Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141064 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #690 on: 08 January 2020, 17:48:20 »
The fact that they *needed* help, combined with help actually *coming*, are the only bits of leverage Hanse and Melissa really need to exert over Kowloon and Elizabeth.

Showing that they, as feudal lords, will execute their duties on behalf of Kowloon diligently, is sufficient to make a point to Elizabeth, and probably the most *effective* way to keep and reinforce her loyalty besides.

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #691 on: 08 January 2020, 18:07:25 »
The fact that they *needed* help, combined with help actually *coming*, are the only bits of leverage Hanse and Melissa really need to exert over Kowloon and Elizabeth.

Showing that they, as feudal lords, will execute their duties on behalf of Kowloon diligently, is sufficient to make a point to Elizabeth, and probably the most *effective* way to keep and reinforce her loyalty besides.
This is the thing: loyalty in a feudal system goes both ways. The people at the top need to step in and protect the ones below them, no matter how far down, or how much they may personally despise them, because that's how the system works.

Why support a Lord who isn't going to have your back when the barbarians are at the gate?
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #692 on: 08 January 2020, 18:17:49 »
I have little doubt Hanse and Melissa will help but with Kowloon not contributing to their liege lords like Kowloon has been?

Just don't be surprised if Hanse and Melissa subtly underscore that particular fact and are in a tricky position themselves a bit with the recent attacks on Clan targets by what appear to be the Cylon allies of Kowloon.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #693 on: 08 January 2020, 22:16:47 »
conversation record, Realtime, Comstar linked Kowloon/Tharkad interstellar...

"...get forces from the Timbuktu theater to you in thirty days if you can hold on."  Melissa's tone was kind.

"'s a better plan.  Hit the Clans.  I'm confident in our ability to hold for a while yet, the enemy's distracted and sending a hell of a lot of force here.  Our best defense is you on offense, your majesty."  Elizabeth said, "I'll be happy to get the backup, but the best move is to hit them where they're weak, a coordinated full-court press."

"weakened? they're sending a fleet of warships."

"Drawn from half a dozen Clans including homeworlders." Liz said, "they wouldn't call in help if they thought they could take us by themselves.  The fact they're calling assistance means they're fundamentally weakened.  Hit them with those assets out here, create strategic and tactical dilemmas, force at least some of them to react or lose what they've just spent the last four years gaining."

"Elizabeth, you're out-gunned!"

"I'm also overconfident to the point of stupidity. That doesn't mean I'm wrong." Liz stated, "Ask your husband, this is the right move-an offensive now, on the Front, saves lives later.  as for being outgunned, remember how much it was projected to cost, to convert Kowloon's fission-based power grid to municipal fusion? it was enough that the proposal was tabled forty years ago and never reopened.  We've got equalizers, and a means to deliver them, we can fight a fleet action, we might even be able to win one, or do so much damage they're pinned here until you can actually afford a coordinated response."

"you don't have more than a few of those!"

"a few, put the right place, can account for a lot.  We've got accurate charts of our system, Your Majesty, and we know where they have to arrive, and about how long it's going to take the bastards to charge their drives at the last point they have to charge before jumping in.  The bigger problem is whether  you can hit the invaders hard enough to keep them from reinforcing once they walk into the killing box.  My primary concern is making sure that killing box is strong enough to hold them while you do your business and get yourself remembered as the greatest Archon in the history of the Lyran Commonwealth."

Melissa frowned.  "We can't." she said, "The offensive you describe? requires forces we don't yet have...and the other nations don't trust us.  Hanse is a great husband, a wonderful man, and a brilliant strategist, but the other states don't trust him.."

"We're ******, the opportunity's here, the preparation fell short, it's my fault..." Liz moaned, "Alright, I'll take the help..but you might be better served preparing for the counter-attack to pick up what's left after they've finished us off."

"And what do you think you could have done differently, Elizabeth??" Melissa scolded.

"I don't know! something..has to be something."

"You aren't me, Liz, if your world falls, it's my fault for leaving you underprotected, I'm your Liege lord, dammit!"

"if we fall, it's not your fault." Liz said, "It's mine, I've been a brat..."

"You're allowed, god, Lizzie, you're still a kid.  I should never have left you holding that bag alone. Hold for as long as you can, help is coming."

[End record]


"You didn't tell her about Dad." Arthur Steiner-Davion said.

"His stroke is a state secret, we can't afford to look weak, Arthur."

"I have an idea." the youngest Steiner-Davion said, "Why not call in help, and follow her plan anyway?"

"What are you suggesting?"

"Call on the Draconis Combine, and Comstar, and the Rassalhagians, and offer sweeteners to the Free Worlds League and the Cappies, and mount that full-court press?" He said, "Get everyone.  The Clanners are gang-banging one of your vassals, maybe it's time to clear the benches and the fence-sitters?  Maybe it's time to elect a new first lord of the Star League?"

"And who would you nominate for First Lord?"

He hmmmed.."Anastasius Focht." he said, "Or Sharilar Mori.  Comstar.  They beat all the Clans at once on Tukayyid, everyone either relies on Comstar or outright trusts them. set a term for the office...that way everyone has a 'hope' that they will get to sit in the big chair.  Nominating someone else means it isn't an outright visible power grab, and it breaks the deadlock that broke up the Star League council in the first place."

She regarded her youngest son, "Where did that idea come from, Arthur?"

"I learned it by watching you, Mom."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #694 on: 08 January 2020, 22:21:40 »
+1 more for Arthur!  :thumbsup:


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #695 on: 08 January 2020, 22:55:57 »
has the C*/WOB schism occurred yet? either way this really throws The Master's plans.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #696 on: 08 January 2020, 23:29:05 »
As far as I can tell it has not happened yet and I'm honestly not sure when it will.

A lot of the impetus is still there: Focht's more secular reformations, Tukayid would have still been very punishing for Comstar even though some forces that probably were originally bid were no longer available thanks to shenanigans, and the Inner Sphere is starting to leave them behind when they are supposed to be the ones leading humanity into a new golden age.

So I think it still will happen eventually and they'll try and make it at the worst possible time because that will be their only real chance but I don't think it'll be as bad despite that.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #697 on: 09 January 2020, 00:09:11 »
JFS Emerald Talon, Clan Joint Task Force Dignity.

The other clans had not been particularly willing to give up ships in Harvest Trials, but they gave them up nonetheless.

"here is our target." Star Colonel Nathan Roshak stood before a gathering of warriors, "Kowloon.  You are all likely sick to death of listening to briefings on the subject.  You will listen, however, because of the experience at least one Clan, bringing what should have been overwhelming force, has already had in that system."

New imagery appeared, gathered by Bug-eye class reconaissance vessels operated by the Watch.


"They have a lot of them."  Roshak answered, "in the nearly eighteen months since debate began, the industries of Kowloon have been busy.  Individually, those vessels aren't much-the original mark of the Sampan class was a hybrid gunship/transport that was considered weak by Star League Naval doctrines, with a short range and low capacity, weak and primitive armament-for a Capital ship.  the closest equivalent at the time, was the obsolete type 51 gunship.  These are radically improved."

Image after image, ships in open drydock, ships on patrol, ships in orbit around asteroids, planets...ships in motion.

"We estimate twenty four.  The Coast guards-Kowloon's naval forces, have been actively expanding since the aborted attempt by Clan Steel Viper to attack the system.  This makes the first fleet in being in Spheroid space since the beginning of the Crusade, Thus, the presence of many of you-fleet actions are a rarity, a rare chance for the Naval arm to flex its power and win glory, and this foe? they have won two Naval Engagements against separate Clans."

"With those things?"

"With those things, and lots of smaller assets." He verified.  "We can not land if we do not have space superiority.  The superiority of Clan warriors on the ground is unquestioned-if we can win control of the orbitals, the planet will fall.  They defeated a Steel Viper galaxy by winning before any landing could commence.  Star Captain Harper?"

Star Captain Dorothea Harper had been a Snow Raven until roughly six months ago.

"The layout of the Kowloon system presents some interesting challenges for any force entering it.  Very few habitable worlds orbit a binary star.  very few Binary systems have habitable worlds-and fewer still have multiple planets and include a gas giant.  this places the KF stable limit well outside the norm.  Typical system approaches from Zenith to Nadir range from one to three weeks at one gravity.  Kowloon's limit is three times that long, but there is a faster entry point...which is far and away more dangerous, and that's a system-central approach between the binary stars themselves."  she said, "I know Clan Snow Raven navigators could do it, but some of the vessels in this task force really lack both the experience, and adequate protective measures to carry out such an entry.  The predictable alternate points, or 'pirate' points in the system are, well, there are a lot of them, this clearly is factored into the natives building so many jump-capable gunships at higher cost than a comparable dropship fleet."

she demonstrated her words with diagrams displayed in three dimensions.  "There is no way they can predict every entry." she finished, "But they do not need to."

"can you clarify that, Quiaff?" a former Scorpion officer asked.

"They do not need to, because they are configured to move reaction forces quickly to any intrusion-that is the reason for so many jump-capable assets." she said,  "The star system itself is ideal ground for waging a mobile defense in depth.  We have studies from the Star League era that support this, depending on the time of year, an approach can appear as close as half an AU from the habitable planet, and in other parts of the year, Kowloon is so isolated only one non-standard point is even possible.  Unfortunately, that time of year the point is so small it is useless for mounting a significant offensive, we would be stuck with only smaller vessels, Destroyers and the like, moving in from that angle.  In four months, we will have optimal conditions for moving this entire Naval Star into the system simultaneously."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #698 on: 09 January 2020, 02:10:24 »
studies about using jump drives to conduct mobile redeployment within a system via nonstandard jump points? what do you want to bet most of those studies were ghostwritten by M5 Caspar's, given that is exactly how those prefer to fight in the cannonshop AU's?

also, i'm guessing that the clans haven't figured out that the Kowloon Coast Guard warships have drives that aren't limited to jump points. though at this point they ought to suspect given that they've seen Cylon ships and Wolverine/Colonial ships using such things, and they think kowloon is involved in all that somehow. with colonial drives and spacer pilots, the Coasties are gonna really hammer the clan fleet with hit and run.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #699 on: 09 January 2020, 09:46:33 »
JFS Emerald Talon cont'd

"Piecemeal is no good, months of delay are also no good." the former Snow Raven officer explained.  "Arriving with a month's transit from the zenith or nadir points are obviously also no good, as Star Admiral Foster of the Steel Vipers found out the hard way, and aside from the Zenith/Nadir passages, the crossing itself will be...complex."

"Define 'Complex' for us, Star Captain."  Nathan urged.

"Rough." she said, "a longer period than anyone here is used to where systems will be down after crossing, more EMP damage, and no reasonable chance of withdrawal.  The problem can be defined as tidal forces altering hyperspace geometry.  One of the main reasons that Kowloon lasted as long as it did against the initial Rim Worlds invasion, and again when the Lyrans were devouring every Rim-World planet in the sector in the wake of the SLDF, was that the system is itself difficult to enter or leave due to complex gravitational interactions and their interaction with the standard KF drive computers-there are fixed coordinates that work, but only for the zenith, Nadir, and intersolar points, two of those represent a distance problem, the third a thermal bloom and radiation problem.  The wonder is not that they have become wealthy through trade, it is that they manage trade on an interstellar level at all.  Once within the limit, things become more stabilized-but only if you are meticulous in your calculations."

"They manage it."

"They manage it.  I was birthed to Clan Snow Raven, the strongest Naval force in the Clans, and I personally believe, these people may have the best jumpship navigators in human space aside from groups like The Folk."  she sighed, "I would dearly love to get my hands on a few to find out how they are doing it, and we almost did."

"The near-interception at the rallying point, quiaff?"

"Aff.  that jump was almost magical." she said, "I still have yet to figure out how they did it, but that was no stealth system-they engaged a Jump drive with a window less than ninety meters wide by six seconds long by my calculations and the collated sensor readings of our interception force.  There are legendary jumps like that-Caspars did them until the E-type were put in service. Our own missiles and shot were the balance point, as closely as I can tell based on readings and what we have in theory.  that means he had to know when the gradient would shift just enough."

"that sounds fairly unlikely-"

"It is the only way possible they could have jumped out of that position before being struck!!" she argued, "There was no debris, no secondary detonations, no evidence, your gunners had them cold they should have been crippled!"  she calmed, "I want to learn how they do that."

Nathan strode in the spin gravity of the deck.  "We need to know...we need to defeat them, and conventional approaches do not look promising."

One of the other officers spoke.  "Why not try unconventional means?"


"you have had indirect contact with her, you showed the Khans, and then presented it to the Hall of Khans...why not try talking to them? at worst, it keeps them distracted while we wait for the window of best opportunity and buys time to plan the offensive properly.  at best, You might be able to undermine their will to resist, or even flip them entirely.  The history compiled by the Watch suggests there is little love between the Kowloonese People and the Lyran Commonwealth, they have not been...treated well  until very recently."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #700 on: 09 January 2020, 10:14:50 »
Points for originality, but fail on reading the room.

Also, anyone else think Arthur has a crush on Liz? If they do find a way to "fix" her, I could see Melissa playing matchmaker...
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #701 on: 09 January 2020, 10:25:02 »
Points for originality, but fail on reading the room.

Also, anyone else think Arthur has a crush on Liz? If they do find a way to "fix" her, I could see Melissa playing matchmaker...

There are WORSE potential matches out there, I've explored more than a few of them in past versions, some with the cure, some without.  I think Arthur's just  I doubt he'd have a crush on her beyond that white-knight urge some guys get in their teens.  If i were betting on crushes, he might have one for her Blonde assistant (The various Ginas) or, if he digs asiatic looking women, the Sharon line.

then again, he might be digging the Goth-grrl look and Liz does seem to rock that to an extent.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #702 on: 09 January 2020, 11:17:43 »
There are WORSE potential matches out there, I've explored more than a few of them in past versions, some with the cure, some without.  I think Arthur's just  I doubt he'd have a crush on her beyond that white-knight urge some guys get in their teens.  If i were betting on crushes, he might have one for her Blonde assistant (The various Ginas) or, if he digs asiatic looking women, the Sharon line.

then again, he might be digging the Goth-grrl look and Liz does seem to rock that to an extent.
You're the author, so I'm not going to question your stance, but between his conversion with Jack & Nick (including asking if they'd seen her naked), and wanting to help Liz now... it's a direction you could go
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #703 on: 09 January 2020, 12:01:20 »
HPG send direct, JFS Emerald Talon to Kowloon...

"I brought a fleet." Nathan said, "We are poised to enter your star system, there will be destruction, damage, death and blood if we have to do this the hard way, but if we have to do it the hard way, the end outcome will only differ in the numbers of your people dead.  I want to offer up an alternative."

"I think you're wrong about the outcome, but I'll listen." Elizabeth said.

"I will offer you the opportunity to resolve this in a civilized manner." he said.

"War is by its nature neither civilized nor clean." she answered, "I told you before, we will not surrender. If by fighting, we tie your assets up long enough, you will find that Tukayyid was the turning point, as the rest of the Star League kicks you out of their territory and sends your survivors back into the exile they chose."

He laughs, "The Traitor lords dissolved the Star League!"

"No, they adjourned the council, seems without a tie-breaker vote, the council was deadlocked on the topic of a new First Lord and the only man they could agree on was someone none of them felt was competent to serve-turns out they were right.  the Star League is meeting, right now.  They will select a First Lord, I will gie you this-your invasion made that possible. It pushed them to look past petty rivalries and at a future under a system even worse than the Rim Worlds if their infighting were to continue.  I only have to hold you here, long enough.  so bring your fleet, bring your invaders, we will clutch you and hold onto you as your empire dies in fire."  she taps the desk, "You see, the problem you have, is that what I have accomplished? is nothing, tiny.  All I did, was allocate resources and say 'yes' to the right people.  any world can do what I've accomplished and lots of them are in better shape to do it-but not on your side, your system, your social structure, your society prevents that from happening."

"you know nothing of our society-"

"I have surveys of the Clan Homeworlds, I have spectral surveys, you'd be amazed what was left archived on the Belleau Wood, Star Colonel, your worlds are rich, safe, arable paradises compared to what my ancestors found on Kowloon-we have one billion people living on the surface, and well into half a billion throughout the system, and we're economically self sufficient.  My people don't go hungry, Star Colonel, because we didn't waste our collective potential.  Forty eight thousand original colonists with lower tech, in worse conditions, and we're more prosperous than a paradise gem like Strana Mechty.  By its fruit shall you know the tree, yours is bitter tree that makes barren fruit.  My people know this, I could no more surrender to you, than walk on liquid water even if I wished to do so...and york? let's talk about York.  Earthlike, to an obscene degree, rich in edible life, arable lands, a vast paradise where it is easy to live.  shall we go on? Londerholm!  How in the hell could you have let that happen?  Your people have squandered paradise, turned it into hell, because you don't know what you're doing.

she's...enraged?  Nathan listened, because these were words he had never heard from anyone, really.

"Your people, the ones we captured, claimed our worlds were a legendary paradise." she said, "i look at the survey data your ancestors started with? You had the paradise, you were safe from the constant-back-and-forth, isolated, you had paradise planets rich in life, edible life, rich in minerals and materials, with better technologies to make use of it, and you turned it to what? you turned it on one another! You adopted the single worst economic system you could devise, and stifled your own growth, a justice system that does not provide justice, you are all slaves.  Your people are treated as property, no wonder you're desperate for someone else's accomplishments, all you can claim, is your weapons!!"

"In the days of my ancestors, Kowloon stood alone against the Rim Worlds and stood alone against the Rim Worlds and the Terran Hegemony, we fought by Kerensky's side to lift that yoke from our necks, and from the necks of those who looked away when our people were burned." she intoned it, "We do not stand alone now, but we can and will stand against you, as is the duty of every free nation of free people, we will stand against tyranny, and oppression, dominion and genocide.  WE hold the memory of Running Deer Mountain, we hold the memory of the Gulags of Amaris's Empire, we hold the memory of your ancestors and their broken promises, the Oaths that your founders cast aside, we hold to them. Bring your fleet, Star colonel, this is the portal you shall not pass, and though I will die before the age of forty, I will witness the fall of your twisted, perverted, demented society and live to drink one toast to Elbar, one to Kowloon, and one to Free Stars."  she leaned forward into the camera, "This is not a benediction, it is not a promise, it is not a prognostication, it is a damned fact.  Before I go to hell, I will see your whole damned society leading the way ahead of me."

"Then let the contest begin." he said icily.
[/end record]

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #704 on: 09 January 2020, 12:17:07 »
Was that a Worm quote?  If it was quoting Alexandria, that would have been right before Skitter ran enough bugs into her lungs to choke her. :o


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #705 on: 09 January 2020, 12:48:33 »
Quote from: Aleksandr Kerensky, 2777
We came to liberate the Star League from the unlawful tyranny of a Usurper, only to discover the true depths that men can go.   Genocide is a crime, it is a crime against nature, it is a crime against civilization, and it is a crime against humanity.

Genocide, is the systematic, deliberate and premeditated extermination of a people.  It may be motivated by many things-a desire for revenge, or resources, a desire to impose a system, or to eliminate it.  In ALL cases, it is a fundamental violation of the very spirit of the Star League, it is abomination, a crime to be punished, to be prevented.  The victims of attempted genocide are to be avenged, not oppressed, and their thirst for Justice must be supported.  This is a fundamental value, without it, we are become no better than that which we fight.

We are here, to uphold and support, to protect the Star League, and to avenge those whom have been wronged by the actions of our opponents.   The Light of the Star League is not the spotlight of a death camp, nor can we long tolerate such and remain in keeping with our oaths as officers and soldiers of mankind's best chance and last hope of salvation.

This must never be permitted to happen again, to anyone, for any rationalization, no matter how compelling it may appear to be in the heat of the moment.

The voices of the murdered are not silent now.  The victims did not die in vain.

In short, Never Again.

The War criminals will be pursued, they will not be able to hide.

Never Again.

We will never allow this to happen again.

it is my pledge, and on my honour, and on the honour of every officer serving under me, we will not permit this sort of horror to be perpetrated.

General Aleksandr Kerensky, SLDF

Maj. General Aaron DeChevalier, Vice Chief of Staff, SLDF
Col. Absalom Truscott, 149th Battlemech Division
Lt. Col. Ethan Moreau, "Gunslinger" 90th Heavy Assault BDE
General Gordon McEvedy, 331st Royal Battlemech Division
Colonel Tranh Truk Ngo, 171st Volunteer BDE (Kowloon)

"This is going to be important." Elizabeth said, "Keep it safe, Li."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to break them with it."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #706 on: 09 January 2020, 13:00:34 »
Ahhhh. The Elbar Declaration rears its head.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #707 on: 09 January 2020, 13:06:15 »
Nashan Alarion Shipyards...

"Will they be ready in time?" Victor Steiner-Davion asked. 

"Well...the RX-79 updates did change several key systems, the workups are still in simulation, but they should work."  The young woman from Cy-Lon technologies of Kowloon seemed confident.  "The larger problem will be in assigning crews to work with the new systems.  We've got people, but you have to authorize it."

Victor looked at his sister, Katherine, no longer sporting her ball gowns, Katherine had chosen a rare, and about to be dangerous, profession in choosing the Navy.

still, she aced her officer qualification exams and we haven't had a warship navy in over a century.  it was a troubling thought.

"Kate, you going to be okay with this?" he asked.

"Victor, I'll be fine.  You're just envious, big brother, my ride is several thousand tons larger than the largest 'mech you've ever qualified on!"

"that's kind of what I'm worried about, Katherine..."

"I'm with the best people, Victor,  with the best training, and on the best equipment..."

"Dad, would be proud of you, you know that?" Victor urged, "I know mom is proud of you...and I'm proud of you. don't get killed."

"Not planning on it." she said.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #708 on: 09 January 2020, 13:39:26 »
Liz has her own brand of Psyops
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #709 on: 09 January 2020, 14:49:41 »
And Krazy Kat gets an outlet for her crazy that doesn't involve trying to murder her mother and usurp her brother's throne? Nice.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #710 on: 09 January 2020, 15:33:31 »
And Krazy Kat gets an outlet for her crazy that doesn't involve trying to murder her mother and usurp her brother's throne? Nice.
on the other hand it also gives her military experience and knowledge of logistics and organization, so her ambitions now have a foundation not made of sand.

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #711 on: 09 January 2020, 15:42:24 »
on the other hand it also gives her military experience and knowledge of logistics and organization, so her ambitions now have a foundation not made of sand.
And the ability to miss-direct orbital fire support.

One "wrong" keystroke, and she's Archon-Princess...
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #712 on: 09 January 2020, 15:58:26 »
And the ability to miss-direct orbital fire support.

One "wrong" keystroke, and she's Archon-Princess...
Archon-Prince, and legitimately.

The title of First Pricnce was without gender.

Although, she could be a Willie Keith...
M. T. Thompson
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JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #713 on: 09 January 2020, 16:03:21 »
Archon-Prince, and legitimately.

The title of First Pricnce was without gender.

Although, she could be a Willie Keith...
Didn't canon Kathy style herself "Archon-Princess"?

Because, you know, crazy ego and all...
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #714 on: 09 January 2020, 16:39:51 »
Didn't canon Kathy style herself "Archon-Princess"?

Because, you know, crazy ego and all...
yes, though partly that was because she wasn't eligible to be First Prince. she was reigning as a regent, but wanted to sound like she was the legitimate ruler.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #715 on: 09 January 2020, 18:06:38 »
"This is going to be important." Elizabeth said, "Keep it safe, Li."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to break them with it."
Heh... Heh heh… Muhahahaha!  >:D

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #716 on: 09 January 2020, 18:28:28 »
Yeah, it's pretty much certain that, if the "Great Father" ever discovered what Little Nicky turned his army into after his death, he'd probably drop dead of a simultaneous heart attack and stroke. Then come back as a vengeful wraith and bathe the stars with Warrior Cast blood for the shit they pull.

He moved heaven and earth, fought the deadliest, most vicious war in human history, feeding his troops into a meat grinder like coins into a Pachinko machine because he had no other choice, explicitly to stop the exact same shit the Clans pull and call "honourable", all while supposedly venerating his memory.

Kerensky Snr. would never have supported the Cast System, the eugenics, or the concept that Might Equals Right. He was a man of science and culture who only joined the military when he realised that there were too few good, honourable people doing so. His entire life is a testament to his willingness to put the good of others ahead of his own wants and needs. He could have declared himself First Lord, and the SLDF would have turned to the other Houses and ask "You got a problem with that?"

But he turned it down, because he knew he wasn't the right man for that particular job. He was a soldier, a defender of humanity, but he was no King. No Emperor.

He was a Good Man, and Demons run, when a Good Man goes to war...
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #717 on: 09 January 2020, 18:32:21 »
Bracing for a Cannonshop rebuttal...  :o

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #718 on: 09 January 2020, 21:06:46 »
Bracing for a Cannonshop rebuttal...  :o
In all honesty, I'd be interested to read his take on the man and his legacy
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #719 on: 09 January 2020, 21:14:46 »
Kerensky's characterization suffers heavily from canon incoherence. You literally cannot have him be what he's 'directly' depicted as in canon, because there's so much contradictory stuff going on, so he's ultimately forced to be subject to whatever fanon interpretation a person prefers to come up with based on which parts of canon they emphasize, and which they discard as bad writing.

