Author Topic: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)  (Read 16254 times)


  • Master Sergeant
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    • My Fanfictions
Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« on: 26 August 2021, 16:10:39 »
Dreamland Madness

Disclaimer: I do not own Battletech or any of the characters in the franchise. I do not own The Dreamland Chronicles or any of the characters in the franchise.

Summary: Dreamland. The realm where little children go to dream - the dreams of adventure and games they don’t remember. Once they grow older, they stop visiting the realm. Except for a few, who never wake up. Kali Liao and Katherine Steiner-Davion have spent most of their lives in a coma, dreaming. Little do their families know that they were part of a group of heroes fighting to save Dreamland from invading nightmares in a war that went on for years.
Now they have won, and can finally wake up - and return to a universe that’s as alien to them as Dreamland is to grown-ups. A universe filled with tension and a war brewing - and invaders from the Periphery about to strike the Inner Sphere. All the two want is to reunite with each other and live their lives - which would be a little hard for a Steiner-Davion and a Liao even if everyone wouldn’t think they are crazy.


Prologue: Dreamland

Unity Fields, Dreamland, December 30th, 3037

The faeries were dancing in the air, Kat saw as she walked towards the hangar. For a moment, she wanted to go join them. If they allowed her to fly…

She shook her head. No! Flying was for little kids, and she was already five years old! Old enough to finally pilot a ‘Mech! At least in her dreams - Daddy was still being stubborn about not letting her get a ‘Mech until she was older. Old. Whatever.

But Dreamland was different! Here, you could be anything you wanted to be! And Kat wanted to be a ‘Mechwarrior, so she would be a ‘Mechwarrior! And she could pilot her dream ‘Mech, a Victor! Her older brother had told her it was the best ‘Mech, and he knew best. And Uncle Ardan piloted one as well!

She skipped a little as she passed a groundcar with two dwarven techs in it, waving at them. They didn’t wave back - they never did. But Kat waved anyway. You had to be polite. And friendly. Mum said so. And the dwarves would have to wave back one day, she thought as she looked over her shoulder and watched the groundcar head towards the big spaceport in the distance.

Then she bumped into something and fell to the ground.


“Didn’t you watch where you’re going? You dummy!”

Not something, someone, Kat realised, narrowing her eyes at the… girl under her. She was smaller than Kat. That meant she was younger, too! Frowning, she said: “You didn’t watch either!” It was clear - if the other girl had watched where she was going, she wouldn’t have run into Kat!

“I did! I didn’t know you wouldn’t!”

“Then you should’ve avoided me!” Kat pointed out.

“Why? You weren’t looking!” The girl glared at her and started to scoot out from underneath Kat. “And you’re heavy!”

“Am not!”

“Are too!”

Kat huffed and stood. Oh, no - her pyjamas had a rip in it! And a stain! “Look what you did!”

“Me? That was your fault!”

“Whatever!” Kat sniffed and continued walking towards the hangar. Daddy and Mum were rich; they could buy her a new set of pyjamas. With ‘Mechs on it this time!

But the other girl followed her. Kat stopped and frowned at her. “What are you doing?”

“Going there.” She pointed at the hangar. “I’m going to pilot a ‘Mech!”

“That’s for older girls!” Kat pointed out.

“I’m old enough!”

“You don’t look it!”

“Looks can be deceiving!”

Kat frowned. “Deceiving?”

“It’s like lying.”

“I know what it means!” She did!

“Then why ask me?”

“I wasn’t asking you!” Kat huffed.

“Of course you were.”

Kat narrowed her eyes again. “Who’re you, anyway?”

“Who’re you?”

“I asked first!”

“It’s rude to ask without giving your name!”

What? Kat frowned again. She hadn’t known that. “Kat.”


“Yes, Kat! Now, who’re you?”



“No, Kelly.”

“Kelly, yes.” Kat nodded.

“Oh, you…” Kelly shook her head and turned away.

Kat sniffed again and started walking. So did Kelly. “What kind of ‘Mech are you gonna pilot?”

“A Raven. The best ‘Mech there is!”

“A Raven? That’s a light ‘Mech! That can’t be the best ‘Mech!”

“It’s the most adven… advanced!”

“So? It’s a light ‘Mech!” Light ‘Mechs were stupid - everyone knew that!

“Are you a Steiner?”

“Half, yes!” Kat said proudly. Mum said she should be proud of her herin… heritage.


“Hey!” She pouted. The other girl was mean! “That’s an insult!”

“You insulted my ‘Mech!”

“I didn’t!”

“You did!”

They were still arguing when they reached the hangar. The elven instructor there quickly shut them up, though - she was scary. And she was an adult ‘MechWarrior!

And she had Kat and Kelly go through drills together just because they argued a little with each other!

But she let them pilot their ‘Mechs afterwards, so that was OK. And Kelly stopped insulting Kat, too.

She still piloted a dumb light ‘Mech, though. And didn’t listen to Kat.


Unity Fields, Dreamland, October 20th, 3038

“That’s Alex!”

“Alex?” Kelly - Kali! - stopped checking her Raven’s foot and looked at where Cat was pointing. The foot looked OK anyway. There was an older boy standing a bit away there, next to an elven girl. Both wore cooling vests.

“Alex Cameron! The heir to the Star League!”

“All the Camerons are dead,” Kali said. Mother had taught her that. And Father had told her so as well, which meant it was true.

“No! One of them survived! And Alex is the heir - of Dreamland, at least,” Cat told her.

“Really?” Kali frowned. “Only in Dreamland?”

“There is no Star League outside Dreamland; I asked,” Cat said.

“I know.” Everyone knew that!

“Yes. Anyway, he’s too old to be dreaming, so he has to be from Dreamland,” Cat said.

“Not true,” Kali protested. “Some people stay in Dreamland!”

“No, they don’t!”

“Yes, they do! They don’t wake up - they keep dreaming.” Kali had heard that from at least two people. And one faerie, but you couldn’t always trust faeries.

“That’s bad!”

Kali nodded. To keep dreaming… to never wake up… She shuddered.

“Anyway, we’ve got a mission today!” Cat went on.

“A real mission or a training mission?” Kali asked.

“Training, duh!” Cat snorted. “You think we get real missions? Those are for adults!”

“Of course.” Kali pressed her lips together, then relaxed. Mother had told her that she couldn’t show her feelings - others would expel.. exploit it.

“So, we’re going to scout!” Cat showed her a datareader. “Here - this route!”

Kali took the reader and stared at the map. That was… She turned, then turned the reader until the map fit the world. “Ah.”

“The navcomp will show you the way,” Cat said.

“You still need to know the way,” Kali told her. “Comps can break!”

“Not good comps!”

“Even good comps!”

“Whatever. Let’s get in our ‘Mechs!”

Kali nodded. That was the first smart thing Cat had said today. “Race you!” she snapped and sped towards the ladder leading up to her Raven’s cockpit.

“Unfair! Your ‘Mech is smaller!” Cat complained - as usual.

Kali was breathing hard when she reached the cockpit of Song Jiang, but she had beaten Cat! Smiling, she pushed the button that would start up her ‘Mech.

Reactor Online.

Sensors Online.

Weapons Online.

All Systems nominal.

Yes! She took a deep breath and started to move out of the hangar. Ravens led the way - they were the best ‘Mechs!

Outside, she glanced at the display and saw all the ‘Mechs around. Behind her, just starting up, was Cat’s stupid Victor. A bit away was an Atlas II marked ‘The Sword of Kings’. That had to be Alex’s ‘Mech. And next to it stood an Archer. She squinted at the words below. Nastajia. That would be the pilot, Probably the elf - they were good archers, so she had heard. And there was another ‘Mech next to them. A Phoenix Hawk. Felicity.

Kali squinted through her cockpit. She could just make out the ‘Mechs, but no details. Unless… She fiddled with the zoom button. Ah! Now she could make out the ‘Mechs. Oh! SLDF Royal colours! Neat!

“What are you standing around for?” Cat’s voice came out of the speakers. “We’ve got a mission!”

Kali rolled her eyes. “I was checking my systems, duh.”

“Well, do they work?” Cat was rolling her eyes. Kali could tell from her voice.

“Yes, they work.” And Song Jian’s sensors were the best! Nothing could escape them. Kali toggled the dial a little to expand the map.

And blinked. Those were red dots. She had never seen red dots outside the simulators. Red meant… “Enemy!”


“There are…” She quickly counted the dots. Twice. “Fifteen enemy ‘Mechs headed our way!”

“What? Don’t be stupid! There are no enemies here. This is Dreamland!” Cat told her.

“My computer doesn’t lie!” Kali snapped.

“Well, I don’t see anything on my screen!”

“Your screen is dumb.”

“Is not.”

“Is t…” Kali broke off. Her computer was blaring something.

Incoming Missiles!

Her anti-missile system started firing without her doing anything. She just stared at the screen. The enemies were shooting at them. That was… that was…

The area around her vanished in smoke as the missiles hit the tarmac - and Song Jian staggered as missiles hit him!

“I’m hit! I’m hit!” Cat screamed.

Her radio crackled. “Alert! Alert! Enemy attack! All children evacuate the Unity Fields at once!”

That meant them. But… where could they run? Kali panted. What could they do?

Incoming missiles!

Her anti-missile system fired again.

Behind her, the hangar exploded. Something hit Cat’s Victor, and the ‘Mech staggered. And Cat screamed.

“Alert! Alert! Enemy attack! All children evacuate the Unity Fields at once!”

“We need to run!” Kali yelled.

“Run where?” Cat yelled back, taking a shaky step towards her.


“They’ll shoot us in the back!”

That was a good point. The enemy shooting at your back was bad. Very bad. They had lost every training mission where that had happened.

The radio crackled again. “Evacuate!” That was a different voice.

“Alex! What are you doing?”

“Doing my duty!”

The dot of the Atlas II was moving towards them - no, towards the enemy. The other dots followed it, but they were so few…

“Here they are!” Cat snapped.

Kali looked up. A dozen enemy ‘Mechs were going over the hill next to the field! And her computer couldn’t identify any of them!

“Kali and Kat, run! Run towards the other side of the field!” Alex - Alex Cameron! - yelled.

Missiles flew at them, and her anti-missile system was dry. And lasers and PPCs flashed. The enemy was shooting at them! Really shooting!

“Oh, no! You meanies!” Cat yelled, stepping in front of Kali. Her ‘Mech shuddered as it was hit.


“Run, Kelly! I’ll cover you!”

What? They hadn’t had that mission yet! “You can’t!” Kali protested.

“I’ve got more armour!”

“And I’ve got a better computer!” Kali knew Song Jian was harder to hit than other ‘Mechs. She didn’t know exactly why, but she knew it was.

And it could protect others. If they were close.

She sniffled. She wanted to run. But…

She was moving forward, at the back of Cat’s ‘Mech, before she realised what she was doing, cringing whenever missiles flew towards her or lasers tried to melt her.

“This is Cameron-One. I need fire support on this position.” Alex rattled down some numbers. They didn’t mean anything to Kali.

But half a minute and many, many lasers and missiles later, the hill started to explode.

Alex didn’t stop running, though - he ploughed into an enemy ‘Mech staggering out of the smoke and slammed it to the ground. And the Archer was throwing clouds of missiles at something!

And Cat wasn’t stopping, either. She fired her autocannon but missed. And missed again.

Kali sniffled again, sweat and snot running down her face as she fumbled with her controls. She had… lasers. And missiles. She fired both, but missed. And her ‘Mech shook when the enemy hit it.

This wasn’t a dream! This was a nightmare!

One giant enemy ‘Mech was coming right at her! She ducked behind Cat’s ‘Mech, but that meant a second enemy could shoot her. Screaming, Kali fired all her weapons. Her lasers missed, but her missiles hit. But the enemy didn’t fall.

Cat shot as well, but not even her big cannon took the ‘Mech down!

Kali closed her eyes and held her breath.

After a few seconds, she opened them again. The enemy ‘Mech was on the ground. As was the second ‘Mech. And her computer said something about Aerospace Fighters above them.

Kali looked around. Everything was on fire. Lots of smoke. She looked at her display. The red dots were fewer. About five were left. Four - one flashed out. The others were running over the hill.

And then the hill exploded again, and there were no more red dots.

Kali started breathing again.

“Yes!” Cat yelled. “Take that, you meanies!”

Kali nodded, smiling. The enemies were gone!

“Didn’t you hear the order to evacuate?”

Uh-oh. That was Alex. And he sounded like Mother when she was angry.

“We couldn’t run!” Cat told him. “They’d shoot us in the back!”

“Yes,” Kali said.

“At that distance, you would have survived. You’re children - this is war.”

“They attacked us!” Kali pointed out. It wasn’t their fault!

“And we beat them!” Cat added.

“No, you didn’t,” someone said. The computer said it was Felicity.

“I hit them!” Cat said.

“You were very, very lucky,” Nastajia told them. “Now get back to the hangar and then get back home. This is no place for children.”

“No! We’re not going to leave now!” Cat said.

Kali nodded as well. She doubted that she could fall asleep now; she was too excited.

And too afraid.

But she wouldn’t leave.



  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 251
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #1 on: 26 August 2021, 16:11:08 »
Chapter 1: Waking Up

‘The Dreamlands used to be a realm of fantasy and magic, or so we were told. Where dragons and giants, and unicorns and faeries roamed. A thousand years ago. Things the dreams of children are made of. There are giants still, in the Dreamlands - and unicorns, and faeries. And elves. I know, I’ve visited their villages. But humans changed, and so their dreams changed as well. Children still ride unicorns - but their dragons don’t spit fire but shoot missiles at you. And when they need help to fight off a nightmare, they don’t dream of gallant knights on warhorses, but of BattleMechs protecting them. And so I didn’t ride into the Nightmare Horde territory on a unicorn steed but in the cockpit of my dream ‘Mech.’
Diary of Katherine ‘MadCat’ Steiner-Davion


‘The prognosis remains unchanged: Patient S-D shows significant brain activity but no reaction to external stimuli. Multiple scans and biopsies haven’t borne results as to the cause of this condition. Now, as ten years ago, when she went to bed as normal but never woke up again, medical science cannot offer any answer to her family’s questions.’
Private notes of M.D. Phil Baker, NAIS Medical Center, New Avalon, 3048


Nightmare Horde Territory, Dreamlands, December 23rd, 3048

“Cat! To your left!”

“I see it!” Cat had seen it - she was already swinging the right arm of Dragonslayer around to target the ugly bird-like evil ‘Mech trying to ambush her. She pulled the trigger as soon as the crosshairs aligned over the centre of the enemy ‘Mech, and her Pontiac 100 autocannon spat fire while she feathered her jump jets and glided to the side.

The enemy’s lasers and missiles missed, but she didn’t - her volley punched through the ‘Mech’s cockpit. “Enemy ’Mech down!” the computer told her - as if she hadn’t seen it herself.

“Good shot, Cat!”

“Thanks, Kelly. And how did that thing get close without you spotting it?”

“I did spot it, didn’t I?” her friend shot back.

“Almost too late.”

“Must have been protected.”

“Cat, Kelly - we’ve cleared the pass leading to the heartlands.”

“Thanks, Alex!”

Katherine turned Dragonslayer around and started to run towards the mountain pass in the east. This was it - they had pushed the Nightmare Horde back into their heartlands. Now they could defeat them once and for all and end the threat to Dreamland. She bared her teeth in a feral - or so she hoped - smile as Kelly’s Raven sprinted past her. “Watch out!” she told her.

“That’s my job!” Kelly replied. “I spot, you shoot.”

“Stay close then.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from evil missiles!”

Cat snorted. She could already see the rest of the vanguard of the Dreamland’s First Royal Regiment bunching up in front of the pass. By their best estimate, the Nightmare forces had less than a battalion of mixed ‘Mechs left protecting their headquarters. The Dreamlanders had three times their number advancing. And all the other Horde forces were cut off and wouldn’t be able to reinforce them.

She bared her teeth. Not even the enemy’s cheating technology would save the Horde now!


Cat ducked, Dragonslayer mirroring her movement, when another LRM volley descended on her. Even with Kelly’s ECM working overtime and Cat dodging to the side, a third or so struck, and her armour took another battering. If only “the best ‘Mech in the Inner Sphere”, as her brother had claimed, had some long-range weapons!

She kept the ‘Mech upright and lumbered forward, Kelly’s Raven hot behind her heels. Alex was already shooting at the massive gate of the enemy’s fortress, as were half the remaining ‘Mechs with the assault company.

And the fire was starting to tell! Molten armour was pooling on the ground - she made a mental note to watch out for that when charging in - and autocannon fire pulverised even more. An enemy ‘Mech popped up on the wall, but concentrated fire from the support company blew it up before it could shoot any of its weapons.

“Right! Top of the wall!”

Kelly’s warning made Cat whirl - and her friend’s lasers marked two arms just reaching above the wall. One of those ridiculous ‘Mechs that could raise their arms far above their head and shoot forward. She hated them! Cat snarled as she fired her own lasers, removing one of the arms. The other managed to fire twice before Kelly and Cat crippled it as well.

A moment later, the gate fell, and dozens of ‘Mechs on both sides opened up on each other. As ‘Mechs started to fall, Cat looked up. The enemy wouldn’t just stand there… Yes! One of those ugly asymmetrical ‘Mechs jumped over the wall. But Cat was ready, and so was Kelly. A burst from her Pontiac stitched a line of dents and holes over the enemy’s flank before Kelly nailed it with a NARC-beacon. A moment later, dozens of missiles ripped the thing apart before it could land.

“Charge!” Alex yelled, and his huge Atlas II started running, heedless of the volume of fire pouring through the gate. The rest of the assault company followed, ‘MechWarriors screaming as they closed with the enemy. Alex kicked out, reducing the leg of an assault ‘Mech to scrap before smashing the cockpit of another with his fist, but lost an arm in the process. But Nastajia was there in her Archer, covering him while he reoriented his ’Mech.

Cat triggered her jump jets and rose on superheated plasma, soaring over the wall - and landing on top of a bird-mech trying to flank Alex. Dragonslayer’s eighty tons - well, less now with the damage taken and ammo spent - crushed the enemy’s cockpit under its weight.

She turned, pouring laser fire and missiles into the rear of another enemy assault ‘Mech, causing secondary explosions to wreck its torso. “Hah!”

“Cat! Don’t do that!” Kelly complained. “We need to stick together.”

“I’m in the assault ’Mech,” Cat told her, kicking and pulverising the leg of a light, speedy ‘Mech trying to get into her rear. “You’re in the light ‘Mech”.

But there was the little Raven, squeezing past two grappling ‘Mechs - and shooting both lasers into the enemy’s rear - to join her. Cat finished the wounded enemy off, then turned to face the hangar in front of them. There the enemy’s leader waited, in a ‘Mech as black as his heart. If he had one.

Alexander was facing him, and even with one arm missing and his armour damaged, Cat knew he would win this fight. There was no better ‘MechWarrior in all of Dreamland than Alexander.

The enemy ‘Mech opened fire, fifty tons of weapons fired - but Alexander sidestepped most of them. He could make that ‘Atlas move! And then he charged, shielding himself with his other arm as the enemy kept firing. He lost his left arm as well, but then he was in the enemy’s face, and his kick sent the other ‘Mech sprawling. Before the ugly ‘Mech could regain its footing, Alexander had sent a volley of his autocannon through its cockpit.

For a moment, no one moved. Then the surviving enemies powered down, and the Dreamlanders cheered. After ten long years, the war was finally over. Dreamland was safe again. The nightmares would end. Cat would be able to wake up again.

She took a deep breath and opened her cockpit. Below her, Kelly moved the Raven between Dragonslayer’s legs and did the same. This wasn’t something to be done over comms.

Cat climbed out of the cockpit and triggered the ladder, then slid down to the stumpy arm of Kelly’s Raven, where her friend was waiting. “We did it!”


They looked at each other for a moment, then embraced. Cat closed her eyes. “We did it,” she repeated herself.


“We can wake up again.”


She cleared her throat and released her friend. “We… if we can’t enter Dreamland again…” She licked her lips.

Kelly nodded. “Comstar. Standard codes.”


They had talked about this - ten years was a long time, after all.

Cat wet her lips again, hesitated a moment, then reached out and kissed Kelly, closing her eyes.

And then the cheers she had been hearing turned into loud yelling and beeping and calls for a doctor.

She had woken up.


Celestial Retreat, Jade Lake, Wuhan, Sian, Capellan Confederation, December 23rd, 3048

Kelly opened her eyes and stared. This wasn’t the ceiling of her room in the palace. This wasn’t her room, period. Or her bed. It might have been ten years, but she still remembered her own bedroom. Mostly.

Where was she? She looked down at herself and patches on her arms. Wireless sensor pads, she realised. And there was an infusion port in her arm as well. What the…? She snorted. Of course, she would be treated as a coma patient.

Shaking her head at her own folly, she sat up.

Or tried to. Her body wasn’t cooperating - she fell back, her head hitting her cushion. Had she been poisoned?

Before she could try again, the door was opened, and a young woman in a nurse uniform walked in. And stopped, gasping, when she saw Kelly.

“Hello?” Kelly smiled at her.

“You’re... awake…”


The woman whirled and yelled: “Doctor! Doctor! She has woken up! Lady Liao has woken up!”

Before Kelly could say anything, an older man wearing a doctor’s coat appeared in the door. “Calm down, Lei, you shouldn’t…” He trailed off, gasping as well as soon as he saw her.

Kelly waved at him.

And the man - the physician on duty, presumably - started yelling as well. A moment later, the room was filling with more physicians, nurses and what looked like servants.

Bodyguards, Kelly realised. Or guards, she added - she didn’t know where she was and who was in charge.

But before she could ponder this, she was swamped with questions, poked with various instruments, and generally treated as if she either were about to die or had just risen from the grave.

Solely based on how her body felt, she didn’t feel as if she would object to either conclusion. She was so weak!


A few hours later, things finally started to calm down. But just as Kelly was getting ready to ask questions of her own, now that she wasn’t forced to answer one stupid question after another, most of the people in the room suddenly fled, being replaced by half a dozen hard-eyed guards. Only one very nervous nurse remained - and busied herself with some monitoring devices to the side without even looking at Kelly.

She sighed and rolled her neck. Moving still hurt. Sort of. It was primarily exhausting. And frustrating. After years of being in excellent shape in the Dreamlands, being reduced to the body of a comatose teenager was a very significant change - and one Kelly detested. More than the countless examinations she had suffered in the last few hours. One would think the doctors never had someone wake up, she thought with a snort. Then again, they had very good reasons to be as diligent and cautious as possible - they knew as well as Kelly did what happened to people who, through incompetence or just unfortunate luck, harmed the daughter of the Chancellor of the Confederation.

If her mother was still the Chancellor, of course - it had been ten years, after all. Who knew what could’ve happened in that timespan? But, she added in her head, looking around the luxurious room - which looked far more like a stateroom or suite than a room in a hospital for long-term care - would anyone have spent so much on her comatose body except for her own family? She didn’t think so. Although as a Liao, she would have a certain worth to anyone seeking legitimacy for a new regime…

“Celestial Wisdom!”

“Celestial Wisdom!”

She cocked her head. It seemed her question would be answered more quickly than she had thought.

A moment later, the doors to her room were opened by a bowing servant, and her mother rushed inside.

“Kali!” Her mother was smiling, Kelly noticed. And there were glittering tears in the corner of her eyes.

“Mother.” She inclined her head, the best bow she could manage sitting in a bed and with such a weak body. She felt tears running down her cheeks. Mother! How she had missed her!

Father and a young man - her brother! How he had grown! - entered the room behind her mother.

“Father. Brother.” She was about to nod, but mother reached her and hugged her. Hard enough to cause her weak body some pain.

“My dear Kali!”

Oh. She smiled and hugged her mother back as well as she managed, not caring about propriety any more.

“I knew you would prevail! I knew you wouldn’t succumb to this… attack! I never gave up hope!”

She felt her mother shudder and looked at the door. It had been closed again. No one but family was present. At least not openly. It was as private as it could get for her family.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“It’s not your fault! You just went to bed as you should. Someone else is responsible for your ordeal!”

She buried the guilt that filled her. She was responsible - she had stayed in Dreamland instead of waking up. She’d been a child, but no one had forced her to stay. The lure had been too great for her. And her family had suffered for it.

She closed her eyes and hugged her mother more tightly.

“But don’t worry about it! You’re back - you’ve woken up! You don’t have to worry about anything at all!”

“Other than school,” her brother commented with a slight smirk. “You missed ten years of school.”

She scowled at him. She was an accomplished ‘Mechwarrior! An experienced officer! She had diligently learned everything she needed to carry her weight and earned her rank, serving directly under Alexander Cameron! She most certainly didn’t… She blinked, her mouth hanging open, as she realised that, as far as everyone else was aware, she had spent the last ten years in a coma.

They would make her go through every lesson she already knew!

A small wail escaped her lips, and her mother tensed. “Sun-Tzu!” she snapped. “How dare you upset your sister!”

“I’m sorry, Mother. I merely wanted to make a joke - make my little sister laugh.”

She didn’t quite listen to her brother’s explanation. This was a catastrophe! She would die from boredom before they let her even near a ‘Mech!

Cat would be so worried!


New Avalon Institute of Science, Avalon City, New Avalon, Federated Commonwealth, December 23rd, 3048

“Katherine! Oh, my God, Katherine!”

The medical personnel surrounding her bed scattered as Dad rushed towards her.

“Dad!” Cat spread her arms, her chest suddenly aching. Dad! She hadn’t seen him for ten years!

He hugged her, awkwardly at first, bent over her bed, before he sat down without releasing her. “It’s… You’re back.”

She sniffled, not trusting her voice as she hugged him back. Buried her face in his shoulder - on his shoulder; he wasn’t as large as he had been last time she had seen him. Relatively.

“Sire, we still need to…”

Whatever the doctor had been about to say was cut off when Dad glared at him for a moment before turning his attention back to her. “Katherine… I had almost given up hope.”

“It’s a Christmas Miracle! A miracle, Hanse! After all those years...”

That was Uncle Ardan! He looked older. Almost old. She blinked through her tears and smiled at him. “Hi, Ardan. It’s Christmas?”

“It’s the 23rd,” Ardan told her. “Close enough.”


Dad released her - well, he pulled back enough so he could look at her face. He looked older than she remembered. Older than she had expected, even. More grey in his hair. More lines in his face. More wrinkles when he smiled. Which he was doing. “I dropped everything as soon as I was told.”

“We’re preparing a live transmission to Tharkad,” Ardan said.

A live transmission? To Tharkad? Oh. She blinked. “That means Mum’s not here?” She pressed her lips together. She should’ve expected that - Mum was the Archon; she was more likely to be on Tharkad than on New Avalon.

It still hurt, though.

“Dear…” Dad winced.

Cat gasped. No. It couldn’t… “She’s dead?”

“What? No, no!” Dad shook his head. “She’s fine, really! She’s just on Tharkad. With your brothers and sister.”

“Oh.” Cat sighed, relieved. And disappointed.

“But they’ll take a command circuit back,” Ardan told them. “We’re organising it now.”

Cat blinked. “That would take…” She made a quick calculation. In-system travel to and from the jump points, transferring from one jumper to another, some delays… “Three to four weeks until she’s here?”

Dad and Ardan stared at her. “About that, yes,” Dad said. “How did you know?”

Oh. She wanted to curse her own stupidity. She wasn’t an officer in the SLDF, Dreamland’s First Royals Regiment - she was a girl who had just woken up after ten years in a coma and who shouldn’t have been able to calculate travel times on a command circuit! “That’s what you said when I asked last time,” she said, smiling.

“Huh?” Adan looked confused.

But Dad smiled. “Ah, yes. Before you fell asleep.”


One problem averted. For now.

The door to her room was pushed open, and two guards rolled the biggest holoprojector she had ever seen in. “It’ll take a while to set up, but we’re working as fast as we can,” one of them told Dad.

“Tharkad’s not yet ready, anyway,” the other said, “ComStar just sent the request.”

“How long will that take?” Cat asked.

“Ah… about an hour at most? As long as the Triad techs will treat it as a priority,” the first man replied.

“Why wouldn’t they…?” Ardan turned to glare at Dad. “Hanse. You didn’t!”

Dad smiled. “I couldn’t resist.”

He was springing this on Mum as a surprise? Cat sighed. “You’re lucky Mum’s on the other side of the Inner Sphere.”

Both Dad and Ardan laughed, but she caught them glancing at her again.

Damn. She rolled her shoulders, then winced at the slight pain that that caused. Then she frowned at her own weakness. This was nothing. She had been wounded several times. She should be able to ignore a little pain. Easily.

“Are you alright, Katherine?” Dad asked, reaching out to grip her hand. “Doctor! Doctor!”

“All the readings are fine, your Highness,” the doctor - from the NAIS - said. “A little pain is normal given the recent change.”

Cat narrowed her eyes. He was right, and she surely shouldn’t be bothered by a little pain, but the way the man said it… She was the only one who could dismiss her pain. No one else had the right. Not since basic training in Dreamland under Drill Sergeant Tavis, at least.

“So…” She beamed at Dad and Ardan. “What happened while I was sleeping?”

“Ah!” Dad nodded. “A lot. Victor’s at Nagelring now - and top of the class.”

She nodded happily. Of course, her big brother would be at the top of the class. “And he’s got a Victor, right? The best ‘Mech in the Inner Sphere!”

Ardan laughed and nodded.

Dad shook his head. “You listened to him.”

“Of course I did!”

He snickered. “Victor will get one as a graduation gift.”

“Ah. Can I have one as well?”

“‘Mechs aren’t toys,” Ardan told her with a slight frown.

“We’ll see,” Dad said. “You, ah, need to learn a lot to be able to pilot a ‘Mech.”

Oh, right. They thought she had the memories of a little girl.

Damn. She hoped Kelly had an easier time with her family.


More tests followed. After twenty minutes, her head hurt from all the sensors stuck to it, and she was sorely tempted to complain about headaches just to get some peace. But she had been in a coma for ten years, or something close to it, and her body clearly showed the effects. Such a weak muscle tone. Almost nothing, actually. She glared at her arm.

“Ah… That’s normal, Katherine,” Ardan told her.

She blinked and looked at him. “What?”

“Your, ah, your... body… you changed while you slept. You grew up a lot. It’s only weird since you didn’t… since you weren’t awake while you grew.” His smile looked more than a little forced to her, and she didn’t miss how he looked over his shoulder at Dad, who was talking with Dr Baker.

Wait… he thought she was surprised by how she had grown? Of course he would think so. As far as he knew, Cat had been asleep for ten years, going to bed as a little girl one evening and waking up as an adult the next morning. Well, a teenager.

Handling this would be more challenging than she had expected. Should she dumb down her speech patterns? She had no idea how coma patients reacted, or what would be a normal rate of progress.

Perhaps she should tell them about Dreamland? No. They would think she was crazy and send her to the loony bin. Or they would think she was a spy or something. A double who had replaced the real Cat. Oh, no - she wouldn’t be able to send a message to Kelly, either!

“It’s OK, Kat,” Ardan added. “Everyone goes through this. You’re just a little more…”

She beamed at him. “A little more….?”

He winced. “...extreme. Special.”

“Ah.” She forced herself to smile again. She was a normal girl, not a veteran ‘MechWarrior, she reminded herself. “Mum told me I was special!”

“Ah, Melissa did that, yes.” Ardan’s smile would probably not have fooled six-year-old Cat. It surely didn’t fool her. “Hanse!”

Dad walked over. “Yes?”

“Kat got some questions about growing up,” Ardan told him. “Questions her father should answer.”

Dad stared at his friend, then at Cat. “Uh…”

As if he had planned it, the tech standing by at the holoprojector spoke up: “Your Highness! We’ve got a signal from Tharkad!”

Dad smiled with obvious - to Cat - relief. “Good work, Corporal! Now, everyone, could you give us some privacy?”

The medical personnel obeyed the order at once and all but fled the room. Only the commtech stayed - and he looked like he wanted to leave as well.

But Dad was straightening and walked a little to the side. “Alright, zoom in on me, and when I start walking towards Cat, you pan over to her, got it, Corporal? Ardan, stand next to me. No, next to Cat. The other side of the bed. Perfect!”

He was such a showman at heart!

But then the holoprojector lit up, and Cat gasped. Mum! That was Mum! She looked older, too. And there was Victor! In his uniform! With the sash! And Arthur! And Yvonne! And Peter!

“Melissa! Merry Christmas!” Dad said, beaming at her.

“It’s a bit early, dear,” Mum replied. “And I don’t think you’d spend such a fortune on a live feed from New Avalon just to wish me well.” Her eyebrows went up, just like Cat remembered from being scolded. Her siblings looked amused.

“Always the Kroner counter,” Dad joked. “But yes, I didn’t just call to wish you Merry Christmas. There’s someone else who wants to talk to you.”

“Oh?” Mum cocked her head.

But Dad was already moving towards Cat, and so did the camera.

Cat knew exactly when the camera’s focus reached her - Mum froze.

Cat waved. “Mum!”

Then things got blurry and loud.



  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #2 on: 26 August 2021, 16:11:20 »
Forbidden City, Sian, Capellan Confederation, December 30th, 3048

“ death ground, fight.” Kelly smiled as finished reading aloud and put down the book. “Was that correct, mother?” She knew it was correct - she could’ve recited the passages from The Art of War in her sleep. Technically, she had.

“It was. Well done, daughter!” Mother smiled at her. “Your studies are progressing far quicker than anyone except for me expected.”

“Thank you, mother.” Kelly bowed her head. “I strive to do my best.”

“As is your duty. I expect great things from you.”

Kelly bowed her head again. She knew that already - had known it since she could remember. Mother had drilled that into her: Since House Liao had the smallest territory of all Successor states, they had to work harder than everyone else - and had to be better than everyone else.

A servant entered, bowing low - and presenting a message without calling attention to it in a way that Mother couldn’t overlook, should she choose so.

She didn’t - and ordered them to approach with a flick of her fingers. The message delivered into her hand, she read it while the servant withdrew.

“Interesting,” she commented, lowering the message pad and looking at Kelly.

Kelly tilted her head in response.

“It seems that the Fox’s daughter, who had been struck with the same ailment as you were, woke up. At the same time as you did.”

Kelly suppressed the smile that threatened to appear on her face. Cat had woken up as well! “Katherine Steiner-Davion. I think I dreamt of her.”

“You did?” But for her eyes, which narrowed slightly, Mother’s expression didn’t change from the slight smile she wore.

“I think so. A blonde girl, taller than I am. Blue, not grey eyes. Arrogant.”

“Is that all you’ve dreamt of?”

“More might come to me, Mother, but…” She trailed off and sighed. “I have yet to make sense of everything I dreamt.”

“Do not fret, Daughter. Your vision will become clear.” Mother rose, graceful as always. “But matters of state call upon me. Continue your studies.”

“Yes, Mother.” She bowed her head a third time until her mother had left the room.

“Another vision?”

Kelly resisted the urge to whirl in response to someone sneaking up on her. Instead, she turned, slowly, and smiled at her brother. “Sun-Tzu!”

He smiled as well, though it was very bland, and stepped out from where he had been standing in the doorway leading to the side room - and the servants’ passages. “You’ve dreamt about a lot of things.”

“I’ve been sleeping for ten years, or so I’ve been told,” she replied, still smiling.

“Yes. And, somehow, you’ve acquired an education in your dream. One could call it a miracle.”

“Or a divine sign.” She nodded. “That’s what Mother says.”

A frown appeared on his face for a moment. “A sign of what?”

“That I couldn’t fathom yet,” she told him.

“Not yet.”

She resisted the urge to shrug. “I do not claim to predict the future.”

“Not yet.” Sun-Tzu nodded at her, then turned to leave.


Her voice stopped him, and he half-turned to look at her.

“What I can say with certainty is that I didn’t dream of becoming Chancellor.” She smiled at him as honestly as she could.

“Of course not.” His lips twisted, and, for a moment, he seemed to sneer. But then he inclined his head again, smiled even more blandly, and left the room.

She sighed as soon as the door closed behind him. He didn’t believe her.

This wasn’t good. Not at all. It seemed that her plan to avoid posing as a six-year-old in mind and spirit hadn’t been as sound as she had thought.


Royal Palace, Avalon City, New Avalon, Federated Commonwealth, January 15th, 3049

“That’s enough, Katherine. You’re done.”

Cat clenched her teeth and shook her head. “Another set.” She didn’t wait for the physical therapist to say anything and dropped on the mat again. Pushups. Situps. She had to get in shape faster than that. And that meant more training. She groaned as she finished her situps, then pushed herself to her feet. Only the jacks left. She crouched, then jumped - but her legs didn’t cooperate, and she fell on her side as if Kelly had landed a leg sweep in a sparring session.

The woman shook her head. “What did I tell you?”
Cat didn’t deign to answer. She rolled on her back and stared at the ceiling, panting.

“You’re far too stubborn, Katherine. You will be able to do more in time; there’s no need to rush things.”

Of course there was! The sooner she was in fighting shape, the sooner she could start working on meeting Kelly!

“Besides, the Archon and your siblings are arriving today. You wouldn’t want to be confined to your bed because you strained too many muscles, would you?”

She glared at the woman. “I should be able to handle this.”

“You aren’t.”

Cat pressed her lips together. She could hear the unsaid ‘you’re a little girl’ clearly. She was a MechWarrior Ace! But the therapist was right - Mom, Victor, Peter, Arthur and Yvonne were arriving today. It wouldn’t do to let them catch her in this sorry state.

Groaning again, she forced herself to stand up. “I’ll go take a shower.”

“Don’t forget to stretch.”

“I won’t!” Getting told the most basic things as if she had no clue was already amongst the most annoying things she suffered through.

She was still scowling when she finished stretching and stepped into the shower to let the warm water soothe her aching muscles. Dreamland had been so much easier.

But Dreamland didn’t have her family. She smiled. Mom was coming. Victor. Oh! Shouldn’t he be bringing his ‘Mech? Wait, no - he would only receive a ‘Mech for graduation. He didn’t have a Victor yet. Perhaps she could ask Ardan about a ride…

Fifteen minutes later, she left the bathroom and headed to her armoire. The lack of a uniform was still weird, but at least she had decent tank tops and shorts now. Though Dad had been hunting very strongly that she shouldn’t greet Mom and her siblings wearing that. Which left… hm… sundress? It was winter. A cocktail dress seemed overdressed for the occasion. And Dad probably wouldn’t like it, either. Jeans and a sweater? Too informal.

She grabbed a pair of trousers with a vague dress uniform-like cut and a turtleneck instead, bound her hair in a ponytail and picked a pair of shoes that fit the rest of the outfit. Time to meet Mum!


“Mum!” Cat didn’t quite tackle Mum, but it came close. As soon as the door opened, she rushed forward and hugged her. Gently at first, before she remembered how weak she was and hugged her for all she was worth.

“Katherine!” Mum’s own arms closed around her, and she could feel the difference - Mum was much stronger.

“I missed you!” Cat managed to say between sniffling.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you woke up.”

“It’s not your fault,” Cat told her. “You couldn’t know.”

She kept hugging her and closed her eyes.

“I don’t think she’s even noticed us,” she heard someone say.

Without looking up, she replied: “Lies! But Mum takes priority.”

“We can see that.” The dry voice was probably Victor.

Reluctantly, she pulled back and looked at her siblings. There was Victor, in his Nagelring Cadet uniform, smiling with some restraint. Peter, trying to look older than his not quite thirteen years. And Arthur and Yvonne, both staring at her with wide eyes.

“Hello,” she told them.

“Hello, little sister,” Victor said.

Cat fought the urge to snap back at him. He probably meant well - she was supposed to have been asleep for ten years, after all, and not a teenager in mind. Still… “Victor! Do you have a Victor yet?”

He blinked, then chuckled. “No, not yet. I’m still learning how to pilot one.”

She refrained from asking after his schedule at the academy. “Peter. Arthur. Yvonne. You’ve grown.”

“So have you,” Peter said. Arthur and Yvonne nodded in agreement.

“Not quite right.” Cat shook her head and frowned. “My body’s all weak.”

“Really?” Yvonne looked surprised. “You weren’t weak in my dream.”

Cat froze for a moment. “Your dream?” She cocked her head to the side.

“I dreamt of you,” Yvonne replied. “You were piloting a ‘Mech!”

Cat bit her lower lip. Kids dreamt about ‘Mechs all the time. It didn’t mean that Yvonne had visited Dreamland. But if she could visit… she could take a message to Alex! “When did you dream of me?”

“Years ago,” Yvonne told her. “I don’t know any more.”

Right. She was almost nine years old. Far too old to enter Dreamland. Cat sighed. “So much time…” If only she could return to Dreamland in her sleep! But she hadn’t been able to ever since she had woken up.

Mum hugged her again, and Cat let herself enjoy her embrace. For a moment, at least. “Are you going to kill Dad before or after dinner?” she asked.



Everyone was staring at her. She grinned. “For his stunt with the HPG call.”

“Oh. I’ll have words with him.” Mum laughed. Cat’s siblings laughed as well, after a moment.

And Cat smiled. It felt good to have her family back.


Royal Palace, Avalon City, New Avalon, Federated Commonwealth, January 16th, 3049

“The kids are finally in bed,” Melissa Steiner said as she entered her husband’s office.

“Do you include Victor in that?” her husband asked, looking up from a stack of reports.

“He’ll always be my little boy,” she told him. With a not entirely mocking glare, she added: “And you’ll always sneak off to work?”

“Not always,” he defended himself.

She shook her head - she was well aware of the demands of ruling a realm such as his - or hers. To think that Victor would one day have to rule both of them… But that was a problem for the future. She had a more urgent problem to take on. “She’s… not what I expected,” she said.

Hanse nodded. “The doctors can’t explain it. She should be on the level of a six-year-old. Instead…” He shook his head. “She’s on par with a teenager her age.” With a frown, he added: “And she’s downplaying her capabilities.”

Melissa nodded. She had caught Katherine rewording her sentences to make them simpler. “Did you ask her about it?”

“I mentioned being impressed by her progress. She changed the topic by complaining about her physical fitness. She’s actually not that bad, but apparently, she has higher standards.”

That was a bad sign. Something wasn’t right. “Did you test…”

“I had NAIS run the full range of tests. She is our daughter. DNA checks out. I’ve had Justin run checks anyway, but there doesn’t seem to have been a window of opportunity to kidnap her and swap her for someone else.”

“A clone would have the same DNA.” Melissa hated herself for saying it, but it had to be said.

“But they would’ve had to age her up somehow - or started right when she was born. Her age checks out as well,” Hanse retorted. “And if this was another Doppelganger ploy, then why would they act so… inept? All that effort, and then they send a double who can’t play her role? The Maskirovka is better than that. No, she is our daughter. Our little girl.”

“Yes.” Melissa smiled. Their daughter. Little Katherine. Back amongst them. Back with them. But... “So… Why is our daughter so far ahead?” Melissa asked. “She was arguing about ‘Mechs with Victor. For a moment, I thought she was the one at the academy. Until she caught herself.”

“Dr Banzai speculated that she might be a genius - that she’s simply picking up things much faster than normal people,” Hanse said. “But why would she try to downplay that?”

“And she hasn’t shown such talent before she… fell asleep,” Melissa pointed out. “Remember the garden affair?”

Hanse chuckled. “I do. I had to pay the gardener a compensation for all the flowers she ‘planted’!”

“But if she’s not a genius, then why…?” Melissa looked at Hanse.

“I don’t know. Dr Brown speculated that she learned while dreaming - that her subconsciousness had picked up things before she fell asleep that she then learned in her dreams.” Hanse shrugged. “He’s sort of an oddball, and no other doctor I asked supports his theories.” He dropped his file and looked at Melissa. “And there’s more.”

“More?” What more could there be? This was confusing already.

“Justin received a report from one of our deep over agents on Sian. Kali Liao was seen in public for the first time since she disappeared ten years ago.”

“Oh. Ten years ago…”

Hanse nodded. “Around the same time that Katherine fell into a coma. And our agent noted that Sian’s best specialists for long-term care and rehabilitation were called to the palace. We wondered what had happened to the girl, but this might indicate that she was in a coma as well.”

Melissa pressed her lips together. “Two daughters of a Great House, suffering the same ailment?” That couldn’t be a coincidence.

Hanse nodded. “If that can be verified… then we’ll have to hunt down whoever did this.”

Melissa nodded. Whoever hurt their little daughter would pay for it. Even if she had to start a war over it.

« Last Edit: 28 March 2022, 15:27:34 by Starfox5 »


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #3 on: 26 August 2021, 16:12:18 »
So, I decided to start a thread for this story. I won't be able to make weekly updates, but monthly should be possible. I've got a draft for chapter 2, and I'd like to ask if someone would want to give it a read-over in Google Docs. PM me, please, if you're interested.
« Last Edit: 26 August 2021, 16:16:47 by Starfox5 »


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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #4 on: 27 August 2021, 00:55:08 »
Daryk does proofreading for some stories on this site, you should try him. :thumbsup:
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #5 on: 27 August 2021, 04:20:10 »
Thanks for the mention, but I'm about to check back in to the five-sided PowerPoint collider next week.  To say my time will be rather more limited than it has been is an understatement, and I really don't want to make any commitments I can't keep.  Maybe once things settle down in a month or two, but I can't make any promises.


  • Major
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #6 on: 28 August 2021, 09:25:16 »
Thanks for the mention, but I'm about to check back in to the five-sided PowerPoint collider next week.  To say my time will be rather more limited than it has been is an understatement, and I really don't want to make any commitments I can't keep.  Maybe once things settle down in a month or two, but I can't make any promises.
remember to duck and weave
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

idea weenie

  • Major
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #7 on: 28 August 2021, 12:57:52 »
Looks like things are getting interesting in both realms.  I wonder if the Maskirovka are getting hints that Kat woke up as well, from a coma lasting the same amount of time.

The other fun will be the two realms trying to figure out who did it, and the other realms denying (and then everyone suspecting Comstar who is actually innocent).

Perhaps this Kali can make it to Outreach when the Wolf Dragoons admit to being from the Clans?  That would let Kat and Kali meet in person.


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #8 on: 28 August 2021, 13:02:37 »
remember to duck and weave
Technically, this will be my third tour in the building.  Despite being assigned elsewhere for the last three years, I spent a LOT of time ducking and weaving in the building (to good effect, even).  PM me if you're curious (and I expect you will...  ^-^).  It has to be PMs because the story is literally entirely Rule 4.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #9 on: 07 October 2021, 14:52:25 »
Chapter 2: Adjusting

‘When I first met Cat, I didn’t like her. I felt she was obnoxious and arrogant, though, at the time, I didn’t put it like that, being a little girl. Then again, she thought the same of me. In a way, I have to thank my mother for bringing us together. If she hadn’t taught me that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, I wouldn’t have closed ranks with her against Faeril Laureal-Tavis, the elven MechWarrior drilling us. A common ‘enemy’ really tends to foster camaraderie, followed by friendship. We were even more fortunate that my mother hadn’t yet taught me that a friend was merely someone you hadn’t betrayed yet - a lesson my brother had learned too well, which turned out to be quite unfortunate for everyone in the Confederation.’
Collected Writings of Kali “Kelly” Liao


‘Patient S-D shows the mental development of a teenager her age - perhaps even slightly more advanced. Her vocabulary and grammar show academic and military influence, and she has displayed knowledge she couldn’t have known before she fell into a coma, nor could have overheard since then. I’ve checked up on one of her off-hand remarks about fusion engines during a discussion with her brother, Prince Victor, with Professor Banzai, who confirmed that the NAIS records didn’t contain that information - something about more efficient ways to shield an engine. Every point of data I acquire leads me to the conclusion that something happened to Patient S-D. Something conventional science cannot explain. Not yet.’
Private notes of M.D. Phil Baker, NAIS Medical Center, New Avalon, 3049


Forbidden City, Sian, Capellan Confederation, February 20th, 3049

“Thank you for making time for me, Father,” Kelly said, bowing her head as she stepped into his office.

Father smiled at her. “If I cannot make time to meet my daughter, then the Confederation would be in dire straits indeed.”

Kelly refrained from replying with a comment that the Confederation’s situation wasn’t exactly comfortable and hadn’t been for decades or centuries. Even though it was the truth. Especially since it was the truth - the truth and the court had a very delicate relationship. “I feel selfish, though,” she said instead. “You’re working so hard to keep the enemies of the Confederation at bay.”

“I do what I can. And as the Celestial Wisdom decreed, you are to be considered of the utmost importance for the state.”

Kelly didn’t miss the finer points of her father’s words. Mother had declared this - he hadn’t said that he shared her view.

“I’m still trying to make sense of what I dreamt,” she said. “But I was told some of it has already been proven correct.”

“Yes. Hellespont ‘Mech Works reported that they managed to solve a persistent problem with the Raven’s electronics thanks to your help.” Father nodded.

Of course she had - she would pilot a Raven as soon as she managed to convince Mother, and she wouldn’t accept a defective or substandard model. She knew how a Raven should look and handle, built properly with Star League technology.

Unfortunately, Father still didn’t seem to be fully convinced of her story, though. Whether that was because his work as a spymaster made him question everything and everyone or because he had seen through her misdirection, Kelly couldn’t say.

She inclined her head. “Good.”

“The Celestial Wisdom has shown some concern about your current inability to duplicate your experience,” Father went on.

She allowed her face to show some regret. It wasn’t hard - she missed Dreamland. Alex, Nastajia, Felicity and all the other friends of hers. To go to bed and not enter Dreamland… It felt like torture. Especially when she could remember fragments of dreams.

“She, ah, has a few ideas about helping you overcome this obstacle,” Father said. His frown was subtle, but it left no doubt that he didn’t share Mothers views - or thought it was a good idea.

“What does Mother have in mind?” Kelly asked.

“Certain substances that affect the mind,” he replied.

...drugs? Kelly frowned at the thought before she could catch herself.

“Nothing concrete has been brought up so far.” Father smiled at her reassuringly. “However, several experts are looking into the matter.”

Which meant there were better than even odds that they would find something to test - fear of Mother’s reaction tended to motivate people to give their best. “I see,” she said. She didn’t, not really - but then, hadn’t there been rumours about weird visitors to Dreamland? People who spoke in a confused manner and did not seem to be asleep in their beds? Kelly had never encountered such a person, but others had. And she trusted their accounts.

Father nodded. “Such experiments need the most careful planning and preparations. The risk to your health would be too great otherwise - and you are of utmost importance for the Confederation. It will likely be quite some time until our experts agree on the best course of action. It might be that another answer to the challenges we face is found before this plan bears fruit.”

Ah. Father would be stalling, deflecting Mother’s wishes. Sensible. Typical for him. And yet… “Thank you, Father,” she said, bowing her head. “Although I think I’ll follow the preparations closely. This seems as if it has potential.”

“I see.”

“I do think the risks should be minimised, of course, but I would like to be able to… break through whatever is blocking my path.” She missed Dreamland. She missed Alex and their other friends.

And she missed Cat.


After being together for so long - and a couple for over a year - being separated didn’t sit well with Kelly. Not at all.

And she’d do almost anything to rectify this. Even taking drugs.


Royal Palace, Avalon City, New Avalon, Federated Commonwealth, March 15th, 3049

Her computer warned her - someone was moving behind her! Something was about to shoot her in the back! Cat snarled as she started to turn in her ‘Mech. Or her piece of shit - it was reacting much too slowly. And there was no real feedback. Not like Dragonslayer. Even so, she was facing the enemy ‘Mech when it stepped around a corner. And even with the stupidly slow controls, she could place the crosshairs for her autocannon over the enemy’s cockpit before the enemy managed to line up their own shot. A quick pull on the trigger later, and the ‘Mech was missing its head and toppled over.

YOU WIN appeared in big red letters on the middle screen. Cat sighed. Another meaningless game. It wasn’t even nearly as complicated as it would have to be to serve as a decent training tool. What a waste for a neurohelmet!

“That was great!” Miss Faber told her when Cat climbed out of the fake cockpit.

“It was too easy,” she replied before she could help herself.

“You’re very good at the game,” Miss Faber insisted.

“I thought it was a rehab tool?” Cat asked, raising her eyebrows.

“It’s both. Patients, especially young ones, generally respond better to tasks if they are framed as games. Your hand-eye coordination has improved a lot since you started playing.”

Cat was aware of that. She also was aware that it wasn’t near where it should be. If she tried to pilot an actual ‘Mech like this, she would be barely better than a rookie. Perhaps even worse, if she received some old ‘Mech without Star League systems.

She huffed. “I’d prefer a real ‘Mech,” she said. Always strive for the best, as the Drill Sergeant would have said.

Miss Faber laughed as if Cat had been joking. She pressed her lips together to keep from giving the woman a piece of her mind. It wasn’t Faber’s fault that Cat had to hide her actual skills and experience.

Damn, she missed Kelly, Alex and the others. But she wouldn’t ever see Alex again - she was too old to enter Dreamland. And Kelly was stuck on Sian. In the Confederation, on the other side of the frontlines. No, technically, the hostile border. She closed her eyes. She shouldn’t have woken up! Everything was so… different here.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Katherine, if you continue to learn as well as you are, you’ll pilot a ‘Mech soon enough. You certainly have the talent to become a great ‘Mechwarrior!”

She doesn’t know, Cat told herself. She thinks I’m just a stubborn little girl in a teenaged body.

She knew that Miss Faber was here to help her. And the woman was helping. But it grated to know that she could’ve done so much better if she had been left to her own devices and given a decent budget.

She reached for a towel out of habit and had to stop before she wiped nonexistent sweat from her face and shoulders. That would make her look stupid. On the other hand, that might help with putting up the act.

She grabbed a towel and scrubbed her face. The things you did for a chance to see your love again!

“I think you should rest,” Miss Faber interrupted her thoughts.

Great. Faber thought she was actually sweating from playing a game!

Perhaps she would’ve been better off in Dreamland…


Or not, Cat corrected herself when she saw who had entered the training room.



Forbidden City, Sian, Capellan Confederation, April 3rd, 3049

Kelly stared at the vials and cups on the tray on her table. Each was labelled - on the vial or cup as well as on a small sign in front of it. Each contained a psychedelic drug. From the ancient LSD to compounds she was sure were used by the Maskirovka for more nefarious purposes than opening your mind.

She bit her lower lip. Drugs. She didn’t like them. Even discounting the dangers of addiction - the drugs presented to her presented no risk of physical addiction; her parents had made sure of that, but Kelly knew that psychological addiction was a possibility - she didn’t like the thought of altering her own mind. It was like altering who she was - as Dreamland had proved, she was her mind. While she had lived in Dreamland, her body had remained here, an empty shell.

And yet, she was willing to take drugs on the chance of being able to return to Dreamland. To her friends. To Cat - provided she could, should this work, contact her and tell her what to do without the Steiner-Davions mistaking this for an attempt on their daughter’s health.

“Are you going to take all of them?”

She froze for a moment, silently berating herself for letting herself be surprised in her own suite. But she didn’t let her face show any of her own anger as she turned to face her brother, who was standing in the doorway. “Not together,” she told him, raising her chin a little. “But I will try one after another until I find the one best suited for my goal.” To reach Dreamland again.

Sun-Tzu snorted and entered her room, his hands folded behind his back.

He could be hiding any weapons there - or under his long robes - Kelly realised. And she was unarmed. And not yet quite in the state of fitness she wished to be. Had to be. But he was her brother. He wouldn’t hurt her.

He stopped at the wheeled table upon which the drugs rested, bending over a little to make a point of reading the labels. “I am surprised Mother allowed this; those drugs are dangerous.”

And the odds of any of them doing what Kelly hoped were low. Once again, she kept a polite smile on her face. “Mother agrees that the potential gains are worth the risk,” she said. Which was putting it very mildly - Mother had been subtly pressing her for more ‘visions’ for the good of the Confederation for a while now. And she wasn’t known for unlimited patience.

“Ah.” Sun-Tzu’s smile changed slightly. It had a hint of a sneer now. “A calculated move. I see.” He slowly inclined his head. “Quite audacious of you. But then, how can one advance in life without audacity?”

Kelly frowned. What was he saying? Oh. She schooled her face once more, even though she wanted to wince. Did he really…? “My only ambition is to serve Mother and the Confederation to the best of my abilities,” she lied.

“Ah.” She heard a single chuckle, almost lost in the sound of silk sliding over silk as he turned to fully face her. “And obviously, you need to be in the best position to serve the Confederation.”

Yes, he thought she was trying to replace him. He was the elder child, but that was no guarantee to inherit Mother’s position. And while Kelly didn’t want to become Chancellor, Sun-Tzu didn’t know that. And wouldn’t believe her if she told him. “As a member of our House, I already have the best position to advise the Chancellor.”

“You have Mother’s ear, yes - she is convinced you are predestined for great things. A genius.” Sun-Tzu’s smile had fully turned into a sneer. “I hope mother isn’t mistaken about your potential. The consequences might be… harsh.”

He nodded, turned and left her room.

She stayed on her chair even though she wanted to pace. And probably smash something. Her servants hadn’t warned her of Sun-Tzu’s approach. He might have avoided them - and the security detachment - but that was unlikely. No, he would have told them that he wanted to surprise her - and they had acquiesced to his demands. Which meant she couldn’t trust them.

Even worse, her brother considered her a rival for the throne. And he had more than a decade of experience at court on her. Kelly knew how such rivalries, actual and imagined, were settled in her house. Her mother had replaced her grandfather when the latter had suffered a nervous breakdown. A breakdown from which he never recovered until, years later, he died in a clinic. Officially.

She glanced at the drugs again. Sun-Tzu would have an easy time depicting her as a drug-addled addict. But if she refused to try the drugs, Mother would likely grow… more insistent. Or disappointed. And more open to whatever suggestions Sun-Tzu might offer.

Damned if I do, damned if I don’t, she thought. If she ran away…

This time, she snorted openly at her own foolish thoughts. Evading the Maskirovka in the very heart of the Confederation? Even if, by some miracle, she managed that, it would take another miracle to reach Cat without running afoul of any intelligence service in the Inner Sphere. And such a blunder would endanger Father as the head of the Maskirovka. Mother wouldn’t kill him. Probably not.

No, those drugs represented her best course of action to reunite with Cat. Her best chance to survive the next few years, actually.

Unfortunately, that didn’t mean her chances were good. But as she had learned in Dreamland, sometimes you had to take the shot, no matter how unlikely, and hope for the best.

After snorting softly again, she took a deep breath and reached for the LSD. It was best to start with a classic.


Royal Palace, Avalon City, New Avalon, Federated Commonwealth, April 20th, 3049


Cat’s arms were burning. But she clenched her teeth and pulled herself up.

“...fourteen....” she gasped when her chin cleared the bar. She almost let herself simply drop down, which would have broken her grip, but she managed to control herself. One more!

She closed her eyes and groaned, raising her chin as far as she could as her muscles strained to once more pull herself up. Just. One. More.

Her chin reached the bar then slid over it.

“...fifteen!” she spat.

Then she let herself drop to the ground, collapsing in a heap on the mat. She’d done it. Maxed out pullups! And her arms felt like freshly cooked spaghetti - all hot and limp.

“Well done, Katherine!” Miss Faber beamed at her. “This is remarkable!”

Cat groaned in return. It was the minimum for a MechWarrior Cadet about to graduate. But Katherine hadn’t been training years like Cat. Only four months. And yet, she was finally at a point where she didn’t feel like some lazy, useless… person any more. Well, currently, she felt like a dying blob of pudding oozing over the mats, but that would pass. Her achievement would keep.


That was Peter. What was he doing here in the gym? Cat groaned something and rolled over on her belly, then looked at her little brother. Oh. He was wearing gym clothes like her. Well, he was wearing a tank top that didn’t leave his midriff bare, but otherwise, they were the same.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“She just finished fifteen pullups!” Miss Faber gushed.

“Fifteen?” Peter sounded shocked.

“Minimum for a cadet to graduate,” Cat told him, slightly wheezing. “I’m finally back in shape.”

“‘Back in shape’?”

“In the shape I need to be if I want to pilot a ‘Mech,” she explained.

“Once you graduate from the academy,” Peter told her with a frown. “Do you know which academy you will attend?”

Right. She had to go through an academy course. She tried to shrug, but on her belly, it didn’t really work. “I don’t really care,” she said as she slowly and painfully sat up - her stomach muscles were still protesting her earlier sit-ups.

Peter looked surprised. “You don’t care? But…”

“I just want to pilot a ‘Mech,” she told him. She was a commissioned officer in the SLDF. She had combat experience. It didn’t matter where she pretended to be a fresh-faced cadet.

“Which academy you’ll attend will influence your career. And there’s the political aspect.” Peter sounded like Dad in a teaching mood.

“What political aspect?” she asked, trying to get up.

“Victor went to Nagelring. If you also picked Nagelring, that would show undue favouritism towards the Lyran half of the Commonwealth.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Weren’t you planning to enter Nagelring since before I woke up?” She remembered that from Victor’s visit.

He blushed a little. “I wanted to, yes. But there are political considerations.”

She snorted. “I just want to pilot a ‘Mech,” she repeated herself. “If Mum and Dad think the NAIS is the better academy, so be it.” The NAIS College of Military Science was arguably more prestigious than Nagelring - if you asked the staff at NAIS. With a chuckle, she added: “At least that would prevent Dr Baker from immigrating to Tharkad so he can keep trying to pick my brain!”

Peter didn’t laugh at first, and when he did, it was a forced chuckle.

Cat frowned at him. “Is that why they want me to attend NAIS?”

Peter coughed. “Well, you did spend ten years in a coma, and they still haven’t found out what was wrong with you. And...” He trailed off, blushing again.

Or what was wrong with her now. Cat clenched her teeth. She could tell her family the truth, but they wouldn’t believe her. And once she told them about Kelly, they wouldn’t trust her. “If they don’t trust me not to fall into a coma, they shouldn’t send me to an academy at all!” she spat. “I can’t really go through training with two medics and one doctor hovering behind me!”

“Katherine...” Peter bit his lower lip. “Why are you so…?” He shrugged and grimaced. “ bitter?”

“I’m not bitter,” she protested. Just frustrated that she couldn’t be with Kelly because of stupid politics. If Alex was the First Lord in the Inner Sphere as well, this wouldn’t be a problem at all!

Damn, she missed Dreamland.

Peter cleared his throat. “Katherine… Mum and Dad are worried about you. Of course they want what’s best for you.”

“I know,” she said.

But they didn’t know what was best for her. All she needed was a ‘Mech and Kelly. The rest would follow.

But the longer she was stuck here, apart from Kelly, the greater the chance that something would happen. What if Kelly was forced into some dynastic marriage? The Cappellans did that stuff, didn’t they? Or what if Kelly found someone else?

She suppressed that thought. They had been through hell together. Kelly wouldn’t give up on her after a few months.

And neither would Cat. All she had to do was pass the entrance exam, get her MechWarrior certification, graduate, get her ‘Mech and…

...and then what?


“I’m thinking about my future,” she told Peter.

“You’re blocking the pushup bar,” pointed out.

Oh. “Sorry,” she mumbled before getting up and walking towards the showers. Maybe she’d figure out what to do once she wasn’t feeling like a wet towel that had been put through a wringer.


Forbidden City, Sian, Capellan Confederation, June 5th, 3049


Kelly turned. There was Cat! Jumping out of her ‘Mech, running towards her, arms spread wide. Before she could say anything, her friend embraced her. “I missed you so much!” she said as she melted in Cat’s arms. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Smelt Cat’s shampoo. Her perfume.

Perfume? Shampoo? Cat had just left her ‘Mech. She should smell after sweat and a neurohelmet’s cleaning solution. And an overheated ‘Mech. Not like she smelt when she had just taken a shower and was slipping in their bed. And she didn’t know where they were.

Kelly pulled back. “Cat?”

Cat didn’t say anything but kissed her, and once again, Kelly melted in her arms. This was… Oh! She closed her eyes again, savouring the kiss. It was just like she remembered. Perfect. It was…

Kelly woke up and saw the canopy of her bed above her. And knew that she was alone in her bed. And that it had been a dream, not Dreamland.


She sighed and closed her eyes. Well, she hadn’t really expected DMT to work. Not when LSD hadn’t worked. But she had hoped. A little.

And her hopes had been crushed. This had been the last ‘natural’ psychedelic drug in the selection she had been given. That left the synthesised and refined natural drugs. And the experimental drugs.

Those which often had severe side effects. Having hallucinations before she fell asleep was bad enough, but feeling sick? Was there a point to it? If drugs could let her enter Dreamland, wouldn’t that have been discovered centuries ago? Sure, there had been rumours of adult visitors, but they had never been confirmed. This might just be a fool’s errand.

And yet, she couldn’t give up. This was her best chance to see her friends again. To find a way to reunite with Cat.

Kelly took a deep breath, then got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. She’d have to wait until her system was purged of the DMT and endure more tests, but she would make a new attempt. With stronger drugs. As many attempts as it took to find a way back to Dreamland.

It was her best chance.


Forbidden City, Sian, Capellan Confederation, July 4th, 3049

“What’s this one?” Kelly asked, holding up a vial with blue crystals in it.

“A synthesised version of a hybrid strain of psilocybin,” Dr Chang told her. “It’s one of the most potent hallucinogens we managed to acquire.”

“Side effects?” Kelly knew there would be side effects. All the more potent drugs she had tried had had them.

“Ah… light fever and increased heart rate, mostly,” the doctor told her.

She slightly narrowed her eyes. “And in the worst case?”

He cleared his throat. “Arrhythmia. But that’s a very rare side effect, and we will be monitoring your heart rate and other vitals with a trauma team on standby.”

“Any mental effects? Other than the obvious,” she asked.

“None to our knowledge.” He inclined his head.

He was playing it safe - but that wouldn’t help him should Kelly end up hurt. Mother would hold him responsible.

Kelly pushed the slight guilt she felt away. The risk was minimal, after all. And she was risking her life as well. “Good. How soon can we test this?”

“Ah…” The doctor consulted his computer. “After we test your blood for any lingering compounds from your last test.”

She nodded. That would be fine.


« Last Edit: 07 October 2021, 14:55:31 by Starfox5 »


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 251
    • My Fanfictions
Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #10 on: 07 October 2021, 14:52:42 »
She was standing in her silk pyjamas on a landing field and could feel the hot plascrete under her bare feet. It wasn’t a good feeling. A few hundred metres from her stood a Colossus-class dropship. Above her, two aerospace fighters flew by - too fast for her to identify the type. A lance of 'Mechs was walking in a line further away - she could barely make them out through the warping effects of the hot air above the field.

She took a deep breath. The air smelt like ozone and exhaust fumes. Like a busy starport smelt. Was this a dream or Dreamland? She wouldn’t be standing here in her sleepwear if this was a dream, would she? Or was that subconsciousness trying to fool her? But Cat wasn’t here. Cat always was with her in her dreams. Unless they were nightmares.

This didn’t look like a nightmare, either. Had she really managed to return to Dreamland?

There was only one way to find out. She set out for the dropship. They would have a radio to check in with her friends.

Her feet started to hurt before she had gone a hundred meters. The surface, hardened to withstand a fusion torch from a dropship, was much too rough for her soles. And too hot as well.

She checked her feet. Dirt covered her soles. Would they be dirty in a dream? She didn’t think so. And she wouldn’t be sweating either. Or glimpsing at the sun.

This felt too… too real.

She licked her dry lips. If this was real… She smiled against her will. If this was Dreamland...

...then she had taken the first step to reunite with Cat!

A barefooted step on a dirty, hot landing field.

She snorted and continued walking.

She was lightly sweating by the time she reached the dropship - entirely from the heat. She might not be as fit as she had been in Dreamland before she left, but she had recovered enough.

And she wasn’t amused that she could reach the ramp leading into one of the Colossus’s bays without anyone challenging her. That was just sloppy! Had standards degraded so much in the months she had been away? Even for peacetime, this was unacceptable!

Scoffing, she stepped on the ramp - and hissed and jumped off again; the metal was far too hot. “Hello!” she yelled. “Who’s in charge of the bay?”

“Who wants to know?” A grumpy dwarf appeared on top of the ramp, peering down at her.

“Captain Kelly Liao!” she snapped back. “Dreamland’s First Royals! I need to contact the First Lord or Colonel Nastajia Panel!”

“You don’t look like a captain.”

“That’s classified!” she yelled back, clenching her teeth. Cat would’ve charged up the ramp, hot metal or not by now. “I repeat: I need to contact the First Lord or Colonel Nastajia Panel. Get me a radio!”

She got a radio. Getting through to her friends took a little longer, but once she finally reached Nastajia, it took only two more minutes, and she was in a ground car from the dropship’s vehicle pool and headed to headquarters.


Royal Palace, Unity City, Dreamland, July 4th, 3049

“It’s really you!” Nastajia blurted out when Kelly entered the room.

“Colonel Panel. Your Highness.” Kelly bowed - since she wasn’t in uniform but still wearing her Pyjamas, albeit now also wearing sandals, a salute would be inappropriate. “Felicity.” She nodded at the catgirl sprawled across an armchair in a pose that would hurt Kelly’s spine should she attempt to copy it.

“None of that, Kelly!” Alex said, moving to hug her. “It’s great to see you!” he exclaimed as he lifted her off her feet.

Kelly started squirming after a while, forcing Alex to set her down. “Thank you.” She cleared her throat and smoothed her clothes - her pyjamas. If Cat ever heard about this, the jokes about Capellan fashion would never stop.

“But how did you manage this? There have been cases before where people didn’t wake up and stayed in Dreamland, but once they woke up, they never returned,” Nastajia asked. “And it wasn’t because they had died - if you die in either realm, you die in both.”

Before Kelly could answer, Alex handed her a cup of tea. “You must be parched!” he told her, with a slight frown at Nastajia.

“Thank you.” Once more, Kelly bowed her head. The tea was… passable. Back home, it was better - but that was to be expected. “I had a little help,” she admitted after another sip. “I took psychedelic drugs.”

“Drugs?” Both Alex and Nastajia looked surprised. Almost shocked. Even Felicity sat up and stared at her.

“Drugs have been used for millennia in various cultures to expand your consciousness and receive visions,” Kelly explained.

“But if they allowed you to reach Dreamland, we would have noticed this before today,” Nastajia retorted.

“We might have had some adult visitors,” Alex admitted, “without noticing. If they acted as if they had lost their mind…” He shrugged. “I’ll have to set the Intelligence Corps on it. Check our records.” With a frown, he added: “If adults can enter our realm by using drugs, this represents a huge vulnerability.”

Kelly nodded. “I used an experimental drug - others didn’t work - but I do not know if there are similar drugs in development.” She sighed. “I’m sorry. I knew this would cause trouble, but… I had to try.”

“Of course you had!” Alex smiled at her. “And it gave us advance warning of the possibility - we won’t be surprised by others.” He patted her shoulder, then sat back down again. “So… did you manage to contact Cat?”

Kelly schooled her features, but her friends saw through it anyway. “Oh, no!” Nastajia said. “You’re still separated?”

“Their realms - their families - are at war,” Alex said. “Unfortunately, it was to be expected.”

Kelly nodded in agreement and refilled her cup. “We knew that when we went to wake up.” She sighed and looked down. “But I miss her. I hoped we’d find a way to contact each other, but we underestimated the difficulties. Our families are… protective.” That was a diplomatic way to say ‘controlling’.

“I could return to Terra and send an HPG message.” Alex fiddled with the ‘Mech key hanging from his neck. The key to Dreamland. He alone could pass back and forth from the real world to Dreamland.

“No!” Nastajia jumped to her feet, shaking her head. “ComStar will still be hunting you!”

Felicity scowled in agreement.

“They can’t be everywhere,” Alex countered. “And it’s been years.”

Nastajia glared at him. “You think you can just walk into one of their stations and send a message? On Terra? Without setting off all sorts of red flags?” She poked his chest with her finger as she scowled at him.

Alex backed off a step and grinned - although it was forced, Kelly could tell. “Well, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve… There are still some old safe houses and caches around on terra, dating back to the Coup. Fake IDs, taps, money…”

“All centuries old!” Nastajia kept shaking her head. “You barely escaped ComStar’s clutches the last time you left Terra!”

“That was years ago,” Alex repeated.

“They won’t forget anyone who escaped them - especially not by vanishing into thin air!” Nastajia crossed her arms over her chest. “And we have to assume they analysed your DNA and realised that you’re a Cameron. It’s too dangerous!”

Aleix pouted, so Kelly spoke up: “Nastajia is correct, Alex. And even if you made it, the odds of Cat receiving a message from an unknown - especially if encoded - are not good. And if you told her what drug to use…” She shook her head, pressing her lips together. Neither Cat’s father nor mother were likely to let her try a drug like that. If they even had access to it. If Cat’s siblings were younger, she would try to find them in Dreamland and ask them to pass on a message, but they weren’t visiting Dreamland any more. And any other child wouldn’t be able to reach Cat either.

“But we have to do something! We can’t leave Cat alone!” Alex protested.

“We won’t,” Nastajia said. “But we need to plan this.”

“Like an assault?” Alex grinned, but she nodded.

“Yes. Like an assault.”

Kelly nodded as well. They couldn’t rush this, or they’d go down faster than an UrbanMech trying to scout the Horde in the open desert. They had to plan this carefully, or they would cause a disaster. She knew this, and yet, she couldn’t help worrying about Cat.

And that Cat might move on.


The Nagelring, Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth, September 30th, 3049

Cat scoffed as she moved Dragonslayer past a scraggly patch of forest towards a small but steep hill. Two enemy ‘Mechs left. Two unidentified ‘Mechs. But since she had already downed a Phoenix Hawk-K and a Panther, she didn’t expect too much trouble from what was obviously a DCMS recon lance.

Probably a Wasp and another Panther hiding behind the hill, hoping to take potshots at her when she closed. Or trying to flank her - though only fools would close in with a Victor when piloting a light ‘Mech.

Well, she was in Dragonslayer. Or a ‘Mech as close to her favourite ‘Mech she could get in this simulator. And as any Victor pilot knew, if you didn’t close with the enemy, you failed. Kicking the assault ‘Mech into a sprint, she started running towards the hill.

As on cue, a ‘Mech appeared, jump jets carrying it up to the top of the hill, Cat’s computer identifying it as a Panther before she saw it. The other ‘Mech was moving around the hill - maybe another Phoenix Hawk-K.

The Panther landed, knees absorbing the impact - not a veteran pilot, Cat noted, cut the jets too soon - and raised its right arm to point at her.

Just as planned. She grinned and hit her own jets, soaring up as the Panther’s PPC struck the ground where she had been standing a moment ago. Dragonslayer struck the ground running - she had feathered her jets, of course - and dashed forward. The Panther moved back, then to the side as its PPC cycled, but it was too exposed. Cat hit her jets again and landed right next to the light ‘Mech.

The Panther’s pilot tried to turn to bring its SRMs to bear at the same time he tried to back off to get out of minimum range for its PPC and managed neither. Dragonslayer’s Pontiac 100 sent enough shells directly into its chest to wreck its fusion engine. The medium lasers and SRMs peppering the rest of its armour as it slowly fell over on its back were pure overkill.

Cat grinned. That only left one more ‘Mech, the one still circling the hill and staying hidden. Well, she had the high ground; all she had to do was…

Her eyes widened when the last enemy ‘Mech suddenly jumped as well, and her computer labelled it as a Victor. An assault ‘Mech? In this training scenario? But…

There it was! Cat was already turning - it was out of range of her weapons, but not for long. All she had to do… The enemy Victor raised his right arm and fired. A moment later, Dragonslayer reeled, struck in the left torso.

She cursed - she knew that weapon. The other Victor had a gauss rifle! It was a Lostech Victor! “Standard scenario, my ass!” she cursed, stabilising her ‘Mech and running towards the enemy. She was too far away for her autocannon, but Dragonslayer’s large strides were eating up the distance. Just a little closer and the enemy would find out why ‘Mechs didn’t want to close with a Victor!

But just before she fired - she already had the crosshairs centred on the enemy’s cockpit - the other Victor fired its jump jets. Cat lifted her ‘Mech’s arm to shoot it in mid-flight, but the enemy had only risen high enough to clear the ridge behind them - and disappeared in a ravine before she managed to adjust her aim.

Snarling at her rookie mistake, she dashed to the side and jumped down into the ravine herself - staying on the hill was foolish when facing an enemy with long-range firepower like a gauss rifle.

She hit the ground running and quickly rushed towards the last position of the enemy. Up close, she would have the advantage. But… that was so obvious, even her opponent in this training scenario would know it. But would they try to keep their distance and snipe her with the gauss rifle until Dragonslayer fell, or would they try to be clever and ambush her? If only Kelly were here with her Raven - no assault ‘Mech would be able to hide from her.

Focus! she told herself - she couldn’t get distracted. The enemy had let her finish off the three other ‘Mechs of the lance before facing her - almost like a Nightmare Horde warrior. Of course they’d try to be clever!

Cat grinned. That meant… they would expect her to advance towards where they would be, would they want to keep the distance open. She looked at the map overlay on her screen. The hill tapered off into rougher terrain, full of boulders. Perfect for infantry, but a ‘Mech couldn’t hide there. That left… the other side of the hill. She grinned and kept running through the ravine towards the open field at its end.

Almost. Almost. A little bit more… She hit her jump jets and, once more, soared upwards...

...just in time to see the enemy Victor rise on heated plasma on the other side of the hill, flying towards the ideal position to shoot her in the back, had she kept going.

They were a decent ‘MechWarrior - they were already twisting and aiming their gauss rifle at her before they reached the hilltop. But Kelly was a veteran of a ten years-long war against the Nightmare Horde. And she knew exactly how a Victor moved. She had her Pontiac aimed at the point where its head would be before it hit the ground and fired before it could react.

Unfortunately, she didn’t quite hit her mark - her shells hit the enemy’s torso, not its head - but the impact sent the ‘Mech reeling anyway. And her lasers and SRMs hit its chest as well. Mostly. More importantly, she was already running while the enemy ‘Mech struggled to keep standing, and by the time it had managed to regain its footing, Cat was in its face. She kicked out, her ‘Mech’s foot smashing the other Victor’s knee, and this time, the pilot couldn’t compensate - the assault ‘Mech spun around and crashed to the ground, ending up on its back.

And Cat fired everything she had at the downed ‘Mech. Her autocannon shells ripped through the Victor’s torso and gyro, and the ‘Mech stopped moving like an Elemental after a kick from a Stone Giant.

“Mission Complete” appeared on her screen, and her own ‘Mech froze.

Cat pursed her lips. That was sloppy. A mission wasn’t over until you returned to base, as Tavis liked to tell them. This kind of training might teach MechWarriors to get sloppy as soon as the enemy was down. Well, they would learn better once they did actual field exercises.

She sighed and pulled off her neurohelmet - not up to Star League standards, alas, but better than the toys she had used on new Avalon - before running a hand through her hair.

She even worked up a sweat, she noted with a grin as she climbed out of the simulation pod.

“That was very impressive, Lady Steiner-Davion,” the instructor told her with a smile.

She grinned at him, “And since when does a standard scenario include a Lostech Victor?”

He tilted his head. “That was a last-minute change I didn’t plan for.”

She frowned. If it hadn’t been him, then… Her eyes widened when she saw a familiar figure climb out of a pod on the other side. “Victor?” She had been fighting her brother?

He grinned in a rather sheepish manner. “Hey! That was a lucky shot!”

Cat narrowed her eyes at him. ‘Lucky shot’? “Really? That’s what you are going with? And you had a Lostech Victor!”

“Royal Configuration,” he admitted.

She shook her head. “There’s no Royal Victor. Just individual machines modified with advanced technology.”

“It has a gauss rifle, double heat sinks and better armour. It’s a Royal Victor,” he insisted.

“There’s no such model in the warbooks!” She knew that by heart - she was an officer in the First Royals!

“Well, now there is.” Victor frowned, then grinned. “And I’ll be piloting one of the first production models once I graduate!”

“If you graduate,” another cadet told him. “You got us all killed trying to duel your little sister - and lost!”

And Victor’s grin turned into a pout. “That was bad luck.”

Cat rolled her eyes. “That was a stupid mistake. The battlefield isn’t the place for duels. You have to fight with your lancemates, not by yourself!”

“Exactly!” the instructor chimed in. “Lady Steiner-Davion has the general gist of it, and we’ll go over the details in the debriefing.” He gestured at the door to their right.

Victor grimaced. As he should - that had been a stupid performance. And he was supposed to be at the top of his class?

It seemed Alexander’s opinion of the Nagelring wasn’t too far from the truth.


The Triad, Tharkad City, Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth, September 30th, 3049

“I heard you had an impressive showing in the simulators.”

Cat winced. If she had known she was facing her own brother instead of yet another first-year cadet like the rest of the lance, she would’ve held back. Probably. “Vicor tried to be clever on the battlefield, Aunt Nondi,” she said, feigning nonchalance. “If he had stuck to the basics - kept the range and peppered me with the gauss rifle - he would have won.” Probably.

“Ah, yes.” Nondi shook her head. “With all the new doctrine in the armed forces, people tend to forget the basics. Just because Victor’s ‘Mech has jump jets doesn’t mean he has to pilot it as if it were a scout ‘Mech.”

“To be fair, he was taking the place of a Panther,” Cat said with a grin as she wandered around in Aunt Nondi’s office.

“And I have trouble understanding what he was thinking, putting himself, a cadet about to graduate, against you. You haven’t had a tenth of his time in the simulator, nor did you have actual experience in the field.”

Cat put the crystal serving as a paperweight down and looked at the older woman. Nondi was staring at her with an even expression, but there was a hint of suspicion behind those eyes. She refrained from swallowing. “I did study hard and spent all the time I could get in sims.” And she had spent years fighting a war in Dreamland. “I dreamt of piloting ‘Mechs, you know.”

Nondi opened her mouth, then closed it again, slowly nodding. “You certainly have a talent for it. A natural-born MechWarrior, according to the instructor.”

Cat grinned. “I’m flattered.”

“There’s more to being a MechWarrior than just piloting a ‘Mech, though,” Nondi said. “And even more to being an officer.”

“Oh, yes.” She frowned. “All the paperwork.”

Nondi laughed. “Indeed. But without paperwork, your ‘Mech would run out of ammo and spare parts.”

“Amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics,” Cat replied. That had been one of the Nightmare Horde’s key weaknesses. Which didn’t mean Cat liked it, of course. “And fools study duels,” she added with another grin.

“Never underestimate the value of being able to duel another ‘Mech,” Nondi said, a little more sharply. “Although I suppose that you’ve already proven that that won’t be a problem for you.”

Cat forced herself to shrug. “It’s only a sim. Actually piloting a real ‘Mech will be very different.”

“Yes. But I have a feeling that you’ll excel at it.” The older woman smiled, a little wistfully. “You’re so much like my sister.”

Cat pressed her lips together. She’d been told a few times already that she looked like her grandmother Katrina - except for her eyes. Her grandmother who had died while she’d been in Dreamland. “That’s a lot to live up to,” she said. And what would Katrina say about Cat’s plans to run away and live with Kelly?

“Oh, believe me, I know.” Another wry smile. “I still struggle with it every day.”

Cat nodded. Best to change the subject. “And you struggle with paperwork.” She pointed at the printouts on the desk and at the Datadisks next to the reader. After a moment’s hesitation, she craned her head and took a peek. “The Periphery?” She’d have expected reports from the border to the Combine. Or the Free League.

Nondi sighed. “A battalion of the Kell Hounds is overdue. They were on a pirate hunt.”

“Oh.” She blinked. She had heard something about that, months ago… Her eyes widened, and she gasped. “Not Phelan!”

Nondi looked grim as she nodded in confirmation. “Yes. He was with the battalion. Since they were working for the Rasalhagues, information is a little scarce.” She scoffed. “And the rumours about unknown ‘Mechs appearing in the Periphery aren’t helping with trying to find out what happened.”

“Unknown ‘Mechs?” Cat cocked her head to the side. That sounded interesting.

“Unknown models, the rumours claim, but it’s probably Frankenmechs from a pirate band.” Nondi laughed. “According to one rumour, someone placed a Marauder’s arms on a Catapult as if that would leave it with the armour or heat sinks to use any weapon!”

A Marauder’s arms on a Catapult! Cat froze. She had seen that before. When fighting the Nightmare Horde. But that had been in Dreamland - those ‘Mechs weren’t supposed to be real! If the Horde invaded the Commonwealth… “Can I see that report?” she asked. “It sounds so silly…” she added with a forced laugh.

The sketch she saw fit the ‘Mechs she had fought in Dreamland. Down to the large red wolf’s head on the body.

Oh, no!


Royal Palace, Avalon City, New Avalon, Federated Commonwealth, October 15th, 3049

Hanse Davion put the summary of the report down and looked at Justin. “That’s… concerning.”

His friend nodded slowly. “Yes, sire.”

Hanse frowned in return. “Justin. This is about my daughter.”

Justin stiffened a little. “And about the Realm.” Though he added “Hanse” after a moment.

Hanse nodded. “Kali Liao, having suffered the same coma as Katherine, now displays some of the same unexplainable competence Katherine does.”

“She hasn’t displayed any particular talents at piloting a ‘Mech, Hanse.”

Hanse snorted. “That’s probably because she’s been kept busy as an advisor for Romano. And drugged for her ‘visions’. But all your agents and analysts agree that she has displayed booth skill and knowledge that she couldn’t have picked up in the time since she woke up - or at all.” He pointed at the second page. “A Star League cache was found exactly where she said so.”

“It was mostly empty,” Justin retorted.

“A dozen ‘Mechs is still quite the find. Not enough to affect the balance of power, I’ll grant you that - but if Kali can find such a cache, who’s to say she can’t find something else?”

“Like… a secret research facility?” Justin tilted his head, his expression perfectly neutral. Which meant, Hanse knew, his friend was concerned.

He shrugged. “Whatever the reason, apparently, Kali’s visions have shown results if Romano Liao is using her advice.”

“Romano isn’t the most stable member of House Liao,” Justin pointed out.

“But neither is she insane,” Hanse countered. “Do you think she would use her daughter to hide the sources of such information?”

Justin frowned, apparently pondering the question for a moment. Or, more likely, pondering how to word his answer. “I do not think so. She could’ve easily had Tsen Shang make up any excuse for such a find - it’s not uncommon, after all, and we wouldn’t suspect anything amiss.”

“So… what are the odds that Kali’s visions are more than drug-induced hallucinations?” Hanse steepled his fingers and put his elbows on his desk.

“According to NAIS, very, very low,” Justin answered.

“And according to Dr Baker?” The man was almost obsessed with Katherine - something that Hanse would take steps to deal with, if not for the fact that there was something weird going on.

Justin frowned in response. “His peers have dismissed all his theories.”

“Yet none of them have had an explanation for Katherine’s sudden competence as a MechWarrior.” Hanse slammed his palm on the desk. “Justin! She schooled Victor in a simulator duel! And he has years of training at the Nagelring on her!”

“That could’ve been a fluke.”

“You’ve seen the recording. Was it a fluke?” Hanse narrowed his eyes at his friend. Justin playing devil’s advocate was often useful, but not now.

Justin sighed. “No, it wasn’t. She piloted the ‘Mech expertly - even in melee.”

“Exactly. And she forced herself to train until she was in shape. Something happened while she was in a coma that turned her into a proficient MechWarrior - and possibly more.” Katherin had been hiding her true talents, after all. “Baker is researching rumours of Star League research into psychic talents and powers.”

Justin stiffened. “Do you think Katherine is psychic?”

Hanse sighed. “She hasn’t claimed to have visions - but she might just be afraid of what we would do if we thought she was crazy.”

“With good reason,” Justin commented in a perfectly bland voice. “History has shown the dangers of unstable members of a Great House.”

“Do you think Katherine is a danger for us?” Hanse leaned forward. Or was he suggesting that Hanse would let any harm come to her?

“I cannot judge this without knowing what exactly she is.” His friend met his eyes.

“She’s no doppelgänger,” Hanse said. He remembered how a double had replaced him. How close the plot had come to doom his realm. He needed more information. But short of interrogating Katherine, what could he do? Baker was a wildcard, and waiting to see if the man found anything wasn’t something Hanse was willing to do. Not when it concerned his daughter. Perhaps… “There have been no reports of similar patients waking up.”


“That means this is focused on Katherine - and Kali Liao. Who might be psychic.” Hanse had seen things science couldn’t explain, after all. Morgan Kell’s abilities came to mind. Could he dismiss the threat a psychic Liao might pose? Coupled with the Maskirovka’s famous skills at sabotage and infiltration? No. Not after the Doppelgänger plot. He sighed. He hated this, and if Melissa knew what he was thinking… “Can your spies find out what drugs Kali Liao is taking?”

Justin stiffened again before he slowly nodded. “Yes.” His face had lost every expression.

“I’m not going to drug my daughter,” Hanse said. “But we need to know what’s happening to her. Every bit of information helps.”

“Yes, Sire.”

Hanse pressed his lips together. Justin didn’t approve. But he would do his duty. And Hanse would have to talk to Katherine. And Melissa.

“Thank you.”



  • Lieutenant General
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  • Posts: 37785
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #11 on: 07 October 2021, 18:57:46 »
Hanse has gotta Hanse!  8)


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #12 on: 08 October 2021, 01:36:52 »
Wouldn't be the Fox if he didn't, even as a father.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #13 on: 08 October 2021, 15:11:09 »
But he has to square things with Melissa first. And that's a little hard when he's on New Avalon and she's on Tharkad at the moment.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #14 on: 26 December 2021, 15:05:56 »
Chapter 3: The Truth

‘The last months of 3049 were… frustrating. Amongst other things. I had quickly realised that the Nightmare Horde was attacking from beyond the Inner Sphere, and yet, if I wanted to warn my family, I would need a way to explain my knowledge without appearing delusional. It didn’t help, of course, that I didn’t really know anything about the invaders in the real world and that I still hadn’t made contact with Kelly.’
Diary of Katherine ‘MadCat’ Steiner-Davion

‘Regular observation proves that Patient S-D’s knowledge had no discernable source - my colleagues’ assumption that she was merely showing an unprecedented but natural talent as a MechWarrior was laughably easy to refute, even though the narrow-minded so-called scientists still refuse to acknowledge that. It’s ironic, in a twisted way, that the myth of the MechWarrior seems to hide and outshone something that, until today, has been thought to be a myth. I cannot help feeling that the key to unravelling this mystery is found in the archives of the Star League on Terra.’
Private notes of M.D. Phil Baker, NAIS Medical Center, New Avalon, 3049

The Nagelring, Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth, November 30th, 3049

“So, what do you think?” Victor asked with a wide smile.

Cat looked up at the ‘Mech in front of her and replied: “That I could knock you out, steal your ‘Mech and probably reach a dropship before anyone can stop me. But since I lack the funds to secure a passage and a waiting jumpship at a pirate point, you get to keep your ‘Mech.”

Victor laughed, but Cat was only half-joking. She really, really wanted this ‘Mech. It was the same ‘Mech that he had used in their simulator fight: A Victor bristling with advanced weapons and technology.

“You really want a royal Victor!”

“It’s not a Royal Victor,” she corrected him. “The SLDF doesn’t have an official model with advanced technology.”

“So speaks the expert, Professor Katherine.”

Cat snorted. She had studied everything about her ‘Mech, after all. “So you better believe it.”

He laughed again. “But if there had been an official Royal Victor, this would have been it.”

“A Royal Victor would’ve used Endo Steel.” Use the saved mass for three and a half tons more armour, replace the fifteen heat sinks with ten double heat sinks, use the free mass for two more medium lasers and to upgrade the SRM-4 to an SRM-6 and install CASE for the gauss rifle and the ammo.

Victor shook his head. “Good luck persuading Mum and Dad to change the assembly lines just for you.”

“I can’t even get them to send a relief force for the Kell Hounds,” Cat grumbled.

“They’re overdue, but that’s nothing unusual for trips in the Periphery,” Victor said after a moment. “And they’re the Kell Hounds. Even one battalion of them can fight off anyone in the Periphery foolish enough to go after them.”

Cat scoffed. “Pride comes before a fall.” If they faced the Nightmare Horde without any idea about their capabilities, things would turn out badly for them. Probably had turned out badly for them.

“I didn’t know you were so fond of Cousin Phelan.”

Cat barely remembered the boy. But Victor was watching her quite intently - he wasn’t nearly as subtle as he probably thought he was. So she clenched her teeth. “He’s family. And the Kell Hounds are amongst the best regiments we can call upon. If they lose a battalion, the least we can do is look for them. If they were beaten, then we’re dealing with a potential threat to half of our realm.”

“Or they suffered a misjump,” Victor retorted.

“Even more of a reason to send out a scouting force.” She was tempted to just tell him the truth and then wait until she was vindicated by the coming invasion, even if that meant she would be sent into an asylum… but by then, it would be too late. No, she had to find a better way.

“We did.”

“I don’t mean a few hired civilian jumpships with a Leopard as cover. I mean a force large enough to outfight a force that could beat a battalion of Kell Hounds.”

“Since they disappeared while working for the Rasalhague, and on their border to the periphery, moving your ‘scouting force’ there would cause a lot of tensions. Or worse,” Victor pointed out.

“Stupid politics,” Cat hissed.

Victor laughed. “Welcome to my future. But if it’s any consolation: If there is a mysterious force out in the Periphery, they’ll hit the Rasalhague borders first!”

“It’s not a consolation,” she told him. “And I don’t like that you’re headed there.”

“That’s politics as well. A sign of detente, mirroring Hohiro Kurita.” Victor shrugged. “I actually wanted a posting directly on the border to the Periphery. Better chances of seeing action there.”

Cat rolled her eyes. Victor was worse than the usual glory hound recruit. “You shouldn’t wish to see action,” she told him.

“I need combat experience if anyone is supposed to take me seriously once I take the throne.” Victor looked around. “You know the troubles Mum had after she became Archon - and she’s a Steiner. I’m a Steiner-Davion!”

Cat shrugged. “Mum and Dad will be around for a long time. You’ll get your chance to shoot a few Dracs sooner or later.” Or the Nightmare Horde.

“Or Capellans,” Vicor added.

She refrained from glaring at him. He didn’t know about Kelly. Couldn’t know. “You’ll have to find the Capellans first - they’re sneaky.” Very sneaky. Especially in a Raven. Hell, Kelly would so school Victor in a duel as long as it happened in urban terrain!

“Sneakier than your mysterious force out in the Periphery?”

She clenched her teeth. “You saw the reports.” She had personally shown him Nondi’s reports.”

“Rumours. Nothing concrete.” He shrugged. And he was still watching her while trying to be subtle. “A couple Frankenmechs is no threat.”

Cat scoffed once more. “Unless they manage to wipe out a battalion of Kell Hounds.”

Victor nodded, but it was clear that he didn’t take her concerns seriously.

And he wouldn’t let her pilot his ‘Mech, either. Such a sore loser!

Royal Palace, Unity City, Dreamland, December 5th, 3049

Entering Dreamland was getting easier, Kelly found as she woke up in her room in the Palace. She had reduced the dose twice now and still succeeded.

However, she still hadn’t managed to fall asleep quickly enough to avoid getting all messed up - a glance into the mirror mounted above her dresser showed that she needed to at least restyle her hair.

Well, that wouldn’t take a long time. Unless there was an emergency, you had no excuse to appear dishevelled, after all. Especially when meeting the First Lord of the Star League.

She quickly bruised her hair - it was getting a bit longer, now, which might not work very well with a neurohelmet, she noted - and slipped into her uniform. A proper dress uniform, not an open coolant vest over a tank top and shorts, like Cat often preferred.

Kelly smiled as she imagined Cat having to dress like a noble now, under pressure from her family. Would Cat’s stubbornness see her through? Or would she give in in order to fit in with her family? Once again, she wondered if she should ask Father about such information. The Maskirovka would be aware of any such development - but if Kelly asked, she would also draw attention to her interest.

Sighing, she checked her appearance, nodded after she couldn’t find anything at fault, and left her room. At this time of the evening, Alex would be in his quarters. Probably. Unless there was an emergency - but they would’ve told her about that.

A short walk later, she knocked on the door to Alex’s quarters. Giving in to a sudden silly urge, she looked up and waved with a smile at the concealed camera installed above her. Cat would’ve done that.

The door opened, and she found herself face to face with Nastajia. “Good! You’re finally here. I need you to tell Alex that he’s being an idiot.”

Kelly blinked. “Pardon?”

“Nastajia doesn’t like the plan I’ve come up with to get Cat back to us,” Kelly heard Alex’s voice.

Nastajia clenched her teeth and turned around, almost stomping towards the living room. Kelly grimaced behind her back and followed the elf.

Alex was sitting in his favourite spot on the couch, dressed in uniform pants and a tank top. He waved at her. “Kelly! I’ve found the solution to our problems!”

“Really?” Kelly asked as she sat down on the couch opposite him and nodded at Felicity, who was, once again, sprawled across an armchair in a way that would hurt the spine of a normal human.

“No,” Nastajia snapped. “It’s suicide!”

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far,” Felicity said. “His plan is dangerous, but it’s not a suicide mission. And I’m speaking as an infiltration expert here.”

“Thief,” Nastajia hissed.

“Former thief!” Felicity stuck out her tongue at her friend.

“So,” Kelly spoke up, “would anyone explain the proposed plan to me?”

“I go back to Terra with my code key - but wearing a Nighthawk suit!” Alex grinned. “They won’t expect that, allowing me to easily get away from any surveillance placed on the location thanks to being invisible!”

“Unless they sealed off the entire room or building,” Kelly pointed out. “Or placed explosives ready to blow up the area.” That’s what Father would’ve done if he had been in charge of the investigation.

“I doubt they would do that - it’s an apartment in the middle of Chicago,” Alex told her.

That wouldn’t stop Father. And she doubted that it would stop ComStar.

“See? It’s too dangerous!” Nastajia repeated herself.

“It’s a calculated risk. First, why would they expect me to return to the apartment? They only know I was last seen there. And it’s been years.” Alex shook his head.

“They might suspect you were using a stealth suit,” Felicity said, sitting up. “And take precautions. They, too, had years to prepare.”

“In the middle of Chicago?” Alex didn’t look convinced.

“They might be prepared to chase down a stealth suit,” Kelly told him.

“They would need to catch me, first.” Alex grinned.

“You want to play tag with ComStar?” Nastajia glared at him.

“It’s the best way to contact Cat.”

“It’s the best way to get yourself caught! Or killed!” Nastajia retorted. “We can’t save you - we can’t leave Dreamland!”

Kelly pressed her lips together, then forced herself to relax a little. This was… well, it wasn’t just between Alex and Nastajia since it concerned Cat and Kelly, but not even Felicity would be so reckless as to step between those two right now - the catgirl looked as if she was trying to become part of the armchair she was occupying.

“We can’t leave Cat out there!” Alex retorted. “I can’t abandon her. And this is a calculated risk. It’s been years since I was on Terra. Not even ComStar will have kept guards ready to intervene. They are bound to have grown lax. And if there’s trouble, all I need to do is get away long enough to fall asleep and return.”

“You can’t sleep in the middle of a fight!” Nastajia put both her hands on her hips and bared her teeth. “Not even Felicity managed that, no matter her claims to the contrary!”

Felicity, Kelly noted, wasn’t protesting. But… Kelly sighed. “Drugs, she said. “Take drugs that can put you to sleep almost instantly.”

“Knocking himself unconscious won’t help,” Nastajia retorted. With a glare, she added: “He tried that, literally, when he was younger.”

“Hey! I was testing a hypothesis!”

“You were hurting yourself!”

“I wasn’t talking about knock-out drugs,” Kelly explained. “But I’m somewhat familiar with various drugs. There are enhanced sleeping pills that would manage to force Alex to sleep, I believe. Although I cannot say how quickly that would work.”


“Well, let’s test it!” Alex smiled at her.

“I will test them,” Kelly said. “I can claim I have trouble sleeping now. It won’t be a bother.” And it was the least she could do if Alex was willing to risk his life for Cat and her.

Nastajia nodded. Alex opened his mouth, but an elbow from Nastajia shut him up.

“But,” Kelly went on, “what are you going to do if you get away from any ComStar surveillance?”

Alex smiled widely at her. “Why, go to ComStar, of course, and send a priority message! After I recovered some of the funds that my illustrious ancestors have hidden away on Terra.”

Nastajia elbowed him again.

Royal Palace, Unity City, Dreamland, December 7th, 3049

“See? It works!” Alex beamed at a glaring Nastajia. “Kelly tested it and she went out like a light in a few seconds!”

Kelly didn’t duck her head, but she kept quiet. She wasn’t about to draw any more attention to her than absolutely necessary when Nastajia was angry. The elven archer wasn’t quite as… generous in assigning guilt like Mother was when it came to threats to her friends and family, but why tempt fate?

Nastajia crossed her arms. “Kelly tested her own drugs. We don’t have them available here.”

“We can synthesise them. “ Alex waved his hand. “Nothing to it. Unity University is the best in the Star League.”

“The best in Dreamland,” Nastajia countered. “That doesn’t mean we can easily copy the work of Kelly’s scientists.”

“We’ve got more people. More funds. More educated people,” Alex said. “Anything the Confederation - or even ComStar - can do, we can do better!”

Kelly smiled politely. While not flattering, it was the truth. That didn’t mean she had to like it. Then again, Alex was a child of Terra, but he showed no malice or arrogance. Kelly knew what arrogance looked like. “We don’t have the formula,” she pointed out. She had the documentation - in her room. Other than your sleepwear, nothing you held or touched was carried over when you entered Dreamland. Unless you wore Alex’s special code key.

“But you’ve seen the formula and wrote most of it down,” Alex said. “A few more nights, and you’ll have enough for our scientist.”

Felicity chuckled. “And it’ll be good for them to have something to do. Who knows what else they might come up with if they are bored?”

Nastajia winced at that, then glared at the catgirl. “We know what they can concoct.”

Felicity’s eyes widened, and her tail dropped. “Right.”

Kelly pressed her lips together. They were talking about the usurper’s regime. Before Alex had toppled him. That had been before her time. It hadn’t been as bad as Amaris’s coup - not nearly as bad - but the things some people had invented...

“Anyway,” Alex spoke up with a wide smile. “We’re one step closer to contacting Cat. That calls for a celebration. A private one,” he quickly added with a glance at Nastajia.

“Yes. We don’t want any rumours that the First Lord is addicted to drugs,” she told him.

“What’s eating you?” Felicity asked, contorting herself so she was on her back and looking at them with her head hanging over the edge of her seat. “You’re usually not as high-strung.”

That was correct, Kelly knew. Nastajia was generally more serious and stern than Alex or Paddington, much less Felicity or Kiwi. ‘Someone has to be’, as she usually claimed. And she was effectively Alex’s right hand, his XO. But this was a little much even for her.

The elf sighed and sat down in her favourite seat. “Children from the Periphery have been talking about attacks on their homes. We’re still collecting the locations - many of them don’t even know the name of their planet - but the attacks they describe match the Nightmare Horde.

Kelly pressed her lips together while Felicity hissed.

“So, they’re coming to invade the Inner Sphere,” Alex said. “That makes it even more urgent to contact Cat.”

“Indeed,” Kelly agreed. And she would have to think of the best way to warn her family.

The Triad, Tharkad City, Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth, December 24th, 3049

Watching the lavishly decorated Christmas tree in the throne room, which dwarfed even the two Griffins serving as guards, Cat couldn’t help sighing. Her second Christmas in a row without Kelly. Granted, she had woken up one day before Christmas, but still! After almost one year, she should’ve found a way to contact Kelly!

Instead, she was stuck celebrating Christmas with her family and, oh, about a quarter of the nobility of the Federated Commonwealth. Most of them useless wastes of space. Idiots who thought she was a sheltered debutante who’d fall for the first attractive young nobleman - or noblewoman - courting her. Hell, even if she were a naive girl who was still recovering from her coma, did they really think her parents would let her fall for such a wastrel? Mum and Dad would send anyone trying to manipulate her to the most desolate planet in the Commonwealth. That was evident by the man she’d been partnered with for the evening.

“Feeling melancholic?”

She snorted as she turned to face Kai. “Frustrated is more like it,” she said.

“Not because of me, I hope,” he said with a shy smile. “It wasn’t my idea to be your escort.”

No, because you aren’t the Liao I want to spend Christmas with. She didn’t say that, of course. Instead, she sighed again. “Kai… telling a girl that you’re only spending time with her because of orders isn’t a good way to earn any brownie points.”

He blushed a little. “I’m not under orders!” He cleared his throat. “Your parents asked me to keep you company, and I agreed.”

She raised her eyebrows at him and cocked her head slightly to the side. “And those weren’t orders?”

“It was a request. A request I gladly agreed to, even if I didn’t think of it myself,” he protested.

She nodded in return. She could believe that. Kai was a great MechWarrior, very attractive, if you liked boys, and as smart as you expected the child of Dad’s chief spymaster to be. But he was a little too shy for his own good. “And so you dumped the girl of your dreams to spend the evening playing bodyguard.”

“What girl of my dreams?” He scoffed. “Besides, if I am with you, I won’t get accosted by the golddiggers amongst the guests.”

Cat snorted again. “Don’t tell me you can’t handle a debutante.”

“I can. But I would prefer to spend Christmas Even having fun.”

“I’m sorry, but they won’t allow us to borrow the guards’ ‘Mechs. I already asked.” She laughed when his eyes widened in brief surprise.

“That’s your idea of fun?” He shook his head. “I heard you couldn’t wait until you would be allowed to enter the Academy, but I didn’t really…” He trailed off.

She shrugged. “They only let me do simulations.” Then she beamed at him. “Of course, if you took me on a tour in your ‘Mech, and then let me pilot it…”

He took a step back. “What? No!”

“Please?” She imitated Felicity’s best pleading expression.

He blushed again. “No! Besides, it’s not my ‘Mech, it’s the AFFC’s! And it’s a Hatchetman - I thought you wanted a Victor?”

She sighed once more. “I would take a Wasp as long as I could actually take it out of the hangar.” Simulations just weren’t the same. And she knew her brain could handle it, no matter what some overly cautious quack claimed.

“Well, you can start training next year,” Kai said.

“I wish,” Cat muttered. “And I didn’t get a ‘Mech for Christmas, either.”

“A ‘Mech for Christmas?”

“I missed ten birthdays and Christmases,” she explained. “That should be enough to get me a ‘Mech.” Hell, it’s not as if Mum and Dad couldn’t afford one!

Kai chuckled. “Well, I think you’ll have to be content with receiving a ‘Mech once you finish your training.”

Cat clenched her teeth. She was a veteran, damn it! An officer in the SLDF! Not that anyone here knew that - or would believe her. Her simulator results weren’t enough. She forced herself to sigh. “That’s another four years.” She couldn’t wait so long to get Dragonslayer back! And Kelly… She had to find a way to get back with Kelly!

“They will pass quickly once you’re at an academy. You’ll be so busy, you’ll wish you had more time.”

She’d doubted that - she’d gone through boot camp already. “This is so frustrating.”

Kai shrugged in response. “We’ve all gone through it. And compared to others, we’re very privileged.”

Cat sighed. Kai must be thinking that she was some spoiled little girl unwilling to put in the work to become a MechWarrior. And she couldn’t correct him. Great. Perhaps she really should look for a child who was still visiting Dreamland… No. That would make her look crazy rather than spoiled.

So, what could she… She narrowed her eyes. Was that Precentor Tharkad walking towards her?

It was. Cat tensed for a moment before reminding herself that she had the best protection detail available. If the man meant her any harm, he would never have been let into the Triad, let alone near her. The Steiner-Davions hadn’t forgotten how ComStar had interfered in the 4th Succession War and the War of 3039.

But officially, everything was fine, so she smiled at the man. “Precentor.” She inclined her head. No need to be overly polite, though.

“Princess Steiner Davion.” If the man took offence at her slight, his perfect courtier’s bow didn’t show it. “Lord Allard-Liao.” A slightly smaller bow followed before he turned back to Cat. “I have a message for you.”

What? “I wasn’t aware that delivering messages was part of your duties,” she replied. Unless it was a message from ComStar itself. But why would they want to contact her? Unless, she thought with a sinking feeling, they know what has happened to Kelly and me.

“Oh, as Blessed Blake said, we should never forget that ComStar’s primary duty is to connect people. Personally delivering a message is a good reminder of that.” He smiled in that fake way of his as he pulled an envelope out of his pocket and held it out to her.

She hesitated a moment. The security detail would have scanned the man, but they wouldn’t have searched him. And ComStar wouldn’t be as crazy as to attack her - even if they knew about Cat and Kelly, and Dreamland, they wouldn’t risk the retribution this would cause.

She took the envelope. “Still, to be delivered by you in person…” This must have cost a fortune. Her eyes widened a moment. Had Kelly managed to get an agent of the Maskirovka to send this? The handwriting on the envelope was unfamiliar, but that was to be expected. She quickly ripped it open, ignoring Kai’s wincing at her crude gesture. He was worse than Kelly about that.

She unfolded the letter inside and gasped before she could help it. It was a poem. Alex’s favourite poem. That meant… She blinked. What did it mean?

She had no idea.

“I hope it was good news,” the Precentor commented, not too subtly fishing for information.

“It’s a poem,” she told him and Kai, who stopped trying to get a peek at the letter.

“A secret admirer, then? I jest,” the Precentor said.

“It’s not signed,” she told him. It didn’t have to be,

“An anonymous letter?” Kai frowned. “And you delivered it?”

“Unfortunately, ComStar guarantees discretion to all our clients.”

She shrugged. “Well, if anyone spent so much money on anonymously sending me a poem, the least I can do is respect their wishes.” She folded the letter and was about to stuff it into her pocket when she remembered that her dress didn’t have any pockets.


Perhaps she could claim she was tired and retire so she could analyse the letter? No, that would make her look suspicious.

“I can...” Kai started to say, raising his hand, but Cat stuffed the letter into the top of her dress.


“Nothing.” He was smiling, apparently amused, but he was the son of Candace Liao and Dad’s spymaster. Whatever Cat had done would go straight by to her parents.

And she still had no idea what the poem meant.




  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #15 on: 26 December 2021, 15:07:22 »
The Triad, Tharkad City, Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth, December 25th, 3049

The enemy ’Mech was caught out in the open. No more buildings to hide behind. No more rocks to provide cover. No more trees to conceal it. Just a plain field between her Victor and the enemy.

Cat bared her teeth and kicked her ‘Mech into a run, charging her enemy. She just had to cross half a click and she would be able to bring her Pontiac to bear and turn the damn enemy ‘Mech into scrap.

The enemy ‘Mech fired his own autocannon at her, hitting her square in the centre, large-calibre shells leaving the armour dented and broken.

She scoffed. She wasn’t piloting Dragonslayer, but she had armour to spare - especially on the torso. She could eat a few more volleys without trouble. And the enemy ‘Mech wasn’t even trying to fall back and keep its distance! Hah! Almost in range...

The Hatchetman rose into the air. Cat cursed as it ruined her aim and raised her ‘Mechs arm. The enemy was…

Jumping towards her? Her eyes widened as she tried to compensate, stopping her ‘Mechs mad charge. She just needed one volley! And the enemy was coming straight at her! She couldn’t miss it! Clenching her teeth, she centred her crosshairs on its torso and squeezed the trigger.

But the Hatchetman somehow twisted in the air - firing the jump jets independently to change direction! Not much, just enough to make her miss its torso and hit its left arm instead, which was ripped clean off by the full salvo from her Pontiac, followed by her lasers stabbing into the left torso and her SRMs going… anywhere, actually. Damn!

Any other ‘Mech caught like that, with its jump jets firing, should have been blown out of the sky, smashing into the ground.

Not this one, though. She saw the one-armed form twist in the air, come down on both legs - and charge her! Another autocannon volley ripped into her torso while her own still cycled, her two lasers missed the gap in its armour and melted metal over its torso. And then it was in her face, hatchet rising as it ducked under her wild swing…

...and the blade cleaved into her ‘Mech’s torso, slicing into her gyro.

Her Victor froze, and the last thing she saw before the screen went dark was the ground coming up.

Cat closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down. Four matches. Four straight losses against a ‘Mech half the weight of hers! Urban combat, rocky hills, jungle fighting and now even plains arena. She clenched her teeth. How did Kai do it? How did he keep beating her? She was a combat veteran! She had taken on Horde ‘Mechs!

Another few deep breaths and she opened the hatch of the simpod some past Archon had installed in the Triad centuries ago and climbed out. “Congratulations,” she said. The words tasted like ashes in her mouth - at least, that’s what Kelly would say. Cat just called it losing. But that wasn’t the worst about this.

“You fought well, Katherine. You almost had me at the end - with a bit of luck, that last salvo would have cored my ‘Mech. And if you hadn’t slipped on the pavement in the first match, I doubt I would have lasted long enough to win.” Kai smiled at her.

No, the worst was that Kai was so incredibly nice about it and meant it. So she couldn’t even be mad at him.

Worst Christmas ever.

Royal Palace, Unity City, Dreamland, December 25th, 3049


“Tag you’re it!”

“No fair!”


“Make me!”

Kelly, freshly clad in her uniform and about to leave her room, had to take a hasty step back to avoid getting bowled over by a bunch of enthusiastic little children apparently playing tag in the hallways. Well, they had disappeared around the corner, so now it should be...

“Watch out!”


“Coming through!”

Kelly ducked her head under a trio of young faeries that flew past in a chaotic tumble of shifting formations. She didn’t complain or yell at them - it would’ve been pointless. The little ones rarely cared and even less frequent remembered admonishments. Especially if no one had been hurt.

Sighing, she closed the door and started to make her way to the ballroom. She had to dodge another running bunch of screaming children, their mouths smeared with ice cream and chocolate pudding, but reached the door without stumbling over or into anyone.

The two rock giants standing guard in power armour, as tall as Kelly’s Song Jiang, saluted as she stepped through the open, ‘Mech-sized doors. The ballroom was packed with officers, nobles and delegates from all the planets and people of Dreamland. And children. Many, many children. Christmas was the most important holiday in Dreamland thanks to them, after all, and they took advantage of that to gorge themselves on cake and sweets while waiting for Alex, dressed up as Santa Claus, to hand out their presents. Alex and Nastajia, dressed as one of Santa Claus’s elves.

Kelly grinned at the sight, though she knew better than to joke about it. Nastajia loathed this part of the celebration. Most elves did, actually. But there was no helping it - kids expected Santa Claus to have elves. Or so Alex claimed. He probably just liked the stern Nastajai to loosen up a little. Which she generally did after a bottle or two worth of eggnog.

Well, it was no skin off her butt, as Cat would say. Kelly snagged a plate with finger food and a flute of champagne and started circulating around the room. Alex and Nastajia would be busy for the next hour or two, and Paddington was showing off a new dance move on the giant-proofed part of the dance floor, but Felicity and Kiwi were at the buffet, plundering the fish and cake stocks, respectively.

Kelly smiled as she walked over to them, dodging a few more children who mistook dancing for flailing their arms and turning in circles. It was chaotic and loud - terribly loud, with half the children yelling and screaming at any moment - but it was also great. And she didn’t have to watch her back here. She had missed this. Missed it terribly.

If only Cat were here with her, then this would be a perfect Christmas.

The Triad, Tharkad City, Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth, December 26th, 3049

Cat sighed as she stared at the poem she had received. What did it mean? It had to mean something; Alex wouldn’t send her just a poem. He wouldn’t risk returning to Terra just for that. At least, Nastajia wouldn’t let him do it.

There must be a message hidden in the poem. Hidden so well, only she would be able to decipher it.

Hidden a little too well, she thought, clenching her teeth with frustration. She had no idea what the message was. They really should have exchanged some codes before leaving, even though there was no way she would’ve been able to bring a one-time pad back with her. On the other hand, any code that she would be able to remember would likely be cracked by LIC or MIIO. And that wouldn’t be a good thing. Well, it depended on what Alex’s message was. If he was counting on his encryption being impossible to defeat…


She grabbed the message again. She had heard the poem before, and it looked perfect, but… She used her pad to run a quick search for the poem, then compared the two versions. Yes. There were subtle differences. ‘That’ instead of ‘which’. ‘One’ instead of ‘A’. So, the poem she had received had been changed compared to the original. But what did the changes mean? How could she decrypt them? She had never studied encryption techniques, other than that lesson at the academy, and that had been a simple exercise.

She blinked. An exercise in encrypting and decrypting messages with the help of other texts who’d serve as cypher.

She muttered a few curses Kelly would scold her for. Alex expected her to remember the damn cypher from an exercise she had five years ago? There were words for people like him! None of them polite!

What had been the stupid poem they had used to help remember the cypher? Something about a sunset and chocolate. When the sun’s set, chocolate you get? No, that was a stupid advertising jingle. Ah, yes!

The sun is setting. The children are safe at home. Chocolate is melting

Cat still thought that this was a Kuritan advertising line. But it could serve as a cypher. Provided she still remembered the code derived from it. And if she used it only once, it should be safe enough.

But she had to do it all in her head, or her parents’ intelligence services would find out about it.

She sighed. This was such a pain! But it was her best chance to meet Kelly again. And the rest of her friends. She had done worse in training - the staff members at the academy were sadists. She could do this. She had to do this.

An hour later, she wanted to curse. What kind of message was ‘Meriandreoxyn’?

The Triad, Tharkad City, Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth, December 27th, 3049

“Katherine. Please sit down.”

Cat suppressed a frown. Mum and Dad were smiling at her, sitting next to each other on the couch in the living room in Mum’s suite here. It looked harmless, but they were too tense for a simple talk about next year - she could tell.

She still sat down, with her back straight and her head held high. Kelly would approve. Then she twisted and dropped one leg over the armrest of her armchair. “You said you wanted to talk?”

Mum frowned a little. Good. So it couldn’t be too serious.

“Yes.” Dad nodded, then glanced at Mum.

And Cat’s stomach started to drop again. Dad was never so cagey unless it was something bad. Or something that would make Mum mad. But Mum was here with him. Damn.

“We’re very happy to see how much progress you’ve made since you woke up,” Mum said. “And we’re very impressed by how much you learned and by the talent for piloting a ‘Mech that you’ve displayed. Very few people could’ve done the same.”

“Does that mean I get a Victor?” Cat blurted out. “For New Year’s?”

Mum and dad laughed, but it didn’t sound honest.

“It’s actually part of what we need to discuss,” Dad said. “You’ve shown skills in the simulator that, well… you didn’t learn.”

Oh! Cat refrained from wincing. “I’ve got talent,” she replied. “Everyone said so. I just know how to move in a ‘Mech.” Which was true - the instructors in Dreamland had said so as well.

“Oh, yes. But you also knew how to handle radios, identify ‘Mechs, and how to move a ‘Mech through rough terrain. Things that aren’t instinctual. Not without a lot of training,” Dad said.

Oops. Cat should have hidden her skills better. But it had been hard to hold back when she had finally been allied into real simulators. “I read up on everything.”

“Sometimes after the fact,” he replied.

Right. Cat was a MechWarrior, not a spy. She would make small mistakes like that.

Mum leaned forward. “Katherine… You know things you couldn’t know. And you’re not alone.”

Oh? Her eyes widened before she could control herself. Were they talking about Kelly?

They changed another glance. They had noticed her reaction. But they couldn’t know anything else. Cat cocked her head to the side. “What do you mean?”

“Kali Liao has been in the same coma as you were,” Dad said. “We haven’t been able to pinpoint the exact time and date, but what we know closely matches your, ah, coma.”

“Oh.” Of course, they would know about that. Cat had been stupid to expect anything else.

Dad leaned forward. “And while she hasn’t shown any talent as a MechWarrior, she has shown remarkable knowledge about Star League caches and bases.”

Cat blinked. Kelly hadn’t shown any talent as MechWarrior? Either MIIO and LIC had failed - which was possible; the Maskirovka was amongst the best intelligence agencies - or Kelly had deliberately hidden her skill. And the Star League knowledge… Why would she share this? Other than loyalty to her realm and family, probably.

She bit her lower lip at the thought. What if Kelly had chosen her family over Cat? She had a sinking feeling in her stomach. Kelly wouldn’t do that. Not after all the time they had spent together! She had to trust her.

But Mum was nodding. “Yes. And you’ve demonstrated knowledge about ‘Mechs and tactics that you couldn’t have learned since you’ve woken up.”

Damn. Cat clenched her teeth. How could she get out of this? If her parents knew what she knew and could do, she’d… Oh. She put her hands on her knees and lowered her head. “I was afraid you’d send me to the loony bin if I told you what I knew.”

“Oh, Katherine!” Mum moved to her and wrapped her arms around her. “We’d never do that!”

Cat had some doubts about that - especially since Dad nodded just a little belatedly. But it felt good to be hugged by Mum.

“So… what happened?” Dad asked after Mum released her.

Cat took a deep breath. “I dreamt. Of ‘Mechs and war. I piloted a Victor.”

“And that’s how you learned to pilot a ‘Mech?” Mum asked. Dad looked a little sceptical.

“Yes. I learned it while dreaming,” Cat replied. “I went through training.” Proper training, too. Once they had stayed in Dreamland, of course.

“Did you… did you dream that you were older?” Mum asked, after another glance to Dad.

Cat frowned. Why was that important? “No,” she said.

“And you learned how to pilot a ‘Mech?” Mum frowned.

“Many children from MechWarrior families start early,” Dad reminded her.

“But at her age?” Mum wasn’t happy. Cat didn’t know why. Knowing how to pilot a ‘Mech was a good thing! “And you dreamt of war?”

Oh, that. Right, Mum wouldn’t like that. “We were attacked in our dreams,” Cat told her. “By the same ‘Mechs that Aunt Nondi showed me! The same ‘Mechs that destroyed the Kell Hounds’ battalion!”

Uh. Mum frowned at her. “The Kell Hounds are an elite unit. The odds that they were destroyed are low.”

“They are long overdue!” Cat protested. “And the Nightmare Horde are elite MechWarriors too! And they have better ‘Mechs!”

“You think they were attacked by the enemies from your dreams?” Dad didn’t believe her. Not with that face.

“Not the same that we fought in our dreams. We beat them. But their real-life counterpart,” Cat told him.

“Who fought them with you?” Dad asked. “Our, ah, ‘counterparts’?”

“No. The SLDF, First Royals,” Cat replied at once.

“The SLDF?” And Mum looked sceptical as well. “With General Kerenski?”

“No. With Alexander Cameron,” Cat told them, clenching her teeth again. “The First Lord of the Star League. In Dreamland.”

“Ah.” Another glance to Dad. And both looked… worried.

“You received a mysterious message for Christmas. A poem,” Dad said.

“That was from Alex,” Cat said. “His favourite poem.”

“So, you met him in your dream, and then he sent you a message from Terra?” Mum looked very worried now.

“And what does the poem mean?” Dad asked.

“I don’t know,” Cat said. In for a penny, in for a pound, as Felicity liked to say. “What does ‘Meriandreoxyn’ mean?

“‘Meriandreoxyn’?” Dad asked. “That wasn’t in the poem.”

“It was an old code we used in the SLDF,” Cat explained.

“Ah.” Dad pressed his lips together.

And Cat understood. They thought she was… well, crazy, compromised or both.

So much for ‘the truth shall set you free’. If Kelly heard about this, she’d never let her forget it.

Forbidden City, Sian, Capellan Confederation, January 5th, 3050

Kelly schooled her features as she approached the dining room. Mother had been in a good mood when she had announced a family dinner, but she had a mercurial temperament. If anything had happened since the call to annoy her, she wouldn’t be in a forgiving mood.

And Kelly wasn’t in any position to risk earning her mother’s ire. So she entered with a smile - warmer than merely polite, of course, but not outrageous. Nothing that would cause observers to wonder what might have put her into such a good mood. Or what she might be hiding under her facade. Not that her brother wouldn’t be wondering, anyway. Wondering and plotting, of course - it seemed to be everything Sun-Tzu was doing these days.

If she had grown up on Sian instead of in Dreamland, would she have grown up like him? Kelly hoped she would have turned out better.

A servant opened the door. Kelly didn’t acknowledge either her or the two guards - that would only make more people wonder about their loyalties.

“Good evening, Mother. Father.” She nodded at her parents then walked to her seat. This was a family dinner, after all, so she didn’t have to be overly formal. It shouldn’t be overly formal, either.

“Kali, dear!” Mother smiled widely at her. So, she was in a good mood. Father was more reserved but also smiling.

That meant there hadn’t been any bad news. Kelly sat down, automatically smoothing her silk robes to avoid them getting wrinkled.

“I have the best news!” Mother announced.

Kelly couldn’t help but glance at the empty seat of her brother.

“Oh, Sun-Tzu already knows.” Mother waved her hand. “Your rival suffered an ‘episode’,” she went on with a gleeful expression. “Katherine Steiner-Davion has been withdrawn from public, and her security has been increased quite significantly.”

Kelly felt her stomach drop but kept herself from reacting other than tilting her head and asking, in as calm a voice as she could manage: “An episode?”

“Yes. They didn’t announce it, of course, but your father’s operatives found out that the Palace on Tharkad has hired more psychologists.” Mother’s smile grew even wider, and her perfect teeth flashed in the slightly dimmed light. “It seems whatever you are handling so expertedly was too much for her mind.”

“Oh.” Cat had a breakdown? Or something worse? Or… She had been caught using the drug that Alex’s message had been about? In any case, it was bad news. Very bad. “Was this confirmed?” Kelly asked, forcing herself to keep smiling.

“We’re working on it,” Father told her. “But it’s a very delicate operation, and we cannot risk our best operatives rashly.”

“Yes. They need to be ready should we have to eliminate the girl,” Mother added. “We cannot risk Hanse Davion getting access to such an asset.”

Kelly nodded again in apparent agreement, but it took a great deal of effort. They wanted to kill Cat! For being a critical asset to the Steiners and Davions!

Like she was for her own house.

Before she could word a suitable comment, Sun-Tzu entered the room, apologising to their parents for being late - even though he wasn’t late at all.

“Did you tell Kali about her rival’s fate already?” he asked as he sat down.

“I’ve just informed Kali,” Mother replied.

And Kelly’s brother smiled with such fake warmth at her that Kelly was torn between the urge to run and the urge to shoot him. At least in the leg.

What was his game? What did he know?

The Triad, Tharkad City, Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth, January 7th, 3049

Left hook. Turn with the blow. Raise the arm, grab your hand and reverse, striking with the left elbow. Turn with the blow, drop down in a crouch, and pivot, sweeping the legs… Well, passing underneath the punching bag.

Cat sighed as she got up and walked over the mat to her towel. Half a dozen people in the gym tracked her with their eyes, and she knew it wasn’t because she was wearing tight exercise clothes. No, they were keeping an eye on her so she wouldn’t do anything crazy. Like trying to run away. Or steal a ‘Mech. Or get some Capellan experimental drug so she could finally see her friends in Dreamland again. Which her stupid parents refused to accept existed.

She wiped some sweat from her face then let the towel conceal her face while she scowled. She shouldn’t have told them anything. They didn’t even trust her about the Horde - even though they knew about Kelly finding Star League caches.

And now she was stuck. And stupid Victor would probably be killed by the Horde once they launched their invasion because he was too close to the border and had no clue about the Horde. Well, he should have a clue - she sent him a message warning him. Or tried to have it sent; Dad had told her something about making sure it reached Victor, but not that he had actually sent it.

Damn. Damn! DAMN!

She kicked out against the wall - the padded section, of course. She wasn’t about to break her foot out of frustration - ignored the covert security detail’s reaction and stomped off to her room.

This sucked. This really sucked. At least once the Horde struck, Mum and Dad would have to admit that she was telling the truth. But that would mean a lot of dead people. Like Phelan. Victor...

She slammed her door behind her. Stupid parents. Stupid family. Stupid whatever. She couldn’t even talk to Aunt Nondi since Nondi was off to visit some troops.

She let herself fall on the bed, not bothering to change clothes, and closed her eyes. If only she had the drug she needed to see her friends again. To see Kelly again...

The Triad, Tharkad City, Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth, January 12th, 3049

“...and Katherine hasn’t attempted to leave the Triad or contact anyone,” Justin Allard-Liao finished his report.

“Thank you, Justin,” Melissa told him with a smile that would have fooled most people. But Justin knew her well enough to be able to tell that she wasn’t happy about his report, despite the apparent good news.

He nodded at her anyway and closed his notepad before sticking it under his left arm.

“Yes, thank you,” Hanse told him.

“Please sit down.” She nodded at the couch across from the one she and Hanse were occupying.

Justin repressed the sudden, silly urge to flee and sat down. He had faced worse crises than two parents anxious about her child. He hadn’t faced many more dangerous people than the First Prince and the Archon, though. Except for an angry Maximillian Liao, of course.

“So, Katherine has acted as she would, if her… tale… were true,” Melissa said, biting her lower lip. It made her look both younger and more vulnerable, in Justin’s opinion.

“Yes,” he replied. After a moment’s hesitation, he added: “The members of her security detail and the additional agents we’ve placed around her are certain that she is aware of most of them, though.” They deserved to hear the truth.

Melissa sighed. “I know she can’t have been… manipulated. She was under observation her whole life.”

But she also couldn’t have learned what she knew. Unless, of course, she had told them the truth. Or something else that was as impossible as a ‘Dreamland’ where the Star League still existed and which you could only reach as a child in your dreams. Justin nodded anyway.

Hanse sighed and stood up, heading to the bar in the salon.

“If we find out who did this to our little girl…” Melissa said.

“I’ve started looking into the identity of this ‘Alex Cameron’,” Justin said, “but since the message was sent from Terra, our options are limited.” They hadn’t many agents on Earth and none who were highly placed in ComStar. ROM wasn’t as perfect as some people claimed, but they were amongst the best spy agencies in the Inner Sphere.

“Damn ComStar!” Hanse spat as he filled a glass with cognac. “What are the odds they’re behind this?”

“Low odds, I think,” Justin told him. “If they were behind this, they would never have broken their cover by having the Precentor Tharkad deliver the message.”

“It could be a double-bluff,” Hanse said, taking a sip from his glass before he sat down again.

“If they can brainwash our little girl while she is in a coma, they could probably contact her through the same method - or they would have taught her how to contact them without us noticing,” Melissa pointed out.

That was true, of course. But Justin, with over twenty years of experience in the intelligence business, knew that new operations went as planned - and fewer were perfectly planned to begin with. Yet, Melissa was correct - if ROM was behind this, they would’ve been more subtle.

“Who else could it be?” Hanse asked, gesturing with his free hand. “If Liao or Kurita could do this, they would have done more. They would have gone after Victor.”

The heir. “Or Sun-Tzu,” Justin added. The heir to the Capellan Confederation.

“Get your hooks into the second in line and then get rid of the heir. Oldest trick in the book,” Hanse retorted. But Justin could tell that he wasn’t really convinced of this.

And so could Melissa. She shook her head. “We need to focus on how to help her. We can’t let her… stay like this. She believes what she told us!”

Justin nodded - Katherine definitely believed her story. All the psychologists agreed. “Dr Baker has applied for a transfer to Tharkad,” he pointed out. The man had been treating Katherine before she had woken up.

“I don’t trust him,” Hanse said.

“He has been vetted,” Justin told him - not for the first time. “His notes contain theories about Katherine’s talents, but our analysts agree that while he hid them, he did so to protect his reputation since his earlier, less daring theories were rejected by his colleagues. Often scornfully.”

“He thinks she might be telling the truth,” Melissa said.

That the doctor did; Justin knew that - the man had quoted Holmes at his agents. “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth,” he said, almost against his will.

Hanse sighed. “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” He looked at Melissa. “Morgan,” he added.

Melissa pressed her lips together. “It’s not the same.”

“No, it isn’t. But it’s inexplicable as well,” Hanse said. He took a deep breath. “I think we should let her try the drug. Let me finish,” he said, holding up his hand as Melissa opened her mouth. “The drug is, as far as we can tell, harmless. And Katherine will be under observation - a team of doctors ready to intervene. Full security. The whole wing sealed off.”

Melissa, though, wasn’t convinced. “You know what she claimed - she would be able to enter Dreamland. Or so she hopes. Even though it’s supposed to be impossible, according to her own words. So, we give her Meriandreoxyn, and then what? She falls asleep and dreams? How exactly will that help us help her?”

“It will allow us to regain her trust,” Hanse pointed out.

Melissa recoiled, her eyes widening for a moment before glaring at Hanse.

But Justin doubted that she had an answer to that. Hanse would get his way. Justin only hoped that this scheme wouldn’t backfire on them.

« Last Edit: 16 January 2022, 04:13:23 by Starfox5 »


  • Lieutenant General
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  • Posts: 37785
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #16 on: 26 December 2021, 18:45:23 »
Hanse, still the perfect schemer!  8)

idea weenie

  • Major
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #17 on: 26 December 2021, 20:04:56 »
The other key fun is if Cat and Kelli manage to talk in Dreamland, it will be a form of communications that Comstar can't tap.  Depending on the two locations, it might actually be faster than HPG, just not as much capacity (since it is only what one person can remember).

Imagine what could be done if some of the heirs could contact each other in Dreamland and use that for back-channel communications between the House Lords.  Or at least faster communications between Tharkad and New Avalon, so the right supplies are sent up to fight the Clans.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #18 on: 27 December 2021, 07:44:12 »
Hanse, still the perfect schemer!  8)

Maybe not as perfect as he thinks he is :P

The other key fun is if Cat and Kelli manage to talk in Dreamland, it will be a form of communications that Comstar can't tap.  Depending on the two locations, it might actually be faster than HPG, just not as much capacity (since it is only what one person can remember).

Imagine what could be done if some of the heirs could contact each other in Dreamland and use that for back-channel communications between the House Lords.  Or at least faster communications between Tharkad and New Avalon, so the right supplies are sent up to fight the Clans.

Well, the problem is that they have to sleep for that - black boxes would likely be faster. Not to mention that if Melissa and Hanse find out who is Cat's partner, the odds of trusting her with sensitive intel become zero...


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #19 on: 07 January 2022, 16:13:58 »
I've finished the draft for chapter 4, and I wanted to ask if anyone would like to give it a read-through to spot mistakes and plot holes.


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #20 on: 07 January 2022, 16:16:11 »
Sure, why not... the weekend is here...   ::)


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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #21 on: 07 January 2022, 16:42:54 »
Thanks! Sent you 3 PMs with the chapter (had to split it).


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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #22 on: 07 January 2022, 16:47:14 »
Rog, I'll get them back to you as I'm able (my wife is in rant mode at the moment)...


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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #23 on: 07 January 2022, 23:30:51 »
Pretty good so far- thanks for sharing!
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #24 on: 10 January 2022, 15:07:35 »
A big thank you goes to Daryk and Knowledgeispower for checking out the chapter!

Chapter 4: Breaking Out

‘Few things are worse than knowing that your family is plotting the death of your love, yet not knowing how to prevent it. At the time I was told about my mother’s plans, I had no means to warn Cat. Not without revealing my true loyalties to my family - a course of action with fatal consequences. This, more than anything else, made me finally understand that I had no future in the Capellan Confederation. Not under the rule of my mother or my brother, at least. For all that matters, I had grown up in the Star League in Dreamland. But knowing so didn’t mean that I could do anything about it. At least not at the time.’
Collected Writings of Kali “Kelly” Liao

‘Patient S-D has finally revealed what she knows about the origin of her special talents. Or what she thinks she knows. Her story about a ‘Dreamland’ sounds far more what a little girl developing supernatural mental abilities might imagine to explain what was going on in her mind during her coma. Just as eliminating the impossible led me to the correct answer to my question, no matter how improbable it seemed before Patient S-D confirmed it, I have to do the same when analysing these claims. And when applying Occam’s razor, the choice between a parallel world made of dreams - where the venerated Star League still exists - and the delusions of a psychic girl is clear.’
Private notes of M.D. Phil Baker, NAIS Medical Center, New Avalon, 3050

Forbidden City, Sian, Capellan Confederation, January 13th, 3050

“Are you glad that your rival - amongst the Steiner-Davions - will soon not be a concern any more?”

Kelly didn’t roll her eyes at her brother’s thinly-veiled hint. “I have trust in Mother’s decisions,” she lied. “But I am aware that neither Melissa Steiner nor Hanse Davion will skimp on the security for their daughter - even more so if they realise what an asset Katherine Steiner-Davion could be.”

“‘Could be’?” Sun-Tzu scoffed. “It does not behove us to underestimate our enemies. The man who almost ruined our realm twenty years ago is no fool. Hanse Davion will be aware of what a boon his daughter’s visions could be for his plans.”

Kelly allowed herself the hint of a sneer. “That depends on whether or not my so-called rival has actually the same gift I have. We know that she has a supernatural talent for piloting a ‘Mech - something I lack.” She hadn’t been foolish enough to reveal her skills to her family, at least.

Sun-Tzu frowned, looking puzzled, but whether or not that was merely a ploy to make her share more of her thoughts was hard to say.

In either case, Kelly nodded and went on. “I received a gift that will help our realm - and I was raised to care for our realm before anything else. The Davions praise their martial skills above all. What if this influenced her gift?” Her lips twisted into a subtle smile.

Sun-Tzus eyes widened for a moment. “You desired knowledge to guide and help the Confederation. She desired the skill to fight their enemies - in a ‘Mech.”

Kelly nodded again. “It is a possibility. Until we know more about my ‘rival’s’ talents, we cannot say with any certainty. But if her talents are limited to fighting as a common soldier, then any resources her family spends on her are effectively wasted. Soldiers are replaceable.”

Sun-Tzu nodded. “Indeed. What matters is knowledge and wisdom - to chart a course through treacherous waters.” He smiled, but it wasn’t a friendly smile.

Kelly had to talk to Alex and the others. She needed a way to warn Cat. Preferably one that wouldn’t get her killed. Or Alex.

The Triad, Tharkad City, Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth, January 14th, 3050

“I can take Meriandreoxyn?” Cat gasped before she could help herself, turning to fully face her father, who was standing in the middle of her room.

“Yes.” Dad nodded - he was still smiling, but she could see that her eagerness hadn’t gone unnoticed. “Although you shouldn’t expect too much - we’ve tested it with some volunteers. None of them experienced anything like you described.”

They wouldn’t have been in Dreamland as adults before. Cat was different. Alex wouldn’t have sent her a coded message with a drug name if the drug wouldn’t work. “Thank you, Dad,” she said, more calmly. She couldn’t help smiling, though. Finally, she would be able to see Alex and the others again! And Kelly - she was sure that Kelly was behind the drug; no one in Dreamland would have been able to test a drug like that, after all.

“You will be monitored, of course. A full medical team will be ready to intervene,” her father went on.

“Of course.” She didn’t expect anything else. Not that it mattered - she would be able to enter Dreamland again! Kelly would be waiting for her, and Dragonslayer! All she had to… Oh. Would it be night on Sian at the same time as on Tharkad? Damn! How could she check without raising suspicion? If she told her parents that she wanted to meet the daughter of the Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation… Wait. “Where’s Mum?”

“Melissa will come by a bit later,” Dad said.

She narrowed her eyes at him. He was just a little… “She doesn’t like this, does she?”

Dad sighed. “She agreed when I explained my reasoning.”

“And what was your reasoning?” Cat kept her glare up.

“We don’t want to lose you, Katherine. And…” He sighed again.

“You want to find out if I am delusional.” She pressed her lips together.

He grinned at her, and, for a moment, he looked like her brother when he was caught doing something he shouldn’t be doing. “Well, you have somehow, in your sleep, become a great MechWarrior. So, something happened to you that we cannot explain.”

“But you don’t believe in Dreamland.”

“I think if children visited, they would remember,” he replied.

“Do you remember your dreams?” she asked.

“Some.” He smiled again, with a gentle expression.

“Or you think you remember them.”

His eyebrows rose. “Did you just insinuate that memories of dreams might be made up?”

Damn! “It depends on the dreams. But Dreamland is real.” She was sure of it.

“Well, if you could make contact with someone in Dreamland, someone dreaming, and they could verify it…?”

“Do you know how difficult it is to find a child from Tharkad?” She shook her head. “I can try, but finding a visitor from Tharkad on Earth in Dreamland… I guess I could ask Alex for a passage to Tharkad in Dreamland, but that will take some time.”

“We’re not putting you into a coma. The drug won’t do that,” Dad said quickly. “It shouldn’t do that.” He looked alarmed.

“It won’t,” Cat told him, hoping she was correct. “But when I go to sleep, I return to where I was when I was last in Dreamland. This would be Earth in this case.”


“Unity City, to be exact. Well, Dreamland’s Unity City. It’s not quite the same.”

“So I gathered.”

But do you believe me? Cat didn’t ask out loud. And she certainly didn’t mention that she could ask Kelly to verify her claims.

“So, was Kali Liao there as well?” Dad asked, tilting his head slightly.

Cat froze for a moment. Dad’s casual question didn’t fool her. It was too obvious, anyway. “Yes,” she said, looking straight into his eyes.

“And you’ve met her.”

She rolled her eyes. “We were in the same regiment.” Still were - she hadn’t resigned her commission. “We trained together.” Fought together. Lived together.

“Ah.” Another far too casual comment.

She glared at him. “We’re friends.” There. She said it. Not that he wouldn’t have already suspected it anyway.

He nodded again, without saying anything. Waiting her out? Hoping she would talk to fill the silence?

She wasn’t falling for that. “So, when can I take the drug?” she asked instead with a wide smile.

He chuckled. “This evening.”

“You’ve been ready for this for some time,” she told him.

“Yes. A contingency.” He grinned, suddenly looking far younger. “I knew Melissa wouldn’t easily be swayed. And I had to consider the matter carefully myself. The implications, especially your friendship…”

“I can’t ask Kali to confirm Dreamland’s existence,” she told him. “That would put her at risk.” She pressed her lips together.

“From her family, you mean,” Dad said.


“Did she tell you about them?”

“You know how old we were when we met. We both had idealised views of our families.” She smiled, showing her teeth.

Once more, he chuckled. “Well, while neither Melissa nor I am perfect, I do think we have Romano Liao beat when it comes to parenting.”

“Unless Uncle Justin has been lying to you for decades in his reports about the Liaos, yes,” Cat agreed.

“Your friend will have spent over a year with her family by now,” Dad said.

Cat rolled her eyes. That was another not-so-subtle hint. “She won’t be fooled. Or brainwashed.” She stared at her father until he looked away. She trusted Kelly. With her life. Always.

An hour later, Cat watched with her mother how her bedroom was getting turned into a hospital room. Or a science lab - the difference hardly mattered with the number of devices that were rolled into her room and set up by people in white cloaks. It wasn’t quite as bad - or full - as at NAIS, but it came close.

Mum didn’t like this. Cat could tell by the way her smile was a little too wide and how she pressed her lips together when she thought Cat wasn’t looking at her. “It probably would’ve been easier if I had simply moved to the infirmary in the Triad for this,” Cat commented.

“This is safer,” Mum replied, turning to look at her. “By now, our enemies will suspect what’s happening to you.”

“How?” Cat asked, frowning. The Liaos might know since Kelly had been revealing some information from the Star League, and they had to know that Cat had been in a coma as well, for the same period as Kelly, but the others… “Oh. The parallels between Kali and me.”

“Yes. SAFE might not have realised it, although they are not as incompetent at espionage as their reputation makes them out to be. But the ISF will not have missed the source of the Confederation’s latest Lostech findings, and they will expect that you have the same knowledge as her,” Mum said. She had a grim expression.

“So, I have to watch out for DEST strike teams,” Cat said. “Wonderful.”

“We’ve doubled your security,” Mum told her.

“Why? I am a Steiner-Davion; I am already a target for the ISF,” Cat said. She was second in line to the throne - thrones - after Victor. Not that she would mention that now.

Mum sighed. “Dear, there are certain lines we don’t cross. Not rules, more… unwritten conventions. Assassinating the children of a ruler of a realm?” She shook her head. “Such an act would lead to retaliation and escalation. Everyone knows that.” Sighing, she sat down on the bed, next to a prepared infusion. “But if you are seen as a source for Lostech…”

“But we’ve recovered Star League technology,” Cat pointed out. “Technically, it’s not Lostech any more.”

“We’ve recovered parts of it. But who knows what secret laboratories have been researching that wasn’t available in libraries such as the one on Helm? What technology the Hegemony was saving for their special forces? Prototypes that the SLDF didn’t take with them when they left?” Mum shook her head. “You’re a target now.”

She wasn’t asking if Cat - or Kelly - could deliver such technology. She didn’t have to. Cat could draw her own conclusions. “I’m an asset of supposedly such importance, I’m fair game?”

“If they even attempt to hurt you, we’ll wipe them out,” Mum spat.

That was bad. That was very bad. With the Horde invasion about to happen, the last thing the Inner Sphere could afford was a war between the Federated Commonwealth and the Combine. Or the Confederation. And… Cat stifled a gasp. If she was a semi-legitimate target, then so was Kelly! She looked at Mum, who was staring at the monitors being set up along the wall. Would Mum send assassins after Kelly? To deny the Confederation such secret technology that she had mentioned? Would Dad?

She bit her lower lip. No, they couldn’t. They wouldn’t. Dad had all but confirmed that he knew that Kelly was her friend.

But a small voice in the back of her head whispered: ‘Yes, they would.’ She didn’t trust the voice - her parents were better than that; she knew that - but she couldn’t trust Kelly’s life on that. ‘And what about the other Liaos?’ the same voice asked. ‘Would they kill Kelly to save their own realm?’

Not Kai. But his father was Dad’s spymaster - and had been one of the main reasons for the Capellans’ defeat in the Fourth Succession War. And his mother was Romano Liao’s sister. The daughter of Max Liao. She had grown up on Sian, in the court.

No, Kelly was in as much - or more - danger than Cat was. And worse, if either got hurt, no matter who did it, war would likely break out. A war that would only help the Nightmare Horde.


Cat could only hope that the drug would work and she could enter Dreamland. She needed help to find a solution to this before everyone was doomed.

But for now, she could only wait, hug her Mum, and hope no one would suspect what she was thinking.

When the sun was setting, everything was ready. Cat had a light dinner - no one made the obvious ‘last meal’ joke - and then got ready for bed. She had almost asked for a combat uniform to sleep in but had remembered that appearing in an AFFC uniform in Unity City wouldn’t be a good idea. Kids appearing in the city, or even the palace, was one thing people were used to. Adults in unfamiliar uniforms? That would trigger a different response from the royal guards.

So she was wearing her usual top and shorts. ‘Mechwarrior pyjamas’, Kelly called it. Cat smiled - her friend preferred silk.

Wearing this also made it easier to glue all the sensors on her skin on which the horde of doctors and medics insisted. “I should just be wearing a neurohelmet,” she muttered as a third sensor was glued to her temple.

“That was actually suggested, your highness,” the medic fiddling with it told her. “But these sensors will gather more data.”

Cat sighed and glanced at the tray in the corner, where the drug waited. Not much longer now.

“Katherine…” Mum blinked, Cat saw, holding back tears.

“It’ll be OK,” Cat told her.

“We know,” Dad lied. He looked as if he had second thoughts himself.

Well, Cat knew better. This would work. This had to work.

“Everything checks out,” another medic reported. “We’re set, Your Highness.”

Mum nodded, and another medic - no, a doctor - brought the tray over. A glass of water and a pill. Sealed.

Cat broke the seal and popped the pill into her mouth without hesitation, then grabbed the glass, swallowing it with a gulp of water.

Then she lied back down, closing her eyes. And waiting. Waiting to…

Unity Field, Unity City, Dreamland, January 14th, 3050

Cat blinked. She wasn’t in her bed any more. She was standing … She looked around, and her eyes widened. She knew this field - Unity Field. She was in Dreamland! She could see the Royal Palace in the distance, overlooking the area, Unity City sprawling around it, the field itself, ‘Mechs moving too far away to identify them, the faint silhouettes of dropships waiting to lift off. She could feel the grass under her feet, smell the clean air, feel the sun on her skin… She was back.

In front of her, a little boy appeared out of thin air, wearing colourful pyjamas with the ComStar logo on them. He looked around, smiling widely. “Hey, Miss!”

She returned the smile. “Yes?”

“Where’s the Rainbow dropship?”

Cat blinked. “I don’t know, sorry.”

“Aw. My friends are waiting for me there. Well, I’ll head towards starport!” He quickly moved to the electrobikes lined up at the edge of the field. Before he reached them, another little boy and a little girl appeared, also quickly heading to the bikes.

A little later, all three were off, squealing with joy as they rode the vehicles over the field. “Probably future mechanised infantry,” Cat muttered as she eyed the bikes. They were far too small for her to use herself.

It looked like she would have to walk to the Royal Palace. Well, she wouldn’t let that stop her.

Royal Palace, Unity City, Dreamland, January 14th, 3050

“Cat!” “Cat!” “Hey!” “Caaaat!”

Alex and the others intercepted Cat halfway on the way to her and Kelly’s quarters in the palace, and Cat found herself swept off her feet and swung around by Alex before she could say anything, followed by Kiwi landing on her head and all but burrowing into her tousled hair.

At least Felicity and Nastajia greeted her less physically if still smiling widely.

“Took you long enough!” Felicity said, flashing her fangs. “Alex was all set to storm New Avalon.”

“I was not!” Alex protested from somewhere around Cat’s navel. He set her down and said: “I was just wondering what we could do if my plan had failed.”

“Well, obviously, it has worked,” Nastajia said. “Kelly will be very happy.”

Cat turned to glance down the hallway.

“She usually appears in about an hour,” Nastajia told her. “You’ve got plenty of time to freshen up.”

“I think she’s dressed perfectly fine for their reunion,” Felicity commented with a smirk.

Cat refused to blush. Everyone knew about their relationship - well, everyone in Dreamland. Or at least everyone in the Royal Palace. “Yes, your plan worked. But…” She sighed. “I had to tell Dad about Dreamland, so I wouldn’t get locked up in an asylum.”

“Ah.” Alex grew serious. “Well, it’s not the first time this happened.” He fingered the code key dangling from his necklace. “It’s not as if any adults could enter Dreamland.”

“I think Kelly’s presence, and now Cat’s, has disproven that,” Nastajia pointed out.

“They both were sleepwalkers,” Alex retorted. “Almost residents.”

“Dad had the drug tested with volunteers. They didn’t enter Dreamland - or so he claims,” Cat told them.

“See?” Alex smiled at them.

Nastajia rolled her eyes and sighed. “I’ll still put security on alert.”

“Of course, Nat.” Alex smiled at her, but she only snorted in return.

“So… I’m going to shower and dress appropriately,” Cat told them. “Alone!” she added when Kiwi didn’t show any desire to leave her head.

“Don’t mind me!” the faery told her.

“Do you want to get all wet? And soapy? I0m using grown-up shampoo,” Cat added. “It burns in the eyes.”

“But…” Kiwi left her hair, flew in front of Cat’s face and pouted. “I’ve been missing you for so long!”

“And so has Kelly,” Felicity said.


Cat smiled almost against her will. Kelly! In an hour, she’d see Kelly again. Hear her voice, Touch her skin, Smell her. Kiss her…

“That shower better be cold,” Felicity said with a giggle.

“Felicity!” Nastajia scolded her.

“What? As if you wouldn’t do the same if you saw Alex after having been separated for more than a year!”

Nastajia blinked, then blushed a little. “That’s beside the point.”

But Alex wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Come on, Nastajia! We’ll talk to them in two hours.”

Cat blushed again as both Felicity and Kiwi snickered. They were standing in the middle of the hallway! Alex’ bodyguards acted as if they didn’t hear anything, but she knew better.

“See you later,” she managed and headed to her and Kelly’s quarters.

Once inside her room, she closed the door and leaned against it, taking a deep breath. Her bedroom hadn’t changed at all. It was clean, but nothing was out of place - it was as if she had just left a moment ago.

After a moment of hesitation, she entered Kelly’s bedroom. Oh. She could smell a lingering trace of Kelly’s favourite perfume. And the room had changed a little. Different lotion on the dresser. A different brush as well.

She picked it up, noticing a few loose, dark hairs wrapped around it. Kelly’s hair.

She resisted the sudden urge to check the armoire. She had jogged a few miles; she really needed a shower. Nodding, she headed to her bathroom.

« Last Edit: 10 January 2022, 15:10:39 by Starfox5 »


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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #25 on: 10 January 2022, 15:08:53 »
Royal Palace, Unity City, Dreamland, January 14th, 3050

Someone was taking a shower in the bathroom next door, Kelly realised when she woke up in her bed in the Royal Palace. She had rolled out of the bed and grabbed her service pistol from the nightstand before she blinked. She wasn’t in her mother’s palace on Sian - she was in Dreamland. She didn’t have to fear assassins here. And what assassin would take a shower? Though as a distraction…

But the shower was in Cat’s room. Her eyes widened, and she hurried to the door - which wasn’t closed. Someone had been in her room. Once more, she was filled with dread for a moment before she told herself again that this was Dreamland, not Sian. If anyone was taking a shower in Cat’s bathroom, it would be…

She licked her lips and pushed the door open, checking the room before stepping inside. No one was present, and nothing had changed since her last visit. She couldn’t see any clothes strewn around on the way to the bathroom, either. Then again, even Cat wouldn’t sleep in full uniform - she didn’t even like the silk Pyjamas Kelly preferred.

Just as Kelly was about to approach the bathroom door - it was half-open as well - the noise from the shower stopped, replaced by footsteps and some sighing. Kelly froze.

Then a figure appeared in the doorway to the bathroom, a towel slung around her and another on her head, trying to dry her wet mane.

Even without seeing the girl’s face, Kelly recognised her. Would’ve recognised her even in a jumpsuit. “Cat…” she breathed.

Cat froze, and the towel on her head fell off. “Kelly…”

Kelly threw the pistol on Cat’s bed and rushed forward, arms wide open. “Cat!”


She embraced her friend, hugging her as hard as she could. Cat was back! In Dreamland! She had hoped, but to see her for real, to hold her, feel her… “You made it,” she whispered.

“Was there ever any doubt?” Cat laughed.

Normally, Kelly would have had some snarky comment about this boast. Or a slender elbow to her lover’s ribs. But she hadn’t seen Cat for over a year.

So she kissed her instead.

The second towel joined the first on the floor. The pistol dug into Kelly’s thigh when they ended up on the bed, and she had to twist her body to push off the sheets. Her pyjamas got damaged somehow and also dropped to the floor.

And they both needed a shower afterwards.

Kelly didn’t mind. Not at all.

Alex, Felicity and even Nastajia were grinning when Kelly entered Alex’s suite. Kiwi flew over, landed on Cat’s head and tried to bury into her hair.

“Took you longer than I thought,” Felicity commented. “It’s been a long year, huh?”

“Felicity!” Nastajia snapped.

“Just saying!”

“Your hair’s still wet!” Kiwi piped up.

“Come, sit down!” Alex said. “We have to celebrate this reunion!”

“More than they already did?”


Kelly shook her head as she sat down on the couch, Cat joining her. They both wore their dress uniforms. Kelly knew that Cat wanted to take Dragonslayer out for a stroll, but this was more important.

She cleared her throat. “We have things to discuss. Important things. My family is planning to have Cat assassinated.”

Alex gasped, but Nastajia didn’t seem to be surprised. Neither was Cat - Kelly could tell.

“And I’ve had to tell Mum and Dad about Dreamland,” her lover added. “And they know that I know Kelly.”

“Which means they won’t trust you,” Kelly said. No one trusted her family, and with good reason.

Cat shrugged. “You’re also in danger. As I heard from Dad, we both count now as important military assets, so taking us out is fair game.”

That was only logical. Kelly nodded. “In my attempts to prove my worth enough so I would be able to test drugs to return to Dreamland, I shared enough information about the SLDF to add more than a company of SLDF ‘Mechs to my mother’s forces.”

“You had to, or she would have never let you attempt to come back,” Alex said with a smile.

“And a company’s worth of ‘Mechs, even if they were Assault ‘Mechs, won’t affect the balance of power in the Inner Sphere,” Cat said. Kelly saw her blink. “Uh, were they Assault ‘Mechs?”

Kelly shook her head. “No. Twelve Hussars. Standard model.”

“Ah!” Cat nodded. “The misfiled scout company!”

They had heard of that story during training - replacement ‘Mechs for an entire scout company, lost in transit shortly before the Exodus. Forgotten by everyone, except for Dreamland’s SLDF.

“Yes,” Nastajia said, pursing her lips. “But as Cat said, they don’t really matter. You matter. And you both are in danger.”

“Yes. If your parents don’t trust Kelly’s family, they might cut you off from the drug you need to enter Dreamland,” Felicity commented.

Kelly felt Cat tense at that. “I won’t let them,” her lover said through clenched teeth.

“I think you overestimate your influence on your parents,” Nastajia said what Kelly was thinking.

“No. I mean, I won’t stay with them,” Cat said. “I can’t stay with them. If anything happens to me, Kelly’s mother will get the blame, and we’ll go to war - and that with the Nightmare Horde about to invade the Inner Sphere!”

Kelly’s eyes widened. “So, it’s true - the Nightmare Horde is attacking outside Dreamland.”

Cat nodded. “I’ve seen reports with their ‘Mechs, but no one believes me that those aren’t crappy Frankenmechs from the Periphery.”

“What are the chances that they can strike straight at Terra, as they did here?” Alex asked, leaning forward.

“If they could, they would have done so already,” Cat said. “They wouldn’t deal with Periphery pirates for months.”

Kelly nodded. Supplies and travel worked differently in Dreamland. Most children didn’t understand travel times. And most of them who did didn’t like them. “They will have to invade from the Periphery.”

“Where my brother’s stationed,” Cat added. “We need to do something about that.”

“Once the Nightmare Horde attacks the Federated Commonwealth, your parents will know you’ve told them the truth,” Alex said.

“And they’ll keep me from doing anything about it. And the other realms will consider me an even more important target,” Cat said. She shook her head. “I’m an officer and ‘MechWarrior, not some intel analysis weenie!”

“You want to fight them,” Nastajia said.

“I can tell my parents all I know about the Nightmare Horde in an afternoon,” Cat claimed.

That was hyperbole, in Kelly’s opinion. They had fought the Horde for years, after all. But there would be differences between the Horde in Dreamland and in the Inner Sphere. And Cat was correct in that their knowledge about the invaders wouldn’t be very valuable after the first few battles. And she was also correct in that their families wouldn’t let them fight.

And both of them wanted to fight the Horde. They were officers and MechWariors, after all.

“So, we need to get both of you away from your families. Who happen to be the rulers of two Successor States - both amongst the most powerful families in the Inner Sphere,” Felicity said with a wide grin. “That sounds like a challenge, even for me!”


“So, to sum it up,” Alex said about an hour later, “You need a way out of your families respective palaces, a way off the planet, and a way out of the system.” He nodded.

“Yes,” Kelly said. She was too polite to mention that this had been said many times already.

“We’ve told you that already.” Cat wasn’t.

“Yes, yes.” Alex nodded. “So, getting out of the palace shouldn’t be too much of a problem. I’ll lend you my key, and you can wake up in a suit of Nighthawk. Go stealth and leave, just as I did.”

Kelly kept smiling. “You were not watched over and guarded by some of the most skilled and motivated security details.”

“And you didn’t have to get off Terra,” Cat added. “We can’t exactly sneak on board of a dropship - the moment we vanish, they’ll halt all traffic.”

Kelly nodded. Mother would do so without regard for the economic consequences.

“Yes. Mum and Dad wouldn’t let anyone leave the planet until I am found,” Cat said.

“Would they? And how long would they keep it up?” Alex looked at both of them.

“And how would you expect us to get off the planet once traffic resumes?” Cat asked.

“At least on Sian, they would keep searching every dropship before departure,” Kelly added.

Alex grinned. “But they won’t find you. Because you won’t be there.”

Oh! Kelly’s eyes widened. That was… Well, it would still be dangerous, but not impossible. Not by a long shot. She glanced at Cat.

Her friend nodded with a grin. Well, she had always been more fond of dangerous plans than Kelly.

“Of course, we have to make preparations so you will have the means to actually fight the Horde once you’re clear,” Alex said. “I have a few ideas about that, but I’ll have to get involved myself.”

Nastajia groaned, and Felicity snickered.

The Triad, Tharkad City, Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth, January 15th, 3050

Cat woke up in her room in the Triad with a smile. She’d been back in Dreamland. She had met Kelly again! And she…

…caused a ruckus? She heard beeping and shouting and screeching. She opened her eyes. Right. She had gone to sleep in her room, which had been turned into a mixture of emergency treatment unit and research lab.


And there came Mum. Cat blinked. Mum looked… like she hadn’t slept at all. But it was morning. “What happened, Mum?” she asked.

“You…” Mum shook her head. “You looked like when you were in a coma. And your brain’s reactions were the same.”

“Oh.” That was… bad. Mum must have been so afraid.

“I was so worried…” Mum hugged her. Hard.

“Actually, this reaction was well within the expected parameters,” someone said in the background.

“Shut up, Kurt!”


“Shut up!”

“I’m fine,” Cat told Mum. “I dreamed.” She glanced at the scientists and medics crowding the room. She wouldn’t tell them about Dreamland. And not just because this was classified. Dreamland was hers. Her home.

She blinked, still holding Mum. Dreamland was her home. Not Tharkad or New Avalon.


“So…” Mum released her and turned to face the people in the room. “Are you done?” She didn’t look upset any more - she looked composed and stern.

“Err… there are a few more scans we should take…”

“Shut up, Kurt!”

“We are done for the time being, Archon.” A woman bowed. “It will take us time to analyse all the data.”

“Good. Then my daughter and I will retire for a quiet breakfast,” Mum said.

And a debriefing, or even an interrogation, Cat was sure of that as she went into the bathroom to get a shower.

And indeed, twenty minutes later, Dad was waiting in the small dining room in Mum’s quarters here. He didn’t… yes, he looked like he hadn’t slept well or long either, Cat noticed as she went to hug him. “Morning, Dad.”

“Morning, Katherine. Did you have pleasant dreams?”

Yes, definitely more tired than usual, Cat thought as Mum glared at Dad - he usually was much smoother.

“Yes,” she said, grabbing the pot of coffee. “I entered Dreamland. I met my friends.”

“Ah.” Her parents exchanged a glance. “And who were your friends?”

Cat didn’t roll her eyes. “Alex - Alexander Cameron. First Lord of the Star League. Nastajia Ashenheart, Commander of the First Royals. Kiwi. And Kelly.”

“Kelly would be Kali Liao, then?” Dad wasn’t asking.

“Yes, as you know,” Cat replied - a little more sharply than she had intended.


This time, she rolled her eyes. “Yes, I’m friends with Kali Liao.” More than friends, but if she told her parents that, she’d probably be imprisoned in a monastery. The only thing that would get a worse reaction would be Cat claiming to have fallen for Hohiro Kurita.

“The Liaos have a certain reputation for a reason,” Dad said.

“Like Candace and Justin Liao? Or Kai?” Cat shot back. “I grew up with Kali. She’s spent ten years with me in Dreamland.” She pressed her lips together to stop herself from revealing too much.

“Dreamland.” Mum nodded as she took a sip from her cup. “Did you hear anything in Dreamland?”

“You mean: Do I have proof that I visited an actual realm and didn’t just imagine it with my psychic powers?” Cat snorted. “I told you that finding a child from Tharkad is difficult. I didn’t find one - traditionally, children are left to roam.”

“And recruited into the army,” Dad commented.

“No,” Cat objected. “That doesn’t happen. Kelly and I were special cases.” No need to mention how they had managed to stumble into their first battle.

“Very special, since we’ve found no one else who has experienced a similar thing - and we’ve been searching every archive in the Federated Commonwealth,” Dad said.

“Yes. Cases such as ours are very rare.” Cat grabbed another bread roll. “And we’re the first who managed to return to Dreamland after waking up - most who stay in Dreamland stay until their death without waking up.”

Dad made a noise that could have been both agreement or disagreement.

Mum cleared her throat. “We’re aware that it’s very hard to prove that this Dreamland exists.”

“Yes.” Cat clenched her teeth as she prepared a ham sandwich. “Even if I could prove that I am in contact with Kelly without endangering her life, that wouldn’t prove that Dreamland is real.”

The expressions of her parents were answer enough. She sighed. “What can I do to prove to you that I’m not delusional? The location of lost SLDF caches? Will you be convinced once the Horde invasion starts?”

“Well, a couple of SLDF ‘Mechs would certainly come in handy if we’re invaded by a Horde of Lostech ’Mechs,” Dad tried to joke.

Cat glared at him, as did Mum. She knew something that would prove Dreamland’s existence to them - but if she did it, she would lose any hope of slipping out of the Triad and joining Kelly in this realm. “I’ll see what I can do,” she said and then focused on eating her sandwich.

At least it wouldn’t take too long before they could implement their plans. And she was on Tharkad and not on new Avalon.

Unity Field, Unity City, Dreamland, January 16th, 3050

Kelly heard Cat scream behind her and whirled around - just in time to see Cat faceplant into the ground, splattering mud everywhere. She shook her head as she approached her friend, reaching out to help her up.

“I want working jump jets!” Cat complained as she gripped Kelly’s armoured glove.

“No, you do not,” Kelly told her. “Not at this part of our training.”

“I know how to use them! Dragonslayer has jumpjets as well!”

Kelly rolled her eyes behind her faceplate. “There’s a difference between piloting a jump-capable ‘Mech and a suit of power armour.”

“Yes, the power armour sucks!” Cat shook her head, trying to clear the mud from her faceplate before starting to wipe it off - or smear it across her armour. “I should…”

“What are you doing? Get moving! You can rest when you’re dead!” the sound of Sergeant Gillian McKenzie rang in their ears - the non-commissioned officer training them had a radio override.

”Yes, Sergeant!” Kelly snapped, turning around.

“Yes, Sergeant!” Cat would add some expletives under her breath, Kelly knew, but she got moving as well - to the next part of the obstacle course of the First Royals’ base. The pool.

Or, as Cat called it, ‘the maelstrom of death’.

It wasn’t deep. Nor was there a current in the pool. But it was wide - wide enough so they couldn’t just jump over it. Not without jets, and those were disabled on their Nighthawks until further notice.

No, what made this obstacle so tricky was the combination of a shoulder-deep pool and a moving floor. Supposedly, it taught you how to handle rough terrain without risking damage to your suit.

Cat insisted it taught you how to drown in power armour. Kelly couldn’t, not with good conscience, contradict her. She was in the lead, so she jumped into the pool - and her armoured boots slipped as soon as she hit the ground. She tried to compensate, but the water hindered her, and she started to tilt forward, her leg too slow to regain her balance, and…

A hand grabbed her shoulder, pulling her back. Cat! “Thank you!”

“Sure thing. Didn’t you learn not to jump into murky water as a child?” Cat asked. “You need to climb into the pool.”

Kelly knew that, but they had lost enough time, and she wasn’t looking forward to being called out for slowness as well as ineptitude. Sergeant McKenzie was an Infantry NCO and probably loved to take down Mechwarriors. “I’ll remember th…”

Cat yelping and flailing interrupted her - her friend had slipped as well. Kelly moved forward, but Cat’s arm hit her side and sent her reeling as well. She took a step back… and slipped.

And both sank to the ground in the murky pool. Great. Another death flag.

“Why are we doing this, anyway?” Cat complained again when they had finally managed to climb out of the pool. “We should just get stealth suits!”

“Try to tell Nastajia that,” Kelly suggested as she started a light jog towards the next obstacle.

“Ugh, no thanks.” Nastajia had made her opinion of what was the minimum amount of body armour that she considered acceptable for their plan quite clear. Probably because Alex would be using it as well.

And, to be fair, Kelly was fine with that. The suit could withstand heavy machine guns - for a time only, of course. And that meant she wouldn’t even notice most small arms fire. In a pinch, this could be the difference between success and death.

Even though the training regime was far harsher than the academy had been. Not that she’d ever admit that where an infantrywoman could hear it - she was a Mechwarrior, after all.

Royal Palace, Unity City, Dreamland, January 16th, 3050


Stepping out of the bathroom, Kelly rolled her eyes at her friend - they were in the privacy of their quarters. “You pressed for that last round.”

“So we’d qualify and could stop doing this. Ow.” Cat, lying on Kelly’s bed, wet hair splayed over the silk cushions, moaned again.

Which they hadn’t. Kelly shook her head, then winced when the muscles in her neck protested. She had overdone it as well. At least she had fewer bruises than Cat - she hadn’t been quite as enthusiastic as her friend. Still… She sighed. “Well, let me check you out.” She walked over and sat down on the bed, running a hand over Cat’s back. “Yes, tense is an understatement,” muttered.

“I’m battered and bruised,” Cat replied - mostly talking into the cushion. “A bit of tension is nothing.”

Kelly used her thumb to dig into one muscle.


“Yes, you need a massage.” Before Cat could answer, Kelly straddled her legs and started working the tension out of her back. “I’ll expect you to return the favour.”

“You know I’m not as good at massage as you areOW! Ah!” Cat sighed.

“Do your best.” Which usually was good enough, Kelly knew.

Besides, they’d release more tension after this, in other ways.

“Ow! How are you doing with your family?” Cat asked.



Kelly sighed. “I might have to give up another cache so my mother won’t be overly influenced by my brother.”

“What’s left?”

“A Leopard which went missing checking out a former Hegemony planet. Full lance on board,” Kelly told her, working on her neck muscles now.

“Oh, that one - the one on the ice planet?”

“Yes.” They had recovered that one in Dreamland. Which meant that children had seen it and had been dreaming about it before the last dome on the planet was breached, and the world turned into an ice ball devoid of life.

For a moment, neither of the two said anything as Kelly finished her massage.

Then she nudged Cat. “Come on, your turn.”

Cat groaned but rolled over, and Kelly lay down in her spot. Her back needed a massage as well, after all.

The Triad, Tharkad City, Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth, February 20th, 3050

“You’re barely eating,” Mum said, frowning as she put down her fork and looked at Cat. “Is something wrong with the food?”

“No, no, I’m just… distracted,” Cat replied. By the fact that tonight she’d flee the Triad. Or tomorrow, depending on how the timing worked out. Not that she could say that.

Mum sighed, then straightened. “Do you miss your father and your siblings?”

She did, but not enough to abandon her plans. Not as much as she missed Kelly and Dragonslayer. She bit her lower lip to distract herself from the guilt she felt. Her flight would hurt her family. But she had no choice.

“You could have travelled with them to New Avalon.” Mum smiled. “I was tempted, but… I’m the Archon.”

“I know,” Cat replied. But Tharkad was closer to Solaris than New Avalon. And If she disappeared on New Avalon, any jumpships going towards the Confederation would be scrutinised far more than any others. Tharkad, though, and the Lyran half of the Federated Commonwealth, had too much traffic for that. “It’s not that.”

“What is bothering you?”

“The Horde,” Cat said. Technically, it wasn’t a lie - she was worried about the Horde as well. “They’re out there, preparing an invasion. I know it.” They had found too many children with dreams of the Horde ‘Mechs.

“Well…” Mum’s smile changed a little. “We’ve sent more scouts out, but they haven’t reported in yet.”

“Like the Kell Hounds’ Third Battalion,” Cat grumbled.

Mum sighed once more. “We can’t move regiments to the border to the periphery on a hunch, Katherine.”

She knew that as well. “It’s not a hunch. It’s an educated guess based upon trusted intel.”

Mum didn’t object, but Cat knew that she didn’t believe her. “And if we shifted more forces towards the Periphery, Rasalhague would assume we’re planning an invasion, which might drive them into the arms of the Combine. Which would reinforce their borders as well.”

“I know.” And if everyone mobilised and shifted forces, that would only help once the invasion hit. But Mum and Dad wouldn’t move enough troops, so what regiments they did move - split up to look for the Kell Hounds - would get destroyed in detail.

Mum slightly shook her head, still smiling. “And how goes your training?”

Cat rolled her eyes. That was too patronising. “Very well. If you’d let me pilot a Victor, I would show it to you.” That was a lie - she hadn’t been training nearly as much in her ‘Mech as she had trained to pilot - to wear and operate - a Nighthawk.

“That would draw too much attention.”

Cat shrugged. She was already marked for death. Another reason to flee - she would stop endangering her family and her security detail. Still, leaving Mum, leaving her family… They would be hurt. And worry.

But she had no choice. She couldn’t stay. The longer she stayed, the worse her situation would become. Kelly was under even more pressure, what with her brother and mother.

And Alex had used another of his Star League legacy assets on Terra to set this up; he didn’t have unlimited numbers of those, and with everyone he used, ComStar gained more information.

No, it would have to be today. Tonight. She smiled at Mum. “I’m sorry for…” She shrugged again, guilt filling her.

“I know you’re concerned, Katherine, but Hanse and I have the situation in hand. And even if the invasion starts tomorrow, we’ll counter it.”

You’ll try, Cat thought. Try and fail because you don’t know the enemy. And because you don’t trust me and my ‘intel’.

But if she vanished tonight, then her parents would finally have proof that Dreamland existed.

Another reason to leave her family. One of several.

And yet she couldn’t help feeling guilty for what she would be doing to her family.




  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #26 on: 10 January 2022, 15:09:52 »
Forbidden City, Sian, Capellan Confederation, February 20th, 3050

“Do you like the curry?” Mother tilted her head slightly.

“It’s delicious, Mother. My compliments to the chef,” Kelly replied.

“It’s a little too hot,” Sun-Tzu complained at once.

Kelly glanced at him - her brother was frowning with just a hint of a sneer. As usual. If she had claimed the curry was too hot, he would have argued that it was perfect. Anything to needle her. And the worst was that she couldn’t tell whether he was merely being childishly contrarian or if this was part of his plan to make her lose Mother’s trust. Or a distraction so she wouldn’t see his real attempt coming.

Whatever it was, she would not show any reaction or weakness. Not that it would matter much anyway - soon, she would be out of the palace. Free. Free of her family. “Maybe you are a little too sensitive for the dish,” she said, tilting her head the same way Mother did.

He narrowed his eyes at her as if she had called him stupid or unfit. Well, anyone as petty as he was would be unfit for the throne, in her opinion. Not that her opinion mattered since she wasn’t about to fight her brother for the Chancellorship. She had no intention to take the throne - she was an officer in the SLDF, not a politician.


She inclined her head towards her Mother. “I am sorry, Mother. I meant no offence.”

Sun-Tzu managed a decent facade of being contrite as well. It didn’t fool her, and it wouldn’t fool Mother, but appearances had been upheld.

She finished her curry, and a servant silently took the plate away.

Mother was still in a good mood - Kelly had done well to drag out her latest - and, so she hoped, last - revelation of Lostech. The four SLDF ‘Mechs hadn’t been anything extraordinary, but a dropship, even just a Leopard one, to be salvaged was different.

But she could tell that her mother expected more of her. And Kelly dreaded what would happen if she ran out of caches to ‘find’. Or found out that Alex’s information was outdated.

No, leaving her family, leaving the Confederation, was the best course of action for her. To stay would only doom her.

The Triad, Tharkad City, Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth, February 20th, 3050

When Cat opened her eyes, alarms started to go off. Medical ones at first as the sensors placed on her when she had gone to bed had suddenly vanished, but by the time she had rolled off the bed - ripping through the sheets in her Nighthawk suit and shredding the mattress - the other alerts started as well. The ones for armed intruders. It looked like her security detail was quick on the draw. She had expected that - her parents wouldn’t have trusted her security to incompetents.

And she and her friends had planned for that. She rushed to the window, grabbing the shaped charge dangling from her hip with her free hand and slapping it against the window’s frame.

She pivoted and stepped aside, Alex’ code key shifting over her chest where it dangled from a chain around her neck. Her armoured boots crushed the wooden floor. As soon as she was pressed against the wall, about a meter away, she flicked the detonator.

The explosion filled her bedroom with smoke and splinters and left the armoured glass shattered and the window hanging from a single hinge. She grabbed the edge with her free hand and ripped it off.


Four guards appeared in the doorframe, weapons aimed at her. Submachine guns and carbines, Cat noted a moment before she triggered her jumpjets and flew through the broken window, sailing over the wall outside and landing in the snow of the inner courtyard.

Alerts were now going off everywhere. And Cat couldn’t count on the guards outside holding their fire - few would suspect it was her in the powered armour. They would only see a DEST trooper or a Death Commando.

She triggered the stealth system and started running, the route she had programmed into her systems appearing on the HUD inside her helmet. Behind the next wall, she could see the upper half of a Zeus moving, followed by a Rifleman. They weren’t supposed to be able to detect a Nighthawk, but nothing was ever certain - she didn’t know what kind of upgrades NAIS had come up with since they had rediscovered Lostech. If they had built sensors that beat the old SLDF standard…

She approached the wall and jumped without jets, but she had miscalculated and didn’t reach the top. Just like on the obstacle course.

She cursed as she hit the ground, rolling and getting up again. Soldiers burst through a door nearby, sprinting in her direction. They wouldn’t miss the tracks on the ground.

She cursed again and hit her jumpjets once more. The first shots rang out before she had cleared the wall, but none hit her. The Rifleman turned towards her, the big sensor dish on top of the ‘Mech rotating, but she landed behind the Zeus, so the ‘Mech couldn’t fire at her.

By the time the Zeus had turned to aim at her, and the Rifleman had stepped to the side, she had vanished around the corner.

“Note to myself, the latest Anti-Air ‘Mechs can detect jumping Nighthawks,” she muttered.

“There she is!”

And the stealth system didn’t do anything to hide the tracks the heavy armour left in the soft soil. She had to get on the road.

And a few more walls to clear for that. Great.

At least the hours and hours of frustrating and humiliating training hadn’t been wasted. She jumped once, landing on a guardhouse, then jumped to clear the ‘Mech-sized wall.

Halfway to the top, the guardhouse and wall were hit with laser and autocannon fire - the Rifleman had detected her again. She clenched her teeth and rolled over the top, down the other side, just before an LRM salvo turned the entire wall into a cloud of splinters and smoke.

Someone would get a reprimand!

But now she was on a ‘Mech rated road! No more tracks!

She started running down the road. Another ‘Mech - another Zeus - was standing guard at the gate before her, but he didn’t react to her - none of the weapons moved to track her.

But the gate was closed. And if she used her jumpjets, the ‘Mech’s sensors would likely notice. Or the damn Rifleman would track her again.

She scoffed and eyed the gate. Then the wall next to it.

And then the Zeus.

It was stupid. Very stupid.

On the other hand, the ‘Mech was far easier to climb than the wall. And with a bit of luck, the Mechwarrior would not even notice.

She stepped onto the Zeus’s foot and jumped, without jets, to grab onto the ankle joint’s armour. Then the knee. And the hip… she slipped, dangling from the hip with just one hand holding fast.

But she managed to pull herself up. And climb on. Shoulders. Still no shells flying towards her. And the top of the wall was in reach now.

Provided she could make the run across the ‘Mech’s arm and jump off the LRM-15 at the end of it.

She took a deep breath, then started running.

And slipped.

Cursing, she managed to hit her jumpjets before she hit the ground, then soared up, past the jerking ‘Mech, and over the wall.

She landed harder than she should’ve managed with her jumpjets and started running again - first down the road, then to the left, an alternative route appearing on her HUD.

This would take a while.

Royal Palace, Unity City, Dreamland, January 21st, 3050

Cat was late. She should’ve been back already, Kelly thought, staring at her friend’s bed. It had been hours. Something must have happened. Maybe she hadn’t managed to escape her quarters on Tharkad. Or her guards had been prepared for power armour for some reason - a child could have remembered a dream with Nighthawks. Or… Kelly drew a breath through clenched teeth at the thought. She might have been stopped by a Battlemech. Even the smallest weapons on a ‘Mech would be more than enough to kill Cat in the armour. She got up and started to pace.

“We’re still perfectly within the expected time range for the mission,” Felicity said. The catwoman was sprawled on the thick carpet near the door, a half-eaten slice of cake on a plate next to her notepad.

Kelly frowned at her. “I am aware of that.”

“And I’m aware that you’re fretting.”

Of course she would see through Kelly’s act. Sighing, she sat down again. “I’m worried. This is a dangerous mission.”

“Don’t let Nastajia hear that; she’s been saying that for weeks.”

Kelly was aware of that as well. “It’s too late to change anything,” she said. “We have to do it today.” The Maskirovka assets on Tharkad would quickly hear of an incident at the Triad and pass the news on to Sian. And Mother would, even if she didn’t suspect Kelly’s complicity, increase the security around her in case someone tried to kill her.

“Yes.” Felicity rolled on her back and stretched. She was wearing a top and shorts, not an undersuit like Kelly was wearing. But then, Kelly wouldn’t have to wear a Nighthawk suit as soon as Cat returned.

“Don’t scratch the carpet,” Kelly said as she glanced at the armour suit in the corner, ready to be worn. She could put it on already - it would save some time… But it would also tire her out. Right before it was her turn to escape her family.

Felicity snorted. “I only do that in Nastajia’s room.” She flexed her claws on both hands and feet.

“She wouldn’t be happy to learn that.”

“She knows.” Felicity giggled.

Kelly shook her head. The rivalry between Felicity and Nastajia still baffled her. Each woman would die for the other. And yet they quarrelled like… Well, like rivals. She’d heard that they had been both fallen in love with Alex, but Alex had been, as long as Kelly had known him, together with Nastajia, so that should have been settled long ago as well. To keep quarrelling like this… It wasn’t very seemly.

And yet she would vastly prefer to have a similar relationship with her brother than the polite but almost certainly deadly rivalry that Sun-Tzu had developed with her. She sighed again.

“Cheer up! Cat will be here very…”

The creaking of the bed interrupted Felicity, and Kelly gasped when, from one second to the other, a suit of Nighthawk armour appeared on Cat’s bed. A suit with scratches and even scorch marks on it! “Cat!”

“I’m OK!” Cat replied at once, opening the faceplate of her armour. “Everything went as planned! I got out, lost pursuit and sneaked onto the dropship Alex hired.”

Kelly narrowed her eyes at her friend. “And I suppose the scratches were when you slipped on ice and fell down? And the scorch mark was when you dropped a lighter?”

Cat’s smile grew a little wider. “The scratches are from climbing walls and Battlemechs. The scorch marks are just backlash from the jumpjets.” She pulled her helmet off and reached into her collar. A tug later, she held Alex’s code key out to Kelly. “Here.”

The scorch marks were a bit too high on her suit to be normal backlash. Unless Cat had triggered them in a shaft or something. But that could be sorted out later.

Kelly took the code key and slipped the thin chain fastened to it over her head. “Thanks.”

For a moment, they stared at each other. Then Kelly leaned forward, placing both hands on Cat’s chestplate, and kissed her.

“I’ll return soon,” she whispered when she pulled back.

“Be safe,” Cat replied.

Kelly nodded and went over to her suit of armour, slipping the code key under her bodysuit.

Felicity was already there, ready to help her put it on. By the time she was grabbing her helmet, Cat had shed her own suit and stood in front of her.

They kissed again. Then Kelly lay down on the bed, which creaked once more, and took the first sleeping pill from the medical dispenser mounted in her helmet.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath…

…and opened her eyes to sirens and screams in her bedroom on Sian.

Forbidden City, Sian, Capellan Confederation, February 20th, 3050

Kelly jumped up, wrecking the silk sheets of her bedroom, and raced towards the door - the ‘window’ was actually a screen linked to a camera outside; Mother hadn’t skimped on her security.

Two guards with SMGs were already firing at her, almost hitting the screaming servant fleeing from her. Kelly moved like she had trained, smashing her armoured fists into their faces. She got only one, the other dodged her strike, but she didn’t stop and kept running.

The servant was sent spinning into the wall next to the door by her shoulder, hopefully out of the line of fire of the other guards. Not that she could do anything about it now - she was past the point of no return.

She managed to slip through the doorway before the armoured door could close and entered the hallway outside. Dashing to the right, she took a turn and ran towards the guard room at the end of the hall. A dozen guards in armour were already spilling out, the first shots bouncing off her armour.

She sped up, crossing her arms to shield her front, and barrelled straight through the guard like a bowling ball. They kept firing even when thrown out of the way, and she saw at least one of the guards get hit by their own bullets before she was in the guardroom - and at the window there. One stun grenade made the remaining guards dive for cover, giving her enough time to slap a demolition charge on the window and trigger it.

Then she was outside, jumping down into the garden. The Battlemechs on patrol would be alerted now, so she wasn’t going to risk jumping - not with at least one Raven and their advanced sensors in the area.

Instead, she ran on foot towards the maintenance building for the gardens. The walls wouldn’t stop even light weapons, but they hid her for a few more moments - long enough to blow a hole into the floor and open the way into the storm drains.

She dropped into the tunnels - too small for ‘Mechs, of course - a moment before the maintenance building blew up. The Battlemechs on guard duty were quicker than expected.

Not quick enough, though. And the explosion would throw them off her trace for a few more seconds at the least.

She reached the cistern at the edge of the palace without anyone trying to intercept her and dove into it. The suit was waterproof and had an internal air supply. And even a Raven would have trouble detecting her in the river fed by the cistern.

Starport, Zi-Jen Cheng, Sian, Capellan Confederation, February 20th, 3050

There was the dropship Alex had chartered - well, the dropship hired by the firm from which Alex had ordered hand-made furniture to be delivered to Solaris. A Mule-class, sitting on the landing field in the middle of a patch of ferrocrete blackened and burned by countless fusion torches. All Kelly had to do was sneak on board and take the sleep drugs that would send her back to Dreamland.

Unfortunately, and as predicted, the starport was already sealed off. Kelly could see police, customs officers, soldiers and even Battlemechs on the landing fields, searching dropship after dropship. And leaving guards in front of those already searched.

Fortunately, the Mule - named Rainbow Pier - hadn’t been searched yet; there were not enough troops to cover every area on the planet she could reach. Father’s people would assume any intruder had help and at least local transportation, so the troops would have to be spread out. Certainly now that they knew that she was wearing power armour which small arms couldn’t stop. Not that that would stop Mother from executing guard for their failure to stop Kelly, but… She clenched her teeth. She couldn’t do anything about that. Except for remaining a prisoner, and that would have been unacceptable.

She shook her head. She couldn’t dwell on that. The ship would be searched soon - she didn’t have much time left.

And she had to cross five hundred metres of flat tarmac to reach the Mule. And that with a Raven and a JagerMech Patrolling close by. No chance to jump. And running wouldn’t be a good idea, either.

She could shed her suit and disguise herself as a maintenance worker, though. That would allow her to reach the Mule under the pretext of refuelling or checking something. Easy to slip inside in the confusion. But she’d likely be seen on cameras, and if the records were checked before the Mule was cleared for leaving…

No, she would have to slip into the cargo. Alex had picked furniture that was voluminous enough to hide a person in the crate, but if anyone weighed it before she was inside and could go to sleep and vanish…

No choice. Kelly crawled back into the ditch behind her, then quickly made her way to the warehouse where the crates were waiting to be loaded into the Rainbow Pier.

On the way, she was almost detected by two patrols; if not for the stealth equipment of the suit, she wouldn’t have been able to evade them. But she reached the warehouse and slipped inside.

There were the crates - a dozen of them. Alex didn’t do things halfway. And guards outside. Kelly cursed her breath and started opening a crate to the side. Alex hadn’t gotten the codes to the cargo crates, so she had to trust the little gimmick Felicity had whipped up.

After thirty seconds that felt like hours, the thing had unlocked the shipping crate, and Kelly crawled inside, almost getting stuck as she did so.

But she managed to close the crate again, restore the electronic lock, and wait. According to standard procedure, the guards would scan the crates before clearing them for transport. That meant Kelly had to be asleep and vanished when they did it.

Ten minutes later, she heard voices. Guards, complaining about scanning. She triggered the medical dispenser with her tongue and swallowed the pill it spat out. A few seconds later, she woke up in Dreamland. With Cat.

Forbidden City, Sian, Capellan Confederation, February 25th, 3050

“Not only didn’t you prevent an intruder from entering the Palace, no, you also couldn’t stop them once you finally managed to discover them!”

Long experience prevented Tsen Shang from wincing at the shrill, screeching tone of Romano. That and the fact that he wasn’t the one who had earned her ire. That was aimed at the commander of the Palace guards.

To Colonel Sidorova’s credit, she didn’t flinch as she listened to what was undoubtedly her death sentence. She would know what to expect - the officer in command of Kali’s security detail had already been executed, together with her entire squad.

Unfairly, probably - as impossible as it seemed, Tsen was certain that the ‘intruder’ seen in his daughter’s bedroom in stealth power armour had been Kali herself. As impossible as it seemed, he had studied the records of the security cameras in Kali’s room a dozen times, and the results were beyond doubt - from one moment to another, Kali had been replaced with someone wearing power armour. No glitches. No blurred images. No signs of any tampering. Either someone had switched Kali through some unknown means with an intruder in power armour, or Kali had returned from her dream wearing a suit of armour of unknown make and technology beyond even what the Star League had been capable of.

And if someone could switch out people guarded by the best security detail in the Confederation, why would they insert someone only to have them break out again? If that was needed to kidnap someone, anyone with any sense would have sent a disposable replacement, already dead or dying.

No, the logical conclusion was that Kali had fled the palace.

Of course, Romano had dismissed this theory - stated by an underling, of course - and decided that it must have been sabotage and treason, ordering the execution of the staff responsible for the surveillance cameras alongside the close security detail.

“...and for such failure, leading to the loss of my own daughter, who is of crucial importance to the state, there is only one punishment!” Romano spat.

Sidorova bowed deeply, accepting the punishment. As she glanced at Tsen, he inclined his head a fraction of an inch. Her family would not suffer for this; he had taken steps to ensure that - provided she accepted her fate. Romano might assume that even doomed men and women would meekly accept their death, but Tsen preferred to take some precautions. Families served as hostages in multiple ways, after all.

As the woman was dragged away by guards, Romano looked at Tsen. “What news do you bring?”

Her tone made it clear that she expected news - good news. Fortunately, Tsen had new information. Whether it was good enough to spare him from suffering Sidorova’s fate remained to be seen. He bowed deeply. “My assets in the Federated Commonwealth have confirmed that Katherine Steiner-Davion disappeared from her room in the Triad on Tharkad under the same circumstances - she disappeared from her bedroom, and a person wearing power armour of the same model as the one who appeared in Kali’s bedroom replaced her, then proceeded to escape from the Triad.”

Romano drew a sharp breath, then a twisted smile appeared on her face. “I see.”

Tsen didn’t know what she saw - or thought she had seen. Which was disconcerting since his continued survival depended on reading her mood.

“And they could not stop the intruder either.”

“No, Celestial Wisdom. Tharkad was locked down, but the intruder was not found.” He bowed again. He was treading treacherous ground, after all. If he were to be blamed for the failure to catch the intruder…

“Either this is a deception by the Steiner-Davions, or someone is attacking both our daughters. Find out the truth!”

Tsen bowed once more. “As you command, Celestial Wisdom.”

He didn’t show any expression but firm resolve as he backed out of the throne room. And even then, he didn’t allow himself to sigh.

Caught between his lover’s command and his daughter’s desire. Tsen had doubts that he would survive this unscathed. And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to blame Kali for escaping - Sun-Tzu had been working to undermine her standing ever since she had woken up.

Woken up - or returned?

Tsen hoped that, whatever else happened, he’d find the answer to this question.



  • Lieutenant General
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  • Posts: 37785
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #27 on: 10 January 2022, 20:41:37 »
"Shut up, Kurt!" remains my favorite line of this entire update...  ;D

And I see why I offered multiple passes when I was being paid to do this sort of thing... my apologies, sir!  :-\


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1039
Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #28 on: 14 January 2022, 01:54:48 »
I was not sure what to make of this to start when I first seen the story. Started reading and have to say this is pretty cool. But how did Alex crossover to get things done in the real world for hiring dropships if he is in the dream world?


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 251
    • My Fanfictions
Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #29 on: 14 January 2022, 05:10:11 »
"Shut up, Kurt!" remains my favorite line of this entire update...  ;D

And I see why I offered multiple passes when I was being paid to do this sort of thing... my apologies, sir!  :-\


I was not sure what to make of this to start when I first seen the story. Started reading and have to say this is pretty cool. But how did Alex crossover to get things done in the real world for hiring dropships if he is in the dream world?

Alex has a Code Key that allows him to travel not just with his mind, but with his body to and from Dreamland. That's how he was able to send a HPG message with the coded drug name to Cat in chapter 3, where it's explained.

