Author Topic: Kiiro no tori  (Read 151868 times)


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #120 on: 27 January 2012, 02:39:33 »
There is no invasion of the Galedon district, right?

"Real men and women do not need Terra"
-- Grendel Roberts
We will be used to subdue the Capellan Confederation. We will be used to bring the Free Worlds League to heel. We will be used to
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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #121 on: 27 January 2012, 08:55:44 »
There is no invasion of the Galedon district, right?

No.  But Galedon is fighting its own personal war against the Dragoons.

Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #122 on: 27 January 2012, 17:09:31 »
Just doing some fooling around.  Am planning on doing something similar for each front:


I sort of prefer the first one myself, YMMV


Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #123 on: 27 January 2012, 19:07:10 »
A summary of the first 3 waves.
The first is a better way of doing it.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

David CGB

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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #124 on: 27 January 2012, 22:39:23 »
A summary of the first 3 waves.
The first is a better way of doing it.
much agreed
Federated Suns fan forever, Ghost Bear Fan since 1992, and as a Ghost Bear David Bekker star captain (in an Alt TL Loremaster)


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #125 on: 06 February 2012, 17:40:50 »
This is an entry I've been fiddling with for awhile, any suggestions on improving it/them would be appreciated.



If there is anything that can be described as a turning point in the current conflict, surely Ashio must be be considered one of them.  The Combines view of the mercenary has been well documented, and its current fight against Wolf's Dragoons had made things worse.  Given the Coordinators “Death to Mercenaries” pronouncement, and what has recently transpired on Ashio, the Combine has indeed reached a turning point, one that future historians will be debating for years to come.
   If it weren't for the 10 kilomter high cone of Mount Vesuvius Majoris, Ashio would be an unremarkable world.  A border world that had seen its share of conflict, Ashio was now a Prefecture Capital, well defended by two Dieron Regular Regiments, the 12th and 27th.  With the transportation assets at breaking point, the AFFS sent the three mercenary regiments of the Blue Star Irregulars to attack the world.  Although it's conventional units were understrength, the recent losses on Halstead Station having not been made up, the mercenaries were almost at full complement in mechs and mechwarriors.  Knowing Ashio would be their next target, General Troy and her officers came up with several plans of actions, depending on what they would encounter.
   The initial landings on the northern continent of Rhodesia were unopposed, with only a few passes by Kuritan ASF's attempted.  After a weeks worth of patrolling and extending the Landing zones, the first skirmishes were fought towards the Irregulars moved towards the planetary capital of Iscariot.  Company sized elements of the 12th Dieron began a series of hit and run attacks, but the green Dieron troops were repulsed easily.  As the Irregulars marched closer to Iscariot, the attacks became more numerous, and instead of retreating after the first initial pushback the 12th Dieron mechs fought harder, doing what they could to bring down one or two Irregular mechs.  A low grade insurrection had also broken out in the rear areas the Irregulars had previously secured, and General Troy's depleted conventional forces were hard pressed to contain it.  Three weeks after landing, the 27th announced it's presence as two battalions slammed into the flank of the 21st Rim Worlds 'Mech Regiment as it made it's way through the Calderan Passes.  General Troy and her Command Lance had been accompanying the unit that day, and soon found themselves in the thick of the fighting, an action that soon turned into a series of rearguard actions and withdrawals.  The General's Zeus was hipped in one of the battles, and unable to withdraw at full speed she ordered the rest of the regiment to fall back.  With her command lance arrayed around her,the General turned to face the company of Dragons, Phoenix Hawks and Light mechs headed her as the 21st Rim Worlds retreated and regrouped.  Three days later, under heavy ASF cover, the 21st went back into the Passes.  What they found has literally changed the tone of the Fourth Succession War.
   It's obvious that the HQ lance fought long and hard.  At least four DCMS mechs that had been to damaged to salvage completely had been stripped and left behind.  The blasted hulks of the HQ Lance lay where they had fallen, untouched.  A few tens of meters away, in the shade of a small copse of trees that had survived the battle, lay the trussed up and decapitated bodies of the three of the HQ lance members, including General Mona Troy.  Attached to each of their cooling vests was a proclamation: Death To Mercenaries.  It was the first time on Ashio that the Blue Star Irregulars had come across the now infamous order from the Coordinator.  It would not be the last.   
   Reaction among the Irregulars went from shock and horror to hatred and revenge in a short period.  Colonel Brian Jellicoe, commander of the 1894th Light Horse, made more than one impassioned plea for his troops to remember not only who they were, but what they were fighting for and why.  His visits to every company in the Blue Star Irregulars the next week helped calm the situation down, the next few weeks of fighting helped the Irregulars grieve in their own way.  After consulting with the other commanders, Colonel Jellicoe pulled all three units closer together, then in one big triangle formation moved on Iscariot at a slow, deliberate pace.  When the first Kuritan counterattack hit the flank of the 21st Rim Worlds, the entire formation stopped, and the 21st fell on the attacking Battalion of the 12th with a fury.  Combine mechwarriors who ejected watched as the Irregulars continued to pound their mechs into scrap metal, those pilots who didn't eject died in their machines.  For a week the Irregulars moved on Iscariot, crushing the 12th Dieron units as they attacked.  Attempts by the 27th to attack met with the same response, in one battle General Fassen Koutri, the commander of the 27th, was knocked unconscious when his Grasshopper took a hit in the head, he came to only when an Irregular Archer had ripped the mechs head (with the General still inside it) off  to set it down next to the dismembered remains of a mech that had been in his family for 100 years. 
   The culmination of the campaign came on the outskirts of Iscariot.  Throwing caution to the wind the executive officer of the 27th (General Koutri having committed seppuku shortly after he came too) attacked one side of the Irregulars triangle while what was left of the 12th attacked the other side.  The fighting was heavy, with no quarter given on either side.  The battle was over when General Yawatono Kurita, a distaff relative of the ruling family, was captured while trying to escape.  Hogtied and taken to the Command Center of the Irregulars, he had a closed door meeting with Colonel Jellicoe.  The next hour, he was released, and a few days later the General and remaining units of both Dieron regiments boosted off planet.  The 12th was shattered as an effective unit, the 27th lifted off with less than a Battalion of mechs, but nearly two battalions worth of now dispossessed Dieron Regular mechwarriors accompanied them. 
   The death of General Troy, and other incidents related to the Coordinators order, had soon made its way across the entire Inner Sphere.  A new dimension to the War had been opened.
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #126 on: 07 February 2012, 02:04:13 »
I don't know how you could hold back Mercs after their commanding officer was executed.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #127 on: 07 February 2012, 02:38:20 »
That's one thing I find rather scary in that order, from a rrather loyal COmbine player. With ALL mercenaries antagonized like that, sure, you migth scare few to not face you, but they sure won't work for you either. In the end, what that means that those mercenaties you face are going to be more than a bit fanatical in their resistance, either while they are attacking or when you are raiding some of your neighbours who retain the use of mercenaries.

Not to mention that any small one-lance unit currently working for your industry to keep your production safe is now either getting the hell out of Dodge, or possibly taking the industry's output and THEN boosting the hell out of Dodge.
Ex Dubio, Obscura
"Only a warrior chooses pacifism; others are condemned to it."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #128 on: 07 February 2012, 20:28:28 »
I don't know how you could hold back Mercs after their commanding officer was executed.

There's a snippet about that coming up.

Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #129 on: 14 March 2012, 11:54:00 »
Yawatono Kurita had no idea why he was on Moore.  They weren't supposed to retreat “West” from Ashio, their fallback position had been Algedi, but it had been attacked as well.  When he arrived at Shitaraa, there were orders for what remained of his unit to report to the Provisional HQ on Moore.  He had never heard of the Provisional HQ, but the order was official, so he and his unit, what was left of it, went.
Now he was in an office building, its occupants either having left or been removed.  The planet itself was bustling with activity, several mech units and conventional regiments had retreated here from the Steiner attacks.  An aide had escorted him to this office, and then shut the door, leaving him alone with his thoughts for a few seconds.
The door opened, and Yawatono began to brace himself to attention, but stopped when he saw who it was.
Tired, bedraggled, wearing an everyday uniform covered with dirt and grime, Theodore Kurita walked in and shut the door.
“Well, Cousin,” he said, the words coming out of his mouth in a sour fashion, “I had thought it impossible for this situation to get any worse, but it appears my father not only found a way to make it happen, you were it's handmaiden.” The look he gave was of one encountering soured milk.
Yawatono bristled, and decided to go on the attack.  “Isn't it proper to acknowledge and salute a superior officer, Colonel?”
Theodore smiled.  “When I see one in front of me, I will.”  There was a firmness in his voice that caught Yawatono offguard.  Rumors had it Theodore was weak, incapable.  Where was that Theodore now?  Certainly not in this room.
“You have a package for my father?” Theodore asked.
“I do,” replied Yawatono, a bit of caution in his voice.
“I will have it.”  Theodore held his hand out.  Yawatono hesitated.  His word to Colonel Jellicoe had been given.
Theodore sighed.  “Cousin, you know whatever honor you had was lost on Ashio following my fathers ill advised directive.  And don't you start with how my father the Coordinator is above reproach.”  His eyes and voice had grown hard.  “It was my fathers policies that left us in this state, my fathers policies that have let our enemies take almost forty worlds from us, my fathers policies that have waged war against only one opponent instead of all of them.  By following those policies, you have forsaken not only your honor, but any common sense.  Your life is forfeit, and you know it.  But you have a choice.  You can let me read what Colonel Jellicoe gave you and choose the honorable way out on Luthien, or you can die here without honor and I will read it anyways.”
“You brazen whelp of a-” Yawatono's retort was cut off my the sound of Theodores hand hitting the desk top, the sound echoing like a shot.  A bare second later the door opened, and a head poked in. The mans Asian features were offset by the shock of red hair.  The man looked first at Theodore, then at Yawatono, and back to Theodore again.  An eyebrow arched in question. 
“Not as yet Ninyu, there are still matters to discuss.”  The man at the door simply nodded and shut the door behind him.
“The package.”  Theodore's outstretched, waiting.
After a few seconds, Yawatono reached into his own jacket and removed a heavy package.  Receiving it with a tight smile, Theodore sat down, opened it and began to read.  There were no other chairs in the office, Yawatono was forced to stand.  It was while waiting he noticed the maps on the wall, of both the Lyran front and Davion front.  There was a third map as well, one with just the mercenary Ronin on it. Once he realized what he was seeing, his eyes opened in surprise.
Theordore glanced up from his reading and saw the look on Yawatono's face.
“Shocking, isn't it?” he stood up and looked at the maps for a second as well.  “This,” he said, his hand sweeping the Lyran border, “is what my father has wrought.  This-” he indicated the Davion border “is what happens when the realities are ignored, when personal honor replaces that of the state.”
Yawatono's shock grew deeper.  How could Theodore talk like that?  He saw what Wolf had done to the coordinator on Terra.  The Coordinator was the state, his honor was the states honor!  Yawatono said as much, and in reply Theordore just smiled and sat back down.
“And this, this,” he said, picking up the package, “may well be the icing on the cake.  My father insists on making more enemies, enemies we cannot fight at the moment.”  Yawatono began to reply, but a hard look from Theodore left him sputtering.  Pulling out a piece of paper from the desk drawer, he wrote out a short quick message, and put it back in the envelope.  He handed the package back to Yawatono, who took it with a careful hand.
“The drop ship Aether is  boosting in an hour, it is going to Luthien.  You will be on that dropship, and you will personally deliver that message to my father.  This note,” Theodore was scribbling out another message, “will ensure that you are not delayed in that mission.”
“But my troops, my men-”
“They are no longer yours.  What remnants you have managed to bring here will stay here with my forces, I need them here more than you need them.”
Yawatono began to speak, but stopped when he saw the look in Theodore'e eye.
Bowing imperceptibly, Yawatono accepted the proffered letter, folding it into his uniform pocket.  Without another word, the office door opened, and Yawatono left.  While the red haired aide steered him towards a side door, Yawatono's rage at what just happened began to bubble over.  Son of the Coordinator or not, there were protocols to be observed.  They were in the stairway before Yawatono realized where they were.
“Why are we not taking the elevator?” he asked.  So caught up in his thoughts he did not notice the red haired man had stayed behind him.
The powerful kick to his back caught Yawatono off guard, and sent him crashing down the stairs in a jumble of arms and legs.  His head hit one of the stairs hard enough for him to see stars, and he stopped on the landing in a crumpled heap, gasping in pain. The aide had followed his progress down, and was standing a short distance away as Yawatono gathered himself, only to cry out in pain as a kick to his solar plexus immobilized him.  Out of the corner of his eye he saw the sword being drawn from its sheath.
“Because my master does not wish it,” was the mans response.
The sword fell.

The bag containing the head of a relative he barely knew lay at his feet untouched.  Takashi Kurita sat at his private desk, the package from his son and that ronin in his hands. 
Opening the package, he was slightly surprised when a small, heavy object fell out.  It was not a bomb, his son would not be so arrogant as that.  It was a medal, a Blue Star medal.  He pulled out a letter, taking a few seconds to read the words.


General Aleksandr Kerensky created the Blue Star award to reward those Warriors whose devotion to duty and loyalty in the face of overwhelming obstacles was more than noteworthy, but exceptional.  Only thirty seven of these were awarded before the Exodus, and all thirty seven remained behind to uphold the honor and ideals of the Star League. 
The medal you hold was awarded to Johnathon Simpson.  While you may not know that name, you should know Simpson was not from the Terran Hegemony, he was born and raised on Pesht, the minor son of a minor noble whose lineage is gone.  He joined the SLDF at the beginning of the Amaris War, and fought in the campaign to free Terra from the Usurper.  He was awarded this medal for fighting a rearguard action, an action in which well over a thousand civilians who were trapped behind the lines were able to escape, an action in which the three other members of his lance were killed, an action which almost cost him his life, and cost Lieutenant Simpson a year in the hospital recovering. 
Lieutenant Simpson answered Colonel Brighton's call in 2788, and died while fighting in 2792.  His medal has been passed down to those deemed worthy of it, and each recipient has done their utmost to live up to the standards Johnathon Simpson set. 
Mona Troy was awarded this medal in 2999, and there has hardly been a warrior more deserving.  Her death, at your order, has caused a great deal of anger and resentment amongst my men and women, an anger I have only been able to keep in check by reminding them of what the Blue Star Irregulars stand for, fight for, and honor.
I loan you this medal, although you are the least deserving of it.  Keep it in a place of honor, for the actions of those that have worn it, starting with Johnathon Simpson, demand no less.
The men and women of the Blue Star Irregulars will be back for it in due course.  That is a promise we are honor bound to keep.


Brian Jellicoe, CO, Blue Star Irregulars

With a snarl Takashi set the letter down, and stared at the medal for a few seconds.
“What do they know of honor?” he asked himself.  With a quick swipe he had opened a desk drawer and swiped the letter and medal into it, closing it with a bang.
There was another letter, from his son.  With a snarl as equal to the first one, he set to reading it, but only got halfway when the pounding in his head became so great he had to stop.  He was reaching for his medicine when he blacked out.
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #130 on: 14 March 2012, 16:26:03 »
Now that was an interesting development...
Ex Dubio, Obscura
"Only a warrior chooses pacifism; others are condemned to it."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #131 on: 14 March 2012, 19:13:56 »
wounder what theador said :/


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #132 on: 14 March 2012, 19:26:10 »
wounder what theador said :/

I bet it was better then what Jamie Wolf said. Jamie pissed him off, Teddy gave him an aneurysm.
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #133 on: 15 March 2012, 02:36:29 »
Teddy might have given him an Aneurysm, but a lobotomy would have been better. ::) >:D
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #134 on: 15 March 2012, 11:02:15 »
Teddy might have given him an Aneurysm, but a lobotomy would have been better. ::) >:D

The way he's acting (poor desicions, fixating on one thing), maybe he's already had one.
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #135 on: 16 March 2012, 00:59:52 »
There's a line in one of the books (maybe Book 2 of the 4th Succession War, I am away from them at the moment) that speculates Takashi had some sort of stroke type event at the start and it hindered the combine the first few months. 

I am following the same path here, mostly.


The way he's acting (poor desicions, fixating on one thing), maybe he's already had one.
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #136 on: 08 May 2012, 20:07:59 »
Just a quick update:

Got a new job that has very odd hours, and being a stay at home dad as well has made it an interesting few months.

Anyhows, am getting restarted on the LCAF front, will have something soon.  Feel free to bug me if you don;t see anything in the near future.

Thanks for reading,

Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #137 on: 08 May 2012, 20:21:19 »
better see something soon


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #138 on: 09 May 2012, 02:51:00 »
Stay at home dad.
You get lot's of bugging without any help from us. >:D
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #139 on: 17 May 2012, 14:30:24 »
The Lyran Commonwealth Forces in 3028, a Quiet Revolution

   When the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces are mentioned, the first image that comes to mind is a heavy or assault mech emblazoned with the Steiner Fist, moving ponderously across a landscape to engage the enemy.  The second is a military mired in bureaucratic red tape, graft, and self centered officers whose concept of tactics doesn't seem to go beyond “There is a brick wall, let me run my mech through it.”  While the LCAF had its bright spots throughout the Succession Wars, much more was made of its failures.  The LCAF Archon Katrina Steiner inherited after deposing her uncle Alessandro Steiner was on the verge of falling apart.  The former Archon's doctrine of “Concentrated Weakness”, coupled not only with with the peculation and incompetence of some of the LCAF Command, had done more damage to the morale and well being of the LCAF than the previous hundred years of warfare.  Having seen, and suffered from, the effect of Alessandro's policies in person, the new Archon had a huge task in front of her: rebuild and reform the LCAF from the inside out before its enemies could take even further advantage.  Starting in 3010, a quiet revolution began.
   First, the curricula at the service academies were changed.  Regarded as excellent schools, and they were, Sanglamore, the Nagerling and other academies spent a great deal of time on personal weapons skills, and not enough on tactical and organizational skills.  While they graduated as excellent marksmen, new leutnants in battle had little concept of what was happening around them and how to influence it, and as any soldier will tell you, combat is a brutal teacher.
   Secondly, regulations were changed, the bureaucracy became more efficient, or less cumbersome noted some observers.  Promising officers found their careers being shepherded by more powerful patrons, soldiers of all ranks found themselves being rewarded more for their skill and innovation on the battlefield than their political status.  Many officers who were incompetent were cashiered outright, or moved to out of the way positions and posts. 
   They key to the successes of these changes was in their implementation.  The Archon, and those officers in the High Command who agreed with her, knew that wholesale changes outright would be fought and challenged by the old guard.  By making changes a few at a time, and behind the scenes, the LCAF was slowly starting to reform from within.  In 3022, the reforms went into high gear.
   The signing of the Federated Commonwealth Accords gave the Archon and her supporters a useful tool.  Subtle manipulation and propaganda comparing the AFFS and LCAF soon had most of her troops ready for change, if only not to embarrass themselves in front of their new allies.  Wholesale changes were made to the service academy curricula.  The Archon herself wrote “A Battlefield Guide to the Uninitiated”, a tactics primer that was soon being used in the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth.  What resistance reforms faced collapsed in mid 3023, when the 10th Lyran Guards were soundly beaten in a series of games against the AFFS Kettering Proving Ground training unit. Than at same year, the first Lyran cadets began attending NAMA and other Federated Suns Academies.  In 3025 the first steps in forming Regimental Combat Teams were started, by 3026 almost every mech regiment was training with Infantry, Armor, Artillery and Fighter units.  Recent successes against House Kurita and House Marik showed many that the changes were working.   The overall success of Operation THOR in 3027 proved to all but the indignant of detractors that the Archon's changes were for the better.
   The most notable effect of the LCAF's changes was to its arsenal.  The Archon ordered several mech production lines retooled to produce lighter, quicker designs.  With the signing of the Accords, proven Davion designs like the Valkyrie and Enforcer were soon licensed to Defiance Industries, and in 3025 the first Lyran produced models were marching off the lines.  The advanced and controversial Hatchetman design was also  entering mainstream production.  Rumors of a Lyran light mech to counter the Kuritan Panther also surfaced at this time.  New tanks, the Rommel and PAtton, were also being produced, and dropship and aerospace fighter production was also increased.
   Instead of disbursing the newly produced mech designs to fill in vacancies existing regiments, many of units were gathered into companies, and some of the best pilots and officers in the LCAF were assigned to them.  Many of these were newly graduated from the Davion academies, and soon found themselves and their units back in Davion space.  Gathering at the Science Institute of New Avalon, a intense six month training course in Light Mech tactics was undertaken.  Instructors from the Davion Light Guards, the Federated Suns Armored Cavalry, the Eridani Light Horse and other units that specialized in light mech tactics drilled the units, which then rotated back to the Commonwealth.  Assigned to RCT's as an independent attached unit, the Blitz companies, who received their name from an officer who remarked his troops had been “Blitzed by the unit” in a training exercise, were tasked with scouting and acting as a mobile reserve.
   Rumors of a secret mech regiment also reached their height in 3027.  Made up of women, of disgraced Combine mechwarriors, of disgraced Lyran mechwarriors, the rumors flew fast and furious about who was in the unit.  What was known for certain was that entire regiment was comprised of Assault mechs. 
   In retrospect, many of the changes instituted by the Archon might seem obvious, the result of a common sensed individual assessing the situation and making the required changes.  However, once the scope of the changes became apparent, they were considered radical and dangerous by “Traditionalists” who opposed them.  However, since 3022, the performance of the LCAF noticeably improved to observers within and without the Commonwealth, even those who felt that their prestige as a mechwarrior was being lessened by them.

A Gathering Storm

   Some say the ink was barely dry on the Accords before Hanse Davion began discussing a joint military action against House Kurita.  At first, they were merely musings about possibilities, which the Archon was reluctant to act upon in the short term.  With the rapid ongoing changes to the LCAF, committing it to action before it was ready could be disastrous.
   In 3025, an change came over the First Prince.  He no longer considered a joint offensive idle dreaming, and was very serious about embarking on a new military offensive.  The scope and tones of his communications with the Archon became less idle and very serious.  Katrina's reluctance to act was still present, after all the Combine still had plenty of troops on the Lyran Border, and the last effects of the Marik Civil War were wearing off, the FWLM was becoming more active.  She proposed that the Commonwealth could lend limited support, but it would be a minimum of five years before any sort of joint action could be considered.  Despite numerous entreaties from the First Prince, the Archon refused to change her mind.
   In 3026, the situation began to radically change.  A surge of discontent gripped the Rasalhauge District of the Combine.  A new underground movement, named Tyr after the Norse God of War and Justice, had coalesced several smaller movements into one.  A sudden upsurge in demonstrations and strikes began to paralyze the District, and several important mid level officials, such as Prefect Lowell of Kirchbach, were assassinated.  The District Governor, Mies Kurita, was just as surprised by the changes occurring around him, and more frightened.  He requested more troops from Luthien, a request that was denied.  For years the Governor had been overstating the unrest in his area of responsibility, to the point where Luthien no longer believed him.  More shocking to LIC agents investigating the insurgency was the inaction of local DCMS commanders in district, who ignored the pleas for help.
   Taking advantage of the situation, the LIC and Military Intelligence section of the LCAF infiltrated the Rasalhauge District and soon established contact with Tyr.  Soon, smuggled Lyran weapons were being distributed, and by 3027 Tyr members were crossing the border to train with Loki, the LIC's unconventional warfare specialists.
   In 3026, a low level analyst began to notice a pattern in the DCMS deployment schedule.  Passing the information along, it was confirmed in 3027, the DCMS had fallen into a deadly pattern: predictability.  With few exceptions, units up and down the border began receiving supplies, organizing leaves, and receiving supplies in a rigorous schedule.  How it happened, and whether or not it was intentional is unknown. 
   The most egregious failure on the DCMS side was the adoption of the Replacement Schedule.  In July, all regiments discharged their retiring soldiers, received transfers and replacements.  Yearly bulk supplies were also ordered from the Procurement Division.  Due to distance and available transport space restrictions, Supplies ordered in July did not start arriving until September at the earliest.  This meant that  in August, DCMS units was full of green troops and their supplies were at their lowest level. 
   Armed with these new reports, Archon Katrina began to reassess the LCAF situation, and began to believe that an offensive could be launched.  The performance of the LCAF in Operation THOR in 3027 reinforced this change of heart.  Despite the difficulties encountered, the units involved overcame issues that in the past would have paralyzed them.  Communicating her change of heart to Prince Davion, the Archon began to prepare the LCAF for a new war.

Operation VALKRYIE

   While designed to operate in conjunction with Operation YELLOW BIRD, the Lyran offensive was a different operation altogether.  VALKYRIE was designed as a “Broad Front” offensive, as opposed to the deep strike design of YELLOW BIRD.  There were several issues that arose as the plans began to coalesce between the two High Commands.  VALKRYIE was  to attack along most of the border, meaning supplies would have a huge net to travel through.  Once specific targets were chosen, several “thin” areas of the front line were exposed.  An enemy counterattack through one of those areas could be devastating.  For the most part, the planners of VALKRYIE, including the Archon, weren't overly concerned with these weak areas.  They knew the overall goal of their operation was modest in scope, they were to tie down as many DCMS units as possible.  While taking worlds in the first waves was a goal, it was secondary to tying down as many DCMS units as possible.  Planners in both High Commands knew that whoever the DCMS reacted to the most, the other would have to be prepared to exploit it.
   Several units were moved from the Marik border, which bothered those generals tasked with guarding the border.  Although worried about an invasion from the Free Worlds League, the Archon and her advisers felt that the latest set of internal troubles would prevent the Free Worlds League from acting.
   On August 20th, as Prince Davion was toasting his new new Bride, jumpships of the Federated Commonwealth were appearing in Kuritan and Capellan Systems.  The Archon's sister, General Nondi Steiner, was chosen to be the overall commander of  VALKRYIE.  General Jerry Troka. Margrave of the Trellshire Theater, Kommandant-General Mitch Felspar, Assistant Margrave of the Tamar Theater, and General Jack Spire, Margrave of the Ryde Theater, were the regional commanders.  Watching her battle computer, General Steiner saw that well over 250 jumpships and 1000 dropships carrying 600 plus conventional units and 20 mech Regiments were making planetfall on 13 planets.  In setting their goals for Operation VALKRYIE, the Archon and her Generals felt that the offensive would be a success if they held or contested those 13 planets and dealt out more punishment then they received by the start of the new year.
   Little did the know, or expect, how VALKRYIE was to exceed their expectations.
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #140 on: 17 May 2012, 17:29:01 »


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #141 on: 17 May 2012, 21:08:16 »
Glad to see the story continue! 
SGT Mark McKinnon, Recon Lance McKinnon's Company, 7th Crusis Lancers, Federated Suns


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #142 on: 18 May 2012, 01:32:57 »
Only niggle in that bit was spelling error you kept repeating. Unless VALKRYIE is an acronym and not intended to read VALKYRIE... :D
Ex Dubio, Obscura
"Only a warrior chooses pacifism; others are condemned to it."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #143 on: 18 May 2012, 02:55:25 »
Its a spell check error with Open Office, if you save the word wrong, as I did, it skips over the rest of them...need to head to the forums to figure out how to take it out of the dictionary...


Only niggle in that bit was spelling error you kept repeating. Unless VALKRYIE is an acronym and not intended to read VALKYRIE... :D
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #144 on: 18 May 2012, 07:47:14 »
Nice update. However, the Valkyrie and the Enforcer are hardly what I would consider quicker designs, especially when designs like Firestarter, Phoenix Hawk and Griffin are already in production.

"Real men and women do not need Terra"
-- Grendel Roberts
We will be used to subdue the Capellan Confederation. We will be used to bring the Free Worlds League to heel. We will be used to
hunt bandits and support corrupt rulers and to reinforce the evils of the Inner Sphere that drove our ancestors from it so long ago."
-- Elias Crichell


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #145 on: 18 May 2012, 10:55:48 »
Not so much quicker as they are lighter.
The Commando is the only homegrown Steiner light mech, and while there are a couple of variants I like, the fact is you sneeze at it and the ammo blows up. :-)

The issues confronting the Lyrans in this regard are more institutional/doctrinal than anything else IMO, giving them a few more tools to help change thing certainly didn't hurt in canon, and it won't here either.


Nice update. However, the Valkyrie and the Enforcer are hardly what I would consider quicker designs, especially when designs like Firestarter, Phoenix Hawk and Griffin are already in production.
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #146 on: 18 May 2012, 10:59:12 »
I agree.  The Valkyrie gives a much better light support element for the Lyrans also.  The Enforcer, a hard hitting Trooper.
SGT Mark McKinnon, Recon Lance McKinnon's Company, 7th Crusis Lancers, Federated Suns


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #147 on: 19 May 2012, 10:32:43 »
The Commando is the only homegrown Steiner light mech, and while there are a couple of variants I like, the fact is you sneeze at it and the ammo blows up. :-)

You are forgetting that the Firestarter is a Lyran developed and constructed mech, even if it is in use around the Inner Sphere.

"Real men and women do not need Terra"
-- Grendel Roberts
We will be used to subdue the Capellan Confederation. We will be used to bring the Free Worlds League to heel. We will be used to
hunt bandits and support corrupt rulers and to reinforce the evils of the Inner Sphere that drove our ancestors from it so long ago."
-- Elias Crichell


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #148 on: 19 May 2012, 11:03:14 »
They also produced Stingers, Wasps, Locusts. Griffins and Phoenix Hawks as well, but those are produced by most everyone.   But I wasn't forgetting about the Firestarter, but by 3025 it was a pretty rare mech from what I recall reading. In fact, I suspect they were one of the mechs talked about in the "less common designs of the 35 to 55 ton range" comment in the original housebook. Most of my timeline is predicated on the original housebooks and "first time" information, and doesn't always take into account stuff that was retconned in later.


You are forgetting that the Firestarter is a Lyran developed and constructed mech, even if it is in use around the Inner Sphere.
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #149 on: 24 May 2012, 23:26:49 »

   Dieron was once an important administrative center for the Star League, an economic and military powerhouse that was stripped to the bones by the retreating Star League Regular Army.  In a fit of pique, arrogance or hubris, Coordinator Minoru Kurita made Dieron a Combine District Capital, thus attaching not only significant military value to the world, but personal honor as well.  As the headquarters for the entire district, Dieron was dotted with military forts and installations, the biggest of which was the Dragon's Roost, where Warlord Cherenkoff “led” his forces.
   Defending the planets numerous mountain ranges and valleys were several  conventional regiments.  Mech wise, The 5th Sword of Light had retreated back to Dieron after it's actions on Northwind, and was preparing to leave on a raid against the Lyran Front when the AFFS jumpships appeared.  The 18th Dieron Regulars had recently retreated from Altair, and in the interim had fully repaired it's damaged mechs, but was still a battalion understrength.  Also present was the 9th Sun Zhang Academy Cadre, a light mech regiment comprised of recent graduates from the Combines elite Military Academy whose fervor and valor in battle could not compensate for their lack of experience.  Also present on planet was Warlord Dieron himself, General Vassily Cherenkoff.
   Attacking Dieron were the 1st and 3rd Crucis Lancers, and the 2nd Davion Guards RCT, with Marshal Jessica Davion of the 2nd Davion in overall command.  All three Davion RCT's landed on the northern continent of Mataeo, home to the larger cities and spaceports on the planet.  The initial advance of all three RCT's was slowed by several minor tremors (Dieron being an active world renowned for the number of earthquakes it endures), horrendous weather, and hit and run attacks by the 9th Sun Zhang that were easily repulsed.  As the Davion units marched closer to the capital city of Tahlwynn, Kuritan resistance stiffened. 
   Leading elements of the 1st Crucis Lancers encountered heavy resistance in the Karendaal Valley, as General Kingsley and the 18th Dieron counterattacked in a fierce battle that lasted most of the day, as Marshall Powell fed more of his units into the battle in an attempt to dislodge the 18th.  As nightfall settled, the 18th launched a vicious counterattack that sent the leading Davion units back in disarray.  Unable to pursue, the 1st Crucis units dug in for the night, and in a stroke of luck intercepted several communiques between General Kinglsey of the 18th Dieron and General Conti of the 5th Sword of Light.  Apparently the battle in the Karendaal was to be an ambush, with the 18th acting as the blocking unit and the 5th as the flanking unit.  However, the 5th never arrived, with General Kinglsey going so far as to accuse General Conti of cowardice in the face of the enemy.  In reply, Conti was using a series of minor skirmishes against one of the 1st Crucis Lancers conventional battlegroups as the reason for his delay. 
   After the Karendaal battle, cooperation between the Kuritan units dissolved, even as Warlord Cherenkoff took the field to command personally.  Several times the 5th Sword or 18th Dieron refused to come to one another aid, and in one instance at Goliade two battalions of the Sun Zhang were almost wiped out when neither the 5th Sword or 18th Dieron moved up to help them.  Taking advantage of the disarray and lack of cooperation between the defending Kuritan units, Marshall Davion launched a daring plan.  Using her own 2nd Davion as a central force, she sent both the 1st and 3rd Crucis Lancers on wide flanking march.  Each Davion RCT was numerically superior to any Kuritan unit choosing to attack by itself, but should the Kuritan's lay aside their animosity and concentrate on any unit en mass, it could be disastrous.  As events came into play, both sides almost suffered from catastrophe.
   Marshal Powell's flank march was virtually unopposed, as his RCT brushed aside what conventional unit resistance there was, within a few days he and his unit were withing striking range of Tahlwynn.  As he was preparing to assault the city, a series of tremors shook the area.  Of the three approaches to the city General Powell was planning to use, two were completely cut off by mountain slides, and the third narrowed in such a manner that the defending battalion of 5th Sword of Light Heavy mechs would have little problems in holding of the frontal attacks the 1st would have to use to break through.  General Powell began looking for another path to the capital city, keeping a large battlegroup in place to keep the opposing Kuritan forces honest.  On the other flank however, Marshall Jesse Pedroza and the 3rd Crucis Lancers encountered some of the stiffest resistance in the campaign, as several conventional Kuritan units gave a good accounting of themselves in holding their own against the numerically superior Davion forces.  When Pedroza's 2nd mech Battalion launched a flank attack through one of the more numerous valleys in the area, it in turn was attacked by the remaining companies of the 18th Dieron, whose heavier mechs took a terrible toll on the lighter Davion unit.  The 3rd Lancers 1st and 3rd Battalions entered the battle in a piecemeal fashion, the broken terrain and communication issues inherent in the area made coordination difficult.  Only when Marshal Pedroza arrived with the Lancers 4th Battalion did the 18th Dieron break off.  Reluctant to follow the enemy in such challenging terrain, Marshal Pedroza and the 3rd Crucis held their positions and waited.  Both sides had lost well over a Battalions worth of mechs in the day long fight.
   The hardest fight of the week belonged to the 2nd Davion.  Taking command of the 5th Sword of Light personally, Warlord Cherenkoff led three of the units Battalions in a night march that took the lighter mechs of the 2nd Battalion by surprise.  Falling back slowly and using the terrain to their advantage, Marshal Davion and her troops were giving the Kuritan units a dose of their own medicine: defending against an advancing and fighting through heavy terrain against a capable opponent.  Once again the 2nd Davion's Artillery Regiment played a key role in the battle, raining down accurate fire on the advancing 5th Sword Mechs.  In an event that Marshal Davion put down to “Cosmic Karma”, her intelligence officer had just asked if their had been any sightings of the remaining 9th Sun Zhang mechs, when in a hail of missile and laser fire, the remaining battalion of cadets announced themselves.
   Having used the 5th Swords approach as a cover, the light mechs of the 9th had worked their way around the 2nd Davion, destroying an infantry battalion and tank battalion in the process.  Breaking into the rear area of the 2nd, the Sun Zhang cadets found themselves in the midst of the Davion repair yards, Artillery emplacements, CASH and Tactical Operation Center.  The only units available to oppose them were Marshall Davions security lances of 8 mechs, a companies worth of tanks, several damaged vehicles, a Battalions worth of Infantry without heavy weapons, and the artillery emplacements themselves.  In a swirling battle that Marshal Davion later remarked resembled a bar room brawl, the light mechs of the Sun Zhang were soon within the Davion perimeter and firing on anything they could.  The true hero's of the battle were the Davion conventional tank units, both damaged and undamaged, as they stood their ground and gave every bit as good as they received.  One Vedette tank crew killed three Kuritan mechs and damaged two other before being destroyed.  Several vehicles in the repair bays were hastily crewed by mechanic's and walking wounded, and while not at full strength or combat capability their presence helped out immensely.  In one instance, for about 15 minutes several tubes of Sniper artillery guns became anti mech guns, with gunners firing over open sights at the Kuritan light and medium mechs in their midst.  One gun crew destroyed one Panther and damaged another before their gun was destroyed.  A half hour into the battle, the 9ths commanding officer was killed when he walked in front of a disabled a Demolisher tank, whose quick thinking gunner cored his Centurion with two AC/20 rounds.  What cohesion the green troops had soon fell apart, and when a company of Davion mechs appeared over the ridge line as reinforcements, they broke off, chased down by reinforcing Davion units.
   Two weeks later all three Davion RCT's had reached Tahlwynn, and began to invest the city.  Of the three Kuritan units on planet, the 9th Sun Zhang was in name only, the 18th Dieron was reduced to 5 companies of mechs in various states, and the 5th Sword had lost a battalions worth of mechs, but being an oversized unit to begin with it was, on paper, at full strength.  Also in their favor was the 5th Sword and 18th Dieron's expertise at city fighting.  Wanting to minimize civilian casualties as possible, the Davion troops had settled in for a siege.  After a weeks worth of probing and skirmishing, Marshal Pedroza thought she had found a gap in the Kuritans defense, and was preparing her troops for an assault when the sounds of battle erupted from the center of the city.   Unsure of what to do next, Marshal Davion ordered a hold on the assault.  Three hours later, Kuritan dropships began boosting into the sky.  When it was confirmed the last of the dropships had boosted off, the Davion troops began a cautious entry into the city, and found that all the Kuritan mech units had retreated off planet.  Sporadic resistance from the militia was quickly overcome, and the large ISF presence on the planet was neutralized by a population tired of fighting under the Kuritan banner.  While no one accurate story of the fighting has been given, the most common story is that Warlord Dieron, wanting to spare the citizens of further bloodshed, ordered a retreat, and was attacked by the remaining cadets of the Sun Zhang.  The veracity of the story is is dispute though, as no one from the Kuritan side is really talking, and the only remaining Sun Zhang pilots on planet were dead, apparently by their own hand.
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
Every Man Must Be Tempted, a KNT Universe series:
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, because the competent use it when it could do some good."

