least with the resolution we're getting off the sats.  Cylon ships always present as...not old."

"What do you want to do?"

"you'll think I'm crazy." Seether said.

"I already think you're crazy, you aren't risking anything by saying what's on your mind."

"We're asking the wrong Cylons."  Nicole stated.  "Can you get Tigh released to have a look at this? he's...military. He might have insights into theirs."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #228 on: 18 December 2019, 18:46:51 »
Test Article 1...

"who's been to a disaster site?"  Nicole asked,  "NBC protocols, who's actually had to do them?"

the crew, aside from duty shifts on the command deck and in engineering, were gathered here on the Boat deck.

a few hesitant hands were raised.

"Right, Johnson, Moorey, Karlan, you're with me, we're going to the surface to take samples." she said.  "McEvedy, you're in command here until I get back. congratulations on your field promotion to executive officer."

"ma'am, is that wise-"

Nicole shook her head, "it is most unwise, however, we're out here doing science, this is potentially a first contact situation."

"How do you figure that?"

"Cats, rats, and cockroaches, mister Ebon." she said, "worlds savaged by the multiuse of WMD's often still had survivors, and there were always cats, rats and cockroaches.  Salvagers would often find useful data that were missed by formal recovery teams."

It took several hours to get into position and verify the orbital weapons were dead.

"We need to find out what happened, who they were, and if there are more of them." Nicole added.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #229 on: 18 December 2019, 19:48:17 »
You know, for a moment there, I had this odd sense of déjà vu...
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #230 on: 18 December 2019, 21:31:44 »
Nha Tranh, Kowloon...

Her Identicard said "Kristiana Hoffenbakker" and listed her homeworld as New Capetown.  Three found the spaceport to be desolate, almost, but not quite, as bad as the ports of every Periphery holding they'd visited.

Scars from bandit attacks were half-repaired, the facilities had stubs of upgrades that had been ripped, sometimes brutally, out sometime in the past.

Battlemechs, she knew what they are now, patrolled nearby.  as she walked across sun-baked ferrocrete to the terminal, everything she could see, suggested a world tottering on the edge of something awful.

Signs in German and english decorated the lobby of the terminal, but she heard a pastiche of other languages as she walked through the passenger processing area.  An AFFC soldier in riot uniform stood behind the somewhat bored-looking bureaucrat at the counter.

"Welcome to Kowloon Miss Hoffenbaker, what is the purpose of your visit?" the man asked.

"I'm here on business." Kristiana said, "is there somewhere I may rent a vehicle?"

He reviewed her identicard for a few moments longer than he really needed to, until she reluctantly drew out a 100 c-bill note and crassly passed it across. "Yes, there's a rental office by baggage claim.  Enjoy your stay." he handed her card back. 

The corruption wasn't even being hidden.

It made her feel vaguely sick, the way that her sister's cover identity  as a Journalist had felt sickened horror at the abuses of the Adar regime on Ares.

There were things missing she'd grown accustomed to seeing in the liberated zones of the Cylon Republic's sphere.  Computers, for one.  at the rental office, there was a signing ledger, and a nervous looking woman at the counter.  The woman didn't prompt for a bribe, she simply and humbly referred to a display sign with rates, models, and pricing.

Kristiana signed the ledger, and paid in Kroner, the back of her mind noting that the rental woman looked remarkably underfed compared to the man who'd taken a 100 C-bill bribe.

"Are those your children?" Kristiana asked, peeking over the counter at the woman's personal things next to the register.

"Yes." the woman said, and she could see light kindle in the woman's eyes.

"Handsome children." Kristiana slipped an additional amount into her payment envelope, and in a low, conspiratorial tone, "it's a tip."

The woman slipped the tip  into a pocket of her long skirt.  The pass wasn't half-bad.  "use the Best Western on Lanterns, not the Federated Marriott." the woman mumbled just loudly enough for Kristiana to hear, "If you don't want to be stolen from."

"Thank you, and god bless you." she needs it.

The car she rented, was in good condition.  Three had discovered the joy of driving in the Rim Collection...but the roads here were nearly as bad.

Soldiers and Mercenaries were visible at every intersection, and traffic crawled through checkpoints manned by riot-equipped soldiers who spoke English, and sometimes French, while the civilians as she moved through the city, spoke their own language in hushed tones.

She remembered the Colonies, Ares especially.  this place is simmering. Graffiti at the edge of vision in alleyways showed a gold and red pattern, or leaping killer whales. Symbols of a lost independence.

Little vestiges were visible all the way to the Street of Lanterns.  a few planetary flags, minus the new Federated Commonwealth symbol that had been stamped to the ones at the spaceport, flew from apartment windows.

She found the Best Western, it was a smaller facility than the Federated Marriott right across the street, the two buildings sharing a single parking structure that ran under the street to exit on each side.

Parking validation in hand, she entered the hotel.

The lobby was worn-looking, and the staff's uniforms threadbare.  on the walls, were paintings.  It was immediately apparent why things were so run-down.  The signage was in  Viet.  Kristiana knew the language after studying it in preparation for her mission.

By negotiating in Vietnamese, she was able to get her room for around twenty percent less than the pricing listed in the german on the board behind the counter-girl, as well as getting recommendations on where to have dinner.

a Human bellhop carried her bag for her, from the Concierge's desk up a flight of stairs to her floor. 

The room was neat, clean, orderly, and after a scan, she was certain it was not bugged.

She set up a Nashan Model 191 camera on a tripod, sat down in the wickerwork chair in front of the room's window, and hit the remote, "This is Kristiana Hoffenbakker on assignment here on Kowloon, free correspondent for Coventry Broadcasting Service, reporting from Nha Tranh, Kowloon..."

after all, what is a cover if you don't act like it?
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #231 on: 18 December 2019, 21:47:51 »
New Circe Control center...

It took days to get Colonel Tigh through the various hoops and red-tape that delivered him to Seether's command deck.  Getting the man released from Colonial custody, getting his travel visa into the rest of New Circe, and then, getting him up here, there had been people fighting it the whole way.

it basically took asking Colonel Ebon for a favor, so now, Saul Tigh wore a Wolverine uniform and a bondcord.

but he was here.

"Good evening Colonel Tigh." Seether greeted the man with a salute, that Tigh reluctantly returned.

"I want you to have a look at something...and keep in mind, sir, it took a lot of arguing to get you in here."

He looked at the image of the mystery Cylon first.  "It's a Cylon ship." he grated.

"yeah. You know the model?"

he looked pensive. "It's familiar..."

"Commander, we're getting a transmission from Testbed One, it's...Ma'am, you really need to see this."

"Be right back Colonel, Biers, show him the code that Cylon ship's been transmitting."

Seether hurried over to the primary monitoring station.

at a distance, the planet looked like any of the thousands of blue marbles mankind settled on.   The data on the side, taken by Testbed One's instruments, showed how hostile the place still was.

"huh...that's funny." Seether muttered.

but, behind her, she heard a gasp a little too close, and almost smacked into Tigh's face just turning around.

"That...that's earth." he said.

"Earth's a thousand lightyears the wrong way, Colone-"

"Not your earth!" He barked, "it's Ours...oh god." tears welled up in his eyes, tears of memory, and of loss.  "Two thousand years...gone, why-how??"

"I think we need to talk, Colonel.  What has my spouse gotten herself into?"  Seether demanded.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #232 on: 18 December 2019, 22:14:42 »
Landing Party, Cylon Earth, North landmass...

The 'cleared field' was overgrown pavement, more like a parking lot, made of something like Ferrocrete, but tougher, it had taken a lot longer than forty years to weather to this degree.

Nicole shouldered a 960 that had been lightened for use by support personnel, the rest of the landing party carried similar weapons, just in case large wildlife even existed here.

The radiation levels were on the high end of tolerable, roughly equivalent of 500 medical x-rays.  easily blocked by the environment suits as long as nobody unzipped.

"Well, the structures were here." she observed.  "This is a lot more than forty or fifty years worth. they must've been using some damn dirty bombs."

pokng at the edges of the clearing revealed the remains of building foundations.  "maybe a settlement?" someone asked.

"Maybe...maybe but my guess is an airfield." Nicole said, stepping over a broken wall after testig with a survey-post, "or maybe an airport, big clear area for landings, buildings along one perimeter..."

Her stake dropped suddenly, revealing the concealed entry to a hole, a bit of poking and digging revealed it to be a stairwell down.

"Weather patterns and water content says this planet has a normal water-cycle, and we're on the sea-side." Nicole noted, "So...where's the water collecting? or the drain?"

The others followed her down the stairs, into the darkness lit only by helmet lights.

a jumble near a rust stain..."there used to be doors here..Oh, here." she lifted her boot, revealing corroded metal on the floor, "Fell in."  she walked deeper in, driven by a curious need to know.

Proportioned for humans. 

plastic and metal in tangles, with something powdery...she knelt.

the doll was human, made of plastic, and barely molded.  but human.

she stirred the other materials, revealing a skull.  Her light showed more heaps of debris, and in the far distance, fifty meters, the edge of the light's range, a rail car sat, doors yawning open.

"oh jesus..." someone said over the channel, "I think some of this's  people."

"it was." Nicole said flatly.  She remembered visiting the ruins of Ciudad Oxford with the recovery crews.

"take images, store them for transmission.  Bag the doll and anything that might have lettering or writing on it."

she examined the rusting hulk of mass-transit.  monorail, the glass had collapsed, the body was rusted, but rust didn't make those holes.

she climbed inside gingerly, revealing rust-resistant steels and plastic seats swollen from condensation...and bodies.

she left it.

"Let's go back up. I think we have everything we came for."

"We do?"

"We do.  The writing is the same language as the Colonies.  We found their 'thirteenth tribe', this is going to generate one hell of a shit-storm."
« Last Edit: 18 December 2019, 22:16:47 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #233 on: 18 December 2019, 22:37:58 »
Shot storm indeed!  :o


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #234 on: 18 December 2019, 23:45:41 »
Vin Drin Lap city, mid-southern Kowloon...

Kristiana had been here for two weeks, the portable cameras and commentary bits, her asking constant questions, and the in-the-street interviews cementing her appearance as an off-world reporter.

This, in turn, was making the 'official' Militia subtly hostile to her presence, though still in a 'hands off' manner befitting the political dangers of crudely disappearing a reporter whose background checks already showed her to be from a major broadcast publication.

There was a clear division here.  She could see it.  a visit to the Ngo industries corporate offices netted her interview time with the local administrating executive, an offworlder whose office held a picture of Hans Davion and Melissa Steiner-Davion in a prominent position, with little to no indication of the firm's actual owners.

he even allowed her access to the production floor, and she noted Militia uniforms at the doors, and rather more firearms present than really should be.

"Can you tell me about the need for enhanced security?" she asked.

"Kowloon is on the edge of the Commonwealth, Kristiana." he said with an oily smile, "We have to protect the equipment-much of it is irreplaceable, as this world is often hassled by Pirate forces.  the last attack was just two weeks ago."

oh really?

"What are the most threatening Pirate forces?" she asked.

"well, Morrison's Extractors, of course, but also Henrik Grimm's band." he explained.

except we've already disposed of Morrison's group, months ago..."When was the last time the Extractors hit Kowloon?"

He looked up, "that was our last attack. It did quite a bit of damage, but the Militia, and of course, our enhanced security drove them off..."

liar! "Oh, my, were there any casualties?" she asked innocently.

"Well, of course battles involving battlemechs are quite messy... there were several members of the local night-shift staff that were unfortunately killed." Kristiana's skin tingled with revulsion at his tone.

a few minutes later, she managed to find one of the line workers alone, and at his insistence, she turned off the cameras to get him to talk.

"They killed a couple of the union organizers and the night-shift supervisor, but it wasn't Morrison." he told her.  "Unless he's getting help from the city garrison. They loaded up some of the machinery we were working on for Coventry Metal Works, we're on overtime now to make up that..but they had inside knowledge.  They went right for what they were after. now I gotta get back to work.  tell them, we're working twelve hour shifts and bein' paid for eight."

"why are you tolerating that?"

"you don't know-since Old man Ngo died and his son set this man Condit in charge, there's no jobs. Man's got to feed his family and this is pretty much it fo' that."

She thanked him, and let the worker go.

That was a week ago, before the Militia's patrols started showing up everywhere she went.

This morning, she walked into the Coast Guard base at Vin Drin Lap, where volunteers from the city were gathering with reserves to head north-to deal with a massive wildfire system threatening the city of Hue nearly 200 kilometers up river.

"you here to volunteer?" in vietnamese.

"No...I'm with the media, who do i speak to-"

"Commander's out on the dock, miss...can I see your credentials?" the young man in blue asked.  She showed him her identicard and press ident. "Oy, you need to head down the service road and turn right, you can't miss the cutters they're getting ready to send up north."

"Thank you...mister..."

"Petty Officer Brin Vao, ma'am." he said, "you need a spelling on that?"

"I've got it on vid, I'm a broadcaster."

"AH, gotcha.  be careful, if you see red and gold lights, pull over, it means a rush fueler is coming down the road behind you an' those ain' got the best brakes ever devised by man."

"I'll be careful." She got back into her rental, and drove through the gates.

The flags in front of the headquarters building included the Federated Commonwealth flag, but just below it was the Planetary ensign and on a smaller pole next to it, a brown field with a leaping Killer Whale superimposed over an I and a V.

the place was a swarm, but it was clearly understaffed.  Everyone was just really really busy.

"...tell Chao I need those earthmovers on the barge yesterday!"

The man in charge was clear enough, a gray-haired asiatic man with silver clusters on the collar of his blue workshirt-uniform. he looked up as she got closer.

"ah! Miss...Hoffenbakker, I was told you were here to cover the fire? It's been a while since we've gotten press coverage down here, and it's usually local...never had offworld coverage before.  I'm Commander Linh, this is the chaos room." He was at ease.  She noted the 'holotable' wasn't a table, it wasn't holographic. a model of the zone in question was set up, with little models marked by flags.  On the walls over it, video feeds showed the actual fire, and the actual firefighting.

but she could easily see that a holotable was supposed to be here, as the plywood was on top of a gutted set of fittings.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #235 on: 19 December 2019, 04:31:07 »
She's going to get an earful, I'm sure!

And it seems spell check foiled my last post...  ???


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #236 on: 19 December 2019, 09:45:35 »
Cylon Earth system...

"We're not going down there again." Nicole announced, "Mod one of the drop beacons to broadcast a quarantine warning."

"is that really necessary?"  Holopoulous asked.

"Yeah. it is." she said, "it's not something that we can keep secret, but that planet is a grave site, and the isotopes they doped their bombs with are the stuff of nightmares."

"I...I don't understand."

"What do you really know about your Thirteenth tribe? Legendry, I mean? did you ever think it was funny that they went as far as they physically could from the rest of your ancestors?"

"You speak as if the Star League are not the thirteenth tribe-"

"That's Their earth down there." Nicole stated savagely, "They blew themselves up a long, long time ago.  Your fleet was going the wrong direction...or the right one, since you were looking for real, live people who hadn't blown themselves to the afterlife with salted nukes and persistent chemical agents."  she tossed the plastic baggie containing the plastic doll on the table in front of the navigation cadet.  "that's it, just stuff that doesn't degrade naturally and doesn't break down under radiation.  everything else down there that's even remotely human...or cylon-all of it's dead and been dead for a long, long time.  The damage is so bad the place won't be habitable for generations even now.  it's actually worse than what they did to New Dallas during the first succession war, or what the Blakies did at Odessa."

she dropped into the command couch, and pulled a cigarette out of a pocket-holder, striking the tip to trigger the heating element, before taking a deep draw, "Least we can do, is put up a grave-marker...and that's the most anyone can do for the people who lived there.  McEvedy, rig the beacon and then proceed to the system's jump-limit at one quarter speed." she got up, "I'll be in the Captain's Sea Cabin, drafting the final survey report."

"Aye mum."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #237 on: 19 December 2019, 11:04:31 »
Ia Drang Plateau, Kowloon...

nearly two kilometers above the rest of the continent, covered in wheat and barley fields, orchards, and farms, it's practically a different world up here, a giant Mesa nearly a thousand kilometers across, with a massive canyon system, the Ia Drang Plateau.

Kristiana stood on the edge, looking down at the tropical northern rainforests north of Hue, from above much of the cloud cover.   There are three ways people come to the Plateau, the first, is by Highway One, running through the former Rim Worlds administrative capital in that city.  The second, was by air, which is how Kristiana got here.  The third way, is to come up the coast road from Dalat on the coast of the Western Sea.

"We're pretty isolated up here, Miss."  The flight had been in a single-engine biplane out of Bienh Hoa at the confluence of the Little Yangtze and the inland sea known locally as Golden Lake.

"The view is spectacular." she said, turning from the edge to face her host.

"it's alright." he answered, "it's better in the dry season, you can almost see all the way to Nha Tranh from this spot.  This is probably the best land on the planet for Winter Wheat and Barley, we grow some apples up here too, and of course, other earthlife foods, Ia Drang is the breadbasket for the entire continent-though the Ranchers down south in the Temperate zones would argue that."

"I'm told this is also a center of faith." she said, leading into the interview.

"Well, there's the LDS, or Saints, or Ell-Dees, which the rest of the galaxy calls Mormons, they're pretty big up here, same for the Kahanist Yisroel congregations, and of course, your vanilla protestant christians.  about the only groups you won't find up here, are Muslims or Comstar, one of those because of some bad blood going back a few millenia, and the other because they kind of know to stick to their compound on the East Coast."

"But don't Jews, Muslims and Christians all believe in the same god?" she asked.

"Yeah, but they all have different interpretations of what God wants."  Blakeman replied, "My family, most of them, are LDS, which is a variant of Christianity that isn't real popular in the rest of the galaxy and was wiped out to a man by McKenna's takeover on old Earth.  You might say that Kowloon's a bastion of peoples ev'ryone else wanted gone a long time ago, and you wouldn't be wrong.  The first settlers here were anticommunists from Asia and a selection of 'problematic' religious groups that were being actively suppressed back on old earth, including zionist jews, 'conservative' christians-whatever that was defined as, and various stripes of radicals that didn't fit into, or want to fit into, the Terran monoculture that was dominant under the Terran Alliance and then Terran hegemony.  Made our ancestors real unpopular types, not replacing god with the State and all...and we weren't any more popular with the Rim worlders."

"The rim-worlders?"

"House Amaris, the Rim Worlds Republic.  They spent over a decade fighting to conquer us, had to get Terrie tech and terrie help doing it, then spent the next two hundred years trying to wipe out our various cultures and languages."  He folded his arms and looked out across the landscape below, "Hardened us, is all it did. Even when they got their buddies to orbitally bombard the old capital-if you look southwest, you can see the scar down there, where Dinh Diep used to be. Funny thing, that..."


"Yeah, the rimjobs spent two centuries trying to make us conform, and we only got independence for a little over a decade from them, before the Lyrans hit us with something we couldn't fight and rolled us right in."  he said.

"What did they 'hit' you with?"

"Trade deals." He said.  "Kerensky bailed on the Inner Sphere, you know that from your history books, the Lyrans faced very little opposition scooping up the disorganized remains of the Rim Worlds Republic...but see, Kowloon here? they didn't have to fire a shot.  Instead, they threatened a trade embargo that would've forced Marjie Ngo into either letting the economy die, or open trade with the ****** rimjobs.  That trade would've given those mother ****** a lever on us just as we'd finally broken their yoke, but the Lyrans, at least, wouldn't try to destroy our churches or suppress our she took the gamble."

she walked with him past the biplane and up a gravel-paved path to the farmhouse.  "Do you feel it was a bad deal?" she asked.

"Not really.  It's becoming one, but there's always been a cycle of that, no government is perfect, but some governments are less imperfect than others. if you don't learn what to compromise on, you end up forced to take the worst without the good."  He stopped at a concrete cap nearly four meters wide, "This was once a missile base-back in our first independence, before the Rim Worlders came.  They had the resources of MANY worlds, we had only our we lost, and endured pogroms, and occupation for centuries because of it."

"you say it's 'becoming' a bad deal, can you explain what has changed?"

"While the old duke was alive, Kowloon had a voice." he said, "Not the strongest voice, and sure, the old man spent his time in prison under Alessandro, but they didn't interfere too deep in how we did our own business, they left us our institutions and traditions.  The current Duke is an absentee landlord, and the Guv'nor he's got, this Regent, Stonecipher, the man's from Broken Wheel, out on the Feddie side, sent here because he was making trouble but too decorated a soldier to just, see, the folks out on the Broken Wheel side, they hate anyone who me." he indicated his face, "Asians, right? because they're always fightin' the Cappellan Confederation, which is largely descended from China's overflowing commie hordes.  He sees a man like me, he sees the enemy he's been fighting his whole life, and now he's been put in charge of a whole planet full of them."

"How did this happen to you?" Kristiana asked.

"Hans marries Melissa, now he's got to do something about reducing his cousin's powerbase, noble politics.  So, he's got troublemakers he needs to shuffle away, but he can't just have 'em killed outright because they're not actually doing anything wrong besides being aligned with the wrong guy or wrong cause.  Insert a 'temporary' assignment to cover for a Noble who's actually loyal and wants to make soldiering a career, and you get to send the troublemaker far, far away from where he can actually make that trouble, while covering a loyal man.  Common folks have no say in this, it's Feudal Lord business so far as the Guv'mint is concerned, and in this case, it's a solid officer with a proud history of bandit hunting going to an area where there are frequent bandit raids.  at the level of a First Prince or Archon, it's win-win...only it ain't."

"Because he came with all of his prejudices?"

"That's a big part of it, there's also the big part of wanting to run things how things are run where he's from...and maybe a bit of his sterling reputation maybe wasn't so honestly earned, maybe he got a lot of those wins against bandits by making arrangements and fluffing reports, only see, Kowloon isn't that important in the eyes of a warrior prince.  We're not a major academy world, we don't build large formations of deployable battlemechs, we're not positioned on the border with another Great House to fight.  We have two exports-one is industrial tooling, but that's right down into those niggling details that aren't sexy enough for a warrior king who really isn't that great shakes when it comes to economics of war.  as long as the 'mech factories churn out enough battlemechs, he's not the man asking where the machines the workers are using to build 'em come from, so long as they stay working."

"And the other export?"

"talent.  Kids here, they enlist.  The Lyran Draft board doesn't have to send out the letters, because our best kids line up, it's cultural pride, to an extent, but they also don't stay, they do their mandatory five and come home.  meaning that we've got a deep tradition with the lowest ranks in the armies of the Commonwealth, but it doesn't reach up to the Regimental level, and it's in the least glamorous side of the service most of the time.  I lost my oldest son in the Combine in the fourth war, and my youngest son died in the war of '39, both infantry like their old man, my daughter finished her tour four years ago, and came home, she's got a shop in Ia Drang city, one of the best noodle places in the city."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #238 on: 19 December 2019, 13:43:23 »
Testbed One...

"our shadow's actually here before we left this time."  McEvedy reported.  Nicole leaned on the back of his couch, watching the sensor returns.

"that's him alright." she said.

"He's going for the beacon."

"Yup."  Nicole studied the course the cylon she'd nicknamed 'shadow' was taking.  "How long on that drive charge, Cheng?"


"Chief Engineer. short form, Cheng." she said, "Sorry, old habits."

Cadet Nikishina's voice on the intercom answered, "We're still at sixty percent charge, Captain."

"Shift to trickle charge off the fusion engines, Helm, pull in the sails, all hands to action stations, condition Yellow, ready weapons and maneuver drives, but maintain weapons hold at high alert." she draped her other arm on the back of the command couch, "Let's see what he does..."

"He's a cylon, Ma'am."

"A cylon who's been matching us one step behind for six hundred light years."  Nicole rejoined, "I am absolutely curious about what he's going to do if we don't run-will he try to attack? will he run away once he spots us? will he call in reinforcements? will he try to initiate contact?"

"Why would he do that?"  Holopoulous asked.

"Look at his hull. corroded at the hatches, enough we can see it on the cams, this boy's been out here a long time without basic maintenance, suggest something to you?"

"He's a slob?"  Havar, a Saggitaron recruit who used to work maintenance on the Pegasus, suggested.

"nope." Nicole said, "Try again, use your brains this time, imagine that's not a Cylon. what does corrosion around an airlock mean?"

"ah...leaky seals, moisture and oxygen enough to rust-OH..."

"yeah. means he's been out here a very long time, without basic maintenance, I imagine from the patina outlining his hatches and access panels, he's either been in a wet environment for a short time, or out here with a slow leak for a long, long time."

"It would take centuries." Nikishina said from the access door, coming up to be ready at the DC panel.

"Right." Nicole nodded.  "The first Cylon war was less than seventy years ago.  not enough time for a model that looks like that to end up looking like that...unless somebody parked it in a hydrogen sulfide atmosphere, and the patterning is all wrong for that."

"He's broadcasting."

"Isolate the frequency and..." she listened, "one, two, three, five, seven, eleven, thirteen, seventeen...he's sending prime numbers at us."

"What should I do?"

"Send 'em back." Nicole instructed, "then send him 'we come in peace' in English, followed by Colonial common language, because we're really not here to pick a fight."

"Why don't we just...waste the toaster?"

"Because that toaster probably had nothing to do with killing your homeland or families, and we're professional officers now." Nicole admonished, "Means we don't kill bystanders except by mistake.  He makes no overtly hostile moves, we don't shoot him unless it's mission critical, remember, we don't have a lot of ammo packed, we can't afford to waste it on non-combatant parties."

"But the planet-"

"There's no guarantee it was the Toasters that toasted that planet, it could just as handily been human beings." Nicole snarled, "I've seen what people can do...what they can do with diseased minds and too much firepower, evil lives in all of us, not just the machines.  If it were otherwise, no one would ever sin or commit atrocities. we wouldn't need laws and law enforcement, or even armies, if humans weren't capable of some outright batshit insane acts of horror and evil."

Holopoulous looked frustrated, but Havar, former Gunner's mate on the Pegasus and then former maintenance tech, looked ashamed, and took his hands off the firing controls.

"I didn't say leave your station, Cadet, he could be hostile after all, and I'm not an idiot." Nicole used a commanding tone.   "If people didn't do evil, they would never need forgiveness-only a sinner needs to be forgiven, and it's only forgiveness if you don't deserve it."

"He's transmitting's an alphabet."

"Return text transmission, ours and theirs, side-by-side comparison, add audio-file 'Rosetta stone template'." Nicole ordered.

it took the cadet at the comm station a moment to find the file, "Should I send on a playback loop?" he asked.

"Yeah, their format might be funky, but I bet he can hear, and we've got his font formats already."

and then, the speaker humm changed.

"I..I den-ti-fy your self, mis-sion, rea-s-son to coming here this place."

"This is the Clan Wolverine vessel Testbed One, we are on a mission of scientific investigation from the world of New Circe.  Please identify yourself and state your purpose." Holopoulous might have hungered to kill the Cylon, but she managed to sound friendly and inviting over the audio channel.

Nicole was pleased.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • *
  • Posts: 10764
Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #239 on: 19 December 2019, 16:06:43 »
New Saigon, North Coast, southern continental landmass, Kowloon...

Kristiana's contact met her at a bar on the south docks.  Red turned out to be a younger woman, with her hair cut to about a finger's width and dyed bright, arterial-blood red.

"So you're the leader of..?"

"I'm the leader of the New Saigon Public Safety Association." Red told her, "And I don't mind saying so on camera."

"How did this...public safety association start?"

"It started with the police don't come down here except in squad strength with 'mechs." Red told her succinctly, "and the only time they come, is to bash heads, without much bother for which heads to bash, so long as whatever protest it is they're 'riot policing' breaks up. Meanwhile, people who actually live  here, they still have to face the reality that when the police are so militarized that they're part of the army, the public becomes their main enemy-of-choice, and criminals end up ruling the street."

"'re a vigilante?"


"you didn't hesitate."

"My crue keeps the streets safe, we keep the narco-dealers out, we deal with pedophiles and perverts and the sorts of folks who really need to be nailed up on a telephone pole.  The police don't care so long as the trash we deal with doesn't come from off-world.  When it does, I show the Magistrate this-" she pulled out a leatherette bound identicard.

"What is that, for my viewers?"

"Bounty Hunting license..." she flipped the window up, "Private Security Contractor license, with an MRBC rating.  I could go to Outreach tomorrow and my crue would have work by the end of the week."

"but you stay here?"

"We stay here, formally my rates are paid by the local businesses.  This restaraunt, for example, is owned by my older sister, and they pay my firm a retainer to keep lowlifes in check.  most of the places within ten kilometers of the waterfront, do the same-and when they can't pay, I often take trade in goods or favors."

"What sort of favors?"

Red shrugged, "information, introductions, shelter from time to time.  We wouldn't have to do this, if the Regent hadn't militarized the Police using that sorry excuse of the Emergency Declaration, then put his lickspittles in charge instead of actual cops, but if wishes were fish, no one would go hungry."

"What sort of laws won't you touch?"

"Stupid ones." Red said, "we don't ask for a cut or care if you're gambling, and new Saigon has the safest streets for prostitutes of anywhere on the planet, because we don't allow pimps to take the girls' wages-that's self-interest there, I've had to work the trade myself when regular work gets thin. It's degrading, but it beats being homeless or hungry...and sometimes it gets me close to a target for justice.  a 'gentleman' from Dustball was trying to set up a crue here, criminal, you diggit?  got him in a compromised state, sent him home in a series of packages with a note to the Giovanni family to stay the hell off Kowloon.  after we sent their hitters back in the same shape, the lesson was learned-we don't want offworlder organized crime here, we have enough with the disorganized criminals, please and thank-you."

"You're not concerned about this getting out?"

"nah, not really.  for Stoney to get rid of us, he'd have to actually put real police to work, as opposed to glorified riot units.  The trade off is very simple; we keep the streets safe and clean, he gets to march his paper soldiers around and feel like he's still a marcher lord in the FedSuns.  it's the trade off he made when he dissolved the Assembly and decreed the end of the Coast Guards, who were the only real competition firms like mine had on-planet."

"What about off-planet?" Kristiana asked.

"i wouldn't give you a fart's chance in a burning furnace against the Coasties out in the belts-they're paid for by the resident families out there, and while I'm sure Stoney-boy would love to put them out of business, he can't afford to lose the lucrative mineral trade that feeds industries down here, that would put him in bad odor with the Davions most ticky-tick, and he'd be no more successful stamping them out, than the Rimjobs were...they're the only reason he lets VDL keep operating the fire and rescue group."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

