Author Topic: Warships with Mixed Technology  (Read 1396 times)


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Warships with Mixed Technology
« on: 18 January 2020, 11:41:03 »

Can i build Warships with a Primitive K-F Drive and a Primitive Maneuver Drive by the Mixed Technology Rule from Tactical Operations? The constructing Rules for Primitive Jumpships in the Interstellar Operations Rulebook says that every Vessel built after the year 2500 is considered as RetroTech or MixTech. So when i can equip a Primitive Jumpship with Modern Stuff, can i also equip a Warship with Primitive Components? Example: I took a Nightwing Surveillance Vessel and change the K-F Drive and Maneuver Drive to Primitive equivalents, also the Armor and other Equipment. Is that possible?
« Last Edit: 27 April 2020, 18:37:37 by Hammer »