Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141199 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1110 on: 22 January 2020, 14:06:49 »
Alshain - Draconis Combine (Ghost Bear Occupation Zone)

Apparently the Wolverine in the ECO chair was not going to let the subject drop and started right back up again as soon as they arrived in-system after their FTL jump from where Yukon was waiting. "Seriously man, who names their kid 'Boxey'?" he wanted to know. "I mean all the other Colonials I know have normal names" he persisted. "You hear some Ancient Greek or Roman ones too but there ain't no other damn Boxeys."

Lieutenant Wakefield sighed. "My parents just wanted me to stand out I guess" he suggested.

"What? As the kid with the weird frakking name, query affirmative?"

"I never got the chance to ask them before the Toasters killed them" Wakefield responded flatly. "Just start your sensor sweeps okay."

"Already on it" the Wolverine replied, checking his DRADIS screen. "I mean I thought 'Boxey' was just your call-sign when they assigned me to you" he muttered to himself as he processed the incoming data.

Never should have volunteered for the exchange program, Wakefield thought to himself, I mean the women are hot but the munchkin jokes  really started to grate after a while and the ship's food sucked skinjob balls.

"Holy fraknuggets!" the ECO suddenly exclaimed. "Looks like we're not the only ones that decided to ass-frak the Spook Teddies today" he stated. "DRADIS is picking up Cylons all over the system. The nadir recharge station is already gone and looks like Basestars tangling with clanner capital ships in at least three other locations."

Wakefield grimaced. "Good thing we leave the FTL spun up for these. Preparing to jump back out" he informed the ECO. "If the Toasters do this like they did in the Colonies they'll take out the active warships first then the shipyards."

"Then they'll nuke the cities" the ECO added himself.

"With salted bombs just like they did back home" Wakefield stated through now gritted teeth. The Twelve Colonies might be safe to inhabit again one day but not for decades at best, centuries at worse. "Population?" he asked.

"About 2.8 billion" the ECO told him.

"Same as Gemenon" Wakefield remembered learning as a schoolkid before the Cylons came. "I had family on Gemenon" he recalled sadly.

The Raptor continued to collect data until the FTL was ready to jump again. If the Cylons had noticed the small craft's arrival and departure they were far too busy with the Ghost Bears to do anything about it.
« Last Edit: 22 January 2020, 14:15:19 by Hotpoint »
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1111 on: 22 January 2020, 14:36:55 »
Spider Moon national Laboratory...

Ellen watched the tank with a mix of fascinations.  The sample they'd given Etienne wasn't the only one they took. Elizabeth's damaged ovary contained more viable ova than just what was given to the University after a long period of argument with the Duchess.

The major difference, was that Ellen had the assistance of Natalie.  This was part of the payment, a partial payment-a means of producing new Humaniform bodies for Cylons, and the Centurions insisted on patterning off the Duchess.

While Ellen had been systematically blocked from the Eugenics program in Clan service, her contributions mostly done at the basic sequencing levels that were the scutwork of the business, she had her own theories, and with the material gleaned from Etienne's publication of Clan methodologies, she even had the tools now.

She also had bits and pieces 'repurposed' from Etienne's project.

"They're viable." she said, looking up at her Cylon colleague.

"How long will it take?"

"To get full adults? oh...fifteen to twenty years."

"That's...very long.  The Five did it in much less time."

"it's the limits of what we have, and what we know, Natalie." Ellen said, "There are ways to speed it up, but you wanted the ability to evolve, not just exist, you even specified the ability to breed with humans." she tapped the console, "This is what you get, following the B pattern from Etienne's work, plus the hints you've given me so far.  fifteen to twenty years from now, you have Cylons that not only pass as human, but can interbreed with them freely, or with other, older models like...well, the twos, or for the boys, you."

"What will they be like?"

"No way to tell.  Who you are is a product of how you're raised." Ellen said, "they'll be remarkably resistant to disease, I can tell you that their potential strength and endurance will be at or above peak human norms, they're going to have great reflexes, especially the ones cooked from a mix of Ngo and Roshak. DNA...but what they'll be like as people?" she shrugged.  "Not a clue."

"How much Cylon will they be, physically?" Natalie asked.

"About fifty percent, trimming the defective genes from the Ngo samples left a lot of gaps, I filled those with Cylon strands and structures, some of the sub-mitochondrials that show viability, and then patched that to Roshak coding.  Came out to forty-six and two for the pairings, which is really close to what's swimming around inside your cells.  the ova fertilized on time, embryonic development rates are bang-on normal."  she said it lightly, then scrawled on a sheet of paper, "It's a Girl!" and "It's a Boy!"


"Well, that's what we're aiming for, isn't it?" Ellen asked, "Children, healthy, presumably will-be-happy kids.  I'll tell ya, I love this kind of work.  I gave up my ability to have them the normal way years ago... it's like being a mommy twelve times over."

"How did you lose it?" Natalie asked, drifting around past the former Clan Scientist's back.

"Longevity treatments, without those, I'd have died of old age twenty years ago, but there was a cost for them-I lost the ability to bear children because there are some things stem cell treatments don't fix, running dry is one of them.  I didn't have kids when I could have.  Too busy...oh I think this one's going to be a cutie!"

"how old are you, Doctor Ellen?"

"Clan records say forty, but I've passed that almost five times.  eventually I will get bored and stop the clock, or stop being able to learn new things...Vaun would love this guy..." she looked up from the scanner, and turned to Natalie, "Or, you could pull that trigger and finish me off, but if you do, well...can't develop your fast-growth techniques, now can I?"

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1112 on: 22 January 2020, 15:07:37 »
CGB Dieron's Run, Cameron-Class battlecruiser, Alshain, June 1, 3057...

They came from nowhere, with no challenge, no warning.  Spindly alien-looking capital ships in groups of four.  Their first strke was on the Nadir and Zenith recharging stations, catching CGB White Claw and the Congress-Class CGB Shining Claw in dock, there was barely time to launch fighters before the swarms, armed with a storm of missile fire, hit.

From the moment it began, the Dieron's Run and Ursa Major were the only fleet units ready, the fighter units from the surface, and surviving combat patrol ships in the system, managed to form a phalanx of battle that the enemy homed in on.

Clan Ghost Bear was losing.  This enemy was ruthless, they were also faster.

"Keep firing!!"  Star Admiral Jameson Tseng ordered.  "We can not let this enemy through!!"

the reason was obvious.  one of the cities on Alshain had already fallen victim-an enemy...warship? had managed to get past them, and while it had been suitably chastized for doing so, the city of Ferndale on the southern continent was a radioactive crater now, and unlike the 'good morning charlies' of last year, this was a concentrated push.

A push, for extermination.

a blinding flash on screens, and the CGS Ursa Minor was gone, leaving a gap between the two main battleships.

we are losing.

one of the spindly enemy capital ships, following its cloud of missiles and fighter-drones, loomed ahead.

"Helm, sound the alarm, prepare for ramming attack!"

"Additional contacts!!"
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1113 on: 22 January 2020, 15:17:27 »
Wotan, Jade Falcon Occupation Zone Capital...

The spidery shapes appeared out of nowhere, they struck while Aerostars were scrambling and the Falcon's scattered fleet tried to rally.

City after city vanished, as did ship, after ship.

it wasn't completely one-sided, but that was scant comfort to the survivors of the Jade Talon naval star, a pair of Carrack class transports whose LF batteries were charged when this mystery foe appeared.

On the ground, for sixteen hours, nuclear fire fell from the skies, homing on every radio transmission with unerring accuracy, after which, came the landing craft...

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1114 on: 22 January 2020, 15:20:04 »
Ohh wow!  So the Imperial Cylon offensive starts?  Does the Comstar schism happen here?  If they do, what does the WOB going to do with this news?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1115 on: 22 January 2020, 15:22:47 »
Tamar, Lyran Commonwealth (Clan Wolf Occupation zone capital...)

Named and famed warships died in the skies over Tamar this day, and on the ground, it was worse.

far, far, worse.

The Crusader arm of Wolf Clan, barely hanging on through the incomparable will of Vladimir Ward, lost whole galaxies of ground troops to nuclear fire, as did hundreds of millions of civilians, and then, the landing vessels appeared, and disgorged an army of murderous chrome...
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1116 on: 22 January 2020, 15:33:38 »
It looks lie we humans are doomed. Cylon Empire is kicking everyone's butt and there are likely billions of Cylons out there that are dedicated to eradicating we pests.
« Last Edit: 22 January 2020, 17:11:43 by Sharpnel »
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1117 on: 22 January 2020, 16:57:37 »
This might be the wake up call needed to get people to actually listen to Liz...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1118 on: 22 January 2020, 17:23:43 »
Spider Moon national Laboratory...
"Clan records say forty, but I've passed that almost five times.  ...

And know think how the IS would look like if Hanse had this treatment. ;)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1119 on: 22 January 2020, 17:37:53 »
There's a fanfic for that (by Liam's Ghost no less)...   ^-^

Also, I finally remembered one of my original comments from yesterday: the cylon resource extraction reminded me of Schlock Mercearary's "resonance mining' of Io... quite the amusing image...  :D

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1120 on: 22 January 2020, 18:13:58 »
It's at times like this that I tend to look to the nearest hill, expecting the Rohirrim or the Knights of the Vale to come into view
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

Derain Von Harken

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1121 on: 22 January 2020, 21:32:16 »

A question. Why is 'Natalie' drawing a gun on that researcher in the Kowloon iron womb facility??

Also i really hope it is the wolverines riding to the rescue of the spook teddies. For those extra contacts they registered.
If they become friends perhaps there will be a clan version of that helpful info cartoon from kowloon on ramming tactics.

although this makes the situation even more awkward.
Bridge officer 1. Star Admiral the ships are the the not named. They say they are here to help us.
Bridge officer 2. The not named are here to help? I have conflicted feelings.
Star Admiral. Emotional conflict is later. Focus on the actual conflict with killer robots now.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1122 on: 23 January 2020, 04:20:05 »
"information transfer isn't perfect, in the time it takes across interstellar distance, a decision can be reached-that is already too little, too late."
-Victor Ian Steiner Davion, Archon Prince of the Federated Commonwealth

The corner of Jennings and Lanterns, Nha the same moment that the attack on Wotan is taking place...

Elizabeth had granted an Embassy to the Wolverines, but officially, it belonged to the Colonies of Kobol and their hosts on New Circe, and she put it right in the middle of down town Nha Tranh, smack in the middle of Kowloon's largest urban area, less than four kilometers from the University and less than two from the Assembly building.  The previous tenants of the buildings had been the Regency's riot police, an organization which had not survived much past the first night Elizabeth Ngo had been on world.  the bulk of the damage had been repaired by the time it was handed over, but occasional small details had been missed, or bits of shrapnel had not been fully dug out of the ferrocrete, and some of the interior blast doors wouldn't hold in, or out, a blast anymore.

Not too great for a paramilitary headquarters, but quite suitable for use as a government building, and there was plenty of room to grow in here.

The north gates to the compound were among the better looking structures kept, and served rather well as an 'official' entry into Embassy territory.

The man standing outside that gate, was not expected.

"You lost, chicken?"

Nathan Roshak shook his head, "I know exactly where I am, Kind of you to ask."  He held up a data-storage disc.  "I assume you have equipment that can read these?"

"depends, what is on it?"

"Political Realities, which by their nature, differ greatly from politically convenient situations or politically ideal situations.  There is a small movement growing, to re-open the matter of the vote of Annihilation, the matter of Dehra Dun.  This is not in light of your colleagues and their bombing operation."

"What is it in light of?"

Nathan grimaced, "There will be a fact-finding mission from the Clan Homeworlds arriving on Kowloon, ostensibly to look into their Iron Womb programme, looking for Wolverine DNA.  You and I both know, none of the ancestors of the...SLDF in Exile came from this world, but the Khans have information throwing some of that in doubt.  that is the official explanation.  Unofficially, the Goliath Scorpion Khan is looking for artifacts and documents predating Exodus.  I know already what he will find, because they showed it to me.  It is my belief, and the belief of the Khan of Clan Jade Falcon, that this will provide impetus to a review, and possible re-addressing of the Annihilation verdict.  are you interested, quiaff?"

"Let us pretend the people I represent are.  Why are you telling us?"

"because it will make delivering your replies to the Grand Council easier.  My Khan and my Clan are considering taking a significant risk even contemplating the idea of negotiation, or a Trial of Refusal over the Annihilation order."

"What 'political reality' would drive this?"

"It is easier to reform the human race if there is still a human race to reform."  Roshak stated.  "Watch the disk, when you are ready, contact me.  My official land-line is listed in the continental directory under 'Roshak, Nathan'.  There are no other listings with that specific name, and it is a secure least, secured from the Interclan Watch."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1123 on: 23 January 2020, 04:54:39 »
When the report from Wotan arrives, it's going to look like he knew something...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1124 on: 23 January 2020, 05:50:17 »
New Avalon

" did you get so many without anyone noticing?"  Victor asked, "Nuclear weapon trigger lasers are controlled items, Liz."

"Fission-fusion, Teller's layer-cake designs." Liz leaned on her cane out of habit now, but she ran a finger along the console, "my great grandmother found a collection of 20th century textbooks in the ruins of Dinh Diep and translated it, after that it was pretty easy.  Turns out atom bombs are pretty easy too, when you have a lot of Uranium and Thorium in your geology.  Laser-Fusion weapons were adopted because they're clean weapons.  Clean doesn't matter out past orbit, and it's a hell of a lot easier to contain energy-dense heavy metals, than compressed monotomic hydrogen.  they're lower-tech, but we've been building the damn things for years, only had a few breaks in production since the 28th century."  she fidgeted, sliding a cigarette roller in her right hand, "I've got about thirty six thousand warheads scaled from one kiloton tactical rounds to twenty megaton survey shots from this year's production lot alone."

"Survey shots?"

"Survey shots.  Useful for breaking up large asteroids for mining by generating resonances.  Crack the rocks, collect the pieces." she asserted, "We've got them in use, we use them, we build them, five thousand warshots isn't going to be a hassle."  she sighed, "Explaining to ground-bound traditional strategists why you don't want to use them for tactical warfare in an atmosphere might be-we're not using Strontium or anything, but the fallout's still about as bad as when the SLDF bombarded Dinh Diep, so cleanup could be a mess."

"How bad a mess are we talking?" Victor asked.

"Oh, with the full-house twenties?  could be as bad as, say, living down-wind of a coal fired powerplant in the Periphery?" she shrugged, "maybe twice the rads dose in the first couple years? the big ugly about it is the radiation release in gamma bands.  Gamma turns iron radioactive, kills people, animals and pretty much everything else carbon-based in some fairly ugly ways.  the smaller bombs are actually dirtier, more long-lasting fallout than the big boys, see, it's a matter of how complete your fuel burn is.  bigger boom? more efficient fuel burn."

"christ, Elizabeth, are you insane?"

"Nope. Prepared...or trying to get prepared." Elizabeth stated.   "I think I told Phelan and Peter already.  The Clans are our immediate problem, there's someone who's a worse problem, and they're coming, if we don't sort out the Clans, they'll come sort all our shit out.  I have stuff in the works, but the progress isn't exactly superstar level.  We're having to try to rediscover shit that's been erased from history just so we can try to build off it.  If sorting the Clans out means I give you a sixth of my total warheads, fine.  if you want all the ones in stock? could be trickier to move them, but I'll give them to you-if you're going to use them. If you're not, I need them to feed the production lines and conduct experiments to develop better weapons."

"better...weapons than nukes?"

"Better defenses against weapons like nukes." she countered.  "The tests so far haven't been perfect, we're going through concepts and scrapping them with experimentation at a furious rate.  The enemy that's coming wants humanity extinct, I want humanity to live, so we're going to invent defenses, weapons, strategies." she seemed to make a decision and filled the tray of the roller with tobacco, fitting a small filter at one end.  "big problem we've got, is overcoming a three or four hundred year dark-age, while our cancerous ancestors were tearing down civilization and confident at being alone in the galaxy, we should have been advancing our technology against the possibility of something hostile coming at us, now it's 'race against time' time, only we have to settle our own shit first." she slipped a paper into the roller, and licked one edge, then started the twisting motion.  "So...where do you want the warheads, and when do you want them delivered?"

« Last Edit: 23 January 2020, 06:27:17 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1125 on: 23 January 2020, 07:47:30 »
Gibson, Free Worlds League...

"...wasn't sabotaged, our agents got there late."  Alexander Kernoff, the Word of Blake's Precentor ROM, stated.  "The winter installations were simply wrong."

"Do we know how they were wrong?" Demona Aziz demanded.

"I can not tell you that, except that our own testing of the system at Installation 702 showed the same outcomes-the modified shielding contained all thermal emissions, and the field conducted some kinetic energies as heat."  he shrugged, "Which means the Blue Shield technology remains firmly under our control-nobody has yet rediscovered the principles."

"And the termination of the researcher?" she asked.

"That, has turned up a snag or two." he admitted.  "The catspaws chosen by my predecessor have been effectively declawed, Ngo is almost as efficient at removing our agents as Hanse Davion's people were.  We managed enough damage control to assure that it lead to the Brotherhood of Cincinattus, instead of to the Order, but the security measures they are using are..." he hesitated, "complex. we cannot move against Ngo's heretical little operation without revealing our own involvement."

"but information gathering?" she asked.

"Easily the easiest task you've ever given me-the woman has directed her researchers to publicize everything." he said, "The difficulty is not in obtaining secret research-there is none.  The difficulty is in suppression of public research, much of which would be classified by anyone with even a grain of sense regarding military secrecy."

"ahm...'we have lost so much knowledge we don't even have names for what has been forgotten'." Precentor Riordan, head of analysis, spoke.  "I swear, do any  of you actually read your own reports?  The woman is a walking argument for why Holy Shroud was a great first step, except..."


Clive Riordan turned to Alex.  "The Cylons, we've confirmed they're artificial. have we confirmed anything else?"

"What have you confirmed?"  Demona, the acting Primus for the Word of Blake, asked.

"They are not from the Star League." Kernoff admitted. "They are alien, they are fractured much the Blessed Order, only the other fraction seeks the extermination of humanity, and we can't be sure the tame ones on Kowloon aren't a covert operation to prepare the way for the rest."

"Bingo." Clive said, "She is trying to arm the human race against insane, killer robots...and we're sitting here discussing how to eliminate her.  Does this make sense to any of you?  No?? uh-huh.  Primus, we can not lead mankind into a golden age, if mankind is exterminated by self-replicating murder robots."

"It's not that bad, it can't be! You're jumping at shadows!!"

a hollow voice spoke from the doorway. 

"No. he's got it right.  The third transfer can not happen if mankind is exterminated."  the scarred man ambled in the room, his joints emiting faint buzzes and clicks as he walked.  he laid something gruesome on the table.  "The Cylons are a threat to our long term, and short term, plans.  Plans which must be modified."

"Whose head is that?" Demona asked in a whisper.

"He calls himself 'one', and 'john' and for a while, he was inside our databases.  we caught him, the secrets of his construction are even now being analyzed for the Manei Domini program, but we can not be as certain, or as comfortable, as we have been."  Thomas Marik, the ACTUAL Thomas Marik, explained.  "This goes beyond your schism, I hate to say it, but mankind must unite against this threat, or there will be no future golden age."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1126 on: 23 January 2020, 08:00:26 »
We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1127 on: 23 January 2020, 08:02:52 »
...if there was ever a time for the dramatic swell of music, this would be it.

I wish I had popcorn for this next part!
The Things I Do for Love...

Do not try to apply real-world logic to Battletech.  Naught lies there but madness and ruin. - moneylovingogre4hire

That's fine, then.  I've been waiting since 2014 or so, what's another year?  Time laughs at all things, but BattleTech laughs at time.  Then launches a trial of possession for it. - rebs


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1128 on: 23 January 2020, 08:42:06 »
Kowloon, Embassy site

"Nobody else recognizes this danger, so..."

New Avalon, Fox's Den

"...nobody else is..."

Gibson, WoB compound
"...working on this, further..."

1st Circuit chambers, Terra

"...nobody else trusts anyone else, and nobody..."

Spider Moon National Laboratories

"...believes it's even possible that this can be..."



Fox's Den, New Avalon.

"and because of that, you think I'm insane, and maybe I am." Elizabeth told Theodore.  "But I know what I know, I trust what my people have found out. we are ..."


" serious danger!"

New Circe

"They're coming!"  Hera woke from the nightmare. 
« Last Edit: 23 January 2020, 08:44:00 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Sir Chaos

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1129 on: 23 January 2020, 09:03:03 »
Oh (expletive deleted)... even the WORD OF BLAKE is getting reasonable.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1130 on: 23 January 2020, 09:10:57 »
Alshain - Draconis Combine (Ghost Bear Occupation Zone)

When he woke up that morning this was not how Captain Walter Mroczkiewiz expected to be spending his day. It almost was, in that he fully expected to be jumping into Alshain hurting people and breaking things, it was just that the things concerned were different than planned and the people weren't exactly 'people'.

As a boy Mroczkiewiz's father had often taken him hunting, and an oft told truism from his parent now came to mind, 'Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you'. At no point however had his father ever added the seldom realised third alternative, some days you find yourself saving the ****** bear.

"This is the SLS Yukon to all Ghost Bear forces in the Alshain system" he broadcast a hail the moment his ship jumped in. "Clan Wolverine is here to help defend the civilian population of Alshain from the Cylons, we are not presently here to fight you. More of the non-combatants will survive if you have the required sufficiency of common-sense and self-control to not to attempt to bring us to battle either. Yukon out." 

Mroczkiewiz looked at the tactical display. Zeus, Poseidon and their fighter squadrons had jumped straight into the fight and were already all over the Toasters which had been attacking the Cameron Class battlecruiser belonging to the Ghost Bears that IFF identified as Dieron's Run. That meant that Yukon and her own fighter complement were going to have to take on a pair of basestars now changing course in her direction alone. "Okay, let's show the Spook Teddies how it's done" he said calmly as he inwardly winced at just how many Cylon capital ships were in this system and how many Raiders that meant too. " Scramble fighters, bring forward batteries to bear on the lead Basestar" he ordered. "Gunnery officer, that gigantic misshapen starfish offends my sense of aesthetics, remove it from my sight with alacrity please."

"Removing Basestar Sir" the gunnery officer responded with a grin as he took aim. Captain Mroczkiewiz rarely used a one or two syllable word when there was a three, four or five syllable alternative. The joke among the crew was that his surname was responsible for the habit. It was certainly always entertaining watching a Colonial try and pronounce it when written down, it went against everything they had learned about how to vocalise written English.

"Raider swarms jumping in all around us Sir" the tactical officer reported.

Mroczkiewiz smirked. "And this is why you always bring plenty of point-defence weapons to a Toaster fight" he said as the massed batteries of medium-pulse-lasers and rapid fire autocannon that now covered the hull of the Yukon automatically opened up. After over a decade of fighting the Cylons the Wolverines were good at it, practice makes perfect.

"I swear Skeet get dumber every battle" one of the younger bridge crew observed as the number of destroyed Raiders rapidly climbed into the scores then hundred.

"They used to get smarter every battle" a more experienced officer noted. "Resurrection meant they even learned from fatal mistakes but looks like those lobotomies didn't just make them more obedient, it made them frakking ******" he said. In reality it was worse than that, death was traumatic enough, ask a biocylon, but every time a Raider was brought back it had to be lobotomised again too because the resurrection repaired their brains and they remembered the process. Even if they still had the free will to commit suicide because of the abuse it wouldn't stick anyway so they didn't even have that option of a way out.

Between the Yukon's anti-aircraft batteries and her large complement of Kirghiz ominfighters the enemy attack was quickly beaten back and the pair of Cylon Basestars shifted to the defensive behind a massive screen of additional Raider Squadrons plus a smaller number of Heavy Raiders. As the Yukon battered one with her main battery of oversized naval autocannon and lasers a third Basestar which had been previously attacking Alshain performed a tactical jump to appear nearby and started throwing missiles at the Wolverine warship and launching its complement of Heavy Raider squadrons.

Unlike the most common Cylon aerospace fighters the Heavy Raiders represented a serious threat, even if only encountered in relatively low numbers of dozens instead of hundreds at a time. They were piloted by either Centurions, who had super skills to a lobotomised standard Raider, or even worse a Biocylon. Moreover they had been steadily up-armoured over the years to better resist flak from naval point-defence guns or cluster rounds and worse they could now be seen sporting reverse-engineered laser armament of their own.

A pair of Inner-Sphere tech-level Medium Lasers wasn't much by omnifighter standards, even when added to the Heavy Raiders normal armament of multiple 30mm and a pair of 50mm autocannon, but the fact they sported directed-energy-weapons at all represented a big leap in capability. The first time they were encountered radiological warnings on DRADIS made the Wolverines think that they were all packing nuclear armament too, but subsequent studies of wreckage showed that they were instead modified with one of the compact liquid-metal-cooled fast fission reactors the Cylons had developed to power their Praetorian mechs.

They weren't as good as the fusion reactors the Thirteenth had, the cylons were surely working on those too though, but the fission powerplants did at least give the Heavy Raiders enough power-generation to run two lasers instead of the single one mounted on a Colonial Viper and fire them more frequently.

Well they could fire them until they overheated anyway, the Cylons hadn't caught up in heat sink technology yet either.

As the Kirghiz jumpfighters got mixed up with the Heavy Raiders, and another large wave of standard Raiders moved in from the first two Basestars to support, Mroczkiewiz could only be relieved that the SLDF-in-Exile had never gotten over their long obsession with particle-projector-cannon because armour that could defeat cluster rounds was like tin-foil against the pair of LRPPC's mounted on a Wolverine Kirghiz.

The first Basestar came apart under Yukon's main guns just as news came that Poseidon had successfully nuked another one that was about to finish off the Bear's flagship Dieron's Run.

"Dammit. we're not killing them fast enough" Mroczkiewiz said quietly to himself. Even if they somehow managed to take out every basestar in the system it wouldn't matter if the Toasters managed to beat down the Ghost Bears still desperately defending the planet against the bulk of the Cylon forces. "Maybe I should have kept my Raptors instead of sending them for help?" he questioned his decision.

"Or maybe not!" he exclaimed as a massive jump signature by Colonial or Cylon standards appeared on the tactical display positioned in orbit around Alshain V.

"This is Galactica actual to the Cylon fleet. I have never given you cause to doubt my word as a Colonial Officer and as the Gods are my witness Alshain is not going to burn today. Galactica out.."

« Last Edit: 23 January 2020, 09:20:25 by Hotpoint »
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1131 on: 23 January 2020, 10:33:59 »
Wotan, 8PM Star League Universal Time, 8 May, 3057...

I am a warrior.  Warriors protect the lower castes from external harm and the ravages of war.

we have failed.  as the massive thing descends, I can see it, a cloud of shapes streaking around it, fighters and other craft.

too close, there are civilians fleeing here, and we are warriors, we must protect them.

My first sight of the enemy comes in a steel and chrome tide, they are squat, but not as squat as Elemental armor, barely two meters tall, bearing large rifles.

The elementals of my Cluster are dug in, as I ready my 'mech for battle.

ammunition feeds into the arms, and I begin warming up the clusters of class two autocannons in each arm.

They are entering the town from the west, while our civilians are escaping to the east.

dezgra machines.  It is not enough that the people here will die in fallout of starvation, they have to come and finish the job with claws and bullets.


our garrison cluster is going to die, but we will buy time, for the vengeance of our Clan!


this is what it is to be a warrior.  The tide of chrome murder bent around his fire, then seemed to just absorb it.  The rest of his garrison star opened up.  Support weapons, mauser IIC rifles, grenades.

they responded with progressively heavier weapons, and for a while, it feels like we're maybe going to win this.

but they keep coming, the smaller ones use cover, and tactics, while the large ones, just run straight into our fire, absorbing it to let their leaders through.

The bins run dry, and I am down to using lasers.

and still they come, bending around our position in an enormous encirclement, I find myself praying to...someone, that the citizens made it out before the invaders could envelop them, too.

and then, they're climbing, clawing at my 'mech, I roll it, thrash with it, metal flies and part of my mind registers-no blood

My canopy is shattered by an explosion, and a thing, looms in.

I draw my sidearm, and shoot, and it's just...not...enough.

pain and darkness
« Last Edit: 23 January 2020, 10:47:32 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1132 on: 23 January 2020, 12:12:53 »
Spider Moon...

I know what she is.  Weapons designer, biological weapons specialist.  I hold the pistol, "...If you want me to solve your little aging problem."

she knows enough to kill us all, and she is amoral.

"Now, fire, or put it away, please." 

why can't I fire?  one bullet, and we are safe, one bullet and we are secure.  One bullet, and the Cylon race need never fear weapons we can not defeat.

just one bullet.

"Put the gun down, Natalie, we have work to do, and so much left to learn." she says.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1133 on: 23 January 2020, 13:54:27 »
Oh (expletive deleted)... even the WORD OF BLAKE is getting reasonable.
no, they just remembered maxim 29. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1134 on: 23 January 2020, 13:55:50 »
Alshain - Draconis Combine (Ghost Bear Occupation Zone)

The Star League had built things to last. The overwhelming majority of the capital ships still in use by the various clans descended from the personnel of the original SLDF were centuries old, with many barely upgraded or refitted since the day of their launch. By comparison Galactica had been considered a relic by the Colonial Fleet after barely a half-century of service and underneath her covering of thick armour plates and the ribs beneath them her hull was starting to bear out that opinion. The stresses incurred by many more, and frequently much longer FTL jumps than her original designers had ever intended her to undertake in her lifetime, meant that the old girl was starting to feel as clapped-out as her commanding officer.

That was not to say that Galactica wasn't still hell in a fight however. As a matter of fact if you put the battlestar in its current state up against the same vessel when William Adama first served upon her as a mere lieutenant decades ago shiny new Galactica would have it's ass handed to it by creaky old Galactica.

As built Galactica didn't have a battery of eight Heavy Naval Particle Projector Cannon mounted forward, she didn't have Laser AMS modules to deal with incoming missiles and her hangers weren't filled with Viper Mk. VII's packing lasers plus a squadron of Avar omnifighters.

"All Viper squadrons away, port and starboard hangers, Avar's still launching Sir" the Executive Officer reported.

"Thank you Mr. Kelly" Adama replied. That was one problem with the Avars, you couldn't just stuff one into a regular Viper launch tube and fire them off into space quickly. They were just too big to fit.

"All Raptors away, Avars still launching" Kelly stated. "Raptors jumping away."

"Happy hunting" Adama wished the Raptor crews good luck. They had simple orders, go hunting and if you find a basestar stripped of most of its Raider escort nuke the frakking thing.

Kelly nodded with satisfaction. "All Viper squadrons moving to engage Cylon forces. All Avars away" he said with a smile.

You can promote the officer out of the LSO job but you can't take the Landing Signal Officer out of the XO, Adama thought to himself wryly. Kelly was always going to keep an unusually close eye on that facet of ship operations just like former enlisted man turned officer Saul Tigh had made the ship's NCO's miserable.

Well Saul clearly remembered being an enlisted man during the First Cylon War at least, even if it turned out later that hadn't actually been true.

"All Viper squadrons to move to support remaining Ghost Bear forces defending the planet as per instructions" Adama ordered. "Main battery report status if you please" he requested.

"HNPPC's one-thru-eight charged and ready. All heat sinks operational. Fusion reactor in the green Admiral" the young ensign sat at the extra console the Wolverines had stuffed into the CIC responded immediately. She sounded excited, this was her first naval battle and the girl couldn't have even been in her teens when the Cylons had destroyed her homeworld.

Adama looked at the DRADIS console. There were three basestars now heading right down Galactica's throat.

"There are over two billion human beings on the planet below us that those Cylon basestars intend to murder" Adama said seriously. "We are going to kill them first" he added as a matter-of-fact rather than as a statement of intent.

"So say we all" Kelly concurred, the rest of the CIC repeating the phrase including Adama himself.

"Multiple raider squadrons inbound on Galactica" the tactical officer reported.

Adama turned to Kelly and nodded.

"Begin a defensive barrage with the secondary battery once they're in range, I want a wall of flak out there" Kelly ordered. "Slave maneuvering to main battery fire-control and give those basestars a taste of Heavy Naval PPC fire" he continued. "Anything that gets through the flak does not get past the point-defence batteries am I understood?"

William Adama remembered the Battle of Ragnar Anchorage years before when Galactica had stood between the oncoming Cylons and the civilian ships trying to jump to safety. Yes, he thought to himself, nothing gets past us. Nothing.

"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1135 on: 23 January 2020, 14:55:14 »
Nice story update!  I wonder if there was a way to direct the destroyed imperial Cylon raiders to another resurrection hub that would be in control of the other Cylon faction? 

Sir Chaos

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1136 on: 23 January 2020, 15:06:25 »
Nice story update!  I wonder if there was a way to direct the destroyed imperial Cylon raiders to another resurrection hub that would be in control of the other Cylon faction?

Good question... what controls which hub a Cylon is resurrected at?
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1137 on: 23 January 2020, 15:11:31 »
Alshain - Draconis Combine (Ghost Bear Occupation Zone)

Sometimes when she was in a serious furball Squadron Leader Louanne Katraine wished that she had never traded in her Viper for an Avar. Sure it was heavier armed and much more heavily armoured than a Viper, and it wasn't nearly as sluggish as a Visigoth or, Gods help her, a Kirghiz, but when you were trying to get on the ass of a wildly maneuvering Raider a Mark VII would have already managed it.

The Ghost Bear pilots weren't bad from what she could see but most of them were at even more of a disadvantage in their own fighters than she was in an Avar and they had never trained in the art of dealing with a horde of fragile but agile enemy craft that outnumbered you better than five-to one, frequently more than that. In the ideal engagement Vipers would keep Raiders off you while the Avars made fast slashing attacks through the dogfight at maximum overthrust which worked to some extent but the Cylons didn't always cooperate.

The damn Heavy Raiders were a problem too. Vipers had trouble bringing them down quickly unless they used missiles and once those were expended it was up to the Avars to tangle with the larger, more capable Cylon fighters.

Katraine had tried to get the Ghost Bears to concentrate on the Heavy Raiders with their own omnifighters too but they weren't listening, perhaps because they saw the Colonials as allies of what they called the Not-Named.

"Gottcha" Katraine finally exclaimed in triumph as her medium pulse lasers finally took out the Raider which had been bugging her and she could go back to hunting the thing's bigger brothers.

There were so so Gods-damned many of them though. Each basestar could carry at least twice the fighter complement of a Mercury class like Pegasus, let alone the smaller number that Galactica boasted and the Wolverines from Battlegroup Yukon were too busy elsewhere to help out.

"We're just not killing them fast enough" Katraine thought to herself as she brought her guns to bear on a Heavy Raider which had just taken out a Viper with it's lasers.

Nearby, at least in terms of distance in space, Galactica had disabled one of the basestars with her HNPPC's and was now in the process of burning down the next. Unfortunately a third basestar had already joined in the fight, all the gun batteries were starting to overheat, and reports from Yukon indicated that while she had eventually won her own battle she had sustained heavy damage, including to her Colonial FTL drive.

When a fourth basestar jumped in to Galactica's position Adama grimaced. This was going to be a very bad day he decided, the Cylons must really dislike me, or my ship, or maybe both of us.

Once the volume of fire from the secondaries and the point-defence batteries started to slacken the Cylons would notice and the old Battlestar was going to start eating nukes. She was tough enough to take a couple of standard yield Cylon anti-ship nukes, maybe three at best, but even armour like hers wasn't going to stand up long especially given that her hull underneath the armour wasn't up to that kind of battering to start with.

"Another capital ship jump signature, fifteen degrees to port" the tactical officer.

"Oh for frak's sake" Kelly moaned. In the unlikely event they lived through this Adama would have to have a word with the man about not saying things like that in front of the crew.

"According to DRADIS its a battlestar jump signature!" the tactical officer exclaimed.

"Yeah, but not from an actual battlestar" Kelly added, grinning.

One advantage to having over a quarter-million tons worth of internal cargo space was that it hadn't been nearly as tricky to cut a hole in the side of the Zughoffer Weir and stuff in an FTL drive salvaged from the wreck of the battlestar Solaria in there as the similar modifications to Yukon in particular had been later. As well as the drive the McKenna class battleship had also received a hundred of the point-defence guns from a different battlestar, this being Galactica herself who had swapped them for the eight HNPPC's she now carried.

The forty remaining Heavy Naval PPC's that Zughoffer Weir still boasted, twenty each side, were still more than sufficient to put a Wrath-of-God imitating broadside into the basestars to her port and starboard before her own secondary and tertiary gun batteries applied their own weight of fire to the mass of Raiders swarming around Galactica.

"Now it's a frakking party!" Louanne Katraine said with a whoop as the Titan carrier-dropships that accompanied the Zug jumped in, preceded by dozens of Kirghiz and Visigoth jumpfighters from the Weir's battlegroup.

"This is Zughoffer Weir actual, sorry we're late Bill"

Aboard Galactica Adama sighed with relief. "Next time we'll rescue you just in the nick of time Martin" he signaled back.

The hybrids aboard each of the remaining basestars in the system sat upright simultaneously. "The Ferryman is here, many he has carried across the River Styx, many more will join them. The Ferryman is here. End of line." they said together before settling back down.

They were a superstitious bunch, Cylons. Which was not to say that Captain Martin Ferry didn't like their nickname for him.


"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1138 on: 23 January 2020, 16:26:46 »
Overview: Chrome Morning

On May 8, 3057 between the hours of 03:00 and 22:45 Star League Uniform Ship's Time (adjusted), four simultaneous attacks occurred that should be remembered.  This was the morning the Cylon Empire went from a rumour, to a fact.

Three of those worlds were devastated in a matter of hours.  The fourth, was saved.

Avon: jointly held by Clans Smoke Jaguar and Nova Cat, the world of Avon fell quickly enough that the only message about what happened was borne by a pair of merchant-caste transports that managed to be ready to jump before they were noticed by the attackers. 

Wotan: Fell in 12 hours to thermonuclear bombardment.  over two billion estimated dead.

Tamar: fell in less than 8 hours, unknown casualties, estimated close to Three billion will die.

Alshain: Saved by the Not Named, was the focus of the largest, and strongest attack.  many cities on this world were still hit with nuclear fire, and Cylon forces landed ground troops in a few areas, but the assault was repulsed-at the cost of a Star of Ghost Bear warships and nearly a galaxy worth of pilots.
53 million dead.

but what stopped them, was declared "...a repayment for a kindness shown once in Arcadia" by the departing SLS Yukon.

rub it in, why don't you?
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1139 on: 23 January 2020, 17:25:51 »
PURE awesome!  :thumbsup:

And I love that the hybrids call him the Ferryman...  ^-^