Author Topic: The Regulators ride out.  (Read 3283 times)


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The Regulators ride out.
« on: 11 June 2011, 04:35:12 »
The Robinson Rangers have been sent in to locate a supply of stealth armor.

The Kingston Rangers have sent a company of Regulators in an attempt to hinder their appoarch.
Tonight the Role of the Regulator shall be played by the Humble Vedette. As i am yet to paint up the ones I have.
Or finish Modding them.

Special rules in play.
2nd Robinson Rangers
Kingston Rangers.

Homestead 14 April 3064

The Regulators whirred gently as they flew through the empting streets. Word of the Davion forces on appoarch was reaching the locals and they where doing their best to get clear of any potential combat. Amlet Misek was glad to see he would not have to worry about civilians being in the way in when the fighting started.
 His company had all just received an upgrade to the Regulator tank. The freshness of the tank uneased him. It was a very different beast to his old Saladin.  He checked his screen again and allowed the turret to pivot slightly form left to right. He contented himself with the thoughts that it was fluid enough and he was worried over nothing.
He has raised his concerns over the unit not being at optimal efficiency as they where all adjusting and had yet to take part in a combat exercise when he received the order to go out an engage the incoming Davion forces.
But  he was ordered out by Sao-Shao Paslariu  with the words “
“And after today you will have! Do your Job. Delay those troops.”

Turn 1

Turn 2

The first 2 turns where not too exciting with the range being closed and the Rangers attempting to cover as much ground as they could. And the Hovertanks finding out the fun of sidesliping.
Turn 3

Each lance of Regulators selects their target.
huī​sè​ lance chose the Hellspawn.             
lǜ​sè​ Lance chose the Griffin
Bù​lǎng​ Lance chose the Clint.
Headcapped with first hitting shot of the game.
No Damage
The Clint lost his ppc arm.
In return one of the Grey Regulotors recieves a fair chunk of armour damage to the front.


G lance fall back towards the city with some rangers in hot pirsuits.
Removing the Clints orther arm. The return fire finishes the damaged Regulator.
Gr lance  push forward to the center of the board. And Br lance comes around to assist them. Falling into a trap as the Nightskys have TSM Active and quickly close the 11 hexes on the tanks. A Lucky shot takes out the drived. With a  Kick  immobilising the other tank. One of the Nightskys miss and ends up face first for its efforts.

"Lads we don't have to get so close anymore." Amlets warning came too late. The Nightskys caught up with two of his squad.
Their fire shredded the airskirts of one. While the second just got stepped on. The additional weight dropping it to the ground.
The Drive system ground into dirt causing the tank to jerk suddenly toppling one of the Nightskys.
"Support them. Give them a chance to Bail out!" Came the order as his own Regulator reversed back towards the city. He fired upon closing mechs. Trying to take the focus off the downed tanks.

Turn 5        

The enforcers move up to take out the easy prey.  The rest of the Rangers take over in the nearby woods.
The Griffin looses an arm to multipul Guass hits. While an Enforcer gets off scott free and the second one takes only 1 to the chest. Both tanks go down Hard to mass fire form the mechs around them.

Turn  6

The Nightskys burst from the woods and catch to  some tanks cold again. The GREY Regulators close the gap and finish off the Clint.
A Raijin on the far flank proves too tempting and a trio of Guass open it up. Something in the gyro got crack and he ends up with a cockpit full of dirt.
The Niightskys fire prove ineffective this turn but a swift kick again smegs the Drive system on a tank. And the others being reduced to half movement.


The damaged Raijin get up and makes a run for the woods. In an attempt to get out of the fight.
The Nightskys continue to chase down the tanks that can't get away.
And one of the Enforcers moves up on the Stationary tank. Choosing to fire at other targets and planning on finishing him with a kick. The two GRAY tanks being targeted by a nightsky decide there shots are better spent pegging it. And with some considerable skill they cave in the mechs CT damaging gyro and engine while taking the mech clean off its feet.
Unfortuantly they recieve the lion share of the fire and both have thier drive skirts deflated.

Turn 8

The order to retreat may have come too late. As the remaining tanks attempt to flee the area via the city.
The slower brown unit is easily caught by the mechs in persuit. With the Phoenix Hawks Punches sending it to a watery grave.
It was here we finished the game.

The fight was not going well. He was down nearly half his forces. The blame would rest on him. He should have controlled his troops better. Held off at range. Instead of closing. The closing had cost him. It allowed those supped up Nightskys to run havoc on his unit. They where devastating. He only hoped he'd done enough damage to enemy. Two where down. And three others had at least open locations.
He made the call."Fall Back through the city. Don't worry about hitting them. Just get out of here." Vickers
"Might have some issues sir.  I can't get full power from her. Gona need help getting out of here."
Amlet looked at his monitor. His driver had already focused upon Vickers tank which was winding backwards over the river.
The Pheonix Hawk rose on its jets and crashed like a meteor into the river. As in landed it grabbed the front of Vickers Regulator and pushed the whole tank under the water. The Pheonix Hawk rose but the tank didn't resurface.
"Remaining units bug out. Don't risk fighing them. Just clear out and let the mechs Handle them."

I'll admit that I used the tanks incorrectly. Our side should never have closed. We game the RR far too many shots we could have easily denied them.  I think we got a little cocky after the HellSpawn kill.
And that allowed the screw up of letting the nightskys get in close. They where definitely the heroes on the RR side. They tore through the tanks. And immobilished at least six of them. Letting them be finished off by the others.

Lessons learned.
Do not buddy up your hovertanks. Do not Close with Regulators. Its silly.

My Rangers are buggers at close combat. I can see why our group don't like fighting them in the city.


  • Sergeant
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Re: The Regulators ride out.
« Reply #1 on: 11 June 2011, 08:06:22 »
very interesting, love seeing vehicles in combat, mech close combat is devastating!
"I think it was two ninjas taped together to make one giant ninja!"

The First Proserpina Hussars were eager to fight the Smoke Jaguars, but the commanders assigned them to attack worlds held by Clan Nova Cat instead. They faced a hard fight on Kanowit, but took Mualang by winning a round of miniature golf. This obviously minimized further losses.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: The Regulators ride out.
« Reply #2 on: 11 June 2011, 17:14:54 »
I'll admit that I used the tanks incorrectly. Our side should never have closed. We game the RR far too many shots we could have easily denied them.  I think we got a little cocky after the HellSpawn kill.
And that allowed the screw up of letting the nightskys get in close. They where definitely the heroes on the RR side. They tore through the tanks. And immobilished at least six of them. Letting them be finished off by the others.

Lessons learned.
Do not buddy up your hovertanks. Do not Close with Regulators. Its silly.

This :P


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Re: The Regulators ride out.
« Reply #3 on: 14 June 2011, 16:01:13 »
Nice one guys. I like the scenario of fighting mechs with tanks only. :)


  • Lieutenant
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Re: The Regulators ride out.
« Reply #4 on: 14 June 2011, 16:53:53 »
Yeah it was Different.
Had we played them sensibly we might have done Better.

But it has made me want to take a few more Vehicle units out to play.


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  • Unseen Mazinga
Re: The Regulators ride out.
« Reply #5 on: 15 June 2011, 17:36:27 »
Yeah it was Different.
Had we played them sensibly we might have done Better.

But it has made me want to take a few more Vehicle units out to play.

maybe some tanks, aerotech, and artillery perhaps?
"I think it was two ninjas taped together to make one giant ninja!"

The First Proserpina Hussars were eager to fight the Smoke Jaguars, but the commanders assigned them to attack worlds held by Clan Nova Cat instead. They faced a hard fight on Kanowit, but took Mualang by winning a round of miniature golf. This obviously minimized further losses.


  • Lieutenant
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Re: The Regulators ride out.
« Reply #6 on: 16 June 2011, 03:00:44 »
Arty is being worked on at the moment.
It'll even be Regulator Based.

Fighters I just don't know about. Unless the other side has them too. It seems a cheap(not in cost) way to drop an enemy mech early on.
But that's my own dislike coming up here.
« Last Edit: 16 June 2011, 03:03:28 by markhall »

A. Lurker

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Re: The Regulators ride out.
« Reply #7 on: 16 June 2011, 11:59:43 »
Fighters I just don't know about. Unless the other side has them too. It seems a cheap(not in cost) way to drop an enemy mech early on.
But that's my own dislike coming up here.

Don't forget that any ground unit actually attacked by a fighter can shoot back at it as though it were only (altitude * 2) hexes away because the horizontal range is considered to be 0 and that minimum ranges are disregarded for this purpose; since any hit can potentially force a lawn dart roll, that can make fighters on ground attack missions very fragile glass cannons.

That said, they do add an extra layer of complexity and can get downright nasty if they arrive on the scene with a good load of external ordnance in addition to their own organic firepower; HE bombs for example potentially let any fighter deal one-shot damage equal to twice its tonnage to everything in a targeted hex on a successful dive bombing run. You may thus not want to use them for these reasons.

