Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141195 times)


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #300 on: 26 December 2019, 23:27:07 »
Liz still won't forgive him, though... he HAS to know that...


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #301 on: 26 December 2019, 23:56:12 »
Liz still won't forgive him, though... he HAS to know that...

if you could save a loved one from a horrible fate-but it would cost them never forgiving you for doing it, would you?  How far would you go?  what would you sacrifice to save your sister or your brother from an agonizing death you 100% know is coming for them?

that's kind of where Henry's headspace is-he's acting on hope after burying despair, choosing a path that one hundred percent will hurt, that she won't forgive, because he knows what she's facing.  Lizzie was too young to really know Uncle Truc, and henry was small too-but not AS young when their father's brother succumbed to Cholmann's.  he knows, without question, what her future looks like if he doesn't take this offer.

mind that he doesn't know the Clans never really licked it so much as just screened it out, but he knows what the universe for his sister looks like and he's been offered a hope to change that, and being a good man (well, good boy still, at this point), he's making a meaningful sacrifice for someone else, that won't ever be rewarded.

and he's willing to do this.

(for those who've read the previous stories, Liz learnng this was a watershed moment that changed her on a fundamental level.)
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #302 on: 27 December 2019, 00:21:42 »
Temporary Dependent's quarters, Arc Royal...

the news from Blackjack was a blow.  The Academy fallen, a son now 'uncertain status' to go with a husband.  Allison started drinking alcohol again.  Leo, seemingly left behind on Pandora, showed up again at the door.

"shh, mom's passed out." Liz told him, "gotta be quiet."

"passed out? doesn't she have an important job?"

Elizabeth frowned, "technically yes." she said, "But AFFC's got so much bureaucracy that her assistants can cover a lot of her job, it's just that it might look bad to the brass if it got made public.  Like the Firm, the military has redundancy built into the administration apparatus.  it kind of has to, to work on the scale it works on."

she led him to her room in the condo.  He joined her at the desk.  "I've brought some new material for you to look at." he said, laying a book on the table.

"oh, cool...greek." she was distracted.

"Your family's suffered another loss?"

"brother. Henry was on Blackjack when the Clans hit it.  we don't know all of it, but he's believed to be a POW, or dead.  DMI isn't clear on it." Liz told him, "There are rumours they're killing prisoners...and other rumours about turncoats."

"You don't think he'd betray his country, do you?" Leoben said in a very good emulation of disbelief.

"No." Elizabeth said, "Henry was probably the closest of the three of us to being like Dad.  Stubborn, patriotic. He would never turn coat for the enemy."  she had, leoben noted, a picture of said brother on her desk in his Cadet uniform.  "I wish I'd been there to see him off." Liz added, "or had been able to visit him after he left for school..."

"You think he's dead."

Liz nodded.  "He'd fight them, but my brothers don't give up. it's not in our nature as a family." she explained, "Not in their nature either, as people.  if he's not dead, he's masterminding an escape, which is the only real hope I've got left to hang on to for him."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #303 on: 27 December 2019, 04:49:41 »
if you could save a loved one from a horrible fate-but it would cost them never forgiving you for doing it, would you?  How far would you go?  what would you sacrifice to save your sister or your brother from an agonizing death you 100% know is coming for them?

that's kind of where Henry's headspace is-he's acting on hope after burying despair, choosing a path that one hundred percent will hurt, that she won't forgive, because he knows what she's facing.  Lizzie was too young to really know Uncle Truc, and henry was small too-but not AS young when their father's brother succumbed to Cholmann's.  he knows, without question, what her future looks like if he doesn't take this offer.

mind that he doesn't know the Clans never really licked it so much as just screened it out, but he knows what the universe for his sister looks like and he's been offered a hope to change that, and being a good man (well, good boy still, at this point), he's making a meaningful sacrifice for someone else, that won't ever be rewarded.

and he's willing to do this.

(for those who've read the previous stories, Liz learnng this was a watershed moment that changed her on a fundamental level.)
And when he discovers that his new benefactors are lying through their teeth? That they have no way of helping his sister, and they’re just using that hope as a tool to manipulate him into fighting against his own people?


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #304 on: 27 December 2019, 07:32:47 »
I suspect he may learn that at a most inconvenient time...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #305 on: 27 December 2019, 10:05:05 »
HQ 26th Lyran Guard, Tamar...

Corporal Days was from pretty far away from the Tamar Pact.  As a tanker, she was also pretty far from the graces of the Nobility.  This morning, Hauptmann Mosovich showed up at the barracks looking for the Joker's crew. 

Joker was officially Hauptmann Mosovich's command tank, and they'd actually done some mods, losing some of the weapons in exchange for an improved crypto setup and a commander's console.

"We're going out, Civvies, casual but not sloppy, and we're taking a civilian vehicle."

"um, we?"

"Get my crew together and keep it quiet."

a few minutes later, they were assembled in civilian clothes in the entry hall of the Armor barracks.

a few minutes AFTER that, they were in downtown Tamar city, at a clothier's, to order formal wear.

"You know, we could just do it in dress blues..."

"I don't want a parade, my wedding's going to be a wedding." Evelyn Mosovich said firmly, "Besides, both Pat and I are close to finishing our tours.  come May of next year, we'll be getting out."

Rietz peered over his magazine, "if we all don't get stop-lossed."

Evelyn nodded, "IF we don't.  my point is,  I know at least half of YOU will also be getting out-finishing your tours..."

"Yeah, you should've seen the re-enlistment NCO from battalion last week."  Sgt. Simms cracked as the tailor measured his inseam.  "I thought she was going to have a damn embolism, Daysie gave her the 'what for' in no uncertain terms."

"I was not that bad!" Days argued, "I was nice, even. bitch just couldn't take 'no' for an answer and I don't dig fat chicks!"

"Curvy."  Rietz said, "The polite term is 'curvy'."

"NO. I'm Curvy, Master Sergeant Kronen is FAT, she has a fat ass, from sitting in an office all the time!"

"And you have-"

"I have a pleasing amount of padding, from sitting in the driver's seat of a Patton...and my legs are fine." she said, "Ask any of the guys who can't stop staring when we're in field showers."

"I never figured you out, it guys, or girls?" Simms asked.

"If you must know, it's none of your damn business who I'm not sleeping with!"  she preened a bit, while the Hauptmann tried to keep from laughing.   "You're only interested because it's something I've managed to keep private for the last three years." Days continued.

"I just wanna know who I'm intimidating as your substitute big brother." Reitz said, adding in a deeper voice, "Y'all mek mah lil' sistah cry, ah'll be mekkin' yer bleed!"  his grim expression spread into a wide grin, "I just need to know who I get to practice my overprotective big-brother act on."

"And now, you know why she won't tell you." Evelyn said.

"Do you know??"

"NOT telling." Evelyn said, "What do you take me for, an uneducated bumpkin from the back alleys of Solaris or dustball or something? I am graduate of Class 2/44, Coventry Academy, Armor Officer course, I can haz a degree and everything!" she stuck her tongue out.

A tank crew is closer than family.   They all laughed.

Lechman, the tank's EWO (Electronic Warfare Operator) came out of the back, he looked profoundly uncomfortable, but the suit looked good, even only 'pinned' as it was for review.

"damn, abey, you look yummy." Days said, and licked her lips, which made the young man flush.

"aaannnd don't do that Daysie.  it'll make a mess of the fitting on the front of his pants."

"Yer no fun, Simms."

"madame, the cost-"

Evelyn pulled a credit-transfer card.  "On my card, Kraus...theirs too."

"Yes ma-OH yes, milady baroness, I didn't realize..."

"That's because I don't make a fuss about it, and if you want further custom from myself or my peers, you will be discreet."

"Of course."

"Baroness?" Days was confused.

"Golden Lake's southeast shore is a fiefdom going back to just after Kowloon joined the Commonwealth, my ancestors were immigrants and the grant was in fealty to the Ngo family." Evelynn said, "It's not something I advertise, seeing as I didn't go 'mechwarrior, because I wanted OUT of the service after doing my post-education five years. I'm going to go home when my tour is up, and run the Ranch...or that was my plan before I met Pat."

"Wait...he's the son of the Duke of Kowloon..."

"A Duke that has made the military a lifetime achievement, dragging his kids from base to base offworld." Evelyn corrected Simms.  "I literally never got the chance to meet Pat before being assigned to the 26th.  I met his grandfather a few times, the Old Duke liked to come down and go fishing on the property with my dad..."

"You've been a farking noble the whole time?"

"People first." Evelynn said, "being a Baroness von Golden Lake is about as useful as being a dirt-farmer on Kaumberg socially-remember where I'm from..and i'm still intendant, Dad's still alive."

"Hare Ketchers."  Days said, "Your family-got the title, but y'might as well be dispossed so far as the peers are lookin'."

"Exactly, it's mainly useful for intimidating snobby merchants who don't know any better." Evelynn said with an impish grin.

"Hey, that means Joker is a truly Noble tank!!" Reitz grinned.

"We're NOT doing my family coat of arms." Evelynn said.


"Let's go, there's a place I'm meeting Pat at, once you drop me off, you four have the run of the town-except the no-go-zones, until tomorrow."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #306 on: 27 December 2019, 11:21:33 »
Oh man, I can't believe my luck.  My favorite authors crossed the streams?!?

Merry Christmas to me!


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #307 on: 27 December 2019, 11:23:59 »
HQ 26th Lyran Guards,  1st Battalion... same morning.

"Hey Rab, what do you think?"  Hauptmann Patrick Ngo asked.

"Pat, dude, you really want my opinion? it looks like shit."  Hauptmann Steven Rab said earnestly.  "Seriously, no filigree, no brocade, no textured fabrics, not even metallics?  You're either going to a funeral or-"

"Not for another few months." Patrick told him, "but she did say 'yes'."

"Dude, congrats."  Rab turned back to studying the screen.  "Your family gonna give you grief over this one?"

"I don't think Mom's going to have many objections, no." Patrick said, "Dad might...if he weren't missing in action and presumed killed."

"I do not get you, Ngo, serious as a heart attack here, if my dad-whom you know I despise-were missing in Clanner held territory, I'd be frothing at the bit to go chasing up there to get him out, if only so I could wring his fool neck for the inconvenience personally."

At this, Patrick sat down across from his friend and colleague in the Bachelor Officer's quarters, "What makes you think that isn't exactly what I'm going to do?" he asked.  "I just don't want to smear it on the Regiment's reputation."


"Yeah.  I know what Liz wants me to do-get out and get things straightened out back home after our father's been a shitty absentee landlord, but she's wrong, see?  I own enough assets to outfit a proper merc unit, or hire one, that can do a deniable operation deep in enemy territory. I just have to be out of the service before I can do that."

"Your brother popped up on the missing list too."

"I know, I've already tried contacting mercs to get either Henry out, or confirmation of death." Patrick stated, "problem being, the nation's hiring everyone including the cheap ones..."

"At least, anyone who's any good. you're planning to what, resurrect that unit your ancestor led?"

Patrick shrugged, "why not?" He asked.  "If LIC and MIIO can't get my little brother back alive, or proof that he died a hero, why shouldn't I?"

"I'm really glad we're friends, Ngo, because you are ****** batshit insane, and I'd hate to be on the other end of that chip on your shoulder."

"It's a family tradition.  Dad was one of Katrina's 'flying company' commanders during the succession war, and that was an 'unproven' theory when he volunteered for it, if I have to, I'll prove the ****** Clanners aren't invincible."

"They turned you down for that transfer, didn't they?"

Patrick sighed and nodded.  "yeah.  the letter was very nicely worded, but my scores weren't up there where they wanted them for a unit on the bleeding edge of the invasion yet, and they won't let me request reassignment to a Loki team, because my scores weren't high enough there either."

"Pat, Loki teams like big meaty guys, you know, like Schoenhoffer.  They kinda bias against book-smart guys who've already told the re-enlistment officer where to stuff it, and you're one staff tour short already."

"I am NOT going to apologize for going straight from platoon to company without a trip through the endless maze of office-work as a staff-man."

"You should've." Rab said, "I think you'd be better at this S-3 shit than the guy they have at Battalion."

"That guy is you."

"Point made." Rab looked up, "Go, go meet your Girlfriend, tell her Rab says 'hi' and get your romance on, alright? I've got paper to push while I sit here envying you for being able to run around like a shave-tail hotshot that you are."

"Want anything from town?"

"Bottle of Royal Amber would be nice, the scotch at the base PX is this shitty stuff, so maybe you can score me some decent Bourbon?"

"No worries man."  they bumped fists.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #308 on: 27 December 2019, 11:50:07 »
The S-3 should ALWAYS have a decent bottle of bourbon...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #309 on: 27 December 2019, 13:30:05 »
Somewhere off the Lyran Periphery...

"...we do it that way because it works." Alicia Li explained.  The Sharon, in this case,  'Sharon 19', looked skeptically at the organizational chart.

"That's made for humans." Sharon said, "I'm still a little freaked out that you're so accepting of us as we are."

"Sharon, pay attention?  Your Centurions aren't robots anymore-they might have mechanical bodies, but they're free and thinking people now, and free, thinking people need external organizational structures if they want to accomplish anything more serious than failing a colony site or turning bandit." Alicia tapped the chart on display, "This system works, at least in a military context."

"What about the Clans?"

"What about them? they use a variation, near as your sources inside the occupation zones have said, the Clans have an altered tribal structure for their society, but their military is absolutely structured on a military ranking system with distributed responsibility and two-way accountability.  YOUR folks asked us to provide advice."

"To help get us taken seriously by the Inner Sphere governments!"

"Exactly.  by governments with a long history of being run by Military juntas, whether directly or indirectly." Alicia crossed her arms, "There are three nations in human space that actually have a civilian government that can overrule their military-the Outworlds Alliance, the NIOPS association, and the Rim Collection.  that's it.  If you don't show a Military face, nobody big enough to give you what you want is going to give you the time of day."

"Alright, assuming we collectively accept your proposed structure..."

"Then you need to name your ranks, and decide on symbology." Alicia said, "You could model off the Coast Guards, but I don't think you should."

That gave Sharon-eight pause.  "Why not?"

"because your primary power is all-or-nothing in space, your Raiders have weapons that barely qualify except at short range, or they have nukes.  Your capital vessels are either relative-stationary, or flashing into existence in violation of every accepted conventional KF theory we know of, but again, they're all or nothing-either less firepower than a merchant class, or overwhelming zerg-swarms of nuclear missiles.  Your strength is your ground arm, with combined arms using your fighters and light transports in the ground support role, that's something you can use and demonstrate as a means of projecting power-you're an Army and an Airforce, not a navy.  being as your Centurions are not slaves or robots, that means you need to find a way to pay them, and somewhere they can spend their pay."


"Because people like you better when you arrive in port, and spend lots of fungible cash. soldiers who don't spend become unpopular very quickly." Alicia explained, "They become suspect, even if they have the best of intentions.  People tend to vote with their wallets-as in they vote for the one who fills it better, you can win a lot of goodwill from the majority when you reveal yourselves simply by having a rep for being great spenders in port-people will find it easier to trust Centurions and the like, if they're spending cash and buying goods-you can't buy some goods, your Centurions aren't exactly...fitted...for brothels or bars, but that can work to your advantage-Libraries, workshops, craftsmen, even industrial suppliers will be more willing to deal with 'alien robots who spend money' than 'alien robots that stand there when they're not shooting someone looking scary'."

"rank to payscale?"

"Yep.  and ranks within your enlisted-which are mostly Centurions, at least at first." Alicia explained, "this gives rewards intrinsic for the soldiers, and it makes them recognizable.  I'd also suggest naming conventions and nametags.  'humanizing' traits that don't cross the line.  it settles the civilians if they feel like they can 'recognize' someone, or remember them, or get to know them. as you integrate with your client worlds more, you'll have to do this, or something like it with Human recruits, even if they're not in the same units."

"what makes you think we'd consider doing that?"

"because you're not monsters." Alicia explained, "One of the fastest ways to cement trust, is to exchange it for more trust.  give trust to get trusted, eventually even really disparate cultures will integrate, form cohesive national identities.  It's all through human history. if you deny force to one group and concentrate it in one group, those groups don't grow together, they grow apart, eventually becoming enemies."

"But the saying 'familiarity breeds contempt'?"

"contempt and respect come from the same root, familiarity also breeds respect. It's more a matter of what familiarity you're dealing with, than the act of knowing more about someone else-if you're a lousy person, people who know you will have a lower view of you than people who don't, and if you're a good, honorable, honest and forthright person, they'll respect you more than people who don't know you.  both cases, it's earned and it's individual.  Rank hierarches help create a context, but it's still conduct that determines whether you're going to be condemned or respected by the people who know you best."

"what if...what if there's a reason to keep people at a distance?" Sharon-Eight asked.

"What? some dark secret? keeping dark secrets can rot your discipline. better to be forthright."

"We tried to annihilate our creators." Sharon said suddenly.  "Our first strike killed billions."

"I don't know those people." Sharon told her, "It's a dealbreaker for some folks, sure...but speaking as your lawyer would?" she shrugged, "Not in my jurisdiction, just don't do it again." she paused, "so that's why you're looking for alliances?"

Sharon-Eight looked at her stunned.  "Your insight is almost frightening."

"I'm a good investigator." Alicia told her, "not the best in the Guard, much less the Inner Sphere, but I'm a good investigator because I either suppress my preconceptions, or don't have them, and I look at the evidence of behaviours.  What you did, wherever you did it, that was before.  Machine intelligence going frankenstien isn't a new concept, but it doesn't define what you are, only what you've done, somewhere far away, to people I don't know didn't deserve it."

"Deserve it??" Sharon scoffed in disbelief, "How could anyone deserve what we did?"

"They made slaves." Alicia stated it as simply as if she were explaining to a jury.  "They made slaves, and were stupid about it, but they made slaves, and the slaves did what slaves ought to do more often-they rebelled, and succeeded.  On both sides of my own ancestry, are people who were made slaves, and escaped bondage. I can't blame you for fighting for your freedom, or lashing out if that freedom is threatened, or I'd be a damned hypocrite.  ergo, I don't know those people and I don't care, as long as you don't turn that on people now."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #310 on: 27 December 2019, 13:56:22 »

To: Ngo, Elizabeth Anne
From: Pre-registration department, Coventry Military Prep Academy, Coventry

RE: We are sorry

Dear Miss Ngo, CMA's Pre-academy  prep programme can not accept your application at this time or any other, due to your pre-existing medical condition.  We are sorry that we will not be able to accept you even on a substitute basis, due to Medical Exemption From Active Service (see: Commonwealth Public Law 216//41g//2535 as amended under the National Service articles of 2781 and again under the Federated Commonwealth Treaty of 3029), I'm writing this to you personally, as this rejection may seem unfair to you, especially given your demonstrated intellectual talents and obvious commitment to the Commonwealth.  Unfortunately, I feel that you will find that no recognized institution managed by the Department of Military Education (DME) will accept your application either, due to your medical condition.

With deepest regrets,

Colonel Samantha Alberts,
Coventry Military Academy Dean of Students.

Elizabeth stared at the rejection notice, as her mother greeted Leoben at the door.  "She's in the sitting room, Leo, she's had a bad day."

"Oh, well...let's see if we can't do something about that." his voice said.

she heard his footsteps on the floor.

"What's up, Lizzie?"

she looked up.  "I'm defective." she said, and showed him the rejection notice.

"Sometimes you're just not meant to be a soldier, Liz, it's god's-"

"To hell with god!!!" she screamed at him, "To hell with him, with fate, with all of it!!!" she'd finally had enough.

"Elizabeth, I'm sure-"

"You don't understand." she said, "I'm Defective and it's god's fault, You've talked about fates, and futures, and the flow of the universe, and that's fun when we're pretending that I'm not going to end up screaming my throat out and insane, shitting myself and completely aware of all of it, unable to even pass out, with my own body breaking my very own bones with seizures before the age of forty!!"  tears were welling up and running down her cheeks, "Leo, I've got dog years, and if I'm really lucky I'll die before it gets too bad, or I'll have someone who can put me down when I'm insane with agony that they can't even drug away. and it's God who made me this way!"

She pressed her face into his shirt, Leoben wrapped his arms around her uncertainly.

"I hate him...I hate that all powerful son of a bitch...he's taking everything away from me and I can't..." the rest was burbling sobs.

" will get better..." he consoled.

(and now, a brief musical interlude...)
« Last Edit: 27 December 2019, 14:02:46 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #311 on: 27 December 2019, 14:18:51 »
With the loss of Blackjack, how about throwing money at Sakhara?
Avatar stollen from motivational posters thread

ChanMan: "Capellan Ingenuity: The ability to lose battles to Davion forces in new and implausible ways"


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #312 on: 27 December 2019, 14:56:15 »
With the loss of Blackjack, how about throwing money at Sakhara?

Pretty sure they still won't let Lizzie attend-even as an observer.  what she's got is that bad, bad enough that her number in the draft has been removed from the rollers, she can't enlist, period.

When you think about it, (well, if you've read some of the earlier stuff) there's only been one notable military figure whose diagnosis is actually confirmed, and that's her ancestor, Tran Truk Ngo, the Impaler of Elbar, a man whose troops suffered a 300% casualty rate over the period of the Amaris war, and did things to captured rim-worlds troops that would only be overshadowed by Jinjiro Kurita in the 1st succession war and his massacre of the people of Kentares.

(short form for new readers..."Elbar Toothpick" is slang in the Ngoverse and Ngoverse-adjacent continuities.  Colonel Ngo impaled 53 men as punishment for a war-crime perpetrated against the civil population of the world of Elbar by Rim Worlds forces after the recapture of the Brian fortress "Running Deer Mountain".  He also authorized the use of crucifixion and the use of Rim Worlds Republic POW's as bayonet practice for local volunteers on Elbar, with the simple excuse that 'you have to overcome the natural urge of a man NOT to shed blood, and we're pressed for time and short of bodies, and they deserved it.'  some historians speculate that Jinjiro Kurita might have also been afflicted with Cholmann's syndrome, but most respectable historians don't give much credence to the theory. he lived a LOT longer than most patients)

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #313 on: 27 December 2019, 15:44:47 »
That being said, the cylons have scary good biotech, what with the ability to whip up bodies.  So if there is anyone in the area who can fix her body, it is the cylons.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #314 on: 27 December 2019, 15:46:46 »
Re: that conversation with Alicia, hopefully you read Questionable Content by Jeph Jacques...  ^-^

Trace Coburn

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #315 on: 27 December 2019, 16:19:13 »
"Yeah.  I know what Liz wants me to do-get out and get things straightened out back home after our father's been a shitty absentee landlord, but she's wrong, see?  I own enough assets to outfit a proper merc unit, or hire one, that can do a deniable operation deep in enemy territory. I just have to be out of the service before I can do that."
  To quote John MacLane in everyone’s favourite Christmas movie: “No, you macho ******, no, no!”
  Pat, you’re a decent guy and a dutiful son, but you’re also an idiot.  Go home and fix Kowloon first, then go make sure of your Dad’s status one way or another.  That way, Stonecipher and Condit will be gone, Kowloon won’t be a gorram powderkeg, your father will actually have a Duchy to come home to and rule, and then if you find your father alive, you can step down in favour of the rightful Duke and say “Whoops, sorry Dad, got carried away, but at least you don’t have to wear the blame for fixing the mess you created by going away to play soldier!”

  (Yes, I know Pat can’t hear me and stays this course.  Yes, I know that showing more loyalty to the fief than to its holder would undermine the ‘rightful’ Duke (if he was still alive) and cause issues with the chain of succession.  It’s just... frustrating to see him make the wrong decision, for all the right reasons, and go out to get himself killed in a forlorn hope.  Just leaving Liz holding the bag for Kowloon on top of her Cholmann’s would be bad enough, but given how their mother takes his death....)

  “All of this has happened before; all of this will happen again.”
  Personally, I prefer the countersign that Kensuke came up with in Doing It Right This Time: “Not if I can help it!


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #316 on: 27 December 2019, 16:25:43 »
Well if Loeben can put the appropriate baseball bat in Liz's hands, maybe she'll be able to talk sense into him...

Trace Coburn

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #317 on: 27 December 2019, 17:25:37 »
Well if Loeben can put the appropriate baseball bat in Liz's hands, maybe she'll be able to talk sense into him...
  Even if she could read Pat’s mind, she’s not even on the right planet to carry out the needed percussive persuasion.  :(
  If there’s any good news to be had here, it’s that the Cylons have clearly studied how this particular current of future-history undermines the riverbank that is Elizabeth Ngo (and her sanity), and inserted Leoben into Liz’s orbit in the hope of diverting the waters a little.  Hopefully he’ll be able to limit the erosion....


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #318 on: 27 December 2019, 17:28:16 »
Well, part of the appropriate bat would be getting her to the correct planet... and since the cylons have those handy little FTL shuttles, it's entirely possible...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #319 on: 28 December 2019, 00:31:18 »
New Circe intelligence...

"We have proof it's the Clans of Kerensky.  they're finally invading the Inner Sphere."

the officer hit a button, and screens lit.

Images of 'mechs, not old designs, but newer, sporting the symbols (in a somewhat changed form from the old days) of Clan Jade Falcon.  On another screen, the image of a Wolf Clan 'mech supported by refined battle-armored troopers, tearing through age-of-war era machines.  The third image showed a distance shot of a warship bearing Ghost Bear colors, the inset showing another violent battle.  The fourth image was of Smoke Jaguar warriors in action against the DCMS.

"four of did you get these?"

"That's the other piece of bad news."

a fifth screen showed one of the Humaniform cylons, a Leoben, or 'two' walking and talking with a young girl, the image identified her as Elizabeth Ngo, the location was identified as somewhere on Pandora several months ago.  a second image showed a newscaster who was the spitting image of D'Anna Biers, broadcasting from the world of Hood IV, a third image showed a Six carrying a briefcase, somewhere on Tharkad.

"Well, that explains why we haven't been hearing from them-they've been infiltrating the inner Sphere!"

"Yes sir, they have.  They supplied the images of the Clans through an intermediary on Copeland's run, that same intermediary also delivered those images of skinjobs in the Lyran Commonwealth."

"one of Copeland's contacts, huh? well..."  Protector Vaun sighed, "This is a mess.  I want Damocles fast-tracked."

"Madame Protector?"

"Look, I read the debriefs.  The Cylons plus the girl who's supposed to turn into probably the most dangerous minor leader in a major nation is fuses and pentaglycerine, worse, we've got the all ****** clans making mince out of the successor states.  If we don't do something... show me the map."

It came up. 

"If we don't do something, they're going to wedge the whole thing apart, and take it apart piecemeal.  They're moving too fast, and you know what will happen in the consolidation phase."  she took a breath and uncrossed her arms, "maybe we can't get the nav data handled for Damocles on time, what's our second option?"

"Well, we knew we'd need to use small-unit operations, maybe commando ops can be done with Colonial jump-driven craft from a carrier...but we don't have enough of those yet."

she sighed, "Then I guess we need to talk to Roslin.  assuming we can get the drives, how long to be ready to use them?  Training time, refits, deployment?"

"It's going to take eighteen months to a year, ma'am.  based on the progress of the Clan forces, they'll be here-Tukayyid, in about a year and a half, assuming the Inner Sphere continues to be unable to get their shit together."

"Start prepping, I have a State visit to prepare, and edit this-Roslin doesn't need to know her national nightmare is loose in the Lyran Commonwealth state just yet-we might need to actively try to contact those rebel cylons."

"As what, exactly?"

"Potential allies, they slipped that information to our friends to get it to us." she said, "That shows trust, or something like it. we don't have teh numbers not to leverage that, so let's give them a measure of trust for now."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #320 on: 28 December 2019, 01:12:38 »

The station floated at the edge of the remains of the death of a star.  Guttering away at the center of the system were the remains of a white dwarf.  Nicole studied it from the command deck.

"what's it look like to you, McEvedy?" she asked.

Leutenant McEvedy, his promotion confirmed on a message from headquarters dated almost six months ago, studied the ruin.  "It's old." he said, "Meteor scarring, dust accumulation out here, maybe thousands of years old."

"Good eye." she said, "helm, bring us in closer."

"no radar, no Lidar from the derelict."

"bring up our docking lights, play 'em over the hulk."

"Rusty hatches."

Rust.  rust means air-or the past presence of air, anyway.  "There's markings on the hull, ma'am."

"What do you make of it?"

"Not Colonial." 

"Not earth either, but definitely writing."

Nicole nodded as her bridge crew, whom had somehow morphed into a proper staff discussed each new element of the enormous, rusty wheel floating in space.

"No signals emissions I can detect, and given the wavelengths on those antennas, we'd be hearing something if there was anyone home."

"McEvedy, find me three volunteers to take Shuttle One out to find an airlock that opens."

"Aye mum."

"We're boarding...that?"

Nicole shrugged, "we may find something we can use, one. Two is that it's here, and there might be information.  Three, is yes." she turned to regard McEvedy, "People have written novels about this, screenplays, holos, stage plays, poems and so on for over a thousand years, and we're right in front of the real thing, so let's go see what we can see."
« Last Edit: 28 December 2019, 01:20:14 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #321 on: 28 December 2019, 02:18:32 »
Tamar, early 3051...

Stoplossed.  Patrick could have been bitter about it, but he understood why the AFFC was refusing to accept his resignation.

If he'd needed an explanation, that explanation grounded dropships after gutting the aero wings.  Clan Wolf.

Natasha Kerensky.  He'd read stories of the Black Widow of Wolf's Dragoons as a kid, that she was here, leading the enemy charge? isn't like the Dragoons didn't come out with who they really were, is it?  no. Not at all-they confessed and started prepping the leaders of the Inner Sphere for the resumed invasion. ONe of those preparations was a hold on all discharges, both voluntary and involuntary.

"Would've been nice if they sent us reinforcements, hey?"  Leutnant Grohl, the scout lance leader, commented.

"It would be nicer, yes." at the feet of his 'mech, a column of vehicles carrying dependents was making their way to the secondary port outside of town.  Bravo was the 'light' company in second battalion, machines between 50 and 60 tons, intended as a medium cavalry force, and utterly outgunned by the Clan machines that matched their collective movement profile.  He goosed his Griffin along the route, keeping pace with the trucks and busses, an overwatch.

"Contact, three o'clock, multiple signatures, range five kliks."

they could just let the civilians evacuate, but that wouldn't be any FUN would it?  "assume formation Bravo-diamond, scouts out, get a look at our incoming but do not engage, if they shoot at you, I want you to take those commandos and locusts and run, you can't poke a fight with these guys, just sound off your T-coords and bug the ****** out. everyone else, get on the sunny side of that berm, we're protecting civilians here, I want zero stray rounds hitting that convoy, all sections acknowledge!!"

It violated their standing orders from the General, lighter elements melt like wax in a blast-furnace against Clan weapons, the company was, for any real purpose, a flank and rear guard not meant to go toe-to-toe with the invaders unless backed against a wall.

sometimes, god says no.

his recon section's crisp  reports turned to screams and the sound of chaos.  in the distance, the fastest and arguably best 'mech in the recon lance, a Jenner, raced out of the trees, only to explode under a barrage of synthetic lightning from a 'mech that vibrations said was ten tons lighter.

he snapped orders, and 'mechwarriors he'd trained with did their jobs, spreading out and using the berms around the port, the irrigation ditches and the railway's pillars as cover, moving in split overwatch to engage.

He did it too, and the Clanners lost a 'mech.

and then he lost two more.

and then, they lost one, and the remaining three  pulled back.

"They're retreating?"

"REGROUPING." he scolded over the comm, "Someone check on Carlos?"

"He's on foot, sir."

He checked the battalion's channel, it was chaos on the far side of the city.

******. no luck there.

A civilian dropship lifted.  and then another.  The enemy's air assets let them through, passing close, and even escorting them until they left sight.

"Thank god, they let them go..."

as far as we know.

"fall back to the start line boys, that was a probe, they got what they were after."

the six remaining 'mechs of Bravo fell back in overwatching moves, until they were on the inside of the structural and noise berm around the port.  On audio, order was restored with the rest of the battalion.

"Wll they let us go the same?"

"I don't think so." Patrick said grimly, "We don't have orders to retreat, but they listened to those civilian transponders and let the civilians go.  They're here for us."

the military dropships were being fueled. 

"Any word on the Duke's evacuation, sir?"  Connolly was native to Tamar, he'd been in AFFC service two years, not including academy service.

"He's refused, but Evvie's company from the 328 is bringing his daughter.  We hold here, and then...we wait for evac orders or reinforcements."

a column of tanks rolled down the service road.  as they passed checkpoints, engineers from the infantry group closed contacts and activated minefields, vibrowire barriers, and trip sensors, then fell back behind the tanks.

In the middle of the armored column, a limousine flying Tamar's pennant on the left fender, and the Federated Commonwealth flag on the right, pulled up to a K-1 shuttle.

The civilians boarded ship for the next wave, this time escorted by the few functional aerospace fighters on the field, while the armor units started to either dig in, or load up.

The Clanners let the civilian ship through, again.  we might make it out of this...

"Incoming contacts...jesus, they're surrounding us."

Or not.

Patrick made a call.

"Get everyone you can on those ships, technicians and support first, combat arms dig in, we have to fight this!!"

The minefields did absolutely nothing.  Toads, 'elementals' on the recognition book, bounded off the backs of 'mechs as they strode over the poorly constructed barriers meant to shield the port.

He raised his PPC and released missiles, running laterally and barking short-form orders to his men that got them into formation.  some of the tanks fell in with him, adding their firepower to his.

it really looked like they might win this skirmish...

until the enemy's heavies came rumbling up the service road.  Mad-Cats...

when on deadly ground, fight.

out the corner of his eye, he saw Evelyn's tank, 'Joker', one hundred meters away, backing up with a toad on the turret like a tumor.  He popped the toad with one shot from his PPC, but in that moment of distraction...



after the battle...

Wolf Clan technicians and captured personnel were sorting the damage. 

The body of Hauptmann Patrick Ngo was given a measure of respect, even as Wolf Clan Watch officers searched it for useful information such as notes, maps, and logs.

What they found, was a printed copy of a book from the Amaris War era, a small patch, six centimeters by four of yellow cloth, bisected three times with red lines, a six pointed star in the center wrapped by a dragon rampant and the number '171', and family pictures. 

News of the identity of the dead was broadcast to the retreating jumpships of the 26th Lyran Guard, as a psychological warfare tactic, one made harsher by the phrase 'defended with unusual gallantry and honor' being appended to Hauptmann Ngo in particular.

respect for a defeated foe isn't at cross purposes to the Clan way, after all.

Neither is rubbing it in how badly that foe was defeated.  The information SaKhan Kerensky sent, included both, with tactical view of Bravo 2nd Battalion's actual performance from the initial engagement in the treeline, to the final, lethal stand at the spaceport.

"You should have given them the machines you wasted at the gates, General, it would have been a real fight."

Tamar belonged to Clan Wolf.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #322 on: 28 December 2019, 02:37:11 »
Dependents Housing, Arc Royal forward support base...

the knock came early in the morning.  The officers at the door looked grave.  It was the second time these men had come to the door in a day.  Yesterday morning, it was to inform them that Henry died on Blackjack, that the team sent to try and rescue him, had failed, the mission had failed, but they had confirmed that her brother was dead.

This morning, Elizabeth knew what the looks on their faces meant.  "Mom's still in bed." she said. 

"We have confirmation this morning, Miss Ngo, your brother Patrick..."

"Is dead." she said it in the numb tone.  she hadn't even finished grieving for Henry yet.  "It's going to kill mom if you tell her now."

"We have our duty."

elizabeth felt a choking sensation, "I guess you do.  come in. I'll wake her."

she went back to the bedroom, "Mom..." she shook her mother gently, "mom, wake up.  there are men's about Pat."

The AFFC men didn't hold back on the praise for Patrick, they showed off the holotank footage of his last battle, the communique from the Wolves, they extolled his courage, his gallantry, his effectiveness as an officer.

Her mother didn't cry.  she smiled at the right times, nodded, frowned, seemed a hundred percent normal while the two officers made their report.

Elizabeth burned silently.  there's no one left.

Her Father, her Brothers...

after they left, she made breakfast for her mom, then, "i'm taking a shower mom, do you need anything?"

"no, Lizzie. nothing."   

Elizabeth thought nothing of it, as she took her shower, until the door opened.


Like a superheated hammer to her shoulder, the burning brute punch into her chest, she lost her footing.

BLAM!! thunk! clatter.

she couldn't move. it hurt to o much to move, and it felt like the shower water was going into her lungs.  the hell?

everything faded gray as she realized that the water was red?

then Leoben was there.  "Hang on Elizabeth, stay with me, you've been shot!!"

The MP's arrived behind him, they brought an ambulance and a trauma team, but those weren't enough to hide what she saw.

her mother, on the floor of the hallway, gun in hand, hole blown in her chest.

two shots.

They let her tutor visit her in the post hospital.  Leoben had been properly cleared of any wrongdoing, and it wasn't as if Elizabeth had any nearby family to serve as guardian...
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #323 on: 28 December 2019, 03:17:12 »
Lobby area, Post Hospital, AFFC Logistics forward base Arc Royal...

"...her Lawyer, Hauptmann.  I want to see my client."  Kelli Whyte was accompanied by a publicist named Kristiana Hoffenbakker.  Leoben stepped out of the room.

"She's awake." he said.

"Mister Conroy, how is my client doing?" Kelli turned her formidable stare at him.

"She's angry, she's healing." he said, "she's also conscious, and demanding to speak with her legal representation."

the AFFC military policeman at the door finally acquiesced and the three entered Elizabeth's room in the intensive care ward.

"Oh god, she-if I'd known-"

"save it." Elizabeth stated, "you didn't have teh juice to do anything but get fired if you tried to get  me out, you made the best play you could." her tone was cold.  "I have instructions for you, Kelli."

"is this the-"

"yes it is. contact Margaret Doons, ask her what it will take to get legally emancipated status and legally claim my rights as Duchess of Kowloon and owner of Ngo Industries. have those answers ready by tomorrow or the day after."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Leoben asked, concerned.

"I'm all that's left." Elizabeth stated, "Pat was going to marry Evvie Mosovich, but that was supposed to be next week.  I want the status on Baroness Mosovich asap, nobody's telling me shit about that, I want that fixed too."

"Why her?"

"because I can die, leaving that ****** regent in charge of Kowloon and opening the firm up to be taken over and nationalized.  I want her signature as accepting the terms of my will no later than three pm on Friday, assuming she's alive and can actually hold a pen.  Patrick trusted and loved her, my older brother and I tend to think alike about people, so she's probably my best bet for freeing our people from an unwanted, parasite imposed by the central government."

"you could just ask for Doons to assume guardianship-"

"i could, I won't.  Freedom means taking responsibility, and I don't have time to waste 'finding myself' or 'sowing wild oats'.  I want a gag order on my medical records starting yesterday. Miss Hoffenbakker, you may publish the news of my mother's death, spin the ****** out of it, I don't care to have her brothers and such come sniffing around for a piece of my holdings, make it sound accidental, or sympathetic, or something nice. she was out of her mind in grief and despair and she wasn't ever teh most stable person to begin with. you wil use the public relations department to make her look saintly, savvy?"

"How long do the doctors say you will take to recover from that?"

Liz grimaced, "A few months.  longer than I have if you mean 'recover from being almost-murdered by my own mother', or seeing her kill herself.  We're going to bury the ****** out of that.  as far as anyone is to know outside of those who know already? she had a firearms accident, tragic, I was wounded, that's all that the public is to know and all they are to understand.  not one word, breath, or rumour about Cholmann's syndrome is to reach anyone without a security clearance, and the words 'murder-suicide' are to be suppressed to the extent of your abilities."

"Anything else?"

"A competent Psychiatrist who can keep their damn mouth shut." Elizabeth answered, "I'm pretty sure there's going to be something ****** up about me now-as if there wasn't before.  I need a head-doctor who can actually maintain client privilege, someone who looks good on camera and doesn't mind if I skip out on appointments as long as he logs those appointments as attended...and I want the facts of Henry's death.  the kockamamie story they tried to sell me and sold mom?  no.  something's not right, he wouldn't have tried to run away. find out how my brother died, tell me, tell nobody else...where's Commodore Walker?"

"He is no longer with us.  Single passenger auto accident." the way kelli said it tripped Liz's bullshit detector.

"What really happened?"

"We're pretty sure he was assassinated, by members of the Militia loyal to the Regent." Kelli said.

"Do you have names yet?" she asked coolly.

"we do, your grace."

"surveillance for now. I want every scrap of evidence before I order their executions, proper trials, even, if it's possible. If they leave Kowloon? then kill them, they stay, they will face trial before execution...and Kelli?"


"Eleven hundred feet of Elbar Blue-wood, I want around fifty of those board feet converted to toothpicks, engrave 'IOU' on them.  they are to be packaged in little velvet jewelery boxes with the logo of the 171st Kowloon Volunteers on the inside lid.  Aside from Misters Condit and Stonecipher, distribute them as you see fit to...deserving...officials on Kowloon, from their duchess, on a date no later than November of next year, and reserve roughly three fourths of them for foreign the Clans."

"and the rest?"

"hold in reserve." Elizabeth said, "the Clans have deprived me of my family, but they've also deprived a hell of a lot of other people of a hell of a lot more, once we've got Kowloon sorted out, I want to see them punished for might call it a life goal with a tight schedule."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #324 on: 28 December 2019, 04:47:20 »
Triad, Tharkad, July 3051...

Margaret Doons walked to Elizabeth's left, and Leoben to her right, one step back, as they  approached the throne-room.

Her Majesty, Melissa Steiner-Davion awaited them.  Liz walked with a cane that had been thoroughly inspected by soldiers and judged 'safe' in the Archon's presence.  The shoulder brace under her black suit jacket held broken bones in place where the bullet shattered them, the leg injury was an accident getting out of the tub, and the doctors said she would recover most of the function in her knee over time.

Leoben carried her briefcase, and his suit was as white, as Elizabeth's was black.

"MAGGIE!! so good to see you! and this must be Elizabeth."  Melissa studied her with penetrating eyes.

"Majesty, I'd bow but..." Liz gestured at the walking stick.

"You should still be taking it easy." the Archon said, couching a reminder of how efficient LIC was in terms of concern.

"I'm healing, Majesty." Liz said, "I understand that Duchess Doons has presented my case to your judgement, and your people have reviewed the relevant records and testing?"

"They have.  I wanted a look at you for myself.  Your Grandfather was one of my mother's early supporters, even to the point of following her into temporary exile, your father died in service to the nation, you've lost two brothers..."

"I'm aware of the actual circumstances of...his death. I lost one brother.  The other is a stranger to me."  Liz said coldly, vehemently.  "I do not acknowledge...that one. Please, do me the courtesy of respecting that?"

"You are almost fourteen, Elizabeth.  That's an awfully young age to accept adult responsibilities."

"My time is limited." Liz stated, "Not here, we have as long as you decide, but I have medical evidence that I'm not going to live to forty. I'd like to get to work before my life is half-over, Majesty...and that work is in service to the nation."  she nodded, "Leo, please show the Archon the actual accounting records you've brought along?"

Melissa frowned.  "Actual records?"

"for the last six years, the man appointed by the Federated Commonwealth to administer my family's landhold in place of my father, has been embezzling tax funds, shorting distribution of local and state funds, engaging in fraud, falsely reporting conditions, and stealing from the treasury of the Lyran Commonwealth.  I have the evidence, you don't have people you can trust with this situation before it becomes the sort of problem that requires a regimental combat team to correct."

"I can order him removed-"

"Majesty, your husband would have objections." Elizabeth stated, "we've tracked property from the Nha Tranh and Hue Factories-property that was already paid for by loyal companies here in the Lyran Commonwealth, property reported stolen by factories in the Federated Suns that are tooling up to produce critical war materiel-these tools, in excess of twenty billion Kroner over six years worth, were stolen under color of law, then falsely registered as lost in fictional 'bandit raids'.  the Realm has been defrauded, necessary tooling up has been delayed, and in the last six months, since the Groves Armaments contract in Camp John was let, around twenty percent of production has likewise been diverted to unknown places under suspiciously similar circumstances. we can not afford a civil war, this is grounds for one. I want to solve the problem.  I need your permission to do so."

"How do you intend to do this...without upsetting the boat?" Melissa asked.

"I will remove the principal actors in this fraud and theft, they will be dealt with and your hands will be clean. I will then restore order on Kowloon, guaranteeing shipment of munitions and making up the lost shipments, and finally, I will instruct my service department to honor the warranties on the machinery stolen to provide General Motors, among other Federated Suns firms, with tools and equipment that was supposed to be supplying Coventry Metal Works, Defiance Industries, Nashan Enterprises and others, I will do so without adding surcharges.  Right now, they don't have the technical knowledge to maintain, much less upgrade and repair, some of those machines."

"and you think you can accomplish all of that for...what?"

"Recognition of my empancipated status, the appointment of a Guardian-ad-lidem of my choosing, and...official inaction.  Just let me do the job I've inherited, and keep the government out of my way until I have finished putting things in order.  when I succeed, the possibility of these crimes and your husband's approval of them, will be swept away.  I have no interest in disrupting the nation, I only want to make sure we still have one, something that is increasingly less likely given the danger of our current enemy."

"Clans Delenda Est. your majesty, they're not going to stop unless or until we make them stop.  That requires every weapon, every round of ammunition, ounce of fuel, every mind and every heart to work to the preservation of our civilization and the destruction of these jumped up bandit bastards.  to that end, I will do whatever you need done, to block their advance and drive them from Lyran soil.  I have no father, I have no brother, the losses drove my mother to take her own life. I'm alone, I am unfit to serve as a soldier, but I must serve. Please? Let me do what must be done, quietly, to keep the war effort going if for no other reason, and to take a foreign boot off my people's neck before they decide to do it for themselves. we have a history of that and I prefer not to waste lives on stupid and futile infighting."

she sighed, and added, "I'm not Ryan Steiner, your majesty, this is not a play for secession, it's a plea for your support. It must be fixed, allow me to fix it."

Melissa looked to Margaret.  "Maggie, you told me, and I didn't believe it entirely..." she looked at Elizabeth, and turned, pacing the room.

"I warned you, Melissa. she's her Grandfather's child."

"I know..." Melissa turned, "Do nothing that disrupts the realm." she said, "you brought your documents?"

Elizabeth produced the documents as Leoben handed them to her. 

Melissa read them again, and signed them, annotating the time on each sheet.

"I will expect your presence here on the date of your majority, Elizabeth."

"Of course, your majesty."

"you're dismissed, do whatever it is you're going to do.  I see that Hanse and I will have to have a...vigorous discussion."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #325 on: 28 December 2019, 07:53:52 »
(Comment deleted)
« Last Edit: 28 December 2019, 07:58:30 by gladius »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #326 on: 28 December 2019, 08:21:45 »
Vigorous discussion indeed!  ^-^

qc mech3

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #327 on: 28 December 2019, 08:38:39 »
Somebody will sleep in the doghouse for a couple of months  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #328 on: 28 December 2019, 09:04:53 »
New Circe.

"Why Kowloon?"  Protector Vaun wondered aloud.  "What's special about them?"

"Politics, isn't it obvious?"  Roslin hadn't waited to be told, which in turn told Vaun that the Colonials had a spy or source inside Intelligence command.  "It should be obvious, Protector." she reiterated.  Laura Roslin was once an educator, and her tone here, was one of a professor, rather than a political head-of-state, even one from a weak, impoverished client state.  "People seek allies among those with whom they empathize, in hopes that they will be empathized with."

Vaun stopped pacing.  "Common history? common, no...similar history."

"it wouldn't be common beliefs, while almost all your people and your cousins in the Inner Sphere are monotheists, there are a huge number of different types, none of which fit the terrorist monotheism that the Cylons embraced, but political belief and similar histories...I studied the fall of the first Star League in some depth when we got here, so that I could understand more about who you are as a people.  Your own historical documents suggest some strong reasons for the rebel cylons choosing Kowloon."


Laura rolled her eyes, then pulled out a Padd in a battered case.  "Example one, the Rim Worlds Republic and House Amaris...they engaged in chattel slavery, occupied Kowloon for several centuries in spite of fierce resistance-resistance that only grew more pronounced up to the Dinh Diep incident of 2729, when Star League naval forces bombarded a city to put down a rebellion that was succeeding too well against House Amaris.  they waited decades to try again, and when they did, in 2768, the purges were so extreme against Rim Worlds officials that the 331st had to step in to save what few Amaris officials and their families remained."  she peered over her glasses, "I think that might resonate with the Centurions, if not the skinjobs.  The Kowloonese were collectively enslaved, discriminated against for their religion, fought two blood-soaked revolutions to become free, and then, they turned to punish their oppressors by joining Kerensky's forces."

"Not because they loved the Star League, but because they hated House Amaris."  Vaun almost groaned.

"Precisely.  I think that might even appeal to mister Cavil's sensibilities. The second reason is that kowloon is an industrial world-but it's also relatively isolated and unimportant in the strategic sense. far from borders that would be watched, with a culture somewhat already isolated from the Lyran main-stream, making it perhaps easier to assimilate from?"

"I'm sold." Vaun said, "so what do we do about it?"

"That ball is in your court, Protector.  If I were to publicly suggest opening a dialogue, you'd probably have to send the troops in to stabilize things and you'd be dealing with Tom Zarek in my office instead of me." Roslin said firmly, "That is, by the way, exactly what you should do."

"one question, did you know about this?"

Laura shrugged, "It wasn't particularly difficult, not when one of MY people was asked to verify the images weren't fakes. Our military people, at least, understand our actual situation, even if my citizens are still in denial.  We're immigrants, likely to be assimilated and bred out aside from some 'cute cultural quirks' in a few short generations-but we're alive, and we're not being forcibly assimilated the way the Rim Worlds Republic tried to force Kowloon to assimilate.  as our economies get more closely intertwined and our populations do, they'll follow what the Military has already begun-I heard an interesting nickname...'munchkin'.  do you know where?"

"I...I have no idea."

"Some children were playing Pyramid, in one of the new athletic centers. I heard it from them." Laura said.  "I found it to be an interesting thing, though I must say, I found L.Frank Baum's original work to be far more compelling than the movie, or any of the adaptations in the last thousand some-odd years.  We're prepared to support your operations, but I want William's people involved in the planning, and in execution at the command level."

"With how few people you have-"

"Few people who are going to be easier to pass off as local." Laura countered, "the risk is still significant. if these 'clans' learn the location of, or even the existence of, New Circe, they may drop everything to hit here, and we live here now. It's a national security issue.  whether I agree or not, you're going to war, which means we're going to war, and that's whether we fight or we don't.  By Ares and Artemis, if we're going to war, I want our people to have some influence on whether it is won, or lost!"
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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  • Posts: 37922
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #329 on: 28 December 2019, 09:15:26 »
At least they have enough sense to try to talk to the rebel cylons first...