Author Topic: Chaos Campaign: Succession Wars - voluntarily withdrawn units  (Read 960 times)


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Page 7 (generic warchest rules):
"Any unit may voluntarily withdraw from play by simply spending MP to reach and exit through its home edge; a unit doing so is removed from play but is not considered destroyed. This allows players to preserve their remaining units once an objective has been achieved or hopelessly lost, without continuing to risk ’Mech or MechWarrior."

Page 16 (Meeting Engagement track objective):
"Make their Acquaintance: The first team that destroys or cripples (see p. 12) at least 50% of the units of the opposing force wins. Units which voluntarily withdraw from the map count toward the 50% objective. [200]"

I think it means that voluntarily withdrawn units are not physically destroyed (they return to the force mech pool) but they counts for the opponent as destroyed for the purposes of the checking conditions for the objective.

But there is a problem with tracks: Assault, Counterattack, Defense.

Their descriptions say nothing about withdrawing voluntarily. They say only "cripple or destroy" as the main objective to one side or "If one side’s entire deployed force is crippled or destroyed, the other side successfully holds the field." to meet common Hold the Field objective.

If one side will voluntarily withdraw their units, there will be no way to judge who is the winner and what is the next track to play.

So my guessing is that in this 3 tracks voluntarily withdrawn units should be treated the same way as in Meeting Engagement track. And it is a job for the future errata. Am I right?

Edit: Or maybe voluntarily withdrawn units count as destroyed for opponent only when determining Hold the Field objective?
« Last Edit: 03 April 2020, 03:18:46 by Strategiusz »

