Author Topic: Battletech Long Island III  (Read 109383 times)


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #750 on: 28 June 2022, 18:23:52 »
“We have reports that unknown forces are still operating between Fune and Bridges.”
“Have the GSF get units back in that area. Make sure that plant 2 has all workers in the shelters. Last off make sure both Fune and Bridges militias are in place and that the people are ready to shelter if needed.”
“Hai sir.”

“We will need to move units from Moro as they are the closest and not dealing with active problems.”
“Ha sir! I will have transport on site ASAP.”
“Have Duke, Talon Sergeant Hasagawa and MechWarrior Nakamura keep the units they have on site.”
“Hai. What about the others?”
“Ask Kishira Yang and Precentor Wood if they can join the GSF on this mission.”
“Do we need militia units for the mission?”
“I do not think so but ask if they can shift some units to Moro.”
“Hai. What about the units at Nakazawa Shiro?”
“Inform them to stay alert. We may need to shift them as well.”

OK new mission and a bit of a different deployment for you all  >:D
These are the units you will be using.
These are the units you had at Moro.
I also have taken out units of players that will not be on hand.

7/10 is the next mission

Hands of the Goddess Force
Captain Jemma               3 / 5      VTR-9K Victor
MechWarrior Sandra            4 / 5      OTL-4D Ostsol
Partisan Heavy Tank (LRM)         4 / 5      Sergeant
Cavalry VTOL Infantry            3 / 4                     (AIT)
Infiltrator Mk. I Battle Armor         2                     (AIT)

Kiah’s Hammers Force
Cadet Amber               4 / 6      TBT-5J Trebuchet         Trainee Pilot
Manticore Heavy Tank            4 / 5      Sergeant Lincoln
Pilum Heavy Tank (Arrow IV)         4 / 5      2nd Lieutenant
Maxim Hover Transport Infantry         3 / 4      Sergeant Major Morgan Feltcher Franks   Sr NCO   (AIT)
Foot Infantry Platoon Rifle (A)         2      Sergeant Alfonsa         (AIT)
Foot Infantry Platoon Rifle (B)         2      Sergeant Maurice         (AIT)
Foot Infantry Platoon Rifle (C)         3      Sergeant Anton            (SBB) (AIT)
Foot Infantry Platoon Rifle (D)         3      Sergeant Reiner         (Sapper) (AIT)

The Eagle’s Tears Force
MechWarrior               3 / 5      AV1-OC Avatar            DCMS C3 Master   
Sergeant               2      Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor Laser (A)      
Schiltron Prime / B (Bravo)         4 / 5                     (AIT) FWL C3 Master
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor Laser (E)   4                     (AIT)
Heavy APC Tracked            4 / 5
Infantry Platoon Foot Rifle         4
Infantry Platoon Foot SRM         3

Ironborn Force
Lieutenant Jurgen Blacktyde         3 / 5      GLT-4L Guillotine
Lieutenant Maria “Matriarch” Boltey       4 / 5      PXH-1K Phoenix Hawk
Condor Heavy Tank (Liao)         4 / 5      Sergeant Prashka Chen
Goblin Infantry Tank (Bravo)         3 / 4      Staff Sergeant Anya Tereshakaya   (AIT)
Rifle Foot Infantry Platoon (MG) (B)      1                  (AIT) (HW)

Winter’s Dream Force
MechWarrior Mara “Blitz” Hozumi      4 / 5      SR1-OC Strider            C3 Slave FRR
254th Kavalleri Battle Armor Squad
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor (Laser)   4      Sergeant Raine Ketola
MechWarrior Linnea “Knockout” Westergren   4 / 5      BJ2-OB Blackjack         C3 Slave FRR
279th Kavalleri Battle Armor Squad
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor (Laser)   4      Sergeant Wakao Tomokazu
MechWarrior Marie “Broken Dream” Brahe   4 / 5      SD1-OB Sunder         C3 Master FRR
231st Kavalleri Battle Armor Squad
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor (Laser)   4      Sergeant Yoshihisa Yosuke
LRM carrier               3 / 5      Sergeant Henny Niekisch “Gale”

6th Ghost
WFT-1 Tora (Wolf Trap)            3 / 5      Kashira Thomas Yang         Sr. NCO
GRF-3M Griffin               4 / 5      Gunsho Valerie Gottschalk
Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (3058)      4 / 5      Gunsho
Blizzard Hover Transport Bravo         4 / 5      Shujin George Tanaka         Infantry XO
Kage Light Battle Armor TAG Alpha      4      Gunsho Allen Miller
Kage Light Battle Armor TAG Bravo      4      Gunsho Justin Nester

RTX-1OPrime Raptor            2 / 4      Adept Holly Wood
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor (06)   2      Adept
RTX-1OA Raptor            2 / 4      Adept Nick Cage
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor (06)   2      Adept
PKR-T5 Packrat            3 / 4      Adept
Foot Infantry Squad            3      Adept
PKR-T5 Packrat            3 / 4      Adept
Foot Infantry Squad            3      Adept
Hawk Moth Gunship            3 / 4      Adept
Hawk Moth Gunship            3 / 4

Anthony, I'll need the model for the Condor for this mission.  I have all the others.



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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #751 on: 28 June 2022, 20:32:46 »
Anthony, I'll need the model for the Condor for this mission.  I have all the others.


Got you covered  :thumbsup:


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #752 on: 29 June 2022, 01:01:45 »
“So how was your first major command Adept?”
“I would have preferred a different mission but we work with what we are given. Right sir?”
“Truer words have not been spoken. So I want your report, not what you sent in.”
“I want to know what you saw. I want to know how you felt. Not a nice clean report to your commander.”
“Well sir I don’t know where to start.”
“How about when you entered the system.”
“Well seeing all that wreckage was an eye opener. They did try to defend themselves but they were way out gunned. The fact that the people on the ground did try to surrender but they got bombed from orbit was way past anything I have ever seen before. I still don’t get it.”
“Son you never should. The reasons why some do what they do are just beyond what most of us will ever understand.”
“Well the ground teams did what we could for the people we found. We also recovered what we could and loaded up the DropShips to return to the JumpShips. The space group recovered some items but not a lot. The fleet commander did not want to tip off whoever attacked the site that someone was in the system if they did return.”
“Smart move if WoB does go back to check on what they did and too much was missing they would wonder what happened.”
“I hope I did not over step my when I told the others they could salvage what they could.”
“No if I were on site I would have done the same. It is a small price for all the hard work they did.”
“Sir, most of the survivors we brought back are just children. Why would someone do that?”
“Have your team get back into the roster. We need them and you back at work. As I said people like us will not understand people like that. From your written report I see that you have some new help.”
“Yes sir. They found us as we were looking around. This will not be a problem, will it sir?”
“Not at all, you will need to get the quartermaster to get quarters and such them.”
“Will do sir, thank you sir!”
“Not a problem. Anything more Adept?”
“Yes sir I am happy that we did do this mission. If we ….. the other commands that went with us …. did not go ….. all of them would have died on that rock. The medical crews pulled off some major magic out there.”
“Just goes to show right place right time. I’ll pass that along. Now get back with your unit.”
“Yes Sir!”


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #753 on: 29 June 2022, 01:40:12 »
"Frails"?! OI VE!
Any chance I could get a tech to be flown out to repair the I.S. that hasn't been repaired yet?
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #754 on: 29 June 2022, 11:53:08 »
Any chance I could get a tech to be flown out to repair the I.S. that hasn't been repaired yet?

You will need a bit more then a tech. A repair vehicle or base would be best.
The fun of the outdoor life  ;D


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #755 on: 30 June 2022, 00:22:09 »
“Look I don’t care what it takes you will keep these people together. They have been through a lot and to separate them would be one of the worst things we can do to them at this time. I know some of the survivors attached to the ones that found them and as long as the rescuers do not mind they can stay together. But for the main group we will setup a facility for them and make dam sure that whatever help they need is with them. This will be done even if we have to build a brand new place for them. Do I make myself clear?!”
“Hai Chiji!”

“Precentor Wilkes we have the survivors from Pegasus getting settled in and medical is looking them over.”
“Very good, have the engineers start work on new buildings to house them in.”
“We may not need to do that sir. Only 25 wanted to stay with the order, the others are with the main group that the Governor is helping settle in. They are the children of our people but they are with others their age.”
“Well if that is what they want then I see no problems, just make sure that they do understand that our door is and will always be open for them if they what to be with us.”
“I have made that very clear and they said they will keep that in mind.”
“Well then make user our new members are well cared for.”
“Yes sir!”

“Sho-sa we have a few new members of the Ghosts.”
“Do we?” She looks at the dozen young ones with her team that just got back. ‘Well we will need to get them quarters and find out what jobs they can do. They do know that they will have to work?”
“Hai Sho-sa they were working with us on the return trip.”
“Very well then.” She looks at the Lance and platoon commanders. “Ladies you will see to their needs.”
“Hai Sho-sa!”
Looking at all of the young ones. “Welcome to the Ghosts.” Kono gives them a bow of welcome and respect.

“Sho-sa these young men would like to work as techs for the militia. They have some experience working with fusion power plants in combat vehicles. They would like to help us with the equipment we brought back.” The infantry Tai-i informs his commander.
“I would be more than happy to have them as part of Nijero’s Militia.” He looks over the half dozem young men. “Get them quarters and if they have anyone with them get them quarters as well.”
“Hai Sir!”

“Tai-sa these are the young ones I talked to you about. They want to help us out in any they can.”
“Do they have any skills that we can use?”
“Yes sir they do. Each has gotten their space legs on the return home. They all help the crew of the Doragon no jihi.”
“They did? Please tell me about what work they did.” Looking over the group 20 young ones from about 9 to 16 years old.
“These two worked with the Nurse staff with caring for the other survivors. This bunch worked with the Engineering crew. This group worked with the medical staff as well they were very good at keeping the different wards well stocked.”
“So do all of you want to keep working on the ship?”
“Yes sir!” Comes from the group.
“Well then I will see to it that all of you can do so. I will see if the local medical school will let you two enter so you can get the proper training. Do you want to be doctors or nurses?”
“We would like to be nurses.” From them.
“Very well I will see to that.” Looking at the group that worked with the Engineering crew. “You will also need to go to school so that you will better understand the job that you did on the way here.” They nod. “As for all of you.” Looking at the last group. “I think some more schooling is in order for all of you as well. But for all of you, time on the Doragon no jihi will be need as well. You need to keep your space legs as it were.” The group is full of smiles at the last part.

“Major we have some new members of the Franks clan. They are some of the people we picked up at Pegasus and they want to join us.” The Kestrel pilot informs Kiah he has a group of 30 young ones from the age of 10 to 17 years old. “They lost all family on Pegasus and we have taken them.” He points to the other Hammers that just got back. “They have been very helpful on the trip back and would make fine members of the clan.”

“Colonel I would like to introduce new members of the Ironborn.” Master Sergeant Zhao has a group of 20 young people with her. They range in age from 8 to 15 years old. “They are from Pegasus and have no family, other than each other and with your blessing the Ironborn.” She looks at all of them. “They are hard workers one and all. They helped us with our work on the trip back.”

“Sister I have some people who would like to become part of the Phoenix Dao.” Ching Ch’i presents a group of 10 young people they are from 12 to 17 years old. “We found them on Pegasus and they would like to join us. They all have some skills and worked with during the trip back.”
“We can use the extra help and if they work hard then they are more than welcome.”

“So these are the young ones that my grandmother told me of?”
“Yes Chu-i. They worked with her during the return trip and she offered then to join the family.”
Looking over the two dozen young ones ranging in age from 11 to 17. “First we need to get all of you rooms and then food.” Looking over to the household staff. “Please get them settled in.”
“They all helped with the injured during the trip back. From what was said they did well for ones so young.”
“Well they are from service families and this most likely not the first some of them have seen injured people.”

“Sir the militia informed me that they have a unit in the area of Fune.”
“Well if they have a unit in that area have it join the GSF units responding. Inform the GSF so they know they have the extra help.”
“Very good sir.” Going over to the comms officer. “Send to Captain Jemma that militia platoon 401 will be joining them on this mission.”


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #756 on: 01 July 2022, 20:34:59 »
“Colonel I would like to introduce new members of the Ironborn.” Master Sergeant Zhao has a group of 20 young people with her. They range in age from 8 to 15 years old. “They are from Pegasus and have no family, other than each other and with your blessing the Ironborn.” She looks at all of them. “They are hard workers one and all. They helped us with our work on the trip back.”

"Very well.  Thank you, Amy."  Euron says over the radio from his position near the Nakazawa Shiro.  "Alannah, show our guests to the barracks and inform the heads of the families.  We have some adoptees to join their clans.  Tell Harald and Julia they're invited to adopt as well."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #757 on: 04 July 2022, 17:38:08 »
OOG: Anthony, could you provide a list of the names of the orphans the Ironborn received, their ages, and a little information about them (who's related to who, if they have any interesting skills, etc.).


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #758 on: 05 July 2022, 23:29:38 »
In the courtyard of Camp Haken, a group of about 20 young people, most not even teenagers, assembled before the Ironborn's wing of the base, facing a podium.  There were some whispers as to what was going on, as the children worried what would become of them.  Eventually, a middle-aged woman wearing a military uniform, stepped up to the podium, followed behind by 5 others, some in uniform, others in worker's coveralls, two of them in suits, one of whom bore a priest's collar.  The woman, her short ashen hair catching in the breeze began to speak through a microphone:

"Greetings, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Ironborn."  She announced.  "My name is Major Alannah Harlaw, and I have assembled you all here with good news as it relates your futures.  Our esteemed Governor, Chi-Ji Meiyo Saganami, has approved your requests for asylum and adoption into our unit.  As of this moment, you are all to be considered part of the Ironborn and entitled to all protections and privileges thereof.  In addition, our leader, Colonel Euron Greyjoy, has opened a path for some of you to be directly adopted into one of the family houses of the Ironborn.  These houses will be represented by the people behind me."  Alannah turned to indicate the motley group of adults who had come out with her.

"As the Colonel is currently away on business, House Greyjoy will be represented by Company Chaplain Aeron Greyjoy."  The older man in the priest collar stepped forward, bowed his head and said, "The peace of God be with you all."

"Representing House Blacktyde is a man who was part of the group that rescued you from Pegasus, Lieutenant Stygg Blacktyde."  The blonde man stepped forward and waved.

"House Botley will be represented by the President of Kraken's Arms and patriarch of the Botley family, Tristan Botley."  Tristan surveyed the group, already looking for possible adoptees.

"For House Hoare, our Chief Technician Harald Hoare, and for House Goodbrother, Assistant Chief Technician Julia Goodbrother," The man and woman in work clothes stepped forward and nodded in assent.

"Lastly, as matriarch of House Harlaw, I shall be representing my family myself."  Alannah completed the introductions.  She then continued.  "Each of you shall be interviewed by our group of representatives.  Those of you with siblings shall be interviewed together with your siblings.  Furthermore, if any sibling is chosen to be adopted by one of the families, then all siblings of that family will be adopted.  We would never separate brothers and sisters from one another.  Should you be directly adopted, the House that adopts you will pay for your education in full as well as provide the necessary training should you choose to join our armed forces when you are older."

One of the children raised their hand, a boy of only 8 years of age.  Alannah acknowledged him.  "Um, ma'am?  What happens if one of your families doesn't adopt us?"

Alannah nodded.  "In that case, you will still be considered part of our extended family.  Your education and housing will be paid for by the Colonel or perhaps the Governor, depending on the circumstances.  But, rest assured, young man, we would never think of abandoning you regardless of whether you are adopted or not."  Alannah made a note of the boy, thinking perhaps to adopt him herself.  "Now then, I invite you all inside the base for refreshment.  The interviews will begin immediately.  Carmine Bennington, you're up first.  Would you meet us in the Colonel's office in ten minutes."  A short, slightly plump boy of 12 nodded in assent as one of his friends whispered, "Have fun in the principal's office."  A girl giggled as the boy made his way to the office.
« Last Edit: 05 July 2022, 23:36:59 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #759 on: 07 July 2022, 01:13:13 »
“OK people get that gear to the proper holding bays. We need to keep all the bits and pieces with the correct units.”
“Do we know when it will be picked up?”
“At this time I have no idea other then what is going to the Ghosts and militia. They have setup transport for what belongs to them.”
“So we should have that stuff to the front?”
“Correct, The Ghosts will have a DropShip here in two days and the militia will have a freight train pulling out what belongs to them in three.”


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #760 on: 07 July 2022, 12:12:51 »
Out of curiosity anyone taking bets if we will see crash on Sunday?
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #761 on: 07 July 2022, 15:27:44 »
Gentlemen's bets only.

For the game, will we be using only the units we deployed to Fune?


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #762 on: 07 July 2022, 19:07:59 »
Gentlemen's bets only.

For the game, will we be using only the units we deployed to Fune?

Correct. Your force list is posted.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #763 on: 08 July 2022, 01:07:15 »
“OK that is the last of ‘em sir, we are ready to liftoff.” The cargo master informs the skipper.
“Very good.” The skipper looks over to Captain Jemma. “The last of you force is loaded and strapped in we will be dropping you about 10 klicks from Fune. That will give us time to get all of you off loaded and get out of the combat area as this is not a combat DropShip.”
“We understand that, we will do our best to offload ASAP.” Jemma calls her XO. “Sandra make sure all units are ready to offload as soon as we are back on the ground. We do not need to let the raiders get some shots on this ship.”
“Roger that Mam. I will pass the word.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #764 on: 08 July 2022, 19:08:08 »
Devondra has been having issues trying to login to the forums with no luck, FYI.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #765 on: 09 July 2022, 07:55:25 »
FINALY got back in it only took a week , they really need to fix server issues faster.... now to get caught up on reading grrrrr


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #766 on: 09 July 2022, 09:44:54 »
“Major we have some new members of the Franks clan. They are some of the people we picked up at Pegasus and they want to join us.” The Kestrel pilot informs Kiah he has a group of 30 young ones from the age of 10 to 17 years old. “They lost all family on Pegasus and we have taken them.” He points to the other Hammers that just got back. “They have been very helpful on the trip back and would make fine members of the clan.”

KIah Looks over the group noting the grief as well as the strength in each Childs eyes. stepping forward she salutes them "greetings to you all, we share your grief and welcome you all. the names of your loved ones will be added to our honored dead and never forgotten by the clan." Kiah looks over thier heads to see Carl and others of her senior staff approaching. "My staff will help get you quartered and if you are interested in any specific area of learning or work let them know, My office is attached to the great gathering hall and I have an opened door policy." a young girl about 10 years of age steps forward and curtsey's

"may I stay with my brother and sister Karl?" she asks in a soft sweet voice.

Kiah kneels down and gathers the girl into her arms. "what is your name sweeting?


"well rest assured Helga, no siblings will be separated from each other. When you all give your names to my staff let us know if there are siblings here you will be housed together."

KIah kisses the forehead of the girl and stands up still holding the girls hand. "all of your go with these people they will see you get food and looked at by the doctors and sorted out." she motions to her ex officer and personnel secretary to stay with her as she watches as the group is lead away then turns back to Kestrel pilot. "okay now tell me how these children were helpful, if some showed aptitude for certain fields i would like to see they are encouraged in them further."

"we also should make sure both medical and councilors are available to them." the pilot says

"yes that is a given and will be done, now you all walk with me and tell me about these children and the help they provided"

the group heads toward Kiahs office, her bodyguard's falling in step around them all 


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #767 on: 10 July 2022, 10:07:56 »
Good hunting, all!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #768 on: 11 July 2022, 15:58:42 »
OT, We've realized that we have a full lance of Johns in our group.  Our newest member is also a John.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #769 on: 11 July 2022, 15:59:24 »
It was like going to a T-ball game. whole lotta "Swing and a miss" and fly balls going rarely in the direction intended (arty). It was very entertaining to be part of.

 After very relaxing and enjoyable weekend at the L.o.D. compound there will be submissions for 2 teams for the team color competition. "O.t.D."(older than dirt), and the "RR" (Rugrats). Frequently overheard conversations involving a bet revolving around " doing homework" and "going into the "box" for a month"

 After "Duke" returns from the extended deployment AND getting "slapped" on the back of the head he will do some research so he can handcraft a suitable gift of "thank you, and returned interest", out of a rare unrefined metal, planet local, or if possible from clan space or even from earth, ore size no larger than bowling ball( after a bit of refining it will be approximately the size of an apple or human heart." Depending on what he learns about what she enjoys or likes most "Duke" will refine it and machine/craft it into that form of multiple simple interlocking pieces and intrinsic fine engraving in it's surface.  Maybe he finds the rare metal during some down time while deployed on mission. (edge/ luck roll?)
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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    • Winter's Dream Mercenary Unit
Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #770 on: 19 July 2022, 22:03:48 »
Did we get a date for next game yet?
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #771 on: 20 July 2022, 05:36:25 »
August 21


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #772 on: 21 July 2022, 17:14:12 »
I will not be able to attend next game. I'll be in NOLA.
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #773 on: 23 July 2022, 15:30:48 »
Sorry that we won't see you.  What is NOLA?


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    • Winter's Dream Mercenary Unit
Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #774 on: 23 July 2022, 17:14:17 »
New Orleans, Louisiana
Strength Through Perseverance


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    • Winter's Dream Mercenary Unit
Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #775 on: 25 July 2022, 21:07:13 »
Kapten Bjornsen was seated alone in his office when a worry line creased his brow. He pressed the button to summon his aide. When his aide peeked in to see what the Kapten wanted, Marius asked him a simple question. "Can you find out what is the GSF doing to repair the damage that the city suffered during our last encounter? Also find out what we can contribute both in manpower and monetarily. Get Quartermaster quist working with the Ghosts and Comstar as well. Dismissed. "
Strength Through Perseverance


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« Reply #776 on: 27 July 2022, 11:42:09 »
Raissonne Daigaku {university}     

Public Ivy University 
Chancellor Aleks Rama
Academic Dean Tatiana Kumiko Yi   
Board of Trustees Chair Amalaa Sugai
Total Enrollment: 30000   
School Colors: red and orange   
School Flag: red sun disc skewed to the hoist with sixteen rays on an orange field 
School Mascots: Kangae and Kioku {thought and memory} black crows' leaders of the campus murder, costumed athletic mascot Chie Crow {wisdom}   
Motto: Non Ducor, Duco {I am not led, I lead}
Total faculty complement student ratio 5:1   

Average first year class size is fifty with a teaching professor, two academic advisors, and at least two teaching assistants

Tuition: citizen or official resident of Nejiro nine thousand and five hundred ryu, foreign student seventeen thousand ryu (includes business class travel pass and visa)
              Connected to your school ID card (pictures, a secure rfid chip with security keys for campus doors, health and human resources data and several QR codes) it includes alpha level room and board (standard quad suite that includes two full baths, lounge, and small galley kitchen -and standard campus meal plan of three meals plus two snacks everyday at the student union, and designated kiosks, food courts, dining halls, cafeterias, convenience stores, and diners), twelve credits, city transport pass, digital study materials, eleven inch tablet and keyboard, physical study material budget, lab budget, activity and event budget, access to health and wellness facilities, access to sports and arts facilities, access to research facilities and laboratories, access to academic and recreational facilities (customizable and higher level plans and larger budgets with more credits - up to eighteen, and more privileges such as single occupancy student flats and off campus meal plans are available with additional fees, awards, scholarships, grants, and/or academic standing)   

The University is generally ranked amongst the top ten university level schools on Nejiro.

The University is publicly funded by the city of Hilo as part of the budget, and also by the Sugai Dai Ichizoku, its endowment investments, corporate partnerships, government, private, and corporate education and research grants, tuition, alumni boosters, conference and event ticketing, support and academic services, IT and library services, merchandise, research, publishing, and public donations. It adheres to a standard academic schedule which begins in mid April with graduations in mid March and includes a summer (end of July to the end of August), winter (last week of December to second week of January), and spring break between semesters. The University was established as an entity as part of the creation of the Hilo City Charter and was originally endowed with five hundred million ryu (current value two billion ryu) from the Project Hilo Committee and it was among the first structures to break ground when construction of the city began nearly three centuries ago. The urban campus in Hilo's university ward occupies five hundred acres above and below ground along the banks of the Waikoto River {flowing water}. [Hilo, like many cities on Nejiro, is built above a system of utility corridors and tunnel and cave (natural and fabricated) systems that includes canals (large enough for inland barges) and subways to serve the city support systems, utilities, and services, parking, storage and cisterns, mines and underground farms, plazas, retail and residence areas, recreational areas, commercial and industrial areas, government buildings, and defensive and emergency redoubts. The Hilo Chika {underground} is built on 'islands' created by the three rivers (the Waikoto, the Quoile, and the Canawa) that cross each other and run through the city. The Chika is currently twenty percent larger than the upper city and as much as sixty meters (six levels) below ground and three levels above ground.] The campus is filled with beautiful architecture, inspiring art, and state of the art facilities. It contains over ninety million square meters of lab space, rooftop farms, two world class museums, seed project botanical gardens, a world renowned art gallery, over five hundred clubs, and fifteen million books across twenty five libraries. There is an entire department dedicated to making the campus creative and it organizes dozens of film festivals, art festivals, science festivals, improvisational jam sessions, cosplay events, the drone parade, the largest book fair in the city and more. Culinary choices on campus are varied and include everything from twenty eight hour fast food kiosks, convenience stores, diners, casual restaurants, food courts, dining halls, and cafeterias, to reservation only fine dining, and rowdy pubs. Students are required to live on campus during their first two years of study so they can take part in the academic, social, cultural, and recreational programs, as well as academic advising that the school has been designed to provide. Some students spend their whole tertiary academic career here from undergraduate degree through their doctoral degree. The University is partnered with Raissonne Daigaku Byoin {hospital} in the Hilo civics ward, which has the largest trauma center on the continent and trains many of the military and civilian pararescue, combat, and emergency response medics on Nejiro; and with Raissonne Prep also located in the Hilo university ward, a primary and secondary level public boarding school for as many as three thousand students.   

College of Humanities: ethnic studies, language studies, literature, philosophy, history (military, science, political, art, interstellar), ethics, art theory, visual and fine arts, fashion, gender studies, music theory, antiquities, media and performing arts, etiquette, critical thinking and analysis, conversation and negotiation and debate, cartography and navigation, geography, cultural studies, calligraphy, governmental theory and practice, law, meritous studies and public service, criminology, communications, psychology, sociology, citizenship and civics, public policy, anthropology, archeology, creative writing, folklore, myths and legends, social welfare, theology and dogma, ritual and tradition, education, information science, information engineering (marketing, advertising, reports and grants, propaganda, journalism, public relations), library and archival studies, business, economics, trade, entrepreneurship, transportation, logistics, labor relations, finance, administration   

College of Natural Science and Technology: mathematics, statistics, physics, biology, chemistry, engineering, computer sciences, applied sciences, geology, astrobiology, application vs theory ethics and etiquette, research ethics and etiquette, food science and nutrition, urban agriculture, culinary studies, fibers and textiles, mechanics, aviation, spacecraft, propulsion, high energy physics, fire and rescue, electrodynamics, botany, zoology, thermodynamics, programming, multimedia and virtual reality, forensics, environmental sciences and management, speech pathology and audiology, electron-physics, nanoscience, biomedical and life sciences, military science and technology, pathology, microbiology, medical sciences, architecture, design and applied arts, genetics and evolution, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, civil engineering, surgery, nursing, clinical medicine, immunology, dentistry, materials science, molecular medicine, trauma medicine, astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, cybernetics and bionics, robotics, cybertronics, physical education, sports science, mechatronics, trade schools (in partnership with the Hilo Guildhall Syndic), vocational and technical studies   

Prospective student tours are available 21 March 3069 through 16 April 3069, and 13 August 3069 through 31 August 3069. Also available are student and faculty led campus virtual tours, and campus takeovers hosted by student ambassadors that let prospective students shadow hosts in classes, labs, clubs, and activities for a few days to get a glimpse of real campus life. Please book through the Office of Student Admissions <contact info>. Slots fill quickly so please book early.   

« Last Edit: 27 July 2022, 15:01:22 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #777 on: 29 July 2022, 15:52:34 »
Now that CGL has posted their Gencon announcement ,
I need a final and complete shopping list from each person who wants loot.  IWM can be added in later.  Post here or PM me.
« Last Edit: 30 July 2022, 07:03:00 by jimdigris »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #778 on: 30 July 2022, 01:27:02 »
Kapten Bjornsen was dressed in his dress uniform for one reason, and one reason only, to make a good impression. He was waiting in the offices of the company, Beacon Advanced Industries. While waiting to be called in to the boardroom, he began pacing. Quartermaster Quist was present, also in his dress uniform, but he was seated, waiting patiently, unlike his boss.

Marius stopped pacing, looked over at Nataniel and said, "Let's go over this again, one last time, Quist. We are here today to offer more funds to expand production of the Night-Night guns. In return for said funds, We'd like to get a percentage of sales to other GSF units and other forces on planet. We will also make available performance data on how the guns behaved in real world combat situations. If they are amenable, we'll also suggest a name change. Suimin Taiho. Sleeping Gun. Sounds a bit better than Night-night gun. We're offering another One and a half million c-bills, right?" When Quist nodded, he continued, "Do you really think they'll go for the percentage?"

Quist finally stood up, clasped his commander on his shoulders and looked him dead in the eye, "Marius. If they don't take the deal, they'll be doing themselves a disservice, and no business will turn down the deal we're offering. If we can get these guns into the hands of all the GSF units and also into police forces around the world, we'll be golden."

The secretary stood up, moved over and opened the door to the conference room, "The board will see you now." Kapten Bjornsen and Quartermaster Quist straightened their jackets one last time, and headed into the lion's den.
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #779 on: 30 July 2022, 16:50:26 »
Now that CGL has posted their Gencon announcement ,
I need a final and complete shopping list from each person who wants loot.  IWM can be added in later.  Post here or PM me.

Alpha Strike and Beginners Box Set. Thanks for doing the legwork.
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!