Author Topic: Stooping Hawks in the Inner Sphere  (Read 1127 times)


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Stooping Hawks in the Inner Sphere
« on: 07 January 2023, 07:29:50 »
Heyo. A recent reading of Era Digest:Golden Century brought my attention to the Sun Bear, which got my brain thinking about it's successor - the Stooping Hawk.

We've seen brief mentions of it throughout the years leading up to the Wars of Reaving, with Ghost Bear being the only other clan to have fielded any (at least, as far as I can tell, reading my sourcebooks. MUL also mentions Burrock, but I couldn't verify)

Obviously, we don't know anything post 3085 for the Homeworld Clans (though the last we had heard, Clan Stone Lion had acquired the Stooping Hawk factories), but I started to wonder - what about the Ghost Bears? All mention of the Stooping Hawk stop after the Wars of Reaving (in universe), so we never found out about the Sphere side of things, and MUL stops at the Jihad era, leaving the Republic era and beyond as a big question mark.

What do the Bear's Stooping Hawk counts look like moving beyond their move to the Inner Sphere? Did they ever build new factories? Did they slowly die out over the intervening years of the Republic Era? Did they get used as the basis for future designs? Did they all come down with a sudden case of explosions?

If this is a 'wait and see in an upcoming product!' sort of line of questioning, feel free to say so, but this is a minor dangling thread that has me scratching my head.


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Re: Stooping Hawks in the Inner Sphere
« Reply #1 on: 06 March 2023, 09:48:00 »
Certain units on the MUL don't have availabilities post-Jihad because they're considered to be Homeworld exclusive.

As we don't know anything about the Homeworlds in the 32nd century, we can't assign these units to any factions. We also can't mark them as extinct, as the possibility exists that it is still in use by those factions.

What is does mean, though, is that the Stooping Hawk is currently considered extinct in the Inner Sphere. As such---though keeping in mind that this is open to change if need be---its count in the Rasalhague Dominion is currently zero.

Hope that helps!
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Re: Stooping Hawks in the Inner Sphere
« Reply #2 on: 10 March 2023, 19:01:34 »
That certainly does help! I was mostly just pondering on the Ghost Bear side of things since - as you mentioned - we haven't really peeked in with the Homeworld Clans in a long while.

So as of right now, they're considered to be extinct in the Inner Sphere after 3085 (and as you said - that's subject to change). That certainly does answer a lot of my questions, but does leave the matter of "how quickly?" unsolved - and I'm sure that angle left ambugious in case someone wants to loop one into a story in the future.

Many thanks!
« Last Edit: 10 March 2023, 19:05:08 by XanKortal »