Author Topic: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)  (Read 161239 times)


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Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« on: 31 August 2020, 23:27:26 »
1 January 2800

 To the citizens of the Hegemony, as they had come to call themselves, dropping the Terran part, the savage war raging in the Inner Sphere was hard to fathom. Since they had joined the Hegemony, they had known nothing but peace and prosperity. Sure, sons and daughters enlisted in the Hegemony Armed Forces and some were killed in action, but the idea of wholesale slaughter was just too much for most. News broadcasts were brought to them via the Hegemony HPG network, every day seemed to bring a new horror and many said a prayer of thanks that it had not spread to their nation. Not wholesale anyway.

 Waves of refugee's, once halted at the Hegemony border and turned away, had finally, by Director General Amanda Cameron's decree, been allowed to enter and settle inside the Hegemony. The first waves had been openly welcomed, as they were refugee's from the Terran Hegemony, many of them from the Amaris Coup. Living on several Federated Suns worlds while they awaited their turn to move to new permanent locations, had fled enmass as the Draconis Combine invaded the Federated Suns and the realization that the worlds they occupied were in the line of advance. The first wave had been just over 25 million people, the second wave just 5 months later had been 43 million people. It was this second wave and the massive shortages in housing, food, medical care that caused the border to be closed by the HAF. Hearing of the suffering outside the Hegemony border, Director General Amanda Cameron had declared that it was the Hegemony's purpose to help those who could not help themselves.

 In total, 381 million people had moved into the Hegemony over the last 12 years. It had caused enormous growing pains, shortages and even a few outright riots over the years, but finally a calm had settled over the Hegemony as everything that was in shortage slowly but steadily caught up to the demand. While millions died across the Inner Sphere, millions were born across the Hegemony. While worlds starved and died in the Inner Sphere, those in the Hegemony grew and prospered. Terraforming started in the 2750's and 2760's had taken root hard on many worlds turning them into worlds of plenty. Atmospheric processors slowly turned barely breathable air into clean fresh air. Water purification systems were installed, enlarged providing a safe source of drinking water to every world in the Hegemony. Every world of the Hegemony possessed a hospital that would rival anything seen on Terra at her height. While most were served by smaller less sophisticated hospital's, they had access if need to the very best the Hegemony could provide, at a reasonable rate.

 The raging war that had engulfed the Inner Sphere and many Periphery nations continued at a furious rate with no sign of letup. It was only this reason that the Hegemony Armed Forces remained on a wartime footing, always vigilant for any threat to the Hegemony. It was an enormous expense, but the security of the Hegemony was paramount to everyone. It had taken 11 years to repair the stranded ships at Vonja, using every Jump Core manufacturing facility in the Hegemony. But steadily, the task had been accomplished. Warships had been sent to Linden, Thazi and Zebuluraskai for additional repairs and refits. Standard Jumpships had been sent to Onverwacht to the Thompson Shipyard complex for their repairs and refits. If not for the arrival of Capellan convoy in mid 2790, after 2 years of travel, the shortage of Jumpships and Dropships would have caused severe shortages of food as the waves of refugee's overwhelmed local production.

 Technology advancements had been slow in coming, but after exhaustive survey's of the systems inside the Hegemony, many new resource deposits had been discovered. Along with the standard resources, several rich deposits of the elusive minerals described in the Star League Data Cores had been discovered. It had taken over a year to refine the manufacturing method to the precise formula's required, but once finalized, these advances in Metallurgy had rapidly paid off for the researchers.

 The first application of the new alloys had been applied to the powerful Gauss Rifle. The first prototype had been tested in 2790, reducing it's weight by 2 tons and it's bulk by 15%. Simply called the Improved Gauss Rifle, it quickly became a mainstay across the Hegemony Armed Forces with production barely able to keep up with demand.

 Quickly applying the new alloys to standard autocannons had reduced their weight by a ton and their bulk by an average of 20%, depending on the caliber. The venerable AC/10 now took no more space than the LBX/10 nor weighed any more, making it a cheaper and attractive weapon once again. The new class was simply called Improved Autocannons.

 Improved AC/2 - 2792
 Improved AC/5 - 2792
 Improved AC/10 - 2793
 Improved AC/20 - 2793

 It was not just ballistic weapons that saw a gain from the new alloy's, but also energy weapons. The first advancement had been to the ageless PPC. Reducing it's weight by a ton and it's bulk by 33% with no changes to range or hitting power. The first prototype was tested in 2793 and full production began in 2794.

 Improved PPC - 2794

 The Large Laser was the next to partake of the alloy revolution, reducing it's weight by a ton and reducing it's bulk by a full 50%, enough to allow it to occupy the same space as a medium laser. The Improved Large Laser entered prototype testing in 2794 and was placed into full production in 2795. The first vehicle to benefit from the new weapon system were the hundreds of Turhan's in the Hegemony Armed Forces.

 Improved Large Laser - 2795

 Manufacturers no sooner had retooled for upgraded design than another breakthrough had occurred. Researchers had perfected an Improved Ferro Fibrous Armor that increased the armor protection from a single ton while also cutting it's bulk by over 50%. Testing had lasted over a year but the new armor was placed into full production in 2797.

 The following year, researchers perfected a new Endo Steel. While weighing the same, it was less bulkier by over 50%. This combined with the new Ferro Fibrous made combining both on the same design extremely feasible since they occupied so much less space. Once again production slowed as new upgrades were designed. Placed into full production in 2798, factories were still in the process of retooling to manufacture the new Endo Steel.

 Engine research had not stood still and taking advantage of the increases in Metallurgy, they had perfected a new XL engine design, where the standard XL engine had been twice as bulky as a standard fusion engine, the new XL engine was only 1/3 the bulk of a standard fusion engine. Prototype of the XL engine was tested in 2798 along with a new Double Heat Sink designed using the better Endo Steel which decreased it's bulk by 33%.

 Finally, advances had allowed the much maligned Large Pulse Laser to benefit. In 2797, the first prototype was tested and in 2798 ir was placed into full production. Weight was reduced by a ton and bulk by 15%. Increasing it's range had so far eluded the researchers.

 Improved Large Pulse Laser - 2798

 Advances in micro electronics had finally reached a point where, combined with the advances in Metallurgy had allowed researchers to improve the SRM missiles increasing their range by over 30%. The LRM launchers benefited from the lighter alloys and better micro electronics with the first prototypes currently being tested. While the LRM's had the same range, their weight was reduced 50% and their bulk was reduced by an average of 20%.

 In 2796, Hegemony Industries had finally gotten the single Nighthawk production line working. But it was 2799 before they had, with assistance from engineers from General Systems, managed to duplicate the complicated ECM suite built into the suits. Production was slated to begin in 2801 when 2 new production lines were completed along with an assembly line for the advanced ECM suites. It was estimated that all 3 lines would be able to produce 120 suits per month by the end of 2804 once the expected production issues were conquered.

 In honor of Fleet Admiral Joan Brandt, in 2790 design had begun on a new Corvette to replace the Vigilant Corvette. Designed to be twice the size, it would also have twice the firepower. The armor to rival a Essex II Destroyer in addition to LF batterie to allow rapid deployment. The initial prototype had left it's berth in 2792 and was tested extensively by the Hegemony Navy before being accepted for full production in 2794. The first Division of 6 had been completed in 2796 and the 2nd Division of 6 in 2797 and the final Division of 6 was completed in 2799. The class was named in her honor, Brandt Corvette.

 When Mitchell Vehicles Shipyard complex at Zebuluraskai had finally been fully completed in 2794, it contained 10 Pressurized Shipyards able to manufacture ships massing 1 Million tons. These were the most advanced shipyards from the heyday of the Star League, able to manufacture a Luxor Heavy Cruiser in 6 months and an Essex Destroyer in 4 months. On the surface, a massive Dropship complex had been built which enabled 30 Colossus Dropships to be built at the same time. It had been determined that the new Essex III Destroyer was too extensive of a rebuild to upgrade any existing Essex II Destroyer. The existing 10 Essex II Destroyers had been sent to the Zebuluraskai shipyard complex where they were scrapped, the existing Jump Cores were saved and construction began on 10 Essex III Destroyers emerged from their berths in 2796.

 Sean Livingston passed away in 2798 before his legacy could be completed, but he had overseen the initial installation of an Olympus Station into the enormous fleet cavern that measured 100km in diameter. In 2796, he had been forced to happily, almost gleefully alter his plans when they reached the central core of the asteroid and discovered the core was an enormous block of ice measuring 85km by 110km. Though this separated the two caverns, it greatly simplified the problem of fuel and water for the massive base. Work continued on the smaller 80km diameter shipyard cavern. The naval base was named Livingston Naval Base in honor of his tireless work on the project. Full completion was not scheduled until 2812.

 The Screaming Eagles mercenary command, 250th Battlemech Division, had suffered heavy casualties in service to the Federated Suns. Though these were replaced with volunteers from the Hegemony Armed Forces, the casualties remained a burden on shoulders of Commanding General Rita Mitchell. Baldwin's Cobra's had also seen heavy action and suffered heavy casualties. Even with the almost overwhelming burden, Commanding General Rita Mitchell had formed a 3rd command, The Fighting Urukhai by combining the 238th Striker Regiment, 509th Battle Regiment and 306th Hussar Regiment in 2794 and entering the employ of the Federated Suns in 2795 but covertly.

 The 280th Mechanized Infantry Division had fought a brutal campaign against the Free Worlds League invaders until their final destruction in 2790. The nuclear devastation inflicted on the planet by the Free Worlds invaders was horrific. When news of their final fall had reached the Hegemony, Commanding General Rita Mitchell had sat for hours near a quiet pond while the tears had freely flown at their loss.

 Link to Part Two Naval Designs

 Link to Part Two Battlemech Designs

 Link to Tank/Vehicle Designs
« Last Edit: 05 September 2020, 03:03:18 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #1 on: 31 August 2020, 23:42:26 »
Nicely begun.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #2 on: 31 August 2020, 23:58:24 »
Awesome start


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #3 on: 01 September 2020, 00:07:57 »


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #4 on: 01 September 2020, 00:58:37 »
I'm sad to say that An Entry With a Bang was what introduced me to battletech. In retrospect it was a ****** of a roundrobin, but I still look upon it fondly.

The Mother Doctrine was good. Change My Mind.

David CGB

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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #5 on: 01 September 2020, 01:44:52 »
Looking forward to more information!
Federated Suns fan forever, Ghost Bear Fan since 1992, and as a Ghost Bear David Bekker star captain (in an Alt TL Loremaster)


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #6 on: 01 September 2020, 02:40:01 »
During the years up to 2790, were the 280th Div able to smuggle any New Dallas residents out? Maybe using Zapp Shippings new fleet in Marik space?
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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #7 on: 01 September 2020, 05:00:41 »
Are there any "****** the Successor Lords except Davion" movements? I would think the Hegemony would be ripe for that.


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #8 on: 01 September 2020, 08:14:58 »
Oh boy, so New Dallas went the way of the OTL  :'(

Otherwise great start indeed. :-)


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #9 on: 01 September 2020, 08:36:29 »
That was just the beginning, more will follow covering how bad the Hegemony got chewed up


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #10 on: 01 September 2020, 08:50:28 »
they can rebuild the 280th,  they should have at least evacuated the wounded along with non essential personnel along with any civilians that could get away, dont forget the 280th would have had reinforcements from the New Dallas Militia and hastily raised units.
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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #11 on: 01 September 2020, 10:07:07 »
they can rebuild the 280th,  they should have at least evacuated the wounded along with non essential personnel along with any civilians that could get away, dont forget the 280th would have had reinforcements from the New Dallas Militia and hastily raised units.

The Hegemony might have a worse view of most of the IS than the Clans after this. Reconquista, anyone?

Dave Talley

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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #12 on: 01 September 2020, 10:55:22 »
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #13 on: 01 September 2020, 11:04:02 »
Helm, Station Keeping.
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #14 on: 01 September 2020, 13:08:05 »
The Hegemony might have a worse view of most of the IS than the Clans after this. Reconquista, anyone?
That could be fun, The Clans invading from one side, the Terran Hegemony from the other.
While Hanse Davion, that sly Fox, is laughing as if he has gone truely nuts.
Then the Fox class is refeeled as well.

And Comstar?
A feeling of ice dread, the impossible just happend.
SLS Might Lift is back and she is not alone.
I do wonder how the Wolf Dragoons and The Clans, will react to that one, you know.

Would laugh if the Terran Hegemony in Exile, has Nova CEWS via smart use of SDS technology.
Are they ever going after that RWR Dart shipyard?
It could be handy, later on, if only for having a jumpcore overhaul point for their ships, later on.
« Last Edit: 01 September 2020, 13:13:04 by vianca »


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #15 on: 01 September 2020, 13:45:04 »
That could be fun, The Clans invading from one side, the Terran Hegemony from the other.
While Hanse Davion, that sly Fox, is laughing as if he has gone truely nuts.
Then the Fox class is refeeled as well.

And Comstar?
A feeling of ice dread, the impossible just happend.
SLS Might Lift is back and she is not alone.
I do wonder how the Wolf Dragoons and The Clans, will react to that one, you know.

Would laugh if the Terran Hegemony in Exile, has Nova CEWS via smart use of SDS technology.
Are they ever going after that RWR Dart shipyard?
It could be handy, later on, if only for having a jumpcore overhaul point for their ships, later on.

The Clans, if they form, will be outclassed by the Hegemony so much, it'll be a curbstomp. Even if they weren't a toxic society literally ruled by jocks who can beat up others best, they don't have the population base or economy to compete with Hegemony R&D.

But I honestly don't think ComStar will be anything but a phone company - they know the Hegemony is out there, and pulling their strings.


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #16 on: 01 September 2020, 13:55:48 »
Well, the first 'clashes' between Comstar and the Hegemony are going to be 'interesting'.


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #17 on: 01 September 2020, 14:06:09 »
Well, the first 'clashes' between Comstar and the Hegemony are going to be 'interesting'.

Why do you think there'll be clashes at all? Comstar stands no chance to take over the IS, they have no chance to take out the Hegemony, and they are historical allies.

I don't get why anyone would think Comstar in this story would even be remotely like canon. That would make no sense at all.


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #18 on: 01 September 2020, 14:20:50 »
Clashes in the sense that Comstar is going to discover that Hegemony has the ultimate administrator/root/superuser access when / if they try something the Hegemony doesn't like. I'm talking about the time post-Blake, depending of the orientation (political/ideological) of the next batch of Primus.


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #19 on: 01 September 2020, 14:23:25 »
I don't think Comstar will try anything - they know they stand no chance against the Hegemony. No technological edge, no population edge, no military edge.

But more importantly - they are allies. Of all the outcomes, I see "fifth column of the Hegemony" as the most likely fate for Comstar. Keeping Terra safe until the Hegemony returns.


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #20 on: 01 September 2020, 14:32:22 »
Blake knows that - but the Hegemony os going to more or less disappear in unknown territory for a long time. How much the next generation (and the next one) of leaders on Earth / Comstar really know about the real size, power, and capabilities of the Hegemony and the dimension of penetration that Hegemony has on Comstar?
After all, the Hegemony wants that nobody / almost nobody knows where they really are and the capabilities.


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #21 on: 01 September 2020, 14:47:28 »
They won't break off contact. Why would they? A few reminders per year, some under the table help - the Hegemony needs to keep intel assets in the IS anyway - and the odds of Comstar following the canon rails are slim to none.

You really need to hand out idiot balls to everyone to get canon ComStar.


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #22 on: 01 September 2020, 15:02:05 »
Noted. In the same vein - you also need to give a very large pool of idiot balls to everyone to get the Jihad - and you get it also.
Yes, is not in this time-line.
I'm just saying that the temptation to try something funny maybe appear, and if that event activate, I want to see the ways and means the Hegemony put a hard stop to it.


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #23 on: 01 September 2020, 15:16:29 »
Who knows about comstar?  As for breaking contact sure they will they left backdoor ways in to the hpg system to monitor it as well as steal the money.   Breaking Contact allows for them to disappear.

idea weenie

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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #24 on: 01 September 2020, 16:09:55 »
I hope all the Hegemony worlds are being given infantry-scale anti-Mech weapons, and VR simulators.

Make every world into a Kowloon, and see how long the FWL keeps on invading.  Keep the super-tech items needed to maintain the gear hidden, convert the worlds to live independently (i.e. no need for food or tech imports), and have an address where people can send sightings of enemy ships so Hegemony fleet elements in hiding can raid them at will


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #25 on: 01 September 2020, 16:35:41 »
Looking cool so far!
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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #26 on: 03 September 2020, 03:47:00 »
1 January 2800
Overview (cont)

 On 28 June 2788, Comstar led by Jerome Blake seized full control of Terra, announcing that it was protected by the Communications Protocol. Though every House Lord protested the seizure, they only spoke harshly but did not make a move to counter the action. It seemed the moment that it was announced that Director General Amanda Cameron had been killed, the House's plunged head long into the remains of the Terran Hegemony. All except the Federated Suns. The fighting over the remains of the Terran Hegemony was more of a free for all with virtually every House fighting each other on worlds.

 Many worlds of the Terran Hegemony attempted to group together for mutual support, hoping their well armed Militia units could stave off the predatory Houses. Even so, by 2790, every former world of the Terran Hegemony was under the control of one of the House's. The remains of the Terran Hegemony became a massive battleground, fought over with every weapon the House's could bring to bear. Devastation became the norm on the former Terran Hegemony worlds, once the most prosperous systems, they became shells of their former selves. Anyone who could flee did, some headed for the Periphery, some deeper into the various Houses.

 When the Draconis Combine captured Dieron, with most industry intact, Coordinator Minuro Kurita had shouted for joy, but it was a short lived joy. The Lyran Commonwealth launched a raid on Dieron that destroyed the Stellar Trek shipyard complex. But it also created a mystery as LCS Coventry, Tharkad Battlecruiser, LCS Gallery and LCS York, Commonwealth Light Cruisers and LCS Ironwood, Aegis Cruiser were never seen again nor confirmed destroyed.

 The 3rd Regimental Combat Team had turned down General Rita Mitchell's to join them and had returned to Sendai after working out a non-aggression pact with Coordinator Minoru Kurita. For a few years everyone thought they could make this work, but after Coordinator Minoru Kurita was killed on Kentares and the resulting massacre ordered by his son Coordinator Jinjiro Kurita reached them, they began to pack up to leave Combine space having the feeling that Sendai would no longer be safe for them. By 2798, most fo the command was already off world and 2 Battalions, the 8th Recon and 50th Heavy Cavalry, were waiting for the dependents to leave, when they learned that the administrator of the planet had taken the families hostage unless the 8th Recon and 50th Heavy Cavalry surrendered and turned themselves over to him. The units refused and, when the deadline passed, the administrator had all of the hostages executed. The 8th Recon and 50th Heavy Cavalry spent a week destroying every DCMS Battlemech they could find and hunting down and killing every political officer they could find. When both commands rejoined the rest of the Eridani Light Horse, the commanders tendered their resignations, but instead, Colonel Bradley made the two battalions responsible for the unit's dependents. The Eridani Light Horse took a contract with the Free Worlds League.

In 2790, the Federated Suns and Draconis Combine fleet's collided at Cholame and for 6 weeks both sides hammered each other. The results were horrific on both sides, but previous losses to the Combine naval forces during their engagements with the Terran Hegemony had greatly weakened their naval strength. The Draconis Combine lost 52 Warships, 19 Jumpships and 105 Dropships while the Federated Suns lost 41 Warships, 23 Jumpships and 115 Dropships. The resulting losses had placed the Draconis Combine firmly on the defensive while the Federated Suns used their remaining Warships more cautiously. After the Battle of Cholame, the Hegemony had dispatched many of their older ships to a uninhabited system where the AFFS "discovered" the lost ships after being tipped off by an independent merchant under contract with ZaP Shipping.

 "Transferred" to AFFS

 1 Concordat Frigate
 2 Carson Destroyers
 4 Baron Destroyers
 2 Lola I Destroyers
 3 Pinto Corvettes
 1 Vincent Corvette

 In late 2797, First Prince John Davion and his son Joshua were assassinated. This event was met with grief by Director General Amanda Cameron, who had considered First Prince John Davion a close friend and loyal ally. Though General Rita Mitchell expressed some grief, she was more worried about the secret deployments of Hegemony forces into the Federated Suns and their security. No one knew how this event would change plans laid years ago.

 On 14 May 2795, Director General Amanda Cameron had married Patrick Sandusky after a 2 year courtship. Patrick Sandusky was a Quantum Theorist who specialized in Jump Core mechanics. They had started dating after numerous briefings on the "super jump" and his work on trying to understand it and come up with a work around to prevent basically stranding a ship using it. On 4 January 2796, Director General Amanda Cameron gave birth to a son, Daniel Cameron. It had been agreed that any child would bear the Cameron last name.

 Patrick Mitchell, wounded on Graham IV had been medically discharged from the Hegemony Armed Forces. He then went to work for Mitchell Vehicles under the direct guidance of Delbert Mitchell, CEO Mitchell Vehicles. There, he met Dina Kushnieva, a project manager for Mitchell Vehicle's Battlemech Division. They were married on 8 June 2793 and on 13 September 2795 twins were born, Russell Mitchell and Robert Mitchell.

 General Heinrich Rommel officially retired from the Hegemony Armed Force in 2797, but remained a close advisor to both Director General Amanda Cameron and Commanding General Rita Mitchell. Major General Nathan Baxter was promoted to General and given command of the Hegemony's Training Command. Responsible for the training of the Hegemony' soldiers and officers, in addition to refining new tactics and strategy. He had expanded on the work of General Rommel, enlarging the Gunslinger program, lengthening it's course to a 2 year program where it graduated 100 Gunslingers every 6 months. The Aerospace Pilot Training Program took years to fully develop to the point that it graduated an average of 450 pilots every 6 months from it's 4 year program. By 2798, every Division fielded 2 Ground Aero Wings while every planet had a Ground Aero Wing assigned for local defense. 

 Major General Colin McGregor was promoted to General and placed in command of 1st Army. Now consisting of 3 Corps of troops, it was the front line command in the Hegemony. It had taken until 2797 for virtually every unit listed on General Mitchell's Roster to be reformed but they had finally accomplished it.

 Major General Brian Calloway was promoted to full General and still commanded Hegemony Security, but also controlled the Hegemony's Special Forces Brigade and special units of the Hegemony Navy. The 5 Scout HPG Jumpships were assigned to intel operations while the 12 Merchant Surveillance Vessels mainly supported covert operations, when a more direct action was required in addition to normal intel operations. Plans were laid to fully equip the Special Forces Brigade with Nighthawk PAL once production was in full swing, they had managed to produce small quantities of the Nighthawk PAL during the years of work, enough to bring 2 Regiments to full strength.

 Major General Gregory Hanesworth was promoted to full General and took over command of Hegemony Defense Command, which controlled all the planetary reserve forces and Conventional RCT's.

 Admiral Tanisha Tanaka was promoted to Fleet Admiral and commanded the Hegemony Navy.

 Since the "Departure" the Hegemony Armed Forces had expanded greatly. The Army was composed of the First Army and the Garrison Army. The Hegemony Defense Command was a massive command consisting of 74 Conventional RCT's and 4 Regimental Combat Teams. Every system had a Conventional RCT as a garrison force. The Royal Black Watch was permanently assigned to protect Director General Cameron, her family and Commanding General Rita Mitchell, much to her irritation.

 Hegemony Armed Forces

 1st Army (General Colin McGregor)

 Army Quick Reaction
 191st Royal Jump Infantry Division

 1st Corps (Offensive)

 359th Battlemech Division
 368th Battlemech Division
 208th Battlemech Division
 428th Battlemech Division
 272nd Mechanized Infantry Division
 123rd Mechanized Infantry Division
 79th Mechanized Infantry Division
 265th Mechanized Infantry Division
 81st Mechanized Infantry Division
 211th Hussar Regiment
 201st Battle Regiment
 288th Hussar Regiment

 2nd Corps (Offensive)

 295th Battlemech Division
 298th Battlemech Division
 318th Battlemech Division
 370th Battlemech Division
 126th Mechanized Infantry Division
 173rd Mechanized Infantry Division
 181st Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
 251st Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
 200th Mechanized Infantry Division
 19th Hussar Regiment
 5th Hussar Regiment
 277th Dragoon Regiment
 3rd Corps (Defensive)

 284th Battlemech Division
 29th Mechanized Infantry Division
 54th Mechanized Infantry Division
 31st Infantry Division
 36th Infantry Division
 52nd Infantry Division
 48th Infantry Division
 55th Infantry Division
 56th Infantry Division
 247th Heavy Assault Regiment
 349th Dragoon Regiment

 Training Command (General Nathan Baxter)
 322nd Armored Division
 323rd Armored Division
 324th Armored Division
 325th Armored Division

 Hegemony Defense Command (General Gregory Hanesworth)

 74 Conventional RCT's (3 Infantry Reg, 1 Armor Regiment, 1 GAW)
 4 Regimental Combat Team's (1 BM Regiment, 2 Armor Regiment, 3 Infantry Regiment)

 Hegemony Security (General Brian Calloway)

 Special Forces Brigade

 1st Special Forces Regiment
 3391st Special Forces Batt - 256 Nighthawk PA(L) MkXXI, 40 Spector SPR-4F
 2282nd Special Forces Batt - 336 Special Forces Troops, 12 Vector Scout VTOL, 12 Vector Transport
 2972nd Special Forces Batt - 256 Nighthawk PA(L) MkXXI, 40 Spector SPR-4F
 3157th Special Forces Batt - 336 Special Forces Troops, 12 Vector Scout VTOL, 12 Vector Transport

 2nd Special Forces Regiment
 3160th Special Forces Batt - 336 Special Forces Troops, 12 Vector Scout VTOL, 12 Vector Transport
 3161st Special Forces Batt - 336 Special Forces Troops, 12 Vector Scout VTOL, 12 Vector Transport
 3162nd Special Forces Batt - 336 Special Forces Troops, 12 Vector Scout VTOL, 12 Vector Transport
 3163rd Special Forces Batt - 336 Special Forces Troops, 12 Vector Scout VTOL, 12 Vector Transport

 3rd Special Forces Regiment
 3164th Special Forces Batt - 336 Special Forces Troops, 12 Vector Scout VTOL, 12 Vector Transport
 3165th Special Forces Batt - 336 Special Forces Troops, 12 Vector Scout VTOL, 12 Vector Transport
 3166th Special Forces Batt - 336 Special Forces Troops, 12 Vector Scout VTOL, 12 Vector Transport
 3167th Special Forces Batt - 336 Special Forces Troops, 12 Vector Scout VTOL, 12 Vector Transport

 Note: There is so much more Overview, it is not funny. Before we even get to the story line again.
« Last Edit: 06 September 2020, 21:38:55 by 2ndAcr »

idea weenie

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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #27 on: 03 September 2020, 04:15:38 »
We will be looking forward to the story, once it begins again.  Hope the THiE doesn't mind watching the horror of the 1st and 2nd SW from the sidelines


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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #28 on: 03 September 2020, 04:20:15 »
We will be looking forward to the story, once it begins again.  Hope the THiE doesn't mind watching the horror of the 1st and 2nd SW from the sidelines

Go in and perform some quite assassination in Kurita and Marik space.
"Constructive critism is never a bad comment"

"By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."
- Socrates

Iron Grenadier

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Re: Fate Can Be Cruel (Part Two)
« Reply #29 on: 03 September 2020, 04:57:42 »
How close did the Combine get to New Avalon? The Combine being on the defense after the 2790 Battle of Cholame I was curious. Although it sounds like the Kentares Massacre still takes place?

Also how exactly did the Fed Suns approach the former Hegemony worlds? That 1st paragraph says they didn't plunge headfirst but virtually all houses were fighting each other.