PDF Release, page 10 or page 19
PROBLEM: Kindraa Smythe-Jewel won OmniMech technology in 2864 vs. 2865
Kindraa Smythe-Jewel's Trial of Possession of OmniMech technology from Clan Coyote in part by surprising the Coyotes with the size of their bid. "The Coyotes faced the first organizational change in 2864." (page 10)
"Night Chanters were first used against Smythe-Jewel forces during their trial for Omni technology." (page 19)
The Night Chanter, being the first and most common of the Pueblo Initiative OmniMechs, debuted two years after (page 19) Clan Jade Falcon won the technology in 2863 (FM:CC, p. 91, FM:WC, p. 41), meaning the Night Chanter must have been introduced in 2865.
MUL introduction for the Night Chanter is 2865.
SOLUTION: The easiest solution is to change the date for the alluded OmniMech Trial on page 10 to early 2865.
ALTERNATIVE: (Disclaimer: this alternative solution does not make sense.) There is no issue because the passage on page 10 is referring to a different Trial, not the Trial that won Kindraa Smythe-Jewel OmniMech technology from Clan Coyote. However, multiple references said the Coyotes lost to the Smythe-Jewels in part because they were surprised (and angered) by the Smythe-Jewel's deceptive bid (FM:CC, p. 39, FM:WC, pp. 41-42). It seems unlikely and very unreasonable the Smythe-Jewels would have surprised the Coyotes twice by under-reporting the size of their Trinaries.