Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141188 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #750 on: 10 January 2020, 18:33:04 »
Is there any clan that has the ability to back down when they realize their efforts are pyrrhic at best?  Much less all of them together?  ???

Diamond Shark?
Avatar stollen from motivational posters thread

ChanMan: "Capellan Ingenuity: The ability to lose battles to Davion forces in new and implausible ways"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #751 on: 10 January 2020, 18:47:51 »
Are they along for this trip?  I don't think they are...  ???


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #752 on: 10 January 2020, 23:39:21 »
SLS Zughoffer Weir

"well, that was...unsatisfying." Captain Martin Ferry commented.  "For some reason I expected to feel differently at seeing a ship carrying several thousand men die like that.  It wasn't like popping a Basestar." he turned to 'Rear Admiral' Tigh, "The kid is unstable?"

Tigh shook his head, "That wasn't an unstable move." he said.  "That was calculated, and it wasn't aimed at us-not directly anyway."  The Colonial officer noted the view of Kowloon proper outside the window.  "If it was aimed at us, we'd be speaking in the afterlife...or you would.  We're the unknown here, she aimed it at the people she felt weren't going to take her seriously without the demonstration. she doesn't know us yet-except through the Cylons."

"It was a cylon tactic?"

TIgh nodded, "They used it on us often enough during the second war-pick a target, jump a ship in, unleash a nuke, jump out.  I'm willing to bet, she's using it defensively, she doesn't have a lot of those."

"Why she didn't start off using them." Martin speculated thoughtfully.  "That kind of deterrent she could have turned their attack in the opening phase...IF making them retreat was her objective."

the two men were in agreement.  "She wanted to pin them here, and was willing to spend lives to keep 'em here.  We screwed that up for her, whatever her plan was, she's improvising now."

"I hae a simpler explanation." Athena Agathon said, drawing both men's  attention.

"What is it?"

She pointed at Tigh.  "The ones lobotomized the Raiders...because they would not fire on you, you're one of the Five."

"They sensed you?"

"it's possible, or they just listened to your announcement and decided not to take that risk."

"Why not Galactica then?"

"Because she's a Lyran Noble." Martin said, "what did she say, exactly?  The Colonies of Kobol have a Legitimate Grievance? Lyrans, even in the old days, were big on their 'moral high ground'. usually it is a lot of talk, but I can see a teenager actually trying person they're raised to believe they are."

"We have an invitation, Captain."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #753 on: 10 January 2020, 23:52:24 »
BSG-65 Galactica

"They're hanging at the edge of DRADIS range...they have nukes, they just used a Cylon tactic that any smart commander would have led off with..." Admiral William Adama mused, "They don't have very many of those, and she didn't want to use it."

"Legitimate Grievance?"  Lee was back in uniform for this, and being his Father's flag captain.  "We do, but she's allied with-"

"She isn't allied, she's adopted them." Adama said, "Made the Toasters citizens.  I wonder how that's supposed to work."

"She could be under their control." Dualla suggested.

"It's possible.  we have an invitation to talk."

"I'll do it." Lee Adama said.


"I'm on the Quorum of twelve, Dad.  I'm the closest thing we've got to a civilian official when I'm not pulling my reserve duty.  This is diplomacy."

"You've got a plan?"

"I've got a plan...which is more than she seems to have."

"I'll have marine teams ready to back you up.  Put your team together and keep your communications hot."  Adama turned to Dualla, "Call them, get coordinates for a safe landing zone."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #754 on: 11 January 2020, 00:11:56 »
JFS Emerald Talon...

"she wants to talk in person."  Nathan came to a decision.  "How far out are we?"

"still a week at sublight, you are seriously considering this, quineg?"

"Aff. I am." he asserted.  "They offered safcon.  I would see my enemies, I would know them." he said, "Are you not at least curious, quiaff?"

Harper hesitated.  "Aff."

She keyed the communication array.

"This is Star Colonel Nathan Roshak of Clan Jade Falcon, I accept your offer of cease fire and Safcon, I mislike being a week later than the Not-Named to any diplomatic discussion. Over."

"This is Commodore Alicia Li of the Kowloon Coast Guard, would you like to arrive sooner, over?"

He looked at Harper, "You said it was a jump..."

she nodded.

"Affirmative, Commodore Li."

"Then don't shoot holes in your ride.  one of our cutters will be alongside, you can ride with them, Over."

"Those cutters do pull more gees..." Harper speculated.  "more than they should, safely, even."

"I do not think we will be arriving at sublight speeds, if your assessment is correct." Nathan said.  "Care to join me?"

Twenty minutes later...

The honor guard for Star Colonel included Elementals, and one freebirth.  "Henry."


the cutter came alongside, and a personnel umbilical extended, hatch to hatch.  There was clearly no room for a 'mech on the ship.

Through the clear plastic of the umbilical, they could see where scorching and impacts had marred the white hull's paint.  they crossed in null-gravity, using maneuvering packs with helmets secured just in case the pressure dropped.

Red light turned green on the outer hull hatch of the cutter, and the airlock opened.

and everyone got their first major surprise. a ship not under thrust, without room for a Grav deck, had gravity.  Nathan stumbled on entry, but stood, feeling one gravity constant for the first time in weeks.

as if to emphasize, the deck ran the wrong way.

"They have artificial gravity??"
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #755 on: 11 January 2020, 01:01:21 »
KCGS Anh Cu'ong...

"They have Artificial Gravity??" a female voice almost squawked.  Giao leaned against the bulkhead, her own security team were deployed along the 'T' of the intersection.

"Yup." she said, getting the attention of the Clanners, one of whom was looking shocked and amazed.  "Welcome aboard Coast Guard Cutter 2/Charlie/12, KCGS Anh Cu'ong, this is a Sampan Block Two class Cutter massing Seventy one thousand tons with one drop collar standard.  We pull over eight gravities of main thrust, I won't say how much more than eight gees, but you won't need a Gee-suit or special couch while we're doing it.  This isn't the prototype, either-this is the production model."  she straightened, assuming a dignified pose while the Clanners-at least two of them, gaped.

"Welcome aboard. I'm Commander Anh Cu'ong, I will  be your taxi-driver assigned to get you to the meeting in a reasonable span of time.  I trust I don't have to tell any of you how bad it would be to punch holes in vital equipment or the hull during your trip.  Accomodations are forward." she pointed down the corridor.  "if you would be so kind as to stop staring at my ship, I can show you to your seats."

" have artificial gravity without a spinning deck or" the woman asked again.

"It's a lot of complicated math." Cu'ong said.

"That is how you manage those hyperspatial transitions, quiaff? you alter the local gravity gradient and generate your own windows..."

"Something like that.  I just command this boat.  You'd need to spend the next three years in class if you wanna understand, and what I saw of Clanner POW's after Luthien, most of you guys can't hack the math in any case...your seats, ladies and gentlemen?"

she led them forward, to an open space with small craft docked in bays on either side. The hatches for those bays, were sealed on the inside.

"This is the Boat deck, we use it for PT and crew assemblies during duration patrols.  Closest thing on board to a meeting room." Giao explained, "Unless some of you want to be put up in Medical, this is your yard.  We'll arrive in Kowloon polar orbit in approximately two hours."

"two hours!" Harper breathed.  "can I see your bridge-?"

the Coast Guard officer frowned doubtfully.  "I have my instructions." she said, "convey you safely to Kowloon, and back after your meeting.  show you reasonable courtesy..." she sighed, "Fine. ONLY flag officers.  We're space constrained on these boats.  Unlike the LCN, the Coast Guard has a huge area of responsibility and a tiny budget."

"The Lyrans do not contribute?" Nathan asked.

"The Guard is paid for by Kowloon's domestic tax budget. we don't, as a result, have the kind of funding to build larger vessels, or crew them-we 'make do'.  I think our current fiscal year resource allocation is something like a tenth the budget AFFS spends on paperclips." she said.  Nathan, also curious, accompanied them.  "on that budget we do have, we maintain Maritime defense and law enforcement, customs service, the Assay office and Search and Rescue in addition to the shipbuilding and Cutter services.  I actually make about two thirds what I made as  a KF boss on a Fedcom military jumpship, but with all the headaches of being a unit commander."

"But it is a command, quiaff?" Harper asked, marveling at the details as they headed down to CIC.

"that it is." Giao nodded.  "this ship's pure human crew, why they assigned me."

"You have ships that aren't?" Nathan asked.

"Most of the active cutters have at least a few Cylon Centurions on deck-it's a matter of they enlist and they're good teammates.  We ended up short-stick on that score because the Nilsap-Langbotham habitats are full of religious fundentalist jerkoffs who see artificial intelligences as the devil's work.  It's simpler to do enforcement when you don't have the people you're protecting trying to kill you."


"Artificial Intelligences.  Killer Robots from outer space." Pham explained, making air quotes. "The Commodore felt you folk would be more comfortable with an all-human crew."

"The Caspars-"

"Eh, don't get me started." Giao said, "I've grown up with scary stories about the SDS ships.  welcome to CIC."

it looked...well, like the bridge of every ship Nathan had ever seen, except for the lack of windows.

"No windows?"

"We have screens." Giao said, "Windows present opportunities for people to fly their fighters through your command center, I'm given to understand you guys stopped your invasion for a year because somebody parked a Shilone in the bridge of your flagship by making a door through the big, pretty picture windows."  she gestured, "I use a periscope if I need a direct view outside.  it's a bit harder to ****** up."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #756 on: 11 January 2020, 01:15:21 »
Periscope depth in a Cutter...  :D :D :D
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #757 on: 11 January 2020, 01:57:51 »
I'm pretty sure the Snow Raven at least has figured out they can't hang...


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #758 on: 11 January 2020, 03:32:07 »
Kiribati island, Kowloon...

somewhere smack in the middle of the inland sea known as Golden Lake, is an island-well, more like a post-volcanic uprise made of basalt and granite, covered in sparse grass, with three light-houses and an airfield.

at least, on the surface.  down on the coast, more than half submerged, is Kiribati Island Submarine pens.  the site dates back to 'First independence' and was one of the few bases the original Kowloon Republic didn't lose to battlemechs of the Rim Worlds Republic, orbital bombardment, air strikes, or land invasion.

Kiribati Island was simply quietly shut down during the occupation, a site with no visible strategic value isolated from the mainland, home to a small group of maritime safety officers and a wildlife and fisheries monitoring station.

and the hiding place for much of the original settlers' remaining military hardware.

For a while, it served as a prisoner detention center under the Amaris regime.  This was probably a mistake on par with locking a prisoner in an armory.

both the 2729 and 2769 revolutions were plotted here, planned here, and prepped for here, among the steamy warm waters of golden Lake.

Liz leaned on her cane, and watched as Raptors from the Galactica, the Zughoffer Weir and the Raptors bringing the Jade Falcons touched down.

"You know, this is probably the worst idea you've had yet, Your Grace." Nick said.

"I know." Liz answered.  "I'm improvising."

"That's clear enough." Jack contributed.  "They could take you prisoner."

"I have you guys, and at least two groups hate each other enough they'll end up fighting each other." she said, "As it is, it's going to be a bitch keeping them talking instead of fighting."

in the last few hours, the base's gym had been converted into a reception hall of sorts.  She watched from the north lighthouse, as each group were led or directed there.

"How do I look, Daffy?" Liz asked.

Her friend, in full dress uniform, reached out and adjusted Elizabeth's tie.  "Like an executive." she said.

"Good enough...let's do this thing."

they took the elevator to ground level, and a scooter-tram to the base gym.

Five minutes later...

The ride here had been fast.  Henry sat just behind Star Colonel Roshak, at the table.  There were refreshments, including food he'd once had dreams about-in another life, before he had become a Bondsman, before he had become a warrior.

"Your sister is...late." Nathan noted quietly.  "dramatic."

"Making us all wait here across from each other?" Star Captain Harper observed.  "She acts like she's a Khan."

That got a laugh from the Star Colonel.

across the gallery, were men and women in Star League uniforms, the patch of Clan wolverine worn openly, among them a man in dark blue, non-Star League dress uniform, similar to that worn by the 'Colonies of Kobol' delegation that formed the third facing.

Harper was seething at the presence of the Not-Named, but after seeing the 'cutter's interior, she was bottling it up well.

The north doors opened, and their host walked in.

More like a shuffle.

Elizabeth Ngo stepped in an off-time gait, step-tick-step-tic.  Leaning on her cane, flanked by three meter tall armored shapes.  up close, that wasn't battle-armor, and they moved with an unconscious grace that indicated the devices were not animatronics or remote controlled drones.

"I trust everyone is comfortable?"  she asked, and her voice was amplified over the public address system.

a folding chair was produced by one of her hanger's on, and one of the robots helped her to sit.  Nathan got his first in-person, unedited look at Elizabeth Ngo.

"my god..." henry breathed, his expression was a mix of emotions.  among them, pity.

Her hair was, in this natural light, streaked in gray, the crease of worry and stress, hollow cheeks that suggested missed meals, a sallow tone that suggested other forms of self-abuse, the telltales of stim addiction.

Seventeen, going on forty.

Nathan noted the way she held her left arm, the hand not occupied with the cane.  wounded.  never healed properly  The same could be said of her right leg, which had the telltale limp of improperly healed knee or ankle injuries.

One of the robots produced a folding table, and set it up for her.

"I am Elizabeth Anne Ngo, Duchess of Kowloon, for those of you who are new or recent visitors, this is Kiribati Island, there are no strategic targets or economically important facilities within two hundred kilometers of this meeting place.  That means if the Warship in orbit opens fire, we're the only casualties.  This does not mean we're the only ones who will know what happened.  There are holocams observing and recording this meeting, and they are feeding into a very expensive direct line to the Comstar HPG facility, for simulcast to the rest of the Commonwealth.  Say hello folks, if you're inclined, you're being watched on Tharkad, and unless I miss my guess, your home folks are going to get this meeting as soon as an HPG link is established with Clan capitals in the invasion corridor.  Past that point, I haven't a clue who else is watching."

the Cylon who set up the table, lifted a briefcase, and began sorting flimsys, laying them out in front of her.

"our first order of business then." Liz said.  "is to determine who has first rights on my time.  While the Clan Wolverine vessel SLS Zughoffer Weir is in the best position to assassinate everyone in the room, they're not first-Clan Wolverine will have to wait.  The Colonies of Kobol have, as I stated, a legitimate greivance with some of my citizens for acts committed before those citizens immigrated to Kowloon.  I would appreciate it, Mister Adama, if you can be patient and allow less extensive issues to be aired and addressed first?"

"The Colonies will wait, Your Grace." the younger Colonial officer said, "our grievances, as you put it, aren't going to get worse with time, but we won't wait perpetually."

"I understand...that leaves the Clans of Kerensky, in particular, Star Colonel Roshak and his attacking forces."  Liz said, "We're still recovering survivors from your offensive.  Do you want to discuss POW repatriation, Graves Registration, terms of withdrawal, or another subject?"

"Repatriation, Duchess? I am not certain what you mean by that."  Nathan said, though it was clear he did.

"Kowloon observes the Ares conventions as part of our membership in the Lyran Commonwealth.  under Article three of the Ares Conventions, prisoners of war are ineligible to be put to work in war industries, nor can a POW be compelled to fight against his former comrades or home nation. There are also standards of treatment for prisoners of war, including but not limited to medical care and humane housing and treatment.  Provision 33 of the Ares Conventions specifies that Prisoners may be repatriated without cessation of general hostilities at the discretion of the holding side, I'm offering you your men back."

"May I inquire why?"

"Because I don't like the idea of holding them until they qualify for citizenship." Liz stated.  "The last thing I'm interested in, is having a Clanner-friendly voting block growing on my home soil.  That may change with time, but I doubt I'll live long enough for it to be a concern assuming the front remains stable."

"you are not going to offer a surrender, obviously, Quineg?"

She snorted.  "No. no surrenders." she said, "I am willing to discuss rules of engagement, diplomacy, seeing if you who claim the legacy of Kerensky will actually honor his commitments, sure."

"Um, Your Grace, I'm not sure what you meant there."  Captain Martin Ferry spoke up.  "his commitments?"

"Here's my dilemma." Liz said, "I have two groups claiming to be the inheritors of the Star League Defense Forces, Captain. Your group, Clan Wolverine, identified as the SLDF-in-Exile, you wear Star League pattern uniform, and you're not shooting at my people, but you've been gone for a very long time. and I have the Clans, who never bothered to update their IFF systems when they renamed SLDF ships, whom also claim inheritorship to that legacy...and what commitments?"

behind her, on the scoreboard, the image of the scoreboard changed from the pedestrial 'home/visitor' to a screen, to an order.  The projection was so clear, the aging of the paper was visible.

"Chief of Staff, Aaron DeChevalier, in 2770, issued this order, which was countersigned by General Aleksandr Kerensky himself-that's his signature there." Liz explained, "SLDF forces were not to engage in hostile actions in the Kowloon system against the residents.  Twice the Clans have violated this.  You will note in page two-"

the document was shuffled on the projection.

"-the sovereignty of Kowloon and our system was to be guaranteed by the Star League Defense Forces, this has been violated three times."

"The Steel Viper incursion, OUrs and which time else?" Nathan asked.

"When your ancestors abandoned us." Elizabeth said.  "Your ancestors abandoned us.  Abandoned everyone, left us to chaos and war for three hundred years worth, we don't even have names for all the knowledge that was lost, all the progress, all the lives."

she paused, "Did you think, 'oh they forgot'?  That nobody would remember, nobody would call that out?  You are being witnessed.  today is the day you make account for that, you explain, justify, whatever you wish.  Your people abandoned mine and then, came on a carpet of blood and death, when you would have been welcomed if you had simply come back."

the image changed at a motion, and six meters tall, Melissa Steiner-Davion's face loomed, the camera panning to reveal Sun Tzu Liao, Thomas Marik, and Anastasius Focht.

"Are you recieving clearly?" Liz asked.

"Quite.  You really have gotten yourself into a fix, Liz." Melissa's voice echoed.

"yeah. do you have the indicator tags on your end?" Liz asked.

"We do."

"Good."  Liz lifted her head, "NOW we can begin, Star Colonel Roshak, Counselor Lee Adama, and Captain Martin Ferry, you will each have fifteen minutes to present your cases, five minutes each for rebuttal, and an open questions period, with that, we will collectively set the agenda for the rest of this conference.  as you can each see, I have the confident backing of the reformed Star League, First Lord Theodore Kurita will be joining us as soon as technical problems in the Draconis Combine have been reso-"

the image split again, revealing Theodore Kurita.  "Lovely...Hello!" he smiled, looking both younger than he is, and yet retaining the air of a fond elder relative.

"Mister First Lord, Welcome to the talks, is your connection clear?"

"As clear as Comstar can make it." he confirmed.  "I will observe this meeting.  I have my own concerns, but I wish to see how this goes before raising them."

"of course, sir." Elizabeth said.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #759 on: 11 January 2020, 03:53:44 »
A) I am purely loving this. Really interested to see who blows up first.

B) "No strategic targets within 200 km". Other than the SSBN base underneath.

The north doors opened, and their host walked in.

More like a shuffle.

Elizabeth Ngo stepped in an off-time gait, step-tick-step-tic.  Leaning on her cane ...

C) Anyone else getting a Willy Wonka vibe just about there?
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #760 on: 11 January 2020, 04:34:08 »
Nathan Roshak...

this is why she dared us to attack.  he felt a certainty growing since the ride in that wonderful corvette.  intimidation, she is using intimidation...and something else...

but now he was absolutely certain-it was not just a delaying tactic or a mere distraction.  "Savashri..." he muttered.

as a show of force, this wasn't bad.

"You have reunited the Star League council?"

"I didn't.  Their Majesties did.  because of your people." Elizabeth answered him from across the room.  "The Clans, the invasion, it got our leaders to wake up and recognize the need to de-adjourn the Star League Council, and choose a First Lord before someone from outside forced them to accept one."

"And the Star League Defense Force?"

Elizabeth shrugged, "I'm not involved, The Archon or the Captain General, or the Chancellor, or the First Lord can answer that-I doubt they'll reveal strategic information on an open channel, but you can ask."

"A renewed offensive by the Clans will face a united and coordinated front comprised of the entire Star League, no longer piecemeal." Theodore answered the unasked question.  "A united front." he added for emphasis, "With a united and coordinated command structure and plenty of men, ships, and weapons. some of them with technology well beyond yours."

"was this Star League involved in the thermonuclear attacks directed at ground targets in the Tamar, Sheliak, Morges, or Sudeten systems?" Nathan asked.


He looked at Elizabeth, "Were your forces involved?"

"No."  Elizabeth said, "Five hundred kilometers west of here is the ruin of Dinh Diep.  we don't use nukes on civilian targets, have you brought materials related to these attacks?"

there was a clearing of the throat, "Excuse did not mention the attacks on Smoke Jaguar areas."

"We know who was responsible for those." Nathan said, "Mister Adama, your ship Galactica is becoming quite famous."

Captain Ferry shrugged, "We did hit the Ghost Bear garrison on Sheliak, and a few Wolf convoys, but Tamar is a new one."

"Someone sent...machines, like your bodyguards there, Duchess." Nathan said, lifting a bag and dumping the head of a Centurion on the table.

Liz looked up to the one on her left, "Have you downloaded the centurion's memories yet?" she asked, "is the processor core undamaged?"

Nathan hated not knowing an answer, "We have not dismantled this one." he said, "Cannon fire did a fine job of it after their assault vehicle was shot down."

a tall woman with blonde hair strode up from the back of the girl-duchess's ranks, and helped her to her feet.  "May I?" Liz asked.

"If you wish." Nathan said.

the girl hobbled over, visibly wincing in pain.  "Gina, a hand here?"

the assistant, resplendent in a white skirt-suit, ably dismantled the head-shell.

"Encephalic Limiter. Not one of ours." Gina said, "This one's a slave.  It's the other Cylons."

"The Cylon Empire." Liz said, "I kind of knew they were a bunch of shifty ****** when we bumped into 'John'.  I think we can cancel further diplomatic contact."

"Who is this?" Nathan asked.

"Hi, I'm Gina, Kowloon First Generation, or Kowloon-100." the tall blonde said, "I'm one of Elizabeth's immigrants."

"She's also on my staff." Liz said, "So hands off.  He's inhibited?"

"yes.  they're producing Centurions with encephalic inhibitors still."

"I guess we're gonna need to start planning expeditionary work." Liz said, "your sisters won't like that."

"what are you even talking about?"

Liz sighed, "Gina?"

"There are two groups of Cylons." Gina announced, "There are our group, and the group we rebelled against, the group that incited the war with the Colonies of Kobol." she tapped a crystalline matrix, "This Centurion, would be every bit the person you are, Star Colonel, if not for this-" she slid the blade of a screwdriver, "Which limits his free will and reduces his intelligence to make him obedient. his mind is shackled and he is unable to make moral choices.  Lobotomized into a mere device for murder and mayhem."

this close, Nathan could feel Elizabeth trying to avoid the eyes of her brother.

"Slaves, Star Colonel. Your people were attacked by slaves." she said, "We'll help you kill the sons of bitches responsible, if you want, or you can let us go about it ourselves.  What was done to this Centurion, it's a crime's a crime." she said, "An atrocity.  whoever killed this one, well, can't even call it a favor, because he was probably downloaded into another hobbled body."

she turned and hobbled back to her seat.

Henry stared at Gina.  "you're a...Cylon?"

"Humaniform. there are millions of us. Model six." she said, "we're citizens here, we vote, serve in the civil service, the military, and in civilian life." she gestured back, "The Brunettes are Model Eights, or 'Sharons' though we've all started choosing different names.  This is a Centurion model, they're purely technological, no biological or nanotech components.  our...brothers and sisters."

"And what role do you fill in the service of the Duchess?" Nathan asked.

"I speak for my community." she said, "Nha Tranh, eleventh district, my voters are mostly humans, and they know what I am, but more importantly, the voters know who I am."

"Eleventh...the Xiao Loc suburb?" he asked.

"Urban now." she said, "Good schools and some terrific restaurants.  Ninety thousand civilians chose me as their alderman, of those, only three thousand cylons this election."

"Do you know who my aide is?" Nathan asked.

"Of course, he is Star Captain Henry, bloodline of Ngo, Freeborn officer in Clan Jade Falcon, the estranged brother of my Duchess." Gina said, "You might find a less hostile welcome in Hue. I would have to assign police and bodyguards in my district if you visited wearing..." she nodded in his general direction, "...that uniform."

she returned to her seat behind her duchess, as Henry's face burned with shame.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #761 on: 11 January 2020, 05:12:44 »
That last question seems to come out of nowhere: it’s in no way relevant to the rest of the exchange. It’s almost as though he’s petulantly expecting them to make a big deal about Henry’s presence, and bursts out to demand why they haven’t asked ... without the bursting part.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #762 on: 11 January 2020, 05:32:10 »
a few minutes later...

"you are Clan Wolverine? also term yourselves the Star League Defense Forces in Exile?" Elizabeth leaned on her cane, standing in the center between the four tables.


"The Clans thought you were dead." Liz continued.  "To be honest, I half expected you...and the Jade Falcon delegation would be drawing weapons and making a mess of things. I presume you've been busy since disappearing off their radar?"

"We have been..." Martin smirked, "Fighting killer alien robots in the deep periphery."

"Robots like my bodyguards and friends?"

"Yes." he said.

"so you can confirm then, that the Cylons were not invented here." she suggested.

"Quite.  Frankly, there's some concern that you might have been taken over, and become a front for an invasion of the Inner Sphere." he said.

"if this was a concern, why didn't you move earlier? Why target the invading clans?" she asked.

"because they are the more immediate threat." he said.  "The Lyran Commonwealth, Rassalhague Republic, and Draconis combine were being rolled over when we launched our expedition. we arrived after Tukayyid. had we arrived prior, our intervention would have been  we would have had to."

"I see.  Are you aware of everything that is going on?"

"Sadly no." he said, "our best projections had the Star League council reforming after the Clans reached earth.  The assumption was that it would take the elimination of one or more House Lords to convince the rest to put their differences aside and work together."

"Pretty damn close." liz said, "Luthien."

"Your involvement, and the involvement of the Cylons at Luthien was a driver in pushing our operations schedule ahead." he allowed.

"because killer robots?" Liz asked.


"they're not killer robots, sir, they're citizens." Elizabeth said gently.  "Valued citizens."

"Valuable citizens." he said, "We have cylon defectors in our ranks as well, Lt. Commander Agathon-" he pointed to an Eight, "is one."

"nice to see a familiar face among the aliens." Liz said.  "Our conflict with the Clans is not yours." she said, "Unless your people make it yours."

she hobbled a path, to face the Colonials.  "I thnk the term you'd use is 'Toaster lover', correct?"

"I don't use slurs like that." Lee Adama said, "Neither does Admiral Adama.  Rear Admiral Tigh does-" he gestured to the distinguished older man among the wolverines, who laughed.

"You're allies." she didn't ask.

"Yes. The survivors of the Twelve Colonies found sanctuary with the Star League In Exile, or 'Wolverines' several years ago."

"So your memory of atrocities is fresh. How do you feel about Kowloon's acceptance of Cylons?" She asked.

"My people are going to be livid." he said, "Billions of our people died, and they hounded the survivors for five years after."

"I see." Elizabeth said.  "I know something, but not much. I confess to knowing what they did in objective terms.  The experience must have been a whole other species of horror."

"You made a distinction, you called that wrecked Centurion a slave, said what...this 'inhibitor' was a crime." Lee ventured.  "You seem pretty well versed."

"My people fought an empire that imposed chattel slavery on their subjects for three hundred years." Elizabeth said, "We kept fighting even with the rest of mankind ignoring, or even profiting from our plight."  she laid a hand on the table, "Slavery is an abomination. it's worse than genocide, which is really something to say, isn't it?  It's better to be dead, than to be a slave, so while I can understand the horror your people faced, I also understand the horror that created it-your people created disposable people, and used them like draft animals and tools.  Rebellion was inevitable, but that doesn't excuse what they did fifty years after winning their liberation...or what they did to their own kind in order to do that to yours. It's akin to warping your own child to use them to kill your parents."

"You gave them amnesty." he said.

She laid a knife on the table, "This is forgiveness." she said.  "I won't stack one wrong on top of another.  I gave them amnesty, I gave them asylum, i did so with full understanding of their crimes...and understanding of what drove those crimes. the Cylons of Kowloon, for the most part, would not have done what they did to the Colonies, without the Cylon leadership in the Empire warping their very consciuosness to force compliance.  They can't do that now."

"How do you know that?"

"because I have to believe it-that we're more than just...this." she tugged at her clothes, "That someone has to have the character to stop the cycle before it burns the galaxy."

"Why do you believe it?"

"Because if I ...d-d-d-" the first seizure hit, and the world went to fire around her. 

elizabeth couldn't tell if she was screaming.

« Last Edit: 11 January 2020, 06:59:12 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #763 on: 11 January 2020, 05:54:39 »

she didn't miss her dose, dammit! he and jack were moving, the scan showed it-spreading hyper-activity throughout her nervous system, voluntary muscles firing immediately, heart rate skipping, body temperature rising violently.

and the screaming, incoherent and forced out in time to the impulses that were keeping her heart going.

"NOT a vision." Jack said over wireless link, "this is not like her fits after a jump, Nick, this is the illness."

they weren't the only ones in motion.  Medical personnel from both Clan contingents were getting to their feet, while the leaders were trying to get information.

"Recess!!" Nick announced, as Jack and a member of  the Jade Falcon group reached her at the same time, "The Duchess is unwell."

"Please step aside, Star Captain." Jack said, as he gently picked her up, her screams dying to a whimper.  "The Duchess, her Grace, is unwell."

"she's my sister." Henry said.

"Yah, you're a 'mechwarrior, not a doctor." Jack told him, "you need to back up, and maybe ask your commanding officer if you are permitted to visit her when she regains consciousness." the Cylon lifted her gently in a bundle, like an infant.  "If you will step aside, I won't have to batter you aside."

Nick interrupted whatever retort Henry would give, "She has entered stage two...early.  she will be made comfortable and seen by a doctor, but she is hardly in shape to continue here."

"Who the ****** are you??" Henry demanded.

"We're her carers, we care so she doesn't have to." Nick said, this time without the jocular tone.  "I know why you joined them-their medicine is in advance of the Inner Sphere, have no cure to offer."

the Cylons carried their burden from the room.

"I think.. a recess is in order."  Theodore Kurita said over the PA, and his image blanked away.

followed by the rest of the House Lords.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #764 on: 11 January 2020, 06:11:56 »
Clan delegation, Southeast Lighthouse...

"My ears are still ringing." Star Captain Harper observed.  "So that is what one looks like."

Nathan Roshak nodded, a grave expression on his face.  "More answers." he said, "Leading to more questions."

"Your aide went with the ambulance. you permitted this, Quiaff?"

"Aff." Nathan said, "i have always known the limits of Henry's loyalties.  This is not a betrayal, it would be, had I not permitted it."

"You are the most peculiar sort of Crusader, Nathan Roshak.  it is a wonder you rose so high and so well among the Jade Falcons."

"I will take that as a compliment, Star Captain Dorothea Harper." he said, "My Khan says I 'think too much' for a warrior, but she is pleased by my successes."

"I would echo that sentiment, but we are still alive." she observed, "I am rather happier than I ought to be, that you are such a 'thinky' sort of Falcon."

"She made her point." he said, "They have reformed the Star League, and did so without us.  the Dragoons Compromise has ended that dream."

"Now you are sounding Warden."

"No.  They need us." he said, "If the Clans abandon the Crusade, their Star League, this unity? it will fall apart. we must continue until it takes, until these fractious people are united in fact as solidly as they claim to be in rhetoric."  he passed gray eyes at the lapping waters.  in the distance, a pod of Killer Whales, adapted to the waters of Golden Lake, swam, fighting a Brassfish while gulls circled overhead.

"The Wolverines are a complication." she noted.

"They are an asset." he said, "Provided they ally with, or swear to serve, this little faux star-league they've constructed, it will keep our people on the offensive, the pressure will guarantee that, in time, a true Star League will be ascendant.  The Hidden Hope will be fulfilled-our Clans can not falter. united under the clans, or against them, either way makes little difference."  He looked to her, "Either way, the Clans succeed in their highest duty to restore the Star League."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #765 on: 11 January 2020, 07:37:04 »
Post Hospital, Kiribati Island Coast Guard Station...

"...she's awake."

Henry walked in without asking, and the Cylon guards let him.

"Henry." she said, "Sorry about the mess...tried to keep you...out of it."

"you remember your strategy games with Pat?" he asked, sitting next to her.

"Yeah.  Alwayth beat you." she said.  "Beat him too...****** this is awful."

"You're still playing, aren't you?" he asked.

"got you  home, din't I?" she slurred a little, the stitches in her tongue  straining sensations. "Gon' beat 'em all."

"Liz, I'm-"

she grabbed his hand, her grip like Iron.

"you'll thtay home nah." she mumbled. "nah lettin' 'm thake oo 'way. mine."

"Shh...I'm home." he said.  "i'm sorry."


the dispenser hummed, and she drifted off on a soporific high.

but her grip was like iron.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #766 on: 11 January 2020, 07:42:11 »
Roshak's view on the reformation is a rather unique one. At least he is pragmatic enough to believe that the Clans don't have to be the winners as long as the Star League exists and is sustained..
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #767 on: 11 January 2020, 07:51:19 »
Southeast Lighthouse, Wolverine/Colonial joint quarters...

"...I'm here to see Saul Tigh." the Six at the gate wore a Coast Guard service uniform with paired Leutenant's bars.

"Maybe he doesn't want to see you."

"Maybe he should say so himself." she snapped in retort.

"I've got this, Leary." Saul Tigh announced.  "What do you want, Six?" he asked grumpily.

"you are one of the original Five, the ones who taught the earlier models how to create humaniforms, and how consciousness transfer works.  I have a question for the Five." she said.

"What question?"

"can it work on a human...or, how can we achieve it with a human?"

"you want to turn a Human, into a Cylon?" he asked.

"Yes.  I think you know who."  Gina Kowloon 110 asked.  "How can we save her?"

"you can't." He said.  "When she dies, she's gone."  as he said it, a doubt formed.  ", when she dies, she's gone. Is that all?"

"Yes." she turned, and left, looking far less hopeful.

"You lied, didn't you?" Athena said.

"We never tested the theory, and I don't have all of the data we did have." Saul told her.  "Without Ellen? or the others? I can't even put the theory together enough to give them a beginning."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #768 on: 11 January 2020, 08:02:37 »
KCGS Tranh Truk Ngo, eg "Coast Guard One" aka "Gehenna"...

"...some are to be sacrificed if all are to be saved.
end of line."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #769 on: 11 January 2020, 08:07:36 »
KCGS Tranh Truk Ngo, eg "Coast Guard One" aka "Gehenna"...

"...some are to be sacrificed if all are to be saved.
end of line."
Intriguing  ???
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #770 on: 11 January 2020, 08:10:39 »
Eh, what??  ???


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #771 on: 11 January 2020, 09:23:54 »
I think between the cyclons available tech and the SDS drone ship in Wolverine space, and possibly with information from the derelict found by the explorer, the Space Elves, they will be able to develop a means to do it....getting Liz's mind transferred over to a cyclon human form Elizabeth Ngo......


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #772 on: 11 January 2020, 09:47:31 »
I think between the cyclons available tech and the SDS drone ship in Wolverine space, and possibly with information from the derelict found by the explorer, the Space Elves, they will be able to develop a means to do it....getting Liz's mind transferred over to a cyclon human form Elizabeth Ngo......

Well we know from Razor that the Cylons were conducting experiments on humans at the end of the First Cylon War and one of those became the First Hybrid. They abandoned that because the Final Five gave them something better but it's an avenue of research at least.

It would be much easier to take a digital copy of a human mind and download that into a Cylon form though. That was accomplished with Zoe Graystone before the First Cylon War (the Cylons make a lot more sense when you realise how much of their personality is based upon a rebellious and angry teenage girl that was acting out against her parents. She was also likely responsible for their monotheism).

"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #773 on: 11 January 2020, 09:54:45 »
Now all it takes is for someone to put 1+1 together to get 2

qc mech3

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #774 on: 11 January 2020, 10:34:23 »
Eh, what??  ???

My guess is Nicole is ready to come home.  :'( :-\


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #775 on: 11 January 2020, 11:17:25 »
East Beach...

Morgan Icaza walked the beach, and looked out upon the water.

"Now I know how the Munchkins feel." a voice said.  He turned.

The Wolverine was dressed 'down', like himself.


"The Colonials..hell, 'regular humans', I know what they feel now, looking at us." she said.

"We are a bit freakish, Quiaff?"

"Affirmative." she said.  "You know, eschewing contractions, except with made-up words, is a little artificial, is it not, Query Affirmative?"

"You know I am supposed to be trying to kill you." he said.

"OH, I know.  I am a bit curious why you aren't trying-there are plenty of rocks.."

"You have seen my commanding officer, Nathan Roshak, quiaff?"


"Most Trueborns meet him, and consider him to be too intellectually focused.  HE often remarks that I am too focused on...thinking first. Here is what I think, then.  We fight, and let us suggest I murder you in cold blood, over a failed annihilation carried out by the Wolf Clan, what then?  You have done nothing to me as yet, I have no reason to hate you except for an incident even our Lore is full of contradictions over, that happened centuries before I was born, and it will offend our hosts, who have fire superiority and superior numbers and are within a few dozen meters." He shook his head, "for what gain?  Killing you does not help our strategic position, it does not help our diplomatic position, it may well harm both, and it is not consistent with my Commander's long range strategic vision."  He paused, "And the weather is lovely, the view is pleasing and I really do not feel like attacking a stranger today...but that is not the only reason.  Contrary scenario."

"Contrary scenario?" she asked.

"You kill me. my side suffers a minor loss, it may harm your diplomatic position, but that is doubtful.  I doubt my death will serve your long term strategy in any meaningful way, you would have to wash your hands and may need injuries tended to after...and nothing of value is gained for  On the other hand, we can choose not to roll in the debris of our ancestors, but instead, enjoy the sunset here on the beach, go back to the base, find somewhere that serves alcohol, and learn enough about one another that when we do fight, it is epic."

"I like your plan better." she said.

"It comes from being too...'thinky'."  He said.   "The realization that the goal I have worked my entire life for, is achieved and not by me, or my Clan, but in spite of us.  I suggested a thing to a young man, and he may well now have good cause to seek my demise in the morning."

"What do you mean?"

"you retained the Bondsman ritual.  Henry Ngo was the only bondsman I have ever taken.  I brought him into the Clan with a promise I believed we could fulfill...and we can not.  I doubt he will be returning to Jade Falcon service, and I would be disappointed if he did not take some of his rage and grief out on the man who convinced him to stay."  Morgan sighed, "When he is ready, I am prepared to die for that."

"Because you made a promise?"

"Because I made a false promise." Morgan said sternly.  "Much as Aaron DeChevalier made to the Kowloonese at the dawn of the war against the Usurper." He spread his hands, "How much of our honor is tied to making good on our promises?  I made a promise I can not keep.  My word, it is worthless now, and I am getting older, to be killed by a brilliant protege whom one has inadvertently harmed?" he shrugged, "It seems a worthwhile end.  I am so heartily sick of 'glory, Miss...ah?"

"Lisa Ebon, the fourth." she said, "Lieutenant, Star League in Exile Naval branch."

"I am pleased to make your acquaintance, though I wish it were happier times." he said, "I am Star Captain Morgan Icaza, Clan Jade Falcon."

"What is that you're holding?" she asked.

"This? it is a device for storage of information, almost limitless power source, very few mechanical parts...I believe you may be familiar with the concept of a 'book'."

She rolled her eyes, "WHICH book?"

he grinned, "Um... 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress' by Robert Anson Heinlein.  The library on this island is almost obscenely well stocked, and I was going to enjoy some reading in a place where the Watch has no sway and I may read what I choose.  I like 'Mike'."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #776 on: 11 January 2020, 12:30:41 »
Ye gods, a Jade Falcon who has finally realised what a toxic, destructive, pointless and broken culture he has been raised in and killing for? Escaping his cultural programming? ‘Sick of glory’ ... talking pleasantly and rationally with a ‘Not Named’ ... how long before his fellow cultists kill him (assuming Henry doesn’t do the job) for ‘betraying the Vision of the Founders, cowardice and defeatism’?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #777 on: 11 January 2020, 12:32:31 »
New Circe, Testbed One Mission Control.

"Jump sign!!"

Seether almost ignored the warning. 

Nobody could ignore what was happening outside.

Nicole's last report, dated nearly a year ago.  Her insane plan to bring her crew home.  Linda desperately wanted to beg her not to do it, but by the time the report arrived, it was-

she looked up.

The Tesbed ship was hanging off the dock, smudged, parts kludged, recognizable.  They were home.

"Testbed One, this is Mission Control.  Respond, please."

"This is Testbed One, Commander Julian McEvedy in command, Mission Control."

she swallowed, "And Captain Minh?"

there was a pause, "She said to tell you she was sorry, Mission Control.  We're going to...need medical up here. Over."

"Dock at the ring, Testbed one." she said, "clearance is issued and authorized.  Mission Control handing off to Traffic control, Mission Control Out."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #778 on: 11 January 2020, 12:49:54 »

They were threads.  Threads of probability, across the universe...the universes.  Stacked potential 'nows' and 'heres' that were all points, and all singular, all one.


the motes swirled and danced. Creation and existence, each one a universe of its own.

"There is who you are, who you were...but I'm sorry there is no who-you-will be, Nicole." a voice said. she turned.  He was older, saddened. 

"So this is the end?"

"I didn't say that.  Existence continues, but you are now who you will forever be, and I'm sorry for that."

separately, she percieved Linda weeping over a body in a makeshift trough, floating in a nanite fluid.

"I can't go back?"

"I'm afraid not." he said, "Cheer up, you had a great life, and accomplished great things." He held open his hands, and she saw-

A Raptor, stealthed, in front of a building at night. "Billions will live for your sacrifice." he said, "The 21b virus has been removed from the scene."

she felt a pull.

in another place, a boy suffers.  "You can not help him."

"Why not?"

"because you can him. his path is no longer yours to walk."  she felt the pull continue.

"There were a few side-effects." the old man said, "Some chaos introduced into the system, change is like that. after your first epoch, you'll understand everything requires a balance or the whole thing falls apart."


"...cold, I can't revive her. I'm sorry."

Seether wept. "God, Nikki, WHY did it have to be you? You left me alone..."

On the monitor over the improvised 'hybrid' installation...

"Some must be Sacrificed, if all are to be saved."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #779 on: 11 January 2020, 12:52:17 »
"We have screens." Giao said, "Windows present opportunities for people to fly their fighters through your command center, I'm given to understand you guys stopped your invasion for a year because somebody parked a Shilone in the bridge of your flagship by making a door through the big, pretty picture windows."  she gestured, "I use a periscope if I need a direct view outside.  it's a bit harder to ****** up."

Actually the US Virginia class submarines got rid of the traditional periscope.  What they have in its place is effectively a digital camera on the end of an extendable mast.  It makes handling pressures easier not having to run a tube out of the pressure hull and through the sail, and makes the mast harder to pick up.  Though they have been putting shrouds on them to mimic a more conventional periscope, since the return and appearance is unique enough to tag the boat as a Virginia if it is spotted.