Author Topic: Kiiro no tori  (Read 152269 times)


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #210 on: 31 October 2012, 09:36:01 »
Well, just to satiate a few enquiring minds, a snippet:

General Sortek's suggestion that he turn his attention to planning the military offensive the First Prince had “requested” freed Ridzik to concentrate on what he did best,. While he did that, General Sortek and a small clique of Tikonov functionaries tried to run the new state as best they could.
In a gesture of goodwill, the Federated Suns repatriated many units that had surrendered or been captured during Operation SPIKE. Many of them returned to the Republic and willingly joined the Tikonov Armed Forces. Several units decided not to join, and made their way back to Liao space as best they could. On New Canton, the remaining units of the Protectorate Guard fought their way to the space port and captured several dropships, then retreated across occupied space to Second Try. What remained were enough units to form seven battlemech regiments, whose ranks were quickly filled with graduating cadets from the Republics mechwarrior academies. While not the most experienced formations, they were augmented by 24 Armored regiments and almost 50 Infantry Regiments.

And the Tikonov Armed Forces Mech Units:
UNIT / SKILL / Location / SPIKE Wave 1 and 2 Results / Formation Location

1st Ariana Fusiliers Veteran Algol 2 Batt's destroyed, 3rd Retreat to Slocum, then to Nanking, loses 1 more company on Tigress, Operation RIPOSTE, retreats to Alderberan Alderberan 7
2nd Ariana Fusiliers (1 Batt) Regular Poznan Moved to Tikonov/caught enroute, captured at Tikonov. Repatriated to Alderberan Alderberan
2nd Ariana Fusiliers (2 Batts) Regular Tikonov 2 Coys survive, retreat to Alderberan Alderberan
Macgregor's Armored Scout (2nd Batt) Regular Alrescha Retreats to Arboris, loses 1 company on Ankaa, Operation RIPOSTE, retreats to Alderberan Alderberan
Forms the 7th Republican

2nd Chesterton Voltiguers Regular Tikonov 2 batt's destroyed, 3rd Retreat to Slocum, then to Elgin Elgin
4th Confed. Reserve Cavalry (2nd Batt) Green Elgin Elgin
4th Confed. Reserve Cavalry (3rd Batt) Green Styk 1 coy destroyed, remaining surrender, repatriated to Elgin Elgin
Hamilton Highlanders 1st Batt Elite Tikonov 2 Coys destroyed, remaining surrender, repatriated to Elgin Elgin
Hamilton Highlanders 2nd Batt Veteran Alrescha Retreat to Elgin Elgin
Forms the 1st Republican (4 Battalions)

Lothar Fusliers (1st Batt) Regular Epsilon Eridani Epsilon Eridani
Lothar Fusliers (2nd Batt) Regular Sirius To Epsilon Eridani Epsilon Eridani
Lothar Fusliers (3rd Batt) Regular Tybalt 1 coy. Destroyed, remaining surrender, repatriated to Epsilon Eridani Epsilon Eridani
Forms the 2nd Republican


Kerr's Intruders (1st Batt) Regular Ronel 1 coy destroyed, 1 coy surrender, 1 coy retreat to Achenar, then to Arboris, Repatriated to Epsilon Eridani Epsilon Eridani 4th Republican
McCrimmons Light Cavalry (3rd Batt) Regular Pleione 2 coys destroyed, 1 retreat to Gan Singh. Sent to Epsilon Eridani Epsilon Eridani
Vincent's Commandos Regular Liao 1 Batt Destroyed,remaining surrendered, repatriated to Epsilon Eridani Epsilon Eridani
4th Confed. Reserve Cavalry (1st Batt) Regular New Canton To Epsilon Eridani Epsilon Eridani
Forms the 4th Republican

3rd Confed. Reserve Cavalry (1st Batt) Regular Sirius To Hsien Hsien 3rd Republican
3rd Confed. Reserve Cavalry (2nd Batt) Regular Hsien Hsien
3rd Confed. Reserve Cavalry (3rd Batt) Green Fletcher 1 coy. Destroyed, remaining surrender, repatriated to Hsien Hsien
Forms the 3rd Republican

Trimaldi Secutors 1st Batt Regular Zurich To New Cantpn New Canton 5th Republican
Trimaldi Secutors 2nd Batt Regular Bharat 1 coy destroyed, remaining retreat to Arboris, then to New Canton New Canton
Trimaldi Secutors 3rd Batt Regular New Canton New Canton
Forms the 5th Republican

Justine's Grenadiers (1st Batt) Veteran Elgin To Sirius Sirius 6th Republican
Justine's Grenadiers (2nd Batt) Veteran Sirius Sirius
Kerr's Intruders (3rd Batt) Regular Sirius Sirius
Forms the 6th Republican

So, starting locations after all Regiments have been formed:

1st Republican, Regular, Elgin
2nd Republican, Regular, Epsilon Eridani
3rd Republican, Regular, Hsien
4th Republican, Green, Epsiolon Eridani
5th Republican, Regular, New Canton
6th Republican, Veteran, Sirius
7th Republican, Regular, Alderberan

Thanks for reading!

Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #211 on: 10 November 2012, 11:22:20 »
Book 2

Yōhei no shi

   What has become known as “The Lull” started in February and ended in June, but there was still fighting.  Nowhere was this more pronounced than in the Draconis Combine.  However, despite fighting a two front war against the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth, the Combine turned to the “third” front for this portion of the war, inside its own borders.
   The war between the Combine and Wolf's Dragoon's had been personal, until Takshi Kurita issued the now famous“Yohei no shi”, or Death to Mercenaries order.  Beginning with the execution of General Troy of the Blue Star Irregulars on Troy, and continuing with the abandoning of the Lone Star Regiment and St. Cyr Heavy Cavalry was barely on Sevren, the DCMS turned its attention inward during the lull.  Mercenaries had long been held in disregard by the Combine military, a necessary evil that was barely tolerated.  With Takashi's edict, this disdain was was codified into outright conflict, and many mercenary units within the Combines borders found themselves fighting their former paymasters.


   Helmut's Hermits had retreated to Bruben with the 5th Amphigean and the 17th Rasalhauge Regulars.  While the two House units slowly received replacement parts and troops, there was little if anything shipped to the Hermits, whose techs soon resorted to buying parts on the black market and outright stealing from Kuritan depots when the opportunity presented itself.   On the evening of March 23rd Colonel Helmut Aufkopfen received a private communique from an officer in the 5th Amphigean, warning him what was coming.
   When the mechs of the 17th Rasalhague arrived to demand the Hermit's surrender, they were met with a volley of missiles and laser fire.  Not expecting a stand up fight, the 17th Rasalhauge quickly retreated.  The Hermits fought their way to the main spaceport at Guldersun, doing their best to avoid civilian casualties, boarded their dropships, and left Kuritan space for good.


General Hope Vandelay and the remaining two battalions of her Valkyries had retreated to Ueda, and were left to wither on the vine by the DCMS Logistics.  Despite not receiving any orders, General Vandelay was preparing her troops for an upcoming counterattack when the planetary garrison and milita attacked her encampment in the early hours of March 27th.  Although initially surprised by  the attack, the Valkyries soon drive the conventional units off.  Because they did not have enough jumpship support to transport their entire unit, the Valkyries destroyed two companies of mechs before retreating off planet.

An Ting

   McGee's Cutthroats found themselves in a precarious situation at the end of April, 3029.  Moved to An Ting in the wake of the Dragoons leaving, the long time Kuritan Mercenaries found themselves confronted by a hostile populace.  As word of the Coordinators order and the results reached An Ting, the population reacted as violently as they did against the Dragoons, forcing the Cutthroats to retreat behind the walls of their base.  An internal power struggle developed in the unit, as officers loyal to the executive officer, Andrew Simonson, advocated withdrawing from Combine space and seeking service elsewhere.  The Cutthroats commander, Simon McGee, objected, believing that the units long service to the Combine would help them.  Even after the rumors of what happened to the St. Cyr Heavy Assault Group and Lone Star Regiment on Sevren reached An Ting, McGee held out. An ISF commando unit infiltrated the Cutthroats base but were captured by an alert group of sentries, but for soe stubborn reason Colonel McGee still held out hope.  Tthe ISF raid was the proverbial straw that led Simonson to revolt, many of the Cutthroat's company commanders supporting him.  The remainder still supported McGee, and a series of small firefights took place in and around the fort.  The fighting died down quickly after Colonel McGee was killed in an ambush.  Stating that anyone who wanted to remain behind could, Colonel Simonson and the Cutthroats loaded up and boosted off planet to their jumpships.
   As they were boosting out, the 7th Pesht arrived at the nadir jump point.  The Cutthroats left An Ting before the Regulars could do anything, rumor has it the DCMS troops were sent to An Ting to force the mercenaries surrender.


   Eight separate DCMS units had retreated to Moore, where Colonel Theodore Kurita was gathering equipment and supplies.  Also on planet were the Kingston Caballeros, who had retreated there after being pushed off Sabik by Barret's Fusiliers.  Stunned by his fathers decree, Theodore knew it would cause more problems for the Combine than it solved.  Unwilling to have any unnecessary blood on his hands, Colonel Kurita summoned the Caballeros commanding officer to his Headquarters and told Colonel Villagua he was unwilling to enforce his fathers orders to the letter.  Instead, he had the mercenary colonel choose 12 mechs from his unit to keep, “appropriated”  the five remaining companies worth, and then gave Colonel Villagua a credit chit that covered almost 50% of the cost of the mechs he he just lost.  The Caballeros boosted of planet under cover of darkness, and made their way in short order to Galatea, where they began to rebuild with the funds given to them.

Other Actions

   On several planets, smaller mercenary units were surprised by the order, but there was little many of them could do.  Many lacked transport, both dropship and jumpship, to escape their situation.  Some fought as best as they could against what local forces were brought against them, a few managing to escape off whatever planet they were on by stealing what transport they could get a hold of.  As late as September of 3029, the remnants of several small units were arriving into Davion, Steiner or Alliance territory.  Its rumored that several units made their way to the Periphery and have become pirates, raiding their former employer's territory in revenge.

Thanks for reading!

Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #212 on: 10 November 2012, 12:20:17 »
Any more updates?   ;D


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #213 on: 10 November 2012, 19:05:19 »
That order really damaged the DC standing.
A good way to lose a war.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #214 on: 15 November 2012, 16:24:32 »
Any more updates?   ;D

I plan on two updates a month.

That plan, although it briefs well, is written in jello on a hot texas day...


Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #215 on: 15 November 2012, 16:31:26 »
Setting the Trap.
March 20th, 3029

   The report crossed his desk with an urgent notice on it.  Yawning, the analyst opened it and began reading, then paused, inserted the accompanying chip, and read some more.  Documentation, photo's, video.  It certainly explained a few inconsistencies in the Economics report.  Making a quick phone call, he grabbed the report and chip and went to a briefing room, joined a few minutes later by several other analysts from various desks on the Combine floor.
   An hour later, almost all of the analysts were convinced, and those that weren't were very much in the minority.  The original analyst went back to his desk, typed up a new report that included the groups opinions, included a copy of the original report, and sent it up the chain with as many “Read Me NOW!” code words as he could.

   “Well, it certainly explains a lot,” remarked Davis Rterry, Coordinator of the information gathering services division.  “You'd think they'd want to do something like this closer to the Science Institute though?”
   “That's what drove our thinking initially, but then it never occurred to us they would try something like this at an existing facility.”
   “Well, lets be honest, the last time a mech rolled of this particular assembly line was nearly a hundred years ago.  It's been mothballed ever since.  We have a couple of those facilities ourselves you know...”
   “And we trust this source?”
   “His cover is as a merchant.  Only reason he ended up there was because the jumpship he was on blew a hydrogen tank, and they had to manufacture a replacement on site.  He got a tour of the factory, overheard some techs apparently, and followed it up.  Pics he sent back are similar to what we came up with in '23, if a bit smaller.”
   “That didn't answer my question...”
   “He's been more right in the past than wrong, and even when he's be wrong he wasn't that far off.  In this case, I'd go with it.  The benefits outweigh the risks.”
   Rterry sighed.  “I'll kick this upstairs.”

   “They have their own version of the Freezer in the works?” asked Quintus Allard.
   “Yes Sir.  Slightly smaller, maybe a little bit more efficient then ours as well.”
   “How is that possible?” asked Hanse Davion.
   “Maybe something they cribbed from an engineering text from Halstead?  Maybe they stole the schematics from us?” replied Rterry, ignoring the look Allard gave him with that particular suggestion.
   “How do you rate this?” asked the First Prince
   “If it's a snow job, it's a good one.  On the other hand, if it is a snow job, what do we lose by checking it out?” replied Rterry.  “The garrisons been slightly increased from what we know it was, but it's mostly militia on planet, as far as we know there haven't been any reinforcements yet, although given where it is and whats on it, that could change.”
   “Marshal Zibler?” asked the First Prince
        “It's not on the list, to be honest with you.  Weather, recharge time, the initial plan was to ignore it in the short term, despite the factory on it.  The factory....nothings come out of that factory for 80 plus years.  To be honest, its always been an opportunity goal, but there's never been an opportunity, until now.”
   “How big a wrench would it throw in the works if we did go after it?”
   “You want to knock on the door or blow it open, Sire?”
   “Blow it open.  If there's something there, lets do our best to get it.  Failing that, we take the planet and a factory away from the Combine, and that's a good result.”
   “I'll get on it right away sir.  Aix-la-Chapelle will be a Wave Four target.  With your permission?”  Zibler stood up and bowed slightly to the small assembly, then walked out of the office.

Thanks for reading,

« Last Edit: 16 November 2012, 10:07:26 by Davout73 »
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #216 on: 16 November 2012, 02:03:22 »
Couple things, looks like you missed about half a line or something when Hasne asks Zibler for opinions, and that Rterry name sounds really awkward, but wouldn't surprise me the slightest if the names were getting weirder with more worlds for people to fill... :P
Ex Dubio, Obscura
"Only a warrior chooses pacifism; others are condemned to it."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #217 on: 16 November 2012, 10:06:38 »
Couple things, looks like you missed about half a line or something when Hasne asks Zibler for opinions, and that Rterry name sounds really awkward, but wouldn't surprise me the slightest if the names were getting weirder with more worlds for people to fill... :P

Yeah, that's a typo.

Rterry's name is canon, from the first House Davion Book.  If it's a typo, its been one for 20 plus years.  :-)
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #218 on: 16 November 2012, 18:13:54 »
So a friend asked me what program do I usefor the maps, how I keep this timeline straight, and how could I possibly have everything Planned out to the Clan Invasion?
So I showed him, and figured I might as well show my readers as well.

The maps are done in ArcGis 10, using files originally created by Blacknova at  I've had to add a few files of my own, but the basic set will get you 90 percent of the way there.  Arc lets you export directly to .pdf, thats where all my .pdf's come from.

I do have a spreadsheet I use to keep track of OOB's. 

In order to keep everything straight, track of my progress, what needs to be done and where it needs to go, I use Freemind, a mindmap program.  Like all minp maps, Freemind works on a "node" style, you have parent nodes, sibling nodes, child nodes, it's pretty easy to use.

As an example, the 1st pdf is the KNT universe planned out to the Clan Wars.

The 2nd .pdf at the link is  KNT universe planned out to the Clan War with some details revealed.  :-)

I write the battle docs in a seperate file, then copy/paste them into inDesign, which is what the larger .pdfs are published in.

What I like about Freemind is that I can link from a node to a file (Thats what the red arrows are next to some of the entries) so if I need a quick reference, I just click on the node and it takes me there.

So, yes, I do have a plan for up the Clan Invasion.  Thus far, I'm about 80% on track.  The whole second wave of Yellow Bird was a major departure for me, but it was worth it.

Feel free to ask any questions, and thanks for reading!


Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #219 on: 17 November 2012, 18:12:21 »
23rd June, 3029
Over Aix la Chapelle

“I've a question.” Leftenant Craon's voice was shaking.
“Ask only if you want the answer.” replied Captain Redburn.  He lurched again as the dropship skewed in the rough atmosphere.
“Did we make somebody mad to get this assignment?”
Redburn stifled a smile, then winced as another jolt shook the dropship.  There were a few other muffled curses on the net as well.
“No, the problem is we've been to good, we've done so well that now when there's a tough nut to crack they call on the Light Guards to be the hammer, and we're the face of the hammer.”
The responding chuckles were cut off as the drop ship lurched again.
“Now I know what it's like to be in a tornado,” he thought.  He keyed the master comm switch, trying to listen in, glancing at his chrono as he did so.
“Five minutes till touchdown.” he broadcast.
“Two minutes till I lose whats left of my lunch.” came the reply.

There was another lurch, then a loud BANG!, the dropship slewing over on it's axis.  The engines stopped for the briefest second, then fired at full thrust.  It didn't help, the dropship still tipped over, past horizontal now.

“All mechs, this is Commander Hartley, eject now!”
“What's she talking about?  We can't eject in this!  As soon as that statement was made, the dropships engines cut off, their roar replaced by the winds now buffeting the ship.  The dropship was now nose down, then began to tumble.
“Do it,” ordered Redburn, “Or we go down with the ship.”  He smacked a button on his console, and the bay door in front of him blew off, twisting away in the dark grey clouds.  A Flash of light momentarily blinded him, and then the dizziness struck as his inner ear could not reconcile what he he was seeing with what he was feeling.  With a loud roar, the ejection pack fired, shooting his Centurion twenty meters out of the bay.  When it cut out, the stormwinds blew him back into the hull of the drop ship with enough force to stun him. As the Union tumbled, he was pinned to its hull briefly.  Pushing his hand and autocannon against the dropships outer hull lifted his mechs torso enough for the air to slip under, causing enough lift to blow him off and away from the now out of control dropship.

In theory, free fall in a mech was similar to free fall in person, you flare out, use the arms and legs to guide your descent, then when close to the ground, move to an upright position and fire the landing packs.  It was something mechwarriors practiced weekly in the sims.  Of course, the weather in the sims wasn't half as bad as what he was experiencing now.  The winds buffeted him back and forth, flipped him sideways and downwards, and the visibility was such that he could only tell which way he was facing by the way he moved against his seat restraints.

In a blink of an eye, the shaking was over.  He had fallen through the clouds, and was now in a rainstorm.  The winds were less, the visibility was better, but the ground was coming up, and fast.  He checked his status, and with a shock realized that one of his booster packs was missing, torn off in the tumble, or was just non responsive.  Without it, he wouldn't be able to slow his descent to a “Book” safe landing speed.  The ground was coming up quickly, and there was nothing but a sickly brown and green spread out beneath him. 
He went through a mental checklist, reminding himself what to do in the seconds he had left.  Hold the flare for as long as possible, transition as quick as possible, fire the booster at full power for as long as it would last.  If you could land safely, then do it, if not, pull the lever and brace.
The ground was rapidly approaching.  Three kilometers, two...  At 1000 meters he transitioned upright and fired his one remaining booster at full thrust.  A glance at his speed told him that it wasn't going to work.  At 500 meters he had less than a quarter tank of mass left, at 200 the redlight on the jump pack came on, and he was still dropping in excess of 100 kph.
Cursing, he reached down, pulled the lever and braced himself.

21st July, 3029
New Avalon

The assembly watched the video again.  Mechs in the Light Guard camouflage moving and firing, a building exploding, others on fire, the flames fighting the weak rain that was falling.
The Primus of Comstars voice, harsh and clipped, voiced over the scene.
“As you see, our facility on Aix la Chapelle did not die unnoticed.  Thirty five of our followers were killed by your Light Guards, and the First Circuit will not let their deaths go unpunished.  Under the laws stipulated by the Blessed Blake, by order of the First Circuit, the Federated Suns are placed under Interdiction.  All communications in and out of the realm and its holdings are cut off.  This Interdiction takes place immediately.
“May the Blessed Blake take pity on your actions, and may you see the error of your ways.”

With a sigh Hanse Davion hit a remote, and the screen shut off.  “Each time I watch this, I get the impression he is just a puppet, and if that is true, who is pulling his strings?”  He thought on this for a moment, then looked at the rest of the room.

“Comments?” he asked the small assembly.

“Those mechs may have Light Guard insignia and markings, but there's no way that unit did that, the whole of 2nd Battalion was scattered to the four corners when the Gallivant lost attitude control and hit the Bondurant.”  Marshall Yvonne Davion looked quite angry.  “That particular company was spread out over 150km marching to a rally point when this attack supposedly happened, and to be honest-” she glanced around the room “If we had attacked it, there wouldn't have been a holovid recording.”

Hanse responded to that comment with a smile.

“So why the decision to interdict?” he asked.

“Could be an act of Civil Disobedience,” replied Quintus Allard, who leaned back in his chair.  “As a self proclaimed pacifistic organization, it's one possible answer.”
“If that were true, why not Interdict the Lyrans as well?” asked Marshall Zibler.
“Point taken,” replied the First Prince, sitting back himself.  He reached to rub his leg, but stopped short.  “To the best of your knowledge, have our advances interfered with Comstar in any way?”
A Colonel from the COC liaison spoke up.  “No Sire.  As a security measure, we cut off access to civilian populations once on a world, but have gradually eased back restrictions.  Known and suspected agents have, to the best of our knowledge, been kept away by a cordon.  Not to say that we haven't been one hundred percent successful...” he shrugged.
“Well then,” replied Hanse, standing up and walking to his desk.  “Let's assume then this is a move in some game Comstar is playing with us.  Maybe they assume that this Interdiction is a way of pouring oil into already troubled waters, but that doesn't matter.  We're effectively without Comstar's services.”
He sighed and rubbed his face for a moment.  “Marshal's, are the Black Boxes ready?”
“We've been using them for simple orders since the beginning of Operations,” replied Yvonne, “I think issuing the necessary orders to bring them out to the level we recommended earlier will not be an issue.  With your permission I can order Case ZECHARIAH as soon as we are done here.”
“Do so.  Quintus, what does this do for our intel.”
“It's a close to stopping it as you can get.  All our agents use Comstar, and are most likely known to them, so the flow of information from them will cease.  We might be able to activate sleeper agents, jump a ship in system, broadcast a message, and monitor, but both the Capellans and Kuritans are such repressed societies the only information that will come out is information they want out.”
“And our intel service agents?”
“ISF wise they are such low level any information they give above their grade would be automatically suspect.  We have enough agents in the Maskirovka that I am sure if something like the Ridzik attempt were to be made, we'd know about it, but the planning for BAOYING is tightly compartmentalized, if Alexi were to somehow get that to us, the leak would be traced to him almost immediately.
“What worries me most is what this will do to our operations in the League.  No communication means no money transfers, and that means we can't support them in any meaningful way.  Once they are out of the way, Janos gets a firmer hand to deal with whats going on, and could expand his efforts, on all fronts.”
“Why the frown, Thomas?”
Marshal Zibler shook himself slightly.  “If Marik decides to enter the war we could be in trouble.  Most of the units we have in the Commonality are for all intents and purposes stuck there, we don't have much in the way of transport to move them.  I'm more worried about any aggressive action the League could take against the Republic.  I know Ridzik has been planning something, but all indications from Marshal Sortek are that he wants to go after Capellan worlds.  What if we...redirect...his focus to the Marik border?”
Hanse smiled briefly.  For a man who claimed to have no interest on the political side of things, Zibler was becoming proficient at using them.
“I will direct Ardan to do so as soon as practicable.  Anything else?”
Zibler cleared his throat.  “With the Interdiction, we need to requisition the PONY EXPRESS reserves.  Its going to hurt trade, but the people can live without a luxury item more than they can live without communication from the front lines.  I've seen reports of entire battalions volunteering for mail call protection duty.”

Hrm, though Hanse.  One mad noble who doesn't get an Avanti aircar, or 1000 mad citizens who haven't heard from loved ones in months...that's an easy choice.  “Lets do that then.  And we need to work something out with regards to shipping.  No exotics, more basic necessities.  Have Ways and Means focus on entertainment products, clothes, the things people buy to make themselves feel happy.  And let them know if I find out that one Avanti instead of 10000 holodiscs get shipped out, there will be...unhappiness.”
“Yes Sire.”
“Now, at the end of the day, was it worth it?” he asked.
“Yes and no.” replied Quintus, looking at his notes.  “The Combine had a mockup, that's what the agent saw.  Anyhow, the LIST engineers were about eighteen months away from having a prototype done, but their engineering and math was better than good.  The prototype will be twice as effective at twice the size of a normal heatsink.  We managed to capture almost all of the documentation and engineering specs, but the Combine engineers on site managed to escape.”
“And the Guards losses?” asked the First Prince.
“Just over a battalions worth of equipment destroyed, most of that was from the Gallivant.  We lost eight mechwarriors to exposure, three to combat, and another eighteen are wounded.” replied Marshal Zibler.
“And Captain Redburn?”  asked Quintus.
“One of the eighteen wounded.  Severe lung damage due to exposure.  He and the rest of the wounded are on a circuit back to SINA.  He'll need new lungs, but he'll be back in a mech.  Some of the others, I'm not sure.”
“Let's make sure we do right by him and the rest.  Whatever they need,  the Davion family will pick up the bill.”
“Yes Sire.”
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #220 on: 18 November 2012, 06:58:07 »
Ouch. And wonder who was playing the jokers into that deck.
Ex Dubio, Obscura
"Only a warrior chooses pacifism; others are condemned to it."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #221 on: 22 November 2012, 12:03:18 »
Will have a map for these out after the holiday. 

Kuritan Lull Moves

Altenmarkt Militia to New Oslo
25th Rasalhauge to Rasalhauge
13th Rasalhauge to Alshain
Night Stalkers McGavins Regiment to Radstadt
7th Sword of Light to Alshain

Capellan Lull Movements
Sung's Cuirassiers to Highspire
Kamakura's Hussar's 1st Batt to Highspire
House Dai Da Chi to Yuris
Red Lancers to Ares
2nd Reserve Cavalry to Highspire
Blandfords Grenadiers to Necromo

YELLOW BIRD Wave Four Targets

1st Robinson to Irurzun
3rd Lexington Combat Group to Proserpina
2nd Lexington Combat Group
  • 1st CT to Scheat
  • 2nd CT to New Mendham
  • 3rd CT to Barlow's Folly
1st Lexington to Ludwig
41st Avalon to Umijiri
Addicks DMM to Skat
Clovis DMM to Markab
2nd Davion Guards to Yorii
1st Crucis Lancers to Asta
1st Davion Guards to Imbros III
4th Crucis Lancers to Atherney
6th Crucis Lancers RCT to Styx
7th Crucis Lancers to Telos IV
1st Argyle to Nashira
Blue Star Irregulars
  • 1st Regiment Dabih
  • 2nd Regiment Albalii
  • 3rd Regiment Piedmont
12th Vegan Rangers
Alpha to Shitara
Beta to Shitara
Davion Light Guards to Aix la Chapelle

Operation VALKYRIE

Wave Four
Winfields Brigade to Verthandi
10th Donegal to Lovinac
Tyr to Bruben
1st Lyran Regulars to Bruben
26th Lyran to Maetsu
Waco Rangers to Thannhausen
3rd Donegal to Fatima
14th Donegal to Gunzberg
8th Donegal to Volders
Grey Death Legion to Shionoha

Thanks for Reading!

« Last Edit: 22 November 2012, 12:12:45 by Davout73 »
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #222 on: 24 November 2012, 14:09:23 »
My plans for this 'book' are to go front by front again.

The plan at the moment is

Wolfs Dragoons vs. Combine
Operation COSSACK, the TRAF offensive
Operation YELLOW BIRD Waves 4 and 5
Operation VALKYRIE, Waves 5 and 6
Operation NADELSTICH, the Lyran offensive against the FWL
Operation BAOYING, the CCAF offensive
Operation TAKO, Theodores Offensive

One off Operations, to include the Kell Hounds versus the Genyosha, Kathil, and Comstar.

That briefs well. 

Thanks for reading,

Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #223 on: 27 November 2012, 01:34:32 »
An Excerpt from Book 2

Military Implications

   The obvious effect of the Interdiction was that the flow of information from the frontlines slowed to a crawl.  Although a series of command circuits connected New Avalon to the front, the minimum time required was seven days.  These Command Circuits tied up a tremendous number of Jumpships, taking much needed resources away from the AFFS transportation effort.
   During the planning of the Davion offensives, consideration had been given to possible Comstar  intervention.  One result of this particular avenue of planning was the AFFS 'relaxation' of Command Oversight.  Regimental Combat Team commanders were not only expected to conquer a world with minimal feedback from High Command, but also administer a world with very little assistance from support units and few, if any, orders from above.  Starting in 3020, NAMA began running a series of exercises known as DUFFERS DRIFT, in which senior RCT officers roleplayed and wargamed several potential situations.  Though long considered the least “Command Bound” army in the Inner Sphere, one of the many goals of the GALAHAD operations and DUFFERS DRIFT exercises was to encourage more independent thinking.  The First Prince and other high ranking officers stressed time and again that as long as the officer in question made what they felt was the best decision with the best available data at hand, there would be few questions from the higher ups.  One noticeable effect from these efforts was the administration on many conquered planets was less troublesome than in times past, and in many cases the actions of an RCT commander defused a potentially dangerous situation.

   No matter how independent a unit is though, it cannot be effective without supplies,  transportation, Information and reinforcements.  These were the primary reasons the Combine Operations Command was formed.  Although four of the five Marshals that served as part of the COC were technically the highest ranking officers of Operation YELLOW BIRD, they only had advisory powers in the field.
   Senior Commander of the COC was Field Marshal Jackson Dannick.  Known as “The Hammer”, the former commander of the Davion Heavy Guards had been promoted to the First Princes Advisory staff in 3018.  Despite his reputation in a mech cockpit, it was Marshal Dannick who came up with the first DUFFERS DRIFT curriculum, and his efforts with that program led to his promotion in 3027 as the COC commander.

   Marshal Jisosa Miller was the commander of the Transportation and Resupply Command of the AFFS.  Some of the best and brightest soldiers in the AFFS work in TRC, their efforts in coordinating the flow of supplies throughout the Federated Suns to the front lines are not well known to the general public, but greatly appreciated by those troops in the field.  Marshall Rebecca Derwith from the Department of Military Intelligence and Marshal Melissa Maynall of the Department of Military Administration were the other two permanent members of the COC.  The fifth 'chair' was a revolving door, filled by several Marshals who went back and forth between the frontlines and New Avalon.  Before and during the Interdiction, these Marshals carried and disseminated information on what was happening in other areas of the war and updated any political, military and economic concerns that had arisen.  After the Interdiction began, they began to carry direct orders from the First Prince and reporting directly back to him on New Avalon.  The COC was initially headquartered on David, but as YELLOW BIRD moved deeper into Combine territory it moved as well, trying to stay within a reasonable distance of the “Front Line”.  When the Fourth Wave of YELLOW BIRD was launched, it had moved to Junction.
   Because of these and other preparations, the offensive against the Combine continued without pause through August despite the Interdiction.  The AFFS also mobilized the last reserves of jumpships, which soon began ferrying supplies to the front.  Marshal Miller also undertook an effort to reorganize the five command circuits connecting New Avalon, the COC and the Front, utilizing many of the recently acquired and privately owned Scout Class jumpships to replace the larger Merchant and Invader's, which were re-tasked for frontline use.

Thanks for reading!

« Last Edit: 27 November 2012, 01:42:39 by Davout73 »
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #224 on: 28 November 2012, 14:23:37 »
My M.O thus far has been to give everyone a "Big Picture" idea of whats going on with the KNT universe. However, I do like to keep my readers guessing and surprised, and will from time to time leave out some details such as troop movements and the like, because I don't want to give everything away. The next post falls into this category.

What follows is perhaps the longest battle writeup I've written thus far for the KNT universe, it's close to 3000 words. Shocking thing, to me anyways, is that next battle write-up is probably going to be even longer.

My plan for now is to finish the Dragoons versus the Dragon part of the book, than 'release' that as a .pdf in a few days. The onto the next chapter.

Thanks for reading!

Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #225 on: 28 November 2012, 14:24:11 »

The Coordinators rage at being insulted by Jaime Wolf was not just personal, many officers in the DCMS were shocked and offended by the mercenary commanders actions, and several vowed to do what they could to redeem the Combines honor.
General Jagawen Torisobo, commander of the 8th Sword of Light, harbored a deeper animosity than most of these Combine commanders. The 8th Sword had been present on Misery, but had been held back from the majority of the fighting by the express order of Warlord Samsonov. When they finally entered the fight, it was to serve as a rearguard for the rest of the retreating DCMS troops. The 8th Sword lost a battalion of mechs in the fighting to Epsilon Regiment, then another two companies to Zeta Battalion during the rearguard action. Almost a year later, the 8th was still stationed on Misery. Though it's losses had been replaced by new machines and recruits, General Torisobo and the rest of his senior commanders chafed at the inaction. When word reached them of what was happening on Glenmora and Wapakoneta, they awaited orders to go and help out their sister regiments, but none came.
In June, according to observers, something snapped within the General, and he began issuing orders prepare the 8th and several of the conventional regiments to prepare to lift off. At the beginning of July, the 8th Sword of Light, two Armor and two Infantry regiments docked with their jumpships, and left the nadir jump point at Misery. When they appeared over Bennet III there was some concern, but the Combine Jumpships stayed at their pirate point, recharged and jumped out, appearing at Lima and recharging.
Duke Sandoval was concerned by the reports of a Combine unit transiting his realm. When reports of the 8th Sword being at Lima reached him, he immediately reacted by sending orders to the 4th Deneb to relocate from McComb to New Ivaarsen, which was an obvious target in the region. He also issued orders for the 1st Kestrel to move to Robinson, and sent a message to New Avalon asking for more assistance. The First Prince himself responded with orders for the 3rd SINA Cadre and Millers Marauders to move to Robinson as well, but it was going to take a couple of weeks to gather the necessary transport to move all the units. While Duke Sandoval was tempted to order one of his Robinson's Rangers units back, he knew they were needed as part of the next YELLOW BIRD Wave as well. Instead, he mustered the Voluntary Militia and put the rest of the PDZ on high alert, and then the ComStar Interdiction was enforced, and Duke Sandovals attention was dominated by this event.

A Week went by, the 8th Sword jumped from Lima, and disappeared. The first elements of the 4th Deneb arrived on New Ivaarsen and reported no enemy troops in the system, and when they landed were told that the 8th Sword had not arrived in New Ivaarsen at all. Marshal Fredrikson sent a message to Duke Sandoval and New Avalon informing them. Rather than start a “Wild Goose Chase” through the March, and dealing with the ramifications of the Interdiction as well, the 4th Deneb prepared to defend New Ivaarsen unless further orders were received. Duke Sandoval, well aware that the Marshal was following the protocols set up by the DUFFERS DRIFT exercises, had no problems with the decision, he knew how important New Ivaarsen was to the region. Not less than a day after he sent his approval, the 8th Sword appeared at a Pirate point four days out from Robinson, and the dropships began a 2g burn towards the planet.

Robinson had fought the Combine before, and for several years fought a war of occupation during the 1st Succession War until liberated. The planets conventional regiments were some of the best in the AFFS, and the Robinson Mechwarrior academy had a Battalion of cadets that would fight. Duke Sandoval was confident he could hold out until reinforcements arrived, but his confidence turned to horror when he realized that only one battalion of mechs and two conventional regiments were headed towards the continent of Caanan, home to the capital city and much of the planets industry. The rest were on a path to New Haifa, on the Meggido continent, where the families and wounded warriors of Wolf's Dragoons were recovering and convalescing.

After Misery, Jaime Wolf had formed the Home Guard Unit. Several members of the line regiments who wanted to retire were convinced to stay on by joining this unit, comprised of the several support units that served the Dragoons, including the Fire Support Group, the Orbital/Aerospace Group, the Support Battalion, the surviving companies worth of Mechwarriors from Zeta Battalion, and the new recruits of the Training Battalion. The condition of these units ranged from very good to poor, as did the warriors and aerospace pilots manning them. New Haifa was a fortified city, but there were doubts that it could stand up to the two Assault and one Light Battalions headed for it. While improvements had been made since the Dragoons landed, many were incomplete. The cities militia units were augmented by two regiments of Robinson Regular units, one armor and one Infantry, but as a port city, there was no area to retreat.

The Home Guards Commander, Colonel Jeremy Ellerman, was Beta Regiments Commander when the Dragoons first showed up in the Inner Sphere. In 3016, the horrors of fighting, the loss of too many comrades had taken its toll, and Colonel Ellman retired. Not wanting to lose his friends expertise and abilities, Colonel Wolf was able to persuade Colonel Ellman to stay on as the training commander, a role that suited Colonel Ellman well. Now, with only a few days of planning, Colonel Ellman had to prepare to fight again.
The 8th Sword of Light grounded at Kirkuz, a small town 50 kilometers away from New Haifa, with the rolling Golani Hills between the two. With an oversized Aerospace field, Kirkuz was a good base for the 8th Sword to anchor it's Operations from. After a couple of days of reorganizing, the 8th formed up and began it's march towards New Haifa. Overhead, the ASF's of the Dragoons and 8th Sword fought several battles, on more than one occasion a Kuritan ASF broke away from the fighting to strafe the city on a random run. It seemed that terror and damage, rather than a specific military goal, was at the forefront of the 8th Swords plan.
The first skirmishes took place in the Golani. The hovertanks of the Support Battalion skirmished with the accompanying Kuritan tank regiment and drove it back with heavy losses. The Support Battalion lost several tanks to damage, but many of the crewmen survived and were picked up by the Battalions VTOL squadron and taken back to New Haifa. At the village of Romany, the Special Recon Group encountered a company of medium mechs from the 8th Sword, and a vicious firefight ensued. Using his units superior mobility, Major Brubaker was able to stop the advance, but losses forced him to withdraw. This was repeated in several skirmishes the next few days, the 8th Sword was slowly but surely moving towards New Haifa, willing to trade mechs and units with the Home Guard. It was an attrition battle, and one the 8th could win on numbers alone.

At Gorden, a small town nestled in the Golani Hills, the first real pitched battle occurred. The Fire Support Group, backed by several companies of Robinson Infantry Militia, were opposed by Assault and Heavy mechs of the 8th Swords 2nd Battalion. Using the buildings as effective cover, the heavy and assault mechs of the Dragoons destroyed one company of Combine Mechs, and damaged several more. Forced to pull back, the Dragoons broke for New Haifa, and the Combine Warriors followed with reckless abandon. When the 8th Sword troops crossed the crest of one hill, they were surprised when they did not see any Dragoon mechs in the opening. A few seconds later their shock turned to fear, as the Artillery of the Support Group was finally brought into action, the Groups mechs retreat had brought the 8th Sword battalion into effective range of the Long Tom Artillery. Several more mechs were destroyed and damaged by the barrage.
A few days later, at New Ashkelon, disaster struck the Fire Support Group. While holding off another frontal attack by then 2nd Battalion, a flank march by a medium company of the 8th Swords 3rd Battalion hit the Fire Support Group, destroying two mechs, damaging two others and forcing the rest away from their line of retreat. Engaged in close combat, Captain Scruggs ordered the rest of his unit to break off as best they could, and while still fighting three Kuritan mechs, called in the Artillery on his own position. In addition to Captain Scruggs, three other Dragoons had been killed.
After ten days of skirmishing, hit and run attacks and a couple of standup fights, the 8th Sword was reduced to six companies of mechs, all of which were damaged to a degree. The rest of the units mechs were either destroyed, or lay damaged on the fields of battle, their pilots dead or too wounded The aerospace fighters of both units had fought to a standstill over Robinson's skies, very few were combat effective. The Home Guard had been reduced to six lances of mechs, several of which had been field repaired and jury rigged so they could remain in the field, two of which were piloted by the rawest of recruits. The conventional units of both forces were shadows of themselves, pillars of smoke from destroyed units dotted the landscape back to Kirkuz. The 8th Swords 4th Battalion had been destroyed by the Robinson Cadets and militia on Caanan, but it would be a couple of days before they could move to New Haifa.

The final few kilometers to the outskirts of New Haifa had been turned into a killing ground. Mech traps, minefields, had been prepared. Artillery was pre-spotted, but there were very few rounds left. Dawn on the 5th of August, the 8th Sword of Light began its advance, with General Torisobo's Atlas leading the way. Long Range fire destroyed a few mechs, and damaged others, and the first artillery barrage hit near the Generals mechs itself. Observers were stunned to see that despite a destroyed right leg, the mech pulled its way towards New Haifa with its hands.. When the first trip line was crossed, the hidden Dragoon mechs rose out of their hiding places and unleashed a devastating volley of fire. At the same time, the artillery struck all along the 8th Swords Line. As the Dragoon mechs retreated and jumped back to the next line of defense, the New Haifa 1st Armored Regiment left the city perimeter and started a flank attack. While it slowed down the 8th Swords advance, it did not stop it, in fact in several instances the mechs ignored the lighter tanks and kept up their march towards the cities main gate.
The second trip line was crossed, and again another massive barrage hit the 8th Sword mechs, who broke into a run to escape the falling shells, right into a series of well placed minefields. The Combines return fire was still effective, and several Dragoon mechs, already damaged, fell. Colonels Ellman and Jamison called a retreat to the final line, and only six mechs were able to make it. Three companies of Combine mechs were still upright and moving, perhaps another companies worth were emulating their commander, clawing their way towards the city. One mechwarrior, in a bravura display of piloting, hopped his Panther forward on one leg for 100 meters until his gyroscrope failed and he fell down face first onto a mine.
As the remaining 8th Sword mechs crossed the third trip line, the last shells of the Support groups artillery left the tubes. Behind the last line of defenses, the massive gates to New Haifa slid open, and out stepped the fifteen mechs of Omega Company.

Captain Charles Jager was a former company commander in Epsilon Regiment, whose experience on Misery led him and the three surviving members of his company to retire. Colonel Wolf prevailed upon the to stay with the Dragoons as members of the Home Guard, where they could teach the next generation of Dragoons. They were not the only members that Colonel Wolf convinced to stay on, many other warriors left their regiments to join the Home Guard, and these men and women followed the news of what was happening to their friends and comrades on Wapakoneta and Glenmora with anger and anguish. When the 8th Sword landed on Robinson, there was little they could do, having voluntarily given up their mechs as replacements for those that had been destroyed on Crossing.
The previous two weeks of battle had seen several mechs damaged and recovered, their pilots killed to wounded to continue fighting. Dragoon techs and mechwarriors labored day and night to get these units repaired to basic functionality, and as the sun was setting on August 5th, the self proclaimed Omega company, led by Captain Kinkaid, stepped out of New Haifa and into the battle. Accompanying them were the tanks of the 1st Heavy Battalion, New Haifa Militia.
The appearance of these new mechs shocked the 8th Sword of Light for a few seconds, but then relaizing the gate was open and victory was close at hand, they charged as best they could, ignoring the minefileds and incoming fire from the Dragoon mechs in the field. What they did not expect, and what Colonel Ellman certainly did not expect, was that Omega Company would charge headlong into the Combine troops either. The battle soon devolved into a series of one versus many combats and duels. The Manticores, Von Luckners and lance of Demolishers of the milita found themselves virtually ignored, and took the opportunity to attack as many Kurita mechs as they could, often saving a Dragoon from a fank or back attack. One Demolisher destroyed seven mechs protecting a Dragoon Archer missing one arm and a fused leg before being destroyed by a stray shot. One by one the mechs of Omega Company began to fall, but they often took two or mnore 8th Sword mechs with them. At some point in the battle, General Torisobo had clawed his way to the perimeter of the battle, only to be killed by headshot fired by a Von Luckner from the militia.

It was as if the Generals death caused a switch to be thrown. Those 8th Sword Mechs still standing broke off and retreated into the setting sun. The remaining disabled mechs tried moving away one by one, but then stopped as their pilots gave up and then to the surprise of the Dragoons and militia, began to commit suicide. One pilot ejected from a Centurion, landed, brandished a katana and screamed invectives at the Dragoons for well over a minute before uttering a Banzai and charging, sword waving. A brief machine gun burst from a nearby milita tank ended the last charge of the 8th Sword of Light. Less than two companies worth retreated back to Kircuz, and the Kuritan Dropships boosted off not to long after. The next day, as the residents of the city and company of Training Battalion mechs made their way to the landing field, they found the mechs that survived the campaign shut down on the edge of the runway, their pilots dead at their feet. All had committed seppuku. It is not know if any mechwarrior from the 8th Sowrd of Light lived to return to Combine Space.
Home Guard losses were severe, almost all of its mechs and vehicles had been damaged, more than one had been rebuilt. Personel wise, less than a companies worth of mechwarriors were able to pilot a mech, half of them were injured in some way. Of the 15 mechs of Omega company, only 5 survived the final battle. Captain Kincaid was not among the survivors, the next day a search team his and his lancemates mechs down on the field of battle, surrounded by ten destroyed 8th Sword Mechs. At some point during the fighting, the reactor shielding on the Grasshopper Kincaid was piloting, shielding which had been damaged in a previous fight, failed and the Captain died of radiation poisoning.
One more Dragoon death occurred on Robinson. Ten days after the 8th Sword Dropships had boosted off, Duke Sandoval went to New Haifa to visit the Home Guard. After visiting the wounded in the hospitals and inspecting what remained of the Home Guard in the field, Duke Sandoval apologized for not helping out more, and vowed that he would do everything in his power to make sure the remaining Dragoons and their dependents would be protected. The 3rd SINA Cadre would be landing in less than a month, and although comprised of newer troops and graduates from NAMA, the Duke hoped that the leadership of the Dragoons would help in shaping up the unit.

The day after Duke Sandoval returned back to Beuller, Robinsons capital city, Colonel Ellman was found in his bed, having passed on after suffering from a massive heart attack. Those that knew the Home Guard commander best said that the recent battles, combined with the previous horrors he saw that led to his retiring in the first place, and the probability that he would be training the next generation to go through the same horrors he experienced broke his heart.  A note was found saying that he could not continue to serve, therefore he was retiring effective immediately. A message to Colonel Wolf for Colonel Ellman was rumored to have been found, but no Dragoon has revealed the existence or the contents of such.
With the Battle for Robinson over, the remaining Dragoons and dependents waited for word from Crossing.
« Last Edit: 28 November 2012, 14:39:01 by Davout73 »
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #226 on: 28 November 2012, 16:12:32 »
Very nice, impressive end for many Dragoons.
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #227 on: 29 November 2012, 01:30:59 »
An impressive show by the Home Guard.
The Coordinator will not be happy with the 8th SOL, especially any survivors.
Enjoyed the battle, looking forward to your longer ones. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #228 on: 29 November 2012, 01:36:35 »
The Coordinator will not be happy with the 8th SOL, especially any survivors.

Not Happy that they lived, or not happy because they failed? 


The intent is that there are no survivors.  The post 4th SSW DCMS Order of Battle, and subsequent rebuilding, will be radically different in the Alt-U.

Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #229 on: 29 November 2012, 01:44:30 »
Both. ;D
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #230 on: 29 November 2012, 17:54:08 »
Ok, attached is part 1 of Book 2 in its unedited form.  Any errors you find are on me, but I would appreciate it if you dropped me a line about any you might find.  Have a couple of more short updates coming quick, then its back to the "Main" Theaters of the war.

Thanks for reading!

Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #231 on: 29 November 2012, 18:10:14 »
“They did what?”
“They attacked Robinson.  The 8th Sword of Light went after the Dragoons Home Guard on Robinson.”
“Close run thing.  At the end the 8th went in full frontal assault.  Last of the Dragoon pilots available showed up in jury rigged mechs at the end.  8Th Sword retreated, then the survivor's killed themselves.”
“What in the name of God...”
“Sir, it's beyond fouled up.  But the Dracs went after their families.  Again. Avoided all the other cities on the planet except Beuller, and that was to tie down the units there.  The main effort was against the city where the Dragoons are recovering.”
“And how do we have this information?”
“Sir, our friendly MIIO Liason brought us the information of the attack on Robinson, verified by Duke Sandoval.  The 8th landed right after the Interdiction went into effect.  The rest of the information is based on Intel developed right before the Interdiction.  We also know Wolf's refused any and all help, and the AFFS brass has decided to let him fight it out his own way.  RUMINT says Wolf's got less than a 100 mechs, and the Dracs are sending 4 plus regiments after him.”
“Their families...I swear Takashi Kurita will regret ever issuing that order.”
“That reminds me sir, we had three more perimeter attacks last night.  No casualties.”
“Where are they now?”
“Who Sir?  The insurgents that attacked the fenceline?”
“Um, Crossing sir.  The Line Regiments retreated to Crossing.”
“Yes Sir.
“Right. Okay then, is there anything going to Robinson?” 
“Sir,  Duke Sandoval ordered the 3rd SINA and Millers Marauders to the planet, but with the Interdiction there's no way to verify they are there yet, let alone know if those orders have been received.
“Any idea if Wolf knows what happened?”
“None sir.  With the Interdiction, who knows.  I know they don't have an MIIO Liason, but then again, it is the Dragoons were talking about.”
“I asked if he wanted help, and he said no, that this was a personal fight.  But Robinson is crossing the line, this whole Death to Mercenaries is causing to much grief...We've felt that pain before.  They've felt that pain before...”
“Sir, I know that look...”
“Yes, I know you know this look.”
“What do you want to do sir?”
“There's an old saying Captain:  It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission.”
“I'm not sure I follow sir.”
“I'm going to ask a former honorable enemy for forgiveness.”

Thanks for reading,

Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #232 on: 29 November 2012, 18:17:55 »
Damn you Davout73! I wanna know who that was...
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ChanMan: "Capellan Ingenuity: The ability to lose battles to Davion forces in new and implausible ways"


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #233 on: 29 November 2012, 18:20:03 »
Damn you Davout73! I wanna know who that was...

I promise, read the .pdf I just attached and you'll find out.  Plus once a certain number of downloads have been reached, I've a short story that follows events in the first part.


Thanks for reading,

Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #234 on: 29 November 2012, 18:48:42 »

“Look, I was there.  I saw it all happen with these two Mark 1's right here, and I still have a hard time believing it.  All you needed was some sort of dramatic, kick butt musical accompaniment, and it would have been right out of an Immortal Warrior holo.  Better special effects though, let me tell you...”

Sergeant Roscoe Bowersock
Tanker, 10th Deneb Light Cavalry
From and Interview with ISN News, Crossing, 3030.

“Do I want to give the First Prince a piece of my mind?  Why would I want to do that?  He never listened to me before, now you think he's going to listen to me with the HPG's turned off?  You went to school to learn how to ask a dumb question like that?  I got better things to do with my day than answer that sort of Bulls-”

Unknown Interviewee
Recorded for “Your 28 Hours News, Channel 162 Person on the Street Segement”
Gillinghelm, Outremer, Federated Suns

“Look, anyone who says anything about the Lady gets a response from Gun One and Gun Two right here, and I don't care what damned rank or title they have.  Tell you what, you go through what she's been through, you fight the fights she has, then you spend eight months on a planet where the sun not only never sets, there's no alcohol to boot. Then you be smart enough to recognize that there's a problem and you do what you need to do to take care of it.  She didn't do that for her, she did that for us, and she knows we know it.  And that's why any warrior would drop with her right on top the Coordinators throne room with her.”

From “Damn, I Volunteered for This?”, the memoirs of Mechwarrior Cody Jones, 3018-3048

“The next one of you who utters the words “Good for the realm” gets sent to the Black Nebula on a one way trip.  I can abide a loyal opposition.  I can abide a disloyal opposition who plays by the rules.  This incident goes beyond that, and I swear to you, when I decide the time is right, that man will pay.”

Recently released transcripts from an Archon's meeting, recorded August of 3029, declassified May, 3052.

“Is it hubris?  Is it Greed?  The combine has lost close to 80 worlds in this recent conflict, and that's not enough for either the Archon or the First Prince.  How many more Wives must lose husbands, how many fathers must bury sons and daughters, how many children will never see their parent again because of these...rulers choices?”

From an Anonymous letter to the Editor, Errai Press

“The sayings right, you don't know what you've got till its gone.  We were worried there for awhile, the shelves started getting real empty, prices on the black market went through the roof of course.   Then Consolidated and Markham got together, started producing goods together.  Yeah, it wasn't the most tasteful stuff, and spices got real popular real quick, I know one guy who made a small fortune selling these tiny bottles of tabasco sauce.
“When the first lotteries started, I was pretty skeptical.  But then like the rest of the planet, I tuned in.  Then I watched as the Duke went to the winners house the next day, handed that woman her prize, thanked her for her patience and trust, and the man was sincere.  Everyone could see it.  They say that at some point more than 90% of the planet tuned into the lottery.  Count me in.  Hell, when I won I was flabbergasted, couple of days later, Duke shows up with his escorts, and hands me my prize.  And I see the looks some of my neighbors are giving me, and I get nervous at first.  I mean, all this trouble over a bag of coffee beans and some Holos, are you kidding me?
“Then I opened that bag.  They could have been the crappiest beans in the world, hell they could have been the rejects from the dregs of a filter light years away, but man, did they smell good.  Went down pretty good too.  And I don't even like coffee.”

From an Interview with Aric Macon, conducted as part of “Reminiscing”, a series about the 4th Succesion War, first broadcast in 3035.
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #235 on: 29 November 2012, 19:25:56 »
No Black Box in this AU?
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #236 on: 29 November 2012, 19:46:35 »
Damn you Davout73! I wanna know who that was...

Can't quite explain why, but I want to say ELH.
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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #237 on: 29 November 2012, 19:57:57 »
No Black Box in this AU?

There is, and the MIIO Liasons are a reference to that, and I thought I had posted earlier mentioning them.

The 'problem' is I am treating this as a history of the war published after the war occurs, letting everyone know how Davion did what they did would be letting the "Fox out of the Bag" so to speak.

But they will play a more prominent role in some later parts.

EDIT:  In the original scene where Hanse and the others are discussing the Comstar attack I had a couple of paragraphs discussing the black boxes, but it did't 'read' right if that makes sense. 

Thanks for reading,

« Last Edit: 29 November 2012, 20:08:58 by Davout73 »
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #238 on: 29 November 2012, 21:48:42 »
EDIT:  In the original scene where Hanse and the others are discussing the Comstar attack I had a couple of paragraphs discussing the black boxes, but it did't 'read' right if that makes sense. 

Thanks for reading,


Yeah, know what you mean.
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #239 on: 30 November 2012, 02:00:10 »
No Black Box in this AU?

Cracking the enigma code was something they'd kill you to keep secret in WW2 and remained pretty much unknown due to the level of secrecy until the 1970s (30 year rule)... I'd expect to hear active disinformation too about the Black Boxes about the chaos and problems of the Interdiction
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ChanMan: "Capellan Ingenuity: The ability to lose battles to Davion forces in new and implausible ways"