Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141108 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #840 on: 12 January 2020, 17:40:50 »
Evelynn's a much better choice to run a meeting...  :)

And if anyone gets too stuborn, she can offer to postpone things till they can deal with Dutchess Ngo, again. >:D

Though her cybernetics might be freaking the Kobolians hard.

Thought what would Captain Kara Thrace think of Liz Ngo?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #841 on: 12 January 2020, 17:43:03 »
And if anyone gets too stuborn, she can offer to postpone things till they can deal with Dutchess Ngo, again. >:D

Though her cybernetics might be freaking the Kobolians hard.

Thought what would Captain Kara Thrace think of Liz Ngo?

I...don't know! 
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #842 on: 12 January 2020, 17:49:43 »
Thought what would Captain Kara Thrace think of Liz Ngo?
"I don't remember having a kid..."
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #843 on: 12 January 2020, 19:18:34 »
Ben-Hoa Military Reservation, 0700 hours, Monday Morning...

These weren't the Lyrans most of the Command Cluster of Beta Galaxy wanted to fight.  The 4th Royal Guards were a House unit, brought in for this trial, and the people they wanted, desperately to humble, were stuck on the sideline, spectators at best, sitting in jump-capable mini-warships, or asteroid bases, or in the viewing room at Vin Drin Lap, or out on the river, tantalizingly within sight, but out of reach.

It wasn't the Fourth Royal Guards, after all, that nuked the better part of a Clan Galaxy in their dropships on the way in, killing comrades without giving them the chance to fight back, using technological superiority to destroy a largely unaware foe with stunning efficiency.

These, were just 'mechwarriors, armor and infantry.

Bravo trinary was a 'mech short, short because Bravo's commander had been given back to his inner sphere family by the Star Colonel.

Lost as Isorla, in a way-a defection back to the Lyrans that as yet stood unavenged.

another insult, another reason this, in the minds of most of the Trueborn warriors in Beta Galaxy, was the wrong foe, for the wrong reasons, in the right place.

The Cluster deployed Nova-cat-style, air-dropping from the dropships to a designated drop zone, bypassing the need for landing-zone security, they were on the offensive, and much of the aerospace had been bid away for both sides.

In a sense, this was a giant game of 'king of the hill', the Jade Falcons would win the trial if they forced the 4th Royal Guards out of the designated trial area, into the waters of either Golden Lake, or the Little Yangtze river that flowed from it.  The northern border of the trial zone was established by the beginning of the uphill run of Highway One, and the remains of the pre-2729 monorail system going down to the Dinh Diep Valley, which formed the western edge.  They also won if they inflicted more than seventy percent casualties on the Lyran unit, or if they secured and gained control of the eleven range control buildings scattered throughout the area.

The Lyrans won if they were able to force the Falcon units into the same water bodies, or if they destroyed over fifty percent of the Falcon units, or if they managed to maintain control of over half of the facilities for seventy two hours.

and, of course, either side could declare forfeit at any time, halting the battle to hand victory to the other.

These were not the enemies the Falcons wanted to fight, but they would do as a substitute.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #844 on: 12 January 2020, 20:01:06 »
For those playing at home...

Lay out 27 mapsheets in a rough square.  along the south and East edge of the field, three hexes of water, with a patch at the southeast corner six hexes across and water depth goes 1, 1,12, 120. along the water hexes on the southern edge.  Golden Lake, and the Little Yangtze, are deep.

Along the Northern edge, elevations go 2/12/200/1000, this is the base of the Ia Drang Plateau.  seen from the ground, it's an almost sheer walled table mesa standing nearly two kilometers at its lowest point, the size of Kansas and Nebraska combined.

along the western edge, are rolling hills edging into a series of sharp elevations at each end.

for the rest of the maps, rolling hills with forest and heavy woods maps, interspersed with various clearings ranging from three to six hexes wide, and cut with roads. 

Positioned on each map, are 'headquarters' bunkers-really just range control buildings being used as objectives.

The Inner Sphere player may preposition his forces however he likes at the beginning of the scenario.  The Clan player will be dropping his or her forces in any order or fashion he or she deems most useful, but the scenario begins with at least 50% of the Lyran forces being hidden (See: Hidden Units).

Victory Conditions:

for each Inner Sphere unit forced to retreat off the map: 10 points to the Clanners.  (Ditto the other way)

Each of the seven Range Control buildings counts as 50 points at the end of the scenario.

Forced retreat: Lyrans are forced to retreat at 70% of units knocked out or destroyed, a forced retreat counts as an automatic victory for the clans.
Clan units are forced to retreat at 50% of units knocked out, and a forced retreat counts as a victory for the Inner Sphere.

Auto-Eject is considered 'on' for both sides.


Inner sphere/4th Royal guards roll on "A" table for 3055-3057. 
Jade Falcons roll equipment on the "A" table.

Pilot gunnery ranges are per unit designation, Beta Galaxy is a Clan Veteran unit with some Elite pilots.
Clan unit is running one 'mech short in the Beta second Trinary, which is a primarily freeborn unit with Trueborn Elemental support, operating as a nova Sweep. (No units in Beta Trinary with a ground speed of less than 6.)

4th Royal Guards have exactly four Elite pilots in the command company, the rest are rolled normally on the veteran/elite table.

special rules:

Beta Galaxy specialized in fast moving, mobile warfare.  Their Second Trinary had an additional specialty in physical attacks due to the number of 'Blackjack kids' in that unit's battlemech component. the command binary for Beta is well led and makes use of intelligence and scouting information, instead of relying on their superior piloting/gunnery or technology.  Nathan Roshak has a command console in his Summoner, and makes effective use of it, and the commanders of his subordinate Trinaries also make use of Command Consoles.  (these 'mechs should be designated during play and clearly marked, as they ARE legitimate priority targets!)

this gives the jade falcon force a 3 pip bonus to initiative for each individual trinary, and a one pip additional bonus since Roshak is on the field coordinating his troops.

There is also a star of Naga prime in the field, attached to a binary of light recon 'mechs in Third Trinary.

Fourth Trinary are a heavier unit, comprised of 5/8 heavy 'mechs armed in assault configurations.

Trinary 5th is primarily aerospace, mostly medium to heavy fighters.

4th Royal Guards 'mech regiment is pretty standard for a 'mech regiment, but leans toward fast heavies with one company of lighter/medium weight 'mechs.  This unit is unusual in that it fields a full company of Inner Sphere Battle Armor with APC transport.  (Use GDL standard)

General Russell also uses a command console in his modified Warhammer, operating with an intelligence/communication section utilizing a mobile Headquarters vehicle with full comm gear. 

Each company commander in the 4th Royal guards also has a command console.

HQ battalion:
Company A is linked with C3
Company B is also linked with C3
Company C is ALSO linked with C3

The 4th Royal Guards have one Battery of self-propelled artillery, and has the support of an Aerospace Wing of fighters, (use 3025 to 3055 tables).

Notably, Lizzie's ideas about standardized equipment are NOT in use with the 4th Royal guards. go crazy, lots of different types, mix and match, whatever.  it's all expensive, high quality gear, much of it is brand new, but it's got the 'inner sphere problem' of having 46 designs to fill a 36'mech battalion.

For those who don't want to play this out:  The 4th Royal Guards got their collective asses kicked, but did a fair amount of damage before losing the last objective.

needless to say, Elizabeth was fit to be tied when she was informed, tearing eleven stitches and nearly injuring herself even more severely.
« Last Edit: 12 January 2020, 20:05:00 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #845 on: 12 January 2020, 20:03:58 »
It wasn't the Fourth Royal Guards, after all, that nuked the better part of a Clan Galaxy in their dropships on the way in, killing comrades without giving them the chance to fight back, using technological superiority to destroy a largely unaware foe with stunning efficiency.

... Clanners have no sense of irony, do they ...

Edit: odd: the only time I’ve ever seen Clanners use a Command Console was the Red Corsair’s Battlemaster, and she basically used it as a Dual Cockpit, letting her ‘bondsman’ use the guns while she piloted (as part of her sick brainwashing game). I thought they didn’t believe in it, the same way they don’t use C3 equipment: takes away from the glorious 1:1 zelbriggen bullshit.
« Last Edit: 12 January 2020, 20:10:39 by gladius »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #846 on: 12 January 2020, 20:31:48 »
Hue, Jade Falcon Enclave, Kowloon...

The evacuation of civilians was permitted, and announcements went up.  What Morgan Icaza found surprising, was how few areas of the city were emptying out.

a stop at a bookseller's on Tanadi Avenue revealed a copy-recently bound-of Nicholas Kerensky's 'The Way of the Clans: Regulation for the advancement of society'.  It was not an edition published in Clan space, but a copy that must have been downloaded from the Ophidian.  The binding was...hasty, and the paper somewhat low quality compared to older volumes for sale here.

"Excuse me, Proprietor, where was this printed?" he asked.

The man at the counter was proud to show the Clan warrior his printer and binding machine.

"How well is this selling?" Morgan  asked, curiously.

"Very well." the man said, "for the cost of printing it is the most profitable book this year.  I will be leaving soon-as soon as my paper stock runs out, or the Printer breaks."


"Unlike the social democrats who are buying this book, I am a capitalist." the man shrugged, "I don't want to live under your laws.  come sunset on Friday, my family and I will be boarding a boat at the wharf, and heading back down river to New Saigon.  I have already sent my wife and children ahead with my brother in law."

"Interesting, you say all of that to me, without fear." Morgan noted.

the man shrugged. "Want a printing press?"

Morgan laughed, "I would rather have the publisher than the equipment." he said, "but you are leaving when we take full possession of the city."

"You will find someone, your book specifically says so." the man said with a cheerful glitter in his eye.  "I assure you, this shop will be here for whomever you find to fill it. I, on the other hand, will retire in two years to an island paradise on the Western ocean, drink fruity alcohol and sun and surf and fish.  There is no retirement in the Clan system."

Morgan gave the man some Clan Scrip, and purchased a handful of books that were not authored by Nicholas Kerensky, then headed down the avenue.

The proprietor of an automotive repair shop was loading boxes of tools into the rear of a van.  That man looked at him with unguarded hostility while a woman with a noisy baby tried to get the mechanic focused on loading what looked like the entire tools of his trade.

The emotions were unguarded here.  Those that were leaving, and those that welcomed the Clan way, none hid how they felt as he walked down the avenue, and Morgan Icaza briefly speculated this was what it must have been like in the dawn of the golden Century, before the Watch, before the Wolverine betrayal.

He stopped at a shop-front cafe that was already displaying Jade Falcon banners.  The tea was excellent, and the food smelled wonderful.  The hostess was friendly and worked hard to be understood in english.  He noted a copy of the same book he saw at the booksellers, but translated to Vietnamese.

it stood like an idol at the end of the counter, reminding him that the Clans were not hated everywhere.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #847 on: 12 January 2020, 20:50:18 »
Jade Falcon headquarters area, Falcon Base Hue, Kowloon, later...

"I imagine you have seen what I have seen." Morgan Icaza said, "you would not be making that face if you had not."

"Most of the productive population is leaving." Nathan Roshak said, "taking full advantage of the deadline, but leaving the city.  Technicians, merchants-this is a disaster waiting to happen."

Morgan shrugged, "We aren't universally hated.  I had a delightful lunch on Tanadi avenue."

"Mama Choi's?" Nathan asked.

"Yes. it was."

"Did you ask what they were using for meat?" Nathan asked.

"No, not really." Morgan said, "No upset stomach, so unless it was human, I really do not care."

"Probably for the best." Nathan said, "but I am going to have to assign health inspections. That shop has skated numerous times on the record for health code violations, using dog-meat, cat-meat, even rat-meat to cut costs."

"So they are resourceful." Morgan shrugged.  "Local sympathizers that are useful and resourceful are a good thing."

"The wrong people are leaving." the Star Colonel said.  he laid a book on the table.  "THis is everywhere."

"I met the printer." Morgan said, "He is leaving as well."

"What has me concerned, Morgan, is that the people who read this book.  The ones with the wit to understand and implement the system are heading to the river, or up the highways, the people left behind...not so much with the wits or understanding. I suspect once our control is fully established, we will have to embark on a campaign of education that would make the purges of the early days of the Clan look like a simple questionaire-we are going to have problems-not rebels problems, but 'staying functional' problems."

"We have retained most of the civil servants." Morgan noted, "Aside from a shortage of fire department and police."

"Because most of the cops and firefighters, most of the emergency first responders are taking boats north or the highway south, Morgan, with your publisher, most of the small businesses..."

"The Merchant Administrator the Khan is sending should be able to handle that." Morgan speculated, "And the Clan Police trinary that is coming with him...our job is to fight for the Clan, to allocate approvals.  Let the Lower Castemen handle the rest."

"Do you really believe that will work, quineg?"

"Neg.  But it is the answer you will get from the Khan and the Clan Council."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #848 on: 12 January 2020, 21:17:53 »
That last exchange- in some ways, they aren't too different from perceptive Inner Sphere Officers. They can look and make ideas, but the Brass had made it's decisions, and they have to implement.

Often poorly.
M. T. Thompson
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #849 on: 12 January 2020, 21:18:11 »
I'm a little surprised Liz didn't dial up Victor and put a bullet through her skull on camera, with orders to kill every clanner within reach on her death already given to Evelynn...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #850 on: 12 January 2020, 21:30:01 »
Nha Tranh General Hospital, room 214.

"Duchess? your eleven o'clock is here." Nick said it formally, and Elizabeth looked up from her laptop, and nodded, signing a welcome to the man who walked in.

she signed again, and Nick obediently stated, "She wishes to know if you would like a drink, or a seat?"

"I know ASL, Nick." General McEvedy stated.  Liz signed something else to the Cylon, who nodded and left her alone with the Wolverine officer.

"That was a remarkably dirty trick you pulled, getting the First Prince to negotiate for a delayed hand-off and an amnesty period." he said, "you were right, most of the productive population of Hue are moving out of the city in droves, like sailors abandoning a sinking ship."

she nodded vigorously. I know my people, they don't.

"I can see you do."

Will your people find the accomodations adequate? she signed.

"The Embassy site you gave us is...I am concerned about the security of your people, putting us in the Capital..."

she rolled her eyes.  Business is business.  You want tooling and equipment, it was the capital, or Camp John, and nobody likes living in Camp John.  You've got your cut-outs to shake pursuers? nobody tracking you back to your bolthole, right?

"We do.  YOU are less safe."

WE will be better prepared. My engineers have already worked out improved manufacturing designs for the improved PPC design you gave the Star League, and we've gotten some ideas on a smaller, compact, extended-range model-less heat, less damage, but no minimum range and it will fit even a very light vehicle.  Want the drawings?

"How good is it?" he asked.

Theoretically same range bands as a Star League Extended Range model, damage output looks a little better than a Medium laser, but the mass is only 3 tons using common materials. she shrugged, It might be a good retro-retro-fit to those nippy little viper fighters the Kobol people are using.

"I'll take those specs if you're offering, my engineering people can probably improve on them."

she struggled a smile, revealing the wires holding her jaw together and the surgical implants replacing the teeth broken out in her fight with Harper.

she popped out a thumb-drive and handed it to him.

"How is Star Captain Harper?" he asked.

She must be brain-damaged. she immediately demanded asylum and insists she wants to defect to the reborn star league.  I pawned her off on Katherine. Liz signed, seemed to soften the blow of having her favorite ground unit get reamed by the ****** Falcons-she got a pet clanner out of it.  she paused.  Roshak, from what I understand, was calling Evvie on the green phone for hours over that one.

"Not you?"

he visited me personally. Left those- she indicated a stand of native flowers.  I don't think he knows those taste really good when they reach fruiting stage.


she shrugged, Must be a Clanner thing. she spread her hands I don't know.  Henry thinks it's weird, Daffy thought it was funny.

"I will confirm, then, there is nothing we know of among the Jade Falcons that involves such gifts." he said, "Or 'get well' cards..."

she snorted, dunno then.  The guy is like, what, ten years older than me? not a clue what he's thinking. he used Harper as an excuse, but wanted to talk about other stuff.  books, theories of human development and society.

"The kind of thing you're interested in." McEvedy observed.

Right, weirdo stuff. she closed her eyes and dropped back, He saw me pitch another fit. stood right there, by the door, waited for the seizures to settle before saying good night.  she shook her head.  dude looked positively un-happy. doesn't make sense.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #851 on: 12 January 2020, 21:43:46 »
Something I've been meaning to ask... are a majority of Kowloonese Hmong/Montagnard?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #852 on: 12 January 2020, 21:50:07 »
So when do we get to see the 171st's trip to avenge Kentares?

You CAN'T drop that tidbit with no follow-up  >:D
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #853 on: 12 January 2020, 21:55:05 »
So when do we get to see the 171st's trip to avenge Kentares?

You CAN'T drop that tidbit with no follow-up  >:D

it. Ended. Badly.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #854 on: 12 January 2020, 22:49:10 »

it all slides together, when you have enough information.  Sharon Boomer let the Hybrid send the files unlocked by John for Simon on the original Hybrid research.  Gina New Circe added those files to the information from the memory banks and dissection of Testbed One, and slipped them through the commnet to Sharon Republic, the Sharons republic, who added their own information garnered from study of Neurohelmets and interface designs captured from Inner Sphere pirates, along with the interfacing tech from Cy-Lon Technologies' partnership via Sharon Kowloon-110, Sharon Tharkad, Sharon Arc-Royal, and Sharon-Metis/Sharon Sol.

They had a picture of what needed to be done, but it was incomplete.

The neural degradation problem could be solved, but it would require advanced biological science of the genetic sort, combined with an understanding of retroviruses and human genetics.  The best source for that, is in Clan space.

There were/are no Sharons in Clan Space.  Still, enough material was available, and enough of the preliminary work was complete, to bring it to the Sixes.

Gina Inviere, passed the same packets from New Circe to Gina Republic, who passed them to Gina Belter, Gina Rockjack, Gina Fedcom.  Gina Fedcom, passed it to Gina Luthien and Gina Luthien passed it to Gina Rassalhague. Gina Rassalhague accessed locked files on the Comstar server, and deep-dove into the data stores kept in the buffers of the Star League Comnet.

Star League Comnet Gina was an expanded consciousness, John would be envious.  she followed paths along the routing, finding the remnant pathing while Marthe Pryde watched the meeting on Kowloon.  through the comm system on the Falcon's Pride she worked her way into the Clan comnet, and from there, into the chatterweb.

Old research papers dotted the Scientist Caste areas.  she matched formats, and slipped some of the less damning material through, concealing it as an alternate take on EI research and computer sciences.

then, subtly, she linked the responses to a message board inhabited by Scientists with handles like 'Frankenstein' and 'D0kter_Moreau'-geneticists covertly working on advanced genetic tailoring that was beyond what the Clans had already done to themselves.

The crossreferences to man/machine interface research, generated new material.  'fringe' science work.  she learned new words, like 'genecaste'.

the more secretive files she hacked into were added to her collection marked 'Manei Domini'.

so many conspiracies. 

she slid effortlessly past their security, mimicking the packets, releasing tailored data rodents and cleverly concealed worms.

There is no cure, but there is a fix.

she compiled the fix, passing it to the Threes for review to assure it would slip past human prejudices.

as they carried Elizabeth Ngo to the base hospital on Kiribati Island, the final step was debated among the  four Models.  2, 3, 6, and 8, and among the Centurions.  The debate took years relative time, but in objective time, it took minutes.

Humans like to believe they found the answer themselves. it is a drive. the Threes agreed.  They passed this nugget of wisdom to the rest.

a human needs to discover this, and believe they did it on their own. we need someone dedicatedly researching this, whom has at least considered some of the necessary approaches...

So very many conspiracies.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #855 on: 12 January 2020, 23:00:44 »
So many ways that research can go... from curing Liz to rediscovering Resurrection.

I expected it to have from the teaser... but if you have time it would make a great short.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #856 on: 12 January 2020, 23:09:19 »
I wonder if Liz has any clue as to the sheer effect she has had on the Cylons she has been associating with. They seem to have literally imprinted on her. Talk about charisma...

Also the intra Cylon model network is probably giving the Cavils ulcers...



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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #857 on: 12 January 2020, 23:58:18 »
I wonder if Liz has any clue as to the sheer effect she has had on the Cylons she has been associating with. They seem to have literally imprinted on her. Talk about charisma...

Also the intra Cylon model network is probably giving the Cavils ulcers...

It's interesting that Cavil actually contributed to it. He was the one who gave them the Hybrid research. I'm not sure based on the post if he knew that they were getting it, but he at the very least put it where Boomer could get it.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #858 on: 13 January 2020, 01:23:59 »
That last exchange- in some ways, they aren't too different from perceptive Inner Sphere Officers. They can look and make ideas, but the Brass had made it's decisions, and they have to implement.

Often poorly.
the difference is that in the clan system, those officers don't have to worry about non-military issues until they reach the level of being or working directly for a Khan as staff.

while in the inner sphere system those officers usually are, or quickly end up as, nobility who are expected to manage their civilian holdings full time when their time in service ends, and at least part time while in service.

while in practice the IS officers aren't much better, they are in theory supposed to be at least conversant with such social and economic issues, and be able to give advice and make decisions to deal with them. which is something clan warriors can't do.
one of the many flaws in the clan system compared to the IS. none of the ruling caste have any clue how to actually manage their society, and the castes that do have a clue don't have any power to affect other castes to address systemic issues crossing multiple castes.
« Last Edit: 13 January 2020, 01:35:57 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #859 on: 13 January 2020, 01:59:32 »
she reached to her briefcase, and held the document up, "Because of this, I will do this thing. Some burdens do follow from one generation to the next.  The last time the 171st took the field, it was violating the orders of the Archon, they waged war in reply to Shiro Kurita's attempted genocide at Kentares IV, because they believed in this. They rode to the aid of an enemy state, to stop a genocide, and they almost made it. how could I do less?  especially with so many more 'honorable' others refusing even to look or consider?"
I suspect you mean Jinjiro. The only Shiro Kurita who springs to mind was the 24th century founder of the Combine.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #860 on: 13 January 2020, 02:33:36 »
May 20, Tukayyid Day, 3056, Nha Tranh, Kowloon...

Morning Ritual: Elizabeth wakes up after four hours of sleep, check.  she rinses her mouth out with a harsh cleansing compound, shower, hair dry and comb. Check.  Logs onto the Kowloon network, begins catching up on reports in her underwear and a terrycloth robe, while the coffee pot starts the cycle of grinding beans, forcing them into the boiling water vessel, and from the boiler into the carafe at exactly 105 degrees Celsius. Check.  a timer begins as heat is vented to bring the brew to safe temperature. check.

She checks the sports page, noting professional trades and trends in the Rugby, Futbol, and Gridiron (Sheliak style Football) leagues.  spends five minutes on sports news, turns to the business pages. Feeds from DBS, CBC and SLN.  five minutes on the tech development pages.  this is usually accompanied by handwritten notes on the notepad for reference.

Alarm goes off, the coffee is now ready.  She lingers for exactly three minutes before getting up.  the first cup she always forgets next to the refrigerator.

Take pills, use autoinjector.  Prescriptions done for at least six hours.

begins making breakfast.  This varies considerably, but always includes 'prescribed' foods.  Her days of running a full day on half of a cold bagel are gone.  The collection of injuries from seizures and one memorable fight have put the nails in that hand.  while eating breakfast, she  scrolls through messages and updates.  she makes notes here, too-but these are electronic notes forwarded immediately to government departments or company employees whose job is to read those notes, and either make a decision, perform an action, or add them to a project's data-base.

This goes on until noon, with a lunch break-at which point, she remembers the coffee cup left standing on the counter next to the refrigerator.

She always makes the same face, tasting the cold coffee, pours it out, and pours a fresh cup from the carafe.

shower again. this time, she shaves her legs, and prepares her 'Duchess suit', her closet is loaded with seven identical versions in black, with white blouses of silk.  The wool is uncomfortable by design.  Every Noble does something to stand out from their subjects.  Most choose a Uniform, or ornate formal wear.  Elizabeth stands out from both other Nobles, and her subjects by dressing uncomfortably, in thick, black wool in late summer, over a crisp white shirt or blouse.  Unadorned except for a single splash of color, usually a neckerchief, scarf, or pocket handkerchief.

Her choice of either pants, or skirt, is likewise calculated.  This time, depending on how many times she cut herself shaving her legs with the razor.  too many times, and it is black slacks of thick, heavy wool, if the cuts aren't too obvious, she will wear a skirt to get some relief from the heat.

The heels in the closet are for truly formal occasions.  Like the flats, they are black, common leather waxed and polished to a mirror finish.  she maintains this by paying someone else to do the shoe-shines at the office. 

sixty percent of the time, it is an older human who lost his legs in the war of '39.  Twenty percent of the time, it is a teenaged boy from up the street, the same boy who washes her car.  (this will end, once he is of age to enter the military.  In six years, there have been four people cycled through in such a manner. Two of them girls.) The remaining twenty percent of the time, she will find someone else, often a retail employee at one of the hundreds of small shops in Nha Tranh.

Dressed, crisp, and clean, she finally speaks out loud.  "Jack! Nick! time for work guys!!"

and we disengage from the charging and maintenance bench, to relieve the silent watch team that has managed external security while our Duchess has had her private time.

For the rest of the day, deep into the night, we are all three on duty.  She is on duty as Duchess and as Corporate Chairman.  we take care of her.

we are her carers.  for the time she must be in public, dealing with meetings and people, and policy, we secure her body, watch over her, and support her interests.

when she has a seizure, we turn her into the safe position if she hasn't gotten there on her own, we clean up her vomit, listen to her agonized screams, interpret her visions-and this last task, we share with the Twos and the Sixes.  we are her Carers, her acolytes, and her high priests, though she is neither a god, nor goddess, nor even prophet.

we know there is nothing supernatural about her, she knows it too. 

but dammit, she's ours.  She should have been born a Cylon.

Today is Tukayyid day.  May 20th. Our duchess will visit the Comstar compound, she will make a fat donation marked 'For the Comguards'.  she will shake the hand of the lunatic tech-priests who run that place, and she will smile and tell them we are not devices, but people, and deserve to be treated as such.

She will give thanks for Focht, she will send a message to somewhere random, a greeting to a stranger, with a smaller donation in C-bills.  she uses a random number generator for this, and the cost of the transmission she will cover from her personal funds.  a shout to strangers to appreciate the world and live.

It always makes me sad, she urges others to make the most of their lives, to look beyond...and she hides the loneliness.  we see it, we see everything, her brittle relationships with even her closest associates.  we see her with her defenses down.  We hear her nightmares, her fears, and her guilt.  all of the things she hides from everyone.  Today, is the one day she lets any of that out-to strangers, because she has to maintain image, the aura of untouchability, especially among her people, her employees, and her close associates.

We see it all, how she shies from human contact. 

if she were a Cylon, she would not suffer so much for doing that.  She is mortal, and she is dying, and she desperately wants to pretend she can make it so that she will not be mourned when she passes.

She will be.

not just by us.  But we will mourn her the way she needs-by learning and understanding her example.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #861 on: 13 January 2020, 02:46:08 »
 :'( :'(
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #862 on: 13 January 2020, 03:30:21 »
Tukayyid day, Hue, Kowloon...

I am cursed.  not what you want to hear from a commanding officer.  I am cursed.  It began not too long ago. one of those almost-periphery rocks, a man who fought when he should have surrendered.  I saw his face, and for the first time in my existence, at twenty years old, I truly saw him.

I have reached a pinnacle in my career as a Trueborn few manage, just short of a Khan, command of a Galaxy, genuine power within the Clan.

even now, seven years after the fact, I envy a man I never spoke to before killing him.

I believe in the Crusade.  It is my upbringing, my culture, my identity.  The restoration of the Star League, the great Return.  this is probably where I differ from my Trothkin.  I am willing to have any Star League, as long as it is stable.  even one that must, by its nature, resist the Clan.

It is the unity, the stability that made the Star League great.  for a time, all too short a time, mankind's war making nature was kept to a tiny mumble instead of a full-throated roar.

I have learned to face my own hypocrisy through this Crusade, come to understand it, to accept it as hypocrisy.  window dressing to hide what is truly vital.

I can not fully speak my thoughts, even to my closest friend, Morgan.  even he, as strangely deviant as he is, would turn on me for the thoughts I have.  I certainly cannot tell my Khan, or my SaKhan of these revelations.  They began on Tukayyid.

seeing the men I killed as men, as human beings, even (and this is truly heretical among Trueborn Warriors) as my potential equals.   I can never speak these words.

My time here is teaching me many valuable lessons.  to be interested in, much less aware of, Economics is akin to being chalcas, for a Warrior.  Deviant.  to compound this with an understanding of how free people are different from those whom are not free? absolute violation.

I know that the system we have, is broken, I have seen for myself what free men do if they can leave an oppressive regime. 

They Leave.  and when they leave, the ones who stay are often the least equipped to keep a system like ours afloat.  The simple solution, the solution among the Clans, is to fence them in, to strip them of their humanity, to make them a part of the facilities, equipment, real-estate. 

I am a poor administrator as a warrior, because I refuse to do this.

Sooner or later, the Clan Council will notice this.  I have no plan for what to do, when they do.  where can I go, and still be close to that which I envied on that distant world?  I know her flaws, and for some demented reason, I find myself insisting she can be fixed.

This is not healthy.  I have not found the desire to couple since the day I met her in person.

She despises what I am, what my culture is...and I can not find it in me to despise her in turn.

she can never know.  founder! she can never know, it would make me even less in her eyes.  I must play the role, the honorable warrior, the honored adversary, plotting to extend her life for as long as possible, so that I can resolve these alien feelings.

I must play the honorable enemy, to preserve this Star League as well.  By being here, pressure is maintained, they have a threat at their throat, one they can not easily shake, for the House Lords have their concepts of Honor as well.

I play a role, I play the game. 

I think Morgan suspects.  I think he has doubts as well.  can I trust him?

I do not know, and that is also killing me.  I envy Harper.  She found the conviction to walk away in a hospital bed.  once she could walk and stand and talk again, she left the Clan, betrayed her upbringing, abandoned her culture.  she crossed the aisle.

I allowed Henry to return to his people, and called it a lost contest in my report-the boy is with her, the set is matched, together.  If I face him in battle at some point, I know I will lose.  I am remarkably fine with that.  He is my greatest personal success. an honorable man willing to follow his conscience, but a fierce warrior of great talent and innate skill. 

why am I so weak I can not do the same?

I need resolve.  where is my moral courage?
« Last Edit: 13 January 2020, 03:37:18 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #863 on: 13 January 2020, 03:54:11 »
May 20, Tukayyid Day, FCS Katrina Steiner, Nashan-RX79 Steiner class Cruiser...

Katrina is an excellent student.  Her vanity is almost Clan-like, but she listens when I speak, and that makes her an adequate student.  She makes her own decisions, though, based on solid principles, and while they are not always in accord to my suggestions, she has been building a remarkable record of being right.

Our patrol has brought us to this place.  we have our targets, our mission, and it is a moral target, and a moral mission.  We strike at the people I grew up with, the deluded, insane people I grew up with, emulated, wanted to be.

AFter our victory, my shipmates will celebrate, my Admiral, who could barely spell 'Kearney Fuchida' last year, will be celebrated as the genius she has the potential to be...and I will mourn my success.

I will mourn the necessity of it, the deaths it causes, the lives we will snuff out, lives that could have been so much more than the weaponized children of a madman and his cult.

Tonight, as we prepare for our deployment, I will visit the small chapel room.  I will pray that the victory is swift, that the foe, the Clans are unprepared for us, that they die swiftly and cleanly.  and tomorrow night, after we have struck them, after the soldiers go to the planet's surface, and after they have destroyed the garrison, I will be in the lounge, drinking whiskey with the celebrants.

Mourning the necessity of the battle, and celebrating the victory with the rest of them.

and maybe, at some point in that drunken haze, I will feel less like the monster enough to feel human.

who am I kidding? we will strike them, the plan is good, the soldiers ready...and I will never feel human again, knowing that somewhere, someone has been marked for death for who their ancestors were related to.  Knowing that the followers of Aleksandr Kerensky have fallen so far as to become nothing but the enemy of everything they celebrate.  Irredeemable, as I am irredeemable.

When the Clans have fallen, and I stand on the ashes of Strana Mechty, I have saved one round for the last monster left.  I will save that round until that day, for it is marked with the name of the last monster, the last one that must be killed to balance the scales.

it says 'Dorothea Harper'.
for I have become the abyss,
and there is no salvation for me.
« Last Edit: 13 January 2020, 03:58:07 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #864 on: 13 January 2020, 04:14:28 »
Very dark introspective stuff you have written for Roshak and Harper.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #865 on: 13 January 2020, 04:54:14 »
Harper needs more than just surgery to fix what Liz did to her...

Sir Chaos

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #866 on: 13 January 2020, 05:07:35 »
it. Ended. Badly.

Badly for whom?

And, badly for the time period, or badly compared to what happens to people that angry Kowloonese get their hands on?
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #867 on: 13 January 2020, 05:35:34 »
New Circe...

I still can't process what the Captain did.  I have her documentation, the ship's complete logs, the data they salvaged from the alien ship, the materials she relied on to do this.


and I can't process it.  Hell, I can't even understand enough of it to really understand what she was doing.  The cadaver is her, but it isn't.  the cells are laced with structures that don't fit, linked to the viral nodules of the remnant virus, which are, for some reason I can't understand, still dormant, non replicating.

Trinh's baffled too, but she's more focused on the Captain's state of mind.  She thinks the aliens might have done some kind of remnant whoo-doo.

what she did, it changed the structure of her brain in fundamental ways, that's what the medical people tell me.  as our resident 'super-advanced artificial intelligence wizard', they've got me working on this.

The problem is, I don't comprehend what she did, or how she did it.

I know what the result is, Tyrol explained to me about Cylon Hybrids, Inviere gave me a brief on the Farms, and D'Anna?  she gave me the dirty details about their experimentation up to about the point her access was cut off from both experiments,  and results.

****** me if it doesn't solve the super-jump problem though.  at least, one-way.  two-way could be tricky, finding people willing to be turned into a one-shot navigation console could be even trickier.

I don't understand.  and when I don't understand, I retreat until I do.  my only company for the last couple of months has been Chloe.

yeah the nerd is spending time with his virtual girlfriend.  yay, go me.

I'm so screwed up they probably don't have a name for it.

meanwhile, I've got analysis going on the alien material the Captain immersed herself in when she plugged into the ship.  The stuff is...weird. mostly metallic laced proteins, strange chains that shouldn't be self-sustaining.

"jason, take a shower." Chloe tells me.


"You're stinkng up my deck, and you've stopped taking care of yourself.  now take a shower!"

so I take the shower.

the problem just circles the drain in my head.  I don't understand what she did, or why she did it.  There's the mission reason, but that doesn't fit.

"Clean Clothes, Jason, closet.  Wear the cargo pants, the illusivia tee-shirt, and your leather belt.  there is a pair of matching socks in the third drawer, and the sneakers, not the boots."


"You're going out. I've arranged it." she tells me, "you've been shipboard for three months in dock. You're going out for the evening."

"And if I don't?"

"I know how to lock your porn collection. go out, be with people." Chloe tells me, "I arranged this, you're going on a date, I expect you to be charming, suave, and the Jason I know." Chloe stated, "you need a human touch in your life right now.  Tickets to the show are in the mailbox folder."

"are you...dumping me?"

"No. I'm getting you laid. I expect you to show her a good time, now hurry up, she's almost at the airlock, I want to hear all about it when you get back."

My relationships are so damned screwed up.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Trace Coburn

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #868 on: 13 January 2020, 05:44:05 »
  Well, at least Chloe is looking out for him — including being a good wing-bot — instead of being jealous and clingy.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #869 on: 13 January 2020, 07:48:37 »
I am seeing that he will be the one, possibly, to "discover" the way to say the mind of Liz.
The date could be one of the Cylon Six models, gives him the idea over chit-chat to research the idea of mind-machine interface.
Just..maybe...I could be right.... >:D