Author Topic: Battletech Long Island III  (Read 109361 times)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1080 on: 02 September 2023, 15:30:35 »
just a reminder just over a week to the next mission  :evil:


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1081 on: 03 September 2023, 08:51:54 »
“How are his wounds” Debbie asks the Bandit crewmember.
“Other than getting his bell rung and some scrapes and bumps he’ll live.” She finishes bandaging the open cuts.
“So I hope you understand the problems you have?” She looks into his eyes whit her hand on her sidearm.
“What?” His head is ringing like church bells on Sunday. “I am you prisoner.”
“Well not so much. You are a pirate and around here pirates don’t have much standing, if you understand.” She keeps eye contact and her hand on her weapon. “Now if you can be of use to my commander you just may get to see your family.”
“As a pirate as you say with little standing why should I help you?”
“Well if you have nothing I can offer nothing. If you have something I can offer you something.”
Looking at the very attractive woman in front of him and trying to focus. “I might but how do I know you will not just kill be after?”
“You don’t. You should know that the law here about pirates is almost the same as the Combine. Now if you were a Merc something might be done. You would need to prove that you are a Merc, a contract would be proof.” Debbie looks to the crew woman. “Can we get him some water?”
“Sure.” She moves off to the Bandit and the GDL squad stands ready.
Debbie hands her sidearm to one of the troopers and moves closer to the prisoner. She removes his cooling vest and checks for hidden weapons. She can see his head is clearing a bit but he is suffering from a concussion. “First off you need to keep focused due to the concussion from the fight. Second you do need you understand that if you help us we will help you.” She looks to the Bandit. “Can you grab a jacket or something for him to put on?”
“I will see what we have.” Comes from the vehicle.
“So what can you do?” He asks Debbie.
“That is all up to what you can give us. But first I think we should get you to a good medical facility and get that head of yours looked at.”

“I think we will need to re-think the militia deployments to the system.” Sho-sa Josef looks into his screen.
“We will have extra help with this but yes we will need to look over what units are at what stations.” Meiyo thinks as she looks over unit deployments. “I will be talking with Precentor Wilks to see if he can send one or two of his units to some of the stations. I will also have the GSF return all units to Nejiro as these units will be needed here more.”
“We can pick up some of the slack as we will have the Pegasus units entering service over the next six (6) months or so.”

“Sir that ship in not going to Yousai it is going to Plant 1.”
“Get the Plant’s security to get the workers to shelter and get the GFS moving to the plant NOW!”
“On it sir.”

“Sir the Ghosts will bring in Winters Dream’s forces with them. The ComGuard will bring the Eagle’s Tears with them. We have a transport the will bring in the Ironborn, Hands of the Goddess, Dragon’s Clutch and Loyalty Forsaken units. We are diverting a transport to Get the Hammer’s and Road’s Warriors.”
“Very well make sure that the air control crews and the transport system understand that all four to those ships have alpha clearance.”

OK so a bit more for the mission.
You will be coming in as follows .... first turn Eagle's Tears and ComGuard .... two (2) turns later IronBorn, Hands of the Goddess, Dragons Clutch and Loyalty Forsaken (yes I know you will not be here) .... turn (2) after that will be the Ghosts and Winters Dream .... last will be Kiah's Hammers and Road's Warriors one (1) turn later. As you are entering at different times you will also get different home edges as well so show the different places you are coming from. The Tear's/ComGuard .... Ghost's/Dream will be entering along the long edge. IronBorn/Hands/Clutch ... Hammers/Warriors will be the back short edge.

You will have a waterway, scattered woods and some hills in the area. You will also have a security fence with a road behind it on the back edge. you will also have a road with a bridge to cross the water.

Any units from the last mission are in the field and can not be used on this one.
Rock and Roll people  :bruce6sg:

Now on the re-deployment of the off world forces. If you want Starting next month (May in game) you can bring home your off world force. you the boys in the north I have had some ideas and Fyall know what they are so if your are game let me know.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1082 on: 03 September 2023, 21:57:43 »
I will not be able to attend sunday.
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1083 on: 04 September 2023, 08:17:49 »
I will not be able to attend sunday.

You will be missed
Hope things are OK


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1084 on: 04 September 2023, 09:30:30 »
Do you want a standard force from me?
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1085 on: 04 September 2023, 09:39:47 »
Do you want a standard force from me?

if you want to


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1086 on: 04 September 2023, 09:41:06 »
“How long for the Medivac to get here?” Debbie asks.
“They are about thirty out.”
“Great, OK keep an eye on him I don’t like how he is drifting in and out.” She walks to the front of the Bandit. “Can you get me the Hands Karnov? Please.”
“Yes Lieutenant.”
“Sergeant have the pilot get that bird ready to fly, we need to get this guy to medical ASAP.”
“On it Lt.”

“Sir that DS just did a touch and go.”
“Keep track of it. I want to know what it is doing.”
“We will do our best but the Sat is moving out of position and the next is fifteen out.”
“Great, see if we have any drones in the area.”
“We have one that was going to see what the GFS is dealing with. We can get a second in the area in ten.”
“Do it that is better than fifteen.”

“Major can you inform command that I will be taking our prisoner to Lanikai for treatment. I do not like how he is doing.”
“OK Lieutenant, But I want you to take the Dragons Clutch’s Infantry with you so you have some extra security. His people have been operating in this area for a while now.”
“I understand Major. Can you also make sure my ride gets picked up?”
“It will travel with us and the salvage. I will inform command that we will go to Lanikai as well.”

“OK people you all know the drill get into the shelters and stay put until the all clear is sounded.”
“Get the automated weapons on line. I don’t think they will do much but we have them so we will use them.”
“We have everything locked down as well as we can and the last of the workers are entering the shelters.”
“Good, now all we can do is ride it out.”

“We need a trauma doc over here ASAP.” Debbie calls to the desk. “He has taken a concussion and some other minor wounds.”
“Get a gurney over here ASAP. Have room two ready.” The nurse moves to the prisoner. “How has he been responding?”
“He has been in and out for the last hour. I have been doing my best to keep him focused and awake.”
“Good, we need to get him into a bed so the Doc can give him a good look over.” The nurse looks at all the armored troopers. “Are they necessary?”
“Not all but some will be in the room with us.” Debbie looks at the troopers. “You four outside, Stay by the main doors.” She informs the Hands BA Troopers. “You four are at the other entrance. Tell the Karnov it is to take up an air patrol now.” She looks at the second squad of Hand troopers. “I need you eight to walk the outside in pairs and keep it random.” She looks at the Clutch's Raiden troopers. “Make sure that your transports are refueled and ready to fly in a moment’s notice.” She looks at the Ghost jump infantry. “Want one squad here and in the room and the second squad on the floor above.” A bunch of yes mam and Hai’s will sound out and the troopers will move out.

“OK so let’s get the 'Mech ready for transport. Take it easy on it as we did a lot of damage to it. Get the prisoners gear stored.” Crash gets the force ready to move out. “We will need to get the Archer set for transport as well.”
The Medivac will show up looking for the prisoner. “We sent him out, he did not look good and you were too far out.” Looking around at the battle site. “You in the Ostsol can you recover the arm that was shot off. It is over there.” Crash points to a location.
“Will do Major. FYI I am MechWarrior Sandra.” She moves off to the location.
“You might as well stay with us as we will be going to Lanikai.” Crash informs the medivac crew.
“Major if we have room on the transports can we have the Hollander ride one also. She has taken lot of damage.”
“We will make that happen.” Crash informs the IronBorn. “Lieutenant Yang, can you and the Ghost ‘Mechs run a patrol about half a klick out just to make sure that the others are not looking to come back.”
“So for the rest of us make any minor repairs you can and we will need to setup watch rotations until the transports get here.”

« Last Edit: 04 September 2023, 18:49:15 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1087 on: 04 September 2023, 18:31:10 »
“Well Major Franks to answer your first question I will not be returning to the Dogs this will be my work. I will be here as a member of the GSF liaison office until the Chiji replaces me. As for your second I hope to make it to all of the GSF locations to meet with each of the units.”

(since my posts did not post i am putting them up again)

Well we look forward to seeing you then, and please visit our bases in what ever order you wish and if security is any issue you don't have to give advanced notice when coming to my base. I have no issues with unexpected guests but i can not speck for the rest of the command. If you or any of your contingent have any diet restrictions please let me know upon your arrival. 


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1088 on: 04 September 2023, 18:35:40 »

“I think we will need to re-think the militia deployments to the system.” Sho-sa Josef looks into his screen.
“We will have extra help with this but yes we will need to look over what units are at what stations.” Meiyo thinks as she looks over unit deployments. “I will be talking with Precentor Wilks to see if he can send one or two of his units to some of the stations. I will also have the GSF return all units to Nejiro as these units will be needed here more.”
“We can pick up some of the slack as we will have the Pegasus units entering service over the next six (6) months or so.” on the re-deployment of the off world forces. If you want Starting next month (May in game) you can bring home your off world force. you the boys in the north I have had some ideas and Fyall know what they are so if your are game let me know.

The Hammers wish to bring the off world troops home


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1089 on: 04 September 2023, 18:49:49 »

“Sir that ship in not going to Yousai it is going to Plant 1.”
“Get the Plant’s security to get the workers to shelter and get the GFS moving to the plant NOW!”
“On it sir.”

“Sir the Ghosts will bring in Winters Dream’s forces with them. The ComGuard will bring the Eagle’s Tears with them. We have a transport the will bring in the Ironborn, Hands of the Goddess, Dragon’s Clutch and Loyalty Forsaken units. We are diverting a transport to Get the Hammer’s and Road’s Warriors.”
“Very well make sure that the air control crews and the transport system understand that all four to those ships have alpha clearance.”

OK so a bit more for the mission.
You will be coming in as follows .... first turn Eagle's Tears and ComGuard .... two (2) turns later IronBorn, Hands of the Goddess, Dragons Clutch and Loyalty Forsaken (yes I know you will not be here) .... turn (2) after that will be the Ghosts and Winters Dream .... last will be Kiah's Hammers and Road's Warriors one (1) turn later. As you are entering at different times you will also get different home edges as well so show the different places you are coming from. The Tear's/ComGuard .... Ghost's/Dream will be entering along the long edge. IronBorn/Hands/Clutch ... Hammers/Warriors will be the back short edge.

You will have a waterway, scattered woods and some hills in the area. You will also have a security fence with a road behind it on the back edge. you will also have a road with a bridge to cross the water.

Any units from the last mission are in the field and can not be used on this one.
Rock and Roll people  :bruce6sg:

We may want to bring mechs that can jump over the river and if possible hovers or air troop transports.

also keep in mind that the faster the turns are done the faster the troops that can reinforce you can arrive onto the field.


1 what is made at this plant?

2 can we get information as to which buildings have the evac shelters in them for the plant personnel, so that we may more quickly send BA to protect them

3 where are the completed items stored , so that we might be able to prevent the enemy from getting  into that building

4 is there anyway we can blockade the access road to the plant so that the merchandise can not be driven off by the attackers?

5 can we get information what each building of the plant contains

that is all i can think of for now what do the rest of you think? we should come up with a plan of action so this goes more smoothly


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1090 on: 04 September 2023, 19:02:49 »
“Sir that DS just did a touch and go.”
“Keep track of it. I want to know what it is doing.”
“We will do our best but the Sat is moving out of position and the next is fifteen out.”
“Great, see if we have any drones in the area.”
“We have one that was going to see what the GFS is dealing with. We can get a second in the area in ten.”
“Do it that is better than fifteen.”

Drones are great , are they made on world and if so how insane is the cost?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1091 on: 04 September 2023, 19:28:01 »
“How long for the Medivac to get here?” Debbie asks.
“They are about thirty out.”
“Great, OK keep an eye on him I don’t like how he is drifting in and out.” She walks to the front of the Bandit. “Can you get me the Hands Karnov? Please.”
“Yes Lieutenant.”
“Sergeant have the pilot get that bird ready to fly, we need to get this guy to medical ASAP.”
“On it Lt.”

Would it be possible for a medivac unit to become something that is deployed with us from now on and have them stay off the field of fire unless they are needed?
since we deploy far afield it would give us a better medical response time.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1092 on: 05 September 2023, 05:41:12 »
We may want to bring mechs that can jump over the river and if possible hovers or air troop transports.

also keep in mind that the faster the turns are done the faster the troops that can reinforce you can arrive onto the field.


1 what is made at this plant?

Tokugawa Heavy Tank, Skulker Wheeled Scout Tank, Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun, Light SRM Carrier and Striker Light Tank

2 can we get information as to which buildings have the evac shelters in them for the plant personnel, so that we may more quickly send BA to protect them


3 where are the completed items stored , so that we might be able to prevent the enemy from getting  into that building

All items to make the vehicles (armor, power trains, weapons, sensor systems and so on)

4 is there anyway we can blockade the access road to the plant so that the merchandise can not be driven off by the attackers?

If you want to pull some of your force to do this. The roads in to the site are not on the side you will be at.

5 can we get information what each building of the plant contains

that is all i can think of for now what do the rest of you think? we should come up with a plan of action so this goes more smoothly

you will not be fighting in the plant. That would be bad. if they get past you the next mission will be in the plant and at that time I will give you the information.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1093 on: 05 September 2023, 05:43:04 »
Drones are great , are they made on world and if so how insane is the cost?

Yes drones are made on world, but very few. it will take a year plus at this time just to get one.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1094 on: 05 September 2023, 05:46:14 »
Would it be possible for a medivac unit to become something that is deployed with us from now on and have them stay off the field of fire unless they are needed?
since we deploy far afield it would give us a better medical response time.

yes you can but not all member units of the GSF have them to use.

in some missions you may want something better as you are/will be very far from a town/village/city. also something of limited supply in the GSF.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1095 on: 05 September 2023, 15:42:30 »
Did the dropship take off from the surface, or is it coming from off-world?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1096 on: 05 September 2023, 17:57:03 »
Did the dropship take off from the surface, or is it coming from off-world?

the DS came in from orbit and did a touch and go in a flat area a few klicks away from the plant.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1097 on: 08 September 2023, 07:15:25 »
Okay since Antony needs this information and we should be posting our forces more then just the day before the game this is what the Hammers are fielding.

Alpha Karnov with 2 squads of I.S. grey death scout and one squad I.S. jump

great wyrm

Templar (TLR1-OC) with 1 squad of clan elementals

Pegasus (DCM C3 unit)

everyone please get your forces posted up
« Last Edit: 08 September 2023, 20:50:49 by Devondra »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1098 on: 08 September 2023, 15:25:17 »
I'm bringing all fast units.  Griffin, Clint, Vedette Medium tank, and Maxim with infantry.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1099 on: 08 September 2023, 22:57:40 »
"Mechwarrior Fuka Hiyami, report to 'Mech bay immediately for sortie debriefing."

Fuka suited up and headed to the 'Mech bay, confused as to what was happening.  Arriving, she saw Crow's Eye being readied for launch.  Sgt Majors Wynch and Kenning were waiting as well as the Blizzard crew.

"Nee-san, " She asked Julia.  "Why was I ordered into the field?  I thought the Hilo Defense Force wouldn't be ready for another month."

"The brass has decided to give you a different defense mission while you're waiting."  Said Julia.

"You're coming with us to Plant 1.  Somebody's attacking the militia's tank production facilities."  Said Wynch.  "Though why the Colonel's sending you in the slowest machine in the camp alongside 3 of the fastest, I have no idea."

"It's probably because all the faster 'Mechs are on recon duty or are out in the field."  Kenning pointed out.

"Even so, he wants to send a rookie with us?"  Asked Wynch.

"Probably so she can get the experience to defend Hilo once the city defense force is up and running."  Said Julia.

"Well if that's the way it is," supposed Wynch, "we can make sure she gets everything she needs.  Don't worry, Fuka-san, just follow my lead and we'll get through this."

"Hai."  Fuka responded.

Anthony, my force for Sunday will be:  Regulators Alpha and Bravo (Charles Wynch and Edward Kenning), the Blizzard with Alpha Foot Platoon, and Crow's Eye (the Marauder 5M) with Fuka at the controls(I want to get her XP up).


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1100 on: 11 September 2023, 18:09:54 »
“S.O.B. how many got into the factory?” Kiah asks over the comms.
“All the VTOLs and hover transports. On the good side one of them was the support model.”
“Somehow I don’t think the Owens pilot is happy about that fact.”
“Seven of the ‘Mechs got in but the Mercury is not a happy camper with the damage it took.”
“The two Stygians and Harasser also made it in.”
“The Mongoose and Anubis did not go with the others. They headed off before the mines that the Tears Avatar dropped. They will enter from a different point.” Captain Tan added in.
“OK so all that can move into the plant.” Kiah tells the other units. “Tears you will have to stay here. With the cannon jam and most of you other members out of the fight you will keep an eye on our new friend. Make sure that he gets good care when the support units get here.” She gives the Templar’s throttle a push to max. “Keep him alive.”
“Yes mam.” Comes from one of the two troopers working him out of the Hussar.

“I want the units still on ship to drop so they can keep our uninvited guests from getting away.” Kiah informs command. “I know that Dropper is around so our units will need to come in from different sides. We will push from where they entered.”
“Roget that Major we will vector them so you will have three sides covered.”

“OK looks like the new toys will get to play. The GSF did some damage, let’s see what we can do.”

“Jack with what my people think and with some of what has been happening as of late I think you need to have your people work with mine and maybe we should ask Wilkes to have his people work with us on the upcoming event.” Westfeild informs Jack.
“YA we will need to have the best we have making sure we have no problems.”
“My people can stay out of sight but be close just in case.”
“This is got to be a first.”
“A DCMS NCO happy that the ISF has people on world.”
“Well if we were just DCA we would not be of as much help for this now would we?”
“True.” Jack looks at Westfeild. “Will the 565th be at the Spaceport?”
“Yes, along with the 268th just in case.”
“Good I know that all Militias and GSF units will be on alert. Even the ones we don’t want to be on alert. I’m sure that Wilkes will have his people ready as well.”
“Well Kono will have her people on the ready.”
“Kono?” Jack gives him a raised eyebrow. “A bit informal for you sir?”
“Knock it off Jack. We are not talking as DCMS/DCA for one and I know very well you know.”
“Who me? I know very little.” Big smile on his face. “After all I’m just a non-com jarhead. What could I know?” The smile gets bigger.
“Right just a non-com jarhead and I’m Victors long lost brother-in-law.” He looks Jack in the eye. “I have your jacket you know and not the one with all the black ink.”
“Just the one with a lot of black ink.” Jack smiles.

“So you can have a couple of your units take up station here in system?”
“Yes, they have returned for other duties and will need to be stationed here.” Wilks looks at something off screen. “I will ask for any help you can give in the form of money or supplies as we are not as well supplied as before.”
“I understand with all that is going on in the Sphere none of us are well supplied.” Meiyo looks over her pad. “I can offer your units the same supply setup that the GSF has. We will supply standard armor and ammunitions. Any “Mechs they disable they can have but any armored units we have the first rights too. I will also offer a base for any unit plus food and medical. They will also have a militia unit to help defend the site they are at.” She will look off screen for a moment. “Plus a combat bonus if they see any combat.”
“That will work for me.”

“Major do you have some time?”
“Sure Everett, what’s up?”
“Well to start we finished the repairs on the Firefly, so she is ready if we need her.”
“That is good, having an extra recon ‘Mech is good thing.”
“Well you just need to pick who will use her. I thinking maybe Dillon, as not having the Piranha in the field would be better for the unit as it is so light, with so many short range weapons and last off it needs Clanner parts. Maybe if we put the Piranha a QRF or security force but having a cadet in it has forced us to keep it out of many of the missions so far.”
“I will keep that in mind. So what other news do you have for me? I know you did not come here just for that.”
“Well Gunther and I have worked up a list of the Pegasus gear, this is what we think. The Battlemaster and Banshee as both need the least repairs and the firepower they bring to the field. Next up the Dervish and Griffin for the mobile fire support they would give the unit. After them the Wraith and Zeus they will need some major work but each will have a place for us to use them in. Last off the Victor and Shadow Hawk, they will take the longest as we will need to source the auto cannons they use plus the ammunitions as well.”
“OK so do what you need to but do keep in mind we are not made of money and working with Stark money is tight.”
“Got it covered.”

“Isha Musashi I have finished looking over the salvage from Pegasus and the techs and feel that we can have Kestrels on line in two months as the local production has started we can get the need parts here.” Chief Technician Nakajima informs her. “With some luck and help from local shops we should get the Cobras operational in six months going by Kashira Sato and her team. The Battlemechs will be more of a problem as we are light on people with the skills need in their repair. The team under Kashira Kitakam has informed me that the Rakahasa will be the first on line as it needs the least repair time. The Tempest and Hercules would be the next to that can re-enter service next with the Gallowglas last.”
“Please do as you see fit. But please to keep in mind that funding is not unlimited no matter what my grandsons think.”
“Hai Isha. This is why we have put the list together the way we did. Units to be repaired in the stated order so we can get need repair items out here and not have to pay premium shipping prices. We will work with as many local suppliers as we can but some items will need to come from the units manufacture.”
“Understood pleas keep me informed on your progress.”
“Hai Isha.”
« Last Edit: 12 September 2023, 20:04:00 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1101 on: 13 September 2023, 16:17:54 »
Cobra? Wish it had been offered in a recent trade. Somebody could have gotten away with murder
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1102 on: 17 September 2023, 13:35:19 »
Next mission date is 10/15

“Duke the VTOLs have arrived and the flight mechanics have given them a once over.” Alexander informs his commander. “They figure is will take four to six months to get them both back in to service.”
“Not too bad when remembers what happened to them.” Duke looks at his chief tech. “Order what you need to repair them and inform Jesse and Carl to get some sim time on them.”

“Isha the Chimera salvage is here where would you like us to store it?
“In the main storage bay, have the tech do what they need to so if we need any of it the items are ready.”
“Hai Isha!”

“Adept I have some cargo that will be of use to you. Have your tech take the Toyama out of storage and use these specs to up-grade it. This will be your new ride.” He hands the Adept a pad. “I would take the time it will take the techs make the up-grades to understand how it operates. For now you will take this ‘Mech out of storage and add it to you command unit so it will be back to full strength. From the records you have a tech that will do as the pilot. You will also do well if you have her train on your current ‘Mech as well. This way when you move up she will keep you level II in net as her ‘Mech in not.”
“As you command sir, the techs will get on the ASAP and training will start.”
He hands the Adept a second pad. “You will also have this equipment removed from storage and a new level II will be made ready. You will be advised to find someone to pilot the ‘Mech that will be open when you two switch so that this will be the security for this unit.”
The Adept looks over this pad. “I do not have people to man this equipment.”
“I have made arrangements, the crews and troopers will be in on the next supply run.”

“Precentor we are now ready to salvage the Baron. She can jump but not much more. We have her fighter squadron back on line so they will provide escort if anyone try to stop her from jumping out of system. She can make the jump when she is clear of the belt. Will she take the salvaged DropShips as well?”
“No she does not have docking collars. We do have a ship inbound that can take them and escort her but we will need to find a safe place for the cargo dropships that will have to stay. Command will have to send a ship to pick them up.”
“Yes Precentor! I shall inform all commands that we will need an extra ship to pick up the cargo ships.”
“Adept when the cargo ships are empty have the salvage crews load anything of use on them.”
“Yes sir.”
“It is good that she can get out of system soon. We have been lucky so far that the locals or ComSar have not spotted this. We will have to keep things moving here to keep them blind while she is moved to a jump point.”
“I will keep my forces on alert in case the locals try something here.”
“With what happened on the mainland with our last raid an extra one will keep them looking were we want them to look.”

“Sir a drone just spotted that unit from last month the mined the GSF and ComGaurd on Malik lands”
“OK get Malik up to speed on this also have a sat moved to keep an eye on them.”
“Working in that.”
“Let the ComGuard know they may want in on this one. Also inform all GSF commands they are on standby alert”

OK so this is your next mission.
Standard unit setups and any units in the field are still in the field.

« Last Edit: 17 September 2023, 16:27:04 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1103 on: 29 September 2023, 22:51:32 »

that was PAINFULL   :shocked:

(on a side note, I am ANNOYED that the smiley in a wheelchair is apparently no-longer available in the additional smileys)

sooo, anyone got spare parts for an owens?  like...  half an owens worth?

getting really annoyed that I couldn't even hit stuff with PULSE LASERS at SHORT RANGE when NOT MOVING because of the ridiculous modifiers  :headbang:

especially when I had to put guys in suicide slots to even slow them down.

ah well, at least I got to be in combat this last mission... not that it went well.

as for the next mission... is this a dropship intercept mission, or am I reading the post wrong?



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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1104 on: 30 September 2023, 16:18:34 »
I won't have hot water until Monday evening. The heater was drowned and parts can't be obtained until Monday. How did everyone else do during the Deluge?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1105 on: 01 October 2023, 09:17:32 »

that was PAINFULL   :shocked:

(on a side note, I am ANNOYED that the smiley in a wheelchair is apparently no-longer available in the additional smileys)

sooo, anyone got spare parts for an owens?  like...  half an owens worth?

getting really annoyed that I couldn't even hit stuff with PULSE LASERS at SHORT RANGE when NOT MOVING because of the ridiculous modifiers  :headbang:

especially when I had to put guys in suicide slots to even slow them down.

ah well, at least I got to be in combat this last mission... not that it went well.

What happens when you play speed bump  :evil: and the other guy is moving fast  :police:

as for the next mission... is this a dropship intercept mission, or am I reading the post wrong?


You have it wrong. This mission you all will be dealing with a group that likes to drop mines. they were in mission 79. this was at the end of the last month (game time that is  :tongue:).

for the others all of you need to pick your forces as well. Only got two weeks  :cool:


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1106 on: 01 October 2023, 09:18:50 »
I won't have hot water until Monday evening. The heater was drowned and parts can't be obtained until Monday. How did everyone else do during the Deluge?

OH the fun of the Sought Shore  :huh:

We did not to to bad, just some road flooding is all.


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1107 on: 01 October 2023, 12:14:00 »
This mission you all will be dealing with a group that likes to drop mines. they were in mission 79. this was at the end of the last month (game time that is  :tongue:).

for the others all of you need to pick your forces as well. Only got two weeks  :cool:
Are these the fukapop boys? 


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1108 on: 01 October 2023, 14:21:42 »
deluge? what deluge? Nothing but blue skies here since Lee passed by. and cold showers are better than no shower.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1109 on: 01 October 2023, 16:29:51 »
We got 8 inches of rain on Friday.

