Author Topic: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon  (Read 15786 times)


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'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« on: 12 September 2020, 16:29:04 »

~~🎵 I need a Hiero 🎵~~ From Recognition Guide: IlClan, Volume 3

From the moment they were introduced to us in the ripe old year of 1989, Clan Jade Falcon has fielded a Touman with a large emphasis on mobility. Their workhorse heavy, the Summoner, stood out from the roster of original OmniMechs with its above-average movement profile proffered by its five fixed jump jets. Technical Readout:3058 would emphasize this through the introduction of the Fire Falcon and the Black Lanner, while their new gunboat heavy and assault OmniMechs (the Night Gyr and Turkina, respectively) would remain more mobile than their Nova Cat and Dire Wolf counterparts with the inclusion of jump jets of their own.

This trend would continue within reasonable limitations up until the introduction of two game-changing pieces of technology: the Improved Jump Jet and the Partial Wing. Suddenly, OmniMechs with standard jump jets fixed in place went from being quirky to being semi-obsolete, unable to reach the distances now routinely achieved by modern competitors of the same weightclass. This saw a sharp change in Jade Falcon design philosophy. One can argue that it started with the Flamberge: an OmniMech designed around using jump jets without permanently mounting any the chassis itself. A trend towards pushing the limits of jumping distances, both with frontline and secondline designs, would in many ways culminate with the appearance of the Hierofalcon—at least, within the medium weight bracket.


Code: [Select]
INTRO: 3148
--- Speed: 6/9 (270 xl) ----------------------------------
--- Armor: 144/153 (Ferro-Fibrous) -----------------------
--- Base Heat Sinks: 10 Double [23 heat dissipation] -----
--- Podspace: 19 tons ------------------------------------

         FRONT                REAR                INTERNAL
         ( 9)                 (**)                  ( 3)
      /15|21|15\           / 7| 7| 7\            /11|14|11\
     (14/ || \14)         (   |  |   )          ( 7/ || \ 7)
       /  /\  \               /  \                /  /\  \
      (18/  \18)             /    \              (11/  \11)

The Hierofalcon, at first glance, is built around a run-of-the-mill and rather generic chassis. A 270 XL engine moves it at 6/9 speeds, while the 144 points of armor (expertly arranged for Clan v. Clan warfare) give it reasonable protection. Endo and Ferro are used, with crits for both largely concentrated in the arms. A base 10 double heat sinks are stuffed in the engine, and the lot gives the Hierofalcon a remarkable 19 tons of podspace for its size. But just like the Flamberge before it, the Hierofalcon was designed around aerial mobility. Unlike the Flamberge, though, the Partial Wing on this design is not a vestigial remnant of things that could have been; a fully functional version of the technology takes up three crits in each side torso, provides an extra three points of heat dissipation, and allows for an extra two hexes of jumping distance when jump jets are mounted. When taken with the six empty crits in each side torso and two empty crits in each leg, it's clear to see that Hierofalcon configurations are expected to use jump jets to their full potential.

There's not much to say about the components themselves. The parts are all common to the older Cougar, Fire Falcon, and Black Lanner most of all. The only remarkable piece of technology here is that Partial Wing, and even it is positively mainstream by Jade Falcon standards by the mid-32nd century. This suggests that the Hierofalcon was meant to plug and play directly into the existing logistical networks already in place. Repairing one should be a mostly simple matter.


Code: [Select]
Primary Configuration

HAG/20                     (Right Arm)
--Ammo (HAG) x16           (Right Torso)
Imp. Heavy Medium Laser x2 (Left Arm)
TAG                        (Center Torso)
Jump Jets x6               (RT, LT, RL, LL)

My first instinct here was that this variant was a Falcon take on the Shadow Cat Prime. Gauss weapon in the right arm, two lasers in the left, similar mobility...pretty close, right? But at the same time, this Hierofalcon comes close to replicating two Jade Falcon staples: the Black Lanner A, or the Uller A/F/H. The key difference here, in both cases, is the massive 240 meter jump range of the Hierofalcon. In any case, it's a bit of a brawling configuration, meant to fully be in the thick of things. Though the HAG can take shots at range, its limited ammo supply and the short range of its secondary systems encourage close-in use. And notably, the Prime runs almost completely heat neutral even when firing its full complement of weapons while jumping.

Code: [Select]
Configuration A

Large Pulse Laser          (Right Arm)
ER Medium Laser x2    (Left Arm)
AP Gauss Rifle x2          (RA, LA)
---Ammo (APGR) x40    (Center Torso)
Flamer x2    (RA, LA)
Improved Jump Jet x8       (RT, LT, RL, LL)

Configuration A is a fantastic generalist configuration. While it runs a bit hotter than the Prime, the Large Pulse Laser gives it a good anti-light gun and the two ER Mediums give it a powerful follow up punch against other BattleMechs. The tertiary weapons give it impressive anti-infantry firepower; even more importantly, the twin flamers allow it to create its own smoke cover. The eight Improved Jump Jets let the Hierofalcon A reach an astonishing 10 hexes with each jump—something that before now has never been seen in a 'Mech of the medium weight class or heavier (save for the questionably-canon Buccaneer from XTRO:Royal Fantasies and the weaponless Kuma 3). Personally, it reminds me of an airborne Incubus made for 32nd century battlefields—albeit one that can rapidly become untouchable if your opponent is unprepared. I'd suggest running it by your fellow players before fielding one.

Code: [Select]
Configuration B

ER Medium Laser              (Center Torso)
ER Small Laser x2            (RA, LA)
SRM/6 x6                     (RA, LA, RT, LT)
---Ammo (SRM) x60 w/CASE II  (RT, LT)
Jump Jets x6                 (RT, LT, RL, LL)

The Hierofalcon B strikes me as a Falcon reimagining of the Arctic Wolf concept, one that takes it and throws it straight back into the face of Clan Wolf-in-Exile. Firstly, this thing runs *hot*. A full jumping alpha strike will leave you at +16 heat, facing shutdown rolls and horrific accuracy penalties. On the plus side, jumping to cover the following turn willl leave you at a net zero heat once more. As a result, this variant is an ambusher and striker extraordinaire, a high-mobility SRM carrier that is much more difficult to pin down and destroy. The four tons of ammo also let you play havoc with specialty munitions, and can turn this design into a formidable battle armor hunter as a result. No player enjoys having a potential 36 inferno missiles fly towards their infantry.

Code: [Select]
Configuration C

Rotary AC/2                (Right Arm)
---Ammo (RAC) x90          (Right Arm)
ER PPC                     (Left Arm)
Jump Jets x6               (RT, LT, RL, LL)

Much in the same way the Hierofalcon B improves on the Arctic Wolf concept, the Hierofalcon C improves on the Pack Hunter one. With greater jumping distance and a Rotary AC/2 to exploit any holes opened up by the larger gun, this variant should take advantage of the superb range brackets for the autocannon and remain at longer distances. It does run slightly hot when the RAC/2 fires at a higher rate, leading this variant to play almost as you would an oldschool Griffin. It's not a bad dueler, either, especially against slower heavies or assaults where the need to keep the range open is essential.

Code: [Select]
Configuration D

ER Medium Pulse Laser x2     (RA, LA)
ER Medium Laser x2           (RA, LA)
ATM/6 x2                     (RT, LT)
---Ammo (ATM) x40 w/CASE II  (RT, LT)
Supercharger                 (Center Torso)

This configuration, to the dismay of many, carries no jump jets to take advantage of the integral Partial Wing. There's hardly any inefficiency here, though: the partial wing weighs 2.5 tons. The extra heat dissipation it affords is equal to 1.5 tons' worth of heat sinks, leaving only a single ton wasted on this variant. Built around infighting, the Hierofalcon D runs hot and rewards aggressive play. It feels like a bit of a compromise between the A and the B variants, but falls somewhat flat compared to what the other configurations are able to do.


Most Clans have their favored midweight cavalry units, and many of those are available to multiple Toumans. The Viper is the Ghost Bear staple, while the Sea Foxes rely on their domestically-produced Mongrel. The Wolves have hordes of medium Omnis, with the Ice Ferret, Arctic Fox II, and Pouncer all being comparable in certain ways to the capabilities of the Hierofalcon. Clan Jade Falcon was no exception. Before, their staple would have been the Black Lanner, an undergunned and oversized land-bound OmniMech. The Hierofalcon pairs with it nicely, easily covering the older 'Mech's greatest weaknesses. Ultimately speaking, it's the Jade Falcon take on the Shadow Cat (III), one that betrays their biases through the Hierofalcon's emphasis on air mobility over ground speed.

Within the Falcon Touman itself, the Hierofalcon completely obsoletes the older Kit Fox—hardly a difficult task. It also has the potential to replace venerable Novas, though current configurations we have for the Hierofalcon mostly supplement the many configurations of the older design rather than directly outclass them. In terms of standard designs, the Eyrie, Griffin IIC 8, and Shadow Cat II are all perform roles easily mimicked by the Hierofalcon.

In terms of what it's good against, well, pretty much everything. A 'Mech that can jump at least 8 hexes with the majority of its configurations while mounting impressive firepower cannot be taken lightly. On the flip side, many units coming from the Wolves (whether the Crusaders or the WiE) are being built with accuracy-enhancing technology. The new Sojourner has its AES-enhanced arm, while the Wolves proper have recently developed the Dominator and Goliath C, both with their respective Targeting Computers. Battle armor also fare surprisingly well against most configurations, and are reliable bodyguards for more vulnerable units. A Hierofalcon fighting a Star of Cuchulainns will leave with a pyrrhic victory at best.

The end result is a unit that fits nicely into the Jade Falcon Touman. It gives them a unit that they desperately needed to fit with their high-jump doctrine, and is now one of the best battle armor taxis available to them. And as a powerful, mobile unit, and flexible unit, it should be tried at least once by every Jade Falcon player out there.

~ ~ ~

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Recoginition Guide: ilClan, Volume 3:
« Last Edit: 12 September 2020, 17:07:55 by GreekFire »
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #1 on: 12 September 2020, 17:31:58 »
The Hierofalcon's art has weird lasers. Almost as if they were meant to be something else, though i suppose the artist just had weird interpretation of lasers.
Mildly disappointed it doesn't look more like the Falcon totem 'Mechs though i think Jymset (?) noted it isn't actually related to the totem lineup at all. Plus it is an OmniMech, so i suppose it looking different makes sense.
Also disappointed it doesn't use laser heat sinks, those are useful if one doesn't play with time of day rules and they're very much Jade Falcon tech. Or perhaps i should say i'm very disappointed BMM doesn't include them...

Though the Hierofalcon is probably one of the better designed OmniMechs in the entire game, it manages to leave me a bit cold overall. I do appreciate its uniqueness with its partial wing, though i'm guessing the Jade Phoenix will be sporting partial wing as well as it is described as the Hierofalcon's cousin.
I blame the configurations. The Prime and B are the only ones i like, and even then not that much. I've never really warmed up to HAGs, and the B's weapon arrangement feels a bit meh though this is more of a cosmetic issue than anything else. The A sports improved jump jets and overall there's maybe 4 'Mechs/variants/configurations where i tolerate IJJs, the Hierofalcon-A is not among those. The D i'd like if it had jump jets, as it is the partial wing feels like dead-weight, stripping CASE II and supercharger would allow 4 jump jets for total 6 jump. The C just feels meh, not a fan of Clan RACs either (because i figure one might as well use a HAG instead). Finally, lack of active probe equipped configuration seems like a missed opportunity.

Overall, it is a solid 'Mech. Good with variety of options, even if i don't like them, and without ridiculous battle value bloat the Dominator and Thresher II suffer from. The Hierofalcon is a very usable 'Mech.
Despite lacking "something", i think i'll include one if i ever will make a Dark Age Jade Falcon unit.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #2 on: 12 September 2020, 19:58:04 »
I suppose the question is what the rest of the Star looks like. What are you bringing alongside the Hierofalcon?


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #3 on: 12 September 2020, 22:53:15 »
First off, I love the Skillet reference there ar the beginning.

I'm really enjoying the different design aspects of this Omni. The partial wing, all kinds of jump jets or none, and the widely varying weapons packages are great touches. Back when it first popped up I compared it to some Wolf second-line staples, the Lobos anf the Arctic Wolf. I still think it applies, that the Jade Falcons took a look at what weapons packages worked well against them, improved them, and added their own extra mobility flavor.

Maybe it's b/c I spent the early part of this week working on a Mech of the Week for the Lobo, but I can't help but see some of the Hierofalcon variants as modern versions of Lobos or the Arctic Wolf.

The D is a revised Lobo, trading the long range puch for a supercharger to get close sooner. The A is a Lobo 2 that trades the Plasma Cannons for the IJJs. The C is a Lobo 3 that swaps the short-ranged crit seekers for long range crit seeking RAC/2. The B is a refined Arctic Wolf.

I'm not saying this was intentional, but the similarities stuck out to me. Of course there's probably only so many weapons combinations possible before such similarities pop up. In-universe maybe the Falcons saw how effective those 'Mechs were against them and decided to make their own tweaks to improve it.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #4 on: 12 September 2020, 23:25:52 »
I'd suggest running it by your fellow players before fielding one.

I'll suggest the same. "Win the battle, lose the gaming group" comes to mind. I'm kinda shocked that they made a 10 jump/LPL mech canon.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #5 on: 13 September 2020, 00:29:16 »
i have to wonder how many times jade falcon is going to make vaguely bird-looking 'mechs. regardless, this looks to be a pretty impressive 'mech for being 45 tons, and while there's no way in heck i'll get a chance to try it out anytime soon i do fancy playing with it if i get a chance.

gotta wonder why the falcons haven't revived LAMs yet though....

The Hierofalcon's art has weird lasers. Almost as if they were meant to be something else, though i suppose the artist just had weird interpretation of lasers.

the cooling jackets can look like anything, it's only artist's convenience they often look similar from 'mech to mech.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #6 on: 13 September 2020, 03:11:45 »
I'll suggest the same. "Win the battle, lose the gaming group" comes to mind. I'm kinda shocked that they made a 10 jump/LPL mech canon.
Nah, no version carries a TC... ::)


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #7 on: 13 September 2020, 09:57:39 »
I suppose the question is what the rest of the Star looks like. What are you bringing alongside the Hierofalcon?

It works well as a support element for "bruiser" 'Mechs. It doesn't have a lot of holepunching on its own, but its high mobility, decent anti-infantry firepower, and critseeking make it handy in non-zell situations. It's potent when used with focused anti-'Mech designs like the Loki Mk II.

Alternatively, you can use it as a heavier element in a lighter lance, kind of like what the fluff for the old Black Lanner suggests. Use lighter dedicated scouts to flush out hidden units, and the Hierofalcon to finish them off.

First off, I love the Skillet reference there ar the beginning.

I'm sorry to disappoint, but I was definitely thinking of Bonnie Tyler (and Footloose) there  ;)

The Lobo comparison is pretty apt as well. The Hierofalcon, one way or another, truly does feel like the current Falcon apogee of medium Omni design. But if I did have to sum it up in one sentence, I'd say "It's the Falcon take on the Shadow Cat".

i have to wonder how many times jade falcon is going to make vaguely bird-looking 'mechs.

Hey, at least this one is a lot less blatant about it.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #8 on: 13 September 2020, 15:38:22 »

First, since when is the HAG-20 is a double-barreled weapon?  Or is the art not the Prime but a time-traveling Blazer configuration we don’t know about?

The Hiero pushes the limits of jumping range into a higher tonnage mech in a practical and useful design.  For that alone, it’s a commendable addition to the canon.

I just wish the base chassis and the configurations were a bit more optimized.

With a 5/8/x speed, the Hiero could hit all the same movement modifiers and jump ranges, while saving a couple engine tons or so and cost.  Those tons could push the pod tonnage solidly into 20+ ton territory.  Or enable an armor upgrade.

Nothing against the Falcon catalog being dominated by jumpers.  But unless you’re running elite mechwarriors or have a weekend to waste, the lack of target roll modifying weapons and equipment make them frustrating designs to play.  Assuming you jump for a +3 against a typical Clan cavalry-type opponent generating their own +2 or +3, you’re looking at a 9 or 10 to-hit at short-range, or 11 or 12 at medium, all before terrain modifiers are included.  Alternately, if you don’t jump so you can hit something, it makes you wonder why you’re carrying all that jump jet or partial wing tonnage to begin with.  They don’t have to be pulse/TC munchboats, but a greater smattering of pulse, TC, LB-X, Art V, etc. on these jumpy Falcon designs would help connect with the enemy while making use of those jump jets and partial wings.

The Hiero’s 8- and 10-hex jumps double down on this trend.  For target modifiers, it  only mounts one pulse and two ER pulse lasers exist among five configurations and 28 weapons.  A dedicated jumper like the Hiero should have target modifying weapons occupying more than 10% of its weapons arrays.  The HAG/20 on the Prime could have been an ER PPC and TC (which would have benefitted the Heavy Lasers).  The SRMs on the B could have been augmented with Artemis V.  The RAC on the C  could have been an LB-X AC.  Even the ER Pulse Lasers on the D could have been traded for a TC and two more ER Lasers so all the lasers got a -1 and exactly matched the range on the standard ATMs.  So many missed opportunities to make the Hiero more effective and relevant without going full munch.  There is too much fear in these canon designs of doing what would be obvious to the in-universe designers and what would make them more dangerous and useful in game play.

I’ll also second the earlier comment that a design with this much potential jump mobility should have a recon/scout configuration.  TAG appears on the Prime, which is something.  But most configurations are Ostscouts with teeth and steroid injections.  One or two should carry Probes, ECM, CEWS, Light TAG, etc.

Also, no configuration with Talons?  C’mon!

To end on a positive note, I like how the name, which is actually a collection of falcon species, fits with the omni.
« Last Edit: 13 September 2020, 15:47:29 by Natasha Kerensky »
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #9 on: 13 September 2020, 16:06:24 »
First, since when is the HAG-20 is a double-barreled weapon?  Or is the art not the Prime but a time-traveling Blazer configuration we don’t know about?
In the last few years it has become mainstream for the TPTB to give HAGs one barrel for every 10 point of damage. Not really my taste as I prefer the example picture in TM, but I have conformed to it for several designs.

Back on subject, in my opinion the Hierofalcon is a good example of a flying Trooper design, decently reliable but not munchy.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #10 on: 13 September 2020, 16:22:36 »
First, since when is the HAG-20 is a double-barreled weapon?
The new generic weapon parts IWM offers feature HAGs as double, triple or quadruple barrels depending on the class, seemingly based on the Onager's left arm.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #11 on: 13 September 2020, 20:39:03 »
Great article for a great 'Mech. Sure, some of the weapon choices aren't ideal. HAG-20s aren't ideal, and neither are RAC-2s. And yet, every configuration is essentially useable. Plus, three of them have all the weapons in the arms, making them great BA transport units (which is a role the Falcons don't really have a good unit for).

Plus, just on a strategic level, think about what a nightmare the Hierofalcon A is to have on your planet. Its arsenal is reasonably dangerous, mostly ammo-independent, and effective against a wide range of adversaries, and the whole thing can cross almost any terrain at over a hundred KPH. That's preposterous.

LB-X should get a flak bonus against it.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #12 on: 13 September 2020, 20:51:20 »
The Fire Falcon is a superb battle taxi and shouldn't be forgotten, but the Hierofalcon is very good at it for sure.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #13 on: 14 September 2020, 23:31:52 »
Whoever designed this monstrosity, know that I hate you and am terrified of you. ^-^

I am trying to figure out good and easy to access counters for this thing as a Lyran.

Being grateful the Falcons seemingly pulled stakes to go Wolf Hunting is not a counter
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #14 on: 15 September 2020, 02:35:52 »
Anything fast with pulse lasers are practical. Long Tom snubguns are really handy as well.

As an aside I've tested giving ACs with standard ammo the -2 flak bonus, and added that flak weapons have a -1 bonus against jumpers. Makes ACs a LOT more useful in 3025, and the lighter UACs really benefit too.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #15 on: 15 September 2020, 13:10:55 »
Yeah, not looking forward to EVER facing something as fast and jumpy as this thing is.  Yuck-foo!


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #16 on: 15 September 2020, 14:42:11 »
I would actually say artillery is spectacularly ineffective against a Hierofalcon, because most configs handily outrange single turn flight time artillery, and there isn't an artillery unit in the game fast enough to dictate range against any config that jumps.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #17 on: 15 September 2020, 15:09:37 »
Its interesting machine for certain with it's mobility and it's hard hitting weapons.  I initially thought it was undergunned, until i saw how far it could get, then it clicked.   

Great article Greekfire!
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #18 on: 15 September 2020, 15:12:14 »
I am trying to figure out good and easy to access counters for this thing as a Lyran.

The Verfolger -6-T and Warhammer -10CT are two heavies with decent range and accuracy, while both being flexible enough to use even if your opponent doesn't have something based around mobility like the Hiero.

Lyrans also have access to some pretty great BA. The Fenrir II and Cuchulainn both spring to mind, especially if you're doing objective-based or defensive play.

Finally, the Rommel-Howitzer and Gulltoppr both delete lights and low-end mediums like nobody's business.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #19 on: 15 September 2020, 15:15:15 »
A great review of a very capable mech. Whilst the Heiro looks like a trooper, to me, its more akin to an omni Gyrfalcon replacement. Perhaps the Gyrfalcon with its reflec armour was simply too expensive to maintain or build in the numbers that Khan nutball demanded, and perhaps because her Sibkin died in one and she had a hateon for it afterwards. The obvious difference is that the Gyrfalcon is SUPER specalised with its whole goal in life to be hopping around at extreme range and harassing with its long range weapons. Whilst the Heiro's more flexible but more slanted towards being nasty at medium range by Clan standards. But its flexibility does not stop you from turning it into an ER large laser boat, you could probably make a mean sniper with dual ER large and a Tarcom if you so wanted, it is an Omni after all.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #20 on: 15 September 2020, 15:25:41 »
The Fire Falcon is a superb battle taxi and shouldn't be forgotten, but the Hierofalcon is very good at it for sure.

It is, but compared to the Hierofalcon it uses more torso-mounted weapons and doesn't jump. The latter isn't a huge problem but it's definitely out of step (ha) with Dark Age-era Falcon designs. An entirely jump-capable force has more options than a mostly jump-capable force.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #21 on: 15 September 2020, 15:30:13 »
A great review of a very capable mech. Whilst the Heiro looks like a trooper, to me, its more akin to an omni Gyrfalcon replacement. Perhaps the Gyrfalcon with its reflec armour was simply too expensive to maintain or build in the numbers that Khan nutball demanded, and perhaps because her Sibkin died in one and she had a hateon for it afterwards. The obvious difference is that the Gyrfalcon is SUPER specalised with its whole goal in life to be hopping around at extreme range and harassing with its long range weapons. Whilst the Heiro's more flexible but more slanted towards being nasty at medium range by Clan standards. But its flexibility does not stop you from turning it into an ER large laser boat, you could probably make a mean sniper with dual ER large and a Tarcom if you so wanted, it is an Omni after all.

Yeah, a few people brought up the Gyrfalcon both before and while I was writing the Hierofalcon. I think people feel this way because of the similarities in their art rather than due to their combat performances.

While they both have similar movement paradigms, the lack of any sort of canon Hiero config that's able to snipe at the ranges or with the ability of the Gyrfalcon makes me very hesitant to call the newer 'Mech a good replacement for the older one. If it gets a proper snipe config down the line, I'll consider it. But until then, I think the Hiero makes for a better Omni-Eyrie than an Omni-Gyrfalcon.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #22 on: 15 September 2020, 15:47:06 »
It is, but compared to the Hierofalcon it uses more torso-mounted weapons and doesn't jump. The latter isn't a huge problem but it's definitely out of step (ha) with Dark Age-era Falcon designs. An entirely jump-capable force has more options than a mostly jump-capable force.

Most torso weapons on Fire Falcons are short ranged, though (outside of the LRM-10 on the A and the ATM-12 on the E); long range games are almost exclusively in the arms, where they should be for a good taxi.

The Fire Falcon B, in particular, is superb.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #23 on: 18 September 2020, 10:38:41 »
I would actually say artillery is spectacularly ineffective against a Hierofalcon, because most configs handily outrange single turn flight time artillery, and there isn't an artillery unit in the game fast enough to dictate range against any config that jumps.

Cannon, not artillery- fire the snub at the hex rather than another weapon at the target.

I see it has the mandatory 'Malvina War Crimes' variant . . . the SRM one could be a second one even.

Be interesting to put this up against some of the new Ice Ferrets & Sojourners.
Colt Ward
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #24 on: 18 September 2020, 12:25:11 »
Cannon, not artillery- fire the snub at the hex rather than another weapon at the target.

I see it has the mandatory 'Malvina War Crimes' variant . . . the SRM one could be a second one even.

Be interesting to put this up against some of the new Ice Ferrets & Sojourners.

17 hex range regardless if you want it to land the same turn.  And if it doesn't, you won't hit.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #25 on: 19 September 2020, 00:29:38 »
Colt is talking about snubtillery.  Same-round delivery, regardless of range.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #26 on: 19 September 2020, 01:29:37 »
Colt is talking about snubtillery.  Same-round delivery, regardless of range.

Thumper: 14 hexes
Sniper: 12 hexes
Long Tom: 20 hexes

Yeah I guess you got me there, it isn't 17 hexes.  It's less than that in every case except the Long Tom Cannon, which is mounted on this many units.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #27 on: 19 September 2020, 07:25:59 »
I can't picture a mobile unit like the Hierofalcon mounting a snub-artillery piece. I'd would figure it would be on assault units.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #28 on: 19 September 2020, 10:20:52 »
Thumper: 14 hexes
Sniper: 12 hexes
Long Tom: 20 hexes

Yeah I guess you got me there, it isn't 17 hexes.  It's less than that in every case except the Long Tom Cannon, which is mounted on this many units.

As many of the Hierofalcons have a very sharp increase of firepower at shorter ranges (range 9 for the Prime and B, range 15 for the A and D) it's entirely valid to suggest using units with Artillery Cannons as deterrents against close-ranged strikes.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hierofalcon
« Reply #29 on: 19 September 2020, 14:04:06 »
While that's fair, those things are also almost completely worthless against the Prime and (unless you have that Long Tom) A.  The cannons are much cheaper than I expected, BV wise, but they're still not 'free'.
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

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