Author Topic: "Twilight of the Clans" - Protomechs  (Read 1392 times)


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"Twilight of the Clans" - Protomechs
« on: 29 April 2020, 07:47:24 »
I tried this in the "ask the writers" forum but got no reply.  I figure I would try here to see if maybe different people were monitoring and could provide an answer.

In the "Twilight of the Clans" Campaign book released by FASA back in 1998 on page 26 at the bottom of the page where it lists the protomech oppositions, the last point says "Point 5 (3), 3 Hydras, 2 Deltas".

What is a Delta? or what was supposed to have been there instead?

I ask because Randall Billls is listed as a writer and figured there may be an avenue to get clarification as he is still very obviously connected to the IP. I am wanting to eventually wanting to work through all of the classic campaign/scenario books and create battle reports for them. But I would like for them to be as accurate to the listed forces as possible.

Adrian Gideon

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Re: "Twilight of the Clans" - Protomechs
« Reply #1 on: 29 April 2020, 10:11:36 »
There’s no official answer nor errata. Use Gorgons.
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