Author Topic: Battletech Long Island III  (Read 109339 times)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #330 on: 26 November 2021, 07:09:24 »
May the Turkey be with you.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #331 on: 27 November 2021, 17:46:59 »
“Ch’i, what happened?”

“Well good day to you sister. We got there late. Your information was good, just off by an hour.”

“So there’s nothing to report.”

“It was a real shitshow. You know, too many chiefs and not enough indians. Something happened that has everyone tiptoeing around. I couldn’t get the info on who the bogies were, but as soon as the smoke cleared, the security was hammered into place. I picked up a few tidbits here and there. It seems that the Black Dragons are at it again. Oh yea, and Comguard booted the
Precentor. Seems that there is someone new and they are cleaning house.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that first!”

“C’mon Shi, who cares what the Wobbies are up to. You pay their rates, and they are fat, dumb and happy.”

“Dammit Ch’i, they have access to everyone’s secrets. EVERYONE!”

“All right, all right. I guess we have to watch them more closely.”

“As close as those high and mighty Greyjoy’s who think they are clanners. Let me worry about the robes. I need you to go out again. It seems that there’s a bit of a mixup brewing up. Some kind of fugitives trying to disappear and they are sending out some serious firepower after them. Go sniff around. Oh and take Po with you again. Just in case you need som anti-air support. Oh, and Ch’i, try to be on time.”
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #332 on: 27 November 2021, 17:50:30 »
The Celestial Throne demands that Ching Ch’i and his Raven be included. He will bring his Lancemate Cheung Po Tsai in his Clint along as well.
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #333 on: 28 November 2021, 23:39:39 »
OK so that was a good try for a hard mission.

If that first roll had been better you you might have pulled it off.

You did get some good information and all is not lost  :thumbsup:


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #334 on: 28 November 2021, 23:45:13 »
“You will be taking along these three as part of the mission. They is not part of the GSF but do have an interest helping out.”

“So Max you go with Captain Botley and I will go with Tai-i Tan.”
“Sounds good to me.” Max looks at Victoria. “So Captain you ready to romp through these woods?”
“I will got with the big guy. That group looks like they will need the help.”
“Let’s go, just keep that big monster with us. You keep that bird of you from getting in our way.”

“Well your command was right about the terrain making this difficult. I just hope that they are having just much fun as us.” Max tells the others he is with him.

“Charlie one to group, looks like we picked up some fans. They have ECM running so it is time to get moving.”
“Hotel one to Charlie one roger that.”
“Echo one to Charlie one Aff.”

“Tan to Sabin looks like we took the long road. The others have picked up the bad guys and are moving in.”
“I picked that up. We should move to back them up.”
“Copy that, let’s move people.”

“Son of a ….. Well that Clanner just got a close shave.”
“I bet that someone is looking to change his draws after that shot.”

“YO sonny boy have a little fun …. Don’t mind the mines.” All can hear the smile in Max’s voice.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #335 on: 28 November 2021, 23:45:51 »
“OK so what is the deal old one?”
“Simple we are going to show a couple of Ronin why you do not honor your word to the Dragon.”
“OK so you are looking for a couple of deserters. I get that but why have you not do this already?”
“Simple answer is until a few days ago I could not due to the Dragon giving it word to this world. Now I can do what I am here to do.”
“And you need me why?”
“That is a bit more complicated. One, to have one of the proper blood line on hand makes matters better off. Two, word of your skill has reached others so that my request of you to help the Dragon with this matter. Three, is to teach and watch you.”
“OK so because you are about to enter one of my families places I will be of help.”
“Correct. When you report of what has happened others cannot say that a trust has been broken. They will have to see the truth.”
“Alright, now this part about others interested in me? I find it hard to believe that anyone knows of me. I am not all that as they say. Now, if I understand you right the ISF has been keeping an eye on little old me. I find that a bit much.”
“You do need to know that we have people in all the places of the Dragon’s people are.”
“I know about the party line in the DC, we are not in the DC. We are very far from the DC.”
“True but you do think that some that have settled on this world are not of the ISF?”
“Did not think about that one, OK so the ISF does have people out this way what makes me a big deal?”
“Simple, the way your teachers and commanders have spoken of your skills and what you have done.”
“So you’re telling me that because some retired ISF person or persons have nothing better to do then talk the ISF would want me?”
“Why yes, understand that just because one is no longer active does not mean people do not listen when they speak of things. Some who are no longer is direct service do have a larger voice then when they were in service.”
“So you are telling me that because these people that have retired from the ISF think I am so good the ISF has sent you to teach me.”
“Not quite but close. I am on this world to remove traitors. Getting to work with you and see firsthand your skills is a bonus.”
“How is working a mission with someone you do not know all the way out here a bonus for you?”
“Simple I get to see that some of the special skill sets are passed to the next generation. See if maybe some skills are over looked. I will also get to see some classic training you have gotten in action.”
“OK so then I’ll bite. Why me?”
“Some of the Shujin you have had are some that have trained or been trained by me. It will be good to see how they worked with you. I have already seen that you are more into the technology then the old ways but you do see how the older ways have a place in what we do.”
They enter a cave that has a Pearl White Hatamoto-Chi in it. “Well if someone told you I can pilot a Battlemech they made a big mistake. The closest I have gotten to one has been in the last year and I was making sure it did not step on me.”
“No young one Sen no shi no tenshi is how I deal with the ones that do not give any other way.”
“So now for the big question, what if I do not want to work for the ISF.”
“Well I know of some that will be unhappy and others that will be very happy. They will not force you to work for them as you are not someone of the Combine proper.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #336 on: 28 November 2021, 23:48:19 »
“So what can I do for you cousin?”
“When you poke around can you see if any of these items are on site?”
“Can do, why?”
“Well if they are on site they will help with a problem I have been having and you partner will also have a new bigger problem to deal with.”
“Are you looking to give the old man problems?
“No the problems are looking for him. Just tell him the winds of Heaven just blew them in, he will understand.”

“OK so how are we going to get in?”
“First we watch them. They will tell us.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #337 on: 30 November 2021, 01:41:55 »
Well I guess I know where I stand..Roger and out
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #338 on: 30 November 2021, 13:14:14 »
“Sell Sword we have a problem or should I say that you have a problem.”
“What are you talking about? I got your friends back and unharmed.”
“Yes, you got them here unharmed but you took your eye off the job at hand and when you should have supported your team you did not.”
“What? We had half a company of Battlemechs after us. I moved to stop one of them from getting to close to the transport. I took damage from enemy fire. None of the others did any of that.”
“True. But you put all at risk to deal with that light unit. Had you failed it would have been free to move on the transport.”
“But I did not. I forced that pilot to rethink what they were looking to do. That pilot did back off.”
“Correct but by doing so you pulled the others off and they had more time to try and stop you.”
“What maybe an extra thirty seconds, maybe. They also found out we were not some lightly armed rent-a-cop group. They found out they were going to get hurt if they pushed it.”
“Maybe you only hit with one weapon and that was not you better one at that.”
“Look they still got the message and push.”
“You also did not support the other two with you. They got lucky to get to safety.”
“They are both heavy ‘Mech pilots, if they cannot take some fire then they should not be in this line of work.”
“You had better watch yourself Sell Sword, if these people will not work with you, you are of no use to me. If I have no need of your services who will you work for?”
“I can always find work, people always need my skill set.”
“Are you so sure of this Sell Sword? How many will put up with your ego? How many have already shown that you are not as …. needed as you think? What is offered for your head by two major houses and a group of lesser worlds?”
“Look you said that your friends could get me off rock so get them to get me off rock.”
“I said they may help you if they get to safety, they are not all that safe due to what just happened. They will need to keep out of sight for some time.”
“So you are backing out of our deal?”
“Not at all, I am just point out the problems that we have because of what has happened. I am also reminding you that you need me more than I need you. Do not make more problems than you fix Sell Sword or you will find that you will have one more person willing to let money fix the problems you make.”

 “It looks like they have found who some of the supporters of the Black Dragons are.”
“Yes, this will make things different in how we will deal with our mission.”
“What of the others, they still have a mission to do. Will we still provide information to help them?”
“We shall. If we help the others we help our own mission.”
“What will be our next move?”
“You will go and see just what they know. Also you will cause problems as per our mission.”
“As you command sir.”

« Last Edit: 01 December 2021, 13:20:34 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #339 on: 30 November 2021, 13:14:37 »
“Now that we are away from the others I must inform you that the Kokuryu-kai have put a price on your head. After your display a while back they know that you will not help them. You need to take care in what you do. I know of a bounty for your family. I also figure that they will put a price on my unit for what we just did. My people and I will do the best we can to keep you and yours safe.” Looking at the Avatar. “Do you have someplace that my techs can work on this so we can get it battle ready?”
“How do I know you are not setting me up?” Looking at the ‘MechWarrior. “One does not just walk away from the Kokuryu-kai.”
“How can you say that, YOU did!” Looking her in the eye. “Like others the lies told sounded correct at the time. Looking back I wish I had the wisdom to see that they just words to get good people to do things for others who have no honor.”
“Well do not think I will give you my full trust.”
“I do not expect you to give me or my people anything. We will earn what we get.” He smiles at her.
“What about the work space you need?” She points to the Battlemech.
“Simple my people will help with the patrols that need to be run. I will have one of my units work with two of yours. This way if we try something you will have people in place.”
“You are trying too hard.”
“No I have much to prove.” Looking to the ground. “With my actions I turned my back on family and honor. I will not be that foolish anymore.” Looking back at her. “I will not be Ronin! I will serve. My people will serve to show they too are not Ronin. This is in our blood. We will serve as your retainers. We will do our very best to become Samurai once more, your Samurai.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #340 on: 30 November 2021, 13:20:51 »
“Sir, sensors have picked up ‘Mechs and armor moving our way.”
“OK. All right people we have inbound and somehow I do not think they are friendly. You all know the drill.”
“Alert, Alert all personal move to shelters, this is not a drill. Repeat all personal are move to shelters this is not a drill.”

“Get in touch with the Militia and inform them what is going on.”
“Yes Sir!”
“Get what you can locked down then get the shelters secured.”
“On it sir.”

“Sir, plant is reporting ‘Mechs and armor moving toward them.”
“OK have medical teams ready and inform the GSF. They will have to deal with this.”

“Tekeda to GSF commands your services are needed at plant 2. BattleMech and armored vehicles have been reported in the area by the plants security. Commander Ching if some of your bounty hunters are looking to make some money they too should get to plant 2.”

OK so this is the next mission
We are back to normal force setup
1 BattleMech, 1 Armored unit, 1 Infantry unit and the last one is your choice.
Your AO will be the vehicle production south east of Bridges.
major damage to the plane will not make your boss happy  >:D
Units from the last 2 missions are still in the field and can not be used on this one.
see you Dec 19  :thumbsup:


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #341 on: 03 December 2021, 20:20:50 »
What vehicles are produced there?
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #342 on: 04 December 2021, 02:32:24 »
What vehicles are produced there?
in production at this time.

Pegasus Scout Hover Tank
Plainsman Medium Hover Tank
Saladin Assault Hover Tank
Saracen Medium Hover Tank
Scimitar Medium Hover Tank
Harasser Missile Platform
Harasser Missile Platform (LRM)
Maxim Hover Transport


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #343 on: 04 December 2021, 18:07:17 »
At the start of the game, will we be charging in to get to the factory, or will we already be on site?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #344 on: 04 December 2021, 19:39:43 »
At the start of the game, will we be charging in to get to the factory, or will we already be on site?

You will be entering the site.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #345 on: 05 December 2021, 15:43:44 »
Okie. I will definitely be there. Coming along for the next mission, led by Tyr "Hand of Justice" in the Marauder, the shrek known as "Cyclone", the squad of I.S. Battle Armor and Maxim(BAFC) known as "The Peace of Death". The wild card will be the falcon hawk, piloted by Tormund "Hunting Moon". Tyr is my 3rd in command if you need to know.
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #346 on: 05 December 2021, 17:35:07 »
Does anyone want to bring a vtol for eye-in-the-sky?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #347 on: 05 December 2021, 18:18:58 »
At the start of the game, will we be charging in to get to the factory, or will we already be on site?
I don’t charge. I come with authority.
« Last Edit: 05 December 2021, 18:20:53 by Bleusman »
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #348 on: 05 December 2021, 18:21:44 »
in production at this time.

Pegasus Scout Hover Tank
Plainsman Medium Hover Tank
Saladin Assault Hover Tank
Saracen Medium Hover Tank
Scimitar Medium Hover Tank
Harasser Missile Platform
Harasser Missile Platform (LRM)
Maxim Hover Transport

I migh do some shopping.
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #349 on: 05 December 2021, 18:56:45 »
“Comms, get me through to my brother.”

“Static noises”

“Ch’i, come in…”

“This is Music Box, Roger.”

“Situation report.”

“We’ve been skunked.”

“What happened!”

“Well, after we had meeting after meeting, they divided us between two bounty hunters. We were then dropped into the woods to chase down the target. They had a good head start, and the only one that had any chance of catching them was some Elsie in a Tarantula. I figured it was a waste of time, so I headed for high ground to try and get some intel. There was some EM going on, so I popped mine to try and get closer. Turned out they had Clanners! One of them jumped, and that bounty hunter in a real sweet Atlas, took a shot from about 1000 meters. Damn near hit the sun of a bitch! Well the Tarantula jumped into range of a Dragon Fire and almost got smoked. The bounty hunter got bent out of shape and told everyone to get the Dragon Fire, then started to drop mines on it. And he was hitting it! It must have took four or five hits to each leg. I thought he had it. But the little shit squirted away across no man’s land. And so we were left standing there like a collection of idiots as the package got away.”

“Why didn’t you go after it?”

Because what was coming up would have wrecked us. Not to mention the Clanners and a few heavies that were escorting the target. We were outnumbered and out classed.”

“Did you find out anything?”

“Nothing about who we were after. But, the other side, they weren’t exactly a Mercenary unit. It sounded like some ad hoc crap going on.”

“How do you know?”

“Because of all the arguments over their comms. The Dragon Fire was arguing with some clown who split when the shooting started. He claimed that they were getting paid to escort the package and he should go ****** himself. The four Assaults that were coming in sounded like four clowns thrown together. And the Clanners were grumbling that they were reduced to stravag something that I didn’t understand.”

“Interesting. Find out what you can. Maybe buddy up to that bounty hunter and smooze him a little. I just found out some plant is getting raided and they asked for our help. I think I’ll take Lai Choi San, in case I need Fire support. Well, find out what you can, see you when you get back.”

“Music Box out”
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #350 on: 07 December 2021, 19:06:17 »
The Phoenix Dao will be represented by our illustrious commander Zhong-shao Ching Shi piloting her mighty WHM-6L Warhammer. She will be seconded by Sang-wei Lai Choi San in a CPLT-C1 Catapult. They will be supported by a Myrmidon tank and hover APC containing a squad of Grey Death Standard (flamer).
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #351 on: 08 December 2021, 23:09:25 »
Takayama Koichizoku   

colors: indigo, violet
kamon: flax blooms
Delm: Ryuzaki Takayama
Matrona: Hainoko Takayama
Founders MP: Sosa Mifune Seiwa Takayama
                  Courtesan: Farah Cho
Spokesperson: Jo Muritama
Militia: Hohoemu Kitsune {smiling foxes}
Militia Commander: Garri Seriev
               Concubine: Kanin Momiji   

Associate Member Families: Hashiji, Anand, Soga, Sharma, Seiwa, Joshi, Sark, Tachibana, Kikuchi   

Territory: [map 24] (650 sq. km) landhold southeast of Lanikai, plus 650 sq km of property on the Akazuna Coast south of Lanikai, plus 650 sq. km of property surrounding the landhold, property in Lanikai, Whistler, Stonehaven, the Cote d'Azur, and Hilo, the Islas Canarias in the Akai Umi east of Tairiku

Xhanadu Lane - raises goats, rabbits, alpaca, sheep, and grows cotton, flax, hemp, indigo, and bamboo for textile fibers, meat, and dairy   

Curry Way - grows specialty hot peppers, spices, and herbs associated with curry, packages curry and indian cuisine spice blends for wholesale and retail

Margarita Nacre - harvests and sells wild and cultured pearls, also mussels, clams, and oysters, designs and handcrafts jewelry sold through boutiques and a digital store

Hanashobu - raises japanese purple iris for use as ornamental flowers, orris root flavor and color, perfumery, and water purification (roots planted in a substrate in reed beds and as agricultural borders consume nutrient pollutants such as agricultural runoff)   

Huckleberry Fountain - an agricultural park with hydroponics, aquaponics, greenhouses, and vertical farms growing a variety of kitchen produce, fish, shellfish, and specialty crops, has farmstands open to the public on weekends and holidays, and agriculture and horticulture themed classes and clinics   

Tsunooka Minerals {seven hills} - secure facilities that mines uranium and other heavy minerals from the Seven Hills on the landhold, also has stellar mining sites for rare earths, phosphates, radioactives, and other elements, has a secure seawater uranium extraction and reprocessing center   

Tsunooka Energy - small fast breeder nuclear reactor plants that produce 500 MWe located throughout the system

Pynx Oratorium - auditorium and concert hall located in Lanikai with musical services, lecture halls, popular assemblies, philosophical discourse, classes, public interviews and conversations, stage works, media presentations, and town hall meetings, with all events available digitally to the membership   

Aeon - department store chain that also owns and operates shopping malls, convenience stores, groceries, supermarkets, and specialty stores 

Koffee Kult - small chain of barista coffee bars (mostly located on the landhold and Lanikai, but other locations include Whistler, Hilo, and Quezon)   

Zenko Hogosuru {good fox protection} - marine, ground, and stellar convoy armed escort services   

Kitsune Kaminari {fox lightning} - manufactures ballistic and flechette firearms, tasers, lasers, crossbows, field guns, mortars, rpg's, and gauss weapons   

Saisho no Sokuji {first meal} - system wide chain of twenty eight hour diners 

Gossamer - retail chain that sells fine, classic, and trendy apparel, outerwear, accessories, handbags, and shoes for teens   

Kagayaki Akademi {shine,radiance} - private day and boarding uniformed co-ed pre-k through high school education with college preparatory and vocational training located on the landhold for up to five hundred students 

Wild Cotton Textiles & Dyes - mills a wide variety of cotton fabrics, yarns, and threads, and dye producers   

Blue Blue Denim Co. - fashion house that designs and manufactures fashion jeans, work wear, travel bags, handbags, satchels, casual apparel and accessories, leisure and business suits, kimono, yukata, and hakama from chatter denim woven on their own looms from dyed and treated threads - also known for their brocades and embroidery   

Reizu {rays} - traveling by truck convoy or train - a rolling casino and entertainment company that provides gambling and entertainment to suburban, rural, and isolated areas, the convoys have routes on all three continents and several marine and stellar cruise ship lines, convoys have individually themed casinos and stages that provide all the experiences of a brick and mortar casino resort, when the Compania stops they set up a tent city in a similar or complimentary theme to the convoy providing everything from shops, fine cuisine, glamping, and attractions [themes include western saloon, regency club and ballroom, dance club, circus, pirates, art deco, hollywood glamour, asian mythology, knights, ocean boardwalks and fairgrounds, tiki bar, riverboat, stars at night, and a host of imaginary and real experiences], convoys may stay in a location anywhere from a week to a month, and the Compania has its own armed security and bouncers but does occaisonally hire PMC's or PSC's depending on route and location, the convoy does not carry much cash but requires patrons to use their debit or electronic payment methods to purchase collectible glass, clay composite, or enameled metal rfid tokens with microdots to gamble and purchase goods and services - any unused tokens and winnings may be debited back to the patrons account   

Heroes Field Stadia - sitting on a one hundred square kilometer nature preserve, that includes its own train station, the hundred thousand seat capacity solar powered stadium and parade field located on ichizoku property south of Lanikai on Kanehoe Bay features retractable seating and moveable fields for multiple uses, it hosts The Ichizoku Martial Olympiad every six years (upcoming competition August 3069) The martial, tactical, display, and athletic competitions take place in and around the stadium between the Ichizoku Militias for bragging rights, and some trophies and prizes, it includes drills, races, aeronaut contests, parades, field manuevers, and 'live' field exercises - including naval warfare and amphibious exercises that take place in and around the bay, with various views projected on the stadium screens live. The stadium includes a memorial for fallen Nejiro heroes and a museum highlighting Nejiro's martial history. Between these events the stadium is used for concerts, theater in the round, and outdoor sport and athletics - including modern gladiatorial style games, polo, and horse races. Heroes Field Stadia is home to the Kyubi Association Football Club {nine tails} and hosts the FA Challenger Shield yearly   

Takayama Heavy Industries - has several divisions including engineering, materials science, metallurgical workshop and testing, manufacture and prototype electronics, electronic equipment, aerospace components, armor, automotive components, air conditioners, forklift trucks, hydraulic equipment, machine tools, missiles, power generation equipment, printing machines, ships, aircraft, railway systems and vehicles, space vehicles and small craft   

Arcadia Bioscience - develops gmo's, seed, fertilizer, plant food, nutritional oils, horticulture and turf material, pherome based pest control   

Assure Lock - manufactures combination touchscreen biosensor deadbolt locks and safes with multiple unique pins and privacy mode, works with automation and security networks   

Crescent Moon Furniture - crafts and manufactures furniture and cabinets, their signature piece is a curved side double wide rocking recliner in various upholstery materials and patterns   

Frontier Trucks - designs and manufactures hybrid off road all wheel drive commercial and passenger trucks (pickups, jeeps, suv's, vans, box trucks, technical trucks) and also manufactures hybrid and electric semi trucks, tractor-trailers, flatbeds, rv's, coaches, heavy haulers, sanitation, rescue, and tow vehicles   

Petit Tresor - crafts jewelry boxes, hope chest, storage pieces, and toy boxes of wood   

Hasu {lotus} - crafts hand painted, handcrafted leather handbags, satchels, attache, travel bags, shoes, and accessories   

In the Company of Cats - the cat cafe provides you with a chance to relax and enjoy purr therapy in the heart of Downtown Hilo, Lanikai, or Yousai. Come enjoy award winning locally roasted coffee in the company of some of the friendliest felines. There is a full espresso bar with tea and other drinks, as well as pastries, sandwiches, soups, and snacks. Every Thursday evening come enjoy a soothing Hatha flow yoga session with our playful cats, your instructor will lead you in a practice suitable for all experience levels while the cats roam as you practice or may join you on the mat or climb in your lap. After practice you may interact with the adoptable cats.   

Rook Aircraft - manufactures commercial aircraft fleets, and customizable passenger and cargo bush planes, sea planes, personal jets, helicopters, and civilian vtols   

Sherpa Air Service - runs passenger and cargo flights with regular flight schedules in the region, semi -regular schedules on the Tairiku continent and charter flights anywhere and everywhere 

Husky Service Stations - offers landing strips, towers, recharging, fuel, maintenance, and mechanic services for aircraft in worldwide locations 

Reach Industries - industrial park on the landhold that does research and development, manufactures prototypes, patent development, technology think tank, laboratories and workshops, and also holds:

                              Nafteta Materials with forges and furnaces for metal and glass ceramics working

                              Astra Communications that does electronics fabrication and assembly, has clean rooms and faraday vaults

                              Infini Chemical Research contains chemical warehouses and chemical production laboratories   

                             Thorlight inc. is a small secure weapons parts factory

                            Black Heart Inc. manufactures specialty small arm ammunitions

                            Nefertiti Systems houses large high capacity, high performance super computers and networking data centers for engineering modeling and simulation research   

Wiley Motors - designs, engineers, and manufactures electric and hybrid consumer atvs, off road vehicles, suv's, and crv's   

Good Motors - designs, engineers, and manufactures solar powered electric compressed air passenger cars, commercial fleets vehicles, taxis, and buses 

« Last Edit: 11 January 2022, 00:35:09 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #352 on: 10 December 2021, 01:59:14 »
“Qíngfù this one of humble service has come to learn that one you seek will be your way very soon. Look north-west of Fune.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #353 on: 11 December 2021, 16:21:05 »
“Where is Ching Shi?”

“She is in the logistic center Captain.”

“Get her. Now.”

Two minutes later

“What the meaning of this England. I’m busy getting ready to deploy. I’ve got to coordinate the logistics with other units. And where in the nine hells is La Choi San! I need to know what is the condition of her Catapult and what is the load out. Somebody find her!”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I have her locked up.”

“You had better explain yourself England, before I shoot you right here and now.”

“She was caught communicating our plans.”

“To whom.”


“I don’t believe it.” 

“I have proof. A radio operator overheard her communication and came to me. I caught her just as she was finishing her report. I then grabbed her and locked her up.”

“I want to talk to her.”

Five long minutes later

“What have you done! Choi, you betrayed us? Who do you work for? How long have you been screwing us!”

“You think you are so superior to everyone else. You, who think that if you do such a good job here in this backwater shithole, that bastard Lao will lift you up and return you to glory. What a fool! There is only the Word! You and everyone else on this rock will be scoured with Fire and brimstone! Soon there will only be the faithful and the dead.”

“Get her the hell out of here! Lock her up until I think of a punishment so brutal that her ancestors will feel the pain.”

“What about the rest of her lance?”

“Round them up as well. We don’t know how deep this goes. Get their techs as well.”

“It shall be done.”

“Oh and England. Get ready, you are going to take the traitors place on this mission.”

“Yes Zong-shao.”
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #354 on: 12 December 2021, 13:31:44 »
What is the terrain around the factory like?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #355 on: 12 December 2021, 19:05:11 »
black volcanic sand with a dormant volcano on the south end of the map.There  are active gas vents through out the area as the plant was built on a geothermic fissure in order to power the facility. The enemy has built heavy reinforced bunkers to aid in their defense, expect heavy resistance as this is at the edge of their home territory.
Airstrikes and naval bombardment will commence 3 days prior to landing and will not lift until immediately before forces arrive. :bang: :D
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #356 on: 13 December 2021, 17:30:49 »
We're the defenders in this one. :thumbsup:


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #357 on: 13 December 2021, 17:35:47 »
Shadhawk, when you say that units on the last two missions are already in the field, does that include our backup from last game?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #358 on: 13 December 2021, 17:38:45 »
Shadhawk, when you say that units on the last two missions are already in the field, does that include our backup from last game?

No. They did not take part in that mission.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #359 on: 14 December 2021, 13:42:55 »
“Plant two to Militia control we have an ID on some of the raider force. The Battlemechs are one Archer, one Withworth, one Jenner and one Spider. The vehicles we have not gotten eyes on yet.”
“Roger that plant two, we will pass that up to the GSF.”
“Roger control. We also have all workers is the shelters and have locked down what we can.”
“Good job plant two. Sit tight help is on the way.”