Author Topic: Agras Heavy Agricultural Drone  (Read 1739 times)


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Agras Heavy Agricultural Drone
« on: 16 December 2022, 13:35:45 »
Agras Heavy Agricultural Drone

Mass: 3.799 tons
Movement Type: VTOL
Power Plant: DJI 4000
Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph
Armor: DJI AgriShield
Manufacturer: DJI Foochow
     Primary Factory: Foochow
Communication System: DJI AgriCast
Targeting & Tracking System: DJI AgriFind
Introduction Year: 2235
Tech Rating/Availability: D/E-F-F-E
Cost: 34,910 C-bills


The DJI Agra Heavy was a heavy agricultural drone popular during the first Exodus during the Age of War. The DJI was known for being compact, durable, and easy to maintain. It was easily reconfigurable for many different agricultural roles, and its lack of a complicated fusion engine meant that parts for it could be locally manufactured on many worlds.

While popular at the time, this drone is perhaps most famous for its use by colonists on New Avalon during the Gran Rebellion of 2235.


The DJI Agra Heavy was a multi-rotor drone massing approximately 3800 kg. Its popularity came in large part because of its lift capacity, as it was capable of lifting a metric ton of cargo. It was easily reconfigurable, but from the factory it came equipped with a large liquid storage tank and sprayer. This was usually used for spraying either pesticide or liquid fertilizer.

Despite its hefty lifting capacity, the Agras heavy was quite slow. Given the nature of its work and its ability to be transported by light cargo truck, this was not seen as a problem. Indeed, it’s top speed of just under 100 kph was considered more than adequate.

The Agras used a reliable multi-spectrum transceiver set to give it a communications range of just over 50 km. Again, this was considered more than adequate for its purposes. Its fuel cell gave it a flight time average of just under 3 hours. It carried a high resolution camera for survey work. This camera would prove vital in its most famous conflict.


The drone’s most famous usage came during the grain rebellion on New Avalon in 2237. In that conflict the population of the planet found itself at odds with planetary governor Emil Varnay. Varnay found the local militia increasingly unreliable, and so he called in the Colonial Marines.

The marines were used in an attempt to suppress the population, but a single division of marines proved unable to pacify an entire planet. One of the marines, Robert Davion, objected to the way his unit was being used against the populace. He acted as an advisor for the Sons of New Avalon resistance group in their struggle.

One of the things he implemented was a greater use of civilian tools for battlefield use. The Agra Heavies that were nearly ubiquitous on New Avalon became the backbone of the resistance, providing aerial observation ability, cargo transfers between cells, and on one occasion even personnel transport for a trio of escaping political prisoners.

With Robert Davion’s help, the Sons of New Avalon were able to take control of the planetary militia, and subsequently force the Colonial Marines and Emil Varnay off world. This action continues to be celebrated during Grain Rebellion Day hundreds of years after the event.

Code: [Select]
Type: Agras Heavy
Chassis Type: VTOL (Small)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 3,799 kg
Battle Value: 12
Equipment       Mass (kg)
Chassis/Controls        949
Engine/Trans.   Fuel Cell   365
     Cruise MP:    6   
     Flank MP: 9   
Heat Sinks: 0   0
Fuel:       10
Armor Factor (BAR 2):   5   80
Structure   Armor
Front   1   1
R/L Side    1/1     1/1
Rear    1   1
Rotor   1   1
and Ammo    Location    Critical    Mass (kg)

Bay 1:  Cargo (Liquid) (0.91 tons)  1 Door

Notes: Features Drone Operating System(879.9 kg), Sprayer(15 kg), Recon Camera(500 kg)


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Agras Heavy Agricultural Drone
« Reply #1 on: 28 January 2023, 15:10:15 »
Great fluff!  :thumbsup:


  • Private
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Re: Agras Heavy Agricultural Drone
« Reply #2 on: 24 February 2023, 10:08:18 »
Great design. Modern interpretation of that old sprayer planes.

I think for simple spraying purpose on fields the recon camera is not really necessary, but still may find a civilian use if you observe your fields from high altitude to check for damage in the crops (parasites, illness), general growth. Or to simply check were the grass is more green. ;-)

And i like the ability of this basically civilian drone to affect a battle with the sprayer (and a ton of sprayer ammo (10)).


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Agras Heavy Agricultural Drone
« Reply #3 on: 24 February 2023, 17:20:09 »
The Recon Camera also means the drone operator can actually see where the drone is flying...  8)

