Author Topic: I am Iron Man  (Read 24532 times)


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #60 on: 21 April 2023, 10:59:17 »
Glad to hear it!  :thumbsup:


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #61 on: 22 April 2023, 19:14:21 »
At last, ye next update followeth hereafter:

Arriving ’pon the swelling scene
Hilton Head Spaceport
South Carolina, Terra
August 15th, 3028

The dropship ‘Sword-One’ makes planetfall at the spaceport on the mainland opposite Hilton Head Island, whereupon the wedding party is met by a delegation of representatives from Comstar’s First Circuit. After the necessary formalities, they’re conducted to the guest quarters in the Hilton Head Island compound. The rest of the day is spent in settling in and making preparations for the wedding in five days.

The following day on August 16th, Tony Stark prevails upon the First Prince to arrange a meeting with Julian Tiepolo, Primus of Comstar; before the meeting, Stark tasks JARVIS with finishing the hack begun back on New Avalon in July.

The meeting takes place in Tiepolo’s office, and the meeting begin with “good afternoon, Mr. Stark. When First Prince Hanse Davion personally requested that I meet with you, I confessed to no small amount of curiosity; I and the members of the First Circuit have heard reports about you from our Precentor on New Avalon and it seems that, for one who so recently entered service with the First Prince, you have been very successful.”

“Indeed I have, Julian; do you mind if I call you Julian? It’s amazing what can be accomplished when someone’s not encumbered by the trappings of religious dogma and no one’s getting murdered because they’re trying to advance the scientific and technical state of the art; does Operation Holy Shroud and Holy Shroud II ring a bell?”


“You heard me right, you self-righteous, sanctimonious old dinosaur! As to how I’m aware of Holy Shroud, that’s for me to know and you to find out. Let’s just say that I took notice of ROM’s decidedly-amateurish attempts at hacking into my system and responded accordingly; I don’t know what I found more offensive, the attempts themselves or the truly amateurish way in which they were carried out; I swear that my daughter Morgan can do better code than your so-called professionals…”

Fuming in self-righteous fury, the Primus spits out “get to the point, Stark.”

Tony Stark gestures theatrically with the back of his hand to his forehead and cries out dramatically “oh, dear; here I am, alone in the tiger’s lair. I wonder what ever is to become of me?” Then, with a look on his face that would start a broken clock, he says “alrighty, then. Let’s get down to brass tacks, you Torquemada-wannabe. In countering ROM’s attacks on my IT infrastructure, I became aware of Comstar’s plan’s to stage a false-flag attack on Sarna’s HPG station; the idea being to frame the Federated Suns for the attack and, in so doing, provide justification for a communications interdict. I made the First Prince aware of this, and he very strongly advises you against that course of action.”

“You damnable heretic; you’ll regret involving yourself in the affairs of the Blessed Order!”

“What are you going to do, sentence me to sit in the Comfy Chair? Do try to comprehend how singularly-unimpressed I am by your threat; I’ve beaten opponents far more dangerous than your bunch of Ma Bell rejects. Just when you and the First Circus think it can’t get any worse, it does. Aside from learning about your plans for the false-flag attack on Sarna’s HPG station, I became aware of Comstar’s secret stash of Star League-era battlemechs and equipment here on Terra (some 50 regiments or so, unless I’m much-mistaken) and the warships you’ve got stashed in the Ross 248 and Luyten 68-28 systems.”

“Damn you to the lowest, hottest pits of hell, Stark. Were you not protected by guest-right, I’d have you killed where you stand. Still, you’ll regret your insults to the Word of Blake; If I were you, I’d enjoy the coming days as you don’t have many left. NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY OFFICE!!”

As Stark turns on his heel, he casts a look back at the Primus over his shoulder and makes two simultaneous gestures; the first (a ‘thumb’s up’) with his left hand and the second (biting the thumb) with his right hand; the former communicating a desire for the recipient to go ****** himself and the latter equivalent to raising the middle finger while challenging the recipient to a fight. At the same time, the expression on Stark’s face conveys his unspoken response to the Primus’ threat: “Bring it, loser!!” Once Stark’s back is towards the Primus and the First Circuit, he simultaneously flashes the ‘OK’ sign back over both shoulders; thus implying that the entire group is a bunch of ******.

After the meeting with Comstar, Stark heads back to the residential compound; there to meet with the First Prince, Archon Katrina, Melissa Steiner and Minister Quintus Allard, and to deliver a verbal contact report.

“Your highness, Archon, Archon-designate, I’m just back from bearding the lion in his den and, let me tell you, I never saw such a bunch of jumped-up, self-righteous stuffed shirts as the Primus and the First Circus. It began politely-enough, but when I indicated that I knew that ROM was behind the hacking attempts on my systems, and that Comstar is planning a false-flag attack on Sarna’s HPG station, things got decidedly frosty rather quickly.”

“The expression on Julian Tiepolo's face must have resembled a fusion reactor about to undergo a core breach.”

“You’ve got that right, H; he and the First Circus want to kill me so bad they can taste it. Among the information I obtained when I completed my hack while we were still in orbit over Terra are the specifics regarding the fifty full regiments of Star League-era battlemechs that the Phone Company has got stashed all over the planet, plus the 31 warships that Comstar has hidden in the Ross 248 and Luyten 68-28 systems…”

“What?? Do you mean to say that Comstar has an active warship fleet?”

“I certainly do; it now falls to you to decide what to do with the information. At a minimum, I’d recommend that you disclose what I discovered to the heads of the other great houses; you see, this also concerns them. There’s one more little thing; I’ve developed a complete list of where all the equipment caches that Kerensky and his crew left behind when they buggered off in 2784, as well as what each and every one of them contains.”

“WHAT?? Are you telling me that you know where all of the materiel is that was left behind when the SLDF departed the Inner Sphere?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying, your highness. I do have a suggestion on how to handle this development; as a good number of those supply depots are in the Draconis Combine and the Free Worlds League, how about you make nice with Janos Marik and Takashi Kurita and tell them what their respective realms have been sitting on top of all this time? It couldn’t help but earn the Federated Suns a considerable amount of goodwill.”

“Agreed; I’ll have you communicate the knowledge of what Comstar has been up to with the other house lords; take care of that before the wedding commences a few days from now. As far as those equipment caches are concerned, I’ll take that matter under advisement. In other matters, I’ve decided that it is high time that you were rewarded for your services to the Federated Suns. By my authority as First Prince, I hereby award you a planet as your landhold; to be located in whichever district of the realm you find agreeable. What say you?”

“Thank you, your highness. Who would have thought it, that I’d go from being a billionaire, genius, playboy and philanthropist to being lord and master of my very own planet? If my old pal Nick Fury could see me now, he’d probably have conniption fits, that’s for damned sure.”

“Just so, Mr. Stark. Dou you have any advice for me in regards to the coming operation against House Liao?”

“I believe I do. You should have no hesitation in offering your intended a nice fat chunk of the Capellan Confederation as a wedding gift. My read of Comstar’s character is that they won’t like you raining on their parade; the false flag attack on Sarna isn’t going to happen, so they’ll use the action on the Capellan front as an excuse to place the Federated Suns under a communications interdict. My little surprise package won’t have completely infected Comstar’s systems for another five months so, until that time, you’ll have to resort to those little back box thingies to keep your communications up and running.”


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #62 on: 23 April 2023, 00:52:16 »
Still voicing Stark perfectly!  ;D


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #63 on: 23 April 2023, 13:02:38 »
Still voicing Stark perfectly!  ;D
I'm glad you liked it.

As an aside, I modeled the scene in the Primus' office after the scene in IM2 where Stark is testifying before Congress; I also imagined the dialog in my scene in RDJ's voice, too...


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #64 on: 23 April 2023, 20:16:00 »
How does that baking show put it?  NAILED IT!  :D


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #65 on: 24 April 2023, 19:09:25 »
How does that baking show put it?  NAILED IT!  :D
Comstar became so cross at the ferocity of Stark's french taunting that they made a mistake.... ;D


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #66 on: 26 April 2023, 11:19:16 »
Leveling the playing field
Comstar Residential Compound
Hilton Head Island
August 17th, 3028

While the other guests are preparing to attend the wedding in just three days, Stark proceeds on the authorization given to him by the First Prince and visits each of the house lords in turn. First is Takashi Kurita, Coordinator of the Draconis Combine. At the appointed time, Stark requests an audience with the Coordinator; the request is speedily granted. A respectful bow is made, and Stark makes a formal greeting.

“Komban-wa, Kurita-sama; watashi-wa Tony Stark. Watashi to au koto ni doi shite kurete arigato.”

The Coodinator acknowledges Stark’s presence and replies “How could I refuse such a request from Hanse Davion in the days before his wedding?” Takashi gestures openly with both hands and says “your command of the Japanese language is most impressive, especially your Shikoku dialect; you speak it as if you were born there, Stark-san. When did you learn it?”

“Last week, Kurita-sama”

“Indeed. So, tell me why you’re here?’

“Kurita-sama, I am here at the behest of the First Prince, who wishes to convey certain information of which he has only recently become aware.”

“What might that information be, Stark-san?”

“The prince wishes me to inform your august self that Comstar hasn’t been at all straight with the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere; the specifics are that they have a secret military branch called the Com Guards, that they have a stockpile of fifty full regiments of Star League-era battlemechs here on Terra, plus a hidden fleet of warships in the Ross 248 and Luyten 68-28 systems.”

“WHATT?? Is Hanse-sama’s information accurate?”

“Kurita-sama, you may regard the information as holy writ (as does the First Prince), because it was I who hacked Comstar’s computer security and stole the information in the first place. You’ll also want to know that the deaths and disappearances of certain of your scientists and researchers in years gone by weren’t the work of any of the other great houses; instead, that was Comstar’s doing…”

The only outward indication of the titanic rage that Talashi Kurita is beginning to feel is the twitching of one of his eyebrows. Calmly, he responds “hmm; there’s much more to you than meets the eye, Stark-san. Tell me, what does Hanse-sama seek to gain from such revelations as these?”

“This is nothing more than a friendly gesture, intended to make up (at least in part) for certain past difficulties between you and him; also, to level the playing field between the great houses of the Inner Sphere and those toaster-worshipping assclowns in Comstar.”

“Indeed, Stark-san. Please convey my respects to Hanse-sama for this information; he (like you) has acted with honor in this situation. As for your part, you have done the Combine a great service and you’ll find me suitably grateful.”

“Domo arigato, Kurita-sama.”

The two men exchange respectful bows, and Stark heads off to his next meeting; this with Captain-General Janos Marik. He (like Takashi Kurita) expresses both surprise and outrage at Comstar’s duplicity. Next to be visited is Chancellor Maximilian Liao, where Stark’s information is politely (if somewhat indifferently) received. Afterwards, there are visits to Imperator Marius O’Reilly from the Marian Hegemony and Magestrix Kyalla Centrellla from the Magistracy of Canopus; the Magestrix receives the information with much interest. She responds with an invitation to visit to Canopus-IV; which invitation being delivered with something of a ‘come hither’ look…     

The game is afoot
August 20th, 3028

Three days later, the wedding party and the other guests are transported to the Cathedral-Basilica of St. John the Baptist in downtown Savannah, Georgia where the ceremony will take place; the invited guests including a selection of the great and the good from all across the inner sphere. As the First Prince’s newest adviser, Tony Stark is the subject of a good deal of discussion amongst those in attendance; especially after he paid each of the house lords a visit and revealed the existence of Comstar’s stockpile of Star League-era battlemechs (plus their hidden fleet of warships).

The ceremony is jointly concelebrated by Francis Cardinal Flynn from New Avalon and John Cardinal Maraschal from Tharkad, at the conclusion of which Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner say their vows. Thereafter, the wedding party and their guests are driven back to Hilton Head Island, where the reception will take place in the main conference hall. Upon arrival, the wedding party takes their seats at the head table, and the guests are seated at the other tables in order of precedence; as it happens, Stark is seated next to Quintus Allard. The two observe the other guests being seated and Stark says sotto voce “let the games begin”. From a nearby table where the Capellan delegation is seated, Stark can’t help but notice the sidelong glances he’s getting from Romano Liao; it’s as if she’s sizing him up as a potential liason/conquest; Quintus Allard takes notice of this and softly replies “Tony, Romano is practically undressing you with her eyes; I’d be careful of that one if I were you, she’s got a brain like a bag full of cats and you can smell the crazy coming off of her.”

“Yeah, Q; I sort of noticed that. I haven’t seen such a blatant come-on since the last tech conference I attended. I got chased down the corridors by a bunch of female groupies who were all yelling and screaming for a piece of me; rather an interesting time, that was. Fortunately, my man Happy Hogan was there to cover my escape from the, aah, ‘peril’. For the moment, I wanted to go back and face the peril (as there were only 150 of them); however, Hogan wouldn’t let me. Since he isn’t here, I’d so hate to disappoint Romano; she probably thinks that, once we’re between the sheets, she’ll turn me into some kind of intelligence source”. A derisive snort, then “as if I could ever fall for such cheap blandishments.”

Just then, the Master of Ceremonies raps his staff on the floor’s polished marble and announces loudly “my lords, ladies and gentlemen; the bride and groom will now have their first dance together. Thereafter, I pray you take your places for the second dance…” Taking this as a signal, Stark begins to tap the rim of his champagne glass with his fork; almost instantly, the other guests begin to do likewise. Hearing this, Hanse and Melissa share an enthusiastic kiss, then head out onto the dance floor. After they have their first dance together, the band sets up for the next piece.

As the guests begin to move out onto the floor, Stark notices Romano Liao and her husband Tsen Shang coming out onto the floor; he makes his way over to them taps Shang on the shoulder and asks “mind if I cut in?” Roman dismisses her husband with an imperious gesture and replies (with a voice that is dripping with all sorts of hidden promises) “I don’t mind if you do, Mr, Stark; I was beginning to wonder if you had noticed me.”

“Please call me Tony. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t help but notice how you had your shingle out and how you were practically jumping up and down while waving it at me. How about we head out onto the dance floor and trip the light fantastic? That way, you can say your piece to me uninterrupted…”

A sly grin crosses Romano’s face as the two of them step out onto the floor with their arms linked. As the first number begins to play, she leans close and whispers softly into Stark’s ear (as if her words are meant for him alone).

“Tony, I saw the look in your face when you asked to dance with me. So, why don’t we cut to the chase? To tell the truth, my personal situation is one that I find ‘unsatisfying’. Given my position in my father's court, I’m quite able to ‘entertain’ anyone I please.” The expression on Stark’s face is both polite and non-committal; he silently remarks to himself “whatever else that the people of the 31st century lack, unsubtlety isn’t one of them. They only way this nutcase could be more obvious is if she said that she wanted to drag me over to some secluded corner and have at it right then and there.” He clears his throat and replies “somehow, I don’t think that the First Prince is going to need me for the next day or two. So, why don’t you come up and see me sometime, like later tonight?” Romano’s only reply is a sly, almost lascivious grin.

The reception continues for the next several hours. Shortly before the presentation of the gifts, Stark draws Quintus Allard aside and says “I’ve got something set up with Romano Liao later tonight; I’ll keep you apprised to the developments. She’s probably thinking that she’s going to end up with me wrapped around her little finger, and that she’s going to play the old ‘honey trap’ game with me and turn me into an intelligence asset.”

“Do be careful, Stark. Romano is crazy, and she has a reputation for being all kinds of spiteful and vindictive if things don’t go her way.” Stark chuckles, as if he knows just what he’s getting into. He replies “I’ve been doing all kinds of crazy things my whole life; this one will just be another mark on my scorecard.”
« Last Edit: 08 May 2023, 10:00:09 by Dreadpool »


  • Captain
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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #67 on: 26 April 2023, 18:27:27 »
This time tony might be in over his head that that much crazy in one bag.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #68 on: 26 April 2023, 19:38:08 »
This time tony might be in over his head that that much crazy in one bag.
Rather, Rommie is in over her head with Stark.

Remember the sequence in IM where Stark and that TV reporter were doing like they do on the Discovery Channel? She woke up the next morning, and Stark was gone.

That's sorta what's going to happen here; Rommie will take offense to getting pounded like a cheap steak, and she'll conceive a deep and abiding hatred of Tony for this...


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #69 on: 26 April 2023, 20:06:57 »
Or Candace and St Ives will finally get to overthrow the crazies and be ascendant.   What, one can hope?


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #70 on: 26 April 2023, 23:25:39 »
Or Candace and St Ives will finally get to overthrow the crazies and be ascendant.   What, one can hope?
You can rest assured that Tony Stark is fully-cognizant of the political situation all throughout the Inner Sphere; he knows who's who, what's what and who is doing what to whom...

Dave Talley

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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #71 on: 27 April 2023, 17:16:01 »
When he said he was gonna screw with the Liao's he meant it
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #72 on: 08 May 2023, 09:54:47 »
When he said he was gonna screw with the Liao's he meant it
First, Stark gets to ****** a Liao, and then he gets to ****** their whole country...


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #73 on: 08 May 2023, 21:12:24 »
The Opening Bid
August 20th, 3028

As the penultimate act in the reception, it is now time for the presentation of the wedding gifts; those given by the other house lords are commensurate with their rank and status. Next to last is the one from Tony Stark, who says "your highness, I completed this just before we left on the trip to Terra." Stark now opens the package he had with him; after removing the leather cover, he holds up what appears to be a circular shield and presents it to Hanse Davion and his wife.

"Your highness, Archon-Designate, my father created this shield and gave it to my good friend Steve Rogers many years ago. In my research at NAIS, I managed to create enough of the original alloy to forge this duplicate; it has all the properties of the original." Stark holds up the shield and describes it, saying "this measures 30" in diameter and weighs 12 lbs; the design recalls the flag of the old United States of America, with circular red and white stripes surrounding a field of blue with a large white star in the center.. Among the shield's properties are its extreme durability and the ability to retain 99.975% of its angular momentum; so if you were to throw it at a target, it would bounce back to you."

"Mr. Stark, on behalf of my wife Melissa, I thank you for your generous gift."

Melissa Steiner-Davion now presents her own gift by saying "my husband, in honor of our wedding, I give to you a full regiment of battlemechs, along with the means to support them in perpetuity." What follows next strikes with all the force of the proverbial bolt from the blue."

"My wife, in honor of our marriage, I give you the Capellan Confederation."

This pronounciation causes much excited discussion to run throughout the room, which discussion becomign more animated as messengers come up to the other house lords and inform them of the opening stages of Operation Rat (what future military historians will call the Fourth Succession War (which actually began just 48 hours before). Not surprisingly, the reception very quickly draws to a close. The attendees return to the quarters in Comstar's residential compound and make preparations to return to their respective realms beginning tomorrow. Once Tony Stark gets back to his suite, he readies himself for the contest to come.

8:00 PM

True to her word, Romano Liao arrives at 8:00 pm and knocks on Stark's door. When Tony opens the door, she sees Romano standing before him wearing a floor length gray cloak lined with crimson.

"Well, well, well; what do we have here?"

Romano pushes past him into the suite and closes the door behind her. Once inside, she unfastens the clasp at her throat and drops the cloak to reveal all that she's wearing is a pair of high-strapped sandals and a hungry, lascivious smile. Stark grins widely and replies "that's a very nice little nothing that you're almost wearing, Romano; I'm glad to see that you're a woman of your word. Now, to paraphrase the Immortal Bard, lay on Macduff and damned be she who first cries 'hold, enough.'"

Romano's first act when she gets Stark between the sheets is to artfully (or so she thinks) try and pump him for information. Knowing that this was Romano's intent from the very start, he skillfully fills her ears with information about projects that are under developemnt at NAIS; these non-existent projects are hyperdrive, deflector fields, artificial gravity and a new form of communications that will allow for instantaneous two-way communications in real time (no matter the distance). Half an hour later, Romano raises her finger to Stark's lips and says "enough talk; time for some action" 

The several instances of nocturnal gymnastics which follow are of such vigor and intensity that Romano Liao finds herself losing consciousness by 4:00 am the next morning. Carefully disengaging himself, Stark gets dressed and says "now, exit our hero from the door, Stage Right."

August 21st, 3028
4:30 am

Tony Stark visits Justin Allard's to tell him what transpired with Romano Liao. Upon arrival, he finds Minister Allard meetin with his son Justin.

"Hiya, Q. I just wanted to stop by and let you know what transpired between me and Romano Liao"

"How did it go?"

"Rommie considers herself quite the devotee of the arts of the bedchamber but. compared to me in that regard, I had her outgunned six ways to Sunday. Just as I expected, she tried prying all kinds of information out of me regarding what's being worked on at NAIS. So, I filled her ears with a half-hour's worth of utterly inconsequential and completely false information. Rommie's sleeping now; when she wakes up and sees that I'm gone, she's going to be madder than a wet hen."

"Just what did you do, Stark"

Just then. FRIDAY speaks up through Star's earpiece and says "sir, please excuse this interruption.There are a half-dozen armed men approaching this room and they'll be here in less than one minute."

"Who are they?"

"Their equipment profile doesn't match that of Comstar's ROM security element; instead, their profile matches House Liao's SF group, the Death Commandos."

"Thank you, FRIDAY." To Quintus and his son, Stark announces "guys, we've got a problem. There are six Liao Death Commandos approaching this room, and I don't think they're coming for tea. Q, you and Justin should conceal yourselves in the back room: I'll handle this..."

"What do you mean?"

Stark's only response is to tap his glowing chest piece. Before Quintus and Justin's amazed eyes, their visitor is quickly covered from head to toe in gleaming crimson and silver armor. As the two of them retreat to the back room, Stark deploys a small holographic emitter on the table and activates it; the image thus generated is of Quintus and his son sitting there and having a discussion. Just then, the door bursts open and two men charge into the room and spray the table area with fire from their suppressed carbines. Stark's only response is a grim "my turn, ******."     

The first man through the door is backhanded across the room, where he hits the wall and falls unconscious. Stark's gauntlet-mounted repulsors charge themsleves with a high-pitched whine and splatter the second man all over the wall. Of the four men remaining, two are pulled through the wall separating the room from the hallway outside; these men are tossed through the window. As Quntus Allard's room is on the fourth floor of the building, Stark has no illusions about what happened to these two. Seeing what just happened to their comrades, the remaining two Death Commandos take to their heels and attempt to escape. This is unsuccessful, as Stark smashes through the wall and kills them both with fire from his shoulder-mounted micromissile launchers. Once the attackers have bene neutralized, Stark again taps his chest piece and the armor begins to disappear from where it came.

"Alright gentlemen. You can come out now; the tangos have been neutralized."

Quintus Allard speaks up and says "Stark, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I never would have believed what just happened. I read the reports on what your armor is capable of; words are one thing, seeing it in action is something else entirely..."

Just then, the lead man of a ROM security team cautyiously approaches what remains of the door and says "I am Security Adept Marcus. What happened here?" Stark snarks "better late than never; we could have used you five minutes ago, you no-good rent-a-cop.."

Quintus motions for quiet, then responds "Adept Marcus, my son and I were talking with mr. Stark when the six individuals you see lying all over the place burst through the door and opened fire on us; it was only by the intervention of Mr. Stark's bodyguard Iron Man that the three of us weren't killed. These men were armed and equipped as Liao Death Commandos, so I'd take a long hard look at the Liao delegation if I were you. I no longer have confidence in your so-called security arrangements, so I am counseling that Davion and Steiner delegations leave immediately."

The members of the First Circuit are immediately informed of what happened, and to say they they're buzzing like a kicked-over beehive would be an understatement. At the same time, the appearance of this 'Iron Man' is a topic of much discussion and interest; especially since ROM security footage from outside Minister Allard's suite clearly shows this individual in action.

Primus Julian Tiepolo announces "esteemed members of the First Circuit, I propose that we require that the Capellan Confederation be 'requested' to fund the upgrade of two dozen of the HPG 'B' stations in that realm to full 'A' status. Additionally, the Chancellor will alllow the Blessed Order to proceed with additonal recruitment efforts within the Confederation. Should Maximillian Liao refuse, then a communications interdict would be in order."   

Not suprisingly, the Capellan Confederation accedes to Comstar's 'request.' On the Davion side of the equation, the Primus places the Federated Suns under a communications interdict; the justification for this action being (in his opinion) House Davion's unwarranted and unjustified attack on the territory of House Liao.

At the front
August 20th-October 7th, 3028

All across the Capellan front, the forces of the Federated Suns are experiencing unprecedented levels of success; some worlds fall in mere hours, while others require a few days to a couple of weeks. As after-action reports make their way back to Sian, Maximillian Liao becomes more unstable with each revelation of bad news; the worst news of all is Candace Liao's defection (along with the entuire St. Ives Commonality) to the side of the Federated Commonwealth; thus, at a single stroke, a full 20% of the Capellan Confederation is taken out of the war.

In the Chancellor's office, Maximillian Liao is meeting with the members of his command council, along with other principal advisers (among whom is his wife Elizabeth, President of the Council of Scions); the purpose of the meeting is to determine how best to respond to the Davion juggernaut. After listening to the discussion thus far, Dame Liao responds "my husband, it is indeed fortunate that Comstar didn't place the Confederation under a communications interdict after that regrettable incident on Terra. If they had, it would have severely compromised operations against those damnable Davion invaders. As it stands, the House of Scions stands ready to help defray the costs imposed on the Confederation by the First Circuit."

At this, Elizabeth and Romano Liao exchange poisonous looks with each other; she knows that Romano was complicit in the attack on Justin Allard back on Terra (and not being able to prove it). As for Romano Liao, she already hates Elizabeth (her stepmother) with a mad passion; she knows that Elizabeth carrying on an affair with with Colonel Pavel Ridzik from the Tikonov Commonality, and she can't prove it.

Across the room, Romano's facial expression is one of outward calm; inside her mind, however, she's fuming over the way Tony Stark so cavalierly cast her aside after she gave herself to him. She remarks silently to herself  'that miserable, self-righteous no-good playboy bastard!! How dare he abandon me like some starport hussy?? I swear to Kali that I'll make him pay for his insult to me.' In considering the role she played in the attack on Justin Allard, Romano is relieved that her complicity wasn't discovered; she's also further-angered at Tony Stark for his interference, which action causing the attack to fail spectacularly.

Romano Liao now bends the chancellor's ear and says "most-respected father, I feel it worth mentioning that a good deal of the success that the Davion invaders are having on the battlefield can be attributed to the First Prince's principal adviser Tony Stark; perhaps he should be proceeded against, if for no other reason than to show that the Confederation is not to be troubled with." The Chancellor leans forward in his chair and says "wise words, daughter; let it be as you say. In fact, it is our express wish that you take personal charge of the operation." A frosty smile crosses Romano's face as she thinks to herself  'I've got you now Stark, you arrogant two-faced bastard. You're dead; you just don't know it yet.'

"Father, I'm honored by your trust in me. Believe me when I say that Stark is as good as dead. Now that this course of action has been decided, we should look into the appearance of Iron Man. From the copies of ROM security footage, whoever this individual is, he displayed technological capabilities that the Star League (even at its height) never dreamed of."
« Last Edit: 26 May 2023, 13:52:26 by Dreadpool »


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #74 on: 11 May 2023, 17:36:24 »
Why do I see Tony showing up on the sappy homework to shoot the witch in person after her next stupid thing she does.


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #75 on: 11 May 2023, 21:20:39 »
Why do I see Tony showing up on the sappy homework to shoot the witch in person after her next stupid thing she does.
of a certainty, Rommie is going to make a play for Stark sooner or later; she hates him with a mad passion bordering on insanity.

Sir Chaos

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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #76 on: 12 May 2023, 01:50:31 »
of a certainty, Rommie is going to make a play for Stark sooner or later; she hates him with a mad passion bordering on insanity.

To be fair, that´s how she feels towards most people. It´s either that for her, or "I own this person by divine right of Because I Said So, I must have them now".
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #77 on: 12 May 2023, 11:45:08 »
To be fair, that´s how she feels towards most people. It´s either that for her, or "I own this person by divine right of Because I Said So, I must have them now".
The majority of the hate that Romano has for Tony Stark comes from the fact that he screwed her silly, then dropped her like a live grenade.


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #78 on: 12 May 2023, 19:19:21 »
The majority of the hate that Romano has for Tony Stark comes from the fact that he screwed her silly, then dropped her like a live grenade.

Which to be completely honest, is probably the smartest thing Tony has ever done, as its the only correct thing to do with Romano Liao
Wolf wins every fight but one, and in that one he dies, his fangs locked on the throat of his opponent.

Sir Chaos

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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #79 on: 13 May 2023, 03:38:54 »
Which to be completely honest, is probably the smartest thing Tony has ever done, as its the only correct thing to do with Romano Liao

Eh... I´d rather be in a room with a live grenade than with Romano. At least with the grenade I know I have three seconds before it blows up.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #80 on: 13 May 2023, 12:05:59 »
Eh... I´d rather be in a room with a live grenade than with Romano. At least with the grenade I know I have three seconds before it blows up.
Things will be more than interesting when Mad Max gets 'retired' and the Crazy Cat Lady takes over...


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #81 on: 13 May 2023, 19:41:35 »
Things will be more than interesting when Mad Max gets 'retired' and the Crazy Cat Lady takes over...

Hey, don't disparage Crazy Cat Ladies like that, they are much more tolerable than Romano
less likely to kill you as well
Wolf wins every fight but one, and in that one he dies, his fangs locked on the throat of his opponent.


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #82 on: 13 May 2023, 20:20:48 »
Their cats on the other hand...  ::)


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #83 on: 13 May 2023, 22:15:26 »
Eh... I´d rather be in a room with a live grenade than with Romano. At least with the grenade I know I have three seconds before it blows up.
So you trust the fuse that much huh... 

being someone whose dated crazy before, Stark handled this badly...  crazy finds a way..
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #84 on: 13 May 2023, 22:24:53 »
tony might need to remember that it is all fun and games....until someone crashes a dropship on your head. 

Sir Chaos

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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #85 on: 14 May 2023, 01:43:19 »
So you trust the fuse that much huh... 

Not all that much. Just much more than I´d trust Romano. She is the incarnation of crazy, and not in a fun way.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #86 on: 14 May 2023, 12:19:39 »
Not all that much. Just much more than I´d trust Romano. She is the incarnation of crazy, and not in a fun way.
Remember what Dr. Banner said about Loki?

"that guy has a mind like a bagful of cats. Yoy can smell the crazy coming off of him"

The same can be said about Rommie, except that her brand of crazy is like the overpowering stench of the sidewalks in Brooklyn after a six-week strike by the garbagemen...

Sir Chaos

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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #87 on: 14 May 2023, 13:45:45 »
Remember what Dr. Banner said about Loki?

"that guy has a mind like a bagful of cats. Yoy can smell the crazy coming off of him"

The same can be said about Rommie, except that her brand of crazy is like the overpowering stench of the sidewalks in Brooklyn after a six-week strike by the garbagemen...

Now I have this mental image of Iron Man slamming Romano into the ground a couple of times, then walking off while muttering "Puny Chancellor"...
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #88 on: 16 May 2023, 10:23:46 »
Now I have this mental image of Iron Man slamming Romano into the ground a couple of times, then walking off while muttering "Puny Chancellor"...
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: I am Iron Man
« Reply #89 on: 17 May 2023, 22:46:20 »
As time goes by, Stark will be building other suits; War Machine and the Hulkbuster among them...

