Author Topic: The Darkest Truth - The Chain Gang – Convict Special Forces - Word of Blake  (Read 1098 times)


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My first mech unit  :)

“Chain Gang” was the term given for a Draconis Combine unit of undesirables impressed into service and sent out on search and destroy missions during the time between the First and Second Succession Wars. These outfits dropped on planetary border raids were rarely successful however some performed outstandingly better than the cost to field them.
In the modern day, “Chain Gang” is the Word of Blake term for “Reclamations” and “Sleeper” MechWarrior’s who get Manei Domini cybernetic implants involuntary with a kill switch insuring their compliance. These are then turned them into a strength level III unit and are sent out to perform the dirtiest of the dirty jobs deemed unfit or too dangerous for regular Word of Blake personnel.
These units excel in terrorism acts, insurgent warfare, objective raids, black ops and as disposable reconnaissance missions. These units are never reinforced after casualties so each Chain Gang level III unit will decline in strength unit disbanded, usually when they decline to a level II. The Wobbies maintain order by promising these indentured MechWarrior’s freedom when they are disbanded.
Chain Gangs units are designed around cost effectiveness equipment given the short lifespan of these units. Most advanced features are missing on a unit designed to be expendable and lack a lot of the safety features common to most regular WoB battlemechs.
Inner Sphere intelligence agencies call these units… Convict Special Forces

The Darkest Truth Chain Gang

Demi Precentor Epsilon XV Ghost Mark Carson commands this unit. He oversees all the reclamations MechWarrior’s the unit having been reduced from 36 soldiers to 15 due to combat losses. All MechWarrior’s have implanted cybernetics similar to other Manei Domini however with a catch that each MechWarrior has a suicide device implanted into his brain that will explode upon a signal given by commander XXX. This ensures compliance with all orders given by the commander upon the threat of instant death.
The Darkest Truth is designated as a light mech reinforced company and is designed around three 2 mech level II’s and a demi level II. All mechs are light with a small number of fast mediums mainly piloted by the Acolyte‘s. The unit’s missions are usually objective raids otherwise known as smash and grabs.
Transport is inorganic thus it is provided by the WoB navy. No Chain Gang unit has organic fighter support either.

Alpha Level II

TR1 Wraith       Demi Precentor Epsilon XV Ghost Mark Carson
HMR-3M Hammer   Acolyte Becca Kelly
MC-97 Mercury    MechWarrior Alan Tobin
LCT-3M Locust      MechWarrior Steven Parsons
STG-5M Stinger    MechWarrior Steven Butler
MON-66 Mongoose    MechWarrior David Syms

Beta Level II

CBR-27 Crab      Acolyte Davos Thomas
THE-N Thorn      MechWarrior Stephen Philips
MC-97 Mercury      MechWarrior David Web
JA-KL-1532 Jackal   MechWarrior Roger Koenig
FNHK-9K Falcon Hawk   MechWarrior Ray Arrastia
STG-5M Stinger      MechWarrior Rachel Higgins

Gamma Level II
GRM-R-PR29 Grim Reaper Acolyte Jason Borne
RDS-2A Red Shift   MechWarrior David Hall
BLF-21 Blue Flame   MechWarrior Mark Towne

There is no organic dropship or fighters assigned to this unit. All transport and protection is provided by the WoB Navy.