Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141197 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #330 on: 28 December 2019, 09:47:57 »
"Win's Rock Bar", Highway 12 junction with Military Road, New Circe...

Dinh was playing to half a house tonight.  Mid-week, but slow enough that he could get his bandmates off floor duties to play with him.

part of the reason, was the army gearing up for a new conflict.  Qualified personnel were being recalled to active duty.

"This next piece was written by a man named David Bowie in the Twentieth century, more than a thousand years ago."  Dinh said, and began hammering out a bass rhythm.

I will be king
And you
You will be queen
Though nothing
Will drive them away
We can beat them
Just for one day
We can be heroes
Just for one day...

Doctor Trinh 'rocked along' to the song, a fruity drink made New Saigon style in front of her.  Nurse Tawley, her assistant in the Colonial hospital, was being chatted up by a pair of off-duty Colonials working out of the Wolverine base up the road as supplementary highway patrol officers.

"Dinh's gotten better, ain' he?"  Singer came out of the bathroom and sat next to her.

"yeah...he has.  shame about the wedding..."

"Uh, they might have given up the big production, but our firebug buddy is now a married man."

"Corps Spouse." she said, "That's a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone. being stuck behind while the person you love is out facing hell, then having to deal with it when they get home."

"So you're saying you want to break it off now?" he asked, the hurt in his eyes apparent.

"Hell no." Trinh said, "I'm thinking about signing on with the Colonial forces...or finishing my requalification exams and going into the SLDF."

"But you ain' decided yet."

"civilians need doctors too...and it turns out, I'm a pretty good doctor." she said, "Coddle's talking retirement again, he wants me to take over the practice."

"You can't do that if you're out there on deployment." Singer filled in.

"Yeah."  she stirred at her drink.  "what's the scuttlebutt?"

"Training for fast raids into enemy territory, long distance deployment stuff, like the Captain and Seether were doing during the Blake War..only it's fighting the Clans."

"I'm fuzzy on my history, we're in the first Clan invasion, right? before Tukkayyid?"

Singer nodded.

"Height of their power, then." she said, "THey hadn't been humiliated at the Big T by Focht, Prince Victor's invasion of Clan Space hasn't happened yet."

"The Colonials are training with us.  Raptor pilots, Marines." he told her, "it's gonna be hot and small unit, the kind of stuff our Marines trained in."

"commando raids." she said.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"I was in the big push at the end of the war, the Blake war, Singer.  While you were fighting the plague on Arluna, we were making the last push on Terra..."

He took her hand.  "I know.  we're training, but my CO has already made it clear; I'm not deployable on this."

"what are you doing instead?"

"Technical training, mostly.  Explosives handling and disarmament, some of the instructor stuff we were doing on Hood IV back in '85 to configure their militia for extended ops, and a shit load of stealth tactics that exploit known gaps in Clanner detection tech and Clanner security."

she leaned over and put her head on his shoulder.  "Good." her fingers twined his, and gripped firmly, as her Nurse came back with one of the two Colonial officers she'd been chatting up.

"Gods, you two are so..cute! so anyway..."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #331 on: 28 December 2019, 09:58:55 »
Given precarious clan logistics, I think New Circe has a pretty good shot at ruining their day...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #332 on: 28 December 2019, 11:13:36 »
New Capetown...

Hauptmann Evelynn Mosovich no longer had the face she once had.  what she had, was a collection of surgical myomer and badly done grafts that more resembled a skull wrapped around a pair of cameras.

they'd saved her scalp, at least, the Laser's penetration of her cupola's vision blocks had been just attenuated enough, that it didn't destroy her hair under her tanker's helmet when it fried the meat off her face.

the eyes were a new product from Nashan Enterprises, a foray into artificial eyes, and she'd been chosen right out of intensive care to get them at private expense.

the person who paid for it, was waiting as she walked off the concourse of the Praetoria, New Capetown spaceport.


"Hi Evelynn..I'm going to make the assumption you and Pat tied the knot, is that okay, sis?"  Elizabeth said.  Evelynn wasn't used to the way the eyes showed details, how people glowed yet.

"I guess so...we were...going to."

"As far as I'm concerned, you're my brother's widow, come on, you're family now."  Liz stepped up and hugged her.  "Let's go catch our ride home.  How are the eyes working out?"

"They're..they're amazing.  I see more, further, than I did before Tamar." Evelynn told her.

"Yah, Maggie's people are really knocking it out of the park with this stuff.  I'm glad I invested in it." Liz told her, "We might even be developing the tech give you your face back.  I hope you kept some pictures.  It's a few years out, but it's a whole suite of technologies to bring back nerve damage and treat severe, crippling injuries.  the firm's working with Nashan and another partner to get it through development and testing."

"you didn't waste time."

"Kelli did most of the deal." Elizabeth stated, "I just bought off on it.  Evvie, this is Leo Conroy, he's on my staff and a big help in my day-to-day, Leo, this is my Brother's wife, Evelynn."

"I'm very pleased to meet you." Leo said.  the glow was slightly different, as if there were extra lines running through the man. 

They walked through the terminal to another concourse, this one gated with a sign declaring it private and reserved.

"So you're going straight home?" Evelynn asked.

"we are going straight home." Elizabeth told her in no uncertain terms.  "I have a scumbag usurper to kick out, you've got a Barony to get in order."

"Will he go quietly?"

"I'm working on arranging that." Elizabeth said brightly, "We'll talk more with Commodore Li, and you'll get to meet the people who developed those eyes, they're intending to help expand our local economy.  Factories and jobs."

"How are you planning to do this?" Evelynn asked.

"what? the factory? I have smart, educated people doing that." Elizabeth stated.

"No, Stonecipher.  How are you going to remove him without an AFFC regiment at your back? you have to know he won't go quietly, he'll appeal to the husband of our Archon..."

"that's been handled." Elizabeth stated, "Also Al Green of the Green Machine is there, and he's already not keen on keeping that corrupt foreign bastard in office, or in charge.  The only reason they haven't moved against him is the contract with AFFC, and Archon Melissa let me buy that contract out.  The mercenary unit is in my pocket as the person who can either sign their pay, or file a grievance for breach.  That was mostly Maggie Doons and Kelli who worked that out. once the parasites are removed from office, I hand the mercs back to the AFFC, but while we're in transition, they're my mercenaries...but their orders from ME are simply not to interfere."

"What's your plan?"

"Simple enough in concept, a little complicated in execution.  I'm going to see the Governor and the regional manager arrested for white collar crimes, which they will be properly and fairly tried for.  Then, I'll see Stoney re-arrested for treason against the Federated Commonwealth, which we have decisive evidence of, corruption, and abuse of office.  Then, I will fire them both, one in the name of the company, the other in the name of the Archon.  after which, properly indicted under the Emergency articles, I will see Stonecipher executed and Condit...will cease to be a problem.  He will be questioned, and then disposed of in a manner my grandfather, and your dad, would have approved of.  I will, of course, as their Lord, allow them to present their case for why leniency is called for, but I doubt it will be much of a case."

Evelynn felt a shudder.  sweet jesus, is she psychotic? then she felt Elizabeth's hand gripping hers.  "I need you, Evelynn, to be my voice of reason." the girl said.  "I need you to keep me from doing something...classical to them. they've savaged our world, poverty is over forty percent, standard of living has dropped severely, basic services aren't being done, and the assembly is either imprisoned, missing or disbanded, our people have no voice in their own government, and they're being taxed to death, robbed at 'mech point under color of law. I won't allow that to progress to the point of a popular revolt."

classical.  she means crucifixion, or impalements. "so that's why your lawyers showed up with papers making me your guardian ad lidem?"

"well, that and you're my sister in law, and always will be, even if you re-marry." Liz told her.  "Pat loved you and he talked a lot about you in his letters. I think I can trust his judgement on your character...and I need a military strategist to be considered legitimate by the Estates General, especially once I've removed Hanse Davion's man from both the firm, and the planet.  You're a disabled war heroine, with a classic story that will be well known throughout the commonwealth soon enough, you're in the right social strata, right position, and if they decide to remove me, you're a shoe-in to take over."

"that's awfully pessimistic of you, Liz." Leo said.

"Yeah, not pessimism, realist.  what we're going to do isn't going to be popular with a lot of important folks, not the least of which being everyone who's been profiting from the FedCom alliance and sees the Davions the way dad did, that's a lot of the Estates General.  There are also the people who think a Planetary Duke should have a military background, and finally, the vast majority whom are going to have a problem with a fourteen year old Duchess removing an agent of the unified state from office and taking direct control.  I estimate a fifty five percent chance that someone in the Lyran Estates will put forward a motion to have me either removed, or placed under supervision, and once they do that, they'll find out about my...problem, and that will be all she wrote.  Nobody wants a terminally ill person taking over a planetary economy, especially in wartime." she looked at Evelynn, "You're plan Bravo, Evvie, you're supposed to take over and protect our people from the predators when I fall, at least until they can protect themselves, so you get to be in all the important meetings until that happens, which is why I was overjoyed to hear AFFC doesn't want you back in a uniform just yet."

Evelynn had doubted Pat's assertions about his sister's intelligence, right up to right now.  she's planning for a future she doesn't expect to see, she's preparing a fallback if her plan fails. she's made strategic alliances...

"You're sure you're fourteen, and not forty?"
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #333 on: 28 December 2019, 11:37:52 »
"Everything I did, once I decided to take control, was done with a plan, and at least two contingencies on the assumption that said plan would fail. Some of them were even laid out, so that if I lost one objective, it would lead to taking another, adjacent objective.  I always planned first and foremost for my own demise, and laid plans intended to outlast my own life...which isn't that far out of line, when you realize I knew at age eleven that I would not live to forty, and that I likely would not be able to produce heirs.  I never thought I would have to 'be' the Duchess of Kowloon until I had to, so in that sense, it was the only thing I didn't have a plan to deal with when it happened.  so there's that."

-Duchess Elizabeth Ngo, Memoirs of the incidental Duchess.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #334 on: 28 December 2019, 13:32:35 »
I'm beginning to think Evvie will be the first one to spot the cylons...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #335 on: 28 December 2019, 14:55:32 »
aboard MS Gloria, Nadir point, Arluna system...

"Liz...I didn't want to say anything but..." Evelynn said, once they were alone.


"Your aide, Mister Conroy?  There's something weird about him."  Evelynn turned to look at Liz, who was anchored to her personal terminal, going over information from the local 'net.  "Not sure I like it."

"You'll get used to him." Elizabeth said, glancing up.  "How're the eyes working out?"

"They're...fine.  This might be something I need to talk to the engineers about.  I'm still seeing this...light around people. it's not normal."

"Yeah, the system probably takes getting used to. remember, even back in Star League days, artificial eyes had some...character, how's your resolution otherwise?"

"better than 20-20?  I can focus them a lot further than I could my old eyes." Evelynn said, "also darkness doesn't seem to have much effect, just a slight change of coloration."

"Yeah.  I kind of asked for that." Liz admitted, "Faster than natural pupil reaction, better focal length, and broader spectrum reception. The only thing they didn't get off my list that I wish they'd at least tried was matching your originals in appearance.  Maggie says her engineers are working on it, but at best it's a 'twenty years from now' project."

" I was saying, I see highlights around people.  Mister Conroy's looks different."  Evelynn continued.

"Well...maybe when we speak with our third partner at Spider Moon, you can ask her people to have a look." Liz suggested, adding, "if you don't, I will, this is going to be going to market and I don't want the product to have a flaw we haven't accounted for or corected.  I want to build a university after we've tossed the rats out."

"A university? like Nais? that's expensive."

"You have no idea, but not like NAIS.  This is going to be a civilian university, teaching medicine, science, philosophy and business, I intend to con, wheedle, beg, blackmail or threaten the DME into funding an academy at another site for Military purposes-we need to plan for a future if the people we serve are ever going to have one.  too much knowledge has been lost. we can't let that continue."

"Keep talking." now she's sounding like Patrick.

"A place of higher education that advances mankind, a cultural center, a magnet to draw investors." Elizabeth continued, "Not just a place to train men to die in large numbers of senseless battles. Three centuries, Evelynn, of war, constant, unending war.  There are slogans written in gold foil in the Triad on Tharkad, but they've got no meaning.  Everywhere is under one form of Junta or another, one step from military emergency with no relief in sight. People should have something to fight for beyond this lord or that one.  a reason to resist beyond habit and stubborn pride or at least, something to be stubborn and proud about."

"Our people do okay."

"we could be better." Liz said, "I'm dying of something that nobody has had the energy to do real, serious research on for eight hundred years, because we're always at war, or recovering from an apocalypse, or facing one.  you realize they once had cures for cancer? it's true, in the history books, but the knowledge is gone, lost in rush for necessity.  and information? how could we lose so much, except that it was restricted to isolated sub-groups?"

Evelynn managed a laugh, "Your brother used to say that 'information wants to be free'."

"It does." Elizabeth said, "Which makes the loss so terrifying-we have lost so much in three centuries we don't even rightly know what we've lost. we can't even begin to fathom the depth of what prior generations destroyed to create this state of ignorance we're all living in."

"I think Hanse Davion agrees with that."

"Oh, I'm sure he does-he's smart." Liz answered, "I just wish he'd bothered to negotiate fair pricing instead of stealing from us."


liz sighed, "Stonecipher is Davion's man.  he used fabricated 'bandit raids' in conjunction with some kind of leverage on Mister Condit, to steal product from Ngo industries, product that just...magically appeared in the hands of businesses partially or completely owned by the Davion family through the Federated Suns central bank.  so much knowledge was lost, that they didn't bother to alter the serial number plates while installing the machinery...incorrectly.  Equipment that was listed as 'stolen', that Ngo Industries then had to build again out-of-pocket because it was already ordered by customers who did bother to negotiate, twenty billion Kroner worth.  somehow it didn't even occur to him that if he'd bothered to ask Dad, he could have gotten it free of charge as a favor."

"How did you find this out?"

"Miss Whyte is the corporation's security chief, and was acting as chief operating officer for the whole of the firm, not just the Kowloon facility.  she saw the requests for technical services, and checked against blueprints and sales registrations.  She told them we haven't sold them that equipment, the corporations in question sent images of the data plates by courier, along with how they tried to install them, insisting the equipment was purchased legitimately...and the numbers matched the listed numbers of machines stolen in a series of Bandit raids that couldn't have physically happened because the perpetrator was already dead."

"Is that how you got the Archon's cooperation?"

Liz nodded. "It's part of it.  Miss Whyte hired investigators to conduct an undercover audit.  More malfeasance was discovered.  Enormous amounts.  I kinda think the reason Broken Wheel is infamous for poverty? is because I kind of suspect this kind of misconduct is normal there.  I'm rather less inclined to accept it, it's bad for business and costing my people enormously. she gave me my Emancipation, which means Stoney can't claim the guardian status, and agreed to look the other way, in exchange for my authorizing the service calls for Galax, General Motors and a few others in Davion space whose equipment was stolen from my customers. we get rid of a bad regency, they get full Warranty support in spite of the goods being stolen, and Hanse Davion's family's involvement is nicely buried in the press, as is the original crime.  thus, hopefully fewer people who shouldn't die end up dead."

"You should be aiming for 'nobody ends up dead' Elizabeth."  Evelynn told her.

"Eggs and Omelets." Elizabeth said, "or maybe 'some people need killing, unfortunately some who don't end up dead'.  I want to keep that second group at a bare minimum if possible." she sighed resignedly, "but zero is a better goal."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #336 on: 28 December 2019, 16:06:51 »
Condit and Stonecipher are in the "needs killing" category, as I recall though...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #337 on: 28 December 2019, 17:09:50 »
Aaaand the Hanse bashing continues. I deleted my earlier comment, not wanting to nitpick ... but from what I know of Hanse Davion, he’s most likely to be the first to demand that Stonecypher and Condit are put up against a wall and shot (well, maybe Condit can ‘retire to a new posting on a planet that mysteriously gets hit by pirates.’ I can buy that Stonecypher is doing this to toady up to his First Prince, and maybe he’s invested in the same industries, but ... he’s doing it in Hanse name.

Hanse takes personal responsibility seriously. If anything, I can imagine Melissa’s talk is likely to horrify, then enrage him. I could then imagine him ordering an in depth review of any other such regencies, and former Federation nobles who have been assigned feifs in the Commonwealth, to see if anyone else is abusing the trust he put in them, and blackening his name via proxy.

I get this is from Liz’s perspective, and maybe she’s just making assumptions ... but if you’ve decided that Hanse Davion has ruthlessly decided to order his leigemen to rape the worlds of his wife’s nation for his own personal gain, while assuming that there was no way his wife, a rather clever And empathetic lady, would NEVER find out or care ...

Hanse isn’t perfect, he isn’t blameless and he isn’t absolutely pure of motive ... but he’s not stupid. In fact, he’s known as being somewhat above average in the brains department. And this plot of Stonecypher’s is stupid on many levels.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #338 on: 28 December 2019, 17:44:34 »
I'm 100% certain the regency on Kowloon is operating well outside the bounds given to it, and I'm also 100% certain Hanse didn't expect them to stir up this much trouble.  They'll get what they deserve, and Hanse will sleep just fine at night.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #339 on: 28 December 2019, 18:11:08 »
I'm 100% certain the regency on Kowloon is operating well outside the bounds given to it, and I'm also 100% certain Hanse didn't expect them to stir up this much trouble.  They'll get what they deserve, and Hanse will sleep just fine at night.
Sure, AFTER he deals with the cartoonish villains who are screwing not only with his wife’s nation, but his SONs inheritance ... and getting CAUGHT doing it, because even in Hanse was going to approve this kind of shit, you can bet that it would take more than a fourteen year old Nancy Drew to realise it was anything more than bad luck, piracy and a local economic downturn.

Again, I’m really, really hoping that it’s just Liz’s ‘everyone is out to screw Kowloon over except maybe the Steiners sometimes because they’re better businesspeople’ paranoia getting the better of her.

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #340 on: 28 December 2019, 19:33:22 »
Thing is, Hanse has a tendency to do what he feels is best for the realm as a whole, and he's more than willing to break eggs for that omelet along the way.

I'm reminded of the time he launched a massive operation to seize the HPGs across the entire federated commonwealth simultaneously, and Melissa, the ruler of half that Commonwealth, didn't know it was happening or even why until it had already begun. I like the guy, but he is quite imperious, and by this point he was pretty accustomed to being in charge.

The other problem is that he's only one guy. He has to rely on the existing structures of the Federated Commonwealth to get things done. If those structures are systemically corrupt, he can work to reform them, but he can't simply knock them down and replace them without bringing the whole structure down (same reason he couldn't just shoot Michael Hasek-Davion, even though he knew Mikey was an outright traitor). He has to work within those corrupt structures until he can gradually replace them. And those structures are massive. Fixing them all takes a lot of time, probably more than any one ruler could have.

Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #341 on: 28 December 2019, 19:44:31 »
That's pretty much my point... he might have known Stonecipher and Condit were dirty, but didn't expect them to go THAT far...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #342 on: 28 December 2019, 20:08:18 »
True but they did commit the worst mistake possible to allow Hanse to act without too much trouble.  They got caught.

That goes a long way to keeping the other corrupt nobles from objecting.

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #343 on: 28 December 2019, 20:54:24 »
Plot twist, Hanse sent them to Kowloon because of their corrupt tendencies and wanted a deniable way of dealing with them. Actually, he's disappointed the 'Loonies took this long to live up to their reputation.  :D
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #344 on: 28 December 2019, 21:05:58 »
Plot twist, Hanse sent them to Kowloon because of their corrupt tendencies and wanted a deniable way of dealing with them. Actually, he's disappointed the 'Loonies took this long to live up to their reputation.  :D

that is just so wrong... but so funny at the same time

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #345 on: 28 December 2019, 21:14:20 »
Plot twist, Hanse sent them to Kowloon because of their corrupt tendencies and wanted a deniable way of dealing with them. Actually, he's disappointed the 'Loonies took this long to live up to their reputation.  :D
"Will no one rid me of these incompetent cretins?"
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #346 on: 28 December 2019, 21:18:16 »
Plot twist, Hanse sent them to Kowloon because of their corrupt tendencies and wanted a deniable way of dealing with them. Actually, he's disappointed the 'Loonies took this long to live up to their reputation.  :D
  Or he simply dropped the ball.  Even Hanse ‘The Magnificent Bastard’ Davion can have an off day, especially since even he has to delegate some things in a realm as XBOX-hueg as the FedCom, and if he trusted the wrong person’s assessments of Stonecipher and Condit....
  I mean, I get that Liz has a persecution complex and sees the blackest motives to everything and everyone around her; I’d be surprised if she didn’t, given Kowloon’s history, much less her own, is basically tailor-made for inculcating that kind of mindset.  But this could well just be a case of ‘Hanse trusted the wrong guy(s)’, instead of ‘Hanse Davion acting with malice aforethought’.

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #347 on: 28 December 2019, 21:29:03 »
  Or he simply dropped the ball.  Even Hanse ‘The Magnificent Bastard’ Davion can have an off day, especially since even he has to delegate some things in a realm as XBOX-hueg as the FedCom, and if he trusted the wrong person’s assessments of Stonecipher and Condit....

Not as funny, but probably more likely. It's not like he can personally interview everybody.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #348 on: 28 December 2019, 21:56:55 »
  Or he simply dropped the ball.  Even Hanse ‘The Magnificent Bastard’ Davion can have an off day, especially since even he has to delegate some things in a realm as XBOX-hueg as the FedCom, and if he trusted the wrong person’s assessments of Stonecipher and Condit....
  I mean, I get that Liz has a persecution complex and sees the blackest motives to everything and everyone around her; I’d be surprised if she didn’t, given Kowloon’s history, much less her own, is basically tailor-made for inculcating that kind of mindset.  But this could well just be a case of ‘Hanse trusted the wrong guy(s)’, instead of ‘Hanse Davion acting with malice aforethought’.
Exactly: he would not only be furious at Condit and co, but at himself for allowing their crimes to be carried out ‘in his name’.

“You did not just steal from my wife’s people, but from my SONS people ... and you thought I would approve because it somewhat profited my personal accounts? How ... very Lyran of you. Unfortunately, embezzling in time of war is treason.” (They’re dragged off) “Note to self: have similar regencies investigated: if I’ve screwed up here, it might have happened elsewhere.”

Anyway, I’ve said my peace. Moving on.
« Last Edit: 28 December 2019, 22:00:09 by gladius »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #349 on: 28 December 2019, 21:57:59 »
I like the idea they were sent to their deaths, and Liz is the instrument by which un example pour les autres is set...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #350 on: 29 December 2019, 00:05:48 »
Not sent to their deaths. Liz made sure their deaths came to them. I trust they appreciated the distinction. I'm sure they got the point.
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #351 on: 29 December 2019, 01:30:48 »
[out of story] 

Aaaand the Hanse bashing continues. I deleted my earlier comment, not wanting to nitpick ... but from what I know of Hanse Davion, he’s most likely to be the first to demand that Stonecypher and Condit are put up against a wall and shot (well, maybe Condit can ‘retire to a new posting on a planet that mysteriously gets hit by pirates.’ I can buy that Stonecypher is doing this to toady up to his First Prince, and maybe he’s invested in the same industries, but ... he’s doing it in Hanse name.

Hanse takes personal responsibility seriously. If anything, I can imagine Melissa’s talk is likely to horrify, then enrage him. I could then imagine him ordering an in depth review of any other such regencies, and former Federation nobles who have been assigned feifs in the Commonwealth, to see if anyone else is abusing the trust he put in them, and blackening his name via proxy.

I get this is from Liz’s perspective, and maybe she’s just making assumptions ... but if you’ve decided that Hanse Davion has ruthlessly decided to order his leigemen to rape the worlds of his wife’s nation for his own personal gain, while assuming that there was no way his wife, a rather clever And empathetic lady, would NEVER find out or care ...

Hanse isn’t perfect, he isn’t blameless and he isn’t absolutely pure of motive ... but he’s not stupid. In fact, he’s known as being somewhat above average in the brains department. And this plot of Stonecypher’s is stupid on many levels.

Hanse didn't think the guy would do this.  Stonecipher's appointment was a move to keep the Hasek-Davions in check (because Hanse doesn't 'do' that whole mass-executions thing.)  It really never occurred to him that the man was as dirty as he turns out to be.

and, telling the truth, maybe he wasn't when he was sent West.

The discussion between Melissa and Hanse involved flying houseplants, screaming  and shouting.  THAT you can be sure of.  It likely ended in some pretty passionate R or soft-X rated activities, because he honestly didn't know and Mel had the good sense to forgive him for ****** up.

The appointment was political, his 'evil plan' was to remove a competent, yet troublesome officer from the Cappellan border in a way that didn't require killing people to make a point. 

the appointment is also consistent with policy.  There are likely a LOT of marcher lords who've been shuffled around on 'governor duty' who weren't and aren't as corrupted as Stonecipher, and the Periphery of the nation isnt exactly thought of as being a center of power, which is what Hanse was trying to get Stoney away from.

It's a BIG realm.

what Liz is forgetting (She's a teenager, it's reasonable) is that 'done in his name' isn't the same as 'done at his order'.

She's right about one thing: If she'd shown the evidence to Hanse Davion, there would be an RCT landing on Kowloon to arrest the son of a bitch by midnight.

But she's likely to be wrong about what happens after that.  We're not going to see that because that's not what happened, but that's HER error-and a common error to make when dealing with the rulers of super-states. 

The ah...'discussion' between Mrs. Steiner-Davion and her husband Hanse likely involved a fair bit of shouting and some thrown dishes.  Once he explained his side, (Because he would) Melissa forgave him for screwing up.

After which, they made a try for child number six.  (for those who've never been married, yes, the make-up sex IS hotter.)

anyway, 'ripples'...guess who WILL see what Lizzie does this time?  The Cylons are kind of custom made to be super-hackers and they were part and parcel of how Elizabeth got actual, useable and actionable evidence without having to poke around for three to  five years after her mother died.

Thanks to Melissa, he'll even know why
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #352 on: 29 December 2019, 02:20:49 »
Spider Moon, Kowloon system...

"That's funny." Elizabeth said as soon as she stepped through the airlock.

"what's funny?" Evelynn Mosovich asked.

"I..." she took a hop.  "Um, did I suddenly gain weight?"

"Part of the refurbishment, I'm afraid." Alicia Li said from the far side.  "We're still testing it."

"this is..this could be revolutionary." Liz noted.

"That did occur to me.  Come on, there are people you two need to meet."

they followed Commodore Li into the central briefing area.

Evelynn gasped.

"There's something you should know, Evelynn." Elizabeth said, "this is Kristiana Hoffenbakker, she works for Corporate in the publicity department-at least, that's her formal title.   Gina works for our as-yet-unnamed corporate partners and unless I miss my guess, you're responsible for the whatever-it-is that's got us at one earth Gee on a moon that naturally has about one sixth?"

"You're correct, Miss Ngo." Gina said, "Though I'm not the inventor.  we had spares and your Commodore was willing to meet our price."

"They're...Aliens?" Evelynn muttered.

"Not in the strictest sense, Evvie." Liz said, "from pretty far away, sure.  Immigrants though, not 'aliens'. They invented the tech that's interfacing your eyes to your optic nerve...and I guess they invented gravity control somewhere?"

"We would have brought this up sooner, Liz." Alicia said, "but we couldn't get you somewhere we could be certain wasn't being observed by LIC, DMI, or any one of a few hundred corporate spies."

"I kind of figured something was up when you showed up with all that information." Liz said, "I'm a teenager, I'm not does this change the plan?"

"How do you want it to?"

"Everything. I need to know everything Li." Elizabeth said, "If my 'new best friends' are from somewhere else, I need to know all about 'em."  she said it right in front of the Cylons in the room.

"That could take a while." Kristiana said.

"Okay...You've got magical medical tech, you've got gravity control...what do you need us for? Nobody does anything for free without a payoff."

"Cynical." Gina noted.

"Realistic." Liz countered, "You've got the potential to shape the universe to your will-control over one of the fundamental forces in the universe, and super medical tech, I bet you're not going to age much unless you want to, but you're sticking fingers into our world, which means you need or want something we can provide."

"Legitimacy." Leoben spoke.  "A legitimate path to introducing of our people, without massive bloodshed."

Elizabeth bit her lip, "So theres what? tentacle-aliens or furries or something?"

"Not quite. Commodore, may I?"  Gina asked.

"Sure." Li said, and looked at Elizabeth.  "Please don't freak out, okay?"

the door on the far side of the room opened, and a large, gleaming form walked in-far too fluidly to be a man in a suit.

"Holy crap, you're robots!!" Liz's tone was wonder and delight.  "Artificial intelligence, right?? No fleshy bits inside the suit, maybe a brain but nothing else? Cyborgs?"

"You were closer with 'robots'." Gina said.

"Yeah, um, 'he', or 'she?'"

"Wait, how are you even thinking that's a person?" Evelynn demanded.

"because they said 'the rest of our people'." Liz stated, then turned to the chromed giant.  "Um, HI?" and waved.

It cocked its head and the shifting red eye locked on her.  It raised a sharp-fingered hand, and returned the gesture.

" are awesome." she turned to the rest.  "We can't take these guys into it when we take Stoney out of the picture."

"what??" Li and Mosovich both gaped at her in astonishment.

"I said, we can't deploy eight foot tall chrome plated artificial persons with gun-mounts in their arms as troops when we take on Stonecipher. we'd have the AFFC down our necks before you can blink.  hell-ooo, the Clans??"  she turned to the machine, "Besides, you don't wanna get killed in someone else's civil war, do you?"

it tipped its head skeptically.

"Why isn't he or she answering me themself?" Liz demanded.

"Um...we didn't install voice-boxes..?"

"Why the hell not? a person should at least have the chance to speak their mind and be heard." Elizabeth insisted, "even if they're babbling in another language, the facility should be there so they're not mistaken for a...a...thing, or possession!" she turned, "Sorry man, I think it's wrong that you can't talk back at me."

It shook its chromed head and made a dismissive gesture.

"Would voices change your mind?" Alicia asked.

"Yes. Then I can ask them if they want to, and they can say 'no' unequivocally.  Lemme guess, they used to be slaves? or they still are?"

"Used to be."

"Then they need a voice so they can speak freely." Liz asserted.  she looked to the humaniforms, "You guys can do that, right? a speaker or something? and how much am I paying these guys if they say yes, Li?"

"Your attitude is remarkably progressive, Duchess Ngo." the machine spoke.

"you do speak...this was a game?"

"A test." it said, "I'm Centurion...Nick Chopper, seems like a good name.  We are unused to being seen as...'people' by humans."

"Yeah, well sometimes people are ignorant and sometimes they're ******." Liz said, "I kinda grew up being mostly invisible to people around me.  'Nick Chopper' huh? the Tin Woodsman from Wizard of Oz?"

"We have taken some time studying your cultures and their mythologies." Nick stated. 


"And I want to say 'yes', not 'no' to your other question.  Tyrants must be removed."

"I like you." she said, "Mind I have some pretty tyrannical urges myself.  'tyrant' isn't always a bad thing in history.  It's what you do with it."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #353 on: 29 December 2019, 03:33:48 »

"Oh god, Mel...I need to fix this."  Hanse Davion had bruises.  the argument had been vicious.  Melissa hadn't held back, and when she showed him the evidence?  He'd broken down.

The forgiveness was pretty nice though.

"It was an error dear." she said in his ear, draping an arm across his chest.  "how could you have known?"

"It's my responsibility to know what's being done in my name." he said, "I have to fix this.  God... what that kid said to you..."

"Honestly honey, I was kind of already angry at you once she showed me the evidence." Melissa said, "I'm not going to be angry at a fourteen year old kid for calling out my administration.  It would be like banishing Arthur for being rude at the dinner table.  besides, she guaranteed technical support for the stolen equipment and intends to make up the shortfalls."

"Melissa...that's just sensible.  I should have been there, she rooked you."


"The kid rooked you.  she out-played you politically." he stated, "It's my fault for not catching what the governor regent I signed off on was doing to one of your worlds, and what his local crony was doing to a major strategic asset for the entire realm...but the girl out-played you and got you to give in on something you probably shouldn't have."

Melissa sat up, disturbing the sheets, "You'd better explain that, mister. what did she get me to 'buy off' on that I shouldn't have?"

"You're letting her try to take care of the problem herself, that's the starter.  Let's assume she's got competent people backing her up..." he said, " also let her pick her guardian ad lidem."

"She picked a certified war hero native to her world-"

"Yes, said certified war-hero is on permanent patient-status after being stop-lossed into staying, hell, I wish I could pin the medals myself.  but the kid played you."

"She didn't demand financial recompense for her losses."

"She demanded something a lot more valuable, and you gave it." Hanse countered.  "You basically signed off on whatever she does.  Ever heard of a little planet named 'Elbar'?"

"Yes. it's in our realm...your realm."

"Right.  Most of the locals speak a mixture of western european languages.  the word 'kowloon' has a specific slang meaning going back to Kerensky's day. They use it to refer to a kind of rough, mob justice.  do you know why?"

Melissa frowned and was silent...then..."I remember something from history classes..."

"I'll fill in the blanks.  at Running Deer Mountain, which is now an AFFC base on Elbar? they crucified Rim Worlds officers for war crimes-the Kowloonese volunteers did.  a 'Kowloon Necktie' is when a vigilante mob lynches a suspected criminal, because their troops used lamp-posts and rope to deal with suspected Amaris Collaborators.  Your girl is from Kowloon.  she promised to 'keep it out of the press'. and in the video here..." he held up the player for her, "She talked about leaving your hands clean."

" trials."

Hanse chuckled darkly, "She'll probably hold trials, the evidence is damning...but don't be surprised if she, or her people at least, do something that will make the news."

"you can't punish her for what she hasn't done..."

"Punish her? I want to hire her." he said, "Barring that, I'm gonna say we should keep close tabs on 'Elizabeth Ngo' here, and maybe I need to make a State visit to explain that it wasn't a planned move.  what my man did wasn't authorized, much less one of my plans."

he put the reader on the bedside table, "but...can't.  too much to do.  There's a war on.  Melissa, I think you need to make sure that kid doesn't get nailed to the wall by the Estates General if she succeeds, and be ready to drop the hammer on 'Governor' Stonecipher if she fails."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #354 on: 29 December 2019, 05:18:43 »
After which, they made a try for child number six.
Elizabeth Stiener-Davion, perchance?
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #355 on: 29 December 2019, 06:32:02 »
Elizabeth Stiener-Davion, perchance?

vanishingly unlikely.  it would be like naming your kid 'Vendetta', or 'Atrocity', or 'Misfortune'.
« Last Edit: 29 December 2019, 06:46:55 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #356 on: 29 December 2019, 07:26:24 »
Given the other names, I'd be more inclined for "Alexandria"...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #357 on: 29 December 2019, 08:50:41 »
04:00 Nha Tranh Local Time, Kowloon...

there was no warning, no alerts went off.  instead, what happened began with small, stealthy  watercraft coming up the river near the Nha Tranh interstellar spaceport.

The first 'warning' anyone had, was when the security office went silent, this was followed by the visible halt of patrol vehicles along the perimeter and then, the lights going off, on, then off, then on in the control tower.

Militia guards were quietly and efficiently subdued, and Operations resumed normally.

In the city, the next...'warning' if it could be called such, was the Barracks on Chanh street and Lanterns.  This facility had been constructed in the late 30th century, and housed battlemechs.  The power to the main doors went out, and the fire-suppression systems kicking on, filling the 'mech bays with Halon/nitrogen mix, followed by water.

The 'mechwarrior quarters, were taken in minutes by personnel from the Kowloon Coast guard, the on-duty officers were secured with few injuries.  The district's motor-pool was secured in minutes by another force.

Ia Drang...

across the continent, the Militia base controlling Highway 1 out of Hue was hit at the same time that the main barracks/'mech bays of Hue were.  The attack had no warning (again), Men and women in camouflage supported by 'mini 'mechs' struck the bases, shutting down communication and securing barracks areas while others took over armories and fueling docks.

This left roughly a company of 'mechs and tanks on patrol that weren't hit, but now had no communication.  at the top of the Plateau, the former CGNAS Ia Drang, handed over to the Governor's forces four years ago, was secured in seconds, beginning with the flight-line.

No alarm was raised, nor orders given, as the encirclement concluded in New Saigon, where the Militia's 'police barracks', a fortified facility where the governor's men would go after 'mechs were deployed, was taken in seconds by armored, fast, mechanical troops working with 'Red's Rangers', a local security company that often clashed with officials in the city.

Nha Tranh, Government house, 0630 AM local time...

it was largely bloodless, thus far.  by 0630 AM Nha Tranh time, Government House, which had served as the official administrative center on Kowloon since the 2750's, was cut off entirely, Governor Stonecipher rolled in his bed, only to be awakened by the sound of booted feet in the official residence, and the occasional shouts and screams of his security detail.

Strangely, no shots were fired, as he reached into his bedside table, and pulled out his sidearm before getting out of bed.

The bedroom door opened as he struggled into his pants.

"Mister James Stonecipher?" the woman was vaguely familiar, blonde hair worn loose, dressed in a stark white outfit.

"Who are you?"

"I am Kristiana Hoffenbakker, I work for Elizabeth Ngo, your boss." she said, "I would suggest you leave the sidearm where it is, finish getting dressed, and come to the sitting room.  There are matters to discuss."

"In the sitting room?" he scoffed, "I wasn't informed!"

"she didn't want you to be.  Right now, Ngo Industries affiliates and contracted mercenaries are conducting a security exercise to test the alert level of your militia.  thus far, it has been found wanting."

he pulled on his  shirt, tucked it in, fastened his belt, and tied his tie before donning his uniform jacket.  "Securex, huh?"


"I was not informed."

"you weren't supposed to be.  the Duchess is here, and she ordered this necessary security test...oh my, yes, you should absolutely put the sidearm in its holster.  you look silly without it."

he shoved the Federated handgun in its holster, and followed the female executive to the sitting room.

There were two metal sculptures that hadn't been there before, flanking the doorway.  "When did those get here?"

"When I did." Elizabeth said, from one of the ancient, overstuffed leather chairs.  a fire was beginning to catch in the old stone fireplace, she had a spread of documents on the coffee table, and a file open in her hands.

to James, she looked like a child, a sullen one, possibly just back from a funeral in her black skirt, mourning jacket, flats, and white blouse.  "Sit." she said.

"I demand-"

"I said, 'sit', mister Stonecipher." the girl had cold, cold eyes, she indicated the other chair, opposite her.  "Your militia failed a basic readiness review this morning.  My people have taken the 'mech barracks, most of the Militia and Police barracks, and both of the operational military air stations, including the early warning center.  had this been an actual attack, you would have no arsenals, armories or soldiers left with which to resist."

she closed the file, "This is flatly unacceptable, though it does explain the frequency of successful bandit and pirate raids reported to AFFC."

"The Green machine-"

"were asked to stand down for this exercise, since I'm not testing Al Green, I'm testing what is supposed to be My Militia forces." she said it pedantically, "completely unacceptable, especially for a man with your military record.  I await explanations with the aforementioned 'baited breath'."

She glanced at the two, towering, chromed statues, "It's alright Lads, you don't have to play statue, though I'd appreciate it if you stick around here, Nick.  pick somewhere in the room you might feel comfortable."

"Of course Miss Ngo." the statue on the left boomed.  the one on the right stalked out, and Stonecipher felt a stab of outright terror. as the one she called 'Nick' moseyed casually to the window, and crossed its arms, leaning against a structural support that afforded a good view of the two of them.

Liz reached over, and lifted a steaming cup.  "mmm...Ca'phe, I missed this..." she took a sip, and then, regarded him.  "I guess you can say I have determined that I shall come home, with the deaths of my parents and brothers, to see to my responsibilities, You have done a remarkably poor job of stewardship, Mister Stonecipher, and I am still waiting to hear your reasons why."

"'re a child..."

"Yes, educate me." Elizabeth prompted.  "You've worked with Bob Condit on robbing my company, you've mismanaged my world.  explain yourself to me, and you might not have to explain your failure to Hanse Davion."

"I don't have to explain anything to you, you're a child, further you're a dependent child-"

she pulled a sheet from the file, and passed it to him. "This is my writ of Emancipation, do you recognize the signature of the Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth?"

" status? she wouldn't-"

"She did." Liz said, pulling another document out, and passing it to him, "This authorizes me to do whatever i deem necessary to correct conditions here on Kowloon, including judiciary powers vested in the Ducal seat by law and tradition.  as of right now, I am your Liege Lord and you will answer my questions, because I really can have you shot if you don't, and I have enough evidence that your prior lord has reason to have you imprisoned or put to death, so I'm going to give you the opportunity to use that expensive education you recieved on New Avalon, to convince me you're worth more to me and my people alive, than hanging on a cross."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #358 on: 29 December 2019, 09:49:06 »
Crucifixion's too good for 'im…  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #359 on: 29 December 2019, 10:20:27 »
Broadcast repeated on Coventry Broadcasting Services, Donegal Broadcast Network, and locally on Kowloon in  three languages...

"James Edward George Lukas Stonecipher, you have been found guilty of the following crimes under Kowloonese and Lyran Commonwealth common law.  The crimes are embezzlement of public funds, abuse of office, violations of your Oaths of Fealty to the Ducal seat, Archon of the Commonwealth, and First Prince of the Federated Suns, Collaboration with Treasonable persons including Michael Hasek-Davion, Espionage against the combined state of the Federated Commonwealth, acceptance of bribes, solicitation of bribes, smuggling of controlled technology outside the borders of the Lyran Commonwealth, conspiracy to commit industrial espionage, Conspiracy to undermine the authority of the Archon, conspiracy to undermine the authority of the First Prince, conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to conceal murder, solicitation of assassins, conspiracy against your home government..." she lowered the paper.

"That's a hefty load of screwups, sir." Elizabeth stood behind the desk.  "some of that is more than twenty years old, I can't hold you accountable for your activities on behalf of Michael Hasek Davion that were done before I was born, I'm sure that First Prince Hanse Davion of the Federated Suns has already forgiven those or you wouldn't have been sent here. My only concern, is your activities on Kowloon, and so...I have nothing to say for about forty percent of those charges."

he was silent, glaring at her.

"Now, as for your conduct on my world, on behalf of my government, my liege lord the Archon, and my family in the form of serving as his proxy and regent here, I have quite a lot to say."  she paced, hands fidgeting as she adjusted a shower cap.  "Let the record show, and the recording show, that I gave you ample time and opportunity to justify those misdeeds."  she took a white industrial smock from a guardsman in Coast Guard blue, and slid it on.

"You failed to present a compelling case." she finished.  "The record of that conversation will be available at the public library, and has had a copy sent to the Archon and her family."  she turned to face him squarely, "As a former Leftenant Colonel in the Federated Suns military, you understand that wartime conditions permit the employment of summary execution in your home nation, a likewise regulation and law exists here in the Lyran Commonwealth. as a matter of mercy, I will not be billing your family for the bullet.  do you wish to wear a blindfold, sir?"

He finally spoke up.  "NO."

"very well. the Condemned does not wish to be blindfolded for this.  Do you wish a cigarette, glass of whiskey, beer, or other intoxicant before you are shot?"


"Let the records show that the condemned has refused the traditional offers.  Do you wish a moment to confer with a certified counselor, military chaplain, priest, Rabbi, or other person to secure the fate of your soul before sentence is carried out?"

"no." he shook his head, adding "I don't believe you'll do it."

Elizabeth sighed, and drew a handgun from the desk.  "Believe as you will." she said, turned to face him again, leveled it at roughly one meter, and fired.

the nine point five milimeter slug from the revolver expanded, leaving a fist-sized exit wound in the back of his skull, spraying his brains across the plastic sheeting behind him.

"Next case." she said.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

