Author Topic: A Proper Gentleman...  (Read 10687 times)


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #30 on: 27 February 2021, 16:35:38 »
More please!
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #31 on: 28 February 2021, 01:27:57 »
Hogarth Estate tunnel network, Gallery, 2 January 3089...

"...must speak with him, Thomas, He quit Sanglamore!!"  Iris Rebecca Vincent Odegard Hogarth was irate, "My Son quit school and ran away!!"

"DO shut up, Iris, your hysterics are tiresome."  Her husband, Reinhardt Klaus Hogarth, rolled his eyes dismissively, "The boy will turn up, and when he does-"

"What do you mean 'turn up'?" Thomas asked his brother, while his sister-in-law glared at her husband.  "Surely he's tried to return home, hasn't he?"

Reinhardt snorted, smoothed his dressing-gown and poured another scotch.  "No. He hasn't.  The last word was from the Dean of Students at Sanglamore, Simon abruptly submitted his resignation from the Academy with no explanations beyond a rather nasty denunciation of Professor MacAllum and a few members of staff, turned in his uniforms, put on civilian clothes, and walked out the gate."

"And credit-tracking?"

"If he's spending money, it's not from his trust fund." Reinhardt noted.

" don't even know where he is?"  Thomas asked quietly.

"No...and frankly, I could care less so long as he doesn't embarrass the family with another scandal on top of what he's already done."

"And his welfare?" Thomas asked his brother carefully.

"I'll leave that to the man most likely to actually be his father." Reinhardt snapped, glaring at his wife, and then, at his brother, "If you care, do as you will, as for me, I've a meeting this afternoon and I don't care for this...spectacle."

Thomas harrumphed and turned to his sister in law.  "Iris, do you know where he is?"

"No, and I'm worried-Doctor Sayles said that I'm supposed to make amends to my son for my own health and recovery, and he's nowhere to be found!!"

Thomas sighed, "Iris, I will deal with this, Okay?  I'll find out where he is, and I'll speak with him."

"Please!" she smiled and for a moment, was as pretty as she'd been in his eyes twenty three years ago.

"Show him out, Iris." Reinhardt said, "This saccharine display is sickening."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #32 on: 28 February 2021, 06:06:35 »
Cometary Halo, Furillo system, March, 3089...

Simon rechecked the rig, and signaled up to Danielle.  "It's ready!"

"I'll see about that." the Folk-born Bosun slid off the pogostick, and took a look.  "Ayeh...that's good...yeah, it's ready.  Bag's got the right amount of slack."

the refueling rig was a field-deployable refinery consisting of a huge carbonan 'baggie', a series of heating elements, and a processor.

First phase, the heaters would warm the surface of the small chunk of comet, creating a gas environment, which would compress, pushing the newly liberated gases through membranes into collection units, straining useful gases and compounds and concentrating and condensing the product to purify the water, any oxygen, or useful elemental gases.

"Use all the carcass." she explained, "We can sell what we don't need to use ourselves.  Halons, Krypton, carbon dioxide can be broken down in the processing and we'll condense the carbons for resale, along with the O2 for use or resale, if we're lucky, we'll get some other nice gases, and of course, the water-ice we're looking for."

He'd already begun to separate some terms.  'pollutants' aren't the same thing in space, among the Folk, a 'pollutant' was an impurity in something that makes it useless...until it's separated out.  On a planet, it's anything dumped into the biosphere.

everything can be, and will be, used out here because there's so much space between anything.

"How long are we doing this?" he asked.

"Until we're finished." she told him, "Patience!  remember, we're between contracts now, this is maintainence and harvesting time, we'll look at the assays on what we get here, what we can use to top off our own tanks, and what we can sell at the next few markets."

"Right..patience."  He sighed, "I need to be more patient."

"Yes, you do.  You dirtyfeet, always in a hurry you are, rushing here, rushing there, 'now-now-now' with everything.  I ponder it must be because you're trapped at the bottom of the well for so long, so used to being able to waste everything you have..."

"You're not wrong." he frowned, watching the displays as packets and catch-pockets filled with compounds and gases.

"You haven't asked to contact your family." she sidled up to him in the float, and hooked to his harness, "Why is that?"

"I don't want to deal with them." he said, "Not right now, anyway.  My Father...well, he makes me wonder if I'm the service tech's kid, and my mother spends her days in narcotic fogs when she's not being a moralist harridan."

"IS there anyone you might care for?" she teased.

He frowned.  "I guess my Uncle's alright." he finally said, "At least, he treats me alright even if-why are we talking about my family? there's work here!"

she laughed briefly.  "what did you see in the Jump, Simon Hogarth?"

He scowled, "Isn't that private? I seem to recall you told me that stuff was private."

she was quiet.  "I suppose I did." her tone was disappointed.

"He's not my father, you know." Simon said quietly.

"The technician?"

"No, Uncle Thomas." he said quietly, "Not my father,  My father isn't even my father.  My uncle Thomas was the sperm donor, but a father to no-one him...that's what I saw in the dreams.  I've known for years he and my mother were lovers.  but he's never been a father to me-just an itinerant visitor who clapped me on the back, 'Simon, My boy! You'll be a Fiiine 'mechwarrior! he'd say it, then he'd tell me bullshit stories about his war record that even a basic search on a public server shows are false.  He wasn't the man who raised me anymore than my mother did."

"Who did?" she asked.

"The Butler.  Jarrod, I decided not to do what's 'expected' of me, because he did just that his whole life, and still got fired after I left for school.  My 'father' decided he was too expensive to keep on with his failing health.  he died and I got the news the day before I told the Dean of Students what he could do with his precious academy."

"I'm...sorry?" she placed a hand on his arm.

"I wish Jarrod had been my father.  I'd rather be a butler's son, than...a Hogarth."  Simon almost spat the word.  he looked over at her, "So no, I won't be placing calls or writing letters. I'm done with them."

"Don't you have a sister?" she asked

"Technically, yes...she's...we're better off apart. she wants to be part of that world, and I can't articulate how much I despise it."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #33 on: 28 February 2021, 07:37:42 »
The Nagelring, March 18, 3089...

"...distinguished alumni such as yourself, General."  Mikel Stafford's obsequious tone didn't grate Thomas's nerves, even though he knew it was entirely feigned.  He'd made General, that part's true, and still had a lot of contacts in the Bureaucracy.

But among the tactical officers-the ones who weren't dunderheads, he was despised and he knew it.

Not that he'd ever let on he wasn't fooled by false sycophants.

"Well, it's good to visit the old stomping grounds, don'tchew know." Thomas said, as they approached the Mariel Zwimmer dormitory.  "Especially to visit family."

"Shall I show you the way?"

"I think I know the path." Tom said it in a tone that clearly meant 'go find someone else to fawn over'.

Mikel got the notice, and so Thomas walked up the path to the star-league era barracks, climbed the ferrocrete and marble stair, and entered through the front door.

The Duty cadet in the dayroom looked up, "SIR! do you have a Pass?"

Thomas made a show of searching for it, before producing the laminated card with its RFID chip, and a holo of himself below 'Official visitor' and 'VIP' with a little icon displaying the rank he'd been retired at.

"Oh, General...what's your business?"

"I'm here to see my Niece Cynthia on a matter of some importance.  Is she in?" he stated.

the Cadet at the desk scanned a log..."Yes.  room 214A, Second floor-"

"I know the layout, Cadet.  Thank you."  He casually returned the Cadet's salute, and headed up to his Niece's dorm room.

He knocked twice, and heard stumbling and voices on the other side, but couldn't make out the words yet.

The door opened.

Cynthia Hogarth had refused to hyphenate her name, a small rebellion against her mother's modern sensibilities and her...well, her mother's husband's neglectful social climbing.

She wasn't a raging beauty, but money can fix many things.  "Uncle THOMAS!!" she squealed, grabbing him in a hug.  "It's so GOOD to SEE YOU!!"

her affections weren't feigned, poor girl.  "Good to see you too droplet...may I come in?"

"Just a second, Uncle." She turned, "Magritte! put something on!! You too Lukas!! We have a distinguished visitor!"

the smell reminded him of his own academy days-furtive assignations in dorm rooms between formations and classes.  When you get a large number of healthy teens and early twenties forced to live cheek-by-jowl in a coeducational dormitory, there are some things no amount of rules making can prevent.

At least they're not smoking cannabis. He sighed.

"come in!"  she urged him.

So he stepped in.  Her roommates were dressed, at least.  The rumpled state of one of the beds and the fact that Cadet Lt. Lukas Petter was still trying to force his foot into his boot...

"Relax." Thomas said, "Cynthia, if I may have a word on the patio?"

"OF course, Uncle."  She told him.


They'd exchanged the usual pleasantries, she'd told him about some of her classes and he'd listened sympathetically as she described a personal feud  with some girl named Von Trunt.

Then he got down to business.

"Your brother has been missing since December." he told her, "He quit Sanglamore, walked out the gate, and vanished."

Cynthia didn't even batt an eye.  "Sounds like Simon." She said, "I knew he dropped out..."

"He hasn't shown up-not in the Mercenary trade, not on the credit reports.  has he tried to contact you?"

She shook her head.

"Your mother is worried sick." he told her, "I suppose your father is at least concerned."

"Uncle Thomas..." she snorted a laugh, "IF I were looking for where Simon might go, I would not look at Galatea or the Mercenary trades..."

"Where would you look?"

"Pandora, or Kowloon." she asserted, "Since he hasn't shown up at Pandora or you'd be able to find him, I would cautiously suggest looking toward Kowloon, or sorting the various tramp traffic."

"How would that be, and why there?" he asked.

"Simon wants...wanted? he has no interest in being a 'mechwarrior." Cynthia told him, "Scandalous, isn't it? he's too damned big to be a fighter pilot, but he's wanted to be in the Navy since he was a little boy.  He used to draw pictures of spaceships..."

"Pandora, or Kowloon then." Thomas drew in a sharp breath through his nose.  "You're sure?"

"It's humiliating, but yes, If I wanted to find Simon, I would look for where they train Naval officers, and where they might let a recruit change his name to hide his Probably Kowloon-he'll be trying to join their 'Coast Guard' as a back-door into the Navy."

He studied her,  "You're not upset he's missing." he realized aloud.

"Simon hates our family, Uncle Thomas.  He despises mother and father, and we do not get along, and he doesn't write, or call me. when you find him, you give him the what-for!" her eyes burned with a mix of rage and concern.

"I' that. thank you." it hurt, this whole thing was even worse than he'd assumed.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #34 on: 28 February 2021, 12:06:43 »
This is interesting.

The one thing an effective Social General does know is how to be an effective bureaucrat. Not the greatest skill, but appropriately employed, a very dangerous one.

And considering the official version of this Social General is believed to have been skilled at getting people to think he's less competent than he seems, this is very interesting.
M. T. Thompson
Don of the Starslayer Mafia
Member of the AFFS High Command


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #35 on: 28 February 2021, 12:32:05 »
Its always more interesting when characters break loose of the 2nd dimension.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #36 on: 28 February 2021, 22:17:31 »
From Simon Hogarth's journal, March 30, 3089...

Rendezvous in an empty system.  We're trading some of our surplus from the refueling operation over Furillo to another free trader who's got a customer near Sudeten space.

This gave me the opportunity to practice docking rigging.  The work's getting easier, and I'm learning more of the dialects out here, like Freideutsch, Belta-Lang, and Rokkajakkah.

The ship we're linking with is from the Kreuzie line, a loose affiliation of free traders working along the former Clan border out to the edge of Rasalhague space, so there's some swedenese as well.

The trade materials are sludge from the sewer reclamation,  water, and gases, especially stuff that's not common planetside, since most of their clients are Clanner Merchant Caste.

That's all just the icing.  The real trade among Spacers comes from the personal contact and some exchanges of DNA.  That's right, you read me correctly.  as they say in the marketing classes, 'sex sells' and everyone aboard is expected to contribute, if the price is right.

what are we getting? aside from lots of practice looking over medical files and negotiating for zero gee sex, we're getting pharmacueticals and data to be sold to contacts inside the Commonwealth.

I suppose my parents would be pleased to know, I'm worth 200 liters of an anti-agappant drug plus the formulation for an antiviral...or at least, that's what a sample of my reproductive cells are worth, plus an evening with a nice young lady who's never seen the surface of a planet in her life, except through a telescope.

We made the exchange in sickbay.  I realized that I just can't...stand the thought of...that.  She was relieved as well.  Nice as she is, we just didn't click, so into the test tube and their doctors will sift the best ones to try for a pregnancy.

or trade it to another ship, but it's at least got some...dignity?  better than just 'doing it the old fashioned way' and then never seeing each other again.

Still, I did make an effort to make the experience less clinical, in my own oafish way.  I got her to laugh a few times, at least.  Danielle softened the blow to my ego a bit.

The 'meet' went well otherwise.   a bit of a mix of trade, negotiation, and a small party.  Opportunities for other business were exchanged, news of cargoes looking for carriers and markets looking for specific goods-all off the HPG networks, what Uncle Thomas would no doubt call 'gray market' dealings.

After the meetup, Danielle explained some things to me I haven't been aware of despite the obvious signs.  The Folk have tended to avoid the notice of Comstar in the past, and still keep a lot of their lifestyle and culture away from the established powers. It is a habit begun with the Amaris Coup, extended through the Succession Wars, and into the present by tradition and precedent, but below that, they'd been avoiding 'official notice' even in the days of the Terran Alliance, before the Star League.

"...we used to recruit from planetary poplations a lot." she explained, as we finished stowing the docking gear and preparing for the next jump.  "The stories planetside, were that spacers would 'kidnap' civilians, especially children, this persisted in the former Rim Worlds and some of the other nations."  she clarified.


"Yeah, really.  That's why I made the joke about 'traditional recruitment'." she asserted.  "Genes are a funny thing, we have to keep a viable population without being trapped to a homeworld, and diversity is always a key survival trait.  I'm sure some of the Lines and Families did kidnap unwary Dirtyfeet, or 'impress' them in ports-but only some, and not the successful ones."

"But why?"

"because for all their insistence on being national powers?" She shrugged, "Dirtyfeet need us to be out here, to be out here in strength.  No interstellar nation can survive without interstellar trade.  Goods must be moved, and if a monopoly occurs, they won' least, not well enough for the markets to remain viable.  That's the first reason, the second is we provide a blow-off valve and a safe haven for dissidents.  They, in turn, provide us with genetic diversity and a broader talent pool."

"Like I was."

"Yes." she smiles at me, "You were so cute stammering about 'propriety' and being embarrassed at Sov Kiersov's offer, it was adorabs, especially how red you turned!"

"I..admit I'm not 'with it' when it comes to such things." I glance away.

"It's adorabs, Simon.  You're a nice man-you may even be a good man, and those are shockingly rare, even among us."

"Tell me the truth, was she offended that I...was reluctant to sleep with her?" I ask.

"Impressed, more like-especially since she could see you're not gay." Dani giggled, "I'd keep you if I wasn't already pledged, Simon. some lucky girl in the Well is going to have a fantastic husband off you."

"Why would I be going back to that?" I turn it on her, "Why wouldn't I stay?"

"It's not in you." she asserted, "You're one of us, but you're also one of them-and you'll go back, once you really learn who you are for yourself.  Some remain forever in the black and some re-enter with clearer eyes.  You're going to be the second sort."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #37 on: 04 March 2021, 12:04:43 »
Seginus system, April 5, 3088...

It took some doing, and a few visits with some friends from the old days, but Thomas had a name now.

Mary Ambree.

The MS Mary Ambree,   The Boy had run off on a Ship of the Folk.

Thomas had been a good student as a young man, and he'd studied a wide variety of folklore once-space stories and campfire tales, most of it, but whether it's Cappie, Leaguer, Drac, Feddie, or good Lyran stories, there's a common thread in the oral history of the Inner Sphere.

The Folk were landless spacers, beholden to no nation but their own loose affiliation, and in the olden days of yore, before the Age of War, even, they were a place people who wanted to be lost went.

He'd discounted much of that-after all, even before spaceflight there were ethnic groups that had a reputation as gypsies, stealing away with youths and children into the night, never to be seen again.

"And you say they were taking the cargo where?" he asked.

"Furillo, sir, it's been over a month..."

"Well, it's one more step.  Thanks for the help Irving."  Thomas kept his expression friendly, "perhaps we can do further business when this is over."

"I'd like that, Sir Thomas." Irving said, "You always treated us back-benchers with decent respect."

They clasped hands and Thomas stepped out of the fish-smelling food packing plant, into the grim, cloudy outdoors of Seginus.

So they went to Furillo, and now I need to find out whose cargo they took on, and where it's going...

Thomas caught a speed ferry to the mainland and then a cab to the spaceport.

It was time to think of how to approach the boy.

does he know?  Thomas Hogarth felt fairly certain he did.  it wasn't a hard stretch, after all, it was an open secret that Reinhardt and Iris were married for commercial and business reasons, there was no love there, and precious little realistic opportunity for Reinhardt to father a son the natural way. 

It just wasn't in Reinhardt's nature, and never had been, though the family had been very efficient at covering for the Baron's assignations even when he was the heir.  Thomas had done his part, but that was more out of a loyalty to an older brother.  Reinhardt, in turn, had turned a blind eye to Thomas and Iris having their games and fun. 

well, 'fun' was how Reinhardt had put it in one of their few angry arguments.  Thomas had, at least, guaranteed the bloodline would continue-twice, one with the ability to carry the family name, even.

He'd done his duty to their family with his brother's blessing, but always with a demand for discretion.

this clouded his mood some.  He didn't know what he would say to the boy, when he found him, only that finding him was an urge, and not merely because Iris was distraught and the inheritance was put at risk if something happened to Simon...

well, something HAS happened. he ran off with The Folk.

Thomas stared vacantly out the window on the way to the spaceport, his mind working through scenarios, how to explain to Simon what his duty was, the weight of it, the requirement that a Hogarth of Gallery be able to inherit the holdings...that running away wasn't an option with good outcomes.

and below the thoughts of filial duty and salic law, the real morass stirred-the damage Simon was doing to an already damaged family with this.

is it my fault? Thomas brooded as he left the cab, and checked onto a commercial flight to the jump point.  Maybe I should have told him, talked to him as a father should...

as his father should have.

he silently cursed Reinhardt for a fool.  "The boy will have to see reason." Thomas muttered.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #38 on: 04 March 2021, 12:17:18 »
MS Mary Ambree, 2 jumps out from Coventry...

The nausea of the jump was dissipating and Simon had kept his breakfast down this time.  "Secure from jump, Captain."  He announced, "We have arrived at the target system."

"Good job Nav, you've rechecked your observations?" Captain Beth Zimmer was at his shoulder, as he brought up the telescope views outside the hull.

"working that now mum." he answered, laying the open chart and comparing three dimensional images.  "We're in the right system."  he finally said.

"Three Jumps, three landings stuck. You're turning out to be a good navigator-apprentice." she praised, "It's your shift on Galley tonight."

"Aye mum." he said, "I promise, nobody will get food poisoning."

"See that they don't, or I'll have you scrubbing the cyclers for the next thirty shift-days.  See anything?"

"Planet, looks like we're about ninety seven hours from it, spectrum looks blue."

"Shore Leave." she said, "Also a chance to dip your toe in a little exploration-the planet's a deadworld, has been since the First War, but with enough prep you can survey it and see if the background count's dropped enough-there used to be cities and factories in the system, and we're going to spend the next week doing a little treasure hunting if it's not too dangerous."

"'s blue..." he stopped himself.

"Yeah.  They used nukes, for a long time it only reflected white, if the cloud cover's dropped enough, the fallout might have degraded some." she clapped his shoulder, "And you've got strong bones, so it should be fun."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #39 on: 04 March 2021, 13:07:13 »
Well, I guess going spelunking on a radiological hazard world never was in his imagination for this chapter in his life. :D


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #40 on: 04 March 2021, 14:39:19 »
Well, I guess going spelunking on a radiological hazard world never was in his imagination for this chapter in his life. :D

And Thomas is going to wish he had something as easy and safe to deal with when he finally sees Simon again.

Thomas stared vacantly out the window on the way to the spaceport, his mind working through scenarios, how to explain to Simon what his duty was, the weight of it, the requirement that a Hogarth of Gallery be able to inherit the holdings...that running away wasn't an option with good outcomes.

and below the thoughts of filial duty and salic law, the real morass stirred-the damage Simon was doing to an already damaged family with this.
Right now Simon doesn't care about any of this, and is beginning to ask himself if he ever did.  Some people sure, Jarrod the Butler.  Who is now dead.

Lots of assumptions of what Simon would do, with little done to make sure he cared about it.  Even for as venial a reason as a source of finical support and social standing.


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #41 on: 04 March 2021, 14:53:04 »
I can see it now. Thomas comfronts his nephew and says "No, I AM YOUR FATHER!"  Simon goes "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....don't care. Bye"
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
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JA Baker

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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #42 on: 04 March 2021, 15:56:20 »
I can see it now. Thomas comfronts his nephew and says "No, I AM YOUR FATHER!"  Simon goes "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....don't care. Bye"
Followed by "You need to continue the family line!"
"Yeah, about'd be surprised what you can get in trade for a few minutes with a dirty mag and a beaker..."
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #43 on: 04 March 2021, 17:04:44 »
Thomas stared vacantly out the window on the way to the spaceport, his mind working through scenarios, how to explain to Simon what his duty was, the weight of it, the requirement that a Hogarth of Gallery be able to inherit the holdings...that running away wasn't an option with good outcomes.
i wonder.. when he finds out that Simon actually ran off to join the navy.. will that be considered better or worse in his mind?

as a navy officer i'm sure he still would qualify to inherit (after all, that requires you perform your term of service.. but the nature of that service does not seem to matter. look at Archon Melissa Steiner.. who got trained as infantry.)


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #44 on: 04 March 2021, 18:52:47 »
I'm pretty sure Simon will still be able to inherit, legally at least...


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #45 on: 04 March 2021, 22:16:48 »
I'm pretty sure Simon will still be able to inherit, legally at least...

Given the near "Foreign Legion" long term service signing up for the KCGM is?  Not like he'll be free to actually go back and run the place.

And speaking of inheritance, what are the laws for any kids that come from the sperm he traded away at the Folk meet?
« Last Edit: 05 March 2021, 00:12:10 by Nikas_Zekeval »


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #46 on: 04 March 2021, 22:29:38 »
unless and until he produces an offical heir, i'd say they're probably in the running.. but the odds of it actually mattering are slim given the Folk don't interact enough with the rest of society for anyone to look into the genetics, and even of they did, his kids in the Folk wouldn't be interested.

idea weenie

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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #47 on: 05 March 2021, 05:05:08 »
And Thomas is going to wish he had something as easy and safe to deal with when he finally sees Simon again.

Because:Right now Simon doesn't care about any of this, and is beginning to ask himself if he ever did.  Some people sure, Jarrod the Butler.  Who is now dead.

Or something like this:

Thomas: "Your family needs you to come back, to repair the damage we have done to ourselves"

Simon: "Why can't you fix the damage yourselves?  You broke it, you fix it.  If I ever come back, I will fix it using whatever methods I think are appropriate"

(Basically, be careful what you ask for as you might get it)


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #48 on: 17 March 2021, 17:00:10 »
When the Guild types tell you to stay inside the hull, you STAY INSIDE THE HULL!
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #49 on: 15 March 2024, 16:11:15 »
As a fat (former) kid who dreamed of going to space, I would freaking go bananas for more of this.  Simon's story touched on my soul


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #50 on: 15 March 2024, 16:46:45 »
Cannonshop is one of the best at CHARACTER... you might want to check out some of his other works... :)


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #51 on: 15 March 2024, 20:00:39 »
wow...someone dug up this classic...sigh.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #52 on: 15 March 2024, 21:18:27 »
wow...someone dug up this classic...sigh.
surprised the heck out of me to see the notification of a new post.

hard to be annoyed for the necro, given the person who did it is brand new to the forums, and meant well.
« Last Edit: 15 March 2024, 21:20:17 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #53 on: 15 March 2024, 22:14:36 »
Damn, I didn't even look at the dates, I thought this was new.


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #54 on: 16 March 2024, 00:54:13 »
wow...someone dug up this classic...sigh.

*whips* Back to work (on your next story!)
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #55 on: 16 March 2024, 19:56:14 »
Whoops sorry, I'm VERY new to the forum buuuuuut I've read through every single story that Cannonshop has posted on here.  I'm known as a whale reader in some reading communities and I cut my first million words on fanfic back in 2004.  I just had to ooze some praise out because holy crap I loved this story.


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #56 on: 16 March 2024, 19:57:36 »
Glad to hear it!  Welcome to the board, and I hope to see more feedback from you going forward! :)


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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #57 on: 18 March 2024, 13:38:04 »
A story that needs a ending, proper one.  (sigh) one of many.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: A Proper Gentleman...
« Reply #58 on: 20 March 2024, 11:33:23 »
So.....with permission (and forgiveness)  I have written two last entries into the story.

I'm not cannonshop, I don't have his writing chops at all.   He said it was okay. 

So here link to the story on the wiki, entries Chapter 14 & 15 are new.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki