Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141247 times)


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1230 on: 26 January 2020, 15:29:55 »
Governor Wilder is trying, but has missed the forest for the trees... I suspect he's going to be having a very hard conversation with his Markgrave...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1231 on: 26 January 2020, 16:35:47 »

The first encounter, saw the access roads up Littlecreek ridge closed, a cross-hatch of trees laid across the two lanes of blacktop at Kilometer 53, running all the way up to the crest of the ridge along Highway 22.  This stopped the progress of the Polizei convoy coming to supervise and implement the eviction, but there were no immediate casualties beyond limiting the access to a time share development on Cazaviez lake, which is, this time of year, mostly empty anyway.  Clearing two-meter-thick trees for nearly fifteen kilometers might be somewhat expensive, and the road surface would have to be re-done (at 250,000 Kroner per kilometer according to best estimates.)

but aside from that, nobody was hurt.  mostly.  The regional schools are, after all, closed for summer vacation in July, and if someone needs to call an ambulance out here, it's probably going to be an airlift if they have the desire to reach a state funded emergency room.  this is Rural territory, after all, and anything more than a quick clinic visit requires travelling to the district seat at Grantsville-there just aren't the kind of population up here able to support a full service hospital year round.

but it did impede progress, and the road was damaged.

No, the bigger problem, was this act of defiance of the rule of law.  The courts (with generous donations from the Doerntz group) had already spoken, and the locals had already exhausted their funds for legal representation, stalling an attempt to appeal above the Planetary government level by being unable to afford the influence to get the attention of a higher court.  This might not have done anything anyway, as cities like Ciudad Oxford, Ciudad Madrid, Ciudad San Pablo, and Ciudad Los Angeles were happily generating revenues and industrial products for export, filling the tax burden to the Lyran Commonwealth and satisfying outstanding loans at low interest meant to reverse decades of planetary near-poverty under the mismanagement of the old Ducal family, whose positions had been eliminated right along with the old Duke of Arluna, using the expedient of a bullet on widecast television.

This defiance of the rule of law, and the destruction of old growth timber in a wildlife sanctuary, compounded to convince the current governor to declare a state of emergency, and thus, to mobilize the planetary militia's battlemech forces-notably, the nearest of which are stationed in Ciudad Memphis, on the western coast, some 250 kilometers away to the southwest.

thus, in late July, a company of battlemechs, equipped with hand actuators and 'less lethal' munitions in their weapons, began to clear the roadway obstruction.

thus, discovering that some of the trees dropped in an interlocking hedgerow across the highway, were also rigged with booby-traps.  Naturally, infantry were sent ahead to clear the mines, because any time someone has used enough explosives to make lifting a multi-ton tree off of a road difficult, it's fair to assume a lot of explosive is being used, and it might be a good idea to disarm it.

On July 9, 3062, Private first class Juan Denny, of Ciudad Memphis, after nine hours of work disarming improvised explosive devices on the highway, saw movement in the trees.  Fearing what, we're not sure of, but whatever spooked this young man, he fired into the trees at a moving target, convinced that a second wave of detonations was going to drop the forest giants back across the road, his buddies, and himself just as they had finished clearing the first kilometer.

it turned out, the 'sabotuer' he fired at, was an eleven year old boy, and this was caught on camera by local media.

Private Denny was a good shot, but you don't really need to be a good shot, with a needler.  You do need a strong stomach and a certain lack of...humanity to see what it does, but you don't need to be an exceptionally good shot.

(Private Denny would, shortly after, be found in a latrine, having decided that living with the murder of a child was not for him, even accidentally as it was ruled.)

after this incident, and teh state of emergency muzzling the press, things got significantly less cordial, with infantrymen from Company A, 11th Battalion of the Arluna Militia, taking fire from the woods every time they moved to clear the roads.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1232 on: 26 January 2020, 17:03:11 »
August 5, 3062...

additional uprisings began immediately, but august 5th is the important date, because on August 5th, someone finally noticed what Governor Wilder had been desperately trying to keep quiet.

He had good reason.  The Margrave of the Kowloon March Theater is the sort of boss that middle level managers have nightmares about-she's the manager of the sort that when a customer says 'let me talk to your manager' they are making a genuine threat.

I mean, my god, she kills people.

the arrival of Coast Guard Cutter 12/2/1, KCGS Trau Cuk Ky under the command of one Lt. Commander Linda Sithers, bearing an Auditor team from the March Authority, meant he had to do something right, and quick.

Ewan Wilder is a graduate of the finest military academy in the Inner Sphere, this is, in fact, something he will gladly point out, referencing his certificate of graduation from The Nagelring, and while his tour of duty was in a relatively peacetime role, in a relatively peaceful area of the Commonwealth, he did score well on his tactical exams as a student, and his OER's always had phrases such as "Meets Expectations" and "adequate performance in the role" (the lack of momentoes from his first command is, of course, regrettable, but his collection of photos with famous figures throughout the Commonwealth makes up for it, a bit.)

With back-water regions of the planet going up in arms, (though not as violently as the hill country around Grantsville), and protests met by counter-protests on the Capitol steps, he made a decision.

"it must be an organized thing, kill the leader, you kill the uprising."  This is a standard thing, right out of the Lohengrin playbook for dealing with insurgencies, and he was sure this insurgency was being led, or fronted, by Garrett MacAulliffe.

He sent an assault force using a 'mech drop from a leopard.  Four battlemechs, right on the MacAulliffe farm, with orders to apprehend the rebel and his followers.

armed with live ammunition.

To say 'mistakes were made' is a  bit like saying 'water is wet', 'stars emit light', or 'the margrave is going to be angry.'
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1233 on: 26 January 2020, 17:17:01 »
Am I the only one that winced at "meets expectations" and "adequate performance in the role"?  I'm pretty sure that is military for "won't trip off over his feet, but for god's sake keep him away from anything important related to a combat zone"?
« Last Edit: 26 January 2020, 18:26:36 by Nikas_Zekeval »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1234 on: 26 January 2020, 17:21:14 »
right along with.... don't make me angry… you will not like me angry... then she turns green and triples in size


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1235 on: 26 January 2020, 17:37:24 »
Wilder has no idea how screwed he is.  He's just not smart enough to know it.  My money is on Sithers all the way...


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1236 on: 26 January 2020, 17:57:24 »
MacAulliffe Farm, Arluna, 03:30 local time.

"I've got contacts in the air, Sir!!"  'Mechwarrior  Vries was an urbanmech pilot.  Their whole Lance were old models shifted directly from the main Arluna Militia to a secondary reserve role, intended to be something of a delay unit in the event of an invasion, with limited training, piloted by old men and pre-Academy students.

Vries was seventeen, next year, if he can pass the exams, he'll be going to Coventry Military Academy like his Dad, and his Grandfather did, and prior service in the Militia Reserve was supposed to help him prepare for that.

Lighting up a farmhouse and looking for (and failing to find) a nest of insurgents was not in his long term plans.

Coswold, his lance partner (also in an urbanmech) had refused the order to open fire, and right now, Vries envied her almost as much as Leutnant Schroeder appeared to scorn her.

Lt. Schroeder was busy using his firestarter's on board flamers to burn the barn and outbuildings, looking for the explosives lab he was absolutely certain of, while Sergeant Smythe,  a veteran of the Glengarry suppression, kept the only survivor they had been able to spot in place with threatening gestures and the occasional warning shots from the machineguns on his stinger.

and now, something roughly fifty tons had appeared out of nowhere above them, coming down with spotlights.  "Stand down, you are bound by law!!!"

Image magnification and vision filters told him what the lack of IFF didn't-this was a Coast Guard 'Raptor', a unit marked with the killer whale roundel and the white hull/red stripe that was kind of synonymous with forces directly belonging, in his limited understanding, to the Margrave of the Theater, Duchess Elizabeth Ngo, who also held Liege status over the Governor who sent them here to do this...horrid thing.

Vries powered his urbanmech down immediately, while getting an earful from the Leutnant and the Sargeant about how the Coasties have no jurisdiction here, and he should be opening fire on them.

The Sargeant actually tried this.  the nose gun on the raptor buzz-sawed through the cockpit of the Stinger like a hot chainsaw through slightly warmed butter.

a second line of tracers linked the descending craft to the Leutnant's firestarter, cutting it off (Literally) at the knees.

Vries did what he thought was right.  He climbed up through the roof hatch of his Urbie, hands in the air, and waited for the Coasties to exit the shuttle.

clang-clang-clang, and a metallic voice informed him, "Hands behind your neck, you are bound by law. anything you say will be used in court. do you understand?"

Vries put his hands behind his neck, and that forced his eyes on the scene on the ground.

The girl was kneeling where she'd been kneeling, but with light instead of thermals, he could see what she was kneeling over.  it made him sick.

Cold metal hands applied cuffs and lowered him to the ground on a cargo-line, to where human and machine Coasties were securing the scene...and the suspects.  all three surviving suspects. Himself, his lance-partner, and the Leutnant.

The girl was crying, over...well...most of a body.

I did that.  Vries vomited again.  my god I did that.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1237 on: 26 January 2020, 18:01:47 »
Well, not Coventry for him... if he's lucky, he'll be enlisted in the Coast Guard...


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1238 on: 26 January 2020, 18:44:34 »
Subject: Vries, Hans Geraldo
Born: Immaculata hospital, Ciudad Memphis, Arluna, September 1, 3045
Birth Order: Third
Parents: Heinrich Pablo Vries, Imelda Keplar Vries
Criminal record prior to arrest: Negative.
Occupation: Student/Planetary Reserve Militia 'Mechwarrior candidate
Place of occupation: Presley Concepcion High School/Memphis Reserve Armory
Charges: obeying an unlawful order, mayhem, Manslaughter (2nd Degree)
Plea: Guilty.

Arresting officer's notes: 'Mechwarrior Vries complied with instructions immediately and has been cooperative with interrogation personnel at every step, including providing unsolicited testimony regarding misconduct by Lt. Schroeder and Sgt. Smythe.  Psychological index and reactions positive indicators toward contrition for the actions of his unit between 23:45 hours local time 05/August/3062 and 03:30 hours 06/August/3062.  There are strong indicators of trauma induced depression, and under narco interrogation Corpsman Willett identified possible suicidal ideation and severe depression.  Subject Vries has been placed on suspension from the Militia Reserve and has been remanded to a psychiatric facility under Suicide Watch.  he has agreed to testify against his superior officers in this incident with no prompting nor offers of clemency.

Vries is a minor, under Sentencing Guideline 34, issued by Her Grace, it is the determination of this officer that Vries be inducted immediately into the Giap island/Boojum residential academy until graduation, and then be sentenced to no less than 10 years service in the Coast Guard.

Lt. Commander Sithers, Linda,
Kowloon Coast Guard Space Branch.


So ordered by my hand this 12th day of August, 3062,

Elizabeth Ngo,
Margrave, Kowloon Theater.

"You're getting a second chance, boy." his father said, hugging him, "You're a good boy, you'll be a good man.  eventually, you'll learn to forgive yourself as god has forgiven you."

Subject: MacAulliffe, Debra Lee
Born: September 21, 3050, Bensinger Clinic, Arluna
Parents: Garrett James MacAulliffe (Deceased), Susan Wylie (deceased)
Siblings: Robert Joseph MacAulliffe (deceased), John Robert MacAulliffe (Deceased)
Living Relatives: no living relatives.
Guardian Ad Lidem: Assigned Guardianship temporarily to commanding officer, KCGS Trau Cuk Ky pending Probate hearing set for 11 October, 3062.

Notes: Trauma therapy is being conducted by Corpsman 1st Class Eva Ransom.  Request detail of no less than 3 Judge Advocate officers be transferred to this command to handle inheritance, debt, and probate issues regarding the involvment of state actors in the death of Garrett J. MacAulliffe, Susan Wylie MacAulliffe, Robert Joseph MacAulliffe, and John Robert MacAulliffe.  The objective of this action would be to correct an injustice once blame has been assigned correctly, secure some financial future for Miss MacAulliffe, and resolve the matter on Arluna in a satisfactory fashion.

Civilians have been killed by agents of the State acting on what appear to be legal orders issued improperly from the governor's office.  Full audits show no evidence of graft or bribery, suggesting this is an ideological, as opposed to financial, case.  Audit team is currently pursuing the possibility that judicial manipulations may have been involved on behalf of a third party not known to the governor, however...four people are dead, two parents and two young children, the survivor is severely traumatized, and someone needs to pay.

Request further orders,

Lt. Commander Sithers, Linda
Commanding officer, KCGS
Trau Cuk Ky

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1239 on: 26 January 2020, 19:09:32 »
so Liz hasn't found out that it was over a landgrab attempt by a real estate developer yet? much less about how the developer manipulated the legal system to achieve it.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1240 on: 26 January 2020, 19:11:03 »
so Liz hasn't found out that it was over a landgrab attempt by a real estate developer yet? much less about how the developer manipulated the legal system to achieve it.

you can bet that when she does she is going to blow her top and order some kind of reform to prevent this kind of thing from happening to someone else


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1241 on: 26 January 2020, 19:30:04 »
I'm sure the auditors will dig it all up.  If Wilder knows what's good for him, he'll be properly horrified to learn the truth and offer his resignation before he's fired...

Dave Talley

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1242 on: 26 January 2020, 19:58:47 »
I'm sure the auditors will dig it all up.  If Wilder knows what's good for him, he'll be properly horrified to learn the truth and offer his resignation before he's fired...

or before she fires him, 9mm style
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1243 on: 26 January 2020, 20:03:19 »
Elizabeth House, Kowloon, 8 August, 3062...

Her Grace was coldly furious as she finished reading the correspondence.  "That idiot."  she was angry enough that her coffee sat untouched beside her at the breakfast table.

"Huhm?" Nathan came stumbling out of the bedroom,  "What?"

"Here, drink up." Elizabeth said, gesturing to his cup and the unattended carafe on the table.  "I may be busy for the next few days."

he blinked sleep away, "Liz, you're busy all the time."

"Extra busy.  One of my governors has overstepped and people are dead."

"Liz, I don't want to be the pill that tells you to pass it off on someone else, but you're scheduled for a three month trip as part of your larger duties." He told her, "I don't know if Prince Victor will understand, but I assure you, New Circe won't-you've got medical prep for your TDS prescriptions scheduled for today, along with Journey prep...and didn't you once say you wanted things to be able to run without you?"

"yes...gawd dammit." she muttered. "This is a mess, dammit."

"Let me see?"

she put the messages on the living room entertainment center's big screen, and transferred mouse function to his side of the table.

He was swearing by the third page.

"Here is what happens if he contests removal from office." Liz explained, "It goes to a Commonwealth court.  Nothing here, that was done, is outright illegal, the commonwealth supreme court upheld Sovereign Immunity in a similar case last year down on Kaumberg."

"So what are you holding the Leutnant and Sargeant for?" he asked.

"Violations of AFFC regulations." she said, "It's flimsy, but our officer on site has a  couple of minority interpretations she's using to justify holding them, one of which is involving minors in live combat actions-the two urbanmech pilots are...were still in High School."

"Only one of which has been referred to Giap Island."

"the other one refused the order to fire on the farm." Liz said, "I'm having her transferred to CMA directly using my authority as a Theater Margrave, I get to sponsor to the provincial academy and the kid had sense enough not to follow that order, as far as I'm concerned, landing a clumsybot like an urbie from a dropship in the middle of the night, and then still having enough brains not to shoot farmers pre-emptively gives her all the qualities I want in an officer candidate in the regulars."

"Spending one of your waivers?  aff, this is pissing you off...but those are solved problems. You're angry about the unsolved ones."

"Yes." Liz said, "this whole situation was escalation after escalation, I think Sithers is on to something or she wouldn't be asking for three JAGs or keeping the victim aboard ship."

"Possible threats to the child?"

Liz nodded, "That's the playbook i approved-if the victim is under credible threat, secure their safety, same for witnesses, the girl is both, they're just not detailing what that credible threat is, which suggests either my Coast Guards don't know and only suspect, or they're concerned about a mole or leak."

"What does your logic tell you?"

"Mole in the judicial  or law enforcement authorities planetside." Liz stated.

"Well...who do you want on it?" he asked.

Liz frowned.  "I need to make a visible statement." she said, "underline that this whole mess is unacceptable...I need underliners."

she tabbed the intercom to the boys.  "Jack, Nick, Do we have any Centurions in the Coast Guard JAG office?"

"good morning Duchess.  Nick' with his girlfriend, but yeah, there's a Second New Series named himself 'Perry Mason' in 10th Fleet, he's got his Law School done and just passed a Bar exam, and there's a Third Series K who goes by 'Denny Crane' in the JAG office at Spider Moon.  Is this about the rat ****** on Arluna, two dead kids with dead parents and one traumatized girl? if it is, I gotta let you know, Petty Officer Jason Voorhies has taken a liking to her and is playing bodyguard.  having that axe-crazy ****** watching a kid is a little disturbing."

"You've talked to him?" she asked.

"Yeah, he asked about tips for handling traumatized human kids.  apparently he thinks we did a great job with you."

"You did, Jack.  I'm going to detail Perry and Denny to the Arluna investigation after I check with Li, let Jason know if you want...and while I'm offworld, maybe you and Nick should take some of that accumulated vacation time and go have fun."

"Don't worry about us, just watch your back, you have Cylon friends and the Colonials hate that, we won't be there to guard your back on New Circe."

"I'll be careful, and I'll have Nathan, and twelve marines with me, plus whatever the Wolverines think is a good executive VIP detail, so don't worry, alright? take your time off, have some fun."

"of that, you can be sure, Nick and I have plans."

the connection clicked.

"Um, 'Jason Voorhies'?"  Nathan asked.

"Twentieth Century classic literature, an unkillable mass killer on a vengeance kick." Liz said, "No, I don't know why he picked that one."

"is it really a good idea to send a pair of Centurions as part of the Judge Advocate detail?" Nathan asked.

"yeah. it makes a statement...and unlike us normal people, they can be their own court reporters.  and I'm going to ask Li to send the hardest hard-ass we've got with the JAG office to make sure this kid gets as much as they can get her out of this-an example must be set and adhered to."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1244 on: 26 January 2020, 20:09:18 »
It looks like he was just stupid, not actually malevolent.  That will count for something.  Nothing that will save his job, but something...

And Cannonshop posted while I was typing the above... I think it still holds...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1245 on: 26 January 2020, 20:26:09 »
stupid will still get you in the posterior (or the neck, if Liz is involved) if it comes out you were lax on anti-corruption efforts. especially if, as i suspect, he was getting 'gifts' from the various corporations involved in the corruption, and didn't do due diligence to ensure the judicial system was clean.

even if he wasn't involved in the scheme to rig the courts himself, corporations like that have a vested interest in making friends in high places, and the governor is about as high as you get once the noble is gone. so if he had connections to them (and he will), and it comes out he didn't push hard enough to keep the system clear of corruption, he's still going to look guilty as hell.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1246 on: 26 January 2020, 20:34:37 »
Right... certainly firing offenses, just not summary execution ones.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1247 on: 26 January 2020, 20:42:18 »
So he'll be fired, but not wrapped in tinfoil and loaded in a gauss rifle first :P


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1248 on: 26 January 2020, 20:56:19 »
possibly.. but consider he also escalated the stand off through military intervention without apparently trying negotiation first, then ordered an assassination op with orders for collateral damage when sending some infantry to guard the corporate workers didn't work.

even if he doesn't have business ties to the corporate groups involved (and i suspect he does), he basically ordered a warcrime. you could make an arguement it was a special op if they'd used infantry in a commando raid, but they sent 4 battlemechs on their own to basically rampage around, kill the family and destroy a home. disproportionate force used against a civilian populace.
« Last Edit: 26 January 2020, 20:58:33 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1249 on: 26 January 2020, 20:58:53 »
Under the assumption that it was a full on rebellion... again, stupid.  War crime?  Maybe, but I think Liz pointed out the regular Lyran courts wouldn't see it that way.

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1250 on: 26 January 2020, 21:16:18 »
So he'll be fired, but not wrapped in tinfoil and loaded in a gauss rifle first :P
Unfortunately, someone ran the maths on that: it only works if your name is Vlad Ward.
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1251 on: 26 January 2020, 21:49:07 »
Ciudad Oxford, Arluna...

"I have to insist, Commander, the girl is an Arlunan citizen."  Governor Ewan Wilder insisted.

"I have a Ducal order to the effect that she is currently the responsibility of the Coast Guard, mister Governor.  I report to Her Grace the Margrave, not you." Linda Sithers wore 'Working Dress' uniform, not quite the full dress blues, but not a field uniform either.  "Isn't that correct, Ensign Minh?"

"Yes'm, we have orders."

"If you wish to countermand the orders, you will have to take them up with my chain of command at, or above the level at which the order has been issued."  Sithers continued,  "I am given to understand the Duchess will be returning in six months, but if you would like to discuss with her superior, the name in the directory is Victor Ian Steiner Davion."

"Excuse me? Your orders came from Elizabeth Ngo herself?"

"Aye sir." Sithers said, and produced the offprint.  "Signed by her personally after receipt of my report on your civil disturbance here.  I have orders to maintain protective custody of one Debra Lee MacAulliffe until properly relieved.  My interpretation of that order, is that Debra Lee MacAulliffe is not secured anywhere on this planet after someone thought it was a good idea to shoot up a civilian farm using taxpayer property.  In our hands the girl is secured and protected.  as an orphaned minor, her status as ward of the State is a simple matter, in terms of chain of custody, the Ducal stands above the Gubernatorial levels, and she is under Ducal State Protection as a witness in an ongoing investigation."

"Is that why you are here?" He asked.

"Actually, we were just doing taxi service initially, the auditors were being delivered to go over your books and verify progress on the March reforms, however, our tasking was expanded upon learning there was an uprising in progress.  The MacAulliffe farm is less than twenty kilometers from a navigable body of water, and within Coast Guard jurisdiction."

"A..a what??"

"Navigable body of water.  Jennison pond." she said.

"that's...that's practically a bathtub!"

"I can land a helicopter on floats on it, therefore, it is a navigable body of water, we also observed the lift of a Leopard class dropship from Ciudad Memphis on a governmentally cleared flight path, observed the deployment of four battlemechs, and ground fire before intervening to defuse the situation.  at no time did any onboard sensors detect return fire, and it was only after watching a firestarter pilot go axe-crazy that I acted on my own authority to step in-you can't prosecute dead defendants and you can't get reliable testimony from burn wards.  Both suspects dead, along with civilian casualties and confirmed lack of return fire demonstrates proof of either malice or incompetence.  The presence of minors on a combat mission in peacetime indicates administrative malfeasance, shall I go on?"

Ensign Minh lifted her briefcase, and snapped it open.  "This visit is a courtesy visit, Governor, to inform you that your Administration, and this entire situation, is now under investigation by the Theater and March authorities, you are advised to cooperate with investigators to your fullest ability.  Failure to do so may result in charges of obstruction of justice and conspiracy to capital murder."  she laid the first document on his desk. "That is the first item. Item two, is that the March Authority, under the Equal Protections under the Law clause, is paying for legal representation for one Debra Lee MacAulliffe, this is an order suspending all commerce related to the estate of the MacAulliffe family until a March Court Magistrate can rule on the Probate and arrange for the settlement of all outstanding legitimate and legal debts owed to, or owed by, the deceased."  she laid it on his desk, "This is a Ducal order to freeze the assets in question, it vacates the Imminent Domain ruling you issued in May of this year pending a court review of the assets involved, as well as a Ducal review of the Imminent Domain case to verify legitimate public use under the Commonwealth Charter, as well as an order to an Audit to determine if said public use is or was unduly influenced by or to the benefit of, the issuing authority of the ruling of Imminent Domain under the Anticorruption policy instituted here in the Kowloon Theater March."

"one more, ma'am." Ensign Minh said.

"Oh, yeah...and this is a court ordered review of your finances and dealings, Governor Wilder.  This order gives our investigators lawful access to your accounts, which as of ten minutes ago, were legally frozen until the audit is done.  I am also under orders to place you on House Arrest until such time as this audit is completed, at which time, the arriving Judge Advocate officers will determine if criminal prosecution is warranted."

Sithers laid the last order on the desk, then leaned forward on it, hands firmly on the surface, eye to eye with the Governor.  "Let me be exceptionally clear for you sir, the Duchess herself has chosen to notice you, and not in a way that results in photographic opportunities and investment advice.  Your ass is in a sling, sir, and your cooperation may be the difference between you walking out that door a free man, and walking out to the gallows.  Do you savvy my transmission, Heinie?"

"Yes." he said, struggling to retain some dignity.  "House arrest?"

"your phones will be tapped, you will be confined to quarters, access to external communication will be by my permission, if you try to escape, I will not hesitate to have you shot." she told him.  "In official corruption cases, it is common for a suspect to try to run, or hide information, conceal compatriots, or warn fellow suspects. you will not do this, attempting to do so is a very, very bad idea.  Servants and employees coming and going will be searched and questioned. you are in a fishbowl, Governor, your yard is your yard, and going outside means going under guard.  This is for your protection as well as the requirements of the case-in the event you turn state's evidence, your continued physical existence could rely on our efforts at your security."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Trace Coburn

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1252 on: 26 January 2020, 22:16:04 »
  Ah, yes, the Nagelring!  The finest idiot-factory in the Inner Sphere, producing the finest in Olympic-class idiots, and in job lots, to boot.  :facepalm:  Honestly, Vic desperately needs to run the Kowloonese Inquisition through that place as well, and considering it’s his alma mater, the order will mean a shit-load more coming off of his desk.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1253 on: 26 January 2020, 22:22:21 »
Having Elizabeth Ngo audit the curriculum  and evaluate the staff of Nagelring would probably set the Estates General in an uproar to protect their incompetent relatives/friends.  Although that would be an awesome side story!


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1254 on: 26 January 2020, 23:13:30 »
MacAulliffe Farm...

Dull, tan armored Centurions and camouflage wearing Coast Guard Marines had the entire site under quarantine.   "Well?"  L.Cpl. Pol Nguyen looked up, squinted and recognized Chief Voorhies, the Cylon stood with visible impatience in his posture.

"Well, these manjacks are in pretty sad shape." Pol said, "he was expecting to need them, maybe expected to use them, but my uncle Dean could tell you, these things aren't ready to be used, the gun portions need work on the breeches, the wiring's a mess of corrosion and storage grease, the power supply he's got hooked up is expired, and the wrong wattage.  Short form, someone sold this guy couple crates of fecal matter and called it chocolate."

"What else?"

"His claymores are practice units, the explosive filler looks like homebrew nitromethane based improvised HE, the kind you use  for blowing stumps, not trucks."  Pol was a farm-boy from Canyon Country on Kowloon, and this was his first off-world deployment after suffering through two years transition training from Blue Water demo-diver to Blackwater service as a surface marine.  "The circuit's not the best I've seen, it's the kind of shit work you see with AFFC pongoes who took the basic course by correspondence.  this guy expected to be attacked, and he was sure as shit intent on stopping them...but I was laying better fields than this when I was in grade four down in the Folly."

"So intent is present?"

"Sure.  but this work suggests he's not the blaster who closed the road. if he was, this stuff would be...better laid. I mean, it's competent by most regular military standards, but the guy who blocked the highway? that dude was an artist."

"So...more than one suspect, which supports the Governor's theory."  the Centurion mused aloud.

"Sure, this used to be mining country not six years ago, and MacAulliffe was popular with his neighbours." Pol noted, "The lookee-loos outside the wire are testimony to that.  one of them probably closed the highway in solidarity..." Pol shrugged, "It's what my dad would do, in a similar situation...where's the kid?"

"Sleeping on the ship.  Corpsman's got her on a sedative drip." Voorhies answered, "this messed the kid up pretty bad, you know?"

"I heard, believe me." Pol said, "Kids shouldn't scream like that when they're sleeping.  What's word on the stupid ****** who opened fire?"

"the officer is in custody awaiting a Tribunal, the pilot is on suicide watch.  Not much older than the girl, and his deposition and cockpit records match-he thought he was here to engage terrorists."

"Stupid ******." Pol shook his head.  "Whoever put a kid that young in a 'mech with live rounds oughta be shot."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1255 on: 26 January 2020, 23:46:08 »
And probably will be :)
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1256 on: 26 January 2020, 23:58:07 »
Zughoffer Weir, Kowloon system, 12 August, 3062...

"Permission to come aboard sir?" Liz asked, and Commodore Ferry answered, "Permission Granted, Duchess, Welcome aboard." 

She clambered out of Raptor Eleven, and dropped feet down to the deck with practiced expertise.  "Thank you for having me aboard your fine vessel, Commodore, I've never seen one this big that wasn't being worked on at a yard before.  Strange how much nicer everything looks."

"Didn't your people capture the Belleau Wood?"

"They also trashed an awful lot of it, we had to do considerable work to get her going enough to hand over to the AFFC, and I..." she shrugged a bit, "Was kinda busy at the time, so I never got the chance to look her over in person.  Biggest ship I've had the chance to walk on is a block two Sampan Cutter...I swear I think the Tranh Truk Ngo is about the size of your hangar bay."

he laughed, "Well, I guess I better give you the tour so you don't get lost."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1257 on: 26 January 2020, 23:58:50 »
And probably will be :)

Only of the Coasties are feeling merciful.  I mean the teen Urbie pilots are in the clear, one figured out as soon as they landed this wasn't what the brief said and absent a clear and present threat refused orders to fire.  The second figured it out when no one shot back, and definitely when the Coasties showed up.

The officer and NCO?  Well they are ****** from multiple directions.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1258 on: 27 January 2020, 00:49:33 »

after a quick tour that included CIC, Elizabeth spoke up.  "Commodore, could I possibly convince you to do a quick stop-over in the Arluna system before you engage your 'long jump' drive?"

"Um...I don't see why long?"

"Long enough to check a matter that came up..."

"Liz." Nathan, who had been quiet (and quietly being unobtrusive during the tour) said cautiously, "Is this really a good idea?"

"I trust my people, but..."

"Well, what's the situation?" Commodore Ferry asked.

"Possible corruption case, four dead, one child orphaned and traumatized, if this trip hadn't been planned so thoroughly I would have asked for extra time to oversee things...and...She's twelve, Commodore.  someone I'm in nominal charge of sent four battlemechs into a manageable situation and four people are dead and it''s bothering me."

"I think we can accomodate that, XO, are we loaded with stores and supplies?"

"Yes sir, even the Tyllium's been replenished."

"Have nav set a standard jump for Arluna, we'll do the long jump from that system instead."

"Aye sir."

Ferry noticed Liz taking Roshak's hand as the jump countdown started.

"TDS?" he asked.

"Severe, I'm trying a new medication for the aftermath effects." Liz told him, "we're...hoping it works."

"Aftermaths? you're scaling over seventy on the Kriggs scale then?" Ferry asked.

"Eighty one my last trip out, I spent most of the time between New Avalon and home in sick bay." she confirmed, "they had to put me in a medically induced coma for part of the journey."

"We can run the Arluna run on the Tyllium drive if you'd prefer?"

"there's a fuel dock in the Arluna system, and one of OUR refiners operates in the outer belts there." Liz told him, "And I always have the company card."

Ferry turned to the jump officers, "Make it so."

"Aye sir."

"sweet jesus, eighty one? how did Victor talk you into this trip in the first place? does he know?"

"I talked him into it." Elizabeth asserted, "We're allies now, but I've never seen your homeworld and you're too smart to tell anyone where it is.  I want to meet your civilian leadership, and see what we have, that you need, and what kind of trade can be assembled-sooner or later we'll defeat the Cylons, and trade is more stabilizing than anything else, and maybe I can learn things about our past that have been lost in the chaos...and I kind of wonder what sort of things we can do for the Colonials."

"we could have brought them..."

"It wouldn't be the same. Laura Roslin is a head of state, I'm just a...not a head of state." Liz said, "it's most appropriate for me to visit her, than for her to be forced to endure the discomforts to visit me." she waved, "As nice as your vessel is, Commodore, it makes more sense for me to go to Roslin and Vaun, than to drag them out to Kowloon."

"You sound like you practiced that."

"Victor had the same reservations." Liz told him, "he even made the same suggestions.  The fact is, if anyone is inconvenienced by having to travel far, far from home, that person should be the one whose responsibilities don't include their entire nation."

"You stood in front of the Clans and took responsibility for all of our nations."

"And I'm paying for it." Liz admitted, "It's a price that someone had to pay, and it's a job someone will have to do when I'm gone, but believe me when I tell you, Protector Vaun, Laura Roslin, Marthe Pryde, Victor Steiner-Davion, and whoever they decide is going to sit in the hot-seat after Theodore's term is up, all out rank me on the scale of protocol, I'm just a Duchess or a girl selling toolboxes."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1259 on: 27 January 2020, 01:21:52 »
So in the new Star League, what are the rules on who sits on the throne as the 1st Lord of the Star League?

