Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141237 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #510 on: 03 January 2020, 16:17:05 »
Of course he is... he knows the history.  Whatever they think, Kowloon won't be a walkover or knuckle under.  The flies are invading the fly paper.

And that suits Ulric just fine... notice how he squashed use of a reserve clan?
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #511 on: 03 January 2020, 17:11:29 »
i suspect the Falcons will get the "honor", just in keeping with the usual kowloon meta-story. of course, this kowloon has barely begun its army overhaul and uparming process, so the attack will probably play out differently in details (if not in outcome).

on the otherhand, they have the cylon republic watching their backs, the Cavil's nutjobs are on their way as well (what do you want to bet they arrive around the same time?), and the wolverines might be able to provide a bit of assistance on the sly.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #512 on: 03 January 2020, 18:30:59 »
i suspect the Falcons will get the "honor", just in keeping with the usual kowloon meta-story. of course, this kowloon has barely begun its army overhaul and uparming process, so the attack will probably play out differently in details (if not in outcome).

on the otherhand, they have the cylon republic watching their backs, the Cavil's nutjobs are on their way as well (what do you want to bet they arrive around the same time?), and the wolverines might be able to provide a bit of assistance on the sly.

Finally Liz knows they are coming, but the Clans don't know that she knows and assumes anything Cylon is local manufacture, not the tip of a technological OCP iceberg.  And I don't see Elizabeth shying away from nuclear weapons, broadcasting the relevant portions of the Ares Conventions after the first wave (basically military targets only, and only those sufficiently removed from civilian space habitation or traffic) initiates among their dropships.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #513 on: 03 January 2020, 19:09:16 »
I'm pretty sure she'll still stir them up into a frothing rage... she's good at that...

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #514 on: 03 January 2020, 19:26:16 »
Who knows: maybe she'll end up with a warship for Hanse?

Maybe a Black Lion or an Aegis? Falcons had a lot of those...
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #515 on: 03 January 2020, 21:21:52 »
Kowloon, 35 hours later...

"hello Daffy.  Colonel Mosovich, How fast can you raise as many forces as humanly possible because we do not have a lot of time."  Elizabeth hadn't bothered with makeup, and her eyes were red with swelling.

Notably, she WAS freshly showered.

"We've barely gotten the militia reorganized, what kind of rush is on the schedule?"  Evelynn asked.

"I've got Li going out to tell me exactly that, assume within two months we're going to be staring down the barrels of a Clan force, how much can you put together to counter that? Assume two months is a maximum, what's our biggest possible defense force assuming a three week transit from the jump points and the enemy arriving tomorrow?"

"Ground forces Militia in the major regions can maybe bring up three regiments of infantry."  Evelynn said, "That's calling in the ban and the fit portions of the arriere-ban."

"Do it. right now, or as soon as physically possible.  Get the training school people to the factories at Camranh, Camp John, and New Saigon, they're to go over the new vehicles right off the production line and get them ready for action..." she paused, "Daffy, how long will it take you to get whatever forces the Archon gave you to put me out of business loaded on dropships and bound for here, and where are they coming from?"

"Three jumps away right now..." Daphne settled on preserving SOME operational security over denying that AFFC had a force ready to move in the event that the 'new immigrants' to Kowloon had to be driven away and the Duchess arrested.

"Get them, tell them whatever lies or truths you need to tell them to get them boarding ship for Kowloon ASAP.  I need to talk to Gina about how many of her assets she's willing to lend us... Evelynn, gimme a status report by FIVE, I need contingencies for enemy assault landings should they get past the Guard, which they will, and get local regionals to start emplacing fortifications, assume this will be a Dinh Diep situation."

and with that, having disrupted the morning staff meetings, Liz was gone.

"Dinh Diep?" Lt. Kinney asked.

"The scar.  in twenty-seven-twenty nine, back when House Amaris was considered a loyal supporter of the Cameron dynasty."  it was a story Daphne knew well, both from Liz, and from her own family's history, "The Kowloonese revolted against the Rim Worlds Republic, they almost succeeded, decimating the 281st Rim Worlds Guards regiment and the 122nd Republican Guard.  The planetary capital was the city of Dinh Diep, home to fifteen million people.  House Amaris called on the SLDF, which sent the 22nd Heavy Regiment which had been on manuevers at Arluna with the LCAF, and the warship SLS Belleau Wood."

"You can see the scar from orbit." Evelynn mentioned, "The clean-up took forty years."

He was shocked, "What happened?"

"The revolt was led by an ex-Star League special forces officer, he was a pretty effective leader-they successfully opposed the assault landings, bad intel-"

"a lot of us still think it wasn't, story was that Kerensky investigated and he didn't think it was bad intel either." Evelynn noted.

"-Bad intel marked a series of fortified buildings near the municipal powerplant in Dinh Diep, which was a Hanford-N pattern water-boiler fission plant.  Stray fire-"

"Alleged stray fire." Evelynn insisted.

"-stray shots, hit the powerplant. a Naval-grade PPC brought the low-yeild nuclear material to critical mass, wiping out the city.  General Phllip Chivington was cleared in the inquest, in spite of it being a blatant violation of the Ares Conventions, since neither government wished to prosecute at the time."

"oh my god, how??"

"They lost half a regiment or more trying to land in the city."  Evelynn noted, "since the 'insurgents' were mixed into the civilian population by dint of being the civilian population, Phil redesignated the city as a military target, and called in orbital support fire to cover his second landing wave.  Lost another quarter of the regiment when the powerplants went up.  Story from Tran Truk Ngo's journal is that Chivington was forced into retirement in 2731, and when then-Major Kerensky did a second inquest, the results were quashed by the Tribunal board as being politically unacceptable."

Daphne capped it, "No charges were filed, no convictions ever registered."

"A 'Dinh Diep' situation means Liz has reason to believe whoever is coming, is coming with significant force and they'll be operating under weapons-free rules of engagement."  Mosovich explained, "it's a win-or-die scenario.  The Clans claim descent from the SLDF."

"but the Star League was humanity's best!" Kinney said it, he believed it.

"They've done worse before." Daphne noted.  "Including Dinh Diep.  we have a legendary view of them today, but if you look at original sources..."

"Nice people don't forge interstellar empires or sit on feuds." Evelynn added.  "When you look at a map, there's something that was there, back in 2729, and it's not there now-and the Star League did that, too." she finished putting her notes away. "Your pardon, Kommandant, but I suddenly have a lot more work than I expected to do."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #516 on: 03 January 2020, 22:03:26 »
History isn't Legendary

Daphne Rowe didn't call in the backup. She didn't call in the backup, because in those brief minutes Liz was there, she saw symptoms.  Drugs have side-effects.  Glazed eyes, suppressed emotional response, a pallor that leaves a slight bluish tinge to the complexion.

she's using Blue rock. Neuroin-53. paranoia was also a symptom.

the same stuff that killed Penny.  Liz is using.

Angry, unforgiving Elizabeth was better, in Daphne's opinion, than an Elizabeth who was hooked on Blue Rock, using hard drugs.

that's a gut reaction. she walked out of the headquarters center and sat down on a bench outside the building with her thoughts.  what she's already dying of, it might not have any more effect on her mentality than a tobacco cigarette.

The possibility, the certainty of that, was in a way, far worse.

"Phennig for your thoughts, Hauptmann?"  a tall woman with strawberry blonde hair asked, "Off the record."

Daphne took a moment to process the woman, until a name floated to the top, "Kristiana Hoffenbakker?"

"Former Journo, currently her Grace's press attache." Kristiana offered a hand.

Daphne shook it.  "You're with Cy-Lon?" she asked.

"Oh, well, I'm with Kowloon right now.  but yes, I am a Cylon.  Doesn't bother you too much?"

Daphne shook her head, "no, I guess it doesn't."

"Heavy thoughts?"

"When I was a girl, I had two friends and we were very close, in a bad situation.  We all thought we'd made it out...but then, one friend, she started using again and I couldn't bear it, so I cut her off, and when I did, I lost the other one."

"Rough." Kristiana said, joining her on the bench.

"I...the one I lost? she's using again, only she has a reason that isn't the addiction.  I'm having problems coping with the reason, or the actions, but I can't leave, I can't hide from it this time." Daphne confessed.  "it's selfish of me."

"selfishness is part of being alive." Kristiana said, "We all have it, to a degree-I took a job with the Duchess because I selfishly wanted to build my media without having to live on salt-noodles and unpaid bills, but at my core, I really prefer to be finding and exposing the truth of things, of people, I loved being a reporter, I'm less happy with advertiser?"

"I saw your expose on the Regency." Daphne said, "Your interviews were moving, and your image work..."

"It was a labor of love." Kristiana told her.  "I would love to do that again, bring the High to account, showing the stories of the regular people..."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #517 on: 03 January 2020, 22:16:52 »
what model of warship was the SLS Belleau Wood, and was it ever said what happened to it in the other renditions of the 'loonieverse? what are the odds that it entered clan service and will be making a serendipitous return visit soon?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #518 on: 03 January 2020, 22:36:27 »
Ouch- that would be way too meta...
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #519 on: 03 January 2020, 22:57:59 »
what model of warship was the SLS Belleau Wood, and was it ever said what happened to it in the other renditions of the 'loonieverse? what are the odds that it entered clan service and will be making a serendipitous return visit soon?

She was a Potemkin class, according to previous writings. And yes, the clans have several of them whose Star League names have not been specified.

The Jade Falcons, as the most likely attackers, are not known to own any of that class at this point in time.

ETA: Factions currently known to own Potemkin-class vessels at this time:
Clans Snow Raven, Hell's Horses, Ice Hellion, Goliath Scorpion, Diamond Shark, Wolf, Fire Mandrill, Coyote, Steel Viper, Smoke Jaguar, Star Adder, Cloud Cobra; ComStar.
« Last Edit: 03 January 2020, 23:07:49 by croaker »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #520 on: 04 January 2020, 01:11:53 »
CSV Ophidian, Potemkin class warship...

The use of such a warship for so minor an operation was a little disconcerting to Star Admiral Kyle Foster.  His vessel, he was certain, was better utilized on the primary invasion, not squiring a mere Cluster of warriors to conduct what was, at least on paper, supposed to be a reconnaissance in force.

Having most of Delta Galaxy embarked with no assigned targets was also troubling.  Still, the bid had come down to a single cluster, how they arrived in the Kowloon system was beside the point.  Rubbing it in the face of the Jade Falcons that a Clan whom did not believe in fantasy robot killers, then taking the spot they coveted in testing the fanciful notion, was sufficient.  the Steel Vipers would take Kowloon for the Clan, and have their own foothold in the Inner Sphere regardless.

The world's history wasn't troubling to the warriors embarked-the chance to bring the promise of a restored star league to the people who spent lives like water aiding The Great Father against the Rim Worlds,  there was an honor there.  Bringing the wayward home, one might say.

It did not hurt, of course, that the Watch reports suggested the world was heavily industrialized, and had endured centuries of mismanagement by the Traitor Lords. 

"They will welcome liberation." Star Colonel Matthews asserted.

If the other Clans had an issue, they would be reminded that if they really wanted this mission, they would have fought harder to have it.

But deploying a full warship, with this much capability, to such a mission seemed to be a waste in Foster's eyes.  The only compensation, would be the success of this mission, and the crushing of objectives in the proxy battle would occur at the same time...

"Drive is charged."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #521 on: 04 January 2020, 01:34:43 »
March 3, 3052, Kowloon...

KCGS James Qua, CG-2/5  had managed a sighting of what was bearing down on Kowloon in the outskirts of a former Rim Worlds system just a few light years from Hood IV.  They'd used a new FTL communications relay based on Cylon tech to send back imagery.

"Potemkin class...looks like she's missing a few dropships, do we have an ident?"  Alicia Li asked.

"Hull markings are for Clan Steel Viper." Johnson, the DMI man who was assigned to be Liz's 'minder' by the Davions had made himself invaluable in the last few months-first handling Her Grace's reports to the First Prince, and then displaying a knowledge of Clan symbology and unit identification.

"We've got a partial trace on their transponder signals."  Melanie Arras-331 announced, "You're going to love this, Commodore."

"Give it to me."

"Clan ident uses the same transponder codes as the original ships, right?  they just use an identifier overlay, the original numbers are left intact, or at least, that's what LIC has claimed.  guess who's coming to dinner?"

"SLS Belleau Wood?" Li speculated, "That would be too damn coincidental, wouldn't it?"

"SLS Belleau Wood, CV-29, for the winner of the chicken dinner.  Probably one of the ships they broke out of mothballs for Exodus, and now, it's coming here, there's nowhere else that's worth sending a warship in this part of the rim."

"broadcast it." Li said, "Let all our  people, Rockjacks, and Dirtyfeet, know who's on the way."

Li turned to Gina, "Will your people join the fight?"

"I believe that's what it means, when you accept citizenship." Gina said, "I take it that name has a special meaning?"

"Here..." Li brought up a map of Kowloon, "See this area? with the high background radiation, where damned little of nothing grows? That ship, it did that for the Star League, back in the twenty-seven-twenties, killed fifteen million people immediately and a few million more afterward...yeah, it's a 'meaningful' vessel.  The official claim was she used energy weapons, but it could have been missiles. the Old Star League didn't even see fit to prosecute."  Li gave a feral grin, "We're going to repossess her, in pieces if necessary...or preferably."

Li turned to the comm station, "Recall all vessels.  we don't move on it until it's in our space, but when it is, we're taking that bloated bastard down.  War Plan Red is in effect."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #522 on: 04 January 2020, 01:50:08 »
Elizabeth House, Marjorie Hills neighborhood, Nha Tranh, Kowloon.

"It's too coincidental, they know what they're doing." Liz said, "They're rubbing our faces in it."

"it's been over two and a half centuries, Liz."  Daphne countered.

"Yeah. Dinh Diep's still radioactive." the Duchess was distracted, her emotions turned down.  the flush of a recent injection was still fading.  "Daffy, you need to either get useful, or get gone, I can't protect you here.  That's a Regimental Transport arriving in a few days, we don't have a 'mech regiment, much less an elite one-"

"I can pilot, Liz."

"I don't have anything for you to drive!" Elizabeth didn't shout, "we sold off Stoney's machines for capital, and Green's in transit to Pandora to back up units there.  What's the best you can get us?"

"Mainstreet's got a battalion of the MTM."

"then call them." Liz urged, "now, before our Comstar outlet closes shop. tell them whatever lies you have to tell them to get them here post-haste."

"What's your best scenario?"

"we keep them from grounding.  Nobody's ever managed that with ordinary regiments, much less ones supported by a Warship."

"Are you evacuating then?" Daphne asked.

"I've got stuff being loaded onto a sub, I'm going mobile, Li called 'war plan red' and Mosovich agreed, that means we're going into the bush early and immediately."

"Then, I'm coming with you...after I make a couple of long-distance calls.  You've got your black box unit?"

Liz nodded to the kitchen table.  "over there.  You checked out on that gear?"

"YES...aren't you?"

"No..." liz looked uncomfortably like her younger self, "I've been...I didn't want to. Davion stuck me with that and Johnson, and Johnson normally runs it for me."

"Christ, Lizzie, you can hold and understand more information than my father's whole company, and you can't learn to dial the damn phone..."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #523 on: 04 January 2020, 02:45:50 »
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #524 on: 04 January 2020, 03:12:13 »
To be fair, they don't know everything. They certainly don't know the that their glorious ilkhan may have... arranged things so that the situation will blow up in their face.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #525 on: 04 January 2020, 03:14:23 »
Plus the Vipers seem to always to get hit with the stupid stick. both in canon and fanfics.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
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"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #526 on: 04 January 2020, 04:00:04 »
To be fair, they don't know everything. They certainly don't know the that their glorious ilkhan may have... arranged things so that the situation will blow up in their face.

More to the point, that he failed to orchestrate sending the Clan he wanted to send.  Vipers being Vipers, they didn't let the Jade Falcons step on that land-mine out of some misplaced competitive urge.  Kerensky's setup would have been more reliably executed if the Vipers weren't so damned contrarian, first by openly doubting the threat, and then by bidding sharply to be teh ones to disprove it.

Plus the Vipers seem to always to get hit with the stupid stick. both in canon and fanfics.
I prefer to think "Naive", or "Idealistic", rather than outright stupid.  Their ideals might be enough reason for most of the Inner Sphere to (once understood) want to shoot them in the face, but their laser-focus on being good at fighting (and with those marksmanship and piloting skills, they really should be good at fighting.)  The problem is their lazer focus on individual excellence rather in that way that you only get in the Hothouse of competitive sport fighting.  A viper would rock the sox on Solaris, but as soldiers they're maybe not so great. 

Imagine someone who really, really works out-their left arm, only their left arm.  can bench-press a buick, with that left imagine how that might cripple their performance in a situation where they need two hands.  that is the Steel Vipers.  (In a sense, it's the Clans as a whole, but the Vipers are like an extreme version.)

it's not that they're stupid, it's that they simply don't have the institutional grasp to get what they're getting into, and that institutional blindness isn't really limited to JUST the Vipers.  To a degree, all of the clans have similar blind spots.  What highlights it with Steel Viper, is that their blind spot makes some basic predictives impossible for them, and an overreaction when their assumptions fishslap them will be inevitable because the lesson tends to be harder.

One note on Continuity changes: Because of the timing and the 'ripples' of how things have changed, the Vipers still field the same forces at Tukayyid, with the same outcome.  What's different, is that their remaining Touman isn't largely idle while it's going on.  This doubles the chance that they're going to learn something from March 20, 3052.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #527 on: 04 January 2020, 04:21:29 »
Outer System, Kowloon, May 16, 3052...

the emergence wave at the Zenith point was loud.  a wavefront unseen in these parts since the departure of the SLDF from the Inner Sphere.  enormous shape that erupted into existence was a ship that was nearly a battlegroup in and of itself.

Of the original 25 dropship contingent, this vessel carried fifteen.

"Time to make the donuts."  Captain Bianh Vu Dao stood on the bridge of the KCGS Anh Cu'ong, Cutter 1/A/6.  "Open radio channels."

"Aye mum, wide spectrum broadcast enabled, you're hot in three...two..."  at the flash of a single finger, Bianh spoke.

"Star League Ship SLS Belleau Wood, this is Captain Bianh Vu Dao, Kowloon Coast Guard, Please signal if you understand this transmission, Over."

"This is the CSV Ophidian, your identification codes are incorrect."

"Transponder doesn't lie, you're squawking CV-29/T/661, that's the ident code for SLS Belleau wood, the cheesy paintwork notwithstanding, your vessel is logged as stolen. heave to for a standard health and welfare inspection and have your documentation of ownership and shipmaster's license ready for examination and confirmation under Star League Regulation 2491/12/19 as updated in 2785, along with your transit papers into the Lyran Commonwealth.  Be aware, under the Emergency Declaration of 2851, I am authorized to use force to compel this necessary inspection and I will not hesitate to do so. If you wish to contest ownership, you can tell it to the judge."

"They're undocking the dropships, and I'm detecting fighter launches."

"I was going to ask 'you and what fleet', Captain." the voice on the comm said, "But I only see your bitty little gunship there."

"I brought backup.  Stand down your weapons and drives, you are bound by law, or you're no inheritors to the Star League."

"He's launching missiles."

"Stand by for maneuvers. Do they have a lock?"


"Secondary drive spun up?"


"Wait for"


appearing inside the protective envelope of  a warship group, less than fifty meters from the hull of the Potemkin was a matter of complex calculus and roughly half a metric ton of tyllium.

"All batteries open fire, target the Belleau Wood."  she thumbed off the comm relay cutoff, "Let the record show, You were resisting arrest."

additional flashes erupted on a six o'clock vector to the Clan vessel and his escort group.
« Last Edit: 04 January 2020, 06:30:48 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #528 on: 04 January 2020, 04:56:39 »
CSV Ophidian...

The 'police vessel' vanished before the first warning salvo reached the halfway point, leaving the bridge crew astonished.

"Let the record show, You were resisting arrest."  The woman's voice was calm, and then, damage began to register, and calls from the Aerostars and Escort dropships began calling in hostile contacts vectoring from behind the formation.

"A stealth technology? find targets, and engage them!!"  Star Admiral Foster had nothing in his experience that would explain the sudden appearance of an enemy force, even a small one, so close to his own warship.  the Snow Ravens could not have done it.

"Roll! Roll the ship!!" too much damage was accruing to the dorsal hull, and what wasn't blotted out by ECM was unseen by the warship's advanced targeting arrays.

"Attention foreign vessel, you can still surrender and save lives.  Stand down your drives and weapons."

"Ignore that! all ahead full!"

the locals had picked this fight, but it would be Clan Steel Viper that won.  He was determined of that.  "I am Kyle Foster! I am a Star Admiral in Clan Star Adder! I will contest this challenge to my possession with all available forces!!"

"Nice to know who I'm shooting at, Kyle.  what the freck is a Star Admiral? you guys have some kinda rank bloat in your pirate band or something?" Vu Dao's mocking voice came over the open channel.

One of the in-system drives went offline, and then, weapons systems started to go offline.

"Fix that!" 

Inside the hull

There is an unspeakable horror to fire inside a starship.  Boarding parties, therefore, rarely if ever employ flame-throwers.

Sindee Blank-131 tapped her faceplate, and raised the flamer, while Chuckles the Cylon, Tweedle-dope, and Jackie-O's her fireteam members finished rigging the breachers on the internal lock.

The compression wave from detonation blew the hatch back into the vacuum of the compartment they were in and she threw up a "lock stick" while the Cylon point man rushed the entry.  Uniformed techs were trying to haul emergency 'baggies' out of their collars as the marine fireteam stormed the section, while armored Elementals tried to track the Marines with Needlers.  Iin this reduced atmo, the flamer's effect would be muted, but the psychological shock of someone spraying jellied fuel and igiting it had the desired impact.

« Last Edit: 04 January 2020, 05:06:09 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #529 on: 04 January 2020, 05:24:15 »
Spider Moon tactical center...

Alicia studied the helmet cam and cylon's eye view of the boarding action.  nearly a battalion, if you used standard groundsider measurements, were aboard the enemy's ship now, freeing the majority of the twelve cutters and their dropship riders to go after the enemy's escort droppers, transports, and fighters.

the enemy didn't know it yet, but they were coming into range of the second defensive line.

"They hold formation pretty well." she said, as Cutter 3/b/6 winked out, the enemy's energy weapons converging to blast right through the Sampan 1's armor and structure to core it in fire.  "Damn their good gunnery, too.  that was Trac Nghien's boat."

On a tracking board, ship and fighter losses were accumulating.  the space battle was fast, furious, the Clanners were adapting to tricks like 'six jumping' and pulling together into tighter formations.

"they're in range of the secondaries, Commodore."

"Inform the secondary line that they are to hold fire until my mark, and start distributing targets."  The ammunition business was great.  Elizabeth's salesmanship meant surface-to-orbit missile sales of a copy of the SLDF era "Barracuda", a high Gee-boost missile with multiple smaller warheads once common throughout the Inner Sphere were once again rolling off of lines-legally meant for testing on the prototype warships being developed in the Lyran Commonwealth and Federated Suns.

Illegally nearly every major rockjack co-op had been assembling them, and other weapons, for generations.


Ten generations of ammunition activated simultaneously, and streaked toward the enemy's battlegroup.

Li silently prayed that the IFF circuits on those missiles and their warheads was up to date, hadn't been sabotaged by apprentice work, that they wouldn't hit their own ships.

Behind the missiles, were armed prospecting ships, not much more than shuttles, but with high-gee drives and hardpoints carrying heavy loads. IN this case, the heavy loads were cannisters filled with density enhanced metal and fitted with rudimentary maneuver drives and sensor arrays, kinetic-kill weapons boosted to relativistic velocity and then released on fixed vectors.

to Li, this was the important, make or break of the battle.  Kowloon's ground forces weren't in any condition to fight an invader with a tenth this visible strength-it was win in space, or lose the battle entirely.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #530 on: 04 January 2020, 05:33:25 »
I like the Kowloonese take on Kerensky being a thief. Well done.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #531 on: 04 January 2020, 05:51:07 »
CIC, CSV Ophidian

Sections of the ship were going dark.  Reports of boarders weren't something he could dismiss.  Kyle Foster had lost any doubts that this was a mistake five minutes ago, in the screams of his Elemental Security force over the PA system.

Internal and short range sensors were out, the comms were cluttered with jamming traffic from a close source, but he still had long range sensors.

The wall of missiles incoming, he could see them, but the ship's communication array was displaying massive antenna faults-there was no way to cut through the jamming to warn the dropships of what was coming, or to coordinate a point defense with the fighters outside.


he was slammed forward, impacting the forward bulkhead on a column of air like a pneumatic piston.  "Stand down, you are bound by law!!"  He twisted in microgravity, to see a group of young soldiers in light armor, leveling weapons, and something else with them, anchored to the deck, armored forms leveling rifle-like heavy weapons.

A fierce looking young woman with an automatic shotgun advanced.  "Kyle Foster?"

"That..would be me. who are you?"

"I am Chief Petty Officer Linda Sithers-351, Kowloon Coast Guard, you are under arrest and bound by law, anchor in place, and remove your sidearm and holster by undoing the belt and letting it fall free, and then inform your crew to do the same.  If you do this, no harm will come to you and  no further harm will come to your crew while in my custody."

"What happens after that?"

"Not my department, sir." she said, "you will either be held under the Ares Conventions if you comply immediately. we've got your ship's key systems under our control, and I dont' want to space anyone...else."

He contemplated whether he could draw his pistol before she cut him in half with what was no doubt a load of class-three flechettes.  then, he unbuckled his pistol belt, and let it fall free to be collected by one of the other marines.

"You win this trial of possession." he said, and his voice carried across the ship's public address system.

"Cuff him, inform Spider Moon we have taken possession of the Belleau Wood." Sithers said.

"Aye mum."

Sithers lit a no-smok and took in a deep draw.  "Bolo? can you helm this bucket?"

"Yes Mum." the armored form on the left said, "The systems allow that."

"Bring it to the impound orbit at Boojum so we can offload the crew for prisoner processing.  You know the standing order-no reprisals, and until we get an actual officer aboard, we follow the reg."

That caught Foster by surprise, "You...are not an officer?"

"I'm a Non-Commissioned Officer and Officer Candidate, I haven't gotten the chance to do my ground tour yet, sir." she said, "once I've finished my surface five in the bottom of a gravity well, I'll be qualified as an officer."

He blinked, old information from naval training and conversations with Snow Ravens..."You are...a belter?"

"Rockjack, sir, Belters only live around Sol." she said, "Yeah, I've got around three days surface-side on a planet, means I can't be an officer yet."


"no sir, three days, seventy two logged hours, total." she said, and nodded at the now cleared visual screens, "My home's about...there-see that pinpoint? Sithers 3 burrow and processing. where I was born.  I've got dirtyfoot relatives though, and they're going to be happy we stopped you from blasting their home into radioactive bits the way the last owner of this boat did back in 2729." she cradled the shotgun as she anchored her feet, activating mag-plates in her boots to the deck.

"I'm not familiar..."

"Dinh Diep. the SLS Belleau Wood turned Kowloon's largest city and planetary capital into a radiation hazard that took forty years to clean up on behalf of House Amaris.  we never forgot that one, if your people hadn't forgotten it, you wouldn't have brought it within five light years of this place."

His heart felt like it would stop. 

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #532 on: 04 January 2020, 06:16:52 »
There is such a thing as bad karma, even for a ship.
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #533 on: 04 January 2020, 06:24:19 »
Prisoner Processing, Landmass 2, southeastern coast, Western Ocean, Kowloon, 22 May, 3052...

Captain Wendy Lyons had hoped to enjoy a tour watching whales in the pack-ice and monitoring fishing vessels, maybe doing some Search and Rescue work.

she hadn't anticipated suddenly becoming warden for over a thousand Clanners interned on the South Continent in a makeshift POW camp, nearly seven hundred and fifty kilometers north of her normal patrol's range.

"There are no bars, no guards, and nobody will stop you from leaving the camp proper.  doing so, going past the ditch line?  Let me give you a demonstration."

a chopper dropped a beefalo into an area of low growth below the rise the camp was erected on, and cameras followed the animal.

"We call them 'ants'." she said, as the swarm enveloped the confused beast.  within minutes, there were only bones.

"The ditch lines are filled with an effective insect repellant.  The stuff is toxic, and we keep it filled.  You're safe in the camp proper, and on the beach. the guard towers are available for your use, please remember to request additional ammunition. They're there to protect you from Broward beasts, I would suggest you drill on loading and refilling the gun systems, as Militarily trained personnel, I assume you know who among you can shoot accurately. diagrams of a broward beast are present, I'll also suggest you have your officers conduct classes on where to concentrate your fire when, not if, one approaches the camp. You'll need to maintain a constant watch.  food and medical supplies will be delivered once weekly, your officers will be in charge of distribution.  any shortfalls will be on their heads.  You're not immigrants, if you have any pressing issues of camp discipline, we expect you to handle those internally.  IF you fail to defend your camp from the wildlife, that's on you.  your term of internment will end, when a diplomatic solution allows for it and you can be repatriated to your nation or planet of origin.  Until  that time, we're only obligated to provide you with a means of self defense, food, and medicine, though fresh water and soap are also going to be made available. that terminates this announcement, welcome to POW camp."

she killed the two-way link, and stepped onto the outer deck of her patrol boat.

The camp was visible from this distance, at least, the ocean-side was.

"hate this.  I really do." she said to no one in particular.

"How long before they figure out you're serious?"  the Sharon on the boat asked.

"I don't know." Wendy said, "I hope sooner, rather than later.  I'd rather have to supervise air-drops of food and ammo for the next ten years, than deal with nightmares because someone didn't think a Broward Beast or a colony of Army Ants was a threat, but I know somebody is going to be that stupid. With luck, it won't be a lot of somebodys."

"What happens if nobody negotiates for them?"

"Then I guess, after ten years or so, we'll be air-dropping immigration paperwork, roll up to the dock, and start the naturalization process." Wendy stated, "Ten years is the maximum we can hold anyone for the civil offenses these guys are guilty of, I'd rather just send them home though, and get back to whale watching."
« Last Edit: 04 January 2020, 06:31:13 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #534 on: 04 January 2020, 06:53:30 »
Command Center, Spider Moon...

"an open-air prison??"  Lt. General Daniel Russell, the officer sent by Mount Asgard in answer to the request for aid, asked.

"yeah." Elizabeth said, "it's open air.  the best prisons out there have locks on the inside of the doors.  There isn't another settlement for two thousand kilometers in any direction, and that landmass is about as much 'untouched pre-contact kowloon' as you can get.  They leave the active measures for open country, the wildlife will get them if the plants don't.  escaping to somewhere with vehicles means swimming five hundred kilometers in open ocean, or building their own boats-in which case, I'd probably offer 'em a stack of immigration forms anyway."

"You gave them weapons."

"Yes, I did." Liz said, "And yes, those weapons will work on people about as well as they do anything else.  but they have a good reason not to try to use them. Not much on that continent that a man can eat, lots that will eat a man.  In the meantime, you're here to take the bulk of what we captured off my hands, right?"

"the bulk of it?"

she sighed, "As evil as her rep is, the SLS Belleau Wood remains the property of the Star league, I expressly pointed out to the Archon that we turned over the Iowa to the nearest legal owner, same applies to the Wood...but we're keeping the dropships, what fighters we were able to recover, and the rest of the war materiel minus most of the 'mechs and all but a few of the suits."

"A few?"

"reverse engineering." Elizabeth stated, "We're tearing the suits and a few promising 'mech designs apart to see if we can tool up to produce or dig up technical info and secrets we can license for royalties."

"Not for use?"

"can't afford to lose it, you can't afford to use it." Elizabeth stated.

"You know you can use the Clanners.  They have this thing about 'bondsman' status..." he said.

"I don't recognize that legal theory, and using captured enemy personnel in war industries is a violation of the Ares Conventions and therefore a war crime." Liz explained, "My people aren't war criminals.  they will be held per the Ares conventions until such time as they can be repatriated to their nation-state, should that become impossible, they will be offered citizenship no later than ten years after beginning internment."

"did you provide them with a means of communication when you put them on that island?"

"yeah, what, you think I didn't check the rulebook?" she glanced at Daphne, "Daffy, how many hours did I spend digging through legal precedents prepping for this?"

"You spent a week." Daphne stated.

"I want to have access, Liz."

Elizabeth shrugged, "Fine by me.  I'll have Li arrange it. we let the internees run their own show over there, shouldn't be too hard to arrange a meet with the camp's authorities and verify humane conditions."

"I'll be taking them off your hands, Liz." he said.

"fine by me, as long as you're not planning to violate their rights as prisoners of war."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #535 on: 04 January 2020, 07:27:47 »
His heart felt like it would stop.
He CAN learn!  :D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #536 on: 04 January 2020, 07:29:31 »
What glorious things the AFFC could do with a Potemkin. Smart keeping the Droppers, best way to enlarge your merchant fleet and/or augment the KCGM. Turn some of the Clan Droppers into pocket warships or whatever. Miss Ngo is thinking, there's always profit in war. She'd make a fine Ferengi as she follows Rule 34 of the Rules of Acquisition.
« Last Edit: 04 January 2020, 07:35:47 by Sharpnel »
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #537 on: 04 January 2020, 10:26:06 »
I wonder what the meeting will be like between the Colonials/Clan Wolverine once they show up at Kowloon / and the Cylons provide proof that they are not going to do anything like the Cavil series say they would?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #538 on: 04 January 2020, 10:57:04 »
Oh I'm pretty sure they've already figured out Cavil's game and thus deduced even if he were right the best way to combat it will not be military force but establishing a lasting diplomatic relationship and supporting Liz's efforts at true integration once they learn of them.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #539 on: 04 January 2020, 11:04:40 »
What glorious things the AFFC could do with a Potemkin. Smart keeping the Droppers, best way to enlarge your merchant fleet and/or augment the KCGM. Turn some of the Clan Droppers into pocket warships or whatever. Miss Ngo is thinking, there's always profit in war. She'd make a fine Ferengi as she follows Rule 34 of the Rules of Acquisition.

Yeah, I think Hanse and Melissa will find this a far better prize than the Essex Takashi got.  True it is a beast to run, but the only non-energy weapon armament it has are Barracuda Missile Launchers, which Liz among others are starting to build a version of.

Plus the transport means it can replace multiple jumpships on a major assault, freeing them up for other duties.  Add in it has a Lithium-Fusion Battery?  I suspect FedCom designers and engineers are going to be pouring over her whenever she isn't on a mission for details for their own ships.