Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141231 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1050 on: 20 January 2020, 13:12:12 »
Grand Council, Strana Mechty, December 30....

"...aping their betters.  This is rubbish!" Marthe Pryde ws on the floor in front of the Grand Council, and this time, not in the good way.  "So they are trying to match us, how is this different from their laughable efforts at 'mech design, or, no doubt, battle suits?"

"you let them have one of the scientists from the Eugenics program!"

"A used up scientist." she said dismissively-(an act she was maintaining for the benefit of the other Khans. Inside, she was seething with rage.) "Etienne is more an administrator now, than a true researcher-he has not made a discovery or innovation in generations. We kept the good ones."

at this, there was some polite chuckling around the room. 

"We want to challenge for possession of the Nha Tranh facility." Lynn McKenna, the newly ascended Khan of Clan Snow Raven, spoke.

"it is not mine to challenge for." Marthe stated.  "Know this, I would be amused to see their little fleet defeated after having lost four Warships to them. I wonder why you would want this...primitive genetics facility?"

Lynn stood, holding up a print-off of the roster.  "Amelie Shu 681 (Macklin Mining facility 19, Boojum Belt), Elmyra Siegel 571 (Sithers cooperative), They are Belter stock, the Shu bloodline traces to SLN personnel drawn from the region near the Rim-Worlds, we would see if they are...related, if so, it represents a possible restoration of lost lines taken when Dehra Dun was destroyed by the Not-Named."

Marthe muttered something.

"what was that?" IlKhan Lincoln Osis urged.

"Rockjacks, not Belters.  the local term is Rockjack, and they consider them native to Kowloon first.  No Kowloonese joined Exodus, this is known fact, confirmed by their own records.  there is a similarity of name, relation."  Marthe explained, then looked to the Goliath Scorpions' Khan, "is there, Khan Elam?  were any of the Founder's followers from that star system, or did they all reject the call for Exodus?"

"None that survived Operation:Klondike." Khan Elam said after a reluctant pause.  "There were Kowloonese transport ships that were drafted into the support fleet, the Great Father had to station loyal officers aboard them, and some of the mutineers aboard Prinz Eugen were conscripted to fill vacancies aboard that ship.  History is not Mythical, it secret stays a secret.  None joined Nicholas in his second exodus-the records are clear on that.  No Kowloonese or Kowloonese descent supported Nicholas Kerensky or joined in least, there is no evidence of it."

"We must verify this as true." Vladimir Ward said, "For the reassurance of our Snow Raven colleagues...and we may need to verify that none of these missing Kowloonese were among The Not Named.  their society suggests that if any were among the original Clans, they would gravitate the Wolverines." the name shocked them.  "We should become certain of this.  This project at their university is gathering that very information, we must be able to control it."

"Not you." Marthe said, "MY Clan holds land on Kowloon, MY clan has access to this place without needing to fight for it.  we will find out the truth of this."

"I think a less involved Clan should oversee that." Perigard Zalman said, "Your military governor is...coupling with Duchess Ngo on a regular basis, I believe the Watch Report mentioned something about 'riding him like a frightened horse three times a week'."

This caused some laughter.

"Fact Finding... this requires fact finding a mission to scout the possible connections.  the Kowloon Enclave is virtually worthless on its own, the facility may be of some value once it is in full established production, and you Crusaders break everything you touch.  I propse that a warden Clan should head this up, in part to assure the fact-finders actually make it to the surface of the planet."  Nelson Elam stated, drawing ire from most of the Khans assembled, including rival Warden Clans.

"what? they have already defeated a Naval Star in combat." he said, "Known Crusaders will draw hostile attention, and there are more forces present-and the locals do not seem to have much love for any of us-or does anyone doubt that 'Kerensky's Deserters' are resented in the Kowloon system?  A Crusader would only draw hostility and concealment.  known Wardens, seeking truth, will be better placed to actually find that truth without it being destroyed in a vain effort at concealment."

"as much as I hate the Scorpion's tone, he is correct."  Stanislav N'Buta said, "Everything we have put together suggests a delegation known to be in favor of invading the inner sphere will be met with gunfire first, and scorched earth after...even a push by Clan Jade Falcon could be seen as an existential emergency-and they are willing to use nuclear weapons immediately and first, in order to deter it."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1051 on: 20 January 2020, 13:18:06 »
And they have NO idea the imperial cylons are after them...  ::)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1052 on: 20 January 2020, 14:09:59 »
Overview: The Trials of Discovery


1.Ice Hellion
1.Star Adder
Goliath Scorpion
Snow Raven3
1.Fire Mandrill
2.Jade Falcon
2.Ghost Bear3
2/Nova Cat 3
1.Hell's Horses
1*Blood Spirit
1. Diamond Shark
Venue: Due to Kowloon's apparent strength as a naval power, these trials were conducted using warships and Aerospace Fighters.

Round One:

Clan Novacat/Clan Diamond Shark: Novacat victory
Hell's Horses/Jade Falcon: Falcon victory
Blood Spirit/Star Adder: Blood Spirit victory, destruction of CSA Sovereign Right and CSA Absolute Truth destroyed with all hands.  Clan Blood Spirit then withdraws from the rest of the trial citing lack of resources.
Ice Hellion/Wolf: Wolf victory
Fire Mandrill/Fire Mandrill/Snow Raven: Snow Raven victory, notable lack of cooperation among Fire Mandrill personnel, including extensive friendly fire damage.

Round 2:

Novacat/Wolf: Wolf Victory
Jade Falcon/Ghost Bear: Jade Falcon victory
Snow Raven/Goliath Scorpion: Goliath Scorpion Victory. 

Round 3:
Wolf/Jade Falcon: Jade Falcon Victory
Goliath Scorpion/Jade Falcon: Goliath Scorpion victory.

Note: Clan Goliath Scorpion negotiated representatives from Clan Snow Raven be included on the mission as a favor, as well as permitting Jade Falcon observers in exchange for resources of an unstated nature.

Mission departs the Clan Homeworlds along the Exodus Road, January 5, 3057.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1053 on: 20 January 2020, 14:17:00 »
Ah, it makes more sense if the trials were rigged by negotiation...  ^-^
« Last Edit: 20 January 2020, 15:06:33 by Daryk »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1054 on: 20 January 2020, 14:45:44 »
Tharkad, January 5, 3057...

"You know, Liz, this could be seen as a conflict of interests." the Archon Regent, Peter Steiner-Davion said, "You do understand that, right?"

Liz shrugged, "So investigate me." she said, "Nothing behind the curtain."  she was a mote in a sea of elegance tonight.  Her traditional black wool business attire clashing almost like a declaration of violence among the flowing silks and exotic fabrics of the other attendees.

"I have." he said, "that's why I said 'appearance' of a conflict of interests.  seriously, couldn't you find someone local, or at least not on the other side of a war?"

She didn't shrug out of his arms as they danced.  "no." she said, "anyone else is going to have...expectations of favor, or think I will. we're enemies, we are also having sex, but we're both working to undermine each other.  The ancient Italians had a name for that kind of relationship-Vendetta.  The two of us go at it like randy minks, but that's including the claws and biting."

He actually flushed a little at her language, "Duchess!"

"What? come on, milord, it's stress relief and it's for fun, but he and I both know we can't let our peoples down when it comes to the press.  I can't afford love, I can't have kids the natural way without serious issues, he can't have natural kids at all without medical intervention, so there's no danger of unwanted complications or blessed events muddying up the line of inheritance."

"Iron Wombs." Peter said.

"No involvement from that side, and everything I have suggests the Falcons are scandalized by the very idea.  Roshak's a loyal Falcon, and they value sameness-conformity, so he's not involved, no claim on the landhold beyond what Victor gave him, and that can be taken back as soon as I've...expired."

"Your treatment might make that more long term." he said, "God willing."

"God wants me dead." Liz told him, "that's why I was born like I was.  dead and in agony.  and I have real, mortal enemies, someone will get lucky, or the treatment will turn out to be a temporary relief that lets me function a hair longer."

"Dark, Liz."

she smiled, "Not that dark, more time to do more work, the better things will be when I'm finally done.  If I'm real lucky, I'll get to raise a kid who won't need to just emergency-jump-in as a teenager and fumble her way through it on luck and bullheadedness."


"Well, could be a 'him', and honestly I think most people would've preferred things if Henry or Patrick had been there to take over instead of crazy Lizzy with her history of drug abuse and juvenile delinquency." she said lightly, "My kids won't have a lot of the things I had to do, in the ways I had to do them.  They won't have an expiration date they can point to as the deadline, they'll be able to do things like long trips to 'find themselves', you know? easy stuff like going to get a real education instead of having to cram a thousand years of statecraft into the space between meals while balancing too many moving things."  she let him twirl her in a pirouette, as they swept through the ballroom.  "They'll be able to fit into this sort of thing without being awkward or worrying that they should be doing something else."

and I won't beat my kids when I'm drunk or upset. she silently vowed, remembering her own mother they won't have to seek the furthest place they can go to get away from me.

"Well, I for one look forward to seeing what kind of people your kids turn out to be." Peter said with a gracious smile, as the music ended. "Thank you for consenting to the dance."

"Thank you for the honor of asking." she said, and they separated.

Liz went for the wet-bar, and ordered a beer.

"beer, Your Grace?"

"Beer.  this sweetened wine is...revolting." she said, imitating Maggie's tone subconsciously, though not adding Lady Doons' favorite term for sparkling wine, thin as piss.  "Heavy Dark, a Stout maybe, at a proper temperature, please."

the barman set out a glass.

"NO...look, do you have proper pints? and Old Connaught Stout?" she asked.

"Yes, but only Morgan Kell orders it..."

"Gimme that.  a warm pint of Old Connaught...and some pretzels or salted Matzoh...wait, do you know where there's a decent sports-bar and they don't recognize me? someplace where they might be showing a Hockey or Rugby game?"

"No Milady."

"Fine, Salted Matzoh, pretzels, and Old Connaught...and do you have a decent spiced mustard and corned beef on black rye?"

"Of course, Milady." he said.

"great, get me one of those, I'll be over at my table."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1055 on: 20 January 2020, 14:48:32 »
WiE… who knew THEY'd be the ones to propose ethics as a solution to mad science?  ;D

Phelan has always been a pretty pragmatic khan.. moderating the release of the knowledge is certainly more feasible than trying to suppress it. besides, releasing clan eugenics details can only benefit both societies medically, and the main issue would be the danger of some of the more extreme proposals for genetic modification being put forward being adopted by people.

actually one route Phelan's wolves could do to in that moderation would be to get in on the experiments. in the IS at the moment the only IronWomb capacity is Kowloon, the WiE, and the Dragoons. once published, the other two would be the ideal groups to recreate the experiments. especially the social side, where they might give wider data on the effects of the different upbringings.. WiE having a full clan sibko system, not just a communal creche system, and the Dragoons having basically a hybrid system with elements of all three approaches (creche in early life, individual later in life, then clan style training)
and i'm sure the cylons would be more than willing to donate some gene samples for such. the more efforts occurring, the better the chance of success.

and I won't beat my kids when I'm drunk or upset. she silently vowed, remembering her own mother they won't have to seek the furthest place they can go to get away from me.
it'll help that she has two Centurions around to help tell her when she's getting over the line. given her personality though her kids will probably still want to find the furthest places they can from her, but it'll be in annoyance not fear.
« Last Edit: 20 January 2020, 14:59:42 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1056 on: 20 January 2020, 15:03:19 »
Well, there's going to be an aisle involved somewhere, I'm sure. ;)

And a shotgun. :o

Sir Chaos

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1057 on: 20 January 2020, 15:09:59 »
And a shotgun. :o

Imagine the size of shotgun that her centurion bodyguards could wield... :o
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1058 on: 20 January 2020, 15:11:54 »
I'm thinking the shotgun will be wielded by someone named "Steiner-Davion", actually...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1059 on: 20 January 2020, 15:36:26 »
I'm thinking the shotgun will be wielded by someone named "Steiner-Davion", actually...  ^-^

Didn't Victor's Daishi have an LB-20X?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1060 on: 20 January 2020, 15:52:00 »
Didn't Victor's Daishi have an LB-20X?
no Victor went for the Gauss. it was Hohiro that went for the LBX20. but it is an Omnimech, Victor can easily change pods.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1061 on: 20 January 2020, 19:28:58 »
 ;D ;D ;D

Poor Peter... she's so different than he used to...
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1062 on: 20 January 2020, 21:41:26 »
no Victor went for the Gauss. it was Hohiro that went for the LBX20. but it is an Omnimech, Victor can easily change pods.

I don't know how many criticals are open in one, but if he went all in he could squeeze three LB-20Xs in in terms of mass (require nothing by the XL engine in the torso and arms), four if using Clan models. :D

Sir Chaos

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1063 on: 21 January 2020, 08:20:19 »
I still think Cylon centurions with ProtoMech ACs are the way to go for a proper shotgun wedding.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1064 on: 21 January 2020, 10:14:59 »
Wasn't there a mention of a super-size Centurion model being built to counter Wolverine battlemechs? A "Praetorian" or the like?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1065 on: 21 January 2020, 10:28:40 »
Thirty minutes later...

"is this seat taken?" 

Elizabeth looked up from her messages.  The rest of the Archon's christmas ball was still going, but she was doing remote work.  The figure looming was a man she recognized.

Phelan Kell himself.  Here.

"Suit yourself." she said, "there are extra chairs.  I assume this is business, and you got here in a gawdawful hurry."

He sat.  "you do not like me."

"I thought that was clear when you and your followers were seeking asylum." Liz said, "I don't like you."

"But you' a relationship with-"

"Do I have to explain this for the rest of the night?" she closed the laptop, "Yes, I'm hate-****** an enemy officer.  the sex is fantastic, we're still enemies.  On the battleaxe/slut scale, I picked slut, okay? Happy? Nathan and I have an understanding-we blow off steam and have fantastic sex, but it's not love."

Phelan's ears burned a little at her crude language and snippy tone.  "Business then.  You are permitting the construction of an Iron Womb facility and the beginnings of a Eugenics program."

"Oh.  yeah, that.  what would anyone do with fifteen eggheads dropped in their lap?" she shrugged, "you've never seen the University at Nha Tranh. it's not 'warrior enough' to be interesting to a Clanner.  the dedication plaque should say it all."

He didn't react to the bait, instead, he dropped a hand to the table.  "We have lost so much knowledge we no longer have names for what we have forgotten."  He then lifted his glass, "This must never happen again.  I do read the reports of my Watch officers."

"Good for you, How's your dad?" she asked quietly.

"Silently scandalized by your off-duty antics." Phelan said, "I do understand..more than he does."

"He's the reason I argued in favor of giving you asylum, Phelan Kell." she told him, "If your dad wasn't one of my brother Pat's heroes, if he wasn't one of the best customers in terms of paying his bills I've ever had and if  he wasn't a decent guy, I would have screamed to have you left to your Wolf Buddies on the other side of the border." she nursed her beer, "Morgan Kell is one of the few members of the Peerage whose opinions I value, and he vouched you."

"i wish to have some of my scientists inspect your program." Phelan said.

"Campus is open to the public, even visitors." Liz told him, "one of the best ways to prevent the loss of knowledge, is to spread it, anyone can sign up for classes if they can show up and pay attention.  Donations are accepted in the Registrar's office.  Students are paying for the certification, not the classes."

"Anyone can attend?" Phelan asked.

"Anyone.  The ****** Smoke Jaguars could send people and they can sit the classes.  hell, I'd let known Pirates attend.  It's one of those things I'm dead set on-we can't afford to stay in a dark age."

"And would they come?" he asked.

"Long as they understood they're only safe from arrest on the campus grounds." Liz said, "the University police handle disturbances, and they CAN kick someone out if they're making trouble, but they've got stricter rules of engagement than regular police, and the backing of heavy enough weapons to kill anyone who wants to make a body-count.  There is no such thing as  'classified' on the Campus grounds, no secrets, so no room for secret police, and everything turned up by the science department gets published in the open.  you want your Scientist-Caste to look at our program, great, send 'em.  You can even send merchies and warriors and laborers to attend classes, and if you want them to collect degrees, the rates for credit-hours are in the registrar's office."

"you have a science department that is blocked from using basic secrecy, I imagine it is somewhat hampered by that." he speculated.

"We've got a copy of the Helm core, and we've been publishing everything in it." Liz said, "all of it, sending it out far and wide, some of the results have been pretty surprising.  Patent filings for improvements throughout the Commonwealth are flowing in, and they reference UofK Nha Tranh in their citation lists.  According to a buddy of mine in the Commonwealth Patent office, some applications are flowing in from the Free Worlds League and CapCon too.  it's working.  Like pouring nitromethane on a pilot light.  Give it ten years, and we'll be past the Clanner tech advantages, Phelan, and without the bizarre social order devised by a nutjob."

Phelan took a stab, "but that is not your objective.  Technology."

She shook her head. "no. not mine." she sipped her beer.  "My family made a lot of money by knowing how to do things everybody else forgot. did it for generations.  My target is bigger and longer ranged than just beating the Clans."

he took a sip, lowered his glass, "What is it, then?"

"There is an enemy out there who wants to see every human being extinct." Elizabeth stated, "I met him once.  he's got a backup, so killing him wasn't going to work...this enemy must be destroyed, killing them isn't enough-they've mastered a technique to transfer consciousness between bodies, and they are masters of mass-production, and they absolutely want to make mankind extinct.  that's extinction for Kowloonese, or Terrans, or Sphere natives or Clanners.  they want us gone, and if we can't match them, beat them, they will succeed."  She grabbed a salted cracker, and nibbled on it, then, "So we can't afford a comfortable dark-age of ignorance.  Not with threats like that out there."

"how long have you...believed this?" He asked.

"I have known for five years." she said, "I have the evidence, I've met the enemy, looked into his eyes." she said, "They're real, they're out there, and every move I've made since that meeting has been, one way or another, a move to try and arm mankind to fight these things."


she laid her cracker on the plate, "Because god is on their side, not ours." she said, "and I have a beef with God."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Sir Chaos

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1066 on: 21 January 2020, 11:25:06 »

Elizabeth Ngo must be the first person in the history of humanity who is confident that God is on the other side...
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1067 on: 21 January 2020, 11:33:01 »
This is a bit late because it took a while to register my account and get it approved. Anyway, I tried to estimate how many nukes Kowloon might have:

Kowloon has "one billion people living on the surface and well into half a billion throughout the system" for a total of ~1.5 billion people. It is also stated that Kowloon has a "primarily fission-reactor based energy economy".

At 71.6% of total electricity production France has the highest percentage of electricity generated from nuclear fission in the world. France has a population of 67 022 000 people and 58 nuclear reactors generating 379.1 TWh or ~5.65 MWh/capita and ~6.53 TWh/reactor. Assuming Kowloon generates similar amounts of power per capita from fission this gives us ~8 484 TWh from ~1 298 reactors.

Let's run a sanity check:
France has 1 155 551 people per reactor.
Kowloon has 1 155 624 people per reactor.

A difference of 73 people. Good enough.

During the Cold War the Hanford Site had nine nuclear reactors and five large plutonium processing complexes. Each reactor had an average individual life span of 22 years and combined they produced plutonium for most of the more than 60 000 weapons built for the U.S. nuclear arsenal.

A quick calculation shows that the Hanford site produced ~303 nuclear bombs per reactor per year. At the high end, Kowloon could then produce 393 333 nukes per year, or 8 653 333 nukes over a 22 year period. A number this high is unlikely for economic reasons as Kowloon's plants also produce power for the civilian market and the operator would frown on the reduced efficiency. Every kilo of fissile material sitting in a nuke is a kilo not making money. At the same time, the government might just decide that it is a price worth paying for national security. So it can be argued both ways. At the low end, assuming no nuclear weapons program at all, Kowloon is definitively a breakout state. With over a thousand fission plants Kowloon has enough fissile material just laying around to build hundreds of nukes in less than a year even if starting from scratch.

Given that Kowloon has had a nuclear weapons program that has lasted for generations, it is safe to assume that they have as many nukes as their maintenance budget and politics allows for. If I was to hazard a guess I'd say that the number is about as many as one of the superpowers kept during the height of the Cold War, which is over ~30 000 nukes in total. Reasonably speaking they could have more than this given their population (5x that of a 20th century superpower), but I'm allowing for a period of prolonged economic weakness, and quite frankly, lack of need. I imagine that there is a point when one starts wondering where to put all these warheads.

Because of this I found the in-universe characters funny. Everyone seems to think that Kowloon only has a handful of nukes and has to husband what few they have very carefully. Elizabeth told them outright that they were a "primarily fission-reactor based energy economy" and pressed them to think about the implications, but no-one seems to have actually done so. Instead of only a handful of bombs, what they might actually be facing is anywhere from tens of thousands to millions of nukes and they are completely oblivious to it.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1068 on: 21 January 2020, 11:34:07 »

Elizabeth Ngo must be the first person in the history of humanity who is confident that God is on the other side...

And she is fully prepared to look Him in the eyes and ask, "What the actual ******, dood?"

Sir Chaos

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1069 on: 21 January 2020, 12:27:25 »
And she is fully prepared to look Him in the eyes and ask, "What the actual ******, dood?"

Goes without saying. This is Elizabeth Ngo we´re talking about.

In fact, I wouldn´t be surprised if her internet search history (or in-universe equivalent) includes terms like "best weapon to shoot God in the face".
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1070 on: 21 January 2020, 12:56:01 »
Sithers' Rock, Boojum 8, Kowloon system...

Sithers rock is the eighth moon orbiting the gas giant Boojum.  Roughly positioned, at a radius of just over 300 kilometers, the planetoid has been home to  more than a few mining operations over the centuries, half a dozen major burrows, and now, a massive facility.  the place is, in fact, visible-though to most outside observers, it doesn't really make much sense.

who, after all, builds a maglev around the equator of an airless rock, then positions additional tracks to create a balanced magnetic field?

why would anyone in their right mind power it with solar panels and fission reactors?

then again, most people don't mess with cyclotrons or supercolliders.

In 1995, the CERN laboratory in Switzerland, on old earth, produced a total of nine atoms of antihydrogen.  Work on antimatter ceased in 2031 with the destruction of the Luna supercollider, a facility significantly smaller than the one sitting here on Sithers rock.

Most of the research was abandoned after that.  production and containment are just too dangerous, or so the common wisdom states.

Lorus "Hawking" was going nowhere in his post with Clan Jade Falcon, his concepts and ideas had no immediate military application, his theories were ridiculed by others in the scientific community, and his interest in high-energy physics, while seen as somewhat beneficial, had thus far in ten years since testing into the Scientist Caste, resulted in net zero useful or useable results.

He was effectively tossed away-to the one person in the known universe who had the resources and the interest in a weapon capable of killing a god, and patience for the basic research needed to harness the unicorn of quantum physics and the imagination necessary to accept not only the risk, but to endorse it.

The facility is not 'live'.  it isn't even finished.  If the Star League, Clans, or Lyran Government knew what was being built here, they would stop it.  if they knew how much was already being worked on, they would be horrified.

there are 11 kilograms of antihydrogen in gravitationally balanced, electromagnetic containment bottles, on Sithers rock, and the facility is only about 11% complete.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1071 on: 21 January 2020, 13:17:08 »
Eleven kilograms of antimatter?

Okay, we're talking... about 470 megatons equivalent... call it 1.5 times the total destructive force of Hurricane Katrina. A detonation in NYC would probably leave Washington DC in rubble.

qc mech3

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1072 on: 21 January 2020, 13:27:26 »
somebody saw the old pilot for Space 1999 and decided to do a Mythbuster episode...  :D ;D ;D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1073 on: 21 January 2020, 13:28:06 »
I guess the Imperial Cylons are going to be in for a nasty surprise, the tech levels are going past SL or Clan tech levels / and when the entire Human Sphere unites against them, they stand no chance....


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1074 on: 21 January 2020, 13:32:14 »
The problem is how to deploy it.  this shit is NOT stable or safe, and the containment mechanisms aren't exactly foolproof, much less foolproof enough to mount on anything mobile.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1075 on: 21 January 2020, 13:39:17 »
not to mention that the reaction itself tends to screw up its own yield, in that the initial contact tends to blow the matter and anti-matter in seperate directions.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1076 on: 21 January 2020, 13:48:52 »

a fleet is moving with purpose.  They don't know where New Circe is, exactly.  They know where the Inner Sphere is, where the Taurian Concordat is, where the Outworlds Alliance is.

where trillions of their hated enemy lives.

an effort of this scale, requires logistics to scale with it.   Raiders sweep ahead of the fleet, seeking specific spectra on asteroids, seeking that necessary material for their drives, Tyllium, and accessible sources of high-grade ores to process into high-grade alloys.

When found, those sources are exploited immediately, mercilessly, and as completely as possible, factories for ammunition, fuel, components for shipyards and factories for combat units are spread along a growing thread of peril, extending from Cylon dominated space, toward the Inner Sphere.

it is but a trickle, of what is planned to come when they have the already-refined materials of those human worlds to convert.

The tide moves with inevitability.  The journey of this massive armada will end in a few months, their battle will begin, confident that mankind,even warned by the traitor models, is unprepared for mobilized, mechanized, total war.

"War is, perhaps, the wrong word." John Cavil announced. The other Ones, guiding the armada, listened. "this is not war, this is pest control."

"so say we all, brother, so say we all."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

qc mech3

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1077 on: 21 January 2020, 13:51:36 »
Antimatter mines. Let the enemy come at it and go boom.

More likely it's a spite weapon you kill me but I'm making sure you're coming in hell with me.  xp


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1078 on: 21 January 2020, 14:11:41 »
The nasty Cylons sound like a Tyrranid Hive Fleet

Re the 11kg of antimatter

Wikipedia "The reaction of
1 kg of antimatter with 1 kgof matter would produce 1.8×10*17 J (180 petajoules) of energy (by the mass–energy equivalence formula, E=mc2), or the rough equivalent of 43 megatons of TNT – slightly less than the yield of the 27,000 kg Tsar Bomba, the largest thermonuclear weapon ever detonated."
« Last Edit: 21 January 2020, 14:14:35 by DoctorMonkey »
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ChanMan: "Capellan Ingenuity: The ability to lose battles to Davion forces in new and implausible ways"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1079 on: 21 January 2020, 14:32:23 »
"War is, perhaps, the wrong word." John Cavil announced. The other Ones, guiding the armada, listened. "this is not war, this is pest control."

"so say we all, brother, so say we all."
Channeling Dalek Sec i see.
« Last Edit: 21 January 2020, 14:34:08 by glitterboy2098 »

