Author Topic: Fidelis Paint Scheme  (Read 1484 times)


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Fidelis Paint Scheme
« on: 05 October 2020, 20:05:00 »
So quick question, I know I've asked this before...but after searching for 2 weeks, I'm giving up. I just cannot find the original post, or even Facebook discussion I've had with (if I recall) either Blaine or Ray on this I'm asking here.

Way back when they were first making themselves known in books and such, I was under the impression that the Fidelis used whatever camo was appropriate (which is obviously rule of thumb in warfare).

Then...when Rock of the Republic came out...we got a semi-decent look at what can be considered an official paint scheme of the Fidelis (at the very least their BattleArmor guys) worded as being "distinctive black, gray, and bright-red paint" (see attached snip of the Rock of the Republic book cover). That's when I asked my question that was officially answered and I cannot find it.

Since it is in the novel...I figure this is "official" and if so...have there been any determination to publish that information somewhere (as well as any alternate paint schemes) since the CSO site is quite inactive in favor of their Facebook page as well as (still) server issues due to the abrupt move?

Thank you!
« Last Edit: 05 October 2020, 21:27:10 by Dragon41673 »
Owner - Aries Games & Miniatures


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Re: Fidelis Paint Scheme
« Reply #1 on: 05 October 2020, 21:26:31 »
sorry didn't mean to double post
Owner - Aries Games & Miniatures

