Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141117 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1020 on: 18 January 2020, 12:18:03 »
Jade Falcon classified Traffic HPG to Clannet...

Nathan did not expect to see the Khans of the Clans...all of them, linked into the feed when he logged in.

"I know who these unknowns are." he said, "At least, who the Lyrans believe them to be. The rumors of alien artificial intelligences are true. The drones you fought, Aletha Kabrinski, have a name-they are called 'Cylons', and the faction of Cylons attacking the Occupation zones are intent on the subjugation and extermination of the human race."

"Killer Robots from outer space?"  the Coyote Khan scoffed. "you are joking, Star Colonel Nathan Roshak, surely, quiaff?"

"Neg.  I am not joking, this is not a jape.  The Cylons are artificial intelligences created by some lost colony somewhere in the spinward reaches beyond the Inner Sphere, they exterminated the bulk of their creators, and now, the main faction of them are seeking to make war to exterminate the remainder of the Human race.  The faction of them that is in contact with Kowloon, and thus, the Inner Sphere, are opposed to that objective, making them dissidents, and effectively refugees.  Cylons are capable of self-replication, they are von neumann machines.  Units killed do not stay killed, and can transfer their program to another chassis."

"Why have they not done more, then?"  Vladimir Ward asked. "Why have they not attacked more targets, more often?"

"Because they are fighting a war on another front." Nathan explained, "The Not-Named have been fighting them for close to twenty years, my source for this, is not the Not Named, though they hinted at it during the Kiribati meeting.  My source, is a Cylon."

a group of technicians wheeled in a roller table covered in the parts of Jack Slash's body.  "This was one of Elizabeth Ngo's personal guards, her..'carers', designate Jack Slash.  Jack Slash is currently on duty, in a new, upgraded body.  The Cylons do not fear death, because they can personally learn from and adapt to tactics which defeat them, quickly, and reproduce numbers to fill ranks at a rate beyond the most ambitious breeding programs."

"There are...savashri, do the spheroids know what they are harboring if this is true?"  Khan Weston Cooper of the Snow Ravens asked, the older man looking genuinely alarmed, "Do they even comprehend the threat??"

"they do.  Nashan Enterprises and Ngo Industries are working on technologies to counter that threat, there are programs in place in the Federated Commonwealth Government to develop countermeasures and counters to those countermeasures...and they are disinclined to share their results with us." Nathan explained.  "To quote the Archon Prince, 'The enemies of my enemies are not my friend, they are my enemy's enemies, nothing more, nothing less'.  He then suggested that to change that status will require more than the collective Clan leadership are willing to offer, though he assured my representative that he will listen to what you are willing to offer.  I need something.  There is no way these 'successor states' can offer a true threat to these machines after the Not Named fall, they are too fractious, too disorganized, too disorderly, and too easily turned on one another, which is how the Cylons overthrew their creators in the first place."

Hall of the Khans, Strana Mechty.

... There is no way these 'successor states' can offer a true threat to these machines after the Not Named fall, they are too fractious, too disorganized, too disorderly, and too easily turned on one another, which is how the Cylons overthrew their creators in the first place."

The gathered Khans, both from the Homeworlds, and the Invading Clans, listened, and then, the Khan of Ice Hellion, Asa Taney stood.  "We need a new IlKhan." he said.  "If this is true, we need unity in the chain of command, both to fight these...robots...and to subjugate the Inner Sphere and gain the means to defeat them."

"Are you certain the Spheroids can not defeat them with their new 'star league', Nathan Roshak?"  Cassius N'Buta, Khan of the Star Adders, asked.

"it is a shaky alliance, Khan N'Buta, less than five years old, built in fear of us, if the Clan Threat disappeared tomorrow, the Successor lords would be at one another's throat in seconds.  as it is, factions within the Federated commonwealth have attempted a coup against the Steiner-Davions and attempted to assassinate Elizabeth Ngo as a threat to their corruption and power.  This new 'star league' will die in the crib if we let it."

"you sound unhappy about that, quineg?"  Khan Malavai Fletcher noted.

"The primary objective of Operation:Revival was the restoration of the Star League and imposing stability on its subjects and citizens.  This does not require the Clans to do more than remain a unifying threat to succeed-as long as we are here, powerful, and threatening, they will be unified.  The Crusade has achieved its primary goal-inter-house warfare has ceased, and the Star League council meets once again-but once the threat of the Clans is removed, they will fall back into old habits."  Nathan locked his hands behind his back, "Old habits like mass use of biological, chemical and thermonuclear weapons, old habits like targeting civilian population centers, technology and learning.  The burning of civilization, and the deaths of trillions...and an open invitation to the enemies of all humankind to invade and exterminate what remains."[/i]  he waited for the outraged comments to die down, before continuing, "After they finish with the Spheroids, they will come for the Homeworlds...and you have seen what one planet with the infusion of some Cylon technology has done to two large-scale incursion forces that incorporated Naval weapons platforms, and some of you have experienced what a small scale Cylon attack really entails.  Imagine that, but with the known physical resources of the former Star League behind it."

"This brings up the question of the Not-Named." Khan Ariel Suvorov of the Goliath Scorpions spoke.  "They are involved, could they be the source of these..'cylons', quineg?"

"Neg.  They lacked some of the technologies that have been developed since, and evidenced continuing signs of fear and caution when dealing with Elizabeth Ngo during the Kiribati island meeting.  They are a separate player, 'enemies of our enemy'." Nathan seemed certain of that.  "It has been suggested that they are following the Kissinger plan, that their attacks are intended to force a diplomatic engagement.  I suggested that it would take a considerably larger campaign to do such a thing as to overturn one of the bedrock principles of Clan Society."

"what would your strategy be, Nathan Roshak?" Marthe asked, "Just curious to see how my fellow Khans might react." she side-eyed the Ghost Bears.

"we want them to play by our rules, we offer them a trial of refusal for the annihilation, with the following stakes: if they win, the Trial is declared failed, flawed, and void-they have proven their right to exist.  If they lose, they give us the coordinates for their bolt-hole world or worlds, and Clans other than Wolf, which failed the first time, may bid for the honor of finishing the execution."  He smiled, "As you are aware, my Khan, I did not come up with this idea. it was suggested to me by one of the locals here. She also suggested that contingent on the offer, is a cease-fire, the Wolverines conduct no more surprise attacks until the trial is completed. The original vote was eighteen to nothing, those would be the odds I would recommend, were the Grand Council to adopt this position."

"ARE YOU CRAZY!??" Aletha Kabrinski shouted.

"As an officer, it is my duty to present options to the Command staff, it is not my duty to make those decisions in this case-I doubt the very idea is any more appealing to any of you, than it is to me. However, it is a possible, viable option, therefore, I presented it knowing full well it would be rejected, so that no-one could claim it had not been suggested." Nathan replied.

« Last Edit: 18 January 2020, 12:24:32 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1021 on: 18 January 2020, 12:48:46 »
AND all the points ever for Roshak telling all the Khans Maxim #29!  :D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1022 on: 18 January 2020, 13:40:10 »
Spider Moon...


Her Grace, Elizabeth Ngo, Duchess of Kowloon, proceeded to vomit her way out of the tank.

"t-t-this..suuucks..." she groaned.

Helpful hands lifted her to her feet.  she peered around the room, "The h ell? I'm alive??"

"you're alive, Your Grace...tell me, how do you feel?"

Elizabeth flexed her hands, and her arms..."pain's gone, new drug?"

"Experimental treatment, very invasive, your Grace."

"I thought I said no experimental medicine?" she glared at Dr. Huyn.

"The procedure has a strong chance of working, and you were in no position to object, since you did not lose life signs, your DNR on file was not acknowledged, we had to rebuild a lot of you."

"better job than they did on Mosovich."  the ex-Clanner doctor whose name Liz didn't remember very well, said from the side, "You will still need physical therapies for a while to regain normal function, but I think we can call this a qualified success."

"New heart?" Liz asked, "I remember i was spurting bright red..."

"New heart, new lungs, how do your feet feel? can you walk?"

elizabeth took a tentative step.  "Um, yeah."

"Your spine was severed, most of the time in surgery was spent rebuilding it, we'll have to run tests to see if there have been any motor function changes or alterations to your sensations in your lower body, but the autonomic functions were fully restored-we've already tested most of those."

"So I've been out of circulation for more than a month, huh? what's going on, I want status reports."

"Well..." Mai began.

Three hours of briefing later, while Liz is on the exercise machine being evaluated...

" what you're saying, is that i got shot, and everyone went blitz-raging nuts??" she was remarkably calm-sounding, though her heart rate and autonomics were showing acute distress.  "Evvie launched how many operations? we've got the bleeping Archon Prince on world??"

She stopped, halting the treadmill, "did anybody use their goddam brains-besides you guys?"

"Your grace, everyone used their brains.  The Brotherhood of Cincinattus is responsible for the assassination attempt, and the response forced them to reveal their hand when they were not ready."

"Precipitating one step shy of a ****** civil war while we're facing an invasion." Liz scowled, "Like I said, aside from you guys, did anybody think about what that would do?"

"Mmm...not really?"

she sighed heavily, "Clothes.  I need to get back to work, ****** this mess before 'temporary occupation' becomes 'permanent occupation'...Where are Nick and...did Jack make it?"

"Jack Slash is currently receiving new upgrades to his new hardware platform, Nick Chopper is currently on watch in the base command center." 

"Huh.  great, good great I mean. kind of inconvenient, but awesome on Jack getting a chassis upgrade. He probably deserves a raise...I need my clothes."

"You need to finish your examination, Your Grace.  we can talk about your attire after." Mai said firmly, "As your designated medical provider, I'm not going to sign off for your fitness for duty until we're certain there aren't undesirable complications."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1023 on: 18 January 2020, 13:46:08 »
rock meet hard place  >:D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1024 on: 18 January 2020, 13:48:42 »
And the docs get the last word again...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1025 on: 18 January 2020, 16:02:09 »
Vin Drin Lap FedCom reservation, command center...

"She's awake, your Majesty."  Commodore Li reported.  "She's on her way here."

"She knows I'm here?"

"She was informed, sire." Li was calm, placid even.  "Estimated time of arrival, ten minutes, do you wish her delayed?"

"No." Victor said, "That won't be necessary.  Have Her Grace conducted here to the command post immediately on arrival."

"Aye sir."

For half a month, Victor had occasionally considered how this meeting would go, what to say, what to do.  Liz had kicked a hornet's nest that needed kicking, one he'd intended her to kick.  The plan had been flawed, she wasn't supposed to be a focus for a successful assassin.  He'd overestimated her security, he'd underestimated the level of corruption, he'd made a guess and it was wrong and she paid for it.

She wasn't going to die young, anymore-at least, that was their hope.

On a screen, translated through links between Kowloon and Skye, a commando team was storming Ryan Steiner's home.  the camera was in night vision mode, so he didn't see the glitter of Cylon armor or the shadows of the human troops with them.

the setup was horrifically expensive, he was burning through C-bills at a furious pace, monitoring this from this distance.

On other monitors, were helmet-cams.  The Rabid Fox teams were working with Coast Guard marines in this.  Steiner had been canny, moving from one location to another nightly, but not as canny as he should have been.

Tap, step, tap, step, tap, step...

Victor barely showed his surprise.  Elizabeth walked in wearing one of her characteristic suits, the cane she'd used practically since the age of fourteen in one hand.  "Your Majesty, I apologize for the hospitality." she said.

"It's fine.  I like some of your touches." Victor said, "those houses are built to AFFC bunker specs, but you managed to make them fairly nice, even domestic.  I like the touches."

She half-smiled, "Cheaper than maintaining a palace." she said, reaching his side.

"How are you feeling, Liz?" he asked.

"Sick of being asked that." she chuckled, "I don't hurt for the first time since I was ten.  It's weird, like being weightless, only without the nausea."

"You know, if this takes, you'll lose your exemption." he said.

"Five years mandatory. yeah." she said, "I'm...kind of looking forward to it, they didn't crash the economy or something while I was out."

"I want you here." Victor said.  "This is your place of Duty, Kowloon, this Theater, doing what you've been doing since '52...though I have to say I think your choice of men is atrocious."

"Nathan's his own way." Liz said, defending the Jade Falcon Star Colonel.  "Besides, if it does work, I'll have agony-aunts worldwide hassling me about breeding a successor on one hand, and religious types insisting I need to be married off on the other, he solves both problems-nobody will be demanding a wedding, and he can't father kids with that contraceptive implant, but he still looks good on my arm, I find his company tolerable, and the sex is...was...amazing."

"Says the girl who was a virgin when she met the man?"

"Hey, the poets always say you remember your first best." she said defensively, "Anyway, the fix didn't fix my damn genetics, I'm not passing Cholmann's down another generation. no kid of mine is going to live with that death sentence on them."

"What if I told you he was doing something stupid?" Victor asked, "If i told you he was doing something suicidally stupid."

"why haven't you stopped him?" she asked.

"That's the answer I was looking for.  I won't ask if you love the man." Victor noted. 

"The world of Kowloon remains my primary interest, Sire." she said, "My people come first, afte that, the Federated Commonwealth, what is left of my family, the rest of the Inner sphere."

"And you?"

"dead last, it has to be that way." Liz stated. "To be a leader, one has to put one's people ahead of oneself, doing otherwise subjects those who look to us, to unnecessary peril and suffering, it's immoral. do you want me to break it off?"

"No." Victor said, "I don't.  Frankly, having met the man, I think he might be good for you, the man is sensible.  not just sensible for a Clanner, but intelligent, and if he's with you, I know where he is and what he's up to, because I know you'll jerk the leash on him and he'll follow it.  letting him roam as free agent? now that, could be bad for our side."

on screen, they had Ryan Steiner in cuffs and were shoving him into the bay of a Raptor.

"I will, however, be taking your 171st Volunteers.  I need them for Operation: Bulldog. we're going to liberate the Draconis Combine, and your people are about ready."

"Aye sir."

"And I'll be borrowing Evelynn Mosovich for this." Victor amended, "Any objections?"

"Only the standard ones you would hear from every family member of every serviceman ever, throughout all of time." Liz said, "I understand.  I don't like it, but I understand.  when are you and Omi going to stop dancing around it and get married?"
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1026 on: 18 January 2020, 16:17:35 »
when are you and Omi going to stop dancing around it and get married?"
So, who gets to help Victor up off the floor after that one?

Because I assume Jack will he stopping Liz from falling over laughing.
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1027 on: 18 January 2020, 16:26:32 »
Since Victor is Archon-Prince and is currently putting down an insurrection to his rule, he won't be on the frontlines?   With the 171st going to Operation: Bulldog will they get first dibs on the deserters (clans) targets? 


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1028 on: 18 January 2020, 16:51:03 »
LRPPC - 6 Tons, 3 Crits, 18 Heat, 17 Damage, S 1-8, M 9-15, L 16-25

LB 5-X UAC - 8 Tons, 4 Crits, 1 Heat, 5 Damage, S 1-8, M 9-15, L 16-24

thanks for the stats Hotpoint.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1029 on: 18 January 2020, 16:54:09 »
Looks like the Volunteers are going to be on point for this one... not that they'd want to be anywhere else...  :thumbsup:


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1030 on: 18 January 2020, 17:37:44 »
Hrm, well. Put a Cylon bodyguard on Morgan H-D so he doesn't get assassinated in the middle of Bulldog this time? Maybe make Evvie his 2IC?

ETA: Honestly surprised Liz didn't react to him saying they're going to the Combine first, and no mention of the Lyran worlds under occupation.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1031 on: 18 January 2020, 17:55:16 »
There's already an operation planned for the Lyran worlds... this little assassination business just inserted a delay...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1032 on: 18 January 2020, 19:50:55 »
what year is the setting up to at this point? you stopped posting dates awhile back.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1033 on: 19 January 2020, 01:41:37 »
what year is the setting up to at this point? you stopped posting dates awhile back.

We're almost in 3057.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1034 on: 19 January 2020, 02:56:12 »
November 11, 3056...

The right honorable Ryan Steiner stepped out of the troop bay of a Coast Guard Raptor and into the glare of Kowloon's double suns, attired for court.  Not "courtly attire", but a proper suit nonetheless, aside from the handcuffs.  With him, were three lawyers from the Konbauer, Schriver, und Gloss (Gmbh), one of the most expensive law-firms in the Inner Sphere, much less the Lyran Commonwealth.

The Lawyers were not under guard, but they were here at the insistence of the Law.

A man might consider it a small concession, (or a very large one), to have the trial held outside of the Isle of Skye, on a world which had gained notoriety not eight years ago for being a classic example of official neglect and near-ruinous imposed foreign rule.

The presence of one of the justices of the Commonwealth Supreme Court as the judge for the trial could be imagined to be a sign of political desire to impress just how serious the charges were.

one might.  then again, one might consider that the Archon Prince was here as plaintiff, that Ryan Steiner was facing charges related to a domestic terrorist group, that his past associations with another terrorist group were well established fact, and that the world he had been brought to, had a certain...reputation.

and one might also suggest, that bringing him here, to Kowloon, whose Duchess was nearly slain by that same conspiracy, might be a bit prejudicial as to the outcome.

However one might wish to cover the subsequent trial, there is a single overriding fact;  The Kowloonese insisted on prosecuting after he had been found guilty on the conspiracy against the Crown, Rebellion, and Treason, before the sentencing phase.

Thus, why he was brought here, today, in a Coast Guard vehicle, attended by his legal team, to face a judge, and a jury of twelve civilian citizens after already being a convicted traitor.

Already under one death sentence, Ryan faced the potential for a much more gruesome fate, for Kowloonese Legal precedents include the Elbar Field Courts-Martials, and sentencing history that includes such warm, and fuzzy concepts as crucifiction, slow-drop hanging, and the use of the condemned as bayonet practice.

His conspiracy had included the attempted murder of Duchess Elizabeth Ngo, a girl half his age, with a fraction of his experience in politics, and she insisted on a Jury Trial.

Very quickly, motions for extensions were denied.  Motions for dismissal, were also denied.  A motion for dismissal on standing was considered, argued by the proscutor, and then denied.

this was all on camera, in front of the world.   The evidence phase was brutal, recordings, HPG messages, records, financial transactions and the vast bureaucratic debris left behind by a series of audits were presented with clear explanations and power-point projections explaining how the bureaucratic and financial institutions of the Commonwealth worked, and how they had been subverted and perverted to fund violent men doing violent things to civilians in order to compel the government to do yet more violent and brutal things in response.

The financial connections were drawn so clearly that even the carpenters, mechanics, housewives and janitors on the Jury were able to grasp this, in part thanks to four years of education being handed out without charge in exactly these matters.  The connection between terror incidents, financial theft, fraud, and electoral politics, and the connections from electoral politics to Inherited Titles was also drawn clearly enough for these average, mostly-working-class civilians to grasp what Ryan Steiner and his co-defendants had done, were in some cases still doing.

Thorpe sat in the audience, watching each day, as more and more things governments usually strive to hide, were brought out and exposed to the citizens on 'live' holo-vee, as forensic accounting was explained, as the connections were demonstrated.

"Jesus, Romo Lampkin wouldn't be able to get these guys off." 

By the 17th of November, it was time for the Jury to consider the verdict.

it took one hour.

"We the Jury, find the Defendants guilty of criminal misuse of office, of bribery, extortion, conspiracy to murder, conspiracy to property damage with the intent to cause Terror, with conspiracy to abuse of office, with criminal misuse of public funds, to embezzlement of public funds, to conspiracy to embezzle public funds, to fraud, to conspiracy to defraud investors, with conspiracy to defraud the public, with conspiracy to commit Treason against the government of the Commonwealth, to conspiracy to commit murder, to grand larceny, to conspiracy to obstruct justice on all counts, to conspiracy to murder civilians, to defrauding the government in wartime, to profiteering, to Extortion on all counts, to blackmail on all counts, to corruption of military officials on all counts, to perjury, all counts, contempt of Court, all counts..." and on it went, for nearly an hour, each count was listed off, or announced as 'all counts'.

The sum total sentence on the non-capital crimes exceeded 1000 years of prison time using the standard guidelines, with the first 'real' probation hearing being likely in 3165.

using standard Lyran Commonwealth sentencing guidelines.

but this is wartime.

and there were capital crimes as well.

"the Estimated death toll from secondary impacts of your little group of conspirators..." Elizabeth Ngo, the Duchess of Kowloon, said as she stood before the Magistrate and the defendants, " on the order of six hundred thousand civilian lives, per defendant, if we divide them evenly between the fifteen of you..."

she tapped her cane on the judge's box.  "Fifteen times six, is ninety. add six zeroes behind that.  Not quite a planetary scale, but it's awful close out here on the edge, it's a major city or two, at least.  of course, that's the direct casualties, not the indirect secondary impacts, and some of you-Ryan, have more than that body count to your name."

she snapped her cane against her palm.  "Not including me.  I specifically wanted to save that bit for if you got this far, because while Ryan Steiner has the highest body count, he was not the one who said, 'Hit Liz Ngo'.  At least, not directly.  Your cases have been heard. Your appeal, is sitting over there-" she pointed the stub end of the cane to where Victor Steiner Davion sat in the audience.  "-and he has found against you, rejected it, and left the ball for how to carry out sentencing, in my hands.  This is wartime, each of you are guilty of crimes against the war effort.  each of you are also guilty of crimes in the civilian world, totalling a rough thousand years of prison time, loss of your assets as forfieture, loss of title as well.  epic punishment for an epic pattern of crime, but..."

she sighed, "your machinations have harmed whole sectors of the Commonwealth, crippled the defenses, and indirectly led to the loss of an entire sub-state, the Tamar Pact, to an invader.  Your crimes have also crippled the nation's ability to respond to that invasion...and you felt no guilt.  I would wager you each felt it was your due, to do these things, to pervert the system for your own ends."  she leaned forward, cane braced between her hands.

"I ordered men hanged for rape.  that was a gang rape of a single  person.  what you have done, is to rape the whole of the commonwealth." 

she paused.  then, she reached into her pocket.

"one for you." she said, placing a small velvet box in front of Ryan Steiner, "one for already have one, one for you..." down the line, "Those are yours. a keepsake for your heirs, now, let us all go outside, the execution of the sentencing will begin shortly."

"When?" Ryan asked, nervously.

"When I finish digging the holes." she told him, exchanging her cane, for a pair of workman's gloves, "It is unconscionable to ask a normal citizen to do a task one is not willing to do oneself.  Unable, perhaps, inexpert, perhaps, but merely unwilling? NO. that is wrong.  the harder and more traumatizing the work is, the more important it is to, whenever possible, do it oneself. I would never force a good man to do to another person, what I am about to do to you."

The defendants were led out into the sunshine on Tiger Ridge.  and gasped at the sight-of a post-holer, and a stack of fifteen bluewood stakes, three meters long, and a block-and tackle, set up with a pair of stirrups.

"Crimes by Officials are infinitely worse, than crimes by non-officials." Elizabeth recited at the top of her lungs, projecting it to the news media.  "An official is granted special privileges as part of their duty, in order to perform that duty and serve the citizens.  These officials have abused that authority, and that is unacceptable in a way that can only be equated to an atrocity.  Lyran Law forbids the use of cruelly unusual punishment for wrongdoing, it also enshrines the principle of proportionality.  Each of these fifteen people, taken together, have killed millions of Lyran citizens for their own gain, and when the additional harms are accounted, maimed tens of millions, deprived hundreds of millions of Justice, and enslaved hundreds of millions more to the invading Clans."

Ryan tried to kick her face when she fastened the stirrups to his feet, and struggled as the loop was passed over the sharpened end of the stake.

"This is proportional to your crimes." She announced, "As Duke of Skye, you held a special responsibility to the people you led, and to the people of the Commonwealth. This provided you with special dignities, special authorities, and you abused those authorities and relied on those dignities to protect you from the consequences of your actions.  You attempted to start a civil war when your misdeeds were uncovered."

she set her feet, and grasped the loose end of the block and tackle, passing it through one end of a winch.

"on Elbar, my people found the remains of three million citizens whose murders were committed under the color of law, with the intent to terrorize." she began to winch.  "Your crimes, when the damage is totaled, are worse than those of the men my ancestor impaled at Running Deer Mountain."  the butt of the stake caught in the hole, as the rounded point caught in the seat of Ryan Steiner's pants.

she stopped, and locked it at a shallow angle.  "Now, tell me why I should not keep cranking that wheel until your body is forced to a position of attention as you slowly die on the stake, Ryan.  Make it good, because I don't want to do this, so if you give me a good reason to stop, I will stop.  but if you don't, you will get the stake, and I will have one more nightmare added to my psyche...but nobody else will have to live with having done that to another human being."

His panicking mind latched onto the oddest things.  like the tears welling in her eyes, as she said, "Please, in the name of god, tell me why I can stop, tell me why I don't have to do this. give me a reason."

"p-please..mercy? I..I'm sorry.  I didn't realize..." he begged.

she unlatched the winch.  she unlatched the stirrups.  Two men carried the stake away and Ryan Steiner was allowed to stand up, on his own feet, to die like a man instead of an animal.

she shot him in the head instead.  Then, she shot the next one. and the next.  when her revolver ran out, she reloaded it, and fired until it was empty, and then,she reloaded it, and fired three more times.

Fifteen convicted traitors, and the news media caught it all.  "I am not Tran Truk Ngo." she said, "I guess that's reason enough."
« Last Edit: 19 January 2020, 03:07:24 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1035 on: 19 January 2020, 03:41:52 »
November 19, 3056...

She didn't do it.  I felt vindicated, in a sense.  I don't know if I would've, I know she prepared it, insisted on a fair trial, even insisted on presumption of innocence.  She made sure the legal teams dotted every i, crossed each t, obtained the legal precedents for extraordinary crimes, statistical equivalencies, estimated death tolls.  but in the end, her humanity won out, and it was seen by the media.

DBS and Skye Broadcasting showed close-ups of her face in the coverage.  everyone in the commonwealth watched as she put them to death herself, everyone in the commonwealth saw the tears and the despair, as she killed the people who tried to have her killed and nearly succeeded.

I know some people would call it her weakness.  But more saw it as strength, even a certain barbaric attraction.  Skye News called it 'Brutality tempered by mercy', and deemed her "Elizabeth the Inquisitor".  Coventry Broadcasting held a panel discussion with psychologists, suggesting she's damaged.

well, no shit.  The girl had her first kills at the age of fourteen, and not from a 'mech, or at a safe distance, anonymously.

Up close, personal. looking into their eyes, getting the blood on her face, on her clothes, on her hands.

She is still human enough, in there, to feel the horror and the grief.

I'm so damn proud of Liz for that-for keeping some shred of humanity alive inside herself.

She communicated the lesson well enough to the public and to other officials in this end of the Commonwealth;  Nobody is above the law, especially those placed in high positions, there are worse consequences than the standard guidelines if you get caught.

and worse still, are possible.

I have determined that Elizabeth Ngo's exemption from the Draft will stand, and have decreed it so-my excuse for this, is that she is in a vital position where she is, doing what she's doing for the Realm.  My private reasons are more complex.  The girl has had a constant stream of traumas, including almost dying in service to the Realm at an age she would be barely eligible to enlist with her parents' permission.

She damn near had a breakdown right there.  I was set to intervene when she was about to impale a man, but I didn't have to.

what came next, even when I sign the orders myself, I still have nightmares about.  Looking at her face, listening to her demanding a reason to be merciful, it was like hearing my own heart when I have had to make that call on the battlefield, sending men to die in the teeth of the guns.

She's strong enough, but you can't push someone like that to destruction without consequences, she's pretty close, but I've put people there who can maybe help her keep that shred of humanity alive, and I've actively prevented her from having to do worse and live with it...I hope.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1036 on: 19 January 2020, 04:13:21 »
Did the trial open at the 11th hour?  ^-^
« Last Edit: 19 January 2020, 06:13:54 by Daryk »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1037 on: 19 January 2020, 11:07:37 »
Tharkad, December 22, 3056...

" was the trip?"  Margaret Doons asked.

Liz sighed, "the crew were wonderful, the ship steady, the Transit Disorientation Syndrome made it hell." she said.  "How're you doing, Maggie?"

"Well...I'm concerned about you.  That action was very...graphic.  The news coverage was outright lurid.  Fifteen people."

"tacked on to three, that's only eighteen." Liz told her.  "Condit, Stoncipher, and some damned merc whose name I didn't bother to learn.  Everything arrived on time?"

"Yes, your installation team were their typical efficient selves, polite conscientious and done well before the the treatment holding up?"

"Yeah." Liz said, "I've been clean for weeks now, no cravings, no shakes, no headaches or lingering body aches, no symptoms of the Cholmann's, but I still have TDS, still have some insomnia, but it isn't from a biological cause."


Liz nodded, "lingering post traumatic stress, or so my chief medical officer says.  I'm still fighting Doc Huyn about medicating it.  I spent half my life taking a soup of drugs and I want to be done, if I feel like hell, at least it's my feelings, and not some pill, potion, or injection."

"you still haven't updated your look, Liz."

"It's a brand." Liz told her, "besides the obvious, Maggie, this is who and what the public knows, it's what intimidates civil servants and makes other Lords nervous, and makes my people comfortable now."

"The press are still raking you across the coals, Liz.  Don't underestimate the Fourth Estate."

"let them." she answered, "If I can not be both loved and feared, let me be feared by my enemies, and loved by my people...but you know, Mags, I do think a spa-day is in order, and a major client's cheque just cleared..."

"Are you offering to treat?"

"Yes...I want to spend time with a good friend, telling her about my no-doubt fabulous adventures in the wild world of Bureaucracy and Forensic accounting!"

Margaret Doons laughed, "You're not going after me, are you?"

"Already did. I couldn't damned well shoot people for one thing, then let someone else go just because I cared for them-your financials are clean, none of your overruns are the kind of gross corruption that gets the Archon's Inquisitor knocking your door in in the middle of the night...and I have a boyfriend."

"At long last, who is it?"

"One of Henry's friends." Liz said cryptically, "Nathan is...perfect for me. even Jack and Nick like him-as a person. of course, professionally is another matter, but I'm wearing him down.  He'll cross the aisle soon enough.  He's almost there now."

"OH? is he coming?"

"No.  He's got this job, and he's running errands for his boss, visiting a rival organization with an offer for negotiation. I actually offered to help arrange the meeting, but there are non-disclosures involved."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1038 on: 19 January 2020, 11:18:42 »
Except, of course, for the taps on their "secure" comms…  ::)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1039 on: 19 January 2020, 22:03:39 »
You know, I think a truce between Clans, Wolverines, Inner Sphere and that guy on 1st avenue is pretty easy--Because all anyone has to do is ask: When Cavil's happy band get tired of playing, how many worlds can a base star with jump capable raiders carrying nukes destroy in a month?

Everyone else may have goals that people don't like (conquer the IS, found the Star League, etc, etc, ) but Cavil is the guy with the 30 billion plus bodycount and the clear desire to eliminate humanity as a species.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1040 on: 19 January 2020, 22:40:38 »
You know, I think a truce between Clans, Wolverines, Inner Sphere and that guy on 1st avenue is pretty easy--Because all anyone has to do is ask: When Cavil's happy band get tired of playing, how many worlds can a base star with jump capable raiders carrying nukes destroy in a month?

Everyone else may have goals that people don't like (conquer the IS, found the Star League, etc, etc, ) but Cavil is the guy with the 30 billion plus bodycount and the clear desire to eliminate humanity as a species.
first they gotta convince the Clans and the IS that Cavil's bunch exists and is separate from the bunch working with kowloon. the IS i suspect won't take much convincing, since ideological splits are something they understand pretty well, so it would just be a case of providing sufficient evidence. the Clans might take longer. especially since dealing with Cavil will require working alongside the Wolverines and the friendly Cylons, two groups that the Clans as a society have been indoctrinated to hate and distrust. (wolverines specifically, cylons as part of the distrust of the idea of advanced AI)
« Last Edit: 19 January 2020, 22:47:51 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1041 on: 20 January 2020, 11:01:32 »
The Cylon Colony...

"...this group is the most vulnerable to destruction.  Their weapons are more powerful, but their society is weaker."  Doral said, "They're fragmented, we can destroy them piecemeal and use the remains to improve our technology base."

"that's reasonable.  It also has the benefit that they are despised by the other human civilizations."  John noted, "feared and despised.  our initial strikes have shown they're weak in counter-intrusion software and security, their ships have more impressive weapons but they lack detection equipment.  They celebrate their fractious nature, so it's less likely that any of our forces will face a unified defense, and unlike the thirteenth, nobody has primed them on our technologies or how to fight us."

"Where should we begin the purging, then?" Simon asked.

"We'll begin with this one." John said, "They're the most likely to try to rally the others, and they are the most likely to establish enough ties to unite the other, non-Clan humans to their aid.  The Jade Falcons are too proud, the Smoke Jaguars too weak, the Wolves?" he shrugged, "are already divided, but these Ghost Bear people, if we break them, we divide the others.  In case they're smarter than they seem, we'll hit the leadership of each of these Clans, the Jade Falcons on Wotan, Wolves on Tamar, and Smoke Jaguars.  I think a hard enough hit, and their smaller rivals will finish the job for us."

"what if they don't?" Boomer asked.

"We have deep reserves and good maps, we can flood them if we have to, but it eliminates the strongest combatants we have to face early, while they are weakened and bickering and unpopular with the other humans, from there, we can work left, sweep the next strongest and least popular force, before they can muster a strong counter attack.  By then, we'll have reverse engineered their fusion power sources and energy weapons, and we can build them faster, and in greater quantities than they can even imagine."

The models put it to their models.

The vote came in.  It was time to expand the war.

Humanity would fall, and when they were done, it would not rise again.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1042 on: 20 January 2020, 11:17:34 »
"Ah, arrogance and stupidity all in the same package. How efficient of you!"
-- Londo Mollari


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1043 on: 20 January 2020, 11:24:15 »
It'll be interesting to see the reception any survivors get as they flee into the IS...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1044 on: 20 January 2020, 11:48:43 »
University of Kowloon Nha Tranh, Science department Lab (Building 114A)

Etienne had a financial sponsor for his experiments!  The grant had come from the 'Cy-Lon Technologies' corporation and Nashan Medical Sciences.  Per the rules of the University, all of his work had to be published in detail, but what they were asking for nothing short of brilliance, and right up his alley.

the biological samples were easily obtained.  They wanted to blend humaniform Cylon DNA with humans in a laboratory enironment using an Iron Womb.  The base research had been done on humans but failed utterly, killing host mothers on some world called 'Caprica'.

An Iron Womb was an obvious solution.  the human dna, was a bit tougher.  He was able to obtain samples of male dna easily enough-the University was host to a sperm bank, but human ova, the best source for Eugenic research into humans, was much more difficult.

Difficult, but not impossible. Clan eugenics faced this frequently; the need for cultured ova for the breeding program, infused with copies of DNA from two male donors to create new lines was old hat.

There was one source he had, though, and it had been easy to get.  You see, the Kowloonese government wanted their Duchess to have an Heir, and moves made behind the Duchess' back were carried out when she was rebuilt.  a fragment of shrapnel had damaged one of her ovaries, and it was removed, preserved, and provided to his Human Genetics project. The eggs inside were damaged, but still viable with his techniques.

It took little effort after that, to secure similar samples from many of the prominent families on Kowloon.  Qua, Mosovich, Nghien, Young, Smith, Nguyen, Li, Sithers...and both male and female Ngo genes. Enough to really start a proper eugenics project, 24 samples gathered only somewhat unethically.

The first step, of course, was to tailor out the genes for Cholmann's syndrome.  He established three Iron Womb facilities for each line.  The first, being the 'control' group, was tailored only so far as needed to remove inherited defects such as cancer, heart disease, or known gene-influenced syndromes and symptoms.

Group 'A' recieved the same editing, but with a twist; fragments of Cylon DNA that corresponded to the damaged or inferior genes were substituted in to test viability before fertilization.

Group 'B' got a fifty percent pairing, Cylon on one side, human on the other, with randomization similar to biological pairing.

Group A's editing meant they would be universally female.  One tank per line, because of the immediate gene-editing and the limits of the hardware he had to work with.

Group B's editing included Y as well as X chromosomes thanks to the male contributions.  While the core materials lacked necessary bloodlines to produce large sized individuals in the manner that the Clans had produced the Elemental stock, he could and did bias toward genes showing promise for slightly larger individuals than the parent human lines.

Etienne was detailed in his work, and yet more detailed in his publishing, it was a small-but satisfying-defiance of the Clan that had cast him out.  a way of saying 'look at me, I'm stomping all over your treasured secrets!!' as he detailed exactly how the Eugenics program had produced the Trueborn warrior caste, to journals that published in the Inner Sphere, and he knew, were being read by the Not-Named.

"cast me out, demote me? heh...I can tear them down from afar."

The only fly in the ointment, was what would be done with the products of the research.  The Kowloonese were insistent that the children, if viable, be fostered to families to raise, rather than a creche environment.  His reservations were eased somewhat, because he was able to secure permission to employ creche-style raising on the second, improved generation he was working on now, an experiment in social science, in a sense;  Nature, versus Nurture. 

a knock on his door interrupted his examination of a DNA sample for Group C.

He looked up from his work, "What now?"

Nathan Roshak stood in the doorway.  "Impressive. you talked them into letting you do this." the Star Colonel said.  "it's time to pay up, Etienne."

"Pay up?"

"For getting your neck out of the noose-both figuratively and literally." Roshak said, and tossed a sample at him.  "Reserve one combination in group B."

"Who is this?"

"Mine.  it is only to be combined with the DNA of Elizabeth Ngo, and it is to remain anonymous in your publication."  Roshak said sternly.

"You are planning to desert the Clan?"

"you will not say a word about that, either." Nathan told him.  "It is more of an inclination than a plan at this point, but what I just handed you, is perfect blackmail material and a very good reason for the Clan to come burn this institution to the ground with you in the middle of it... One child immediately, the rest stored." Roshak explained, then, visibly changed his mind, "one from each of your lines, A, B, and Control.  Names are Amanda, Carolyn, and Patrick-the Patrick should be a boy."


"because I love her, and I want her heir to be the strongest contender, of course." Nathan told him, "And you will state the donor in all three cases is anonymous for now."

"Have you told the Duchess of this plan, quiaff?"

"Neg." Nathan refused with a gesture.  "It was sufficiently difficult to convince her to participate in these experiments, I have yet to succeed but I will. for now, you will culture our children with those of the volunteers."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1045 on: 20 January 2020, 11:56:55 »
I think Roshak just crossed the aisle, whether he knows it or not...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1046 on: 20 January 2020, 12:08:15 »
I think Roshak just crossed the aisle, whether he knows it or not...

Well, there's going to be an aisle involved somewhere, I'm sure. ;)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1047 on: 20 January 2020, 12:24:24 »
Wolf in Exile encampment, New Connaught, Arc Royal...

"Savashri, they did not waste any time-have you seen this?" 

Phelan Ward looked up from his planning reports, the land-grant from his father had netted the refugee Wolves a decent beginning to rebuild in, but the process was difficult, even with local support.



"What about them?"

"This year, they won a trial for some outcast scientists...and have put them to work on their own Iron Womb project!"

Phelan wasn't suprised, his Watch had confirmed that Duchess Elizabeth was making little secret of her liaisons with the local Jade Falcon leadership, the phrase she used in one overheard conversation being 'riding him like a terrified horse'.

"Given her condition, an Iron Womb may be the best bet for a viable heir.  I remain unsurprised." Phelan said carefully.

His own Chief Scientist wasn't so easily calmed, "They are publishing how to do it, everything, including technical details barred to scientists outside of the Eugenics Program!  This is a disaster!"

he sighed, "What do you want?" he asked. 

"one, Balzac is a maniac, he was a maniac when we worked in the Genetic Temple, he is still a maniac-now a published maniac, giving his twisted ideals voice that will, no doubt, be emulated by the Spheroids in their intense desire to push the Clans out of the Occupation zones.  We need to counter him somehow, or impose limits before his madness metastasizes, this technology, it is dangerous, and the Spheroids are not ready for it."

"Okay, how do you recommend we do that?" Phelan asked, "This is a scientific problem, if they are disseminating the information, how do you expect to stop the ideas from spreading?  how many people do you want me to break my oath and kill?"

struck with the scale of what they were talking about, the scientist leader stopped ranting, and looked thoughtful.

"How many do you think we can kill before everyone comes gunning for us on both sides of the border?" Phelan emphasized, "We would run out of ammunition before we ran out of targets."

The Scientist wrestled with this concept.  "It can not be stopped that way, can it? no Trials of Grievance will stop it, no Refusals..."

"Right.  How about you present me with a problem I can solve, quiaff?"

"My Khan...maybe we can influence this project..?"

"There, was that hard?  Start reviewing his theories and results, point out the flaws, do it in those journals." Phelan suggested, "Argue for inclusion of alternative viewpoints, perhaps? suggest some oversight, position one of ours to be that oversight? Quiaff?"


Phelan shook his head, and turned his mind to more tactical problems until...

"We should get involved with this anyway.  His proposed line will produce at least one full Sibko in the first generation, there are ninety names on this list of voluntary donors, and we could use the space."  His scientist suggested.

"I am sure the Jade Falcons are also watching this with interest." Phelan observed, "Not to mention Vlad, and his wolves...and Jaime Wolf himself.  Someone building a whole facility, and stocking it, could be a prize worth contesting for-after all..." he turned to look at the scientist, "I will put this to our clan council, and speak with the Lyran Authorities.  someone does need to be looking over their shoulders on Kowloon, and maybe watching their backs."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1048 on: 20 January 2020, 12:34:34 »
Outreach, the Mercenary's Star...

"...well, it states in the abstract here, that the first results will be given to families that have fertility problems and want children."  Jaime Wolf was sanguine, "really kind of clever-their pseudo-trueborns will be raised as regular people."
He closed the journal and looked at Snord.  "WE have already discovered it's how the kid is raised, not what's in their genes, that makes great warriors."

"it's still worth closer monitoring, sir." Maeve told him, "you know that's going to piss the more conservative Clans off to no could be a good distraction."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1049 on: 20 January 2020, 12:52:10 »
WiE… who knew THEY'd be the ones to propose ethics as a solution to mad science?  ;D