Author Topic: Far No Longer  (Read 42569 times)


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Far No Longer
« on: 31 March 2021, 19:28:31 »
Far No Longer

Spireship Lance of Dakodo, Herald of the Far, Master of the Ningen
White Star ÔãAD1926
Great Smoke Dust Cloud (Approx. 15E LY from the Pulsar of Kuni’s Flare)   
12 Popætí, Year 2420 of Sky and Stars

     Like a feather landing upon the waves, the elongated form of the Okadi-class spireship Lance of Dakodo, Herald of the Far, Master of the Ningen descended back into normal space from the Higher Planes. As it did so, the two six-petal wings of metal fanning out from the mid-hull and tail assemblies coiled back around the ship’s length, closing like flowers blooming in reverse. Meanwhile, the ship’s angular prow—the forward tip of its hundred-fifty-meter length—retracted toward the twin coils that housed its foremost braking thruster assembly. A final wave of blue-gold iridescence rippled along the starcraft’s length from the bow, only to be met by a corresponding red-gold wave that flickered up from the tail. Luminous particles of ionized stardust drifted away from the ship as the waves met and canceled each other out.

    Within the Lance, Starmaster Kopædo of the Winterglow reached up to the center latch of his six-point harness, releasing it with a squeeze from both of his left-hand thumbs. Once released, the straps retracted into the edges of his ovoid command seat of their own accord, leaving the captain free to push up from its contoured heart. But before doing so, he drew his bare feet to the cold deck grates below, and curled his toes gently into their grooves, entwining his talons could get a good grip. Launching oneself into the microgravity of thrustless flight was a stunt only the naively overeager or the desperately panicked ever did—and Kopædo was neither of those.

     The high-resolution projector lens dominated the forward half of the small command center chamber, providing a spectacular view of the endless night spreading out before the Lance. Tuned as it was toward (but not wholly within) the infra-red spectrum, its usual blackness was tinged with wisps of a reddish fog seemingly frozen in mid-swirl. The faint glow of thermal energy reflected off the far-flung specks of matter that were flung out by a dying sun millions of years gone by. From many dozens of light-years away, the nebula might have taken on a more distinct shape, like that of a faintly red bubble against an otherwise endless black, but the view from inside was little more than a mist that could only be picked up in the false color of sub-visual wavelengths.

    Two crewmen remained seated before Kopædo, their backs to the shipmaster as they busied themselves at their own control planes, fingertips and thumbnails periodically tapping at various displays as each one—Pathfinder Tâtapi of the Sunnyplain and Farseeker Diachi of the Watergrass—checked and rechecked the data before them. As was tradition, it was the pathfinder who spoke up first, his eyes rotating back toward the starmaster without his needing to turn his head in the same way. His voice was high-pitched and confident.

     “Position established, Starmaster. We are in stable orbit at a distance of nine-twelfths KD of the stellar primary, less than four-twelfths LD of the anomalous object and matching its natural velocity.”

     “Commendable, Pathfinder,” said Kopædo with a leftward bob of his head, and Tâtapi’s eyes swiveled forward again. “Farseeker?”

     “Our scanners are analyzing the artifact now,” chirped Diachi, though her eyes remained focused on the screens before them. “It is definitely artificial in nature, but is generating no active radiations of any kind. It is approximately twenty meters in length, and fashioned out of some kind of synthetic mineral composite that resembles a type of concrete and marble stone mixture. If it is any type of beacon or buoy, it is inert. I can find no sign of any type of motive, navigational, or sensory systems on its outer surface. Nor can I find any thermal or electromagnetic indicators that would suggest an interior biosphere conducive to life.”

     “Then our long-reaching scans are confirmed?”

     “It would seem so, Starmaster,” Diachi said with a leftward head bob. “This does not appear to be a spacecraft of any kind.”
From his vantage point, Kopædo could see enough of Diachi’s displays to become intrigued, and looked back up at the main lens. The “artifact,” as she called it, appeared as an ill-defined blob of bone whiteness at the center of the faintly red-tinged starfield beyond it. Clicking his tongue thoughtfully at the thing, he decided to satisfy his curiosity further.

     “Let’s all have a look, Farseeker,” he said. “Put it on the lens.”

     Green, angular markers surrounded the distant object for a moment and flashed as the lens shifted to magnified sensory enhancement. The image resolved itself quickly, revealing a strange shape that looked as though it began as a squat cylinder then stretched out and away into twisting branches of glinting, white stone. Kopædo found himself automatically tilting his head to the right, and was amused to see both of his fellow officers doing the same through his peripheral vision. The flatness of the cylinder portion facing the Lance struck him immediately as significant. Where the rest of the object had what appeared to be a more organic feel to its design, this surface was completely smooth and lacking in any detail he could make out. It reminded him of the kind of thing one might see if they looked at the base of a toppled totemic—and, just like that, it occurred to the starmaster that, perhaps, that was exactly what it was!

    “Pathfinder,” Kopædo said after a moment’s thought.

    “Sir?” Tâtapi responded quickly, his peripheral pupils coming swiveling back again.

    “Adjust our position, nose up one-twelfth, ahead slow. Let’s get directly above that thing.”

    “It will be done.”

    “Farseeker, keep this lens centered on target as we move.”

    Daishi gave a few rapid clicks in reply.

    As the Lance responded to Tâtapi’s maneuvers, the three officers in the ship’s command center watched the object rotate slowly and dramatically with their new perspective. What was revealed, gradually, took on less of the appearance of an artistically entwined set of branches, and more a figure of what, to Kopædo’s eyes, was even more mystifying…and somehow, in the very depths of his gizzards, deeply ominous at the same time.

     There, floating in space, around this otherwise lonely star in the middle of this ancient nebula, was the figure of a tall creature, standing astride its circular base on two thick legs that ended in strange, toeless feet, and with two arms near the top of its peculiarly broad-shouldered torso. Both of these arms ended in hands that looked familiar to Kopædo, but unnatural for the way they lacked one thumb each. One of the figure’s hands—the clearest one they could see on the floating statue—was upraised, its blunt fingers slightly splayed in what seemed to be a beckoning wave. The other hand, held lower at the figure’s left side, supported a sphere that looked slightly larger than its own head, upon which were curious etchings that suggested the shapes of landmasses on a planetary surface. Given the numerous grooves, folds, and seams apparent all over what was clearly a carefully detailed work of art, the stone avatar was clad in some form of armor from head to toe. And yet, in the broad, smooth curve of the figure’s helm, strange shades of color—possibly created by use of pigments blended into the very material used to construct it—Kopædo felt like he could make out…a face?

     It was a face like no other that Kopædo had ever beheld in life, and yet he sensed that some lost part of himself, almost spiritual in nature, knew what this was. Even as he fought to remember why, his claws were tapping on the intercom controls set above his command seat moments later.

     “Attention,” he called into the mike stud. “This is the Starmaster speaking! Chief Shaman, please report to the command center at once!”

     It was mere moments later—long before Chief Shaman Nôpakæ could possibly make the trip from her chapel—that Tâtapi gave the image the name Kopædo’s mind could not seem to find.

     “Skies and stars!” she gasped. “Is that…a human?”

« Last Edit: 24 May 2021, 14:37:52 by HABeas2 »

Red Pins

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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #1 on: 31 March 2021, 19:38:49 »

April fools day...?

Tagged, anyway.
...Visit the Legacy Cluster...
The New Clans:Volume One
Clan Devil Wasp * Clan Carnoraptor * Clan Frost Ape * Clan Surf Dragon * Clan Tundra Leopard
Work-in-progress; The Blake Threat File
Now with MORE GROGNARD!  ...I think I'm done.  I've played long enough to earn a pension, fer cryin' out loud!  IlClan and out in <REDACTED>!
TRO: 3176 Hegemony Refits - the 30-day wonder


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #2 on: 01 April 2021, 01:10:04 »
So this is the future of the Tetatae. Excellent
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
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"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #3 on: 01 April 2021, 03:21:59 »
<gasp> BattleTechWiki Admin
Author of the BattleCorps stories Feather vs. Mountain, Rise and Shine, Proprietary, Trial of Faith & scenario Twins


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #4 on: 01 April 2021, 04:00:31 »
I want to see them in the Kowloonverse. Face it, the 'Loonies are pretty much the only people who want to meet new civilisations ...
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #5 on: 01 April 2021, 11:21:25 »
I did enjoy Far Country alot.  Then again I like birds.  Can't wait for more!

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #6 on: 01 April 2021, 15:46:19 »
That was magnificently written.  If more comes, I will be ecstatic.  If it ends here though, that would not be unfitting.
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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #7 on: 01 April 2021, 17:17:08 »
April 1st was the perfect day to drop something like this...  ^-^


  • Grand Vizier
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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #8 on: 01 April 2021, 19:14:04 »
Well, technically, I dropped it yesterday.

So...  xp

- Herb


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #9 on: 01 April 2021, 19:25:57 »
My statement stands!  :)


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #10 on: 15 April 2021, 14:47:26 »
Some Time Ago...

[The holoviewer flickers to life with a crackling hiss, its ancient emitters protesting despite decades of meticulous care and dutiful maintenance. In the center of a vaguely cylindrical field, a healthy, yet pale-looking man with brown hair and eyes stands behind an obsidian lectern from which hangs a deep green, golden-fringed banner that bears the logo of an eight-pointed, compass-like star. The southern ray of this logo is extended, stretching easily three times as long as the corresponding north, west, and east points, which in turn are twice as long as the four diagonal points between them. Behind the speaker, who wears a military-style uniform of tan fabric and deep brown leather, a larger banner stretches across a curved wall. This banner is golden brown, and bears the stylized image of a canine head, bearing its fangs before an orange rectangular field topped with six yellow five-pointed stars.

In a voice many ages gone, the man speaks with indomitable pride...

     "Peoples of the Inner Sphere, rejoice!

     "At last, your centuries-long nightmare is over! The time when your destinies were ruled by the avarice of unearned nobility is coming now to its final end. By right of honor, by the blood of true heroes, and by the will of the Kerenskys, a new era of peace, unity, and strength—for all of humankind—is now at hand. No longer shall your families and loved ones be compelled to fight and die for the glory of greed-driven aristocracy. No longer will the fate of worlds and nations be made by the corrupt and the prideful. No longer will neighbor-states make war and chaos in the name of reclaiming power and grandeur that has never been theirs to take in the first place!

For today, once more, the Star League—a true Star League—has been reborn on the hallowed world of our collective birth! Today, the curses of Stefan Amaris, Jerome Blake, and Devlin Stone have been lifted from the precious jewel that is Terra. Today, the rightful heirs of the Cameron and Kerensky legacies have returned home to stay, and have firmly planted the flag of a Star League purified by the fires of war, sanctified by the blood of those who never gave up hope in the dream of a mankind united once more in peace and prosperity!

     "Under the protection of our Clans, brought together as one after generations of preparation for this very moment, the peoples of the Inner Sphere and beyond will know a freedom from strife unsurpassed in the annals of all human history. Led by the ilClan Wolf, we shall be your shield against all enemies. No longer will you need fear the vile predations of the barbarian Houses, pirates, and money-soldiers who have shown you naught by contempt!

     "In the years yet to come, we will bring this new peace to those who have yet to yield before the inevitable might of our justice—the desperate, would-be lords who refuse to abandon their old, wretched ways. In so doing, we will eliminate all threats from those who would do you harm in the name of politics and profit. Their tools of war will be smashed. Their empires of lies will crumble. Their slaves will be freed. And their industries will be turned toward the greater good of all mankind, rather than a privileged few!

     "While there may be those who profess that we are but the third to claim the mantle of the Star League by name, let none dissuade you or deceive you: What has been forged today is the truest successor to the Great Unity of our forebears—a pure and perfect, living, breathing continuance of the glorious original. We are the legacy and the future of mankind. We are the Star League, and our destiny is eternal!"

[The speaker, lectern, and banners all fade away, their forms replaced by the eight-pointed compass-star insignia from the podium, now strangely turned on its side and presented as a flat image. The holoviewer clicks and crackles as this too fades into blackness after a few heartbeats...]

[Several flat-screen displays flash to the sides of the holoviewer as the remembrance hall's main lights grow somewhat brighter, forcing the shadows to retreat toward the room's distant corners. Upon each screen appears text and imagery from a distant past, lost ages ago with their creators, appreciated now only by those academics who have labored and studied hard enough to appreciate the language of the Ancients...]

Third League Pushes Further into Capellan Space
(26 April 3152)

Nanking [ISAP] – While some pockets of resistance remain among the blasted cities of Wenfang and Yang-ku—mostly made of from stragglers from the First Liao Footguards, backed up by dismounted MechWarriors and other local insurgents—the banners of Clan Wolf and the Third Star League fly proudly over the world of Nanking today, according to Star Colonel Ruther Malthus of the First Capellan Expeditionary Battle Cluster. Combined with the defeat of House Liao’s forces on nearby Hsein and Tall Trees, the current blitzkrieg against the Confederation has proven too much for the Chancellor’s troops.

“Surprise was certainly on our side on Tall Trees,” Malthus commented during a cursory press conference. “The Capellan surats clearly weren’t expecting the arrival of our reinforcements through Van Dieman and Wasat. Perhaps they believed that region too unstable in the wake of its recent transition to ilClan authority, or perhaps they foolishly assumed their garrisons could handle a flanking strike on that front. Either way, they have paid for their foolishness in blood, and broke with ease.”

Indeed, many were caught off guard by how quickly the Third League forces managed not only to rally after the recent conquest of Republic, but to mobilize for war on new fronts within mere months of the ilKhan’s final victories on Terra. With the united Clan toumans established under the command of ilKhan Alaric Wolf as the reborn Star League’s official defense force, former units of the Republic of the Sphere, Lyran Commonwealth, and Federated Suns currently fill a secondary role on a provisional basis—a position that Clan custom typically refers to as “solahma.” This is doubtless due to the questionable loyalty these supplemental troops might have toward their new Clan masters.

“For those who wish to serve our glorious Star League, there shall always be opportunities in our ranks,” said Star Colonel Dominia Lassenerra, spokeswoman for the newly created SLDF Resource and Recruitment Office on Mars. “But only those proven in the crucible of battle—those who shed blood for the League and prevail over its enemies—can truly earn it.”

Free Worlds Continues to Crumble
(10 June 3152)

Lesnovo [ISAP] – Shockwaves from the fall of Atreus are still being felt throughout the three remaining states of the Free Worlds League as Third League forces solidify their hold on their most recent gains along their embattled borders. Although Captain-General Nikol Marik and the majority of the Free Worlds Parliament did manage to escape their capitol world prior to the onslaught of Clan and Lyran invaders, the loss of the Atrean Corridor has all but severed their ability to coordinate with the Oriente Protectorate, which remains under threat not only from the reborn SLDF, but also encroachments by the Andurien-Capellan Alliance and the Regulan Fiefs.

“In just a few short months, the [Free Worlds] League has lost more than a decade’s progress toward reunification,” said Andrew Harper, MP of Astrokaszy and Professor Emeritus of Political Sciences at Prague Aerie University on Campoleone. “The mass absorption of the Clan Protectorate, Augustine Alliance, and the Covenant Worlds into the former Terran Republic already had Parliament reeling, and the Andurien capture of the Mosiro Archipelago, aided by Canopian troops, certainly didn’t help matters.”

The Andurien-Canopian offensive, supported by House Liao despite the latter’s own desperate defense against the resurgent Clans, has made it all but impossible for Oriente—now isolated from the rest of the Free Worlds—to hold out against what has become a free-for-all on all its borders. As a consequence, many believe that the Protectorate’s fate is not a question of if the Captain-General’s home realm will fall, but when it will do so, and whose banner will fly over the ruins left in its wake. For some, however, the future of is only too easy to read:

“Whatever devil’s deal the Regulans struck with the Clans, I hope it was worth it,” said Harper, referring to the apparently coordinated manner in which the Regulan Fiefs and the Third League forces seized the Atrean Corridor worlds last month. “Because I doubt [ilKhan] Ward will have much use for them at all once he's done wolfing down the Protectorate.”

Renegades at Large: Mercenaries Outlawed League-Wide
(14 August 3152)

Galatea [TNN] – In a nearly unanimous decision, the Star League Grand Council today declared an end to the legitimacy of soldiers-for-hire across all League worlds, states, settlements, and protectorates. This move, which formally outlaws all aspects of the mercenary trade—an institution employed throughout the Inner Sphere ever since the Age of War—is expected to be ratified by ilKhan Alaric Ward himself before the end of the month.

“The difference between a mercenary and a pirate is all but a matter of semantics,” said Galaxy Commander Heath Sradac, junior representative of the Rasalhague Dominion. “To declare one morally better than the other simply based on which one is more subservient to coin is an insult to the honor and the solemn service of every warrior who ever fought, bled, and died for his home, his Clan, or even his nation.”

“It is important to remember that the vast majority of all mercenary organizations who have emerged throughout history began as renegades from legitimate military forces,” noted Galaxy Commander Irida Von Jankmon of the Jade Falcons. “However they have been romanticized and normalized by the societies of old, we must always remember that most—if not all—of today’s money-soldiers were born of treason and thievery, whose loyalty has ever been to whatever corrupt, wealthy benefactors were willing to meet their fee.”

In keeping with the Star League’s commitment to embracing those warriors willing to serve honorably in the new SLDF, even mercenary commands have been granted an opportunity to submit their arms and their members to the League’s exclusive authority for proper reorganization and redeployment. But while some have heeded the call, foreswearing their old war-for-profit ways in favor of honorable and legitimate service, a great many others, such as the renegade Kell Hounds and Kirkpatrick’s Invaders, have opted instead to flee beyond the League’s borders—either to turn pirate like the Hounds, or to throw their lot in with the ever-shrinking realms still struggling to oppose the ilKhanship.

Despite the arguments against the promotion, purveying, and practice of mercenary activities within the League, a few dissenting votes did arise in vain defense of the profession, including Galaxy Commander Petr Kalasa of the Sea Fox Khanates.

“The warrior’s call is, beyond doubt, the noblest of all,” said Kalasa during a brief statement against the vote. “But no matter how large its touman, the SLDF cannot hope to anticipate every need of every world we are sworn to protect, not in the ways best known only to those who directly administer such far-flung holdings. By denying them access to irregular military assets, willing and able to react to crises that might be deemed unworthy of the sheer costs involved in redeploying even the smallest of our solahma, we risk an open invitation to banditry that could have been prevented.”

AUTHOR'S CAVEAT: This is a fanfic; don't read into anything I put here.


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #11 on: 15 April 2021, 17:08:42 »
Ah, but it's fanfic, and that invites all KINDS of comment...  ^-^


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #12 on: 15 April 2021, 19:06:01 »
Ah, but it's fanfic, and that invites all KINDS of comment...  ^-^

Comments are fine. I just don't want to hear folks getting it confused with canon.

Especially as I'm about to ask folks to give me four to six mercenary character ideas to carry on this tale with...

...So, yeah. Pitch 'em, folks? I'll give you till, oh, let's say Monday.

- Herb


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #13 on: 15 April 2021, 19:29:04 »
Monday's good for me, though I don't know if I'll recover from this week's runs by then... I'll never run more than 10 miles two days in a row again!  :P


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #14 on: 16 April 2021, 01:10:20 »
I think I'd better shunt this opportunity off to a separate thread, though. To avoid too much clutter here in the core story area...

So, go here to send your ideas, if interested.

Catch you laters!

- Herb

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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #15 on: 20 April 2021, 20:32:47 »
Given how this story kicked off and who's writing it... I wonder if by the time it's over I'm going to find myself forced to conclude that something has finally surpassed the movie Skyline as the most bleak, hopeless, life-denying feelbad experience in the history of science fiction. :(

Sigh! Well, Herb's right. We really can be a species of truly horrible bastards sometimes. The Tetatae are probably a lot better off without us getting in their way. xp
« Last Edit: 20 April 2021, 20:46:50 by Hominid Mk II »
Ever felt that The Powers That Were at FASA, WizKids and FanPro never gave Victor Steiner-Davion and the Federated Commonwealth a fair shake in the canon timeline? Then you might be interested in my Victor Victorious AU at



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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #16 on: 24 April 2021, 21:59:20 »
Chimeisho-class JumpShip Ghost of Chuyo
Zenith Jump Point
Ibstock, Oriente Protectorate, Free Worlds League
19 December 3152

Shipmaster's Log: Otishi Bashira recording...

We were well inside Commonwealth space when the news came out, delivered across hundreds of light-years by courier ships and relayed by whatever HPGs remained up. Too shattered and weakened to make a fight of it, the Elsies simply gave up and allowed themselves to be annexed into Alaric Ward’s new “Star League.” Some tried to spin it as a new age of cooperation, an end to all the chaos the Blackout caused, salvation from the certainty of more Jade Falcon brutality... But surrender is surrender, no matter how you dress it up. Even that was less surprising than what followed next, though: the complete usurpation of the entire LCAF military command to Clan order, and the realm-wide, effective-immediately ban on mercenaries that came with it.

Unfortunately, the new reports had yet to reach us when, fresh after our abruptly-cancelled contract on Vermezzo, some patrol ships under the authority of this “Third Star League” demanded our immediate and unconditional surrender over Virtue—and punctuated their request with a warning fusillade of laser and missile fire. Identifying our last employers didn’t help, neither did a generous offer of S-Bills we really didn’t have on-hand anyway.

“Orders are orders,” they said, with a hint of real remorse...right before “reluctantly” launching some fighters toward us.

It was only thanks to the spare charge in our LF battery that we managed to survive that day, but not before both the Ghost, the Wilderghast, and the Lion’s Paw all took a beating.

Since then, it’s been a race toward greener pastures—Liao green, in this case. That’s where Captain Leónymus decided to head. Scuttlebutt from merchant ships, couriers, and other intercepts made between jumps have painted a picture of an Inner Sphere fast dissolving into this new empire the Clans were building. The Feddies have joined it, the Stones are already subjects, and the Free Worlds League, barely emerging after generations of post-Jihad collapse, are being gobbled up in chunks. Nobody's even sure what's happening in Combine space by this point, but getting there from where we were at meant cutting straight through the heart of the nightmare. But the Cappies…they're still fighting somehow, and they're bringing friends from Andurien and Canopus. It was either join the fray with those guys, or try and flee into the barren wasteworlds of the Periphery. The Cap picked the ones who could cover our bills and maybe heal our hurt.

We were over Aitutaki when Leónymus finally bought it.

Some Regulan raiders with a hard-on for kicking Marik ass while it's down had seized the local recharge station and demanded a toll to pass through unmolested. And they didn’t mean money—between our LF-equipped Jumper and two modified Seekers carrying fourteen ’Mechs between them, we had “just enough” to make a generous donation to the Regulan defense effort. (How we were to go anywhere from that point wasn't really their concern, of course, but hey, at least we'd be alive!) Cap wasn’t letting that go without a fight, but Ghost’s jump drive had stalled, and we needed time to reboot. With no fighters of our own, it was up to all the guns they could get outside the hulls to hold the line until our techs could get our systems back up and get us a green board.


The crazy bastard’s plan worked, though; I have to give him that. But using ’Mechs as walking hull batteries is tempting fate way more than anybody ever should—let alone doing it while your ship is prepping for an emergency hyperspace jump. Almost thirty light-years later, the Ghost and Wilderghast were safe and sound beneath Muscida, but all that remained of Lion’s Paw—and the MechWarriors who stood on her hull to the last second—were twists of deformed metal bleeding parts, sparks, and the last vestiges of their air supply into the void.

I pray their deaths were quick.

That was three weeks, and three double-jumps ago now, and things haven’t stopped looking shaky. Our LF batteries have been throwing off error messages and venting steam almost as much as the drive core itself lately, the stress of so many fusion-recharges taking their toll, combined with a lack of parts, tools, and crew to handle every emergency. Meanwhile, the rest of the Leftovers have been bleeding and sweating their own way through repairs to their ’Mechs and the Wilderghast—all while trying to maintain something resembling unit cohesion since Aitutaki. Tensions are high, supplies are low, and nobody’s sure who’s really in charge now. And Clan forces are just a jump away from us, I'm told.

But at last, Liao space is in sight. It’s just a question of what to do when we finally get there…

Mercenary Force Brief: Leftover Lions
Unit Name: Leftover Lions
Unit Colors: Blend of traditional desert and forest camouflages
Unit Insignia: A stylized lion's head, scarred by three claw marks across left eye.
Unit Strength: 16 BattleMechs, 2 DropShips (Seeker-class), 1 JumpShip (Chimeisho-class)
Unit Commander: Capt. Gabriel Leónymus
Unit Status: Wanted/At Large
Last Known Position/Realm: Aitutaki/Inner Free Worlds Sector
Last Known Employer: None
Last File Update: 30 Nov 3152

The Leftover Lions were once a reinforced BattleMech company formed from the scattered remains of several other small commands shattered in the aftermath of Gray Monday. Emerging on Galatea in 3145, its original roster primarily consisted of MechWarriors hailing mostly from the Draconis Combine, Lyran Commonwealth, and the crumbling Republic of the Sphere. Constant fighting in the years since—first as part of the Galatean Defense Force, but later as an independent command—saw the Lions suffer from high turnover as numerous clashes hammered away at its strength. After teetering on the edge of collapse for a year, with barely a handful of operational ’Mechs left to their name, they left the Galetean region in 3150, bound for the relative safety of the Lyran periphery with their latest batch of new recruits. In 3151, the mercenaries picked up a year-long contract acting as a supplemental defense force for the TK Industries factories on Vermezzo.

Update: TK Industries Contract nullified 12 Sep 3152, in accordance with General Order 15. Unit dismissed. No arrest made. -BT

Update: Unit challenged by deputized patrol group in Virtue system 21 Sep 3152, in accordance with General Order 16. Unit escaped under fire. No arrest made. -BT

Update: Multiple sightings of unit reported throughout late-Sep/Oct 3152 confirm course through Outer Commonwealth Sector, into Outer Free Worlds Sector. Sporadic challenges made. No arrests made. -BT

Update: Unit challenged by non-League forces in Aitutaki system ca. 22 Nov 3152. Significant damage to unit reported. No casualties confirmed. No arrests made. -DJ

Report Ends.

AUTHOR'S CAVEAT: This is a fanfic; don't read into anything I put here.

« Last Edit: 14 May 2021, 19:31:31 by HABeas2 »

Dragon Cat

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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #17 on: 25 April 2021, 02:23:55 »
Not reading into just enjoying
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #18 on: 02 May 2021, 17:26:33 »
This is excellent!  It's nice to see that some former BT authors still enjoy BT enough to play in it for fun.  :thumbsup:

I personally liked the idea behind Far Country, but not the execution.  But, I attribute that to an attitude used by a lot of authors that got in early.  They looked at 'Mechs as jokes that could be tricked into defeat in some fashion, and Far Country had that attitude in spades.  It also made those Mercs look like hooligans.

You got another audience member.
It's your world. You can do anything you want in it. - Bob Ross

Every thought and device conceived by Satan and man must be explored and found wanting. - Donald Grey Barnhouse on the purpose of history and time.

I helped make a game! ^_^  - Forge Of War: Tactics

Sir Chaos

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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #19 on: 03 May 2021, 01:23:04 »
I personally liked the idea behind Far Country, but not the execution.  But, I attribute that to an attitude used by a lot of authors that got in early.  They looked at 'Mechs as jokes that could be tricked into defeat in some fashion, and Far Country had that attitude in spades.  It also made those Mercs look like hooligans.

Everything can be tricked into defeat in some fashion. And honorable people like the Grey Death and the Kell Hounds are the minority in the merc business. I´m not sure what the problem with either is for a BT novel.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #20 on: 03 May 2021, 01:32:41 »
Okay. Quick question. One of the birds you described as having a high-pitched voice.  I suspect different 'breeds' of bird involved, here, so I wonder:  Do they all sound high-pitched?  Would it be akin to listening to a parrot, or skeksi?  Or, by chance, would they sound closer to young human children.  Would some be melodic, versus others gruff (think crow)?

Oh. And it kinda bugs me that the last line didn't get separated from the prior paragraph in your first post.
It's your world. You can do anything you want in it. - Bob Ross

Every thought and device conceived by Satan and man must be explored and found wanting. - Donald Grey Barnhouse on the purpose of history and time.

I helped make a game! ^_^  - Forge Of War: Tactics


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #21 on: 03 May 2021, 01:35:28 »
Everything can be tricked into defeat in some fashion. And honorable people like the Grey Death and the Kell Hounds are the minority in the merc business. I´m not sure what the problem with either is for a BT novel.
Let's take this elsewhere.

« Last Edit: 03 May 2021, 02:01:19 by Daemion »
It's your world. You can do anything you want in it. - Bob Ross

Every thought and device conceived by Satan and man must be explored and found wanting. - Donald Grey Barnhouse on the purpose of history and time.

I helped make a game! ^_^  - Forge Of War: Tactics


  • Grand Vizier
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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #22 on: 03 May 2021, 13:29:48 »
Seeker-class DropShip Wilderghast
Zenith Jump Point
Zion, Tikonov Commonality, Capellan Confederation
26 December 3152

     No matter how many times he experienced a hyperspace jump, Lieutenant Nils Kobayashi felt like he would never be able to stand them. Most people going through the process—even veteran spacers—likened the trip to a carnival ride, or a sudden plunge in a malfunctioning lift, with some occasional hallucinatory mid-jump effects that left you questioning your place in the universe, or something like that. Others had far more severe reactions, like epileptic seizures, complete blackouts, or retching up every meal from the last week. Nils was in the former category, and thanked his lucky stars with each jump that he wasn’t in the latter. For him, the trip was more like taking a sudden blow to the stomach, from the fingertip of a BattleMech, but without the internal damage or bouts of puking.

     Still, he hated it. Thinking about all the ways it could be worse didn’t change that.

     This time, though. This time he hated it even more, because of the ship-wide alarms that immediately followed the jump. Blaring into his skull, cutting through the faint mind fog that also came with every hyperspace leap, the alarms broadcasted their wordless warnings for all to hear, no matter how blacked-out they might be in the moment. Somewhere, be it on the DropShip Wilderghast or the JumpShip to which she was moored, something had gone wrong. Very wrong.

     Glancing around his private cabin, Nils could only see its Spartan furnishings awash in red lighting. The display on his desk was still lit, but flashing “HAZARD WARNING” text—large enough to take over the entirety of its seventy-centimeter screen—was all that it showed. On one cabin wall, Nils could see the environmental control panel, making out its blinking green and white LEDs despite the shadows and the crimson glow from the ceiling beacons. No loss of pressure, those tiny lights assured him. That was a good start, at least. With a practiced hand, Nils reached up and slapped the buckles of his gee-harness, then pushed himself out of the chair he’d taken in the seconds leading up to the last double-jump. Gliding swiftly across the room to the desk where his computer display kept flashing, he found the intercom controls, and tapped the three-digit code for the Wilderghast’s command center.

     “Bridge!” he yelled out over the din. “Surefoot here! What’s happening up there?”

     “Keep your bloomers on!” came the angry response, voice raised to a near shriek. “Unless you have a damage report, you’ll have to wait!”

     Nils grunted impatiently. Talking to the spacers was like yelling into the void more and more these days, but as he looked around his cabin once again, he couldn’t find any excuse to tie up the line while it sounded like they were still trying to figure things out themselves. Snapping off the comm without another word, Nils shot away from the desk with a gentle kick against the outer wall, aiming himself at the exit door directly across the room. Green LEDs burned on the door’s display as well. The air beyond was good, too.

     As he pulled open the hatch and floated into curved corridor beyond, Nils found himself narrowly avoiding a collision with the lithe frame and flowing blonde tresses of MechWarrior Gail Banks, barreling along the corridor herself in freefall. Gail’s dark brown eyes flashed his way in a moment of panic as she instinctively raised a hand to deflect him. Nils grabbed her by the wrist before she could “accidentally” break his nose again. But in doing so, he effectively drove them both into the inner bulkhead, just across from his quarters, in an awkward pile.

     “The hell, Nils?!” Gail yelled at him.

     “Sumimasen,” Nils groaned as he pushed himself back to a respectable distance. “Any idea what’s going on?”

     “I was gonna ask you!” Gail shot back. “At least it doesn’t seem to be a hull breach, thank Christ!”

     Nils shuddered inwardly at the thought. The demise of the Lion’s Paw and all those aboard her—including the Cap—still burned fresh in his mind. The wreckage of that DropShip, torn in half by the confluence of hostile fire and a panic jump through hyperspace, still haunted his dreams a month after the event. The twin effects of explosive decompression, the vacuum of space, and the unknowable weirdness that was hyperspace, made for a fate almost impossible to imagine. The kind one only ever wished upon hated enemies.

     “I tried to reach the bridge,” Nils explained in another yell over the alarms, “but—”

     Suddenly, the alarms stopped, and the sudden silence froze him mid-sentence.

     “But what?” Gail demanded, her voice halfway between a yell and normal speech.

     “But I don’t think they knew yet, either,” Nils finished while allowing his gaze to float upward and away from Gail as the ship’s lighting returned to its normal acetic white.

     “Well, that’s just gr—” Gail began to grumble, when the ship-wide PA system crackled to life.

     “Attention all hands and passengers,” came the voice from Wilderghast’s shipmaster, Benito Wurst. “On behalf of Captain Bashira and myself, we apologize for the bumpy transition, but rest assured that there is no immediate danger to anyone on board at this time. Both the Ghost and the Wilderghast are intact, with no loss of pressure or hull breaches detected on board either ship. Life support systems remain optimal, and access between ships and other emergency containment protocols will be unlocked shortly. If there have been any injuries among you, please report to your nearest medbay for examination and treatment. All technical staff, please report any shipboard systems damage you find to your appropriate skipper. Thank you.”

     The public address had barely ended, with Gail looking about to share some additional thoughts, when Nils felt and heard the buzzing of his personal comm. Holding up a hand before Gail could say another word, he answered it. “Surefoot,” he said.

     “Lieutenant,” said a controlled voice that Nils couldn’t help remembering as that of the same comms officer who told him to keep his bloomers on mere minutes ago. “Captain Bashira would like a word with you and the other Lionheads on the Ghost as soon as possible.”

     “Got it,” Nils said. “Any idea why?”

     “Sounds like engine trouble to me, sir.”

     Whatever reflexive expression Nils made in that moment, he saw it register on Gail’s face in the form of concern. She was already asking questions as he put his comm away.

     “I’m not sure,” he said. “The Jumper captain wants to talk to us.”


     “Sorry, Buckler. Officers only. But I’ll fill you in once we know what’s going on…”

     With that, Nils turned about, nudged himself off the wall, and began a bouncy journey toward the Wilderghast’s docking collar.


     The news was not quite as bad as he feared when the call came down from the bridge, but that didn’t really provide any comfort for Dawson LeGate. To be sure, Shipmaster Bashira and her chief engineer kept the technobabble to a minimum, but the bottom line was simple enough: The Ghost of Chuyo’s jump drive was broken. They seemed optimistic about fixing it up with what was still on-hand in Ghost’s supply bays, but the job could take as long as two weeks or more to get done in the absence of a shipyard. And, wouldn’t one just know it? Zion was one of those oddball worlds that kept its only recharge and supply station at its nadir jump point, rather than the zenith!

     “I’m sure my team and I can help ye,” Gregory Shabash was saying now, the scowl on his prematurely aged face as pronounced as ever despite his optimism. “Sounds like you could use all hands on deck here.”

     “At least all hands that know how to properly wield a spanner and a welding torch,” Bashira agreed, with a confirming nod from her engineer. “But I think Wilderghast might be needing her techs where they are, for now.”

     “Excuse me, what?” blurted the only female member of the Leftover Lions’ combat group invited to this little chat in Ghost’s briefing room. Sergeant Hazel “Pinpoint” Carter wasn’t generally imposing to look at, what with here petite and wiry build, but her blue-gray eyes were piercing enough to make anyone’s blood run cold, and that icy gaze now focused on the charcoal-skinned JumpShip skipper.

     Bashira sighed heavily and kept her arms folded over her chest. “We have barely enough supplies to get these repairs done, and I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that spare wiring and metal plating aren’t the only things we’ve all been running low on…”

     “So, you’re asking us to make a supply run while you work on the ship here?” Nils asked. As a lieutenant himself, the ex-Drac was basically tied with Dawson for command of the Lions these days, but the man couldn’t relax to save his own damned life. Making group decisions with him could be a headache and a half sometimes. Still, when he was right…

      “Looks like the size of it, Nils,” Dawson agreed. “Have you already made us up a shopping list, Skipper?”

      Bashira and her engineer shared a quick glance, and the engineer shrugged. “We’ve started one,” she said, “with extra input from Captain Wurst; this isn’t just a parts order, after all. This being a Capellan system, they should be at least open to trade with folks like us.”

      “Parts, you said, you already had, though?” Dawson asked. “Right?”

      Bashira nodded. “Yes. If all goes well, we should be able to finish the repairs without waiting for your return. In fact, by our calculations, we could not only have the drive fixed up, but fully charged again by the time you got back.”

      “A trading run shouldn’t be too dangerous,” Nils said, looking to Dawson in that way he always did when trying to look less like a commander and more like a team player. Dawson gave him a nod of agreement, if only for the effort.

      “We might even learn a thing or two about the state of the war while we’re at it,” Dawson added. “Without blathering about it over the radios, anyway.”

      “Assuming we can trust Capellan news media,” Hazel noted. “But, hey, maybe the locals will even have a line on some real work we can do.”

      “See?” Gregory said. “Wins all around.”

      “Question, though,” Hazel said. “Whose money pays for this trip? We sure as hell don’t have anything to trade that we don’t already need, after all.”

      “We still have funds from our last mission,” Nils offered.

      “So, we’re paying out of our own pockets?”

      Dawson once more came to Nils’s aid. “It’s not like we’ve had anything else to spend it on, outside of a few weekly poker nights and other weird bets.”

      Hazel sighed and gave a scowl that almost mirrored the one on Gregory’s face. “Just wanted to be clear on that, lest anyone forget we were, you know, mercenaries or something.”

      Dawson shrugged. “I think we’re agreed then?” he asked at last. Gradually, the other officers and NCOs of the Leftover Lions nodded as the silence went on. Nils was the last to vote in this way. “Unanimously, no less! Look at us! Captain Bashira, we’ll set Benny and his crew to work preparing for shove-off. Let us know when you have that list ready for us!”

« Last Edit: 14 May 2021, 19:30:51 by HABeas2 »


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #23 on: 03 May 2021, 16:17:11 »
Yikes... I don't know if I'd leave a JumpShip that thinks it can repair itself...  :o

idea weenie

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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #24 on: 04 May 2021, 00:01:08 »
Yikes... I don't know if I'd leave a JumpShip that thinks it can repair itself...  :o

The Jumpship can repair itself, once.  But after it has repaired itself, the Jumpship is still in bad shape, and has no spare parts in case it breaks again.  So hopefully they will be buying parts to be ready for the next time the Jumpship breaks.

But since the money is coming from their personal accounts, then one should hope those accounts aren't frozen, or just being tracked.  Plus the locals identifying what is being bought, ready to make a report to whoever is pursuing this Jumpship and mercenary crew.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #25 on: 04 May 2021, 02:20:59 »
Paying out of their own pocket the JumpShip Captain is going to owe them big from this one if they get what they need
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #26 on: 08 May 2021, 16:12:09 »
Seeker-class DropShip Wilderghast
Inbound Vector
Zion, Tikonov Commonality, Capellan Confederation
3 January 3153

     Wilderghast’s mess hall had seen better days. The pale blue-gray paint on its walls and ceiling was cracked and flakes of it were regularly accumulating in the air filters. The treadplates on the floor were scuffed, scratched, and stained by events and accidents nobody could recall anymore. The various round tables, bolted to the floor, has barely any edging left that was intact, and one or two had been replaced entirely by scrapwood that hardly matched and occasionally added its splinters to the air filters as well. The light covers were yellowed, and the kitchen area was covered in grease and oil splatters, while some of the grill surfaces had been abandoned for years now. Some of the dinnerware and appliances had been replaced, resulting in a generally mismatched collection of plates and drinking bulbs in the cupboards, and equipment that wasn’t necessarily optimized for the work stations they were mounted on. A few of the microwaves and flash-friers, moved to the dining area, beside the condiment stations and the fridge units few people bothered to clean anymore, were well used and sometimes gave off worrying smells when used.

     And yet, it was the still hangout of choice for most of the crew and passengers aboard ship—when they weren’t fiddling about in their quarters, tinkering in the ’Mech bays, or just plain hiding from sight anywhere else.

     Near one corner of the dining area, Sergo Pavlovish Mikoyan sat at one of the round tables with his feet on an empty chair beside him, and a smirk on his face. On the table before him was an empty foil wrapper that used to contain a protein bar and a plastic thermos half-filled with tea that bordered on tap water. In his hand was a compad with a hairline crack in its display and permanent grunge on its well-worn keys.

     Across from him, Malcom Jeong and Carlos Villavega were hunched forward, doing their level best to lower their voices and not look back as they heard the mess hatch open behind them.

     “So, you think you can do it?” Carlos asked.

     “Please, Jee!” Sergo said with a flourish of his left hand, only three fingers of which existed past their first knuckle. “Who do you think you’re talking to?”

     “It’s not you we doubt,” said Malcolm at a near mumble. “It’s whether or not the locals can deliver.”

     Sergo made a non-committal shrug. “Well, the pure Himalayan blackberries might be hard to come by, but I already looked into the local growers for the other stuff and confirmed some suppliers with stock on-hand.”

     Malcolm sighed. “Well, if not Himalayan, I’ll settle for Evergreen, or hybrids—just none of that thornless stuff.”

     “You’re still a weird guy, Mal,” Sergo said as he tapped a few noted into his pad, then looked up to the man who just seemed to appear at Malcolm’s side, and who set his cracked ceramic sipping mug down on the table with a soft thunk that made Carlos jump to self-conscious alert.

     “Hope you also remember we’ll need an extra pallet or two of duct tape, toilet paper, and cording now, Sergo.”

     Sergeant Shayde Danse wasn’t an imposing man, nor was he a forty-four-kilo weakling. He was just…Shayde. He was the kind of everyman who could vanish into a crowd without anyone noticing, even if they were actively looking for him. But he had a way of startling people by suddenly being there if they weren’t watching out for him. Sergo, of course, had noticed him the moment he came into the room and beelined for its one working coffee station.

     Carlos, for his part, recovered from his initial surprise quickly enough. “Oh, are you still on about that?”

     “Yes, come now, ’Dancer” Sergo added. “It was a great celebration! New Year’s Eve and turnover all at once? How often does that happen?”

     “And we were welcoming the Year of the Snake,” Malcolm chimed in, “to honor our new CapCon friends, of course!”

     “Hrmph,” Shayde grunted. “Too bad the Capellan New Year is actually next month, huh?”

     “Eh!” Malcolm said with a dismissive wave. “Details!”

     “You do have to admit it lightened the mood at the time,” Carlos said with a smirk.

     “Well, yeah,” Shayde admitted. “But you weren’t the ones who had to listen to Scowly’s passive-aggressive complaints about the waste of supplies. Or about the bits of your hand-made confetti and streamers he’s still finding all over the ’Mech bays.”
Carlos and Malcolm shared a fist bump. “Yeah, maybe we did get a bit carried away.”

     “We?” Malcolm repeated. “Man, you had me thinking I was the only one making those party favors!”

     “I’m reasonably sure I said that I was making them. Honest mistake.”

     “Suuure,” Malcolm drawled.

     “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it,” Carlos said as took a sip from his water flask.

     “Do you jokers ever think you may be lucky the Cap bought it when he did?” Shayde asked.

     Carlos nearly choked on his water. “Ouch, man!” he exclaimed after a short coughing fit.

     “Yeah,” Malcolm said. “Too soon, Sarge!”

     “I’m sure they don’t, my sour old friend,” Sergo told Shayde. “Unlike some folks at this table, the Cap had a sense of humor, even before his morning black-with-four-sugars.”

     Shayde scowled as he looked woefully down at his mug. “Just black now,” he said with a sigh. “Prep station’s been out of sugar since last night…”

     Malcolm arched an eyebrow. “Shit, really?”

     “Should I add another pallet of that to the list too?” Sergo asked.

     “Could you?” said Shayde.

     Sergo’s grin widened. “Hehe! Worry not, Shayde. Your friend Sergo has your back!”

    “Seriously, though,” Carlos said, “I think—”

    The dinging of the ship-wide PA system chose that moment to cut in, drawing all eyes to the dusty speakers above them. “Attention, all Lionheads! Attention all Lionheads!” came the voice they recognized as Aitor Hitomi, one of the Leftover Lions’ ’Mech techs, apparently doing double duty as ship’s comm officer this morning. “Please come to the bridge ASAP. Repeat: all Lionheads, please come to the bridge as soon as possible.”

    Shayde shook his head wearily as he rose from the table again. “Duty calls, I guess.”

    “If it’s about the other night,” Carlos called after him, “tell ’em you never saw us this morning!”

    “No one will buy that!” Shayde called back, and was gone.


     “Of course this comes after the turnover…” Hazel grumbled as they listened to the radio chatter, now tuned down low enough for her to be heard over the din. The panic coming over the local airwaves remained palpable even then, coming to the fore every time she or the others stopped talking long enough to take it in.

     The Clans were coming for Zion.

     Wilderghast’s captain, Benito Wurst, kept his expression stoic, but the way his eyes darted about between the Leftover Lions’ remaining command staff, gathered now around the dull glow of the ship’s charting station, betrayed his uncertainty. “We picked up at least three jump-pulse so far,” he explained calmly. “All coming from aftward. If they’re making a showing at the Zenith at all, it’s hard to believe we’d have missed them.”

      “Zenith didn’t have a charge station nearby,” Nils remarked, almost needlessly. “They wanted to be sure they took the one at the nadir.”

      “Not that it kept those poor fools from squawking out a warning,” Greg Shabash grumbled. “So, what’s the plan?”

      “Way I see it,” the shipmaster said, “they probably haven’t noticed us yet. Just to be sure, we’re gonna burn some lateral thrust to make sure we’re centered in the planet’s shadow. We’re already pointed back toward the Ghost, so it would be easy to pour on the fire and abort our landing—”

      “But that leaves us with nothing to show for this trip,” said Dawson. “Beyond tons of spent fuel and all that crap Jeestealer and Blackberries wasted on their ‘party favors,’ that is.”

      “You’re thinking we can pull off a landing, shopping, and liftoff without the Third Leaguers catching up to us?” Nils asked, but whether he was being sincere or rhetorical was anyone’s guess.

      “The folks down there didn’t start freaking out until about an hour ago,” Dawson said, “and then it was because they got word from the station. Figure the time it took for us to pick up Zion’s reaction to that news, and that’s about, what, six hours since they jumped in. That about right, Ben?”

      “Give or take half an hour,” Benito confirmed with a nod.

      “That’s six hours of inbound burn, out of a thirteen-day trip. That gives us an eight-day head start. Surely, we can gather everything we need in a week.”

      “You’re assuming they don’t plot a second jump in-system,” Nils said. “Cut the response times now that they know the alert’s gone up.”

      “Or that they will pick us up, deduce where our JumpShip is, and pop over for a visit,” Hazel added.

      “I think we’d be screwed either way if that were to happen,” Shayne told her.

      “Any idea how big a force they’re bringing, Ben?” Nils asked.

      “Nothing too solid,” Benito admitted with a heavy sigh. “If they broadcast one of those batchalls of theirs, they didn’t give out any specifics. We can’t even be sure what JumpShip classes showed up here. If it’s, like, a bunch of Hunters or Scouts, that would make for a smallish force, which would make sense if we’re a jump or two behind the front, but...”

      “But there are just too damned many variables,” Greg said. “It could be a raid, or a full-on assault, depending on how badly they want the system. Zion’s a minor breadbasket for the area, even with all that desert. Cut it off, and neighboring systems start feeling the pinch.”

      “What about the forces CapCon has down there?” Hazel asked.

      “Last we heard, maybe a Liao Guards regiment and some infantry support,” Dawson said almost absently. “But that’s based on MercNet news from a good five years ago now.”

      “Nothing from the local news?” Hazel looked incredulously at Benito.

      “This is Liao space, remember?” the shipmaster said. “You think the press is free to talk about troop movements here?”

      “What about military channels?”

      “There’s chatter, alright, but it’s all scrambled. And I’m not sure us calling the resident CCAF troops here to ask how they’re fixed for troops is a way to get on their good side.” Benito paused for a moment, then added, “In fact, I think we should go radio silent, just in case. I know Sergo has been in touch with some locals to do his thing, but—”

      “Say no more,” Nils said. “It’s probably a good idea. Dawson?”

     Dawson pondered it for a few moments, then nodded. “Yeah. I think so, too.”

     Hazel’s gaze shot between the two lieutenants and the skipper as they fell silent enough for them to all here the latest local news update about the inbound invaders—an update with nothing new to report at all. “So, what’s the plan, then?” she asked at last…


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #27 on: 10 May 2021, 09:16:00 »
Minor Correction: The system is Aitutaki

Unless you're really doubling down on this being a fanfic.  ^-^
It's your world. You can do anything you want in it. - Bob Ross

Every thought and device conceived by Satan and man must be explored and found wanting. - Donald Grey Barnhouse on the purpose of history and time.

I helped make a game! ^_^  - Forge Of War: Tactics


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #28 on: 10 May 2021, 10:38:30 »
Minor Correction: The system is Aitutaki

Unless you're really doubling down on this being a fanfic.  ^-^

Where did I get that wrong?

- Herb


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Re: Far No Longer
« Reply #29 on: 14 May 2021, 18:59:20 »
Where did I get that wrong?

- Herb

Mercenary Force Brief: Leftover Lions
Unit Name: Leftover Lions
Unit Colors: Blend of traditional desert and forest camouflages
Unit Insignia: A stylized lion's head, scarred by three claw marks across left eye.
Unit Strength: 16 BattleMechs, 2 DropShips (Seeker-class), 1 JumpShip (Chimeisho-class)
Unit Commander: Capt. Gabriel Leónymus
Unit Status: Wanted/At Large
Last Known Position/Realm: Aitatuki/Inner Free Worlds Sector
Last Known Employer: None
Last File Update: 30 Nov 3152

The Leftover Lions were once a reinforced BattleMech company formed from the scattered remains of several other small commands shattered in the aftermath of Gray Monday. Emerging on Galatea in 3145, its original roster primarily consisted of MechWarriors hailing mostly from the Draconis Combine, Lyran Commonwealth, and the crumbling Republic of the Sphere. Constant fighting in the years since—first as part of the Galatean Defense Force, but later as an independent command—saw the Lions suffer from high turnover as numerous clashes hammered away at its strength. After teetering on the edge of collapse for a year, with barely a handful of operational ’Mechs left to their name, they left the Galetean region in 3150, bound for the relative safety of the Lyran periphery with their latest batch of new recruits. In 3151, the mercenaries picked up a year-long contract acting as a supplemental defense force for the TK Industries factories on Vermezzo.

Update: TK Industries Contract nullified 12 Sep 3152, in accordance with General Order 15. Unit dismissed. No arrest made. -BT

Update: Unit challenged by deputized patrol group in Virtue system 21 Sep 3152, in accordance with General Order 16. Unit escaped under fire. No arrest made. -BT

Update: Multiple sightings of unit reported throughout late-Sep/Oct 3152 confirm course through Outer Commonwealth Sector, into Outer Free Worlds Sector. Sporadic challenges made. No arrests made. -BT

Update: Unit challenged by non-League forces in Aitatuki system ca. 22 Nov 3152. Significant damage to unit reported. No casualties confirmed. No arrests made. -DJ

Report Ends.

Marked in red.

And, I swear that the shipmaster's log also had Aitatuki throughout, as well. But, I see it's appropriate.  For the most part, at least you were consistent. ^-^  It is fanfic, so it's no big deal.  I know I keep finding little things when I go through my stuff.
It's your world. You can do anything you want in it. - Bob Ross

Every thought and device conceived by Satan and man must be explored and found wanting. - Donald Grey Barnhouse on the purpose of history and time.

I helped make a game! ^_^  - Forge Of War: Tactics

