Author Topic: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech  (Read 4666 times)

Aotrs Commander

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Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« on: 03 November 2020, 19:20:53 »
Hello and welcome to Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech, wherein I experiment and report on playing with my house rules and you shall thus witness the heretical dismemberment of your beloved rules-system as it is clubbed into what I constitute shape!

(Compared to some rules, BT gets away lightly, compared to the 1000+ page hybridisation of D&D 3.5/Pathfinder 1...)

Note that even if you don't care about the rules, there are many, many, many pictures of BattleMech models to look at. (You could make an arguement about where this thread shuld ngo, but as it uses houserules, Fan rules is more appropriate I feel than AARs or miniatures.)

Edit 18/11/2022


I am going to add some indexing in for ease of finding the newer bits without having to do a lot of scrolling.

Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech 2: This post
Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech 3
Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech 4
Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech 5
Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech 6
Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech 7 (New 2024!)

For sake of arguement, I have added a Drive link to the (latest version) house rules. (Slightly polished with the REST of today; after doing MG Issue 2 and MG Sci-Fi I thought I ought to make a token effort if I'm showing this to other people! It is still basically bare-bones MG without the subtleties rules plus BT rules slightly modified and/or there for my own reference so i don't have to keep searching through 3-5 books to find a rule, see also master equipment table...! Warning: it's docx format, download recommended, since googledocs apparently screws pagination on a test.)

You shall witness, then, the horrors of BattleTech being welded to Manouvre Group (ostensibly a WW2-to-moderns tactics simulator, though even when I play that on its own, it is cudgelled into being scifi...) and the exploration of what works and what does not as I meddle and muddle along.

There will, at least, be pictures. As it means dealing with my painting, I cannot say in honestly they will be "pretty" pictures (double-especially given my photo-taking skills and resources), but after thirty years even my mates have to admit I have improved beyond "dipping," so they will at least not be terrible pictures.

I started this project a good while back in 2018, when HBS BT first came out (started a thread on the PDX forums under the same title, actually), but we only got a couple of games in before it became difficult for my mate to make it down the wargames club. And when we could play, it often had to be prep for the games I put on at convnetions (which is Work, since it showcases my own 144th or starship 3D printed ranges (Aotrs Shipyards). It lay fallow, then until this year, when lockdown screwed everything up anyway, and I finally sat down to play HBS BT again now that all the expansions were out (and then after a career run let's play with magical paladins (don't ask...) moved to the BTA 3062 mod. And started spending pennies like water, since BT in one form or another, is about the only thing keeping intact my tenuous grip on sanity.)

For these games, my lance selection is largely determined by size limits, that it must be an evening's game (so 2-3 hours) and the selection of mechs is currently one on  "what have I not used since this began" list. (This helps with keeping track of what mechs I've got out and played with, so nothing gets left out and also because prior to 2018, we had played a 1" to 30m, so I know as I print new sheets out what's up to date and not.)

I have managed one game thus far, in the conservatory (on a smaller board than we would usually, but it works okay for BT), in August and the report on that follows.

Heresies In Use:

(Current list.)

Using up to advanced/experimental/level 3 rules. (Hard-copy rules used are BMR and Maximum tech when not at home, since I refuse to print out Total War et al for taking down the club, it's far too much ink and I don't like faffing about with tablets and I don't have A Phone suitable. I have also now created my own house-rule document and a master equipment table (since looking through four-five books to try and find the rules for something was starting to get annoying, and yes, that was including the BMM...)

BMR-level Targeting Computer and Rapid-fire rules (e.g. pulse lasers gain the benefit, Ultra ACs and RACs et all all hit the same place if specific location is called).

Mandatory Salvo fire. (Under consideration for revision.) (I..e everything fies on one attack roll, if it misses, everything misses.)

Attack and piloting rolls on D20 (with some modifiers (e.g Stealh Armour) scaled up) - as per Manouvre Group (which starts at the same base 4 to-hit). PSR modifier for damage is +1/20 points as BMR. (This compensates somewhat for the mandatory salvo fire.)

No map-grid, scale of 2" to 1 hex (1" = 15m).

Dead Ground: Dead ground (i.e. the area of a piece of terrain, e.g. hill (which is convex) or a building etc blocks line of sight and fire) is measured from the base of the terrain at a rate of 8” (120m) per level of BT elevation. (This is a straight adaption to scale from MG, which has contours which are half the size of the BT elevation.)

Manouvre Group Round Sequence

(I would like to have out this in a spoiler box for readability, but I cannot find the right BBCode tags for this forum (since "spoiler" which works elsewhere just blacks it out). So sorry about that; horizonal rules will have to do.)

Manouvre Group uses a system whereby each bound, each unit gains one activation, which consists of two phases, during which it can take two actions. Actions alternate between players and are not simultaneous. Initiative is determined by the play with the least number of unactivated units to activate a unit or force the opposing player to activate a unit, until the number of units remaining is even. (Representing a short chain of command.) If at the start of the bound there are an equal number of unit, initative is diced for, with the winner determining whether to go or force the opponent to go.

Movement is not an action, instead, it requires an action to change speed, and the unit continues at that speed (on each action, so it effectively moves twice) until it changes speed again (or is forced to make an emergancy stop). BattleTech and Manouvre Group have largely compatilbe movement modes (and so the MG marker (you will see it in the photos below) can be used, both a an activation marker and as ain indicator of current speed by its orientation to the front of the unit. BT standing = MG Halt, Walk = slow, Run = Fast, reverse = Reverse, and Sprint analogous to Transit (which in MG is instead "as fast as you like, but frack help you if anyone sees you). Jump is a special case - it requires 1 action to jump and automatically ends the mech at Stop speed. If a unit jumps on its first action of an activation, it does not need to use a second action to jump again (allowing a unit to be able to jump and fire).

Only the distance the unit moved during its last phase counts for the purposes of target modifiers. (So if you run, than walk, you only get the walk modifier.) The attacker modifier for own movement counts for whichever movement mode the unit was in the phase when it fired. (Post this coming game, TMM will be now tracked with evade chevron markers for ease.)

The unit may also make one or more reactions (most commonly to an enemy entering sight or when attacked). Each reaction allows the unit to take one of a more limited number of actions (typically shoot or evade); if the unit is moving, it mandatorily must move at that speed. (In AotrsTech rules, it must mandatorily move at least 1" (15m) or up to its current movement mode speed. In MG the resitriction is harsher, since their equivilent of run has a minimum speed.) Each reaction imposes a marker which inflicts a -1 penalty to attack, piloting and communication rolls (to a maximum of three); these remain until removed (by a succesful +0 piloting check, taking one action).

(In MG, exceeding three is the equivilent of increasing your piloting skill by +2 each time; the equivilent stat in MG, Leadership, is a combination of fear, fire and fatigue. It starts around 4-7 and typically a unit becomes combat ineffective at about 15-17, though vehicles are often destroyed long before they get that point.)

A unit can only react to a unit it can see; visibility is (default) 180º in the forward arc of BT (the same as MG sci-fi and vastly better than the real world modern armour). A unit can look in another direction (typically with a commander's independant sight, but a BattleMech could in theory do it as well), but it can only see 180º at once.

A platoon/lance/star/level II commander or a company commander can use one of his actions to handshake to a member of his lance. (If he is stationary or has an appropriate commander's station/console, he may use his second action to handshake to a second unit.) This requries a succesful piloting check as a communications roll, using the highest (i.e. worst) of the two unit's values. (MG uses Leadership). If successful, the unit recieves an activation (which is in addition to its own, which would be taken before or after when called for in the bound) and goes immediately (as part of the commander's action). A unit can only be handshaken to once per bound from any commander (but a company commancer could handshake the lance commander, who could handshake that unit for a third activation).

In addition, a lance (et al)/company commander can as an action issue a global order (which cannot be an attack, and is typically a change speed action). All members unit his command mandatarily must perform this action immediately, even if it means Bad Things happen.

Heat: Heat is accumulated during a unit's activation and during any reactions. Only the highest heat-generating movement mode used since the unit started its last activation counts. Heat is adjuicated at the end of the unit's activation only, and these effect persist until the end of the unit's next activation. (Ammo explosions and pilot damage effects are still rolled on D6; shutdown avoidance is rolled on D20 and as poer Maximum Tech, a modifier of (Pilot skill -6) is applied.)

Spotting and Sensors: An enemy entering sight provokes an immediate reaction from the spotting unit, before the attack is able to fire. However, a unit with an Active Probe in range can use an action to establish a sensor lock (automatically, requiring just the action and no dice roll) on an enemy unit. That unit overrides this reaction and allows the attack to fire first. (This may be conisdered as if the sensor lock is like clicking the target key in a simulator, and the highlighted target meaning that the attacker knows exactly where the defender is and can fire before the defenders spots him.) If the locking unit is part of a C3 network, all members of the group gain this bonus. If both mechs lock each otyher, default conditions are restored. (This function is in addition to the Active Probe's normal features.)

Attempting to spot a unit requires an action and a dice roll. A unit that is in the open, has moved since the start of the game and is not currently hull-down, turret-down or in-position is an auotmatic spot.

A mech may go into position in suitable cover (trees of the side of a building), which is not an automatic spot (and thus does not provoke a reaction until it fires). (This also applies to vehicles rolling to hull-down positions.) A unit in position gains a +1 modifer to target number, and attacks which would strike the protected side (if they come from the front 180º arc) instead strike the cover. Mechs with targeting computers can to instead take the penalty as if targeting a specific location (i.e. +3 for targeting computers, +6 with EI or +2 with targeting computers and EI), but hits on the protected sides are not ignored. A Mech in such a position cannot fire any weapons on the protected side (and if it must do so, the automatically strike the building) and further, its front and unprotected fire arcs have dead ground from the corner of the building to 45º from the Mech’s front.

A given weapon can be fired only once until the start of a unit's next activation.

All 1-point cluster weapons changed to 2-point clusters (e.g, LB-X AC/SB Guass rifle).

Rapid-fire weapons may take additional shots if they have not reached their maximum rate of fire since the start of the last activation. However, the jam number counts the number of shots made since the start of the unit's next action. (So a unit with an RAC/2 might fire two shots on its own action and make two reactions of a single shot; the jam number for the last shot would be treated as if it had fired four shots.) In addition, rapid-fire weapons only use the cluster table is they fire more than 2 shots (at once).

AC 2, 5 and 10 (including LB-X, Ultra, Light and Rotary) have had their damage pumped up ala HBS BT to 5, 8 and 11 respectively. (Lacking the ability to make 12 damage not a head-capping by adding 1/10 a hit point, I went down by one from their AC 5/10.)

Ultra ACs: As the base jam number is 1 on D20 (5%) and not (approx 2.8%), Ultra ACs can be unjammed, using the same rules as other weapons (one weapon per action, one attempt per weapon per activation, and a gunnery skill check at a +3 modifier).

Arrow IV and TAG: A target struck by a TAG continues to be painted until the target moves out of LoS or range of the TAG unit, the TAG unit is destroyed or the start of the TAG unit’s next activation. Homing missiles can be fired at a target directly or indirectly as per nomral rules, directly or indirectly at a target that is currently painted by a TAG (unmodified 4+ to hit) or can be fired to loiter as standard Tac Ops rules (when the missile arrives on-table, the attack gains an additional activation for the missie which must be used to attack a painted target with 240m (16") of the designated arrival point before the end of the bound, or the missile is wasted).

MASC: Takes one command point to activate; the failure check (rolled on 2D6 as normal) is made on subsequent activations, increasing by +2 as normal. MASC can be deactivated at the start of its activation as a free action before the check is made, but it cannot then engage it again until the start of its next activation.

MG Arrays: Do not use cluster table. In rapid fire mode, they roll for heat and damage for the first MG and the subsequent MGs deal their normal damage and generate heat equal to that damage. Thus an MGA 4 with 4 HMG would deal D6+1+3+3+3 (D6+10) damage and likewise generate D6+10 heat.

Quirks pending, since I would at current, have to write them on the sheet manually. I use HMP predomiantly for record sheets (since it has currently the best options for print outs); at the present time, neither of the other, more modern options like MML or Solaris Skunkworks are a 100% upgrade (for one, neither of them prints out quirks on the sheet either), though I will use them for mechs that really can't kludge HMP for - as HMP's custom weapons allowed me to implement, for example, the AC changes.

Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech Two

So, here we have the report from the most recent engagement. This was done from the photos and little summary notes that I did at the time in August, but wasn't written up until today, so it is to the best of my memory (the sequences may not be 100% right!)

Sometimes in 3067, during the FedCom Civil War, two pairs of lances - one likely Davion and the other potentially Steiner - skirmished.

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(All the hex buildings - still not 100% painted at the time, I was still working out whether I would have to put more on them - stack, with the third nested hex containing four of the little buildings.)

The probably-Davion force consisted of a Cyclops CP-11-C (the overall commander), a Firestarter FS9-OB-2, and two Sniper SNP-1s.

(The Sniper is a homebrew (models from the Iron Crown plastic set that were around a while back - quite a lot of homebrew mechs of mine come that sotck!), which is a 3/5 50-ton medium with two gauss rifles and a c3 unit, to do exactly what it says on the tin).

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The second lance consisted of two Two Wasp WSP-3Ms, a Templar TLR1-O (the lance commander) and a Caesar CES-3R-2 (the sole Named Pilot, Julia Vanderon).

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BV2: 10140 (via HMP)

The possibly-Steiners consisted of two lances; on the left, the overall commander in his Axman AXM-2N and three Crusader CRD-4Ds.

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The second lance, on the right, trio of 3025 era mechs a Blackjack BJ-2, an Enforcer ENF-4D (played by the part of an Enforce III) and a Hunchback HBK-4G, and the lance commander in a Bushwacker BSW-X1.

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BV2: 9869

On the right, the Enforcer and Blackjack moved into the quarry, intending to jump out and attack Juila.

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On the left flank, the Crusaders began moving forwards. Crusader 2 make the misake of going past where the Sniper could see it, and took a couple of gauss hits.

The Cyclops handshook to the Firestarter, so it could jump in close and fire.

Crusader 3 (because I had completely failed to properly look at the spotting for indirect fire rules, and was running it 3/4 off Manouvre Group), attempted to spot the Firestarter for indirect fire and failed, failing to hit it with its weapons to boot.

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Crusader 3 changed speed to run forwards, and spotted the Firestarter. (The was we were incorrectly doing it was that it required basically a to-hit roll to spot, but that lasted until the spotting mech moved out of LoS (or vise-versa) of the target. Looked it up afterwards and went "whoops.") The other two Crusaders and the Axman began to barrage it with LRMs - six or seven salvoes were shot at it over the next couple of bounds (only one missing).

On the right flank, the first Wasp jumped right into the rear of the Enforcer and fired. The Blackjack jump behind that and fired. The second Wasp jumped behind the Blackjack and fired and then the Enforcer jumped behind the second Wasp (and missed).

Julia's Caesar...

(...ahahahaha, do you get it? Literally why she is the only Named Pilot! That joke is still funny after two decades!)

Julia's Caesar did an end run around to join the fray.

Their lance comander in the Bushwhacker handshook to both Blackjack and Enforcer. The Blackjack this time blew off Wasp 1's arm and left torso. The Enforcer jumped to take a shot at Julia's rear, but did only minimal damage.

Handshaken by the Templar, Julia shot the Blackjack, striking it and setting off an ammunition explosion - and without CASE, it went up in smoke.

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On the other flank, the Hunchback charged to point-blank range on the Sniper, knocking it flat with the damage. The pilot was injured but emphatically did not pass out (douvle-six on the consciousness check...)

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The Cyclops chained a handshake through the Templar to Wasp 2 and Julia's Caesar. The Wasp jumped again, behind the Enforcer and fired once more. It narrowly missed a CT kill on the now battered rear armour, but got a single critical on the RT. Twelve. There were three critical slot to apply - and only two slot in that location, and one of those was ammo.


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Julia, meanwhile, continued to run forwards and got a shot at the Bushwacker. She hit it in the rear. That would have been bad enough, but it was two IS hits, which meant two criticals. Which resulted in two and one slots respectively - and all three landed on the engine.

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The Steiner-probables were not having, at all, a good day.

The Hunchback was now Offically In Trouble. The Sniper staggered to its feet, and the other one fired too. Wasp 1 did a double-jump but missed with its last SRM salvo. (Though the commanders, having handshaked, they couldn't shoot it, either.)

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The Firestarter, sandblasted and into CT IS but no criticals at all, finally just jumped out of the way of the Crusaders. Crusaders 1 and 3 were instead able to move into a much better position.

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The undamaged Sniper fired, and the Hunchback died horribly.

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The last ditch-effort of the maybe-Steiners was for Crusader 1 and 3 to blast away at the exposed rear armour of the enemy's overall commander.

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They both missed.

At this point, now down to 50% of their forces, the could-be-Steiners hastily retreated.


I did not, as they say, do well. Now, I did give my mate (who plays very little BT only this was either just before or only just after he started playing HBS Bt too) a bit of a leg-up with the extra BV and the c3, which I thought was fair, since i am, y'know the more experienced one.

However, I really bogged up from the start, putting the Crusaders on entirely the wrong side of the table - funnily enough, Bleakbane, it works better to put the jump-capable mechs IN the BUA. I also should not have made the Axman the lance commander. He didn't do much except shoot a few LRMs; one of the Crusaders would have been a better option, and the Axman would have been able to mix it up. You may, of course, blame this very much on Adam Steiner, since that decision was sort of hard-wired.

Losing the Blackjack and Enforcer was not great (especially as they were unable to kill even one Wasp!) Losing the Bushwacker was just plain terrible luck. (My mate, unusually for him, had a good day on the dice.)

Still - we got a definite conclusion in a two-ish hour evening's game with eight mechs, which is pretty much what I was trying to aim for, so that's all to the good.

It was during this game that the idea for stealing HBS's evade chevrons to mark the target movement modifier occurred to me, and it was but the work of a few minutes on the CAD package to prepare some for next time.

Next installment, well. I am playing hopefully again tomorrow (one reason that pushed me to squeeze this out!), though we'll see if I can actually get likewise enough to do a report and after that, since lockdown is back, unless i play solo games (maybe...?) frack knows when I can try it again.
« Last Edit: 29 March 2024, 14:27:26 by Aotrs Commander »

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #1 on: 04 November 2020, 19:42:50 »
Ahahaha, I died horribly...!

This time, as it was my mate who hasn't played for, like a couple of years, I only went for two lances, on the basis I reckoned that would give us a definitie finish. I also pretty much tried to take a picture every activation (didn't quite manage, but got most of them), so this report should also give you more of an idea of the flow of the battle as well. I probably won;t do it every time, but I felt especially as this was small numbers, it was worth doing at least once!

Another spar most likely in the FedCom civil war.

The battlefield:

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(By the by, all those hex buildings all stack away neatly into the three largest for easy storage, thusly:

Right, back to what we were talking about!)

Stiener's Lyrical Lance consisted of the lance commander in a Sirocco SRC-3C, a Mauler MAL-1R, a Barghest BGS-1T and a Razorback RZK-9S.

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On the Davion side was the lance commander in a Zeus ZEU-(9S-2 (the -2 means it is a HBS!BT standard rear-guns-are-forward), a Trebuchet TBT-7M, an Osiris OSR-3D, and the killing power of a JagerMech JM7-F (part played by regular JM6-S)]Link to larger image

Steiner got won initative, and moved the Mauler forward down the high street, thus ensuring that anything that tried to cross it would get shot at.

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The Osiris moved up to flank and the Barghest moved towards it.

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The Jagermech moved to cover the Davions right flank, meaning that the Sirocco dared not stick its nose out or be shot before it could fire. The Razorback dashed up through the buildings to the right of the high street.

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The Trebuchet, sensing the Razorback coming, backed off to open the range.

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The Sirocco handshook to the Razorback, so that it could attempt to move to position and then shoot - but it failed on the first attempt (this being a straight piloting check (piloting 5) on D20), and had to use its second action to go into position.

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The Zeus set off to a run, dashing up around behind the Razorback and blasting the surprised mech's rear left torso off. (Note use of evade cherons!)

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That ended the first bound.

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The Razorback did a runner and sprinted away. The Trebuchet closed back to the corner of the building, trying to go into position itself (to shoot the Mauler), but its pilot, too, could not find a good position.]Link to larger image

The Barghest closed on the Osiris.

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Sadly, the Osiris was fast enough to just run the other way and run up behind the hapless Razorback.

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Already sans rear CT armour, the Razorback was deftly cored.

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The Mauler strode the high street, pausing only to put a shower of LRMs and ACs shells into the Osiris' own rear armour as it passed.

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However, this meant the JagerMech was confident enough to step out. It meant the Mauler could take a reaction with the ER Large Lasers it hadn't fired (which oops, I forgot to put on the table, bad me), but this would push the Mauler's heat up to 17 and the Davion pilot was confident he could tank the shots.

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He did. And with a blitz of rapid fire on full auto, not bothering to target a specific location, he shredded the Mauler's armour, in particular the right torso and the combined 60 damage knocked it flat.

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The Sirocco did and about-face to run in the direction of the fight, handshaking to the Barghest. The Barghest came around and moved towards the highstreet to assist the Mauler, hitting the JagerMech with the LB-X 20 and knocking it over, too. (Cluster rounds? Bollocks to that!)

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That ended the second bound.

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The Mauler staggered to its feet and attempted to shoot the JagerMech a bit more. Despite heat, it did a bit more damage.

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The JagerMach also stood up, and walked closer. This time, the pilot used the targeting comuter and shredded the Mauler's right torso, destroying the engine and taking it down.

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The Barghest broke off for a more valuable target - the enemy Zeus, dashing around to shoot at the rear with a full alpha strike, heat be damned. Sadly, it managed only to hit the legs and arms.

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In return, while shouting for the JagerMech to press on, the Zeus turned around and shot the Barghest, destroying its left front leg hip actuator and knocking it over. (I did totally forget the -2 piloting bonus for quads - it's been ages since I used one and a while since I compiled our QR sheets. That said, I rolled enough 2s and 3s on my following piloting checks that it wouldn't have helped if I had much!)

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Having gotten that handshake, the JagerMech rushed off and shot the Sirocco in the rear, trying to hit a leg, but entirely missed.

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The Sirocco, determined to kill at least one of the little bleeders, continued to run forwards and blasted the Osiris in the rear, destroying it.

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The Trebuchet moved up to shoot the Barghest, hitting it with a salvo that included the Narc homing pod. That ended that bound.

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The Sirocco moved itself to a position where no-one was going to shoot its arse, while yelling for the Barghest to get up. The Barghest failed to get up. Twice. (Since its heat was up, it didn't have enough move to try more than once per action, so that was its entire activation.) To make it worse, it managed to snap of its own damaged left front leg in the process.

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The Zeus broke into a run, ordering the Trebuchet to keep firing as it did. The Zeus ran up around to the Sirocco, coming into sight and firing as reaction. (As the Zeus was not within the Sirocco's 180º forward arc, it couldn't react when the Zeus entered sight.) And once again, the mech was knocked over.

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The Trebuchet hammered the Barghest again, taking off one of the ER Large lasers.

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The Barghest was cool again (since it didn't fire anything while falling over). It fell over AGAIN trying to stand up, but on the forth attempt, it managed. (It was at this point I actually looked up the rules, as I wasn't sure how much MP I lost from losing a leg and realised I'd forgotten the -2 piloing bonus. But, I mean, I had been rolling for 5 or more on D20 for these checks ANYWAY and I had still failed that many!) It limped forwards and fired with a full alpha strik. That was now just the LB-X AC 20 and the one remaining ER larger laser, so it didn't overheat this time. It did, however, topple the Trebuchet (yes, we both rolled REALLY badly on those "don't fall over" checks...!) and the laser struck the head.

(So close to a clean headcap!)

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The JagerMech strofe over to the prone Sirocco - point-black range now - and aimed for the centre torso with a maximum fire-rate alpha strike. The nine rotary AC 5 hits would have cored it even undamaged, making the medium pulse lasers rather superflouous.

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At that point, the battle was over. The Barghest limped off, down a leg, with unseemly haste.

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So. What did we learn?

The evade chevrons were a great idea.

I probably wont forget the quad bonus to piloting checks soon - but I rolled about half of those checks 2s and 3s anyway, so it would only have saved me maybe one fall!

Tactically, four mechs, especially with these movement rules, are not good for covering each other's arses. (But I sort of knew that, since in MG, your basic functional unit is three or four tanks and you have several of those.) The Trebuchet might not seem like it did much, but in the position it was, it did discourage me from more dashing that I would have liked. It was the reason the Barghest stopped on the sides and didn't go for the rear of the Mauler, as it would have provked a reaction shot from the Trebuchet, for example.

I'm sure many of you are crying at my force set-ups, but as I say, at the moment it's as much to make sure all of my models get a turn on the table. (Though without repeating, I've just about run out of IS heavies and up for the next games...!)

The RAC plus targcom plus 8 damage per was as murderous as I'd expected (and why I given it to mmy mate!) But we also got to a definitive conclusion in under two hours, which was ideal, so I really can't complain. I WANT a more lethal game; much as I like BT, I don't like sandblasting slugging matches. It means we can (as/when we get more familair and we can actually PLAY again) use more mechs and toys per game and still get done.

That will be it for likely at least a month, however, I'm afraid, since as of typing this post, the UK is in full lock-down again for a month, unless it gets to the point I want to start playing solo games (it may...!)
« Last Edit: 04 November 2020, 19:55:08 by Aotrs Commander »


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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #2 on: 09 December 2020, 09:25:06 »
While I get started, I have one odd question to ask:  Do I read this with the Tex Talks voice in mind?  xp
It's your world. You can do anything you want in it. - Bob Ross

Every thought and device conceived by Satan and man must be explored and found wanting. - Donald Grey Barnhouse on the purpose of history and time.

I helped make a game! ^_^  - Forge Of War: Tactics


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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #3 on: 09 December 2020, 10:03:27 »
I'm surprised you decided to boost the RAC. The RAC/5 already averages as a better ranged AC/20, even if it's spread out in groups of 5. 

Boosting it to 8 seems overkill.  But, I guess you're a dakka hound.

It's interesting.  It's definitely not BT as I've played it. But, I'm glad to see you're sticking with the BMR and MaxTech. 

Salvo Fire, is that by matching weapons?  Or is it just a single die roll, then check against the different Target To-Hit numbers for the different weapons?  I'm thinking of the Stalker which is definitely a bracket firer.  It's long range bracket weapons would potentially be the LRM rack pairs and Large Lasers, which have mismatched ranges in certain spots.  An LRM at just inside short range at seven hexes would be in the Large Laser's medium.

So, I take it moving to the linear d20 was to help with what felt like arbitrarily high failure rates, instead of coming up with a series of bonus modifiers for certain actions to help lower the TN?  BattleTech is good at punishing you for taking all kinds of actions, making shots more difficult, but does little beyond certain pieces of gear and pilot skill improvement to help turn that around.  That would be a problem when leaving a Mech with a single attack roll. 

I'm surprised you don't use Margins of success.  And, how do you decide which of the weapons actually hit when clustering the results?

Your custom set is interesting.  If it works for you, keep at it. 

I know that my group gave up on certain aspects of Total Warfare because it was a touch too unfair against certain units.  (Hovers.  LAMs.)  Certain things we liked, so we created a setting for using those rules.  I noticed, though, that we seem to have drifted away from that with other campaigns, moving back to the BMR in a lot of ways, like with adapting the video games to table top.

I see this as no different.
It's your world. You can do anything you want in it. - Bob Ross

Every thought and device conceived by Satan and man must be explored and found wanting. - Donald Grey Barnhouse on the purpose of history and time.

I helped make a game! ^_^  - Forge Of War: Tactics

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #4 on: 10 November 2021, 20:02:44 »
So. Apprently is has been over a year since my last game of BattleTech. That's distressing and depressing, since I have played, since lockdown began, also only one game of Manouvre Group (at a convention, which doesn't REALLY count), two games of 15mm fantasy, one evening a couple of games of sea strike, and only one starship game since 2019 (bearing in mind starships are my true jam).

And during the last lockdowns, my collection of BattleMrchs has ballooned out to over 300 (the last of which from the KS are on the table to be painted as we speak), not too mention the hours spent kludging record sheets in HMP as best as possible (because MML doesn't let you have custom weapons, therefore I cannot do the AC revisions and such) and cursing that I have yet to find a way other than manually to append quirks to the HMP record sheets when printed.

Still, it seems like it is more sensible to continue this here, than start a new thread and link it back, so here we are.

(@Daemion - I did not see your replies until months after the fact, I'm afraid, since for whatever reason, the BT forums refuse to send me email notifications and by the time you'd replied, I stopped manually checking, sorry.)

There is a ludicously extensive report coming tomorrow (it's way too late to do it now), but I figured I should get a little head-start and teaser out, since it comprises 150 photos (!) - whcih might have to mean in parts, I dunno how many I will be able to do in one go - and a blow-by-blow account.

Mostly since I finally just gave up and went back to my root BT experience, playing with myself with my toys. My parents went away for a few days, so I took the week off from my self-employment and, instead of spending a couple of days playing BATTLETECH, I spent a couple of days playing BattleTech making use of the fact the Man-Cave was available so I could set up and leave it and photo/write up as I went.

And I figured, as I set up the board, if I'm going to play with my toys by myself, I might as well play with as many of my other toys as possible.

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Report beings tomorrow.


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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #5 on: 11 November 2021, 01:11:18 »
So one question, when you use salvo fire from say a stationary Jaeger mech 7 hexes away from a unit with a +2 TMM, you make 1 roll--lets say you roll a 10 on 1d20.  Base 4, +2 TMM, +2 (if you reaction fired 2 times this turn already), so the medium lasers at long range (+4) miss as they needed 12s, but the AC/2 at short range (+0) needs a 8 and the ac/5 at medium range (+2) needs a 10, so they all hit.  Is that how you do salvo fire?

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #6 on: 11 November 2021, 08:30:40 »
So one question, when you use salvo fire from say a stationary Jaeger mech 7 hexes away from a unit with a +2 TMM, you make 1 roll--lets say you roll a 10 on 1d20.  Base 4, +2 TMM, +2 (if you reaction fired 2 times this turn already), so the medium lasers at long range (+4) miss as they needed 12s, but the AC/2 at short range (+0) needs a 8 and the ac/5 at medium range (+2) needs a 10, so they all hit.  Is that how you do salvo fire?

Yes, that's how we have been playing it.

I say "have been," because as initimated last time, in this coming playthrough (as I had effectively unlimited playtime), I experimented wth ignoring the salvo fire rule (including the pre-set weapon groups) and went with rolling for each weapon as per standard BT, just on D20. The results were surprising, but I'll leave the anayisis of that for the conclusion.

Right. I'm going to post this in chunks, because I'm fairly sure the forums will cry if I try to post 150 photos in one post, so we'll see what we can get in one and try to do the first bound. (Also, it'll give me breaks!)

Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech Four


Somewhere in Canopian space.

A large force of mechs is maruading around a backwater world. The mechs are all Jihad-era Word of Blake designs, in the livalry of the infamous Cactus Level III. Whether these are pirates who found a hidden stash of Word of Blake mechs from decades prior or descendants of the Word of Blake who never got the message, the Magistracy does not know. All they do know is these raiders must be stopped.

Kunai Company is dispatched to the planet post-haste. They arrive to intercept on the outskirts of what was long ago a major city during the Star League.

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Now barely inhabited, the block of flats of what was once a high-class tenament block is now a deprived and crumbling neighborhood.

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On the tiny spaceport, an ancient, decrepid old dropship stands abandoned to the ravages of time.

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So too, does the leisure complex that stood a little outside the city - later repurposed to office block, and later still empty.

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The would-be-Wobbies' interest is clear. At one stage, the spaceport, small a it was, was considered important enough to establish a military outpost. Th hub of the complex was built inside a crater, the only route in by ground through an underground tunnel far too small for a mech to enter. Around crater's rim is a ring of old underground SAM site silos, now with only a crumbling fence to keep out foolish youths.

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Nestled in one of the launch bays, an old aerospace fighter has seen better days.

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Further down the slope, the bulk of the base stands. Three old and defunct turrets once protected it, the double PPCs long since taken from the housing and sold.

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Beyond that, a trio of power generators serve the base, mirror to the ones that till serve the city across the highway.

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An old firebase still served as a staging ground for the local militia - but when two level IIe showed up, they simply ran, wisely abandoning their vehicles rather than fight a hopeless battle.

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"Word of Blake"

Level II 1
Red Shift RD-2A
Initiate INI-02
Blueflame BLF-21
Lightray LGH-4W
Raijin RJN101-AU
Toyama TYM-1A (level II commander)

Level II 2
Gurkha GUR-2G (C3I)
Buccaneer BCN-5W (C3I)
Three Tessen TSN-1C (C3I)
White Flame WHF-3B (C3I, CNC)

Raijin RJN101-AU: A refit of the RJN101-A, the Streak 2 is removed, and the tonnage used to add CASE to th left torso and extra armour.

Kunai Company

Command Lance
Catapult C5A2
Crusader CRD-9R (CNC)
Longbow LGB-7Q
Stalker STK-9X

Fire Lance
Anubis ABS-3L
Calliope CAL-1MAF
Huron Warrior HUR-W0-R4O
Penthesilea PEN-2H (lance commander)

Scout Lance
Firebee FRB-3F
Agrotera AGT0-1A (lance commander)
Eyeleuka EYL-45A
Wraith TR1

Catapult C5A2: Very close to the original, the C5A2 uses an endosteel and double heat sinks. The medium lasers are upgraded to ER versions, but the armament is otherwise unchanged.
Crusader CRD-9R: An unusual refit, th 9R uses a light fusion engine, and endosteel skeleton. The jumpjets have been removed, replaced by an old Holly LRM rack, surplus from 3050s Catapult upgrades. CASE protects all the reloads.
Stalker STK-9X: A widely distributed theorhetical refit by Irian, partly through the Republic, due to it being a pet project of one of the board, the Magistracy is the only nation so far to have actually implemented it. The refit attempts to mitigate the heat problems of the base Stalker without changing the armament. The armour is replaced by light ferro-fibrous and the heat sinks replaced with 16 double heat sinks anda Radical Heat Sink system. The ammunition is also moved to the right torso and protected by CASE.
Firebee FRB-3F: A modern refit of the 2E, using endo-steel internal structure, double heat sinks and CASE. The armament is unchanged, allowing it to potentially use variant ammunition (e.g. infernos).

Heresies In Use:
Salvo fire NOT used (fire still on D20)
Buildings: All treated as CF 40 per approx 1" space, cannot be entered.

Canopians in the woods:

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Stalker's eye-view:

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Gurkha's eye view:

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Bound 1

The Huron Warrior runs to the line of old shops and slows down, ready to go in position.

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The Gurkha does a double run across the gap. The Stalker takes reaction shot with her LRMs and larage laser. The LRMs hit (but only four each), dealing some minor damage to the right torso and left leg.

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The Wraith double jumps to change position; not into attack position, to not expose her rear to distant Tessen 1.

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The Buccaneer double runs to support the Gurkha, behind dropship, ready to pounce.

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The Firebee double jumps ready to assist the Wraith.

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Tessen 1 walks to the turret and goes in position itself, watching the open space.

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The Anubis walks past Huron Warrior (no reaction is provoked from from Tessen 2/3 since she was already in sight) -

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- then runs further past the next  gap. As she was now out of sight and coming into sight*, Tessen 2 gets a reaction shot with ER PPC (and misses).

*This may not be accurate, but there’s no-one here to check with.

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She completes her movement.

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Tessen 2 walks foward to cover the gap better. As a second action (when still moving), he removes the reaction and also sinks heats.

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The Calliope can see the Red Shift and Light Ray over the zog trees (and vice versa as, she’s not deep enough in the wood to block LOS), so no reactions. The Calliope walks forward.
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She then takes a shot at the Red Shift the end of the second phase, where he's a little closer. Four LRMS hit the trees (leg hit), but the plasma rifle hits the left torso - engine crit and 6 plasma heat. Whoops. Neither Red Shift nor Light Ray can react fire back, as they are out of range, but the Toyama and the Initiate can. (They could also see the Calliope before it moved, or they would have reacted when it moved into sight.) Only one can react, so the Toyama does, with 1 ER LL and the LRM 20 - misses with both.

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The Initiate starts to run through zog trees and fires as second action with his LRM 15. Misses. (Readers are reminded at that the moment, attack rolls are using standard BT modifiers, but on D20. Per weapon. WoB is STILL missing.)

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The Penthesilea handshakes to the Calliope a first action; she started at run speed, so has to move as part of this action.

(Under current rules, (it is Implied But Not Stated, must fix that) it has to move at least 1" (or spend at least 1 MP), but unlike regular Manouvre Group, mechs at Run do not have a minimum required speed of their Walk MP. (In MG turning doesn't use any "speed;" it would thus be difficult to implemnt that with BT movement point without getting silly, e.g. mechs piruetting if they didn't want to move forwards and such.)

Tessen 3 could make a reaction as she moves into sight at the end of the Penthesila's first action, but it's 30m out of range. The Penthesilea slows to a walk with its second action, and moves forward, going out of sight of Tessen 3.

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The Calliope has a new activation, so she can fire again. She fires as her first action and spots for indirect fire as its second action, takng the shot at the end of the first action's movement (she can choose to fire at any point during the movement). It is now at 210m - short range for the LRMs or medium for th SRMs. She fires SRMS and both MML 9 and the plasma rifle hit, because the Canopians apparently train their gunners. The rifle burns through some trees, but the six SRMs that hit pepper the Red Shift's armour. (If the rifle had hit, it would have been just a PSR, more's the pity.) This fire provokes a reaction. The Initiate, the Toyama, the Raijin and the Light Ray could react (though the Toyama would get a second reaction marker and build up more heat, since he's not had a go yet), but save for a long-range shot from the Initiate's lasers, it would be better for the other two to fire on their own go.

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(In MG, where you can fire a weapon system more than once per activation, one of the would fire, since it's a free shot AND in MG every shot is a potential kill, since it's not based on hit points. But here, it would be bad to allow weapons to be fire more than once a go (even with the reaction penalty stuff) since while energy weapon wouldbe self-balancing a heat would only get sunk at the end of the activation, it would make guass rifles EVEN BETTER, since you could react without worry on the heat front as well. I might experiment with that at some point - since the inherent max-three-reactions and after that your piloting/gunnery goes up by 2 each reaction is somewhat of a counter balance, but not today.)

So the Calliope finishes her movement, spotting for the Command Lance.

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The Red Shift, figuring he is going to die anyway, runs out to try and backstab the Calliope. As he leaves the zog trees, he co-incidentally moves into the line of sight of the Anubis, which does take a shot. (At this point, the Anubis pilot also thinks, "Crap, I forgot to turn my Stealth Armour on! D'oh!") (This would be a next to imposible shot on 2D6, at 4+2+2+3 = 11.) 11 out of 20 LRMS connect. A single one strike the left torso, taking out another engine slot and a double heat sink. The Red Shift is now at 18 heat (though effects of heat are only applied at the end of his activation).

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The Red Shift finishes his first action's movement.

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He fires as his second action (electing to do so before he has to move, so he doesn't accidently barge into the Calliope, which might be REALLY BAD for him now...) Depite only needing 5 - on D20 - he STILL misses with one MPL, then jogs backward. The other hits the Calliope's left leg, too. Despite the heat being at potentially 26 (!), as the Red Shift does run damn cool, he ends his turn having only built up 8 heat net. Apaprently, the WoB guys knew what they were doing when they put in doubles...! But as he is now no longer in the Calliope' line of sight, he's not spotted anymore, at least.

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[light ray doesn't ge tobackstab its not his go ignore photo]

Foiled a little bit, the Longbow strided forward. At the end of her first action, she and the Light Ray spot each other; the Light Ray can't react (out of range) and there's no point the Longbow doing it when she can shoot on her own second action.

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Trotting into the wood keep her out of sight of the other WoB mechs, but allow her still to fire. Again, even a long-range shot (10s), Canopian marksmanship is as good as WoB is poor - only one LRM 5 misses completely. 27 missiles hit, but the Light Ray does not fall over.

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The Light Ray now can run up and shoot the Calliope in the back.

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With an aimed shot for the RT.



So there we have it, ladies, gentlemen and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri, the Light Ray would have missed a point-blank shot with PULSE LASERS and a TARGETING COMPUTER, even it *hadn't* been aiming.

You know what, the Light Ray was supposed to be shooting partay into its second phase movement, but I'm going to rule that the pilot instead sits there lack-jawed, unable to beleive what he's just done instead.

The Eyeleuka move forwards. Resisting the urge to double-jump into position to shoot the Gurkha (which would place it in danger of being pounced on in return from the Buccaneer via hand-shake), she instead just gets into a good position, and the Gurkha into ECM radius, knackering the C3I.

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The Toyama, shaking his head, handshakes to the Initiate. As firing his remaining weapons would make his heat high, he spends his second action failing to remove his own reaction (which is a simple PSR on D20, mind).

The Initiate, then, jogs through the zog tree to take better shot at the Calliope.

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At 150m, he fires everything but the LRMs. And hits with the SRM 6 and one ER SL. Which is, granted, better than the WoB average so far... Still, one SRM of the five and the laser hits the left leg, which is nearly lost all the armour. He then logs closer. In hindight, he perhaps should have taken the heat, fired his LRMs in the first action and then everything else in the second, but what can you do?

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The Catapult double walks out. The Toyama and Raijin pass on their reaction shots (the Raijin's ER PPC shot is not worth it, and the Toyama alrady failed to get rid of one reaction), so the Initiate gets 30 LRMs, of which he cops four to the left leg and five to the right torso.

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The Raijin does a double jump to attack the Calliope, but the sharp heat spike mean he dares not fire the ER PPC, and even the rest - SRM 6 and three MPL - builds 2 net heat. And with a rare display of competance, only one MP misses! All 6 SRMs hit, as well. The Calliope is starting to look a little battered. The right arm is nearly off (but no crits despite two internal).

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The Crusader 9R - the CNC - decides it is time to dig the Calliope out of the mess, so she handhakes to the Penthesiliea for her first action.

The Penthesilea then handshakes to the Calliope. The Calliope gets out of dodge, running backwards and in position to shoot the hapless Red Shift on her second action.

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Five SRMs and the plasma rifle hit - and off comes the Red Shift's right leg! He falls flat on his right torso.

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The Penthesila's movement and second action place her in position to shoot at Tessen 3. (Tessen 3 elected not to react, on the basis that again, it was a single ER PPC shot.) But perhaps he should, as he gets an ER PPC and a solid LB X 10 AC for his trouble.

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And, TRUE TO FORM (I genuinely face-palmed at this point) fail his PSR and over he goes.

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And the Crusader still has her own SECOND action. Becasue she's stationary, she can attempt two handshakes. The Crusader uses her second action, then, to handshake to the Stalker, who in turn, moves forward, and takes her reaction off, so that she's free to fire on her own go in a moment.

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Tessen 3 gets up and stomps forwards to have a go at the Penthesilea. Shock of shocks, he plants a homing Narc pod and a PPC hit to the left arm.

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Sadly, then it's the Stalker's turn. She walks to exactly 360m and lets rip with everything, thumbing the radical heat sink to ensure no heat is bulit up. Half of everything hits, save for the MLs of which three of four hit. 5 SRMs and 6 LRMs is not bad either. AND HEADSHOT! Though only with a ML. But the damage is sufficient that over he goes AGAIN. Amazingly, he's still conscious (not having been hurt in either fall), but he is not having a good day...

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It's the Blue Flame's time to shine! His first run action exposes him through the gap the Crusader, who DOES take her shot.

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Only 9 out of 45 LRMS connect, so the Blue Flame is left to rush over to shoot the Penthesilea. But, with typical WoB shooting, only four Streak SRMs hit. What a star, though! Three of the four all hit the damaged left arm, and the forth hits the head! The Penthesilea pilot just barely stays conscious.

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Time to get things moving on the right Canopian flank. The Agrotera is the lance commander, so she handshakes to the Wraith. She jump just far enough to take a shot at the Gurkha's rear, while sticking to the drophip so the Buccaneer can't return the favour. Two MPL to the right leg and one LPL to the left. Not too shabby!

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Realising that with Tessen 1 in position, no-one is actually covering the Gurkha's arse, the Agrotera attempts to handshake the Firebee, but she's not listening.

Finally, the WoB CNC, the White Flame, start moving foward. 

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He handshakes to the Buccaneer, who jumps next to the Wraith, hoping to do some overheating.

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The Buccaneer decides to risk it, setting his HMG array to rapid fire. (In my revised rules, MG arrays roll on the salvo table, but always hit the same location. In rapid fire mode, each additional gun applies its base damage to the damage/heat generated by the first. So in this case, it's D6+1+3+3 => D6+7 damage and heat. So they don't actively suck now.)

And to finish the bound with the "Word of Blake's" usual aplomb, the Buccaneer misses completely with both weapons...
« Last Edit: 11 November 2021, 11:20:23 by Aotrs Commander »

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #7 on: 11 November 2021, 12:47:20 »
Bound Two

The second bound starts as the first ended - the Buccaneer shooting at the Wraith. The machine guns miss again, which is unfortunate, since at rapid fire, even with the 1 it rolled in D6 last bound, it's used over half the ammunition (24/50) and this second burst empties it. Whoops. Still, the rifle hit this time, hitting the Wraith's left torso and adding 4 heat. Then the Buccaneer wisely jumps away again.

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On the other flank, the Canopians start off with the Calliope putting the boot in on the downed Red Shift. (Checking the rules, unlike HBS BT, which I've played so much of in the past year, you can't make aimed shots on prone targets, seemingly...) Still plasma rifle and all 9 MML (SRM) hits, ouch... And nastily clustered too... Four missiles hit the LT (which only had two hits left) and another four (including nearly a floating TAC) hit the CT - enough to core it pretty much front to back. First mech down!

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(Oops, I've been allowing mechs to run backwards, haven't I?. Never mind both side did it last bound, so it evens out.)

The Calliope uses her mandatory movement (having fired before moving) and second phase to do a runner back to the relative safety of her mates.

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Tessen 3 stands up, and stomps up to the Stalker, intent on hurting SOMEBODY today. Showing remarkable competence for a WoBbie, he actually hits with all three weapons (using an explosive Narc pod this time - and no-on is bothering with TAG, since there's no Arrow IVs and no semi-guided LRMs in play.) The Stalker, though stays upright.

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Then Tessen 3 walks out of the line of fire with the movement portion of his second action (since his first was to get up/change speed to walk). He probably could have walked first and then shot, but it wouldn't have made a lot of difference, as running round the back would have only gotten his shot.

The Stalker, for her part, backs up again the building, taking a shot at 180m with everything except the LRMs. (At half minimum range, it not worth the heat, since she only build up a single heat from walking without them.)Only a single SRM launcher misses, but the other hits with all six missiles. Nicely concentrated, Tessen 3's left arm is gone. Ooh, nasty.

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The stalker then just backs up a tad more, moving here out of line of fire from the White Flame.

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The Blue Flame, meanwhile, does a running pass attacking the Huron Warrior' rear, till holding off one ER LL to keep heat neutral. And the ER LL and one Streak hits. Back to typical WoB accuracy, it would seem... Still, he tries, landing the LL and an SRM-potential-TAC on the right arm, but to no avail; the other missile hits the left torso.

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Then a straight dash towards the Firebee's rear, to threaten it, hoping that speed will prevent an arse-perforating from the aforementioned Huron Warrior.

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It very nearly does, as the Huron warrior's gauss and MPL miss by mile, but the ER LL is bang on. (two 1s, one 20...) And a strike on the front left leg is not a major concern for a heavily armoured Blue Flame. The Huron Warrior us his second action (after taking a pace back), to go into position on the building. (This blocks off her MPL and ER LL, which is why she fired first.)

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(Technically, he could have made a reaction when the Blue Flame charged past him, but again, it wasn’t worth the reaction for something he was going to immediately do on his own action.)

Tessen 1 starts the long-range sniping duel with the Huron Warrior. He has to use his first action make a spot check to see the Huron Warrior (since she's in position - basically taking cover behind the building and popping around to shoot like a lady behind a pillar). (D20 roll verses about 12 or something, but he rolled well into the teens, so I didn't check the exact number in Manoeuvre Group). He succeeds and then lands an ER PPC hit on the Huron Warrior' CT.

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The Longbow moves 60m forward into medium LRM range of the Initiate and stops, then fires as her second action. Only 19 of the 50 missiles hit, though, and five of them hit the zog trees, but one cluster at least, tags the head. The Initiate remains standing.

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Sensing, he's about to get a load more missiles, the Initiate spends his first action turning on his AMS (whoops!), moving into the woods in the meantime. He takes shot with the LRMs (everything else is out of range by 60), which tags the Calliope's right leg and centre torso.

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Then he runs deeper back into the wood to avoid any more fire.

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The Anubis turns her stealth armour on, and does and about face. She dashes across the gap, potentially provoking reaction fire from the White Flame. But, at long range with two ER ML, a net TN of 15 means the WoB CnC isn't going to take a reaction for very minimal gain, so she is free to unload her LRMs on the Blue Flame's rear with her second action. (Taking her own reaction off will have to wait!)

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Rather than run forward and expose herself to the much-closer and not yet activated Tessen 2 (who WOULD likely try for a reaction shot), she turn around and runs back again, with a bit of a zig-zag path. Again, the White Flame doesn’t try for a reaction shot.

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The Gurkha is in a bit of a bad spot. If someone else goes, he's likely to get the Wraith shooting hi rear again and then jumping away. And much a he'd like to run up to the Wraith and shoot a his first action, then clobber it with his hatchet as the second, if he moves forward the Eylueka will get a reaction, and to his arse. So he turns around to put his back to the building and at least shoot the Wraith - but of course, in the act of pulling the trigger, he now realises the Eylueka can cheerfully walk around the idea of the building and shoot him... And for his trouble, he only gets three ER SL hits. (First action had to be change speed to stop (which allows him to move up to his walk MP, second action shoot.)

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The Eylueka doesn’t look the gift hell's horse in the mouth, and trots around the corner. The Blue Flame doesn't dare react with his unfired ER LL, lest he push his heat up to 10 or 12 and thus start slowing down (or not firing any ER LLs on his next go); but one possible 8-point hit on the Eylueka would be vanishingly unlikely to stop it. (He'd have to hit the head AND she'd have to be knocked out.) So the hapless Gurkha gets both barrels, as it were, from the first action to shoot. Still, even with a near-perfect shot, one ER ML misses, and only 4 SRM from the MML 9 connect. Right torso armour is gone, though.

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That cements the Eylueka's second action - walk right up and kick. As she's coming from the right, she can only hit the right leg - on the left side, she'd have taken the left leg off, more's the pity -, but succeeds in smashing the Gurkha's hip actuator. He wobbles, but he doesn't fall down.

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The Light Ray pilot closes his mouth. He turns about and rushes through the woods after the Calliope. His second action takes him in a good place to shoot at the end - the Catapult can't see him to make a reaction, and the other three have fired their weapons on their go, so can't fire again. (Well, the Longbow could fire her MLs, but it would not be worth the reaction.) Having learned from last time, he's doesn't even try to aim. At all, not just using the targeting computer to make an aimed shot, since he STILL misses with 50% of his pulse lasers, though at least this time, he hit with the large and one medium... (Wait, crap, only the large is pulse, the others are ER. Never mind, he still hits.) The ER ML hits the head, and once again, the pilot remains just barely conscious. The LPL goes internal on the left leg, though, and destroys a foot actuator - but the Calliope remains upright.

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The Gurkha's day is only going to get worse, as the Firebee walks around the corner. As she double-jumped last bound, she's at starting at stop and has to use an action to change speed (from to stop to stop in this case, but it lets her walk). She thus can only shoot him, not kick him as well (yet...!) Little bit too excited, though, since she only hits with three SRMs. But two hit the right torso, and the Gurkha' ER PPC is two-thirds obliterated.

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But Tessen 2 can come to the rescue! With no-one able to take any shots at him, he can walk right in and have a go at the Firebee's rear!

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It's only 6's to hit (the MPL are just into medium range, so it evens out).


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White Flame pilot: (with resignation) "We're a real Mickey Mouse operation, aren't we?"

Toyama pilot: "Mickey Mouse? We ain't even Betty Boop!"

The Wraith shoots the Gurkha. The large pulse laser hits the right torso, rendering any other damage a moot point.

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Two down.

Then she walks off to go get in the Blue Flame's way.

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The Toyama at this point realises he needs to get his arse in gear and starts to move. He handshakes to the Light Ray.

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In a desperate burst of competence, the Light Ray ACTUALLY HITS with everything (and after marking the damage correctly on the third try, since it was a shot from the LEFT), the Calliope's left leg finally gives way, and the leg arm loses an actuator. The pilot remains unhurt and conscious, though she's now on the deck. The Light Ray's subsequent double run takes it back into the safety of the woods.

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The Penthesilea handshakes to the Huron Warrior with her first action, and then on her second, move to optimum range to shoot the Blue Flame, while keeping the old leisure complex building just blocking the White Flame's line of fire.

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The Huron Warrior abandons her position, allowing her to bring all her weapons to bear on the Blue Flame - and this time, only the medium pulse laser misses. Only leg hits however, and the Blue Flame staggers, but doesn't fall.

The Penthesilea fires now, using the LB-X AC10, ER PPC and two ER ML, and getting three heat in return. (She's more concerned with punching holes, hence the PPC and solid slug, rather than scattering ML/Light PPC damage.) All hit. (Three 15 and a 20!) Despite going internal on the CT and rear left leg, with three potential criticals, she gets none. BUT. The Blue Flame face-plants into the ground, hurting the pilot in the process, though he remains conscious. But he ain't getting no evasion now.

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The White Flame comes barrelling in. First action has to be to the Toyama, to handshake to the Blue Flame. The Toyama just barely manages it. He come out of the woods himself, and takes a shot at the Calliope, hoping to keep it down. The cluster round and one laser hit, taking out the MML 9 (with a staggering 4 critical hits), and destroying three of the four right leg actuators.

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The Blue Flame staggers up, running again, pausing long enough to take a heat-neutral snapshot at the Eylueka.

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It hits with 4 SRMs and the laser does some light damage - not badly clustered actually, before running on, hoping to be out of reprisal range.

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The White Flame's own second action was to charge closer to shot at the Penthesilea.

(Pause to kill what was either a bloody large wasp or a hornet. How the frack did that get in here?)

The White Flame hits with the large pulse laser and two ER MLs, only the MPL missing, but the damage is mostly to thus untouched armour, so doesn't amount to much.

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The Canopian commander in the Crusader handshakes to the Stalker.

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The Stalker took a pace forward into short range and let rip with everything but the LRMs. Again, she only builds up a smidgen of heat thanks to the combat computer from movement. This time, EVERYTHING hit. (And by  "everything, I mean, "even 11/12 SRMs," which is as well, because that actually used all my pairs of dice...) Tessen 3's bad day was about to get worse...

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A concentrated hit with multiple lasers (including both) slammed into the left torso from where the arm was, and burned right into centre torso internal; the destruction of the XL engine rendered the rest of the damage moot.

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Three down.

The Stalker now continues to move ponderously toward the White Flame.

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The Crusader's second action is to handshake to the Penthesilea, who in turn handshakes to the Huron Warrior, while manoeuvring so she could shortly take a shot at the White Flame.

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The Huron Warrior steps around the corner, safe from reaction fire, since Tessen 1 and the White Flame had already shot, and let rip. Despite shooting from optimum range of 120m, only the gauss rifle hits, so the Huron Warrior backs round the corner again as part of her second action.

The Penthesilea's second action is to fire, only with the ER PPC, the AC and one medium laser, and then run out of the way. (That would bring her heat down.) Only the LB-X AC 10 hits, but oh dear; the same place - right torso - as the gauss rifle had. The damage goes internal, and dealing one engine crit and one crit taking out the White Flame's large pulse laser. Uh-oh!

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The Raijin pilot swears. As there were now less WoB units than the Canopian one to go (the Catapult and the Agrotera), WoB could force them to go, but that would just mean the Agrotera would go and leave the Raijin with the same problem - there was no avoiding the Catapult getting a shot at him. He jumps, taking an ER PPC shot at the Calliope. He succeeds in destroying the right arm, which mostly made the Calliope combat-ineffective, with no guns left and one leg. But she wasn't DEAD...!

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The Catapult now can walk forwards and shoot at the Raijin, using both LRM 15s and three ER MLs, but only scoring one hit from each weapon system; a minor smattering of damage only.

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She then backs back behind the power generators with her second action.

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The Agrotera handshakes to the Eyleuka, who does a swift backpedal (as she is still walking) and fires at the Blue Flame's rear. Not bothering with the ER laser (too much heat and she wanted the SRMs for hitting that rear torso), she hits with 5 of them and one ER ML.

And off comes the rear left leg! And the front left leg loses a foot actuator with the one of the two possible TACs. The pilot injures himself again, but remains conscious. But his evasion is gone again.

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Rather enjoying herself, the Eylueka proceeds to literally walk up and put her boot in his ass for good measure. And... Oh no. The Blue Flame is lucky it spun one facing right, as a kick to the CT rear would have been fatal. A kick to the battered RT still goes internal, though.

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The Agrotera decides it is her turn for some fun, but can't jump in and fire with only one command point left. She has to settle for handshaking to the Firebee instead.

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Six SRMs and one large laser pummel the Blue Flame, which of course is exposing his rear to the Firebee. THIS time, there was no saving it, as the left torso explodes and a pair of SRMs ram into the centre torso internals, destroying an engine crit a piece. Then the Firebee turns around and walks back towards her next victim.

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Four down.

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #8 on: 11 November 2021, 13:50:42 »
Bound Three

It wasn't looking good for the WoBbies...! On the minor positive side, now they had far less unit to active, they automatically got the choice of whether to go first or force the Canopians to go first. So they were going first!

And first of all, the White Flame was jumping the hell out of dodge. Losing the CNC would be BAD, and with the serious damage, the White Flame would have been a magnet for fire anyway. The White Flame's second action was to scream to the Toyama: "my armour has failed! You must fight harder!"

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The Toyama pilot continued to close on the Canopians as he handshaked to the Light Ray, stopping at 360m, ready to shoot on his next action.

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The Light Ray did a double run to try and shoot the Catapult in the arse. He didn't try and aimed shot, which was as well, as he'd have missed with BOTH his ER mediums instead of just one. He landed only leg hits, however, admittedly landing two on the left leg at least.

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The Toyama now fired at the Longbow. He UTTERLY missed with both ER LL (snake eyes!), but at last got the others on target. The damage was spread out, but the shock caught the Longbow pilot by surprise, and she was knocked flat and hurt herself on the way down. The Toyama permitted himself a small smirk before running on, hoping to intimidate the Anubis with sheer bulk.

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The Wraith, sensing blood, walked swiftly into the woods to shoot the White Flame. She hit, but kicked herself for not standing to the right, as she only hit undamaged armour.

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Undeterred, she moved to the right side for a pair of punches. One punch glanced of the rear leg, but the other, at least, landed square in the noggin! The White Flame was still up, however.

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Tessen 2 frantically ran to his leader's aid, planting a full alpha into the Wraith's rear. The shots went internal, but it was no good. Now HE tried a couple of punches. Despite a hit to the internal CT and a head hit himself, the Wraith remained standing.

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The Penthesilea did a quick handshake to the Wraith. She fired again. BOOM. The White Flame's right torso ceased to be, taking the front leg with it. The WoB CnC unceremoniously face-planted into the deck. The Wraith, realising her chance of punching the head had dramatically reduced, elected get the hell out of dodge herself and jump away.

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The Penthesilea was JUST running fast enough to make it far enough into the woods to shoot the White Flame. As this point, NOW was alpha strike time. (Okay, maybe not the Light PPC, and leaving that out, she only hit 8 heat total.)

And because it was missing a leg and a torso, everything but on laser hit the centre torso.

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The CnC was DOWN.

So, the downside to MG's  handshakes is when you lose a commander, ALL his subordinates get a suppression, which means no shooting (or changing speed, except to slow down) until it gets removed. Level II and the Toyama all now get a Suppression. (This would be the point the WoB layer would likely concede in a normal game...) At the end of the bound, the Toyama becomes the new CnC, BUT his piloting skills (for the purposes of communication at least) is increased by 1. (If the is not a pre-designated leader, it's WORSE.)
The WoBbies were also in a bad position. The only two mechs in a position to do anything were the Initiate and the Raijin (since even if they took their suppressions off, neither Tessen 1 nor the Buccaneer had any targets in sight). So, for the first time, it actually seemed like it might be a better idea to force the Canopians to go, in the hope at some point, a better target might become available, since the Raijin was RELATIVLY safe, given other better targets, and the Initiate was out of sight.

So the Stalker did an about-face and clumped slowly over to the Toyama, repeating her "everything but the LRMs" strategy. One LL, 4 SRMs and three of the four MLs hit. The damage was scattered about... But one SRM burst through and took out the Toyama's right lower leg AND foot actuator!

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Swaying already from the impact, the Toyama went flat on his back, landed VERY heavily on its right torso rear, which ITSELF went internal! (Though no crit.)

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Tessen 1 pulled himself together, fighting off the panic. Removing his suppression he moved forwards at a run. This brought him into sight of the Stalker's rear, which allowed him to make an ER PPC shot as a reaction (as otherwise, he couldn't have fired). But panic or incompetence had truly set in and it totally missed.

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The Huron Warrior took a leisurely stroll over to shoot at the Light Ray. The gauss rifle missed, leaving only the lasers to chew on some armour.

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The Initiate slowed down and walked out of the woods, aiming to shoot the Anubis. At this point, a full alpha wouldn't build any heat, so h might as well fire everything. Only both ER MLs hit; the missiles, long and shot both, missed by miles, and the ER SL were foiled by the Stealth Armour.

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The Anubis, sensing the Raijin might have a go next did a double run around to shoot the Light Ray in the back with her LRMs. 9 LRMs did a bit of damage, one cluster stripping half the rear right torso armour off.

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The Raijin elected to move now, doing a double run and trying to snipe at the Catapult's rear armour. Skipping the ER PPC, he unloaded his SRM 6 and three medium pulse lasers... And of course, only hit with two. Because WoB shooting. And THEY hit arms and legs.

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There was a Tessen's rear armour with the Eyleuka's name on it. Especially since the Buccaneer was in no position to attack anyone this bound (between taking his suppression off and actually turning to see anyone if they wandered close enough, he'd be lucky to get a reaction shot, even.) It was maybe even worth 8 heat to add in the ER ML this time. (She'd not turned her stealth armour on this whole time, but really she never needed it today.) Seven SRMs, the ER LL and one ER ML. Not bad. Four SRMs landed in the rear centre torso, the last one punching through to internal and striking the engine.

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The Firebee followed suit, walking up to take some shots, but only managed to pump three SRMs into the Tessen's leg.

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But hey, walk up and punching was still an option, right? Well, a light smack to the right arm, anyway.

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The Buccaneer’s time had come! Shaking off his suppression, he walked up to have a reaction shot the Firebee's rear. He - JUST BARELY hit, but only clipped the left arm doing minimal heat damage (the Firebee wouldn't even notice), though it did strip all the armour off.

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"Would you like another go, my dear?" the Agrotera said to the Firebee. She would. But again, she only managed three SRMs, but at least finished stripping the armour from the right arm (clearly, she didn't like the idea of that ER PPC), and managed to go internal on the left torso, but hit nothing significant. Then the Firebee backed right off a bit more, to behind the increasingly worried Buccaneer.

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"How about you, Eylueka dear?" said the Agrotera.

"Please and thank you, ma'am!" But that overheat was a bit much, apparently, since she only landed on ER ML. But it was in the left torso, so that was okay. But... Punching time again!

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That did it. On more punch to Tessen 2's left torso destroyed the engine.

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Six down.

The Catapult's first action was to back off and shower the prone Toyama with missiles, striping more armour off.

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Her second action was to keep backing off, and shoot the Light Ray in the arse with all four ER MLs, at the cost of 5 heat.

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The Longbow had the same thought, but as she struggled to her feet, she couldn't take a shot at the Toyama, so settled for showering the Initiate with missiles. Armour sandblasted, but not much else.

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She walked behind the Light Ray (mostly because it was the only position the model would stay stood up!) and fired both ER ML, for a little heat build-up. The Light Ray now had no rear CT armour.

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"Would YOU like another go?" the Crusader asked the Stalker.


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Ten SRMs, three MLs and two LL slammed into the prone Toyama from point blank range. The ensuing stomp took off the Toyama's right arm and most of the right torso., which there by barely a thread. The Stalker took a pace backward, ready to do it again soon.

The Crusader couldn't see the Toyama, or she'd have fired her missiles, so instead gave the Catapult a handshake.

Three internal hits to the left and right torso from the lasers, but no criticals. But the Light Ray had no rear armour at ALL.  A sidestep, and the Toyama got another round of LRMs. And that did it. Despite coming in from the left, they actually flew over and several hit the right torso and... Kaboom.

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That functionally ended any resistance by the remaining "WoB." At the destruction of their commander, essentially a would have taken over, would have put a suppression on at least Level II 2, and possibly Level II 1 as well, plus being out-numbered more than two to one, and at least one more mech very likely to die very quickly (the Light Ray), the WoBbies couldn't even be sure they could run away, since several of the Canopian mechs were faster than them.

In the Calliope, the pilot smiled; she'd been considering staggering up to put the boot in on the Toyama, but that was no longer necessary. The Magistracy had triumphed!

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Well, that turned out to be a massacre, didn't it? A little of it is due to the WoBbies being out-commanded (three lance commanders to two), but mostly it was due to their APPALLING shooting. They didn't even will ONE mech! An, let us remember that the same person was rolling the same dice for both sides. (The Canopian did generally sub-par on their cluster rolls, but that was it.)

And as soon as the WoBbies started losing mechs, of course, it snowballed. In the Canopian's favour, hey only failed a single handshake in the entire game (5+ on D20). I wish I had roll like that when I'm actually playing Manoeuvre Group! Handshakes are, as you see, very powerful, but if the commander dies, it can be very bad. The WoBbies were forced to get their commanders in - though it was pure bad luck that the White Flame got two solid hits on a single torso location from two hits.

Now, the Canopians did have an advantage in three commanders to two. But there's a reason real-world armour uses a platoon of four as the ideal set-up (or four group of three, failing that), and this shows us really why; six is a bit too cumbersome to control properly, and that's a fair bit of what did WoB in.

Lady of the match sort of has to go to the Calliope, which attracted so much fire yet was still, if not standing, at least able to limp home at the end of the game. After that, the Stalker was amazing. Never used one before (since I refused point-blank to have one until we got a model that was not horrendously ugly). When  designed that variant, I hadn't even looked at the quirks, but it turns out that two extra heat sinks were enough to make it basically heat neutral if the LRM weren't used, so the Radical heat sinks only needed the one use! After that, it was basically too close for LRMs anyway.

Now, you may question the WoB make-up quite a bit, but in fairness, the constraint was "Use Kunai Company" and the match it with 12 of my 18 WoB mechs.

All that time and effort trying to account for having to put at least one level II into a c3I and at no point did it ever even come up! In fairness, I think a fair chunk of the problem was the WoBbies' decided lack of LRMs.

You might also ask, "why three Tessens? They're sort of okay, but maybe it's a bit over-iNarc'd...?" To which the answer would be because they were cheap c3I units.

"But why do you have three, when you only have 18 WoB mechs total?" I dunno. No, it wasn't a plan, before I started on this, I had about 8 or 10 ComStar/WoB mechs, three of which were Tessens. I have NO IDEA why I have three Tessens. It's not like they are a mech I looked at and went "wow, they're so cool, I gotta have some of those!" Like the Raijins (of which I have two and a Raijin II...) And unlike the Crusaders (the only other mech I have three of the exact same cast/model of - the KS tripled up some existing doubles), it wasn't because I happened to acquire two other unseen plastic ones on the cheap. (Actually, if you count the metal 9R - converted from a metal unseen cast, and whose jump jets had long since been lost, I have three-and-a-half crusaders.) So, I really have no idea. Maybe I ordered the wrong code once and just rolled with it or something, I dunno.

I DID forget to check all the mechs at the start for AMS and Stealth armour (normally, I'd note it on which make me remember), but there you go.


So, what did we learn? Surprisingly, scrapping the salvo rules we have used for years and still using D20 for attack rolls worked BETTER. Because of the board size and the ability to basically move twice, mechs generally tend to be moving near max speed anyway, but the difficult shots that would be near-impossible in 2D6 were about 50% and it clipped along nicely. I'd say without the usual "and he misses," but the "Word of Blake" did a grand job of that even WITH more dice! It also made heat management more... Not something you set at the start of the game with weapon groups and ignore, like we have been doing, and more like what actual BattleTech is supposed to be. From playing HBS and reading the forums, it's been the better part of two decades when I was LAST playing by myself when I likely played "properly" to know...!

The only modifier changed from base BT is as mentioned in earlier posts, I had doubled the MR/LR mod for Stealth armour.

And because by rolling on D20, you've halved the amount of effort to pair off and add up dice, it actually isn't significantly more time to roll four or five dice than to roll one, which I'd not thought about when we started. (As we adopted the salvo rules in an attempt to make things faster.)

Sure the resolution to this took maybe a day and a half to get to with a company each side, but meticulously photographing and writing up everything shot-by-shot would have more than doubled the time. (I reckon 5-10% of the write-up time was also fighting with the awful keyboard in the Man-Cave, which clearly needs replacing, since it only registers "e" and "s" half the time...) So I reckon this could have been gotten through in a day game, at least. I have a few clarifications to make for myself, but yeah, that went swimmingly.

The evade chevrons ala HBS BT for marking the TMM remain a stroke of genius, even if I do say so myself. I couldn't have done this over the course of two days without them!

And, most importantly, I got to play with two dozen of my new toys, and dig out some old toys (some of which may never have gotten any use, actually, like the crater base, which was something Dad made for me one Christmas) and justified my holding onto them for twenty years.

Worthwhile endeavour, will do it again maybe the NEXT time Mum and Dad go away for a few days and I have unlimited access to the Man-Cave. (Some people have wild parties. I apparently just play with my toys, same as I always did.)

When next we will be back then? Next year?

The sad and honest truth is that genuinely might be, and almost certainly for anything of this size. It seems increasingly unlikely I'm going to get back to doing any regular wargaming, since well... No-one other than me will try and organise a game, and as I am now functionally Forever DM for the RPG side* (not to mentioned all the organising I do as part of my job... And organising as part of my household duties for Mum and Dad) and that gets very tiring having to chase other people all the time. So I really have no idea when I will (or will be able) to play again, even by myself.

Bit of a downer to end on, but that's 2021 all over innit.

Anyway, I will at least go on now to basecoat the next seven-and-a-repair mechs on the painting table. (After these, only four clan and six CommStar mechs to go, plus the Shilone and the KS stuff is all done...), so there will be ebven more toys to playwith... Sometime...

*One of the only other people that might have organised and run RPG stuff died over lockdown very suddenly (he was 36), and the other one was forced to move away.


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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #9 on: 12 November 2021, 07:34:12 »
So with your map, you use 2 inches per point of move and range?  So the raijin walks 12 inches and the medium pulse has a 12 inch range?  Also is your terrain scaled to 15 meters per inch?

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #10 on: 12 November 2021, 07:52:18 »
Yes. One of the reasons I like HeavyMetalPro, it has the ability to print with the scaling factor.

(Though all credit to MegaMekLab, when I asked about it, they put a scaling factor for print out in there as well, with remarkable alacrity, bless 'em. If they had an ability to add custom weapons, I'd not be back-kludging from MML to HMP as best I can and use MML instead!)

We tried at 1 hex to 1" for a while, but it... Just it didn't work. (On the same size boards.) Basically, what happened was, when we moved to the MG turn paradigm (and accompanying tactical mentallity shift), at 1:1, the ranges relative to the movement and board proportion were too small. The one time I tried it, I found that my intuitively placed long-range fire support units were actually out of range! (That one game, as I recall, was also where we had heat sunk at the end of every phase, instead of the end of every activation. That did NOT work, as you can imagine...!) In MG and the predessor Stargrunt II which we'd played before that, the range factor was usually more long the lines of "most of board," where as "less then two foot" for long-range was incredibly short by comparison.

(In MG, you will tend to have deployment - like the real world - set up diagonally across the attack approach, and that works since unless blocked by intervening terrain, your sustained fire machine gun, for instance, and fire along the fixed line like the real thing does and have enough range to do it.)

I did try three times scale at one point first, I think, but that didn't work that well, either. 2" to a hex (30m) is the happy medium for these modifications.


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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #11 on: 12 November 2021, 13:28:04 »
In btech a 4 is 91%, 6 is 72%, 8 is 41%, 10 is 16%
In d20bt a 4 is 80%, 6 is 70%, 8 is 60%, 10 is 50%

So easy shots are even easier in btech, making more sense how the wob wiffed low hit shots over and over.

Since it seems you move 2x in mg, as you move per activation, 2 activations let the Rajin walk 24 inches? and still shoot at 12 inches with the mpulse?

If that is true, shooting multiple times per turn is fine, but I would make heat sinking an activation--don't let it be free at the end of each bound.  Thus mechs get to zigzag and only move 1 inch even on a run, unlike tanks with minimum movement in mg, but mechs have to spend an activation using heat sinks.

In hbsBT you only reduce heat when it's the mechs turn after all, since you are going for that feeling.  Thus a flamer salvo putting a mech at 6 heat means it has -1 move when it activates, and has to plan which activations it uses to dump heat.  Just a thought.

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #12 on: 12 November 2021, 14:48:30 »
Yeah, but 11% more hits on those rolls likely wouldn't have made more than one or two extra hits at most! The amount of 1s rolled was staggering (an I remined you using the same dice as the Canopians...!)

Movement is a little more subtle than that. In MG, you don't use an action to move, you use an action to CHANGE SPEED. If you're moving, you have to continue moving until you take another action to stop (or crash) whether you want to or not. (Jump needed to be a special case, granted.) I've allowed some more latitude with BT, since MG only has three speeds. Which are the same for everything (slow, which is 6, fast, which is 6-12 and transit, which is "as fast as you like, but FRACK help you if anyone can see you and take a shot." (Unlike with regular reactions, where you only get one reaction from any potentials, not only does EVERYTHING you provoke a reaction from get to take it, they get a +6 bonus to hit. It's roguhly analogous to sprinting in BT, but not quite.) The logic being that outside transit, even "fast" is not in fact very fast, just faster than ponderous, since it's still basically maneouvreing speed which is the same absolute range, regardess of what motive system you're using or what your vehicle's engine is.

At the moment, the stipulation is once a weapon system is fired, it cannot be fired again until the start of the unit's next activation. (Though you can shoot different weapons on different actions, if you choose.) Which means if you shoot with a weapon, you can't react-fire with it, and you can only shoot a given weapon once in yout turn. So you can react-fire with a gun (provided you DIDN'T shoot with it on your last go), and then if you get your turn, fire with it again (but heat is not allocated until the end of your activation, which means you would get two lots of heat for that weapon in that case).

I think the issue with allowing you to fire your weapons like in MG multiple times per round is that, basically, whatever you do, guass rifles win. Energy weapons are sort of self-balancing, since they produce plenty of heat, but the gauss in particular you can fire all day without worrying. Even if you considered only letting heat be sunk by an action, a mech standing still with a guass rilfe could cheerfully fire twice in its activation, react three times and four more time with handshakes and still not be bothered by heat much, where as a mech with pretty much any other weapon firing it nine times before heat sinking would getting close to shut-down. Which is why I've not tried that yet, it seems like it gives arguably the best weapon in the game an even bigger advantage.

Sure, nine shots will pretty much half-empty most guass mechs, but the spike damage would be too telling, I think. It would mean, for instance, snipoing match that didn't quite happen between the Huron Warrior and Tessen 1 would have easily gone to the former, since it would be building heat fifteen times slower and Tessen 1 would have started overheating after two ER PPCs shots, whereas the Huron Warrior would only be mildly worried if it had been able to fire as many shots as was actually possible.

Making sinking heat an action would still favour this issue, since for a fair amount of the time, what it would mean is that you would have to fire and then sink heat, so you'd still only get one shot per round functionally (or even less often, since you now can only do two of change speed, fire or sink heat per round). So in practise, it would not much different to only shooting once and sinking heat automatically at the end (as an abstraction of it occurring over the course of your turn, but it really wouldn't be worth the effort of doing it any more granualrly); except that the Hollander is now firing twice (or more) as fast as you and laughing.

And in the example above, the Tessen most likely shut downs after about two shots (since without sinking heat, it would be 15 heat after the first shot it fired in reaction). And as for the Awesome, it'd be only maybe not shut down after firing all three PPCs becauese we use the expanded heat scale!

If, of course, you only apply heat effects when you take an action to sink heat, that means no-one would ever do it. I suppose you could have heat applied at the start or end of a unit's activation instead and the only let it be sunk by an action, but I think all that does is move the problem around.

Granted, the sitation where everyone has guass rifles likely functionally gets you to what baseline MG behaves like, but that sort of misses the point of pasting BT onto MG instead of playing MG...!

There might be an arguement that heat should be applied dynamically, but it then brings you to the same Awesome-auto-shutdowns-when-it-fires problem, which is why I suspect I set it to happen and be adjudicated at the end of the activation. Which is functionally when BT does it, of course. An activation is fundementally the same as what a mech does in a single round in BT (or HBS BT), except it's done by unit, rather than in phases. In a modal turn, you spend one action to change speed (like the move phase in BT), shoot (like thr shooting phase), with heat at the end. The key difference in the MG system is movement can be simultaneous with doing something else and whether you want it to be or not. MG allows you to get it wrong, be doing too fast and crash into other vehicles/the river/the next tank etc.

One thing I MIGHT try next time is setting it so that akin to MG, at Run, you are required to spend a MINIMUM number of MP equal to your walk MP. Perhaps with a stipulation that you hacve to spend at least as many MP on moving as you do changing face (to avoid the "pirouetting mechs" situation.)

(Side note: Stop, as now written, allows you to move up to your walk MP before coming to a halt, but this means you always have to use a command point (action) to change speed again (even to go stop to stop). Stop basically now roughly maps to a sub-movement mode in MG called move-to-position, which basically covers moving to hull down positions or the like). (I probably should impose a penalty on available MP, like -1 or -2 or half or something, but it seems like working that out would be more hassle than necessaery, and especially since mechs need MP to turn.)

I suppose one thing might be to again steal MG's thunder and drop movement costs for changing face altogether, but at run speeds, impose a minimum distance between turns like MG does with transit. (For which I would literally just steal their marker!)


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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #13 on: 13 November 2021, 09:26:11 »
I didn't realize you can shoot so many times, I figured it be like 1 reaction and 2 if you used both your standard actions.  9 gauss a turn is... Well a reason for the war dog to carry 40 gauss ammo I guess?  But yeah, too much

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #14 on: 18 November 2022, 13:11:43 »
Here we are again - I figured better to use the old thread than mke a new one, keep everything neatly in one heritical place, with this year's annual solo game.

So, as before, I will be posting this in chunks as I go through putting the images, so as not to bloat each post TOO much, because MANY pictures.

If you're new here, the short, short version is this is BT with some major adjustments, being essentially hving been pasted on the Manouvre Group (Issue 2/MG Sci-Fi)'s round sequence.

In very brief:

Scale 30m (1 hex) = 2"

Each bound, each unit (mech in this case) gets an activation consisting of two actions. It takes one action to change speed (in this version, from and to any of halt/walk/run/sprint (jump is slight exception), and you stay at that speed until you use another action (or are stopped, e.g. by falling over if at the end of a jump). Th kicked is, if you are moving at walk or faster, you HAVE to move when you perform another action. Such as most obviously, shoot; you can choose to shoot before, after or at any point in your mandatory movement.

If a previously unseen enemy moves into sight or fires in your line of sight, you can make a reaction and shoot yourself (potentially interupting them in the first instance), but in doing so, you get a reaction marker (basically a +1 TN gunnery and piloting) until you spend an action to take it of with a piloting check.

However, you can only shoot a given weapon once since the start of your last activation. (I.e., you can either react or shoot normally with a weapon in any given bound.) Heat is applied at the end of each of your own activations.

Star and lance commanders can use one action to handshake (with a piloting roll) to give one of their subordinates a whole activation. They can do this twice only is stood still (though if you fail the first roll, you can try again with your second action). Force commanders can also give their subordinate star or lance commanders a handshake (and thus ripple it down the chain).

Shooting and piloting checks are done on D20, using standatd BT modifiers (with only a couple of exceptions like Stealth Armour, which has been increased). Slight loss of short range accuracy, significant increase on long range accuracy, but generally, stuff hits more. But it's also a loot more mobile, because of effectively moving twice each activation.

That should be enough understanding to follow what's going on.

(I am going to try and put my huse rules document on my Drive in a bit for anyone more interested, though that will be a bit, because it has literally taken all day to get this done (like, six hours, and I'm *supposed* to have dinner today...)

Edit: Added Drive link to the (latest version) house rules. (Slightly polished with the REST of today; after doing MG Issue 2 and MG Sci-Fi I thought I ought to make a token effort if I'm showing this to other people! It is still basically bare-bones MG without the subtleties rules plus BT rules slightly modified and/or there for my own reference so i don't have to keep searching through 3-5 books to find a rule, see also master equipment table...! Warning: it's docx format, download recommended, since googledocs apparently screws pagination on a test.)

Rules and Heresies

All pilots are gunnery 4, piloting 5


Floating TACs

Buildings: All treated as CF 40 per approx. 1" space

Walls/Fences: treated as Light (CF 15), 1 elevation (+1 MP)

Zog trees: 1 elevation, Light woods (partial cover, frag what TacOps says, the mech's half hidden...)

Forest: 3 elevations, heavy woods

Scrub: Rough (+1 MP)

Swamp: Swamp (+1 MP, +1 PSR, sticking possibility)

River (30m (2"+) /lake and coast: Depth 1, flow down river (N/S)

Streams (less than 30m (1-2")): Depth 0

Look at the maps of the Inner Sphere, and you will not find the world of Fibble's Wibbly. It lies so far above the galactic plane and in such isolation that it is fundamentally its own vertical periphery.

The origin of its name is lost to time, but rumours persist of its discovery and naming having something to do with penguins and tantrums, though linguists who have traced the etymology find little confirmation in the apocryphal etymology. The name, however, in large part, doomed the promising world to obscurity.

The planet was a minor, forgotten acquisition of the Terran Hegemony's expansion. Despite the fertility and resource riches of the world, because it lay so far off from anyone else, it remained little known. The problem was exacerbated because despite numerous attempts, no-one would ever buy anything exported from the planet because one-and-all believed it was a scam because of the name.

Fibble's Wibbly remained a nominal part of the Hegemony, right until the end of the Star League Era, when the HPG broke down amid the chaos and ComStar just completely forgot it existed.

Fibble's Wibbly enjoyed a long period of peace as an independent planet, spared the entire chaos of the Succession Wars or even much in the way of pirate raids, again because not even the pirates believed in such a place. The planet grew and expanded on the surface, but while it managed to maintain its technological basis astonishingly well, it could fund little new development of its own.

However much scorn its name heaped upon it, though, it DID exist, and there existed a low-key, word-of-mouth trade of imports in quiet periods, so the world did at least get a slow import of news and imported goods. The residents of the planet, who had traditionally been defined as polite and well-mannered but with a slightly peevishness due to being told they couldn't be real, had a back-row cheap seat to the destruction and quietly decided, actually, maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all.

By pure chance, one of Fibble's Wibbly's merchants happened to be among the ones who got hold of the freely distributed Helm Memory cores.

As with the rest of the Inner Sphere, Fibble's Wibbly underwent a renaissance. Without the dark age of the Succession Wars, Fibble's Wibbly was able to rise to the challenge of the new technology with gusto. While they only had a couple of military manufacturing facilities for armour, the planet leaped ahead in civilian technology.

The aforementioned merchant, Missus D T Rich took the generous payment from the government for bringing back the Helm Core copy and used it to create a new industry exporting Star League stationary technology. Using all of her extreme cunning, she branded the company as Fing Lucky (always accompanied by the logo of a stern-looking cartoon female canine), which the rest of the Inner Sphere did not question the existence of.

The pouring of money in meant that the Fibble's Wibbly Government was able to start buying BattleMechs in off the mercenary market in modest numbers, albeit a bit scatter-shot, just in case things were to go south with their world's slight increase in visibility.

ComStar finally remembered the world existed in 3049 and showed up to belatedly fix the HPG. Just in time for the Clan Invasion.

Over in Clan space, several of the Fire Mandrill kindraas were extremely miffed about being left behind in the invasion. They were so miffed, in fact, that they had begun to secretly gather like-minded clan warriors from all sorts of different clans (the disaffected being mostly wash-outs, solahmas and other Old People). This group decided, screw the other clans, they were going off to make their own invasion, with Hunchbacks and Von Luckners. (There was a significant amount of disaffected Hell's Horses in the make-up.)

The new invasion plan was suggested by the one person (and a freebirth at that) whose family line traced back to the one bloke in the ENTIRE Star League army who had come from Fibble's Wibbly, Colonel Pi S. Takker (the "S" didn't stand for anything apparently like some famous historical leader or something) who knew about Fibble's Wibbly.

In the logistical mess of the invasion preparations, no-one noticed this going on and in due course, the Other Invasion set off.

It missed entirely, and ended up in a neighbouring system. This had a habitable world, Spoodly-Woo, but one that had far less resources and the climate was a bit harsh, so the people of Fibble's Wibbly had been disinclined to do little more than do a bit of mining and exploring. But the Other Invasion had turned up with a lot of support, since they knew darned well the rest of the Clans would be aggressively put-out once they realised what was going on and had thus wisely effectively abjured themselves.

Unfortunately, as the bulk of the clans were Fire Mandrill, and the rest scattered from all over, less than fifteen minutes after they had conquered the planet, the clans fractured even further into lots of little micro-clans, defiantly saying each was the real one, and adopting a wide variety of new identities.

(Coincidentally, at that precise moment a strange noise was heard at official memorial site of Nicholas Kerensky, the source of which evaded detection, but was likened to the sound of a solid body rotating at rapid velocity.)

It was such, then, that when the Clans invaded Fibble's Wibbly, it was in small packets, with rather lower quality than in the Inner Sphere. The planet, while suffering a lot of initial losses, was able to hold them back.

This battle had gone on, in fits and starts, since with the re-appearance of pirates (finally also having realised Fibble's Wibbly was real) and a few errant Word of Blake incursions (it is rumoured WoB caches from the Jihad still exist in the modern 3150s).

Both Clan and spheroid forces have had a slow seepage of modern technology - from defecting Clanners who remembered the legends on one side, and off the mercenary market (and sometimes off the houses themselves) in small numbers on the other.

November of 3152 brought to the most recent clan incursion. Two stars of Clan mechs of Invasion and pre-Jihad vintage in service of Clan...

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The battle zone.

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The Clan forces were moving in from the west. The area was heavily vegetated, and the major water course flowed into a delta to the south to an inlet in the coast.

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Boggy, brackish wetland lay just to the north of the coastal waters.

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A small, shallow lake fed into the swamp from the western fork of the river.

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Once, this had been joined to a second delta, whose edges, the Clan mechs were skirting, fed by another river some distance west behind them. But now, the major road divided the two.

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The road ran through the southern edge of the city of Smithingtonburough. Passing the lake, it reached the enormous Gibbons Hotel Resort complex, boasting fine views of the delta and the river.

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Just beyond that, a small forestry plant had a small orchard of the ubiquitous zog trees, all neatly in rows, and providing their valuable resources for easy harvesting.

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Past the looming cliffs to both west and east, the outskirts of the city proper, starting with industrial block, complete with its own power generator on the roof...

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...and then slowly giving way to apartment blocks and offices.

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The main road split off, with the trunk heading north into the city, and a second branch heading east to a small industrial complex by the river to the east.

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The complex held two power generators on the western bank and two more on the east, along with a small port warehouse which marked the river southern navigable edge and several office blocks. Through it, the road led to the bridge across the river.

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The two Clan stars had split north and south.

The heavy star had a lot of long-range firepower, so was covering the more open southern approach.

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Star Colonel Taykethur Mick was nominally the overall command, for what that mattered to the Clans. As was fairly typical for the Clans, he had taken a Dire Wolf in Prime configuration as his ride.

The Stone Rhino and Night Gyr were deployed in the zog tree scrub to his north. Due to a complete oversight (not an untypical one) these comprised two of the three Sapphire Chicken mechs that were jump capable.

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On the southern edge, the Timberwolf Prime stood unconcerned in the middle of the road, while the Clan's most advanced mech, a Rabid Coyote, with a slightly wiser pilot, lurked behind the cover of the treeline.

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The light star was split into two. Lacking jump jets for urban fighting, the plan was for the fastest, the Piranha and the Spirit to rush to try and capture the bridge. They had thus approached through the military complex at the north west. It has not put up much of a fight, as its main power generator had been destroyed from range by the Star Colonel himself and the infantry, seeing a piranha approaching, had wisely made themselves scarce, knowing that their mechs would soon be on-hand.

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Star Captain Peeka Chu's Executioner Prime was leading the light star - a somewhat odd choice, perhaps, but in light of the MASC and jump jets, it would be able to keep pace with the rest of the star, which consisted of a Puma Prime and Battle Cobra Prime.

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Frozen Peak company stood ready to stop the Clans. As the Clans had made no attempt to conceal their approach, Frozen Peak had had time to match their deployment.

The command lance consisted of the company commander's Cyclops CP-11-G, a Stalker II, a Catapult II and a XNT-30X Xanthos[1], all lurking in the woods to the south.

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[1]The XNT-3OX was a modern refit for the old 3O, native to Fibble's Wibbly. To improve performance, it used a clan-spec 300 fusion engine and clan double heat sinks. This dropped the number of heat sinks to 17 from 23, but meant the Xanthos 3OX had 50% more heat sinking capacity.

Due to the volume constraints, the armament remained largely unchanged, only upgrading the SRM 6 to a modern IS Streak system. The autocannon allowed the Xanthos to use a variety of modern ammunitions in its original three bins (though time had precluded this today). The small laser was replaced by another forward medium laser. The decision to not upgrade the lasers or PPC kept the 3OX's heat very manageable and meant a plentiful supply of spares are available. However, part of the new engine and power systems was modified so that replacing the lasers with modern extended range version would be a quick field refit.

The ammunition had been all moved to the left torso and protected by CASE II, further increasing the Xanthos' survivability.

On the central hill, back from the ridge line and out of mutual line of sight to the Clanners in the open, the medium lance consisted of a Wendigo, Osprey OSP-26, Tian-Zong (the lance commander) and a Raven II; with no probes on hand for the Clans, it gave Frozen Peak another advantage.

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The final lance was deployed to seize the bridge. The lance commander Lu Wei Bing was if not a match, then a least a threat to the opposing Gladiator. She was supported by two Avalanches and an old but still serviceable SDR-5V Spider. All jump-capable mechs, which the Frozen Pak hoped would give them the edge against the Clan mechs.

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View from Xanthos

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View from Wendigo

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View from Mad Cat

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View from Gladiator

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(Okay, this could be several post due to character limits...!)
« Last Edit: 18 November 2022, 18:11:57 by Aotrs Commander »

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #15 on: 18 November 2022, 13:12:30 »
Bound One

Having the least number of elements, the Clans had the option to act first.

The Timber Wolf, already in the open, began to move forwards, intending to start shooting at the Stalker II. However, to get a decent shot off, the pilot had to break into a run to clear the walls and come to bear.

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As his second action, he chose to continue running and fire at the end of his action, which neatly brought him to the Timberwolf's optimal range for the ER Large Lasers and LRM 20s.(The Timberwolf was already getting warm at 4 heat...)

One laser and nine LRMs hit, nothing to worry about. The Stalker II chose not to react.

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Instead, the Catapult II moved up through the woods at a run, coming into medium range. Between the range and the TSEMP, the pilot elected not to fire both, but launch a single one and her LRMs. A wise choice, since only one LRM 20 hit with a dozen missiles.

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(Technically, any of the remaining Clan heavy star could have reacted to this, but Zellbrigen aside (not that at this point Clan Sapphire Chicken would extend that curtesy to the spheroids), the range was a long shot.)

The Catapult II's second action was to turn and move back into the woods, out of harm's way.

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The Night Gyr started off at a run, and then took a shot at the Stalker II (at the end of his second action's mandatory movement). He fired both ER PPCs ad double-tapped his AC ultra 10. Both AC bursts and one PPC blast smashed some trees, but not much else. The one that hit struck the Stalker II's left torso.

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The Stalker decided it was perhaps time to respond. As the Mad Cat was within her optimum range (23), she decided to fire without moving as her first action, hitting with both ELRM 10s. Not *only* did 18 hit, but every single one landed on the Mad Cat's right arm, seriously stripping the armour!

Her second action was to walk a bit deeper into the woods, denying the Mad Cat (and the distance Daishi) a shot through the foliage.

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The Stone Rhino lumbered forwards. Staying a walk, he fired as his second action at the Xanthos, the only target now visible in the woods with both gauss rifles, just being out large pulse laser range. A single hit to the centre torso.

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The Xanthos broke into a run as her first action.

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Her second was to turn to the Mad Cat long enough to take a single PPC shot (which missed)...

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...and then turn back and keep going across the stream.

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The Rabid Coyote, with the Xanthos as the only mech in sight, broke into a run, and once again took his shot as his second action at the end of his movement. He fired all four pulse lasers and the ATM (standard ammunition), but despite a relatively easy shot, only three pulse lasers hit.

Astonishingly enough, the impact was just enough to cause the Xanthos to fall down! (Piloting roll 3, she only need a 4...) The belly flop didn't hurt her, though it did bang both front legs. to larger image

The Wendigo strode forward. Like the Clanners, she elected to take a shot as her second action after movement.

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But this provoked a reaction from the distant Daishi. With the LRMs just out of range Colonel Mick decided to fire all four ER Large lasers. He, showing gunnery as good as his lance mates, achieved a single hit to the left torso.
(Also, it wasn't a good hit, since the Wendigo has laser-reflect I realised several actions later. Whoops.)

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He took one reaction marker and made his mandatory movement.

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The Wendigo hit the alpha strike button at the Rabid Coyote. Despite being a slightly more difficult shot, she hit with everything but one ER medium laser and the LRM 10. The damage (including a potential but not confirmed critical) was unfortunately quite scattered. 43 points of damage was quite enough to knock the Rabid Coyote flat on his face, however. The landing managed to damage the right torso, the only location the Wendigo HADN'T Hit.

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As his first action, Star Colonel Mike screamed at the Rabid Coyote to get up (as a handshake); for his second he removed his reaction (since by firing all four ER larges, he was already heating up, staying on 5 at the end of his action).

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The Rabid Coyote scrambled up into a run, and splashed through the river without falling over and reached the corner of the woods with his first action.

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As his second action, he ran right up to point-blank range and fired at the Xanthos, once again with everything and climbing up to 5 net heat. At point-blank range, with pulse lasers, he couldn't miss - and didn't. All 12 HE ATMs hit; the left torso armour was gone and one MPL even struck the head. The only consolation or the dizzy-but conscious pilot was that at least she couldn't fall over...

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The Osprey walked down the hill and made a shot as the end of her second action, firing with everything. ~The MML and ER small laser missed, but the gauss and two ER mediums hit home. The Rabid Coyote remaining standing  and the damage failed to penetrate, though its left arm was now stripped of armour.

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On the north flank, the Battle Cobra walked forwards, stopping near a building which gave a little bit of sight on the bridge, but not too much to expose him to fire. There was nothing he could see to shoot.

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The Frozen Peak's company commander attempted to spur the Xanthos to action with a handshake, but it used both of her actions to do so.

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The groggy Xanthos pilot, however, had a target right in front of her and that she was prone didn't matter. She fired everything.

Sadly, she missed with the majority of the fire, only hitting with three of the medium lasers. She used her second action to stand. (And would have had a kick, which missed, but fire and stand was two actions.)

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The Adder, deciding he didn't want to miss the fun, walked to a stop at the top of the ridge, where he had a clear line of sight to the Osprey, but the orchard office building blocked the Tian Zong from takin a reaction shot. As his second action, he fired both ER PPCs, ramping up to 7 heat. A single hit to the left torso.

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The Tian-Zong lance commander started forwards, walking down the hill and taking a shot at the Rabid Coyote. One gauss slug missed, but the other and the lasers didn't. The Coyote's luck had run out. The slug and none laser slammed into the left arm, tearing it off and the other laser shot out the right leg's upper leg actuator.

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The Rabid Coyote fell hard. The impact smashed a medium pulse laser on the right arm, and damaged the left torso further.

The commander then yelled to the Osprey to finish it (with a successful handshake).

The Osprey walked closer and fired again with everything. The MML stubbornly refused to hit, but the gauss and two of the three lasers hit (the second ML simply vaporising some stream water). The small laser hit the right arm at EXACTLY the right point and sheered it right off. Thee medium laser and gauss smashed the right torso and went in to damage the engine and gyro. The Rabid Coyote was NOT in a good state!

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The Osprey then jogged up to move herself out of the line of fire of the Puma.

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The Tian-Zong idled forward to complete her handshake’s mandatory movement.

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At this point, the clans elected to force the IS to go again (so as to preserve so action for the three remaining mechs).

The Raven II walked swiftly down the hillside to hopefully put more of a blow on the downed Clan mech. She didn't, for obvious reasons, bother with the TSEMP.

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The net result was no less than EIGHT critical hits, two to the left torso (two ammo explosions) and SIX to the centre torso. (I rolled 11 on four pairs of D6.) The Rabid Coyote was a smouldering wreck.

The clans forced the IS to go again, meaning now one of the light lance HAD to do something.

Avalanche 1 jumped across the river, and then walked to the furthest point short of the woods, placing herself in a position to jump over the woods next bound if need be.

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Now the clans had to go again.

The Spirit did a double-dash to close on the bridge. There was again nothing for him to shoot, so that was as much as he could do. (Though if anything did show up, he'd get a reaction of course.)

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Avalanche 2 did a double jump across the river to lurk behind the power generators.

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Star Captain Chu in his Executioner tried to get the Adder to fire again, but the blaring of the latter's heat warnings drowned him out. So he had to content himself with moving to a stop and covering the gap between the buildings.

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The Spider performed a double jump as well, far short of her maximum, but it put her in a position such the Clans would have to watch their rears next bound.

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The Piranha's hour had come! He dashed off at a run...

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And unlike the luckier Spirit, discovered that roads were liable to make one skid the hard way.

He crashed straight into one of the buildings.

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Undeterred - and unhurt - he staggered his mech to its feet and carried on, but wisely stopped his run at the corner of the larger office block, lest he do himself a second mischief...

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Finally, the Tian-Zong contented herself by jumping over the river and walking into a better position, since she did not feel anyone was in a position to attack - and her job was more to delay the light star.

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Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #16 on: 18 November 2022, 13:13:05 »
Bound Two

Once again, the Timberwolf started, with the bit between his teeth to kill the Xanthos. He ran through the scrub and splashed through the river to get into position to fire everything BUT the ER Large lasers this time. Everything but one ER medium hit.

Disastrously, once again, too much damage hit the left torso, and the last shot touched off the AC/20 ammunition. The subsequent explosion left the Xanthos without teeth, save two for medium lasers, as it lost the ammo for the AC, the PPC AND the Streak SRM and medium laser from the left torso.

The Xanthos was flat on its face again, but the pilot was still alive...

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She tried to get up, failed, spun around 120º, staggered up again at a run and managed to get around and take a shot at the Mad Cat and, true to form, missed.

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The Stone Rhino stomped along, moving to take a shot at the Wendigo on his second action.

His shooting was likewise poor, with only a single pulse laser connecting. Hitting, again the left torso. (Today was clearly Clans Hate Left Torso Day with the amount of focussed fire on left torsos to the exclusion of anything else...)

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The Catapult II turn back around, accelerating to a run, and on her second action shot at the Mad Cat. This time, she used her other TSEMP and the ER medium lasers, as she was just inside the TSEMP's short range.

Once again, the TSEMP missed, but both lasers hit, for minimal damage.

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The Night Gyr attempt to minimise his risks of falling by jumping over the lake. But he was in exactly the wrong position; if he jumped to the point of land, he would be at stop or not far enough to get a shot off past the woods with a second jump... And so he had to jump the edge of the lake. And fell anyway.

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As irony would have it, on his left torso. Though at least it was in water. But worse, this cost him a shot as he tried to stand up, fell over again and then stood up again (and ran out of MP, since he'd chosen to walk, not run as his second action...) Still, at least he had partial cover...

The Wendigo moved around into cover of the woods, taking her shot as he first action (after movement). She fired everything again. Two the ER Mediums missed, but everything else hit the Mad Cat. This, at least, took off the Mad Cat's right arm!

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Satisfied, with her second action, she backed up out of line of sight of the lurking Puma.

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The aforementioned Adder, meanwhile, with his heat blaring, instead took a single ER PPC shot at the Raven II - but at range, overheating and against active Stealth armour, the predicable happened and he missed entirely.

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The Stalker II now was going to have to take over tanking duties, so she lumbered out of the forest and into medium laser range of the Mad Cat and fired all eight. Disappointingly, despite the targeting computer, she only managed 50% hits. On the plus side, they WERE coming now into the Mad Cat's right side arc... And she impressively missed the right torso and arm entirely, only striking a blow on the Mad Cat's right leg. It didn't even fall over...

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Star Colonel Mike angrily ordered the Night Gyr to get a move on. The mech moved on around the woods. The Osprey elected to pass on a reaction shot, but the Tian-Zong did not. Two gauss rifle hits did not knock the Night Gyr down, but it too was starting to look a bit shaky on the left torso.

(Seriously, what IS it with rolling 8 on 2D6 today...?)

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The Night Gyr now fired at the Stalker II, using both ER PPCs, double-tapping the Ultra AC and firing one medium pulse laser. Despite the ease of the target, he STILL missed with one PPC. Rocked by the impact, the Stalker II nevertheless remained standing.

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Now the Star Colonel took his second action, shooting at the end of his heat-obviated move, once again at the Stalker II. Shooting four medium pulse lasers, double-tapping the ultras, the LRM and a single ER large laser brought his heat back to minimal. The large, half of the AC round and three of the pulses hit.

The ER large laser penetrated and destroyed the right leg's upper AND lower actuator, but despite the massive destabilising impact, the Stalker II remained upright.

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The Osprey unloaded into the Mad Cat. The gauss rifle missed, but the other weapons hit home. The Mad Cat also continued to live a charmed life, and remained standing. The Osprey walked up to with her mandatory movement, and then kicked at it. It STILL did not fall down, so she stomped into the woods next to it with her second action's mandatory movement.

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The Sapphire Chicken heavy star was done, though, for this round so the Clans chose to force the spheroids to go next again (and preserve their advantage on the northern flank).

The Raven II skipped into TSEMP short range and fired that, plus the MMLs (SRMs) and one ER medium. For the FORTH time, the TSEMP missed. She at least stripped the Mad Cat's centre torso armour.

She then veered back towards the north with the first action's remaining movement.

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With her second action, she walked along the bank and spun back around again, but as she did so, she as now in range (thanks to the Raven II's improved sensors) to use her Bloodhound probe to put a sensor lock on the Spirit... Meaning that if one of the IS mechs moved into sight, THEY would get to shoot before the Spirit was allowed a reaction.

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The Spirit, having no jump jets, therefore had a choice - fall back or let the spheroids take the first shot at it, since there wasn’t a way it could to them without coming into sight; and if it didn't go next, it was going to get shot anyway.

Of course, the Clans are not known for their discretion. The Spirit thus attempted a banzai charge across to try and get at the Raven II, and predictably, the Lu Wei Bing took the reaction shot.

The spheroids were REALLY not doing well with their big guns today - the LB-X AC 20 missed, though the light PPCs and MML 5's SRMS hit.

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The Spirit continued its run, firing all but its ER laser at the Raven II, hitting with its missiles. Down side? Both Streak and Artemis were offline due to the Angel ECM suite. So only one SRM and three LRMs connected.

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The Spirit continued his dash, running through the river, managing not to fall down, and attempting to approach the rear of the Tian-Zong.

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Avalanche 2 jumped back to behind it, and fired four ER medium lasers into the Spirit's rear, hitting with three. They all hit the bight, tearing into the right arm's internal stricture, and punching the right torso rear armour through to destroy one of the heat sinks.

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The Piranha, sensing blood (or at least a rear shot) sprinted past the Lu Wei Bing (not having to worry about a reaction shot) and up behind Avalanche 2 to fire. He, of course, pulled the big red maximum fire button. Seven machine guns and the lasers hit.

The murderous barrage was not as bad as it might have been, but it punched through to damage Avalanche 2's gyro.  She stayed standing, but swayed dangerously.

The Piranha, however, had generated 54 points of heat and could sink... Ten.

The Piranha did not avoid shut down. The Piranha did not avoid pilot damage. The Piranha did not avoid an ammunition explosion. The Piranha pilot did not retain consciousness.

Well, on the plus side, only the right side of the mech was gone...

(I had just split the ammo consumption evenly (a round 120), not strictly right, but I'd already moved the dice when I thought about it, so it was one or the other...)

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Well, thought the Spider pilot, no sense in wasting her golden opportunity for the best backstab chance she'd ever get...

Jump with the first action, shoot with her second (from stop...), on an immobile target - she (almost) literally couldn't miss.

And (despite the dice trying very hard) she blew out the Piranha's rear CT and cored it.

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Two Clanners down!

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The Battle Cobra, however, now had a clear walk (he wasn't daft enough to try running on the road after seeing the Piranha) to the Lu Wei Bing. A point-blank shot, with pulse lasers, and a nearly stationary target. He didn't miss entirely, but by Kerensky he tried. One large pulse laser missed, the other and one small pule laser came within a hair of missing and the other on hit squarely. But not even enough to make the Lu Wei Bing sweat.

(D20 rolls: 1,3,3,13 vrs TN3...)

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In return, the Lu Wei Bing handshaked to Avalanche 2 to have another got at the Spirit as she walked up to the Battle Cobra.

Avalanche 2 displayed similarly poor shooting, only landing a single ER medium laser on the Spirit. She couldn't charge it (too many command points, one to start moving, one for the attack), so instead is risked firing her LRM 10s instead and driving her heat all the way up to 13.

It was at least enough to blow off the Spirit's right torso, she noted, over the screaming heat warnings.

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That left the Lu Wei Bings' second action to kick the Battle Cobra. This took out all the left legs' armour, and knocked it over.

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Then she made her mandatory walk movement.

That left Star Captain Chu. In a slightly clan-unlike move (probably why he was still a star captain) as he was stationary he elected to handshake to the Spirit and the Battle Cobra.

The Spirit elected to attempt a high risk backstab, running up behind the Tian-Zong and firing everything and putting his heat all the way up to 18 (given his severe engine damage).

The LRM 10 and heavy small and ER large lasers missed, only the heavy medium laser hitting.

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But at a run, he could at least get a good long distance between him and any response...

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The Battle Cobra, meanwhile, tried to get up, fell down again, stood up and finally staggered for a slightly better shot on the left of the Lu Wei Bing.  He did even worse this time, missing with BOTH large pulse lasers, and succeeding in only putting one small pulse into the Lu Wei Bing's left leg and centre torso.

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And that was it for the Clans; now it was the remaining IS forces.

Avalanche 1 jumped on top of the energy generator to shoot at the Battle Cobra. She elected to only use three ER lasers to stay heat-neutral. Three hits, including a head hit, but nothing special otherwise.

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The Tian-Zong used her first action to come to halt, and then her second to handshake to the Wendigo.

The Wendigo in turn scuttled forwards to shoot the Mad Cat again. Two ER mediums missed, but the rest slammed into the Mad Cat. One AC/2 hit the head. Despite a fair bit of internals, only the left torso had any criticals... That the LRM 20 was knocked out was a rather secondary to the ammo cooking off.

THIS time, it was enough to knock the Mad Cat down; but even  despite landing on its head, it was still in the fight.

(I thought it was dead, then remembered that the Wendigo has AC/2 not /5 (5 damage vrs 8) and thus wasn't quite enough...

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With her second action's mandatory move, she scrambled back to the relative safety of the zog trees.

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That just left the Frozen Peak company commander.

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She started with a handshake to the Tian-Zong, who, in term, attempted to handshake to the Wendigo; in the excitement, it took her both attempts.

Not wanting to take the small risk of a fall, the Wendigo ran back to her previous firing position and fired at the Mad Cat once again. One medium laser and the LRMs missed. THIs time, the Mad Cat did NOT escape being decapitated by one of the AC rounds.

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Now the Wendigo risked crossing the river.

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The Cyclops’ second action was to handshake to the Stalker II. The Stalker II limped forwards and managed to put another five mediums lasers into the Night Gyr. Three of them (in a stunning reversal) hit the Night Gyr's left torso, penetrating it and destroying the medium pulse laser and a laser heat sink. The Night Gyr remained, however, standing.

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(It was this point I stopped for the day and re-read last year's game. I'd forgotten that I don't need to use a change speed to reverse like in Manoeuvre Group, for one thing. But this is what happens when you get to play one proper game (of any sort) a year; plus two half-games (of Manoeuvre group and Accelerate and Attack respectively) at conventions as in the last 12 months, I couldn’t even get that far in 3/5 shows and conventions are as much (if not more) work than play these days (as my work is 100% wargames-related) even if I'm able to.)

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #17 on: 18 November 2022, 13:13:34 »
Bound Three

Overview, day two, pre-bound three:

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The Night Gyr started off, backing up (since he was already in short range) to shoot the Stalker II. He held off on one medium pulse laser (as heat was climbing). The Stalker II swayed, but remained standing, and although the left torso went internal, there was no component damage.

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The Night Gyr's second action was to jump (one reason  he'd spared the last MPL, even though it might have knocked the Stalker down), which put his heat up to 9.

That at least put him out the fire, and gave the spheroids only two undamaged 100-ton assaults to return fire at.

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The Stalker 2's running and walking speed were the same now, with the damaged actuators, so there was no place to escape. Instead, she hobbled forwards and fired as her second action, which dropped the range from long to medium with her lasers. (It was too close for ELRMs, and in any case, the extra 12 heat would have been too much).

As the Daishi had not been moving fast, it wasn't a terribly difficult target and seven of eight medium lasers hit.

What a shot, too! FIVE hit the left torso (seriously dice what IT is with 8s...), with only one hitting the centre torso, and the last hitting the HEAD. (She wasn't even using the targeting computer!)

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With a howl of indignation, Star Colonel Taykethur Mick was spun around and knocked flat! to larger image

This was bad. With the overall commander on his arse, it meant either lying there and issuing commands (not bloomin' likely) or forgoing any handshakes. (Which were, at this point desperately needed.)

(This might be the game-winning salvo...)

So the Star Colonel, forgetting everything but the red mist in front of his eyes (somewhere, the ghost of Nikolai Malthus nodded in approval), attempting to stand up and fire back.


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On the third try, he got up.

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On the one hand,  luckily he'd changed speed to run so he could even make three attempts, but it meant there was no way for him to back off. But he did not need to change speed, so his second action was shoot; fortunately not precluded by him attempting to stand first as his mandatory movement... He fired all the medium pulse lasers, full rate on the ultras and two of the ER larges, which pushed his heat up to 7. One of each laser missed.

The stripped left torso took an AC round and a laser hit. This detonated the ELRM ammunition. CASE II prevented the damage from that, but the AC round took the rest of the torso off anyway. Worse, the feedback knocked the Stalker II pilot out, so the mech crashed over onto its rear.

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On the south flank, only the Behemoth was to go and the only target it could see was the downed Stalker II. So the spheroids attempted to capitalise on their advantage by shifting the focus to the other flank.

The Spider attempted a Death from Above o the sensor-locked Battle Cobra. With the sad predictability of anytime I try anything cool, she missed and landed on her arse, and spent her second action having to get up and scuttle away.

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Likewise, with one target unlikely to go anywhere, the Stone Rhino was in no hurry to go.

(It's not come up before, but you could argue either way about whether you should be able to hand shake to an unconscious MechWarrior. As a reading (and conversion) of the rules says you only get consciousness rolls at the end of the turn (translate to end of activation here), I don't see why you can't handshake to an unconscious MechWarrior (like every character shouting to someone to get up), because all it means is getting a consciousness roll instead of an activation , which is quite an opportunity cost. Also, I have been forgetting to make a check for EACH point of damage. Whoops.)

So the Battle Cobra went next.

(After some internal debate about the rules, movement attacks and whatnot, I elected that they were fine.)

He elected to have an un-Clan-like kick (no-one else was watching) as his first action (then back off as mandatory movement), then fire as his second action. (He could legally have fired and backed off, then walked forwards and kicked, but that would not really have helped him much.)

The Lu Wei Bing remained standing, however.

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The Battle Cobra, his heat rising, decided again to fire both large pulse lasers, bringing his heat to 10. Due to the heat... He once *again* missed with one. His mandatory movement followed, as he made a strategic advance to the rear, hoping over the screaming heat warnings, but be out of the Lu Wei Bing's potential kick in reprisal.

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With the Spider vulnerable to being shot by the Puma or Gladiator, the Lu Wei Bing handshaked to her. Well, it didn't work the first time, but...

She hit. JUST.

She missed the head, landing a foot on each arm and pushing the Battle Cobra back, but not down.

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She used her second action to shoot, and because she'd jumped on her first action, her second jump didn't require a command point, so she could then jump away.

(Strictly as I've written - I checked - this is currently legal. There are several counters - AA tracking quirk, having a sensor lock from an active probe, or being in Gaze mode (borrowed from Manoeuvre Group, meaning watching a particular strip of land. In addition, while jumping does not provoke a reaction (else it would be useless) SHOOTING does, just like Manoeuvre Group. So as long as you have someone watching you back who hasn't fired, you can react to the shot before they jump away.

Whether or not it pans out to be too powerful, we'll see, a simple redress of requiring a mech to only shoot at the end of its jump would be one way, but that would be a bit artificial. As it stands, there's no strict reason you couldn't shoot partway through your jump. That said, if anyone reacted to you when you did that (and they could), you'd be getting hit mid-flight. I ought to clarify those rules though...!)

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The Lu Wei Bing's second action was shoot, after making her mandatory movement. The Battle Cobra was still sensor locked, so the Lu Wei Bing could have react-fired before the Battle Cobra got to react-fire (for the Lu Wei Bing coming into sight); but it wasn't worth the Battle Cobra's heat for the small pulse lasers and the Lu Wei Bing knew it. So there was further no point her react-firing and gaining a reaction when she was going to shoot anyway.

The MML's five SRMs and one light PPC missed, but the soiled slug from the LB X AC/20 hit with the other. The laser going internal on the right arm didn't matter, since the autocannon round took the damaged right torso off entirely. But the Battle Cobra did not fall over.

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It was tempting for the Clans to have the Spirit run up behind the Cyclops and fire but... The Spirit has at 18 heat (and generating 12 a round at a run), so unless it wanted to overheat even more (and likely miss anyway) there wasn't enough fire to it to make a difference.

Instead, the Puma broke off from his ridge-top vigil and walked down to have a shot at the Lu Wei Bing with both ER PPCs. He hit with one, just BARELY. (Even the targeting computer didn't help...) A hit to the Lu Wei Bing's CT wasn't anything of immediate concern... And the Puma had gone back up to 10 heat.

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Avalanche 2, her heat warnings sounding herself, moved into a walk and fired at the Spirit with the LRMs as her second action. This brought her heat down to a manageable 2. It was a long shot, though (13 (4+ 2 range plus 2 heat plus 1 walked plus 4 TMM) - but she landed a single salvo of 8 missiles, stripping the Spirit's rear CT armour and almost all leg armour.

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The Spirit, sensing more death coming otherwise, double-ran out of the way, trying to lose some heat, and getting down to "merely" 12 heat.

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Back to the south flank. The Xanthos limped into a run, coming out to shoot at Star Colonel Mike.

Now, here was a problem - the Stone Rhino was eligible for a reaction shot.. But was it better to wait for that until there was a better target? (Since the Executioner had yet to go, he was not forced to have next action anyway.) The damaged Xanthos was a low-priority target, so in a rather un-Clan-like act of sanity, the Stone Rhino (over Mike's angry screaming) elected NOT to fire.

Star Colonel Mike received another medium laser to his centre torso.

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So it had to be Star Captain Chu next, as the Stone Rhino was holding fire. Chu had a choice. He was stationary, so he could make two handshakes... But the Spirit was still very hot, the Puma needed to drop to one ER PPC or be in the same state and the Battle Cobra had lost half its weapons. So was doing that going to do more damage than acting himself?

Ah, but at this point, it made sense for the Clans to force the IS to go instead, because they only had two elements left compared to the IS' six and the IS would have to commit to moving something else into sight, which would give the Clans some potential to react to it.

For the IS, the best option for Avalanche 1 to jump down to attack the Battle Cobra, going to the left side in the hopes of taking off that leg. Three hits; but only two the centre torso, inflicting some engine damage, and one to the right (and in this case, also wrong) leg.

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But Chu COULD see that strip, so he was able to make a reaction shot before Avalanche 1 could jump away (or rather, in mid-jump). Avalanche 1, to keep her heat down, was only jumping 90m each way; she could have chosen to jump the full 150m for her jump-move for her shoot action, but that of course, would have put her heat up by 5 instead of 3.

The Executioner prime had a lot of problems, but overheating was not among them. Chu was a half-decent shot, too hitting with both ER larges and the Gauss rifle. The latter and one laser hit the centre torso too, going internal. Though the shaken Avalanche 1 landed without issue.

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NOW Chu could cheerfully spend both of his own actions handshaking to his allies without worrying too much.

Puma first. He walked up close enough to use one ER PPC and his flamer. The ER PPC hit the Lu Wei Bing's left torso.

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His second action was just to walk, hoping to get past for a rear shot once his heat died down.

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The Battle Cobra moved into short range of his small pulse laser and fired. Amazingly, hit actually hit with both this time. The large hit the left torso (naturally) and the small even hit the head. The Lu Wei Bing commander remained conscious, however.

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Then  back backed sharply off.

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Time to be dirty. The Raven II set off at a run, splashing safely through the river with aplomb, and running up behind the Night Gyr. However, her primary purpose was to get herself JUST in range of the Behemoth with her Bloodhound probe, and establish a sensor lock as her second action (at the end of movement).

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Now, this put the Stone Rhino in a difficult position - he was not now going to get first shot, so he could fire as reaction when something came into sight (but only after they had fired) and get a reaction... Or he could shoot at the Stalker II or Xanthos now, without taking a reaction. However... The sensor lock only overrode the reaction for HIM, so if the IS wanted to shoot the Dire Wolf, they'd have to eat his reaction first.

He held his fire, forcing the IS to go again.

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Well, the Wendigo had reflective armour and the highest speed, so it fell to her to attract the fire. She used her first action to go up to run.

(The Stone Rhino *should have* been obliged to shoot her at the first point she came into sight.

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But I took the photo, completed her movement to work out what her TMM was, and then fracked up and forgot to move her back.)

Her luck had run out. Both pulse lasers and the gauss hit her left arm - the other hit the right even with the damage mitigation from the armour, it was enough to take the arm off and the impact caused her to fall. The reflective armour on her left torso shattered, but she HAD fallen in the river, so it went no further.

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She failed to stand (going back to a run), tried again and succeeded. Not wanting to further risk falls in the water, she ran as best she could through the scrub.

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The Stone Rhino's mandatory move carried it closer. But its immediate threat was neutralised, in that it couldn't do much now.

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The Catapult II moved out from the woods, and closed on the Daishi, firing both ER medium lasers and - once again - one TSEMP.

FINALLY it hit. Along with one laser. Was it going to do anything? Was it buggery.

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The Stone Rhino used his first action to remove his reaction, and stomped over to kick the Wendigo.

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This proved to be a poor choice as he missed. And then fell over. (You can't make this UP.)

The bulk of his CT took all the damage.

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The Osprey's first action took her to the edge of the woods. She fired everything, and missed only with one medium laser and the small laser.

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The damage was fairly scattered but...

For the second time that day, Star Colonel Mike face-planted his mech.

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The Osprey's second action was a short jump to keep heat neutral.

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In her Cyclops, the force commander's first action was to handshake to the Tian-Zong. Her first action - and then second - was to handshake to the Raven II.

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The Raven II proceeded to load one TSEMP, one ER medium laser and her MML 5 into the Night Gyr's rear. The TSEMP, of course, continued to prove the only thing it was good for was wasting BV on an extremely expensive pile of crap that had virtually no chance of working even if it HIT.

Then she ran away and then fell over in the river, because of COURSE she did.

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After a great deal of debate, the force commander chose to use her second action to handshake to the Lu Wei Bing.

The Lu Wei Bing switched to cluster rounds and fired at the Battle Cobra with everything, missing only with one light PPC.

FINALLY some luck. One cluster hit the head, knocking the pilot out. The left arm was blown off, and the damage to the centre torso was critical... And became moot when the Battle Cobra fell over and landed on it.

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The Lu Wei Bing's movement was to stride backwards - so she could use her second action to kick the Puma, stripping it down to internals, but leaving it standing.

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She then backed off further.

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All that was left, then, was the Tian-Zong's own action. She grimly dismissed handshaking and walked forwards to bring her gauss rifles to bear on the downed Daishi. One hit from each type of weapon. But all she achieved was stripping more armour.

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Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #18 on: 18 November 2022, 13:14:07 »
Bound Four

Things were not looking great for the spheroids, despite their comparatively strong position.

To start with, there was no way Star Colonel Mike was going to let himself be a target, so his first action was to try to stand. Given his heat level, running wouldn't get him more than one attempt anyway. But it was enough to get up, and take a point blank shot at the unfortunate Osprey.

He elected to use all the pulse lasers, both ACs at maximum, the LRMs and one ER Large, which would bring his heat down a little.

He hit with everything. Unsurprisingly, the Osprey fell over. Surprisingly, it had not suffered and catastrophic damage as Mike had - for once totally failed to hit the left torso with anything but a single LRM and so the extensive damage was all to armour. (The only crit risk was in the fall, and nothing came of it.)

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With none of the southern flank in a position to drop anything before it got to go (i.e. the Behemoth or the Night Gyr), the Lu Wei Bing went, walking back up to the Puma, shooting as she did. One light PPC missed. She tore off a lot of armour - but the Puma did fall. The already damaged left leg almost gave way entirely, the strain buckling the hip and foot actuator. Her second action was to kick it (she just barely managed).

(After a lot of trying to work out hit location, since even my most recent Total War printing doesn't specify that kicks on a prone mech are on standard hit location, but it is Implied But Not Stated by everything else being so.)

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Unfortunately for the hapless Puma, she kicked it in the HEAD.

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Then she backed up with her mandatory movement.

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The Stone Rhino attempted to stand. And failed, which was unfortunate, since he'd only chosen to change speed to walk, so he didn't have enough movement to make a second attempt on his first action.

His second action was to shoot and he succeeded in standing; then preceded to alpha strike the Wendigo. One gauss missed (and would have even if he'd been shooting from outside minimum range) and did one large pulse laser, only the fact it was a pulse allowing the second to hit. But that was enough to take off the Wendigo's left torso but the gauss only hit the undamaged left leg. bnur she stayed upright.

On the downside, the Stone Rhino was now at 11 heat.

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Avalanche 2 moved up to a run. She JUST barely, heat now under control, managed to get close enough that the woods weren't blocking her shot on the Spirit. Sadly, despite her efforts, only a single medium laser hit, though it punched into the centre torso internals - the Spirit would not take a hit like that again.

But for the moment, the Spirit was safe, since unless the Frozen Peaks commander wanted to come for him, no-one else was close.

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The Night Gyr elected to jump out of the woods and shoot the downed Osprey before she could get up. He fired both remaining medium pulse lasers, his AC at maximum, and one PPC, which would drag his heat back down.

The PPC missed, as did half of the autocannon burst. He very nearly destroyed the right torso, however, landing two hits there... But almost wasn't quite enough.

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As only the Catapult II was eligible for a reaction shot, and she choose not to take it, the Night Gyr jumped back into the safety of the woods.

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The Osprey staggered to her feet and did and end walk around the Daishi, stopping just outside minimum gauss range behind it and fired. Then medium lasers missed, but the rest of the weapons struck. She stripped armour (sadly the gauss hit the left leg, but not much else).

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The Spirit, despite his high heat, just managed to run behind Avalanche 2 to get a shot off. He fired the LRM 15 and heavy small laser, which served to nudge his heat up even more, The laser alone hit. But because he hadn’t quite gotten directly behind, he only scored her left leg.

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The Raven II failed to get up three times (and then I checked that dice to see if it could roll above single figures...) and then stumbled away.

The movement of her second action was enough to get her to shoot, however, at the Daishi's rear left. The useless TSEMP was on charge anyway, so she just fired her lasers and MML (using her LRMs for the first time). They all hit, and one laser stripped the last of the Daishi's left torso armour.

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Abandoning the north flank entirely, Chu did a double jump to shoot the Raven II in the rear. And he entirely missed!

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This left Frozen Peak company free reign. The brave little Spider did a double jump of her own wisely not getting down for potential melee combat) and attempted to put two lasers into the Gladiator's back. Up to twelve heat and she only succeeded in one hit to the right leg. Well she was trying...!

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The Stalker II pilot came around. "What'd I miss?"

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The Wendigo bolted away from the Behemoth and swung about to unload her remaining arsenal on the Daishi. Everything left (two Ultra AC/2 rounds, two lasers and the LRM 10) hit home. Still nothing but armour, but the Diashi's whole left side was looking rather grim.

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The Xanthos limped forward and put another medium laser into the left torso.

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Avalanche 1 did a double jump and showered the Daishi with LRMs. Yet more armour.

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The Catapult slowed to a walk and backed off, firing on her second action, now at minimum LRM range. Ignoring the hopeless TSEMPs, She spiked her heat to 6 firing the other four weapons. One laser missed. As had been par for the course, the LRMs only achieved 21 hits.

(The cluster table rolls have been unilaterally terrible, with only I think once or twice above 7 and mostly 6 or below the entire game.)

The left torso was almost gone, but still not criticals resulted. But this finally did push the Daishi over. The Star Colonels' incoherent screams of anger were audible across all channels. (The ghost of Nikolai Malthus nodded again. As it should be.)

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She backed off a little more with her shoot action's movement.

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The Tian-Zong approached, firing as she did. Two gauss rifle hits and a laser hit. STILL the Star Colonel did not stop; the gauss rifle was internal on the left leg (but again no criticals), the other and the laser stripping the right torso armour.

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The Frozen Peak commander tried twice to get the Stalker II up, but she was still groggy.

All that and Star Colonel Mike was still alive!

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #19 on: 18 November 2022, 13:14:30 »
Bound Five

Well, the Star Colonel wasn't having any of this. In the momentary lapse of fire, he laughed like a lunatic. Then screeching dire implications at the top his voice, he attempted to stand.

He failed.

The tore off the last of the armour on his left arm. And the Dire Wolf landed at EXACTLY the wrong angle to sheer the left arm off completely.

With a Herculean effort poured by blind fury, Star Colonel Mike surged to his Dire Wolf's feet. While there might have been something to say for turning to shoot Avalanche 1 (with no CT armour), it was a longer ranged shot and Mike was in no thinking mood. He instead settled on most obvious target - the Xanthos and pulled the trigger on all of his remaining guns. Despite the range and slow target, he STILL missed with one AC burst.
In his fury, he only managed to strip more armour, even though the final AC shot punched through to the internal centre torso.

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The Tian-Zong, in a last-ditch attempt to save either Wendigo or Osprey from the Behemoth, walked forwards to shoot it in the rear arc, firing over the Catapult II's shoulder. One gauss round stripped the centre torso armour, but the rest of the weapons only chipped arms and legs.

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The impact DID knock the Behemoth over!

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(Unfortunately, I clean forgot her second action, so I assume she moved to stop later.)

And, after last round's attempts to stand and alpha strike, the Stone Rhino was at 11 heat - so even at a run, he was only going to get one attempt per action to stand. So did he stand now and let the spheroids get a clean shot at the Stone Rhino's rear centre torso...? Or should one of the other three remaining Clanners - all in a position to cause some damage, possibly fatal - have their shot? No, the Stone Rhino was still the biggest mech functioning. He stood.

His second action was, omitting only his second large pulse laser, to shoot the Wendigo. One gauss round and the small pulse laser missed. Poor choice, actually, because his laser hit the last of the reflective armour on her left leg, and the gauss rifle hit the still mostly undamaged centre torso. She was still up and standing!

His heat was dissipating, but he was still at 7.

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Avalanche 2 slowed to a walk and dropped behind the Spirit and fired her lasers. Three laser hits cored it!

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Star Captain Chu, deciding to play at least a little canny, moved into a walk, but stopped just short of the point he would have provoked a reaction from the distant Tian-Zong or Catapult II. Both likely had other plans, but he wasn't prepared to take the risk. He ignored the Raven II and set his sights on the Osprey (only at the last second remembering the Wendigo's reflective armour), determined to take at least ONE of the freebirths down.

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He did, destroying the already damaged Osprey's cockpit with an ER laser hit. The rest of the damage was irrelevant.

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The Tian-Zong walked swiftly forwards. She still had a clear shot at the Behemoth's rear armour. All four weapons hit. But again, they hit only arms and legs - though a gauss slug and two lasers went internal on the left leg, but it still stood.

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The Night Gyr proved he was still in the fight, double jumping behind the Catapult II and firing with everything but one PPC. One AC and both medium pulse lasers hit, but the PPC and the other AC burst did not. But the Catapult got hit twice in the rear centre torso, going internal, though nothing serious was hit.

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But again, the Clanners were done, so Frozen Peak had chance to put them down.

The Lu Wei Bing did a double jump to shoot at the Daishi at extreme long range. The cluster rounds helped - and all four weapons hit. A lot of armour was further torn off and the right torso was not shorn of armour, but again, Mike seemed to get away with little critical damage, losing a single double heat sink from four potential criticals. He also remained standing this time. However, a cluster spanging off his head did cause a momentary break in the diatribe.

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Avalanche 1 hopped over the stream and fired all four mediums, hitting with two.

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Her second action was to hop into the woods.

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The Xanthos slowed to a stomp, unwilling to try crossing the water with only three legs. She put two more medium lasers into the Daishi, however - and not without irony, was the one to detonate the left torso.

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The Raven II dashed in to shoot at the Daishi's back. Pulling the trigger pushed her heat up to 6 (as her stealth armour was engaged), but for once, all five of her SRMs hit, along with a single ER medium laser.

But the Star Colonel would NOT DIE. With now only 25 points of armour across his *entire* mech, and no less than four internal hits which failed to cause critical damage, he still did not succumb.

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With her second action, the Raven II run over the hill and down into the coastal waters, hoping to stay out of the Behemoth's way (had it not been there, she'd have been tempted to run up and kick the Daishi.)

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The Spider, heat at dangerous level, had to content herself with a double jump into the woods, to burn off some heat.

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The Wendigo fired again before running off. She only landed to lasers and one AC /2 hit, but surely...!

No. More armour of the right leg  (the only thing that had anything left) and despite two hits to the internal centre torso, the Daishi was still standing.

The Wendigo's dash took her to the coast; her second action was to slow to Halt and cautious dip into the sea. Between the water and the hill, both she and the Raven II were in the dead ground from both the Gladiator and Behemoth.

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With an effort - and one false start and slip, the Stalker II stood up. (Again, she was very lucky to be in the stream!)

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Eight medium lasers blazed - six hitting.

Two hit the right arm, which still had some armour, one biting into the upper leg actuator.

Two each hit the right and centre torsos.

Finally... *Finally...* Star Colonel Mike went down, as his right torso exploded, taking out the engine. For good measure, the two centre hit damaged the gyro and further destroyed the engine.

(At this point, the Dire Wolf had TEN POINTS OF ARMOUR LEFT.

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I had to re-take the pictures today, since the one from last night didn't come out, but I needed to show you this. Two point on the head, three each on the rear R/L torsos, and two on the rigth arm. (Sometimes the paper slips in the plastic wallet and the diagonal have slipped left a bit on that location, which is why it looks like five but it's two.

Dear FRAG, did that man not want to die.)

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The bad news? As the CnC, his direct subordinates (Chu and the Stone Rhino) each got a Suppression for the confusion/morale loss.  (Meaning that they could not shoot until the Suppression was removed with an action and a pilot check.)

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The Catapult II eased forward, and put her LRMs into the Behemoth’s rear, which also brought her heat down. Only eleven hit, however, though one cluster further damaged the Behemoth's left leg.

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For her second action, she spun around to face the Night Gyr.

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Just the force commander to go. She figured she'd better get her arse moving this time.

Her movement brought the Behemoth's arse into view, so she was able to take a reaction shot and alpha-striked.

Well, at least you could rely on the commander right? Everything hit. And, FINALLY maximum on the cluster table too!

The rear torso armour of the right and left torso vanished. A single SRM clonked the head. The left torso rear went internal as the gauss rifle hit it, but no other damage.

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But the Behemoth - AGAIN - was pitched over.

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For her second action, the force commander, having shot as a reaction - tried a handshake, but sadly, she failed.

This ended the bound.


The Stone Rhino was down and had a Suppression. This meant, at best, he could stand up and take his suppression off, but not fire. As Chu was the second-in-command, he would become the new force commander at the end of the bound (that is, the end of the bound, since it happened at the end)... But in neither case would the suppression go away and thus best case, only one of those two mechs would be able to shoot that round. So that meant the Night Gyr was the only one really in a position to fight.

(BattleTech's morale rules are... Extremely generous, on checking Tac Ops, so of no help here, or I'd have diced for it.)

The Night Gyr considered his options. He could do a full strike on the Catapult II or the Stalker II's Tian-Zong's rear and then jump away into the woods. But he wasn't confident of that - and unless he dropped the Catapult II she, WOULD get a reaction shot and he was staring down the barrel of tow charged TSEMPs. And if he did that, the Stone Rhino would be getting his arse full of lasers from the Stalker II or the gausses from the Tian-Zong.

The Stone Rhino stood up, the best he was going to do was get himself ready for a fight; his heat was too high to do anything but stand up, so unless someone walked in front of him, he was getting now reaction shots (and that assumed he got his Suppression off). And then the Night Gyr would get a face full of TSEMPs, which, at this point, felt like the laws of averages said they might actually have a chance of working...

Chu, on the other hand, could take his suppression off or handshake to the Stone Rhino; but unless he wanted to provoke reaction fire by moving any further forward, the mandatory movement of those actions would have to be backward. He could potentially take his suppression off, walk backwards, handshake as his second action and walk around the corner, accepting a reaction shot in exchange for being able to make one of his own...

But it seemed quite unlikely that if they fought, they were going to win, even if they got any shots off.

With a sigh, the Night Gyr lowered his mech's arms and surrendered.

The Stone Rhino pilot slammed his fist onto his console, but followed suite.

Star Captain Peeka Chu slunk back out of sight, then spun around and engaged his MASK. There had to be SOME point to piloting an Executioner after all...!

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One last beauty shot of the combatants:

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That was a bit of a bloodbath. I expected the Clans to lose, since like last time with the WoB, they were going to be out-commander-ed because of their larger unit size... but they didn't make it easy, did they?

I am quite astounded in the end the IS only lost one mech, since their mechs were in a generally pretty awful state armour-wise. But the only thing that lost a torso that would be an XL kill was the poor Osprey, and she got headcapped.

Time taken... Started about one, half-one each day, and finished at eleven on the first day and ten-ish on the second. Both days were fast days for me, so no stop for dinner and the only breaks were me having to feed Mum's dog. So maybe 20 hours...?

The shooting was about as bad as each other all round.

The falling happened quite a lot, which is impressive since it’s not really any more likely on 5+ on D20 (80% chance of passing) than on 2D6 (83.3% of passing) and more chance at 6+ (75% on D20 verses 72.2%).

The cluster dice were absolutely awful, as noted, the IS (since the clans didn't use many LRMs) barely got above 50% damage on their missiles.

At least the second day wasn't quite Left Torso Hate Day as day one.

The board was slightly bigger. Since I was setting this from Dad's Manoeuvre Group campaign, I just used the full board as he'd set it; last year, I apparently left myself some more table space. Don't think it matter much, though I did spend a lot of time on the floor with the record sheets rolling hit locations after rolling to-hit on the table...

With the exception of the Mad Cat, nothing I used this game I've ever used before in TT (because it's all new models).

What Have We Learned

I should probably at LEAST re-read my own rules (and/or previous game) before playing, because playing so infrequently, I got a few things wrong because I remembered them incorrectly. (As my rule also summarise some of BT's, I would have made a couple less errors.) In the early hours of the morning, I realised I am pretty sure that on at least, if not both instances I did not roll enough damage for the LB X AC/20, too.

TSEMPs are fracking terrible. Extremely expensive and a complete waste of BV. Aside from them missing so much, the negative effects penalties to your OWN fire, high heat and only being able to fire once every other activation mean they were an active liability if you miss. Add to that they don't even necessarily do ANYTHING even if you hit. It seems to make them work, you need at least four or five firing at the same mech each round (well, HITTING each round), or be RNG-god; which I am decidedly not. While the net effect is very powerful... They really don't seem worth the investment. for the same tonnage and critical slots (and I suspect less BV at 488 each...) I could have had an ER LL and a double heat sink, for the exact same amount of heat produced, or a couple of SRM 4s with a ton of ammo a piece or s Snub-Nose PPC. None of that would have helped with the missing, of course, but by the same token, it wouldn't have been at a -2 to shoot to start with...

The Stalker II was frickin' great. Yeah, the ELRMS are bit meh, but who cares; it can tolerate some serious damage and eight ML is nothing to be sneezed at especially if you remember the targeting computer. It was only fluke shooting (TAC crit) by the Clans that damaged the legs and reduced mobility to a crawl (2 MP, 3 at run).

The Xanthos was disappointing, but that was just solely due to bad luck on the clan's focus firing on random hit locations and hitting basically nothing BUT one place.

Conversely, gor blimey, Star Colonel Mike did NOT want to die, did he? I have never personally seen a mech take THAT much punishment and keep going, because the hits scatter EVERYWHERE. Even when shot several times in the arse!

The Spider did surprisingly well for an introtech mech in 3150.

People (the clans) didn't rate the Avalanche, but personally. After that showing, I've very pleased with them. Swapping to Clan-spec LRMs would give you enough to mount four more double heat sinks to keep them more heat-neutral and an extra ton for summat else and they'd be fabulous.

The Wendigo did not do too bad either, come to that, but the lack of jump jets told.

The Piranha was the Piranha. I somewhat expected that, but you have to try it at least once, don't you?

The terrain made a huge difference. The forest, scrub and rivers really did put a dampner on mobility to the south (especially avoiding the muddy swamp), though falling over in the water helped the IS quite a lot...!

That said... Do not like the skidding rules (first time every using them). It actively disentivises units moving at the speed one the one surface they absolutely SHOULD be able to move on at speed. As written, you can't move down anything but a straight road, since even a slight turn makes you potentially crash, BattleTech maybe the only game I hae ever seen which actually penalises units for moving on the road. And while the abstraction might have some sense on a mapsheet... It really didn't do anything here other than make the Piranha look like an idiot. (Though the more I think about it, the less I like the mechanic at ALL, since if you can skid on a road surface, on rough terrain, such an instance should result is a trip or a crash, since what casues a skid in not roads are slippy, but that cars which skid on roads (which seems to me the entire basis of the rule) do so if you turn at too high a speed - do that off road and you'd flip and crash instead as like as not.)

Also, the miniatures rules (or at least those in my hard-cop of the Master rules, since I could not be arsed to stop everything, take the flash drive out and go downstairs to find the PDF of the Total War version) didn't specify about what interval you made pilotin checks, and making them every inch was too harsh. Setting it back to 1 hex (i.e. 30/2") makes sense.

A few revisions/clarifications to make to my rules (jumping penalty to shooting if you jump on you first action, clarification on jumping around, few little bits) but nothing major, which is nice.

The evade chevrons for TMM remain the best idea I stole from HBS BATTLETECH (the increased damage ACs being the second.)

One thing very apparent is that it is generally bad to assign your assaults to commanders, especially force commanders, since it keeps them out of the fight. (see: Cyclops.) This is why in MG, the CO is in a separate vehicle parked at the back somewhere hiding. I'd have done better, I think with the Spider being the overall CO! I was not interested in the upcoming support vehicles pack with the mobile HQs. But... After this? I think I need to get them, because, funnily enough, when you start to get more like the real world, you need more like real-world support! (Command consoles are on other option of course; that would allow the CnC to use one action to give his mech two actions - what platoon commanders in vehicles in MG are allowed to do - instead of having a choice of acting or handshaking.)

Won't help the Clans, of course, but nowt much will. Though it WOULD have made the Spirit more of a concern, since while it wasn't up to damaging the Cyclops, a more vulnerable vehicle might have made it a higher priority.

That's it for this time.

Now, parents are away NEXT week as well, so I could in theory have another game next week, but we'll see. The one thing about the attitude if you only get one game, you're going all-out is that is becomes quite demanding, especially if you are insistent on making the most of it by doing a write-up for future reference. So if I do, it'd likely be smaller.

Otherwise... Same time next year...?

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #20 on: 24 November 2022, 16:53:19 »
Bleakbane Ruins Battle Tech 6

A shorter, smaller game in much less detail, just to use the last little bit of time before Dad comes back and has the table.

Rules and Heresies

As BRBT 5 above.

A more 3060s game, with a Draconic Combine lance engaging a medium OpFor in a small BUA.


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Draconis Combine Green Star Lance

Dragon DRN-1N-2 (rear gun to forward) Lance commander

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Wolf Trap WFT-1

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Catapult K2K

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Bishamon BSN-2K

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3rd Detonators

Wolverine WVR-6R (lance commander) (1)

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Wolverine WVR-6R (2)

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Griffin GRF-3M (1)

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Griffin GRF-3M (2)

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Catapult's eye view

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3rd Detonators Starting Positions

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First Bound:

Detonators Initiative.

Neither side wishes to engage; Detonators use their jump jets to position to threat potential rear attacks, while Green Star closes up to watch each other's backs.

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Second Bound:

Green Star Initiative.

Green Star pull back so that Detonators can't get easy rear shots. Detonators have to attack, so Griffin 1 jumps in fails to hit the catapult (getting tagged in return) and jumping away. The Bishamon pursues, takes a shot and itself gets tagged by Griffin 2 (which gets handed-on a chance to shoot the Wolf Trap. The Bishamon shoots and runs, the Wolf Trap runs and shoots Griffin 1 again, before Wolverine 2 jumps after him. Wolf Trap's armour is not great, but Griffin 1 has taken three crits, losing a jump jet and two DHS.

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Third Bound:

Detonators Initiative.

Wolverine 2 goes first, blows off Wolf Trap's left arm and disables the LB X AC/10 with a lucky crit; likewise, transferred crit to the LT destroys to engine slots and a ML.

By the end of the bound, Griffin 1 is down, having his head shot off by a second pulse laser hit to it. The Bishamon has taken some damage; the Wolf Trap is very hot but still alive, and the catapult (having had a second reaction as Griffin 2 walked up), has backed further off and taken both of his reactions off.

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Forth Bound:

Detonators Initiative. (Automatic now they have less elements.)

The Wolf Trap finally goes down this round, but not before taking another critical to the left torso which took out the only not instant-kill crit left on that location, the medium laser and then walking up to Wolverine 2 and kicking it once in each leg.

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Fifth Bound:

Detonators Initiative.

Fire is exchanged, though the only thing of note is the Dragon commander being knocked out by a fluke hit to the head.

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Sixth Bound:

Detonators Initiative.

Despite the disadvantage, the Detonators fail to immediately capitalise on it, with Griffin 2's rear shot at the Bishamon mostly missing.

The Catapult, meanwhile, kicked Wolverine 2 in the right leg for a second time, this time, taking it off (after the damage the Wolf Trap did to it). Wolverine 2 fell over, failed to stand, ripped his CT open and was finished by the Bishamon.

Seventh Bound:

Detonators Initiative (automatic).

Both remaining Detonators hurl fire at the Dragon, dealing a lot of damage and after it stands, knocking it down with hip damage. The Catapult and Bishamon rush over, the Bishamon trying to kick the leg, but missing.

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Eighth Bound:

Detonators Initiative (automatic).

Wolverine 2 is knocked down by the Catapult, having his left leg ripped off. The Bishamon rushes over to stomp in it. Wolverine 2 now has an engine crit and has lost his SRM 6. Things are not looking good for the Detonators...

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Ninth Bound:

Detonators Initiative (automatic).

But they still have initiative. It's no good, while Wolverine 2 gets to his feet, he completely misses the Bishamon at point blank range.

The Bishamon strolls around his back and, with a couple of attempts, kicks his back leg off.

With two legs down, this is enough for the Detonators, and they both surrender.

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Green Star were victorious, despite losing the initative every single round it was diced for (i,e was not automatic) bar one.

Time taken: approx 3 1/2 hours. (Started text file at 17:11, writing this at 20:44.)

I was about right on the time. This was a bit of a test to see if doing this down the club is going to be feasible. Looks like in four on four, it's going to be a bit like a D&D combat, in that it is going to be taking two weeks to play through an engagement (realistically, we only get a bit over two hours these days). This limits the terrain in use (especially since I don't have any maps bar those of the old boxed set... And confining the game to what will fit in an A1 plastic wallet to mark positions could be... Difficult.

A problem, then, for rumination (though I have likely over a year before it comes to that).

Kicks are stupid good when you can get to the right or left, because you can easily take legs off! (They are probably better in this game because of the enhanced ability to move... Buuut the price is that to get off one or two kicks, you have to make yourself exposed.)

Now that really, really is it for this year. Doing any more (in my last two days left) would require more effort in the terrain again (this was very simple to set up) and I want to leave the mauled remains of Dad's terrain for him to re-set up his campaign.


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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #21 on: 17 December 2022, 08:58:24 »
Mostly since I finally just gave up and went back to my root BT experience, playing with myself with my toys. My parents went away for a few days, so I took the week off from my self-employment and, instead of spending a couple of days playing

And I figured, as I set up the board, if I'm going to play with my toys by myself, I might as well play with as many of my other toys as possible.

Been there and have done that.  It slows down a little if you decide to track things by turn to turn it into a combat scene for a story.  ^-^

And, as for all the toys, I'm of a similar mind.  Grew up that way, since I didn't have large collections of any one thing. So I had to make it work.  And, that has carried forward with me, and has driven my 'cross-over curiosity' bug.

If I haven't said it already, I really like seeing a table laid out with 4-inch hexes.  That is a long-term goal of mine.  I actually have the space, after a fashion.  Maybe it's time to set to work.
It's your world. You can do anything you want in it. - Bob Ross

Every thought and device conceived by Satan and man must be explored and found wanting. - Donald Grey Barnhouse on the purpose of history and time.

I helped make a game! ^_^  - Forge Of War: Tactics

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #22 on: 06 February 2024, 19:02:04 »
Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech Seven

If you're new here, this is a record of my annual-if-I'm-lucky games of solo BattleTech, as ruined by houserules. I don't get to play BT any more frequently than because:
a) since the club's second night closed, I can't play down the club because I'm the only DM left post-lockdown for the RPG group
b) I can't play at conventions or something because I always have to put on my own stuff for work
c) Dad's mancave is in weekly use with him and our mate, often playing games that last more than one week, so is only free when Mum and Dad are on holiday.

Thus the big gap (I last played November 2022), because they didn't go away at all last year in November because they went to Australia to see family this year instead; and even here my timescale is narrow because I can't just take three weeks off.

I spent all of January 2023 migrating my record sheets from HMP to MML and adding the quirks and the enormous effort to add the autocannon damage changes and the also computer BT-ish of moving rear guns forward[1]. I came to it on Saturday and discovered the updated version didn’t save quirks in the same way, and the majority of that effort on about 2500 record sheets was wasted. It took four hours to recover copy/paste the canon mechs which did not need looking over, and I still have about 1000 to go. The only dim light was that I was able to add all the mechs coming in the Mercs kickstarter to be gone over while I was laboriously updating. But as it is, I'm having to devote my Monday (part of my weekend) to sorting out the forces and their record sheets, else I’m not going to have time to play a proper big game Tues-Wed-Thurs before I have to put it all down for Thursday night probably to play with my mate (who doesn't play BT).

[1]Given than no simulator or RTS and even HBS BT attempted rear-firing weapons, I think the reality is they are not, in fact ergonomically practical weapons outside of the abstraction of TT and fiction and would, in fact be at best difficult to aim and dangerous at worst. (Vis a vi, backing your car while looking at the rear-view screen, except you're also driving the car forwards...)

Rather than repeat myself, the short, short version of the house rules are in this post above.

Rules and Heresies

All pilots are gunnery 4, piloting 5


Buildings: All treated as CF 40 per approx. 1" space

Walls/Fences: treated as Light (CF 15), 1 elevation (+1 MP)

Zog trees: 1 elevation, Light woods (partial cover, frag what TacOps says, the mech's half hidden...)

Forest: 3 elevations, heavy woods

Scrub: Rough (+1 MP)

Swamp: Swamp (+1 MP, +1 PSR, sticking possibility)

River (30m (2"+) /lake and coast: Depth 1, flow down river (N/S)

Streams (less than 30m (1-2")): Depth 0

Note: My "rule" for unit selection is
a) Must be a model that's not been on the board thus far (yes I have a spreadsheet to track which mechs out of my 486-with-kickstarter-arrives mechs have been used)...
b) Must use a variant that is WYSIWYG with the model on its first time out (exception for rear guns forward)


King Crab KGC-000b (2039)
Highlander HGN-732b (2335)
Viking VKG-2F (2079)
Crockett CRK-5003-1 (1941)
Thug THG-11Eb (1759)
Flashman FLS-8K-2 (1794) (rear gun forwards)

Black Knight BL-6b-KNT (1627)
Lancelot LNC25-01 (1422)
Ghost GST-10 (1353)
Sentinel STN-3L (818)
Falcon Hawk FNHK-9K-2 (1039) (rear gun forwards)
Mongoose MON-76 (894)


Timber Wolf Prime (Mad Cat) (2737)
Hellbringer Prime (Loki) (2654)
Hunchback IIC (1679)
Hunchback IIC 4 (2667)
Huntsman Prime (Nobori-Nin) (2326)

Burrock (2230)
Peregrine (1434)
Fire Falcon Prime (1451)
Locust IIC (1100)
Howler (Baboon) (645)


Clans lost the toss up, so they deployed first.

Fibble's Wibbly, just before the Jihad. ComStar have a small force now, established in the past twenty years, to keep Fibble's Wibbly's HPG actually online, now that they remembered it exists. The city of Pinkington Spuddly is Fibble's Wibbly's larger industrial zones, and the regional headquarters of Fing Lucky, whose heavily-defended headquarters is sunk deep into the mountainside, quite inappropriately for a stationary company. Only a few hundred metres away is McSpanner's, an independent local Mech maintenance, who do a lot of refurbishing and re-conditioning, if not actual manufacturing. Large McSpanner's facilities (noted by their trademark double spanner emblem) are one of the main reasons Fibble's Wibbly were able to keep reasonably up-to-date with the Inner Sphere once the Helm Memory Core data started trickling in.

The area is thus important enough to be "graced" by a raid by nearby Spoodly-Woo's disparate and fractions Clans. In this case Clan:

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The furious head of Fing Lucky made it quite clear to Demi-Precentor Dee Spehre (or DPD for short) of the local ComGuards that if ComStar wanted  stationary again this century, they had jolly well better come and defend the facility. With the risk of his junior staff revolting over the thought of Insufficient Staples and whatnot (the Demi-Precentor didn't know what peons used for stationary, he was a ComGuard officer dammit, not a Do-er...), D Spehre grabbed two level IIs of his best mechs and set off to fight the Clans, in the spirit of Tukkayid (which he hadn't been personally involved with, but his Dad knew a guy who once met a lass that dated someone what might have been there).

The battlefield.

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The Fing Lucky Regional Headquarters was built deeply into the mountain, with all the mod cons required of an Evil Corporate Stationary company, complete with AA turrets for fighting off the competitors and shooting down their employee's hopes and dreams.

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Pinkington Spuddly's primary access was via the motorway, and a road lead from the compound to join it in at the outskirts.

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The outskirts were typical industrial and office buildings on the west side, and Cowboy's Builder's Yard on the east.

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The motorway lead down into the heart on Pinkington Spuddly, where the Two Towers of Spuddly guarded it like two fat and not very impressive statues.

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The southernmost tip of Pinkington Spuddly had a couple of residential blocks, but mostly was in services to McSpanner's, with two mech-maintenace warehouses looming over the small buildings.

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The motorway ran between two ridgelines,

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..and east.

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The top of which sported another AA tower, and surface-to-ship missile silos, because Fing Lucky took their security very seriously.

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Clan Asbestos Gannet, being Clan, of course had to have the lead commanders in the larger mechs, for that was more honour. Star Colonel Makara, lead the operation from the Hellbringer Prime. Her star consisted of herself, a loyal Timberwolf Prime piloted by MechWarrior Carter and two very desperate unbloodnamed warriors daft enough to pilot Hunchback IICs (one standard, one a IIC 4) and a Howler. That last was a sore point, but it made more sense in her star than with her supporting star.

This was commanded by Star Commander Orion (that was "or-ee-on" nor "o-ri-on"), a MechWarrior of dubious virtue, who piloted a Burrock. The remainder of the star was quite light: a Locust IIC, a Fire Falcon Prime, a Horned Owl and a Huntsman. Orion's star was deployed to the north, near the main city where the mobility of the mechs would be most useful, especially with the Huntsman's Active Probe.

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Makara herself would control the centre and south and with the other two mechs command the ridgeline. (Well, in the Howler's case, more "give stern suggestions.")

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The Hunchback IICs would march through the scrub and hives and take the outskirts.

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ComStar, meanwhile, was spoiled for choice, with no less than four Command Mechs to choose from. Demi-Precentor Dee Spehre, however, opted for none of them, instead taking a modest Sentinel SNT-3L. This was not without merit, with its StarLink/Benicia Model AS829G communications suite meaning it would be easier for him to send orders. And unlike his clan counterpart, DPD was in it for the heady thrill of other people doing all the combat, while he sipped tea and gave stern orders, so that he was in a fragile little mech didn't matter, because he wasn’t' intending to be shot at.

(Ideally, he would have been sat in a nice comfy Mobile Headquarters even further from the action, but Capellan Groups Ltd Kourier Service hadn't managed to deliver one yet. Maybe next year...)

Thus, the good Demi-precentor parked himself deep in the southern woods.

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His Level II had their orders. The VKG-2F Viking was heading to the corporate headquarters, to park safely for indirect fire. Countering the Clan's approach to the outskirts was a King Crab - a nice royal KGC-000b with a long linage and kept in tip-top shape - and a FLS-8K-2 Flashman of similar age.

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The last two mechs - also both royals, a THG-11Eb Thug and a BL-6b-KNT Black Knight, were positioned to support either (though mostly the Viking) as the battle developed.

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The second lance was more clustered. Again, Adept Anne E Bulle-Smith chose to take a light mech, this time MON-76 Mongoose. An actual command mech, this time, nevertheless, Anne was planning to get to a position to use her ECM on the clanners and avoid doing much shooting if she could help it. That would be left to her sturdier comrades.

Covering the gap on the ridgeling was a HGN-732b Highlander, backed up by  more modest FNHK-9K-2 Falcon Hawk. The Highlander and the accompanying CRK-5003-1 Crockett were the only jump-capable mechs the ComGuards had, and the thus were intending to enter the urban sprawl. A LNC25-01 Lancelot would provide some fire support. Finally, acting as the primary Viking Missiles targeter was a GST-10 Ghost, stealth armour activated, which was intended to run up and down the battlefield, make the odd long-range pot-shot and generally be a nuisance.

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View from the Highlander:

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View From the Thug:

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View from the Hellbringer:

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View from the Burrock:

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The game will actually start tomorrow (it took ALL DAY to set-up...), so expect a new post either late tomorrow or the following day. (I have to post pretty much bound-by-by anyway, so I figured i might as well start early this time!)

Pertinent question (and to see if anyone is paying attention): does anyone using the links to larger images? If no-one is using 'em, I can save myself some effort putting them in.

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #23 on: 07 February 2024, 15:31:55 »
Bound One

The Clans had initiative (fewer elements) so the Timber Wolf marched into position on the ridge.

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Demi-Precentor Spehre started out by handshaking to the Viking to start its run to position.

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His second action was to handshake to Adept Bulle-Smith, who in handshaked to the Crockett. (She would have liked to handshake to the Ghost, but as she was moving she could only handshake once.) As she was still walking while handshaking, she was able to use her second action to walk to halt, where when her own action came up, she'd be able to handshake twice.

The Crockett double-jumped into the zog tree for some partial cover and to watch the gap down the BUA.

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Orion similarly move and handshaked, this time to move the Fire Falcon up with him.

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The Thug walked down into the compound. He and Makara's Loki could see each other (just barely, since stood back from the ridgeline, it was only because Makara was in a BattleMech she could see over the slope), and so neither provoked a reaction.

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The Mad Cat's position was unfortunately more or less the exact wrong place to be standing, with both buildings functionally blocking line of sight.

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So, unhampered, the Thug was able to take the first shot with its ER PPCs, but with 90m of maximum range.

Strong out of the gate! (19 and 20!) Left arm and right leg. Makara's Loki wobbled, but she managed to avoid falling. She did however, begin screaming. While the third most valuable mech on the field, it was not... Terribly durable. This more or  less forced Makara to go next (or take more fire!)

She fired her own ER PPCs - despite having a slightly better shot, she missed with one. And the bad news was the Thug was effectively in partial cover because of the dead ground created from the container (exactly WHY he'd been walking in that direction). Makara did have enough competence to only the arm, however. Her mandatory movement she used to get into the cover on the woods.

She then screamed at the Timber Wolf. This would drag it out of position (and for a moment, she forgot the Timber Wolf had already gone and thus would not get two goes at the Thug this round, oops) and cease covering the north side. Worse, as the Timber Wolf attempted to move around the medical complex buildings to get line of sight, she entered the LOS of the distant Highlander at EXACTLY max LRM range.

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The Highlander react-fired; the L:RMs missed, but the gauss slammed into the Timber Wolf's left arm.

Committed now, the Timber Wolf closed in.

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She let rip with both ER Large Lasers and the LRM 20s. Despite being optimum range, the LRMs both sputtered and the sub-standard warheads fizzled out before coming even close. (Snake eyes. On D20s...) One ER L struck the left torso... The other hit the building, shooting too low. The Thug didn't even waiver.

Over on the north flank, Bulle-Smith attempted to call the Ghost and the Lancelot to run up into position. The Fire Falcon's Active Probe was going to be blocked by her ECM - but she really wanted some better cover (through the Crocket had her back to some extent). Sadly, the Lancelot pilot wasn't paying attention, busy daydreaming about a young lady he might have met the night before. But the Ghost whipped forwards into position.

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The Fire Falcon contemplated a dash - she might be able to reach the Mongoose, but would first have to suffered the reaction fire from the Crockett - though she might take out the Mongoose (from the side, unless he really wanted to get shot in the arse himself) and would very likely die immediately. While this would certainly upset the ComGuards, her star-mates also weren't in a position to capitalise on it... Would she? 50:50?

Sod it, she though, she was clan! She'd try.

(If the Mongoose's ECM wasn't foiling her active probe, she could have sensor locked on her first action and fired as a reaction when she went around the side, which would have, because of said lock, come in before the Crockett's reaction fire. But as that was going to get it anyway, she'd fire as her first second action and then run off with her second.)

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She got away with it. As the Crockett had jumped; both of the SRM 6s missed, but the ER LL and the LB-10-X cluster round hit. Despite penetration to her left arm and right torso, she remained standing and didn’t lose anything. She hit the big red button and hoped.

She still missed with one ER M and Streak 4. Her shots took off the Mongoose's left arm, but no kill-shot - but a fluke hit took out the left torso's ECM! Anne very nearly fell over, and would if it wasn't for the Mongoose being so easy to pilot.

The Fire Falcon spun around, accelerated to run with her second action and got the hell out of dodge. Worth it!

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The Crockett moved to walk, and used his second action to remove his reaction. This also had the advantage of cooling him off.

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The Locust IIC, not to be out-done, decided to try and reach the Mongoose as well, but despite switching to a run, was not quite able to get around the corner in time.

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The Lancelot, woken from his daydream by his boss's yelp, run around to attack the Locust IC. He stopped short of 180m, just outside the Locust IIC's reaction fir as he came into sight, so only the medium pulse laser bit into his centre torso. In return, despite the difficulty of the shot, he landed both large lasers and his PPC, stripped down the internals both arms and removing the right torso's armour.

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The Locust IIC, decided discretion was the better part of valour, reacted to being shot (taking a second reaction) by turning around and legging out of sight.

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The Huntsman, being slightly wiser, merely moved forwards and stopped in cover. With the ECM down, they had two active probes to one, which now gave them an advantage the sensor-lock off that would determine who shot who first.

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On the south flank, the King Crab, with no-one to take shots at him, ran out towards the same spot the Thug was heading towards - and to shoot at the Mad Cat at exactly max range for his AC/20s. to larger image

But luck was with him - only his large laser missed. Several missiles and one Ac/20 smashed into the right arm, and the other into the left. The Mad Cat pitched over into the dirt. While the pilot was unhurt, the Mad Cat lower left arm actuator snapped as the mech landed on it.

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The Hunchback IIC 4 double jumped forwards and let loose a triple burst from each Rotary AC/20; three shots hit, one almost penetrated the left arm, but one did solid plink the Thug's head, though the MechWarrior remained conscious.

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The Viking showered the fallen Mad Cat with missiles, nosing 30m forwards into medium range at the point of firing. Sadly, two of the LRM 20s missed. The other and the LRM 20 landed with horrific precision on the Mad Cat's exposed rear armour; twenty missile punched through - though it wouldn't have mattered if it had hit the front, as the final missile would have still did what it did - hit the LRM ammo, taking out the Mad Cat's entire right torso. for added spite, the salvo that hit the left torso took out the medium pulse laser for good measure. The <ad Cat's pilot was knocked out (from failing his second consciousness check).

The Viking then smugly changed speed to halt, perched on the Fing Lucky headquarters building.

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The Hunchback IIC didn't have enough ammo, unlike the IIC 4 to waste making shots at long range, so she double jumped into the outskirts to be in a better position.

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The Flashman's first run action took him to a perfect spot that exposed the Hunchback IIC and left him just outside the IIC's maximum range and thus safe from reaction fire (if it even could have made it). He took a shot with three Large lasers. Two hit, one burning right through the paltry left arm, and completely demolished one of the double heat sinks. The other scoured away left torso armour.

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The Flashman's second run took him to safely behind the building.

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The Howler, not being a blithering idiot, walked along in the cover of the zog tree so he could see the Flashman and fired. Poor clustering from the two LRM 5's on target meant that only missiles got past the Flashman's AMS.

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The Black Knight jogged down the slope, keeping his distance from the Hunchback IIC, but still keeping half an eye on the gap in the woods where the Loki was lurking. This meant he could only take a pot-shot with his ER PPC at the Hunchback II and missed.

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The Horned Owl contented herself with a double jump in the BUA, as doing anything else risked a shot from the Falcon Hawk.

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The Falcon Hawk now dashed up to help cover their commander's arse.

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The Highlander also broke into a run and removed his reaction on his second action, positioning himself where he could cover the street and the gap between the woods.

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The Ghost, abandoning the idea of using his active probe (the Ghost wanted to be far away from enemies, not within 120m), ran to a better position, concluding the bound.

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I actually started bound two, but my camera battery ran low one activastion in. And, unfortunately, as I had already had to break for an hour-and-a-half for a web-meeting with Only-Games and MyMiniFactory for work (I figured that I ought to really listen in) - during which my sister rang (because of OF COURSe it would be the one time in three weeks...) and we had to have a chat regarding my ailing uncle. Al of which meant that I stopped about half-seven? And I'm unlikely to get back to doing it tonight, more's the pity it's only been an hour), as I don't really want to be traipsing around past eleven-ish and disturbing the neighbors. But everything has been trying so VERY hard to delay ot prevent me from playing.

(I am glad I called my mate off from a (non-BT) game tomorrow - supposedly, it was forecast to snow and if so, it means he's quite likely to get stuck at work because he has to wait for all the drivers to come back in - else I would have been pushing it to even get the second bound before I had to clear up and I might not have even managed that. I fear I'm not going to get in "and a smaller quick one" like last year, at this rate.

Edit: Oops, the link for image 36 didn't copy properly and copied the bit image instead; ave set it bacck to 800x600 like should have been.
« Last Edit: 07 February 2024, 16:07:59 by Aotrs Commander »

Aotrs Commander

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Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #24 on: 08 February 2024, 13:56:33 »
Bound Two

Makara was in a difficult position. The ComGuards had effectively pinned Orion's star in the BUA - neither the Fire Falcon nor the Locust IIC could make a repeat performance, since both the Lancelot and the Falcon Hawk were now watching that gap, and the Horned Owl couldn't step out without likewise attracting fire; the Fire Falcon's sensors didn't have enough range to sensor lock and likewise, the Huntsman was out of range. The Timber Wolf was probably toast, since it'd be an activation before it could even try to stand up. One or other of the Hunchbacks was likely to get it if Orion went...

In the end, Makara settled on an aggressive gamble. She would handshake to the Hunchback IIC 4 and then walk out and concentrate fire on the Thug, and try to take it down. (No reactions because all of the enemy mechs had fired.)

The Hunchback IIC 4 complied, marching forwards and on orders hit the full RoF and both lasers.

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Showing great skill for a purported old lady, the Hunchback IIC 4 landed eight rotary autocannon rounds, did NOT jam the cannons and landed a very neat cluster of hits to the right torso, severely stripping it and blew off the left arm and much of the left torso. Two shots hit the building instead of the left leg, however, the Thug staggered but amazingly did NOT fall.

Makara's mandatory walk allowed her to get much closer. She was risking a backstab from the Ghost (though it'd have to move some), but she wanted that enemy off the field. She didn't want to overheat, though, so she had to resort to firing one ER PPC and her three mediums.

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But it was a vain attempt. The ER PPC smacked into the building, and while the laser bit into the left torso, alone it wasn't enough to destroy it.

Makara would get a reprieve, however. The ComGuards couldn't afford to charge forward, lest they get one or other  Hunchback IIC double jumping behind them. The Flashman had just enough speed to leg it around and put his mech's back to an office block and take a shot at the Hunchback IIC 4's rear.

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Spiking his heat to a dangerous 11 (potentially 12 if his MS went off), the Flashman fired everything but the flamer. Toe medium lasers missed, but the rest hit home. Three mediums hit the right arm, and succeeded in taking out a heat sink. One medium punctured the light left torso armour, but did nothing else. One large laser burned through the centre torso to hit the engine; one chewed armour off the left leg. The final large laser did, however, burn through and sever part of the rotary autocannon. Not the clean kill the Flashman had been hoping for, but it did, at least, halve the Hunchback IIC 4's firepower. The mech wobbled violently, but the MechWarrior got it under control a heartbeat before it started to fall.

Again, the Clan's problem was, whichever Hunchback went new, the other would get plastered. (In fact, they were lucky that Demi-Precentor Spehre had not handshaked so they both got knobbled, which was a mistake in hindsight.)

{{Put it down to being literally the first action in the restart, and why I prefer NOT to stop mid-turn if I can help it...}}

However, it was apparent that, as the Flashman - high heat or nor COULD threaten Makara's Hellbringer, the Hunchback IIC would have to and the IIC 4 left to its fate.

{{Skipping to the other side of the board would have likely meant BOTH getting knobbled.}}

The Hunchback IIC double-jumped to likewise place its back to a building, but in such as position as to cover Makara's screaming arse.

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The King Crab, at 5 heat and thus slowed a bit, run forwards to shoot the Hunchback IIC 4, safer (if not safe) from being backstabbed by the reduced firepower, but hoping that it could take the Hunchback IIC 4 down.

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Holding the LRM 15, and thus keeping the heat at 5, the King Crab loosed the rest. One AC/20 missed; the large laser hit the centre torso... The second AC/20 round hit the left torso.

That finished off the engine damage the Flashman had started and with a dull phut, the fusion engine died. The first Clanner was down!

{{I had to double check, it was that close. But LT(R) armour 3 => 5/12 to IS; LT 13 => 7/12, I thought for a moment it had gotten away with it, but nope.}}

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That pretty much wrapped up the south flank for the clans, short of desultory LRM 5 fire from the Howler.

On the north flank, things weren't quite so bad. The Horned Owl started off with a double jump, putting itself in a very tidy position.

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This meant that it stopped (or at least discouraged) the Falcon Hawk or the Lancelot running past it to knobble the Fire Falcon or the Locust IIC in the back; furthermore, it immediately posed a danger to the Mongoose, as it was a handshake away from being able to backstab it, which would force it to move (and thus lose a handshake both this bound and next bound) or to have to commit another mech to Gaze mode to watch its back as jumping didn't not provoke a reaction, except from things on Gaze mode.

It was at the mid-point of the jump over the McSpanner's building that the Clan MechWarrior realised she error. Motherfracking Lancelot had AA Targeting din't it? Which was the OTHER criterion for jumping provoking...
But luck was with it, since the PPC and lasers sizzled past the Horned Owl, who landed safely.

The Lancelot's mandatory movement (which had to be "more than walk") carried it further down.

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{{Gonna codify that properly later; when making mandatory movement as for a (shoot) Reaction must move at least 1" (at walk) or it's full Walk speed (at Run/Flank) or Run (if at Sprint etc.) and can make no more than one 60° facing change. That way, it is as much a penalty as free movement, and also stops, for instance, the Lancelot using 12MP to effectively do a pirouette. I think I forgot to do that yesterday, but it wouldn't have made much difference, since the mechs that reacted like the Highlander weren't moving faster than walk anyway, so would only have had to move 1".}}

Still, this is at least have the effect of meaning the Anne's Mongoose had to move, since otherwise, it only had the Falcon Hawk watching its arse.

She didn't dare risk the MASC (a fall would be fatal), and in order to get out of double-jump range, she had go full-pelt across half the battlefield.

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Fortunately, there was nothing to shoot her ; Makara had already fired, so unless she wanted to build 15 heat for her unfired ER PPC as a reaction for a long-range shot at a fast-moving target... But if she succeeded, she'd likely give Orion a near-free pass, since all the north lance would get a suppression with the loss of their leader.

Downside, Makara would be at 17 heat and unable to run away even if she wanted to, and the ComGuards had a handshake and mechs within striking distance... And if she was knocked out ALL the clan mechs would get a suppression.

But that might happen anyway. Makara screamed and pulled the trigger.

{{11+ on D20, a difficult shot for BT, but actually no bad here...}}

She missed. Because of course she did.

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So, relatively safe, Bulle-Smith handshaked over to the Lancelot; thanks to the many command mechs, she got through just barely, and he slowed to a stop and then took his reaction off. This freed his guns up to be able to shoot again on his reaction. (As the heat effects from firing said guns were applied at the end of the activation.)

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Orion sort of had to make his play now. If he didn't, and the ComGuards took Makara out, he wouldn't get a chance. So he made a handshake to the Huntsman to make a double jump.

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This was risky, since the Lancelot could again take a reaction shot. But if he did that, he wouldn't be able to shoot on his own go, which would both open more of a chance for the Fire Falcon or Locust IIC to run up and backstab him (and then likely die to the Falcon Hawk, who then might himself get backstabbed by the other). And the chance of knocking out a Nobori-Nin with two large lasers and a PPC seemed fairly unlikely.

So the Huntsman's second action was to continue his jump, and establish a sensor lock (now she was in range) on the Crockett. This meant Orion could change speed to walk, pop around the corner and react-fire at the Crockett (which would otherwise have gotten to react-fire first without the sensor lock on it. It could still react-fire back after Orion had shot it, of course, but there wasn't as much benefit to that as opposed to waiting until its own go and not getting the reaction.)

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Bad news, though - Orion's Burrock had Mostly Heavy Lasers, and he had to fire in reaction as soon as the target came into sight (else the Crockett would); and he was BARELY in range.

{{I was being VERY generous and not having him step out and by just out of range with everything but the AC/20...}}

Orion fired four of his heavy medium lasers, and double-tapped the autocannon. As it turned out, it might have mattered for the autocannons if the range had been short, but not the for lasers. One autocannon round and one laser hit dead on to left and right torsos respectively... The rest missed entirely.

Makara's long-expected scream of "Orion! You fool!" and the requisite chastised response:

"I am sorry colonel..."

...had arrived as anticipated after all, after a moment's potential glimpse of competence.

Demi-Precentor D Spehre sipped his tea in his Sentinel, somehow hearing the scream of fury across the battlefield.

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Then he ordered the King Crab forwards.

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Still slowed by its heat, it lumbered straight on at a run - the temptation to shoot first and then stomp on the fallen Mad Cat was great, but as it happened, the Mad Cat was just out of reach, and the more sensible option of shooting on the second phase (and in short range of the LL) was taken.

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Oh dear. Both ACs and the large laser hit. The first Ac/20 shell shattered the centre torso armour and damaged the internal structure. The laser merely damaged the left torso. The other AC/20 shell hit the already-damaged right leg - and was just enough to take it off. With a despairing wail of "You foooooooool!" directed at Orion, Makara's Loki keeled over. To add insult to the subsequent injury, Makara's bleary eyes noted her Hellbringer had landed and torn even more damage to the centre torso, smashing the engine in two places and knocking the gyro badly. (It was very close to setting of the CT ammo...!)

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With a polite smile, DPD leaned back, flipped his comm to the Viking and said "do finish her off, there's a good chap."

With a dainty step back and then down to the top of the projecting headquarters top, the Viking could now see his hapless victim.

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A little too dainty, apparently, as the Viking slipped on a discarded sales banner or something just as he pulled the trigger. 61 LRMs went into the middle distance, and the Loki's AMS got another three. For a moment there was a pause in the universe and Makara's eyes widened. Perhaps she would survive after-

Five of the missile shot into the centre torso and the fusion engine snapped in half undramatically, denying Makara even a chance to have a glorious death.

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And all her underlings got a Suppression. Uh oh.

One last-ditch attempt to even the odds. The Howler removed her suppression. Even at a walk, she could get to a position to attack the Mongoose. There was an outside chance if she could disable that, then the north lance would ALSO be all suppressed. Burt first, she had to get past the reaction-fire from the distance Black Knight at the end of her first action's mandatory movement.

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He whiffed it. So the Howler got just into range... But to no avail. Two LRM 5s missed entirely, and only two of the last one pinked on the Mongoose's right torso armour; though damaged, there was still enough left to hold.

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The massacre began.

The Lancelot strolled past the reeling Peregrine and sauntered round the corner to shoot the Fire Falcon in the rear with a full alpha.

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Little close for the PPC, but it didn't matter, and the blast ate into the centre torso rear and took out two chunks of engine; one large and one medium blasted through the right torso, into the centre and with enough force that it melted right through to the front centre torso armour.

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The mounting panic shook the Huntsman enough it took both actions to remove hersuppression, thus meaning any chance of, say, saving the Locust IIC from the same fate vanished.

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The Falcon Hawk slowed down to a stroll himself, and got into a good position to shoot. However, he wasn't quite as lucky, aiming a bit far to the right, and his shot took on the Locust IIC's right side, it didn't quite core it, as his medium laser missed.

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The Locust IIC ran like buggery, but it again (especially with two reactions) took both her actions to remove her suppression; but her speed might still let her threaten the Mongoose next round.

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Now it was the Ghost's time to shine! First action, he dashed around the West Tower of the Two Towers and shot the Baboon in the arse, with a full alpha, using his SRM from his MML. All five weapons hit! No killing blow, though the Baboon's centre torso was almost cored through; but the only penetrating hit took out the right leg's foot and upper leg actuators. The Baboon's pilot skilfully kept his mech standing, however.

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For his second action, the Ghost doubled back, bringing him with his (improved sensor) Active Probe range to establish a lock on the Nobori-Nin, to let the Crockett have free reign.

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Which he proceeded to blow; a full alpha-strike, with the easiest shot so far and he missed with half his shots, and smattering the rest across the armour.

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Now, this was an occasion where the Nobori-Nin WOULD take a reaction-fire back. An alpha strike WOULD be suicidal at this point, so she contented herself with her ER mediums lasers - four hits - and her Streak - which somehow failed to get a lock-on, but least kept her heat-neutral.

Tempted as the Highlander was to try an Highlander Burial on the Nobori-Nin, it was slightly out of reach. So he instead slowed to a walk and then shot at the Burrock.

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His fire was likewise disappointing, missing with the Gauss and his SRMs and damaging armour across the torsos.

It was at this point, everyone remembered the Timber Wolf pilot; would she wake up at the end of her activation..?

She would! She looked up to see the bulk of a King Crab practically standing on top of her and wondered if she should have stayed unconscious...

The Black Knight considered hitting the Mad Cat while it was down, but he and the Thug agreed that the first job was to eliminate the remaining threats to their commanders. So he ran up to shoot at the Locust IIC.

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He'd already fired his ER PPC, so he risked a slight build up of 3 heat to fire both his large pulse lasers; one hit, and took the Locust IIC's left arm off. With both arms gone, it only had the torso laser left, and the threat was reduced, but still present.

The Thug thus went after the Baboon.

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But his salvo of SRMs and one remaining ER PPC missed entirely!

That brought the bound to a close. The Clans were down, but not entirely out yet.

Now Orion was the CnC (though his effective piloting for communications had gone up by 2). The Hunchback IIC took over as star commander for Makara's lance. (The Howler would likely have been the best choice, were it not in the position it was, and the Timber Wolf was definitely in the crapper...)

I paused at this point to stop and sort out this post. It was coming up to six, and there was a chance he'd be popping around, so it made a good breakpoint (and gave the camera about an hour's recharge too). As three-quarters expected, he couldn't mjake it (which is why we'd - fortunatly, in the light of things - not organised to play, else I'd really have struggled to play this at all.

I will get back on to Bound Three fairly shortly, though!
« Last Edit: 08 February 2024, 19:07:43 by Aotrs Commander »

Aotrs Commander

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  • Posts: 759
Re: Bleakbane Ruins BattleTech
« Reply #25 on: 08 February 2024, 19:34:07 »
Bound Three

Orion's first move had to be to take his suppression off and back around the corner.

Then he made a handshake to the Hunchback IIC - and another step back, so that at least he couldn't get backstabbed right away.

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The Hunchback IIC in turn handshaked to the Howler. But it took her two attempts to get the Howler to listen (and thus potentially dooming the Timber Wolf). But if the Howler could down that blasted Mongoose...

The Howler ran over, removing her reaction.

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Despite her leg actuator damage, she was still able to move fast enough to run up to the Mongoose's rear and fire.

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Not good enough. Five missiles hit the left leg, a solitary one even glanced off the head, but the Anne stayed conscious.

The Thug unhurriedly trotted after, aiming for a better shot this time. He did not, only landing two SRMs out of 12 and missing with his PPC. He DID blow off the Baboon's left torso... But the missiles were in the right.

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The Howler let of one more desperate salvo - but again, one missile dented the Mongoose's rear armour, and five the left leg, the rest missing.

{{After some thought and checking, about whether the Howler could "accidently" charge the Mongoose, I parsed out that no (while it had to move for mandatory movement, it wasn't restricted in how it moved,. and thus was not allowed to do that; but I will need to make a clarification about collisions for reaction mandatory movement.}}

The Howler, could, however, move on 15m and then make a (very short) Charge as its second action (desperation overriding the Clan's distaste...)

Further considerations were rendered moot by the point she missed.

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The Black Knight slowed to a walk and moved to 180m, conveniently JUST out of line-of-sight from the Hunchback IIC and shot at the Locust IIC.

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He more cautiously fired only his ER PPC and four medium lasers, which cleared his heat build-up. It was enough - two lasers and the PPC blast cored the hapless Clanner.

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The desperate gamble to take out the Mongoose had failed.

The Timber Wolf staggered to her feet, backing off, and as her second action, fired everything she had left (i.e. one ER large laser, one ER medium laser and one LRM 20), into the rear of the Black Knight.

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The medium laser missed; while some missile shaved off all the rear armour on the right torso, nothing otherwise came close to penetrating the armour. Her backward pace brought her as far away from the King Crab as possible, and at least they couldn't shoot her rear now?

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Over on the north side, both the Crockett and the Nobori-Nin had fired as reactions, so couldn't shoot their guns until the next activation. {{This is incorrect, see later...}}

The Crockett could change speed to halt, and then kick the Nobori-Nin, though...

The kick hit the Nobori-Nin's damaged left leg, but didn't penetrate. The clanner returned the favour, denting the Crockett's left leg in return, then jumped 120m (more would have reduced her speed and not really helped) to try and get some sort of cover (and out of potential Highlander Death-from-Above range...)

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The Lancelot turned its attention back to the Peregrine (still suppressed). Only firing the PPC and one large laser this time, to reduce the blaring heat warnings, on the latter hit on the Peregrine’s centre torso.

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His second action was to walk up and kick one of the jump jets off the Peregrine’s left leg for good measure.

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For her part, the Horned Owl had a choice of trying remove her suppression and shooting or kicking the Lancelot (neither of which did her survival much good) or of double-jumping away to clear her head (and maybe be able to jump-backstab next bound).

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The Viking turned his attention to the Timber Wolf. A shower of 41 missiles destroyed the left arm and came perilously close to destroying the Mad Cat outright.

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The Flashman, at a toasty 11 heat, slowed to a walk and slowly walked to the Mad Cat, opting only to fire with the medium lasers and the flamer, which dropped him back to completely cool.

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That did it, the laser ripped through the left torso and the Mad Cat collapsed and wouldn't be getting back up again THIS time.

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Anne attempted to handshake to the Highlander, but it took her two goes, so she was unable to slow down, though she didn’t have to run very far.

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The Highlander ran, then walked, down towards the Burrock.

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The Ghost slowed to a walk, and got just close enough to the Burrock to lock on to it with its sensors.

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This allowed the Highlander to take its own action to walk around the corner and fire as a reaction.

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Only thee medium laser hits, not enough. Orion, screaming something about how he was going to die gloriously, hit the big red button and all HIS weapons hit. It tore the armour off the Highlander’s left arm, and the impact knocked it down, damaging the hand actuator in the process.

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The Highlander tried to stand, and fell back down, further damaging its armour.

The Falcon Hawk moved to engage as well and fired everything but his small pulse laser.

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The attack missed the right arm entirely (sadly), but melted a lot of armour from the centre torso. But no it was Orion's turn to fall over, landing hard on the centre torso and further degrading the armour.

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DPD attempted to handshake to the Black Knight, but spluttered on his tea. Rather than try again, he opted to break into a stiff trot and fire at the Baboon as a reaction when it came into sight.

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Showing why he was a better commander than a MechWarrior, he managed to jam is Ultra Autocannon. But the Baboon was so damaged, it merely took one of the Streak SRMs hitting the centre torso to make the debris fly out the other side.

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The Hunchback IIC had not actually activated...

{{I simply forgot!}}

...and now removed her suppression. Opting for on last do or die, as she couldn't reach the King Crab, she jumped behind the Flashman and fired as a reaction and did a full alpha strike.

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FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER in twenty-five years, the Hunchback IIC did NOT jump behind something and immediately jam both autocannons, instead landing all her weapons, and with a penetrating lucky shot, destroyed the Flashman's gyro.

{{Oh, so CLOSE to no losses, ComStar! But as mech kills go, that's probably the least bad. The engine was damaged (she rolled one crit on the LT and 3 on the CT!)}}

Clan Asbestos Gannet claimed its first kill!

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The bad news being the King Crab was just going to walk up behind her.

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Only one AC/20 hit, though, and though it sheared off the right torso, and damaged the gyro, the Hunchback IIC still stood, albeit missing left arm now.

That concluded the bound.

Bound Four

The Clan's options were rapidly running out. It was Orion or the Hunchback IIC to go.

{{It now occurs I was wrong last round about the Flashman and Nobori-Nin not being able to shoot, that was me getting confused; though it wouldn't have changed things for the better for the Clans.}}

As Orion might fall over and if he got taken out, then the Hunchback IIC wouldn't be going anyway, she went and attempted the same trick again, only this time with her last reload for her remaining AC.

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Not this time, thought she made the jump, the ACs missed, and the laser only annoyed the King Crab. Her last (possible very last!) action was to jump away.

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The Falcon Hawk intended to put the boot n literally; he walked up and shot the Burrock with everything. All the weapons hit, destroyed the Ultra AC/20 and damaging both engine and gyro.

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For his second action, he kicked Orion (he very nearly missed, but a 2 was enough...) That smashed a double heat sink and further damaged the engine. The he scuttled back out of the way.

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Orion's turn. He could stand up, which he did.

{{Now, here's the thing with my rules. Heat is accrued when it is generated, but the effects - that is minus heat sinks - only are applied at the END of a unit's activation. Orion react-alpha-striked and hasn't had an activation yet. So he could, in theory, now move and shoot with all of his guns left (because it's the start of his activation) and THEN and only then would the heat be applied. At this point, including heat sinks though, he's finishing at heat 28. Six heavy medium lasers... Would cause and ammo explosion and kill the mech, but anyway, he'd be getting the heat from his HMLs basically TWICE at once. But he CAN do it. }}

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With a last howl, Orion staggered up and fired his over-heating heavy lasers. Four of them hit, blowing off the Highlander's left arm. Then the heat detonated the Burrock's AC ammunition (at a staggering 56 heat after sinks) and Orion's mech collapsed.

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This of course put a suppression on the survivors (and effectively rendering the Peregrine combat ineffective for the bound, since she now had two to remove).

Anne stopped, finally, and ordered the Crockett forwards. He fired, then kicked. Despite a lot of armour stripping, the Huntsman remained standing.

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Could take his suppression off and squeeze out a last alpha strike?

No, no he could not. It took two tries to get the suppression off, which meant he could react-fire when the Crocket shot him... But the Crockett was going to kick him first, then back off and shoot again.

And no, the Nobori-Nin had its leg kicked off, so it was not making any reaction fire from the floor, though it was still not dead...

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The still-hot King Crab slowly lumbered over to the Hunchback IIC...

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Only one AC hit, and the Hunchback IIC remained standing. This left it to the Black Knight to finished the job.

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And that essentially ended it. The Nobori-nin could surrender or just be pummelled by the Lancelot and the Crockett (and maybe he Crockett again if DPD handshaked Anne and she to the Crockett); the Peregrine had a choice od a) fight 11 to one odds and die, b) run off and be forever labelled as a coward or c) surrender and become bondsman.

The two remaining clanners surrendered at last.

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The victorious ComGuards

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What Have We Learned

Well, that was almost a massacre, wasn't it? And by the time the clans actually did damage it was too late. (Really, passed the game-over point for anyone not fanatical...)

That was a real test of command; unlike the previous big game, the clans had exactly the same amount of commanders. But the choice of WHAT unit commander use makes a lot of difference.

Putting Makara in the Hellbringer was a big mistake. The smart move would have been do like ComStar and have the commanders in light mechs, if they aren't going to do much fighting, but I was having difficulty seeing a Clan commander in a Baboon. I haven't used a Loki before; and unlike the HMP Pro sheets I used up until today, the MegaMek sheets don't tell you total armour factor, so I didn't realise how glass cannon the Loki was until I started marking off damage.

Meanwhile, the ComGuard's light command mech actually did their jobs - though the Mongoose also demonstrates the dangers of that strategy. DPD was safe, meanwhile, because Makara' lance had nothing to get through to threaten him. Which I think gave ComStar the slight multiplier they needed (especially with all the bonus to handshake rolls from the quirks).

Maybe by the next time, the kickstarter stuff will have arrived and I might have some command vehicles (or at least one and maybe I'll kludge another from something...) And that will at least make the CnC not-a-mech...

A few too many invasion standard, overly-hot clan machines, too, some of the overheat is staggering. And while, for example, Orion's last action a bit of a corner case, I don't think it's abusive, since it literally did cost the mech.

Apart from a couple of minor clarifications, this time around I didn't see any obvious flaws, but then again, as I'm playing so infrequently... Hell, it might be November 2025 before I get to play again after this week.

Will I do a smaller four-on-four like last year? I honestly don't know. This took a huge amount of effort (several hours more than it *should* have done, and I don't have much time left and I will need to clear the table for next Thursday (that'll take a good chunk of tomorrow, I suspect, even to cut down to a smaller board and whatnot when I start to pack up.)

Still that's it for this one, at least. I hope you have at least been entertained, by the pictures if nothing else.