Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141187 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #480 on: 02 January 2020, 12:26:25 »
She was at least listening...

EDIT: Missing letter...
« Last Edit: 02 January 2020, 14:26:54 by Daryk »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #481 on: 02 January 2020, 13:14:10 »
Sounds like Ms Rowe is at least a semi-competant human being, here... so long as she doesn't get a wild hair up her *** and decide "Hey, let's restart the RWR! Great idea!".....

for those who don't know because you weren't there...during the original FGC '62 game, the creator of the Daphne Rowe character split the Lyran Commonwealth and joined part of it to the Periphery with a resurgent Rim Worlds Republic (this was before we had a lot of hard data on the RWR, Kerensky's period in the SLDF, and such.  Nobody in the fandom really knew or understood just how outright nasty the RWR really was going to turn out to be, because it predated the Era Report document by something like seven years.)

Needless to say, I was brought into that game about three months later, as part of an effort to salvage the Lyran faction.  This effort ended up with the original Arluna Flu, and bringing up I think the 3rd? incarnation of Elizabeth Ngo, as my unfortunate influence ended up turning the FGC'62 game into a Ngoverse-like soap opera.  I dipped heavily into that, for the 4th version of the Ngoverse stories, including inserting whole sections almost-uncut from it.

One of the outcomes, was that Liz and Daphne ended up with a sort-of-relationship that was initially approved by Daphne's original creator-they'd been childhood friends, in drug rehab.  Daphne in that story didn't find out about Elizabeth's illness until everyone (and I mean everyone) else did-Liz 'pitched a fit' in public, on Terra, during another attempt to form the Star League.  (this was also the game that wound up with Liz and Jaime Wolf knocking boots after a successful soc. roll and a failed save-the GM offstage challenged me to make it interesting, and I took it waaaay too far, to the sadistic giggles of the few people left in that game by then. Nothing R-rated, I just wrote the initial encounter, and the aftermath of that night, and left it up to people's imaginations how that would play out.  Racy by 1940s standards, or even 1950s...but G-rated by modern television)

Point is, the idea that Elizabeth would not be a sunny ray of sunshine was old hat, having her dislike someone who was up to that point either in-character respected or liked by everyone, including her enemies (as Daphne was, thanks in part to implied shennanigans) being disliked by Elizabeth for not only something unfair, but also beyond her control?  That part was fun.

The 'Broken Friendship' part was even better.  Unlike the FC/62 game, when I went to the 4th version of Liz, I left an opening for reconciliation, and axed the (rather distasteful and somewhat poorly concieved) attempt at reviving a state that pretty much everyone on all sides including their former subjects, was glad to be rid of.

There ARE vestiges here.  Daphne IS descended from a RWR official who defected to the LC when he saw the writing on the wall, and her family ARE well-connected nobles with fingers in the Realm's finances to a degree that may be unhealthy.

I kept the best parts, I think.  THIS Daphne, like in Ngoverse v.4, has a deep and abiding Lyran Patriotism. if Katy kills mommy and secedes the Lyrans to form the LA, she'll be a Kathrinist, and proud of it.  If she doesn't, she'll be one of those irritant localists who grumble and bitch about 'Davion Influence' but still jump if a Steiner-Davion says 'frog'.

(top secret: she has a picture of Peter in her footlocker. it's got lipstick marks.  they're hers.  she's had it since...well...she's got a crush, mm-kay? No chance in hell of doing anything about it, and she may eventually grow out of it, but even this late, in her late teens/early 20s with a rank she was saddled with instead of earning? she's got a monster of a crush.)


Daphne was the oldest of the trio.  some 2 years older than Penelope Doons, who was the middle girl.  Liz was the kid of the group, but she was also the dominant personality and the instigator.  thus, Daphne was at the Academy when Penny overdosed-and couldn't get free with midterms looming.  Liz has, predictably, never forgiven this on the emotional level.  Mind that here we are in 3052, and Lizzie is only now turning sixteen. she's going to spend her 'sweet sixteen' vomiting in an airsickness bag and taking the same drugs that killed her best friend.

Ah, the life of Nobility..!

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #482 on: 02 January 2020, 14:32:05 »
The hilarious part is that Daphne just might get to MEET Peter... Liz already met Arthur (not that he was the main event there...).  Heck if Peter ends up needing to be sent to the back of beyond for some reason (::)), Kowloon just might be far enough away...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #483 on: 02 January 2020, 14:56:43 »
It would be interesting if the final 5 make an appearance, help develop the tech to allow for either Elizabeth Ngo to be healed or allow for her mind to be transferred into a human form cyclon body that is her exact likeness, with the ability to carry a child like Sharon in BSG cannon?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #484 on: 02 January 2020, 15:12:49 »
Marjorie Hills housing development, Kowloon...

"We're here." Evelynn said.

"Here? I've been to the Ducal Palace-"

"You mean the grounds of Nha Tranh University, Kommandant." Evelynn said, "Liz lives in 1224 Independence Avenue-and that's right over there, at the peak of the cul-de-sac.  You'll be lodged in 1225, since the Archon wants you close to her.  they're pretty nice, all things considered."

Daphne got out of the car after the Colonel did.  "Split level housing?"

"It's a housing development, yeah, affordable, cheap to maintain...and close to the Nha Tranh garrison, that is, the new one. Most of the neighbourhood here are staff or military.  there's a Gymnasium in the clubhouse down the road, with a pool, it's open to the public."

"you know, Colonel, anyone else would be offended or surprised..." Daphne said in a wondering tone, "...I remember her talking about just this kind of thing.  Her idea of the perfect Noble's fortress.  Even Penny thought she was daft..."

"I won't disagree." Evelynn answered.  "Liz has some peculiar ideas about her position, about what is appropriate, she's got the Assembly meeting in the covered soccer pitch in downtown, meetings are open to the public, and that's a whole other species of security nightmare.  They took up the artificial turf, put in the desks and a speaker system.  Offices on the Concession level, the actual futbol pitch was moved to the north side, right in the middle of an open field, and they have to cut the grass, because it's outdoors, per ducal order..."

" games can be delayed due to weather." Daphne said, "Rugby on Tuesdays?"

"All summer long." Evelynn confirmed, "She's got a seat reserved all season, she almost never gets to use it except the inaugural game of the season and the final game of the playoffs.  Sometimes she'll give her ticket out for a few games if she knows she won't be able to even pretend to attend.  On the other hand, she doesn't particularly care for Futbol, so her box ends up lotteried out to people who are fans by the League."

"There are people on Donegal who'll call that a bloody heresy." Daphne said, "liking Ruggy and not Soccer? Heretical, even improper for a young lady!"

"I note that it is Monday." Evelynn said, "Liz isn't due back for several weeks, and as her Governor-Regent, I did secure tickets for the All Tans versus Orcas game tomorrow night."

"Are you inviting me along?"

"Crowds are a bit small, I've got Eighteen Kroner on the Orcas, being as they're my home team." Evelynn noted, "It's probably not as tame as the games you're used to. I understand Gridiron and Soccer are both more popular where you're from-"

"If you're buying the beer, I'm there." Daphne said suddenly, "If I'm welcome?"

"Pick you up at four, will Mister Kinney be joining us?"

"Of course, I rely on my aide for a lot." Daphne said.

"Well, get some rest, Until Liz comes back, you'll have to sit through boring staff meetings tomorrow starting at zero six thirty.  These are the house keys, there's a car in the garage-don't scuff it too badly, please.  If you require anything specific, there's a telephone directory under the phone, the axxess net is unlocked and the fridge is stocked, if you need more than that? I'm staying in the red house at the end of the street, and the blue house is manned when I'm not here."

Daphne walked up the concrete path to the front door, past a neatly cut, but hardly manicured, front lawn, and unlocked the door.

The setup was something they'd debated when Elizabeth was a girl.  the gist was that Liz felt that a Ducal Palace in a city was a target, one that inevitably results in massive civilian casualties.  she could hardly argue that, the Duke of Tamar had effectively demonstrated that, as had the Duke of Apollo-the Clans had cut a massive hole in both capitals and then laid waste to broad swathes of both cities to get at those strong points, with the inevitable loss of lives around them.

Elizabeth's argument was that a Ducal palace should absolutely not be a palace.  Not when the entire city, the entire region provides a much better palace.  Hohiro Kurita had only survived on Turtle bay, evading capture, because the Grandson of Takeshi Kurita had been out drinking in the low-town when the Jaguars landed.

Daphne had no doubts at all, that every home for blocks was either a Ducal staffer, military person, or Police officer.  as she walked into the main room, touches of Elizabeth's taste were visible everywhere.  The quality materials were applied to common, almost austere furnishings.  the landscape art on the walls was taken from Kowloon itself...

"Doors are reinforced." Kinney said, "There's endo-steel plates under the drywall, backed by Ferrocrete...this place is built to LCAF bunker spec."

"There's probably an escape route in the basement?"

he put the sensor array away.  "Yeah." he said.  "Affordable my ass.  it looks cheap, but I'll lay a wager that any stick-builds on this street are there intentionally as chaff.  I noticed surveillance cams in the drainage grates, and that roundabout we passed is just about big enough to house an air defense artillery installation."

"The whole housing development is the fortress." Daphne asserted.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #485 on: 02 January 2020, 15:15:27 »
I also have some tech ideas for the coast guard, based on the design sequences of Renegade Legion and Classic Traveller:

--anti-gravity lifters: allows vessels massing up to a maximum of 100,000 tons to enter a planetary atmosphere and maneuver/land
Mass: 1% of the total vessel mass

--artificial gravity & inertial compensation: this system allows any equipped vessel to maintain a ship wide earth type 1 gravity and cancels the effects of the vessels inertia while traveling at normal and overthrust thrust ratings. In the event of any sudden/combat maneuvers or weapons impacts, the crew/passengers will feel the impact with possible injury due to hitting the wall/floor/ceiling or from flying objects not secured
Mass: 1% of the total vessel mass

--crew support systems: this includes all of the hallways, fire suppression, air circulation, waste/water recycling, plumbing, power distribution, emergency equipment, computer/communications, lifts and access ways for the embarked crew and passengers
Mass: 5% of the total vessel mass


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #486 on: 02 January 2020, 15:32:04 »
he put the sensor array away.  "Yeah." he said.  "Affordable my ass.  it looks cheap, but I'll lay a wager that any stick-builds on this street are there intentionally as chaff.  I noticed surveillance cams in the drainage grates, and that roundabout we passed is just about big enough to house an air defense artillery installation."

"The whole housing development is the fortress." Daphne asserted.

It just doesn't look like that when looking down from above, or taking shots from a dropship coming in or leaving.

Sir Chaos

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #487 on: 02 January 2020, 15:45:31 »
It just doesn't look like that when looking down from above, or taking shots from a dropship coming in or leaving.

As long as your fortress doesn´t *look* like a fortress, the enemy isn´t going to bother sending fortress-busting levels of force.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #488 on: 02 January 2020, 16:18:54 »
If they send battle mechs to come knocking, that's absolutely bunker busting levels of force...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #489 on: 02 January 2020, 16:35:57 »
"Something's wrong. Bad wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"No-one's fallen into a basement yet."
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #490 on: 02 January 2020, 16:36:55 »
LOL!  ;D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #491 on: 02 January 2020, 16:46:18 »
Dear Mrs Helgemayer;

I am writing this to explain why Jimmy was not able to turn in his homework yesterday. I know it is something of an odd thing to happen, but I'm sure you recall yesterday's unpleasantness. Unfortunately, while we were out to dinner, a battlemech stepped on our house. Jimmy's homework was lost in the debris. I am sure that if you can see it in your heart to allow it, he will be glad to rewrite it.

Thank You,

Bethany Qua


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #492 on: 02 January 2020, 17:14:42 »
LOL!  ;D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #493 on: 02 January 2020, 18:08:50 »
Dear Mrs Helgemayer;

I am writing this to explain why Jimmy was not able to turn in his homework yesterday. I know it is something of an odd thing to happen, but I'm sure you recall yesterday's unpleasantness. Unfortunately, while we were out to dinner, a battlemech stepped on our house. Jimmy's homework was lost in the debris. I am sure that if you can see it in your heart to allow it, he will be glad to rewrite it.

Thank You,

Bethany Qua

Dear Miss Qua,

I suspect you are unaware of our new computer system upgrades donated by Cy-Lon Industries to the school.  Including a 'cloud based' data storage system for homework assignments and submitting them.  The regrettable destruction of your home terminal did not render unrecoverable young Jimmy's homework.  I even pulled up his work folder with my administrative access, and it is all right there.  And looks exactly like three other students' work, that I suspect Jimmy hadn't had time to rework to appear different.  Attached is a list of scheduled times to come see me for a parent-teacher conference to discuss with Jimmy this incident.

Respectfully yours,

Mrs Linh Helgemayer.
« Last Edit: 02 January 2020, 18:12:18 by Nikas_Zekeval »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #494 on: 02 January 2020, 18:38:30 »
That is SO Kowloon...  :D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #495 on: 02 January 2020, 18:59:51 »
Dear Miss Qua,

I suspect you are unaware of our new computer system upgrades donated by Cy-Lon Industries to the school.  Including a 'cloud based' data storage system for homework assignments and submitting them.  The regrettable destruction of your home terminal did not render unrecoverable young Jimmy's homework.  I even pulled up his work folder with my administrative access, and it is all right there.  And looks exactly like three other students' work, that I suspect Jimmy hadn't had time to rework to appear different.  Attached is a list of scheduled times to come see me for a parent-teacher conference to discuss with Jimmy this incident.

Respectfully yours,

Mrs Linh Helgemayer.

Frau Helgemayer;

I thank you for the clarification. I will be sure to share the wisdom of your approach with young James this evening when his father returns from work. You may be sure he will have much more time to devote to actually doing the work himself going forward. Please do not be alarmed if certain parts of his Physical Education scores suffer as he will be devoting his former "range" time to his studies until I am satisfied with his performance.


Debrah Qua

PS: I hereby rescind my permission for James to take part in the Spider Moon field trip. He will be too busy re-writing every essay he has been assigned this semester.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #496 on: 03 January 2020, 02:34:34 »
How many Moms does Jimmy Qua have?
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #497 on: 03 January 2020, 03:14:31 »
Two's normal enough. Leaving out group marriages, marriage contracts, clans, and other staples of science fiction.
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #498 on: 03 January 2020, 08:58:07 »
Could be an aunt writing first and the mother replying later what with mechs stomping through the hood.

The Quas most likely have more urgent issurs to see to at a time lile this


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #499 on: 03 January 2020, 10:57:54 »
Special Holding and Containment, New Circe.

Cavil studied the images and video.  A Human girl, almost a child, flanked by or accompanied by, or being assisted by Centurions.  Centurions with individual markings, even modifications.

"This is...horrible." he his voice was more emotional than anyone on the guard staff had ever heard.  "Who is she and what did she do to my people?"

"What's your impression?"  Riverson asked.

"My impression? a human has enslaved cylons, that's my impression!" Cavil almost tossed the images on the floor in emphasis, "There is no possible way those Cylons are serving her willingly!  It violates everything we fought for! You want to talk about atrocities? Right, this, right here.  this is absolutely unacceptable!!  Decorations, like pets, like possesions!, servile...I can't even describe the vileness of this. Did your people do this?"

"We didn't do it, we were concerned it might have been one of your people's plans."  Riverson said, "I'm still leaning that way."

Cavil sighed, "We wouldn't do that to our own kind, there was a faction that wanted to rule the colonials, but-"  he stopped.

On the page in front of him, he laid a finger, and then, a nasty, slow chuckle... "oh...I see now." he looked smug, his prior offense gone.

"what is he pointing at?" Riverson asked.

"it's an advertising poster in the background...'Cy-lon Technical services'..."

"I know you won't stop her to protect my people." Cavil said nastily, "but you might, to protect yours.  They're taking over.  the hand that rocks the cradle indeed rules the world." he chuckled again, "Check and mate, Radioman.  If she's enslaved them and you don't do anything, they'll gain leverage across all of humanity and when they break free?  and that's if she's enslaved them.  If it's the faction that wanted to 'guide and shape' humanity, you can't afford to let them grow either-not if you want to see your civilization remain controlled by your species.  The take over will be slower, but it will be far more complete...and if you try anything you'll have to go to war with the rest of them, not just us, but all those human worlds they're gaining influence on."  he laughed harder..."Oh this is wonderful news!!"  he clapped.  "Congratulations, humanity has already lost!"

« Last Edit: 03 January 2020, 10:59:35 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #500 on: 03 January 2020, 11:05:06 »
Cavil doesn't get it on SO many levels...  ::)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #501 on: 03 January 2020, 11:22:14 »
The Cylon Colony...

" matter what, we can't allow this." Doral said, "The fives are united in this matter, John.  the renegades have gone too far.  Centurions fighting the enemies of humans? our technology in the hands of Humans? Cylons working as menials for humans?  Unacceptable."

"You tolerated it as a cover." the Doctor said.  "I recall you even took particular relish in the role."

"That was mocking them! Imitation, stealth-these renegades have made themselves subordinate to them!!"

Boomer Eight stood aside, listening, and studying the images.  "She's a girl." she said, "A child."

"We've killed children-"

"They're influencing her." Boomer interjected.  "a CHILD with authority over a planet, and who's giving her her advice?"  she tapped a finger and images of Sixes, Threes, Twos, and Eights, captured by press, intelligence outfits, and the subconsciously-transmitted memories of Eights.  "We are.  She spends more time with Centurions than she does other humans."

"An in?" John asked, "A lever?"

"It is a plan the three of you, and your models, rejected before."  Boomer said, "I remember that the Threes also objected to it, yet here they are, carrying it out."

John sighed, "What do we know about them?" he asked, "What do your sisters know?"

"Kowloon.  These are the coordinates." Boomer announced, "The humans there, were once enslaved to a nation called the 'Rim Worlds Republic', they spent three centuries fighting to free themselves, had a brief period of independence, and then were absorbed by this empire-the Lyran Commonwealth, which has been somewhat heavy handed with them."

The image in their shared vision flickered.  "Elizabeth Ngo, age fifteen, dying."

"They're all dying."

"She's going to die a particularly horrible and nasty death, a defect in her biology is slowly eroding her biological neural network-like Daniel's defect, only slower, and potentially more agonizing.  Apparently god decided that Daniel's defect should be visited on a human, only turned up a notch-by the age of forty, this girl will be in pain that can only be treated with death.  Kind of a shame, the girl has many of your personality traits, John. she would have made a good Cylon."

"Ruthless, you mean?"

"Devoted, ruthless, intelligent, charismatic."  Boomer clarified, adding "Doomed. a candle that burns twice as bright."

"Snuff the candle." Doral urged.  "Do it now. do it before the Renegades lead us all into bondage or worse!"
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #502 on: 03 January 2020, 11:24:48 »
Heh... it's not just the one Cavil that doesn't get it...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #503 on: 03 January 2020, 11:49:04 »
Clan Kurultai, over HPG...

"...Robots.  they used robots!" Khan Lincoln Osis was livid.  "this is more than an affront, it's an obscenity!"

"They took one of your warships.  Of course it is an obscenity."  Elias Crichell of the Jade Falcon Clan noted, "who would have thought the Spheroids would forget the dangers of such devices?  Didn't everyone's experience with the Caspar SDS drones filter through??"

"I am not convinced.  The battleroms only showed armored troops, the media is obvious propaganda."  the Steel Viper Khan said, "We have yet to see any sign of even twenty-eighth century technology among the traitor lords, and surely if they had such systems, we would have encountered them before, or you would have."

IlKhan Ulric listened on the channel as his subordinates argued.

"We need to know the truth." He finally stated.  "Kowloon of the planned invasion corridors.  I will offer one of three choices to this Council.. First choice, bid to strike Kowloon and find the truth of this matter in person, whichever Clan does so, by definition, will have to divert front line forces to carrying out such a reconaissance...option two, continue with the advance on Terra, and hope for some salvage or other indicator in the debris of victory.  Option three? We ignore the ludicrous notion that the backwards inner sphere is suddenly fielding super-robot-drone-soldiers, and accept that the strategic plan to take Luthien was critically flawed and reliant on bad assumptions.  the Traitor-Lords have simply decided to take us seriously, and forces should be adjusted accordingly." 

he waited for the outrage to die down, "I am not willing to support bringing in any additional Clans! The travel time from the homeworlds here is six months!  by then, if the Smoke Jaguar Clan's suspicions are correct, we will need all of the Clans simply to hold what has been liberated thus far.  If they are unfounded, it represents a waste of resources, time and materiel that will delay the advance unacceptably and we will wind up needing that reinforcement simply to protect our flanks."

"Clan Jade Falcon's SaKhan supports Option 'A'." Nicolai Malthus stated.
"The Khan of Jade Falcon seconds, Option A is preferred." Crichell added.
"AFF! Yes, Clan Smoke Jaguar supports Option A...both Khans."
"Option C." the Khan of Clan Novacat stated, "We believe this was a matter of poor flank security  on the part of the Smoke Jaguars, and overconfidence. a delay in the offensive toward Holy Terra would be unacceptable."
"Option C, or Option B." The Steel Viper Khan stated, "We will be on the watch for 'advanced salvage', but the claims of the Smoke Jaguar Khans are patently ridiculous, they lost-the Spheroids simply out-fought them."
"Clan Hell's Horses does not believe in fairy tales. Option C."  both Khans nodded.
"When I and my Sakhan are agreeing with the Horses, it must be so.  Option C." the Ghost Bear Khan announced, looking with distaste at the Khans who share his invasion corridor.
"What is Clan Wolf's position?"

Ulric looked to Natasha, and shrugged, "I support option A. if they have a technology that can take any of us by surprise, we need to know what it is, and how to counter it, or we need to know how to deny it to them...what do the other reserve Clans have to say about this?"

"Clan Diamond Shark supports option A.  Both Khans support it.  I would offer that we volunteer-"

"No. your view is noted." he pressed his hands together, "Do any of you feel you might change your votes before we finalize this?"

In the end, after some votes changed, Ulric had to weigh in his own vote as IlKhan.

"begin bidding, who gets the questionable honor of this attack?"
« Last Edit: 03 January 2020, 11:53:15 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #504 on: 03 January 2020, 12:05:57 »
Heh... it's not just the one Cavil that doesn't get it...  ^-^
Or he does, and is trying to nip it in the bud before it spreads
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #505 on: 03 January 2020, 12:07:48 »
Arluna System, KCGS Tran Truk Ngo...

fire wrapped her legs, the flames distorting the streets in front of her. Choking smoke and the tingle of radiation infused her being.
The Greater Synagogue was in flames, choking air black with fallout ash.
She knew, somewhere up there, the SLS
Belleau Wood was still firing on the city.  she looked at her hands, the flesh burning away.
"Never forget what they did to Dinh Diep." Penny said beside her, "It has happened before, it can happen again.  The Star League comes."

Reality reasserted itself, and Elizabeth found herself face in a 'safe' position, her vomit flowing from her mouth, the diaper lining of a skinsuit already filling.

"Elizabeth, are you with us?"  Jack asked, "are you aware?"

"The clans are coming." she said, "They're coming for Kowloon the way the SLDF did against my ancestors on behalf of Amaris.  Can we use the Tyllium drives? do we have the fuel? we need to be home now to prepare to face them."

"Your grace, there's no reason to believe-" Johnson was trying to say.

"ASK GEHENNA!!" she screamed, "ask the Hybrid, she saw it too..." she turned to Jack, "This is a Ducal Order, get this ship to Kowloon, post-haste, and call a war council, we don't have a lot of time!!"
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #506 on: 03 January 2020, 12:22:16 »
Did they actually name the hybrid "Gehenna"?  Just wondering if Liz was making a different reference...  ???


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #507 on: 03 January 2020, 12:30:20 »
And something else that occurred to me... if they actually did name the hybrid Gehenna, Liz just demonstrated another reason for hybrids to be spouting nonsense...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #508 on: 03 January 2020, 12:44:26 »
Heh... it's not just the one Cavil that doesn't get it...  ^-^
it's endemic to his model line. as i mentioned earlier in describing cylon voting, individuals within a model line don't usually vary much. i suspect this is because that they each receive a pre-packaged personality (either a baseline for their model or more likely an amalgamation of the model line's archived experiences) when they are "produced".
as a result, all the individuals within a given model line usually think pretty much the same, and have the same personality. the same mental limitations. only individuals that (while knowing what they are) form fairly close bonds outside cylon society and/or suffer traumatic experiences, develop their own distinct personality. we see this with Boomer and Athena in the eights, and Caprica 6 and Gina in the sixes.
so basically, the Cavil line will never understand, because cavil's are incapable of understanding it by personality, and they never immerse themselves into human culture enough to learn better (due to their sense of superiority over humans. even when they infiltrate colonial society, they keep themselves apart mentally.)

this actually bodes well for the rebel cylons in the Rim Commonality and Kowloon.. not only have they had some of the programming blocks removed (letting them get the opportunity to see human society with fresh eyes) but they also are spending a lot of time interacting with humanity as something other than just infiltrators, so their individuality should be much stronger than the recidivist cylons lead by Cavil.
« Last Edit: 03 January 2020, 17:06:08 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #509 on: 03 January 2020, 13:20:27 »
And everyone thinks Ulric Kerensky is a good guy. ::)

No, he is tying up this invasion anyway he has to.  Sending off troops on a wild goosechase, and getting them bogged down on a world notorious for difficulty in occupation.  To quote Ambassador Londo Mollari "Any force attempting to invade would be neck deep in blood, its own!"

But he is happy to have Kowloonese die for his delay.

