Since the old thread is almost to page 50, starting a new thread for the Wolves.
In addition to their new (currently small, but will grow) Allies in Clan Jade Falcon and Clan Smoke Jaguar, and their own surviving warriors, there is another force at hand as well. We see in units like the Stonehearts, that many republic warriors have left to pursue mercenary careers or sanctuary in the Federated Suns, but some remain. Some were taken captive during the fighting itsself. I suspect we will see those among the defeated RAF who are willing to cooperate, forming units within the new SLDF.
We also get a blurb from the Snow Ravens in HOTW, indicating that they will adhere to the results of the contest for ilClan. If the Horses attacked and were declared dezgra, that naval support could be hell on the horses.
Really, the matter is fairly simple. Proper Clan Warriors do not trial over and over again for the same objective after a loss. There is no official prohibition against doing so, it is honor that prevents that. If the Hell's Horses, or anyone else cannot honor the result of a fair combat trial, then perhaps they have lost their way and should be rehabilitated. Can they truly call themselves clan, if they cannot abide what fair combat has wrought?
Those who dislike the idea of ilClan Wolf are bound to grasp at straws and crow that the victory will not last. But what a massive waste of plot that would be. What a contradiction to what has been foreshadowed that would be. They can gnash and wail all they want, I am unconvinced that the plot does not lead to the establishment of a third league under Clan Wolf.