Author Topic: Learning 3ds Max 2012 - Recomendations for 'Mech Modeling techniques and tricks.  (Read 2442 times)


  • Corporal
  • *
  • Posts: 83
Hello World,

I'm relearning 3D model making and again my choice of practicing is creating 3D models of my favorite Battletech mechs and vehicles.
Does anybody have any recommendations on sites or tutorials where I can pick up tips and techniques concerning the Batteltech Model hobby?

Thanks in advance

- PS - MOds, If this is posted in the wrong area, please feel free to move it.
"Where ever you go...there you are." -Dr. B.Banzai

Forever a loyal son of Davion.
Long live the Fox!
Davion will rise again


  • Corporal
  • *
  • Posts: 81
Belnder is free, open source modeling, texturing, and animating software. It even has a game engine, so you can enjoy piloting your creations (with a little more practice).
You can download Blender here:
And they have a quite a good forum here:

There are a few trolls on the forum sadly, but mostly the regulars are OK and there are one or two really helpful people there.
However, the help forums are great, and there are a few dedicated helpers who always try to answer your questions (if it hasn't been asked before). You can search the site to find answers to common frequently asked questions, so you may get no response if you post a request for help without searching first.


  • Major
  • *
  • Posts: 4528
I know it sounds silly but if you brows for trains model tutiorials you will find heap load of tutorials since 3rd is exclusive program of choice for modeling
you sure cannot out run death...but sure as hell you can make that bastard work for it!

