Author Topic: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)  (Read 38010 times)


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #60 on: 27 November 2022, 12:33:19 »
Could be, could be... I was more remarking on the dust on the bottle at the back of liquor cabinet...  8)


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #61 on: 27 November 2022, 15:18:41 »
Maybe he's been practising with ghost pepper juice and battery acid?

A very good poker face and two minutes after Liz leaves he's scrambling for something to neutralize the burning?


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #62 on: 27 November 2022, 15:26:51 »
He was talking through that, so that's one hell of a poker face!  ;D


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #63 on: 27 November 2022, 16:26:27 »
As ever Kowloon greatest problem it is attached to a greater feudal state that forever hobbles it... Victor should really be asking what the hell is going on that this one world is smashing the metrics and conventional wisdom of the IS.

I'd say the 500 million spacer population that is the largest difference. There are likely more people who live in space in the Kowloon system than in the rest of the Inner Sphere (aside from Sol) combined. The presence of the Rockjakkas(?) is an enormous change since it gives Kowloon immediate access to orbital/space mining and industries. That means when Kowloon is able to slip the feudal leash even a little, their economy and potential immediately shoots up. No one else can really match, not even the Clans because no one else has the population that is born in, lives in, works in and often dies in space without ever having to set foot on a (habitable) planet.Everyone else is always concerned about the habitable planets and pretty much ignores anything else unless it is a moon(s) around the said planet.

It goes to show you now much the feudal system keeps things down by stifling creativity and progress (not that Constar and the 'noble' graft isn't sticking their finger into the economic pie to drain off funds


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #64 on: 27 November 2022, 16:30:21 »
Since when did Victor learn how to drink Ijero without coughing? ???
worth noting that the only one actually mentioned to be drinking is Liz.. Victor takes his glass but is never said to be so much as sipping it.


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #65 on: 27 November 2022, 16:49:01 »
She sipped her drink, and watched him for a breath.  "Six thousand so far." she said, waiting until he'd swallowed the drink before speaking.
Emphasis mine...  :)


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #66 on: 27 November 2022, 18:49:01 »
I'd say the 500 million spacer population that is the largest difference. There are likely more people who live in space in the Kowloon system than in the rest of the Inner Sphere (aside from Sol) combined. The presence of the Rockjakkas(?) is an enormous change since it gives Kowloon immediate access to orbital/space mining and industries. That means when Kowloon is able to slip the feudal leash even a little, their economy and potential immediately shoots up.
Which also gets some disturbing why questions going to those who actually think about it. Why Kowloon? What makes this backwater so great that spacers live there instead of in core worlds or at the capitals like Tharkad or New Avalon? Why do they not talk to the houses directly or swear fealty? Why so few? If these rockjacks/belters have been around as long as Humans have been in space why are there so few known? Why do some many of them seem terrified of coming near worlds or seemingly hold planet raised Humans in contempt?


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #67 on: 27 November 2022, 19:16:42 »
Cannonshop has actually gone into detail on that a couple of times.  Kowloon was founded by Belters and refugees fleeing Terra early in the original Exodus period.  They simply hung on to their original culture more strongly due to the extended isolation before they were "found".


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #68 on: 27 November 2022, 19:50:22 »
Cannonshop has actually gone into detail on that a couple of times.  Kowloon was founded by Belters and refugees fleeing Terra early in the original Exodus period.  They simply hung on to their original culture more strongly due to the extended isolation before they were "found".

Also at least one iteration of the universe mentioned the Lyrans enforced an economic blockade of the Kowloon system to get them to join up in the aftermath of Kerensky leaving.  This went on for a few years, and forced Kowloon to attempt to make do with the system's resources.

Probably got the space industries up as mature operations.  So they were competitive with locust style mineral extraction.  Grab the easy to reach near surface resources, then relocate to another world rather than invest in deep mining.


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #69 on: 27 November 2022, 22:03:37 »
[out of story]: Naomi Knight courtesy of Ramblefire[/out of story]

"Victor, I knew you liked...

...asian girls but damn!" Katherine wasn't drunk.

"It isn't what you think, Kate." Victor said, "For one, she's seventeen and for the other, she's dying...and there's the whole 'personality of an armorbear with a toothache'."

His sister entered the office and sat down in one of the guest chairs. "Well, at least you haven't lost your mind...does she know?"

"I don't think Liz Ngo is interested that way." he observed, "at least, not in me, or didn't you see how she was looking at Hauptmann Diennes?"

"The Beanpole?" Katherine asked mockingly, "Seriously??"

"I doubt it will go anywhere, but something tells me the girl likes...taller men.  You're still on track for the first...dammit."

"You were about to suggest I'm on track to give mother grandchildren. Yes." Katherine said, "Which would have been funny-for you, if the bomb hadn't happened...what is that on your desk??" she wrinkled her nose at the glass with its half-melted ice.

"That, is quite possibly the most awful stuff I've ever tasted." Victor confessed, "it's like ghost peppers and cough syrup."

"Let me guess, from the bottle Grandmama wouldn't open?" Katherine asked.


"I know about your pocket navy project Victor." Katherine said,  "it didn't take much digging once I started wondering, by the way-you need to improve your security. I have an alternative to little-miss-terminal."

He glanced up, "an alternative?"

Katherine nodded, "an alternative.  From Cambiano in the Federated Suns State, even, though she's a blonde, and not a brunette, but the Knight family is almost as wealthy as the Ngos  without the ultranationalist baggage, and they're from the Federated Suns side of the house."

"are you trying to set me up?" Victor asked.

"Someone has to." Katherine quipped, "but not this time, the Knights are downstairs in the reception, and I think you should go back down and talk to them."


Naomi Knight hadn't expected to be brought to Tharkad, but her Father thought it would be educational.  The last few days, spent surrounded by German speakers and Tharkan hospitality had been 'enriching' in most ways.  For example, meeting Katherine Steiner-Davion had been exciting, being invited to this reception was fantastic.

Everyone had been friendly and welcoming...except one person.

" to Bradford."  Elizabeth Ngo, fresh from some sort of meeting with the Archon Prince, was neither friendly, nor particularly warm when Naomi's father approached her.  "I don't do business on that side of the realm, and I have no interest in starting."

The small, sickly-looking woman leaned on an Elbar Bluewood cane-an almost obscene display of wealth, that-Bluewood is a class one export-controlled substance due to being a strategic material-the equivalent of having a walking-stick made of Diamond-silicate and germanium.

"I was told you're the woman to speak to about-"

"Your people have your own experts." Ngo interrupted.  "Besides, you and I both know Lenovo on Cambiano makes a perfectly adequate selection of industrial tooling-they're certainly giving my people a run now that the trade barrier's dropped.  If you're looking for class one forging gear, talk to Bradford over at CMW.  I don't sell outside the Lyran State, but he does."

"Does he make them?"

"No, He buys them from me, finds out he's overextended, and sells the stuff...or you can talk to Danny Brewer, he's getting ready to upgrade and you can probably afford his price better than Bradford's-Danny doesn't gamble."

"Why won't you sell in the Federated Suns member state?" Naomi interrupted.

Elizabeth Ngo leaned on her cane harder. "I have reasons.  Ngo Industries doesn't do business on that side of the sphere, since my Grandfather's time, even."

"But Why?"

Elizabeth scowled, and hobbled away toward the closed exterior doors of the reception room.  Naomi followed, "We're not done yet, why won't you do business in the Federated Suns??"

Duchess Ngo halted, and turned around.  There was a dribble to one corner of her makeup.  "You don't want to know that answer, blondie.  Tell the old man he should talk to Danny Brewer if he's really looking for those powered forges, Defiance Hesperus is doing an update and you'll get them cheap."

Then Duchess Ngo made for the doors again.

"careful, she's not fit to speak with."  a large, dark-skinned man with 'mechwarrior's hairstyle said.

"She was rude!!"

"that's lizzie." he said, "Hi, I'm Daniel Brewer, Duke of Hesperus."

"Naomi Knight." she said, "you know her?"

"Since we were kids." he said, "I heard something about a deal? who're you with?"

"My family owns Knight-Lenovo, my father-"

"Made the mistake of talking to Elizabeth Ngo while being what she still sees as 'foreigners'." Daniel said, "trust me, it's not you, it's all her...Lizzie has many fine qualities, but she's also got some glaring flaws and always had.  When we were kids, she got into it with Francis Guillard."

"Baron Guillard?" Naomi asked.

"The very same, it was at Groningen, he was on his last chance after being kicked from every decent school on the Federated Suns side, and she was eight.  He had to get teeth replaced after pushing her down in the play-yard and she was expelled."

"for being pushed down?"

"No, for beating him so badly that they had to call in a dental surgeon. she was on top of him, grinding his face into the yard and screaming 'eat it, eat the dirt'!"  Daniel Brewer said easily.

"So because of a bullying incident when she was a KID??"

"no.  Elizabeth's Grandfather didn't care for the Alliance.  Her father chose AFFC over his Ducal responsibilities and the family firm." Daniel said, "This, and neglecting the hell out of his kids.  Liz...I don't think she took it well, and her people? they hold grudges.  She can't get back at her old man, so she takes it out on the universe at large...Hey! Daphne!! got someone you oughta meet!"

A girl almost as blonde as Naomi, but at the same time, different came over.  "Danny, who's this?"

"Naomi Knight." Naomi said.

"From Knight-Lenovo on Cambiano?" Daphne asked.

"very much."

"oh god, you met Liz, didn't you?"

"How could you tell?"

"Danny's got 'that look' that says he had to save someone from one of Lizzie's tirades."  Daphne said, "My Uncle's meeting with your father tomorrow."

"Rowe-McClaren? the bankers? but you're in uniform..."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #70 on: 27 November 2022, 22:25:59 »
So I am busy at work and BANG Cannonshop starts a new Liz story...   :thumbsup:

So Melissa made sure people knew she was retiring and then they kill her, gee that goes with the fact about other Lryan Patriots being offed...   So who the inside man?  Comstar???  or worse Lryan nobles who are stealing from their own????
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #71 on: 27 November 2022, 22:42:57 »
"...a lot bigger than anything I might... able to sell you." Daniel Brewer handed the spec display back to Knight.  "THAT is shipyard grade stuff, and even Max Haranshire isn't looking to get rid of any of his, nor Ioto.  Why not just subcontract through Boeing at Galax?"

David Knight shook his head, "We're trying to get OUT of that." he said, "That's why I approached..."

"Yeah." Daniel nodded, "I should've realized it when your daughter told me who she was.  You might have to go to Krupp Terra for this, nobody on this side of the Realm makes the stuff but Ngo Industries, and they only started doing stuff on this scale a few years ago."

"She wouldn't even hear me out." He said, "Why is that?"

"Not my story to tell." Daniel said, "BUT...I think we can find a workaround."


"Yeah, we talk to the Archon Prince.  If you can make the strategic necessity case, he can make Liz sell it to theory, at least, I know she's got some big-scale personal project that needs his okay, so maybe that's leverage you can use."

"What's it going to cost me?"

"How about you cut me a break on datachips for my production, and I make the introductions to all the people I personally know who can make Elizabeth Ngo do things she doesn't want to do? If it works out, say, five percent over cost on my next order? if it doesn't, then you're out nothing."

"I'm not sure...I want to know why...and can you tell me?" Knight insisted, "I'm willing to cut a second order in for the discount."

"Okay.  Elizabeth Ngo is dying of Cholmann's syndrome, it's why she's not in a Cadet uniform going to the Nagelring. Near as anyone can tell, she's lost a Brother to the Wolves and the other brother to the Jade Falcons, which is why she's the Duchess of Kowloon and not just Baroness Spider Moon.  Her Father practically abandoned her and her mother was mentally unstable and abusive to the point where, when the oldest brother died on Tamar? Her mom tried a murder-suicide that left her in the bathwater with a sucking chest wound...but it gets worse."

"Dear god.."

"Like I said, it gets worse, the origin of why she won't do business on the Fedsuns side, and why she's outright refused to seek any sort of experimental treatment for what's killing her, is that her Great Uncle, the brother of her Grandfather? He died screaming in the medical lab at NAIS before she was born-they were letting the syndrome kill him when all the drugs stopped working, instead of euthanizing him.  Ngo Industries set a policy of doing no business on that side of the Inner Sphere after that, and Liz refused to change it when she now you know."

"and you know this how?"

"Aside from being friends from childhood up until she went into narcotics abuse treatment?" Daniel asked, "I wanted to find out why she wasn't speaking to ANY of her old friends...and as Heir to Defiance Hesperus, I had access to a superb network of industrial spies. I think the only one of the old gang that kept in touch after her diagnosis was Penny Doons, and she overdosed in a bathroom-which is why Lizzie has a mild case of hatred for Daffy, since Daphne was the only one of us who didn't make it to see Penny's funeral."

David looked thoughtful, but Naomi looked ill


"Don't pity her." Daniel cautioned, "or at least, don't let her know you pity her-it's about the best way to send her from irritated to outright hostile."

"You know this from experience?"

"Oh yeah, it's reason TWO why she won't speak to me directly." Daniel nodded as he spoke.  "When we were kids, she was fun, creative, wanted to be an explorer of the stars when she grew up, and then bam! congratulations you have a degenerative illness that will kill you horribly...and young...and then, she has to be Duchess and CEO. it's worse than when I learned I was going to have to back-bench my 'mechwarrior aspirations because the guy ahead of me was...unfit."

"But you haven't really given it up, have you?" David asked.

"Not hardly." Daniel said, "I just know I'm not going to have time to do a Kai Allard Liao and be a Solaris Champion, or win a rack of medals on the  Clan front."

"CAN you intercede?" David asked, "it's important to...well, it could be important to everyone."

Daniel nodded, "I will.  Lizzie needs to learn to bend again...provided the plan actually makes some kind of sense."

Naomi brightened up and pulled a Digital holotablet from her bag, "I have it here!" she said, "This will revolutionize things and draw the realm together!!"

She brought up imagery and documents...
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #72 on: 27 November 2022, 23:44:44 »
"It's a good plan...

...Count Knight." Victor pronounced, "it even dovetails with something else we've got in the works."

Morning sunlight streamed through the Archon's apartments two days after the wake. 

"Something else, Milord?" Count Knight inquired.

"yeah, a regional militia being developed on the Lyran Periphery, there are some solid advantages here-the only question is if you can actually build it."

"The express route? or the ships?"

"Yes." Victor said, then, "I take it you're here, because of more than my accession and mother's funeral."

"I am...we've been having difficulties getting scheduling for work at Boeing's Galax facility, I was hoping to find equipment on this side, to assemble a proper facility in my home system."

Victor looked over the plans the Count from Cambiano, and then at the man, and past him to his daughter.

"Your girl's going to Academy this year?"

"Yes sir, she wants to be a Naval officer, her mother and I...Naomi is an only child."

"Mmh...let me guess, by your tone, you spoke with Liz Ngo." Victor commented.

"Yes, Milord..."

"and you're wondering why we put up with her, or did someone tell you?"

"Daniel Brewer." Count Knight said, "Laid out quite a horrifying story."

"yeah, Danny's not very good at 'discretion' yet-he's actually worse than me...and so you're here, because I'm one of three people who can make Liz Ngo do something she doesn't want to do."


"Maggie Doons is the second one, and as far as I know, the third one is god." Victor said humourously.  "I'll tell her to sell you the gear for your shipyard."

"Just like that?"

"OH not just like that! you're still going to have to pay her for the equipment, and she'll be in a terrible mood for the actual negotiation, but I can make her negotiate...and if she sees this? she might even want to."

"Oh really?"

"Really.  See, Liz Ngo is building a navy for the Realm-not the Navy, a specific kind of navy-one dedicated to exterminating Pirates and providing 'commerce protection and regional search and rescue'."

Naomi perked up, "Like a self defense force?" she asked excitedly.

"More like what she calls it-a Coast Guard..with some commerce raiding potential and interdiction." Victor explained, "right up to the limit that the law allows, really...though I've had to make the lawyers bend the law into shapes that are almost unrecognizable.  Her plan involves siting service yards and inspection stations to do maintenance on commercial transport, and having jump-capable patrol ships outfitted with some fairly heavy might just dovetail into this plan of yours, Count Knight."

"it's more Naomi's plan than mine. She's mad for the subject." the Count said, "but you think it is workable?"

" I need to grab the Black Duchess and make her be reasonable-luckily, she's still on Tharkad until the 28th."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #73 on: 28 November 2022, 01:41:35 »
"You're going to give them a fair shot.

His Majesty said.  Elizabeth...kept walking.  Triad Park was not really a park, so much as an open-air greenhouse and garden to which she'd been summoned this morning.

"I don't sell to foreigners." Elizabeth reiterated, "there are a host of reasons beginning with trade secrets and ending with I don't sell to foreigners."

"They aren't Foreign!" she'd been adamant for the last three hours, "Elizabeth, STOP."

she halted, he turned her to face him.  "We need this. in case you haven't heard, the whole federated commonwealth alliance is teetering, there's unrest in the Skye region, forty percent of the Lyran member-state is occupied by the Clans, we're dependent on imports from the ever-loving Free Worlds League, and It's-"

"It's too big." she finished for him.  "Too big, takes too long to move too little across too long a distance.  Yeah, I figured that out when I was Thirteen.  This composite nation is too large to maintain with the fleet we have, which is why I struggled and worked and chased down experts and dragged in my Grandfather's friends and my Grandmother's relatives to start the Coast Guard project two years before I told anyone outside my system what I was doing.  It's why I had to execute Stonecipher-he wasn't just corrupt, he was a security leak."

"WHAT are you afraid of?" Victor demanded.

"Allison Fergus.  Timothy Zein, Jakob Astolf, Claire Renner, Peter Wing, Charles Duttley.  do you know what all those names have in common?" she demanded.

"I have no idea.  HOw is this relevant?"

"Let me tell you, because those are just the first ones I came across...they all died nearly simultaneously.  Three physicists, a medical researcher, two advanced chemists and a computer science genius."  she reached into her pocket and produced her cigarette case, and a lighter.  "They're not the only ones, they're not even the closest ones, nor the most brilliant.  all of them had published work or announcements declaring a breakthrough-that nobody heard a ****** thing about.  All their works, all their papers, erased, just references in mouldy journals in forgotten archives.  Their work? lost...their deaths happened within days of making announcements, or reports filtering to the media of their breakthrough projects.  My people found thousands of them, over the last three centuries.  a blurb or blip or paragraph in a news source, and then...poof, nothing ever-ever-ever again. It's been going on for centuries, Your Majesty."

Victor frowned, "Coincidence?" he asked.

Elizabeth sighed, "I don't know but it's a hell of a string of 'coincidence' for it to be coincidental, then there's what Comstar tried to pull-Operation:Scorpion."

"I'm aware."

"AND the attack on NAIS in the twenties." she added, "another coincidence??" she shook her head, "Why would the Liaos pick that moment to attack the foremost research facility on New Avalon, a position so deep inside the Fedsuns, that it would take weeks to get there? with no extract? does that SOUND like the Cappies to you?"

"Sometimes...but yeah, it's kind of suspicious."

"And the rumours about the Helm Core, and Ricol?" she added, "Does that sound like anything resembling sane or intelligent behavior?"

Victor studied her face, "you think it's not a coincidence at all."

"Bingo.  The major thread I've found so far, is that in most of those cases, some announcement, some 'breakthrough' turns up, and then shit hits the fan in improbable,but not entirely impossible ways...and I don't know them, I don't know if they can be trusted not to open their damn mouths."

"What do you know?"

"Not a lot." she confessed.  "I know enough to know I don't know enough to start passing along trade and process secrets to strangers outside the Commonwealth-not until I've proven the tech and had it in service long enough and over enough area that a single accident can't make it disappear in a generation."

"I understand your concerns, now listen to mine." Victor said, "The only way to get to the bottom of this, and stop it from happening, is to be strong and stable enough to prevent the kind of 'random' on purpose events you just outlined.  The Realm Needs This, you need to do it, or I'm going to have to use some ugly laws and make your replacement do it."

"So it's a Royal command?" She asked.


"by your command, I'll build their shipyard." she said, "but the consequences are going to be on you if this blows up-I won't live long enough to notice."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #74 on: 28 November 2022, 02:06:45 »
"AND the attack on NAIS in the twenties." she added, "another coincidence??" she shook her head, "Why would the Liaos pick that moment to attack the foremost research facility on New Avalon, a position so deep inside the Fedsuns, that it would take weeks to get there? with no extract? does that SOUND like the Cappies to you?"
not to mention, using troops that were simultaneously also getting their asses kicked on Kathil by Morgan Hasek-Davion and the 1st Kathil Ulthans? with both operations each using 100% of the Death Commando Mech Forces?

that fact should have made it clear to Hanse Davion that someone other than the capellans were behind the NAIS raid. though i could see the 'official' histories sanitizing the death commando's out of the raid on kathril, leaving that as just the Tau Ceti Lancers (which had been supporting the Death Commandos during the raid) in order to keep whoever it was from finding out the Fedsuns were suspicious

« Last Edit: 28 November 2022, 02:08:39 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #75 on: 28 November 2022, 04:30:08 »
Well, two copies might be enough to not get erased...  ^-^


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #76 on: 28 November 2022, 05:11:04 »
Cannonshop has actually gone into detail on that a couple of times.  Kowloon was founded by Belters and refugees fleeing Terra early in the original Exodus period.  They simply hung on to their original culture more strongly due to the extended isolation before they were "found".

Well yeah we know it but in this retread Victor probable want to dig into it himself and maybe see if he can lure some belters to settle elsewhere. If he can get starter populations in a few dozen systems, especially ones that are already used as shipyards, it could really help his realm. Of course the hard part is actually getting them to move and not cause problems from culture clash or idiots provoking problems.

To be honest Liz has perfectly legit reasons to not want to work with Fed Rats. Her life experience and recent family history is them being lying self serving bastards who cant be trusted. In her shoes I would not want to work with them either.


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #77 on: 28 November 2022, 14:53:25 »
Elizabeth considered how to draft the...

...instruction for the rest of the day, before settling on something simple.

TO: Whyte, Kelli, internal operations security, Ngo Industries
From: Ngo, Elizabeth Anne, Chairman of the Board and CEO

RE: Send lawyers to Tharkad, including our best negotiators.  Potential Contract in the offing, long distance, said contract suspends Corporate Policy Order 314 dated September, 3031.

Further instructions upon arrival.  Get them here as quickly as possible.


the message showed in the queue on the Comstar Terminal, and Liz paid nearly a thousand c-bills in solid-form bonds to the Adept for express delivery and read reciept.

That done, she left the Comstar Annex in the Triad, and headed for a public comnet terminal.

TO: Knight, David Walter, owner/director of Knight-Lenovo LTD
From: Ngo, Elizabeth Anne, Owner/proprietor and Chairman, Ngo Industries GmBh.

RE: You have a month to gather your corporate negotiators to establish a contract.

That is how long it's going to take my lawyers and negotiators to make the trip to Tharkad. I do not intend to go into this arrangement without excellent negotiation taking place, and as a minor, I am aware I'm not qualified to carry out effective international legal negotiations on a project of this scale.  There will be one session, your people and mine will negotiate a contract that is compliant with legal frameworks in both member states and one that has enforceable provisions on both sides of this discussion to assure fairness and effectiveness.

I expect your negotiators and lawyers to be competent, and said contract to be iron-bound or we will not have further dealings.  I will not be present at this negotiation, but Ms. Whyte acts in my name and I will back her to the hilt.

Let me be very, very clear on this: I am doing this reluctantly and under protest, do not expect this to be cheap or easy.

-Elizabeth Anne Ngo
Duchess, Kowloon, Baroness Spider Moon, Chairman Ngo industries GmBh.

Dawn on Tharkad rose as Elizabeth climbed out of a taxi at the door of her temporary residence in the Capital.  She paid the driver, and went inside to sleep, silently cursing the short, 24 hour day/night cycle of the Capital instead of a proper, Kowloonese thirty hour cycle.

after all, how does anyone get anything done in such a short day?
« Last Edit: 28 November 2022, 14:55:12 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #78 on: 28 November 2022, 16:40:52 »
Are we eventually gonna get something (parts, pieces, afterthoughts) canonized?
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #79 on: 28 November 2022, 17:28:25 »
Are we eventually gonna get something (parts, pieces, afterthoughts) canonized?

That strikes me as extremely unlikely-first  off, the Liz stories happen in Battletech's past (well a parallel past..several parallel pasts) while the Canon is highly focused on Battletech's Present with only ventures to the past to clean up and stage that present more firmly.

Second being, Catalyst has no shortage of people who can write the Canon as it stands or write it to where the company decides it needs to go.

My stuff, ideas, plots and such? do not fit with that.  Sometimes intentionally, sometimes not-but my ideas don't work with the direction the Canon takes more often than not. 

I mean, we're on the third page and there hasn't been a single slapping of an override as the heat sinks labor, nor the rattle of armor scales falling away under the synthetic lightning of a PPC bolt, and the mains aren't even 'mechwarriors.

so yeah, doesn't fit well at all.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #80 on: 28 November 2022, 17:50:25 »
Which I think circling back to something Blade4 started commenting on about how one world is able to do this sort of thing bears expanding on further as it relates to this:

TPTB have clearly gone with the idea that the limiting factor is not C-Bills.

Cannonshop has shown the numbers of how frightening each world's military could be if the C-Bill values of military hardware we've been given were accurate in a thread or two here and there.

Based off what we know in terms of population and given income levels/tax rates it is not out of the realm of possibility that the entirety of the AFFS in 3028 could be supported by just New Avalon by itself(assuming it had more varied and realistic military hardware production levels that would go along with the aforementioned population and tax demographics).

So yeah something like this, we're unlikely to ever see with a CGL logo on it.


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #81 on: 28 November 2022, 19:11:51 »
Liz even put Knight on notice!  We'll see how his team does against Kelli...  ^-^


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #82 on: 28 November 2022, 19:25:53 »
I admit, I have some bias in hoping Dave does well in negotiations.   :D


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #83 on: 28 November 2022, 19:40:52 »
Of COURSE you do...  ^-^


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #84 on: 28 November 2022, 20:02:21 »
"She's authorized...

...WHAT??"  A Commodore has to maintain a certain level of emotional detachment, and being a Rockjack often means knowing how to tamp down on your expression and stick to reason and situational awareness.

Therefore, Alicia Li reacting emotionally in the command center of Coast Guard Station One (Spider Moon) was probably milder than someone else.

"Four five hundred meter, One-thirty thousand ton rated core forges, twelve bay assemblies, six bagging looms, eighty one welding gigs, and sixteen mining pinnaces with tug adaptors, to be shipped to a world in the Federated Suns.  Total payment of one point one trillion Kroner."  Kelli Whyte's rep to the home office said flatly.  "Her Grace has authorized it-"

" much?"

"One Point one Trillion Kroner as of the latest exchange rate from Lyran Kroner to Davion Pounds, Commodore, at least until currency stabilization efforts complete, at which time the projected profit will be another five point three percent in raw Kroner numbers, though purchasing power may be somewhat less for the total currency exchange."

"What's the delivery date?" Alicia Li wasn't JUST the Commodore of the Coast Guard, she was also one of three sitting representatives for the Rockjack Co-ops and outer system communities.  The others being Sithers-Deen and Cartwright-Kammen.  Notably she also held a seat on the Ngo Industries Board, which is the position she's acting in at this moment-acting regent for Spider Moon.

"Delivery date is for next year, mum." the rep from the Legal department was a dirtyfoot from Coventry who hired on and impressed Kelli Whyte.

"Well, I guess I'll cut the instructions to the workshops then." she said quietly.

Her Grace MUST know what she's doing, right? of course not.  the kid is a kid still...but one point one Trillion Kroner can go a long, long, long way after production costs.  "Did they negotiate for technical crew as well?"

"Not to my knowledge, Mum, but I can check the actual contract."

"Do so, if we need to send a crew to help install and shake out the equipment I need to start working on assembling teams."

"Ayeh mum...I have a notation from Her Grace-"

"Did you read it?"

"No Mum. It is marked 'eyes only Board Level', Mum."

"good lad...mister..?"

"O'Neill mum."

"Good lad, Mister O'Neill.  wise not to read the mail without permission, hit the canteen on your way to quarters if you wish? I'm maybe going to need you in here in a bit."

"Aye Mum."

She opened the note.

To: Alicia Li and anyone rude enough to read this before it gets to her.
From: Elizabeth Ngo

RE: Knight-Lenovo order.

Yes, you read it right, I'm suspending Policy Order 314 about ten years earlier than I expected to be faced with the requirement.  I'd hoped to fob that off on my successors, but Victor made it an Archon's Command and offered to have me replaced earlier if I didn't.

It is my belief that after the first delivery they're going to come back and demand warranty work, because I simply don't see how a bunch of Davion Dir-I mean, 'planet dwellers' can do a proper core-forge setup in the first go without helpful instructions.

Here's my dilemma: while I'd LOVE to make this bite the Archon's shortest son in the ass, I do NOT adore the idea of being accused of selling-even reluctantly, inferior product.  We beat Krupp's bid by almost half a billion Kroner after currency conversion and we're still going to pull a profit.

That means that if the Contract does NOT include tech support, you are to assume that I have directed you to form a Tech Support team trained in shipyard tooling and setup, and have them ready to ship with the first equipment being delivered.  PUBLICLY, this is a gesture of rapproachment, and we are going to be good Lyrans about it-which means the prestige of the firm, of Kowloon, and of Ngo Industries as a whole, are in play as things we can lose.

I refuse to lose.  I want the team shipping with the gear, trained in English and French languages, and completely discrete regarding every detail NOT directly tied to the order arriving.

Whether I wanted them as customers or not, I will not lose to Krupp and the damned Terrans.  Make sure Sithers and Cartwright understand this is a Ducal Priority order that the tech teams be fully competent and capable for the trip to Cambiano.


Alicia sighed.  "Well, there goes my good mood."  Finding the staff and getting them trained up only to lose them to a site more than half the Sphere away wasn't appealing in the slightest, but...

"Thy will be done."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #85 on: 28 November 2022, 20:17:55 »
Indeed!  Unpleasant orders are STILL orders, after all...  ^-^


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #86 on: 28 November 2022, 20:21:40 »
"I'm going home soon...

...your Highness." Elizabeth was all formality right down to her polished shoes.  "your order has been complied with, the equipment is being fabricated and packed, technical advice teams are being recruited and trained, first delivery should be next year."

"Yet you look like I made you eat a mix of lemons and garbage." Victor commented.

"You did." Liz stated, "This puts me back almost five years on my own programs. I'm having to reallocate yards and production space, shift orders around, and my people are having to find additional resources to feed it...and I've had to change a policy I agree with.  the money is scant replacement for that."

"What if I changed my mind??" Victor asked.

"Then you'd be too late. Contracts have been negotiated and signed, and that's my word, Highness." she said firmly, "To be worthy of trust, one's word must be as powerful as one's threats-or more powerful.  Anything less and one is unworthy of air.  You made me give my word, therefore it will be honored, not because you told me, but because it's my PHEKing word."

"let me give you a sweetener then..." Victor said, "You have Archon's Authority to expand your Coast Guard's operations into the outer systems along the Timbuktu and Main Street theaters, and a dispensation to recruit on worlds within sixty light years of the Periphery border, such recruitment will be counted as completing the mandatory Five Year term of National Service for recruits."

Elizabeth goggled.  "You're not joking?"

"I am not joking." Victor told her, "Expand your Coast Guard, build your service stations and all the rest of it, you have the Archon's Order to do so, and my authority to override any local system government that refuses to cooperate within your remit, and you report directly to me on this, you don't have to slog through Mount Asgard's bureaus."

"Why??" she was suspicious.

Victor brought up a holomap.  "THIS, is the Lyran member-state. HERE is the Tukayyid Truce Line, everything I've authorized is above that line except this bit here-" he made a mark, "I want that area secured, which means I can't have garrisons out chasing bandits or looking for lost freighters...but you're already working on solving that problem, and I want your people to solve it faster...I'm even going to allocate funding to do so."  he smiled at her astonishment, "It's the trade for helping Dave Knight build an express route between Galax, and Coventry."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #87 on: 28 November 2022, 20:26:11 »
I do believe Victor just got Elizabeth's UNDYING love...  8)


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #88 on: 28 November 2022, 20:54:07 »
might want to have a few "escorts" for that tech team. 


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Re: "Steal, buy, or Build?" (a Ngoverse piece.)
« Reply #89 on: 28 November 2022, 20:56:13 »
More than a few, and ALL armed with nukes...  8)