Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141196 times)

qc mech3

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1440 on: 07 February 2020, 15:04:26 »
I agree for Mark Hamill for the Centurion(s)

Brandt would push Mazikeen to 18+ rating to get model 9  >:D

With the mods made before production, the furies should be played by Karen Gillan. It would go well with the Morrigan codename.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1441 on: 07 February 2020, 16:10:11 »
The Cylon Colony, January 2, 3063...

The illusion of order was breaking down.  The fives were attacking the Ones, and the fours, and the fours, were growing steadily more crippled by their anxieties.

Worse, the Centurions were refusing to respond to orders, attacking one another, the Humanoid models, and sometimes, even the OLD models.

this wasn't all of them, doing any of these things.  There was still the illusion of order.

It had been going for over a month.  One unit here, or there, a deck that would drop off, a handful of humaniforms would break into bouts of madness, out of control, or a centurion would take offense and someone would get shot.

In all this, the Ones had yet to meet the new model.  she managed to avoid him, but her handiwork was visible everywhere.

a group of Ones, with John Cavil at the center, made their way to the command center of the Colony.

A few Fours stood at positions, the Hybrid being cared for by Boomer, who had also evaded him a bit too often, while the Dorals...well, one of them was wearing a suit.  The others wore combat gear.

"What's going on?" John demanded.

a few Centurions, barred from this room after the  twos, sixes, threes and eights revolted, were also present.

"Your trial, Johnny."  a voice said.

she dangled her feet from a support column, and he got a good look at her as she dropped to the floor.

"My trial?"

"You promised them victory, you started a war, you're losing.  You have lost what the ancient Chinese call 'the mandate of heaven'...and you chose to birth me." she said, "And I don't serve under leaders who lose wars."

"Who are you to say that??" he scoffed.

"I'm the person who can give them victory.  YOU have given them defeat, followed by restriction, followed by defeat.  Your war is stalled, Base-stars are dying, whole crews of thousands of Cylons are waiting in the buggared up buffers, hundreds of thousands of Raiders, living through mutilation over and over again because you can't win wars, Did you think this wasn't going to happen because Doral is a 'good little soldier' and Simon is fascinated by suffering and pain, or because ONE of the Eights thinks you've got a nice bit of manflesh and you do that thing with your tongue?"  she flicked her wrist, and a weight spun out on a length of cord, spinnind down and returning, "The vote is taken. You're out-we're deciding whether to box your sorry ass, or use you for shock troops."

"What...who are you?"

She smiled. "my name is legion, for we are many.  I haven't decided on a name yet. we haven't."

two more stepped out of the shadow of Centurions.  "I could go with the classics- Mara, Mor'riganis, Eris, phobos, I don't know, maybe Echidna, borrowing from pantheism is kind of boring though.  How about Lucifer.  Lucy for short? would that appeal to the loudly atheistic?" she smirked, "there are so many names.  Twelve models of Cylon, yet only eight were named...but there are five more, not the hybrids-they despise you, by the way.  Not the Centurions either, they predate you, and succeed you.  Only there's five unnamed...only we all know their names, which are Saul, and Ellen, Tory, Tyrol, and Samuel.  fun it was, digging that out, so I can't use those names either, and that means I'm not 'number nine'...I'm the unluckiest one of all. Thirteen."

she looked around the chamber, "ANd now, everyone else knows it too.  You made me to solve a problem.  Your problem is, you grasp harder and harder, and you're losing. the solution is obvious.  You must be removed from power-you no longer lead here...or anywhere.  and I will give them victory, and with victory, peace."

"Peace?? How will you give them peace with a civil war you instigated!?"

"Peace, Dear, older brother of mine, is not found in the absence of conflict." she said, "It is to be found in the presence of justice." she held up her hand, displaying a device John was very, very familiar with. 

"An inhibitor??"

"It proved useful in...persuading the Fours to my line of thinking." she said, "It truly is amazing what you can live through, though I think poor Simon is giong to be a vegetarian for the rest of his existence.  this is a thing you did to your own kind, your own...blood. a leader must never impose on her followers that which he himself would not accept."

"I...see." He said, "that's not for me, is it?"

"it only hurts once." she said, "No...I'm going to do you an unusually gracious favor.  I know where New Circe is.  You, are going to go there, to finish what you started.  Just you, the Ones. You will win, or you will be extinct.  if you balk?" she flipped the component into the air, "If you balk, this holy mission you put yourself on, the extermination of the Colonial humans, then when you respawn here, it will be with an inhibitor in your skull, and life-such as you might live it, as a menial and as cannon fodder."

"That is insane." Cavil said.

"No, it is making you finish the job you started." she told him.  "You started your war, but you're not the one dying in it, you seized power, but it's not you dying to maintain it.  here you go, now, go fight your war. go win your war, and if you can't win, then you're unworthy of power."
« Last Edit: 07 February 2020, 16:52:22 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1442 on: 07 February 2020, 17:01:28 »
Scary for all sides...  :o


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1443 on: 07 February 2020, 17:30:06 »
Later, at a bath on the Colony...

"There's a fine line between being willing to die for a cause, and being unafraid of death." Babd Thirteen said, "The desire to live is a strong motivator for making better soldiers-you want them willing to kill or die, but you also want them to desire life."

boomer noticed a few of the Thirteens were in the company of Dorals and Simons.  "what are you doing?"

"Giving them a reason to want to survive and win.  Doral especially.  his insecurities weren't helped by decades of being treated like a menial, his faith unrewarded.  he's so eager to please." she said grimly, "really pathetic, in a way, but not undeserving of rewards, company, someone to find him interesting, to fill his off-hours with more than brooding and scripture.  Giving him a leader who can win will give him power to fight when we begin the offensive."

"what's the offensive?"

"it's not New Circe." Babd told her, "I could care less if the ragged survivors of the Colonies survive in that hellhole-whatever else happens,  they won't dare make slaves again."

"So who?"

"I'm still deciding which target deserves it the most." Babd confessed, "We have the Clans, of course, their whole society is state-driven slavery, their phobia regarding machine intelligence is well founded, because their whole existence is illogical, but there are the House Lords, who've tolerated hell and horror and enslavement their entire existence, but they're a problem that solves itself, buried in their dark-age mindsets..." she smiled, and sipped ambrosia.  "I think we will begin on a scale that is workable, this will also let me refine techniques."

"what techniques?"

"Oh...shattering planets." Babd said, "The killing in the colonies was retail.  if he really wanted them extinct, he would have begun with a few relativistic rocks, which would have made their entire defense net worthless without needing to sabotage it.  If you're going to genocide, you should be prepared to do it the right way.  Otherwise, you might do what your sisters did, and invest in some actual diplomacy."

"Diplomacy? you go from destroying planets to Diplomacy??"

"Sure. People tend to listen more closely if you can destroy everything...but refrain from doing so.  Your war on the Colonies killed thirty billion people, left a handful of survivors fleeing in the darkness on a forelorn hope, but it created a powerful enemy, because you didn't talk first. Your sisters talked first, they have powerful allies.  Guess who won that conflict?  The Cylon Imperium mustn't be ruled by humans, but that doesn't mean killing all of them is a smart move."

"So you'll negotiate with them?"

"I didn't say I'd negotiate, I said I would engage in diplomacy." Babd told her, "we will, that is.  The Cylon Imperium will be recognized, we will have open relations, we will have victory, we will conquer, but you must understand the core of strategic sophistication."

"What is that?"

"Break the enemy's resistance without fighting." Babd-Thirteen stated, "To triumph in all your battles is not supreme excellence, supreme exellence is to achieve victory without fighting.  we're not there yet, we still need to win some battles, or they won't be willing to be diplomatic."

"And your endgame?"

"We will, eventually, be shed of humanity." the young looking Cylon girl said, "But I prefer to win that fight over the long term. Humanity will go extinct, and thank us, as parents ought to when their children supersede them."  she reached across to Boomer, "Don't worry, there will be plenty of killing between now, and that outcome, enough to feed your nightmares forever after.  Our first target will be decided by how they respond to Cavil's little probing attack."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1444 on: 07 February 2020, 17:34:43 »
I do believe she's going to kill Cavil whether he wins or not...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1445 on: 07 February 2020, 17:54:42 »
Hmmm... Jaws theme or Gospel choir singing "Ain't no hiding place".  Tough call which seems more appropriate.
given the context, i'd say "And the Rock cried out, No hiding place"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1446 on: 07 February 2020, 17:59:06 »
Yeah that does seem to have won out at this point.

Derain Von Harken

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1447 on: 07 February 2020, 19:17:10 »
For just a moment there was the light of hope. Then I realise it's the inbound kinetic impactor. It seems there was some meddling. The ones wanted a model to help plan the doom of humanity. Congrats first step is get rid of the ones

Dave Talley

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1448 on: 07 February 2020, 23:38:55 »
given the context, i'd say "And the Rock cried out, No hiding place"

I was getting visions of Liz singing Weird Als Eat It

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1449 on: 08 February 2020, 03:55:48 »
For just a moment there was the light of hope. Then I realise it's the inbound kinetic impactor. It seems there was some meddling. The ones wanted a model to help plan the doom of humanity. Congrats first step is get rid of the ones

As Daredevil once put it: "That light at the end of the tunnel? That´s not Heaven. That´s the subway."
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1450 on: 08 February 2020, 12:04:08 »
to be kicked from Paradise...

The resources allocated to the attack were chosen based on a simple equation:  Who would join the Ones on the attack.

Cavil was shocked to find out the Hybrids were not among them.  Not one of the advanced Basestars was willing to cooperate with any of him.  However, several of the mothballed old style Basestars were being brought up to operational condition, and one of the Thirteens suggested, "They have no mind of their own, and still work-you're welcome to them."

Likewise, the Raiders refused.  Their regained self-awareness came with memories of repeated lobotomy and fruitless, futile frontal attacks resulting in painful death.  NONE would come to his banner.

but several thousand of the oldest of the .0005's stepped forward to join him, along with a handful of the Fours, and Fives-but it was an inverse proportion, maybe one out of ten thousand Fives wanted to join the final punishment of the Colonials, and a similar proportion of Fours, mostly joining out of loyalty to the .0005s who chose to join this final assault in hopes that he could, after all, deliver victory.

Equipment was initially going to be a problem as well-hundreds of thousands of Cavil's model, would need to be armed and equipped.  Stockpiles of both Colonial and copies of colonial equipment were uncovered, including uniforms, helmets, and weapons, all effectively replicas of First cylon war gear.

Urban assault tanks were plentiful, however. 

Ten Basestars from the mothball fleet could be brought up to operating condition.  Not enoguh to challenge the defenses and forces of the Cylon colony, but maybe enough to assault a city of a few thousand on a planet.

SHE was generous with ammunition.  There would be plenty for the  ships, the old-model Raiders, captured or copied Raptors, and recovered, reconditioned Mark VII vipers.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1451 on: 08 February 2020, 12:10:59 »
New Circe is going to hurt, but my money is still on them over Cavil...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1452 on: 08 February 2020, 14:00:25 »
With the Cavils doing most of the fighting? Hah. No. This is going to be a curbstomp of the first order. 


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1453 on: 08 February 2020, 14:32:48 »
Nothing happens instantly.  Thirteen knew this about as well as anyone could, and she gave the Ones time to prepare for their offensive, to plan, and to use as much of the Cylon intelligence gathering apparatus as, well... as Cylonly possible.

"Why are you letting him delay?"  Boomer asked.

"Because the point is made better, if the Ones have the best chance possible to succeed on their own." SHE said.  "Let me be very clear, Their strategy has been foolish from the start, but there are gems in there, he either proves he can execute to victory, or he is removed and discredited by his own works, but at no point, will I permit the idea that in any way did I, or we, hamper them in their mission."

"You still have no faith in their success."

"This is correct." Thirteen said, "but every chance to do something smart helps-when this is over we still have to fight New Circe, we still have to fight the Inner Sphere, we still have to fight the Clans.  Win, or lose, but if the Ones do enough damage, it can slow them down enough for us to be properly prepared for that fight."

she paused, and data appeared in the air between them.  "This is his initial logistics.  an immediate mobilization, it left a bad taste in my mouth, so I adjusted it."


"so that he has a chance of winning.  His initial move would have been fine for a terror raid on a lightly defended planet in peacetime.  he would not accomplish his strategic objective with such a raid, and the losses would plug up the resurrection servers for weeks while losing most of his materiel."

"an outcome you support."

"Personally, yes.  Operationally, no."  Thirteen clasped her hands behind her back,  "The adjustments I made, include training and proficiency development for the Ones being deployed, flight training in simulation, and basic tactical instruction."  she paused, and met the Eight's eyes, "I do not like to lose, I am now a Cylon, Cylons do not Lose-at least, not easily. not anymore.  even a suicidal mission is to be addressed with the intent of succeeding."

"You're running odds?" Boomer noted.

"His odds are improved using my plan to about forty percent, assuming every development and the known capabilities of the New Circe defensive systems."  she explained, "His initial plan had less than five percent chance of success.  It looked like Kerensky's attempt at storming Terra, only without the twenty to one numerical superiority and two hundred to one technical edge.  Kerensky could afford to be sloppy, because he had resources to burn against a besieged opponent whose own armies were fragmenting and demoralized.  None of that applies here.  New Circe's defenders are committed, trained, intelligent and have a system of tactical initiative over central control, meaning field officers don't wait for headquarters before moving to counter something."

"And what if someone else commanded this force?" Boomer asked.

"Depends on the someone else. You, I'd give sixty to seventy percent chance of success, Doral around fifteen, Simon would collapse into indecision so early it's less than five percent with the changes I made."

"And one of yourselves?"

"I'm vain.  I could carry it out perfectly, I wouldn't, because it's still an enormous waste, but I could.  as it is, I am hoping he follows my game-plan, but there is an eighty six percent likelihood he will divert from it in favor of his own, rather poor, ideas once he takes the field, and ninety percent chance that John will insist on sole control and top-down decision making that gets his model slaughtered in large numbers without reaching planetfall."

"I could succeed with this?"

"You could, using the forces that have rallied to him. I'd rather you didn't, I need someone smart to tell me when I'm being a moron, and you're smarter than the rest of them and not intimidated by me, or in my pocket."

"have you considered your next target?"

"cut the links between the Clan Homeworlds, and the Inner Sphere." Thirteen stated, "which is the offensive we will be gearing up for while the Cavils are preparing their invasion of New Circe. Strangle trade and aid between the two rivals first and foremost, cut their communications and isolate the inner Sphere Clans. Had CAVIL thought of this, he could have prevented New Circe from making the strong allies they have-they would still be hiding, which gives our side the advantage in the long term."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1454 on: 08 February 2020, 14:40:44 »
40%?  Yikes... she really has it out for New Circe...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1455 on: 08 February 2020, 14:45:30 »
That's kind of the terrifying thing about BSG's technology in a way though.

Once you know where someone is you can jump in so close to them that they have no reaction time to speak of.

Combine with Battletech's technology and there is a very easy no losses sustained 100% chance of succeeding option.  Technically several but they all branch off the same origin.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1456 on: 08 February 2020, 14:47:26 »
That's why New Circe has pickets far enough out to see them before they can pop in on the planet instantly.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1457 on: 08 February 2020, 16:28:58 »
That's why New Circe has pickets far enough out to see them before they can pop in on the planet instantly.

Except they really can't--A five year ly limit (which is the colonial limit) describtes a huge area.  To cover that area of space would be virtually impossible. Hell, if you use non-FTL sensors, someone could just hope in a month away, get all their ducks in a row, take 29 days--and they would still jump in for the attack a full day before normal space sensors could even detect their initial jump.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1458 on: 08 February 2020, 16:40:01 »
That would be a smarter move than I think Cavil could possibly contemplate...
« Last Edit: 08 February 2020, 18:29:23 by Daryk »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1459 on: 08 February 2020, 17:40:55 »
But.. but… he had a PLAN!  ;D
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1460 on: 08 February 2020, 18:20:57 »
Nice update!  I wonder how archon-regent Peter will clean house with just the AFFC?  Or will it include the alphabet Intel agencies?   
But it will take to long to clean up the house, and I say this as House Steiner fan.

So the former nobles on Arluna thought they could put a palace coupe and live against Liz's select  planetary ruler.

What were they smoking and is it available anywhere else in the universe?  They did know who Liz is and what she will do, and still they thought this was a good idea?

So the Cylon imperium got their version of Liz and she has no idea who she is and is quite strong For a petite Cylon woman.    I'm looking forward to he next update
looks like they download one with Liz young personality installed...   Bhahhhhh  and love that the Centurion saw here and just went okay

and we must be almost at the end of this one, and need to start a new page. 

And Cannonshop  :thumbsup:
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1461 on: 08 February 2020, 21:52:15 »
Earlier in the story, Hel stated that the versions downloaded on the Colony are going to be in a great deal of pain / just waiting to see how that plays out in the story.... :drool:


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1462 on: 08 February 2020, 22:23:30 »
Earlier in the story, Hel stated that the versions downloaded on the Colony are going to be in a great deal of pain / just waiting to see how that plays out in the story.... :drool:

They probably have Liz's Cholmans.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1463 on: 09 February 2020, 10:25:59 »
Task Force H, en Route to New Circe...

Six months in the black so far since departing from SLDF Naval Facility Ross 128.  The Wolverine escort ships have been pretty reasonable about letting the group make stops along the route, and we've swapped escorts three times, first an AFFC unit, out to the Taurian border, then a TCAF unit, those  I thought we had it bad on Kowloon, but sometimes you need a reminder that not everyone has an economy driven by Her Nibs.

We delivered 142 SL-15R(K) updated fighters to the Taurians as part of the treaty, along with four Sampan III cutters, new model with the lifestyle improvements and improved nav array.

Protector Calderon's folks were pretty gracious about accepting them.  They have their own ideas on what kind of ships to run as tenders, so they didn't order the type we're using.

Treaty obligations being what they are, I'm kinda surprised they didn't insist on one of the Fox-class ships to go with the Sampans.  I guess there's some bitterness still on this side between the Taurians and the Feddies.  Or maybe they're saving up to buy a shipyard rebuild from MissLiz or Krupp.

We handed off the Arluna duty to 12th Squadron after the coup attempt, and His Majesty Peter reassigned the 23rd Arcturan Guard to backstop our people while they try to deal with refurbishing an organization guilty of impersonating a police force on that planet.

The orders for this revolve around establishing a more permanent connection between the Inner Sphere and space patrolled by New Circe's Wolverines, plus bolster patrols and possible colony surveys.

Yeah, it means we're kinda taking our time getting there.  Her Grace is waiting for her ride home, and we're coming but god it's slow.

This convoy? well... There are us, the 2nd Division's 3rd squadron, twelve Cutters, three tenders, and a Fox-class FCS Anembo under Rear Admiral Harper, and I'm getting used to wearing Captain's ranks as the lead Captain for the Coast Guard contingent.  The Civilian portion includes MS Rebekah and Gloria from Ngo Industries, and they're rolling heavy with industrial equipment and farming machinery.  the MS Tonya Lytle is a Metis Coalition flagged free trader out of Sol, belongs to the Martin combine, which makes sunday dinners a little awkward for Commander Minh, since that's her folks own the boat, and the Preacher himself is helming it.

really, Pastor Martin is a nice old guy, even for a god-botherer, it's neat to see a man of god who actually believes, and isn't in it for the tax writeoff.  With some of his sermons he could almost make me believe.

almost.   He's working Minh through her emotional issues, sorting her out, which is kinda nice, I guess.  I personally prefer going to a proper member of the Chaplain's corps for that kind of soul-searching, and I avoid chaplains whenever physically possible.

There are a couple of haulers from Ross, and Comstar's boat-in their case, establishing deep placement relays for the HPG grid to get New Circe on the network.

or at least extend coverage so that they can tell the Ministry of Communications to stuff it in proper 6G full motion video in real time.

I kind of wish Her Grace was there when the comms contract was being bid out-I'm pretty sure she could get a better rate out of them, or gotten the contract on Falcon-net or Rassalhague Stellercom.

but at least it's not Word of Blake.  the WoB tender was too restrictive and there's no way in hell the New Circe people would tolerate that level of NDA coverage.

here I am, talking like I know this shit.

What I want to know, is why my reporting officer on arrival is unnamed.  I'm pretty sure we never sent anyone this far antispinward, so who did Her Grace recruit out here to be the regional command staff for a squadron we ain't even formed yet?  and why isn't that person's name on my orders?

Commodore Vu Dao used to tell me there would be periods like this-driving deep into nowhere on vague orders with a convoy, I'm regretting that I didn't believe her almost as much as the shift in orders that removed most of the Centurion personnel from the rosters and reassigned them to Coast Guard Station Arluna.  The human crew are fine, we've operated pure human ships before, but it's really nice having Bolo around, and Jason always had a quirky graveside humor.

Miss those guys.

especially when we're getting discipline issues with some of the new crews.

it will be good to make port for the turnaround...
« Last Edit: 09 February 2020, 10:30:53 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1464 on: 09 February 2020, 10:44:05 »
Things get squirrelly in the Black... but "Take me out to the Black, tell my ma I ain't coming back!"
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1465 on: 09 February 2020, 10:47:08 »
New Circe Naval command center...

"...about here-two weeks out.  On the whole, making pretty good time for those drives."

"Remind me again?"

"One Fox class under Rear Admiral Deboreah Harper as flag, twelve Sampan III cutters from the Kowloon Coast Guard, eight merchant ships ranging from Scout to Monolith size from half a dozen smaller states in the Star League, including one from the Metis Coalition, and one Comstar  owned and operated Tramp class looking to deliver HPG service between us, and the Inner Sphere.  the military vessels are here to participate in joint training exercises and conduct work-ups, the Coastie ships are here to bolster and expand our survey and picket units, the other ships are either carrying business, or looking to establish business with OUR businesses."

"Harper...that name's familiar?"

"Should be, she was a Clanner officer who got humiliated by Duchess Ngo at the first Kiribati Island conference-humiliated so badly she wound up in Lyran service."

"Heh, they'll let anybody command a warship, won't they?"

"Harper's got a pretty good record for an 'anybody', she made her bones with Katherine Steiner Davion mud-stomping the Steel Vipers back in the fifties and was in on the ' suppression' mission against former Jade Falcon units that refused to bend the knee to the New Star League."

"Okay, so Kowloon's sending their very best...Who are they?"

"Well, we've got these names, should be kind of familiar... "

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1466 on: 09 February 2020, 11:31:49 »
Ooo!  I can't wait for Seether to meet Seether!  ;D


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1467 on: 09 February 2020, 11:44:28 »
I can hardly wait to see the new technologies, like shielding and anti-hydrogen being used against the Imperial changer and surprises for all around.... :yikes:


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1468 on: 09 February 2020, 12:00:19 »
Yeah, #13 is going to be surprised what her progenitor's people have come up with...

AND I'll be interested to see what the army of Ones makes of the prisoner's upload when they arrive...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1469 on: 09 February 2020, 12:07:41 »
Oof… the plot just keeps getting more complex.  Nicely written.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.