Author Topic: Mark of the Beast  (Read 20961 times)


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #30 on: 26 December 2022, 18:00:10 »
Guys can we wait for a actual update? Sucks to keep coming back her just to fins people reiterating what everyone else is saying.


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #31 on: 26 December 2022, 18:00:48 »

and of course there is always the old classic "use more mass " for When you really want to do massive damage.

If the republic is like the one from the rest of xannonshop's other fics,  Clear out the Titan yards. Bring up tugs.



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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #32 on: 26 December 2022, 18:10:46 »
Helm, Station Keeping. Ops? Can you tell me if this is a new timeline or a continuation of a previous one (No evidence of Orcs, YET)?
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #33 on: 26 December 2022, 18:34:09 »
There was a previous iteration where Liz and Roshak were nuked on a landing field, but I don't think it maps directly to this one...


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #34 on: 27 December 2022, 02:08:27 »
She walked among the crowd...

Amanda  Roshak-Ngo  strode through the New Triad building, shipboots clacking on the polished marble, her attire both unique in the crowd, and a subtle insult. 

She just wore skinsuit, hair braided and wrapped tightly against her scalp to clear a helmet.  It was almost worse than someone showing up in a coolant vest and shorts.  The suit itself left damned little to the imagination, being tailored so tightly to her body.

there was not a speck of makeup on her face, Adam knew-her 'eyeshadow' was tattooed, the earpiece was a communication implant, not jewelry, and the sole and only reason she wasn't wearing her helmet with the visor down, was that it was hanging from a utility harness that also incorporated a 'belter style' PLSS (Portable life support system) with an autodoc.

"You came straight from the port?" he asked.

"Yes."  she pointedly ignored the other Nobles in the chamber.

"These are usually formal events, Duchess."

"This is what I have, Your Majesty."  Her 'kick me if you dare' stance conveyed hostility, "What do you want?"

He stood from the throne, and motioned her to follow him to his private office.  Guards held the door and guaranteed privacy.

"you can drop the act, Amanda." the Archon told her.

"Can I?" she asked, "You want to sign the treaties that will put my people out of work."

"I didn't say I wanted to." he shook his head.

"You're going to, then." she accused quietly.  "First, you let them have control of the HPG network, then, you let them dictate terms regarding naval construction,  You're giving them a subsidized status that undercuts our shipping, and this next treaty will allow them control over shipping bonds, insurance, and safety inspections while obligating you to enforce the same to their standards."

He didn't freeze.  "I won't ask you how you know about that."

"Well, at least we're not insulting one another's intellect." she observed.  "you're giving away everything my mother built, so now I'll ask you again." she crossed her arms, "What is it you want from me?"

"What is your intent, Amanda?" he asked quietly.  "I've heard rumours-like, you haven't visited a planetary surface in months.  rumours of money moving around..."

"I'm not hiring mercenaries, if you're worried about that." she told him.

"I know, LIC looked into the possibility.  You're also not speaking with most of the neighbors."

"I don't see much point." she said, "LaRue's incompetent, but not so incompetent she interferes with my business overmuch."

He motioned her to sit, as he took his own seat behind the desk.

"You don't like Tamari LaRue?" he inquired.

"I don't care about her one way or the other.  Her people try to rip my people off, there's been run-ins with the forces of her 'archonette', and threats of additional taxation, but the woman gets space-sick, Her armies are almost entirely ground based, and I just trade around her.  I understand she's popular with some of the dirtyfeet but that's not my concern."

"So the remaining Coast Guard won't intervene if I have to have her removed?"

"No concern of mine." Amanda said placidly, "My people don't make good profits in the Inarcs Archonette, and you already signed a treaty limiting us on that score.  On the other hand, we've made a decent amount working the Gilfallan's Gold to Mainstreet route, and of course, trading with the Sea Foxes and the Falcons."

"and Coventry?"

she nodded. "Ayeh."

"Your mother was a Patriot, Amanda."

"My mother reached ten thousand degrees celsius in under a second for her patriotism, along with hundreds of millions of my people, to the tune of three fourths of a billion of my people from radioactive fallout, persistent chemical weapons..." she shook her head, "And you let the criminals go-you let Stone give them amnesty.  My concern for the rest of the Lyran Commonwealth is proportional only to whether what is left of my people benefit more from remaining, or from seeking elsewhere...which is cheap for you, since there's no 'inhabitable land' left in my 'landhold'-if we leave, we leave.  Your treaty, the one we're talking around? will certainly help making that choice easier-I won't have to pack as much."

Adam rubbed his temples.  "and now you see my problem." he said.

"What problem? I'm sure Minh and Li tried to tell you the other treaties you signed off on, and the policies, were going to lead to this point." she didn't say it impishly, at least.  "The Commonwealth doesn't want us, so, we'll go."

"Go where?"

"Somewhere else." She shrugged, "Let you have what you want-no more arguments, no more pleading, no more complaints from us, we'll just pack ship and head out, set up somewhere else, and you can make friends with the bloody Terrans without my people getting in the way.  Maybe they'll find a serum or a cure for Alarion, once you've given them no reason to think you can ever recover on your own."

Adam winced.  "It's more complex than that, Amanda."

"No, it's more complex than that, for you." she told him, "For me, it's a packing, shipping and logistics problem.  conditions are no longer positive, my people have needs that are being sabotaged by your 'complex' foreign policy decisions, we're not stuck to a planet, so? we leave. no harm done-your treaties practically demand it...and if you actually go through with this latest one, well..." She shrugged, "We're not more valuable to your realm than Devlin Stone's good will, so we leave."

"And go where??" he met her eyes, "Where will you go, where CAN you go?"

"Anywhere that is out of Devlin Stone's reach." she told him, "I'm thinking antispinward, far side of the old Rim Worlds Republic. Plenty of places to go there, it's not like anyone can follow.  Coreward is right out, of course.  Only a moron would get closer to the Clan Homeworlds...but it won't be here."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #35 on: 27 December 2022, 02:19:56 »
Oof. Not even a check in the mail, just gonna pick up and go. Well it's not like Kowloon is short of jump capacity, even if sending the Jump Ferries on an interstellar journey is gonna take a decade and a half for them to get where they need to go.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #36 on: 27 December 2022, 02:45:13 »

And it's obviously the most reasonable choice to go with too. Considering that the RotS isn't much better than some C* incarnations and is going to ****** over everyone else as we well know.

Soooo 'manda's goin' to do what Lizzie never got to! Explore, and colonize new worlds!


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #37 on: 27 December 2022, 02:56:55 »
Assume two jumps every month, which isn't that bad, given the amount of gear they can carry...

Give it three years and they're long, long gone from The Inner Sphere.

Knock the dust from their sandals and leave.


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #38 on: 27 December 2022, 03:09:11 »
"Dad?" the door from his office to...

...the Archon's apartments opened. while Adam was in the meeting with Duchess Ngo.

"andrew, I'm busy-"

Amanda's harsh stare softened, "That's andrew?"

Andrew Steiner looked at his father's guest and a flicker of recognition-but only a flicker.

"Yes." Adam said, standing, "Andrew, you're not supposed to come in without knocking! where's your mother?"

"She sent me to get you dad, it's about Heather."

The Archon winced, "Duchess...can we take a moment?"

Amanda shrugged, "every moment you take is a moment you're not signing that treaty, it's a moment I'm not packing, so...sure.  why not? I haven't seen your boy since he was...what, three? four?"

"Four."  Adam informed her, "Come on, if it's about 'heather' then it'll be easy enough to sort out."

She rose and followed him from the 'office side' to the Archon's apartments.

"I should've fostered you, dammit." Adam mentioned.

"better that you didn't." she said, "At least, on my side of things. I'm not mom."

"your mother wouldn't have made that threat." he noted.

"Mom wouldn't have considered it." she reflected back, "then again, if mom was alive you'd have listened to her, so things wouldn't be where we are right now."

"Where are we right now, Amanda?" he asked as they climbed stairs behind the archon's son.  "What is the situation? you're threatening to leave-making ultimatums and you know I can't cave to those."

"You do a good job of it when Stone's people do it." she replied tartly, "the difference is, I'm not 'making an ultimatum'-we might still leave anyway-but a lot fewer of us will go."

He sighed, "Amanda, losing your people's ships, and shipping, would be catastrophic for us."

"Then don't sign the treaty." she said,  "Let my people ply their trade, let us handle our expenses, honor our debts and control our destiny and we'll stay, giving it to the Terrans? we're goneThey murdered our world, Sir."

"that was the word of Blake."

"Terrans." she said with a nod, "They even got their hegemony back and renamed it a 'republic', but it's the same thing.  one faction of Terrans bombed us, another takes charge in some of the most questionable military achievements in human memory...which is probably an inside job.  I don't trust them and neither do my people.  if you don't sign the treaty, I can take that back to my people, and they'll maybe stay.  You have to understand, I reminded you of three PRIOR treaties my folks don't like, that have cost us unfairly.  We lost our homeworld, all we have left, are the ships,  you're letting yourself get talked into giving them everything we rely on to live.  If we can't trade, and we're under some foreigner's control, there's no reason to remain.  We're not Sollies, Sir, not content to be cattled up and restricted by the Terrans."


"Sol Beltas." she made a face, "we're not them, that's not our way. I'm not welcoming the idea of having to ask some foreigner for permission to travel, or build a ship, or station, and I feel we're paying enough right now for them...too much, even."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #39 on: 27 December 2022, 04:20:40 »
My only question about leaving is "what about Spider Moon"?  Can they take the entire facility somehow? ???


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #40 on: 27 December 2022, 06:41:16 »
I wouldn't put it past them if they constructed the Spider Moon facility out of modular blocks into which it can be broken down again and moved. :-)


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #41 on: 27 December 2022, 06:43:28 »
While she is talking on Tharkad her people are already leaving.

And no one knows what they stashed away from the war.

And as for the Aladin stuff: drop it on Terra and see if and how quickly they'll find a cure ... if Terrasse is dead afterwards then Stone was not an inside job.


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #42 on: 27 December 2022, 07:46:31 »
"I understand your feelings, Amanda, but...

...there really are other considerations."  they reached the sitting room, and Amanda got a good look at 'Heather'. 

The Rottweiler was cowering under one of the settee tables, whining.

"What the-?"

Adam snapped his fingers, and slapped his thigh, and the dog came out from under the table, head held low, whining.


"blood." she observed.  "you shouldn't have a dog that big indoors."

The Archon grunted, and examined the animal's feet, "Marie, did you call the vet already?"  he plucked a shard of ceramic from the animal's paw.

"She's a gift...goodness, Amanda, you've grown!"  Her majesty, the wife-consort, Marie Steiner observed, adding, "though not as much as I thought you would."

"It's been four years." Amanda observed, adding, "I was kinda surprised how big Andrew's getting.  I'm not here on a social call."

"She's already threatened an embargo."

"I did NOT say 'embargo', I said if the new Treaty with the Republic gets signed into force, my people are leaving." Amanda enunciated, "that's not an embargo, it's a divorce.  I need something to take back to the Co-ops and the Guilds or it's going to happen."

Adam seemed to finally understand her, as he rolled the dog on its back, and gave it reassuring pets.  "It's not your threat."

"I'm just the messenger." she told him.  "I have enough people angry enough that it's literally you pick us, or pick Stone's Republic at this point."

"You, Duchess." he pointed at her.

"Me-Duchess, sure-as long as people will follow me." she snapped back, "Especially in my position-I don't exactly have a lot of real-estate to garrison mercenaries to override my vassals and ram it down their throats, Highness-my people only follow me voluntarily.  This isn't a big deal for Defiance, or Norse Storm, it's nothing for Langenecker, Lockheed, Coventry Metalworks-those guys are fine with whatever as long as they get paid, and most of them don't care who does the paying...but my people?  We're getting Shafted by Stone's 'trade deals' and the things he's getting your government, because I sure as hell don't run it, to do in the name of 'sphere wide prosperity'-a thing whose definition seems to be 'creating a monopoly on not only HPG communications, but interstellar transport'."

she crossed her arms, adding, "A Foreign monopoly, and his negotiators want YOU enforcing HIS monopoly, on us.  That's not going to work for us, so the mood is walk.  If you agree to it, we're not staying-because I can't make them stay and I don't want to.  The first is simply practical reality and the second is a moral stance."

"We need the trade with the Federated Suns, and Yvonne already signed off." He told her.

"Well, she's an idiot if she did.  I read the draft copy."  Amanda shook her head, "It's literally handing over everything in your shipping industry but the blame if something goes wrong."

"it cant be that bad!!"

Amanda sighed, reached into her satchel-bag, and produced a data reader.  "It is.  The wellwallah you sent as a negotiator doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, Highness-either that, or he's Stone's man instead of yours.  Either way, this is all over the Guilds in the Realm now, and the co-ops, my people know your representative has given away the store and agreed to sink every independent, every small shipper, every non-corporate hauler, and all of my people in exchange for what amounts to beads and plague blankets, so instead of attending the 'social event of the  year' I'm here on actual business because we're a signature and a ratification away from my people picking up and leaving...and there's half a billion of us just in the Kowloon system, not including friends among The Folk whom are just as mad."

"That could be catastrophic..." Marie observed.

"No kidding?" Amanda's expression was almost rude, "You think??  Put it this way-the only people who benefit from this, are the Republic, and the Sea Fox/Diamond Shark guys, everyone else gets it up the uncomfortable hole with a sandpaper phallus if they aren't in Clan territory or registered with the RoTS."

"How many ships?" Adam asked.

'Enough to move more than half a billion people in whatever direction we decide to go." she told him, "It's probably around forty percent of extant shipping capacity in the Commonwealth-which I suppose, Mister Devlin Stone can make up, but that makes you his bitch on TWO THIRDS of your economic and political power-he'll own your communications both by HPG, and by Courier Post, and with the whole 'not rebuilding the navy' you agreed to, that's permanent-I know what's at Gibbs, they can't build enough hulls to make it up if you could find the navigators to run it."

Comprehension in Marie's eyes first, "You're angry because you think you'll lose-you don't want this."

"No, I don't." Amanda sighed and dropped into the couch.  "I don't want this, but I promised them I'd try, to get them NOT to stage a general strike and start evacuations right ****** now."

"But you'll go with them if you lose?" Marie asked.

"Yeah." Amanda said, "assuming I'm not shot or imprisoned, if you cave to Stone, I'll leave with my people, we won't be coming back."


"Because it means you chose the Terrans over ours." she said simply, "because it means my people-people like me don't have a place here anymore, and I don't want to see my people dying, and I don't want to kill anyone-especially not people my mother considered friends, or people I owe a personal debt of gratitude to."

"You don't think you owe the Republic." Adam asked.

"No. I don't. I really don't." Amanda stated, "I owe YOU, and...I mean, warm feelings for your family, Archon...but my duty is to my people, I have to at least try to do right for them."

Marie handed the Archon a roll of gauze and a tube of antibiotic ointment, which he wrapped the dog's injured paw in, before speaking.  "I wasn't going to sign it, Amanda."  He looked up at her, "I'm still not.  Take it back to your folks, let them know-my intent is to tell Lear 'we can't afford it'...the really frightening thing, is how you got that information."


"because those negotiations were supposed to be secure." he stood up.  " did you get it?"

"We're not Sollies, but they are kind of like Cousins-at least, the Belters are." she said, "and the Folk are even closer cousins, but I first read it from a Guild officer who works mostly in Ghost Bear space on the near-terran runs, she got it from a source at Ross, who got it because Stone's put in a massive order for commercial jumpships and the co-ops there asked why."

"You've got a back-channel?"

Amanda looked uncomfortably at the floor.

"You do." Adam said.  "My god, you're like your mother...but...almost worse...It's not yours alone, is it?"

"Guild." she said, "Guild an' Folk.  I made my six second record this year, got to meet the Pathfinder Board rep for the Lyran Commonwealth."

"but no patch." he said, "Your mother told me about those...let's see... fifty jumps navigated, I remember you being excited in your report last may...and you've done a six second you definitely qualify... so why no patch?"

"Tasking." she said.

"Talking to me." he filled in.  "Negotiating, because you're a navigator, but you're also a Noble, and represent a Spacer community as their Noble."

"Higher standards." Amanda agreed.  "I'm in a cleft here, and you bailed me out-If you were to sign onto that treaty with the Republic, I'd lose everything but the Nav-Cert with my people."

"They can't strip your title."

"They can refuse to listen." she replied.  "do you know what a Noble without followers is? a noble title without followers is defined as absolutely irrelevant.  I don't have habitable lands to attract dirtyfeet, the only reason they gave me this chance, is my heritage, but that's something that turns irrelevant damned fast if I don't turn out results."

"Keep as many from leaving as you can, Amanda, I'll keep your independence from the Terrans." Adam told her.  "Deal?"

she nodded, and they shook hands.  "It's a contract."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #43 on: 27 December 2022, 10:23:05 »
Honestly they should leave anyway. They are already ready more or less and it took being slapped with the fact his nation was about to get gutted to get Adam to claw it back. Now he will try to keep them from leaving or at least gutting them so bad by taking so much shipping away. Terra and its mother doctrine is very much in ascendance right now as well and Stone will keep trying to break the kowloon as a threat. Knowing Elizabeth full archives of everything was on the Spider Moon and elsewhere so they probable lost little info and have probably only gotten stronger trading with the clans and others. Its now or perhaps never and being part of the IS and Lyrans have never not been a bad deal for them.


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #44 on: 27 December 2022, 11:21:20 »
"I...I don't understand...

...It was done!!"  Dr. David Lear was astonished when the Archon's response did not come back with a signed treaty.  Instead, it came back from Tharkad with what amounted to a letter of no-thank-you, accompanied by an order to the Lyran Ambassador to stand down and return home, his replacement would be appointed.

A Replacement that would have to be worked all over again.

Devlin looked over his shoulder at the specific text.

"Short, to the point.  He said 'no'." Devlin Stone told his top advisor. 

"This could be a disaster." Lear insisted.

"No." Devlin stone shook his head, "As long as we've got the Federated Suns, Draconis Combine, and at least two thirds of the Free Worlds on board, it's a minor hiccup.  We'll finish dealing with the Capellans, and they'll have to sign on, and the Lyrans will have to pony up anyway...but this time you can be harsher-we won't have to give out as many sweeteners to make them take the medicine."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #45 on: 27 December 2022, 11:51:54 »
Except the Lyrans don't need the trade persay and if they are the only ones with a functional navy and merchant marine then when grey Monday comes they will be in a far better position.

idea weenie

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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #46 on: 27 December 2022, 12:02:47 »
"I...I don't understand...

...It was done!!"  Dr. David Lear was astonished when the Archon's response did not come back with a signed treaty.  Instead, it came back from Tharkad with what amounted to a letter of no-thank-you, accompanied by an order to the Lyran Ambassador to stand down and return home, his replacement would be appointed.

A Replacement that would have to be worked all over again.


I wonder if what they did will be medically visible to the Lyran government, so the Archon knows that Terra cannot be trusted.  From there, let the other Successor States know what is really going on?


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #47 on: 27 December 2022, 12:05:39 »
I suspect it's less Manchurian candidate and more just application of charisma and social pressure,  as is the age old diplomatic game.


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #48 on: 27 December 2022, 12:21:29 »
if there is any sign of changes even if it is only in personality then I would bet that all of the treaties with the republic of the sphere will be looked at again with an eye towards voiding them


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #49 on: 27 December 2022, 12:24:27 »
"Huh.  That's funny."

Amanda studied the telescope imagery, and compared it to the bounce from the ship's longer-ranged radar.  KCGS Nathan Roshak was a Sampan IV, one of the last ones built before they had to hide the shipyard and core forges that built her from nationalization in 3078.

They floated in deep interstellar space, watching a specific target, and she wasn't watching the target anymore.

"Figure the mass is around thirty one or thirty two million tons?" she mused.

"About that.  either that's got the record-breaking biggest jump drive in existence, or it's been drifting for a few millenia."

"You're assuming we built it." she noted.  "It's not guaranteed. Neutrinos?"

"No ma'am."

"So either she's got boss shielding over reactors, better than we can make, or she's cold... Let's get a closer look. prep external marker and docking lights, let's see what we're seeing.  Helm, bring us up to one hundred kilometers, smooth pass, let's see what I'm seeing, it might still just be a funny rock."

"Ayeh mum."  Her helmsman was older than she was.  everyone on board was, but Amanda had sixty nonstandard jumps including three record shots under ten seconds, and this was her fortieth or so trip into the deep black where only your fusion engine can really charge the core.

Not bad for a sixteen year old three fourths of a Terran year from seventeen.

"Weps, what does that hull look like on radar to you?"

"smooth.  I'm not seeing much pitting.  bounce back freqs look like she's metallic..and artificial is what I'm thinking."

They'd come deep into enemy territory after her trip to Tharkad, instead of heading 'home'.

Take a look at the old enemy, sit in the black and study them...

and now this.

"maybe an O'Neill colony?" she mused, "From before the Star League blew itself out?"

Their 105,000 ton 'large cutter' was intermediate in size-the Sampan III's were 75,000 and the Landmarks her mother built for the wars were half a million tons.

they finished a globular search pattern around the object.

"no engine nozzles visible." she noted, "Bring us in closer."

The exterior was carved looking, not from impact, but as if someone had come up with an art installation of enormous size.

like symmetrical bas-relief.

"Curiouser and Curiouser, said Alice." Amanda murmured.  'Does that look like an airlock to you?"

"Might be. could just be the first service panel we've found."

"Might be." she agreed.  "SO maybe" she denied the thought even as it tried to rise.  "not anyone we know, I think.  Bring us to twenty kilometers, I want a clearer look with visible light."

"Ayeh mum."

the lights struck it, illuminating more, it wasn't...didn't look like anything so much as a giant, bronze statue made by a demented impresionist artist.

"Neutrino flux!"

the bas-reliefs of the strange object glowed bluish-white, then it streaked away-toward the galactic core.

'WOW!!" Amanda said with delight.  "We saw something new!!"

"Ayeh mum...I can't pick it up. that thing is gone."

"yeah, but we saw it!" she declared, "Did we get recordings?"


she leaned back, "okay.NOW we can go home."

"What about your peek at the Sol system?"

"I'd as soon get to where we can check for any past rumours." she judged, "Just in case it IS something someone else worked up.  It didn't jump but that kind of accel? and the speed it had to be going? that sucker's capable of FTL in a way we don't know how to do...yet.  I don't think it's Terran, and I doubt the rest of the Inner Sphere has that kind of tech-something that big and heavy?" she shook her head.

she shook off the wonder, and began plotting the return course to Kowloon-using a path that avoided inhabited systems. 

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #50 on: 27 December 2022, 13:33:13 »
Aliens with a alien ftl or just a realized warp drive Kowloon plays with but never gets anywhere with before story ends. But deep in the IS?


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #51 on: 27 December 2022, 17:32:30 »
Curiouser and curiouser indeed!  8)

And all the +s for Adam telling Stone to stuff it!  :thumbsup:


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #52 on: 27 December 2022, 17:58:03 »
Adam understood logistics
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #53 on: 27 December 2022, 18:30:58 »
It looks like this time, there's aliums tooling about the inner sphere.

I've been playing enough Terra Invicta enough to know what to do. Study them, and consider the next moves very very carefully.


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #54 on: 27 December 2022, 19:00:00 »
I feel lots of ME influence in this one here... also excellent choice by the Lyran Steiner-Davion representative!


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #55 on: 27 December 2022, 19:10:53 »
Stone should have asked why...
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #56 on: 27 December 2022, 19:17:38 »
Far as he knows he has won and the uppity barbarians have to fall in line or suffer until they do. Its only when the Lyrans thrive as they give him and his republic the finger he will realize something has gone terrible wrong.


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #57 on: 28 December 2022, 00:20:59 »
I'm not sure Stone the WOBBIE Man will every understand, now Lear he will
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #58 on: 28 December 2022, 00:58:29 »
>>>>[You're only jealous because the voices don't talk to you]<<<<


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Re: Mark of the Beast
« Reply #59 on: 28 December 2022, 02:18:44 »
"...well, we know WHO...

...talked Adam into rejecting the Uniform Naval Treaty."  Paladin Victor Ian Steiner-Davion announced, as he sat down at the conference table.

"Who?" Devlin Stone asked.

"Amanda Roshak Ngo.  Elizabeth's kid, from Kowloon." Victor stated, "also sole survivor of the family after Adam recovered her from a bomb shelter on the planet back in '77-when the Blakists hit the place with a few hundred city-killer nukes, plus chemical weapons, to try and shut down the yards there when their 'subtle' release of a pathogen failed to take out the Boojum yards."

"Remind me, now, how did it fail?" Devlin asked.

"Simple, the yards weren't built around a single big station, so the outbreak was detected and contained to a single hab module."  Victor clarified, "most of those yards were already highly decentralized with a lot of hard vacuum between structures, so the copy of the Alarion bug just got the one module de-orbited into the gas giant, instead of taking out the whole place.  Their second try was with, like I said, some of their mothball fleet and used nukes and chemical weapons on the planet before being chased off by elements of the combined allied fleets."

"They recovered?"

Victor shook his head, "nope.  lost three quarter billion people on Kowloon itself, and another five million to combat in the fighting, but when Lizzie was swearing in to mom, back in the fifties? they had half a billion imitation belters living in the outer system-those people? they're Amanda's subjects and vassals now...and they have ties to a collection of guilds and independent shippers, which is now her core business and economic model."

"and how does this tie together?" Belle Lee asked, looking a little nonplussed.

"Guess who's nervous about getting hit by downsides in the treaty?" Victor asked, "I'll give you three guesses, but I had to have Legate Kane from our RAF Naval arm explain it to me, so if you miss, it's fine."

"Pseudo-belters? you mean, the kind of people-"

"Who see a planet-through the window, or maybe from orbit, or only ground when they're making a delivery." Victor explained patiently. " would they see the commerce protection and guarantees in the treaty, or the insurance and licensing?"

"Oh...For chrissakes!! It's beneficial!!" Lee spat out.

"Perspective." Devlin spoke up, "WE see the benefits, what they see is the intrusion of a potential monopoly that will bankrupt them.  Am I right, Victor?"

"Hole in one, sir." Victor commented, "Kane's from Cambiano-they've got a Belter community too-and one that's a lot closer to the ones here in the Sol system than Kowloon and their Rockjacks-cousins you might call 'em, differing philosophical camps going back to First Exodus years.  Point being, they left the Sol system, and the Uniform Naval Treaty's update puts a lot of OUR rules on THEIR shipping...they don't want it, so they sent Amanda Ngo to talk Adam into refusing."

"What's her record?"

"Damned thin." Victor noted, "She's sixteen...but I remember her mom led a revolt and civil war that removed a corrupt regency at fourteen, and helped the Commonwealth recover enough naval power to support Operation Scour-most of that naval power is waiting to be dismantled under the arms limitation treaties, which probably pisses the Kowloonese off, since that's ALSO bread-and-butter issues for them, and there's still some anger over having most of the Boojum yard moved to rebuild Gibbs."

"Why would that be a factor?"

"Because they think you had something to do with that." Victor said tartly.  "You didn't, WE didn't, but it's one of those 'common knowledge' rumours, according to Kane."

"and her leverage?"

"Influence over forty percent or so of the Commonwealths' domestic shipping thanks to her Mom's work back in the fifties and sixties." Victor observed, "Plus blood ties, plus Amanda her own self growing up among the Rockjacks after the bombardment of Kowloon, while still having SOME ties to Adam's administration, since he and Elizabeth were friends since the Falcon Incursion-she helped move his forces during the counterstrike that drove the salient in, and kept supplies going to units abandoned by Great Aunt Nondi during the civil there's lots of contacts that kid has, and a certain...perspective."

"So what was the threat she used?" Belle asked.

Victor shrugged, "not sure.  It'd have to be something though-Adam was all for it when we talked, and then...poof! changed his mind."

Devlin frowned and leaned forward on the table, resting his chin in his palm, "Speculate."

Victor thought about what Kane told him, and his brief discussions with Elizabeth before he left on Bulldog.  "Embargo maybe." he said, "Or a general strike? Only those would only work if they had a centralized leadership, and we'd know through Republic Intelligence if there were any moves that way, wouldn't we?"

"We should." David Lear admitted, "This person, let me check..."

He typed something into a networked portable.



"What?" Devlin asked.

"Almost nothing from Source Alabaster." Lear confessed, "There are 'progress reports' from her to the Archon-to Adam Steiner, and precious little in the way of financial activity, but the girl doesn't seem to make much use of HPG all.  Source  Emerald has a few notes of contact, but she doesn't use Clanner HPG's either. for someone with that much reach, we should have some record of their ties and communications."

"Unless she's like her mother." Victor observed.

"Come again?"

"Elizabeth almost NEVER used HPG's, she didn't trust the security of third-party providers, she actually tried to convince me to shift military communications off the network when I was the Heir." he clarified, "And that was when she was swearing in in ' did she put it? 'The Terrans already betrayed us on multiple occasions, do you really think they're going to honor their pledges?' ...huh."

"The Terrans?" Lee frowned.  "Not Comstar, the Terrans."

Victor flinched a moment, as if something..."No, she said Earthers...huh. weird...why did I interpret it that way?"

"It's not a problem, Victor." Lear said hurriedly, "human memory can be fallible."

"Right." victor snapped his fingers.  "Yeah.  Her mom didn't have a whole lot of love for Comstar, or really the idea of bringing back the Star League, kinda funny she'd end up marrying a Crusader Clanner who wanted to bring it back."

"How...well did you know her then?" Devlin asked.

Victor shrugged, "Met her a few times when she was called to Tharkad, she managed to arrange the logistics for us when we pushed the Falcons off Coventry and she went 'neutral' when the Civil War kicked off.  Sent me the nastiest message about starting that, too, one of her few HPG personal messages, and it was CC'ed to Katherine, accused us both of trashing the realm in the middle of an invasion.  Your friend Chandy would've liked her, I suspect...if he didn't already know her on his own."

"And you?" Lear prodded.

"Elizabeth Ngo was...hard to tolerate, Dave." Victor said.  "Mom might've liked her...or liked using her, but the woman was a stone-hearted bitch even as a teenager.  Ruthless and paranoid, she'd make old Takahashi Kurita look like Theodore's nice uncle.  If her kid is like she is, she's paranoid, vicious, ruthless, and efficient...and holds grudges, because one thing Mom told me, was that her people seem to be better at holding grudges than anyone in the Commonwealth including Free Skye."

"SO...we're going to need a complete profile on Amanda Ngo, her contacts, her powerbase, and what kind of leverage she's got on Adam Steiner." Lear said crisply.

"I'd be more worried about what kind of hold she's got on those Spacers." Victor interrupted Lear.  "Liz overcame most of Katherine's blockades while telling Nondi Steiner to go ****** herself, while building a Navy that by all normal means, she didn't have the inherent resources to do for Peter, then for Adam.  Her kid is even Deeper with groups we don't have good information on."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

