Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141134 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #870 on: 13 January 2020, 12:43:09 »

Back in his university days Marcus Thorpe had often responded to questions about why he had chosen to major in the history of Ancient Terra that if you don't know where you come from how do you know where you're going? Certainly his studies in that field had proven more relevant to a career in the Naval Intelligence branch of the New Circe armed forces than people might have thought, even putting aside the serendipity of already being able to speak a smattering of Ancient Greek when a bunch of refugees turned up that spoke it as their mother-tongue.

History was fundamentally just a story, with the caveat that good history should be objectively true, and if you wanted to get people to listen and learn tell it like a story. For the sake of maintaining the attention of your audience being entertaining was a good idea, and that might involve adding some subjective spin on events, but if you had to completely twist the truth you had crossed the line from history to outright propaganda and at that point you were no longer a historian you were a con-artist.

Commander Marcus Thorpe wasn't a con-artist, but he did know how to tell a story.

"So after Operation Klondike in 2822 the clans settled down in the Pentagon Worlds, started to rebuild their militaries and economies and absorbed the civilian populations there into the clan social structure" he told the lecture hall filled with Inner Sphere military personnel, civilian dignitaries and a few members of the press. "As you are probably aware the clans have a caste system, these castes being; Warrior, Scientist, Technician, Merchant and Laborer" he continued, "with the Warrior caste holding the reins of power" he noted.

Thorpe folded his hands behind his back and started pacing in front of the currently blank projection screen at the front of the hall. "How restrictive the boundaries are between castes varies between clans, some being more restrictive, others less, although almost invariably movement downwards out of the Warrior caste is inordinately more common than the reverse" he said. "The ruling elites really like being the ruling elites on top, even when they aren't called Baron, or Shogun or whatever, so they're naturally loathe to share power with the poor schmucks further down the ladder" he observed wryly. "The difference between the clan caste system and much of the Inner Sphere is that at least around here not all the people on top of the ladder got together and systematically took away half the rungs to stop anyone else ever climbing it" he said to a satisfying round of laughter from the crowd.

"There was however one clan that excepted itself from this rigid structure and allowed its population considerably freer social mobility, including upwards into the Warrior caste" Thorpe told his audience. "I won't explicitly say what it was but I will give you a clue that it rhymes with 'Pulverine'," he joked to more laughter, "and yes to save time in the question-and-answer session later pulverine is a real word" he informed them with a suitably serious expression.

"I didn't believe him either, but it's in the dictionary" Captain Martin Ferry of the Zughoffer Weir called out from the back to yet more laughter. Thorpe had warmed the crowd up nicely, Ferry thought to himself.

Thorpe waited until the crowd quieted down a little before continuing again. "Unfortunately for this anonymous clan the others didn't like that about them. Also they really didn't like the fact that this bunch of unruly radicals, misguided anarchists who held the weird belief that people not wearing a neurohelmet had rights too, proceeded to spend the founding years of the clans knocking seven shades of 'quiaff' out of the others at trial after trial."

"Go Pulverines!" Ferry called out. There was a reason so many in the SLDF Navy regarded him as having missed his true calling as a comedian, if not necessarily a successful one.

"You know how the clans have a predilection of single-combat, treating battlemech fights as though they were between armoured knights in days of yore?" Thorpe queried, rolling his eyes dramatically to show his derision. "Well you see these 'Pulverines' were different, they liked themselves some combined-arms warfare and they never quite got over the feeling that fair fights are for suckers" he observed with a smile. "Needless to say their way got results!"

Thorpe looked around the room. "Do you see all see the problem here for the clans?" he asked rhetorically. "The least clan-like of them is the one that seems to be getting the best results on the battlefield, and then even worse these malcontents start coming up with things like this" he said, nodding to someone at the back of the room who turned down the lights and turned on the overhead projector.

"This is the Enhanced Extended-Range Particle Projector Cannon" Thorpe announced, pointing at the image now showing up on the screen. "It provides a twenty-percent increase in firepower over the original Star-League ERPPC while generating no more waste heat than its predecessor" he said. "Back in the early 2820's it was bleeding-edge technology and is the direct ancestor of the Clan ERPPC fielded by the folks that have been stomping you the last few years" he told the audience.

"Next slide please" Thorpe requested and the image changed to a picture of a large battlemech not familiar to the Inner Sphere. "This is the Pulverizer battlemech circa 2823, and before you ask no I don't mean 'Wolverizer' that joke is shelved for now" he introduced the machine. "While the other clans were still fielding old Star-League designs ours was starting to churn out brand-new mechs armed with brand-new weapons like the E-ERPPC and they were the ones getting stomped as a result" he proudly declared before his expression became more sober. "That was perhaps our greatest mistake" he continued sadly, "we were showing up the flaws in clan society by seemingly proving our way worked better" Thorpe continued. "Nicholas Kerensky, self appointed ilKhan, had been looking for a clan to make an example of to encourage the others and it was our very success that put us squarely at the top of his shit-list."

Commander Marcus Thorpe shrugged. "If you come back after lunch I'll tell you the story of the Wolverine Annihilation but before we go there's one last thing I'd like to show you" he said, signalling for another slide to be projected. "Many of you will recognise this as a Mercury battlemech, it was a late Star-League design notable for having a modular system to facilitate maintenance and repairs" he explained. "What less of you may know is that the Mercury represents the first evolutionary step towards the modern clan omnimech types, with this being generally regarded as the very first of them" he continued as an image of another mech appeared next to the Mercury. "That there is a Coyotl omnimech, put into service by Clan Coyote in 2854, and if you ask the clans they'll point to it as one of the crown jewels of their 'Golden Century' of technological advancement."

Thorpe smirked. "What they won't mention is this" he said as the image of the Coyotl slid away from that of the Mercury on the screen leaving a gap between them which was then filled by another mech. "That is a Mercury II battlemech put into production by Clan Wolverine in 2823" he announced. "And no that's not a mistake by the projectionist, it really does look exactly like the Coyotl" he said. "Uncanny coincidence don't you think?" he asked sardonically. "And on that bombshell it's time for lunch" he announced as the lights came up again.

"Incidentally, does anyone in the room happen to know a really good lawyer that specialises in patent infringement?" Captain Ferry called out loudly as people started getting out of their chairs. "Just a random question you understand, no particular reason for asking" he said as deadpan as he could before peals of laughter started echoing around the building.
« Last Edit: 13 January 2020, 12:46:22 by Hotpoint »
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #871 on: 13 January 2020, 13:20:49 »
the irony of the mechanical cylon brain being the "human touch" he needs to fix his social life.

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #872 on: 13 January 2020, 13:56:58 »
Just wait until she finds a way to upload herself into a bio-body (once she's figured out which one he likes best)...
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #873 on: 13 January 2020, 14:05:15 »
You cna never wrong a Gina or Sharon.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #874 on: 13 January 2020, 15:40:40 »

"Incidentally, does anyone in the room happen to know a really good lawyer that specialises in patent infringement?" Captain Ferry called out loudly as people started getting out of their chairs. "Just a random question you understand, no particular reason for asking" he said as deadpan as he could before peals of laughter started echoing around the building.
You’ve been waiting a while to use that scene, haven’t you, given your sig ... ;)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #875 on: 13 January 2020, 15:42:14 »
ClanNet HPG routing, Hue to Wotan...

Marthe Pryde looked irritated.  "You know I gave you that assignment as punishment, quiaff?"

"It is still the assignment you gave me." Star Colonel Nathan Roshak, now-governor of Hue, commanding what is probably the best trained and most expensive Solahma/PGC force in the Clan, replied.  "The names on the list, none of them are in critical positions, three are considered to be...'discredited', all are under investigation by the Clan Watch for possible treasonous ideas.  I can put them to use in ways that possibly benefit the Clan, while their executions for no doubt treasonous activities will only cost the clan."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Collateral.  the precedent was set, I can effectively compel them to accept the result of a Trial.  I intend to use that obtain one of their little jump-capable shuttles, along with technical manuals and tools.  In order to get the Duchess to play along, I must have stakes of value in return.  Our medical sciences are envied by the Spheroids with good reason. a few scientists who would not otherwise contribute much, or be missed, versus a massive advantage over other Clans on the Grand council?  Secondarily, it gives us the chance to place spies and ears inside to gain the information by stealth, if we are unable to gain it by legitimate trial, and I can use some of the names on the list to secure other assets among the spheroids."

"So, let me see if I understand this correctly.  You want to bet fifteen scientists..."

"Dissident scientists, known troublemakers, with barely adequate performance." he added helpfully.

"Against a...they call them 'Raptor'?"

"Or a Heavy Raider, I would prefer the Heavy Raider, it is more advanced, but the Raptors are locally produced." Nathan urged, "and closer to the technologies the Clan already has."

"Making a smoother transition-aff...I see your thinking."

"It is win-win for us. if by some diseased miracle the Kowloonese Lyrans win a trial, they are burdened with underperforming dissidents we would otherwise have to execute anyway, those problems become their problem.  If we win, we gain one of the keystone technologies in their defensive security and the means to devise a counter to it, as well as gaining the ability to replicate and improve on it."

"Authorized." the Khan said, "I see no reason to waste effort on dissidents if they can be put to immediate use.  You will have the scientist caste on your list by the end of the month.  Honor thy Clan."


she cut the connectino on her end.

I have no intention of winning.  The list of suspect Scientists had come from his Watch Contact.  There was enough evidence of conspiracy among them that the only thing delaying their executions, for pursuing forbidden knowledge, was bureaucratic inertia.

Fifteen brilliant minds would be saved, and Nathan knew where they would go, once he lost the trial.  He had seen the plaque in Elizabeth's pet project, the University.  A place for the education of a civilian populace.

"We have lost so much we do not have words for what we have forgotten.  This must never happen again."

he stood up, left the secure comm room, and announced "Good News, Morgan, we are gaining scientists!"
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #876 on: 13 January 2020, 15:48:11 »
Sneaky sneaky, Nathan Roshak. We'll make a businessman out of you yet.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #877 on: 13 January 2020, 15:49:25 »
You’ve been waiting a while to use that scene, haven’t you, given your sig ... ;)

Even longer than the "Clan Pulverine", "Wolverizer battlemech" joke.  ;D
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #878 on: 13 January 2020, 16:53:32 »
Ben Hoa National Training Center, Golden Lake district Northwest...

Six weeks ago, Ricky Randall couldn't spell Enfilade, Defilade, or suppression fire.  Henry watched the trainees on a monitor.  The Simulators were a condolence gift for the 4th Royals losing Hue.

Today, Ricky Randall was piloting a simulated light 'mech as a simulated lance leader, and doing passably well-according to the AFFC officers sent to run the training ground.

To Henry, the kid was making basic mistakes, underutilizing a simpler machine than the real thing, and glory-hounding.

but the kid at least knew what enfilading fire meant.

Henry Ngo sipped hot coffee, supervising 'his' students.  Elizabeth put him here, because he was still listed as a security risk on AFFC's boards, but Ben Hoa was a partially funded institution, meaning that Liz had some discretionary authority-enough to get her 'mechwarrior brother a job training anyone who could pass the initial exam.

Going from a Freebirth Ristar in one of the most conservative Clans to a technically civilian instructor working under contract to the AFFC was maybe a step down, and just across the River, Shelby would be pretty much enraged that he accepted it, but...

"check your clock, Randall." he said.

...but it meant being home, having some time with his sister, making amends for his mistake.

For Shelby, going home meant going back to the occupied zone, and family meant visiting graves of people killed in uprisings against the Clan Occupation.  This put a permanent barrier between them now.  Henry went back across the aisle.  Shelby? the only way she'd cross the aisle now, is in a bodybag.

"remember not to skyline yourself, Cho." he said, "use your sensors and your mobility, you're a recon lance."

In Henry's view, none of these kids would be ready by next week when they  were supposed to start qualification on the training-mod version of the Enfield.

Lizzie's work, that.  Two seat cockpit, the ammo replaced by 'paint' rounds and the lasers de-tuned to the point they might work as heavy, hot-running TAG systems.

Perfect for training rank amatuers, provided the kids show they can keep it upright in normal motion in simulators.

of this crop of kids, Cadet Recruit Randall was probably the only one Henry was sure would learn the job to an acceptable level.  he down-checked the young man's sim grade, and made notes on what to chew the kid out for when the run is done.

Train Hard, and the fight goes easy.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #879 on: 13 January 2020, 18:07:43 »
SLDF (In Exile) Intelligence listening post, Nha Tranh, Kowloon...

"what is his plan? because that load of felgerkarb he just sold his Khan isn't it."

"What do you mean?"

"He's getting a shipment of dissidents, and claims to be using them as collateral for a Raptor...and he sold it."  Thorpe froze the signal intercept, "he was up to something with the Hue thing, and he sold that, too, and he can't be that stupid."


"because Russell's plan to contest that 'trial' was brilliant, and he turned it sideways and shoved it up the FedCom's ass." Thorpe answered.  "This guy isn't stupid, so why would he offer them something disproportional?  why would he insist on using Dissidents?"

"I don't know, it might have something to do with why he's keeping his border open.  Clan enclaves usually slam the doors shut to keep their people in, and Falcons are among the more ardent about doing it, but I just drove from New Saigon to Vin Drin Lap.  there's a guard-point, and there was a point of Clan infantry manning it, but they were just waving the through-traffic through.  same thing for the Ia Drang to Nha Tranh route up Highway One."

Lt. Else Oxenstierna reached into her motorcycle leathers, "Got some great pics of Ole Beta Galaxy doing manuevers in the lowlands, but aside from safety signs and a couple traffic monitors... There's a lot of empty real estate in Hue proper, but I didn't even get stopped for a papers check."

Thorpe frowned.  "That isn't normal." he said.  "What do we really know about this guy Roshak?"

"We know what the locals know-mostly.  Seven years ago he was a diamond-studded dildo of a Crusader, killed three men in his initial trial of position, a handful of rising star moments in interclan Trials, fought his way onto the first wave of Operation Revival, stellar record against the Spheroids, real nightmare fuel stuff, was on Tukayyid, came back, and kicked the dogsnot out of Clan Wolf for two years, weird stuff includes declining nomination to fill the empty SaKhan seat when Malthus was killed, There was damned little discussion when he reconfigured Beta Galaxy by mixing Freebirth and tinspawn in the same units, and before the mission here, he liked to collect cast-offs from other units...and you can see it yourself.  Guy has a hot-line straight to the current Falcon Khan."

Thorpe looked at the known manning.  "More than half his subordinates are...were, over thirty." he said.  "That's not normal for a front-line Galaxy command. ******. we're dealing with an intellectual."

"Jade Falcons aren't exactly a great breeding ground for deep thinkers." Else noted, adjusting her blouse and taking her seat at the console.  "Means he's got to be devious as ****** to rise in the ranks that high."

"but his behavior since doesn't square with that."  Thorpe said, "or does it?"

"Think he thinks we're listening?" Else asked.

Thorpe thought about it. "no." he said, "I think he thinks we're trying to spy on him, sure, that's common sense..." there was something nagging at the back of his mind.  german armaments...  it was slippery, hard to latch on to...

"What if it's exactly what it looks like?" Else asked.

click.  "sweet jesus.  He's going to throw that trial if she lets him." He turned to the Lieutenant, "He's pulling a Schindler."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #880 on: 13 January 2020, 18:31:30 »
Nha Tranh University, May 30, 3056...

The campus was open.  Liz walked onto the grounds escorted by Nick and Jack, the land-lady surveying her pet project.

By 'open', quite literally.  Campus police could only act if someone actually broke a law, and anyone, as in anyone at all, living on kowloon can walk in, and take a class by paying a small fee at the Campus Registrar, or visit the site.

Even Clanners.

"I'm here." she said.

Nathan Roshak looked up from where he was reading a book from the direct-to-hardcopy library press.  He closed The Rights of Man and stood, "Lovely facility" he said, "You want to know why I wanted to meet you here, quiaff?"

"YES." she leaned forward, sneering.

"Well, I have a little wager." he said, "you will, I think, appreciate the irony.  Your medical department is...dated.  I happen to have a group of scientists and researchers coming to Hue."

"What, you want to brag?" she demanded.

"No.  I propose this: If you are willing to put up stakes, we can trial, and you can try to take them from me. Now, naturally, if I win, I want something from you."

"like what?"

"Oh, one of those nippy little Raptors, the ones with the interstellar capability and the jump drive, a selection of depot-level maintenance tools and manuals." he said brightly, "So, what do you say? willing to follow my Clan's 'stupid, stupid rituals' one more time, or did I scare you off with my success in claiming Hue?" He folded his hands over the book, looking down at her expectantly.

"How many scientists?" she asked.

"Fifteen." he told her, "Fifteen Scientist Caste, for...say...your university? versus one shuttle you practically use as a flying jeep."

"I don't traffic in human beings." she said.

"It isn't 'trafficking' if you set them free immediately." he reasoned back at her, "just think about it. You do not have to answer immediately, they will not be available until the middle of next month."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #881 on: 13 January 2020, 19:37:03 »
“That’s still people trafficking. I don’t have enough years left that I can afford to spend any in jail.”


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #882 on: 13 January 2020, 19:46:39 »
My thoughts exactly... I think she has solid reasons to say no, and exactly zero reasons to ask Victor for a different answer...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #883 on: 13 January 2020, 20:02:55 »
Elizabeth House, Marjorie Hills development, Kowloon, 20:00 hours...

"Your Grace?" Jack asked.

"what is it Jack?"

"the offer from Nathan Roshak." he said.

"I'm not going to reward-"

"I think you should take it."  the Cylon told her, "Actually, to be completely honest, most of the Centurions think you should."

she looked up from her work, "What?"

"Nick and I polled the Centurions on Kowloon.  We presented recordings of your conversation, voice stress analysis and body language, and cross referenced with the Library system." he said.  "Billy Butcher, one of ours assigned to border watch, asked a simple question, which we considered based on your prior policies and actions."

"Uh, huh...what was the question?" she asked.

"he asked 'What happens to those scientists if she does not? will they not continue as chattel property?'."

"So...that meant you collectively polled each other, and decided i should do it?"

"Yes.  If you win, NathanRoshak loses fifteen scientists with no gain to himself. If you lose, we lose a Raptor.  in a prisoner rescue or slave liberation, it is a relatively small asset to lose compared even to a hostage rescue of one person, according to accepted human practice with human troops and one or more hostages.  Failure is, of course, always possible in such missions.  the risks here, are roughly balanced but can be influenced to favor your success, in which case, you will have freed fifteen humans from chattel slavery.  If you let us handle the fight, you lose no lives.  we lose a few chassis that can be replaced from stockpiles."

"that's...pretty cold blooded, Jack." she said, "You said yourself that you're equipped to feel pain, and dying isn't pleasant I imagine, even when it's temporary."

"There is a ninety percent chance he will insist on human personnel in any case, but...the enemy does not see us as people." Jack said, "they will assume we are equipment, and without restrictions on equipment..."

"No, absolutely not." Elizabeth said, "even if I took his offer, throwing anyone into a grinder as 'gear' is not an option." 

"it is logical." Jack stated, "And I know a dozen Centurions who would go right now."

"Jack, it's...where are you getting these ideas?"

"watching you."
« Last Edit: 13 January 2020, 20:05:35 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #884 on: 13 January 2020, 20:14:16 »
« Last Edit: 13 January 2020, 20:38:03 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #885 on: 13 January 2020, 20:25:54 »
Deleted post.
« Last Edit: 13 January 2020, 20:28:35 by gladius »

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #886 on: 13 January 2020, 20:28:53 »
And Tex has said he doesn't want to become Canon...
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #887 on: 13 January 2020, 20:40:17 »
Liz is holding firm, but I suspect her Centurions will sway her in the end...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #888 on: 13 January 2020, 21:57:11 »
would one of these scientists happen to have the lab-name "balzac"? even if not, it sounds like that group of scientists are definitely Society members..


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #889 on: 13 January 2020, 23:49:41 »
Hue Spaceport, June 12, 3056...

Nathan ordered the lockdown of the enclave at midnight, halting all traffic along Highway One until the dropship bringing the Scientists had landed.  A General Curfew was enabled greatly by sounding the air raid sirens, such drills having been a steady feature on Kowloon for, at this point, generations, the populace were well-drilled in seeking the disaster shelters and getting off the streets, even when the city was in Elizabeth's hands.

The fifteen Scientist Caste prisoners, apprehended by the Watch nearly nine months ago, were offloaded under close guard, and brought directly to the Headquarters site while blindfolded.

He lined them up in a room swept for listening devices and secured against remote means.

Then he removed the hoods from each of them in turn.

"Congratulations ladies and gentlemen, you are not here to be executed for attempted treason..."  he trooped the line, "Or actual treason, or sedition..." he paused, "Or trading legacies illegally, eh Balzac?"

Formerly 'Scientist General' Etienne stiffened at the sound of his Labname.  "no, none of you are going to be executed, nor will you be sterilized did she put it, Morgan?"

"Sterilized and worked to death, OvKhan."

"Right...right. yeah, that is not going to be what happens to you." Nathan stated, "You see, well, you can not see from here...but right down the highway, about two hundred kilometers away, is an institution.  one that has, as one of its stated reasons to exist, academic and scientific freedom. No 'Warrior caste' to keep any of you in check.  South of here, along Highway Thirty one, is a community inhabited, and run by, self-willed artificial intelligences.  Sounds like crazy speculative fiction, quiaff?" He grinned brightly, "They have granted these things citizenship and rights."

Nathan stopped his trooping, turned, and faced the scientists with his hands clasped behind his back, "This place is a gold mine and though not one of you deserves it, I have managed to arrange to bring you all here.  Every one of you should be grateful, I have saved you from the bullet or worse.  I have seen the files confiscated from your little, secret, stashes...each, and every one of you.  Gynoids, really richard?  attempting to replicate the 21b social control virus, Ellen?  your secret sibkos, Etienne?  I have all the files.  at my finger tips. and now, because of me, you all get to live."

"What do you want?"

"Well, while you are with me, I want serious work done on reversing or repairing the damage caused by Progressive Inherited Degenerative Neural Sheath Syndrome, also known as Cholmann's syndrome, in payment for that, you can work on whatever your demented little hearts want to.  But this may be a short term employment, because the real reason you are here, is as collateral for a trial, which if successful, will give Hector there, all the work he will ever want to have in terms of establishing how a certain device works, and by 'how' I must make myself absolutely clear-the reason we have one tiny enclave here, is my remarkable cleverness.  They have a point-to-point drive small enough to fit in a fifty ton shuttle, that can survive repeated operations in atmosphere and gravity wells, a gravity-well immune jumpship drive, that they demonstrated on us, artificial gravity plating powerful enough to generate one full gee and compact enough to fit in the same fifty ton vessel. I intend to make a try for a working example with manuals, for you to tear apart, Hector, old buddy...and we are going to be old buddies.  YOur alternative if I lose this, is working in an underfunded university teaching civilian students how to be an environment that specifies academic freedom to research whatever you want."

"In simplest terms, you're all being exiled here, whether exiled here to work directly for me, or exiled here to be dumped on the unsuspecting barbarians of the Inner Sphere, it will be exile...not execution.  but there is a price, as the merchant said."

"What price?"

"I will want progress reports, information, you will be working for me as your watch contact and handler, once in the hands of the Spheroids, you will dig for their technical secrets, influence their students, and engage in espionage for the interclan watch. you will not have to do this disagreeable thing for me, if we obtain the Raptor, in which case, those of you in genetic or life sciences will make great strides in curing one of the eight incurables...or you will have a disagreeable meeting with a bullet."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #890 on: 14 January 2020, 00:06:35 »
attempting to replicate the 21b social control virus, Ellen?
well, i suspect that if/when the scientists end up working for Kowloon, one will quickly be rearrested.
(edit: this was the virus that caused the Arluna Flu, the one that the Wolverines were panicking over after learning about it, and which the Cylons contacted Kowloon over to ensure the known (future) source was destroyed)
« Last Edit: 14 January 2020, 01:45:19 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #891 on: 14 January 2020, 01:22:31 »
Hey Gynoids are a cultural treasure! Ask any Diana, Gina, or Sharon!


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #892 on: 14 January 2020, 01:23:25 »
"So. It is time for us to set the terms of the trial, Madam Ngo."

"Of course, Nathan Roshak.Now, you insisted on a martial contest for the last trial. For this one... we are discussing scientists and technology, not conquest, here. I believe a more... intellectual... contest, would be appropriate. Do you play Go?"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #893 on: 14 January 2020, 11:39:57 »
Kowloon: Expanding Burden.

The negotiation took months.  Not for Nathan Roshak's trial, but to deal with something else.

"You will have to deal with his challenge soon, Your Grace."  Nick told her.

"I know." Liz said, "expiration date, I know."

"Not that." he said, "your trip to Tharkad, your expanded responsibilities, planning how to carry them out.  You have little time for distractions."

Elizabeth sucked on a clove, and looked over the Archon's command.

well, Archon-Prince.  Victor was the Archon now.  Melissa officially stepped down in his favor this week.

HIS first act was to offer her the option of either falling into line with the Militia Acts, or accepting the role of Theater Margrave and becoming responsible for the protection of nearly a dozen nearby worlds, paying half the cost to arm, equip, and train the self-defense forces and provide a "Kowloon Theater Militia" covering the expense of twelve RCT-sized formations.

Half of that cost would be carried by the AFFC, but she had to fund the other half, either locally through taxation, or out of pocket.  Ten of those worlds couldn't have supported a battalion without collapsing their already fragile economies.

"The...runt...wants to break me." Liz said, "or his advisors do.  These balance sheets are a mess, there is so much red ink here that shouldn't be, I'm wondering if he's hoping I break out the stakes and a postholer.  It'll take a ****** lifetime to clean out the dead-weight and get this mess in order."

"But you think it can be done?"

Liz nodded. "Yeah. I think so. done and under budget...christ. this is a ****** mess...Jack, bring me the green phone, I might as well get this over with-now that I've got legal cover to do it."


"Well..." she looked up, tired, "it's three AM Hue local time, so it should be inconvenient for him, at least." she gave a nasty, petty smile, "I bet he's sleeping."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #894 on: 14 January 2020, 11:56:56 »
Hue, 03:01 local time.

"So...what can I do for you, Duchess?" Nathan Roshak had, in fact, not been sleeping. 

"Stenka-na-Stenku"  Liz's voice said, "Bare Knuckle group boxing. you're familiar with the sport?"

"More like a riot. the teams meet in lines and punch until one side gives in." he said, "A brutal sport, I am very familiar with it."


"Ahem, you have Cylons, they are armored."

"I have Cylon citizens who aren't armored also...and you have trueborn ELEMENTALS." she said, "We'll make a party out of it, food, drinks, outdoors. if you have enough guys, we can do it in three heats, one point per win.  Winner is the side with the most points."

"I will bid my Elementals away, if you bid your Centurions away." he suggested, "or we can have them run a bonus round for a separate prize?"

"What kind of prize?"

"One reasonable request, it must be something the loser can fulfill, that does not damage their security." Nathan said, "A request of a personal nature, that can be fulfilled without impeding either of us in performance of their duty, but may be embarrassing or present some social discomfort."

"Something humiliating, in other words."


"you're on.  Saturday afternoon at Dim Lap?"

Nathan checked his map.  Dim Lap village straddled the border in the north, along Highway One.  "Aff, Dim Lap will be quite acceptable. Let us discuss force sizes..."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #895 on: 14 January 2020, 13:09:58 »
I can see where Nathan is going with that ...
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #896 on: 14 January 2020, 14:10:11 »
well, Archon-Prince.  Victor was the Archon now.  Melissa officially stepped down in his favor this week.

HIS first act was to offer her the option of either falling into line with the Militia Acts, or accepting the role of Theater Margrave and becoming responsible for the protection of nearly a dozen nearby worlds, paying half the cost to arm, equip, and train the self-defense forces and provide a "Kowloon Theater Militia" covering the expense of twelve RCT-sized formations.

Half of that cost would be carried by the AFFC, but she had to fund the other half, either locally through taxation, or out of pocket.  Ten of those worlds couldn't have supported a battalion without collapsing their already fragile economies.

"The...runt...wants to break me." Liz said, "or his advisors do.  These balance sheets are a mess, there is so much red ink here that shouldn't be, I'm wondering if he's hoping I break out the stakes and a postholer.  It'll take a ****** lifetime to clean out the dead-weight and get this mess in order."

"But you think it can be done?"

Liz nodded. "Yeah. I think so. done and under budget...christ. this is a ****** mess...Jack, bring me the green phone, I might as well get this over with-now that I've got legal cover to do it."

Given Melissa is probably one of those advisers?  I think in part Victor seen what she could get for her budget, and is looking to see her clear out the deadwood and inefficiencies.  Even if the AFFC half is the battlemech regiments and Kowloon raising most of the conventional forces?

Hell, I can see DefHes designing a conventional fusion engine replacement for the Patton/Rommel to market as the main battle tank/local air defense/artillery track for AFFC armor formations such as those part of RCTs.

I can see where Nathan is going with that ...
David Attenborough voice over: "And here we have the courting display of the Jade Falcon Trueborn Warrior..."  ;)

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #897 on: 14 January 2020, 15:31:28 »
David Attenborough voice over: "And here we have the courting display of the Jade Falcon Trueborn Warrior..."  ;)
It's telling that I automatically read that in his voice
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #898 on: 14 January 2020, 15:42:44 »
Given Melissa is probably one of those advisers?  I think in part Victor seen what she could get for her budget, and is looking to see her clear out the deadwood and inefficiencies.  Even if the AFFC half is the battlemech regiments and Kowloon raising most of the conventional forces?
not to mention i bet that Victor knows that the dirty dealing of the sort Condit was doing is common out in the periphery districts of the fedcom, and is hoping she and her intel teams will help clean it up.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #899 on: 14 January 2020, 15:50:32 »
Hasn't her brother told her of Nathan's crush on her. That'll be a fun conversation.