Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141071 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1200 on: 25 January 2020, 15:46:15 »
Kiribati Conference, late afternoon of the following day...

After the latest recess period, the meeting convened again.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Khans, visitors.  The decision made by the Clans will impact the strategic situation not only between Clan Wolverine, New Circe, the Colonies of Kobol, and  the Clans, but the rest of humanity as well."  Elizabeth hadn't done proper preparation for this, and she knew it.  "To the Khans, the encounter with a Cylon Basestar should give every one of you, especially in the Kerensky Cluster, pause to consider that they're looking for you.  you aren't safe in your isolation."

"To the Wolverines, you've got a grievance, and it's valid.  I have seen no evidence thus far to suggest otherwise.  Respect to the Honorable Mister Lampkin, you have done an excellent job presenting your case and there are a lot of lawyers who should watch your presentation to see how a proper case is constructed and presented.  I wish I could afford you myself." Liz found her groove.

"I can't-at least, not and pay you what you're worth."  this got a few chuckles.

"Khan Elam, your people have had time to analyze the Bismark logs?"

"They have."

"Can you confirm provenance and accuracy?"

"I can."

"Do you?"

"I do.  Khan McKenna has also had her people examining the Dehra Dun data, and confirms the logs are both accurate, and original, without editing."

"do you, Khan Lynn McKenna?" Liz directed.

"I do."

"It is not good legal practice for the prosecution to also be the jury, however in my study, Clan law is comprised of bad legal practices and you manage to muddle through anyway.  as Host to this activity, I request therefore, that summations be delivered, and a vote by the jury taken on the matter of Clan Wolverine versus the Clan Grand Council, case one of one, the reason we're all here.  Does the prosecution have an individual to present their position?"

Aletha Kabrinski cleared her throat, "I have been selected by the Khans to present the Grand Council's position."

"Please, begin." Liz said.

"To overturn the Annihilation of Clan Wolverine, which has been a staple of Clan law and Clan practice for generations, is no small thing.  a simple vote is insufficient under Clan Law." she walked up the line, "This requires something more, and what is more, something unprecedented.  We must have a Trial of Refusal to satisfy the precedents of Clan tradition."

Aletha turned to the Wolverines, "I was raised to hate you.  I see now, the error, but we swear an oath, and an oath is no small thing to be cast aside easily.  as much as I know that I owe you for saving our Capital at Alshain, and as unjust as you have shown the original verdict to be, there must be more than a simple admission of error.  Your Clan broke the law, and you seceded from the Clans, and while it is clear now, that what was done to you was done under false pretenses, it was, at the time, the legally correct thing to do." 

She turned to Elizabeth.  "and I know your people see what our ancestors did as an atrocity.  Genocide, the attempted systematic enslavement and murder of an entire people for the supposed crimes of a few, one of the few things your people, the Kowloonese, will not forgive, I accept this moral position as being, at its root, honorable, after a fashion."

she turned to the holoimages and cameras, and her few fellow Khans present.  "BUT...this is an internal matter to the Clans of Kerensky.  There must be a Trial of Refusal to overturn the verdict, the failure of Clans Wolf and Widowmaker, and their subsequent assertion of victory shows the annihilation was not merely incomplete, but bungled outright, this refusal is to be fought over the verdict itself.  a verdict passed by a unanimous vote of the Clan Grand Council, nineteen votes, no abstainers.  We all share the guilt for this, we are all responsible for upholding whether or not this is correct, we must all present a bid, not to participate, but a bid of how much participation to defend this verdict.  we are defending this, they challenge the verdict, the evidence is before you all. Bid."

"HEY! wait a damn minute, what the ******?" Liz was on her feet, "Seriously? what are the terms for this??"

"The Grand Council must uphold the verdict unanimously." Aletha said, turning to her hostess.  "One loss, just one, and the verdict is vacated."

"you guys agreed to this?" Liz was disbelieving.

"it is our way!" the Blood Spirit Khan, Schmidt, barked and the speakers carried her voice from York itself.

"jesus... one loss?"

"only one."

"nineteen rounds, one loss, that's how you're handling this?"


Liz facepalmed, "...crazy ******..." she muttered.

The khans bid their forces while the Wolverines listened.  as the challengers, they had to wait to see what the cutdown would be, who they would face first.

the proposals started on the large end.  whole fleets, an entire Touman, but rapidly cycled downward in scope, given the six months and four weeks necessary to reach Kowloon from the Homeworlds.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1201 on: 25 January 2020, 16:38:26 »

Elizabeth couldn't take this anymore. she looked up, as the Khans debated and argued and bid, and erupted.

"what the ****** is wrong with you people??"  she shouted and didn't care, "We have evidence of an extinction-level threat, and you're insisting on a staged fight because you don't want to deal with facts?? The facts are here you've all seen them, they're confirmed, this isn't something you can debate perspectives on, or play protocol games about, or hide your eyes and pretend it isn't happening!  There is a self-replicating robot race out there, and it wants to 'annihilate' every human being that is alive, will ever live.  They're coming for us, well, they are also coming for you."

she found herself standing on her table, "Are you so ****** stupid you can't see that? so comfortably complacent you have to wait for them to do to strana mechty what they've done to Tamar, or Wotan, or tried to do at Alshain??  is that what it takes? Does York have to burn with nuclear fire, or be split in half with an asteroid before it sinks in? Or Circe, or ******, I don't know, maybe they'll remodel Marshall or Huntress?" she dropped to the floor, and rounded on Victor, "Or maybe they're coming for Tharkad, or New Avalon?"  she was walking, gesturing as she spoke, "Maybe earth itself?? Hey, let's all get so wrapped up in our old feuds that we let the enemy kill us off piecemeal! How's that for plan, Khan Keller? Maybe your old rivals will die first, or maybe you will and they'll get to pat themselves on the back right before a chrome army dismantles them for spares.  How's that sound, Truscott? are you digging it, Kufahl? Maybe you'll get lucky and they won't kill you first, or you'll get to watch everyone die first before they come for you, hell of a job protecting the Inner Sphere from exterior threats, by the way.  Very good job wardening, hell of a record there."

Liz was shaking with this rage.  "Fight your Trial, fine, bid however you want, fine, but understand one thing, my people, and those at our side, are standing between you and Extinction while you dither around getting your shit together, deciding who's honor was insulted and whose precious goddamed primacy is being threatened. us, My people. The Coast Guard will keep saving your asses, and you will remain ungrateful, and that is the truth, and when we fall, you will be unprepared to take that burden up, rolling around in your 'traditions' and your empty ****** feuds."

"There is one line, only one.  On one side of that line, are the people willing to put it aside to fight for mankind.  everyone else is on the other side of that line, playing their game of thrones bullshit games, fretting over insults in the distant past, waiting for extinction to come.  I know which side I am on.  when you all figure out which side of that line you're on, you know how to call me."

she stopped, "And Khan Marthe, I'm taking Nathan Roshak. You don't need him and I do."

"That is not ha-"

Liz threw her punch, knocking the Falcon Khan and sliding her a few feet from the force of the blow.

"Wanna contest it?"

Marthe laughed, "no.  he is yours." she said.

"Looking forward to working with you, Khan Pryde." Liz added.  she motioned, and Nathan fell in to her left, "I bid you all good day for the rest of the conference, I have a war to run."  and strode out the North door.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1202 on: 25 January 2020, 16:49:13 »
*tosses the khans a marker* quick, someone draw a circle of equals around Marthe now that's she's lost.
« Last Edit: 25 January 2020, 16:55:04 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1203 on: 25 January 2020, 17:05:21 »
Liz wins again, no matter what Pryde thinks...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1204 on: 25 January 2020, 17:26:33 »
Liz wins again, no matter what Pryde thinks...  ^-^

Liz didn't have to lose, for Marthe to win.  Can you guess what Marthe Pryde gained out of this?
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1205 on: 25 January 2020, 17:31:02 »
She can claim (whether Liz agrees or not) that Liz accepted the trial system.  I don't agree either, but I can see other clan types thinking so...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1206 on: 25 January 2020, 17:45:48 »
She can claim (whether Liz agrees or not) that Liz accepted the trial system.  I don't agree either, but I can see other clan types thinking so...

go deeper, what's her endgame?  if you need to, browse and your sourcebooks, what values are the most positive of the Clans?  They have a lot of negative 'values' but they have a few common statements they claim to believe in.
« Last Edit: 25 January 2020, 17:49:42 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1207 on: 25 January 2020, 17:59:16 »
I think Pryde's endgame is the same as Liz's... survival of the species, which is why she gave in right there.  And she knows Roshak will work towards that no matter who his nominal boss is...

EDIT: Darn it... Still haven't got all the sugar out of this keyboard...
« Last Edit: 25 January 2020, 18:19:01 by Daryk »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1208 on: 25 January 2020, 18:14:28 »
The combat trials will be interesting.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1209 on: 25 January 2020, 20:26:48 »
Within the Conference...

"Well, that could have gone better." Commodore Ferry quipped, drawing some baleful looks from the holopresent Khans.  "While you all are bidding on who gets to fight us, Clan Wolverine will be bidding away all Aerospace and space-based assets for this trial-regardless of how the rest of this shakes out, the Cylons are coming, and you will need every pilot and every fighter you can field when they come.  We have fought you, and we have fought the Cylons, you will need every pilot."

"Clan Wolf also bids away our aviation and space assets." Vladimir Ward announced.

"Clan Jade Falcon bids those assets away as well." Marthe Pryde stated.

"Obviously.  Clan Ghost Bear bids away all fleet and air units, in addition to aerospace."

It set the trend, all five of the current invading Clans, as well as Goliath Scorpion, the others could not retain honor by retaining Aerospace.  Lynn McKenna of the Snow Ravens, cemented this, the clan most famed for their Aerospace prowess, bidding away that prowess.

From that point, the bidding turned to ground units.

Ferry watched as Marthe Pryde and Vladimir Ward conspired on something.  there was a handshake.

"Clan Jade Falcon will step aside from this trial." she announced.  "We know which side of the line we stand on,My Clan will accept the outcome of this trial, we do not need to waste resources propping up a failed policy, and I will not be outdone by some freebirth civilian in the battle to insure humanity's survival."

"Will your bloodnamed warriors really support this?"  Khan Absalom Truscott scoffed.

"They will." she said, "Because my warriors are not fools.  chasing the Wolverines is a waste of resources, fighting them even more so, we have a true enemy to fight and the stakes are the survival of all of mankind, not just one clan, or one bloodline.  They fight the enemy of all humanity, there is a line, as Duchess Ngo said, on one side, are the people fighting to save the human race, on the other, is everyone else.  With Falcon Sight, I see the truth in the Facts, with a warrior's courage, I accept the facts as they are and adapt my strategies accordingly to bend the universe to my will, and my will is that humanity, as a species, is far more important than any feuds or disagreements in our past, no one will care about any of our deeds, if no-one survives to remember them.  In a century, if anyone remembers the Clans, they will remember that Clan Jade Falcon did not shirk or hide from what must be done.  Have your trial, we do not have a duty to participate.  There is an enemy that seeks mankind's extinction, we will use our forces to fight that foe."

she stepped out of the section delineated for the Clans, and walked over to sit at the table with Victor Ian Steiner-Davion.  AFter a moment, Khan Vladimir Ward did the same, after bowing out of the Trial on the same terms.

Lynn McKenna turned to speak in hushed tones with her SaKhan, six months away by jumpship and attending by remote.

the two seemed to come to an agreement, and she joined the Falcon and Wolf Khans. 

"Novacat concurs with the Falcon and Wolf Khans. we step aside from this trial of refusal, and vow to accept the outcome if it even occurs."

"I so want to look at their archive..." Khan Elam said, "Goliath Scorpion agrees, we will stand on the side of mankind against the machines."

"I guess that leaves me.  Clan Ghost Bear, bids one warrior, unaugmented, to this trial. to be held here. now."  Aletha Kabrinski said, "Under the terms already discussed."

she stepped around her table, looking at the Wolverines, "Let us get this over with and done, for honor's sake."

Commodore Ferry frowned, and stood.  "I accept."  he said, and stepped into the ring conveniently created by the tables.

she didn't back up, "hit me." she said.

He did so.

she sprawled on the floor, and got back up, "Hit me."

she did it again, adding a slap to his face, "I said hit me! Like you mean it!!"

she got up again, her jaw visibly dislocated, bruising swelling her eye, "hi' muh, un'il iss nglean, n'il 'ere ewen."

He hit her again, an uppercut, and then another blow, laying her on the floor, out.  "Medic."

as she awakened, she fought the medic off and rose on her own feet, then turned, and sat at Victor's table, where a Corpsman from the Coast Guard got to work on her face, undislocating her jaw enough to speak.

"Triah' ish...ov'r. verdick..."

"This Trial is completed, the verdict of Annihilation is vacated, quiaff?" Marthe announced, and Kabrinski nodded.

"Thank you all for your time, those Clans who wish to join the battle to secure humanity's future, should begin preparations, including the reactivation of Fleet assets and the assembly of forces to strike back at the killer machines-those who feel their Honor lies in maintaining or pursuing old business or current rivalries over the business of humanity's survival, stay out of the way or be crushed." Marthe stated.  "Prince Victor, it is time to inform the Star League that the Clans want a seat at the table this time."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1210 on: 25 January 2020, 20:33:47 »
it can't beat calling 'edge' on a coin flip, but it works.
« Last Edit: 25 January 2020, 21:38:30 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1211 on: 25 January 2020, 20:47:15 »
Not violent enough for the current group... Kabrinksi did it right for the circumstances, and can claim to have paid back Alshain.

Trace Coburn

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1212 on: 25 January 2020, 21:11:48 »
  I’m sorry, pop-culture has ruined me: every time I see a character say “Hit me!” I flash-back to the dojo scene in The Matrix.

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1213 on: 25 January 2020, 21:15:20 »
I guess she... took one for the team  8)
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1214 on: 25 January 2020, 21:16:37 »
Does anyone see what Marthe's game is now??

consider the following:

What is leadership?

What is the purpose of the position of IlKhan?

What does it mean to be a Crusader (not an idiot, not someone looking for a cheap land-grab.  the PHILOSOPHICAL purpose of the Great Crusade and Operation:Revival)?

THIS is why Marthe Pryde didn't need Liz Ngo to lose in order to win.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1215 on: 25 January 2020, 21:23:47 »
Does anyone see what Marthe's game is now??

consider the following:

What is leadership?

What is the purpose of the position of IlKhan?

What does it mean to be a Crusader (not an idiot, not someone looking for a cheap land-grab.  the PHILOSOPHICAL purpose of the Great Crusade and Operation:Revival)?

THIS is why Marthe Pryde didn't need Liz Ngo to lose in order to win.
By being the first Khan to cross the floor, she's taken the moral high-ground, and positioned herself, and her Clan, to be the representative between the Clans and the new Star League.

She's defacto IlKhan, without a single shot being fired.
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1216 on: 25 January 2020, 21:26:43 »
I suspect Phelan will give her a run for her money...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1217 on: 25 January 2020, 21:35:35 »
Spider Moon Archive...

I walk through corridors cut into the rock and sealed with transparent spray-seal.  in every direction but down, there are names carved into the stone of this place.  Most are asian, some more, are written in Hebrew script, a few here and there are english, german, or some combination of languages.  all are accompanied by dates. 

Kowloon's memory, it is like walking through the mind of a people.  I stop at a gallery, filled with momentoes of the past, pictures of men and women dead for centuries, a flag marked and scarred of a nation that only lasted a few years, between 2770 and 2789.  There is the regimental crest of the 90th Heavy Assault, an SLDF unit, and a cluster of pictures of men and women from that unit, next to Kowloonese on Elbar, and Terra.

the regimental colors of the 171st Kowloon Volunteers stands beside it, their battle-streamers marking a path that wrapped around the Terran Hegemony.

Holos of Running Deer Mountain, and the reprisal for that atrocity.

a three meter length of Elbar Bluewood, sharpened at one end, stained by what it had been driven into with brown streaks.  a gruesome reminder that these people have a harsh sense of justice.

The Crest of the Coast Guard's 1st Squadron.

My feet carry me deeper, the names on the walls grow older, the dates earlier.

Holographs of life under Rim Worlds occupation, of death camps and work camps, massacres and battles, a memory of struggle against enslavement and slaughter.

Here, I reach the door to the archive itself.  Commodore Li is waiting for me.

"This way, General Elam." she says.  Here, I am 'General' Elam, because...because it is who they are, and how they see the world. We are, after all, the descendents of the Star League Defense Force.

and this people have a long memory, with a harsh sense of justice.

we don protective gear to enter the document room. 

and I finally have it in my hands.  The Elbar declaration.  Aleksandr Kerensky himself, his signature, his words, his command.

When I was younger, I would have tried to take it with me, I would have fought for it, stolen it.

I lay the precious document in its case, close the ferroglas, and watch as it is once again nitrogen-purged before sliding it back into the rack.

Our shared history, our shared heritage, our shared memory, preserved within the memory of a people who upheld that heritage even as The Great Father's son soiled it with our eager help.

Here, it will never be soiled, among this people, it will be upheld forever, of this, I am certain.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1218 on: 25 January 2020, 21:36:10 »
I suspect Phelan will give her a run for her money...
He's got his hands full putting Clan Wolf back together
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

Trace Coburn

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1219 on: 25 January 2020, 21:40:49 »
I suspect Phelan will give her a run for her money...
  But Marthe has actively demonstrated leadership on this issue, and made the first moves towards a united front.  The other Clans have followed her example in rallying to the banner.  If Phelan tries to challenge that, he’s going to have to show up to the conference himself (as history is made by them what turn up) and overcome that advantage, in which case he’ll be fighting uphill against a perceived incumbent.  (And note that Vlad quietly discussed the matter with her, then let her do this.  Wanna bet it was because he figured ‘better a Trueborn Crusader Falcon IlKhan than a freebirth Warden Spheroid Wolf’?)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1220 on: 25 January 2020, 21:43:24 »
But when he finishes, I think he'll be in a stronger position.  I also suspect Vlad wouldn't have made that deal without Phelan's knowledge.  It looks to me like reuniting the Wolves was the first actual act of reconciliation with the IS...

Derain Von Harken

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1221 on: 25 January 2020, 21:46:31 »
Does anyone see what Marthe's game is now??

consider the following:

What is leadership?

What is the purpose of the position of IlKhan?

What does it mean to be a Crusader (not an idiot, not someone looking for a cheap land-grab.  the PHILOSOPHICAL purpose of the Great Crusade and Operation:Revival)?

THIS is why Marthe Pryde didn't need Liz Ngo to lose in order to win.

Elizabeth: Arghhh she out maneuvered me again! Grrrr.

And thus began a jade falcon tradition known as poking the trachezoi. Or trolling. To defeat the foe in a trial of words and wit reducing them to incoherent frustration.

This post is in honor of Nicholas Malthus. The greatest jade falcon troll ever.
« Last Edit: 25 January 2020, 22:33:36 by Derain Von Harken »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1222 on: 25 January 2020, 23:47:06 »
But when he finishes, I think he'll be in a stronger position.  I also suspect Vlad wouldn't have made that deal without Phelan's knowledge.  It looks to me like reuniting the Wolves was the first actual act of reconciliation with the IS...

not necessarily.  See, Phelan/Vlad uniting Wolf is one Clan.  Marthe got two Crusaders and two Warden clans to follow her lead in doing something that before the conference was literally unthinkable among the Clans as a whole, even the Liberal ones, even the Liberal Wardens, while retaining control of one of the most conservative Crusader Clans.

She overturned something Nicholas meant to stand forever, without imploding Clan society (much), and then had the class not to ask for the ilKhan Job herself.

The impression I got of Marthe Pryde from the books, is she's smarter than Elias Crichell-she's got the "Clan Honor" bug, but she's intelligent.  so, for that matter, is Vladimir Ward (and yeah, Phelan too).  Where she differs from those two, is a grasp of strategic vision.  Let's be honest here, Vlad's vision extends to Clan Wolf's interests, and Phelan doesn't look much further out than he does.

a bit further, but not appreciably much further, he's a good Khan, or SaKhan, but Marthe's taken the "With Falcon Eyes" thing very seriously.

Vlad reconciled with the Warden wolves in a shotgun marriage of necessity: his Crusaders just got their collective asses handed to them AFTER subdividing, he's the junior partner mainly because Phelan's remnant was more numerous and in better shape and hadn't just had their central base overrun by killer robots.

Marthe's base was overrun too, but she managed to pull a strategic move by getting the rest of her Touman in motion while being invaded, and got rescued by her own Clan's reinforcements, then held on to command and kicked the Steel vipers out of her house, negotiated a cease-fire with the AFFC (No small feat) without also negotiating a surrender to them, or their affiliated forces.

These things translate into a position of strength, moreso because she cut a series of deals by trading off homeworld holdings and concentrating her Clan into their occupation zone (taking advantage of that cease-fire, but also cashing in for political capital in the Grand Council.)

The sum result being the ability to get away with calling the Annihilation into question as a matter the Grand Council must address, while at the same time NOT calling for the destruction of the Wolves for failure (MORE capital, also a greater show of strength-'we don't need to absorb them'.)

Luck is the confluence of preparation plus opportunity.  Her 'embassy' on Kowloon got her the opportunities to set up a public forum she could lead and control among the other Clans (Exploiting, among other things, their envy), as well as having the only recognized embassy in the Inner Sphere, giving her an effective position of...strength.

Preparation plus opportunity-unlike Phelan, she is a Trueborn, unlike Phelan, her link into the power-structure of the Inner Sphere is not by blood relation, but earned and won (appealing to Clan sensibilities).

her deft manipulation of Elizabeth, (a problematic spheroid with a well known hatred for the Clans as a whole and an army and navy far out of scale to what would be considered by the Clans or House Lords appropriate) further solidifies this image of strength.  Placing one of her men at Elizabeth's ear in a public manner just hardens this image among the more intelligent and politically savvy Khans-building her reputation further.

Finally, the grand gesture of sitting with Victor, and reinforcing Liz's line about 'which side of the line you are on'.  On this side: Fight for the survival of the Human Race.  On that other side? everyone else, implying everything the Clans as a whole disdain.  (Weakness, Cowardice, dependency).

Vlad followed her to that side, because it strengthen's Wolf's position-they're in the Inner Sphere, and if he sits with Victor, then he's less likely to need to defend his back from an attack by the Inner Sphere, and doesn't have to defend against Falcon incursions or challenges, that's two borders effectively secured by plopping his ass in a seat, but it also (again) makes Marthe look like the stronger.

Kabrinski had to do what she did, by insisting on the fight, for Honor's sake.  Taking the beating and then joining Marthe, Vlad, Victor and presumably the guys who are fighting the killer robots was an act aimed at survival for her Clan, but it also made 'that side' the stronger side, as Ghost Bear took the least damage from the attacks of anyone, and was/is the strongest in sheer physical force of the invading Clans, with potentially the second if not first least disrupted occupation zone (fewest uprisings, best integration.)

Gaining the Snow Ravens was a trick, but thanks to Clan Wolverine and the Bismarck record, Marthe pulled it off. (helps they had long-running good relations and such), and Nelson Elam could see the tide, wanted access to the archives, and is a Warden presented with the external threat Wardens claim to want to defend against.

There's a huge amount of political capital in play here, and Marthe Pryde's positioned herself as the Banker, without so much as suggesting a candidacy for the IlKhanship.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1223 on: 26 January 2020, 01:24:36 »
Giap Island Coast Guard Preparatory Academy, Kowloon, July 1, 3058...

Class 1/3062 passed in review.  "Pretty small class sizes, Liz." Victor commented.

"I'm working on it." Elizabeth Ngo told him, "this is Ground School, most of those Cadets grew up in microgravity environments."

"And for the Cadets who grew up on planets?" he asked.

"Boojum." she answered.  "The Boojum campus for cadets from planets.  Coast Guard has to fill a lot of roles.  The two groups will integrate during the underwater and hostile environments phases.  It's the kind of academy I only wish I could've attended."

"even before you were diagnosed, you made a habit of being thrown out of boarding schools." Victor noted, "I'm really kind of sure you wouldn't have gotten into this kind of school."

"Too true." she nodded, "So...mister First Lord in waiting, when are you going to pop the question with Omi?"

"We're arguing about the date." he told her, "her family, my family..." Victor shook his head.  "Katherine was livid when I told her."

"Eh.  She'll get over it." Liz said, "You offered her New Avalon, right?"

he laughed, "She turned me down, told me she wants TEN Avalons, new ones, and she wants to plan the bridal shower."

"Family.  Henry's already threatened to make Nathan's Bachelor Party...memorable." Liz sighed, "very, very, memorable."

"How is he?"

"Settling in to his new job." Elizabeth sighed, "I still don't get these Clanners.  Henry gets to use his real last name again, 'new bloodhouse' or some nonsense, like happened with your cousin Phelan, only with even more weird ass ritual."

"You're still angry about his returning to the Clans." Victor said.

"Yep. still mad at my big brother." she said, "I love him, but he pisses me off."

"You used to insist you had no time for love." Victor noted.

"Things change." Liz explained, watching the Cadets go through silent drill on the practice field, "For example, I grew up some, Nathan almost ran away from home to be with me, so when I recognized I needed him, I compromised."

"You decked Marthe Pryde in front of the Grand Council after suggesting anyone who didn't sign up was a coward."

"That was compromise." Liz said.

" how you named the knife 'Forgiveness'." he grinned.

"yeah.  Redhead down there, she look familiar..?"

Victor raised his field glasses.  "Nameplate says Minh...nope?"

"Cadet Squad Leader Nicole Minh. Proof I would've gotten into this place if it existed when I was fourteen."

"How's that?"

"Convicted of hijacking and stealing a Star Lord, possession of contraband, and murdering a gangster." Liz stated blandly, "Sentenced to 'a strict military environment such as a residential school', under a sentencing guideline I wrote."

"She...stole a jump-ship at fourteen?"

"Two. she stole two jumpships-the one she used to get to Galatea, which she then lost by being naive about hiring mercenaries, and the one she tried to steal from me. Fantastic, isn't it?" Liz's smile was almost cheerleader-like.  "That's why I remember her face.  I signed the order putting her here."

"so..." Victor put it together, "Ah, a rockjack."

"Sol-Belter. look down the stands, see the couple under the awning?"


"It cost me six million C-bills to find them. Their kid ran away from home, in the Sol-Belt, they were Frantic.  It took Chief Sithers weeks to get their names. a check on the missing children's lists after spending six million on private investigators, and I get to pop a surprise on a preacher's kid who stole the family car...I've already made it clear she's staying until her sentence is up."

"How did that go?"

"Oh, like a fart in church." Liz said, "but I showed her pop the rap-sheet, and they're checking out the courses of study, the campus, and the environment.  I expect I'll have their consent before the end of the week, and their daughter will have their support."

"You sound confident."

"I am." Liz told him, "She's a natural. natural leader, expert navigator, able spacer. Li convinced me with her scores and psych profile, I want her on Cutters by '62 and maybe a Destroyer or Cruiser for her second tour.  Li thinks she's got what it takes to make Commodore or Admiral by age thirty.  Kind of kid Henry and Nathan call a 'Ristar'...and I found her in a courtroom, as the defendant."

Victor mused for a moment, then chuckled.  "I was going to ask where you found her, and if there were any laying around unattended, but you answered both questions."

"I might let you borrow her, when she's finished training." Liz told him, "When her sentence is up, and if circumstances permit. there's a war on."

"You mentioned that, any luck finding their base?"

Liz mused before answering.  "We've found several of their bases in the deep periphery.  I need more budget, more people, more officers and more ships, but we'll run them to ground and..." she sipped at her beer, "force peace. sooner or later we'll be able to force a peace."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1224 on: 26 January 2020, 01:50:39 »
For Nathan, and probably Marthe?  The Cylon Empire's attack gives them the ultimate escape hatch.  As Nathan bragged, while the Clans gave the Sphere a threat sufficent to reform the Star League, filling the Crusader's mission, if not in the way most intended?

Well it had two major downsides.  One Nathan admitted, if the threat ended too soon, before they got past the 'teeth gritted teamwork' stage?  It would fly apart like the first one.  It also had a second downside, the Clans were by definition on the outside as the threat, and given time you'd just need the Second Star League's military to get into shouting distance tech wise to be able to roll over the Clans.  And they would, the Clan's position as the unifying threat meant their eventual course would have been a second Reunification War, with the Pentagon worlds as the target.

Here?  They Cylons gives everyone, Sphere and Clan, a target to mutually fire at.  It gives the Clans a way to join the SSL, as part of its stand against genocidal machine intelligences.  For Crusaders it gives them the Star League reborn and a seat at the table, if not leading it like most dreamed.  For Wardens it is the outside threat they were preaching about, no longer hypothetical.  And for Clans that step up a method of 'returning home with honor'.

Also, how much are the Wolverines going to shell out for Romo Lampkin's retainer for the lawsuit against the Coyotes for the first Omnimech design? >:D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1225 on: 26 January 2020, 04:05:16 »
Also, how much are the Wolverines going to shell out for Romo Lampkin's retainer for the lawsuit against the Coyotes for the first Omnimech design? >:D
depends, what % will they insist on taking as royalties on the aggregate estimated value of every Omnimech ever produced?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1226 on: 26 January 2020, 06:38:14 »
I agree Pryde's position is stronger within the clans, but Phelan has that blood tie to a house, and theoretically just brought the entire Wolf OZ back into the FedCom, so his position will be stronger with the (presumptive) First Lord.  It's a two sided equation, and again, his move happened first.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1227 on: 26 January 2020, 12:28:32 »
So that's what the brass is doing in the review stand. ;) I was in the Recruit Band at Great Lakes, and performed at three pass in reviews.

Also, you've got the characters down as reasonable extrapolations from the official BT characters.
M. T. Thompson
Don of the Starslayer Mafia
Member of the AFFS High Command


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1228 on: 26 January 2020, 13:23:17 »
Also, you've got the characters down as reasonable extrapolations from the official BT characters.
That's one of the things I think Cannonshop does best, and with that said, I like his own characters even more.  :thumbsup:


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1229 on: 26 January 2020, 14:58:22 »

"...Now the Revenue man wanted grand-daddy bad,
headed up the holler with everything he had.
It's before my time, but I've been told;
you never come back from Copperhead Road.

-Steve Earle, "Copperhead Road"

Arluna, October, 3062...

The hill country above grantsville on Arluna should have been rich.  The rocky soil is fertile, the climate isn't harsh, but just enough, four seasons fill the year with the kind of summers that writers in the classical period fantasized, the winters had just enough snow to make a really good snowman, the hills are forested with deciduous trees that are just the right shade of blue-green mixed with evergreen conifers.

Idyllic, almost.  every note hit just right for a temperate paradise of stunning mountains and clear, clean waters.  The economic upturn in the last ten years has not been kind to the people of this place, and they didn't have much to begin with.

There are always too many sides to count in every argument.  There is the planetary government, the old governor tried and executed for treason, was replaced by a new governor, fresh-faced and Earnest, who fell in love with the natural beauty of this land, so in love, in fact, that he closed the mills, and the mines and the smelters in the hope that by encouraging tourism and recreational development...

well, anyone who's tried to live off of tourism finds out pretty fast, it doesn't work.  There are only so many roadside stands selling 'handcrafts' you can use to pay your property taxes, and you can forget making enough to eat-you can't eat the scenery, but people will try.  The resorts started to complain about poaching of the unique wildlife, and 'eyesores' created by  the quaint locals architecture-a solar panel seen from someone's timeshare is like a blackfly on a wedding cake, after all, and the smell of early spring fertilizers (mostly reprocessed fecal sludge sterilized and mixed with increasingly rare powdered local stone) kind of ruins the ambience.

Governor Wilder, therefore, began signing bills and decrees, offering underfunded programs and promises, and raising the taxes on land owners selectively.

a lot of this worked, an increasing number of "High Country" people were giving up, and migrating to the cities, where new industries could give them work, and if they were trading a house and independence for a box-like apartment in a crowded sprawl, that's alright might suppose.

the fact so many of them go from job-seeking to prison? a natural outcome of culture clashes between Rural and Urban mindsets.  It barely waggled the needle on the sociological charts nationally.

but it's like lighting a fuse to something  you can't see.  that fuse is connected to something, and if you can't see it, you don't know what it's going to do.

Garrett MacAulliffe served his nation honorably in the Clan Wars, and when he finished, he came home, married his high school sweetheart, and they had a little girl and two sons.  He came home with a prosthetic hand and a glass eye and a constant limp that ached when the weather was getting bad.  he took over the farm, in the high country, where his family had lived since the end of the Amaris regime, centuries on this land.

Stephen Doerntz is a land developer, here in the high country to create more recreational timeshare properties and a nature park, and the MacAulliffe land is right in the path between two parcels his company bought from the bank.  he's a rich man, powerful.  While Garrett was getting his body filled with shrapnel on the Clan front, Stephen was serving tea as an aide to a general on Buena, and carrying the man's briefcase.

Their argument is in the courts, and it's a three way fight, since Stephen has the approval of Governor Wilder for his plans, to the point that a writ of Imminent Domain has been levied.

Teh court case ended the morning of the 22nd, August, just before harvest time.  an Eviction notice has been served.

Garrett's planted a minefield on the road, and dug in.  He's had enough.

He's not the only one.  It isn't just the roads up here Troxter county.
« Last Edit: 26 January 2020, 15:14:38 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."