Author Topic: A portrait bug in MM?  (Read 741 times)


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A portrait bug in MM?
« on: 09 January 2023, 14:20:46 »
Would someone be able to test this to see if a user error on my end or a bug I need to report, please?

The issue I'm having is that if I change a character's portrait in MekHQ and then load into a battle in MM, the original portrait remains. This issue is happening in both 49.10 and 49.11.

In the above picture taken in 49.11, you'll see two portraits for the same pilot. The one on the left is the one I changed it to, the "correct" one. The one on the right is the old portrait, the one I'm trying to change it from but somehow persists into the battle.

To replicate:

  • After a computer reboot, I open either version and load my save. This save has the portrait changed already.
  • Go to briefing tab and click start game on pending battle.
    • MM starts. On the select units page where all units are loaded in, I see the correct and current portrait. If I click configure, I see the correct portrait. If I go to change the portrait, the correct portrait is still highlighted as selected. However, hovering over the portrait reveals the previous portrait, the incorrect one.
    • This problem is the same whether or not the portrait was changed in MM or in MekHQ.
    • Once I load into the battle things differ a little depending on version:
    • 49.10: With the unit display, the General tab shows the previous/incorrect portrait. The Pilot tab shows the correct one.
    • 49.11: The same as above, however after switching view to the new highrez display, ONLY the previous/incorrect protrait is displayed.

Another note is that I first noticed this problem on 49.10. Thinking it was a bug, I ported my save over to 49.11.

In 49.11, the new/correct portrait works perfectly fine when switching into a battle. However, if I change the portrait to another, I'm getting the same issue as though the correct one was stuck like the incorrect one was in 49.10.

An after-note: That portrait in the image above that is the "incorrect" one is one I created. I named it MW_F_91.png, after the last stock image that is *90.png. I opened the MM save file and I can't find any trace of a *91.png.
« Last Edit: 09 January 2023, 14:22:49 by Leafback »