Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141267 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #720 on: 09 January 2020, 21:56:53 »
Kerensky's characterization suffers heavily from canon incoherence. You literally cannot have him be what he's 'directly' depicted as in canon, because there's so much contradictory stuff going on, so he's ultimately forced to be subject to whatever fanon interpretation a person prefers to come up with based on which parts of canon they emphasize, and which they discard as bad writing.
In all honesty, I'd be interested to read his take on the man and his legacy

In reality people are often multilayered and contradictory.  Witness Thomas Jefferson's writings on liberty versus his behaviour as an owner of slaves, or contrast Woodrow Wilson's internationalist sentiments with his racist personal leanings and domestic policies.   It is often the case, that idealists are among the most rampant and aggressive  hypocrites.  This seems especially true of Idealists who are also charismatic.

It really does break down to how you might want to interpret their actions, because nobody (not even monsters like Stalin) thinks of themselves as teh villain of the piece in the real world.  Pol Pot believed he was saving cambodian culture from corruption, Hitler believed a variety of conspiracy theories-some of which are sadly still extant today in the mainstream of paranoid thought, Stalin believed he was bringing stability and prosperity to the world.

Kerensky thought he was doing the right thing, that his compromises would bear fruit.

In Ngoverse and Ngoverse adjacent, Kerensky had no idea that his departure would sever his promises to Kowloon, or remove the limiters-he honestly thought by withdrawing the SLDF he was saving lives.

Elizabeth and her people are, perhaps, less interested in his ideals.  They've grown up in the world his actions created.  But they know those ideals, and she knows the power those ideals hold over the popular culture.  thus why she gets the shock when the actions are called out in 'polite' society-because those actions are, as is often the case, contrary to the ideals.

In a sense, the "Heroic Kerensky" and the "Villain Kerensky" are, in fact, the same man.  The same man in the Ngoverse who penned that order, is the same one who oversaw the murder of children based on who they were related to.

The same man who fought a massive, horrifying war to remove a usurper, abandoned his nation in time of leadership crisis, stripping away the one force that might have, if not prevented, then limited the damage of the succession crisis. 

Same Guy.

In a sense, it's a lot easier to fight to destroy something, than it is to preserve, and that's where Kerensky's moral failure really lies.  He was perfectly comfortable as long as he had a defined enemy and a black-and-white situation.  when it came time to hold things together, he failed not once, but twice.  Once in the Inner Sphere, and once in the Pentagon worlds.  for a man who rejected a seat (Terran hegemony) he chose to make himself the equivalent of a bandit king-and was unable to maintain order among his followers.

The House Lords were right in one key aspect: Kerensky was unable to govern.  He was unable to govern his men, he was unable to govern himself.  That's the result of his actions, not his ideals.

but how often do men fail to live up to their ideals?  It takes a pretty low bar for someone to fit perfectly into the mold of their beliefs.  To be honest, your ideals must be paltry indeed, for you to achieve them in all of your actions.  the only time High Ideals are reached by mortals, is in fiction.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #721 on: 09 January 2020, 22:47:48 »
August, 2770..

"Bozhe moi, Gordon, what did you offer them?"  Aleksandr Kerensky looked at the data, and then looked out the windows of his flagship at the new arrivals.

"I didn't offer them anything-except the chance to attack the Rim Worlders." Gordon McEvedy said, "General DeChevalier, on the other hand, offered them recognition of their independence.  They're not here for the Star League, Aleks, they're here for revenge."

the pieces fell together.  "Dinh Diep."

McEvedy nodded, "yeah, fifteen million dead, one of our ships did it, but they credit House Amaris as the head behind the hand, they also have a relatively...kind view, of the man they've been told was the only man willing to bring charges against Chivington for it."

"That investigation was decades ago, I was practically a kid."

"They remember.  They aren't interested in restoring a Cameron to the throne, they just want to kill rimjobs and take Amaris out of the picture.  In the meantime, they're bringing mostly their own logistics-transport ships, smaller weapons...I've seen them in action. These guys are nasty, they've been fighting an insurgency for generations. It'll be like having Free Taurians on our side for a change."

"We can't integrate them into the main SLDF." the General said.  "will they follow orders?"

"Aaron thinks so, and it's not some ad-hoc collection of volunteers here-they're organized."

"We'll use them then...and I suppose after it's over and we re-stabilize the Rim Worlds, we'll have to deal with them then."

3055, Kowloon system...

Space combat is very much a matter of extremes.  Extreme environmental hostility, extreme ranges, extreme violence.  It doesn't leave many wounded, only dead, or alive.

the Emerald Talon Joint Naval Star was fighting an enemy who strikes violently, and vanishes.  a few of the defending vessels were caught, smashed in the act of attack, hulls broken and burning.

fighters and small-craft slashed and danced at velocities too fast to track with the eye, their ballet punctuated by star-bright flashes of light.

"we are winning." Star Captain Dorothea Harper, the former Snow Raven,  a rare Crusader from a Clan of Wardens, said.

Nathan watched the casualties mount.  "At significant cost." he appended for his Naval commander.  "We are winning at significant cost."

on the status monitors, the CJF Red Talon tumbled and burned, her crew and warriors abandoning the wreck.

CJF Hawker was reporting loss of power, with massive hull and secondary damage-the warship was virtually beyond salvage, but her three opponents were now a moving debris field.

This, then, was what a fleet action looks like when fought for keeps.  They were grinding the defenders down, but at significant cost.

"There is a quote from General DeChevalier's war diary." Morgan Icaza said, standing in the CIC.

"What is the quote?" Nathan asked, as a virtual wall of contacts swarmed Hawker, still nearly one AU from aid and faltering.

"he said, 'Watching the Kowloonese levies fight, is like watching men jump into an inferno strike to put it out with their bodies'." Morgan said.

Missile lock warnings sounded. 

Star Captain Harper calmly handled the formation's fighter wings, ruthlessly placing assault dropships and fighters to form a point-defense cordon against another wave of missiles whose source could best be described as 'over there somewhere', the missiles laid like a minefield.

Over the comm, screaming erupted from the crew of the Emerald Tornado.  They had been boarded.  "Well, there goes our punch to their shipyard." Morgan observed dryly.

"We are still winning." Harper snapped.  the Aerospace-breed naval officer did not even look up from her battle plot.

"Huh, that's interesting..."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #722 on: 09 January 2020, 23:13:02 »
SLS Zughoffer Weir

"Galactica reports they're ready, sir. our raptor scouts say the 'loonies are holding their own, but they're losing."

"Any sign of Cylon forces in the area?"

"You mean besides the ones who our intel people have confirmed immigrated to Kowloon and are calling themselves Kowloon citizens? no."

The Thirteenth had a lot of well trained people, and the 'surprise' they'd given the Cylons had been pretty powerful, but there weren't many of them who'd fought a formal fleet action in living memory.

Rear Admiral Saul Tigh had fought in the Cylon war, he'd fought in the second Cylon war.  "All ships, prepare for jump, we're going in hot."

He was a Cylon, and he was now a Wolverine, and they were stepping into someone else's clusterfrak.

"Like we practiced it...Engage."


KCGS Anh Cu'ong, half an AU from the Boojum belt...

Artificial gravity and inertial dampening made it easier to evade pursuit.  the mob of enemy fighters wasn't making it real easy.   Sharon Spidermoon-100 had joined the Coast guard practically out of the tank, taking the name of her first assignment and 'first generation' in the tradition of the native spacers-she had a home on Spider Moon itself, the dependents housing was her 'hometown' now, the Coast Guard her affiliation, a lifer.

she sensed an additional eight in the vicinity.  "Break port, negative thirty degrees, increase thrust!!"

They barely avoided scraping the ventral hull of a Battlestar that appeared in their path.

"Things have just gotten complicated."

Clanner-style omnifighters were streaming out of the pods of Galactica, and they slammed full-bore into the Clan Aerostar that had been chasing the Anh Cu'ong down.

"This could be really good, or this could be really bad." she said.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #723 on: 09 January 2020, 23:20:12 »

but how often do men fail to live up to their ideals?  It takes a pretty low bar for someone to fit perfectly into the mold of their beliefs.  To be honest, your ideals must be paltry indeed, for you to achieve them in all of your actions.  the only time High Ideals are reached by mortals, is in fiction.

I was more referring to him being depicted as a competent general, but failing to do basic things like send scouts into the Hegemony to ascertain if the SDS was offline or not, instead giving Amaris years to get it online.

Or him jumping ships carrying ground forces into the Sol System during the *first* wave of the assault.

Things that senior NCOs would be smacking butterbars not to do on their first deployments.

Also, does this board ask me to prove I'm not a robot every single time I post, or does that leave off after a certain post count?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #724 on: 09 January 2020, 23:30:23 »
KCGS U-One, Cruiser-level ballistic missile submarine, negative 150 meters, Kowloon...

"Oh we are ******." Kristiana said, looking at the data from the orbital defense net.  "That's Galactica, the Colonial Navy is here."

"We were ****** from the get-go." Liz said, "How ****** are we with them involved?"

"Not as badly as you think." Sharon-Kowloon-100 said from the secondary ops console.  "They're here with the Thirteenth..the...'Wolverines'."

"Oh Great.  So we've got the people the Clanners most want to kill stepping into the fight we're losing, that's nice.'

"Broadcast detected, wide band EM."

"Tell me it's friendly..." Liz crossed her fingers. 

Jack laid a hand on her shoulder.  "The five are with them." he said it almost reverently.  "This is a good thing."

she looked up at her bodyguard-Cylon, his lack of a face did not mean a lack of emotion.  Not after the time they'd spent together.


"very good." he said it reassuringly.  "Trust in them."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #725 on: 09 January 2020, 23:32:20 »
I was more referring to him being depicted as a competent general, but failing to do basic things like send scouts into the Hegemony to ascertain if the SDS was offline or not, instead giving Amaris years to get it online.

Or him jumping ships carrying ground forces into the Sol System during the *first* wave of the assault.

Things that senior NCOs would be smacking butterbars not to do on their first deployments.

Also, does this board ask me to prove I'm not a robot every single time I post, or does that leave off after a certain post count?

'competent' is relative to your era.  a look at some of the major missteps and errors even renowned historical generals made, shows that.

yes, eventually the 'prove you're not a robot' does drop off.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #726 on: 09 January 2020, 23:55:06 »
JFS Emerald Talon...

The balance of power had just radically shifted.  "Enhance resolution!!"  Dorothea Harper was fit to be tied, but she was also a professional-or thought of herself as one.

The Symbology on the McKenna class that snapped into being over Kowloon itself, was unmistakeable.  A Cameron Star-not with the extended point of the Clans, but the original, equilateral Cameron Star of the SLDF, and the roundel of a Wolverine with crossed claw marks.

"Attention all combatants in the Kowloon sphere, we are here to trial for possession of the Cylon assets."

"Wolverines." Her blood ran cold, then hot.   she ignored the rest of their words.  On a separate screen, the Galactica was pulling into position at Spider Moon, equidistant to the shipyard facility orbiting the gas Giant Boojum.

Both vessels had escorting forces. both had deployed fighter screens.

"hold fire." Nathan Roshak spoke, overriding her next command. 


"I said,  hold fire." He stated, "we wanted to know, the Steel Vipers lost a warship  here, now we know how."  He frowned, "How far are we from a jump point, Star Captain?"

"Too far." she said, "It will take us days to get to a stable one, or even to a viable pirate point."

"So we are stuck here, quiaff?" he asked, "And we are now outnumbered by an unknown force..and they want a cessation of fire. Concentrate our formation, and give them one.  we lose nothing but the chance to turn this around if we act rashly."

"are you insane? Dehra Dun-"

"Was a long time ago.  The not-named are showing their hand at last, first, and second, I did not organize this mission to lose." he stated.  "Forget protocol, we are here to win.  If the enemy is going to be obliging enough to give us the chance to reconsolidate and gain free intelligence that will lead to their defeat, we will graciously accept, and when it is time, turn it sideways and shove it up their ass."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #727 on: 10 January 2020, 00:34:06 »
A Trial of Posession ... are they stupid? It’s a tossup whether or not the Clanners would honour a Trial against Spheroids. Against the Wolvies? They’re just asking to be Anhialated properly this time.

Trace Coburn

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #728 on: 10 January 2020, 00:37:06 »
... and when it is time, turn it sideways and shove it up their ass."
   Aaaand now my mental image of Nathan Roshak will forever be overlaid with one of Dwayne Johnson during his WWE days.  ;D

Dave Talley

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #729 on: 10 January 2020, 02:41:47 »
A fun AU would be Kerensky getting a Christmas Carol style
set of visitations before the Amaris revolt
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker

Trace Coburn

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #730 on: 10 January 2020, 03:39:29 »
A fun AU would be Kerensky getting a Christmas Carol style
set of visitations before the Amaris revolt
  In the vein of Davion and Davion (Deceased)?  Hoo, boy.  It’d depend on what he was told, and when, and how much he can do about it.  The problem is that once Simon Cameron dies, the SL Council will still make Aleks Regent for Dick but deny him the ability to act like it (because they still want to use the power-vacuum for their own ends).  That will leave the field open for the Fat Man to sink his hooks into Little Dick, in which case it’s too late for the Star League: the coup has been generations in the making, and Stefan getting to warp the young Cameron’s mind just tied a bow around it all.
  And no matter how much fore-knowledge he has, I just can’t see Aleksandr approving Stefan’s assassination until he’s exhausted all other options... which will probably be at too late a junction to make any real difference.  And even that would assume that killing S.U. Amaris is enough to prevent the Coup, which isn’t something I’d be sanguine about going with.

Sir Chaos

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #731 on: 10 January 2020, 04:29:14 »
  In the vein of Davion and Davion (Deceased)?  Hoo, boy.  It’d depend on what he was told, and when, and how much he can do about it.  The problem is that once Simon Cameron dies, the SL Council will still make Aleks Regent for Dick but deny him the ability to act like it (because they still want to use the power-vacuum for their own ends).  That will leave the field open for the Fat Man to sink his hooks into Little Dick, in which case it’s too late for the Star League: the coup has been generations in the making, and Stefan getting to warp the young Cameron’s mind just tied a bow around it all.
  And no matter how much fore-knowledge he has, I just can’t see Aleksandr approving Stefan’s assassination until he’s exhausted all other options... which will probably be at too late a junction to make any real difference.  And even that would assume that killing S.U. Amaris is enough to prevent the Coup, which isn’t something I’d be sanguine about going with.

At the very least, Alexander would handle the liberation of the Terran Hegemony differently... have his people look into ways to neutralize SDS *long* before that becomes a pressing issue, for example.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #732 on: 10 January 2020, 04:29:55 »
  In the vein of Davion and Davion (Deceased)?  Hoo, boy.  It’d depend on what he was told, and when, and how much he can do about it.  The problem is that once Simon Cameron dies, the SL Council will still make Aleks Regent for Dick but deny him the ability to act like it (because they still want to use the power-vacuum for their own ends).  That will leave the field open for the Fat Man to sink his hooks into Little Dick, in which case it’s too late for the Star League: the coup has been generations in the making, and Stefan getting to warp the young Cameron’s mind just tied a bow around it all.
  And no matter how much fore-knowledge he has, I just can’t see Aleksandr approving Stefan’s assassination until he’s exhausted all other options... which will probably be at too late a junction to make any real difference.  And even that would assume that killing S.U. Amaris is enough to prevent the Coup, which isn’t something I’d be sanguine about going with.

But a few key changes could be made:
- try to frustrate Amaris' build up to the coup, you never know what will be enough to make him change his plans
- better preparation for the coup attempt such as more loyal units kept in the Hegemony, increased Hegemony militias and special forces (reserves) and (ideally) frustrating their attempts to take control of the SDS

I think the other thing one might be able to do with forewarning is to avert the Periphery Crisis if it is known to be both somewhat justified and also deliberately stirred up (although that might involve the Star League understanding the concept of "hearts & minds" which they don't necessarily show as an organisation)

I would look at this in the same way that Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain might have behaved differently in the period 1935-1939 had they known what would happen 1939-1945 even if they could not avoid WW2 completely

I do like the idea of this as an AU and might try to throw something together...

Re Kerensky and errors in the Liberation of Terra campaign, some are excusable, some are less so but this probably isn't the right thread to explore them in too much detail

Re Nathan Roshak - as someone pro-Inner Sphere (and more broadly FedCom and probably FedSuns half of the FedCom if I have to choose) it is scary when you see a Clanner who isn't either (1) an idiot or (2) an ardent Warden! What do you mean he understands the Commander's Intent of his orders rather than rushing in for (personal) glory?! Next you'll have him understanding the importance of logistics, intelligence and the political side of warfare!
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ChanMan: "Capellan Ingenuity: The ability to lose battles to Davion forces in new and implausible ways"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #733 on: 10 January 2020, 04:57:15 »
Also, does this board ask me to prove I'm not a robot every single time I post, or does that leave off after a certain post count?
After 10 posts, yes.

And while the Wolverines might agree to a trial, I'm not so sure Liz will...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #734 on: 10 January 2020, 11:55:17 »

« Last Edit: 10 January 2020, 12:20:56 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #735 on: 10 January 2020, 12:35:48 »
Broadband commlink, Kowloon system...

"Attention ladies and gentlemen and all ships at sea."  Elizabeth said, "This is Kowloon speaking.  nobody is making off with any of my citizens, be they born or built."  she paused.  "I understand that the Colonies of Kobol have a legit grievance, I'm willing to discuss reparations for the harm my citizens, who were not my citizens when they tried to annihilate you, have done, but nobody is going into slavery and nobody is being genocided.  we can talk like supposedly civilized people, as long as you understand, I did not give them forgiveness, I granted them asylum, and amnesty within my borders, they are now citizens of Kowloon."

"To the Clans, both of you-you have a beef, take it outside or set aside. I've been following current LCAF nuclear protocols, which means not using what I have, in an effort to maintain some decent relations with my own government-I will toss that in a ****** heartbeat and we can test your radiation shielding against multi-megatonnage warheads if you don't settle down and act like adults.  Your beef with one another is not my concern and you will ****** behave like professionals while in my territory.  That goes for Jade Falcons, that goes for Wolverines.  I will now entertain diplomatic delegations from each of you, to discuss the manner of how you want to slice us up for chunks-in person.  Safe Conduct is offered for one delegation of no more than fifteen officer-grade personnel from each party, you will present your grievances to me, in person.  Who knows, maybe one of you will get lucky with a hold-out pistol, but unless you really, really, want to know how many fusion bombs a primarily fission-reactor based energy economy can crank out? You'll accept my kind and reasonable invitation to a little chat."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #736 on: 10 January 2020, 12:53:38 »
Would it be possible to post the first version before this edit / I liked that one, put the fear of Ngo into me, and made all parties listen / if they know what is good for them.... :thumbsup:


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #737 on: 10 January 2020, 13:32:39 »
JFS Emerald Talon'll accept my kind and reasonable invitation to a little chat. as a demonstration of the seriousness of this, observe the Jade Falcon congress class advancing on the Sithers Burrow 72 facility, currently at one quarter astral units.  For the McKenna sitting in orbit, this will be visible in one minute based on the speed of light."

"She is a crazy person." Star Captain Dorothea Harper breathed,  "You told us, but..."

Elizabeth's announcement was accompanied by a demonstration shot, against the CJF Kerensky's Pride, a Congress class that had been mostly free of defending fire.

The bomb used, was in excess of 22 Megatons.  NOT 'Kilotons', Megatons.  In the space of an instant, half of Beta Galaxy were converted to subatomic particles, infrared radiation, and light.

The delivery vehicle for this, was a single Raptor class smallcraft that appeared almost at hull contact in a flash, and vanished an instant later.

"Now that you all understand that I am serious, we can begin discussing how you're going to conduct yourselves for the rest of your visit."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #738 on: 10 January 2020, 13:46:13 »
Overkill we don't need no stinking overkill...

Liz sure doesn't believe in half measures. I'm pretty sure that her invitation will be taken up quite eagerly by her invitees. She is after all on a very tight schedule...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #739 on: 10 January 2020, 13:47:21 »
Spider Moon...

"What are they doing?" Li asked.

"well...we're getting a request for coordinates from the Galactica and the Zughoffer Weir.  I'm not sure how long before the remaining Clanner warship is going to delay-they might be cleaning out their pants, or they might be arming their own nukes, no way to tell."

"They're going to be pissed." Captain Giao Pham's voice on the subchannel suggested, "We just dusted an invasion transport, with droppers still docked. No telling how many of them were still aboard, and some of their fighters might not have been in the range of the ionizing rads."

"Notify search and rescue birds.  Liz may be fine taking the gloves off, but it's inhumane to let a man suffocate in deep space, even a Clanner, even one that was coming to invade." Li ordered.

"LIDAR shows additional hulls."

"Jesus...who owns 'em?"

"Looks like a modified Titan class, based on the pulse freqs, I'd say Cylon drives, maybe tech shared with the Wolverines by the Colonials?"

"Just what we need, more guests, more belligerents..."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Sir Chaos

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #740 on: 10 January 2020, 14:06:46 »
Overkill we don't need no stinking overkill...

Liz sure doesn't believe in half measures. I'm pretty sure that her invitation will be taken up quite eagerly by her invitees. She is after all on a very tight schedule...

The right tools for the right job.

The Clanners are really big kids, you need a really big ruler to thwack them with in order to get their attention.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #741 on: 10 January 2020, 15:49:19 »
Indeed although come to think of things there are worse cultural models that Nicky Kerensky could of picked. Think of using the Aztec flower wars as a basis for rules of combat...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #742 on: 10 January 2020, 15:51:39 »
One thing I do hope for is a cure popping up for Liz, to stay around for a long time, really shake things up

Dave Talley

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #743 on: 10 January 2020, 16:04:29 »
The right tools for the right job.

The Clanners are really big kids, you need a really big ruler to thwack them with in order to get their attention.

So a plank of Elbar bluewood, maybe a 2*4?

Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #744 on: 10 January 2020, 17:24:59 »
Oh yes, that demonstration would definitely get their attention...  >:D

Though I have to wonder, why not OPEN with that move?  Annihilating the combined clan fleet would have meant so many fewer friendly casualties...  ???


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #745 on: 10 January 2020, 17:40:14 »
Because it is an escalation and Kowloon and the belts would be very vulnerable to such an escalation.  So you have to be damn sure you've got the enemy contained before you make such a move.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #746 on: 10 January 2020, 17:47:18 »
That makes sense... and I suppose she could really be limited on the number of them she actually has.  That would lead to thinning their numbers as much as possible before unleashing the megatons...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #747 on: 10 January 2020, 17:54:01 »
plus lets be fair. Kowloon is basically being used as a distraction to keep the clans busy while the inner Sphere reestablishes the star league and coordinates Operation Bulldog a decade early. the longer the clan forces can be sucked into the quagmire of kowloon, the more breathing room the successor states have to get organized. since while they are fighting in kowloon, they won't have the resources to continue/restart the invasion.
so while Kowloon wants to damage as much clan hardware as they can for their own defense as well as to weaken the clans for later, they also don't want to do it so fast that the clans realize the effort would be pyrrhic and retreat to preserve their forces.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #748 on: 10 January 2020, 17:57:02 »
Is there any clan that has the ability to back down when they realize their efforts are pyrrhic at best?  Much less all of them together?  ???


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #749 on: 10 January 2020, 18:13:17 »
Is there any clan that has the ability to back down when they realize their efforts are pyrrhic at best?  Much less all of them together?  ???

Maybe, but the problem is that every other clan will see that as weakness and likely jump on them.

