Author Topic: I am Iron Man  (Read 24488 times)


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #30 on: 21 April 2022, 06:50:03 »
Yeah, but this is Endgame Tony Stark with an Infinity Gauntlet.

I forgot about that detail  :))

If that's the case, he still has the gems.  But it's not like he'd be able to use them without killing himself, unless he tries to attempt a smaller feat than wiping out an entire alien army and their hardware?  Maybe he could just teleport to Terra, make a new compound to live in and family...
Trombone Player, Lego Enthusiast, Engineer
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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #31 on: 22 April 2022, 18:51:32 »
The Infinity Gauntlet didn't come along for the ride; it got left behind.

If it did come, this would be a VERY short TL...


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #32 on: 22 April 2022, 20:10:49 »
The Infinity Gauntlet didn't come along for the ride; it got left behind.

If it did come, this would be a VERY short TL...

Can you imagine if Comstar got a hold of that?  Hook it up to one of the Manei Domini later on and see everyone get turned into flying toasters...
Trombone Player, Lego Enthusiast, Engineer
Clan Smoke Jaguar, Delta Galaxy ("The Cloud Rangers"), 4th Jaguar Dragoons
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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #33 on: 24 April 2022, 13:59:39 »
Can you imagine if Comstar got a hold of that?  Hook it up to one of the Manei Domini later on and see everyone get turned into flying toasters...
Now that's a horrifying thought, if I ever heard one....


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #34 on: 11 December 2022, 05:57:03 »
Getting to know you, getting to know all about you
Stark Industries Compound
New Avalon
July 15th, 3028

After Tony Stark made his ‘abrupt’ appearance, Hanse Davion granted him the use of a small complex of buildings attached to the main campus of NAIS; the better to facilitate Stark’s R & D efforts. The centerpiece of the complex is a cluster of three office buildings; the main tower is 93 stories tall, while the others (the North Tower and the South Tower) are 35 stories and 55 stories respectively. In remembrance of Tony’s previous life as CEO of Stark Industries, the entire complex now bears the SI name, while each of the three towers has the Stark name at the top of the structure; the main tower has been refitted to resemble Avengers Tower as it existed back on Earth in Midtown Manhattan, at 200 Park Avenue.

Among the modifications made to the main tower are a re-modeling of the upper 18 floors to include a landing pad for use in operating the Iron Man armor, plus several floors of research laboratories, facilities for production of prototypes and their components, plus an armory, recreation facilities and living quarters.

Even before the SI complex was fully operational, Stark produced his first design; an ARC reactor (in game terms, a compact version of an XXL fusion reactor that requires no extra weight or space). As soon as this prototype was declared safe to use, copies were manufactured and installed in each building of the SI complex; immediately thereafter, other projects were begun. These projects include (but aren’t limited to) improving the performance of myomer muscle fibers, increasing the heat dissipation capacity of heat sinks while not increasing their size, better armor plus an inertial dampener. To aid in these projects and others, a copy of JARVIS (created by using a mind seed provided by the Iron Man armor’s FRIDAY operating system) was installed in the main tower, with peripherals in every other building of the SI complex; this version of JARVIS combines 21st-century computer processing power with the data storage capacity and durability of Battletech-era computers.

On July 15th, 3028, Dr. Benjamin Banzai comes by to pay a visit. Upon enquiring where Tony Stark is at the moment, JARVIS responds “Mr. Stark is in the 83rd-floor laboratory, sir. Shall I inform him of your arrival?”

“Thank you, Jarvis; I’d be much-obliged”.

A quick trip via a high-speed elevator has Dr. Banzai arriving on the building’s 83rd floor; upon entering the lab, he sees Stark bent over a laboratory table; a small rectangular piece of odd-looking metal clamped in the scanner before him.

Greetings are exchanged and Stark says “well Ben, what brings you here?”

“Tony, the First Prince asked me to stop by and see how you’re doing.” With Stark’s characteristic snark, he replies “rather well, actually; especially considering that I lost my girlfriend Pepper, my friends in the Avengers as well as my world.”

“Indeed; I’m glad to see you’ve hit the ground running. Might I ask what you’ve got there?”

“Oh, it’s a little something that my father Howard cooked up back in 1940. Sample was in one of the utility compartments of my suit; found it when I was inventorying what came along with me when I made my, ahh, appearance.””

“What is it?”

“It’s the material from which my father forged Captain America’s shield; the piece you see in the scanner is all that there is. It’s a composite piece, weighing just eight ounces and having two layers. The outer layer is composed of an alloy with 60% adamantium and 40% vibranium; the inner layer is composed of 7% adamantium and 25% vibranium.”

“I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of those two metals?”

“I’m not surprised to hear you say that, Ben. It’s because they don’t exist in this universe; if they did, the durability of what passes for armor would rise VERY considerably.”

“What do you mean, Tony?”

“Doc, Vibranium has the property of being able to absorb and diffuse kinetic energy as well as all forms of radiant energy. As for Adamantium, it’s insanely durable by any standard; I wouldn’t be exaggerating to say that a sufficiently-large mass of the metal could resist a direct hit from a high-order thermonuclear weapon. What makes this sample special is that the alloy is synergistic; meaning that the properties of both metals amplify their properties to a very considerable degree.”

“Do you think that it might be possible to produce more of this material?”

“I don’t know; that’s why I’ve got this piece clamped in the scanner.”

“I’d appreciate it if you were to keep me apprised of any developments.”

“You got it, Ben. By the way, can you tell the First Prince that bunch of assclowns in COMSTAR has been trying to break through JARVIS’ firewalls? He and I aren’t so much offended by the attempts as we are by the amateurish way that they’re being carried out. JARVIS tells me that he’s seen more opposition from a grade-school hacker using off-the-shelf code.”

“I’ll report the incidents to His Highness immediately.”
« Last Edit: 12 December 2022, 04:26:35 by Dreadpool »


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #35 on: 11 December 2022, 07:49:57 »
Glad to see this one back!  :thumbsup:


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #36 on: 11 December 2022, 08:34:26 »
Glad to see this one back!  :thumbsup:

I'm glad you liked it.

I'm not seriously proposing putting adamantium/vibranium armor on battlemechs; rather, the sample is a device that will serve as a source for further innovation.

The same with Stark's Iron Man armor.


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #37 on: 11 December 2022, 08:59:13 »
All the better!  :thumbsup:


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #38 on: 11 December 2022, 09:07:21 »
All the better!  :thumbsup:

When the Fourth Succession War breaks out, the FedCom will come off even better than they did the first time around

When the Clans come calling a few years after that, they won't know what hit them.

By now, the ******-Up Phone Company has an idea of what's going on; hence their repeated attempts to breach SI's firewalls

idea weenie

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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #39 on: 11 December 2022, 10:09:17 »
If Tony Stark has access to JARVIS, then one stunt might be seeing which projects could be made industrialized and running simulations to see which one gives the most benefit.

For example if you are improving a Marauder, then you would test the following designs:
  • Changing the engine to XL and increasing the speed
  • Changing the engine to XL and using the freed-up tonnage for more armor/weapons/standard heat sinks
  • Changing the Internal Structure to Endo-Steel
  • Changing the armor to Ferro-Fibrous
  • Changing the PPCs to ERPPCs
  • Changing the AC/5 to Ultra
  • Changing the AC/5 to LB-5X
  • Changing the Medium Lasers to ERML
  • Changing the Medium Lasers to ISMPL
  • Changing the Heat Sinks to ISDHS (and removing some to add more armor/weapons)

Off-hand the DHS upgrade would be a good idea as that is only a single item that can be used to benefit every 'Mech in the Federated Suns' service, and is protected by the existing armor.  Get a factory or few producing those and send them to every loyal Mech force in the Federated Suns (government, merc, and local).  The removed Standard Heat Sinks can be sent to the militia and semi-loyal mercenary units to replace destroyed Standard Heat Sinks.

One way to simulate this might be using Megamek with Princess controlling both sides of a company-vs-company battle of Marauder variants.  All 12 Marauders on each side will be the same design, so #1 vs #2 might be a force of 5/8 Marauders fighting a force of 4/6 Marauders that have more toys.


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #40 on: 11 December 2022, 10:10:39 »
DHS have been the biggest game changer since the '80s.

idea weenie

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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #41 on: 11 December 2022, 10:30:07 »
DHS have been the biggest game changer since the '80s.

Agreed.  This would be Tony using JARVIS to show that fact, and even better provide the floor plan for an expandable factory that can make them.  Using the Industrial Rules, a purely manual factory that can make 10 of them per day would take up 1 hex and cost ~86 million C-Bills.  The storage, security, and administrative areas would take up extra space and cost more.  If they wanted to expand production without needing more floor space, a 1-hex factory could produce up to 18 per day for a total cost of ~158 million C-Bills.


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #42 on: 11 December 2022, 11:12:01 »
Since Stark is starting from a vastly-higher technological base, imagine the following:

DHS without the extra bulk

Triple-Strength myomers that don't require elevated heat levels to work or any extra bulk

Hardened armor (without the extra weight or the movement penalty)

Reinforced structure (without the extra weight)

Armored Components: 0.25 tons per critical space of the item so protected

Actuator Enhancement System: gives -1 bonuses to hit for arm-mounted weapons, and -1 for punching attacks; gives a -2 bonus for piloting skill when mounted in both legs and a -1 bonus for kicking attacks. This version IS compatible with TSM

Neural Induction Field: all the pilot has to do is sit in the mech's command chair and he's interfaced; gives a -3 bonus to piloting and gunnery skill rolls

A mech equipped with all these systems will be absolute death on roller skates, at lest until the systems are in general use


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #43 on: 11 December 2022, 15:32:37 »
“You got it, Ben. By the way, can you tell the First Prince that bunch of assclowns in COMSTAR has been trying to break through JARVIS’ firewalls? He and I aren’t so much offended by the attempts as we are by the amateurish way that they’re being carried out. JARVIS tells me that he’s seen more opposition from a grade-school hacker using off-the-shelf code.”
Well this sounds like the CBT universe we all know and love vrs the world we live and Earth 616 of the Marvel universe...   Computer Tech/Hacking is rare skill set here.

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #44 on: 12 December 2022, 04:22:46 »
When Star turns his attention towards Comstar, it won't end well for them...

Re: Jericho missiles

These would be Arrow-IVs with a warhead comprised of 15 separate guided sub-munitions (like a Rocket Launcher Pod). Each of these submunitions is equal to an ELRM and is armed with a HESH warhead. When targeted on a single mech or other vehicle, there is a +2 to determine how many missiles hit; unlike LRMs, the hit location for each individual submunition is determined separately.

A single Jericho missile can target 15 vehicles, and will automatically hit each one of them (like a Streak SRM).

"It's the first missile system to incorporate our proprietary repulsor technology. They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once."
« Last Edit: 12 December 2022, 05:04:17 by Dreadpool »


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #45 on: 12 December 2022, 06:01:59 »
“You got it, Ben. By the way, can you tell the First Prince that bunch of assclowns in COMSTAR has been trying to break through JARVIS’ firewalls? He and I aren’t so much offended by the attempts as we are by the amateurish way that they’re being carried out. JARVIS tells me that he’s seen more opposition from a grade-school hacker using off-the-shelf code.”

“I’ll report the incidents to His Highness immediately.”

Considering Tony Stark`s impulsiveness, e.g. acting first, thinking second and that he is very protective of his tech I am surprised he or JARVIS didn`t counterhack at once.

Consider this:
Tony Stark: Ben, last night Comstar tried again to hack us and I think that the nice formulated messages from the First Prince really don`t go through the thick skull of Comstar.
Ben: What did you do??? (very alarmed!!!)
Tony Stark, We, ahem, counterhacked. Nothing special. Here is the access data for the HPG. Wait about 6 months, then JARVIS little programme will have spread to every other HPG in the Inner Sphere and if you send a message to the local HPG with the Header "I obey Tony Stark" then the message will not appear in the inventory of messages and of course it will be without cost. And by the way, did you know that in the firmware of the HPG were coordinates of 5 worlds that Comstar disappeared from the maps. They call them the Hidden Five and their names are Ruins of Gabriel in the Lyran Commonwealth aka Odessa, Jardine in the Free Worlds League aka Herakleion, Mayadi in the Draconis Combine aka Tangerz, Taussen in the Federated Suns aka xxx, and Obeedah in the Capellan Confederation aka xxxx. Really, their computer security is really abysmal. I have seen five year old kids write better security programmes.


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #46 on: 12 December 2022, 07:52:40 »
I remember this from back in April and was disappointed it seemed like a one off.

for the record, unless Marvel changed it in the last 10 years in the 616/primary reality, Captain America's shield was made from an alloy produced by accident when iron mixed with Wakandian vibranium and some unknown radiation. Adamantium was made in a FAILED attempt to duplicate the material.

Even movie Iron Man tech is an OOCP for most of Battletech. Hanse wins.


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #47 on: 12 December 2022, 09:17:12 »
I remember this from back in April and was disappointed it seemed like a one off.

for the record, unless Marvel changed it in the last 10 years in the 616/primary reality, Captain America's shield was made from an alloy produced by accident when iron mixed with Wakandian vibranium and some unknown radiation. Adamantium was made in a FAILED attempt to duplicate the material.
I chose to go with the original comic-book description of the shield's composition, which states that it is an adamantium/vibranium alloy in the proportions I described.

Even movie Iron Man tech is an OOCP for most of Battletech. Hanse wins.


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #48 on: 12 December 2022, 09:19:02 »
Considering Tony Stark`s impulsiveness, e.g. acting first, thinking second and that he is very protective of his tech I am surprised he or JARVIS didn`t counterhack at once.

Consider this:
Tony Stark: Ben, last night Comstar tried again to hack us and I think that the nice formulated messages from the First Prince really don`t go through the thick skull of Comstar.
Ben: What did you do??? (very alarmed!!!)
Tony Stark, We, ahem, counterhacked. Nothing special. Here is the access data for the HPG. Wait about 6 months, then JARVIS little programme will have spread to every other HPG in the Inner Sphere and if you send a message to the local HPG with the Header "I obey Tony Stark" then the message will not appear in the inventory of messages and of course it will be without cost. And by the way, did you know that in the firmware of the HPG were coordinates of 5 worlds that Comstar disappeared from the maps. They call them the Hidden Five and their names are Ruins of Gabriel in the Lyran Commonwealth aka Odessa, Jardine in the Free Worlds League aka Herakleion, Mayadi in the Draconis Combine aka Tangerz, Taussen in the Federated Suns aka xxx, and Obeedah in the Capellan Confederation aka xxxx. Really, their computer security is really abysmal. I have seen five year old kids write better security programmes.
Ohh, I like this.

It's canon and will go into the next update, credited to you, of course.


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #49 on: 12 December 2022, 18:07:36 »
Taussen is Versailles, isn't it? ???


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #50 on: 13 December 2022, 03:32:14 »
According to sarna
in the notes it is said: "Herbert A. Beas II revealed The Five as Odessa (Ruins of Gabriel), Herakleion (Jardine), Sharpe (Obeedah), Versailles (Taussen), and Tangerz (Mayadi). However, he also pointed out his role as BattleTech Line Developer was no longer effective, and that this therefore was not an official (canonical) ruling or verdict; new leadership might change the list in future published material."

But it is also said
" Versailles vanished from maps during the First Succession War, which suggests that the system had been abandoned or depopulated, there is evidence that the system was removed from maps by ComStar and was in fact the location of one of the infamous five Hidden Worlds, though an expedition from IE in 3090 lead by Jiminez turned out that Versailles was devoid of habitable planets."

And Obeedah aka Sharpe was not found.
"While suffering a number of false leads and dead ends, by 3095 IE and the Confederation assumed Obeedah would be located within the next decade or so, more a matter of when than if."

So, I entered xxxx for those two planets that were not found. Maybe Dreadpool goes with the information of Mr Beas or makes his own choices.

And Dreadpool, thank you for integrating my suggestion in your story.


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #51 on: 13 December 2022, 04:26:44 »
Thanks for the extra detail!  :thumbsup:


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #52 on: 13 December 2022, 23:28:53 »
And Dreadpool, thank you for integrating my suggestion in your story.
You're quite welcome.

As I see it, such an action would be perfectly in keeping with Stark's character; I'm reminded of the sequence in 'The Avengers', when Stark hacked into SHIELD's database with a gadget about the size of a quarter...

In other matters, I moved the date of the second update back so that Stark can attend the wedding on Terra as part of the First Prince's wedding party
« Last Edit: 13 December 2022, 23:41:55 by Dreadpool »


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #53 on: 01 February 2023, 06:35:14 »
Sizing up the Opposition
in High Orbit over the Comstar Compound, Hilton Head Island
South Carolina, Terra
August 15th, 3028

In the several weeks before the time comes to accompany the First Prince to Terra as his guest for the upcoming wedding ceremony between Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner, Tony Stark finalizes the designs for several projects that he’s been working on alongside Dr. Banzai; these include improved myomer muscle fibers, rangefinders, stabilization systems, improved targeting computers, improved heat sinks, an inertial dampener, an enhanced actuator control system and more durable armor. 

As Stark has Hanse Davion’s complete confidence, he gets read into the plans for Operation: Rat. By his recommendation, the First Prince orders Stark’s creations into immediate production, and that certain specially-selected units are to be refitted at the earliest possible opportunity. Because of the shortage of time before the offensive against the Capellan Confederation kicks off, only the Davion Heavy Guards RCT, the First Prince’s bodyguard unit and his personal ‘mech will have their refits completed before it’s go-time.   

Having arrived in the Sol system at the same time, Hanse Davion arranges for a meeting with Katrina and Melissa Steiner aboard his dropship after it detaches from the Jumpship. During this meeting, the First Prince introduces Stark to his bride to be and his future mother-in-law (along with explaining how he came to arrive on New Avalon. Already having developed an intense dislike of Comstar base do what he’s been told of the order’s activities since the First Succession War, Tony Stark pronounces “your highness, it’s plain to me that the Phone Company is going to do everything they can to interfere with Operation Rat. Once we make planetfall, how about you let me pay a visit to one of Comstar’s computers? I’ll put FRIDAY on the job and, within a half-hour, I’ll know all of the order’s dirty little secrets. I also didn’t like the way they tried to hack into my mainframe, so this would be an opportunity for a little payback. What do you say?”

Archon Katrina Steiner raises and eyebrow and says “Mr. Stark, how can you possibly get access to Comstar’s computer systems? They are very heavily-guarded, and you can be sure that ROM     will be watching the wedding party like a hawk...”

“Archon, how about I give you a demonstration of my armor’s capabilities?” With this, Stark taps his chest pieces, and almost instantly, it seems like Stark’s suit is starting to cover itself with what seems to be flowing liquid metal. Within a few seconds, the metal stops flowing and Stark is covered head-to-toe in gleaming crimson and silver.”

Hanse Davion’s eyes widen with amazement as he says “Stark, how did you do that? I had assumed that your armor had to be put on and taken off piece-by-piece. Yet, here we see you conjuring up seemingly out of nothing...”

“Highness, if you were referring to one of my earlier suits, that’s just what would have happened. However, the suit I’m wearing is the Mark 85; it employs nanotechnology. Do you like it?”

“Where that material come from?”

“The nanoparticles are stored in my chest piece; the glowing circle you see in the middle of my chest is actually the front panel of my personal ARC reactor. The reactor originally powered an electromagnet that kept a cluster of shrapnel from crawling its’ way into my heart and killing me; now, the reactor serves as the power source for my armor. All I have to do to deploy the armor is to tap the chest pieces and FRIDAY does the rest.”

“Very impressive. That still doesn’t explain how you’re going to get to where you can access Comstar’s computers.”

A slight grin crosses Tony Stark’s face (as if he knows something that no one else does). The, he gestures to both arms as if he were a stage magician.

“Ladies and gentleman, there’s nothing up here (pointing to his right arm) and nothing up here (pointing to his left arm). Now, watch me pull a disappearing act.” Stark calls out, FRIDAY, activate the armor’s stealth systems.”

“Yes, boss.”         

To the utter and complete amazement of the First Prince, the Archon and the Archon-designate, Tony Stark fades from view, as if he had never been there. Maintaining his silence, Stark walks around behind where Hanse Davion is standing and taps him on the shoulder. The armor’s faceplate opens up and Stark wisecracks “how’s that for pulling a rabbit out of my hat?”

“Stark, that’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen”

“I thought you might react that way. Not only do my stealth systems render me invisible to the naked eye, I also can’t be observed on radar (no matter how good the system is); as for thermographs, as long as I’m not using my jets, they won’t be able to see me either....”

The next question comes from Katrina Steiner, who asks “Mr. Stark, all the stealth in the world isn’t worth much if you can’t protect yourself from attacks...”
“Indeed, Madam. Let’s just say that my armor is invulnerable to small arms, and only the heaviest of ‘mech-grade weapons are a real threat to me; this assume that they can even hit me, a difficult proposition at best. You see, I can outfly the fastest and most agile aerospace fighters; shooting at me would be just as useless as using turbo-lasers to shoot at Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing during his run against the Death Star...”
« Last Edit: 01 February 2023, 06:38:50 by Dreadpool »


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #54 on: 01 February 2023, 18:32:23 »
Nice to see Stark totally sticking to character...  ;D


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #55 on: 01 February 2023, 22:09:04 »
Nice to see Stark totally sticking to character...  ;D
But of course.

The idea of Tony Stark grabbing Comstar by the short & curlies and giving them a good squeeze bringeth a smile to my face
« Last Edit: 02 February 2023, 00:24:06 by Dreadpool »


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #56 on: 02 February 2023, 01:36:31 »
Do they even know Star Wars in the BT universe? I mean otherwise this comment right there would be Out of Context Knowledge :D


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #57 on: 02 February 2023, 02:56:04 »
Do they even know Star Wars in the BT universe? I mean otherwise this comment right there would be Out of Context Knowledge :D
I'll address that in the next update...


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #58 on: 02 February 2023, 04:03:50 »
The following update incorporates ideas from Lone Wolf

Aboard the dropship Davion-One

‘Star Wars?” asks the First Prince...

Immediately, Melissa Steiner speaks up and says “Hanse, Mother, one of my hobbies is late 20th century Terran science fiction movies. Star Wars was produced in 1977 and premiered on May 25th of that year. It dealt with the struggle of a band of rebels against an evil galactic empire. The Empire’s greatest weapon was a moon-sized space station called the Death Star, capable of destroying an entire planet with just one shot. Near the end of the movie, the hero of the piece joined with his fellow starfighter pilots to attack the station; during the attack run, the gunners aboard the station found it very difficult to target the incoming starfighters with their turbolasers.” As Melissa finishes speaking, Tony Stark grins widely and applauds...

“Very well done, young lady.”

Hanse Davion responds “so that’s what you meant, Stark.” A pause, then “we’ll be making planetfall shortly. Is there anything else you’d like to say?”

“Only this, your highness. Back on July 15th, I was talking with Dr. Banzai at NAIS and I mentioned that Comstar had repeatedly tried to hack my systems and get past JARVIS’ firewalls. I wasn’t so much offended by the attempts as I was by their amateurish nature; my five year-old daughter Morgan could write better code than what I saw. I really, REALLY don’t like it when idiots try to crap in my sandbox, so I sent a little calling card of my own.” With a look of concern on his face, the First Prince responds “what did you do, Stark? That look on your face is rather like the cat that got the canary...”

“Ohh, nothing more than having JARVIS hack into Comstar’s systems and plant a little surprise package in the source code, By now, the package is well on its way towards every HPG station in the Inner Sphere; I estimate that, after six months, it will be everywhere.”

“What would be the purpose of this ‘surprise package’, as you call it?”

Looking for all the world like a naughty schoolboy, Stark responds “your highness, when the time is right, I’ll send a transmission to the nearest local HPG station; the transmission will contain a hidden piece of code that will activate JARVIS’ little number. Three days after that, my picture will appear on the screens of every HPG station in the Inner Sphere, along with the caption ‘I obey Tony Stark’. So, if Comstar tries to do something stupid (like cutting off communications), I’ll go ‘oh no you don’t’ and take control of the system. The funniest thing is that there will be precisely nothing that they can do about it.”

“WHAT?? Are you saying that you’ll have control of the HPG system?”

“That’s about the size of it. You’ll also be interested to know that when JARVIS was digging around, he came across Comstar’s plans to stage a false-flag attack on Sarna’s HPG station; the First Circuit will then use this as an excuse to place the Federated Suns under an interdict. I’ll know more when I hack into their systems after we land...”


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 266
Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #59 on: 20 April 2023, 17:18:32 »
Fear not, fellows.

The next update is in progress as we speak.

