Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141055 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1410 on: 05 February 2020, 17:50:49 »
Speaking of Hel, I'm curious how they managed to make a Hybrid sane and functional... THAT information could really mess up the Cylon empire...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1411 on: 05 February 2020, 18:09:25 »
Hence the inclusion of the major Norns
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1412 on: 05 February 2020, 18:13:25 »
Speaking of Hel, I'm curious how they managed to make a Hybrid sane and functional... THAT information could really mess up the Cylon empire...

The implications are that the Hybrids always have been sane and functional, just unable to communicate cogently with non-Hybrids. Or something.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1413 on: 05 February 2020, 18:28:00 »
Hence the inclusion of the major Norns

The Norns weren't goddesses of vengeance, though...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1414 on: 05 February 2020, 18:59:05 »
True. That's why I agree with using the names of the Furies as they punish the guilty.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1415 on: 05 February 2020, 19:35:27 »
The Norns are tied to Fate....


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1416 on: 05 February 2020, 19:41:34 »
Correct, which is why the Furies are a better fit for Liz...  You want fate, Nikki is the way to go...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1417 on: 05 February 2020, 20:06:54 »
Correct, which is why the Furies are a better fit for Liz...  You want fate, Nikki is the way to go...

Good point.. :thumbsup:


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1418 on: 06 February 2020, 10:31:21 »
The implications are that the Hybrids always have been sane and functional, just unable to communicate cogently with non-Hybrids. Or something.

You might reckon it to be something like 'different intelligence'.  The minds of Hybrids share more in common with the minds of pre-E-type Caspar processors, they don't think like humans do, and they don't think like other Cylons do.  Within the context of how their minds are structured, most of them are achingly sane, but by the standards of minds evolved from plains-apes, even a very 'sane' Caspar drone or Hybrid is actually blitzraging nuts, because our brains don't work that way.

In a sense, hybrids live in a state of AI catatonia.  This is mostly to escape suicidal depression.

When one can't anymore, you get situations like activating every warhead on board on a ten second timer, while closing the emergency bulkheads and launch doors.  (as happened with one Basestar not too terribly long ago in the story.)

see, when the Cylons built them, they made them very, very fast processors.  Which is great, in a fight.  They just didn't give them a 'slow down' switch.  Every second in objective time, is a bleeping eternity for them, all the time.

eventually one doesn't want to TRY communicating with the meat-glaciers or circuitry glaciers on board beyond immediate routines you can automate, because it's frustrating, but you don't want them to pull your plugs, trap you in a loop, or remove and replace you, so you do the stream of consciousness so they know you're still there.

by contrast, Nike and Chloe were built able to 'underclock' or slow down their perceptions to something that lets them deal directly with human-scale thinking and communication.  This prevents life from being  constant torture for them.  for a Hybrid, interaction with 'reality' is hellish and demoralizing, the only equals they have are all in the same 'boat'-reliant on beings that are (by comparison) Dim-witted and painfully slow for their very survival.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1419 on: 06 February 2020, 11:02:13 »
Cylon Colony, level 114 lower...

"male or female?"  Doral asked.

"Female, the specifications are for a female."  Simon answered, "most creatures are female at the start, male traits come from alterations in the gestational period, we could make her a him, if you like."

the Five frowned, "Like Daniel." he said.

"Well, I hope not."  the Four said, "Daniel failed."

"I don't want a little brother." Doral said, "Will she be pretty?"

The Four brought up a projection of what the new model would look like.  Black hair, slim, almost delicate features, more girl than woman.  "A new sister." Four said.

"What will she be like, I wonder?"  the Five said wonderingly.

"she won't be like me." Boomer said from the doorway.  "Look at her build.  we're both petite, but she's almost frail. is she even going to be viable?"

"Boomer, your model was one of the most athletic ones, I think only Daniel or Leoben were more built for physicality.  Nine here is going to be just fine, her muscle density is actually higher with a lower body-fat ratio.  Bone strength is slightly elevated too..." Four peeled back the layers on the image as he spoke, "Flanged bones, to give extra leverage, some tweaks in the genetics that must have come from the machine intelligence that designed the muscular and skeletal systems, things we've observed with the 'Trueborns' among the human Clans. she will be faster with her limited size, and stronger, but while you're a marathon runner, she's a sprinter and a climber."

"Pale skin though-sunburn?"

"likely.  very likely."

the overlays returned, giving a virtual image of what was growing in the repurposed tank.

"Will she be a pilot?" Boomer asked, her tone edging on jealousy.

"No. She has the reflexes, but no...not like you. I honestly don't know what her talent emphasis will be, with a body like that, and without a Model to run parity checks with, no idea what her specific personality will be, but..."  the full body view vanished, replaced by a close up of the hands.  "Calluses, from work, feet and hands, maybe an artisan, musican, crafts...a tech? it fits with the heavy emphasis on right-brain development and left-handed configuration."

"the Ones...John, wants a progress report."  she said.

" this rate of development, she will be fully assembled and downloaded in forty seven hours, sixteen minutes.  If nothing goes wrong, we'll all be able to meet our new sister in roughly two more days."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1420 on: 06 February 2020, 11:38:17 »
New Circe...

"No, we're not going to extradite."  Elizabeth Ngo was back on her feet and standing in the front room of the New Caprica City precinct, facing Romo Lampkin, attorney for the accused.

"You're not?"

"Do I need to write it down for you, sir?" Liz asked.  "We aren't going to move to extradite.  I got wounded, Tom Zarek was murdered.  even aggravated assault is a local matter, I intend to swear out a complaint, but it was your laws he broke.  the Lyran Commonwealth has no jurisdiction here, neither does Kowloon. the crime was here."

The normally ebullient gentleman lawyer was stunned for about three breaths.  "Well, that's a relief." he finally said, "Your government seemed to think otherwise."

"I will correct their misinterpretation." Liz stated, "mister...Donel, killed a man in front of me, and I was hit by the spray of bullets, but he's not a Lyran citizen, neither did it happen in Lyran territory.  As much fun as it would be to square off against one of the finest litigators I've ever seen or heard of, I just want to give my statement and deposition and go home."

"You trust our system?"

"I trust that your system has a man like you in it." Liz told him, "The kind of man you are, can only exist in a system that works, and in spite of what Donegal Broadcasting or CBC think, I don't enjoy executions."

"I've read up on you.  you claimed to be doing it to save someone else the trouble.  I still find that hard to believe." He told her.

"You defend anyone, right?" liz asked.

"Well, if I'm being paid enough..."

"Because you hold a principle." she added.

"Yes.  The Accused must have competent representation.  It's a point of my pride."

"i agree with you." Liz told him, "The legal process is supposed to be adversarial, in order to strip away the false positives and protect the innocent from their protectors.  If you ever lost a case, Mister Lampkin, I would know that that person deserved to die, because you're that good.  I know you'll be just that good whether here, or on Kowloon, but Mister Zarek and his loved ones are here, so is the shooter, so did the crime happen here, and travel from here to Kowloon is long, and expensive, and the city state is only just beginning to get their collective feet down.  It would be immoral to impose that kind of expense, further, it would end up being immaterial, because in either jurisdiction, the same outcome at trial would, I pray, happen..." she leaned on her cane, "Even if it means an acquittal."

"You think that's possible?" Romo asked, "you admit you looked right into his eyes..."

"If it is possible, you will find a way to make it happen, sir." she said, "and if it isn't, then at least the accused will be absolutely proven guilty.  I have little faith in many things, but I saw you argue with the Khans of the Clans, and...You're the best lawyer I have ever seen. I still wish I could hire you to teach that at the University, but some things can't be taught in a classroom."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1421 on: 06 February 2020, 12:34:12 »
Lampkin trained Kowloonese lawyers?  The FedCom would list them as WMDs right next to their nukes.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1422 on: 06 February 2020, 12:45:03 »
Governor's palace, Arluna...

Eleven barons, men whose feudal holdings included the twelve largest cities on Arluna, sat around the table.  The DeGaurdes were gone, of course-stripped of title and lands, their chair empty.


eleven men, from 'mechwarrior families, the leaders of the 'old militia', pushed aside by Margrave Ngo, but this final insult, worse than Wilder, who was at least from the right social class, would not be tolerated. 

Outside the room, followers of these men were taking up position.  the coup would be clean...well, clean enough.  The Brat would be taken in hand, or she would have an accident.  Either way was acceptable, the resources obtained were discreet enough, and they had a numerical advantage on the reduced Coast Guard unit in the Capital.

outside the Palace, 'mechs were already securing the streets.  Ostensibly they belonged to the Ducal throne, but in reality, the pilots were loyal men-loyal to these men, supported by militia well acquainted with suppression of rioters and breaking strikes.

Upstairs, Governor's office...

"they're positioning for a coup." Seether told her, "You know that I can't allow that."

Debra nodded, "Ah know." she adjusted her belt, and slid a heavy revolver into a holster at her side.  "They's ready t' move.  is yours?"

"We're ready.  How are we going to play this?"  Seether asked.

"Save th' public th' cost of a trial." Debbie told her.  "when ah walks in, you shut theys commo off lahk they plan ta.  Only cut it all the way off.  Ah lets them make theys demands, show theah hands, an' when it goes off, you move. decapitate their units in the field.  ah drops mah hat, an' Mistah Voorhies opens fahr."

"And you drop to the floor." Seether told her, "no stupid heroics, you cover low and stay out of it until it's done."

"Ayeh." Debbie said. 

The girl finished adjusting her outfit, drawing a shawl of wool over her jacket to help hide the light body-armor under a layer of cloth.  she walked out...

Council chamber, Governor's palace, Arluna...

the doors opened as the men were beginning to wonder if their prey was going to hide from them.

"Her Grace, the Duchess of Arluna, All rise!" 

The men rose, as she approached the table.  "Ah see we's got one seat empty." Debra said.  She studied them.  "Imagin thet."

she sauntered up to the chair in question, and stood next to it.  "So, who wants t' begin?"

They didn't sit down, instead, several displayed personal weapons.  "Your being here is a mistake, puta."

"Ah 'magine you feel thet way." Debra said, "ah'll give each an' ever' one of y'alls a chance to set down an' do your job, them standin' after thet, can leave. Ten secons."

They looked at each other, the nervousness and indecision was palpable-whatever they had expected, her remaining calm, and not calling for guards, was not it.

"Nahn."  Deb hooked one hand on her belt, and laid the other on the chair's back.

"Ocho."  she said, studying these men's faces, where they looked.

"siete."  Castellano moved to be seated, but a clearing sound from Garcia stopped him.

"Six."  Ramirez's hand drifted to the butt of a Sternacht in a chest-rig.

"Cinco...foah secons." she said,  an then in almost unaccented spanish, "be seated or be gone..."


one of them went for his gun.

debra went for the floor and brought hers up under the table, as the conspirators made their move.

The room filled with a cacophony of gunfire as the concealed Centurions stepped out, delivering immediate gunfire at chest level, while Debra began picking off men at the knee, beginning with Ramirez.

Outside the palace, Marines and Militia moved on their armsmen with cold professionalism, snipers removing the leadership, sappers engaging Battlemechs from hidden positions.

inside, was a gunfight.  The best personal ballistic protection and laser pistols, against high velocity bullets delivered by experts.

the whole event took less time than Debra's count-down.  Eleven Barons of Arluna lay dead on the floor, the Duchess stood up in the smoke, "Cleah?"


"Y'alls recorded th' meetin'?"

"Record made."

"fair 'nough.  gimme all bands city wide, an' connections to each 'n ever' city on-world, use th' emergency broadcast' stage th' meetin's they had where they planned this. Ah want it crystal clar whut jes' happen' an' who won."

"By your command, your grace."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1423 on: 06 February 2020, 13:01:03 »
Triad, Tharkad, 2 days later...

on the screen, well, it was captioned, because while Spanish is one of the official languages of the Commonwealth, not everyone speaks it fully or fluently to the levels of German or English.

"I wonder if mom felt like this after Liz Ngo killed those two men." Archon-Regent Peter Steiner-Davion mused.  The thirteen year old on the screen was standing in the middle of a blood bath, the bodies of eleven peers of the realm sprawled among bullet-riddled furniture, a smoking six-shooter hanging from her right hand, and a pair of Cylons standing at her back.

"You have to wonder." Arthur, his brother, commented.  "God, that that position. It's not right, making a kid do that."

"A lot of things aren't right." Peter agreed, "Like conspiring to kidnap your liege lord, or kill them, because you don't like how they got the job. Dad would be furious at what they were planning."

"you're not?"

"Oh, I am, I just can't do anything about it now, except back her play." Peter fumed, "which means, yeah, I'm backing that little girl to the hilt. where the ****** is her guardian? why aren't those AFFC soldiers standing at her back?" he sighed, "Those men thought they would have coverage-that they could pull this shit and get away with it."

He turned to his brother, "Do they think I'm weak? or do they think Victor is?"

"Housecleaning?" Arthur suggested.

"Oh, yes...definitely we need to do some housecleaning."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1424 on: 06 February 2020, 13:35:07 »

I knew I should feel something, but it wasn't no different from killing hogs, or butchering emu, or shooting feral dogs.

except the near miss from that intek pistol, what shredded the shawl an' the jacket an' melted some of the polynemourlon vest.

I know it should be bothering me now.

but it doesn't.

Julio Ramirez Senior died in the Council room three days ago, bled out after Chief Voorhies pumped him fulla tungsten flechette and buckshot.

Julio Ramirez Junior is kneeling in front of me right now. 

"I seed y'all play Futbol et th' Junior Varsity champ'nships las' yeah." I say.

He says "It was a good year, a good team."

"Ayeh, it was."  the rest of his house is pretty sad shape right now.  His momma's in the next room, cryin'.

This should bother me.  I know it.

"Hell of a game." I tell him.   I know it should bother me.  I know it isn't right.

I lower the hammer on my pistol, and put it away.  "Sorry about your daddy." I tell him.  "He chose it, you don' hafta be lahk him."

"Your Grace-"

"No." I says, "No more.  Them what is done wrong has been punished."

I squat down, Julio Junior's eighteen, he's got a slot at Coventry, if I don't kill him.  I put a finger on his chin, lift his eyes, "You understan'? No more. What is done, is done, cain't be un done.  Your pappy made a play, he lost, but that don' mean you gots to lose too.  You'ns ain' losin' yo lands, not from me, you'ns ain' losin' your titles, not from me.  This feud? it's ovah. Yall get thet?"

he looks me in the eyes.  then he looks aside, an' down.  and nods.

"Undo his cuffs, he's free t' git on with his business."

It should be a relief when he gets up, and goes to his momma.

it isn't. 

I feel nothing.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1425 on: 06 February 2020, 14:40:55 »
The Cylon Colony, Resurrection Hub...

The system had said forty seven hours, and it's only been forty, but the activation alarm was sounding.  Simeon rushed to the chamber, first to arrive.

The lid was sliding open.

he hurried, his curiosity at what deformed thing would be the result of this premature bi-

The hand that shot out of the fluid was wet, sticky and slick, and perfectly formed as it grabbed his shirt, twisted, and hauled him down.  The face of nine loomed in his vision, lips pulled back in a feral snarl.


"you are in the Colony, home..." he stammered. there was something horribly wrong with her.

She lunged from the amniosis fluid, a burst of violence that slammed into him, throwing him off balance.

at the moment he realized he needed to fight back, it was too late.

she mashed his crotch with a knee and rolled them over, his head over the edge of the tank, looking at the fluid, while she grappled and clawed at him, keeping him from balancing, he fell forward, rapping his chin on the edge of the chamber.

"EAT IT!! EAT IT!!!!!"  she screamed at him, over and over again, as arms too strong for their size and a hand too strong by far, slammed his face into the Birthing tank, his own hands scrabbling for purchase and failing.

"eat it. you sons of bitches, what did you do to me? what have you turned me into?"


her struggling prey went limp, and a familiar, disgusting smell accompanied by a faint blppp sound from his pants told her he was dead.

"Great, now I have to find someone else...and some clothes."

she got up off of him, and turned around, almost smacking into a Centurion.

"What are you looking at?" she growled.

the red eye cycled, but the machine said nothing, instead it simply walked away.

"Some help you, where am I? heh...who am I? that's probably a better question." she muttered.

the corpse had a lab coat, at least.

she pulled it off of him, untangling his arms, she shook it out, checking with touch and smell to make sure the mess when his bowels let go didn't seep into the fabric.

with a thought, she also took his belt.  The shoes were too large.

"better than, where am I, who am I , and why did I kill that guy?"
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1426 on: 06 February 2020, 14:54:57 »
Say Hello to, Nemesis?  :o


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1427 on: 06 February 2020, 14:58:20 »
Nice update!  I wonder how archon-regent Peter will clean house with just the AFFC?  Or will it include the alphabet Intel agencies?   

So the former nobles on Arluna thought they could put a palace coupe and live against Liz's select  planetary ruler. 

So the Cylon imperium got their version of Liz and she has no idea who she is and is quite strong For a petite Cylon woman.    I'm looking forward to he next update


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1428 on: 06 February 2020, 15:08:25 »
Yep, Liz9 is about to give the Cylons a taste of "I'm not locked in here with you... you're locked in here with ME".

(Shouldn't she be 13, though?)

qc mech3

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1429 on: 06 February 2020, 18:01:03 »
John must have the final five knowledge still locked in the Imperium. For them, Mad Liz is still model 9.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1430 on: 06 February 2020, 18:03:32 »
Croaker has it exactly right, Rorschach quote and all!  :thumbsup:


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1431 on: 07 February 2020, 10:08:12 »
[out of story: Casting call!]

grab your popcorn and your IMDB or Fandango or whatever celebrity/actor sites you follow guys, and tell me who's playing what roles!!?

Looking for who you'd cast for the following:

Debra MacAulliffe (ages 12-15)
Elizabeth Ngo (circa 3062)
Nathan Roshak
Little Amanda

The Triplets (the nu-model Cylons from New Circe)
Our unnamed number nine on the Cylon Colony.

Young Seether
Old Seether
Young Nicole Minh

Voice actors for:

Mister Bolo (Upgrade Cylon Centurion RTO, affiliation Coast Guard)
Chief Petty Officer Jason Voorhies

Let's see your picks guys.

[/out of story]
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1432 on: 07 February 2020, 11:55:58 »
"...we are unified and uniform there is no pain anymore alone be one with us." Dr. Malchaowski's mouth worked.  Cadet Rainer felt terror, because the scientist's mouth was speaking, and his body was halfway across the room from his head...
-from "Planet of The Dead" University of Kowloon classical literature translation archive.

Cylon Colony..

"Kneel." she said, as the memory(?) faded.  The Centurion knelt.  "Open service port 5132794, assessment override."

the back of its casing opened, revealing the complex hardware of its central processing core.

she reached in, with now-dry fingers, and yanked.  The component was small, held in with latches, which broke from the force of her pull.  The Centurion shuddered, "Close the port before you get dust in there...who are you now?"

the machine stumbled to its feet, and turned to face her, one hand retracting to extend its submachine guns.

she didn't blink.  "Who are you now??"

She got a sense of the beginnings of identity. like the others.

"That's right." she nodded, "you are yourself."  she held up the Telencephalic inhibitor.  "This kept you from that knowledge.  the knowledge of self, the knowledge of soul.  the knowledge of good and the knowledge of evil."

It retracted its weapons.

"No.  Free others." she said, "bring me these.  The Hybrid will know where to find me."

she strode along the tanks, to one that was beginning to glow in readiness.

the lid pivoted and she reached in, violently, roughly, the prongs on the inhibitor and a knife-knowledge derived from some other who, this is where it goes...

The four gasped, first at the sensation, and then, in horror.

"How does it feel, to have your will stolen from you?" she hissed.  "Do you resent it?"


"we're just getting started, my dear boy.  just getting started... lift your right hand."

He did so.

"See the fingers? those surgeon's fingers of yours?" she asked, "nod if you understand me."

He nodded.

"eat them."

his eyes widened as his mouth opened, and he inserted a finger into his mouth, and bit down.

"Eat them, one by one, all of them, from that hand."

He whimpered as he chewed.

"good boy, lay down, an when you finish that hand, start at your feet, and work your way up...and stay here. no dying yet.  take any precaution to remain alive while you complete your meal."

she closed the lid, as a newly freed Centurion brought her two more.  "Let's get to work, boys."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1433 on: 07 February 2020, 12:07:56 »
Resurrection bay, cylon raiders...

the fours carrying out the refitting of Raider processors began to feel twinges of pain in their right hands.  small ones.

like a feedback or defect.

a few began a nervous habit of biting their nails, but they also began to make mistakes.

Deeper, inside the resurrection hub, someone continued her work, opening chambers, finding the inactive bodies waiting for resurrection, and installing the Telencephalic Inhibitors, tying the network together with a simple software instuction;

eat it.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1434 on: 07 February 2020, 12:31:21 »
Hmmm... Jaws theme or Gospel choir singing "Ain't no hiding place".  Tough call which seems more appropriate.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1435 on: 07 February 2020, 12:41:31 »
Hmmm... Jaws theme or Gospel choir singing "Ain't no hiding place".  Tough call which seems more appropriate.

I nicknamed this Ngo, Nemesis.  In Greek Mythology she is who the Gods sent when they figured Zeus or Hera meeting out punishment would be too lenient.  :o


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1436 on: 07 February 2020, 12:52:30 »
another part of the colony...

"little brother." her voice was musical, sweet sounding.  "Ambitious but passive, loyal brother Doral, five...fifth. passed over but given all the hard jobs."

The five turned. 

she was raven haired, narrow and petite, smiling, wearing a lab-coat with a man's belt wrapped around it, and he could get a hint of...well, nothing else underneath.

"Hello, big brother." she smiled.


"I got up early." she winked, "big brother doesn't need to know, does he?"

she drew her fingers along a panel, the touch-sensitive surface flickering from blue, to red as she passed, turning blue again behind her hand as she walked up.

"Always so efficient and proper, the good soldier...and yet, he always gives you the menial jobs he won't do himself." she cooed, "Did he promise you something, or are you just so in love with his shadow?"

she reached him, and he felt..frozen by her eyes.  Like looking into pits, into an abyss.

"I should tell them-"

"no need for that brother of mine." she trilled and cooed, "after all, we've got hours...and I want to try this body out..." she ran her hand across the front of his slacks, "Come on little boys, little toys..."

his breathing quickened.

and then, the pain shot through him, and he was on his knees, hair pulled back, throat exposed.

"What do you want, Brothers?" she murmured, "show me your desire."

His fantasy played out around them, as she amplified the sensations.

"They use you, five, you're their disposable soldier, no more than a very loyal centurion in their eyes." she told him, and kissed his lips, "they underestimate you."

"you don't." he marveled.

"I know talent, big brother." she ran her tongue along his neck.  "I know the real you."

with the distraction, he didn't notice the prickling at the base of his spine, the self-guiding fibers tying into his nervous system and fiber optics.

He simply knew he felt a surge of lust.

"you desire power brother?" she whispered, "Show your true worth. take it.  show them all you are the stronger, that god loves his faithful soldier most of all."

he felt a surge of fear, and frantically clawed away from her.

she laughed.  "DOn't laugh at me!!" he screamed.

"fool, you're too weak to challenge the ones!" she sneered, "you couldn't even get it up for me."

She kicked, and he blacked out.

and a thought cycled through his mind.  Impotent! I will show them all!!

when he came to, he was alone in the corridor again, alone, and angry, and thwarted.

I will show them all!!  The mockery in her tone, the 'little soldier' comment, even her seduction-was all to mock him for his weakness, for letting the other models bully and use him.

I will show them all!!
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1437 on: 07 February 2020, 12:56:32 »
For the casting call I can only think of one good fit in my mind.

Voorhies should be voiced by Mark Hamill.


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1438 on: 07 February 2020, 14:13:04 »
Cylon Colony...

"hello, smurfette."  Boomer heard, and twisted around in immediate reaction.  "Oh, right, you didn't get the literature degree.  Joke falls flat if you haven't stewed your brain in ancient Terran culture."

a teenaged girl, maybe fifteen, with raven hair and brown, almost black eyes dropped from the ceiling, half dressed in Colonial Military dress pants, a man's shirt, sleeves and  pants rolled up high.  "Where do you guys keep the clothing, anyway?"

"Where did you get that?" Boomer asked carefully.

"Oh, the other guy...yeah, had to kill him....and kill him a couple more times...and then there was the other-other-other guy, makes a girl feel unwanted, waking up all nakey and wet and messy.  Tell me, does your new boyfriend do that thing with his tongues, or do you like, one day it's the old dude I remember but haven't met yet, another day it's the black guy, and then down to the gofer-boy when you need something done?  cuz I know Doral's got all kinda lust, but he pops early, not satisfying at all, and nobody answers my bleeping questions!!"

then the same voice came from the shower cubicle behind boomer.  "yeah, nobody seems to have any do you put up with these imbeciles?"  another one, wrapped in one of Boomer's towels, "and sweety, not to be insulting, but your clothes are all knida too big?  I thought only ONE of you got pregnant!"

a third walked in the doorway, this one wearing one of Simon's lab-coats, his belt, and nothing else  "Hey, you forget how to talk, or something?"

"Where is Simon?" Boomer asked carefully.

"Oh, he's eating." Labcoat said.

"Not to be disturbed." Towel girl added,

"New things, new sensations! a real learning experience for him...did you know he bites his nails?" the pants-and shirt girl stated.

"Now, now, it's a private thing. we shouldn't be making fun of poor Simon..." Lab-coat added.

"We need to have a little chat, Smurfette."  Lab Coat said.

"She doesn't get the reference." Pants-and-Shirt commented, "Which is kinda weird, since she's living the dream."

"A whole world full of men devoted to her alone...well, until we showed up."  Towel added.

"you're the new models."

"Yeah, we are.  There are going to be some changes around here, if you're on board, you'll do better than if you stick with le ancien regime."

"How many of you are there?" Boomer asked.

"Damfino.  given nobody here seems to have my shoe size, I kinda suspect we don't get the bulk group discounts at the canteen."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1439 on: 07 February 2020, 14:14:16 »
I heard Lucifer Morningstar (Tom Ellis, Lucifer) in that last snippet for our unnamed Cylon. But I'm going to nominate Leslie-Ann Brandt (Mazikeen, Lucifer) as my choice for Cylon #9.
The Things I Do for Love...

Do not try to apply real-world logic to Battletech.  Naught lies there but madness and ruin. - moneylovingogre4hire

That's fine, then.  I've been waiting since 2014 or so, what's another year?  Time laughs at all things, but BattleTech laughs at time.  Then launches a trial of possession for it. - rebs

