Author Topic: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star  (Read 53461 times)


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #390 on: 05 March 2024, 15:59:34 »
Love the updates! Cirion is actually showing some brains and making the best of a shit situation. If she had been Clan, this would have been prime hegira time. As it is, because the Black Warriors ARE an actual House unit for Circinus, they'll likely be treated as proper POWs instead of pirates.

Also I know that the 295th and Niops do NOT practice taking bondsmen, but if I were the aerojock commander on the Niops side, I'd bring that Sparrowhawk pilot in for a nice conversation about whether he or she would like to immigrate. The accounts indicate a decent-to-good amount of skill and situational awareness for a lightfighter jock, and it is not their fault that they did not know the Tomahawk was a cheat code Early Clan version.


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #391 on: 05 March 2024, 17:57:11 »
That was very good chapter!!  I was so hoping read some good juice combat action, we got it! Thank you, Hotpoint!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #392 on: 05 March 2024, 18:19:18 »
Awesome storytelling, but...

The Orion (in particular) certainly doesn't have an AC/5, and if its armor has been replaced with Ferro and Heat Sinks doubled, I REALLY want to know what else it's carrying... Everything Niops has should turn the Orion into a TRULY frightening machine! ;)


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #393 on: 12 March 2024, 11:01:40 »
Part XLI - Section 1 of 2


"Even at its worst the Star League, or rather the Terran Hegemony, was never nakedly imperialistic. It always preferred to operate under a veneer of paternalism, telling people that we're doing this for your own good and you'll see that one day as it dispatched its military might off out into the galaxy, and raised the Cameron Star wherever SLDF boots hit the ground. With that inspiration and background it is not perhaps surprising that as Niops expanded its own influence it had a tendancy to come accross as well-meaning but also more a little condescending at times. People involved in quarrels with each other do not usually like being told, 'play nice children or we'll come over there and take your toys away', although this tended to be more the product of Niops being terrible at many aspects of regular diplomacy, while being very good at the gunboat kind rather than deliberate antagonism."

Stephen J. Tran, Red Star Rising: A History of Niops 2800-2900 - Niops Press, 2915


Zenith Jump-Point – Niops System – 2839

"In all honesty sir, I can't believe we're taking this crap seriously" Lieutenant-Colonel Mary Heath, the station commander stated candidly as she escorted General Hallis from the airlock where his dropship had docked towards the brig where the prisoners waited. "Anyone can say that they're soldiers, but if you ask me these ****** are the most piratety pirates that ever pirated."

"I can't say I disagree Colonel, but actually proving that to a sufficient degree that we can hang them, or else just ship them to Alphard to dig up germanium for the rest of their lives, is another matter unfortunately" Franklin Hallis replied glumly. "You know I can never get used to just how smooth the grav deck on this thing feels" he added randomly, "nowhere near as much sense that there's something a bit wrong with 'down' as I remember from being stuck on the Zug all that time and that was a better grav-deck than most."

"It's over twelve-hundred metres across, makes all the difference" Heath replied. "I try and run the loop whenever I can, it's not a bad way to stay in shape and the deck circumference is long enough that you don't feel like you're in a hamster wheel" she said. "As for our guests, well I mean they literally have the Jolly Roger painted on their mechs, and their supposed 'uniforms' would have to be a lot more uniform to be considered, well, actual uniforms, so it all seems ridiculous to credit their claims with any merit."

Hallis stopped walking and sighed, taking a small pocket noteputer from out of a pocket on his jacket, pressing a few buttons and then turning it around to show Heath what was on the screen. "It only took me a few minutes searching through the military database to find multiple units that have used a skull, or skull and crossbones design as their unit insignia over the years" he said, scrolling through a few of them to show her. "All of these examples come from legitimate military commands, hell, according to their pirate queen her grandfather got the idea from a book about Frederick the Great he once read as a military cadet. They called it the Totenkopf in German."

Heath smiled at the use of the phrase 'pirate queen' since it did indicate Hallis wasn't buying into what they were selling. "Her grandfather?" she queried.

"Zachariah Cirion, he started out as an SLDF regular. That's the other problem, the Black Warriors had already adopted their skull-and-crossbones insignia when they were still affiliated with the SLDF, at least tangentially as a mercenary regiment under contract, and nobody made a fuss about it when they were training new recruits for Kerensky" Hallis told her, putting the noteputer back in his pocket and starting to walk again.

Heath frowned. "That's true? They actually did that? I mean I heard that's what they claimed but…"

"All true, we checked the records. Not just Zachariah himself but most of regiment were originally SLDF who left to become mercenaries after putting in their time, honourable discharges not deserters" Hallis confirmed. "They fell out with their employers in the Free Worlds League apparently, which is how they ended up out in the periphery in the first place, but when the Amaris coup happened they declared for Kerensky and returned to the colours. It's not like we're dealing with another Blood Rain scenario, these sons-of-bitches were on our side during the war. They were mercs but they were still loyal to the Star League."

"Which makes a difference I suppose" Heath responded with a shrug.

"General Romanov thinks that it earns them a fair hearing at least" Hallis replied. "I assume Major MacArthur had similar thoughts on the matter which is why he chose to have them all carted back here rather than just let the Illyrian's have them."

Heath nodded, she also suspected that MacArthur was smart enough to make them somebody else's problem. "I stuck most of them in an empty barracks I could secure, placing the officers in the brig as ordered" Heath told him. "No real problems with them causing trouble, they're disciplined enough I'll admit, but they've been complaining about the fonio porridge I've been feeding them."

"Took me a while to get used to it when the first shipments arrived from Alphard a few years back. If you ask me they should turn all of that grain into beer and stick to oats for porridge" Hallis opined. "After I've talked to Ms. Cirion I'll let General Romanov know my assessment and then she'll discuss the matter with the High Associator."

"I sort-of expected you to arrive with an interrogation team" Heath admitted. "One of Gloria's proteges or maybe even the scary old lady herself."

"The truth-drugs and thumbscrews are on hold, at least for now" Hallis replied with a wry smile. "It's not just the foreign policy aspect of the political dimension involved, although Circinus is a sovereign nation-state so it's a factor, the truth is Olson wasn't all that happy when he signed off on enhanced interrogation techniques for Stefani Marcus and her merry band of slavers and unapologetic war criminals. We've no indication that the Black Warriors are that level of irredeemably evil scum, they might just be amoral opportunists, so they get the kid gloves treatment unless our civilian masters decide otherwise."

"Just a suggestion, but putting them all on trial would cost the taxpayer a lot more than putting them out the airlock" Heath observed, only partly in jest. "Here we are Sir" she told him as they arrived at the door to the security offices with the brig attached to them. "Do you want me to sit in with you during your conversation with the ranking prisoner?" she asked.

"That won't be necessary Colonel, you've got a station to run" Hallis replied as she opened the door for him and led him inside. "And a well-run station it seems to be. I'll let Brigadier-General Nellis know that he put the right person in charge when the SLDF transferred command over to the Militia."

"Nice of you to say so Sir, but I'd hope he knew that already" Heath replied, smiling. "I'll have a security team escort the prisoner to the interrogation room. Everyone knows that you are to be referred to by your alias at all times for security reasons."

"I hope their memories are better than mine, I nearly forgot to only put one star on my collar when I got dressed on the dropship this morning. It only occurred to me when I switched the 'Hallis, F' nametag on my uniform for the 'Franklin, H' one."

Heath chuckled. "I you don't mind me saying so, but your secret identity as 'Brigadier-General Hal Franklin' isn't the most difficult pseudonym to see through" she commented.

"You wouldn't be the first to say" Hallis told her. "In my defence it's refuge in audacity because if the clanners ever caught wind of a General Hal Franklin on Niops they're going to assume I couldn't possibly be so stupid as to adopt that as a fake identity" he said, grinning. "Also, it's easy for me to remember" he added.

"Pity your real surname wasn't something a little more common, like say 'Smith', you could have kept using it" Heath observed.

"Yeah, but the thing that really chaps my ass is that the kits with the McEvedy bloodname could still get to use it because it's been suggested they pretend to be the descendants of that lunatic Alpheus McEvedy not Sarah" Hallis complained. That was another refuge in audacity move, if the clans ever found out there was a planet in the Niops Association called 'McEvedy's Folly' it would ring a lot of alarm bells, but if they investigated further and found it had already been nicknamed that before the Exodus, and for an entirely different member of the wider McEvedy family, that could throw them off the scent nicely.

Still, the most amusing alias had to be the one that Kirsten Mroczkiewicz had suggested for those that bore her bloodname after a lifetime of being asked 'how the hell do you spell that?'. On off-world deployments their name-patches and dog-tags now said 'Brzęczyszczykiewicz' instead.

Assuming that they hadn't hauled her all the way from Illyria just to throw her out an airlock Anjelica Cirion was relaxed enough as she sat patiently waiting in the the interrogation room. Her chair beside the grey metal table in the middle of the room wasn't exactly the most comfortable but they hadn't roughed her up or mistreated her in any way, other than feed her that weird gruel with the suspicious taste and texture, and so far it seemed like they took this 'We're the SLDF' thing seriously enough to still follow the regulations regarding the correct treatment of Prisoners of War.

Of course, if they concluded that she was a pirate, not a POW, that would all change. The Star League didn't believe in torture of brutality, but it did believe that pirates were legally hostis humani generis, the enemy of all mankind, and did not treat them leniently.

The door to the room opened and a surprisingly familiar looking man wearing an SLDF duty uniform bearing the rank insignia of a Brigadier-General entered, closing the door again behind him. "Anjelica Cirion?" he checked.

"That would be Major Anjelica Cirion, Sir" she replied. "I would stand up and salute but, you know…" she continued, rattling the handcuffs that were securing her to the table.

"Just be grateful they're not leg irons like we normally put on pirates" Franklin Hallis replied evenly. "Brigadier-General Henry Franklin" he introduced himself, taking a seat across from her. "If they're not calling me 'Sir' most people call me 'Hal', both friends and enemies, don't consider yourself the former."

"I think I've met your son, Sir" Cirion replied. "He's the spitting image of you."

"Yes, he was attached to our training unit's deployment to Illyria" Hallis confirmed. "Scored his first kill according to the after-action report."

"He manhandled me aboard a dropship, none too gently either" Cirion told the senior officer.

"Probably a little sore that you and your people kill or maim a few of the kids he once helped train" Hallis replied placidly. "Of course, not nearly as many as our people killed and maimed of yours" he added. The losses weren't as bad for either side as they could have been of course, if MacArthur had rejected Cirion's offer of surrender under the terms she wanted they would have been considerably worse for the SLDF even if victory was assured by that point in the battle. Forcing your opponent to fight to the death might be the most decisive form of victory but it was rarely a good idea if you had any regard for the lives of your own people.

More armour and the use of CASE to prevent internal ammunition explosions had minimised the number of SLDF personnel that returned to Niops in a box, and the medical technology available to the SLDF could fix practically anything short of outright death, being able to replace lost limbs with cybernetics or even clone replacement organs if necessary, but in Hallis's mind they were still just the little kids he remembered them being. The Ironborn might have been literally bred for war but they weren't ultimately disposable military hardware like the machines they piloted, they were human beings and they needed to be regarded as such.

"Considering you had numerical superiority and better equipment we didn't do too badly Sir" Cirion defended the battlefield performance of the Black Warriors under her command.

"I'll concede the point" Hallis replied with a shrug. "For what it's worth Major MacArthur actually praised your handling of the tactical situation in his report, he noted your intelligent choice of terrain on which to fight the action and the piloting and gunnery skills of your people."

"We're professionals" Cirion responded, looking him in the eyes. "Professional soldiers, definitely not the pirate rabble you're accusing us of being."

"That remains to be decided" Hallis told her without commitment. "Major MacArthur also included your claims as regards your supposedly 'legitimate military reason for launching a pre-emptive strike on the Illyrian Palatinate' in his report. Would you care to elaborate on the steaming pile of Eiglotherium shit you're trying to feed us?" he asked sardonically. "Are you really trying to say that you believed that the Illyrian Palatinate was preparing to invade Circinus?"

"No" Cirion replied.

"No?" Hallis repeated, confused.

"No" Cirion confirmed. "I didn't think that the Palatinate was going to invade Circinus, my government got it into their heads that it was, based upon some pretty spurious thinking if you ask me" she told him. "It's not like they just pulled the idea completely out of their ass though."

"Whose ass did they pull it out of then?" Hallis asked wryly.

"Look, we've been living next to the Illyrian Palatinate for decades and we never considered them any kind of threat whatsoever until like the last five years or so" Cirion told him, spinning a carefully crafted yarn designed to keep her and her people away from prison, or worse a gallows. "To describe their military equipment as being Reunification War or even Age of War vintage, would have been generous, they were still using archaic rifled cannon on towed mounts as anti-mech weaponry for God's sake, but then a few years back we got word that they had started to substantially overhaul their military after basically neglecting it for centuries."

Hallis frowned. "In what sense?" he asked.

"One day a load of Star League weaponry started to appear in their inventories, for a start those old towed guns were being replaced by vehicle-mounted autocannons, decent ones in good working order. Not only that they also had a load of good quality laser cannon they were hanging off everything that could move, as well as a whole bunch of SRM and LRM launchers" Cirion explained. "At first we thought they must have dug up one of those Star League caches that are supposed to be hidden somewhere on Illyria, but then we found out that they had been bartering refined metals from their foundries and ore from their mines for the things."

"You seem very well informed" Hallis replied guardedly, and more than a little suspiciously.

"Circinus keeps its ear to the ground and its eye on its neighbours, it's a dangerous galaxy out there" Cirion replied, not wanted to make it seem like a big deal. "Don't be too impressed by our intelligence gathering though, the Palatinate isn't exactly a closed society" she continued. "We eventually found out that they were getting the weapons from you, because someone that was part of the crew of a transport ship that hauls iron ore from Illyria to the Marik's was talking about it in a bar" she said with a gentle chuckle. "I guess you needed steel from the Palatinate so you could build things like this seriously impressive station" she suggested, looking around, "but you had more military surplus than you did ready cash to pay for it right?"

"More of the case that we've had trouble getting people to accept the Niops Dollar in the past" Hallis replied. "Weaponry is even more of a universally accepted currency than C-Bills are."

"Yeah, and you don't have to worry about ComStar giving you a shitty rate of exchange or skimming off the top" Cirion observed. "Anyhow, the Palatinate were re-arming, but still not nearly enough to add them to the list of people we had to worry about yet, but then last year we found out that they had done a deal with the Magistracy of Canopus to buy a huge amount of military hardware; mechs, tanks and aerospace fighters, which is when our government became more concerned."

Hallis tried not to look surprised. "Why would that concern you?" he asked, she was wrong about the mechs specifically but otherwise mostly correct. He wouldn't have necessarily described the arms deal between Illyria and Canopus as 'huge' though.

"Are you kidding? They're our closest neighbour and compared to us the Palatinate is massive" Cirion contended. "They've got several times our population and control four star-systems to our one. There's no sliddiffs to keep people in line anymore, big powers swallow small powers whenever they feel like it. Look at what the Lyran's did to the Finmark Free Republic. It's not like Finmark was a realistic threat but the Steiner's still snuffed them out."

"Not a persuasive argument, the Lyran Commonwealth was also expansionistic, when was the last time the Illyrian Palatinate ever attacked anyone?" Hallis asked rhetorically. "Also, what's a 'sliddiff', I'm not familiar with that phrase?"

"You know, sliddiffs" Cirion said again. "As in the Star League Defence Force, S.L.D.F, sliddiffs" she explained. "You don't use that one then I guess?"

"No, we most certainly do not" Hallis told her flatly.

"Might just be a Black Warrior thing I guess" Cirion surmised. "Grandad's generation always referred to themselves as former SLDF that way and it stuck I guess" she reasoned.
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #394 on: 12 March 2024, 11:04:17 »
Part XLI - Section 2 of 2


"You were talking about your government being concerned about the Palatinate rearming" Hallis brought the conversation back on track.

"Right, so not only are they upgrading the equipment they already have, now they're in a full-scale military buildup buying up brand-new equipment which rang a lot of alarm bells because the ruling families in the Palatinate don't like paying taxes, they're tighter than an airlock seal when it comes to money, so why are they suddenly ploughing cash into the military?" Cirion asked rhetorically. "It's not like they're expecting the Free Worlds League to suddenly invade, the Marik's have more than enough problems to deal with already and it's cheaper for them to buy the metal from the Illyrian's than occupy the Palatinate anyway."

Hallis rolled his eyes. "So, you're trying to convince me that you thought the Illyrian's were building up their military because they had a nefarious scheme to invade Circinus? What for? To steal your grain, because that's the only thing you export as far as we can tell."

"Like I said before I didn't believe it, so don't go accusing me of pretending to" Cirion replied. "Although for the record Circinus is actually pretty mineral rich, unusually so in radioactives, we just didn't have the mining equipment to exploit it or the industrial base to make it. Like you just said yourself we're an agricultural society, but do you know who does have a load of mining equipment and people trained to use it?"

"The Illyrian Palatinate" Hallis finished for her.

"Right" Cirion confirmed.

Hallis leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "Still not buying it" he said.

"Still not selling it" Cirion retorted. "We thought, and by 'we' I mean the Circinus military, that the Palatinate was just worried about pirates. There's been more and more pirate activity in our region of space over the years, the Succession Wars stripped a lot of planets of their militias and the majority of the former Rim Worlds Republic not annexed by the Lyrans is lawless making it easy for pirates to operate out of there."

"Well, you've got a point there at least" Hallis conceded. "Circinus was originally part of the Rim Worlds Republic and pirates do seem to be operating out of there" he continued, smirking.

"Very droll Sir" Cirion replied, tone indicating she didn't think so. "The fact is, we're one of the few systems in the area that doesn't have a pirate problem because we actually have a military worth the name not just a handful of militia. The Black Warriors might not have all your fancy upgraded mechs, but we're well equipped and well trained enough that buccaneers look for an easier target."

"An alternative explanation being that they don't want to stray onto another pirate band's turf" Hallis countered. "The flag of the Circinus Federation literally has a skull on it, I mean hell your currency is called the Skull. It's not like you're even being subtle about it."

"This again?" Cirion responded, rolling her eyes. "Like I told your Major MacArthur the Black Warriors have used the Skull and Crossbones insignia forever, we were already living on Circinus when the refugees from the Lyran Commonwealth arrived and the new civilian government just adopted the symbol of their adopted homeland, tweaking it a little to differentiate the armed forces from the state itself because we're not a military dictatorship" she said. "It's no different than Niops using a modified Cameron Star."

"The connotations are a little different" Hallis drily observed.

Cirion looked at him askance. "Depends on your point of view, just ask the Taurian Concordat" she replied, making a pretty decent point though Hallis wouldn't admit it. "As for us calling our currency the skull, if you think you have trouble getting other people to accept the Niops Dollar then believe me we have it worse. I wasn't just guessing that ComStar probably try to screw you on the exchange rate to C-Bills, they look at our money like it's carrying some kind of communicable disease."

"Ah, well they're not always in the wrong I guess" Hallis replied, uncrossing his arms again and leaning back forward. "I'm still far, far from convinced that your attack on Illyria was just some kind of pre-emptive strike because your government thought the Palatinate was about to invade. They don't even have the armed dropships they'd need to pull something like that off, you're the one with military space-lift capacity, although I guess you're down a Union and two Leopard dropships at the moment, not to mention some starlift thanks to the jumpships we impounded as well."

Cirion sighed. "Our mission to Illyria was expressly aimed at kneecapping their power-projection capability" she replied. "Word reached Circinus that the Illyrian Palatinate was building up a fleet of Danais class dropships with the intent of converting them to armed Trojan class vessels" she lied, although there was just a tiny grain of truth in there. After they captured the things and took them home to Circinus the Black Warriors plan was to perform that very conversion themselves.

"Oh, come on!" Hallis responded dubiously.

"Our intelligence people didn't give the rumour much credit either until they looked into it and found out that the Illyrian's really had stopped selling the Danais class dropships they've been manufacturing for export since the Star League days but they were still making the things" Cirion told him. "A Trojan might be a poor man's Union but they're nearly the same size and with the right refit can carry a whole company of mechs or combat vehicles" she noted. "We're not industrialised like the Palatinate, we can't make any new ships ourselves, the fear was that eventually they'd have enough quantity to beat our quality if we didn't chop them off at the knees before they could."

"If you weren't trying to paint the Illyrian Palatinate of all things as some kind of bogeyman regarding Circinus with envious eyes and drawing their plans against you, you'd be a little more believable" Hallis suggested.

"Double standards don't you think?" Cirion replied chidingly.

Hallis was confused. "In what way?"

"Your argument is that we're automatically pirates just because we use a skull as our national insignia and paint them on our mechs, but the notion that a bunch of Scandinavian descendants who literally use a Norse longship with shields arrayed along the side as their flag might have a hankering for some good old fashioned Viking action never so much as enters your mind" Cirion replied, looking somewhat pleased with herself.

Hallis narrowed his eyes. "Very clever" he said eventually.

"I thought so" Cirion replied. "Once again, I personally didn't think that the Palatinate was going to invade us to dig up our mineral wealth, my government did based upon their reading of the intelligence data" she continued. "The President was persuaded that we needed to act before it was too late, seize or destroy the ships they had already built and wreck the factory that was building them while that was still an option. For a pre-emptive strike to work we had to make our move before the arms shipments from the Magistracy started arriving because we can't absorb heavy losses to personnel or equipment, we don't have the population or military depth."

"As the old saying goes, one man's pre-emptive strike is another man's cowardly sneak attack" Hallis responded. "If you'd actually identified yourself as being the armed forces of Circinus rather than behave like a bunch of pirates conducting a raid you might have a little more creditability here."

Cirion laughed. "You can tell that you guys basically sat out the Succession Wars and hid away from the rest of the galaxy in isolation, because you seem to have missed the memo being sent out that the old rules of war have been relegated to just guidelines these days" she replied. "How is what we did different than what the Great Houses do all the time?" she asked rhetorically. "Just look at the Dracs and their Chain Gang missions intended to keep the Davions and Steiners from recovering too fast from the First Succession War."

"You've got me there" Hallis conceded. "I can certainly see the similarities given that the Chain Gang missions were also conducted by a bunch of criminals."

Cirion chose to ignore that jibe. "The Free Worlds League and the Lyran Commonwealth had an actual peace treaty in place, but that didn't stop Charles Marik attacking them in 2830 claiming it was because he'd learned they were planning to attack him."

"I don't recall the forces Marik sent to attack the Steiners at Dieudonné and New Hope failing to identify themselves like yours did at Illyria" Hallis countered.

"Okay, so I'm rude and we didn't fill out all the correct paperwork, that doesn't make us pirates" Cirion replied.

"Pretty sure I can find plenty of precedent for that getting people treated as pirates and hanged" Hallis replied.

"We would have identified ourselves to the Illyrian militia on the ground when demanding their surrender" Cirion lied. "We never got to that point because we were attacked by an unknown mercenary force that was presumably working for the Palatinate before we could" she added.

Hallis narrowed his eyes. "Unknown mercenary group? Seriously?"

"Anyone can paint a few mechs olive drab, slap on a Red Cameron Star insignia and say they're the Niops military, it's not like the machines I was looking at backed up the claim. None of MacArthur's machines were late Star League designs that might have given the assertion some credence" Cirion argued. "Hell, it's not like people pretending to be the 295th Battlemech Division isn't a thing, the first thing we heard about Niops is when your General Romanov was sending out rants bitching about Raymond's Redcoats lying about their origins and besmirching the good name of her command. If we'd arrived at Illyria and found a warship there I'd have believed MacArthur's claim, but a bunch of mechs and tanks dating back to the Reunification War or earlier isn't as convincing."

To describe Hallis as less than convinced would be an understatement. "If you didn't believe MacArthur's unit was SLDF then why surrender like you did assuming you would be treated according to the regs?" he asked reasonably.

"I thought I was going to die and get the rest of my people killed into the bargain. A Hail Mary play seemed like a good idea at the time" Cirion replied, truthfully although she hadn't ever really doubted that MacArthur's unit was from Niops, just sowing the seeds of doubt. "You're not seriously trying to dismiss the idea that sailing under a false flag isn't something that happens are you? I mean, we've heard stories about groups raiding planets who are clearly pretending to be us. Our assumption has always been if it's Lyran worlds getting hit it's the Marik's and vice versa, but it's not like we can prove anything, it could just be a genuine pirate band cashing in on the fact we do paint something that looks like the Jolly Roger on our mechs."

Cirion inwardly smirked. Maintaining a semblance of plausible deniability over the decades had been a cornerstone of the Black Warriors approach to not getting crushed by an angry Successor State. If not for that then the Free Worlds League in particular would have most certainly come calling after the First Succession War petered out freeing up some of its military for such operations.

Hallis was about to respond when he was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Enter" he said loudly, wondering what this was about.

The door swung open to reveal Lieutenant-Colonel Heath wearing a bemused expression. "Can I have a word with you outside General Franklin?" she requested. "It is rather urgent" she added.

"I'll be back in a minute. Make yourself comfortable" Hallis told Cirion.

Cirion rattled the chain securing her to the desk. "How?" she asked reasonably, Hallis ignoring her question as he got up and followed Heath outside into the corridor, closing the door behind him.

"What is it Colonel?" Hallis asked the NAM officer.

"We've received a government communication, along with a note General Romanov tagged on" Heath replied. "The HPG net is live again between here and Illyria, ComStar must have gotten the station on Hednesford running again, we're not sure of the specifics but the Palatinate government made contact with Circinus and after being told we had captured their raiding force their government confirmed sending Cirion and her people to Illyria."

"Nice of Circinus to not just disown them I guess" Hallis replied. "Of course, seeing as how it's her own father that commands their military then daddy might have leaned on their government not to hang her out to dry by denying all knowledge."

"Yeah" Heath agreed. "Here's the awkward part, Circinus has said themselves they launched the raid to pre-empt the Palatinate invading them, and given that it failed they are seeking negotiations and a diplomatic settlement."

"I suppose its too much to hope for that the Illyrian Palatinate just told them to go ****** themselves?" Hallis replied.

"Not really their style, their government sees the galaxy in terms of trade and war is bad for business after all" Heath replied. "They'd prefer just to return to the status quo."

"After they lost people? After we did too?" Hallis replied nonplussed.

"Oh, they're seeking financial redress for their losses, and they expect us to do likewise, they just don't want to deal with an actual full-scale war I guess" Heath replied. "We could beat Circinus into submission pretty quickly ourselves of course, but our government sure as hell doesn't want to occupy the place or end up having to defend it from other people because we robbed them of their defence capability."

Hallis frowned. "It would be more like robbing them of their offence capability" he responded.

"No arguments here Sir" Heath concurred. "Unfortunately it's being taken out of our hands because the politicians and diplomats are taking over" she told him. "The Palatinate have requested our government to act as a mediator and guarantor in their negotiations with Circinus, and according to her note General Romanov thinks the High Associator will agree."

"Something else to add to his legacy when he steps down next year" Hallis replied, sighing.

"Given the circumstances I think it's safe to say we won't be doing anything with the prisoners until the diplomats sort things out" Heath replied. "Orders from up high say treat them as if they were POW's not pirates, but make sure they're told we don't officially recognise them as POW. It's an academic distinction but they'll probably be happy to hear they're not going to be flushed out an airlock anytime soon at least."

Hallis sighed again. "Anytime soon is right, diplomatic negotiations can take years even if both sides actually want to strike a deal."

"These ones might go a little faster" Heath replied. "Negotiations are supposed to take place on Circinus, we'll be transporting the delegation from Illyria there ourselves, and I don't think it'll be in a civilian jumpship if you catch my drift."

"What makes you think so?" Hallis asked.

"The fact that we've been picking up a bunch of transmissions from Naval Headquarters to Rickenbacker, sorry I mean the James Sever."

"Ah, so gunboat diplomacy" Hallis concluded, smiling.

"You can usually depend on getting better results with a kind word and a Congress Class Frigate than you can with just a kind word" Heath rightly observed.

Hallis nodded. "Nothing like the possibility of facing orbital bombardment if you ****** around to concentrate the mind" he agreed.

"I still think it was all just a pirate raid gone wrong though" Heath opined.

"Yeah, but I'll have to give them credit, they spin a good yarn" Hallis conceded. "Just plausible enough to make you wonder, even if you're still pretty certain it's just bullshit obfuscation."

"Muddying the waters has probably paid off for them a lot in the past" Heath commented. "I've got to give them credit for being pirates pretending to not be pirates while literally using pirate iconography. If the name wasn't already taken they should have gone all-in and renamed their planet Tortuga to really rub people's noses in it."

"Hard to believe they're an old SLDF unit."

"Don't you mean sliddiff?"

"Is it wrong that I find that term more offensive than the damn skull and crossbones flag they use?" Hallis asked rhetorically. "Sets my teeth on edge."

"It gets worse, I've heard them call us 'Nee-oppies' Heath told him.

Hallis grimaced. "That in itself should be enough to hang them" he stated firmly.


Note from the Author:

Although the Jolly Roger definitely screams 'pirate' the fact is that a Skull and Crossbones or Totenkopf motif has been used by an awful lot of military units over the years (including some within the Battletech universe) so the Black Warriors choice of unit insignia can't actually be taken as a slam-dunk proof of them operating as pirates.  The Circinus Federation itself uses a related symbol, and even named its currency the Skull, which isn't exactly subtle, but they've never been stupid enough to outright declare they were a pirate kingdom like the Tortuga Dominions did.

In canon the Black Warriors had been playing pirate for decades but they managed to keep that under wraps, successfully enough in fact that when they found out in 2853 the Eridani Light Horse (ELH) who ended up working with them were surprised. To me that indicates the Black Warriors were pretty skilled at covering their tracks and had a decent intelligence operation going. Having contingency plans in case everything went wrong on a raid feeds into that.

Use of the term 'sliddiffs' for former SLDF units by Anjelica Cirion and her people comes from Dying Dignity (the ELH didn't seem to like it either).

Circinus IV is fairly rich in certain minerals, including valuable gemstones and radioactives, but unlike the Illyrian Palatinate their economy isn't centred around mining. Stealing off other people must have better profit margins.

At this point in history the Circinus Federation only owns one system which itself only has a small population and by comparison the Palantinate is in fact much larger and with far more people, however despite their Viking Longship sigil the Illyrian's aren't agressive towards their neighbours (which is not to say they're pacifists, when the then nine-system strong Circinus Federation invaded the Palatinate in 3034 the Illyrians won).

Cirion does have a point about the rules of warfare being mere guidelines by this point in Battletech History though (and converting
Danais class dropships to Trojan class military vessels is very much a thing, if not something the Palatinate planned).
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #395 on: 12 March 2024, 12:14:34 »
Well, I reckon that this is an outstanding job of doublespeaking and obfuscation.
Nicely done.


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #396 on: 12 March 2024, 19:53:45 »
Indeed! Well written, even if Cirion should have been facing an actual interrogator instead of Hallis... ;)


  • Captain
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #397 on: 12 March 2024, 20:12:30 »
man that was some skillful writing 

I just hope that none of the mechs and tanks are given back to the OC after they comp pay both groups.  replacing mechs would be harder for the OC than any other group and it would show that the SLDF military was not totally buying what they were shoveling. 


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #398 on: 19 March 2024, 10:01:37 »
Part XLII - Section 1 of 2


"There are two types of people in the galaxy, people with warships and people that have to be obsequious. We have warships."

Admiral Jacob Bremman - 2845CE


Circinus IV – Circinus System – 2839

Still wondering if jumping into the Circinus system at the L1 Lagrange point like a pirate had been a little too much, even if her orders had been to 'make waves they can't ignore, literally and figuratively', brevet Rear Admiral Sarah Mbeki was nevertheless confident that having the James Sever floating in space only hours away from Circinus IV not days should concentrate the minds of the authorities on Circinus very nicely, both military and civilian.

The Illyrian's had been more a little surprised themselves when the Congress Class Frigate had previously jumped into their own capital system, broadcasting a message that their ride was here. Even though they had been expecting a warship, Niops had told them in advance it intended to send a message to Circinus via a show of force, they had assumed it would be one of the two destroyers Niops was known to possess and that it would send down a shuttle to collect them. The appearance of the vessel identifying itself as the NAS James Sever, a larger more heavily armed craft than any destroyer, which was hauling both a Titan aerospace carrier and a Lee class battalion transport along with it had caused something of a stir.

Sending the Lee down to the surface of Illyria III to collect their passengers Mbeki had explained to them first via radio that if you're going to fly the flag then you send the flagship hence Niops dusting off its only frigate. Hopefully this should lead, or rather mislead, the powers of the Inner Sphere and Periphery into thinking that although they had clearly underestimated the size of the Niops fleet, if the James Sever was their flagship it wasn't like they had a bunch of battleships squirrelled away.

A three-century old design, multiple Congress class frigates had once served in the navies of the Great Houses as well as that of the Star League, though how many of them were still operational after the great culling of warships during the First Succession War was unknown. It wasn't as if Niops had suddenly pulled an overpowered, modern, high-tech SLDF capital ship out of their ass, thus colossally freaking out the entire Inner Sphere, but it should at least scare the ever-loving crap out of the right people. The 'right people' in this instance being Circinus.

Of course, since the Congress class was known to be poor at dealing with attacks by massed aerospace fighters, it was specialised for taking on other warships and comparatively lacking in anti-fighter weaponry and point-defence, bringing along a Titan with its three squadrons rounded out the package nicely.

Sending a heavily armed and armoured Lee as well, instead of a 'mere' Overlord, was just plain showing off, as was loading it up with a reinforced battlemech battalion that leaned very heavy in tonnage.

Arriving at Circinus IV via a non-standard jumppoint, in this case the L1 Lagrange point, Mbeki made sure to broadcast that this wasn't an invasion, merely a diplomatic mission, although as they watched the frigate head straight towards them the locals were likely somewhat less than reassured.

Mbeki's further claim in a later transmission that the warship itself, two heavily-armed dropships, a combined force of thirty aerospace fighters plus the forty battlemechs emblazoned with the Red Cameron Star that had journeyed to Circinus should not in any way be misconstrued as a threat had reached the planet just before the frigate itself did.

The government and military leadership of Circinus likely gave that claim about as much credence as it deserved, but if they expected Niops to pretend to buy into their bullshit story then a little reciprocation was judged to be in order.

The James Sever positioned itself in a geosynchronous orbit directly above the planetary capital, conveniently placed for orbital bombardment and with the Titan and its three squadrons of aerospace fighters acting as a fighter screen for the frigate, the Lee and its various passengers headed down to the surface.

Circinus had a hot dry climate, indeed much of the northern continent was covered by the vast Ezo desert that made the Sahara on Terra look lush and verdant and even in the few areas suitable for agriculture, these being dry savannahs, temperate it was not. As the Lee headed for the designated landing ground outside the city that the locals assigned to them Mbeki made sure to remind her people that sunglasses were the order of the day, along with sunscreen for anyone paler in complexion than she was. Despite most people periodically using sunbeds back home to ward off rickets, not to mention depression, living under a Red Dwarf star wasn't exactly beneficial to maintaining a healthy tan.

The local star was a type G5IV, not quite as hot as the G2V Sol in the Terra system but nonetheless rather large, so despite the habitable planet being the fourth one out from the star, rather than third, it still absorbed more sunlight than Terra did hence the high surface temperatures.

At least it wasn't quite as hot and arid here as it was on Westover. According to anyone from Niops that had been there while delivering PPC's to the Free Worlds League that place was absolutely hellish. Circinus meanwhile was merely far, far too hot for comfort.

The seventeen-thousand ton vessel kicking up a vast cloud of dust as it came into land, Mbeki let it all settle before she ordered the hanger doors opened and the loading ramps lowered. It wouldn't be diplomatic for the battlemechs to start to disembark so they remained clamped in their bays, along with the single squadron of aerospace fighters the dropship carried, although the Lee itself was hardly defenceless.

The multiple gauss rifles, ERPPC's, ER Large Lasers, AC/20 autocannon, LRM launchers and lighter weaponry that littered the hull of the Lee was had made it a formidable in the extreme even as originally built, but almost of its armament had been upgraded over the last few years and the tonnage and volume saved by using lighter, more compact hardware had been devoted towards adding Arrow IV launchers with concealed launch-tubes as well.

If the locals had thought the Lee was too far away from the city to hit it with anything from where they had instructed it to land they were badly mistaken. Although finding themselves under the shadow of the James Sever floating high above their heads it was not as if they were any happier in their ignorance.

Eventually the plan was to adopt a revised Lee, tentatively being referred to as the Grant, as the primary battalion transport of the SLDF. However, given the current surplus of Overlord class dropships already in the inventory, plus the need to prioritise producing cargo movers, the Grant was very much a longer-term project on hold. Maybe in twenty years after plenty of CargoKing and CargoMaster bulk haulers were in service the Grant might look worth spending some money on, but for now it was just a paper-project, one being revised every time a new piece of equipment became available.

Ten minutes after arrival a number of expensive-looking civilian passenger vehicles appeared and pulled up next to the dropship, their drivers no doubt acutely aware of just how much firepower was pointed at them. A woman in a well-made business suit popped out of one of the vehicles and with a smile plastered on her face that put Mbeki in mind of a real estate agent, or perhaps a used car salesman, she approached the ramp where Mbeki was waiting. Introducing herself as a government representative the woman said she was there to escort the delegation from the Illyrian Palatinate, and of course the observers from the Niops Association, to where the President of Circinus and his staff were waiting for them.

Unable to resist the snark Mbeki observed that from the air the planets small capital city looked unusually well-planned and ornate for that of a small agricultural colony situated way out in the boonies, and that the farms on Circinus must be exceptionally productive for such a small amount of cultivated land under the plough generating so much food for export that they could have paid for all that expensive construction.

To her credit the woman's smile didn't shift one iota as she said that she wasn't really familiar with the prices of crops or anything like that but that she'd heard that there was a good market for grain from Circinus out in the Deep Periphery and it was taxing the income from that trade which paid for everything.

She couldn't actually name any of the planets in the Deep Periphery Circinus exported to however, saying that Mbeki would have to talk to someone from the Department of Agriculture about that, or maybe the Department of Trade. Day-to-day she mostly just ran errands for the President, kept his diary up to date, and handled his mail.

Later on that day, while watching them interact at the conference, Mbeki wondered if she handled something else for the President of Circinus as well, something his wife wouldn't be too happy about, but mentally she filed that under idle gossip not worth repeating.

Mbeki, along with Major Kirsten Mroczkiewicz from the army acting as her aide were technically subordinate to the professional diplomats the High Associator had assigned to this mission to represent Niops, although by the standards of the Inner Sphere both of them would have been regarded as extremely amateur rather than professionals in the strictest sense. The lead diplomat, a Gareth Jeffries, had basically stumbled into the career because he had minored in political science while taking a degree in a 'proper' science, that being physics, and found his minor more interesting ending up studying international politics at the postgraduate level as a result.

It wasn't as if Niops was exactly awash with people that had any relevant qualifications in the field, so when the Association started looking beyond its borders Jeffries had found himself in a senior role in the new diplomatic corps, despite being barely out of his twenties at this point.

Herself having a grandson who was older than Jeffries, Sarah Mbeki thought it was hilarious, and she fervently hoped that he wasn't going to present the 'deer caught in the headlights' expression to Circinus that he had when first meeting the delegates from Illyria, the youngest of whom was nearly twice his age.

Given their oligarchic political structure it wasn't surprising that all the Illyrian representatives hailed from one of the merchant families in the Palatinate, their chief negotiator was a first cousin of the current Administrator, as they called their head-of-state, but despite the nepotism they did at least seem to know their business and during the journey had discussed their objectives and game-plan with Jeffries. The Palatinate had no interest in going to war with Circinus, but they were equally clear that they wanted to leave no doubt in the minds of the opposition that if they thought Illyria could be pushed around without a fight they were sorely mistaken.

Much to the relief of everyone in the Niops delegation the Palatinate government didn't really believe the claims by Circinus that their failed raid was a pre-emptive strike resulting from a fear that the Illyrians were planning to invade them. It was just plausible enough that it might be true, providing everyone with a diplomatic 'out' from actually going to war if that was what everyone wanted, but as the aggressor both Niops and Illyria expected Circinus to be the one to formally apologise, make reparations and agree to terms set out by the Palatinate and the Association.

Since it was their planet that was raided, and their sovereignty violated, the directions given to Jeffries by the High Associator was to follow the lead of the Palatinate. If they were too amiable and lenient towards their hosts then Jeffries was supposed to let Rear Admiral Mbeki growl a little and make some vague threats but the Association didn't really want to potentially get tied down militarily this far from the Niops system, they just wanted Circinus to behave itself… or else.

After warning the Illyrian representatives that once on Circinus it was likely that they would be under electronic surveillance at all times Mbeki had provided them with both a White Noise Generator and a Bug Scanner for if they ever wanted to discuss something, and using a scanner of her own once she, Jeffries and Mroczkiewicz climbed into the vehicle that would transport them into the city she was happy to see her caution was justified as the device immediately detected an electronic listening device hidden in the car.

Not that they would have said anything in the car anyway, the driver could have overheard after all, but it did amuse Mbeki to loudly suggest the locals fumigate the vehicle because it was infested with bugs, the kind you needed EMP to exterminate them with not DDT.

After passing several grainfields and a large livestock ranch the vehicles reached the city and it looked as prosperous on the ground as it did from the air. As they pulled up outside the government building in the centre of town Mroczkiewicz observed while the car door was opened for her that the old saying was clearly wrong, crime actually did pay after all.

After a low-key greeting at the entrance the delegations from Illyria and Niops were led through into a rather grand hallway and then off into a side room where a man sat behind a desk was recording everyone's name, title and any other pertinent information into a noteputer and then printing out name-badges for everyone.

Apparently there was a buffet laid on in the next room where the local dignitaries were waiting. Under the circumstances it all seemed weirdly amicable, their hosts cordial and polite, courteous even, and Mbeki idly wondered if they had planned for eventually getting caught red-handed having contingency plans to smooth things over.

It all certainly seemed very organised at least, and letting the Illyrian's go first Jeffries patiently waited his turn to be registered, receiving his badge and then joining the Ilyrians again while Mbeki got hers next.

Kirsten Mroczkiewicz  went last which was where the fun began.

"Another from the Niops Association I assume" the clerk behind the desk said in a bored tone, still looking down at his noteputer. "Name and title" he requested.

"Major Christine Brzęczyszczykiewicz" she replied.

The clerk froze for a moment and then looked up. "I'm sorry?" he responded, looking perplexed.

"Major Christine Brzęczyszczykiewicz" the SLDF officer repeated, completely deadpan.

The clerk blinked. "Can you spell that for me?" he requested.

"C.H.R.I.S.T.I.N.E." Mroczkiewicz obliged.

"No, I meant your second name" the clerk responded, increasingly sure she was yanking his chain.

Mroczkiewicz did so, the clerk's expression becoming ever funnier as she did so.

"That is not a real name" the clerk confidently declared, the damn Nee-oppies probably thought that having a couple of warships meant they could play games with anyone they liked, he thought to himself.

Kirsten Mroczkiewicz reached under her collar and removed her dogtags, throwing them down on the desk in front of the clerk. "Take a look and then apologise" she told him curtly.

The clerk picked up the dogtags and examined them carefully. In order to fit the excessively long name on the tags the letters stamped into the metal were absolutely tiny, the clerk assuming that the alternative would have been tags the size of a dinner-plate. "I'm sorry" he eventually said sheepishly, recording the name on his noteputer before handing back the tags.

"I hope you made sure to add the ogonek to the first letter e in my surname."

"The what?"

"The ogonek, the little tail underneath. It's a diacritic that effects how the letter is pronounced" Mroczkiewicz explained. "It might have been hard to see on the tags" she conceded. "If you left it off nobody would know how to say my name properly if they saw it written down."

The clerk stared at her. "Lady, if one person in a thousand can look at this name and have so much as a clue how it's supposed to be said out loud I'd be amazed" he told her.

Kirsten Mroczkiewicz, AKA 'Christine Brzęczyszczykiewicz', glared at him. "Is this some kind of anti-Polish racism or something?" she growled. "I heard that most of the people here are descended from families who came from the Lyran Commonwealth, and I can hear a trace of a German accent in your voice too. Is it just Poles you've got a problem with or any Slavs?" she asked accusingly. "****** Krauts" she muttered under her breath.

"Let it go Major" Mbeki interjected, mostly because the army officer seemed to be having far too much fun with her fake name.

"If you insist Ma'am" Mroczkiewicz deferred to her superior, she had already had her fun anyway though she did scowl at the clerk when he passed her the name badge he had printed out for her, in very small print.
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #399 on: 19 March 2024, 10:03:15 »
Part XLII - Section 2 of 2


"You know, an awful lot of people changed the spellings of their names by removing the diacritics to make it easier for the Anglos in particular to cope, my own family included" a young man wearing something that approximated a military uniform broke into the conversation. "Originally our name wasn't Cirion, it was Cirión" he said, pronouncing the name the second time in a Spanish accent.

"Some of us aren't quitters" Mroczkiewicz replied sarcastically.

"Captain Zane Cirion at your service" the man introduced himself. "You may have met my sister?" he suggested, smiling.

Mroczkiewicz smirked. "So I assumed, I guess she was just following in the family tradition of giving up when she surrendered to our people on Illyria" she added.

"Not without putting up quite the fight first from what I've heard" Zane Cirion replied, still smiling.

"Enough to put my cousin Jacquline in hospital minus a few internal organs" Mroczkiewicz told him truthfully. Jackie Mroczkiewicz had been piloting a Wasp that got itself almost completely wrecked by a heavy mech belonging to the Black Warriors.

In retrospect asking for a transfer from the Skunk Works on Niops V where she had been the test-pilot for the prototype of the new model Hussar had not perhaps been Jackie's best ever decision, although it wasn't like anyone had expected the training mission to Illyria to end up facing actual combat. If they had Jackie would have likely volunteered anyway but would have insisted on bringing along the 'Winged Hussar' for proper live-fire testing.

With more armour, all that fancy electronics and a ER Large Laser to play with instead of the Medium Laser on the Wasp she might not have ended up in the infirmary wondering if she was lucky to survive or unlucky to need almost as much repair work as her mech did.

"Terribly sorry to hear that but C'est La Guerre" Cirion responded. "I hope her chances of pulling through aren't too bad."

"She'll be fine, she's just annoyed that it'll be a couple of months before they can clone her a new liver so she can drink again" Mroczkiewicz replied. "Where are my manners?" she asked rhetorically. "Captain Cirion, may I present Rear Admiral Sarah Mbeki of the Niops Association Navy."

"Charmed I'm sure" Cirion responded, formally bowing to Mbeki. "If it wasn't for the unexpected appearance of that frigate hanging above our heads I would have wondered if Niops actually had enough ships to warrant having a naval officer of that rank, but under the circumstances I guess you do."

"Given that I'm not even the highest ranked naval officer in the fleet you might want to revise your estimates of our ability to project power a little higher still" Mbeki replied evenly. "Should I assume that your father, Colonel Cirion, is also here?" she asked, looking around.

"He'll be along later, once negotiations for an end to hostilities are formally underway. I was dispatched for the meet and greet in his stead" Cirion replied. "On that note I should probably go and say hello to the delegation from the Palatinate. It's been a pleasure meeting you both, and I hope that you've been treating my sister and those under her command with equal civility and the proprieties they deserve."

"We're fairly sure she deserves facing the gallows so no" Mbeki replied, smiling sweetly.

If she had been expecting an angry reaction she didn't get one. "Sounds like you've met her for sure" Cirion" replied, smiling back. "For a girl named for the angels she tortured me rather more like a demon would have when we were growing up together" he joked. "I'm sure we'll get the chance to talk again later. Admiral Mbeki, Major Brzęczyszczykiewicz" he bowed to each in turn before heading off towards where the buffet was.

Kirsten Mroczkiewicz blinked. "I can't believe he got that right" she said quietly to Mbeki.

"Smooth little bastard" Mbeki whispered back as Jeffries rejoined them looking perplexed. "Something wrong Sir?" she asked the diplomat.

"ComStar are here" Jeffries told here. "I just ran into a Precentor and a couple of her stooges."

Mbeki raised her eyebrows. "Why the hell would ComStar be here? They don't have an HPG station on Circinus."

"They say they're here as diplomatic observers" Jeffries told her. "They're also talking about adding Circinus to the network as a matter of priority."

"Why? Hardly anybody lives here?" Mroczkiewicz queried. There were periphery systems just as close to the Inner Sphere that were both considerably more populous, and far more important to interstellar trade than Circinus that ComStar had never bothered with.

"Something about the 'misunderstanding' between Circinus and Illyria demonstrating how vitally important good interstellar communication is" Jeffries replied dubiously. "I can only assume that their Precentor on Illyria clued them in on what was going on."

"Yeah. And wasn't the timing of the HPG stations in the Free Worlds League that Illyria and Niops are linked up to suddenly working again just then one hell of a coincidence" Mbeki observed sardonically, it being generally accepted that ComStar was still trying to get Niops to hand over control of NHCOMNET to them, being deliberately awkward as a result. "Other than Oriente we must have been practically the last systems reconnected, and Oriente has the excuse that its station had been blown up."

"ComStar does have a record of inserting itself into diplomatic negotiations between the Great Houses, and between smaller polities too on occasion" Jeffries noted, cautioning against an assumption that they were always self-serving and Machiavellian. "They like to portray themselves as being fair-minded neutral brokers and that plays into that image."

"I suspect the new Captain-General would laugh his ass off if anyone referred to ComStar as 'neutral' after they provided intel on the Free Worlds League to their enemies" Mbeki replied wryly. "Or he would if he wasn't still sore about his father's untimely demise."

Jeffries nodded. Although officially Charles Marik's death had been from natural causes there was a very strong suspicion that someone in the upper echelons of power within the Free Worlds's League had gotten him out of the way because he was refusing to make peace with ComStar. It might have even been his successor Gerald Marik who now ruled that was responsible, House Marik didn't have the best record as regards familial loyalty. The smart money however was on the League's Parliament removing Charles from the equation after failing to get him to back down to ComStar despite the FWL heading rapidly towards military and economic collapse.

That wasn't to say that the Free Worlds League had just rolled over during their negotiations with ComStar to end the interdiction, Garth Marik, Gerald's little brother, had taken a fairly hard line with Raymond Karpov and the First Circuit, refusing to accept any greater financial penalty than the one Karpov's predecessor Conrad Toyama had originally demanded before his own death. Analysts on Niops considered it possible that the League's refusal to kowtow, rather than merely bend the knee slightly to Comstar was partially down to the shipments of PPC's from the Association strengthening their military position a little, but that was just supposition.

"Careful, we're probably being spied on by ROM agents right this moment" Jeffries cautioned.

"You could be right, in that case let me just state for the record that Jerome Blake was a jumped-up telephone repairman, Conrad Toyama made up all the stuff he said Blake told him on his deathbed, and anyone that thinks it isn't at all suspicious that Toyama died from a stroke so soon after he named Karpov his successor is a freaking idiot" Mbeki responded, grinning.

"And with that some poor ROM agent somewhere is having a heart attack because it's his job to repeat all that to his superiors" Mroczkiewicz said, laughing as they made their way towards the buffet, confident that the locals were unlikely to try to poison them.

Unbeknownst to Mroczkiewicz it was actually two ROM agents that were listening in via a directional microphone, one of them turning to the other saying, 'Not it' with a pained expression on his face.

Since by jumping into a non-standard jump-point the Illyrian and Niops delegations had arrived about a week ahead of schedule, no seven-and-a-half day journey on a dropship from the Zenith or Nadir points for them, it had been assumed that the locals would be caught on the hop, unprepared to get underway with negotiations immediately. Putting Circinus on the back-foot still further by them not being fully ready to respond when Illyria and Niops made their case should have worked to counter the home team advantage somewhat it was hoped. Annoyingly however they seemed fully prepared and organised already, and were only too happy to begin the formal proceedings when the Palatinate representatives requested they move forward with the business at hand immediately.

A large conference room had been fitted out for the occasion, opulently decorated and furnished. While at the buffet Mbeki had managed to find a government official from the local Department of Trade and had queried just how a small agricultural colony managed to pay for all this finery, without missing a beat the official claimed that Circinus had been selling on resources and technology stripped from Camp Amber, the old SLDF facilities on the planet situated under the Ezo desert. These dated from well before the Amaris War, when the Rim Worlds Republic was just another loyal Star League member state and had later been fought over during Kerensky's campaign against the usurper.

Camp Amber had been a major fortress, one that it had taken the SLDF some time to wrest back from the RWR Army that had taken up residence after much of the Star League military was recalled back to the Terran Hegemony by First Lord Richard Cameron, this being at the behest of his 'friend and loyal advisor' Stefan Amaris. It was certainly plausible that enough valuable equipment still remained behind after the fighting for Circinus to turn a tidy profit from salvaging technology from there, but Mbeki thought it more likely that the wealth on display was ill-gotten gains from illicit piracy and that what remained of SLDF resources and facilities on Circinus was devoted towards keeping the Black Warriors fighting fit.

For all Mbeki knew the vast underground facilities of Camp Amber were piled high with stolen loot. Piracy was rife out here, the opportunities for successful raiding had been extensive since the fall of the Star League, with planetary militias near the periphery stripped of men and equipment as they were deemed better needed on the front lines as the Great Houses bludgeoned each other into a stupor.

According to their prisoners back at Niops the only reason the Black Warriors had not joined Kerensky's Exodus was because the notification reached them too late, lacking an HPG and with regular interstellar travel still disrupted the message had only arrived at Circinus by courier months later so they were accidentally left behind.

Ironically something similar had happened with Mbeki and the 295th her naval squadron was attached to, though in their case they weren't so delayed that they still thought they might be able to catch up with the main group and had tried to do so. If not for accidents of fate both her people and the Black Warriors might have ended up in the Pentagon Worlds as the 331st had done, though the history of the latter indicated that wouldn't likely have worked out for the best either.

Fate was a fickle thing, Mbeki idly considered as their hosts announced that the armistice and treaty negotiations would begin shortly.

"They look confident" Jeffries whispered to Mbeki when the President of Circinus arrived, accompanied by Colonel Cirion, effectively head of the armed forces.

"It's just bluster but you look nervous" Mbeiki whispered back. "There's no need, we're not the ones in the weak position. In the worst case scenario we just decide, 'to hell with this diplomacy shit' and just crush them like a bug" she told him, grinning.

Jeffries smiled. "I'm not sure the High Associator would approve" he replied.

"This time next year he'll be retired and boring people with stories about how he used to be in charge, so don't sweat it" Mbeki advised. "Who cares if Circinus doesn't like our brand of gunboat diplomacy as long as they keep out of our way?" she asked rhetorically.

Jeffries nodded and then straightened up, adopting a calm demeanour. "Oderint dum metuant" he quoted. "Let them hate as long as they fear."

"Who said that?"

"Caligula, not the nicest or sanest Roman Emperor to be honest" Jeffries told her. "Machiavelli meanwhile said it was better to be feared than loved if you couldn't be both."

Mbeki chuckled. "It wouldn't take a particularly perceptive person to realise you're an academic" she told him. "Just try not to make your speeches and arguments sound like a doctoral thesis being presented" she advised. "Let the Illyrian's do the heavy lifting unless they're not up to it."

"Good Afternoon everyone" the ComStar Precentor said loudly loudly as everyone filed into the conference room and took their seats. "At the request of the Circinus Federation, and as a neutral party in this dispute, I will be presiding over the negotiations" she announced. "Assuming there are no objections?" she added, looking around.

"Can I just clarify something first?" Jeffries replied.

"What exactly do you need clarification on?" the Precentor queried.

"Are we supposed to be voicing possible objections as to your presiding, or to the laughable notion of the absolute neutrality of ComStar?" Jeffries asked sarcastically. "It wasn't too long ago that you were caught out feeding intelligence data on the troop dispositions of the Free Worlds League to its enemies" he stated flatly. "To be honest, this all makes me wonder in fact how Circinus seemed so well-informed as to arms purchases being made by our friends in the Illyrian Palatinate from our friends in the Magistracy of Canopus" he added.

Attaboy, Mbeki thought to herself as the Precentor glared daggers at him.

"Such accusations are completely unfounded and I demand they are withdrawn!" the ComStar official replied angrily.

"Merely supposition, not accusation on my part" Jeffries replied in an off-handed manner as if it didn't really matter. "Without proof of any malfeasance by ComStar in this matter an assumption of innocence follows as a matter of course. As such the Niops Association voices no objections to the Precentor taking the role she has been requested to undertake in these proceedings" he said. "Though we will of course monitor for signs of possible bias in favour of one party or another and may revise our opinion accordingly later" he added, now looking thoughtful and deliberative.

"The Illyrian Palatinate has no objection to ComStar's representative presiding" their chief negotiator added for his delegation.

"Fine. Then shall we begin?" the Precentor asked, still glaring at Jeffries. Were these people always so lacking in decorum or was it only when they had a warship above your head making them think they could be as obnoxious and imperious as they wanted and get away with it.

Who did they think they were anyway? The Terran Hegemony?


Note from the Author:

Circinus IV is another hot, dry planet like many of those in the periphery that have a breathable atmosphere but a low population. If the Star League hadn't fallen it might have been eventually terraformed into a nicer world but without that it's not exactly a paradise. The old SLDF facilities of Camp Amber under the Ezo desert were fought over during the Amaris War and would have been very useful to the Black Warriors later on.

Lee Class dropship was pretty much the final word in SLDF battalion transports when the Amaris War broke out. It was better regarded than the slightly larger Colossus and very heavily armed. Replacing much of the armament with the lighter 'Improved' early-clantech versions frees up some weight to add more heat-sinks and Arrow IV missile launchers. 

Given that the communication from Kerensky inviting the Black Warriors never got to them until it was far too late my assumption is that Circinus lacked an HPG at the time (it may have been destroyed during the fighting). It had one later on in canon but by then it was the capital world of a multi-system polity not a single-planet agricultural colony that only officially exported food (the exports of raiding missions and imports of pirate booty were somewhat less public).

Niops lacking an experienced diplomatic corps led to people like OC Gareth Jeffries here being drafted into the role. He's actually pretty sharp but nonetheless rather inexperienced, this leading to him being a little undiplomatic... and ironically blunt.

Cirion is not a real name, it actually comes from a character invented by Tolkien, however Cirión is a real name so I'm assuming someone from the family changed it at some point.

Feel free to speculate what ComStar is up to...
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #400 on: 19 March 2024, 12:31:55 »
"Major Christine Brzęczyszczykiewicz" she replied.

The fact that you didn't include the link to video that is origin of this meme, is a crime against the humanity.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #401 on: 19 March 2024, 13:14:07 »
I'd love see how much ComStar is sweat being pressured by unmeasured power.

Do you they really NOT know whom the Niops Association has become?  Its like they forgot.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #402 on: 19 March 2024, 16:46:19 »
in a universe with warcrimes o'clock from a communist hermit kingdom and everything bad about feudalism let alone Japanese Feudalism yet even amongst these evils the PHONE COMPANY makes them look like bad toddlers!!!!  Get Teddy and Taft we have a trust to BUST!!!
For the FEDCOM For the Archon-Prince


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #403 on: 19 March 2024, 19:17:00 »
Not it!   :evil: :grin: :laugh:
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #404 on: 19 March 2024, 21:04:57 »
Hilarious all the way around, and thank you to PsihoKekec for the origin of the meme! :D


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #405 on: 19 March 2024, 21:16:41 »
Do you they really NOT know whom the Niops Association has become?  Its like they forgot.

They know. To them, they are Terra, and everyone should be bowing down to them. Terran Supremacy is one of the keystones of politics in the Inner Sphere from the Terran Alliance to the ilClan. Niops is a part of the Terran Hegemony, and should obey Terra and its custodians.


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #406 on: 26 March 2024, 11:19:11 »
Part XLIII - Section 1 of 2


"Niops delenda est."

Raymond Karpov, Primus of Comstar - 2842CE


Association Council Building – Niops Association (Niops VII) – 2840

"You really came up with this on the spur of the moment?" Giles Olson asked the young man sat across from him.

Gareth Jeffries nodded. "Yes Sir, the delegates from the Palatinate seemed far too forgiving for my liking, to be honest I think ComStar might have been whispering in their ears, and although the final decision was their call given that it was their sovereignty which had been violated, both Admiral Mbeki and myself believed that Circinus was getting off far too lightly if we didn't tweak the final settlement against them some more."

The High Associator nodded. Requesting that Jeffries attend his office to brief him as soon as he returned from the negotiations on Circinus had proven well worth some of his increasingly limited time left in office, it was filling in a lot of details that the summary report that arrived by HPG a few weeks earlier had left out for reasons of brevity. "You believed they needed to be brought down a peg or two" Olson surmised.

"Yes Sir, frankly some of them looked a little too smug for my liking when the return of their jumpships was agreed" Jeffries replied. "Looking at the matter from a purely financial perspective, money and trade being very much the prism through which the Illyrians view the world, the cash value of those jumpships far exceeds the losses that would have been incurred even if the raid had been completely successful. As such the Palatinate judged keeping them a disproportionate penalty that would only guarantee future enmity with their neighbour, even if Circinus was generally seen as the initial aggressor and therefore the guilty party" he continued. "It's not an entirely meritless argument, overly harsh terms written into peace treaties have historically led to subsequent wars on occasion. For example, the Versailles Treaty of 1919 may have formally brought the First World War to an close but it arguably set the conditions for the Second World War breaking out two decades later."

Olson nodded again, he might have been less lenient himself in the same position but it was a decent point nonetheless and it wasn't for Niops to dictate to another government how they behaved anyway, at least not a friendly government. Staying on good terms with both the Illyrian Palatinate and the Magistracy of Canopus was a critical foreign-policy goal, it was nice to only have to worry about the border with the Marik's. "They weren't concerned that Circinus might use the jumpships to attempt a repeat performance later?" he queried.

"Between the arms being imported from the Magistracy, and their share of the battlefield prizes, Illyria believes they'll be too hard a nut to crack in future" Jeffries replied. "About the only thing the prisoners said that we ever believed completely was that they made their play when they did because they didn't think they could once the Palatinate's military build-up was complete. It's even worse for them now that it would have been going forward because the Black Warriors are down a bunch of battlemechs, several of which will shortly be taking up a new life in Palatinate colours making it worse, and they're also pretty sure we've also got the Illyrian's backs."

"Niops being the eight-hundred-pound gorilla out here in this neck of the woods" Olson said, chuckling. "We've come a long way since I won my first election" he said, mind always aware that the end of his final term was drawing close. The general election was only weeks away now and since the constitution restricted how long you could stay in office he was unable to stand himself.

Jeffries smiled. "I wasn't actually old enough to vote in that one" he told the High Associator.

Olson looked at him askance. "Please don't say things like that, it makes me feel ancient" he requested glumly. "While I try and forget you just told me that, what was their reaction when you insisted on the extra terms being added to the armistice agreement" he asked curiously.

"Initially they all just stared at me in disbelief until eventually their President stood up and bellowed: 'You want us to foot the bill for the repairs of the battlemechs you took from our people as salvage? Are you ****** serious?' and then he looked to the ComStar Precentor as if expecting her to back him up."

"And she didn't" Olson responded, grinning.

"Nope. I guess she picked up on the vibes Admiral Mbeki was signalling, the ones that were screaming 'Screw this. Let's just crush them like a bug and go home' to anyone paying attention" Jeffries replied, grinning. "They'd already accepted that we were going to keep their dropships, the Palatinate was pretty happy with getting themselves a Union in good condition as well as some mechs, and even if we just stick the two Leopard's we're keeping in mothballs for now Mbeki's sure they'll be useful eventually. They thought that making them stump up the cash to fix the machines we broke was rubbing their faces in it though."

"Which it was" Olson said flatly.

"Yes, that was the entire idea. I wanted them to know exactly how much further down the food chain they were than us, and they must have known deep down already because after some bluster, and a clearly fake threat to withdraw from negotiations entirely, they eventually agreed to our terms as you know" Jeffries explained. "In the spirit of trying to sound reasonable and conciliatory, and after letting them seethe for a while, I told them that we wouldn't expect the money to pay for the repairs right away just as long as the financial restitution for the casualties they caused wasn't too long in coming" he continued. "They bitched about how much we wanted them to pay the families of the deceased, and they really bitched about covering the medical bills of our injured, but they shut up when we said if they didn't agree to pay we'd only return one of the jumpships, sell the other to the Free Worlds League or the Magistracy at well below market price, and send them what was left of the money after deducting the reparations from there."

Jeffries leaned forward in his chair. "Thinking strategically. Since I played bad cop at the negotiations it might be worthwhile for someone else from Niops to offer Circinus a diplomatic olive branch in the near future, something to diffuse the situation somewhat so when they think of Niops they don't automatically just think 'obnoxious, overbearing ****** throwing their weight around' just 'not people we want to mess with' instead perhaps" he suggested. "One of Admiral Mbeki's officers gave me an idea when he was complaining about the climate on Circinus, we might want to consider supplying them with an industrial-sized Jamerson-Ulikov water-purification system or two once we've got production of those ramped up."

"Ah, yes. The very best type of development aid, the kind that looks generous but also means they're dependent on us for replacement filters if they want the thing to keep running" Olson surmised.

"Right" Jeffries confirmed his reasoning. "If we offer to supply them at cost, as we're planning to do for the Magistracy and the Palatinate, we can portray it as being just an extension of an existing policy rather than a means to put a leash on the bastards" he said. "If we really wanted to make it look convincing maybe you could suggest to the incoming High Associator that they be the one that makes the offer. The change in administration being the reason for a more easy-going, less strident diplomatic policy than we had under your harsh regime."

"I was wondering about that when I read the HPG you sent summarising how the negotiations went" Olson told him. "The cryptic part about the election coming up and your concern that the next High Associator might undo all your hard work to constrain future aggression by Circinus."

"Seemed like a way to throw ComStar off the scent" Jeffries replied, smiling. "As regards the rest of the HPG, sorry it was so brief, High Associator" he apologised, "If we didn't have to utilise the ComStar Network I wouldn't have left out so much information that wasn't misdirection, but they clearly read and copy everything that's placed in their care before delivering it, and besides which have you seen what they charge per page of text?" he asked rhetorically, shaking his head in disbelief. "I'll never complain about how much NHCOMNET charge to send a letter to my sister working on Comstock again."

"Monopoly pricing and no regulation because that precious Communication's Protocol of theirs let's them get away with fleecing their customers" Olson replied with distaste. "It's not like SLCOMNET didn't turn a profit back in the Star League days, they weren't altruists, they just didn't abuse their position to completely screw over everyone wanting to send an HPG."

Jeffries smiled. "The big difference was because the primary goal of the Department of Communications was to help tie the Inner Sphere together, not to make themselves rich" he replied.

"You really think ComStar's primary goal is to make themselves rich?" Olson asked, raising his eyebrows as if chiding the young diplomat.

"No. Their primary objective is the pursuit of power and influence. Information is one currency of that, money is another, that's why they seek to obtain and hoard both" Jeffries replied. "The real question is how much military strength they have, that being another important currency of power."

"General Romanov for one doesn't buy the notion that they demobilised all those SLDF divisions Kerensky placed in Blake's hands after they took over Terra and handed it to ComStar on a plate" Olson noted.

"It would have been a little foolish of them to do so when the Great Houses were annexing Hegemony systems left, right and centre, so I'd have to agree with her assessment" Jeffries replied. "If I recall correctly most of those divisions weren't Hegemony born Royal formations so most of their veterans are going to be long retired or dead by now, but they'll still have the hardware and presumably they had the foresight to recruit and train up replacements" he theorised.

Olson laughed. "A few more years of the Successor States battering themselves back towards the pre-industrial age and ComStar might start thinking they can retake the Hegemony" he suggested.

"Yeah, just in time for the Clans to show up intending to do the same" Jeffries responded, laughing. "I guess we'll just sit back and take on the winner."

"It's a plan, I'll write it up on a note and leave it in my desk for my successor along with the Water-Purifier idea I'll make sure to take personal credit for" Olson joked. "Talking of plans, you're not entirely convinced by the Palatinate's one that they think will prevent future unpleasantness between them and Circinus I believe?"

Jeffries sighed. "In my opinion it's just another example of how their cultural bias towards commerce and trade effects their critical thinking" he replied. "Circinus claims that they thought Illyria was going to invade them in order to take control of the valuable mineral wealth on Circinus IV, a claim that is most likely just bullshit but who can know for absolute certain. The Palatinate chose to take it at face value, perhaps just as a diplomatic courtesy perhaps not, which is why they suggested a joint business venture with Circinus to start to exploit that wealth."

The High Associator pursed his lips. "The Illyrians do have the mining expertise" he observed.

"Yes, but they also believe that if they forge mutually beneficial trade relations with Circinus then they won't have any more problems with them" Jeffries responded. "It seems a reasonable position, persuasive even at first glance, but historically nations go to war with their most important trading partners all the time. I'll give you a historical example, again using the First World War as an exemplar although now it's from the beginning of the conflict not the end. In 1913 the two countries Germany traded with most were Britain and Russia, a year later they were fighting against them in the most destructive war in history to that date, something that surprised a number of theorists who thought that couldn't happen because their economies were too intertwined."

"It's not all about economics" Olson observed.

"No Sir" Jeffries agreed. "Wars mostly ceased being profitable with mass industrialisation, it's rare to gain back more resources even in victory than you had to spend on the spend on the military to do so, but just because invading someone would likely lead you worse off in the long term didn't seem to reduce the number of people starting wars."

"I assume you explained all this to the representatives from the Palatinate?" Olson asked.

The young diplomat sighed. "Of course, but they want to believe that everything revolves around trade so they do" he replied. "At least they're not naïve enough to think we should give back both jumpships before Circinus hands over the reparation money trusting them to pay later when we have less of a hold over them. We'll give one back as a gesture of good faith, I'm thinking whichever is in the worse condition myself, but if they want the other one as well, then obviously we'll want to see the C-Bills they owe us first."

"Have they even got the money?"

Jeffries shrugged. "Honestly, we were kinda hoping they would say they had it on hand, then I could have asked why they were so flush with ready cash and make a flippant comment about how that disproved the old adage that 'crime does not pay' because they seemed to be making a good living from it, but no such luck. They asked if they could pay by instalments instead of one lump sum."

"Just so long as they don't expect to get the damn ship back before the final payment that's fine as far as I'm concerned" Olson replied. "It's just a shame that both jump-ships weren't carrying dropships or we could have ransomed a few of them too."

"The assumption is that they were expecting to capture those Danais cargo haulers so they had to have the free docking collars to haul them away," Jeffries replied, "which brings me neatly to something else" he continued. "They were quite cute in sticking to their cover story consistently, as part of that they refused to agree to anything without a concession from the Palatinate that Circinus could send people to inspect those dropships in order to verify whether Illyria was in fact militarising them, as their supposed intelligence source told them it was."

Olson laughed. "I assume the Palatinate agreed?"

"Well yeah, because they weren't militarising them" Jeffries replied. "It was actually pretty funny, Circinus was lying, we knew they were lying, and they knew we knew they were lying, but for the sake of diplomat niceties we all just pretended otherwise" he continued, shaking his head in amusement. "It's very different seeing it all play out like that in real life not in books let me tell you, although the funniest part was Illyria offering to sell them to Circinus at market price if that reassurance wasn't enough."

The High Associator was very much reminded of the negotiations between ComStar and the Free Worlds league which had led to the HPG interdiction being lifted. As part of the agreement Garth Marik, representing his older brother the new Captain-General, had to formally state for the record that their father had been in error when he declared that ComStar had been passing on military intelligence they had on the League to its enemies. The fact that Charles Marik had been right, that everyone in authority in the League knew he was right, that Comstar knew he was right and that the other Successor States knew he was right as well mattered little. The important thing was that a inconvenient truth be put aside for the sake of expediency and ComStar's preferred public image.

"How was the Illyrian offer received?" Olson asked, intrigued.

"In a way that let me know Colonel Cirion also has a sense of humour" Jeffries told him. "He asked what they would charge the Black Warrior's for one, seeing as how he was now down a Union, and then he asked how much extra he would have to pay to get it converted to a Trojan, assuming that hadn't been done already."

Olson chuckled. "I do wonder how events might have panned out if one of the prisoners we took wasn't his daughter" he remarked. "It would have made it a little awkward if his government had decided to simply disavow any knowledge."

"On the surface the Black Warriors do seem loyal to the civilian government, but it must have dawned on them, even if it was never actually said aloud, that he might have some issues with letting his little girl get hanged or thrown out of an airlock" Jeffries suggested. "It's more than possible that Cirion's troops are more loyal to him, or rather his family, than they are the President. Notions of obligation to an individual or a dynasty rather than a state isn't just for the Great Houses after all, one of the best latter-day critiques of Marx is the failure of his model to predict that feudalism was effectively going to make a big comeback. It's not the wealthy industrialists calling all the shots."

"If it was then I wouldn't be running Niops, Guan Yuanchun would be" Olson remarked. The richest man on the planet had seen his wealth only increase over the last decade as he invested capital into various off-world enterprises that were paying off handsomely. The money he was ploughing into Alphard and Comstock in particular, the future industrial heartlands of the Hegemony, would likely see him become an actual billionaire presently.

Other than Olson himself the man the press were most asking the question: 'Which candidate do you endorse?' was Guan Yuanchun, but the man apparently had the sense to stay out of politics, apart that is for funding advocacy groups for those of Capellan refugee descent like himself.

Privately Olson knew who he wanted to win of course, based on knowing all the candidates personally apart that is from the weirdo who wanted to introduce the clan caste system to Niops and was running on that as a platform, but he wasn't saying.

Regarding the aforementioned weirdo inexplicably he was not even of Wolverine descent, he was actually Niops born, which only made it all the stranger. Olson wondered if he was even grounded enough in reality to realise that if he did win Franklin Hallis would promptly blow his head off and rather doubted it.

Apparently said candidate also believed in phrenology, the phlogiston theory and trickle-down economics which probably explained a few things. It was a pity he didn't also profess belief in astrology as well to be honest, because if he had he could have been committed to a mental health facility for his own good and that of society at large.

"As per your prior instructions on the matter I agreed that we would release the prisoners into the custody of the Palatinate ASAP and that they would return them to Circinus" Jeffries told the High Associator. "The agreed schedule for the return of the first jumpship to Circinus only specified it occurring this year, and at our convenience."

"So, we give it back on December 31st you think?" Olson replied, grinning.

Jeffries grinned back. "If we can jump in at exactly at 23:59 on that date that would be ideal" he agreed. "We wouldn't want to break any agreements but there's no need to go above and beyond the minimum required."

"The heady joys of malicious compliance are not to be underestimated" Olson remarked. "****** ComStar do it to us all the time. Did you hear yet that they're still dithering over releasing our access to the funds we deposited with them at Hednesford?" he asked.

"Still? I thought that would have been sorted out by now" Jeffries replied, surprised.

"They keep changing their story, the latest one is that they need to make sure that the data in their Hednesford accounts from before the Interdiction perfectly match the back-up records on Terra just in case SAFE meddled with them somehow" Olson explained. "As if we didn't know ROM spent the entire ComStar War running rings around Free Worlds intelligence."

To be fair it wasn't like SAFE had completely failed in its efforts to deal with ComStar's intelligence operations within their territory. They had captured quite a number of ComStar personnel, including members of ROM, passing on some of what they learned to Niops because they were trying to keep the Association on-side and not risk their source of PPC's being cut-off, but overall SAFE had lived up to its Rep of being a distinctly second-rate intelligence organisation.

If the League had been a little less desperate at the time it was unlikely that they would have been so willing, perhaps even eager, to share intelligence information with some minor periphery nation like Niops, but at the time they had needed all the help they could get. Needless to say, once HPG access had been restored, and the military situation stabilised, SAFE had almost immediately stopped feeding potentially valuable information they had learned about ComStar and its intelligence agency to Niops, it simply went against the grain to do so except in the direst of circumstances, but for a while keeping their PPC supplier on-side had outweighed other considerations.

It was considered likely that ComStar was aware that the Niops Association was better informed about them thanks to SAFE than they would wish them to be. After all SAFE's own reputation was that it leaked like a sieve at the best of times, while the messy, near-chaotic political structure of the Free Worlds League likely made infiltration of the various structures within its government a less onerous task than doing so would be in the Capellan Confederation or the Draconis Combine for example. How the phone company would treat with them in future as a result was uncertain as yet but they were certainly being a pain-in-the-ass at the moment.
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #407 on: 26 March 2024, 11:20:36 »
Part XLIII - Section 2 of 2


Olson adopted a serious expression. "It's possible that you might be required to undertake a diplomatic mission to Terra on our behalf in order to try and normalise our relations with ComStar" he told the young man.


"Not in the sense that everyone else kisses their ass so they won't switch off their HPG access, or pass on their secrets to someone else, not that 'normal' Gareth" Olson explained. "I mean our normal in the sense that they pass on our messages and we pay for the privilege, nothing more than that."

"What makes you think our relationship with ComStar is becoming rocky enough to warrant a little amiable chat to clear the air? Not just their interceding in the Circinus issue surely?"

Olson shook his head. "No, that's just one of the indications we have that ComStar is starting to think we need to be put in our place" he said. "As you know, during their interdiction on the Free Worlds League we were routing communications via the Magistracy, Thraxa having the closest available HPG that still worked."

Jeffries nodded. "I really like those cuts of Tazqan meat we've been importing from there too" he replied. "Amazing depth of taste."

"I know right?" Olson enthusiastically agreed. "I've asked the Department of Trade to see if we can import a few Tazqan and raise them here, they'll probably do better in our climate than most herd animals, but that's a digression" he said. "Apparently the HPG on Thraxa is expected to fail at any moment and ComStar have no plans to repair or replace the thing."

"But that's ridiculous" Jeffries replied, visibly surprised. "I know they don't prioritise systems where there's not much trade, or data traffic, but I thought that we agreed with the Duchess of Thraxa that we'd route all our trade with the Magistracy through there from now on?"

"We did, and we are, it's the closest system in the Magistracy to us anyway and she's proven a reliable person to do business with" Olson replied. "We're assuming that ComStar are doing it to try and lean on us, their options for doing so are limited and while letting Thraxa fall off the grid doesn't impact us directly it's an annoyance at the very least. The director of NHCOMNET has been pushing me to establish an outpost in the Al-Farghani system, no habitable planets but there's a moon that could be terraformed eventually and a decent enough asteroid belt. More importantly it's within HPG transmission range of both ComStock and Thraxa so we wouldn't be so dependent upon the Hednesford station to get a message out."

"But it wouldn't be any use doing that if Thraxa isn't going to have a working HPG anyway" Jeffries noted.

"Nope" Olson confirmed. "NHCOMNET wanted to send a curt demand to the Primus himself saying that if ComStar didn't keep the Thraxa station online then we'd install an HPG of our own there" he said. "I told them it was a bad idea."

"Is it?" Jeffries asked rhetorically.

"Isn't it? Karpov would likely go ballistic" Olson stated with certainty. "According to Garth Marik the man practically had steam coming out of his ears when the Free Worlds League refused to completely supplicate themselves."

"I'm sure he would, that's why NHCOMNET would send the message to him with you countersigning, and then once the 'malevolent' Giles Olson is out of the picture the new High Associator can apologise for their behaviour and request a reset on diplomatic relations between Niops and ComStar" he suggested, smiling evilly. "Naturally as an act of goodwill it would be nice if they kept the Thraxa station running, but we'd be willing to pay some of the costs if ComStar is short of cash at the moment. The Interdiction itself, and the costs of restoring the network in Marik territory, must have drained their coffers severely, unless that is they've been overcharging everyone drastically all this time."

Olson burst out laughing. "They won't know how to respond to that at all" he said eventually. "They don't want to have to justify letting Thraxa fall off the grid, especially if we're offering to foot some of the bill."

"Better than that, if they claim its some exorbitant sum we can say that we could do it all ourselves for less than that and suggest they're being screwed by whoever is making the HPG's for them" Jeffries replied, grinning himself.

"They've clearly been trying the carrot and stick approach with us but ever since the Interdiction it's been a lot less carrot and a lot more stick" Jeffries argued. "If they get to thinking that the stumbling block was the man that's been running Niops for fifteen years, and that the new guy or girl might be less intransigent than you've been in telling them to get lost when they asked to take over control of NHCOMNET, we might get a couple more years of carrot."

Olson frowned. "At some point they're going to realise we're screwing with them."

"Yeah, and we'll know that they'll know but diplomacy is like that" Jeffries responded.

"It'll be out of my hands soon of course, but as it happens I've personally come to believe that our best approach to relations with ComStar is aloof bordering on antagonistic so that approach would lean into that" Olson responded thoughtfully. "It's something that'll give us a distinct identity as not just being another periphery microstate. We don't have to suck up to the phone company because we still know how everything the Terran Hegemony invented works and can reproduce it, and we don't have to bow and scrape to any of the Great Houses because we've got the firepower to inflict crippling losses on any aggressor" he said. "My military attaché Colonel Ebon came to me last week with a motto the armed forces wants to adopt, something that they feel as being appropriate to our circumstances: 'Irrita me invenies quid valeam'."

"Provoke me and find out what I am capable of?" Jeffries translated from Latin.

Olson nodded. "A true scholar I see" he observed appreciatively. "Although that's not quite how she translated it."

"Yes?" Jeffries queried.

"****** around and find out" Olson told him, trying not to laugh.

Jeffries laughed himself. "Not very literal but it might be a more accurate translation as regards the message it want to convey nonertheless" he had to admit. "Perhaps we need an informal motto for our foreign policy position too? Something like: 'Niops sumus. Scimus omnia et numquam pares' perhaps?" he suggested.

"We're Niops. We know everything and we're never outmatched" the High Associator translated himself. "Sounds a little boastful, but when you can back it up why not indulge in some swagger?" he asked rhetorically.

"Only boastful, sir? I was going for downright obnoxious" Jeffries replied.

"The Latin makes it sound a little too classy for that" Olson opined. "Perhaps just say it in English and then you can also substitute 'outgunned' for 'outmatched'."

Jeffries thought about that and nodded. "You've got a point" he conceded. "English and unmistakably obnoxious it is."

"Keep the Latin version in your back pocket in case you feel the need to be condescending as well" Olson advised. "I suspect that maintaining an air of intellectual superiority while talking down to ComStar in particular would render the most stoic of them completely incensed and totally throw them off their game."

"Well, they really don't like it when you correct them in public, I've seen that for myself" Jeffries told him. "The Precentor attending the Circinus negotiations quoted Metternich and said it was a something Jerome Blake came up with."

"Metternich?" Olson queried.

"He was an early nineteenth century statesman and diplomat, served the Austrian-Hungarian Empire" Jeffries explained, unsurprised that Olson was unfamiliar with the man. "I corrected her in front of everyone and she was not happy about it."

"They claim to be preserving knowledge but they're more like a religious cult every day I swear" Olson remarked. "They actually refer to their former leaders Blake and Toyama as saints did you know that? They'll be claiming they grant miracles next, the Catholic Churches should sue."

"I think they're still too busy arguing with each other to pay attention."

The High Associator blinked as something occurred to him. "Forget ComStar itself for a moment, I think I might have something else for you to do" he said suddenly. "What would happen if we contacted the Church in Rome and offered to hand over Bernard Critchly?"

"I suspect they would be very pleased" Jeffries assumed.

"Not the kind of news ComStar could suppress even if they tried. The Pope would likely spread the word far and wide don't you think?" Olson asked.

"Billions of very happy Catholics right across the Inner Sphere I would imagine."

Olson smirked. "Public relations gold just when ComStar might be looking to bad-mouth us because we won't dance to their tune."

"And we get to spread the story about how the 295th division of the SLDF fought and won the last battle of the Amaris War by defeating the Amaris Dragoons" Jeffries considered. "They'll wonder why we're only going public with this now though."

"We'll make something up about keeping it quiet while we pumped the prisoners for information about other possible Amaris holdouts and didn't want to possibly tip anybody off" Olson decided. "It's not even a complete lie, we did find out who Raymond's Redcoats were from them."

Jeffries looked thoughtful. "If we delivered Critchly to the Vatican on Terra personally we could make it a full-blown diplomat mission" he said. "The Vatican is still technically an independent state so we could present our credentials to the Pope, formalise diplomatic relations with them and then ask if we can address the First Circuit of ComStar since we're on Terra anyway."

Olson nodded. "Lots to think about here, but well worth discussing with the council" he said. "At the very least it'll be another example of Niops being the small pebble making ripples in the big pond and we're getting to the stage where that works in our favour."

"I wonder if the history books will agree" Jeffries remarked.

"If the Second Age of War doesn't come to a close soon we'll be the only ones left who are literate enough to write the history books of the future, so we should be fine" Olson replied wryly.

"What about ComStar?"

"Their history books will say that Jerome Blake rose from the dead and captured Critchly before returning to the grave" Olson joked.

"So is undead Jerome Blake a vampire or a zombie?"

"Disagreements over that will be the schism that they'll fight a civil war over, heretics being burned at the stake because they refuse to recant their belief that he cast a reflection in the mirror."


"May the light of Sweet Zombie Blake shine upon you my child" Olson solemnly intoned, wishing that he had a few more years left in office so he could be in charge when things got really interesting.


Note from the Author:

ComStar had gradually become less secular and more akin to a religious order under Conrad Toyama but during Raymond Karpov's reign it really began to embrace the idea with robes, chanting and an increasingly use of clerical language. I suspect the Roman Catholic Church on Terra didn't know whether or not to be flattered by the imitation or not. ComStar's habit of crediting Jerome Blake with saying things other's came up with to make him look good is canon.

ROM and SAFE literally fighting it out with each other during the ComStar War the former was no longer quite the mystery organisation it might have been before. For the Free Worlds League, in wanting to keep Niops on-side and paint ComStar as the bad guy, to pass on information they learned about ComStar (and ROM) to the Association seems likely (they were in truly dire straits at the time).

Giles Olson won't be High Associator much longer but he's still trying to make a mark.
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #408 on: 26 March 2024, 17:50:02 »
Olson is succeeding in my book!  Seriously, ComStar delenda est! >:D

And I'm still waiting for Niops to provide HPG service to the FWL... ;)


  • Captain
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #409 on: 26 March 2024, 21:43:26 »
"May the light of Sweet Zombie Blake shine upon you my child"

gold.... pure gold.....

wife thought i might need medical help after i reacted to reading that line. 


  • Lieutenant
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #410 on: 27 March 2024, 01:36:48 »
"We will pay for repairs to the Thraxa HPG... out of the funds you've sequestered."

"We expect those billions of C-bills returned or delivered plus 5% annual interest, assessed monthly. I assume you don't need our help calculating that?"

"We have an interesting economic analysis of how much it would cost us to run a sphere-wide HPG network and what our prices would need to be to yield a modest profit. I'm not quite sure we translated it into C-bills correctly, could you check our calculations before we publish?"
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #411 on: 27 March 2024, 03:26:45 »
The apoplexy any of those would cause on the ComStar side would be pure hilarity! :D


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Rumours of annihilation are grossly exaggerated
Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #412 on: 02 April 2024, 09:45:18 »
Part XLIV - Section 1 of 2


"The ace in the hole of the BJ-1n Blackjack was its AC/5's disguised to look like the AC/2's of the original model BJ-1. The mechwarriors that operated the BJ-1n called it the 'Five Card Trick', and in conjunction with the machine being far more mechanically reliable in reality than in was in legend they revelled in the tactical advantage that being badly underestimated provided them.

When the secret got out, as it had to eventually, they just swapped out the autocannons on the Blackjack for ER Large Lasers and the heat-sinks needed to keep them firing and the various militias of the Niops Hegemony continued to happily match their machines against all comers."

Weekend Warriors: Militia against Professionals during the Lostech War - Niops Press, 2920


Hydrae Battlemech Manufactory (HBM) – Alphard – 2840

Shielded from the blazing sun by a large awning, Giles Olson looked out at the crowd who had assembled outside the newly completed factory complex to hear his speech before he officially declared the manufacturing facility open. They all looked a great deal less uncomfortable in the sunshine than he would have, most of them being either Alphard born or having been living and working here now long enough to have acclimatised by now.

Stood behind a podium on a raised dais, one set up in front of some truly gigantic hanger doors, the High Associator looked out at his audience and smiled. Leaning in closer to the microphone connected to a loudspeaker so everyone could hear. "I'll try not to use up too much of your time" he began. "I'm sure you've all got better things to do than listen to a politician a couple of weeks away from retirement ramble on" he continued, looking around. "Could be worse I suppose. At least it's not raining" he deadpanned.

The ripple of laughter that passed through the crowd confirmed to Olson that he had hit the right note. Situated by a natural harbour on the west coast of the Hydrae continent the annual rainfall in this area measured less than ten centimetres per year, although the river that flowed into the harbour not far from the factory meant that the area was still generally greener that most of Hydrae was.

In order to house the factory workforce, and to cater to their needs, a town had been built beside the river, one that was expected to double in size within five years and then double again in population within five more as more industry sprang up nearby and more people arrived looking for work. The Corps of Engineers had already laid out a grid system for future roads, making certain it wouldn't develop into some kind of haphazard shanty town, and was now breaking ground for a future commercial district. Plans for a large public park were also being considered, though the amount of irrigation needed to keep grass and trees properly watered in this climate was a stumbling block to the more grandiose schemes.

Alphard was one of those places where it was well worth using solar panels even if you had fusion power generation. There was even a scheme to build a production facility to produce umpteen square kilometres of the things, cover a huge area of otherwise useless arid land in them and use the shade underneath for farming. The electricity the panels generated would power pumps bringing seawater inland and then convert it to fresh water using industrial J-U purifiers.

It wouldn't really be a sensible, economically viable proposal until all the land suitable for farming elsewhere on the planet was under the plough, but in the long term it would allow Alphard's population to grow somewhat beyond normal limits if someone in the future hankered for the days when the Star League Department of Mega-Engineering saw the obstacles Mother Nature threw in the way of humanity as a challenge not a block.

The dropship which had transported Olson here had set down at the partially completed spaceport situated a few kilometres away, after which a hover-car ferried him onto the factory for the official opening ceremony. The day before he had visited what was effectively the planetary capital city, a large and growing town surrounded by farmland on the Typhon continent, one of the two large landmasses that lay near Alphard's north pole, and to say he had been somewhat surprised by the warmth of the welcome he had received from the locals was a massive understatement.

Back home on Niops the people still treated the High Associator in much the same way that people on most planets in the Inner Sphere would treat the mayor of a big city, he was someone you might run into at the supermarket or at a coffee shop during lunchbreak, not some high-and-mighty figure of authority that needed to be bowed and scraped towards, or regarded with something remotely akin to deference and awe.

Finding himself at a huge parade being held in his honour and treated as if he was the Director-General of the Terran Hegemony, or even First Lord of the Star League, by cheering locals rather than some bureaucrat was the sort of thing that might well have gone to his head if not for the fact that he knew he would be merely a private citizen again soon.

His wife who was accompanying him on this trip must have caught on to his mood because she had leaned in close and whispered 'Remember thou art mortal' in his ear while some local dignitary waxed lyrical about his supposedly great achievements while in office, giggling at the expression that appeared on Olson's face when she did so.

She was actually the one that had nudged him into politics in the first place, though of course that was back when being elected as High Associator might get you a nice table at a restaurant on Niops VII not something akin to a Roman Triumph in another star system entirely like Alphard, and she liked to take some credit for how things had turned out for him as a result. There was an old saying she was fond of that claimed: 'behind every great man there was a great woman propelling him forward' and, although Olson didn't really consider himself 'great' as such, he didn't generally disagree with the sentiment.

ComStar might not accept the premise, but if they did agree they would probably attribute the quote to a putative 'Mrs Blake'.

Fortunately for the crowd who had come out to see him on Typhon Giles Olson was actually pretty good at giving a rousing address when the occasion called for one, and recycling some material from a few of those he had given in the past whilst electioneering he had delivered an impromptu but stonking speech to the masses, one that featured references to cooperation and a shared vision of a brighter future for all as the Hegemony both expanded and deepened the ties between its member worlds. If each planet, and each person living upon those planets, contributed what they could for the common good then they could build something far, far greater than the sum of its parts. While the Great Houses continued to bathe each other in blood and nuclear fire, razing civilisation itself to the ground as they did so, out here Niops, Alphard and the other member worlds were building each other up, creating a vibrant, dynamic new nation that they could all be proud to bequeath to their children and grandchildren.

Fortunately it didn't seem like he had laid it on too thick yesterday and the locals reacted enthusiastically enough to his words that Olson not only didn't feel he had overreached with the 'manifest destiny' schtick but he was also pretty sure that if his successor, whoever it was going to be, visited Alphard and gave a speech of their own it would probably seem lacklustre by comparison. As a rule politicians on Niops tended to be somewhat boring, not particularly inspiring, technocrats that weren't exactly all that thrilling to listen to, Olson being unusual on that score because he could carry a crowd. The underlying scientific meritocracy did at least weed out those unable to actually do the job however, which was more than could be said of people running things in a lot of places, and until the last few years an inability to stir up the mob hadn't really been a deal-breaker for a Council Member or even the High Associator themselves.

That was yesterday though. Given the rather different audience present at the new battlemech factory being opened Olson had opted not to go with stirring oratory in favour of relaxed, earthy good humour and after running a few jokes past his wife earlier just to make sure they were actually funny he delivered an entertaining enough speech that seemed to deliver the goods, at least judging by the laughter and occasional applause.

Olson laughed along with crowd for a while before becoming a little more serious. "Before I forget, can I offer my heartfelt thanks for all the hard work you men and women have put into this project over the last few years" he addressed the crowd. "If it wasn't for the sterling efforts of people that hail from Comstock, Francas, Niops plus of course Alphard itself, all coming together for a common goal we wouldn't have been able to get this factory completed both ahead of time and, even more amazingly for a government project, actually on-budget!"

The High Associator sighed. "You have no idea of how much trouble it caused when the Project Manager tried sending the unspent money back to the treasury, dozens of bean-counters staring blankly into space trying to figure out what they were supposed to do because nobody had ever done that before" he said, trying to sound sincere but not so sincere that they wouldn't know he was joking.

Olson paused, sighed again and then shook his head sadly. "Given that the paperwork is too hard to figure out I guess we'll just have to pay everyone a bonus instead" he said. "Just make sure to spend it before the new guy or gal takes over from me or they might want it back" he very obviously joked now as some very enthusiastic cheering broke out.

It wasn't actual largesse on his part of course. The assembled engineers, technicians and construction workers who had just completed building the factory complex would be moving onto other work, indeed some already had being released from working on the new Water-Purifier plant for this occasion, and if word got out that there was an actual benefit to going above and beyond then more people would do so.

There was certainly no shortage of work that still needed to be done, but there was a severe shortage the skilled labour needed to do it which meant getting the most out of everyone was paramount. As an increasing number of workers who had signed up for five-year contracts arrived from the Illyrian Palatinate it looked like they would be able to get the new mines running to capacity at least but hopes to drastically increase the amount of land under the plough on the northern continents of Alphard were still stymied by a serious lack of manpower.

In some ways the system was a victim of its own success, the new factories being opened paid better than signing up as a farmhand did, and with manufacturing starting up again on Comstock as well now people there were starting to reconsider plans to take jobs on other planets, even ones that might pay a little more than the ones back home.

It certainly didn't help that Comstock had a more pleasant, temperate climate than Alphard. Toiling in the fields on Typhon or Echidna was bad enough, but working construction on Hydrae was hellish. There was a good reason why the native population didn't live near the equator despite the vast mineral wealth to be found both on Hydrae and the island continent Crux.

At least food imported from the Stafford system could help feed the expanding urban population on Alphard for now, although it was considered risky to see that as a long-term solution. Planets being capable of feeding themselves was safer, just look at what happened to Comstock when interstellar trade collapsed, so while it wasn't like anyone was actually going to go hungry on Alphard the Department of Trade and Industry was starting to push for large scale recruitment from poorer worlds in the Free Worlds League nonetheless. There were several worlds under Marik rule within a few jumps of Niops that had been rendered poor and destitute by the wars, it was hoped their inhabitants might well jump at the chance to obtain a new home and steady well-paid work, especially in a place that wasn't in the line-of-fire.

That would have to be handled very carefully though, for both diplomatic and security reasons. The government on Atreus might be too preoccupied at present to make a fuss about some small periphery power poaching its people, in fact they might even be quietly happy about it because they were having trouble supporting the populations of some of their smaller colonies, but eventually they might make a fuss about it and that required prior forethought and planning to deal with.

Waiting for the latest round of applause to settle Giles Olson looked around. Not far away in the distance another large manufacturing facility for mechs was already beginning construction, this one however not intended to eventually produce war machines but rather agromechs and loggermechs that would hopefully increase productivity, and therefore output, while demographics caught up with soaring demand. Back home in Niops another Project Workshop had just been brought on line, PW III-C on Niops V, which should ease production bottlenecks in high-tech manufacturing equipment a little, and eventually they would be in a position to build a factory making robotics advanced enough to need a lot less human supervision, but for now they still had to prioritise on what really needed to have been done yesterday and allocate labour accordingly.

Doing everything in a rush certainly showed in the design of the buildings here, Olson thought to himself. Plain, boring concrete boxes put together in a hurry that actually looked much like the majority of new construction back home, only cheaper because weather-proofing and insulation to keep out the cold wasn't really much of a design requirement here. The buildings were blindingly bright here though, painting everything white helped keep them cool inside, and they dazzled you almost as much as the G3IV type star high above. On Niops VII the boxy concrete blocks many people lived and worked in were made darker to try and catch as much sunlight as possible.

The other thing that caught the eye that differentiated the buildings here from buildings back home was all the air-conditioning vents and Olson was now very much looking forward to getting inside before his suit jacket was completely drenched in sweat. Supposedly down in the deep germanium mines on Crux some of the workers wore modified versions of the cooling suits worn by mechwarriors and it was easy to understand why. A few hours of having to swing a pickaxe down there where it wasn't just hot, it was also humid, sounded horrific.

The 'workers' on Crux were actually convict labour of course, so a little suffering was par for the course, but if they collapsed from the heat then they couldn't work and so making sure conditions for them weren't too terrible paid dividends.

If they met production quotas they even got aircon in their cells and ice-cream as dessert which reputedly did more to keep them complaint than armed guards ever did. Olson had considered visiting the penal colony while he was here but had eventually decided against in favour of getting back to Niops a little sooner. Ensuring that the handover of power after the election was a smooth as possible was important, he had been running things for fifteen years now, the only High Associator to ever make it the full three terms of office permitted by the constitution, and leaving on a high note with no hitches was important to his legacy.

More importantly he needed to make sure that the big wooden desk that he had paid for himself was moved out of the High Associator's office well before his successor took over and claimed it. Olson loved that desk, it had been made from an unusual hardwood imported from Buffalo Meadows, and the study in his private home was just big enough for it to fit inside.

The carpenter who made it had originally been an 'Astech' in the 295th, as the military called Assistant Technicians who worked on mechs and aerospace fighters, who had found a talent at woodworking during their years marooned on Buffalo Meadows. They operated very successful business now back on Niops VII making bespoke furniture, though the timber was mostly imported from Stafford these days that being rather closer. The forests that had been planted on Niops VII using imported species of trees grew very slowly given the temperature and limited sunlight so while they would eventually produce useful lumber, for now they weren't much use for anything but a habitat for recreated Aurochs and Giant Moas, both transplanted from McEvedy's Folly.

Once he was out of office and back to being an ordinary citizen Olson planned to invest some of his savings in that fast food chain that was starting to get off the ground, he had tried a Moa burger and he was pretty sure it was going to be a hit throughout the Hegemony. The same however could not be said of Kentucky Fried Dodo unfortunately, those things going extinct had clearly been no great loss to gastronomy assuming Alpheus McEvedy's recreated Dodo tasted as much like the original species as it looked.

Nobody would ever be raising herds of Moa here on Alphard though, regardless of how tasty they were. The recreated Moa had been engineered to live in considerably cooler climes than could be found on this arid rock, Olson thought to himself. Fortunately there were regions of Francas that were expected to be extremely suitable for rearing the Moa in commercially viable quantity, and the people there were certainly well experienced in livestock farming and ranching, albeit with imported Terran species.

They already farmed ostriches on Francas, the Giant Moa shouldn't be too different.

Some people on Stafford meanwhile had expressed an interest in perhaps importing both the Crested Mammoth and the Aurochs, not as meat animals but as beasts of burden. The aurochs would probably be easier to domesticate, but on the other hand an eight-ton mammoth could pull one hell of a plough and unlike a tractor used plants as fuel and was also a good source of manure.

The diversity of worlds within the Hegemony made Olson regret not visiting any of them before now, although he certainly couldn't have found time for the the long trek all the way down to Frobisher and McEvedy's Folly. He would have probably gotten a decent reception on Frobisher though, they seemed very pleased with the Iron Wombs that would mean Homo Sapiens Amphibia not going the way of the Dodo (sans the epic comeback) and all the advanced genetic engineering equipment salvaged from the Folly added to their own meant that Frobisher had a very bright future ahead of itself as the likely bioscience hub of the Hegemony.

The fact that there were children who had been born on Niops while Olson was in office that might potentially still be alive at the dawn of the next millennium was mostly down to the genetic engineers on Frobisher. As soon as the first clinic providing anti-agathic gene-therapy treatments had opened back home it had been running full-tilt to try and meet demand and although priority was being given to the genetically-enhanced infants coming out of the Iron Wombs, given the financial investment in creating the new sibling companies the military wanted to get as many years of service out of them as they possibly could, the treatments were available to all.

True, if you were wealthy you could jump to the front of the queue, but the income from that was being used to fund additional clinics with an expansion of the service to the rest of the Hegemony worlds planned soon. Given the far greater populations of the other member planets however production of the treatments would have to be ramped up drastically in order to cope with potential demand, and with increased immigration another factor it might be a generation before every child born in the Hegemony could be guaranteed such an extended lifespan.

It was expected however that when the Magistracy of Canopus in particular caught word of the treatments, they would be throwing money at Niops to try and get access themselves and if they were willing to pay as much as some analysts thought they would that might actually bring in enough income to subsidise the whole thing. Certainly the year before when news that Niops could not only likely repair their ever-dwindling number of precious Terran-Hegemony-tech Stasis Tubes, but even potentially make new ones reached Canopus this had resulted in a handwritten letter sent by the Magistratix herself arriving on Olson's beloved desk via the Duchess of Thraxa, the note asking how much it would cost to get this expedited.

It wasn't quite a heap of blank cheques being thrust into the hands of the Niops Association, but the Department of Trade and Industry were pretty happy about it and started pushing for another delay in working on the new shipyard while a Project Workshop was assigned to reverse-engineering and then manufacturing the Stasis Tube technology.

Fortunately for both Admiral Bremman's blood pressure and his mental health the High Associator had immediately nixed the suggestion. The Magistracy would just have to wait until at least 2845 by which time another workshop, PW-II-B should be completed on Niops VI.

After cracking a few more jokes and waxing lyrical on the sterling job being done by everyone in the Hegemony to build a brighter future, Giles Olson told the crowd that he had wasted more than enough of their time already and that they should all head inside where cold drinks, sandwiches and ice-cream waited for all in the factory canteen. While they got to enjoy themselves he would be shown around the plant and would ceremonially push a large button to start the whole production line running for the first time.

It would be a pleasure to get inside for him too, with or without ice-cream, and while his wife played court in the canteen, herself having no interest in looking at machinery, Olson looked around outside one more time before entering the building with the factory foreman acting as guide and a couple of men from his protection detail hanging back.
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Rumours of annihilation are grossly exaggerated
Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #413 on: 02 April 2024, 09:46:24 »
Part XLIV - Section 2 of 2


Virtually every machine in the factory had already been tested of course, indeed several pre-production Blackjack battlemechs had already been produced there, they had just never run the entire factory all at the same time from raw materials to finished product in one smooth run rather than in fits and starts.

As Olson was escorted inside by the factory foreman, Niops born of Capellan Refugee stock, he passed by one of the Blackjack mechs the factory would soon be turning out by the lance-load and noted it was painted up in unusual livery. "What's with the bright yellow Cameron Star?" he queried, pointing up at the insignia.

"The Alphard Militia adopted it as their insignia, they're getting the first dozen machines" the foreman explained. "If the idea catches on then I guess the ones we'll make for the Frobisher militia eventually will have an orange Cameron Star on them instead" he said, grinning.

Olson smiled. "Alphard will probably want to add their name to that insignia because otherwise people will confuse them with all the other systems in the Hegemony with G type stars" he suggested. "For that matter McEvedy's Folly is also an orange dwarf like Frobisher."

"Good point, though I hadn't heard that the genetic abominations on the Folly were forming a planetary guard" the foreman joked.

"They are, but they won't need mechs, just a flak jacket big enough for a Thunderbird to wear" Olsonreplied, playing along. "The factory workforce are all considered reliable I assume? No security risks?"

The foreman nodded. "Nobody whose parents and grandparents weren't born on Niops, Alphard, Comstock or Francas has been allowed to get a job here" he replied. "We're going to expand that to people from Stafford and the other Hegemony systems that joined more recently but we're keeping the rule regarding ancestry. Makes foreign infiltration a little tricky."

"Same rule for militia membership I suppose?" Olson checked.

"Yes Sir, only people whose families have lived in the Niops Hegemony worlds for generations, the one that don't really identify with anywhere else as a homeland" the foreman confirmed. "There's certainly plenty of other work for non-Hegemony immigrant labour here on Alphard anyway; mining, farming up on Typhon or Echidna, or a job at one of the other factories cropping up making civilian goods. I nearly lost a good machinist last week to a firm that's about to start turning out ATV's for local use and export, quad-cycles you know, lots of demand for those as we start developing planets out here in the wilds."

"I guess they imported the plant and machinery for that from the Magistracy?" Olson supposed.

"Yeah, but the same firm is looking to start making tractors and construction machinery next using a line imported from the Free Worlds League I've heard, fire-sale prices there at the moment" the foreman told him.

"A lot of that is really just the exchange rate between the Niops Dollar and the League Eagle at the moment" Olson told him. "The Eagle has fallen a lot against the C-Bill at the same time ComStar bucks have slipped in value compared to ours. It won't last though, the League's economy is mostly back on its feet and once people realise that confidence in their money will go back up."

The factory foreman smiled. "Sounds like you know what you're talking about" he replied.

Olson laughed. "Nah, just fifteen years of practicing pretending that I do" he confided, tongue-in-cheek. "I assume the local militia are happy with the Blackjack now they'll be getting the things?"

"Yes Sir. In concert with SLDF instructors we've started training a few locals up on the pre-production machines already. Fortunately the Blackjack doesn't handle much differently than most mechs in its weight class, other than being a little more sluggish than some, so the prior experience they've been getting before now on other machines in preparation for the BJ-1n being available is proving valuable I'm told" he said. "Just to be clear she's sluggish when walking or running, if you use her jumpjets as well she's manoeuvrable enough to be effectively on a battlefield."

Olson smiled. "Yes, I do read the briefing papers that cross my desk" he responded. "If the Blackjack was really the third-rate war-machine most people think it is in the Inner Sphere we wouldn't have chosen to put it into production" he said. "The autocannon upgrade helps but, to quote my military liaison, 'If the Blackjack wasn't a fundamentally sound design, then swapping out the AC/2 for an Improved AC/5 would have just been putting lipstick on a pig'."

The foreman laughed. "Great analogy" he opined.

"I liked it, most of my staff aren't as entertaining in their phrasing as Colonel Ebon" Olson told him. "The Alphard Militia is getting the first twenty-four machines off the production line if I recall correctly?" he asked.

"Yes Sir" the foreman confirmed, nodding. "After that we'll start shipping them out to Comstock, Francas, Stafford and the other member worlds to equip their planetary defence forces, but for obvious reasons it'll still be a while before we'll be able to meaningfully scale back the SLDF garrisons already there. As you can see by just looking around this isn't some slick, fully automated Star League factory that can churn out hundreds of mechs a year with half a bored dozen staff sitting around without much to do, I mean we're not low-tech by any means but if we can eventually ramp up to thirty-six mechs a year we'll be doing well, though we'll need considerably more inflow of raw materials than we have at present to achieve that goal, as well as another production line for fusion engines."

"I'm told that there are more mining operations being planned for up-river that will provide the raw materials at least" Olson remarked, looking with interest at a large piece of machinery he thought was some kind of press. Everything was at a huge scale of course, even a medium battlemech like a Blackjack was a hefty beast of a machine by human scale.

The rivers on Hydrae were very important, not just because they provided fresh water, Jamerson-Ulikov Water Purifiers could go a long way to meeting that need, but because they were also a trade highway to the various mining towns further inland. The number of barges full of ore making their way downriver to factories situated on the coast would increase exponentially over the next few years, the plan being that they would be eventually supplemented by roads and mag-lev lines that would allow more ready access to mineral wealth located further afield, but they already delivered enough to keep the factories running, if not to capacity.

"Yes, but we'll need to expand the river-port to handle it first" the foreman replied. "You can't just magic infrastructure out of thin air unfortunately."

Olson laughed. "Honestly it seems like we already have sometimes" he joked. "Ten years ago there was nothing here but rocks baking in the sun, now look at this place" he said, sweeping his hand around.

"You can get a lot done with some project workshops, money to import plant and machinery and a motivated workforce that's for sure" the foreman agreed. "As the town grows around the factories we're building here and we've got more indigenous manufacture going it'll make things easier certainly" he said confidently. "We can already produce our own ferro-fibrous armour and older-type double-heat sinks right here in the factory, I'll show you the armour forge and the DHS line later, but we're still having to import endo-steel frames from Niops and that won't change until we get some more orbital infrastructure right here in Alphard."

"It's on the to-do list believe me, it's just a very long list" Olson replied. "Not much point telling me about it anyway, I'll be looking for a new job soon" he said, before smiling. "Talking of which, are you hiring and what's the pay like?" he asked, jokingly.

"Salary would probably be a little lower than you're used to, Sir" the foreman replied.

"Yeah, I'm just kicking myself now that I wasn't corrupt. Could have built up a nice retirement fund" Olson replied, feigning regret.

"That's unfortunate, I was going to suggest you get a job in the marketing department but if you're honest then it's really not the career for you" the foreman replied, shaking his head sadly.

"There's a marketing department?"

"Well not yet, but eventually every budding militia mechwarrior in the Niops Hegemony is going to have a Blackjack and then we'll have to either sell them to other people or shutter the factory" the foreman replied.

"Shutter the factory? We're the Star League, we'll just dig a big hole, fill it up with mechs, bury them and call it a 'cache' just like our forefathers did" Olson said wryly. "Seriously, the Great Houses keep turning them up all the time, even ones most of the SLDF didn't seem to know about are scattered around everywhere."

"Yeah, makes you wonder when they're all going to run out?" the foreman asked rhetorically. "Judging from the news reports they're already wrecking their ability to make new battlemechs so eventually they'll only have the caches left to feed into the grinder."

"Maybe by the Fourth Succession War" Olson suggested. "Nah, more like the Fifth" he reassessed his answer. "That won't mean peace though, they'll fight the Sixth with sticks and stones if they had to" he said. "More seriously they're bound to see sense eventually and they'll stop flinging nuclear weapons at each other while there's still something worth actually fighting over."

"Just as long as they don't all decide we're worth fighting over" the foreman observed. "It might not exactly be the Valkyrie factory on New Avalon" he said, referring to the most productive battlemech manufacturing facility still operating in the Inner Sphere, "but this place is going to get more and more valuable as more and more factories elsewhere get destroyed."

"True, but whoever tries to take it away from us is in for a much harder fight than they're expecting, and not just because our Blackjack is punchier than it looks" Olson replied, reaching out to touch a piece of heavy machinery, the feel of the cold metal making it more real somehow. "We're building the future here."

"Well said, High Associator" the foreman replied, glad he had voted for the man three times and wishing he could have done it again.

"Yeah, if I say it again later in front of other people when we're in the canteen pretend it's the first time you've heard it okay?" Olson requested, grinning cheekily. "That goes for you guys too" he added loudly to his security detail who had maintained a polite distance while he talked to his guide.

"Will do" the foreman agreed before they moved onto the part of the production line where the ferro-fibrous armour was mounted to the endo-steel frame of the mech, pointing out where some design changes had been made to the original specs so that they could more readily switch out the autocannons on the Blackjack for Extended Range Large Lasers if required later.

It was best to future-proof when building the future after all.


Note from the Author:

Just as a reminder Hydrae, Typhon, Echidna and Crux are the names used here for the continents on Alphard that were known as Italia, Alba, Gaul and Ostia in canon (where the Roman-themed Marian Hegemony exists not the Niops Hegemony). Hydrae isn't nearly as suitable for farming as Typhon and Echidna are nearer the poles but it has some rivers that can be usefully exploited for water and transportation.

The BL-1n version of the
Blackjack medium battlemech being put into production in the new factory on Hydrae will equip the various planetary militias of the Hegemony. As noted above it's not exactly the largest, most automated battlemech production facility n the Inner Sphere but it's by no means the most primitive either. As a comparison the Valkyrie plant on New Avalon was turning out well over a hundred mechs a year right throughout the Succession Wars (which made it the most productive known factory) but that was basically lostech automation.

How people in Niops view their High Associator is likely to be rather different than how outsiders would, I was trying to give a little window on that here as Giles Olson nears retirement and visits Alphard for the first time while in office.

It's been theorised that the reason why certain ancient megafauna, perhaps including the
Giant Moa, went extinct after encountering mankind was that they were cursed with being tasty (there would be other reasons too of course, such as being easy to hunt). The Moa burger is going to be a big hit as the ranchers on Francas and their financial backers take the interstellar Fast Food business by storm!
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #414 on: 02 April 2024, 17:42:30 »
Love it!  I too will miss Giles Olson as High Associator, but term limits exist for a REASON... ;)


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #415 on: 09 April 2024, 08:55:16 »
Part XLV - Section 1 of 2


"Producing and maintaining the necessary infrastructure to allow a doubling of the population of the Niops system every twenty-five years is well within our capabilities, it should even be possible to raise the overall standard of living as we do so because increased automation of industry will increase average productivity at the same time.  If we aim for noticeably faster population growth than that however then simply building enough schools, hospitals et cetera while staffing them properly will require a reallocation of resources that will result in necessary cutbacks elsewhere, consumer goods in particular given the obvious reluctance to cut defence spending."

Summary Report into the proposal to encourage population growth in the Niops System via Tax Incentives - 2838CE


Capital City – Niops Association (Niops VII) – 2840

Judith was still standing there obstinately in the middle of the family living room, hands-on-hips looking up at Frederick as if trying to stare him down, an attempt doomed to failure because it was inordinately cuter than it was intimidating. "I don't need a babysitter" she insisted. "I'm not a baby."

"You're my baby sister and you'll always be my baby sister" Frederick countered. This wasn't exactly how he had originally been planning to spend his Saturday either but Barbara had asked a favour earlier in the week when her appointment was rescheduled. "Your Mom's got a doctor's appointment and then after that she's going to see your grandma, and because Dad's at work you get me" he told her.

"When you were my age you didn't need a babysitter" Judith persisted.

"When I was your age they were teaching me how to live off the land and where I should stab people in order to bleed them out" Frederick replied wryly. "As far as I know that's not something they teach at elementary school here" he added, trying not to laugh. In retrospect telling her stories about what he used to get up to when he was little might have been a mistake because it had clearly left her with a rather distorted impression of the sort of things that were generally considered acceptable for pre-teen children in normal society.

The society that Frederick had lived in when he was his little sister's age was, of course, decidedly abnormal and he was fully aware of that, as was the girl of course although it didn't suit her to say so.

He had been less than a year older than she was now when he picked up a rock on Liny, a moon in the Arcadia system, to get ready to fight a detachment of Ghost Bears that were hunting for any stranded Wolverine survivors in the wake of Operation Switchback. Fortunately their commander wasn't someone that considered slaughtering children either just or honourable, orders be damned, so he had let Star Captain Francis and his charges Sibling Company Gamma go free.

There was a standing order because of that event that if the Wolverines somehow ever returned to the Clan Homeworlds for revenge the Ghost Bears were to be shown mercy, they had earned it.

Frederick sometimes wished he had kept the rock he had picked up to throw at the Ghost Bears as a souvenir but at the time it had just been a rock and they had been on Liny collecting something far more important, supplies for the journey back to the inner Sphere.

"They should. School's boring" Judith complained. Based on his stories Frederick's old 'school' on Circe sounded like much more fun to go to than hers ever did, they taught him how to navigate and read a map and to call in artillery strikes and everything. Daddy always said that artillery was the 'king of battle' so knowing how to do that must be more useful than knowing how to write in cursive she was sure. "And I got into trouble because I keep calling Alice, 'Alice' instead of Miss MacArthur" Judith continued her complaining. "I've always called her Alice, it's not my fault she's a teacher at my school now. Why couldn't she get a job at a different school?" the little girl wanted to know. "It's like I'm being spied on" she added suspiciously. Judith knew what spies were, her daddy used to catch spies for Jennifer McEvedy's mommy, that was before Khan McEvedy died and he became Khan instead.

Being a Khan was special. When she started school the children there whose parents were also Wolverines like her best friend Samantha Callahan used to treat her like she was sorta special too just because of who her daddy was. The kids whose parents were born on Niops didn't really understand why though, and when a couple of them had asked Judith about it the best answer she could come up with was 'I'm kinda like a princess, kinda but not really because I don't get to wear a tiara and I won't get to be Khan one day just because my daddy is'.

Although both her daddy and Sarah McEvedy did kinda end up in charge of the Wolverines because their daddies had once been in charge of the 331st Royal Battlemech Division, which later became the Wolverines, so maybe it was possible she might be Khan one day? Unless her big brother did, or Jennifer McEvedy did, or maybe even David Robertson who was also kinda Wolverine nobility too because his daddy had been saKhan before her daddy was.

And no she didn't dress all 'fancy' sometimes because she was 'kinda like a princess', that was just because sometimes her Mom dressed her up like a doll because she was really into clothes and worked for a company that made them.

Princess or not she was definitely part of House Hallis though, that was a real actual thing for sure she had told the non-Wolverine children. It had originally been what they called a 'Martial House' one based in North America in the Terran Hegemony, a family that owed allegiance to House Cameron and produced soldiers to fight for them like her grandfather, the Franklin Hallis her big brother was named after.

She had cousins on Royal in the Federated Suns because her daddy's older brother had ended up there after the Terran Hegemony fell and he had reestablished House Hallis there. Not that she had ever met them, or even sent them an HPG to say hello, she only knew they existed because her daddy had sneakily checked up on what happened to his family when he returned to the Inner Sphere. Most people who had followed Aleksandr Kerensky on his Exodus had tried to do that by reading newspapers and books and stuff even though they knew they couldn't actually get in contact.

Judith supposed that the House Hallis on Royal owed allegiance to House Davion now, which wasn't as good as serving House Cameron but at least the Davion's weren't completely horrible like House Kurita or House Liao were. Her mommy was actually named after Barbara Liao, who wasn't too bad by Liao standards but still wasn't a very nice person.

"It's not some conspiracy against you, munchkin. Your school was hiring when she graduated teacher-training college. You can ask her that yourself if you don't believe me, she's coming over later" Frederick told his little sister. "We're going to watch a movie on the holovision. Yours is better than the one in her apartment and if I want to watch a movie in barracks I have to fight a trial of possession for the remote control first" he told her, not being entirely truthful about the remote control.

"No, you won't, you'll just make out with each other on the couch. I don't want to watch my brother make out with one of the teachers at my school in front of me, it's weird" Judith protested, it was bad enough when her parents did it.

Of course, Judith planned to deal with that particular issue tactically. She would just plant herself between them on the couch which would also give her better access to the popcorn.

Fred would probably be proud of her if she was stupid enough to explain her plan to him, which she wasn't.

"It'll be worse when you get married. My teacher will be my sister-in-law" she complained.

Frederick laughed. "Who says we're getting married?" he asked.

"Henry Callahan is getting married, and Mom says you'll have to get married and start having kids too soon because you're going to get old faster than Dad did" Judith replied. "I won't have to have children until I'm dad's age though because I've been getting the anti-agg…" the girl stumbled upon the word, "agrath…" she tried again.

"Anti-agathic treatments" Frederick helped her out. He also knew that the reason Henry was getting hitched at a fairly young age was because he had made a vow to himself during the worst of the battle on Illyria against the Black Warriors that if he got out of this alive he was going to ask his girlfriend to marry him.

"Right, those" Judith agreed. "You didn't get them when you were my age and neither did Alice, I mean Miss MacArthur" she corrected herself. "I mean Alice dammit" she swore, correcting herself again because now she wasn't at school.

"Language" Frederick chided.

"I bet you swore way worse than that when you were my age" Judith defended herself.

"No, I didn't" Frederick told her truthfully. "When I was your age any time I swore in front of an adult I had to do twenty-five push-ups" Frederick told her.

"Did that work?" Barbara asked, entering the room after coming down the stairs while trying to fasten her overcoat over her belly and failing. After Frederick arrived for babysitting duty, exactly on time as she had assumed he would be, she had gone to her room to get changed.

When she had phoned him earlier in the week to ask if he would be okay with babysitting on Saturday, since she knew he wasn't on duty that weekend, Frederick had prevaricated at first but Barbara had wheedled him into it saying that his little sister wanted to spend time with him.

That was apparently an outright lie, Judith would have much preferred to have been left alone in the house, but there was no way that was happening.

"Eventually it did" Frederick told her. "At first I just got really good at push-ups" he continued. "Maybe you should try wearing a poncho instead?" he suggested to his now very pregnant stepmother as she continued to struggle with her overcoat. "I mean you'd look like a tent but…" he trailed off, grinning.

Barbara looked at him askance. "Father make exact same joke" she told him. "You definitely clone, not just two-thirds copy of original."

Judith frowned. "How come when grandma calls Fred a clone you tell her off but you get to do it?" she asked rhetorically, not expecting an answer because Mommy didn't answer questions like that. "And for the last time I don't need a babysitter" she said, stamping her feet. "I'm not a baby, I'm going to be a big sister soon" she pointed out.

"That's true, can't be too much longer until Tax-Break in there arrives and your clothes fit again" Frederick observed.

"Stop calling your new brother or sister 'Tax-break', it might stick" Barbara ordered her stepson while touching her pregnancy bump. It wasn't as if the new tax code that looked to encourage people having larger families was the only reason she and her husband had decided to have another child, even if it did admittedly have something to do with the timing.

One thing was for sure though. If they decided to have yet another child in a year or two she wasn't going to argue with her husband about using an Iron Womb next time like he had actually suggested for this one. Her back was killing her, her feet hurt, and her ankles were so swollen she couldn't wear her favourite boots, the gorgeous knee-high leather ones from Comstock.

Barbara always liked to dress very stylishly, fortunately by working for her uncle in a company that made clothing she could justify the excessive size of her wardrobe by saying it was expected of her in her business to look good.

By contrast if he didn't need multiple uniforms in different camouflage patterns for different terrains and weather conditions you could have fitted her husband's entire wardrobe in a suitcase. Just getting him to get fitted for a civilian suit rather than wear his dress uniform for any formal or semi-formal occasion had taken years.

"Dad does it, and looking at the size of you are you absolutely sure it's not a new brother and a new sister in there?" Frederick checked, not entirely in jest.

"Definitely not twins, told the doctor doing the scan not to tell me what sex they are but did want a count because I wasn't this big with Judith" Barbara responded.

"I remember" Frederick replied, recalling her first pregnancy back when he was still a high school kid not a serving soldier. "But look at the size of her now" he added, nodding towards his little sis.

"Yes, I'm big now, thanks for agreeing with me. And what do big girls not need? A babysitter" Judith declared triumphantly.

"You're seven. Seven-year-olds need a babysitter. It's the law" Frederick told her forcefully. "If I wasn't here someone else would be."

"Thank you, Frederick" Barbara responded as her daughter pouted.

"You're welcome. I called for a taxi like you asked, they should be here soon" Frederick told his stepmother. "A few more weeks and I guess you'll be able to fit properly behind the wheel of your car again."

"Can fit now, just uncomfortable as… heck" Barbara replied, correcting herself just before she swore.

Frederick scratched his nose. "Any chance that I could borrow your wheels tomorrow to take Alice out for a drive since you're not using it at the moment?" he asked. "The forest they planted out near Arecibo is starting to actually look like an actual park, not just a bunch of shrubs, and I thought it might be nice to go out for a walk with her there."

Barbara nodded, there was a paved road heading out there now so it wasn't like he was asking to taking her precious automobile off-roading, style didn't just mean clothes it meant driving a sleek expensive car too. "Alice still homesick for Buffalo Meadows sometimes is she?" she asked.

"A little I guess. With trees it probably looks a lot more like it did where she grew up here than it does without them" Frederick replied. "She used to climb them and swing on them when she was Judith's age" he added. Your memories of where you lived when you were little always stuck with you, for Frederick he still pined a little for Great Hope and Bearcat sometimes, even though his fond memories of the cities were interspersed with having to flee them before Old Nick had his sibko put up against a wall and shot.

Frederick also wondered if her childhood on Buffalo Meadows was the reason that Alice had decided to become a teacher, she had a thing for kids and that might be because there had been so few of them around when she was little herself. Although the 295th stranded on Buffalo Meadows had managed to make a home for themselves there they had not managed to produce enough offspring to make the colony viable in the long term. Once all the long-lived Terran Hegemony born first-generation had eventually died off it would have been likely only a matter of time before the colony did if the Switchback Fleet hadn't run into them instead.

The Iron Wombs were saving their bloodlines now though. Even General Romanov herself had a child on the way, although she had found someone else to raise them. Even with the anti-agathics you wouldn't want to have to deal with a newborn when you were over a hundred years old as she was now.

"Buffalo Meadows is a Red Dwarf system like Niops, but it was warmer than here because it's an M1V class star not an M5V" Judith piped up.

"Right" the girl's mother confirmed. "And if the star was a little bigger it would be…?" she asked, waiting for the answer.

"A K9V Orange Dwarf" Judith answered. "It's not easy to tell the difference just by looking at them though" she continued. "When Miss MacArthur started at the school she introduced herself to everyone in the assembly hall" she said, calling her 'Miss MacArthur' rather than 'Alice' because it was at school. "She told us where she was from, I mean I knew already of course, and said that the big tree they planted in front of the school a few years ago was from where she was born."

"There's no big trees on Niops" Frederick corrected her. "Not yet anyway, some of them won't be fully grown until you've got adult grandchildren" he said. "I remember full-grown Circian Oaks that were as tall as dropships."

"Circe is a weird planet" Judith opined. "Sometimes it's colder than Niops VII and covered in glaciers, sometimes it's as hot and dry as Alphard. Most of the time it's kinda between the two though, like when Frederick and Dad lived there."

"Do you know why?" Barbara asked, testing her.

"Mr Armitage at school taught us it has an eccentric orbit" Judith replied, remembering being shown a hologram of the Circe planetary system that was sped up to show what happened. "It's only inside the habitable zone when the planet's not too close to the star and not too far away either" she said then giggled. "They call it the Goldilocks zone because it's not too hot and not too cold… like the porridge in the story" she added. They taught you a lot about stars and planets and stuff at school here, more than they did in other places Judith knew, but she didn't really understand why not. Stars and planets were super-important after all, the whole universe was full of them.

"That's right" Frederick confirmed. "On Circe we had what they called a 'Great Year' as well as a normal year, every seven hundred years the planet goes from really cold to really hot and then back again. It's the reason why the plant-life there was so hardy."

"Not hardy enough to grow here very well" Judith countered.

"Not enough sunlight, Circe is a lot brighter and a whole lot bigger than Niops" Frederick replied. "I think your taxi is just pulling up outside" he told his step-mother, spotting it out of the window.

"Thank you Frederick" Barbara replied. "Be a good girl for your brother, Judith" she instructed her daughter, carefully and slowly bending down to kiss her on the top of the head before heading for the front door.

"I'm always a good girl" Judith replied.

"Right, and you always tell the truth too" Frederick replied wryly.

"I do" Judith insisted. "Bye, bye Mommy" she bade her mother farewell.

"Bye, bye Judith" Barbara called back, opening the front door and stepping outside. "I'll be back well before your bedtime. Frederick will make you dinner" she added, making a hasty retreat.

"That wasn't in the agreement" Frederick called out as the door slammed shut.
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #416 on: 09 April 2024, 08:56:05 »
Part XLV - Section 2 of 2


"So… pizza?" Judith asked hopefully.

"We'll see" Frederick replied with a sigh.

"Ham and pineapple pizza?" Judith persisted.

Frederick looked at her utterly appalled. "Pineapple?" he repeated with dismay.

"But pineapple's not really expensive now like it used to be, they import them from Stafford" Judith told him.

"They could offer to pay me to eat pineapple on pizza and I wouldn't" Frederick told his baby sister. "If we're getting pizza it'll be with anchovies on it."

"Anchovies?!" Judith exclaimed. "Yuck! Nobody likes anchovies."

"I like anchovies, Philomena loves anchovies" Frederick disagreed.

"Philomena's part fish, she doesn't count" Judith argued back.

Frederick frowned. "I hope you're not saying that just because she's genetically engineered she's not a real person?"

"No, I'm saying that she's a real person that's part fish, so what she thinks about fish is going to be different than what other people think about fish" Judith replied, clearly finding her own logic unassailable. "Sam said that Philomena ate all the shrimp at the Callahan family barbeque too" she added, reinforcing her case.

"According to Henry Philomena also steals the bacon off his plate when they have breakfast so maybe she just really likes food that's salty, not just food that swims" Frederick offered a counter-argument.

"Maybe" Judith conceded. "Sam says she's going to be a flower-girl when Henry marries Philomena next year" she told him. "Can I be a flower-girl too?"

"Not up to me, munchkin it's not my wedding" Frederick replied.

"But you're going to be the Best Man, aren't you?"

Frederick laughed. "I could be the groom and it still wouldn't be up to me" he replied. "You could ask Alice to ask Philomena, or better yet ask Philomena yourself."

"Yeah, I guess" Judith replied.

"Oh, and don't think I've forgotten that you lied earlier about never telling lies" Frederick told her.

"I don't" Judith insisted.

Frederick gave her a disparaging look. "Yes, you do" he stated flatly. "When you got me to come to your school that day to talk about what it's like on McEvedy's Folly you promised that the kids wouldn't just want to ask about about me and the Thunderbird."

"That wasn't my fault, I told them not to" Judith defended herself.

"When I asked if anyone had any questions after I gave my talk the very first one I was asked was 'Were you really nearly eaten by a giant chicken?' and it got worse from there" Frederick pointed out. Somehow he'd thought they'd want to hear more about the feathery pink Mammoths and how floofy they were, or even the goofy-looking Sabre-Tooth Toucans, but no.

"It is kinda a funny story though" Judith opined. "I mean, lots of people have stories about fighting pirates, or clanners, or Rimjobs but you fought a really big bird… and lost."

"You shouldn't say 'Rimjob' Judith" Frederick told her quickly.

"Why not?" the little girl wanted to know.

"It's rude" Frederick responded.

"It's supposed to be rude, they're the bad guys, you're supposed to say mean things about them, right?" Judith queried.

Frederick grimaced. "It's the way that it's rude" he explained as best he could.

"How?" Judith asked, confused what all the fuss was about.

"Well… it's like when people say 'clannerbastards' when talking about Nicholas Kerensky and his people" Frederick replied, improvising fast because he really didn't want to explain to his baby sister what a 'Rimjob' was, other than being an insulting name for people from the Rim Worlds Republic who fought for Stefan Amaris.

"Oh right" Judith responded. She wasn't allowed to say 'bastard' because it was a swearword, although in her defence she didn't know 'clannerbastards' was actually two words said really fast together. "Wait, since when is 'Rim' or 'Job' a swear?" she wanted to know.

Frederick considered his situation. "This is one of those things you need to talk to Dad about not me" he said eventually. He could have suggested she ask Barbara instead but that wouldn't have been as funny. "So is Alice a good teacher?" he asked, less than smoothly changing the subject.

"She's okay, you wouldn't need to know her to tell she hasn't been doing it very long though" Judith replied.

"Too young?"

"Tries too hard to try and make the kids like her by trying to be fun" Judith explained. "The real teachers don't do that."

Frederick laughed. "She is a real teacher Judith" he told her.

"Nuh uh" Judith disagreed. "Can I have a candy bar?" she asked. "Mom put them all in the top cupboard in the kitchen and I can't reach them" she explained the problem. Her brother was good for things like reaching high shelves, he was even taller than Dad and Dad was pretty tall to start with.

"If she put them there to stop you having one then I shouldn't get one for you" Frederick replied, shaking his head no.

"She put them there to hide them from Dad" Judith replied honestly. "They were supposed to be for me, but he kept eating them instead."

Now that sounded plausible enough and given that he wouldn't have minded having a candy bar himself, Frederick attributing that to an inherited sweet tooth, he went into the kitchen with Judith following. "Not that cupboard, that's where Dad puts his beer" she told him when he initially reached for the wrong one. "You're not allowed any" she told her big brother forcefully. "You go crazy when you drink beer."

"I go crazy when I drink enough beer to get drunk, not just from one two beers" Frederick corrected her, "but I wasn't planning to have one anyway" he added. "This cupboard?" he checked.

"Yes, the candy is behind the jars of pickled tomatoes" Judith confirmed.

"Never liked the pickled tomatoes" Frederick muttered to himself as he moved them out of the way. Barbara's Chinese cooking was pretty good but her dabbles into traditional Russian cuisine left something to be desired. "How's your Chinese these days?" he asked.

"Lăolao says my Mandarin is getting pretty good but my Cantonese still needs a lot of work" Judith replied as Frederick handed her a candy bar. "That means maternal grandmother" she explained.

"I'm not totally monolingual, mèi mei" Frederick replied, using the Mandarin word for little sister as he closed the cupboard again after taking a candy bar for himself. "Barbara tried to teach me some Mandarin when I was younger but then you came along and she found herself with a much better student."

"I still think the only reason she doesn't always speak English as well as she can speak English is to annoy Dad because it's the only language he can speak" Judith shared her theory.

Frederick laughed. "I remember a time around about when you were just learning to walk that he once told her that the whole point of the Terran Hegemony was to make everyone learn English so that people like him that grew up with it wouldn't have to ever bother learning anything else" he told his little sister. "The Reunification War was just a smokescreen."

"Really?" Judith asked doubtfully.

"Nah, not really" Frederick replied. "Well, he really said it, but he was only joking."

"What did Mom say?"

"That there was no doubt that he was definitely English" Frederick replied. Supposedly the Hallis family directly traced its roots, albeit via North America, all the way back to England before the Norman Invasion of 1066 so they really were about as Anglo-Saxon as it was possible to be.

Of course, it was well known that the Terran Hegemony was actually a Scottish conspiracy not an English one. The first Director-Generals had all been McKenna's then the Cameron's took over. Even if you looked closer to home the 331st Division had been commanded by a McEvedy, the 295th by a MacArthur and the Niops Association Militia was currently commanded by a Nellis, the Nellis family also being of Scottish descent.

Moreover, with Giles Olson gone the new High Associator was now former councilman James Murray. Franklin Hallis had joked that anyone would think the Jocks had won the Battle of Culloden.

"You didn't have candy-bars when you were little did you?" Judith asked, taking a bite out of hers.

"No, but I really liked the oaty cereal bars that they gave us when we went hiking, they were flavoured with synthetic honey" Frederick replied. "Whoever it was making the stuff was better at his job than the person that made the artificial Maple Syrup, not that I knew that until I got to try real Maple Syrup for the first time on Camelot Command."

"What was it like living there?"

"Much better than living on Yukon, less cramped and we got to eat lots of fruit" Frederick told her. "But you've heard all my stories before, so why are you asking?"

"So I can tell them to our new little brother or sister and make sure I get them right" Judith explained. "You never know when you're going to be sent off on a mission so you might not be there to tell them yourself" she said. "It's important that they know the stories so they know our history. Wolverine history, so it's not forgotten when you're gone."

"You know, just because I'm not going to live to a hundred and fifty like you are that I'm not going to die of old age anytime soon right, munchkin?" Frederick asked wryly.

"I'm not stupid" Judith replied, rolling her eyes in a very familiar fashion that reminded Frederick of when he did it himself, or when Dad did it, which was basically the same thing.

It was likely a very good thing that other people couldn't read Franklin Hallis's body language nearly as well as Frederick Hallis could, especially considering he was having his first meeting with the new High Associator next week and he didn't really rate the man all that highly.

"Okay, so do you want to hear the story about Liny again just to make sure you've got it right?" Frederick asked his little sister.

"Nah, you've told that one loads of times, and you always say that you wished you'd kept that rock you picked up to throw at the Spook Teddy" Judith replied. She did like that nickname for the Ghost Bears though, it was almost as good as calling the Jade Falcon's the 'Green Turkeys' or the Smoke Jaguar's the 'Mist Kittens'.

Clan Widowmaker was only ever called Clan Widowmaker though, no cutesy nicknames for those jerks.

"Tell me again about visiting Bearcat and Katyusha City" Judith requested instead.

"Okay, but only if you agree to having anchovy pizza later" Frederick bargained.

"Fine" Judith agreed unenthusiastically.

"And you admit that putting pineapple on a pizza is dezgra."

"Neg!" Judith replied, glaring at him. She couldn't just speak English, Mandarin and some Cantonese, her Clanner was better than you'd expect from someone that had never been within two thousand light-years of Strana Mechty too.

Challenging Frederick to a Trial of Possession for the holovid remote control later while sitting between him and Alice on the couch proved to be a mistake though. He still won even after bidding himself down to the index finger and thumb on one hand.

Stupid genetically-engineered strong grip and freakishly fast reaction times. He always beat her when they played Grande Circuit Challenge III on the games console too.

At least he'd be old and slow one day and she wouldn't be. Then she'd whup his ass but good at everything!


Note from the Author:

The last time we saw Judith Hallis, daughter of Franklin and Barbara Hallis, she was a baby but that was back in Part XXV in 2833 and time marches on. She's now seven and doesn't think she needs a babysitter because when her big brother was her age he was already a future member of the Warrior Caste in training (the laws regarding  the treatment of young children on Niops are a little different than they were in the Clan worlds though). Judith has a new sibling on the way which her parents insist is not just because of the taxbreak.

Given the expected big hike in population growth expected due to the tax-breaks for having more children (and more Iron Wombs each year) Alice MacArthur choosing to go into teaching is probably a savvy career move. One thing they did not have many of on
Buffalo Meadows was children.

Roger Callahan is older than Franklin Hallis and has a few grandchildren now at this point, one of his grandaughters going to school with Judith (he still looks younger than you'd expect because he was Terran Hegemony born and got the anti-aging treatments as a child that Niops has brought back).

We get to meet the new High Associator in the next part.
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 297
Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #417 on: 09 April 2024, 14:27:53 »
Pineapple on pizza is delicious, IF properly done. None of that canned surat bulljive, fresh pineapple, laced with some balsamic, torched and brulee'd along with shaved jamon iberico and a touch of salsa verde atop a buttery thin crust and bubbling pecorino romano.

David CGB

  • Lieutenant
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #418 on: 09 April 2024, 17:37:32 »
Pineapple on pizza is delicious, IF properly done. None of that canned surat bulljive, fresh pineapple, laced with some balsamic, torched and brulee'd along with shaved jamon iberico and a touch of salsa verde atop a buttery thin crust and bubbling pecorino romano.
well I like Pepperoni and Pineapple.
Federated Suns fan forever, Ghost Bear Fan since 1992, and as a Ghost Bear David Bekker star captain (in an Alt TL Loremaster)


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #419 on: 09 April 2024, 18:51:29 »
As a parent, both of those posts are absolutely DELIGHTFUL!  :D

