Author Topic: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)  (Read 16272 times)


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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #30 on: 14 January 2022, 17:27:21 »
I saw a couple more typos that I missed, that's all...


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #31 on: 23 January 2022, 04:04:50 »
Once more, thanks go to Daryk for beta reading the chapter!

Chapter 5: Solaris VII

‘We didn’t really talk about our respective escapes from our families. Not for some time. Leaving your family… Well, for me it was easier - I knew none of my family wanted to kill or enslave me. I also knew that fleeing the Triad would hurt them, but it wouldn’t kill them. They would, hopefully, even understand my decision once they realised that I hadn’t been imagining Dreamland. Kelly, on the other hand, had to deal with a crazy mother who routinely had people who failed her killed - well, not as often as most people in the Commonwealth thought, but often enough. And Kelly also had a scheming brother who wanted to remove her as a potential threat to his position as the heir as soon as her usefulness ran out. Or earlier - Sun-Tzu was never much for long-term planning, or so I understand. But Kelly also knew that following her escape, those guards and possibly even the servants who had not stopped her would suffer for that supposed failure. We didn’t talk about that. But I was there for her. In Dreamland, and, after a few months, on Solaris.’
Diary of Katherine ‘MadCat’ Steiner-Davion


‘Patient S-D’s flight - before I arrived on Tharkad - leaves many questions. Had she known of my impending arrival? Or was this merely a coincidence? However, I might have to reconsider my views of her claims with regards to this ‘Dreamland’. It is quite clear that she has managed to not only transport a full suit of power armour into her bed, but to also put it on in an instant. And armour hitherto not seen in the Inner Sphere. And while I would not dismiss out of hand the possibility that she created the armour, Occam’s razor, in this case cuts the other way - it’s more likely that she transported the armour from somewhere than that she created it wholecloth. And that makes it more likely that there is an actual Dreamland - though whether that is a realm of dreams, as she claimed, or merely a parallel dimension remains to be seen. If only the patient hadn’t successfully evaded pursuit; further examinations and experiments have to wait until she is returned to secure facilities for treatment.’
Private notes of M.D. Phil Baker, Triad Medical Wing, Tharkad, 3050


International Zone, Solaris City, Solaris VII, Federated Commonwealth, May 20th, 3050

Leaning her forehead against the armoured glass of their hovercar, Cat stared at the sky. Somewhere up there, the dropship carrying Kelly was closing in on Solaris. If she had a telescope, she would be able to see the fusion torch soon - provided she had calculated, or guessed, the approach vector correctly. A strand of dark hair - she hadn’t yet adjusted to her disguise - fell into her face and she brushed it away.

“She’ll arrive safely, relax.”

Cat didn’t take her eyes off the sky as she replied. “I know.” After a moment, she added: “And I am relaxed!”


She didn’t have to look at him to know he was smiling. And he was right in that she should relax - if anything happened, Kelly could use the drug to fall asleep and return to Dreamland. Not that short of a dropship accident she had to fear anything - Cat doubted that the crew of the Mule had weapons that could hurt Kelly in a Nighthawk suit.

“And you can get the code key back for good,” she said, if only to say something in return.

“Yes, now that we’re all on the same planet.” Alex laughed again.

Cat didn’t. The way the key worked, they could only give it back to Alex and remain in the Inner Sphere while everyone was on the same planet. Which had meant Alex had to travel to Solaris as well. From Terra. How Nastajia hadn’t gotten all grey hairs during that affair, Cat couldn’t tell. It must be something about the elves.

But at least that was returning to normal, and future excursions of Alex would start on Solaris VII, not in the very heart of ComStar’s power. And there would be future excursions. Cat was sure of it. They would need his help. She sighed.

“We’ll beat them,” Alex said in a soft voice. “We’ve beaten them in Dreamland, we’ll beat them here.”

They had beaten them in Dreamland, true. But that had been the SLDF - the finest army ever seen, in Dreamland or the Inner Sphere. Cat wasn’t quite sure that the Inner Sphere would manage the same. The Federated Commonwealth would try their best, of course. But she couldn’t help fearing that it wouldn’t be enough - even though they were finally taking her warnings seriously, from what she could tell from the news here, what with the second wave of the Horde invasion having just started. If only her parents had trusted her… She shook her head. No. The Horde had started their invasion in March. There wouldn’t have been enough time to move enough troops to stop them. And as much as she hated it, she doubted that the second wave would be stopped, either.

“At least the Kuritas are getting hit as much as we do,” she mumbled.

“That’s not an entirely good thing,” Alex commented. “The Inner Sphere must be united to defeat the Horde.”

This time, she turned her head to frown at him. “I know.” But she still wouldn’t shed a tear if the Horde wrecked the Combine before they were defeated.

Alex shook his head. “Now, let’s go back to the Hilton. Kelly’s expected to reach orbit in two hours, and I need to sleep to hand her the key.”



Kelly felt the crate jerk - the dropship had touched the tarmac. Not the smoothest landing. Then again, cargo dropship pilots weren’t screened as diligently as the pilots for dropships carrying members of the Liao family.

She clenched her teeth - this wasn’t the time to think about her family. She had only a limited window of opportunity. The ship’s crew wouldn’t rush to unload the cargo - the tarmac outside was still glowing from the engines - but they wouldn’t be tardy either.

She opened the crate from the inside, checked that her stealth system was running, and climbed out. A quick glance around showed that the hold was empty of people. But pretty full - cargo containers blocked most of it.

But Kelly had been expecting that. She was up on the roof of a bigger container in a second and lay down to wait - as soon as the crew opened the cargo doors, she could slip out.

But the crew took their time to start unloading the cargo. Either they were lazy or incompetent. Which, Kelly reminded herself, was a good thing since they would not be too observant then - a Nighthawk’s stealth system was good but not perfect.

There! The hatch to the rest of the ship was opening! Kelly zoomed in on the door. A yawning crewman stepped through a moment later, grabbing a remote from the wall next to him. He pushed a few buttons, and the big cargo doors started to open. As planned.

Kelly slid down from the container and quickly made her way to the exit. The ramp wasn’t yet down, but that didn’t matter - Kelly had made worse drops in training. She jumped down, landing in a crouch that took her back to the obstacle course in Unity Field for a moment, then dashed away from the Mule, seeking cover nearby.

She could orient herself once she wasn’t in any danger of being spotted. The ship’s crew might be lazy. But the customs officers would be harder to evade.

And there the customs officials were coming - she could see the car entering the landing field, now that the heat had gone down. Kelly ducked behind a water tank and crouched down. As soon as the car was past, she legged it.

And called Cat.


Removing a suit of power armour in the tight constraints of a hovercar would have been nigh-impossible even for an operator much better trained and experienced than Kelly. And walking into the hotel that Alex had picked while wearing it wasn’t advised.

Fortunately, all Kelly had to do was take the sleeping drug, remove the armour back in Dreamland, and return wearing clothes suited to the occasion. She might become a little too used to the code key, she realised.

But she did it anyway. Felicity helped her remove the armour while asking her about the ‘exfiltration’, and Kiwi tried her best to pick a good dress for the trip back. The faery meant well, but her style… Well, no one would suspect the blonde in the dress with the psychedelic patterns was Kali Liao.

“Thank you,” Kelly told her friends.

“Hey! It was my plan, so I had to see it through!” Felicity said.

“I thought it was Alex’s plan,” Kelly said with a teasing smile.

“Partially his. Mostly mine. But don’t let Nastajia hear that!”

Kiwi giggled at that, and Kelly swallowed the next sleeping pill with a wider smile…

…and woke up in the hovercar next to Cat.



They kissed.

Alex coughed. “You just saw each other at breakfast,” he pointed out. “In the palace.”

“We spent over a year apart,” Kelly told him as she handed the code key over.

“And you’ve spent three months together in Unity City.” But Alex was smiling at them as he took the key back.

“Three months during which the invasion started,” Cat commented with a deep frown.

“We still have enough time to stop it,” Alex said. With a glance at Kelly, he added: “And the sooner we’re off Solaris VII, the sooner we can strike at the Horde.”

Kelly knew what he meant - if she picked another ‘Mech, they could leave within days. Trade in Battlemechs was a seller’s market, even on Solaris VII. But she needed a Raven.

“Between the funds I had recovered and what we can gain by selling choice bits of SLDF gear like advanced neurohelmets - and whatever else that I can bring back from Dreamland - we can afford to pay premium rates for ‘Mechs,” he pointed out.

“Is Bellentine selling the Raven?” Kelly asked.

“No, he’s not,” Cat replied.

As expected. If the man hadn’t sold the Raven to the Federated Commonwealth - although Kelly was certain that the technical data had been gone straight to NAIS - he wouldn’t sell it to them, either.

Which meant that they would have to force him into a situation where he had no choice but to part with it. Something easier said than done - but then, this was Solaris VII. People made and lost fortunes in an afternoon at the arena here. Sometimes even in the arena.

And Kelly needed the Raven. Facing the Horde without its ECM suite would be… unwise. Besides, she needed it to keep Cat safe as well. Victors tended to attract a disproportional amount of enemy fire at long range, and staying close to Kelly’s ‘Mech would make it much harder for the Horde to hit her.

She nodded at her friends. “Then we shall proceed with our plan.”


Black Hills, Solaris City, Solaris VII, Federated Commonwealth, May 20th, 3050

Kelly wasn’t entirely certain that visiting the sector of Solaris City associated with the Federated Suns part of the Federated Commonwealth was a good idea, even with the best disguise Felicity had prepared for her and Cat. But Alex and her lover thought that it was fine - and they had arrived a month earlier than her. Which had allowed them to get a feeling for the ‘lay of the land’, as Alex called it. So, she would trust their judgement. Even if the disguise was slightly uncomfortable to wear.

Still… Kelly couldn’t help frowning as she looked around. This area was supposed to be amongst the best places in town, and yet… was that a beggar at the corner?

“What’s wrong?” Cat asked, tensing up.

“Nothing,” Kelly replied. After a moment, she added with a nod towards the man in ragged clothes: “I’m not yet used to the environment.”

“Ah.” Cat sighed. “It takes a bit to get used to it, yes.”

“You both grew up in a palace and then spent ten years in Dreamland,” Alex said. “But this is a nice area. Trust me, I know.”

That was a nice area? Then Kelly didn’t want to see the bad parts of the sector. Not without sitting in a ‘Mech, at least. She wasn’t even carrying a laser pistol. “Dreamland’s much… nicer,” she said. Even the bad parts.

“That’s because few kids like to dream of bad parts when they enter,” Alex said. “Anyway, there it is! The Pelican! Best Mechwarrior bar on the planet.”

“Most expensive, in any case,” Cat said.

Kelly nodded. That went without saying.

As they approached the door, she straightened a little. It wouldn’t do to make a less than perfect impression.

“Good evening, Mister Camden.” The bouncer nodded at them as they walked past a small line of waiting people - mostly tourists, from what Kelly could tell.

“Good evening, Boris!” Alex tipped the man generously, and all three of them entered the bar.

“Alex spent quite a lot of money to impress the staff,” Cat whispered.

“I have to play my role. People need to know I’m rich enough to buy ‘Mechs for my bodyguards.”

“We’re not armed as bodyguards should be,” Kelly pointed out as they walked through the lobby of the bar. It was expensively decorated, she noted. But the artwork was… too diverse. It lacked harmony.

“That’s because the bar doesn’t allow concealed weapons,” Alex said.

“I bet half the guests are still carrying,” Cat mumbled.

Well, Kelly’s hairpins concealed quite nasty spikes, but that was it.

The main room was loud and packed - and most of the patrons were staring at the huge screens showing a match between a Warhammer and a Thunderbolt. Both ‘Mechs were slugging it out, PPCs and lasers being fired at close range.

“Let’s go to the Green Room,” Alex said, steering them toward it. “Bellentine is usually there when he visits. And if he isn’t, we can watch the latest match of his stable on a smaller screen.”

Kelly nodded. It would be good to take the measure of their target.

“There he is,” Cat told her as soon as they entered the - blessedly not quite as loud - room. “Left table.”

Kelly had spotted the man already and took a closer look while Alex guided them towards a free table across the room. Bellentine looked… very average. He was wearing an expensive suit, but not too expensive - none of Mother’s courtiers would have dared to show up in one at the palace. He had a slight paunch, from what she could tell, but wasn’t fat. He was bald, but that was his most striking feature - his face was forgettable. Oh. As he laughed, something glittered in his mouth. A gem set in a tooth, maybe? Still, with his average looks and size, that was a minor touch.

“He’s talking to Juanita Scaramander,” Cat commented as they looked for a waitress to order drinks. “Class four fighter, top ten. Independent.”

Class four were the Heavy ‘Mechs. The Mechwarrior was scowling at Bellentine - was this an attempt to recruit her? Or an attempt at intimidation? Whatever it was, it looked to have failed since the Mechwarrior got up and openly sneered at the man.

A tall, broad-shouldered man standing behind Bellentine bent down, asking something Kelly couldn’t hear, but Bellentine shook his head in return. Whatever the man had proposed hadn’t pleased him.

Kelly couldn’t help thinking that this all looked just like the kind of cheap holovid drama that she wasn’t supposed to watch. And yet… Bellentine had been running a stable for over ten years. And he had managed to keep a Raven operational for five years. He knew his business - which, on Solaris, had to be both dirty and bloody, according to what Kelly knew. She wished they could just break into his hangar and steal the Raven, but Bellentine would be prepared for such an attempt. Just cracking the ‘Mech’s security would take too long, never mind trying to sneak it out. And few dropships would let them load a stolen ‘Mech into the hold.

No, they had to play this by the rules of the planet. They had to get the ‘Mech by fighting in the arena. And that meant fighting for another stable. Like a common gladiator. Kelly didn’t like this, but needs must.



  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #32 on: 23 January 2022, 04:05:25 »
Montenegro, Solaris City, Solaris VII, Federated Commonwealth, May 21st, 3050

Even discounting the unrepaired battle damage to the torso and right leg, the Victor was in bad shape. Cat could tell with a glance. The armour - what was left of it after several PPC hits had blown away much of it - was patchwork, the left arm actuators seemed to have been replaced with some ill-fitting parts from another model, and the leg joints were a little too bent for the standing position. Well, bad compared to Dragonslayer. The ‘Mech would probably still perform adequately. But the head… the Techs hadn’t fixed the cockpit yet, where the foot of an Awesome had gone straight through the armoured glass and into the unlucky gladiator piloting it.

“It needs a new Gyro and new armour. And a new cockpit, of course,” Daniel Boone, the owner of the Moongoose Mechs stable, said. “Bastard murdered Frank,” he added in a low voice.

Cat glanced at him. He had his fist - his flesh and blood one - clenched and was staring at the ‘Mech’s head. “Killian had him. He had just shot out his gyro. And then… stepped on him. Frank was beaten. There was no…” He scoffed through clenched teeth.

Cat nodded. Stepping on a downed ‘Mech’s cockpit… well, it happened in war. More often than not deliberately - just because a ‘Mech had fallen didn’t mean it was out of combat. And sometimes, when a Horde pilot had shot at ejected Mechwarriors, you wanted to make sure that the bastard didn’t get away. But to step on a fellow gladiator in the arena after disabling their ‘Mech? She’d seen the recording. The pilot had known what he was doing, no matter his claims about missing that the gyro was destroyed. “Killian will pay for this. I’ll make sure of it.” Well, she would’ve done that anyway, to deprive Bellentine of an assault mech, but this made things a bit more personal.

“Ah…” Boone drew a sharp breath through his clenched teeth. “You’re going to pilot it?”

Cat rolled her eyes. Not again. She might be seventeen, but she was a veteran pilot. “Yes, I’m going to pilot the Victor. And I’m going to destroy Killian.”


Alex cleared his throat. “I can assure that Cat knows what she’s doing. She’s an expert pilot. Especially in a Victor.”

Boone didn’t seem to completely believe Alex, but he held his tongue. Well, it wasn’t as if he had much of a choice.

“Don’t worry, Mr Boone, even if Cat loses the match, you’ll still have your debt cleared and a surplus from the sale while I’ll bear the loss of the ‘Mech.” Alex smiled at him. “Whatever happens, you’ll come out ahead.”

Boone snorted, but without even a trace of humour. “Except for Frank being dead.”

“That is a risk every gladiator takes when they enter the arena,” Kelly commented.

Boone stared at her but didn’t retort.

“So… how long will the repairs take?” Alex asked.

“If I get all the parts I need, a week.”

And the rematch was scheduled in eight days. “Then we should best start on the repairs right now,” Cat said, walking towards the scaffold next to the Victor’s leg. She wasn’t entirely dressed for tech work, but she doubted that they would get all the parts on schedule. Not on Solaris. Oh, if only they could transport ‘Mech parts from Dreamland to Solaris! But the best they could do was to fall asleep wearing an advanced neurohelmet and cooling vest. Or a Nighthawk suit, but that wouldn’t help with repairs either. Well, they could keep a chip with technical data in their mouth or something, but on Solaris VII, with all the modifications common to arena ‘Mechs, even that wouldn’t be really helpful.

She quickly ascended to the top of the scaffold and peered into the wrecked cockpit.

And grimaced. There was still dried blood on the remains of the seat. And on the remains of the console. “Let’s start on the leg,” she said. “Until someone hoses this out.”

Boone had the grace to look embarrassed before he called for his techs.


Black Hills, Solaris City, Solaris VII, Federated Commonwealth, May 25th, 3050

“See anyone?” Cat asked, looking at the dark warehouse across the street. It looked deserted even on her sensors, but she couldn’t see through the walls.

“No,” Kelly replied over the radio. “The guards are still inside.”

“Nothing on this side either,” Alex chimed in.

“Then let’s go!” Cat snapped and stood. A few steps and she dropped down to the street below, firing her Nighthawk’s jump jets at the last moment to break her fall, then carefully moved forward.

To the warehouse.

Another shadow joined her from the side - Kelly. Her friend reached the side door first and used a vibroblade Alex had bought on Solaris VII to cut through the lock. A few seconds later, both of them were inside the warehouse with none the wiser. “If this continues, we’re going to turn into bloody infantry,” she mumbled to herself as she followed Kelly to the data terminal at the corner.

Her friend had the menu open in ten seconds and started searching. Cat walked to the corner of the aisle and kept an eye on the guardhouse in the back.

“Got it!” Kelly told her after a minute. “I knew they hadn’t lost it and needed to reorder it!”

“Of course not!” Cat scoffed - as if a decent supplier would lose a gyro control module like that. Killian had tried to sabotage their repair efforts, but the man should have really expected his partners here to avoid destroying the module - it was worth a pretty penny, after all.

“The brown crate on the other side.”

Cat nodded again, then moved down the aisle, passing between stacks of spare parts and scrap metal until she reached the crate.

She didn’t bother opening it - she just grabbed it and started walking quickly to the exit. In and out with no one the wiser. What cameras they had would only show two blurs thanks to the stealth functions so she hoped that DEST would get blamed.

And they would be able to finish the repairs on her Victor in time to get a training session or two in with it, she added with a toothy smile.


Montenegro, Solaris City, Solaris VII, Federated Commonwealth, May 28th, 3050

Reactor Online.

Sensors Online.

Weapons Online.

All Systems Nominal.

Cat took a deep breath - through her mouth; the cockpit still smelt faintly of blood. She had personally hosed it out twice, but the hint of coppery blood seemed to cling to it anyway. Kelly claimed to not smell anything, but she was wrong.

She pushed the thought away, checked that the area around the Victor was clear, then took the first step. The Victor’s leg moved as it should, though not as smoothly as Cat would’ve liked. Still, the ‘Mech’s balance held. Another step followed, no issues with that leg, either, and she soon walked through the gate onto the ‘training ground’ - a former parking lot and open-air storage site for a truck factory that hadn’t survived the Second Succession War and had been repurposed into a place to test ‘Mechs.

And with all the scrap metal dumped here, it was pretty close to the Open Class Arena The Factory, where the rematch would be held.

As soon as she was clear of the hangar, Cat accelerated, making the ‘Mech run towards the closest heap of metal. Balance was good. Not perfect, but good. And the targeting systems were tracking smoothly where the guns were aiming at.

She triggered the jumpjets and soared over the heap. The landing was harder than she was used to - but she didn’t slip and held her balance. The new gyro was working up to par. Still, something was… not right.

“So, how’s it doing?”

Cat frowned at the question from McMillian, the senior tech of Boone’s stable, over the radio. The Victor was doing better than she expected, but it wasn’t nearly as smooth a ride as Dragonslayer. “The left leg actuator is still acting up a little - it feels like a slight limp,” she replied. She took a few more steps.

“The ‘Mech’s not limping!” came the cranky response from the tech. “That’s your fancy Lostech helmet.”

Cat snorted, but the man might be correct - the electronics in the Victor were a mess cobbled together from half a dozen different models and systems, and the gyro they had just finished installing sported three different serial numbers and was at least a hundred years old. Even her advanced neurohelmet - which she had been using for years - might have some trouble making sense of that.

Well, time to test the weapons. But first… She switched the channel. “Kelly, do we have spectators?”

“Yes,” her lover replied at once. “Two with a camera in the hangar next to ours. And what looks like a small drone floating near the back wall of the area.”

So, they had spies. Time to put on a show. Cat dashed towards the range part of the testing area and took care to limp and sway a bit more.

“Tone it down a notch,” Kelly spoke up at once. “That’s too blatant.”

Cat frowned at the criticism but did as she was told. Her friend was the expert on subterfuge, after all. Well, between the two of them - she was absolutely sure that Dad would run circles around Kelly when it came to plotting.

She bit her lower lip at the sudden pain and guilt she felt. Mum and Dad… I had no choice, she told herself. If I hadn’t left, I would have never had the chance to be with Kelly again. They might have even cut me off from the drug needed to see her in Dreamland.

She forced those feelings away. She had a mission here. And then a mission against the Horde.

There was the first target. A truck set up so it was resting on the cab with the rear end sticking into the air, roughly reaching the height of a battlemech. She swung the Pontiac over to target it, then aimed the gun just slightly to the side and pulled the trigger.

The marker rounds hit exactly where she had aimed at - but since she had aimed off-centre, any spy would hopefully believe that she wasn’t as good a pilot as she should be to challenge Killian.

She doubled down with her lasers and the SRMs. Well, the SRMs were pretty randomly spread out anyway, but she managed to place her lasers exactly as she wanted - one causing a glancing blow and the other missing by a hair’s width. Well, it would have been a glancing blow if they were at full power.

She fired a few more times, with the same results.

“Improve your apparent aim for the last round,” Kelly told her.

“Will do.”

Closer to the centre, but still off. She followed up with a few kicks aimed at broken trash on the ground, taking care to fake almost losing her balance twice in four kicks.

That should do it.

The rest of the training session she spent running around and dry-firing her weapons - she had to get a feeling for the ‘Mech, after all, or tomorrow’s match would be a debacle. Killian wasn’t as good as Cat, and she had gone through the Gunslinger program, but he had a lot of experience of actual fighting in the arenas, and that counted for a lot.

It wouldn’t be enough to beat her, though.

Cat still wished she had Dragonslayer here.


International Zone, Solaris City, Solaris VII, Federated Commonwealth, May 28th, 3050

Kelly was lying on their bed in the Hilton, once again studying the latest records of Killian’s fights - matches, she corrected herself - on her notepad when Cat entered the room in her bathrobe, head hidden under the towel she was rubbing against her hair.

“We’ve got a hairdryer,” Kelly remarked with a grin.

“I know. Didn’t feel like using it,” Cat replied, pulling the towel away and throwing it at Kelly.

Kelly raised one hand in time to catch it before it hit her in the face. Then she focused on the pad again.

Cat sighed and sat down next to her on the bed. “You’ve watched it half a dozen times. I’ve watched half a dozen times. We’ve got Killian’s number. He’s a good pilot, but I’m better, and he’s not as good a shooter as he thinks he is.”

Kelly dropped the pad and sighed. “Don’t underestimate him. He’s got Lostech in the Awesome. Two Extended Range PPCs. Possibly three if what Boone’s friends heard is true.

“Yes.” Cat shrugged. “But he’ll underestimate me.”

Kelly knew that was true. Alex had played the rich Lyran merchant to the hilt, and while he called Kelly and Cat his bodyguards, everyone thought they were his mistresses. Cat’s ploy today in the training yard would reinforce that impression, as would their young age. And that Alex, according to all appearances, was sleeping in the same suite as they were - no one knew that he was visiting Dreamland at night.

And yet… “I worry anyway.” The Victor was a cobbled-together ‘Mech without any advanced technology. Not even Double Heat Sinks. Cat had less armour than she was used to and less firepower.

“Don’t worry. We’re fighting in The Factory. Ideal for a Victor.”

“I know.” But three PPCs was a lot of firepower. If Bellentine managed to get enough heatsinks to compensate, the Awesome might even have greater firepower at close range than the Victor.

Cat leaned down and draped herself all over Kelly’s back. “It’ll be fine. I’ve got an advanced neurohelmet and a much better colling vest. I’ll show him what that means.”

Kelly turned her head to glare at her. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

Cat laughed and bent her head down to kiss her. “Now relax!”


Montenegro, Solaris City, Solaris VII, Federated Commonwealth, May 29th, 3050

“And in the right corner of the arena: George ‘Bloodhunter’ Killian in his Awesome ‘Triceratops’. Recently upgraded with more Lostech, this ‘Mech has wrecked its opposition in an unprecedented five-match winning streak for Killian - quite the achievement for a gladiator in his first Class Five season!

“And in the left corner of the arena: Cat Stevens. An absolute newcomer with no prior matches on Solaris, she is replacing Frank ‘Fireeater’ Mahoney, who was accidentally killed in the last match against Killian, making this rematch a grudge match! The girl’s got guts, I have to admit that. And a great figure, too!”

Cat clenched her teeth at the sexist remark from the commentator. Another reminder that she wasn’t in Dreamland anymore - or in the Palaces of her family. No one would talk like that about a Princess of the Federated Commonwealth there!

“She’s got guts, but not much brains, I fear, Johnny-Boy,” the co-commentator chimed in. “A rookie against a veteran pilot? Many would say that Boone has lost his mind with his last pilot.”

“Well, Jimmy, they would be wrong because I’ve heard from a trusted source that Cat here is the squeeze of Boone’s new investor - and the money came with a condition: Cat got to pilot the Victor. Now that’s a sugar daddy, right?”


Cat told herself that this would only make more people underestimate her. And drive the odds for her victory even higher - which was an essential part of their plan, of course.

She shook her head. She had to focus on the fight ahead - the countdown had started.





“And it’s on!”

Cat accelerated and started to trot out of the ‘Mechbay into the arena. Into the muck of The Factory. That was one single good thing about not piloting Dragonslayer - she would hate to drive her ‘Mech into this toxic mess. Cat gritted her teeth as she steered the Victor through the shallow pool ahead.

Her sensors, calibrated and optimised by Kelly in two long nights, showed Killian rushing towards the giant heap of metal and dirt in the middle of the arena. He wanted the high ground and clear lines of fire it would provide.

And he’d expect her to race him to the top since her Victor was a strictly close-range fighter.

Well, never do what the enemy expects, to quote her old instructor. Instead of rushing straight at the hill, Cat went right and waded through the pools of liquid there. By the time Killian’s mad rush had taken the top, she was almost halfway around the hill.

“Oh, that’s the first rookie mistake - the girl let Killian take the top of the hill.”

“It might be her last mistake. Killian is an expert shot with those PPCs of his, and he can now command the entire arena while Cat is stuck down in the mud.”

Cat scoffed and kept an eye on the Awesome on the hill. When the ‘Mech twisted its torso, she dropped down into the pool. A moment later, three particle beams struck the mud behind her.

“Oh! And she fell! What a lucky fall! Have you ever seen that, Johnny-Boy?”

“No, I haven’t. One might almost say that she took a lucky fall. But luck runs out sooner or later, and skill wins out every time.” Now she has to get up in the pool, giving Killian ample opportunities to bring his three Extended-Range PPCs to bear.”

“Five C-Bills say that she won’t have any torso armour left by the time she gets out of the pool, Johnny-Boy.”

“If she ever gets out of the pool, Jimmy! She’s taking her time.”

“Perhaps she was scared by the getting shot at for the first time in her life?”

More laughter followed. Cat scoffed again - and focused on crawling over the muddy bottom of the pool. Her seismic sensor still tracked Killian - he hadn’t moved from the top of the hill yet. But could he track her? Not in the muddy water here.

By the time she reached her destination, the commentators were speculating if she had sprung a leak and drowned. If she was lucky, Killian would wonder that as well.

Not that it mattered. She spent another half a minute carefully lining up her ‘Mech, then pushed the Victor’s torso up until her head broke the surface.

Then she triggered her jump jets. The four jets - one in each leg and two in the torso - threw the ‘Mech out of the pool and into the air. She heard the surprised yells from the commentators as she flew over the pool, towards the hill, but her attention was focused on her enemy on top.

Killian was quick, she had to admit - he whirled to target her. Too quick - of his three shots, only one hit, striking her ‘Mech’s torso.

In retaliation, she fired her SRMs before she hit the ground. The Awesome was out of range - but the hill wasn’t. Her missiles struck the side of the hill, bursting into fireballs that set the hill’s flank on fire.

“She’s using Infernos! Is that even allowed?” Johnny-Boy sounded hysterical.

“It’s not against the rules for this match,” his co-commentator said. “But she… Oh. If that’s another lucky mistake, then she’s the luckiest rookie ever. The fire and smoke are blocking Killian’s sight and thermal vision.”

“Right. But he’s already moving to cover the gap left…”

Cat flicked the radio off and kept running - straight towards the fire she had started. Killian would expect her to jump or go around it.

She went straight through. The heatsinks struggled for a moment, then compensated. And she was in range for her Pontiac, with Killian out of position.

Once more, he turned to face her, but she had her shot lined up already, and her shells struck the Awesome’s torso smack in the centre, followed by her lasers. And her missiles splattered burning, sticky liquid all over the other ‘Mech.

Killian’s ‘Mech recoiled, and his salvo went wide, one PPC scoring a hit on her torso. One of the bolts struck some unexploded missile in the ground behind her and blew it up.

Cat ignored that and the heat in her ‘Mech and jumped again, soaring over the burning ‘Mech. Killian stood his ground and kept firing - two PPCs - but missed her.

She twisted in the air, turning so she landed facing the Awesome’s rear. Four lasers mounted there struck at her, melting armour on her arms. She ignored the damage and fired her autocannon point-blank into his back. She followed up with her lasers, blowing two of Killian’s rear-firing lasers away, then hit him with more infernos.

The Awesome kept turning, lit up like a pyre, but her ‘Mechs foot caught it in the left leg, denting and crushing more armour plates. Killian didn’t stumble but when he brought his PPCs up, Cat jumped over the Awesome’s head again, once more landing in his rear.

Her Pontiac almost tore the Awesome’s arm off, but her lasers struck deeper into the shredded torso. And all four of her missiles sent the Awesome’s heat spiking right before her next kick pulverised the damaged left leg.

Killian fell, still on fire, and rolled downhill for about ten metres before he came to a stop.

Cat quickly closed with it again. Killian was trying to get up, and, with her heat spiking and threatening to overwhelm her systems, she hit the Awesome with her Pontiac, wrecking part of its torso.

He had enough and ejected - almost too late; he barely cleared the hilltop and his parachute just managed to deploy before he crashed into some toxic mud.

It didn’t matter. Killian had lost, and Cat had won. Taking a deep breath, she flicked the radio on again.

“... is unbelievable! Cat absolutely demolished Killian! Ruthless and crazy - who would use Infernos in the arena? - this girl certainly is…”

Cat changed the channel. Part one of their plan was complete.



  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #33 on: 23 January 2022, 04:07:33 »
Black Hills, Solaris City, Solaris VII, Federated Commonwealth, May 29th, 3050

“The woman of the hour! What a marvellous match, Miss Stevens!”

Cat smiled widely as yet another man approached her in The Pelican. Two days ago, when they had last visited, people had been making fun of her behind her back - and some had done so in a way she couldn’t have missed. Now, after she had crushed Killian? Everyone was sucking up. It wasn’t an entirely bad feeling, though. She had shown them all that she was an elite pilot. “Thank you, Mister…?”

“Ah, Davis, Jerome Davis! I run an Import/Export business in the International Zone. But my passion is ‘Mech combat!”

“Ah. You and everyone else on Solaris, I bet.” Cat nodded. “You’ve met Alex Camden, I assume? And Kelly Lieden?”

Alex didn’t wait for any answer and just reached forward to shake the man’s hand. “Happy to meet you, sir!”

Kelly merely nodded with her polite ‘I don’t care about you at all’ smile.

“The pleasure’s all mine,” Davis managed to say - his smile showed that Alex had squeezed a bit too hard. But like an ARROW IV following a TAG, he turned back to Cat. “So, it was said to be a grudge match for the death of Frank Mahooney, which many think was no accident. Were you disappointed that Killian didn’t die in the match?”

Was the man seriously expecting her to tell him whether she had tried to kill Killian? She shook her head. “I wouldn’t stoop so low,” she lied. If she had known Mahooney, she would’ve made sure that Killian didn’t eject.

“Ah. And how did you…”

“Oh, excuse us, but I see Mr Boone, my partner, over there,” Alex cut him off. “We’ve got a few more things to discuss. Stable business, you know?”

“Ah, of course!” Davis acted as if it was likely that they would discuss business at a victory party instead of at the stable, but Cat didn’t care. After half a dozen ‘fans’ with the same questions and comments, things started to grate on her nerves.

Alex had already turned them away from Davis and started steering them through the crowd towards Boone. The man was in an animated discussion with a middle-aged woman, almost spilling his drink as he gestured.

“Mr Boone?” Alex spoke up.

“Mr Camden!” Boone beamed at them. “I was just telling Clarissa here about the finer points of the fight.” He blinked. “Ah… I’m sorry. Mr Camden, Miss Stevens, Miss Lieden - this is Clarissa Kowalski. She owns the Sully Cargo Corporation.”

“Sully was my late husband,” Kowalski said as she shook their hands. “A small but profitable freight company.”

“Ah. How many jumpships do you run?” Alex asked. “I might be in need of chartering one at a later date.”

“With your winnings?” Kowalski asked. “A friend of mine told me that you’ve taken a few bookies to the cleaners.”

Alex grinned widely. “It’s not my problem that not more than a few of those gentlemen seemed to share the trust I had in Cat. Although I heard that Mr Bellentine lost enough money to even things out a bit.”

Boone chuckled. “The bastard was overconfident, though I must say I had doubts myself.” He nodded at Cat. “If you want to fool your enemies, fool your friends first, huh?”

“Precisely,” Kelly said. “Of course, it greatly helped that people tend to see what they expect.”

“To be fair,” Kowalski said, “Few would expect that such a young-looking woman would be an expert pilot. Especially if they appeared out of thin air, so to speak.”

Cat managed not to wince. This would attract the wrong kind of attention. She was in disguise, but the people Mum and Dad had looking for her were good. They couldn’t stay too long here, or they might catch the attention of the LIC and MI5.

Kelly remained unfazed. “We have extensive combat experience, although not in arena combat.”

Kowalski nodded. “I don’t suppose you would share the secret of looking as young as you do?”

“I heard the Magistracy does great work,” Cat commented. It was true, if misleading.

“And there’s Terra, of course - if you can manage to get a visa,” Alex added. “Or so I’ve heard.”

Very subtle Alex, Cat thought.

“I see.”

“Anyway,” Boone said after a moment, “you’ve shaken up the scene. Bellentine lost his Awesome per the stipulations of the match, and he lost a lot of money betting on his victory. He’ll have to move aggressively to make up his losses.”

“That seems a bit reckless,” Kowalski said. “But then, Bellentine never could lose gracefully.”

“He’ll need a spectacular victory just to soothe his wounded ego,” Boone added with a chuckle. “But with his only assault ‘Mech gone, his options are limited. And unless he can replace the assault ‘Mech quickly, he’ll lose his standing in the Class Five ladder.”

Alex nodded. “If he desires a rematch then maybe we should oblige him.”

Cat nodded. “I can take any of his pilots, no matter the ‘Mech!”

She managed not to wince when she felt Kelly step on her foot.


Montenegro, Solaris City, Solaris VII, Federated Commonwealth, May 30th, 3050

The two assault ‘Mechs in the bay looked very different, Kelly thought. The Victor looked roughed up, with melted and shattered armour, but nothing more serious than that. It still looked ready to fight, standing in its bay as techs worked on the armour. The Awesome, on the other hand, was on the ground, on its front, and looked like it wouldn’t be walking, much less fighting, any time soon.

Cat had done a number on the ‘Mech.

As they watched, one of the men on the Awesome spotted them and waved before climbing down and coming towards them. Boone, the owner - co-owner now - of the stable.


“Hello, Mr Boone,” Kelly greeted him.

“Hi!” Cat nodded. “How are the ‘Mechs?”

“So… the Awesome is in decent shape. The left leg’s a goner, of course, and the reactor shield needs some replacement parts, but the gyro’s untouched, and the weapons are also fine except for the medium lasers you destroyed.” Boone smiled as he wiped his hands with a rag. “And all the armour, of course. But I’ll say one thing for infernos: They make for neat salvage. Cooked the Awesome nice and proper.”

Kelly sighed a little when she saw Cat nod. Their plan had worked like a charm - they had been able to close the range without getting sniped too badly by those three ER PPCs thanks to the Infernos, which also neatly countered the Lostech heatsinks in the machine, but it wouldn’t work a second time. Most arenas were already changing the rules.

“So, will you be piloting the Awesome?” Boone asked her.

Kelly frowned. “I’d prefer a lighter ‘Mech. But I’ll pilot it if we have to.”

“It’s not every day that you win an assault ‘Mech,” the man said, apparently taken aback by her reaction. “And it’s a Lostech Awesome. Some pilots would kill their own family for such a ‘Mech.”

But Kelly was better with light ‘Mechs. Besides, the ‘Mech was quite slow compared to the ‘Mechs the Horde usually fielded. Or the ‘Clans’, as they apparently called themselves here according to the latest rumours passing as news.

“We’ve challenged Bellentine to a rematch,” Cat told Boone. “All his remaining five ‘Mechs versus our two.”

Boone frowned. “He’s got a Warhammer, a Wolverine, a Centurion, a Vindicator and a Raven. That’s a lot of metal, even for two assaults.”

And Cat’s assault ‘Mech was more like an overweight heavy ‘Mech.

“We can handle them,” Cat said.

Kelly nodded. “Provided we can get the ‘Mechs repaired quickly - before Bellentine can upgrade his own ‘Mechs with more Lostech.”

“And provided he doesn’t find a replacement for Killian,” Boone said. “He’s Bellentine’s best pilot, but he’ll be stuck in the hospital for the next three months, or so I’ve heard.” He grinned. “Bastard got messed up when he ejected. Broke bones on landing, and the toxic sludge he dropped into messed him up even more. Might go bald after this.”

“It all depends on whether or not he accepts,” Kelly pointed out. “He would have to risk his entire stable for this.”

“Word is, he’s already so deep in the red from the loss of the Awesome and his bets that if he doesn’t win big, he’s losing the ‘Mechs anyway,” Boone said. “How the tables have turned! Two days ago, I was in his place. And now?” He smiled. “And it’s all thanks to you.”

Kelly nodded. That was obvious. And it was also obvious that Boone was sucking up to them. At least he was now taking them seriously instead of humouring his new partner’s apparent mistresses.

She didn’t really care either, though, as long as she got the Raven.


Black Hills, Solaris City, Solaris VII, Federated Commonwealth, May 31st, 3050

If looks could kill… Well, between Boone and Bellentine, half the people in the Green Room in The Pelican would be dead now. Including Cat herself. The stable owner wasn’t even trying to hide how much he loathed them.

Which meant Cat was only too happy to beam, her best friendly smile at the scumbag as Alex approached him and his entourage. “Mr Bellentine! Good evening!”

Bellentine bared his teeth in a sneer. “Mr Camden. Miss Stevens. Miss Lieden. Boone.”

“Bellentine,” Boone snarled back.

Cat smiled and nodded, but Kelly just inclined her head in that ‘I’m so above you, you need a ladder to reach the soles of my boots’ manner of hers.

Bellentine didn’t bother introducing his own pilots, which was… Well, Cat actually couldn’t tell if that was a good or bad thing. Was the man rude towards his pilots? Or was this something else?

“So, have you considered my offer?” Alex asked.

The man broke off his glaring contest with Boone and stared at Alex. “You won’t con me a second time, Camden,” he spat. “I know your tricks now.”

“So you think your pilots can’t beat Cat and Kelly?” Alex raised his eyebrows in a rather overdone manner.

That got a reaction out of the pilots - three men and two women - standing behind Bellentine. The tall man next to the stable owner scoffed loudly. “You got lucky that Killian got fooled. But we’ve got your number now.”

Bellentine turned his head and hissed. “Matt.”

“Sorry.” The man slowly nodded.

Bellentine turned back to Alex. “I don’t know why you’ve been meddling in this affair. It’s none of your business.”

“On the contrary - since I’m Daniel’s partner, it very much is my business.” Alex smiled widely.

Cat suppressed the urge to groan at the cheap comeback, but several of the other guests in the room chuckled.

Bellentine sneered in return. “I’m not going to fall for such cheap tricks. If you want to fight my pilots, we’ll fight it out in a week - winner takes all.”

Alex agreed immediately.

Cat bit her tongue. This was what they wanted. But Bellentine had agreed too quickly. Too eagerly. He would have some trick up his sleeve.

She glanced at Kelly. Her lover was concerned as well - Cat could tell despite her smiling expression.

So, they would have to repair their ‘Mechs, guard against sabotage, and find out what Bellentine was up to.

Three tasks, pick any two of them.




  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #34 on: 23 January 2022, 04:07:58 »
Montenegro, Solaris City, Solaris VII, Federated Commonwealth, June 7th, 3050

Kelly couldn’t help feeling ponderously slow as she moved the Awesome into The Factory. There was no helping it, though - the Awesome couldn’t go any faster, not without a complete redesign. And there was no time for that, even if they had a new engine.

“And here it begins! The Grudge Match of the year! An Awesome and a Victor versus a Warhammer, Wolverine, Centurion, Vindicator and a Raven! Bellentine has really given all for this match, right Jimmy?”

“Oh, yes, Johnny-Boy! That’s his whole lineup out there - if he loses this battle, he’s ruined. If he wins the battle, he’s back in business.”

“And that’s what this is all about, folks - grudges. Cat Stevens and Kelly Lieden here are hell-bent on avenging Frank Mahooney. Last week, Cat just failed to burn Killian alive, sending him to the hospital for months instead. Today, they are facing Killian’s stablemates. But what drives this revenge? No one knows. Only the mysterious Mr Camden, reportedly in a relationship with both Cat and Kelly, knows why he spent millions on this match.”

Kelly switched the channel off. There was no need to listen to this drivel. She had a battle to win. One of the most important battles of her life. If only they had found out what Bellentine was planning. They had caught no sabotage attempt even though they had been basically sleeping in their ‘Mechs, and they had repaired the Awesome in time for the match, but they had no idea about Bellentine’s plans.

“So, I’ll close with them, and you cover me with your PPCs,” Cat told her over the radio.

“As planned,” Kelly replied.

Next to her, Cat’s Victor stepped out of the mechbay. The Factory hadn’t changed since Kelly’s fight - except for some more battle damage. It was still a field littered with heaps of twisted metal and toxic muck. Kelly really missed her Raven’s advanced sensors here.

“Alright, let’s get this over with!” Cat announced and put her ‘Mech into a slow trot - slow enough so Kelly’s ‘Mech could keep up without having to run.

They advanced towards the central hill. Kelly expected the enemy to try a flanking manoeuvre. They mainly had medium ‘Mechs, so they would have to swarm them and focus their fire. Put together, they had respectable firepower. Together, the Warhammer and Vindicator equalled Kelly’s three PPCs, and with the Centurion’s autocannon and LRM rack, they had a solid edge at longer range. But at close range, Cat’s Pontiac would rip the lighter ‘Mechs apart.

They would be aware of that as well, of course. So… She narrowed her eyes at the sight on her screen. The sensor readings were weak and getting blocked in the centre, near the top - the Raven must be there - but…

“They’re charging up the hill?” Cat had noticed them as well.

“Do they want to shoot it out?” It didn’t make much sense. Cat would be able to reach the top very quickly. And the lines of fire for Kelly’s PPCs were clear. She could shoot at whoever wanted to take a shot at Cat. And she didn’t think anyone of the other ‘Mechs would stand up well to three ER PPCs.

“If they want to slug it out, I’ll oblige them!” Cat announced. “Let’s go!”

Cat’s Victor was already rushing towards the hill, and Kelly pushed the throttle forward to keep up - at least somewhat. They wouldn’t beat the lighter ‘Mechs to the hilltop, but they would be close to the Warhammer’s arrival.

One way or the other, this would soon be over.

As if the enemy had heard her, they appeared on top of the hill - led by the Warhammer. Kelly immediately fired all her ER PPCs at the heavy ‘Mech - it was piloted by Bellentine’s best Mechwarrior and the most dangerous opponent. Wincing at the sudden heat spike, she saw two of her PPCs hit, one in the torso and one in the shoulder, knocking the ‘Mech a step back and foiling its aim.

But the Centurion and Vindicator fired their long-range weapons at Cat, and the Victor was blasted by LRMs and a PPC, the autocannon going wide. But where was the Wolverine?

Kelly checked her display while her 'Mech slowed down, the heatsinks struggling while her PPCs cycled. She could barely make out the ‘Mechs on the hilltop - the Raven must be hiding behind them, shielded by the hill.

And there was the Wolverine - and the Raven? What? So close to the Victor? - shooting at the Victor from the flank. Whatever Cat was about to get in range of her Pontiac, and the Warhammer wouldn’t take many of those salvos, and…

The area just in front of Cat vanished in an explosion, making her stagger back and almost fall down when she lost her footing. And before she or Kelly could react, another explosion, further up the slope, followed. Then the entire side of the hill started to slide down, towards Cat’s ‘Mech!

“Jump!” Kelly screamed, just as Cat triggered her jumpjets.

But the landslide was too fast - the Victor had barely left the ground when the dirt and metal wave hit its legs. Cat cut the jump jets immediately, but too late to avoid falling down into the muck.

”Cat!” Kelly stared, shocked, as her friend’s ‘Mech was buried by the avalanche. At the last moment, the head exploded and Cat shot up in the sky. Then the Victor disappeared in the landslide, which flowed past Kelly and came to a stop shortly before the toxic pool behind her. Cat deployed her parachute, and Kelly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her friend wasn’t going to land in the toxic pool.

Then she clenched her teeth. The Factory was littered with unexploded ordnance from countless matches. Missiles and shells that hadn’t worked. Explosions weren’t uncommon - but not at this scale. Not so perfectly placed and timed.

Bellentine hadn’t tried to sabotage their ‘Mechs - he had trapped the arena!

And now, with Cat’s ‘Mech down, all of them were coming for her.

Good. She bared her teeth in a grim smile. You’ll pay for this! Kelly thought as she lined up her next salvo - her PPCs had cycled, and her heat had been dissipated. I’ll kill you all!

As soon as the Warhammer appeared in her sights, above the vanished hillside, she fired. One PPC hit the hill, but two struck the enemy ‘Mech again, both hitting the torso.

The Warhammer fired back but only managed to strike her Awesome’s left arm. Then the mediums appeared, firing from the hilltop. LRMs peppered her torso, and another PPC barely missed. The Wolverine jumped, trying to flank her.

She ignored it and focused on the Warhammer. She fired all her ER PPCs again, spiking the heat inside her ‘Mech and causing the computer to blare a warning at her.


The Warhammer, struck in the same leg by two PPCs as it tried to advance down the slope, lost its balance and fell. An attempt to catch its fall ended with one PPC buried in the muck. The heat from the weapon baked the mud inside the barrel, rendering it useless.

In return, the Awesome was blasted from the hilltop and the flank. Armour shattered and blew off.

But she had armour to spare. She took a few steps forward, only firing two of her PPCs, just as the Warhammer tried to get up, and ripped its damaged leg off. The heavy ‘Mech fell down again, then rolled down the mudslide, losing the damaged arm in the process. The pilot ejected, and Kelly had to resist the urge to blast the bastard out of the sky.

Instead, she switched targets. The heat was bearable again, so she shot at the Centurion, stuck on the hilltop, as the Vindicator jumped over the area devastated by the landslide. Once more three PPCs struck, two of them in the torso, one in the left leg.

The ‘Mech was thrown back, stumbled and fell - but it managed not to slide down the hill.

As Kelly turned to face the other ‘Mechs, the Wolverine landed behind Kelly and opened up on her back. She ignored it - the Awesome’s armour could take it. For now. Instead, she fired two PPCs and the medium laser they had installed in the head at the Vindicator.

The ‘Mech staggered for a moment, missing with its own PPC, but kept standing, and the LRMs peppered the battered front armour of Kelly’s Awesome.

The Wolverine dashed forward, kicking at her leg. In return, she smashed her ‘Mech’s battlefist into its side, then followed up with two ER PPCs at point-blank range.

The medium ‘Mech lost its footing, falling down, and she lashed out with the awesome’s foot, crushing the ‘Mech’s gyro under it. The pilot ejected.

Kelly turned, then almost fell when her left arm was blown off - the Centurion stood again, and the Vindicator and Raven were closing in. Snarling, she turned again, showing her back to them, and fired a full volley at the Centurion. One of her PPC bolts struck the damaged torso, and the Centurion vanished in a fireball as its ammo detonated.

Three down. Two to go. Sweat running down her front, soaking her top, Kelly swung the Awesome back to face the Vindicator and Raven, which had been pouring fire into her damaged side - just as she was about to shift her aim, a swarm of SRMs hit her side, and one of her PPCs went offline.

She muttered a curse and returned fire on the Vindicator. Her two remaining ER PPCs hit - it was too close to miss - and shattered the ‘Mech’s torso armour. The heat inside the cockpit spiked again - a number of her heatsinks had been destroyed - but the enemy had it worse. Even with her sensors blinded by the Raven, she could see the plasma escape through various rents in the torso - the engine shielding had been torn!

The Vindicator slowed down as its heat spiked, and Kelly fired every remaining weapon at it. One PPC missed by inches, but the other struck its centre, followed by her medium laser, and the Mech froze, then toppled over as its reactor shut down.

That pilot ejected as well, and Kelly turned towards the Raven.

The Raven hadn’t been touched so far, and her Awesome was falling to pieces. But she still had more firepower - and she knew the Raven better than anyone else. Ignoring the lasers melting her armour and the SRMs blowing away the remaining pieces of her left torso, she carefully took aim and fired.

With one leg actuator blown off, the Raven, going all out, stumbled and fell down, sliding through the mud - and coming to a stop next to her.

Kelly raised her Awesome’s left foot, and the Raven’s pilot ejected.

The match was over. It was over. She had won. She gulped down air, wiped sweat from her skin and turned to look for Cat.

Who, it turned out, was standing on a fractured piece of armour and waved at her.

Kelly moved her ‘Mech to her friend while the first recovery teams entered the arena, then scrambled down the rope ladder, almost slicing herself up on the jagged remains of her ‘Mechs armour and innards.

Cat was waiting below. “I was so worried!”

“You? I was worried!” Kelly retorted as she jumped down the last two metres.

Then they were hugging and kissing, uncaring what the two idiots commenting on the match would make of this.

They were alive. They had won.


Montenegro, Solaris City, Solaris VII, Federated Commonwealth, June 8th, 3050

When Kelly and Cat entered the ‘Mech hangar of Boone, Cat could see signs of the victory party the techs and astechs had had there last evening: bottles and other debris strewn around, disposable boxes and cups from various delivery services and what looked like a sound system that had been cobbled together from a ‘Mech speaker and various electronics, then ran until it melted.

The feud between Boone and Bellentine obviously hadn’t been limited to the two owners. Well, such things rarely were.

Not that it mattered any more. They had won the feud for Boone and gotten the ‘Mechs that they needed. Well, both the Raven and the Victor needed repairs, but that wasn’t a problem - Techs had dealt with worse damage, especially on Solaris.

That didn’t stop Kelly from worrying over the Raven, of course. Cat grinned when she saw her friend climb over the light ‘Mech, peering at the electronics and weapons laid open for inspection. “We’ll have enough time to go over it during transit,” she said.

“It’s easier to do what repairs we can here instead of in a dropship,” Kelly replied without looking up from the beagle active probe mounted on the Raven.

Time to tease her a little. “You were awesome in the Awesome,” Cat said with a wide smile. “Are you sure you want to switch back to a light ‘Mech?”

This time, Kelly turned to glare at her. “If I had been in the Raven, I would have detected the trap before they could trigger it.”

Cat nodded, suppressing the memory of that horrible moment when she was about to be buried alive in toxic muck and metal. “Yeah. But we could mount the stuff in a heavier ‘Mech.”

Kelly snorted. “And you could switch to a Highlander or an Atlas.”

“Touché.” Cat swallowed the retort that the difference in armour between a Victor and a Highlander wasn’t as big as, say, the difference between a Raven and an Awesome. Kelly preferred light ‘Mechs, as Cat knew.

Kelly nodded, then looked back at the cockpit of the Raven, still wrecked by the ejection’s rockets, before climbing down again. “We’ll need to leave soon,” she said. “Before we attract even more attention.”

Cat agreed. Even with the war against the Horde - the Clans, she reminded herself - the LIC and the MI5 wouldn’t stop looking for them. The same went for the Maskirovka. And while she would never regret kissing Kelly, especially not after watching her lover mow down those damned treacherous gladiators, their embrace had been plastered all over Solaris’ media. “Unless Alex thinks he can get an Atlas,” she said. Kelly snorted, though Cat wasn’t entirely joking - Alex had hated seeing them fight without being able to help them.

“He can take the Awesome,” Kelly said.

“We could also recruit some soldiers,” Cat added. “We’ve got some spare ‘Mechs now, so it wouldn’t look weird.”

“Soldiers, and reliable ones at that, here?” Kelly frowned.

“It’s a big planet. And with the invasion going on, there should be a few who want to fight the invaders but can’t do so easily for a variety of reasons,” Cat said, shrugging.

“A variety of reasons that likely render them unfit for war,” Kelly retorted. “Galatea or Outreach would be a better choice.”

Both of which would have a bigger presence of intelligence agents, though, from all over the sphere. “Can’t hurt to look around,” Cat said.

“It could hurt,” Kelly corrected her.

Cat reminded herself that Kelly wasn’t paranoid - she had experience in those matters. Yet… “We’ll be careful then,” she said with a grin and cocked her head towards the door. “Let’s go see what Alex’s been up to with Boone.”

“Sorting out our departure, I believe.”



Royal Palace, Avalon City, New Avalon, Federated Commonwealth, June 12th, 3050

Arthur Steiner-Davion looked up from his reader where he was studying for his Academy test when Dad entered the living room. Smiling? “Dad?”


“Good news from the invasion front?” Arthur hoped that there was - they hadn’t had much good news so far. For most planets hit by the Clans, the only good news was that the forces on them had managed to evacuate before being completely destroyed. Fortunately, his brother’s unit was amongst them, and Victor was safe. For now.

“Well… things are proceeding according to plan there,” Dad said.

“The plan that requires us to trade planets for time so we can counter-attack sometime this year?” Arthur bit his lower lip - he hadn’t meant to sound so sarcastic. But he met Dad’s eyes without wincing.

“Yes, that plan,” Dad told him. “It takes time to shift troops around. And we can’t attack piecemeal.”

“We would’ve had a bit more time if we had listened to Katherine,” Arthur said. The way Dad flinched made him feel guilty. “Sorry, Dad.”

“No, no, you’re right. She did warn us. But we couldn’t just mass troops on her intel. At least her information and warnings helped our troops get away with fewer losses than the DCMS is suffering,” Dad told him.

That was a faint silver lining. So, if it’s not that…?

Dad sighed. “I think we’ve found Katherine.”

Arthur gasped. “You did?”

“It’s a possibility.” Dad pulled a disc out and handed it to him. “It’s not definite, but… I think it’s her.”

Arthur quickly slid the disc into his reader and… “Dad! That’s a Solaris match!” He knew the arena - The Factory.

“Yes. The LIC personnel there have been ordered to verify whether or not this is your sister.”

“But…” He trailed off as the action started - a Victor versus an Awesome. And the Victor demolished the Awesome without taking more than armour damage. “You think that’s Katherine?” She had complained about wanting a Victor, but… this was Solaris. And that was a class five match. He wasn’t an expert, but the name of the Awesome pilot rang a bell.

“The fighting style matches the style she displayed in simulator matches.”

“Oh.” Arthur checked the date. “That was two weeks ago.”

“Yes. And there was another match a week ago.” Dad sighed. “She… the pilot didn’t do as well there. She’s OK, though.”

Arthur drew a sharp breath and loaded the next match. Dad watched over his shoulder. And hissed with Arthur when a landslide buried the Victor. “Damn. That explosion…”

“Sabotage, or so my analysts claim. A trap.”

“Damn cheaters!” That left the Awesome alone versus five ‘Mechs… Four. Three. Two. Arthur whistled. “That is a great pilot there.”

“It might be Kali Liao,” Dad told him with another sigh.

“Kali Liao?” Arthur had heard that the daughter of Roman Liao had vanished as well, and that Katherine had claimed to have met her in her dreams, but…

He stared at the picture of the two pilots kissing in the arena. “Oh.”

“Yes,” Dad said. “‘Oh.’” He sighed. “If those two are Katherine and Kali, then your sister neglected to tell us a few details about her relationship to the other girl.”

Arthur nodded in agreement. This was… “At least she’s not dating Hohiro Kurita?” He smiled weakly at his own bad joke.



  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #35 on: 23 January 2022, 07:53:21 »
My pleasure, as always!  :thumbsup:


  • Major
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #36 on: 23 January 2022, 13:37:08 »

Arthur nodded in agreement. This was… “At least she’s not dating Hohiro Kurita?” He smiled weakly at his own bad joke.


 :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:  Brilliant!  Thanks for another great chapter.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


  • Lieutenant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #37 on: 31 January 2022, 01:45:03 »
That last line is the least she not dating a kurita....


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #38 on: 12 February 2022, 13:49:09 »
Once again, thanks go to Daryk for beta reading the chapter!

Chapter 6: Recruiting

‘When we left Solaris VII, I was very optimistic - for the first time since I had woken up on Sian. People who have never been a Mechwarrior might not understand, but that I had managed to acquire the ‘Mech I wanted made me feel much better about our chances. Technically, I hadn’t been dispossessed - Son Jiang was still waiting for me in Dreamland - but I couldn’t completely shake that feeling of being helpless or worthless until I had my Raven in the Inner Sphere as well.
Of course, I had to endure some ribbing about picking a light ‘Mech over an assault ‘Mech, but Cat and Alex knew why I wanted a Raven. I could pilot heavier ‘Mechs - I had proven that most recently in the arena - but I was best in a light, agile ‘Mech. And I don’t think I can be accused of being arrogant when I say events proved me correct.’
Collected Writings of Kali “Kelly” Liao


‘Patient S-D’s infatuation with her Capellan counterpart came as a surprise to many, including her own family, but not to me. They both share the same - or very similar - gifts. And they share another connection - both are on the run from their families in an apparent act of teenage rebellion. Their relationship, therefore, is merely a logical consequence of those factors - the ultimate defiance of their parents’ expectations. It’s obvious that it won’t last, so I will focus my analysis on finding more clues about this ‘Dreamland’ to - hopefully - prove whether or not it exists. Fortunately, the flight of the patient from Solaris before LIC could secure her has caused her parents to provide me with more funding to prevent a similar debacle in the future.’
Private notes of M.D. Phil Baker, Triad Medical Wing, Tharkad, 3050


Madison, Epsilon Eridani IV, Federated Commonwealth, July 1st, 3050

Cat sighed with relief when she felt the dropship touch down and heard the engines stop. “Finally solid ground again!” She turned to beam at Kelly, who was giving her an unamused look while they unbuckled and stood.

“You’ve literally slept for half the trip,” Felix Kirchwerder commented with a grin as he stood as well.

“So? That was still ten full days in basically microgravity. And countless jumps!” Cat retorted.

“It was six jumps,” Kelly corrected her as she straightened - completely unnecessarily - her tunic. Six jumps in a cramped Leopard-class dropship that had seen better days back in the time before the Amaris Coup.

“Well, it’s a good thing you’re a Mechwarrior; you don’t seem to be cut out as a spacer,” Kirchwerder said, still grinning.

The man hadn’t hit on either Kelly or her after he had realised that while they weren’t with Alex, they were spoken for anyway, but he hadn’t stopped being charming either. Cat hadn’t yet decided whether that was merely a professional trying to have good relations with his superiors and coworkers or something else.

“She’s just overly dramatic,” Kelly said.

Cat stuck her tongue out at her as they walked down towards the hold. She checked her Victor first - still in its bay, no sign of any damage. Any new damage, at least - she could still see where the paint was fresh over the patched armour. That damn Bellentine and his damn trap.

Kelly went directly to her Raven, fussing over it, but Cat looked around. Alex wasn’t here yet - he had made the descent on the Leopard’s bridge - but his Awesome looked fine as well, even though he had suffered much worse damage than her Victor. But if you had to replace almost the entire armour of a ‘Mech, the end result tended to look better even after a new paint job.

“Well, I’ll be in the truck,” Kirchwerder said. “With my crew.” He flashed her another grin. “Working with ‘Mechs will certainly be a change.”

Cat snorted. If Alex’s information checked out, then Kirchwerder and his men wouldn’t have to do much work. Perhaps some excavating and refuelling. If it didn’t check out… well, then they would have to look for alternatives to raise enough money to found a unit that could make a difference against the Horde. Against the Clans, she corrected herself. “We’ll make a ground pounder out of you yet.”

“I’m a spacer born and bred,” he told her. “Although I do enjoy spending time on a planet, my heart belongs to space.”

“I sure hope so.” She matched his grin. He chuckled, showing good humour, sketched a salute and turned to walk towards one of the two armoured trucks taking up the space of the fourth Mechbay.

And there came Alex, smiling widely and talking to Russo, the Head of the Tech crew Alex had hired. Cat smiled at both - Russo was as crusty and cranky as old Techs came, but he knew his business. Better than Boone’s crew, even - the Victor and the Awesome were performing better, at least according to the diagnostics they had run, than before the last match, and even Kelly had - grudgingly - admitted that the Raven was up to her standards.

“Everything alright?” Alex asked.

“Yes, Sir!” Cat replied with a grin.

“Let’s disembark then before the dear captain gets antsy,” Alex said, moving towards the Awesome.

Russo grumbled something in Italian and headed to the second truck.

And Cat climbed the stairs leading up the gantry above her. Time to hit the road!


Shamus Mountains, Epsilon Eridani IV, Federated Commonwealth, July 1st, 3050

Kelly smiled to herself while she kept ahead of the convoy in her Raven. The ‘Mech ran almost as smoothly as her Song Jiang in Dreamland - not surprisingly, since it was practically brand new compared to the average ‘Mech. Such as Cat’s ‘new’ Victor. Unlike the Assault ‘Mech, the Raven - which she still had to name - had most of its original parts.

She cleared the next hairpin of the pass they were traversing. And checked her display. “Road clear,” she reported to Alex. “No sign of any threat.”

She heard him sigh, but he didn’t comment. He better not - this wasn’t the time to become lax with procedures. They might not be in a war zone, but the authorities on Epsilon Eridani would be wondering what three ‘Mechs and two trucks were doing here. Especially after taking off from the starport right after passing through customs and with a Raven.

And they were in the Federated Commonwealth, where they had to watch out for MI5 and LIC - MI5 here, most likely - as well as Maskirovka cells; Epsilon Eridani had been a Capellan world until the Fourth Succession War.

Kelly wouldn’t get sloppy and let her friends run into another trap. She’d rather die than see that happen to Cat again.

While the others slowly made their way up the mountain pass - Alex’s Awesome was far too slow - she dashed ahead. The steep slopes ahead of them, lined with dense fir trees, would make a perfect ambushing spot for infantry - regular or in powered armour.

As far as she knew, thanks to Alex, it had been used as an ambush spot during the war against Amaris. The SLDF forces on the planet had fought a guerilla campaign for years after their formations had been shattered with orbital bombardment and nuclear strikes.

And somewhere close in those mountains, there should be a half-buried SLDF supply depot with a perfectly preserved dropship inside full of ‘Mechs, vehicles and supplies. At least according to Alex’s records and the planet’s counterpart in Dreamland.

Well, they would soon find out - they were coming up on the point where they would have to travel cross-country; whatever road had connected the depot to the main pass route had long since gone. Overgrown, buried, washed away by landsli… She pressed her lips together. She wasn’t going there.

“I’m at point alpha,” she reported. “The road and the area are clear.”

“As they should be,” Alex replied. “Wait for us.”


While she waited for the convoy to catch up, she scanned the slopes on the side. Slightly higher than normal radiation count. Probably residual radioactivity from an old nuke. And there was more metal than normal in the ground. Likely the buried remains of scrap left after salvaging whatever had been destroyed here.

Alex, leading the two trucks, arrived, and Kelly took off at once, scouting ahead. And unlike her two friends, she didn’t have to watch where she went so she wouldn’t turn the dirt road left here into a mashed-up obstacle course for the two trucks with them.

A quick glance at her rear camera showed that Alex was walking through the woods on the side, leaving a path like a bulldozer. So much for stealth.

They continued travelling up the valley for half an hour, with the slopes growing steeper and steeper, until they reached the end of it - a craggy cliffside, half of it broken down. Her radiation sensors pinged again. Nothing dangerous, but two hundred years ago, it would have been lethal.

“So, it’s digging time!” Alex announced.

An hour later, Alex and Cat were digging through the rubble with ‘Mech sized tools that the techs had mounted on the arms of the Awesome and the Victor. Kelly’s Raven, not having any articulate arms, was standing guard.

Even with two ‘Mechs working on it, it took them two hours to clear enough dirt and soil and rubble to excavate the entrance to the supply depot.

“I’ll be damned!” Kelly heard Kirchwerder exclaim. “They were right about the base!”

“Of course I was,” Alex replied through the speakers of his ‘Mech. “But now we’ll have to check if I was also correct about the contents of the base. Everyone, back into the trucks. And engage enviroseals.”

“What the…?” Kirchwerder blurted out. “What do you expect to be inside there?”

“The SLDF had some nasty stuff in some of their depots,” Alex explained. “If something leaked, it should have degraded by now - but better safe than sorry.”

That sent both techs and drop shop specialists running into the trucks while Cat dropped the shovel tool from her ‘Mech and then proceeded to rip out the damaged gate with Alex.

Kelly was at her side, checking her sensors. “No sign of chemical or biological weapons,” she announced. “Going in.”

The entrance was sized for ‘Mechs of all classes, so her Raven had no trouble navigating the tunnel behind it. She passed several magazines - most of them empty according to her sensors - before she reached the landing pad in the centre of the depot.

And the Colossus-class dropship waiting there. It looked… undamaged at first sight. Pristine, even - down to the paint coat still showing the Star Leage Navy colours, including the Cameron Star. It looked almost like the dropships in Dreamland. Although…

She double-checked her sensor readings. “No chemical or biological agents in the environment.” And her computer had been upgraded by the latest SLDF database, so anything the SLDF had two hundred and fifty years ago should be detected.

Which left the question of why the SLDF would have left a perfectly fine dropship in a hidden hangar in the middle of a war. Was the hatch above them broken or blocked? That would have kept the dropship in the hangar. And would be a pain to remove now. But the hangar ceiling looked undamaged.

She approached the dropship, circling it, and spotted something - the antenna cover on the port side was laid open. For maintenance? Or for repairs? Kelly reported that to the others. A moment later, Cat entered the hangar.

“Wow! There it is!”

“As I said,” Alex added, stepping into the hangar as well. “One Colossus-class dropship in near-pristine condition. It was found in Dreamland by a kid a few years ago.”

The child probably dreamt of being a LosTech Hunter, Kelly thought. “Well, my sensors show that the dropship is too heavy for an empty hold.”

“Great! Let’s check it out!” Cat was moved closer to the dropship.

“We still don’t know why it was left behind,” Kelly reminded her. “And what happened to her crew.”

“Yes. But your sensors say it’s safe, right?” Cat was grinning; Kelly could tell from her tone.

“Yes. In Dreamland, the dropship was forgotten by the SLDF,” Alex said. “But that’s Dreamland.”

Kelly nodded again. Children’s dreams influenced things there - and the little kids rarely dreamt of people dying from radiation poisoning or getting nuked outside the depot. “Very well. Shall I call the others?”

“Yes,” Alex told her. “And… Stay in your ‘Mech, please.”

“Of course.” The people they hired were supposed to be trustworthy - Alex had done his legwork. But a Colossus? Even worse, a Colossus that might have a hold full of LosTech? That was a prize many people would betray their own family for. Best not to present them with the temptation to get rid of three Mechwarriors outside their ‘Mechs.


“SLS Babylon.” Cat craned her head as she read the letters on the shiny hull.

“Yes. Looks like the comm array was damaged,” Alex said. “Or, since this was her maiden voyage, it wasn’t properly installed.” He grinned. “Even the SLDF’s quality control wasn’t perfect.”

“That doesn’t explain why it was left here,” Cat said.

“Let’s find out!” Alex started walking to the closest landing strut.

But before he reached it, the two trucks arrived, coming to a stop at the foot of his Awesome.

“Oh my God!”

“I can’t believe this!”


Kirchwerder, Russo and the others were staring at the dropship in apparent awe. So, even the old tech could be shocked, Cat noted with a grin.

“Yes, it looks like a fully preserved Colossus,” Alex told them, raising his voice a little. “Now, let’s find out in what exact state the ship is - and her cargo.”

“What?” Kirchwerder blinked. “You mean…?”

Russo chuckled. “Why do you think they hired me? I don’t have much experience with dropships.”

“But you repair and maintain ‘Mechs…” Kirchwerder turned back to stare at the dropship.

“Exactly, ladies and gentlemen,” Alex said, clapping his hands. “Let’s see what we found - and how quickly we can get her going.”

Ah, yes - Cat had no doubt that the authorities would soon appear to take a look at them - it wasn’t as if they could have hidden their tracks. Best get moving, then.

“Well, we need to crack the doors open, first,” Kirchwerder said. “That shouldn’t take too long, though - we’ve got the right recovery gear.”

“Let me try something first,” Alex said with a grin as he stepped up to the landing strut. He flicked a flap open there, revealing a number pad, and punched a code in.

A moment passed without anything happening. Then Cat heard a screeching noise, and the Dropship - no, parts of it - started to move. The ramp extended slowly as the hatches to the Mechbay opened.

“It seems there is some emergency power left,” Alex said.

After a moment, Kirchwerder grinned. “That’s a good sign.”

“Let’s go inside!”

Cat darted forward and stepped on the ramp before anyone else could. Alex might love to show off and lead by example, but he was the First Lord of the Star League. There was no way she would let him enter an unknown dropship without checking it beforehand. They still didn’t know what had happened to the ship’s crew.

“No sign of chemical or biological agents,” she heard Kelly’s voice over the radio.

Cat took a sniff of the air anyway as she reached the top of the ramp. No smell of decomposing bodies. Not that anything would smell after hundreds of years. And… She whistled.

The ‘Mechbay was full of ‘Mechs. Lots and lots of ‘Mechs. Mixed models, though, she realised. She could see a couple Atlases and Highlanders, but also Marauders, Thugs and Flashmen. And more mediums. Which was strange - the SLDF before the Amaris Coup had used more uniform formations, whole companies of the same types of ‘Mechs, to streamline logistics and tactical movement. The SLDF in Dreamland was different, for a variety of reasons, but this?

“Ah!” Alex had reached the top as well. He stepped inside and looked around. “Looks like… a full battalion. Just based on the load here.”

“Oh my God!” Kirchwerder sounded breathless, and probably not from the trip up the ramp.

“It was probably a resupply cargo flight,” Alex said. “To replace ‘Mechs lost in battle of a unit moved to this planet after a tour of duty in the Periphery.”

That was how it had been explained in Dreamland, at least - as far as Cat knew.

“I see we’ll be busy going over all those ‘Mechs,” Russo said, scratching his head. He did sound a little shaken, though, at least in Cat’s opinion. Not even the old tech was immune to the magnitude of this find.

“Well, let’s first check the state of the dropship,” Alex said. “The sooner we can lift off, the easier we can avoid pointed questions and litigation from the planet’s authorities.”

“Do you have the codes to unlock the bridge controls as well?” Kirchwerder asked, cocking his head at them.

“Let’s find out!” Alex flashed him another smile.

Which meant Cat had to follow them as well - she wasn’t leaving Alex alone with the others. They passed a lance of Phoenix Hawks - royal variant - and entered the main elevator that would take them up to the bridge. If the ship had more than emergency power.

Which it had not.

“Guess we’ll take the stairs,” Alex said, his good mood not affected at all.

“Have to refuel the reactor, I bet,” Kirchwerder said. “That’ll cost some hours.”

“Let’s hope that’s all we need to do. And the antenna, of course,” Alex said.

They climbed the stairs, skipping the lower decks, until they reached the bridge. Once more, emergency power let Alex open the doors, but that was it. The bridge itself had only emergency lights, casting an eerie reddish glow on the consoles and seats.

“No bodies,” Russo remarked.

“Well, the ship didn’t crash. And no sign of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons - not in here,” Cat said.

Kirchwerder, meanwhile, was busy checking the consoles with Alex but shook his head after a few minutes. “No power. We need to refuel the reactor.”

“Then let’s get on with it while we check the rest of the cargo,” Alex told him. “Let’s take stock!”



  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #39 on: 12 February 2022, 13:50:19 »
Shamus Mountains, Epsilon Eridani IV, Federated Commonwealth, July 2nd, 3050

It was past midnight, local time, when Kelly placed the last sensor and alarm on the doors to their quarters on board the dropship.

“Finally satisfied we won’t be murdered in our sleep?” Alex said, smiling at her from where he sat on the bed in the Captain’s cabin.

She frowned at him. “It would be safer to sleep in our ‘Mechs.” Buttoned up, even the techs would have trouble getting to them without triggering any alarms.

“It would also show our people that we didn’t trust them,” Alex retorted.

“Well, I don’t trust them,” Kelly replied. “This is too much of a find.”

“But rubbing their noses in it could poison our relationship from the start,” Alex said, leaning back. “Besides, we’ve got two crews who didn’t know each other when we hired them, and the odds of Russo and Kirchwerder conspiring against us are slim to none.”

He was correct, but Kelly didn’t like it. They were three Mechwarriors facing two dozen techs. “They had ample time to get to know each other.”

“And we got to know them, as they got to know us,” Alex said. “I trust the crew. Most of them.”

“Kirchwerder,” Kelly said.

“He’s a very skilled spacer,” Alex said.

“Very ambitious, too,” Kelly added as she sat down at the foot of the bed.

“Well, he knows he’s got the spot as captain of the Colossus,” Alex said. “That’s a huge promotion. Co-ownership as well - minority cut, of course.”

“I’m sure he would prefer to be captain-owner of the ship,” Kelly said.

“Yes. But does he want it enough to risk losing everything - including his life?” Alex shrugged. “And if he were so ambitious, could he trust his crew not to sell him out to us and take his place? I don’t think so. Traitors don’t tend to trust others.”

That was true. But Kelly had spent a year at the court on Sian. Anyone could be a traitor.

“We only have to hold out until we can hire a full crew,” Alex said. “Once we’re an actual battalion, the odds of a successful mutiny or betrayal become vanishingly small.”

That, too, was true. “Then let’s hope we can clear the debris on top of the hatches quickly and leave,” she said. “We’ve already had an aerospace fighter take a look at the pass.” And while her Raven’s ECM should have shielded the installation somewhat, it couldn’t wipe the tracks. Sooner rather than later, the authorities would come knocking.

The door opened, and Kelly tensed - until she saw it was Cat.

“Alright!” Cat said with a smile as she entered. “I finished our inventory!”

“Oh?” Kelly had gone through the first hold in her Raven, scanning the various ‘Mechs, but Cat had gone through every hold.

“Yes. So, you were right, Alex - those were replacement ‘Mechs for an Independent Dragoon Regiment that had gotten mauled in the Periphery. We’ve got twenty-nine ‘Mechs, all Royals!” Cat announced as she dropped her cooling vest on the floor, then kicked it into a corner.

That was great news! They would need Royals to face the Clans. Kelly took the datapad Cat handed over. Mostly heavy ‘Mechs - Marauders, Black Knights, Crusaders, and Riflemen. Some mediums - Shadow Hawks, Griffins and the Phoenix Hawks she had seen. A few lights - two Mongoose, one Hussar. And two Atlas IIs, three Highlanders, one Cyclops and two Thugs.

But no aerospace fighters. Well, the dropship wasn’t equipped to carry them, but it would have been a nice surprise to find some crated up in the hold. The Riflemen would come in handy here… although if the regiment needed a whole lance of them replaced, then they probably didn’t fare well in battle.

She scrolled down and smiled. Three lances of Chaparrals!

“She found the Arrow IV launchers,” Cat commented.

“They will be very useful,” Kelly said with a sniff. The amount of fire she could call in with her Raven’s TAG!

“We’ll need tube artillery as well,” Alex said. “Arrow IV missiles are hard to come by.”

“That’s the other good news. We have lots of ammunition,” Cat said.

Kelly quickly scrolled all the way down. “Because there are only a handful of vehicles,” she said. “And none of them are tanks. Mostly supply and recovery vehicles.”

“Pretty much, yes,” Cat confirmed. “And a few APCs, and that’s it. So, must have been an independent regiment without attached armour.”

“We found the cargo manifest in the computers once the power was restored,” Alex said.

“Steal my thunder, will you?” Cat mock-complained.

“Someone had to check if the manifest matched the hold,” Alex retorted. So... I guess you’ll keep guard?”

Kelly nodded. One of them would stay awake at all times.

“I can take a shift…” Alex started.

“You’re needed in the Star League,” Cat told him. “You can’t spend too much time here.”

Alex frowned at her, but Cat didn’t budge. Kelly nodded in agreement. Alex was the First Lord of the Star League. He couldn’t waste his time standing watch here.

And he knew it. Sighing, he leaned back and closed his eyes.

A few minutes later, he vanished.

Cat craned her neck and sighed as she laid down on the bed. “So, what are the odds the local garrison will visit us tomorrow?”

“We’re on a planet of the Federated Commonwealth,” Kelly replied. “You tell me.”

“I hoped you had some special insight from the Maskirovka,” Cat said, stretching on the bed.

“Contrary to popular belief, Father doesn’t share vital intelligence with us at the dinner table.”

Cat snorted. “Well, I think if not for the fact that it’s night now, they would already be here. And once they find out what we found…”

“...they will attempt to claim it for themselves.”

“For the Federated Commonwealth,” Cat corrected her. “Although some of the cargo would, of course, vanish before they could report to Dad. Stuff that won’t be missed. Perhaps even some ‘Mechs, but that’s harder to do with SDLF Royals.”

So much for the freedom of the Federated Commonwealth, Kelly thought.

Cat rolled her eyes. “I know what you’re thinking. And it’s not like that. The finder’s supposed to be compensated with a fair payment.”

“Fair for the government or fair for the finder?” Mother would expect any finder to gift the entire ship and cargo to the state, of course, and then bestow on them a reward.

“Both. In theory.” Cat shrugged. “But possession is nine-tenths of the law.”

“Shooting the authorities will make it more difficult to do any business in the Federated Commonwealth,” Kelly pointed out.

“Yes.” Cat sighed. “I could reveal myself. No one would dare try to take such a find from a princess of the realm.”

“That would make our next step more difficult.”


“Then I believe that we will have to hope our planned subterfuge will work,” Kelly said. It was a little too rash and daring for her taste. A Felicity and Alex plan.

But if it worked, they should be able to leave the planet with their new dropship without anyone being the wiser.

“Let’s hope so,” Cat said. “Now come to bed!”

“I have the first shift,” Kelly reminded her.

“I didn’t mean you should sleep.” Cat grinned widely.



“They’re coming,” Kelly told them over the radio. “One Swift Wind driving up the road.”

Cat, standing on the bridge of the Babylon, nodded to herself. The car was probably salvage from the Capellans. Or taken by the short-lived Tikonov Free Republic. But it was a decent scouting car. “No ‘Mechs?” she asked, even though she knew that Kelly would have reported them already.

“None on my sensors,” Kelly replied.

Cat knew better than to question the Raven’s sensors. Kelly took that personally.

“Alright,” she said, glancing around. Kirchwerder was sitting in the captain’s chair, directing his salvage turned dropship crew. Alex was talking to Russo.

Who was complaining again. “What a waste of spare parts!”

Cat suppressed a snort. Russo was a good tech, and good techs hated any waste. Even with a dropship half-full of supplies and spare parts, he didn’t like to see any ‘Mech parts destroyed.

Granted, they hadn’t found any spare parts for an Awesome in the ship’s hold, but the piece of scrap half-buried under the cave-in at the entrance had a warped internal structure, barely any armour left, and the actuators were busted. It was pretty much useless except as a ‘Mech-sized club.

But the arm should help with convincing the locals that their little expedition had found a sudden end.

“The Scout’s approaching the entrance,” Kali reported.

“We have it on our screen now,” Alex told her.

And indeed, Cat could see the car stop about thirty metres from the entrance. A moment later, the driver got out and approached on foot.

“Hope he doesn’t spot the Raven,” Russo muttered.

Cat shook her head. “Kelly’s hidden too well. The SLDF knew what it was doing.” Even though ‘Mech-sized observation posts built into a supply base made you question their competence. But since it let Kelly use her ‘Mech’s ECM to shield the rest of the base from the scout car’s sensors, Cat wouldn’t complain.

On the screen, she saw the man kneel down next to the crushed left arm of the Awesome, stuck under a rock Cat had placed there with her Victor this morning.

“Let’s hope he buys it,” Russo muttered again. He sounded like the Quartermaster of the First Royals back in Dreamland - that dwarf would never stop complaining and doomsaying.

“He just has to buy it long enough for us to get the dropship moving,” Alex said.

“And then we’ll be just one amongst many dropships. It’s not as if this is the only Colossus-class ship left in the Inner Sphere,” Russo said.

Alex laughed, apparently not offended by the man’s sarcasm. “As long as they can’t prove that we found the ship here, we’ll be fine.”

“The Feds will know you did find it here.” Russo scoffed.

“They’ll suspect,” Alex corrected him. “But even the Federated Commonwealth can’t afford to take our find without actual proof. Certainly not in the middle of an invasion when they need all the mercenaries they can hire.”

Cat hoped that Alex was correct. It was true that rumours of the Federated Commonwealth trying to confiscate the ‘Mechs and dropship of a mercenary unit under false pretences would hurt their reputation. But the flimsy ‘we found the dropship somewhere else and sneaked it on Epsilon Eridani to use the SLDF supply base there to repair it’ excuse wouldn’t convince anyone. Mum and Dad weren’t dictators and respected the law, but they were no fools.

“He’s leaving again,” Kelly told them.

“Going to return with excavation equipment. Probably a platoon of engineers,” Russo said.

“Then I think it’s time for us to leave this place. Captain?” Alex turned to Kirchwerder.

“We’ll be ready to lift off in an hour.”

“That should be enough,” Alex said. “Kelly, keep watch until we’re ready to depart.”

“Yes, Sir.”

An hour and a half later, Cat watched the hangar doors open above them. She had cleared them earlier that day with the Victor and an excavation tool, but some dirt and rocks had been left and now fell down on the ship as the doors withdrew. It turned into a veritable shower of earth and small stones as the doors disappeared completely.

“Sloppy,” Kelly commented.

“A ‘Mech isn’t good for fine work,” Cat replied.

Both of them were in their ‘Mechs. Just in case.

“Three. Two. One. Lift off!”

And for the first time in over two hundred years, the Babylon rose into the sky.

Cat allowed herself to relax once they had cleared the atmosphere and no fighters had come up to intercept them. Now they could only hope that Alex’s money had been enough to keep the jumpship he had hired waiting for them.


Harlech, Outreach, Federated Commonwealth, July 12th, 3050

“Welcome to Outreach. Enjoy your stay, Mr Camden.” The customs officer from the Wolf’s Dragoons didn’t sound very sincere, in Kelly’s opinion. Then again, he was obviously distracted by their ride - Colossuses were thought to be extinct in the Inner Sphere, and they had arrived with close to a battalion of near-pristine SLDF-’Mechs.

Distracted and intrigued - the man had dragged out the ‘customs inspection’ in an appallingly obvious manner. Kelly wasn’t an expert - neither was Cat - but she didn’t think many mercenary companies would have tolerated such antics.

Then again, the Wolf’s Dragoons were the premier mercenary unit in the Inner Sphere, and they controlled Outreach, where much of the Mercenary’s trade was conducted. Even established mercenary regiments would tread lightly on Outreach. A mercenary battalion still in the process of being founded?

Alex smiled at the man as if they were best friends. “That’s Lt. Colonel Camden - we’re going to form a combined arms battalion with our find. The First Royal Irregulars - we’re going to fight the Clans.”

“Ah.” The dragoon’s expression was barely polite, and Kelly saw, as he had before, glance at their SLDF-issue uniforms before nodding. “I wish you luck then,” he said with a hint of a smile.

Once he had left, Alex sighed and shook his head. “That man doesn’t like us, and I wonder why. If he were part of another unit, I’d think they were jealous of us, but the Dragoons have no reason to be jealous of a battalion starting out.”

“And he was damn nosy,” Cat said, stretching. “I didn’t expect this kind of welcome from what I heard of the Dragoons.”

“He didn’t like our uniforms, I think,” Kelly added. “He barely hid his disdain.”

“Ah.” Alex nodded. “That might be it. I would’ve expected that from the Eridani Light Horse, given their traditions, but they’re not the only ones who might take offence at someone wearing the uniforms of the SLDF.”

“We’re wearing the uniform of Dreamland’s SLDF,” Cat commented.

“A difference that the good officer might have missed.” Alex shrugged. “Anyway, let’s not waste any more time. We have a battalion to recruit.”

“And an employer to find,” Cat added.

“I believe the second task shouldn’t pose any problem for us, provided we manage the first,” Kelly pointed out. “Not with the Clan Invasion continuing.” According to the latest news, the invaders had already launched the next wave of attacks in the Free Rasalhague Republic and the Combine, and everyone expected the Federated Commonwealth to be hit any day now.

“Yes. So, let’s register at the Mercenary Review Board and then visit the Hiring Hall,” Alex said, clapping his hands together.

Kelly glanced at Cat, who sighed. “I’ll stay here and keep an eye on our crew,” her friend said.

“It’s only until we have hired enough MechWarriors,” Alex said with a smile. “It shouldn’t take us long.”



  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #40 on: 12 February 2022, 13:51:20 »
Harlech, Outreach, Federated Commonwealth, July 12th, 3050

The local Mercenary Review Board was located in an impressive building, Cat had to admit. Probably part of the Dragoons’ efforts to draw more business to their Hiring Hall, away from Galatea. But the MRB was run by ComStar, not the Dragoons. “I don’t like this,” she said in a low voice as Alex and she approached the entrance.

“I grew up on Terra; I really don’t like that,” Alex said in a low voice. “But they’re the only game in town. We need to be registered to attract decent personnel.”

Cat knew that. She didn’t like it, though. ComStar wasn’t nearly as neutral as they claimed - her family knew that better than anyone else. Well, they had disguises and good fake identities. And if things went wrong… well, ComStar had not as much clout on Outreach as on other planets. And if she was wrong about that… she was still a Princess, and they were in the Federated Commonwealth. That carried some weight, even if she would have trouble getting away from MIIO afterwards.

They entered the building, their uniforms drawing some attention from both the guards at the door and various people waiting in the lobby.

But the desk to the left was free, so they approached.

“Hello!” Alex smiled widely at the man. “We’re here to register a Mercenary Unit. The First Royal Irregulars.”

“I see. Do you have the forms?”

Alex pulled a few sheets out of his pocket and presented them to the clerk. “This should cover everything.”

“Thank you.” The man quickly read through the sheets and started entering the data in his terminal. “You have a Colossus-class dropship, I see.”

“Well, it’s easily visible on the landing pad, but probably not from here,” Cat replied before she could stop herself.

Though the clerk chuckled as if her joke had been any good. “I might take a look after work - it’s not every day that one can see the return of a piece of technology thought lost forever.”

Yes, definitely a hardcore ComStar employee, Cat thought.

“We were very lucky to find it,” Alex said. “Though you understand that we’re reluctant to reveal the source of the ship.”

Judging by the smirk on the clerk’s face, he did understand what Alex meant. Cat was sure that he had already heard about Epsilon Eridani. “Of course, Sir.” He hadn’t stopped entering the data, Cat noticed, and tilted his head as he studied the screen for a moment. “It seems as if everything checks out. You have an impressive number of ‘Mechs, but you can only field one lance at the moment?”

“We’re recruiting,” Alex said. “That’s why I would be grateful if you could expedite the paperwork.”

“Of course, Sir - Colonel Camden,” the man replied. “Could you verify your contact number?”

Alex did, and that was it.

Or would have been. Right as they turned to leave, a lanky man with short dark hair approached them. “Sorry to bother you, sir, but I overheard that you’re recruiting.” He sketched a salute. “Mechwarrior Brendan Allen, formerly of Grant’s Grenadiers.”

Cat hadn’t met any in Dreamland, and none since she woke up and had been more or less confined to the palaces of her parents, but she was sure Allen was a dispossessed Mechwarrior - he looked far too desperate for a MechWarrior with a ‘Mech of his own.

“You heard correctly,” Alex told the man. “And yes, we have ‘Mechs without pilots. We’re officially starting recruiting as soon as the MRB puts up our notice, but we can already schedule an interview for you. Is tomorrow morning at eight local time alright?”

“Of course!” Allen’s face lit up. “I’ll be there for sure. Thank you, Colonel!”

“Just one thing,” Alex added. “The uniform we’re wearing? That’s not just a fashion statement. We’ll expect strict adherence to SLDF regulations.”

Allen nodded. “Anything to get back into the fight, Colonel.”

Cat couldn’t help feeling guilty when she saw the man leave. Dispossessed… that didn’t happen to her family.

“We’ll see if he suits us,” Alex said. “We’ll be swamped with applications, I think.”

“Once it gets around that we have LosTech ‘Mechs?” Cat snorted. “And half of them will be spies for someone.”

Alex laughed at that, even though it was a serious concern. They had to find a way to weed out spies - or at least, ensure any spy couldn’t hurt them.

At least they didn’t have to worry about Clan spies.


“So, I’ve been asking around,” Russo said at the ‘officer’s meeting’ after dinner. “Techs’re always in demand, and that’s not changed since the invasion. But there are a few old contacts who are interested - if only because they get to work with Star League machines. But they won’t be cheap.”

“That shouldn’t be an issue,” Alex said. “We’re planning for that.”

Kelly had to refrain from frowning at him. They couldn’t be too cavalier with their money. War was expensive, and they didn’t have the nigh-unlimited funds of the Star League in the Inner Sphere. Even bringing over SLDF gear like advanced neurohelmets every night wouldn’t be able to cover their expenses if they went overboard with salaries.

“We can always sell a ‘Mech to pay the bills.” Kirchwerder chuckled.

Kelly did narrow her eyes at the man’s tone. He was joking, but she didn’t like the attitude he displayed. This wasn’t his unit - it was Alex, Cat and hers. “We need to hire pilots with their aerospace fighters,” she reminded everyone. “We currently don’t have any air cover.”

“Yeah,” Cat chimed in. “And four Riflemen won’t go too far in keeping enemy aerospace fighters off our backs.”

“But then we need another dropship to deploy them,” Kirchwerder said. “The Babylon doesn’t have the facilities to launch and recover fighters.”

“But we can transport them,” Alex retorted. “I doubt we’ll be operating independently on the Clan front, so we’ll have fighter cover in space and can deploy our own once we’re on the ground. And yes, it’ll take hours to get them ready, but we’re not talking raids here - we’re talking planetary invasions.”

“Or defence,” Kelly added.

“In which case we can have the fighters deploy from a base,” Alex said.

“That’ll put some of the pilots off. No one likes being faced with the possibility to be left behind should we have to make a fast getaway.” Kirchwerder tilted his head with a wry grin.

And aerospace fighters of their own, deployed outside the Babylon, would be able to intercept the dropship, should a certain spacer attempt to steal it. Kelly didn’t mention that. But she kept it in mind.

“Anyway,” Cat spoke up, “we’ve got lots of applications from Mechwarriors. We’ll take some time sifting out the unsuitable. No applications so far for the artillery positions.”

That was bad. Without a working artillery battery, Kelly’s TAG would be useless. But this was just the first evening. They still had time to find artillerymen. Though with Arrow IV systems having been extinct for centuries and only having been reintroduced in the last few years, finding anyone with experience on them would be pretty much impossible. Whoever they hired would have to be trained up using the SLDF manuals.

And that wasn’t an optimal solution. If only they had access to Dreamland’s SLDF!


Harlech, Outreach, Federated Commonwealth, July 13th, 3050

Brendan Allen showed up half an hour before eight. He had cleaned up some, Cat noticed when she looked at the screen showing the ‘waiting room’. Pressed uniform - of sorts. Camos, with a missing unit patch. And a fresh haircut. He might have even overdone it a little - she could spot a few minor cuts from where he apparently had been a bit too enthusiastic with shaving. Well, she hoped it was just too much enthusiasm and not some neural condition that affected his fine motor control.

“Well, we might as well start early,” Alex said. “The recruiting ad went up while we were asleep.”

“Ah.” Cat sighed. “How many applications?”

“The printer ran out of paper.”

“What?” But the printer had room for…

“Well, I forgot to fill it before printing, but it’s still a lot.” Alex grinned at her, and Cat pouted.

Sometimes, the First Lord’s sense of humour left something to be desired.

“I shall call him, then,” Kelly spoke up. “He hasn’t tried to sneak away and enter the Mechbay.”

Which didn’t mean that he wasn’t a spy, Cat knew.

Allen entered the office that Alex had commandeered for the interview - not that they lacked rooms; the dropship was half-empty - and stood at parade rest. “Colonel Camden. Major Lieden, Major Stevens.”

“Have a seat,” Alex said. “You’re not yet subject to our regulations. You have a service jacket?”

“Ah… I’ve never served with a House unit.” Allen smiled nervously. “My mother taught me. She was with the Carridan Cossacks - a company-sized mercenary unit. We were mostly at the Lyran border to the Periphery. But she died in the War of ‘39. I inherited her Shadow Hawk, and when the Cossack’s disbanded after the Captain got killed in a pirate raid and the banks foreclosed on the dropship, I joined Grant’s Grenadiers. I was a lance leader when the Clans hit us in the first wave. Got the ‘Hawk shot out from under me early on and crashed into a tree. Which means I was already on a dropper being treated when the rest of the company was wiped out and we evacuated.”

It wasn’t an unusual story. Many mercenaries trained their kids themselves instead of sending them to an academy. And it would explain why he didn’t have much paperwork - he was registered at the MRB since ‘40, but a spy working for a big organisation could have easily taken over a fake identity like that. On the other hand, part of this story could be verified with a little effort. Unless he was ROM.

“I see. We’re planning to fight the Clans. Is that a problem?”

“No.” Allen shook his head. “I mean… I wouldn’t mind getting even with them, but I will basically do anything if I can get a ‘Mech again. Almost anything,” he quickly corrected himself. “I won’t go pirate. I’ve fought pirates almost all my life.”

Alex nodded. “Well, as it happens, we have a Shadow Hawk looking for a pilot. Let’s see how good you are. Though it’s probably not a variant you’re familiar with.”

Allen’s hopeful smile was almost painful to watch.


Allen was a good Mechwarrior. Not a great one, but a good one. It hadn’t taken him too long to get comfortable in the Royal Shadow Hawk, and he was giving a good showing battling the various training scenarios in the database they were using for the simulation.

Cat was sure Kelly could take him in her Raven, though. Which meant that Allen wouldn’t fare too well against the Clans either, in an even fight. “He needs more training,” she said.

“Yes. But I think he’ll do well by the time we hit the Clans,” Alex replied. He looked at Kelly.

“He’s performing adequately, and he has combat experience against the Clans,” she said. “There is room for improvement, though. And I would like to see how he performs as a lance commander.”

“We’ll need more people for that,” Alex said. “Do you think he can be trusted?”

“If he were a plant, he probably would show more skill,” Kelly said.

“Do you think he’s holding back?”

“No. But I think most spymasters would have sent a better Mechwarrior to ensure recruitment. Unless, of course, they would expect us to assume that.”

Cat suppressed a sigh. The year Kelly had spent with her family on Sian had left its mark on her. Though she might be correct in this case - Cat had no illusions that there were spies coming after them. And that would endanger their fake IDs as well. If those hadn’t already been compromised - between the events on Solaris and the recovery of a Colossus-class dropship, they had drawn a lot of attention. But not everything would go straight to the top, and Cat didn’t think that Mum and Dad would have told too many in LIC or MIIO about her escape. So… they had to roll the dice.

And speaking of rolling the dice. “Let’s put him against the Horde.” Cat had transported the chip containing the battlesims featuring the Horde from Dreamland to the Inner Sphere in her mouth; she wanted to see it used.

“Alright.” Alex pushed a button. “That was good, Mr Allen. Now we’ve got a special scenario for you.”

On the screen showing the camera feed from the Shadow Hawk’s cockpit, currently serving as a simpod, they could see Allen nod. “Bring it, Colonel! This ‘Mech can take anything!” He was sweating despite the fact that this was just a sim. Then the Second Horde Attack on Unity Field started playing, and Allen was starting to really sweat.

But, Cat saw as the Shadow Hawk quickly rushed behind cover, he wasn’t losing his composure or panicking. Yes, if he could perform like this in actual battle, they could use him.


“Yes, I served with the Stealthy Tigers,” Lieutenant Hans Meier said, nodding. “I don’t know if you’re familiar with the unit’s history…” He trailed off and inclined his head.

Kelly had to read up on it, but Cat had known the unit. “It was the Duke of Tamar’s personal regiment, formed as a mercenary unit to circumvent the law restricting household forces,” Cat said. “And when Rasalhague was formed, you quit in protest and left the Commonwealth.”

“Well, that was before my time,” Meier said. He wasn’t quite slouching, but he wasn’t sitting ramrod-straight like Allen had been. His stocky body was more relaxed. Then again, he owned his own ‘Mech .- he wasn’t desperate. Far from it. “I was still a dependent back then - I joined the regiment in ‘44. But I was born on Tamar, and with the Clans advancing through the Commonwealth…” He sighed with a forced smile. “I discovered that I was more Lyran than I had thought. I can’t let my childhood home be conquered without doing something about it.”

“You think the Clans will manage to take Tamar?” Cat asked with a frown.

“I don’t know. But I want to do my best to prevent it.” Meier nodded firmly. “So, I took my ‘Mech - my father’s ‘Mech, a Zeus - and came to Outreach to find a mercenary unit that would go up against the Clans.”

“And was that an amicable parting?” Alex asked.

Meier winced. “I don’t hold a grudge against the regiment for their decision to stay in the service of the Free Worlds League. But I couldn’t stay.”

Alex tilted his head. “And the regiment?”

“They do not share my views and might hold a grudge.” Meier sighed. “They might even unperson me - claim I never served with them. The commander was a friend of my father and hurt when I left. And the ‘Mech was… well, it was my family’s, but I had it upgraded with LosTech a few months before.”

“Paid for by the regiment?” Kelly asked.


That sounded… well, it sounded like a cover story. And not a good one. Kelly thought it would be far more likely that a regiment stiffed like this would want to get the LosTech back - or the money they spent - instead of denying any knowledge of the Mechwarrior to hurt his reputation. Then again, the Maskirovka would have a better cover story for an agent of theirs, and so would the MIIO or the LIC. Unless, of course, they would expect Kelly to assume it wasn’t a spy from them because of the less than optimal cover story. That was the kind of plan Mother and Father might come up with. Especially Mother. Or Sun-Tzu had sent the man, and Father hadn’t let him use the Maskirovka.

Or this could be SAFE - everyone knew the Free Worlds League’s intelligence service was a joke, at least when it came to this sort of operation. The stories Father had told…

“Well, that might cause some problems,” Alex said.

“Those are my problems. It shouldn’t affect my performance on the field,” Meier said. “And it shouldn’t affect your command, Colonel. It’s strictly between me and my former regiment.”

That wasn’t how such things tended to work, though. Kelly glanced at the others. Cat seemed torn. Alex was… sympathetic. But then, he was used to Dreamland and the SLDF. He hadn’t had to deal with actual spies and traitors since he had taken the throne back.

“Well, let’s hope so. Although I do not think it’ll matter much as soon as we’re at the front.” Alex nodded. “Let’s see you in a simulator, Lieutenant.”

Meier frowned for a moment, then nodded. Was he annoyed that he had to prove his skills? A spy wouldn’t show such a reaction - unless they wanted to appear less eager to join.

Once again, she kept smiling while she wanted to sigh.


Meier was a decent to good pilot and a good shot - a veteran. About as skilled as Allen, Kelly would say. His aim was maybe a bit worse; it was hard to say. “We could certainly use him,” Alex said. “He has experience as a Lance commander. And he has his own ‘Mech - a Lostech assault ‘Mech.”

“The Zeus isn’t significantly more powerful than a heavy ‘Mech,” Kelly pointed out. “It performs about as well as the Marauder.” Which was also dedicated command ‘Mech.

“It’s still a powerful addition.” Alex rubbed his chin. “I think we should hire him. And yes,” he added with a grin at Kelly,” I am aware he is a bit too good to be true. A veteran Mechwarrior with a Lostech assault ‘Mech of their own. But I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt.”

Kelly slowly nodded. Alex was the First Lord; the final decision was his. She would keep an eye on Meier, though - and if he turned out to be a plant, they would get to keep the Zeus. If only they could bring people from Dreamland to the Inner Sphere!

“Kelly… we can’t play it safe,” Cat said. “We have to hire people and sort them out afterwards. Our cover won’t last forever.”

She was aware of that, of course. She still frowned. “Thirty security risks… not counting our support staff.”

“More if we find another Mechwarrior with their own ‘Mech.” Alex grinned at her.

Kelly narrowed her eyes at him in return; this wasn’t funny. Not really.

“Well, let’s see how Meier fares against the Clans,” Cat said, already altering the sim scenario.

Meier didn’t fare well in the first scenario - he had trouble adapting to the fact that, compared to Clan ‘Mechs, his own ‘Mech was at a disadvantage. More so against medium ‘Mechs, though - he performed better against heavy ‘Mechs. “He keeps underestimating the lighter ‘Mechs,” Kelly said.

“Well, he is originally from the Lyran Commonwealth,” Alex said, chuckling at the old joke about the Lyran view of light and medium ‘Mechs.

“We’ll have to set him straight,” Cat said.

“I can take my Raven against him,” Kelly offered.

“Or we can send Allen against him,” Alex suggested. “We’ve got our next interview in fifteen minutes,”

Kelly was torn. She really wanted to see how Meier would react to getting defeated by a light ‘Mech. On the other hand, it was her duty as an officer to interview the new recruits. And that took precedence. So she nodded. “MechWarrior Ellen Gallinari. Formerly of the Free World League’s Marik Militia.” She had read up on all their potential recruits, after all.

It was going to be a long week.



  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #41 on: 12 February 2022, 13:52:11 »
Harlech, Outreach, Federated Commonwealth, July 15th, 3050

The Babylon’s mechbay had become quite busy. Between the dozen new techs and astechs and the eleven Mechwarriors they had hired in two days, the bay was filled with people working on the ‘Mechs. Still not nearly enough personnel, but it was looking better than Cat had expected.

If they continued at this pace, they would have a full roster at the end of the week - they might even tighten their standards. Some of the new recruits weren’t quite where Cat would like them to be. They needed to realise that Lostech ‘Mechs weren’t going to help them as much as they thought. Well, they would have to step up training during transit to the front.

“Hey!” she greeted Russo. “How’s it going?”

The tech cursed in Italian. “The good news is that the ‘Mechs are in pristine condition. The bad news is that too few of our new hires have experience with SLDF-grade ‘Mechs.”

“Well, they have a few months to learn how to fix Royals,” Cat said. “The training manuals are helping, I hope.”

“Yes. Without them, it would be hopeless. But…” Russo looked around. “I think some of the manuals have been tampered with. They don’t quite match the ‘Mechs.”

Cat sighed. “The SLDF wasn’t perfect.” And the training manuals were from Dreamland. There were some differences between the SLDF in Dreamland and the Inner Sphere. “It’s probably something their instructors fixed with a few lessons.”

Russo grunted. “Probably. But we don’t have those lessons.”

“But we have ‘Mechs to study.” Cat smiled.

“‘Mechs those new Mechwarriors will probably break as soon as you take them out on the training grounds.”

Cat shrugged. That couldn’t be helped. You couldn’t just train in Sims, and stuff broke in the field.

Russo scoffed again. “Just don’t break important things.”

“I’ll try not to.” She grinned but grew serious when she turned away and walked towards her Victor. They only had been able to hire one medic so far. That wasn’t enough. And they had been completely out of luck with regards to aerospace pilots so far. Not even a single lance to give them some air cover. If they had to rely on the four Rifleman ‘Mechs in the Support Company to keep the skies above their battalion clear of enemy aerospace fighters, then that would limit their options quite thoroughly.

And they still hadn’t found any artillerymen. They might have to hire infantry and train them up. But they would still be green as grass when they reached the front. Then again, finding people who had experience with Lostech artillery was almost impossible anyway.

She sighed and stopped at the ladder leading up to her Victor’s cockpit, then smiled as she waved at Ellen, who was sitting in the open cockpit of her Shadow Hawk, reading the manual. The Mechwarrior wasn’t the most experienced, but she had a talent for piloting. And if she followed Allen’s advice about fighting the Clans, things should work out. Allen, at least, seemed to have a handle on how to deal with her as her lance commander.

Things had to work out.


Training Grounds, Outreach, Federated Commonwealth, July 18th, 3050

First Company was attacking. Cat didn’t even need to check her display - she saw the three lances charge towards her position. Alex leading from the front, as usual - his Atlas II running all-out, the other Atlas II and two Highlanders roughly holding formation with him and forming a line, the two other lances - three Marauders on his right flank and two Black Knights and Crusaders each moving slightly behind his lance, resulting in a rough wedge formation.

It was a formidable wall of steel, but together, Cat’s Second Company and Kelly’s Support Company outmassed Alex’s ‘Mechs. But in a slugging match, they wouldn’t outlast them.

“Second company, slowly fall back towards the next ridge!” she ordered on the company channel. “Stay in formation and be ready to react to enemy movement.”

“No!” Meier protested - on the command channel. “They’ll cut us down from range! They’ll reach our current position before we reach the ridge!”

“Beta-21, That’s the idea,” Cat replied. “Move!”

“This is suicide!”

“I said move!” Cat snapped. “We have to lure them out of formation!” She hit her jumpjets and soared backwards, landing at the foot of the ridge, facing upwards.

The rest of her lance followed without making a fuss. Barret’s Highlander jumped as well but landed a bit short, barely outpacing Campbell’s Cyclops, which walked backwards down the slope. Martini, though, fell a bit behind in her Awesome.

Meier’s short lance - his Zeus and the two Thugs - were moving faster, but they were more spread out as well.

“Be ready to counter-attack as soon as we reach the halfway mark,” Cat told the company.  “Beta-31, once we counter-attack, you go around them and hit them in the rear. Beta-2 will anchor our formation.” Allen would be able to quickly run past Alex’s line with his Shadow Hawks and Griffins, and Meier’s short lance had the firepower and armour to last a while even against Alex’s lances.

“They’ve got four gauss rifles!” Meier said.

Cat rolled her eyes and called Kelly. “Ready?”


They moved further towards the ridge, walking backwards, weapons trained on the slope in front of them. Cat glanced to her side, past Meier’s lance - which was outpacing her own - and at the ravine in which most of Kelly’s Support Company was hiding. Perfect.

They fell back further, almost to the halfway point, when Alex’s Atlas appeared on top of the slope.

“Second Company, charge!” Cat yelled and jumped forward.

“Stay in formation!” Meier cut in.

Alex didn’t stop on the ridge - he charged down the slope, as expected. His lance was halfway down before the last of his lances appeared behind them. A simulated gauss rifle slug barely missed Cat’s Victor. Two lasers didn’t, and her computer called a warning.

She switched to her lance channel. “Beta-1, Focus fire on the first Atlas!”

Campbell in the Cyclops obliged and fired his LRMs at the Atlas while it tried to close in. Barret in the Highlander did better with her gauss rifle and LRMs, but Martini missed with two PPCs in her Awesome.

Alex was the most dangerous Mechwarrior on the field. He proved it as he sent a gauss slug and two lasers into her Victor’s torso before peppering her armour with LRMs. Low-powered PPC shots flew back and forth as Cat rushed to get into range of her Pontiac, followed by Campbell. Meier’s Zeus staggered under the onslaught of a few PPCs from Alex’s Marauders, but he didn’t fall, and his lance returned the favour.

Allen’s lance dashed forward, but one of the Griffins caught a gauss slug to the leg, followed by some LRMs, and fell down. Allen didn’t stop and kept going, closing in.

Cat jumped again, avoiding the next volley from Alex’s lance - both Highlanders were now focusing on her - and landed in a crouch. Finally in range! She sent a few training rounds at Alex, whose Atlas was staggering under the impact of a gauss rifle and three PPCs as her lance finally found their mark. Despite the horrible damage, he managed to control his ‘Mech, though, and returned fire.

Cat jumped once more, but this time, she wasn’t quick enough, and the enemy fire almost made her lose control as her Victor was hit and hit again.

But then, just as Alex’s formation pivoted to deal with her lance and Meier’s, Kelly led her medium lance out of the ravine and into Alex’s flank. Her Raven led the charge of three Phoenix Hawks, lasers flashing back and forth. One of them caught a full volley from a Black Knight and a Crusader and went down, but the others reached the enemy line just when the four Riflemen of Kelly’s AAA lance stepped out of the ravine and added their lasers and autocannons to the carnage.

With half a dozen medium and light ‘Mechs in their rear, First Company’s formation unravelled. Alex tried to keep them together, but the weight of fire from Cat’s lance started telling, and his Atlas was deemed destroyed when Cat’s Pontiac cored it.

She lost her left arm in return and had to jump away and behind a small hill before she was shredded by the remaining three assault ‘Mechs, and still some lasers found her torso.

But then the assault ‘Mechs had to face the rest of her lance and turned away, and Cat immediately used the opportunity to send more autocannon rounds into the second Atlas’s back. Kelly’s tiny Raven darted in front of her before the Atlas could turn and added SRMs and laser fire, then dashed away to attack one of the staggering Marauder’s flank. Cat shifted her fire as well - Meier was out, but the two Thugs were still firing, and now with one Marauder down, the tide was turning there.

Allen was still fighting, as was Gallinari, but the rest of his lance was down. But they and Kelly’s mediums had torn through Alex’s third lance, which just left the mopping up.

Not a bad result - but Cat needed to straighten things with Meier. She couldn’t have backtalk like that in the field.


Harlech, Outreach, Federated Commonwealth, July 18th, 3050

“Well, that was a victory for you,” Alex said in their suite, sitting back on his bed.

Cat snorted. “We lost half our ‘Mechs, and the rest were heavily battered.”

“Another such victory, and we are lost.” Kelly quoted someone, but Cat didn’t quite recognise the line.

“King Pyrrhus, after a costly victory over the Romans,” Alex said.

Right. She should have remembered that.

“Well, this was a training scenario to test our new recruits,” Alex went on. He smiled. “And we could say that my company did well facing double their numbers.”

Cat snorted again. “Well, we need more work. They aren’t on the level we need against the Horde - the Clans.”

“Yes,” Kelly agreed. “Individually, most performed adequately, but coordination was far from optimal.”

Alex nodded. “I did notice that you reacted a little bit slowly.”

Cat frowned. “Meier took issue with my plan.”


“I expected that, and I’ll have a word with him,” Cat said. “But I wanted to have a training exercise first.”

“Yes. We needed to show that we know what we are doing,” Kelly added. “My company had similar issues due to my age.”

“Well, they aren’t used to teenagers with years of command experience,” Alex said. Of course, he was close to thirty, so he didn’t have that problem.

“They better get used to it,” Cat grumbled. “If Meier questions my orders in the field, he’ll get us all killed.” Then again, the fact that they slept in the same suite as Alex - so they could cover for each other in Dreamland - didn’t help; half the battalion or more probably still thought they had earned their ranks in bed.

“At least we now know that the concept works,” Alex commented.

“We already knew that,” Cat pointed out.

“But now, we know that it works with our new people.” He grinned.

“We still have to run an exercise with all three companies working together,” Kelly said.

“I’ve contacted the Dragoons about that. We should get the opportunity to square up against them in a week.”

That wouldn’t give them enough time to form the companies into units. Cat sighed. “They’ll massacre us.”

“Well… they do have a reputation,” Alex conceded. “But we haven’t shown them all our tricks. And I wager that they don’t have the training we got from the SLDF - or the experience fighting the Horde.”

But that wouldn’t do much with a battalion formed from individuals with less than two weeks worth of experience fighting together.

“Anyway, the damages from the exercise were minimal,” Cat said, dropping a sheet on the table. “Russo can have it all fixed by tomorrow, even with his limited pool of techs.”

“It’s not enough to let us sustain operations in the field, though,” Kelly objected.

Alex sighed. “Yes, but we pretty much hired all the techs we could get. We’ll have to look for more while travelling. Or poach from units in the field.” He shrugged. “But we’ll have our astechs trained up by then. The training manuals and vids we have are a huge help.”

That was a thin silver lining. A very thin silver lining.

“So, let’s go over our performance in detail. Companies, then lances, then individuals,” Alex said.

“My company performed as expected,” Kelly said. “The use of the Riflemen as fire support caused a lot of casualties amongst them, but they had no other missions.”

“And it might teach them that even a Rifleman with freezers is still poorly armoured and doesn’t have the firepower of most heavy ‘Mechs,” Cat added. They were needed as AAA, but she wouldn’t send them against Clan ‘Mechs. Maybe light ‘Mechs in a pinch.

“My own lance did well,” Kelly went on. “We managed to get into the rear of First Company and exploited that, with the expected casualties. The scout lance followed our example, but like the Riflemen, that wasn’t their core mission.”

Something else Cat hoped the Mechwarriors would take to heart. She took a deep breath. “My company performed adequately. The formation was a little ragged, and the coordination was lacking, but they managed to complete their objectives. Threat assessment needs work, though, and focusing fire.”

“Well, it worked on me,” Alex grinned. “But yes, it was a little ragged.”

“And you were in front, where you shouldn’t be,” Kelly said.

“A leader needs to be seen,” Alex retorted. “Besides, the Horde doesn’t focus fire, and neither do the Clans.”

“They started to, though,” Cat told him. “You need to be more careful. If anything happens to you…” Nastajia would be devastated. And then she would run amok.

“I know. But if I am needed…”

Cat glanced at Kelly and sighed. They would have to talk to Alex’s command lance and tell them how to handle Alex in the field.


Harlech, Outreach, Federated Commonwealth, July 19th, 3050

Cat caught Meier checking his Zeus in the Mechbay after breakfast. “Leutnant, a word.” She nodded towards the corner next to the doors.

“Major.” He slowly rose from where he had been inspecting his ‘Mech’s foot. A little too slowly, in Cat’s opinion.

Once they were in the corner and Cat had checked that no one was in earshot, she stared at him. “You need to stop second-guessing my decisions.” His eyes widened for a moment - was he surprised. She didn’t care. “And you need better radio discipline. The company channel isn’t the channel to give orders to your lance,” she added. She was being generous here - she was sure that the officer had willingly addressed the whole company.

He clenched his teeth, then raised his chin. “I don’t know where you were taught, but in the Stealthy Tigers, a company commander was expected to listen to their lance commanders if they had concerns. And we practised Auftragstaktik. That means…”

“Ich bin mit der Auftragstaktik vertraut, Leutnant,” Cat cut him off. Auftragstaktik was standard in the SLDF, after all. “And there’s a time and place for voicing concerns, but once an order is given, it’s to be executed.” She took a step forward and lowered her voice. “You thought you knew better.”

Meier didn’t say anything. The Stealthy Tigers must have had better discipline than mercenaries usually had. Or he thought that she would have him fired if he talked back too much. Well, he wasn’t entirely wrong.

“I know my business, Leutnant. I am a veteran.”

He drew a hissing breath. “You’re a teenager!” he whispered, then pressed his lips together - Cat was sure he had almost called her a liar.

“Appearances can be deceiving, she retorted. “You’ve seen me in the exercises.”

“Piloting a ‘Mech doesn’t mean you can command a company.”

“I have shown that I can command a company. You were there.” She suppressed the urge to sneer at him - she had commanded a battalion in the SLDF during the war against the Horde! “The Stealthy Tigers expect their officers to face facts, don’t they?”

He glared at her as he pressed out: “Yes.”

“Then stop assuming anything based on my apparent age. I have the training and the experience for my position.” After a moment’s pause, she added: “I didn’t sleep my way up.”

He blushed a little. “I didn’t say that.”

“I know what people assume about Kelly and me and Alex.” She gave him a curt nod. “I’m your company commander. I need you to do your job, not second-guess me. Verstanden?”


She nodded again and left. This wasn’t over, but with a little luck, he’d come around once he realised from the exercises that she knew what she was doing. Meier, and the rest of her company.

Cat hoped Kelly had less trouble with her company.



  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #42 on: 12 February 2022, 13:53:15 »
Harlech, Outreach, Federated Commonwealth, July 20th, 3050

Kelly checked her report a second time. No typos. The numbers added up. She hit ‘send’ and put the noteputer on the desk with a satisfied sigh. Alex was meeting with their future employer so he wouldn’t see it immediately, but that didn’t matter. She had finished her duties for the day.

“Already done?” Cat asked, looking up from her own noteputer.

“Yes.” Kelly cocked her head slightly.

“I’ll be stuck here for a while.” Cat frowned. “Sorting out repair reports. Requests from our greeny artillery unit who still thinks like infantry judging by their small arms requests. And requests for modifications,” she added with a sneer.

“Meier again?” Kelly asked. The Lieutenant had become a stickler for regulations. Passive-aggressive payback for Cat sorting him out, Kelly assumed.

“No. Campbell wants to replace his Cyclops’s twelve heatsinks with ten freezers and add more armour.”

“Ah.” Kelly nodded. “That’s a sensible suggestion.” The Cyclops was underarmoured compared to other assault ‘Mechs.

“Yes. But Russo isn’t happy with the proposal. Adding more armour will force a recalibration of the gyro, and that might mean we won’t have the thing ready for the finals.”

“You mean the training exercise in a week,” Kelly corrected her.

“Yes, our final test before we’re leaving Outreach.” Cat snorted. “Provided Rasalhague still wants us after our performance against the Dragoons.”

Kelly slightly shook her head. “They are desperate for any kind of help they can get.”

“I know.”

“And our Mechwarriors are training hard. They are improving,” Kelly added. That everyone was now wearing brand-new advanced neurohelmets helped, of course.

“Yes. But they aren’t the Dragoons. Much less the SLDF.” Cat shook her head. “Anyway, I’m just depressing myself. So, go ahead and grab something to eat or something while I sort this out.”

“Very well.” Kelly rose, leaned forward to put a brief kiss on Cat’s cheek, and left their cabin.

She didn’t go to the mess, though. She grabbed a sandwich on the way and headed to the mechbay.

Russo was arguing with one of the newly hired techs in front of the Awesome. That was to be expected - the ‘Mech was a kludge, far worse than Cat’s Victor. Cat’s ‘Mech had had the heatsinks replaced and armour added, and that was it. The Awesome… it was basically a Solaris Special. It worked, but woe to anyone who wanted to change something. Martini was standing near the techs and frowning. Probably lost in the tech jargon.

Well, they could sort that out. Kelly continued towards the part of the dropship housing her own company. She had to evade an ammunition trolley moving more LRM rounds - training rounds for the next exercise, she saw - and nodded at Allen and Gallinari, seated on the former’s Shadow Hawk and discussing something. It didn’t look as if they were flirting.

Then she reached her own lance. Anna Kowalski was sitting on a folding lounge chair next to her Phoenix Hawk, reading something.

“Pearl and Gull are out grabbing some chow from the town,” she said without looking up from her book. Which was a technical manual, Kelly noticed.

“Ah.” She nodded in return, then sat down on the foot of the ‘Mech and studied the busy mechbay.

“You know, I still haven’t figured out who you guys are,” Anna suddenly spoke up after about a minute.

“Yes?” Kelly inclined her head.

“You arrive with a Lostech dropship full of Lostech ‘Mechs. Well, mostly Lostech ‘Mechs. I can’t believe the SLDF used those Riflemen.” Anna scoffed. “If we can mount freezers, so could they.”

“Many received field modifications once they reached their units,” Kelly explained. “However, as anti-aircraft ‘Mechs, they were rarely overheating given the nature of their task. Many commanders felt that keeping the original configuration made the Mechwarriors less likely to engage in ground combat, where they would suffer due to their weak armour. It often didn’t work out, but it worked often enough, so the pressure to modify the design never managed to gain momentum.”

“And that’s the other thing: We’re using SDLF everything. Regs. Uniforms. Gear. Manuals.” Anna held up her manual. “SDLF Field guide to reconnaissance in force. 2750 edition.”

“Yes?” It was a good manual - Kelly had studied herself, and the lessons learned worked well in the field.

“You know all that stuff already. But the dropship was found just a month ago or so.”

“SLDF field manuals aren’t exactly Lostech.”

“They’re rare enough. And you read all of them.”

“Not all of them. I am still trying to find time to study the SLDF regulations covering the installation of field latrines,” Kelly replied. When the other woman gaped at her, she smiled.

Anna scowled for a moment. “I walked into this. But seriously. Where did you learn all this? You’re supposed to be a piece of fluff, not some… veteran staff officer. And don’t give me the line about combat experience. I’m talking about all the paperwork and organisation.”

“That’s part of combat experience as an officer,” Kelly said.

Anna snorted. “You were probably the youngest staff officer ever. And only because Stevens is like a month older.”

Kelly slowly nodded. It wasn’t as if this was a secret.

“So, we’ve got a betting pool for you three.”

“For us?” Kelly raised her eyebrows.

“Yes. We’re betting on where you are from. Not just the house - I’m pretty sure you’re FedCom; Stevens’s accent slips at times, and you obviously were together for a long time, but I can’t place the Colonel. But the real deal: Where did you learn your craft? It wasn’t Albion; I was only a year there before I was kicked out, but you don’t feel like one of ours.”

Kelly smiled despite the slight unease she felt - both at the probing questions and the need to lie to her lance.

“Well, we’ll find out. Once the shots are falling, we’ll find out.”

“Perhaps.” Kelly smiled more genuinely.

Anna snorted and went back to reading her manual.

And Kelly watched the Mechbay again. They still didn’t have enough techs. They were short three ‘Mechs for a full battalion. And they had no aerospace fighters or tanks, and only an anaemic infantry platoon for headquarters (and to keep an eye on Kirchwerder). And half-trained artillery.

But they were coming together. She could see it in how the soldiers in the mechbay interacted with each other.


Training Grounds, Outreach, Federated Commonwealth, July 27th, 3050

“They’re cheating! I know they’re cheating!” Anna complained - again. “They must be to keep finding us!”

Kelly rolled her eyes. “Gamma One-Three, maintain radio discipline. And keep moving towards the valley to your left.” That should grant Anna’s Phoenix Hawk some cover from the Dragoons’ hunting them.

“Gamma-13, copy,” Anna replied, and Kelly knew the woman was pouting in her cockpit. But she was following orders. That should keep her ‘Mech alive a bit longer once the Dragoons caught up to them - and after three meeting engagements followed by fifteen minutes of getting hounded across the training field, Kelly was certain that the Dragoons medium lance would be catching up any moment now.

But not because they were cheating. They didn’t need to cheat - they were just so damn good. And they knew the terrain so well, even slower medium Mechs could keep up with her lance. And their lighter ‘Mechs kept popping up behind ridges and out of ravines just outside the effective range of the ER PPCs of Kelly’s Phoenix Hawks, the rest of the two lances hunting already closing in before they could react.

Kelly had recognised the pattern right away, but there was not much she could do about it - even micromanaging her lance wasn’t enough to counter the Dragoons. Her Mechwarriors simply lacked the familiarity born from dozens of battles that was needed to fight together as a well-oiled machine.

“Gamma-12 to Gamma-11! Ambush! Two Griffins and one…” Karen went offline. Killed in action, Kelly’s computer reported, and she marked the spot. With Michael downed in the first engagement, that left only Anna and Kelly. And Cat and Alex were too far away to provide support for them.

On the other hand, Kelly had spotted the pattern. And she was sure she had her opponents’ number now. She switched channels to fire support, and her hand flew over her console, sending targeting data to the First Royal Irregulars’ artillery battery. Flight time of twenty seconds at this distance…

Kelly grinned as her computer told her that the volley was on the way. “Gamma-13, move out of the ravine and behind the next ridge!”

“But what about you?” Anna replied - but her ‘Mech was moving already.

“I need to pay them back before I join you.” Kelly drove her Raven forward, charging the ridge behind which Karen had fallen. As expected, a Dragoon scout popped up far away, tracking her - not even her ECM suite could stop visuals.

And a few seconds later, a Griffin appeared on the ridge.

And the four Arrow IV missiles from the first artillery lance entered the theatre. Kelly dropped the crosshairs of her TAG on the Griffin as she side-stepped the simulated PPC bolt and her anti-missile system shredded the LRM volley. Lock!

She pulled the trigger and kept sliding to the side.

A moment later, the Griffin disappeared from her sensors, struck by four missiles, and the referee ruled it dead.

And now the Dragoons’ companions were out for revenge. Kelly pulled her ‘Mech around and sprinted towards the ravine Anna had left. More LRMs struck the ground next to her while her anti-missile system chattered. A few shells from an autocannon vaporised the armour on her back.

Then the second volley, from the second artillery lance arrived overhead, and Kelly spun her Raven around, catching laser fire on her torso, before she tagged the Trebuchet firing at her.

The medium ‘Mech disappeared as well, and the simulation ruled the Clint next to it as being damaged as well by the explosion. Kelly was already running again - trying to finish off the Clint would doom her.

“I’ve got enemy ‘Mechs incoming!” Anna yelled. “Medium lance!”

Kelly glanced at the screen of her computer. Ostroc. Dragon. Valkyrie. And another Trebuchet. Anna couldn’t fight those.

But they were cutting off Kelly’s escape. Well, on death ground, Fight.

She sent another order to their artillery battery - the first two lances should be reloading now, but the third had yet to fire - and charged on. “Gamma-13, fall in behind me!” Her antimissile system still had some volleys left.

“What?” But Anna did as she was told even as she questioned Kelly.

The LRMs were the first to arrive, and Kelly’s anti-missile system ran dry on the second volley. That meant the Dragon’s and the Valkyrie’s missiles hit her, shredding more armour. She dashed to the left, letting the follow-up volley of laser fire hit the rocks, and came to a stop. A quick check - yes. She accelerated again and rounded the boulder just as the enemy shifted the fire towards Anna’s Hawk.

And just as the next Arrow IV fire arrived.

“TAG!” she yelled as she painted the Valkyrie.

“Gamma-13, focus fire on the Dragon! We’re breaking through!” Or die trying. She entered the next order for the artillery as she closed.

Once more, Anna, her ‘Mech’s armour battered, obeyed while complaining. But the Dragoons had wised up - they were splitting up and focusing on her. The Dragon’s LRM salvo went wide - she was too close - but a volley of lasers melted her ‘Mech’s left arm. But the next Arrow IV volley was already in the air, and the heavy ‘Mechs facing her might be fast for their weight, but not fast enough - three missiles struck the Dragon’s torso a moment before Anna hit it with her ER PPC, and the ‘Mech went offline in a simulated ammo explosion.

Yes! They had blown a hole into the enemy’s trap! “Gamma-13, follow me to…”

The radio cut off as her Raven shut down, the computers switching to spectator mode. Lasers and SRMs had hit her rear and had wrecked the scraps of armour left as well as her reactor shielding. The Ostroc hadn’t tried to flee her next Arrow IV volley but had taken the shot at her back - and hit.

And Anna was charging it. Kelly sighed as the last member of her lance duelled the Ostroc. The Phoenix Hawk had the advantage - it was faster and better armed and still had enough armour left to prevail - but Anna should have run. Even if she managed to kill the Ostroc, the rest of the Dragoons would… Right, there they were.

Now Anna tried to run, but she had overheated her ‘Mech by firing both the ER laser and the ER PPC, and with the Ostroc at her back… That was it for Gamma company’s first lance.

Well, they had made the Dragoons work for it. Kelly hoped that Cat and Alex’s companies did better.


Cat reached the stand set up for spectators at the edge of the training field - behind solid barriers that looked like they could stand up to live-fire exercises - just as the exercise drew to a close.

Alex and a battered Marauder from his company - Spencer Travis - were facing what looked like all the remaining Dragoons on the field. More than a company, which hurt Cat’s pride. It wasn’t even an elite battalion like the Black Widows, just the first of Epsilon Regiment. And they hadn’t had much of a weight advantage, either. Of course, the Dragoons had their reputation for a reason…

It still hurt her pride.

She couldn’t even reach a screen showing the simulated fire and damages before a siren rang - Alex and Travis had been focused down. Shaking her head, she walked over to the food cart some enterprising soul had planted next to the stands.

But before she could order some greasy yakisoba to wash down what Kelly would call the taste of defeat and humiliation, a tall woman in uniform intercepted her.

“Ah, Major Stevens. Quite an impressive showing for a new unit.”

Cat forced herself to smile. “Thank you, Colonel Nichole. We did better than I feared.”

“But not as good as you wished, hm?” The colonel laughed. “That’s the kind of spirit you need to improve. I bet my people did worse than they expected - they were a little full of it, you know, facing a rookie battalion.”

Led by veteran members of the SLDF, though Cat didn’t tell the woman that. “Well, we know how far we have to go before we hit the Clans,” she said instead.

Nichole grew serious. “That’s going to be a very hard job, Major. You’ve got talent, but the Clans have wrecked elite regiments.”

“We’ll see,” Cat said. “We’ll have ample time to iron out the kinks we saw today before we see action.”

“We have a way to go indeed, but I don’t think I am overly optimistic when I expect us to be ready for the Clans once we each Rasalhague.” Kelly nodded at the Colonel as she joined them.

Nichole inclined her head but held her tongue. Which told Cat enough about the Colonel’s opinion.

“Ah, here comes your commander.”

Indeed, Alex’s Atlas-II was coming to a stop at the edge of the stands. Half a minute later, the cockpit hatch opened, and a smiling Alex started climbing down the rope ladder.

Nichole was already moving to meet him, so Cat decided to forego her snack and follow the Dragoon Colonel with Kelly.

“Ah, Colonel Nichole! Good show by your battalion. This was a very instructive exercise for us.” He beamed at the woman, and Cat suppressed a scowl. Alex didn’t have to be so friendly and good-natured. They had lost, after all.

“For us as well. You did better than expected to be honest. Then again, your Mechwarriors do have a technological advantage.” Nichole nodded at Alex’s advanced neurohelmet. “Although some would say you’re taking a high risk using them.”

“Oh, no - those are perfectly safe. Factory new, never worn before,” Alex assured her.

“Ah. The same source where you’ve got your uniforms from?”

“Not quite. We had to alter the uniforms a little since we’re not a line regiment of the SLDF.” Alex smiled widely. “We’re the First Royal Irregulars, after all.”

“And using SLDF doctrine.”


Cat really had to work not to scowl at the woman. She was so blatantly fishing for information, it was almost embarrassing.

At least they would be leaving as soon as the contract with the Free Rasalhague Republic was finalised.


Wolf’s Dragoons Headquarters, Outreach, Federated Commonwealth, July 28th, 3050

“Here are the results of the tests you ordered, Colonel.”

Jaime Wolf looked up from the latest report from the Invasion Front and nodded at his aide. “Thank you, Captain.” He took the envelope and raised his eyebrows when he saw it was sealed. A little overkill, perhaps, he thought with a smile as he sliced it open with his dagger.

The first sheet inside the envelope confirmed what he had already expected. As did the second. The third, though… His eyebrows rose. “That is a surprise.”


Jamie sighed as he put the three sheets down on his desk. “‘Cat Stevens’ and ‘Kelly Lieden’ are Katherine Steiner-Davion and Kali Liao.”

“As we suspected, Sir.”

“Yes. And their obvious skill at leading their companies makes one wonder what they were doing while they were supposedly in a coma.” Jamie shook his head. That was a very thin cover story. But why would both the Steiner-Davions and the Liaos use the same cover story? And have their children train together for what must have been years? Stravag, the two were barely old enough to graduate from a sibko and were leading companies? Even for defectors from the Clans, that wouldn’t make much sense. And they didn’t fight like Clans.

“And why they have come to Outreach to recruit mercenaries,” his aide added. “After fighting in the arenas on Solaris VII.”

“I think the answer to that question is related to their apparent commander.”

“Colonel Camden?”

Jamie nodded. “Yes. He is actually a Cameron.”

His aide - who was also named Cameron, although that was merely a coincidence - stiffened. “But… the entire line was wiped out by the traitor.”

“The legitimate heirs were all killed. According to the DNA, Colonel Camden is a direct descendant of Simon Cameron.”

“Illegitimate then.”

Jamie sighed. “I do not know if many in the Inner Sphere would care about that at this point. And he apparently found a pristine Colossus right next to Outreach. He must have had insider knowledge.” Wolfnet hadn’t known about that ship, and they had had the SLDF’s best records.

Jamie leaned back. But what was the point of this? Why were two members of the ruling Houses of the Inner Sphere working with a Cameron? What was Hanse Davion planning? And why was Romano Liao involved? He was tempted to set Wolfnet on this, but with the Clan invasion, his agents were focused on the front.

And, as much as he did not like it, Wolfnet had no operatives ready to penetrate the security of the Steiner-Davion or the Liao family.

“Do you wish to delay their departure?” Brian asked.

Jamie thought about it for a moment. If he informed the Steiner-Davions about this… If their daughter had run away, they would be grateful for returning her. Probably. But if this was some convoluted plan of Hanse Davion… “Better not risk it,” he mumbled.


“No, we will not intervene there. We have no idea what is going on, and the stakes are too high. Especially now.” He nodded. “Let us see how Colonel Cameron and his two friends will fare on the Invasion Front.”

He pressed his lips together. They were good - the girls fought like veterans, and the Colonel would hold his own against Jamie’s best, from what the battleroms showed. But they had never fought the Clans.



  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #43 on: 12 February 2022, 14:29:27 »
My pleasure, as always!  :thumbsup:


  • Major
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #44 on: 12 February 2022, 15:42:34 »
Great chapters!
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #45 on: 26 February 2022, 10:08:10 »
And again, thanks go to Daryk for beta reading the chapter!

Chapter 7: First Blood

‘When we left Outreach, I didn’t really think that we had successfully hidden our identities, although I certainly hoped that we had managed. But I knew that even with Star League technology from Dreamland to help with our disguises, there was only so much you could do, short of extensive surgery. But I thought we had at least successfully confused any spies after us long enough to make our way to the front. I was almost correct, I found out later - my parents both felt it unfair to try and deny me to fight the clans if Victor got to, seeing as I could obviously handle it, but also didn’t want to create a scandal by trying to force me to return home. I can only wonder which reason prevailed, but I know that my parents didn’t talk to each other for a week during the time the First Royal Irregulars were in transit to the front.’
Diary of Katherine ‘MadCat’ Steiner-Davion


‘After I was told that I could not expect Patient S-D to be returned to my care - quite forcefully, I have to note - I didn’t fall in despair like others would have done in my place. Instead, I launched a new research project to discover the true nature of whatever had happened to Patient S-D. Based upon the patient’s claims, I focused on the natural test subjects: Children below the age of six or seven. And amongst those, I looked for the ones with the most active imagination. And those who had some attention-deficit.’
Private notes of M.D. Phil Baker, Triad Medical Wing, Tharkad, 3050


Skye System, Federated Commonwealth, August 5th, 3050

“Jump complete. Stand by for undocking.”

Kelly shook her head as she checked her harness - it wouldn’t do to float free during the undocking and then get hurt when the dropship accelerated.

Next to her, Cat groaned. “If we’re going to fight the Clans, we should do it in space. We’ll be much better than them at fighting in microgravity.”

“We’ve only been two weeks in space,” Kelly reminded her. “And one week was spent reaching the jump point - not in microgravity.”

Her friend scoffed. “It was long enough already.” She sighed. “And we’ll spend four days waiting for the next jumpship here. Unless it gets commandeered by the AFFC, and we’re stranded here.”

“In that case, the Republic will send a jumpship,” Kelly said. “It’s in the contract.” Alex had negotiated quite well. Though, to be fair, the Rasalhaguians were desperate for troops.

“If they have one left.” Cat was grumpy today. “They lost their capital.”

That was true. If the money - C-Bills - were not already in escrow on Outreach, Kelly would have doubts about this contract. And even as it was, this would be a more challenging battle than she had thought. The KungsArmé simply wasn’t as able as the DCMS and the AFFC and suffered accordingly.

The dropship jerked as the drives started, and soon, Kelly felt the gravity - well, the acceleration’s effect - return.

“Finally!” Cat slipped out of her harness and dropped to the ground. “Time to get in some training before we reach our parking spot.”

Kelly nodded as she followed her friend. Cat might have taken their loss against the Dragoons in the training exercise as a blow to her pride, but it had clearly shown them crucial weaknesses of their battalion. And they had a few more weeks to fix that.

They made their way down to the mechbay, past the cargo bay full of supplies and the vehicle bay where their support trucks and the artillery were placed. Anna was already climbing into her Phoenix Hawk, Michael was putting on his coolant vest, but where was… ah, Karen arrived, a little green in the face. She suffered from a milder form of Transit Disorientation Syndrome.

But she didn’t say anything when she walked past Kelly, so Kelly didn’t ask if she was OK - Karen generally let people know what she felt. Loudly.

Kelly waved to Cat and climbed into her Raven. Time for some simulations.


Cat stretched after climbing out of her ‘Mech’s cockpit and stepping on the gantry. Another sim exercise with mixed results. She looked around - Kelly was still in her Raven, as was her company, so they weren’t done yet. They probably had some scouting exercise going. Well, except for Martens’s Riflemen; his lance was running AAA exercises nonstop.

Not that it would help a lot against Clan Aerospace Fighters - they might be able to keep the airspace around them clear, but nothing more. And that meant that the Irregulars would have to move in a tighter formation than was advisable. At least the Clans didn’t seem to use much artillery.

Rick joined her on the gantry. “That went decently well,” he commented.

Cat snorted. They lost too many ‘Mechs in the sim battle. “We’ll have to do better.”

“Yes, yes. And my ‘Mech needs more armour.”

She shrugged again. “I’ve told Russo to do the heatsink swap and add ferro-fibrous armour. It should be done before we arrive in theatre.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it.” He chuckled. “Of course, even as it is, the Cyclops is an incredible ‘Mech. I just would like more armour if I’m to play bait.”

Cat frowned at him. “Play bait?”

“The Clans will assume I’m the commander of the unit, being in a Cyclops, won’t they?” Rick gave her a wry grin.

Oh. They hadn’t considered that. “Actually,” she said, smiling weakly, “we hadn’t considered that. Alex is used to running his unit from an Atlas-II. The other Atlas-II and the three Marauders in his company should confuse an enemy.” She shrugged once more. “It’s not as if you need a cyclops to run a battalion. You’re in my lance as a backup.”

“Really?” He stared at her.

“Have you seen the computers in the Atlas-II? They’re more than enough to run a regiment. And we don’t have a regiment.” Not yet, anyway.

He laughed. “I haven’t thought about that - almost the whole battalion is Lostech.”

“Brand new Star league quality.” Cat nodded.

“Except for your ‘Mech, Major Lieden’s Raven and Ursi’s Awesome.”

“Yes. And all three were modified on Solaris VII.” Cat started walking to the elevator at the end of the gantry.

Rick followed. “The Arena fighters generally don’t focus on command and control, I thought.”

“No, but the systems are adequate for command.” Hell, Cat had commanded a battalion from her Victor. With Kelly, but still.

“Well, you did prove that in the exercises.”

She grinned but quickly grew serious. “But that was an exercise. We’ve got a war ahead of us. And we need to train as hard as we can.”

“Yes, Major.”

They reached the floor of the mechbay. Jane and Ursula were waiting there for the debriefing.

Jane was in high spirits - she had performed well in the exercise. Two kills against Horde ‘Mechs, one with a headshot. Ursula, though, had been taken out quickly by getting focused down after she had been cut off from the rest of the lance.

But all of them had acquitted themselves well, even though they could improve further.

“Say,” Jane asked, “Where did you get those training sims? Those are Clan ‘Mechs, aren’t they?”

“Those are simulated Clan ‘Mechs based on available information. Actual Clan ‘Mechs might be different,” Cat said, sidestepping the question. Though as far as she knew, the Horde had used the same ‘Mechs the Clans were using.

“I hope you made them stronger than the original. The range of their weapons…” Ursula shook her head. “I still can’t believe that their bloody lasers outranged my PPCs.”

“That’s accurate,” Cat told her.

“Great. And I can’t catch them if they hit and run.”

“Not on the plains,” Cat said. “But we’re working as a lance, and the Clans will be aggressive and close in. And we have artillery to call in.”

Ursula frowned. “I thought Major Lieden was handling artillery.”

“She’s handling the homing missiles. But we also have standard missiles you can call in as fire support,” Cat explained. She didn’t mention that that had been in the briefing and the manuals the Mechwarriors had been given. Judging by the other woman’s grimace, she had just remembered that as well.

“We should get more TAGs then,” Rick commented.

“We should, yes. Once our techs have the time to spare,” Cat said.

“Right.” He chuckled in a self-deprecating manner. “I’d rather have armour than a TAG.”

He was right, of course - they needed more TAGs in the company. But those didn’t grow on trees, and they hadn’t been able to buy any units, either on Solaris or on Outreach. She cleared her throat. “Anyway, first, we had better coordination today. Not yet on the level we need, but we did better than before, and if we keep this up, we’ll rip through the Clans once we get deployed.”

Ursula narrowed her eyes slightly. “Major, you talk as if you have experience fighting them.”

“I’ve studied them,” Cat replied - evading the question. That would start rumours; she knew that. But it would also make the Mechwarriors trust her, Kelly and Alex more, so she didn’t feel bad about that. “So, let’s go over the exercise step by step. First, we had…”


Corridan System, Federated Commonwealth, August 19th, 3050

Kelly endured the brief bout of nausea after jumping with the grace of long practice. Two jumps left to reach Orestes. But they had to wait two more days until the jumpship they would be docking with was ready to jump. And no jumpship would be waiting in Symington, so they would have to spend a week there to recharge.

Unless, of course, the Rasalhaguians ordered the jumpship to hot-charge the drive. The latest news update they had received had shown that the Rasalhaguians were faring even worse than expected - the Clans were cutting through their realm with almost impunity. They were screaming for reinforcements of any kind.

“Alright, systems check!” Kirchwerder snapped. “I don’t want any surprises before we undock!”

As the crew quickly checked their stations, Kelly watched. Kirchwerder was a skilled spacer, no doubt, and he hadn’t given her any reason to doubt his loyalty - any reason she could take to Alex, at least. But he was ambitious, and she had no doubt that he considered the Babylon his own ship.

And she was keeping an eye on him. Even with all the soldiers now filling out their roster, especially Wong’s security platoon and O’Finnegan’s Artillery Battery, which was composed of former mechanised infantry or tankers, Kirchwerder might still try something. It was unlikely - he was no fool - but not impossible.

Of course, amongst their ranks were bound to be spies. They had made too many waves not to catch the attention of the various intelligence services. They could only hope that none of them took issue with their goals of fighting the Clans.

And that none of them had the means to detect the surveillance gear they had brought over from Dreamland.

The different stations on the bridge quickly reported all-clear, and Kirchwerder asked for permission to undock.

As soon as it was granted, the massive dropship shuddered slightly as the manoeuvring thruster fired, and it separated from the docking ring. Once they were far enough away and pointed in the right direction, the fusion engines started up, and they accelerated towards the waiting Malmö, a Merchant-class jumpship.

Kelly unbuckled at once. As brief as it was, it felt good to walk around and stretch under the illusion of gravity.

“We’re really lucky to have a ship from the Rasalhague Navy waiting for us. Otherwise, the AFFC would have pressed it into service already,” Kirchwerder commented. “I’ve heard from the dropship taking our spot that they are moving everything forward. I bet there’s a counter-offensive coming.”

“That is likely,” Kelly agreed.

“Why didn’t you hire on with the Commonwealth?” the man asked.

Because Cat’s Katherine Steiner-Davion and ran away from home, and I am Kali Liao, and we wouldn’t get near the front if people were aware of that. Kelly didn’t say that, of course. “Rasalhague offered a better contract.”

Kirchwerder snorted. “I bet they do - everyone knows they don’t like mercenaries and treat them almost as bad as the Kuritas do. They must be paying a fortune to get mercenaries.”

“Yes.” Kelly smiled. He wasn’t wrong - though Alex hadn’t pressed for as much money as he could’ve. This was about beating the Clans, after all, not making the most money.

“One man’s misfortune is another man’s opportunity, huh?”

Kelly was sure the man had just mangled a quote, but she didn’t know the exact wording, so she nodded. “Of course, we’ll have to beat the Clans, or it’ll all be for naught.”

Kirchwerder briefly frowned. “I just hope the Rasalhaguians will have enough escorts for us. Trying to repair this ship will be a pain.”

Once more, Kelly had to agree. For such a huge dropship, lacking organic escorts was a severe drawback. But then, the SLDF of old had not suffered from a lack of escorts.


Royal Palace, Unity City, Dreamland, August 21st, 3050

“Cat!” Felicity greeted her warmly with a wave as Cat entered what was nominally part of the office of the First Lord but usually just served as a lounge for the ‘permanent visitors’, which was, according to Nastajia, the official label for Alex’s friends hanging out there.

“Felicity!” Cat was about to add a greeting herself, but Kiwi interrupted her.

“Cat!” She flew at Cat and landed on her head. “We haven’t seen you in a while! Where’s Kelly?”

“Back in the dropship.” And still convinced that Kirchwerder was planning something. Cat had her doubts about it, but the man was ambitious. “Someone needs to be ready to wake us up if anything comes up.”

“Bah!” Kiwi flew off and landed back in her seat - which was a miniature armchair on the side table. “And Alex won’t appear for a while, either.”

Felicity snickered, and Cat had to grin - as stern as Nastajia often appeared, even sometimes in private, Cat had no doubt that Alex hadn’t been able to leave the bed after arriving. “So, what’s new?”

“That’s our question,” Felicity said. “You’re still on the way to the front?”

“A week until we arrive in the Republic,” Cat confirmed. “Then we’ll move to the front.”

Her friend nodded. “And your battalion?”

“It’s coming together,” Cat said. “Progress, but we still need more time to form an actual unit.”

“Well, you decided to rush to the front.”

Alex’s decision, though Cat would be lying if she had been happy with waiting longer while the Clans gobbled up the Inner Sphere. “It’ll take us some time to reach the front. Hell, Orestes III is four weeks from the jump point.”

“Right. So… you’ll see action shortly before Christmas?”

“Maybe sooner, maybe later. The Rasalhaguians are getting desperate.”

“With good reason,” Kiwi added. “From what we have pieced together from children, they are losing worlds almost daily - far more than the Federated Commonwealth or the Draconis Combine.”

Cat looked at the map on the wall, showing the invasion front. Again, Rasalhague was struck the hardest. The FedCom was faring the best, she noted. “Yes. I managed to warn my parents, which is helping, I think, but the Rasalhaguians are the weakest realm there - and they have not many reserves they can throw to the front.”

“If only we could travel there,” Kiwi said. “We could kick their asses all over the place like we did to the Horde.”

“Like we did to the Horde eventually,” Felicity said. “We took years to get them out of the Star League.”

Cat shrugged - they all had been there. She still remembered the first Horde attack on Unity City. And Felicity was right: They had defeated the Horde, and they would defeat the Clans.

“But speaking of the invasion, you still going with your original plan?” Felicity asked.

“Yes.” They hadn’t found a better plan. “As far as we know, the Clans act like the Horde - seeking individual glory. We can exploit that and punch far above our weight class.”

“You’ll have to. A single combined arms regiment won’t make any difference in the invasion,” Felicity said.

Cat knew that as well. But they had to do something. “We need more information, first of all. And that means prisoners and salvage.” She shrugged. “We’ll work it out as we go.”

Felicity grinned. “That sounds like an Alex plan. Nastajia would go spare if she were with you.”

Cat smiled, but it didn’t last. She looked at the door, just to check, then leaned forward. “How’s she holding up?”

Felicity winced, and Kiwi scowled.

“That bad, huh?”

“Yes. She’s been burying herself in her work. The good news is, the SLDF is at the highest readiness since the Horde Invasion.” Felicity told her. “The bad news is, we don’t need them at that state.”

“Unless the rumours of pirates returning are correct,” Kiwi said. “We haven’t been able to confirm them, but if pirates are starting to strike the outer systems again, as before the Horde War, we need to be ready.”

“We can deal with pirates even in our sleep,” Felicity boasted. “But it might be a nice distraction for Nastajia.”

Cat snorted, but her friend was probably right. “So, did you find anyone else who might be using drugs to visit Dremalands like Kelly and I? An adult, I mean.”

Nastajia would have made a joke about them not being adults yet, but neither Kiwi nor Felicity liked to mention their relative age. Felicity shook her head. “No, we didn’t hear of any weird adults. Then again, we were looking for pirates.”

“Ah.” Cat nodded. “If my parents were sending people to Dreamland, they would likely pick out covert operatives, so they might not stick out as much as you might expect.”

“We expected that,” Felicity said. “So, we’ve been sending out agents of our own.”

“Most people ignore Faeries,” Kiwi added with a grin. Then she sighed. “But we haven’t found anyone. We found a few suspicious people, but they were Dreamland residents.”

“Smugglers and thieves,” Felicity added, smiling.

“Former colleagues of yours?” Cat asked.

“If they got caught, they certainly weren’t colleagues of mine - I had standards!”

“We found you in prison,” Kiwi pointed out.

“That doesn’t count. Nicodemus was throwing anyone in prison, no matter if they looked suspicious or not!”

Cat chuckled as Felicity defended her reputation. If only Kelly could be here with her!



  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #46 on: 26 February 2022, 10:08:56 »
Orestes System, Free Rasalhague Republic, August 27th, 3050

Kelly had barely recovered from the jump when the communication station on the bridge of Babylon reported an incoming transmission.

“No hostile contacts nearby!” the officer at the sensors station added before anyone could react.

Good. Given how quickly the Clans were going through Rasalhague, there had been a not-insignificant possibility that Orestes might have been under attack already - deep strikes were always a possibility. Although with a travel time from the planet to the jump point of almost twenty-eight days, Orestes wasn’t a good spot for a supply base. Except for the fact that it was the furthest system from the front that was still in the Republic.

“We’ve received orders to stay docked,” Kirchwerder said. “The Malmö will recharge from the station.”

“So they are sending us straight into combat,” Alex commented. “As expected.”

“Damn. I would have liked having another two months at the minimum to train the battalion,” Cat said with a frown.

“If wishes were horses, beggars would ride,” Kelly told her.

“And if we were to spend sixty days in this system, they might not need a jumpship to take us to the front afterwards,” Alex pointed out.

“Harsh,” Kirchwerder said.

“But probably quite accurate,” Kelly cut in. “Is there another dropship on the way to dock with the Malmö?”

“Yes,” Kirchwerder said, turning to the sensors station.

“Transponder reads as Modic, Leopard-CV-class, the woman told them.

“Ah.” Alex pressed his lips together for a moment. “It looks this will be a combat drop.”

“Unless this is merely an attempt to reinforce an existing force with both ground troops and aerospace assets,” Kelly said.

“The Clans move too fast for that. My money’s on a strike at a supply depot.” Cat grinned. “Strike at the Clans where they are weak.”

“The KungsArmé might be more conservative and concentrate their troops after their numerous defeats,” Kelly objected.

“Do you really think so?” Cat raised her eyebrows. “They haven’t had much success so far.”

“We can’t dismiss the possibility.”

“Wanna bet?” Cat flashed her a grin.

Kelly inclined her head and gave her a look that made Cat giggle.

“Anyway, we’ve got our orders,” Alex said. “And, unless they violate our contract or the laws of war, we’ll follow them.”

“I do hope our contract prohibits suicide missions,” Kirchwerder commented - and even though he laughed, Kelly didn’t think he was actually joking.

“No outright suicide missions,” Alex replied.

The spacer didn’t seem to like that comment. Well, the line between suicide missions and high-risk missions tended to move depending on whether one was the employer or employee.

“Captain? The Malmö called. The Modic delivered our liaison officer, and she’s on the way to the Babylon.”

Kirchwerder turned to Alex, who nodded. “Let her on board. We’ve been expecting her.” He looked at Cat and Kelly. “Let’s meet her in the staff room.”

They floated out of the bridge, Kelly glancing over her shoulder just to catch a last glance of the captain’s reaction. But Kirchwerder was already back to ordering his crew around.

Kelly would still keep an eye on him.


Kapten Anita Lundberg looked like the stereotypical Rasalhaguian soldier, in Cat’s opinion: Tall, blonde and blue eyes. The scar tissue on her throat, disappearing under her high collar, and the missing right arm ruined the look somewhat, though.

She didn’t salute with her left arm - she nodded at them with a tight expression. “Lt Colonel Camden.”

“Kapten Lundberg.” Alex smiled at her. “Welcome to the First Royal Irregulars.”

Cat smiled and nodded as well, as did Kelly, but she couldn’t help wondering if the Kapten was one of the many Rasalhaguians who loathed mercenaries. The stories she had heard when she had looked into the Kell Hounds’ missing battalion…

“We’ve got your quarters ready,” Alex told her. “If you’ll follow us…”

“I would like to inspect the unit first,” she cut him off. “To determine if you’re ready for your first mission.”

Cat clenched her teeth at the rudeness - and Kelly had, she saw, gone all cold politeness - but Alex laughed. “It’s good to see that the situation isn’t yet so desperate, you’d throw us into battle without checking our readiness.”

“That’s because there’ll be a squadron of KungsArmé Aerospace fighters escorting you. We would rather not send them to their deaths for nothing.”

Really rude. Then again, Alex had just reminded her of how her country was about to be conquered by the Clans. Still… they were here to help them. You’d expect some appreciation for that. At least Cat did.

They floated down to the mechbay. Lundberg almost bumped into the hatch, Cat noticed, when she had to quickly spin to grab it with her hand. She must have lost the arm not too long ago. “Did you fight the Clans?” she asked, ignoring Alex’s frown for being nosy and Kelly’s frown for not being subtle.

“When I lost my arm, you mean.” Lundberg’s expression remained neutral, but Cat didn’t miss how she tensed up.


“Yes. I lost my arm when my Panther was cored.”

Lundberg hadn’t mentioned where that had happened, Cat noted. And she had been a MechWarrior, then. Well, she could be one again once she got a prosthetic arm - like Uncle Justin.

“Then you know how they fight,” Alex said.

“And you don’t. Part of my duties is to teach you how to fight the invaders.”

Cat swallowed the first rebuttal she thought of - the Kapten didn’t know about her experiences.

“We’ve been training with sim exercises,” Kelly told her as they entered the mechbay. “Based on all the data available to us.”

The Kapten drew a sharp breath as she saw the first of the Irregulars’ ‘Mechs lined up in the bay, then snorted briefly. “I guess I’ll have to do my best to make you unlearn all the bad habits you have learned from those.”

Now even Alex was frowning. For a moment, at least. “You shouldn’t judge them without having seen them.” He smiled. “Why don’t we take a look at the simulations currently running after you’ve finished inspecting the ‘Mechs?”

Lundberg nodded, and they started their inspection. In microgravity, it was easy to look the ‘Mechs over - you had no need to use gantries and catwalks.

Of course, it helped if you had two hands and arms - Lundberg once almost floated past an assault ‘Mechs when she misjudged a spin, and Alex had to reel her in. She didn’t let that stop her and just continued with her inspection as if nothing had happened. And Lundberg definitely had been a Mechwarrior - she knew all the spots to inspect. That, or a tech, and she didn’t give off a tech vibe.

“It seems the reports were true - you have a Lostech battalion,” she finally said.

“In perfect working order,” Alex added.

“And with enough spare parts to keep them that way,” Kelly said, nodding towards the vehicle bay, which had been repurposed to store a lot of their supplies.

*But you’re short on techs,” Lundberg said.

“Hiring a few more would be nice, yes,” Alex said. “But you fight a war with what you have, not what you wish to have.”

The woman snorted at that. “You’ve got the ‘Mechs needed for the mission.”

“But you doubt that we can do it,” Kelly commented.

“I’ve seen regiments shattered by the Clans.”

They had shattered Horde formations back in Dreamland. But Cat once more held her tongue.

“Well, you’ll see us shatter them,” Alex boasted. “We’ve been training hard for the whole trip.”

“Sims can never replace real experience.”

“Our people have combat experience,” Alex retorted. “And the training will ensure they don’t panic when facing a technologically superior enemy.”

“Let’s see your simulations then.”


Kelly smiled politely and didn’t let her satisfaction show when Lundberg’s expression upon watching First Company facing a trinary of medium Horde ‘Mechs slowly changed from a slight sneer to grudging - very grudging - respect. And she didn’t raise her eyebrows when the woman gasped at the sight of a Horde Timber Wolf wrecking a Crusader in close combat. Maybe this would teach the Kapten that they knew what they were doing.

“Where did you get those battleroms?” Lundberg asked.

From the Starleague would be the true and yet wrong answer. “We collected every scrap of data we could,” Cat told her.

“And turned them into training simulations?”

“Of course.” Alex smiled. “The details are probably off, but I think we got the gist of fighting them correct.”

“More or less. The weapon ranges are correct. But the Clans don’t fight like that - not the wolves we are facing,” Lundberg told him.

This time, Kelly did frown. “They do not fight according to their honour code?” That would be a first for the Horde.

“They are very flexible when it comes to their ‘code’,” Lundberg replied.

“Ah.” Like the Horde had been, at the end. But they had been too weak by then, and the change of tactics and the added flexibility had just prolonged the inevitable.

The Clans were not even near that point. Kelly glanced at Cat. Her lover was looking grim. And with good reason - this would be harder than they had thought. Closer to their worst-case assumption than their best-case assumption.

“Well, then let’s correct this!” Alex said. “Let’s alter the parameters.”

“And we can use the terrain data of your target,” the Kapten said.

“Ah, yes. Our target,” Alex said. “Maybe we should do that briefing in my office.”

Lundberg nodded with a frown. “Yes, of course.”


“Your target is Engadin,” Lundberg said once they were all in Alex’s office. “A planet near Radstadt. The First and Third Engadin Home Defense Brigades are fighting the invaders, and we are to reinforce them.” She pulled a data chip out of her pocket, offering it to Alex.

Kelly took it, noting how the woman frowned at her, and put it into her noteputer. After a brief check, she used the holoprojector in the table to display the data.

“What kind of forces are they facing?” Cat asked.

“A trinary and two supernovas,” Lundberg replied. “Of the 341st Assault Cluster of Clan Wolf. Led by Star Colonel Ramon Sender.”

That would be thirty-five ‘Mechs and a hundred Elementals. “Did they make a batchall?” Kelly asked.

“Yes.” Lundberg frowned some more.

Kelly merely nodded. That meant this intel had been freely given to the KungsArmé. Still… “It will take us 60 days to reach the system without a command circuit. How long do you expect the Defenders to hold out against a Clan Assault Cluster?”

Lundberg scowled but nodded. “We are moving jumpships in place to facilitate travel. If the defenders are defeated before you arrive, you are to strike at the Clan forces in place and take or destroy as much of their material as possible - we know that they are using conquered worlds as depots for their advance.”

That was a more realistic mission. Two ‘Defense Brigades’ against a Clan frontline cluster? In private, Kelly would’ve sniffed with disdain at the idea that they would hold out for longer than a week at most. Two weeks if they scattered and tried to fight an asymmetric campaign, and some would likely hold out longer, but they wouldn’t be a coherent force any more.

“Our battalion against a cluster? That will be a challenge,” Alex said. “If we hit them while they’re still recovering from their battle, it’s doable.”

“The Clans have the capability to quickly repair their frontline forces thanks to OmniMech technology,” Kelly said. “I doubt that we’ll be able to hit them while they are still repairing their ‘Mechs. But we might arrive in time to attack a garrison force.”

“Yes,” Cat agreed. “We can take a second-line cluster. Especially if they use Inner Sphere ‘Mechs, at least in part.”

Lundberg narrowed her eyes. “Where did you get your information? We have just recently managed to confirm that the Clans use captured ‘Mechs for their second-line units.”

“We collected our intel from various sources,” Kelly told her with a bland expression.

The other woman glared at her. “If you have better intel we need to know it - those invaders are cutting through our forces.”

“Our information is second-hand and limited to technical and general information. We cannot verify those until we face the Clans in battle,” Alex told her. “But you can have the data.” He nodded at Kelly.

“Here.” Kelly kept a frown from her face as she passed a chip to the Kapten. It made sense to share their information - Cat had done so with the Federated Commonwealth, after all, and they were facing a common enemy, and the Rasalhaguians needed all the help they could get, and yet… She just didn’t like it.

Lundberg seemed surprised but quickly schooled her features and took the chip. “I’ll have the contents transmitted to the planet for redistribution.” She stood.

“Certainly.” Alex smiled. “You can use our radio.”

“But you won’t tell how you acquired this intel.”

“We got it from various people who claimed to have fought the Clans,” Alex told her. “They wouldn’t like to be bothered by your intelligence agencies.”

She scoffed at that. “I see.”

“We should also meet with the commander of the Aerospace Squadron,” Cat said. “We’ll have to coordinate in combat, especially with our Riflemen lance.”

“I’ll inform Kapten Holm of your request.”

“Thank you.” Alex pushed a button on the table and told the soldier waiting outside to guide the woman to the bridge.

As soon as the door had closed behind Lundberg, Cat sighed loudly and slumped in her seat. “They are worse than I thought. If they treat their allies like this, no wonder that they are doing so badly against the Clans.”

“I think that the reason the KungsArmé’s performance is lacking is due to their generally inferior materiel. Possibly because their doctrine is outdated as well,” Kelly corrected her friend. “Although I would have expected them to be better prepared to withstand an invasion by a superior enemy seeing as they have a border with the Draconis Combine.”

The current coordinator and his heir might have given Rasalhague’s independence their blessings, but that didn’t mean the next coordinator would continue this policy. Politics in the Combine were often a bloody affair under their veneer of civility. According to Father, Takahashi Kurita had at least tacitly approved of the assassination of his father and might even have facilitated it - or planned it.

“Yes. I have to admit I expected better as well,” Alex said. “We’ll have to ensure that we have a way out in case the front collapses.”

Not for the first time, Kelly wished that they had been able to hire Aerospace fighters of their own. The SLS Babylon was heavily armed for a dropship, but she would be hardpressed to escape pursuit by Clan Omnifighters by herself.

“At least we can count on the Rasalhague forces to fight fanatically,” Cat said. “According to what we’ve heard.”

Which was a mixed blessing - fanatical soldiers often lacked the tactical and strategic flexibility that was needed in modern warfare.

“Let’s study the data we’ve been given until the Kapten returns,” Alex said.

“Yeah, so we know how things were before the defenders got destroyed.” Cat snorted.

“Let’s focus on the terrain and the likely locations of supply depots,” Kelly suggested.

“Good idea.”



  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #47 on: 26 February 2022, 10:09:20 »
Tukkayyid System, Free Rasalhague Republic, August 28th, 3050

Kapten Holm didn’t visit until they had reached the Tukayyid system - which they reached a day later thanks to a short command circuit. He was a middle-aged man, slightly portly, Cat found.

“Colonel. Majors. Kapten. Captain.” He nodded at them and entered the room with the obvious practice of a soldier who had spent a long time in microgravity - his body moved with grace and efficiency. “I’m sorry for not visiting earlier, but between the transfers and jumps, I doubt we would have enough time for our meeting.”

“Indeed,” Alex replied. “But we have at least two days now.”

“Three,” Holm said. “The recharge station isn’t the fastest.”

“I bow to your experience.” Alex nodded. “So… let’s cut to the chase. You’re our escorts and air cover once we land. We’ll have to work closely together, so let’s sort out what we can expect.” He looked at Kirchwerder. “Captain Kirchwerder?”

“Well,” Kirchwerder said. “The SLS Babylon is a Colossus-class dropship. Are you familiar with the class?”

Holm snorted. “Seeing as she’s the only one left of the class in the Inner Sphere, no. But I’ve read the entry in the warbook.”

“Yes.” Kirchwerder nodded. “One thing that might have been overlooked: The Arrow IV launchers do not work in flight. The rest - well, we’ve got a lot of long-range firepower with LRMs, gauss rifles and extended range energy and particle projection weapons. Enough to fend off the odd aerospace fighter or two, but we won’t be able to deal with a squadron. And the ship doesn’t have fighter bays.”

“Which means if the Modic gets destroyed, we’ll be stranded,” Holm said. He didn’t sound surprised - or bothered.

“Well, if the Modic buys it, we’ll probably have to land in a hurry before we share her fate.” Kirchwerder spread his hands.

“Probably. Or you’re already blown up - you’ll be the priority target,” Holm retorted with a wry grin. “Anyway, we’ve got six Shilones. No advanced technology, but we’ve tangled with the Clans before, and we can hold our own - we’ve proven that.”

“You’ve fought them before?” Cat asked. That was good news.

“Well, individually. My squadron was formed from survivors of various units.” Holm sighed. “Most of us want revenge.”

“Ah.” Cat nodded. That meant they had experience but they had been forced to retreat and had taken losses.

“As long as you accomplish the mission, you can take what revenge you desire,” Lundberg said.

Cat frowned at her. The last thing the Irregulars needed was their aerospace support going off on a revenge trip.

“I would say that if we accomplish our mission - whatever it might turn out to be once we arrive - that will be the best revenge,” Alex said. “We’ll make the Clans suffer a defeat.”

“Yes,” Cat agreed. “If we arrive too late to help the defenders, we can hit their supplies and second-line guards. If everything goes well, the Clans might be forced to use more troops on garrison duty to defend against the threat of deep raids.”

“That would be the ideal outcome,” Lundberg agreed.

It wouldn’t stop the invasion, but it might slow it down, gaining more time to rebuild forces.

“Exactly,” Alex said. “As you know, our battalion is new, but we have Star League ‘Mechs and materiel, and we’ve recruited mostly veterans. I’m confident that we can match at least a garrison cluster ‘Mech for ‘Mech. Now, I’ll leave the space battles to you. Assuming we don’t get shot down, we’ll land, and then we’ll need aerospace cover for combat.”

“And cover for the Babylon,” Kirchwerder added.

“Yes.” Alex nodded. “Kelly will generally handle our air support requests - she commands our support company.”

“Yes.” Holm nodded at Kelly. He hadn’t shown any reaction to their young age, Cat realised. Had he been forewarned? “You’ve got a lance of Riflemen, don’t you?”

“Yes. They’ll primarily do anti-aircraft duty,” Kelly said. “So, if you got someone on your tail and can’t shake them, call it out and lure them over the lance.”

“Most pilots avoid the AAA-envelope, friendly or not - flak-rounds don’t really discriminate.” Holm’s smile slipped a little.

“Those are SLDF models; their sensors can track friendly and enemy units easily,” Kelly retorted. “Besides, it’s for emergencies.”

“And it presumes that there are friendly aerospace assets left,” Kirchwerder said.

Holms laughed at that. “We’re survivors. Leave the air battle to us.”

Kirchwerder didn’t look as if he shared the man’s optimism. Cat was a little sceptical herself - six Shilones? Versus Clan Aerospace fighters? They better all be veteran pilots.


Royal Palace, Unity City, Dreamland, September 2nd, 3050

Nastajia wasn’t holding up well, Kelly noticed at once when she entered the room that basically served as the private lounge of Alex’s closest friends - his ‘clubhouse’, he had once called it. Her friend was standing at the armoured window, looking out over the starport and all the dropships lined up there, with her arms crossed over her chest.

Felicity was draped over her favourite armchair, reading a magazine on her noteputer. Or faking reading one - even Kelly had trouble telling when she was faking and when not. And Kiwi was slumped over on the table next to a half-eaten muffin. A human-sized muffin.

So, yes, Nastajia was not well.

Kelly exchanged greetings with the others - a lazy wave from Felicity and a half-hearted and quickly aborted attempt by Kiwi to get up and fly towards her was the result - and then joined Nastajia at the window.

A Fortress-class was just taking off, followed by a Mule. “Regular supply run?”

“Moving troops to the Periphery. Just in case,” Nastajia replied in a curt voice.

“Ah.” Kelly nodded. “Any sign of the Horde returning?” They had beaten it, but Dreamland was influenced by the dreams of the children. And the Clan invasion in the Inner Sphere could cause a similar threat to spring up in Dreamland.

“None so far. But… there have been reports about suspicious people in the Periphery. Usually, I would consider them pirate spies, but…” Nastajia shook her head. “I’m not going to dismiss a potential danger to the Star League without thoroughly investigating it.”

Kelly nodded again - she completely agreed.

“And, speaking of potential spies…” Nastajia turned to look at her. “Did you find any spies yet?”

Kelly didn’t wince. Even though she had bad news. “Not so far.”

“Do you need more surveillance devices?”

“No. I doubt that they have been noticed.” They were the latest technology, after all. One of the few good things that had come from the Usurper’s reign. The tyrant had been paranoid and obsessed with treason, so the budget for surveillance had been increased by an order of magnitude. “But we haven’t set foot on any planet since we left Outreach, so any spy wouldn’t have had an opportunity to report to their masters. I doubt a spy would take risks under those circumstances - not when they had no way to escape capture.” Kelly had paid attention to Father’s tales from his work, after all. Those who didn’t pay attention to how the Maskirovka operated tended not to live long at Court.

“A saboteur wouldn’t care,” Nastajia said.

“I doubt that the Clans have any spies in the Inner Sphere. According to what we know, that’s not their style,” Kelly retorted.

“There are other factions that would like to sabotage your dropship.” Nastajia sighed. “Your brother.”

“If he had the power to send agents so far, without Father noticing, I think I wouldn’t have been able to escape,” Kelly said. “And he would have struck already.”

“He might be waiting to make it look like an accident. Or a death in combat,” Felicity cut in.

Kelly nodded. Yes, that was a possibility. Even with the Clan invasion binding so many forces, her brother would be wary of provoking the Federated Commonwealth. And that would be the result if Kelly died at her brother’s hand or command - Cat would come after him. And if she died, the Federated Commonwealth would avenge her. Still…

She shook her head. “I don’t think he has the resources. And Mother wouldn’t want me dead.” Not yet. And the Federated Commonwealth wouldn’t kill her. Capture her? Probably. But they wouldn’t kill her. Because she was Cat’s friend - and because they didn’t want to provoke the Confederation while the Clans were attacking the Lyran half of the realm.

“But Houses aren’t the only threats.” Nastajia pressed her lips together until they formed a thin pale line. “By now, ROM will have identified Alex. They will have found out about his ancestry.”

Kelly was forced to agree - even if Alex’s stunt on Terra would have been missed, sending a priority message with a mysterious text to Cat would have caught the attention of ComStar. They would have investigated. And while they probably didn’t have Alex’s DNA on file, they would likely have the DNA of a relative of his on file. They would know that he was a Cameron. Legitimate or not, that would be a concern. And yet… “I don’t think they would want to risk catching Cat or me in an attack,” she said.

“But you’re not certain,” Nastajia said. “And Alex…” She shook her head. “It’s one thing for a Cameron to vanish. It’s another for them to found a mercenary regiment with LosTech. And they will make the connection.”

Once more, Kelly was forced to agree. Well, they had discussed this - Alex would be aware as well. And he’d still go on because the Clans needed to be stopped, and he was the kind of leader who led from the front. Like a Davion, her Father would say.

Like Cat. And, Kelly had to agree, like herself. Then again, neither Cat nor herself were the rulers of a realm. Not even the heirs. Alex, on the other hand, was the First Lord of the Star League. And he had faced worse odds than when he first started fighting the Usurper in Dreamland.

She nodded. “But we’ll be fighting the Clans - and we’ll be on the move.” Deep raiding, for one.

“Not forever.”

“Yes. But by then, the situation might have changed.”

“How?” Nastajia was staring at her.

“Once the invasion’s been driven back, Alex can return to Dreamland. And Cat and I can handle the regiment.” The very short regiment.

“Do you think he’ll do that? Leave you to fend for yourself?”

“He’s got a duty here,” Kelly pointed out. “And I do hope that once the war’s over, we’ll be able to come to an accommodation with our families.” Or at least with Cat’s family.

Nastajia sighed. “So do I. So do I.”

“Hey! Alex will never leave you!” Felicity cut in. Kelly didn’t have to turn to check to know she was grinning. “Trust me, I checked! He’ll always return to you.”

Nastajia scoffed at the remark, but Kelly could see that she was smiling a little.


Engadin System, Free Rasalhague Republic, September 20th, 3050

“...and we’ve arrived! Undocking!”

Cat shook off the slight nausea from the jump as Kirchwerder announced their safe arrival at a pirate point in the Engadin System and checked her Victor’s systems. Everything was in order. As it should be - but with jumps, you never could be a hundred per cent sure. The stories she had heard.

She felt the jerking sensation when the SLS Babylon separated from the jumpship and started accelerating towards the planet - easily visible on the feed from the dropship’s cameras.

“Modic separated. Fighters deploying.”

She could see that herself. But why? They hadn’t spotted any enemies yet, and it was a few hours until they could make planetfall. Holm probably just wanted to be ready for anything - the Clans wouldn’t let them land uncontested.

She licked her lips. If they had miscalculated, and there was still a full cluster on the planet, complete with aerospace support…


Cat cycled through the feeds on her screen. There!

But the Aerospace fighters that rose from the planet to meet them weren’t Omnifighters. The Babylon’s computers identified them as Spads. SLDF light fighters, at least originally. But even if they hadn’t been upgraded by the Clans - it was too soon to tell - there were ten of them facing the six definitely not upgraded Shilones.

Cat pressed her lips together. The lack of Omnifighters attempting to intercept them meant there was probably no front-line Cluster present. But they had to fight their way through the Spads first.

And that would be tricky. Holm’s pilots were veterans, but second-line Clan forces more often than not were veterans as well. And they would be focusing on the Babylon to stop the raid in space.

Damn. She hated it when she couldn’t do anything but wait helplessly while others decided her fate.

And even with the fighters burning towards them, it would be an hour until they were in range.



Engadin Orbit, Engadin System, Free Rasalhague Republic, September 20th, 3050

“Entering atmosphere!”

Cat tapped her radio’s button. “Beta company, you’ve heard the captain. We’re about to make landfall. Hold on tight!” Then she closed her eyes for a moment and held her breath. This was the critical point - a dropship was most vulnerable when entering the atmosphere of a planet. And as she had expected, the Babylon shook a moment later. Probably another strafing run by the remaining Spads.

But the ship stabilised, and Cat’s display showed that the marker for the closest spad winked out - one of the gunners must have tagged it. Or one of the Shilones. She didn't really care as long as it was down.

That left… four Spads. And four Shilones. And the Modic. The Leopard-class dropship had fared much better than the Babylon; they had only taken light armour damage. As expected, the Clan fighters had focused on the larger dropship.

And this was the last chance for the Clans to stop the dropship from disembarking the Irregulars. Cat saw how the four markers for the spads lined up for a last attack run. No, three - one of them disintegrated before it could fall in formation, probably because of a volley from the closest Shilone.

The camera view of the outside was now showing the air igniting around the ship as it dived down to the landing zone. And the feed from the ship’s sensors showed three spads coming at them.

“Gunners, focus on the first two spads!” Kirchwerder snapped. “Ignore the third!”

Cat couldn’t see if the gunners obeyed. She couldn’t even see the lasers and gauss rifles firing. She could just watch the red markers rapidly come closer and closer. And the blue marker of the Modic lining up next to the Babylon to add her guns to the dropship’s defence. Then one spad’s marker winked out - and she thought she saw a flash on the camera feed.

But two kept coming. And they were in range for their pulse lasers now. Freaking Clan tech.

Once more, the Babylon shuddered as armour melted. Then the second spad disappeared, and Cat heard the cheering from the bridge.

But still, one spad was left, and it was angling for another interception… Cat frowned. The angle seemed… she was no expert, but…

“The bastard’s trying to ram us! Shoot him down!”

Cat clenched her teeth. A suicide attack? During reentry? If the Clan pilot hit the Babylon, they were dead.

But the spad didn’t manage it. Once more, Cat saw something briefly flash on the camera feed as the bridge crew cheered.

Then Kirchwerder snapped: “Focus, people! We need to land close to the base there!”

But not too close - the dropship’s armour wouldn’t be able to weather more fire aimed at it. And the former KungsArmé aerospace base and starport at Zurin would have anti-aircraft guns in place.

And then they were in the lower atmosphere, going straight down, and the thermal bloom vanished. Cat could see the ground below. And she could see newly constructed warehouses lining the landing field of their target.

She pushed the button for her radio again. “Beta Company! Get ready to disembark!”

Then they touched down. Not as hard as she expected - she felt the shock, but her ‘Mech didn’t shake.

And the hatches of the Mechbay started to open. Cat hit a button on her console and waited with clenched teeth as the massive arms holding her Victor in the transport cubicle withdrew. As soon as she could, she moved forward, out of the hatch, her lance following her.

Outside, the Modic came in for a rougher landing - it all but dropped the last two metres or so, the landing gear sinking into the packed earth. Three Shilone’s flew overhead, a fourth, trailing smoke, flew straight towards the Leopard.

As Cat’s lance fanned out in a loose formation, Kelly led her Phoenix Hawks in the direction of Zurin while the two Mongooses and the single Hussar spread out to cover the other approaches - in case the local garrison tried something clever.

And there was Alex, his company forming up on him, headed towards the enemy base. “Beta, follow us!”

“Beta-11, copy!” she replied. Then she switched channels and ordered her company to follow the first company. “Beta-2 right flank. Beta-1 will take the left flank. Beta-3, screen our rear and be ready to move along the flanks!”

“Beta-31, copy,” Allen acknowledged the order.

“Beta-21, copy,” Meier followed a moment later.

They were leaving the landing area to Martens’s lance - with the Clanner Spads shot down, the four Riflemen wouldn’t be needed to protect the main force from air attacks and they could deal with light ‘Mechs or Power Armour that managed to reach the dropships.

“Artillery setting up,” O’Finnegan reported on the command channel as they left the immediate area around the ships. “Ready for action in five.”

Well, the two launchers built into the Babylon were already ready to fire, so Kelly already had something to play tag with.

Cat smiled and tried not to worry about her friend out in front, headed towards the Clan forces, as she followed First Company.

This was it. They had trained for this as hard as possible, they had prepared as much as they had been able to, and now they would find out if it had been enough.

« Last Edit: 26 February 2022, 10:11:30 by Starfox5 »


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #48 on: 26 February 2022, 10:10:10 »
West of Zurin, Engadin, Engadin System, Free Rasalhague Republic, September 20th, 3050

Kelly grinned as the display in her cockpit lit up with the projected range of the Babylon’s two Arrow IV launchers. Yes, that would do nicely - they were almost close enough to reach the starport and base that was the Irregulars’ main objective.

“Gamma-13, swing around the hill in front of us - we need eyes on the slope behind it. Gamma-14, cover her.” They couldn’t risk the remaining aerospace fighters for a low-altitude flyover - not with unknown numbers of anti-aircraft artillery set up at the base. And high-altitude recon was useless in this forested area. So, the surviving Shilones not in immediate need of repairs were doing high-altitude recon flights to cover the plains and rolling hills to the east and north.



As the two Phoenix Hawks sped up and moved to the right, Kelly kept going straight at the hill, Karen covering her left flank. If the Clanners were competent they would have sent a screening force towards the dropship, to fix their location so they could bring the heavier ‘Mechs to bear. And that meant light ‘Mechs piloted by ageing veterans wanting to die in a blaze of glory or young Mechwarriors eager to prove themselves so they’d get promoted into a line unit. That was how the Horde had run things, at least.

And the hill was directly in the path from the base to the landing zone. So, some over-eager Clan pilot in a light ‘Mech should appear any moment now.

And indeed - her sensors caught an approaching runner. Mongoose, her computer identified it. Probably the royal variant - the Horde had used those extensively for their second line forces.

And there it was - the Mongoose crested the hill near a small ravine - not enough to hide from Kelly’s active probe. “Mongoose in the centre,” she informed the others as her computer shared the data.

The Clanner had spotted her as well despite her ECM and moved forward, large laser blazing.

Kelly pulled to the right as the ground near her was scorched. Large laser, as expected.

Karen returned fire with her ER PPC, missing as well - but at that range, the odds of hitting a fast-moving ‘Mech were not very good.

But the range was closing rapidly. Kelly opened a channel to the Babylon. “Alternate fire on these coordinates, one missile each.”


The notice that the first missile was in the air arrived as she weaved, evading another shot from the laser. Grinning, she started to close the range.

Karen shot at the Mongoose again but missed - the enemy pilot was good.

But not good enough - her Raven got in range of her lasers and SRMs just as the first missile arrived. Which meant it was almost close range for her TAG. She grinned as the first homing missile struck it directly into the torso, blowing a hole through it - and through the XL engine housed there. The ‘Mech froze and toppled over.

“Gamma-11! There’s a lance of ‘Mechs coming towards you! Engaging!”

The rest of the formation - two Falcons and two Crabs. Kelly kept running her Raven up the hillside - the next missile was about to arrive in the area. She reached the top just as her computer informed her of its arrival. With the enemies engaged with half her lance and her Raven’s ECM fooling their sensors, the Clanners hadn’t noticed her approach, and so she could TAG the closest Falcon just before it could react. The missile struck its torso, blowing off its right arm.

Kelly resisted the urge to stand and add her own lasers and SRM to the damage and threw her ‘Mech around, darting back down the slope before the rest could return fire. One laser still hit her - her Raven’s left arm showed up damaged.

But with all the attention on her, the rest of her lance had an easier time focusing on the enemies. Karen crested the hill a bit further away and fired both her PPC and laser, and Kelly saw that the Falcon she had damaged fell down, its torso blown through.

But now O’Finnegan had the entire battery set up. Kelly grinned and ordered a fire mission - One lance, staggering two missiles per volley.

As Michael reeled, almost falling down, under the fire from both crabs, Kelly peeked over the ridge again, firing both lasers and the SRMs at the closer crab. The sudden heat spike in the cockpit was discomforting, but nothing that would really hinder her. “Gamma-1, focus on the other Falcon!” she snapped.

Once more, she darted back down the slope - and as expected, the Falcon came after her while the Crabs were shooting at Anna and Michael. But with three Phoenix Hawks firing their PPCs at it, it was a battered Falcon that arrived on the hilltop, and Kelly sent both lasers and all SRMs at it.

It wasn’t enough to destroy it - most SRMs missed when the Falcon jerked to the side - but then two missiles arrived, and Kelly’s TAG guided both into the staggering light ‘Mech, which fell down, missing a leg and most of its torso.

Kelly’s Raven had lost some more armour, and the heat in the cockpit made sweat run down her front and back, but that was to be expected. More importantly, all systems were still perfectly functional - and two more homing missiles were about to arrive.

She guided her ‘Mech up the slope again to send them into the closest Crab.

Only one of the missiles picked up her targeting data, though - the other missile struck an empty field far behind the enemy. But the missile that did hit struck the Crab’s right leg, which had been damaged before. The leg crumbled, and the Crab fell down.

Kelly kept running, two lasers barely missing her and another melting armour on her right arm, as her lance finished off the downed Crab.

And before the Clanners’ lasers recycled, the next two missiles arrived overhead. Kelly tagged the Crab as she circled it, and the enemy ‘Mech turned right into the missiles, catching them with its left arm and torso, which vaporised under the impact. Kelly quickly fired her own lasers and missiles, but the Clanner pilot threw their ‘Mech to the side to avoid falling, and her volley went wide.

Karen and Anna finished it off with a barrage of lasers though, melting its exposed insides before it managed to return fire.

“Status report!” Kelly snapped on the lance command channel, then switched to battalion command. “Gamma-11, five enemy ‘Mechs down - enemy recon foiled.” She glanced at the feeds from her lance. Karen and Anna were good - armour was a little thin in some spots, but nothing had been breached. Michael, however, had lost a leg actuator and was limping. And his armour was now thinner than Kelly’s.

“Good,” Alex replied on the battalion command channel.

“Sending one ‘Mech back for repairs,” she went on. Michael was the most inexperienced of her lance, and slowed down, he would be an easy target.

“Gamma-14, return to base for repairs.”

“But I can still fight!”

“Gamma-14, return to base for repairs,” she repeated herself - a little more sharply than before.

After a moment, she heard a sigh, followed by: “Copy.”

That left her with three ‘Mechs in her lance, all with armour damage. Not enough, not even with artillery support, to safely tangle with another enemy lance. But the rest of the battalion was advancing and relied on her to find the enemy.

So she ordered them to follow her and started to run towards the enemy base again. At least neither the Shilones nor the recon ‘Mechs she had dispatched to screen the landing zone had encountered any enemy forces.


Cat frowned when she saw the markers appear on the battle map in her cockpit. Not because of the number of enemy ‘Mechs - they had expected to face a garrison cluster, after all. In fact, there were only twenty-five ‘Mechs advancing towards them - two of the Clanners’ reinforced companies, short one of their reinforced recon lances. Or ‘Trinaries’ and ‘Stars’, if you wanted to use the Horde terminology.

And she certainly appreciated the details about the enemy’s force composition. Mostly second-line and Star League ‘Mechs, and mediums at that.

But she didn’t like that Kelly had gotten so close to the enemy formation to get that information. One of the enemy’s lances was already chasing her and her lance - and they were out of the artillery’s range until O’Finnegan finished taking up forward firing positions, so all Kelly could do was keep running and using the terrain to deny the Clanners a clear line of fire.

Cat clenched her teeth when that didn’t quite work, and one of the pursuers - a Vixen - managed to get into a firing position. Kelly’s Raven kept running, though, so she wasn’t hit, or not hit in anything critical, and the two Phoenix Hawks with her returned fire, causing the lighter ‘Mech to fall back and let its lance mates - two Peregrines, a Hellhound and a Goshawk - catch up.

Cat wanted to race ahead to help Kelly, but she had her orders. And the whole plan wouldn’t work if she broke formation - and it would mean she would have to leave Jane and Ursula in their slower assault ‘Mechs behind. If anything happened to Kelly…

“Delta-1 ready for a fire mission!”

Finally! O’Finnegan’s first lance had set up! And just in time - that bloody Vixen had just started to overtake Kelly’s lance, probably to cut them off and stall them long enough for the rest of the Star to catch up.

“Delta-1, firing!”

Kelly must have called for fire support immediately. Things must be worse than Cat had feared, then. Damn!

But as things were, the Vixen tried to stop Kelly’s lance just as the homing missiles appeared overhead, and was blown apart as three of them struck it.

And in a minute or two, Kelly would be in range of Beta Company’s extended range PPCs.

Cat bared her teeth as she guided her Victor around the next hill. The rest of the Clanners were falling back again. Smart. Smarter than Cat liked them - they didn’t want to fight in range of the Irregulars’ artillery.

But the Clanners had no choice - the artillery was advancing behind Cat and Alex’s companies. So, given those were Clanners, and a second-line unit at that, Cat expected them to charge any moment.

Half a minute later, that happened - twenty-four Clanners were charging straight at the Irregulars. Cat opened a channel to Allen. “Beta-31, advance and attack the lance chasing our scouts.” Allen’s mediums would be able to handle those ‘Mechs at least until the rest of the company arrived. And Cat really didn’t want those fast ‘Mechs flanking her - or hunting down Kelly. Which was what she would do in the Clanners’ place: Take out the enemy’s ECM ‘Mech.

“Copy!” Allen replied, and the Shadow Hawks and Griffins took off.

But the main force of the Clanners was now in sensor range. And they were led by a Star of OmniMechs. Some heavies, too - a Timber Wolf, a Mad Dog, and a Summoner, supported by an Ice Ferret and an Adder.

“Beta-11, hit the enemy in the right flank,” Alex’s voice sounded over the command channel. “We’ll be hitting them straight ahead. Gamma-11, direct artillery support to our left flank.”

“Copy,” Cat replied. That would leave their left flank exposed - Alex must be counting on holding the line with just one lance there and the artillery while Cat rolled up the Clanner’s flank. Risky, but she didn’t see a better option right now.

But it also meant that Kelly couldn’t stay and help Allen with the lance bearing down on Cat’s flank. “Beta-21, spread out and support Beta-3!” she told Meier.

That would crush the recon star’s remnants, if they stayed and fought, but it would mean Cat’s command lance would be facing up to ten ‘Mechs at the start. Mostly mediums, but still… Cat hoped that the enemy commander would focus more on Alex’s company than hers.

She turned around a forested ridge, and a particle beam flashed past her - five enemy ‘Mechs were charging down a slope. Cat stepped to the side, into a denser patch of the woods, as LRMs peppered her armour, and checked her display. A forty-ton Clanner Griffin, Sentinel, Goshawk, the forty-five-ton Shadow Hawk the Clans used, and a Royal Champion. “Beta-1, focus on the Champion!” she snapped and hit her jump jets - she didn’t want that ‘Mech to be able to use its gauss rifle and PPC for long.

Cat rose above the trees a moment before pulse lasers and more LRMs ripped through the woods and landed behind a low ridge. A moment later, her Victor reeled as a gauss rifle struck its left torso.

But the rest of her lance had come into range as well, and the Champion, which had exposed itself to fire at her, was struck by two gauss rifles and two PPCs. Both gauss rifles hit the useless arm stumps of the Champion, though, which left the Clanner ‘Mech reeling but still fighting.

Cat charged ahead, another gauss rifle smashing her left arm, a PPC hitting her torso, and jumped once more, avoiding more LRMs - the Griffin pilot wasn’t a good gunner. She touched down in the middle of another patch of trees, with the enemy finally in range of her weapons. Her Pontiac ripped into the leg of the Champion, wrecking its hip, though her SRMs went wide.

This time the ‘Mech fell down, crushing its left arm in the process, and Cat charged on, shrugging off some lasers and SRMs from the Shadow Hawk while returning fire with her autocannon and SRMs of her own. The Shadow Hawk stumbled back, its torso laid open, but didn’t fall or show any sign of internal damage.

But before it could react, a gauss rifle struck it smack into the centre of its body, and it went down trailing plasma and wrecked parts. “Good shot, Beta-12,” she complimented Rick and opened up on the Griffin. Again, her shells opened the ‘Mech’s torso, followed by her lasers and SRMs, but she failed to damage anything critical.

And the enemy was now focusing on her - the Griffin sent more LRMs at her supported by the Sentinel. She frowned while her armour took a few more hits. Why weren’t they retreating? They were outgunned and had already lost two ‘Mechs. The display was clear, but… “Beta-14, cover the ridge!”


“Beta-21, join us as soon as possible!”


Meier’s lance was close but not in range - and still engaged with more ‘Mechs than she had expected. It seemed that the Clanners had tried to flank her.

She tried to charge into melee range with the Griffin, but it jumped out of the way, and she missed with her autocannon as well. Jane and Rick finished the Sentinel, though, which left…

“Incoming!” Ursula yelled, and three PPC bolts flashed past Cat, two missing and one striking the Royal Phoenix Hawk that had just crested the ridge - and that ‘Mech’s ECM explained while Cat’s sensors hadn’t detected the approaching lance or star.

The Phoenix Hawk fired back with PPC and laser, striking Ursula’s Awesome. Well, the assault ‘Mech could take it.

Cat raced to the side, blocking the Griffin’s closest route to link up with the reinforcements. That meant it would jump… right now!

This time, her autocannon caught the jumping ‘Mech and blew it out of the sky - her lasers were just overkill, and her heatsinks strained to bring down the heat in her cockpit. Wiping some sweat from her face, she turned. The Goshawk had been reduced to a wreck by Rick and Jane, and…

The Victor reeled, alerts blaring in her cockpit. Her left leg shook, and her left torso was breached - a Royal Galahad had joined the Phoenix Hawk on the ridge. Cat managed not to fall and moved behind a low ridge, causing the Royal Lancelot that popped up above her to miss her.

She returned fire at the Galahad, but the enemy dodged her shells, and the SRMs struck undamaged armour. Should have fired the lasers as well, she thought. “Focus on the Galahad!” she snapped, jumping again. They were focusing on her, so she had to present a hard target.

Lasers and two more gauss rifles missed her before she landed at the foot of the ridge, shielded from all but the Lancelot. And once more, it ducked right when her auctocannon and SRM launcher fired. Cursing, she hit her jets once more - and flew over the ridge, landing next to the Clanner ‘Mech.

This time, her cannon hit it, tearing off one of its arms, and her SRMs peppered its torso to no effect. But before the Lancelot could recover, she lashed out with her Victor’s foot, crushing most of the Clanner’s leg.

It remained standing, though, and she was exposed now - and there was a Crab firing at her as well. The Mech’s lasers mostly missed, but those who hit cut her left arm off at the shoulder.

The Galahad turned to fire at her, but it caught a gauss rifle and two PPCs in the torso that spoilt its aim, and Cat managed to avoid most of the rest of the fire as she jumped back over the ridge.

She landed with not quite the grace she usually managed, the shock jarring her as she clenched her teeth, and started running at once. Her lance fired everything at the ridge, one lucky shot ripping off the Galahad’s sensor dish and throwing it back, but the Clanners didn’t back off - and charged after her.

While she weaved, more lasers struck her rear torso, melting armour. She fired back but missed, her Pontiac’s shells ploughing through the ground near the Lancelot.

But she saw the blue markers ahead of her - Meier’s and Allen’s lances, missing a Griffin, were entering the range of their PPCs.

Another volley hit her battered Victor’s rear - she lost a jump jet as a result and a heatsink - and then a volley of PPC fire blew the Lancelot apart. The Phoenix Hawk jumped back, but Ursula landed three hits with her PPCs, and the ‘Mech crashed into the slope and didn’t move any more.

The Galahad returned fire, missing with both gauss rifles.

Cat whirled around and charged in, catching it with her autocannon - and blew part of its torso away. The ‘Mech collapsed.

Finally! And according to her battle map, there were no enemy forces left covering the Clanners’ flank. She switched to the company channel. “Beta, follow me - we’re hitting the enemy in the flank!”


Nastajia would kill Alex. Kelly was certain of that. Her friend had deliberately revealed himself as their commander, which had caused the Clan leader to come after him with pretty much everything he had. And while Alex was the best ‘Mechwarrior Kelly knew and piloted an Atlas, that could only help so much. Alex’s armour looked more melted than whole as he fought the enemy commander’s Timber Wolf.

Her Raven didn’t look any better, of course - worse, actually. She had lost her lasers and was limping, and pretty much any hit would breach what armour remained. It was almost fortunate that her SRM had run dry, as had her Narc pod.

And the enemy was after her - they must have realised that she was guiding the Arrow IV missiles, and so Kelly hadn’t been able to direct any fire for minutes now, having to run and dodge instead to avoid getting hunted down by the enemy.

Her lance wasn’t doing much better. Anna had had to eject when her gyro was shot up, and Karen was holding on by a thread - if the Clanners weren’t so focused on Kelly, they could’ve finished her before the two managed to join Alex’s company.

And while they were winning - the Clanners had maybe half a dozen effective ‘Mechs left - that didn’t matter should something happen to Alex. She knew that he just wanted to keep the enemy’s attention on himself so they wouldn’t lose more people, but he was the First Lord of the Star League, not some minor Davion hothead!

She checked her display as she weaved through denser trees, dodging fire from a Hellhound after her. Alex was still holding on, but his armour was now almost gone, and the Timber Wolf was running circles around him. What was the rest of Alex’s lance doing? Even with their gauss rifle ammo spent, they should do better than this!

She ordered another missile and darted left, then right, luring the enemy ‘Mech both in front of Karen’s guns and into the target area of the artillery. She just had to last a little longer.

The tree next to her blew up, struck by a pulse laser. Damn! But there! A ravine! She almost stumbled, but managed to rush down the slippery slope, then run in the ravine. Without falling down. “Gamma-12, incoming!” she announced on the lance channel, then rushed out of the ravine.

The Hellhound, faster than her limping ‘Mech, followed, and Karen hit it with everything she could still fire, almost redlining her Phoenix Hawk.

The Clanner stumbled, and before it could recover, the homing missile arrived. Kelly skidded to the side, twisted her Raven’s torso and tagged the Clanner. The missile blew its leg off, and she quickly rushed forward, stomping it twice before the enemy ‘Mech stopped moving.

“Anyone else around?” Karen asked as if Kelly’s Active Probe wasn’t transmitting its data to everyone in the network.

“No. Let’s rejoin the others!” Kelly replied.

They hurried to the frontlines, passing Garribaldi’s headless Crusader, towards the hill where Alex was barely holding on - almost all his armour was gone now, and while the Timber Wolf was damaged as well, this couldn’t go on for much longer. She hissed with frustration and urged her damaged ‘Mech on, calling in a full strike from the next available artillery lance. With a bit of luck, that would down the Timber Wolf.

But as she neared Alex’s position, she noticed Cat’s company approaching. They must have dealt with the enemies on their flank! The remaining Clanners - half a dozen - adjusted their formation, but they were now outnumbered almost three to one.

The Timber Wolf suddenly jerked and changed course - had it detected the incoming missiles? It didn’t matter; the missiles would find it anywhere.

But before the missiles arrived overhead, Alex charged forward, finally catching the enemy with a kick that shattered the Timber Wolf’s leg. He lost an arm in exchange, but the fight was over.

But the Clanners didn’t admit it - they fought on, trying to take more Irregulars with them. Kelly blew up a damaged Black Knight with three of the four missiles that arrived, but not even that stopped the fanatics.



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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #49 on: 26 February 2022, 10:12:21 »
Zurin, Engadin, Engadin System, Free Rasalhague Republic, September 21st, 3050

Kelly looked up when Cat entered the room serving as their office in the Babylon. Her friend was dressed for combat, not paperwork, as was Kelly herself - their ‘Mechs were just a short sprint away, in the mechbay below them. “How are things in your company?” she asked.

Cat sighed and sat down in her usual chair. “Well, Russo’s hating us right now for what we did to our ‘mechs, but they’ll be repaired. Eventually.” She snorted. “Two will probably take as long as their pilots will take to recover - a couple of weeks if we have the time to spare. Bradley needs another ‘Mech, though - his Griffin’s a write-off. A collection of scrap and spare parts, as Russo had put it.”

Kelly suppressed a chuckle - as funny as it was, this was serious. “That means we didn’t lose any pilot except for Garribaldi.”

“Yes.” Cat frowned at her. “Though a certain Raven pilot certainly tried her best to add to that number.”

Kelly tilted her head. “As did a certain Victor pilot.”

Cat snorted. “Compared to the Clanners, I was a paragon of caution.”

Kelly had to agree - the Clanners had been fighting with an almost complete disregard for their lives. Something that was atypical for a Clan Wolf unit, at least according to what they knew. On the other hand, many of the Warriors facing them had been old for a Clanner. They might have sought a death in battle - their culture valued such things.

The door opened again, and Cat, who had been sitting slumped over in her seat, straightened as Lundberg and Alex entered. Alex looked… well, as he usually looked a day after a hard battle: Tired and tense, yet trying to keep up a happy expression to raise morale or something. Lundberg looked like she had looked the whole time they had known her: angry.

“Did you finish interrogating the prisoners?” Kelly asked. There hadn’t been too many prisoners - the infantry had lost half their numbers defending the depot and base before breaking, and the locals had killed a number of the stragglers and wounded before Alex had put a stop to that.

“Yes.” Lundberg pulled out her noteputer, struggled a little with using it one-handed, and a message arrived on Kelly’s noteputer. She quickly skimmed it, then frowned. “So, the third Trinary of the Garrison Cluster was sent to Kufstein as garrison?” No wonder the Shilones hadn’t found any trace of it.

“That’s what the prisoners told us,” Kapten Lundberg told them. “We’ve verified it with the base records as well.”

“We were lucky, then,” Cat said, leaning back in her seat.

“You only lost six ‘Mechs,” the Kapten retorted. “Even with the damage you took, you could’ve beaten another trinary.”

“And that would cost us far more than six ‘Mechs,” Kelly pointed out. Below them, in the Babylon’s mechbay, the techs were working around the clock to repair the damaged ‘Mechs. Kelly almost imagined that if she listened carefully, she could hear Russo screaming at yet another astech about not mixing up the spare parts they had looted from the Clan depots and their original stash of Star League parts.

“And it would have cost the Clans another trinary.” Lundberg glared at them.

“At the cost of removing us as a functional unit for months,” Alex said. “As it is, we’ll be ready to fight pretty much as soon as we arrive in another system, according to the projected repair times we have.” He grinned. “We’ll be able to wreck far more than another trinary then.”

Kelly agreed. With all the spare parts and supplies they had captured, and the salvage, they could make good their losses. Some ‘Mechs, especially the salvaged ones, would take so long to be repaired, though, that they wouldn’t be available for the rest of this contract. But overall, they would manage to replace their losses and even add a few more to their number. Eventually. Although… “Did the prisoners also reveal why the Clanners didn’t blow up the supplies before we secured the depot?”

“They claim that the Clan forces will recapture the supplies,” Lundberg told her.

Cat snorted. “What a bunch of optimists. As if we’re going to be here when their reinforcements arrive.”

“We liberated the planet,” the Kapten said - rather stiffly. “Few can claim such a feat.”

Certainly not the KungsArmé, Kelly thought.

“To abandon the people who put their faith in us…” Lundberg shook her head.

“If we stay, we’ll get crushed by their frontline forces,” Alex said.

“You sounded much more confident when you boasted about doing more to hurt the enemy.” The Kapten scowled at him.

“We might be able to fight off a cluster of OmniMechs if we manage to repair and replace our damaged ‘Mechs and recruit some former local defence force members to use the terrain. Might - we’ll need some luck; Clan Wolf doesn’t have a reputation as sticking to their honour code. But even if we won against a frontline cluster, it would wreck us as a unit,” Alex explained. “By leaving, we’ll have them wondering where we’re striking next. They’ll have to send stronger garrisons to the occupied planets - we’ve proven that we can defeat an understrength garrison cluster. That will significantly reduce the forces available to the Clan for new offensives.”

Lundberg glared at him but couldn’t really disagree with him - they had mentioned this during planning with her present. “I’ve sent a priority message back to headquarters for new orders. If we get the order to defend the planet, we will do it.”

“As long as it’s feasible,” Alex replied. “Our contract forbids suicide missions.”

Lundberg scoffed.

“Anyway, between the salvage and the spare parts we carried with us,” Alex said after glancing at Cat and Kelly’s reports, “we’ll be fully operational in about two weeks. We might even be a bit better off if we can get the Clan ‘Mechs to work by then.”

“The KungsArmé claims that salvage!” Lundberg snapped.

“That would violate our contract,” Alex countered. “We’ve got first claim to all materiel taken in battle if that’s needed to restore our combat capability. And, with no supplies coming from the KungsArmé, we do need the salvage.”

“We can replace it with standard supplies.”

“Only if these standard supplies are equal to the supplies we spent,” Cat pointed out. “How much Lostech do you have available for us?”

Lundberg clenched her teeth - Kelly saw her jaw muscles twitch.

She suppressed a smile - Alex might not have squeezed the desperate Rasalhaguians for every C-Bill they could pay but he had ensured that the Irregulars wouldn’t be taken advantage of by the KungsArmé, either.

“So, let’s hope ComStar didn’t lose your message,” Alex said.

Lundberg looked confused. “I sent a priority message.”

Well, most people trusted ComStar. Thanks to Alex, Cat and her father, Kelly knew better. Although not even ComStar would risk tampering with priority military traffic on a recently liberated world, would they?

Well, if they didn’t receive new orders in the next few days, they would know something had gone wrong. In which case they would have to decide whether they would leave and try to reach friendly lines or dig in and stay once their jumpship finished charging.

“So, if that’s settled, we’ll have to do some interviews,” Alex said.

“Interviews?” Lundberg looked confused again.

“We’re planning to recruit amongst the captured techs,” he explained. “They know how to repair the ‘Mechs we captured.”

“What? Are you mad?” Lundberg stood and stared at him. “They’re the enemy! You can’t trust them!”

Kelly slowly cocked her head and suppressed the sudden urge to tell the woman that she didn’t trust half their own people not to be a spy in the pay of someone else.

“They’re civilians,” Alex replied. “And we’ll talk to them, first, to weed out potential troublemakers. Same for their MechWarriors - we need every pilot we can get.”

“You want to recruit their Warriors as well?” Lundberg gasped and started using Swedish curses that even Cat seemed to have trouble understanding.

“Our contract clearly states that we’re free to recruit from any available sources,” Alex said with a wry smile.

Kelly had no doubt that, should the Kapten ever meet the Rasalhaguian representative on Outreach who had negotiated their contract, it would come to blows.


Kandis System, Free Rasalhague Republic, September 25th, 3050

IlKhan Leo Showers did not bother to hide his grin when he read the most recent report on the bridge of the Dire Wolf. He lowered the sheet and looked at Khan Ulric. “Your Clan lost a world?”

“A recently conquered world was raided,” Ulric replied.

“That is not what my report says. According to this, your garrison was annihilated.” Leo held up the sheet, baring his teeth. “That means that you lost control of the planet, quiaff?” Ah, how the tables had finally turned! Ulric had been way too smug about Clan Wolf’s advance lately - as if there was much honour to be had by attacking the weakest realm in the Inner Sphere. The Jade Falcons had encountered far harder resistance in the Federated Commonwealth - and they had fallen behind as a result while the Smoke Jaguars were still carving a path to Terra through the Draconis Combine, only outpaced by the Wolves.

“A temporary setback which will be quickly corrected.” Ulric kept his face impassive.

“By sending a frontline cluster to retake the planet?” Leo snorted.


“And to destroy whoever had taken the planet, quiaff. What was the name of the unit?” He made a show at looking at the sheet in his hand. “The ‘First Royal Irregulars’. You were beaten by a bunch of mercenaries.”

“Many of the best warriors in the Inner Sphere are mercenaries,” Ulric retorted, and Leo saw that the bondsman with him clenched his teeth in open defiance.

He scoffed once more. Such insolence would never be tolerated in Clan Smoke Jaguar. But he felt too good to make an issue about it right now. “And I assume you will be tracking down those ‘raiders’, should they abandon the planet? They could be anywhere, after all.”

“If they are a deep raider unit, they could strike any planet in the invasion corridor,” the bondsman blurted out.

Ulric finally frowned at Leo. “Are you going to keep pointing out the obvious? There is no sibko here whose members need the most basic advice about strategy.”

Leo forced himself to smile widely. “Oh, no. I was about to ask how you will compensate for frontline forces you are withdrawing to secure your occupation zone and supply routes.”

“We are still able to reach our objectives for this wave,” Ulric told him with a fierce grin. “The battles might be harder than expected, but the outcome will be the same - and my Clan’s warriors will not shy away from a hard fight.”

The implied insult that Clan Smoke Jaguar would grated. But Leo did not let that show… much. Instead of snarling, he nodded. “So you claim. What is our next target? Radstadt?” he knew that was the case, of course. “In that case, I will help you.”

Ulric frowned once more at him. “We are perfectly able to take the planet.”

“So you claim.” Leo snorted once more. “However, I have a valid reason to fight on the planet: It is only fitting that I shall help secure the planet I chose for our Grand Kurultai, where we shall lay out the next phase of Operation Revival.”

Ulric really did not like that.

Not that Leo cared. This was an opportunity to shame the Wolves and ensure that they would not reach Terra before Clan Smoke Jaguar.

And an opportunity to fight again. It had been too long since Leo had fought for real on the battlefield. He needed this - and he would get it, one way or the other.

And who knew? Maybe he would get to destroy those ‘First Royal Irregulars’. Shaming the Wolves by denying them their revenge right before the Grand Kurultai would be the perfect outcome.

« Last Edit: 06 March 2022, 14:31:30 by Starfox5 »


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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #50 on: 26 February 2022, 10:13:10 »
My pleasure, as always!  :thumbsup:


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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #51 on: 26 February 2022, 12:25:57 »
Good fight, Leo never disappoints.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #52 on: 01 March 2022, 02:28:13 »
Such a good story. I love it! :thumbsup:


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #53 on: 20 March 2022, 03:00:13 »
Once more, many thanks to Daryk for betareading the chapter.

Chapter 8: Adjustments

‘The victory over the Clan Wolf forces on Engadin was both a blessing and a curse, in hindsight at least. It was the first victory against Clan Wolf forces in the Rasalhague theatre for the KungsArmé, whose formations had been forced to retreat time and again until then. Needless to say, it greatly raised morale in the realm. And it damaged Clan Wolf’s reputation - this was the first time the Clan had lost a planet they had taken. That it was only technically lost - we did not, could not stay and defend the planet - didn’t matter to the proud Wolves or their rivals from the other Clans. And, of course, it proved that our training and experience was on the mark and that we could defeat the Clans on even terms. Further, it left us with unprecedented salvage. However, it also left us as the one unit in the Free Rasalhague Republic that the Wolves wanted to destroy at any cost, and it left our own people a little too confident. The results of both we soon saw.’
Collected Writings of Kali “Kelly” Liao


‘As I’ve expected, children with neurological imbalances - or who have been diagnosed as such by ignorant medical staff - are the key to unravelling the mystery of ‘Dreamland’. One of my candidates is dreaming of visits to this ‘realm’ and is only too happy to tell me of his ‘adventures’ - the ruse of telling his parents that I might be able to cure his attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has definitely paid off. Unfortunately, that the test subject’s memory is left somewhat wanting. The colourful tales of his ‘dreams’ are scattered and entirely implausible. And yet, something rings true.’
Private notes of M.D. Phil Baker, Triad Medical Wing, Tharkad, 3050


Zurin, Engadin System, Free Rasalhague Republic, September 26th, 3050

The clan Warrior entering the room was trying to keep an impassive face, Kelly noted. Trying, and not completely succeeding - she didn’t miss how his eyes widened when he saw Alex, Cat and herself sitting there, and then how he glanced over his shoulder when the door closed behind him, checking that the guards who had brought him to the room hadn’t followed him inside.

“Star Captain Trevor.” Alex nodded at him. “I’m Colonel Camden. These are Majors Lieden and Stevens. Please have a seat.”

“I prefer to stand,” Trevor replied, raising his chin a little.

“As you wish.” Alex agreed.

Kelly refrained from shaking her head. Trevor had hurt his leg ejecting from his ‘Mech during the battle, but if he wanted to make a statement, that was his decision. Though she couldn’t tell if he wanted to appear combat-ready so he’d be considered a warrior or merely out of pride. He looked over thirty, so he was old for a Clan warrior.

“We lead the First Royal Irregulars,” Alex went on. “The combined arms regiment that defeated your… Provisional Garrison Cluster?”

Trevor kept staring at a point on the wall next to Alex’s head without answering.

So much for fishing for intel, Kelly thought.

Alex didn’t stop smiling. “In any case, we took you prisoner. According to your customs, that makes you a bondsman, correct?”

Trevor hesitated. “I was not aware that the custom of taking Bondsmen was practised by the… Inner Sphere.”

He almost slipped and called them a derogatory name, Kelly knew. “It’s not practised, but there have been cases where prisoners of war or defeated enemies were recruited by the victors - usually, such a thing is limited to mercenaries, though,” she explained.

“And you are mercenaries.”

“We aren’t beholden to any Lord in the Inner Sphere,” Alex told him.

“Yet you fight for them.”

“We don’t fight for anyone as much as we fight against you,” Alex retorted. “You are invaders, after all, who wish to take Terra and rule the entire Inner Sphere, moulding its inhabitants after your example.”

Like the Mongols of old.

“As mercenaries.”

“As a regiment not affiliated with anyone, fighting in the best tradition of the SLDF: To defend those who cannot defend themselves.”

A definition that fit the Free Rasalhague Republic very well, in Kelly’s opinion.

“Normally, we would just keep you as prisoners of war, in accordance with the regulations of the SLDF,” Alex went on. “However, given our circumstances, and your customs, we would like to recruit you.”

“You think I would want to join a mercenary company and fight my own Clan? For money?” Trevor scoffed. “If you think that being defeated robbed me of my honour, you are mistaken. Nor will your… pretence of using SLDF uniforms fool me.”

“You fight for resources as well - you raid. Each other, sometimes,” Cat pointed out. “Money’s merely another resource.”

“It is not the same.” Trevor shook his head. “It is not honourable.”

“We fight for a cause, not merely for money. But we do need money, just as the Clans need resources to fight,” Alex explained. “But this isn’t about money. This is about the chance to stay a warrior and fight on - honourably. ”

But Trevor shook his head. “I will not become a mercenary.”

“So, you will not become a Bondsman then?” Kelly asked. “You would be a prisoner then and be transferred into the custody of the KungsArmé at the earliest opportunity.”

Trevor nodded. “I choose my honour as a member of Clan Wolf.” He raised his head.

He hadn’t met their eyes the whole time, Kelly noticed. But she didn’t think the man would change his opinion.


“Star Commander Avia. Please have a seat.”

“I prefer to stand,” the woman replied. She wasn’t hurt, but this might be a bad omen, in Kelly’s opinion.

Apparently undaunted, Alex introduced himself and Cat and Kelly to the second Clan officer they had captured. Unlike Trevor, Avia looked to be about twenty years old. And she was a little on the small side. “So… you were captured by us following the battle of Zurin. Fought in a Griffin IIC, correct?”


“You fought bravely and with great skill,” Alex told her. “And you surrendered when your ‘Mech was destroyed.”

“Waste, whether of materiel or lives, is not the Clan way.”

“Indeed.” Alex’s smile widened. “And it would be a waste to see you stuck as a prisoner of war in a camp or prison on some forgotten planet. Instead, we would like to offer you a place as a warrior in our ranks - like a Bondswoman might get adopted into a Clan.”

She looked confused. “But you are not a Clan. You are mercenaries.”

“Well, we’re mercenaries because we want to pick who and what we fight for, instead of blindly following a Lord’s orders,” Alex explained again. “But we fight to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and we follow SLDF regulations.”

“And you wear their colours and uniforms.” Avia scowled.

“Suitably altered - we do not claim to be members of the SLDF. But we follow their example as defenders of the Inner Sphere.” Alex smiled. “They are our inspiration.”

“You are defending the very people who brought down the Star League and fought over its corpse for hundreds of years.”

“We defend the people. Rasalhague only recently regained its independence - it would be hardly fair to blame them for what their Kurita overlords ordered hundreds of years ago,” Cat retorted. “And they do need our help.”

“The weak give way to the strong. That is the Clan way.”

“So… since we defeated you, you should give way to us?” Kelly asked, raising her eyebrows.

“You have not defeated Clan Wolf.”

“But we did defeat you,” Alex said. “And it was a fair fight - we had even numbers if you count the aerospace fighters.” He smiled again. “If we had been fighting for another Clan, would you hesitate to join us?”

She frowned. “That depends on the Clan. Some would not make the offer.” She hesitated. “I am not a trueborn warrior.”

“Well, we are making the offer. From warriors to a warrior. It would be a waste to have you languish in a camp as a prisoner. All we ask is that you be loyal and follow the regulations of the SLDF.”

“I would have to fight my Clan.”

“That is the Clan way, isn’t it?” Kelly asked with a smile.

The woman still hesitated.

“Well, think about it,” Alex told her. “It’s your life and your future.”


“ it would be a waste to see you stuck in a prison for the rest of the war,” Alex said. He was still smiling despite repeating the same speech for the third time. “You’re a warrior, after all.”

MechWarrior Luke frowned. “You want me to join you? Even though you are not a Clan?”

“We’re close enough,” Cat told him. “We’re not a House unit, and we don’t fight for just anyone. And we honourably follow the SLDF regulations.”

Luke wasn’t the sharpest sword in the armoury. Not dumb, but not officer material. At least in Kelly’s opinion. But he was a very good MechWarrior. And they needed every recruit they could get - the hope that they could recruit some veterans from the locals hadn’t panned out; what MechWarriors had come forth had joined the KungsArmé.

Luke stared at them. “You want to take me as a bondsman?”

“And adopt you. Well, recruit you - it’s the closest to your customs you can get here,” Alex explained.


“We understand if you don’t want to fight your Clan, though,” Alex went on.

“What? No! If I am adopted into another Clan, I owe them my allegiance and loyalty. To do otherwise would make me dezgra. That is not the Clan way.”

The Clanners were worse about their ‘way’ than the Kuritas were about their bushido. And probably hypocrites about it as well.

“And you wonder if we qualify, don’t you?” Alex leaned forward, putting both hands on the table.

“Yes. You do not follow zellbrigen.”

“But we defeated you in battle. Completely, and with even numbers. We won this trial.”

“It was not a trial. No one called it.” Luke protested.

“But it was a battle to decide who’s cause would prevail. And ours did.” Alex met the man’s eyes. “And isn’t that the ultimate arbiter when you want to know who is right and who is wrong?”


Cat rolled her eyes. “Do we need to beat you again to prove that?”

“A trial?” Luke blinked, then nodded. “That would be the Clan way, I believe, yes!”

Cat looked surprised when Kelly scowled at her. She really should have known better than asking rhetorical questions to a Clanner.

But Alex, Kelly realised with a sinking feeling, was smiling. “I think that’s an excellent idea!”


Zurin, Engadin System, Free Rasalhague Republic, September 27th, 3050

“I still think this is a stupid idea.” Cat glared at Alex’s ‘Mech through her Victor’s cockpit. “If the Clanners won’t kill us, Russo will for wrecking freshly repaired ‘Mechs.”

“Russo shouldn’t complain - my plan got the Clanner techs helping with the repairs,” Alex retorted.

“Merely because Star Captain Trevor ordered them to repair the ‘Mechs needed for the trial,” Kelly pointed out.

“But it got them repaired, didn’t it?”

“And we have to smash them again,” Kelly said.

“Only three of them.”

Cat scoffed. “It’ll cost us more Clan spare parts.”

“And it’ll gain us all the Clanner prisoners as recruits.” Alex sounded almost amused. “And we only need to fight two if we both win our fights. Which is very likely since we have the weight advantage.”

All that was true. But Cat still didn’t like the idea of settling this in a duel - that was the Clan way. And they were soldiers of the SLDF, not Clanners.

But she knew that they needed the techs and MechWarriors far more than they needed three or even four ’Mechs. And Alex was right about the odds - the whole fight was weighted in their favour. Something she was sure Trevor hadn’t missed when they had hashed out the details. Was he so stuck on following the ‘Clan Way’ that he would agree to this even though the results might go against his wishes? Or was he trying to find an excuse to honourably join them?

Well, if that was his plan, Trevor might regret it. Alex wouldn’t be trying to kill him, but he wouldn’t hold back either. Not with so much at stake.

Well, neither would Cat when facing Avia.

Cat still couldn’t help worrying some when Alex stepped into the designated duel area where he would be facing Trevor’s Warhammer C. Alex’s Atlas-II was superior in almost every way, she knew that, but still… if anything happened to Alex here…

The two ‘Mechs faced each other across the field, and Kapten Holm, who had been pressed into service as arbiter, addressed them over the radio. “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” Alex replied at once.

“I am,” Trevor said a moment later.

“You fight until one surrenders or cannot continue the fight,” Holm went on, speaking with an odd mixture of formality and what Cat thought was subtle amusement. “Begin!”

The Warhammer darted forward at once, drifting to the side to put some trees between it and Alex’s ‘Mech. Trevor was trying to close in with Alex - no surprise there; the Warhammer’s main weapons had a shorter range than the gauss rifle and LRMs of the Atlas-II. But the Clanner might have miscalculated - Alex ran forward, firing despite the distance and the woods between them. His LRMs ploughed into the field near the Warhammer, but the gauss rifle’s slug struck into the Clanner’s left side, shattering armour.

The Clanner seemed to struggle a little to compensate, and Alex kept rushing forward.

Cat clenched her teeth - Alex had the advantage at long range. But he was seeking a quick end of the fight. And that meant melee range.

Trevor didn’t try to keep the range open, either - he charged straight into the woods, firing his large pulse lasers. One of them missed. The other melted some armour on Alex’s legs. Alex himself missed with most his weapons, but his gauss rifle struck the Clanner’s left leg - and a Warhammer’s legs were its weak spots. Cat could see the exposed myomer bundles and the leg actuators!

Alex slowed down a little now - his Atlas-II had to be overheating after firing both large lasers. Trevor stopped charging right ahead and started to circle Alex. This time, he fired more lasers, melting armour from Alex’s torso. But Alex returned fire, and, for once, his missiles found their mark - right after another gauss slug smashed into the Warhammer’s other leg. Cat grinned when she saw the Warhammer’s leg buckle, missiles sending both shredded myomer strands and shards of steel flying.

Trevor fought to keep his ‘Mech upright, but with the wrecked leg, the Warhammer was too unbalanced and crashed down on its side.

Alex lost no time and charged ahead again while Trevor struggled to get up. The Clanner managed despite the damaged legs, just in time to face Alex’s ‘Mech and open up with all his weapons.

Lasers struck the Atlas-II all over, melting armour and burning the shiny Star League finish, followed by missiles leaving craters over the torso and arms. In return, Alex’s gauss rifle smashed into the Warhammer’s arm, followed by SRMs - and sent the crippled ‘Mech reeling.

The Warhammer was now almost glowing on Cat’s sensors - Trevor must be roasting himself in the cockpit - but it managed to keep standing.

It couldn’t move, though - and Alex charged straight in. Trevor fired his smaller lasers, most missing the Atlas, and Alex’s next volley took off the Warhammer’s right leg.

For a moment, it looked as if the Clanner was still trying to get up even as Alex walked his ‘Mech right up to the fallen Warhammer, but then the Clan ‘Mech froze, and Cat heard Trevor’s voice over the radio.

“I yield.”

She sighed with relief before grinning. One Clanner down, one to go. Now it was up to her to take down Avia’s Griffin IIC. She had forty tons on the medium ‘Mech, but the Griffin IIC was far faster - and between the Clan lasers and LRMs, it completely outranged her Victor.

This would be a nasty fight.

“Are you ready?” Holm asked as soon as both ‘Mech were in the designated duelling area.

“Yes,” Cat told him.

“Aff,” Avia followed suit.

“You fight until one surrenders or cannot continue the fight,” Holm repeated his instructions. “Begin!”

Cat pushed the throttle of her Victor up and darted to the side, rushing towards a small ridge that should provide cover for her. Avia’s laser almost missed her, scorching some paint, but the LRMs hit her, leaving small craters all over the Victor’s torso and left arm. Then she was behind the ridge, drawing to a stop. Avia was fast enough to get around the ridge without entering the range of Cat’s Pontiac, so would she try to beat Cat to the end of the ridge - or go behind her?

Behind, Cat decided at once. Avia was sneaky - for a Clanner. So Cat threw her Victor around and rushed back to the western edge of the ridge. She had barely reached it when she spotted the Griffin-II circling around it - still too far away for her guns and missiles.

Gritting her teeth, she charged straight ahead. She had enough armour to weather a few volleys until she could return fire.

Avia put her ‘Mech into reverse, falling back, as she fired. Cat cursed when the laser struck her ‘Mech’s left arm, followed by another volley of LRMs, laying the myomer bundles bare, while more missiles hammered her upper torso. Russo wouldn’t like that.

She kept running, easily compensating for the impact and loss of armour. Avia couldn’t just keep falling back; leaving the duelling area was an automatic defeat, and she was close to the edge of the area already.

But it was enough for another volley. Cat narrowed her eyes. The laser would recycle right… now! She hit her jump jets, and the laser missed her. But the LRMs, fired a moment later, struck her in midjump, and Cat had to struggle to keep her ‘Mech on course. She landed a little harder than usual, crushing a smaller rock beneath her Victor’s feet, and kept running, already aiming her Pontiac.

Avia used her own jump jets, jumping northward, and fired again. Cat cursed once more when her left torso was hit with more laser fire and LRMS, almost penetrating her remaining armour. But she compensated once more and jumped.

This time, she landed in the middle of a patch of trees Alex and Trevor had apparently missed - and in range of the Griffin-II. She moved her Victor’s arms and fired everything she had as soon as the crosshairs aligned with the lighter ‘Mech’s torso.

Her lasers missed as the heat spiked in her cockpit, turning it into a brief sauna, but her autocannon struck the Griffin straight in the centre of its torso - and ripped through its armour. The sheer impact of the shells seemed to stop the Clan ‘Mech in its tracks, and it lit up on Cat’s thermal sensors like an inferno round - reactor shielding penetrated!

The Griffin stumbled back, and Cat’s eyes widened when it crashed to the ground, limbs flailing. Either Avia had slipped… Her sensors confirmed what she already knew: The Griffin’s gyroscope was damaged as well.

The fight was over - with the damaged gyro, the Griffin couldn’t outrun her any more - if Avia even managed to get it up. Cat hit her jump jets again, clearing a small pond, and landed even closer to the Clanner ‘Mech, pointing her autocannon at it.

The Griffin kept moving for a moment, bringing its arms under its body, but then stopped moving. “I yield,” Cat heard Avia’s slightly slurred voice over the radio.

Probably a concussion from the fall, too, she realised. No matter - she had won. That meant Kelly wouldn’t have to face a Clan ‘Mech that could run circles around her Raven with double the armour.

She smiled. Russo would still want to kill Alex and herself, but it hadn’t gone too badly, in her opinion. Even though the fights had been closer than she had liked, they had defeated the Clanners and won the trial or whatever they called it.

« Last Edit: 27 March 2022, 03:11:29 by Starfox5 »


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #54 on: 20 March 2022, 03:01:01 »
Engadin System, Free Rasalhague Republic, September 28th, 3050

“Porca miseria! Those damned fools all but wrecked each other! Should’ve just shot each other with flamethrowers at ten paces instead of wasting perfectly good ‘Mechs! Save me the trouble of roasting them alive!”

Russo was in a foul mood - a fouler mood than usual, Kelly could tell. It was understandable, really - Alex and Cat had won their fights, but their ‘Mechs hadn’t emerged unscathed. Mostly armour damage, but not just armour damage. And the techs were already overworked.

Which was why Cat and Alex were hiding in their office and had sent Kelly to talk to the Head Tech - since Kelly hadn’t fought her duel, the trial having been decided by two victories already, her Raven hadn’t been damaged, so Russo shouldn’t mind her. That was the theory, at least.

Watching the bad-tempered tech yell and bark in the ‘Mech bay, Kelly wasn’t quite as certain that the theory would hold up in practice - Russo was worked up even for him.

She frowned. Actually, he was worse than he had been this morning, when they had embarked on the Babylon, and trying to load up dozens of damaged ‘Mechs would have strained anyone’s temper. So, what had happened since they had left Engadin’s orbit?

She left the shadow of her Raven, where she had faked inspecting the ankle joint, and walked over to Russo. “Head Tech?” She cocked her head as she addressed him.

He whirled. “What?” Then he blinked but quickly scowled again. “Major. What is it? Did you wreck your ‘Mech as well?”

Kelly’s smile didn’t falter. “I was wondering if some unexpected problems with the repairs have cropped up.”

“Apart from having to repair duelling damage?” He scoffed. “No. The repairs are continuing on schedule. Or would, if we didn’t have to fix four more ‘Mechs than planned.” He snorted. “At least the new techs know their stuff.”

“Yet you seem more agitated than earlier,” Kelly pointed out.

His frown deepened for a moment. Then he grunted. “Some of the ‘new hires’ - the warriors - tried to order my people around.”

Ah. Kelly nodded.

Russo shook his balding head. “They need to be taught how things work here.”

“We will talk with them,” Kelly assured him. “How do the new techs fit in?”

Russo rolled his eyes. “They’re doing what they are told, and they know what they are doing.”

That was… good news. Even though the Head Tech sounded as if he didn’t like that. Well, Kelly knew that Russo liked to complain even if things were going well. Or about things that were going well.

But the attitude of the former Clan MechWarriors had to be corrected - they couldn’t expect to keep behaving as if they were still in the Clans. Things were different in the SLDF. And they had to learn that.

Although they wouldn’t learn that from Kelly. This was a task best left to Alex. Kelly smiled as she nodded at Russo and smiled a bit more when she walked out of the ‘Mech bay. Her friends weren’t the only ones willing to delegate unpleasant tasks.


Kelly stood at parade rest next to Alex, looking at the assembled warriors. They were in a currently empty part of the vehicle bay - as regulations and common sense, as well as experience, advised, praise was to be done in public and criticism in private. It wouldn’t do to scold the former Clan warriors in front of the others.

They were standing at attention - even those, like Avia, who had yet to heal up fully. Whatever their faults, Clan warriors were tough. Kelly briefly studied them. Trevor was staring at the wall behind Alex; Kelly hoped that this was a good sign and that Trevor would take the criticism to heart. Avia met her eyes with a defiant attitude. On the other hand, the Clan officer glanced at Cat, who was standing on Alex’s other side, with more deference. Perhaps a bit too much, for Kelly’s taste. Cat was hers!

Luke looked a little confused. The remaining two Clan warriors who had joined the Irregulars, Damian and Clarice, imitated Trevor. Well, they had been under his command, so that was probably to be expected, and they were still recovering - both had suffered injuries when ejecting.

“So!” Alex straightened. “There’s something I need to address. You’ve received your assignments and a copy of the SLDF regulations, but I am aware that you haven’t had enough time to study the documents yet.”

Avia scowled for a moment, Kelly noticed. As did Alex, since he nodded at her. “You disagree, MechWarrior?”

“Everyone of us knows SLDF regulations, Colonel,” she replied.

The other former Clan warriors nodded. This was interesting - they couldn’t have read the entire document. Not with all their other duties with regards to joining the Irregulars. So, the Clans studied the SLDF regulations?

“I don’t doubt that,” Alex said. “But knowing is one thing - applying said knowledge is another.” He folded his hands behind his back and started to pace in front of the warriors’ line. “There’s also the fact that regulations are one thing, but there are also customs that might not be covered by regulations.”

Trevor nodded.

“However,” Alex went on, “the chain of command generally doesn’t fall under customs. It’s clearly covered in regulations.”

Even Trevor looked puzzled for a moment, Kelly noticed. So, he wasn’t aware of what he and the others had done.

“I am talking about how to deal with our techs,” Alex explained. “While you can and should, of course, point out problems with your ‘Mech that need to be addressed directly to the tech servicing it, you cannot actually order the techs around except for minor matters such as your personal preferences for computer feedback and the like. You cannot order a tech to start doing repairs or modifications on your or any other ‘Mech - that is the domain of the Head Tech, Warrant Officer Russo.”

Trevor slowly, almost hesitantly, nodded, but Avia looked surprised. Luke nodded firmly, seemingly to accept this without question. Damian and Clarice glanced at Trevor.

“That is because we might have to prioritise repairs according to the bigger picture. Russo knows the status of all our ‘Mechs, and he will prioritise repairs according to our needs as I tell him.” Alex smiled. “I know you’re used to doing things differently, but that’s how it was done in the SLDF, and that’s how we do it in the Irregulars. Any questions?”

All of the former Clan Wolf warriors glanced at Trevor. Kelly made a mental note of that as well. They might want to consider breaking up the unit and spread the former Clan MechWarriors around to integrate them more forcefully. On the other hand, if Trevor played ball, as Cat would say, then he could handle that with the least amount of disruption if they all answered to him.

And it was Trevor who spoke up. “So, you handle the repair priorities, Colonel?”

“I set the general objective and let Russo handle the details,” Alex replied. “I’m not going to tell him how to repair a ‘Mech or how long it should take,” he added with a smile.

Avia blushed a little - whether from anger or embarrassment was hard to say.

“Of course, if I misjudge the objective, that’s on me. If Russo misjudges the time he needs to do the repairs we need, that’s on him.”

Trevor nodded. “And if we have… complaints about the repairs?”

“Tell them to the tech. If nothing is done, or you think they’re making excuses, come to me. We’ll use the chain of command. Understood?”


“Good. Now, since we’re all here… do you have any complaints or suggestions?”

Once more, there were glances between the warriors in front of Kelly and her friends.

“We’ll be assigned to the support company,” Trevor said. “What will be our duties there?”

“Ah.” Alex nodded at Kelly. “If you’ll explain?”

Were they afraid that they wouldn’t get frontline combat missions? Kelly didn’t let her exasperation show. “I’m in command of the Support Company. Our lances will be used according to the needs of the other two companies. That means we’ll usually operate on detached duty, not as a company. Our Rifleman lance, for example, will provide anti-aircraft support where needed. Our scout and recon lances will generally be screening another formation.”

“With our… lance attached to your company, we could operate on the same level as the other companies,” Avia said.

“While you’re correct that with your lance added to the roster, we now have enough firepower to engage a company-sized unit on even terms, we would deprive the other companies of scouts and anti-air support,” Kelly replied. “We’re planning to have your lance act like mine - supporting another company where needed.”

“Like exploiting a breakthrough or holding our flank,” Alex added. “You’ll be in the thick of any action, don’t worry.”

Trevor nodded, seemingly mollified.

“Like Kelly here,” Cat added. “Just with more armour to protect yourself.”

Kelly didn’t roll her eyes as the others laughed. She had proven her ‘Mech’s worth, after all.

But she wouldn’t turn down another ECM-equipped ‘Mech for her company. Trevor’s lance had a decent lineup right now - his Warhammer C, Avia’s Griffin IIC, Luke in the repaired Crusader from the late Garribaldi, and Damian and Clarice in a Vixen - no, the proper name was ‘Incubus’, apparently - and Crab, respectively, but they didn’t have ECM to shield them from enemy sensors. If the techs managed to get the Ice Ferret to work in time and add a Guardian ECM, she might ask one of the former Clan warriors to pilot it.

If they had enough time.


Engadin System, Free Rasalhague Republic, September 30th, 3050

“Major Stevens?”

Cat looked up from the latest repair reports - the second Thug was now fit for service again, and the Griffin was still being repaired but should be done before they reached Radstadt - and looked at Avia. “Yes? If you’re looking for Major Lieden, she’s observing the sim exercises.”

“I know,” Avia replied. “She gave us her schedule.”

Cat nodded. She hadn’t really thought that Kelly would forget to inform her recently-grown company of her daily schedule, but in her experience, many Clanners didn’t really focus on ‘paperwork’. “So, how can I help you?”

“Ah… I was wondering if you would like to do some sim duelling later.” Avia nodded once, standing at parade rest.

Cat blinked. That was… not an unusual request, actually, but coming from the same woman she had defeated in the ‘trial of absorption’, as their new recruits insisted on calling it, was a little suspicious. On the other hand, Clanners, as most MechWarriors, were proud, and despite the massive difference in tonnage between Cat’s Victor and Avia’s Griffin IIC, the Clanner might want to get another shot at beating Cat. Well, she would get another lesson instead. Cat grinned and nodded. “Fine. After dinner.”

Avia smiled. “Thank you.” She nodded curtly, then left.

And Cat focused on the reports from Russo again. She had a company to handle.


Twenty more LRMs rained down on Cat as she moved her ‘Mech to the side. Half of them struck the remains of an ancient landslide - Cat suppressed a brief shudder at the memory of her ‘Mech getting buried in the arena - and half struck her Victor, blasting more armour off its torso and arms. Nothing critical, not yet, but if she didn’t close with the enemy, sooner or later, those pinpricks would finish getting through her armour. Sooner, if she took another hit or two from the large laser of Avia’s Griffin IIC.

The former Clan Warrior had gotten better at keeping her distance since their first bout in the simulator. Better, but not good enough. Cat clenched her teeth and pushed her ‘Mech forward, weaving through the narrow canyon of the sim scenario. She passed a more open area, too fast for Avia to get a lock on her but not fast enough to avoid being spotted.

Exactly as planned. Avia was a veteran and would be guessing Cat’s course. And then second-guessing her. And there was only one point where she would have an unrestricted field of fire on both ends of the canyon.

Cat kept running forward, then hit her jump jets and soared to the top of the canyon. She barely cleared the edge, but Avia’s Griffin IIC was caught in the corner of the battle area.

The warrior reacted quickly, her laser melting Cat’s torso armour and LRMs striking her legs, but Cat was charging towards her, closing in. No matter where Avia went, she would pass through Cat’s field of fire.

Avia dodged left and jumped. Cat went left as well, watching the rangefinder’s display. She would only get one shot with this. Now!

She only needed one shot. Or volley. Her Pontiac tore through the Griffin IIC’s armour, crushing an actuator, and an SRM blew away another actuator. The sudden impact and damage were too much, and the ‘Mech lost its balance and crashed into the rock next to it.

Cat kept running and fired as soon as her autocannon cycled. Her next volley tore the Griffin’s right arm off and sent it falling down again. It skidded over the rocky ground, losing more armour.

Avia wasn’t done yet, though, even if her ‘Mech was crippled, and fired her LRMs until Cat finally finished her off with her third volley.

“Good fight,” Avia said.

“Yes, good fight,” Cat replied. “You’re good at exploiting my limited range.”

“Not good enough.”

Cat chuckled as she left her ‘Mech’s cockpit. Not for long, though - she might have won this bout and the two before, but her Victor’s lack of long-range weapons had led to quite annoying encounters.

She might have to ask Russo if there was a way to replace her SRM launcher with a Clan LRM launcher. With Freezers, it should still allow her to keep more armour than the stock Victor and add some long-range punch.

She would have to wait until they were on Radstadt, though, and the rest of the regiment was combat-ready. Modifications like this kind took a lot of effort.

She spotted Avia walking over from where her Griffin IIC had been parked in a gantry. The other MechWarrior looked flushed. “Good fight!” she said again as she reached the foot of Cat’s Victor. “You are an excellent warrior.”

Cat shrugged. “I try my best.” And she was damn good!

“In the Clan, you would have been a Ristar. So young, yet already so deadly.” Avia beamed at her.

“Well, I started early.”

“No doubt. That kind of skill can only be learned through real combat.” Avia, of course, approved. Cat’s parents didn’t, she was sure.

“Yes,” Cat replied. It sounded like Avia wanted to take a few drinks together and shoot the breeze. Which didn’t sound too bad, actually. But Cat didn’t want to share stories about Dreamland’s war against the Nightmare Horde. Well, maybe a few choice ones, with all the details altered.

“Do you want to couple?”

Cat blinked. “What?” Did she just ask to have sex with her?

“To couple.” Avia frowned a little. “To have sex.”

She did. Cat blinked again. “Ah, I’m sorry, but I’m in a relationship.” She felt herself blush a little.

And now, Avia looked confused. “And why would that prevent you from coupling?”

“When you’re in a relationship, you only have sex with your partner,” Cat explained. Well, unless it was an open relationship, but she wasn’t about to explain those to a Clanner.

“Ah.” Avia didn’t look as if she really understood. “So, you only have sex with Major Lieden?”

“Yes.” Cat nodded firmly. Very firmly.

“Ah. Were you in a sibko together? I mean, did you grow up together?”

Cat was about to deny that but stopped. This was actually correct since they had met in Dreamland. “We trained together since we were little children, yes.”

“Ah.” Avia nodded. “I understand. Those bonds do last long - I miss my sibko mates.” She nodded again. “I will ask Trevor to couple, then.”

What? By the time Cat had recovered, Avia had already left. Presumably to ‘couple’ with Trevor.

Clanners were bloody aliens.

She had to tell Kelly about this - her friend would probably find this very amusing.



  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #55 on: 20 March 2022, 03:01:52 »
Engadin System, Free Rasalhague Republic, October 1st, 3050

Kelly tried not to let her lingering resentment show when she approached Trevor. The man was one of her officers, and she would deal with him as a professional. And he hadn’t propositioned Cat, anyway. Avia had some nerve propositioning Cat!

“Lieutenant Trevor?”

“Major Lieden.” He nodded at her.

No salute, but this was rather informal. And the rest of the regiment didn’t exactly follow strict forms either. Still… She made a mental note to discuss the matter with Alex and Cat. Proper SLDF forms might help with the regiment’s esprit de corps. “How is your lance doing?”

“The… lance,” he obviously caught himself before he said ‘star’, “is ready for deployment. All ‘Mechs are fully repaired, and I have ensured that all warriors are familiar with communication protocols.”

Well, she already knew the first thing, and the second was an obvious part of preparing for combat. “And how are your warriors doing? Is there any trouble integrating with the rest of the unit?”

“No,” he replied, shaking his head.

She didn’t let her slight annoyance show. What would he call one of his warriors hitting on the lover of his company commander? Although he probably thought this was normal. “I’ve noticed that there are some significant cultural differences,” she said. “Which could potentially cause friction.” Not everyone had her self-control. Trying to sleep with someone’s partner could easily lead to violence.

Trevor looked puzzled. “I am not aware of any such potential problem,” he said.

As socially apt as his ‘Mech. Kelly didn’t sigh, but she felt like it. “The cultures of the Inner Sphere have different views on sex,” she said.

“Ah, yes. Avia told me.” He nodded. “I have instructed my warriors to check the relationship status of someone before inquiring about coupling.”

He sounded about as clinical about the act as the SLDF health education instructor in Dreamland. And she had been a dwarf. Once more, Kelly suppressed a sigh. “You might also instruct them that many in the Inner Sphere are likely to take sex more seriously than you do.” At his returned apparent confusion, she elaborated: “They might think having sex implies a relationship.”

“Oh. I was not aware of that.”

“Not everyone - some are perfectly fine with casual sex.” Especially soldiers during a war. “But many will develop an attachment.”

“Oh.” He slowly nodded. “I see how this could cause trouble.”

“Good.” She nodded - a little sharply. “The last thing we need is internal strife over such matters. Not everyone is happy with us recruiting you,” she added.

He nodded again. “That was to be expected. It is not uncommon in the Clans either - especially if there is a rivalry between the original clan and the new one.”

She raised her eyebrows. She hadn’t known that - then again, it made sense. People carried grudges. Even such an alien culture as the Clans. “Then you are familiar with the situation.”

“I was never captured until now,” he said. “But I have dealt with abtakha - adopted warriors,” he explained. Unnecessarily; Kelly knew the word. He looked at her for a moment. “May I ask a question, Major?”

“Of course.”

“You seem very familiar with some of our customs, aff?” he said.

“If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat,” she quoted the Art of War. “We gathered every piece of information about you before we engaged you.”

“You did. Your simulations of the Clan OmniMechs are almost perfect,” he said. “More importantly, you simulate our tactics as well. Zellbrigen - and when we’d break it.”

She nodded. “Training should be as realistic as possible.”

“And you and Major Stevens are very young for your rank - yet, as I can personally attest to,” he said with a wry grin, “and as several of your MechWarriors confirmed, you have the experience your rank demands.”

“Thank you.” She suppressed the slight annoyance she felt at the reminder that people still judged her because of her age. It was only natural - they didn’t know about her experience.

“Yet, even in the Clans, where we prize youth and talent, you would not have yet graduated from a sibko, much less gained your obvious experience.” He held her gaze with a polite expression.

“Due to circumstances outside our control, we started fighting at a very young age,” she said.

“Against Clan warriors, aff?” He was looking tense now.

She shrugged. “They fought in a similar way, but I doubt that they were part of the Clans as you know them.”

“Dark Caste?” He frowned.

“I’m not familiar with that term,” she told him.

“People outside the Clan. Bandits. Pirates. Criminal scum.”

“Ah.” She nodded again. That was another aspect of their enemy they had neglected - she hadn’t been aware that there was a criminal underworld. Again, that was part of every society. But she had to deflect this probe. “Would they have reached the Inner Sphere ahead of your invasion?”

His frown deepened. “It is possible. Where did you fight them?”

“That’s a secret,” she told him.

“Ah.” He nodded.

She waited a moment. “Do you have any other questions?”

“No.” He shook his head. “Not at the moment.”

But more would probably follow. If Trevor had noticed this, others would have noticed the same.

She shouldn’t have tried to hide the truth by clever wording, she realised. She had tried to be too clever for her own good.

She snorted. Cat would call that her family curse.


Royal Palace, Unity City, Dreamland, October 5th, 3050

“...and we still have no organic aerospace support,” Cat said before taking another swallow from her tea. “None of the Clan aerospace fighters were salvageable.”

“Can’t really salvage a stain on the ground. Or a wreck speeding away in space,” Felicity said. She was drinking milk, of course. Warm and mixed with honey.

Kelly took a sip from her own tea - green tea, as good as the best tea she had had on Sian - as Cat finished detailing the current state of the First Royal Irregulars. It could’ve been worse, but it could’ve been better as well. Much better. If only they had caught some aerospace assets. The regiment was still entirely dependent on their employer for air cover.

“At least you have your escort with you,” Nastajia said as she put down her cup on the table on Alex’s balcony.

“For how long, though?” Cat asked.

Kelly nodded in agreement. In the current state of the KungsArmé, odds were they would be reassigned as soon as possible.

“And how are the former Clan warriors working out?” Nastajia asked with a slight frown. She didn’t approve of recruiting former enemies - the elf liked to carry grudges.

“Well enough,” Alex replied. His smile faltered a little when Nastajia looked at him, Kelly noticed - she hadn’t been happy about his decision that all three of them would visit Dreamland together this time.

“There’s some friction and tension with the other members of the unit, but there haven’t been any fights reported,” Kelly elaborated.

Cat snorted. “And I’m sure Damian fell out of his ‘Mech’s gantry to get so many bruises.”

“Yes,” Alex said. “Hit every step on the stairs on the way down.”

Kelly frowned. She knew as well as her friends that there had been fights. But as long as none were reported, this was fine. Just a few soldiers knocking the edges off each other. Until it was officially noticed, and something had to be done about it. “They’re excellent MechWarriors,” she said, “but they come from a very different culture. But they will be a great asset in the next battle.”

“Fight fire with fire,” Cat said. “And Clans with Clanners.”

“They were in a second-line unit,” Nastajia pointed out. “Not the Clans’ best.”

Cat snorted. “Trevor’s a veteran. Only the Clans would consider him too old to serve in a frontline unit.”

“Still,” Nastajia insisted. “They might not perform as well facing frontline troops.”

Alex nodded. “No, they won’t - nor will most of the regiment. Some might even be a little overconfident.”

“And we haven’t faced their battle armour yet,” Kelly added. “We’ve been running sims, but I doubt that everyone is aware just how dangerous those are.” Some things you had to experience to truly understand. “And Trevor at least is wondering where we fought Clans before. He hasn’t asked again, but… He is still wondering.” She was certain of that.

“Right. You mentioned that.” Felicity nodded. “That might cause trouble. He might think you were deserters from the Clans.”

Cat scoffed at that idea. Alex laughed. But Kelly nodded slowly. That would explain Trevor’s reaction. “If he does, he might not feel honour-bound to stay loyal.” If Trevor was actually loyal. She knew how Justin Xiang had faked his defection from the Federated Suns and become a double-agent, dooming the Confederation’s efforts in the 4th Succession War. Well, she had her eyes on him.

“That would be a problem,” Alex said. “If our new recruits turn on us in the middle of a battle…”

“We can’t tell them the truth - they’ll never believe us,” Cat said.

Nastajia agreed. “But you might have to tell him - and the others in your unit who might harbour suspicions - something to explain your experience.”

“Half of them are probably spies from the MIIO, LIC or the Maskirovka,” Cat said with a snort. “Maybe ISF and SAFE as well.”

Kelly narrowed her eyes at her - this wasn’t as funny as Cat thought it was. “The easiest story would be to claim that we fought clan forces in the Periphery.” She had given this some thought after Trevor’s questions. “However, if the different Clans share intel, or if anyone expects details, we’ll have trouble inventing a convincing story.”

“The best story is one that is close to the truth,” Alex said. “Your planet was attacked by the Clans while you were training in ‘Mechs, you had to go into battle, and I saved you. Then we came to Solaris to build a mercenary unit to get revenge on the Clans.” Nastajia opened her mouth, but he grinned and went on before she could say something: “And you don’t want to say where that was because you fear for the safety of your families.”

While Nastajia pouted at Alex, Kelly thought this through. “It’s simple,” she said. “Easy to remember.”

“And we can stick to the truth,” Cat added. “Let’s do that.”

“So, now that that’s settled, let’s enjoy the day!” Kiwi piped up. She rose from her spot on the table, where she had been drinking sweetened fruit juice - or sugar with a few drops of fruit juice, as Cat would say - and did a loop in the air. “It’s been too long since we were all together! Let’s go outside!”

Kelly nodded. It wasn’t as if they could do anything else that would change the situation. They were running training sims as often as possible, and the ‘Mechs should be ready for combat once they reached Radstadt - or, should they be called away before making planetfall because another planet needed reinforcements, when they reached the next target.

Things could definitely be worse.


Camora, Twycross, Federated Commonwealth, October 10th, 3050

“...and the salvage operation of the Falcon Guards Cluster’s remains has been completed. The last Mule is being loaded with the samples going back to NAIS as we speak,” Galen Cox finished his report. “Most of the battle armour samples seem to be in surprisingly good shape.” He refrained from grimacing - as ordered, the AFFS forces had primarily used flamers and Inferno missiles against the Clan infantry, cooking them alive inside their armour but leaving the armour itself generally intact.

But his commanding officer - and friend - didn’t seem to be listening. Instead, Victor was staring at his noteputer. And not in the intense, focused way that meant he was planning another surprise for the Clans. No, he seemed to be… shocked?

Galen glanced at the third officer in the small office, Leftenant Allard-Liao. Or Kai, as he insisted. And if one of the deadliest MechWarriors Galen had ever seen told you to call him Kai, you didn’t argue. He was another friend of Victor’s - childhood friend, for all that they grew up on different planets - and he, too, had noticed that Victor wasn’t paying attention to the report. The very report he had been hounding Galen about almost immediately after the last of the Falcon Guard had fallen to the pincer attack of the First and Second Kell Hounds, too!

“Victor?” Kai asked. “Is something wrong?”

“You haven’t been paying attention,” Galen added.

Victor blinked. “Oh. Sorry. It’s just…” He shook his head. “I got a message from my parents.”

Galen and Kai exchanged another glance. Since Victor’s parents were the rulers of the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns, their messages could be anything from congratulations for the liberation of Twycross to classified messages about politics on the highest level. Something that would concern Kai as the heir to the St. Ives Compact, but not Galen Cox. He might be Kommandant Steiner-Davion’s adjutant, but that role was strictly limited to military matters. Galen had no wish to deal with politics. He cleared his throat. “I think I’ll check on the 10th’s readiness,” he said, standing up. The regiment should be back to about 80% of its strength by now.

“What? Oh, no!” Victor shook his head. “None of that, Galen. This is… Well, this is a personal message. Sort of. And I could use your advice.”

About a message from his parents? “You know, I am sworn to both your parents, so asking me to go against them would be asking me to commit treason,” Galen joked. At least he hoped he was joking.

“It’s not that!” Victor pouted at him. “And you stay, Kai,” he said as Kai was about to leave. “It concerns you as well.”

“What?” Kai looked confused. “I didn’t get any message.”

Victor sighed. “Well, it’s classified. Highest levels.”

Galen tensed. Victor had a sometimes loose relationship with rules. But Galen wasn’t the heir to the Federated Commonwealth. He wouldn’t get away with spilling such secrets.

“But I really need to talk about this with a friend or two,” Victor went on.

Galen sighed and sat down again.

Victor smiled. “So… you know about my sister, Katherine.”

The sister who had been in a coma for ten years before miraculously waking up. Galen doubted that anyone in the Federated Commonwealth had missed that. He nodded.

“Of course,” Kai said. He probably had met the girl, Galen thought.

“So… What you might not have known is that she, ah, ran away from home,” Victor went on with a sheepish expression.

Galen blinked. Katherine Steiner-Davion, second in line to both thrones of the Federated Commonwealth, had run away from home?

“How?” Kai asked. “What happened to her security detail?”

Victor grimaced. “Apparently, she managed to get a suit of stealth power armour while sleeping in her bed and vanished.”

“Vanished.” Galen shook his head. “Isn’t she like… seventeen years old?”

Victor briefly frowned at him, and Galen rolled his eyes. His friend probably took this as a dig at his own young age. His friend continued: “Anyway, that’s just the start. She vanished and only resurfaced months later - on Solaris VII. Where she apparently got herself a Victor and fought a few gladiators in the arenas. It seems that if Dad wasn’t going to buy her one for Christmas, she decided to get one herself.”

Galen politely laughed at the joke. As did Kai.

“And now it gets strange. And concerning,” Victor went on.

“Wait!” Galen raised his hand. “It wasn’t concerning that the daughter of the Archon and the First Prince went to Solaris VII to fight in the arena?”

“And that neither MI6 nor the LIC managed to stop her?” Kai added, adding his own take on the situation.

“Yes.” Victor nodded. “Because on Solaris, she hooked up with, to the best of our knowledge, Kali Liao, who also had run away from home.”

Galen blinked. Kali Liao? That was… He glanced at Kai, who was frozen with what looked like shock.

“Yes, I know,” Victor went on. “And they were in the company of this slimeball.” He held his noteputer up, displaying a picture of a man. About thirty years old, Galen would guess. “Alexander Camden. Bought her the ‘Mech. And then had her fight in the arena until they got Kali a Raven.”

Galen nodded grimly. The implications were clear. What a slimeball. But once the LIC or MI6 got their hands on that man…

“So, now, the weird part.” Victor sighed. “Mister Camden hired a dropship and jumpship, and a technician crew as well as a spacer crew, and went off with Katherine and Kali, to Epsilon Eridani.”

“Wait!” Galen raised his hand again. “Don’t tell me they were the ones who found the Colossus!”

“They were. Found a dropship full of ‘Mechs, flew to Outreach and founded a mercenary unit. Which then hired on with the Rasalhagues.”

Galen drew a sharp breath. Since the invasion started, the Free Republic had been beaten by the Clans like a drum. To hire on with them was… akin to suicide.

“Yes. ‘Colonel’ Camden took my little sister and Kai’s cousin straight into the teeth of the Clan invasion. With a fresh mercenary unit made up of dispossessed pilots who were given new Star League ‘Mechs.” Victor nodded with a grim expression. “Believe me, I’ll have words with him once I meet him.”

“Can we do something? Send the Kell Hounds over?” Kai asked.

Victor shook his head. “We can’t leave the planet - we’re still expecting a counterattack from the Falcons,” he reminded his friend. “Anyway, apparently, my little sister is now a Major, leads a company, and helped destroy a Provisional Garrison Cluster on Engadin. A Major! She didn’t even enter the academy!” he blurted out.

Galen suppressed a grin.

Kai didn’t. He was visibly amused as he told Victor: “Well, she caught up to you. Same rank, same ‘Mech.”

Victor snorted. But he wasn’t amused. “And as far as we can tell, she’s raiding deep behind the enemy lines. With a single battalion of ‘Mechs.”

Galen nodded. No wonder Victor wanted to talk about this. The Clans were formidable enemies, and the Wolves were the most dangerous of the Clans. A single battalion wouldn’t last long. Even if they won every battle, they would suffer attrition, and the Clans only needed to get lucky once to catch them.

“Are you sure we can’t send help?” Galen asked.

“We can’t even contact them unless they hit a world with an HPG.” Victor blinked. “Oh, and again: That’s a secret. Officially, we have no idea about this. But I wish we could do something!”

Galen nodded in agreement. But they couldn’t - the Jade Falcons would make another attempt to take the planet after losing two clusters. That would disrupt their invasion schedule. And it would deliver more of their forces to Twycross, where the Kell Hounds, the Tenth Lyran Guards RCT and the 9th FedCom RCT would tie them down until the rest of the force from Sudeten arrived to wipe out the Clanners.

It was a dangerous plan for the forces on Twycross. If the Falcons deployed enough Clusters, the AFFS would be hard-pressed to hold out long enough for the reinforcements to arrive.

But it wasn’t nearly as dangerous as raiding the Clan supply lines in a single dropship. And as a teenager without any military training. What was this Colonel Camden thinking?

“But… I still can’t believe it.” Kai shook his head. “Kali Liao?”

Victor sighed again. “Yes. Apparently, Katherine claimed that they met in her dreams.”

Galen blinked. He had no idea what that meant. And he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.



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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #56 on: 20 March 2022, 06:21:09 »
My pleasure!  And I think I finally see the Engadin/Engadine split: it's usually without the "e" in the time stamps, and with the "e" in the text.


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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #57 on: 20 March 2022, 20:02:55 »
Vicor reacted perfectly.  Well crafted~!
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #58 on: 20 March 2022, 22:18:40 »
Victor? He was already dealing.

Kai over there was still in BSOD mode.


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Re: Dreamland Madness (Battletech/The Dreamland Chronicles)
« Reply #59 on: 21 March 2022, 15:34:01 »
Victor: But... I'm the big brother! I graduated from Nagelring! Why does she get the same rank? And the same 'Mech?