Author Topic: Opalescent Reflections  (Read 65091 times)


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #480 on: 24 July 2023, 18:11:19 »
Now THAT's an interesting possibility... ;D

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #481 on: 24 July 2023, 19:48:22 »
Now THAT's an interesting possibility... ;D

Alternatively, this could also be the story of Ace's rise to ilKhan status, showing the Clans, in theory, to be the ultimate meritocracy.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #482 on: 24 July 2023, 20:02:14 »
That would ALSO be interesting! :)


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #483 on: 25 July 2023, 00:13:55 »
Perhaps at some point, but not at this point, he is too young and by his own admission he is still learning the politics.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #484 on: 25 July 2023, 22:44:01 »
I was just thinking .... Natasha arriving back to Clan Wolf AFTER their command structure has been gutted in the fighting on Camlann could be quite interesting.  If she's not accepted back with open arms due to those who know about her and her mission being dead or in disrepute, then things could get very intriguing.

The posting of the Clan's bids say the final Cluster for the Wolves was from the 13th Wolf Guards, which was a unit that didn't exist till Natasha formed it after returning to the Clan.  So it sounds like Natasha made it back in time and kept or regained her Warrior status in Clan Wolf.


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #485 on: 26 July 2023, 05:36:58 »
The posting of the Clan's bids say the final Cluster for the Wolves was from the 13th Wolf Guards, which was a unit that didn't exist till Natasha formed it after returning to the Clan.  So it sounds like Natasha made it back in time and kept or regained her Warrior status in Clan Wolf.
Nez, that's their trail by firs, I bet.


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #486 on: 26 July 2023, 07:36:09 »
I wonder if Phelan is part of the fighting. If so, there may be a slim chance of him getting captured by the ComGuards. Or better yet, KungsArme. Tyra and Phelan, reunited in a field hospital
Jude Melancon lives!


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #487 on: 26 July 2023, 08:23:05 »
Opalescent Reflections

House of Cards
Chapter 10

Huntsvil, Camlann
Benjamin District, Draconis Combine
22 July 3051

The omnimechs of Delta Galaxy showed the evidence of heavy fighting as Ulric and their counterparts from Alpha Galaxy passed through trees of the swampy river valley and the ranks of the stalled Wolf advance.

In credit to Conal Ward, his exhausted Clusters had broken more than their own number, Ulric thought. Data intercepts suggested that the Twelfth and 103rd Level IV units of the ComGuards’ First Division had been expected to hold the Red Wolves back for a full day, but they’d been shattered in less than three hours.

Ulric saw eyes going to his Gargoyle as he moved forwards. Technicians had replaced the original skull-like face with a head unit copying the characteristics of Phelan’s old Wolfhound’s head, captured almost two years before. Not only was the full-head ejection system likely to preserve valuable warriors in the future (and the Khan liked to consider himself valuable), the additional storage and other creature comforts made it a more practical cockpit for long campaigns like this one.

Also it was the shape of a wolf’s head. Really, it was a shame that most Omnimech’s heads were too closely built into their torsos to make refits like this practical, but the redesign was being factored into new production of the Gargoyle back on Strana Mechty.

“I asked for a resupply of ammunition, not relief,” Conal protested, moving his Dire Wolf closer to Ulric’s Gargoyle. “In six more hours, we will be at the edge of Huntsvil.”

The Khan looked at the scarred armor of the assault ‘mech. If Conal’s mech was any example, it would take more than more missiles and autocannon rounds to bring Delta up to a state that fit for the fixed defenses the ComGuards had no doubt been setting up around the ruins of Huntsvil. They’d been bad enough around Colliervil without another two weeks to prepare.

“Where do you expect to get more munitions from?” he asked instead. “I told you when we landed that what you had would have to last.”

“I know Alpha and Gamma are not short,” Conal shot back.

“That is because my officers have enforced limited expenditures,” Ulric answered. “We started with the exact same issue that you did - and we have distributed everything that we have until the next shipment. If your magazines are dry then I suggest you have your ‘mechs re-equipped with lasers and PPCs.”

Ulric had seen the figures on Delta’s ammunition expenditure. He suspected that if he let them, Conal’s warriors would burn through everything remaining in the entire invasion force’s supplies in a single day… and for all the other Wolf’s hubris, that might not be enough to get through to Huntsvil.

Conal’s Dire Wolf didn’t point its guns at Ulric, but it sidestepped alongside his, keeping him generally in the field of fire. “We can give you Huntsvil, Ulric. I will fight a trial of possession for the ammunition.”

Ulric shook his head. Conal never learned. “Then I will bid Natasha Kerensky to defend the claim of less profligate units. And she still has ammunition to fight that trial, while you do not.”

That shut the most strident Crusader in among Clan Wolf down. There had been widespread expectation that the returning Wolf Dragoons would fail to pass the Trial of Positions required to regain warrior status, but Ulric had not believed it for a moment.

There had been one fatality, but the graying warriors had not only passed, they had proved crushingly effective, providing the Clan with four Star Commanders, two Star Captains and a Star Colonel to slot into the toman, with only one Dragoons failing to score more than one kill. Natasha’s four kill rampage, including polishing off Star Colonel Evon of the Nega Garrison Cluster had been noteworthy.

Fortunately for Conal they were talking privately, so he could back down with some grace. “Having the ammunition expended against me would be less than ideal. I withdraw my bid.”

“I understand the temptation, Conal. But your Red Wolves have won their share of glory,” Ulric offered in a pacifying tone. “If you re-equip your ‘mechs quickly then you may be in time to join the final assault.” A light went on, marking a priority message. “Now excuse me, Khan Radick wishes my attention.”

But when he accepted the call from Beta Galaxy, his saKhan was not the one who spoke.

“Ulric, we have a problem.” His sibkin Erik came right to the point. “Enemy reinforcements are swarming out of the hills to the north and west. I estimate three enemy brigades.”

The Khan pulled up the strategic map and frowned. Those hills were heavily wooded, native fauna having retaken the area in the centuries since the human population fled eastern Avalon. That had made them a potential risk for infiltration, which was why Beta Galaxy was screening them with the 341st and 352nd Assault Clusters - Garth had agreed to preserve the two units as a hammer to crack Huntsvil’s defenses once the other frontline units opened the road. But two Clusters would be outnumbered badly and if they got pushed back then the techs and the supply vehicles operating behind the advance would be exposed. Perhaps even the dropships at the lanxing zone. “How long can Radick hold them?”

“The Silver Keshik is gone,” Erik growled. “I saw a Kungsarme’ Atlas crush Radick’s cockpit with its battlefist. They picked the perfect moment. I have my Cluster clinging to some high ground with good fields of fire, but we’re running through our ammunition fast. Ramon is pulling his Cluster around for a counter-attack, but unless he can link up with me the freebirths will be able to pick us off one at a time.”

“I understand.” Ulric looked at the unit deployments. Delta was in shreds, whatever Conal claimed. Gamma was too far south. And Alpha was committed to the advance. “I can send one Cluster north to join forces with you.”

“Have them move fast,” his sibkin warned.

“I have just the fire-eater in mind,” he assured the Star Colonel. “Rest assured, the pack stands together.”

“Aff, always together,” Erik agreed and cut the channel.

Ulric took a deep breath and then contacted the commander of the one Cluster of Epsilon Galaxy that had been included in the bid to fight on Camlann. “Natasha, I have a mission for you.”

“It’s about damn time,” she answered from the cockpit of her own ‘mech. Ulric had managed to obtain one of the rare and prized Orion battlemechs in the Wolf touman for Natasha when he disbanded Nega garrison cluster and let her build her own Cluster around what remained of the unit and her Dragoons. So far the Thirteenth Wolf Spiders had not been blooded in battle, but this was the perfect opportunity.

“We have three brigades of the Kungsarme hitting Beta Galaxy from the north,” he expanded. “Khan Radick has been killed and the two assault clusters are separated and unable to link up for a counterattack. I need you to get up there, take charge and hold the line while we finish it.”

“I don’t do ‘holding the line’, Ulric.” Natasha laughed at the orders. “I’ll deal with them, but I’ll handle them my own way.”

“I have every faith in you,” Ulric assured her. “Erik Kerensky and Ramon Sender are both alive, but I believe you have seniority so take charge of the northern flank.” Natasha had been commanding a cluster before either of the other Star Colonels was even born.

“Trust me,” the redhead told him with a grin. “I’d do that anyway.”

Ulric wasn’t sure why that made him feel nervous for his sibkin, but there was no time for that now. He was already past the forward positions of Delta Galaxy and the first indications of ComGuards forces were appearing ahead of him. With a nod he cut off communications with Natasha.

He would need a new saKhan, he thought. Conal would no doubt want to appoint another Crusader, perhaps even try to claim the position for himself - although most likely not the latter. The two of them rubbed each other the wrong way and Conal wouldn’t want to put himself through that. He’d rather wait until he had a shot at rising directly to the senior Khan’s position.

Ulric’s lips twitched. Natasha’s four kills had already given her great status - no other warrior had managed that in a formal Trial of Position before. If she also saved Beta Galaxy then a case could be made for transferring her Thirteenth Wolf Guards cluster into the Galaxy and making her both the new saKhan and Galaxy Commander. She would hate that almost as much as the Crusader officers of Beta would.

A squadron of ComStar helicopters popped up from behind a hill, opening up on Ulric’s command group with light autocannon. While the damage was negligible, Ulric was sure that they were also reporting the advance of fresh Wolf warriors on Huntsvil.

Ulric snapshot at one with the autocannon in his arms. The cluster munitions were devastatingly effective against such light-weight targets and the ‘Warrior’ fell out of the sky with two of its counter-rotating rotor blades blown off.

Conscious of the need to conserve his ammunition, Ulric waited to see if the rest of his star had brought down their targets before firing just one autocannon at the survivor of the little squadron. It wasn’t quite enough to bring the helicopter down but it turned to flee and then a short flight of LRMs from Mot’s Timber Wolf blew it out of the sky - the mechwarrior had replaced the usual large launchers with smaller ones and fitted jump-jets with the tonnage freed up.

As Ulric and his command grouped moved forward, he stayed close to the Fourth Wolf Guards. He didn’t want to be caught isolated in the same way as poor Garth.

Ahead of them, ComGuard units that had been probing towards Delta fell back. They must be regrouping on their own defense line, he thought. If they had pressed harder the ComGuards could have taken advantage of the Red Wolves’ reduced state and inflicted serious casualties, but they had been too cautious and missed the possibility.

This is why they need us, Ulric thought. In the end, ComStar lacks the commitment that they need to be the Inner Sphere’s protectors. They can slow the Crusaders, even win a small reprieve. When the truce breaks down, it will fall to the Wardens to guard the Inner Sphere.

Zenith Point, Hachiman
Galedon Military District, Draconis Combine
28 July 3051

The jumpship chain that had carried Victor’s little force to Luthien had been improvised and the jumpships had then departed to support the collapsing defenses facing the Clans, so the only exit had been the original escape route, deeper into the Draconis Combine by way of uninhabited star systems.

They had made five jumps, taking them to Hachiman - a world that was little more than a name on a map to anyone in the Tenth Lyran Guards. Looking it up, the world was apparently known mostly as a minor industrial world - a source of electronics, but too distant from the borders to have been easily raided.

At least there was enough traffic that the thousands of civilians that had been straining the life support ever since they left Luthien could be taken off. The recharge station at Hachiman’s zenith point was no longer able to fulfill its original purpose of transferring power to jumpships, but it was at least still useful for transhipment. As the columns of men and women, many dressed in ways normally unthinkable for their high status, filed one at a time through airlocks, towing a single bag each behind them in the zero gravity.

Soon Omi would join that line. She had even less than most of her people - just her brother’s swords and a small satchel of necessities. Victor didn’t know when he’d see her again - or if he ever would. He’d accompanied her down to the airlock and now they hung against the wall, in companionable silence.

For the third time, Victor parted his lips to try to enquire about the future. It was more intimidating, in some ways, than the combat drop on Luthien. Before he could speak - or back down again - Kai descended into the ante-chamber by the airlock, followed by Chu-sa Kinnison. “Lady Kurita,” Kai said with a bow. “The station have sent a message, advising that your uncle has arrived “

“My uncle?” Omi exclaimed.

Victor frowned. So far as he could recall, both of Omi’s parents were only children. But she seemed pleased, if surprised.

The line through the airlock stalled, several people backing away to allow someone to enter the dropship. The man was middle aged, and grossly fat - buddha-like, Victor thought - with a completely bald head above his fine robes. Ponderously as he seemed to drift through the room, the new arriva;s eyes were quick to scan the room and then spot the little group waiting. “My dear!”

“Uncle Chandy!” Omi’s ladylike reserve dissolved into girlish delight and she kicked off from the wall to catch the man in a sudden embrace.

“Oh child!” the man exclaimed and returned the hug, looking solemn. “It has been too many years. And now to meet like this.”

Victor glanced at Kai and mouthed ‘uncle’?

Kai looked bemused, but Chu-sa Kinnison spotted the exchange and without changing his expression in the slightest, muttered: “Lord Chandrasekhar Kurita is a childhood friend of his distant cousin, the Coordinator’s father.”

“And you must be the fine samurai who rescued my dear niece,” Chandrasekhar continued, looking at Victor and Kai. “I am deeply indebted to you.” He tried to bow in mid-air and found himself drifting off the deck. “We all are… oh my… oh dear…” He didn’t seem alarmed at the fact he was beginning to spin over, more bemused at how to deal with the situation.

“Uncle,” Omi said with a resigned sigh and tried to help, but it took Victor and Kai stepping in to get the rotund man upright again. “Whatever brought you out here, uncle. And so fast?”

“I took a shuttle,” Chandrasekhar admitted. “Terrible experience. Truly dreadful, but these are hard times and it is nothing to what you and your brother are going through.”

Omi looked away and Victor reached out to take her hand, remembering himself at the last minute. He saw that the older Kurita had noticed the gesture and bit back resentment. Why should he feel ashamed at wanting to support a friend?

“I could have come to Hachiman,” Omi told them. “I know some of the technical staff will be going to work there. And who knows when I can go to New Samarkand with shipping in such a mess.”

“Well, not soon you see.” Chandrasekhar advised. “Much has changed since Prince Victor and his company departed to rescue you, and I understand that the Luthien HPG was prevented from spreading news.”

“What do you mean?”

The fat man clasped his hands together. “The Clans have been stopped, for now.”

“What?!” “Really?!” Victor realized he and Kai had spoken over each other.

Chandrasekhar gave them a jolly smile. “Yes, really. I am as surprised as you, but it appears that ComStar had finally had enough and decided to, well, to flex their muscles for once. A fearful sight, I am sure. And very unexpected.”

“What exactly happened, uncle?” Omi seemed confused. “I know ComStar’s forces are substantial, but scattered across the Inner Sphere. How could they stop the Clans?”

“A gamble, my dear. I am sure that the Clans would call it a trial or some such, but they staked terms on the outcome of a battle which sounds like betting to me. Of course, I am not a military man, but that is how I see it. The Clans were offered Terra if they won, but if defeated they had to agree not to advance past a certain line for fifteen years. There has been great celebration of the ComGuards’ victory.”

“The ComGuards defeated the Clans?” Victor asked. “I know they have reserves of SLDF hardware, but barely any of their troops have serious experience.”

“Ah, well. The ComGuards and the Kungsarme, to be precise,” Chandrasekhar conceded. “But the facts are the facts. The Clans have formally acknowledged their defeat and concluded their invasion. It does not release any of our worlds, but it is a badly needed respite.”

“Where is this line?” Kai asked.

“A direct line spinwards and anti-spinwards from Camlann. Safely corewards of my home here on Hachiman, and also of your homeworld, Prince Victor.”

“More than half the Combine is above that line,” Omi noticed bleakly.

“That is true. But many, many worlds are below the line and they are, for the most part, now safe. At least for now.” Chandrasekhar shook his head. “No amount of money can buy us time,” he added. “And for all the efforts of the DCMS, their valor did not buy us that time. Primus Rong and Precentor Martial Focht have achieved this and we must be grateful.”

“Must we?” the young woman asked. “If ComStar had acted sooner.”

Victor frowned and then reached over to put his hand on her shoulder. “Let’s be fair. If it was still Myndo Waterly leading ComStar, do you think they would have been helping us at all?”

“Now that would be hard to believe,” Kai added. “Who knows what the previous Primus would have decided the Word of Blake demanded that she do?”

“I believe,” Chandrasekhar observed mildly, “That it is unlikely she would have assisted the Federated Commonwealth, at the least. In any case, gratitude is what your brother asks of you, Omiko. He cannot leave New Samarkand at this time so he is appointing you to convey the Combine’s congratulations to the Primus on Terra.” He turned to Victor and Kai. “While I naturally cannot speak for your own families’ intentions, my understanding is that you will be returned to the Federated Commonwealth via Terra as well, so you may be asked to fill the same role.”

Victor nodded. Returning by way of Terra was a nicely neutral way to return home. Not the shortest, but he could imagine the furore that would result if a DCA jumpship arrived in the Draconis March to drop him off directly. It would be best if his next public appearance was somewhere neutral.

Chandrasekhar folded his hands across. “I am bold to ask this when I owe you much, Prince Victor. But I shall be impertinent and ask that you continue to extend your protection to my dear niece. Chu-sa Kinnison and much of his force is needed on New Samarkand - Minoru has been without his Otomo for quite long enough, so only a small detachment can be sent to Terra.”

Kai tilted his head. “I don't quite follow. I know sending a battalion of the Otomo’s infantry is a big deal - not that the raid seems all that big compared to whatever happened on Camlann -”

The Chu-sa raised one hand and gave Chandrasekhar a sour look. “The Otomo maintain only a single infantry battalion, Captain Allard. Without us, the Dragon’s security is in the hands of less carefully selected warriors. With Lady Kurita now out of the hands of the ‘Same’, we must return with all haste.”

Omi bowed formally. “I know that with you and your soldiers around him, my brother cannot be safer, Chu-sa.”

“I look forward to seeing you back safely on New Samarkand soon, Lady Omi,” he replied stiffly.

The elder of the two Kuritas turned to Kai. “I would further disagree that your raid on Luthien was less important, Duke Liao. While I will grant it was far smaller an occasion than ComStar’s gargantuan confrontation to Camlann, it is also unique in that it is the first time that the DCMS and the AFFC have fought together against the Clans. Both of the nations involved are new to the idea of being allied with each other, it may be the first occasion of such cooperation since the fall of the Star League. Frictions between us are not a possibility, they are an inevitability. There will be a temptation, now that the threat of the Clans is less immediate, to fall into old habits. My Lord Kurita believes we must not make that mistake, and close ties between our leaders will be absolutely critical to that.”

“Besides that,” Omi added. “I was running out of options to hide. The O-Same rarely repeated a mistake and he had already captured hundreds of those I was trying to bring with me.”

“We are judged by our enemies,” her uncle said comfortingly. “You may need to take a somewhat circuitous journey… back to New Samarkand.” There was barely a pause to suggest he had almost said ‘home’. “I believe that Lord Kurita hopes that you will be acceptable as an envoy to the Federated Commonwealth, Omi. For too long, the only image our neighbors have of us are of swords and battlemechs. We need to present a more human face now.”

“I… see.”

Victor looked at the roly-poly Kurita. “You’d probably do a good job of that, sir.” As much as more time with Omi sounded good… well, perhaps it was too good. And he knew she missed her brother.

Chandrasekhar laughed. “No one would take me seriously.” He leant forwards and confided. “I am a businessman.”

“Well, we are half-Lyran,” Victor pointed out.

“Yes, but I mean here,” the buddha-like man told him cheerfully. “No, all I can do for Lord Kurita is tend my garden, polish the pillar of jade a little and run the occasional errand like this. Although I’d really rather not.” His robes (and presumably the flesh beneath) jiggled as he shuddered, perhaps reminded of his shuttle ride to the station.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #488 on: 26 July 2023, 08:23:17 »
Nadir Point, Vega
Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine
29 July 3051

“Primus.” There was a knock on the door of the small cabin Wei was occupying, waking her.

She wasn’t traveling in great state - the most convenient dropship to get back to Terra quickly was a liner carrying wounded ComGuards to hospitals on the homeworld suited to their long term care. She had the huge privilege of not sharing a cabin, but it made the relatively modest apartment hidden under Hilton Head look like the planetary governor of New Canton’s palace by contrast.

“I’m awake,” she mumbled and sat up,

The door opened, admitting Adept Serebryakov from the dropship’s comm crew, and also the bright light of the corridor. “Aah!” the young adept yelped, slamming the door. “Y-you’re…”

Wei looked down at herself. She didn’t appear to have been stabbed or anything. “What?”

Serebryakov opened the door quickly, darted in and slammed it behind her. “Primus, you’re topless,” she hissed.

She couldn’t help but laugh. “You didn’t ask if I was decent, Adept.” Pulling a blanket around herself, to protect the younger woman’s sensibilities, Wei sat crosslegged on the bunk. “So what can I do for you?” Alas, the blushing suggested that this wasn’t a seduction attempt.

“I-it’s a message from Precentor New Avalon.” Serebryakov produced a datapad. “It’s marked as urgent.”

“I wonder what he’s found at NAIS this time,” Wei muttered and accepted the pad, swiping her finger across the identification pad. It lit up immediately, highlighting a handful of files attached to the core message. Looking at the summary, Wei realized that this wasn’t what she’d expected. The message tags were for a political crisis, not a technological development.

Opening the main document, Wei read it.

Then, because it was very short, she read it again.

“Primus, why are you pinching yourself?” asked Serebryakov.

“I was hoping this was a nightmare,” Wei admitted. From the painful feeling on her arm where she’d pinched herself, it wasn’t.

‘Duchess Candace Liao and Intelligence Secretary Justin Xiang Allard assassinated in their New Avalon Residence,’ Joseph Buckley had written. ‘No official announcement has been made as yet, but a reliable source in the court reports that the assassin was shot during the attack. There is an unconfirmed but highly plausible report that claims the assassin has been identified as a Maskirova agent.’

“Dammit,” Wei murmured.

It wasn’t as if no one else had a motive to attack a head of state - much less the chief spy of the entire Federated Commonwealth. But Romano Liao would head any list of suspects. She was Candace’s sister, and the sisters had never forgiven each other for myriad offenses against each other… starting with the temerity for being born. When Candace defected to ally with the Federated Commonwealth at the end of the Fourth Succession War, leaving Romano as the only viable heir to the Capellan Confederation, the younger sister had condemned Candace to death in absentia.


Wei let the blanket slip, ignoring the blushing of the adept and went to the small desk, pulling a light robe from where she’d hung it over the back of the chair. She dropped the datapad on top of the work she’d been looking at - decisions about how to deal with hundreds of captured Clan warriors. Unfortunately, exchanging them didn’t seem to be a possibility, which meant that some of the Clans had even larger numbers of ComGuards in captivity - particularly Clan Wolf.

And now there was this, she thought as she pulled the robe on and tied the silk sash that secured it. “What would ever make this a good idea!”

“Primus, is something wrong.”

Wei looked back at the adept. “I’m sorry. You haven’t brought me good news, Adept. But that’s hardly your fault.”

“Is there anything I can do to help,” the younger woman offered innocently.

“I appreciate the offer, but unless you can think of a way to keep the FedCom from invading the Capellans, probably not.”

Serebryakov’s eyes were wide? “Is Prince Victor getting married?” she asked.

Wei stared at her and then laughed. There was a certain logic to it - Hanse Davion’s marriage had begun an invasion, and that had been indirectly caused by a Maskirova operation against the Davion court. “No, I don’t think so. But either Romano Liao has grossly overestimated how far the AFFC is distracted fighting the Clans, or someone wants the Inner Sphere to believe she has.”

Assuming for the moment that it was the Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation who was behind this, had she anticipated that the ComGuards would fail to halt the Clans on Camlann. If so, the fall of Terra would have exposed the relatively narrow strip of worlds linking the two halves of the Federated Commonwealth to attack, demanding that significant forces be used to defend them. Or to move decisively to try to take Terra, which would probably be quite a temptation. In that case, it was at least somewhat possible that avenging the duchess and the secretary might not be the highest priority…

If, of course, you ignored little things like the fact that Justin Xiang Allard was one of Hanse Davion’s relatively few close friends. That the son of the two who had been killed was a close friend and subordinate to Victor Steiner-Davion, the heir to the entire Federated Commonwealth.

Or that while the interior, periphery borders and even the Draconis Combine borders had been stripped of troops to fight the Clans, the border with the Capellans had not been.

No one had really expected Romano Liao to contribute to the fight against the Clans. Wei had invited her to the conference on Terra for the sole reason of trying to impress on her that she would be best served by letting her enemies defeat the Clans before they came near the Confederation.

But apparently doing nothing was harder than that it seemed.

Wei wondered if she’d misread Thomas Marik so wildly as well. If he was part of this, if he was planning on also throwing his forces against the Federated Commonwealth then it might make some sort of military sense - something to ask Focht about.

But Wei doubted it. Marik’s son was receiving medical care by an international team, he was exporting huge quantities of military hardware and could expect the payments for them to be cut off immediately if he launched an unprovoked war against the Federated Commonwealth.

Even Thomas Calderon, a man who was obsessed with the idea that his nation was next on Hanse Davion’s target list, had recognised that with the Clans as a threat he had breathing room. (Granted, he’d used that to try to increase his readiness for a resumed Davion threat, but he hadn’t tried to provoke one).

“What happened?” the adept asked.

“It appears that the Maskirova have assassinated Candace Liao and her husband,” Wei observed. “Somehow I doubt that Hanse Davion will let that pass - and now he has fifteen years before the Clans resume their invasion.”

“But surely it would be insane for them to do that?” Serebryakov pointed out.

“It was insane for the House Lords to bring down the Star League three hundred years ago,” Wei told her. “Conventional definitions of sanity don’t appear to apply to the Great Houses. I will need to speak to Rachel Orchard, but if there is another war then there’s probably nothing I can do.”

“Well… if there’s nothing you can do, then…”

“I’m afraid,” Wei told her, “That there is nothing more stressful than things being beyond one’s control. It’s one reason war is hell, because only the mad think that they can control a war once it begins.”

Smoke Jaguar Landing Zone, Camlann
Benjamin District, Draconis Combine
29 July 3051

The darkness did not end at once.

Tyra gradually became aware that she was alive, that the way the pains came and went were the result of anesthetic being used and wearing off. The first conscious thought that she remembered after the ejection was seeing her legs under the bedding and relief that both were still there. Unlike her father’s.

Some time after that, she woke to a dim medical bay, lit only from the nurse’s station at the far end, barely visible out of the corner of her eyes. Her parachute must have deployed correctly she realized. Whatever had struck her, it hadn’t killed her either directly or by damaging the parachute’s cords.

Tyra tried to find some sort of call button but her arms seemed too heavy to lift. She tried to speak, but her throat was dry. And when she tried to lift or turn her head, it was fixed in place.

The effort exhausted her and she closed her eyes again.

When she opened them, the ward was lit and the voices she heard had the familiar tonalities of swedenese. They had won then, she thought. The Smoke Jaguars must have been defeated at last. She was in a Kungsarme field hospital.

Tyra wanted to laugh or cheer, but tears ran down her face. Someone tried talking to her but it seemed as if they were far far away. Something cold touched her right wrist and thoughts were brushed away as if by swabs of cotton wool.

Later again, she opened her eyes again and found herself strapped down, although at least her neck was no longer braced. She heard the distant thumm of a dropship’s engine and realized that she was aboard one. Where were they going? Back home to Gunzburg?

It took a moment for critical thinking to reboot and she concluded that it was unlikely. The Clans had been stopped, but there was nothing in the bargain that ComStar had struck that forced them to leave the worlds they were occupying. The young pilot felt a surge of anger at the fact that so many homes had been lost before the robes had been willing to take a stand. If they had fought sooner…

But at least they had stood now. Perhaps the dropship was simply consolidating the wounded to one place for easier treatment. From a field hospital to a permanent installation? The Combine would have little if any capability outside the military hospitals, but the latter existed and ComStar’s enclave on Camlann was both sizeable and a long way from the battlefields.

Something itched on her left wrist. Tyra lifted her right hand, scraping it across her to explore the source. There was something tied around her wrist. Some sort of cord.

It meant something, but she wasn’t sure what. It was important and she clawed at her inconsiderate memory. But exhaustion took her before she could find out what it was.

A nightmare.

Saber Cat unleashing hell on Gunzburg. Tyra hanging from a parachute, helpless as the fires consumed Stortalar City. Her father crawling, wheelchair tipped over behind him, asking where she had gone. Why hadn’t she been there.

Tyra jerked awake, gasping for breath, sweat against the hospital gown. Against the triple-braided cord around her arm.

Her breath rasped in and out, waiting for this new nightmare to end. Waiting to wake from this new torment.

“Ah, you are awake.” A doctor, voice clipped and precise in his english. His ethnicity was mixed, he could have been from anywhere.

Tyra raised her hand, ignoring the man. She studied the cord around her wrist. The mark of a bondsman. The mark that she had been captured… no. That she had enslaved.

“Take it off,” she demanded.

The man gave her a look that was not without sympathy. Then he shook his head. “No, Tyra. I cannot do that.”

“Take… it…” She managed to sit up, managed to get her fingers beneath the cord and try to wrench it off. There she failed, only managing to tear the skin of her fingers.

“Stop!” the doctor demanded. He grasped her hands and though he showed no sign of being particularly athletic, Tyra could not stop him from pulling her hands apart. “Do not do this, Tyra.”

“I won’t do this,” she snapped. “I won’t help them. I won’t!”

The man wrestled her right wrist into a plastic loop and then released her left  hand to pull the loop close and pin Tyra’s right arm to the bed. She tried to get hold of the loop and release it with her left hand, but he caught her wrist again and soon that was secured as well.

“Tyra,” he said again. “Please. Rest and recover.”

“Rest and recover? She asked. “Do you have any idea…?”

“Some,” he said and tugged on his coat, showing the edges of a Smoke Jaguar badge on the sleeve. “It is not the end of your life.”

“I was over Rasalhague,” Tyra snarled. “I saw what your Clan did. You think I will help the Jaguars?”

The doctor looked at her. “I see. I…” Then he shook his head. “Let me tell you something that you may not have heard.”

“What are you talking about?”

He leant over and to her surprise, there was a sincere look to his smile. “Lincoln Osis is dead.”


The doctor pulled back and nodded. Then he winked. “Not officially,” he added. “Sometimes the warriors do not think that we talk to each other.”

“How?” Tyra asked him.

“Ah, well  get some rest and take your medicine,” the man told her. “If you want to know, then I will tell you tomorrow. So no doing anything foolish for now. Remember, there is always hope.”

“Hope.” Tyra slumped against her pillows. “You think I will be a bondsmen.”

“You are a bondsman,” the doctor told her. “The question is what you do with it. You could have died or been crippled. Instead, you have a new chance. Do you want to throw it away?”


He leant over again. “Think about it. You have some time. Do not do something you could regret.”

“If I am dead, I cannot regret anything.”

“No, but nor can you do anything else.”
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #489 on: 26 July 2023, 09:22:04 »
3 July
Clans Ghost Bear, Jade Falcon, Nova Cat, Smoke Jaguar and Steel Viper make their landings on Camlann. It isn’t initially clear to the ComGuards command why Clans Diamond Shark and Wolf are not landing, or whether they have only been briefly delayed, so the forces assigned to their targets remain on stand-by. Two clans suffer significant set-backs during the landings.
Clan Smoke Jaguar’s aggressive attempt to take both targets at once, despite making the smallest bid overall, costs them heavily when Kungsarme aerospace fighters focus on Alpha Galaxy’s landing, leaving much of the Galaxy scattered as a result of dropships landing wherever they can or being shot down. Khan Kincaid Furey’s dropship is among those brought down, leaving him inside Fayettvil but almost alone, and ilKhan Leo Showers is isolated outside the city with a fragment of the Jaguar Grenadiers cluster.
Clan Nova Cat originally planned a massed air assault directly onto their first target. Under heavy pressure, it was decided to abandon that and thus Clan Nova Cat redirected their dropships to land west of their targets. Perhaps due to this change of plans, a handful of ComGuards fighters penetrated their formation and engaged the Mule-class dropship Midnight, one of two carrying additional supplies that the Nova Cats had concluded would be necessary based on their experience so far. The destruction of the Midnight cost the Clan more than twenty-percent of their munitions and spare parts.

4 July
Four of the five Clans to have landed begin to advance on their initial targets. After a feint towards Bentonvil, to suggest this was her intention, Khan Sarah Weaver takes her half of the Smoke Jaguar forces on a forced march to recover the scattered elements of Alpha Galaxy and hopefully take Fayettvil. Khan Furey is confirmed as alive but in hiding, after his Executioner was crippled fighting the garrison.

5 July
After more than a day of fighting, Clan Nova Cat’s warriors are running through supplies faster than even the revised worse case scenario. Khan Sevren Leroux is advised that at this rate unless they can take both targets within a week, it won’t be possible to continue fighting. Based on this, it is decided that they will aim only to take Gettysburk and focus from there on holding onto the objective.
Interrogation of captured Clan warriors reveals to the ComGuards that Clan Wolf and Clan Diamond Shark can be expected to land in another forty-eight hours. With Clan Steel Viper looking increasingly overstretched, it’s decided to employ the reserve of aerospace fighters to focus on them in the meantime.

6 July
Having recovered half of Alpha Galaxy and taken the pressure off the remainder, Khan Weaver leads a serious push on Fayettvil to try to recover Khan Furey, who is still hiding in the city. Exhausted and in need of repairs, the offensive reaches the edge of Fayettevil before reports that the 1st Kavelleri and 3rd Drakons have left Bentonvil and pose a threat to the Smoke Jaguar rear. Weaver breaks off the attack to regroup.
Clan Steel Viper is cut off from their landing zone by the ComGuards and begin frantic efforts to break out. As their dropships attempt to relocate to new positions accessible to the ground forces, all ComGuard aerospace assets are directed to prevent this.

7 July
Clan Wolf and Clan Diamond Shark begin their landings. Precentor Martial Focht makes the contentious decision to continue focusing reserves on destroying the Steel Vipers so the two Clans do not face overwhelming numbers during their landings. With the two Clans having bid the most forces for Camlann, they prove to have sufficient forces to make landing without serious losses.
Outside Fayettevil, Clan Smoke Jaguar have had the time to rearm and rest, with the result that the 1st Kavellrei and 3rd Drakons find themselves overwhelmed. They take heavy losses as the Fayettvil garrison attempts to link up with them only to run into repeated ambushes.
Clan Steel Viper give up on trying to break through the ComGuards lines after three near successes were stopped at heavy cost. Khan Natalie Breen elects to attempt to break contact and coordinate a recovery operation by her dropships, now down to only half the Steel Viper’s original strength on Camlann and having lost all access to their remaining supplies.

8 July
Clan Smoke Jaguar launches a renewed attack on Fayettevil. Due to concern that this may be a feint like that on 4 July, the remaining garrison at Bentonvil does not offer support.
Clan Diamond Shark begins a campaign focused on eliminating the nearest ComGuard positions rather than advancing directly towards Sandiego or Santababa. In contrast, Clan Wolf breaks through the initial defensive lines as they advance on Colliervil.

9 July
Clan Jade Falcon reach Sanhuan and agree to allow the remaining garrison evacuate, rather than have to fight street by street.
Clan Nova Cat begin to withdraw, judging that they no longer have the supplies to successfully take Gettysburk.

10 July
IlKhan Leo Showers is wounded trying to storm Fayettevil. After recovering Showers, Khan Weaver orders Clan Smoke Jaguar to withdraw, having taken losses of over 65% to their forces.
The ComGuards forces around Gettysburk launch a counterattack against Clan Nova Cat, believing the Clan are entirely out of supplies and that this presents the chance to shatter them similarly to Clan Steel Viper. This expectation is brutally proven false with four Level IV units shattered by a tight and coordinated Nova Cat response. While this actually exhausts the last Nova Cat munitions, the ComGuards losses deter any attempt to take further advantage.

11 July
Clan Nova Cat reaches their dropships and withdraw. Rather than attempt an interdiction of this, ComGuards aerospace reserves are focused on Sancisco where intelligence reports the Jade Falcons are preparing to launch an aerial attack across the strait.
Timur Malthus observes the ComGuards aerospace forces and concludes that the aerial support would be too hazardous - while the Falcons could be landed, any extraction in the face of defeat is not realistic so all forces committed might be lost. Malthus cancels the attack at the last moment, rather than potentially lose an entire galaxy on such a gamble.

12 July
Taking advantage of the focus over Sancisco, Clan Steel Viper manage to make contact with their dropships and extract their surviving forces. Less than one fifth of their initial force is recovered.
Clan Ghost Bear reach Chambersburk and take the city after a day of fierce streetfighting. The ComGuards withdraw from the city just thirty minutes before the defenders of Colliervil are also withdraw rather than see the remaining forces their encircled and cut off there.
Khan Elias Crichell begins taking steps to see Timur Malthus blamed in the event of a failure to take Sancisco. He is careful not to move directly in case he has to take charge and make an attempt himself.

13 July
Khan Natalie Breen of Clan Steel Viper resigns rather than face a challenge. SaKhan Perigard Zalman is confirmed as the new senior Khan, but debate over the new saKhan is prolonged.
ComGuards reinforcements reach Shippenburk and Sancisco.
Timur Malthus sends a supernova Trinary to try to map a route across the bottom of the Sanhuan strait for an underwater assault. The attempt is intercepted by a Level II unit of Neptune submersibles, who inflict four casualties. Combined with two fatal accidents in the attempt, Timur Malthus rules the possibility of crossing the strait in this way.

14 July
Khan Barbara Sennet addresses Clan Diamond Shark’s Clan Council and secures a vote to withdraw, seeing the overall battle as lost and unwilling to take further losses.
Clan Wolf, having regrouped for a full day, begin a push towards Huntsvil.
Galaxy Commander Christopher Ahmed is finally chosen as the new saKhan of Clan Steel Viper.

15 July
Clan Diamond Shark withdraws to their dropships. Given the casualties inflicted by Clan Nova Cat previously, ComGuard forces shadow the withdrawal but contest it only in the air. Losses overall are under 10% by either side in this theatre.
The Kungsarme are authorised to march south to join the fight for Huntsvil. Feeling that the loss of the city is not necessarily significant at this point, and not wanting to strip other cities in case Clans Diamond Shark, Smoke Jaguar or Nova Cat landed again, or Clan Ghost Bear and Clan Jade Falcon press further, the Precentor Martial refrains from sending further reinforcements.

16 July
Clan Chost Bear’s Clan Council convene and discuss options for taking Shippenburk. Having suffered 25% casualties to take Chambersburk, while inflicting 30% casualty rate, they conclude that with the ComGuards reinforcements bringing the defenders up to two divisions in strength that it is unclear who would win and losses would be near total for both sides. While this would be acceptable to achieve a win or even draw overall, without that possibility the Council concurs that they will limit activities to reconnaissance and skirmishing until the situation changes.

23 July
A vote of no confidence in Timur Malthus is called by Galaxy Commander Mar Helmer, with the vote solidly voting for the saKhan’s refusal. Malthus calls for a Trial of Refusal.

24 July
The Kungsarme’s remaining three brigades strike at Beta Galaxy’s two Clusters, north of Huntsvil. Reinforced by the 13th Wolf Guards, Beta Galaxy inflict over fifty percent casualties on the Kungsarme in six hours, though at a similar cost to their two original clusters and the death of saKhan Garth Radick.
Timur Malthus fights Galaxy Commander Mar Helmer in a trial of refusal over his removal from office as saKhan. Malthus is victorious, but mortally wounded.
With the Kungsarme counterattack contained, Clan Wolf take Huntsvil and Khan Ulric Kerensky reports to the ilKhan that Clan Wolf has achieved all objectives and consider the campaign concluded.

25 July
Timur Malthus dies in a medical bay six hours after the end of his Trial of Refusal. Galaxy Commander Vandervahn Chistu is named as the new saKhan.
Leo Showers formally contacts Precentor Martial Focht and concedes the battle for Camlann. It’s agreed that the four cities held by Clan Wolf, Jade Falcon and Ghost Bear will be retained until 8 August to allow the Clans to handle the administrative and logistical issues of withdrawing. An attempt by Focht to discuss exchanging prisoners is dismissed in strong terms by Showers.
A formal ceasefire takes effect at 23:11 standard time, bringing the Battle of Camlann to an end.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #490 on: 26 July 2023, 10:17:25 »
What is the status of Khan Furey?


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #491 on: 26 July 2023, 10:44:51 »
What is the status of Khan Furey?

Given the Jaguars never took the city, and who was defending it?  "Pining for the fjords" is my bet.  "Remarkable cat, the Norwegian Blue"


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #492 on: 26 July 2023, 13:08:55 »
OTL the excuse for Refusal War was Ulric accepting Tukayyid trial, here it was Showers, so politicking will gt much more convoluted. Without Scorpion, I reckon that Clans will have to suffer Comstar enclaves within their territory for a bit more.

“I appreciate the offer, but unless you can think of a way to keep the FedCom from invading the Capellans, probably not.”

Serebryakov’s eyes were wide? “Is Prince Victor getting married?” she asked.

Beware of Davions getting married. Without Candace to moderate response, it will most certainly be a massive one, even if Sun Tzu launches a coup.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #493 on: 26 July 2023, 13:26:35 »
If the AFFS hit the Capellans this time, Comstar might not bother to interdict them. Cue the FedSuns rolling through the Confederation and then absorbing it as the St Ives March, then making Kai the March Lord.

Sir Chaos

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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #494 on: 26 July 2023, 13:28:22 »
Beware of Davions getting married. Without Candace to moderate response, it will most certainly be a massive one, even if Sun Tzu launches a coup.

That´s assuming Candace is actually dead, unlike canon. They wouldn´t be telling ComStar she´s still alive - heck, they didn´t even tell Victor who was going to break the news to Kai!
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #495 on: 26 July 2023, 18:15:35 »
Tyra may yet reunite with Phelan...  :rolleyes:


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #496 on: 26 July 2023, 18:25:40 »
This is getting interesting.

The building in of official lore with this is well done.
M. T. Thompson
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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #497 on: 26 July 2023, 18:50:44 »
Drakensis is a MASTER at that... :)


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #498 on: 26 July 2023, 22:17:15 »
Always plausible butterflies
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #499 on: 29 July 2023, 01:54:21 »
Opalescent Reflections

House of Cards
Chapter 11

Huntsvil, Camlann
Benjamin District, Draconis Combine
1 August 3051

Moving the remaining Clan forces back from Camlann would take time and there was a certain lethargy to the process. There was no hurry… and of course, it meant that the units were moving away from Terra.

In addition, the Grand Council was convening to discuss the important question of what to do now. Khan Ulric Kerensky had offered to host the gathering in Huntsvil, the ‘high water mark’ of Operation Revival. The second city to fall to Clan Wolf, the greatest success out of any Clan on Camlann.

Everyone knew that the Wolf Khan was showing off. But he had won. He was allowed, almost expected, to do so.

With jumpships arriving to ferry Diamond Shark clusters away, it had been relatively easy for Ace to travel from Luthien to Camlann. It was still eight jumps in as many days, bracketed by dropship voyages but it was possible. He was feeling the aftereffects and from what he had heard, once he was older he might find himself feeling that sort of thing in ways that would not be cured by a night’s sleep under more comfortable circumstances than a dropship’s bunk.

Ace didn’t stagger down the ramp from the dropship, but he definitely felt less than presentable and more in need of a drink and a bunk than of meeting Khan Sennet. Alas, the Clan was a demanding master and no sooner had he stepped aside to let a trinary from one of the Omega Galaxy clusters march their ‘mechs aboard, than he was found by the Khan, sat behind the wheel of a jeep.

“Get in,” she said.

Hiding a sigh, Ace walked over and tossed his bag into the back before climbing in next to Sennet. “I am - in.” The pause was because she’d thrown it into gear and slammed her foot on the throttle pedal, the little truck taking off like a startled Fire Moth. “Are we in a hurry?” he asked, grabbing for the seatbelt.

“We have less than two days before the Kurultai,” Sennet told him. “Fortunately, some of the other Clans were electing Khans or you would be too late.”

“If Clan Wolf had decided not to continue fighting alone, I would have also been late,” Ace pointed out.

“In that case we probably would not be having the Kurultai here.” The Khan took a corner with two wheels leaving the ground briefly. Ace wondered where she had learned to drive and concluded it was probably the combat vehicle basic training that he had missed by joining a sibko so late.

While Huntsvil itself was a wreck after centuries of neglect, and the buildings might still have toxic residues, the Clans had set up tents and pre-fab buildings in open areas. Clan Wolf had marked space for each of the seventeen Clans, leaving them with plenty of room to keep a safe distance. The ten Clans not participating in the invasion were set up in what had once been a zoological garden. There might be some irony to that, Ace wasn’t sure. What had once been broad paddocks for the larger animals were now marked by the comparatively tiny entourages.

The jeep made short work of what had once been avenues for visitors to walk down, reaching one of those compounds - one whose banners showed the familiar coiled totem of Clan Burrock. As Sennet parked the jeep, Ace was relieved to see no faces familiar from his previous experiences with the Clan.

An unarmored elemental emerged from one of a circle of prefabricated buildings. “Khan Sennet,” the woman declared in recognition, offering a salute. “Our Khans are waiting for you.”

“Then let us not keep them waiting.” Sennet dismounted and and returned the salute. Ace fell in behind her, leaving his bag in the jeep.

“Your aide?” the towering guard asked mildly.

“He has Burrock ancestry,” the Khan said, which wasn’t an answer but could be taken for one.

The two of them entered the building and found it furnished mostly with field gear, though a Burrock flag hung across one wall. Ace supposed it made sense - the Burrock Khans were traveling almost alone, having brought only a single jumpship, just enough to comply with the ilKhan’s requirement that all the Khans accompany the invasion, to cut down on the chances them leading their Clans against each other or against the homeworld enclaves of invaders.

Trials were still taking place in the homeworlds, of course, but keeping the Khans out of it was at least keeping the conflicts from growing too large.

“Welcome!” There were only two people inside, evidently the Khans. It was the woman who spoke - Jocelyn Siddiq.

Orrel Polcyzk, the saKhan didn’t offer any verbal greeting but he did fill four glasses from a bottle and offer them around. The man paused as he saw Ace though. “Enders?” he asked, a little sharply.

“Ace Enders,” he confirmed, bowing slightly. Perhaps Combine manners were rubbing off on him, Ace thought.

The Burrock frowned and shook his head dismissively, handing over the glass anyway before returning to one of the chairs. “You would not have brought him along as an insult,” he told Sennet. “What are you after?”

“Do not be so grumpy,” Siddiq chided him. “Sennet is just showing off her wares. Unfortunately, we do not have the forces I would want to bid for possession of the young Enders. But he is a credit to his bloodhouse.”

Polcyzk chuckled, somewhat reluctantly. “Well, you have good taste in battlemechs, Galaxy Commander. I use a Stormcrow myself. I do not think there is a better battlemech in any Clan.”

“The scientists keep developing designs,” the Burrock woman disagreed. “The Stormcrow is a fine ‘mech, but there are others. I like what I have heard of your new Mongrel omnimechs,” she added, turning back to Sennet. “We may take some off you.”

“Trade or trial,” Sennet replied crisply. “Whichever you choose, we will meet you.”

Siddiq took her own seat and the visitors followed suite. “But that is not why you are here,” she concluded. “We all know Leo Showers’ time as ilKhan is over and I do not think you are here to speak for him.”

A slightly derisive smile crossed Sennet’s lips and she shook her head, then lifted the glass and took a sip. Her eyes widened appreciatively. “This is new.”

“A local gain,” Polcyzk noted. “They make it from peaches - a fruit I do not know. I think it may not have made the transition to our homeworlds.”

Ace sipped from his own glass and found it to be sweeter than he preferred. And strong. Still, he was a guest.

“Alright,” Siddiq noted. “Do you want the ilKhan’s throne, Barbara? I do not pretend I am a contender myself, but that is not the same thing as casting my vote for it.”

Sennet drank again. “Who says that we need an ilKhan?”

“The truce aside, we are still at war,” warned Polcyzk.

“How much use was Leo Showers?” Ace asked him.

“Hmm.” The saKhan rubbed his brow and then drained half his glass. “Leading the grand council is no small feat. Without him, there might be no invasion.” He exhaled slowly. “Well, we need not decide now.”

“With Revival over, we can bring more forces in,” Sennet told the Burrocks. “The bidding no longer binds us, and it is clear the bids were all too small.” She was insulated from fault in that, since she had not been Khan at the time. “We must expand our presence quickly, to take a secure hold of our new domain or it will be taken from us.”

“By the Smoke Jaguars?”

Ace shook his head. The question had been expected. “The Draconis Combine is not broken. I expect raids and if they manage to gather the forces, they will try to take worlds back from us.”

Sennet drained her glass. “We are in a better position than some of the invaders, but to provide satisfactory garrisons we will need to draw heavily on the homeworlds. Not just for warriors, we are also drawing experienced civilian leaders away to lead the new governments. We are using bondsmen but that is proving more problematic than it is for those who are already Clansmen. It will be a generation - not a warrior’s generation, I mean decades - before they adjust to the way of the Clans, so we cannot rely on them alone.”

Ace winced at the reminder of the situation on Luthien. The bondsmen responsible for the infiltration had been executed, but it didn’t solve the basic problem that most bondsmen had family loyalties and the Combine was willing to use those in ways that he’d not considered. And Omiko Kurita’s departure had not slowed the resistance down at all - if anything, reports suggested that they were getting worse.

“I think I see where you are going with this,” Siddiq observed. She smiled slyly. “You cannot stretch to control so many worlds here and also your enclaves in the homeworlds.”

“Not now,” Sennet admitted frankly. “We are expanding our manpower, but it will take time.”

Siddiq’s smile broadened. “And you know that we already contract troops to help the Cloud Cobras to control the Tanite worlds, in exchange for a share of their resources.”

Ace frowned. He wasn’t entirely sure what the Tanite worlds even were.

“The idea has crossed my mind,” Sennet agreed. “But not quite what I am thinking.”

The Burrock Khan sat back and held out her glass to Polcyzk for a refill. “That is a shame, I would like access to the resources here. Perhaps I can convince you.”

“Perhaps.” Sennet set down her glass. “My Clan has evidence that Clan Burrocks Khans have been dealing with the Dark Caste.”

Polcyzk dropped the bottle, which didn’t shatter but did spill half the contents on the floor. Siddiq swore, but not because of the peach brandy. “That would be treason,” she protested. “We would never do that!”

Sennet’s smile was toothy. “My saKhan and various others have the evidence, in case you are feeling tempted to have an accident happen.”

“When you say evidence…” Polcyzk observed slowly, “What are you talking about? You must have misinterpreted something - I do not accuse you of fabricating it of course.” Then he turned and looked at Ace. “Well, perhaps not you, Khan Sennet.”

Ace shrugged. “I had no part in the investigation.”

“But you were the loose string we pulled followed to find evidence,” Sennet continued. “Shipments. Information leaks. This is nothing new, Khan Siddiq. I cannot pin it to you specifically, but it has been going on for far too long for the Khans not to be aware of this. This is not individuals, this is a continuing policy going back to…” She paused. “Well, I would not be surprised if a little more digging took us right back to the founding of the Clans.”

Siddiq’s geniality slipped away. “You know what the Grand Council will demand if you bring them that evidence.”

“That is part of my calculations.”

“Then why not do that?” demanded Polcyzk. “Why come to us?” His eyes narrowed. “Are you trying to bluff some sort of confession out of us?”

Sennet produced a datapad. “A sample.”

Siddiq accepted it and started checking, while her fellow Khan glared at the two of them. “You did not answer me, Sennet. Why are the two of you here. You could take this directly to the Grand Council and we would be lucky to walk out alive.”

“How would that profit Clan Diamond Shark?” the dark-skinned Khan asked curiously.

Polcyzk scowled at her. “Diamond Sharks! Should I be glad that you aren’t taking that datapad to the Blood Spirits.”

“That assumes they would even talk to us,” pointed out Ace drily. Clan Blood Spirit was deeply isolationist. There were only two other Clans they had regular contact with. Their Khans hadn’t even attended the Grand Council for years before the invasion. “And what could they offer us?”

“For the chance to destroy our Clan?” asked the Burrock, sarcastically.

Sennet shook her head. “Clan Blood Spirit is in no position to give us what we need.”

Siddiq threw the datapad over to Ace. “I did not even know all of this,” she admitted. “I have been trying to cut off these ties. This is not something that my Clan needs any more. I told you it was a dagger at our throat, Orrel.”

Polcyzk grunted unhappily. “I did not disagree.”

“Alright.” The Burrock Khan gave Ace and Barbara an icy look. “So you now hold that dagger. Are you going to drive it in? Or is this where you make demands?”

Barbara Sennet met that icy anger with a warm smile. “When the Grand Council meets in two days, this information will be presented to them. If I tried to hide it, then it would simply implicate us as conspirators. I do not want to pass my eventual successors the problem that you inherited, Jocelyn.”

“So what does that leave us?”

And then the Khan of the Diamond Sharks leant back and steepled her fingers. “Let us make a deal…”

Hilton Head, North America
Terra, Sol System
2 August 3051

Wei would have preferred a more informal venue after her trip back from Camlann, but that would have been disrespectful under the circumstances.

As the First Circuit gathered, holographic displays in front of each window was scrolling through lists of names, casting shadows across the chamber and the Precentors. Few of the men and women looked easy as the names continued to roll and roll, a macabre list of the dead and wounded.

“In summary,” Wei informed them, “Precentor Martial Focht believes that we can bring six divisions back from Camlann, although it will be some months. He believes at least one should remain to oversee salvage and recovery efforts until the end of the year - and bringing one back to guard the solar system is just good sense. The exact deployment of the other four will be open to discussion - most likely in the form of Level III deployments to our larger enclaves.”

“Do we have an estimate for how long it will take to rebuild the rest of our strength?” Joe Murphy asked. His posting of Tharkad was below the line marked by Camlann, but not by much.

Wei spread her hands helplessly. “Three to five years, assuming we can fund the recruitment, the training and purchasing of supplies. If we do not fund them, perhaps longer. There is at least a case to suggest that our previous strength will have alarmed the Great Houses. But at the same time, we needed that strength badly upon Camlann. Only four cities fell, but it could have been eight and then we would be relocating our headquarters and most likely you would have been voting on my replacement now.”

There were close to a hundred thousand names on the casualty list. Enough people to populate a city had been killed in less than a month. Wei Rong had thought, after her studies of the Second Succession War, that she was ready for that. But what she had read then had been distant statistics, less immediate than what had happened on Camlann.

She sighed heavily. “And moving along from Camlann, there are the events around St Ives. Precentor Mu, if you would be so good as to brief everyone.”

Elswick Cameron took over the podium and control of the central display, which he set first to display Duchess Candace Liao and her husband. “For those unfamiliar, on the twenty-eighth of last month an operative planted within the St Ives embassy on New Avalon entered the royal apartments and opened fire on Duchess Liao and Secretary Allard with a high powered laser pistol. The two were in bed at the time, and according to the official releases both were mortally wounded. One or the other lived long enough to shoot back, killing the assassin outright. It is possible that the Duchess slept with a sidearm at hand, but currently we believe Secretary Allard used the laser known to be built into his prosthetic. Emergency services responded and all three were pronounced dead at the embassy’s medical wing.”

The display switched to a starchart mapping out the St Ives Compact - a C-shape of seventeen olive coloured stars surrounded on one side by the gold of the Federated Commonwealth and on the other by the green of the Capellan Confederation. “Under any circumstances, suspicion would fall on Chancellor Liao. She had a long-standing feud with the Duchess even before the Compact’s secession, and of course Secretary Allard’s actions as a double agent contributed massively to the Capellans’s defeat in the Fourth Succession War. Both have been marked for death repeatedly.”

One of the green stars next to the Compact began to flash. “In this case, we believe the obvious source of the assassin is accurate with the specific motivation lying here. Gei-Fu’s planetary government has rebelled against the Confederation and appealed to join the St Ives Compact. Whether or not Duchess Liao would have accepted is now a moot point, the possibility would most likely have been sufficient.”

Joe Buckley cleared his throat. “While it’s hard to say what the Fox is thinking at any point, I find it hard to believe he would risk the Lyran Commonwealth for one world even if Candace Liao requested it. However, with the current truce and the Capellan March’s defenses largely intact, he may have the opportunity to act.”

Cameron switched the display again, this time portraying a handsome young man of asiatic descent. “With his mother’s death, Kai Allard-Liao is now duke of St Ives. Currently he is a Hauptmann in the Tenth Lyran Guards, traveling to Terra with Prince Victor Steiner-Davion and Lady Omiko Kurita. Expedited HPG communications to his waypoints have allowed him to be informed of the attack and messages have been explained discussing the options available to the young duke.”

Precentor Sian shifted awkwardly, “What options is he offering? I know that the CCAF is moving one of the Warrior Houses to put down the rebellion on Gei-Fu.”

“The First Prince does not appear to support a military response,” Cameron continued, “Although he did say that an operation was underway. However, when Duke Allard pressed for military action, Davion conceded. In the short term, the AFFC will support the defenses of the Compact, while a regiment of the St Ives Armored Cavalry is being mobilized to support the rebels on Gei-Fu. A command circuit is being prepared to carry the new duke to St Ives immediately when he arrives at our jump point.”

“I cannot say that I’m surprised,” Wei noted. “So I suppose that I will only be meeting with Omiko Kurita and Victor Steiner-Davion.”

“It is possible one of his sisters will substitute for him,” Precentor St Ives offered. Trent Hone had spent much of his career on the world, working his way up the HPG command chain. He’d been deputy head of the station when his superior died in 3046 and Wei had been happy to keep him on. “They’re young, and they’ve spent much of their lives on New Avalon. It would be a way for the duke to raise their profile in his realm.”

“We’ll deal with that if it happens,” Wei decided.

“What do we do if the war widens?” asked Orchard. “It’s all very well if this is settled with just one world, but both sides have a vote. And if the Free Worlds League gets involved…”

Wei pointed to the displays at the windows. “What do you think we can do, Rachel? We have no military options in that area right now. If we find anything to suggest that this is someone else’s work, then we can release that information but for now all we can do is look to the security of our enclaves in the area. We can add that to the priorities for sending the ComGuards once they have recovered sufficiently but that is weeks away and I believe that rebuilding our garrison here on Terra takes priority.”

There were nods from the predictable faces, the precentors who generally supported Tiger Lily when it came to putting Terra above all other priorities.

Cameron cleared his throat. “While there’s been no definite decision so far by leadership, our expectation is that if Allard-Liao decides to attack further targets then it is likely the New Sagan salient will be prioritized. The five worlds are broadly in the same area as Gei-Fu and two of the worlds are industrially significant. Cutting the salient would also shorten the Capellan border, which would likely be supported by the Capellan March and Sarna March. We don’t believe that it’s realistic to see a push for Sian or even for Capella while the bulk of the AFFC is still orienting towards the Clans. Most probably, Hanse Davion will simply transfer the contracts of mercenary regiments in the Capellan March to bulk up St Ives while house regiments simply remain on the border as a threat that the Chancellor has to honor.”

“I don’t think anyone here will weep for Romano Liao,” Joe Buckley concluded. “Did anything else come out of these messages?”

“Not relevant to the St Ives situation,” Cameron told him. “In the broader sense, we’ve had confirmation that Lady Kurita has been given credentials as an ambassador-at-large to the Federated Commonwealth. It appears she’ll be going back to New Avalon with Prince Victor.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Buckley admitted. “If they quarrel, it’ll be bad for the alliance, if they get along too well then the Draconis March will be in flames.”

“I suppose I will have a chance to check their chemistry in person,” Wei noted. “Who thought that dynastic politics was a good idea?”

“James McKenna,” someone shot back and Wei had to admit that it was a good answer. The first Dictator… uh, Director-General of the Terran Hegemony hadn’t founded the neo-feudal order that now dominated the Inner Sphere but he’d certainly made it possible when it became clear that his successor would have to be a relative.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #500 on: 29 July 2023, 01:54:34 »
Huntsvil, Camlann
Benjamin District, Draconis Combine
3 August 3051

The building had been built in an antique style by the Star League, and it was structurally sound even after centuries. A half-circle of tiered seating faced a stage, intended for performances of some kind, and Ulric had set workers to cleaning it thoroughly to rid it of any residue of the weapons unleashed here by House Kurita and House Stiener. It was impossible to say if they were completely clear, but it was safe enough to use today.

Banners had been laid out marking pairs of seats for the Khans, electronics had been placed to record the kurultai and to allow them to display data as needed. And most importantly, the great window of armor glass looking out on the city had been cleaned. Despite a few cracks it let the Khans look out at the ruined city of Huntsvil, with Clan Wolf’s banners flying above it. It was a poignant reminder of the ruin that war brought and that Ulric’s Clan had triumphed over those challenges.

A single seat was placed on the stage and Leo Showers marched up to take his place there, doing his best to seem confident even though it must have been entirely clear to him that his reign was down to its last hours, perhaps minutes.

“I convene this Grand Council and I note to you that we are still under the Martial Code handed down by Nicholas Kerensky. We are at war, and we shall conduct our business as befits that circumstance.”

“Are we at war?” Ulric asked silkily. “The terms that this Council agreed to bind us for fifteen years.”

It was Elias Crichell who rose to the accusation. “We are at war, Khan Kerensky. Operation Revival is over, but even if we cannot approach Terra for fifteen years, fighting above the Camlann line continues.”

“We should renounce the agreement,” Christopher Ahmed proposed. The new saKhan of Clan Steel Viper looked around. “We are so close to Terra!”

“I don’t think you’re a good judge of how easy it is to fight the Inner Sphere,” Natasha Kerensky shot Ahmed down from where she sat next to Ulric. Her casual speech left the other Khans bristling, but there were a few barks of laughter as well. Promoted from Alpha Galaxy, which had not participated in fighting on Camlann, Ahmed lacked any experience at all in Revival.

“The vote to approve the battle here was a large majority,” Karl Bourjon added. “Any Trial of Refusal would face long odds. Five to one, before any bidding to see who defends the Council’s decision.

There was a long silence as everyone looked around, wondering if anyone felt that they were willing to take that risk. Ulric was fairly sure that the ten homeworld Clans had no reason to back such a measure since it didn’t benefit him. Any Trial of Refusal would come from an invading Clan… most of whom were bleeding and battered by the fighting here.

“IlKhan Showers,” he said when no one seemed likely to speak up. “You oversaw the invasion so far and you oversaw the planning for what we faced on Camlann.” Such as there had been. “By my reckoning, that makes you responsible for the outcome.”

Showers stood slowly, deliberately. However angry he was, he did not let it show. “It is rare for us to agree, Khan Kerensky. But we have always had a strong idea of where the other was aiming. Let me cut short your arguments: I was elected ilKhan with a mandate to oversee the invasion. While Khan Crichell is correct that the war is not over, the invasion has been placed on hold for fifteen years. It is not reasonable for me to cling to this office in anticipation of that happy day. I therefore offer my immediate resignation.”

There were sudden intakes of air. Ulric was also surprised. He had thought that the ilKhan would fight to hold onto his position.

“A new direction is needed,” Showers continued. “And it is the duty of the Grand Council to provide the ilKhan with that purpose for them to pursue. I recommend that you find such a goal before again electing a new leader.”

Soberly, the Smoke Jaguar walked away from his throne, leaving the chamber without looking left or right. His back was straight, his face confident.

Ulric hid a grimace. By standing down, Showers had been cannier than usual. He had not waited to be burdened by responsibility for the defeats, and by stepping away now he left the opening to return in the future if he found another cause to rally the Clans to. He could, after all, argue that as a former ilKhan he had rare experience in directing multi-Clan campaigns - and a Council quarreling over what to do now might rally to even a deposed leader if he came back with a compelling purpose for them.

Natasha laughed again. “Well that was easier than I was expecting. Maybe he was just dodging out on the work.”

He gave her a dry look but then reconsidered. Maybe she had a point. Much of what the Grand Council dealt with now would be contentious and there would likely be hurt feelings and feuds. By absenting himself now, Showers would be outside of that, an edge not shared by the sitting Khans would would likely be rivals for claiming the ilKhan’s throne in the future. “Perhaps.”

Barbara Sennet rose. “I must bring a matter before the Grand Council.”

“What’s this about?” Natasha muttered.

“Manpower, I believe.” Ulric knew that Clan Wolf wasn’t the only one reaching for new warriors. Phelan was only one of scores of bondsmen who had been groomed for admission to the warrior caste - the most prestigious, but not the only one. The losses on Camlann had been the final argument to convince the Clan Council to approve giving them their trials of position as soon as possible. “They will need to pull units from the homeworlds and may want some kind of assurance that they can do so. I doubt they will get it.”

“Doesn’t seem likely.” the old woman agreed cynically as the Council fell silent.

Barbara Sennet walked up onto the stage, where only Kael Pershaw remained after Showers had left. She passed a datapad to the loremaster and then folded her hands behind her. “I accuse Clan Burrock of long term collaboration with the Dark Caste,” she said flatly. “We have evidence that previous Khans of the Clan have given bandits information, supplies and even weapons in order to direct them against other Clans.”

Ulric leant forwards sharply, gripping the arms of his chair, barely biting back a shocked explanation.

The Dark Caste weren’t a serious threat to the Clans, but they were also essentially the only external threat they’d faced until now - and of course, by definition the bandits had chosen to reject Kerensky’s new society.

“Treason!” shouted Karianna Schmitt. The Khan of the Blood Spirits rose to her feet. “The Burrocks have always been the scum of the Clans and now their perfidy is made apparent.”

“You have not even seen the evidence yet,” Elias Crichell noted sardonically.

Christopher Ahmed stroked his beard. “I doubt Khan Sennet would present evidence if she was not sure.”

Ulric frowned. Perigard Zalman and the previous Steel Viper Khan, Natalie Breen, had despised the Diamond Sharks - particularly given the Shark’s part in blocking them from joining the invasion - but he knew Ahmed had been talking to Barbara Sennet. Both Clans would need to replace substantial losses - now and sharing resources might make that easier. Ulric doubted that it would occur to Sennet to hold a grudge if there were benefits to her Clan.

Jocelyn Siddiq rose to her feet, curiously calm given the accusations. If anything, she seemed almost relieved. “I cannot attest to exactly what data Khan Sennet is providing, but the facts of what she has described are accurate”

Natasha whistled. “Ballsy.”

“You just admit your crimes?” Schmitt exclaimed.

Siddiq shrugged. “As Khan Sennet said, previous Khans. I have never participated in such deals and never will. But I am aware that some of my predecessors did so. Since the evidence is now being presented what point is there in denying it. Instead I can only point out that these are crimes of men and women now dead and that under my leadership, the Burrocks have abandoned such practises.”

“All well and good,” Cassius N’Buta rumbled. The Khan of Clan Star Adder shoot his head. “But that does not change the fact that these crimes were committed. For how many years - how many generations - have our clans been targeted by bandits serving the interests of your Clans? There can be no pardoning of such a persistent failure to adhere to the Way of the Clans.”

“I call agree,” the Khan of Clan Coyote said in a weak voice. Robin Steele looked like hell - her health was said to be poor, but so far she was clinging tenaciously to life, to office and to warrior status. “I…”

“Clan Diamond Shark calls for the Absorption of Clan Burrock,” Barbara Sennet spoke across Steele. “Since they have admitted their guilt, there is no need for evidence to be examined - though it is open to all of you.”

Kael Pershaw looked around the room. “Khan Sennet calls for Absorption. Does anyone wish to delay the vote.”

Ulric frowned and then shook his head. This was unprecedentedly fast, but as she said, with guilt admitted the only question was whether the crime merited it… and the Burrocks had no real allies. Their long history of being flexible in seeking short-term advantage had never really served them well.

“Very well.” The almost-crippled Jade Falcon raised his hand. “The absorption of a Clan is no small thing. I remind you that if even one Khan outside of Clan Burrock opposes the measure then it will fail.”

“I’m almost tempted to,” Natasha confided. “Blaming the whole Clan is too much. It can’t have been that many of them, or someone would have figured this out sooner.”

“Don’t do that,” Ulric told her. “If the Burrocks had dealt with this themselves, you might have a point but even those like Siddiq who knew about it just tried to hide the truth. No one will trust them in the future.”

“No one trusted them anyway.”

“Besides,” he continued. “Two less Crusader votes. They’ve been consistent about that for twenty years.”

The redhead considered that and shrugged. “You’re the boss. Don’t blame me if this blows up on you.”

Each Khan stood in turn as they were called to vote. Natasha and Ulric both voted for absorption and as vote after vote was cast, no one spoke up for the Burrocks. Only Orrel Polcyzk and Jocelyn Siddiq opposed, and everyone knew the outcome before Kael Pershaw made it official. “By a vote of thirty-two to two, the Absorption is confirmed.”

“Loremaster,” Polcyzk said formally, “We call for a Trial of Refusal, as is our right.”

“That is indeed your right.”

And how could any Clan accept their own dissolution, Ulric thought. This would always be the result - the Widowmakers had fought, Clan Mongoose had fought and inevitably so would the Burrocks. Would they win? Well, it was always possible. After all, no Clan could muster the preposterous seventeen-to-one numerical advantage that the vote allowed. Indeed, bidding would inevitably mean that the Clan chosen to fight for the right to absorb the Burrocks would be using a smaller force.

“How strong are the Burrocks?” Natasha asked.

“Seven Galaxies,” replied Ulric as Kael Pershaw invited bids for the honor of defending the Council’s decision - and the lure of absorbing the Burrocks’ territory. While the Burrocks only had enclaves on five worlds besides Strana Mechty, they were quite wealthy holdings - compact and easily secured by the modest touman.

Natasha tsked. “A bit of a large bite from the invaders,” she allowed.

At least she saw that without any promoting, Ulric thought. Really it came down to which of the ten other Clans felt they could risk it. Even in victory they would take significant losses, so it would be necessary to offset with their gains. It would almost be amusing if the Blood Spirits won the bidding, since their hatred for the Burrocsk would probably make the entire matter self-destructive.

The Fire Mandrills, Snow Ravens and Cloud Cobras all elected not to bid at all. That left six Clans with bids, all having offered forces approximating the Burrocks full touman. The Hell’s Horses and Goliath Scorpions pulled out as bidding dropped below six galaxies, and then the Ice Hellions elected not to continue in the following round.

For a moment there was a pause as Cassius N’Buta and Karianna Schmitt gauged each other’s commitment - neither seemed to take Robin Steele seriously as a contender.

“I also wish to bid,” a quiet voice cut through the silence.

Ulric turned in surprise, seeing Barbara Sennet was the speaker. What was she thinking - it was theoretically possible for her to make a bid in this range but the Diamond Sharks were already stretched. She would be leaving her enclaves almost unguarded in the homeworlds and most of the forces she had available were garrison units.

“You offered no bid before,” objected Steele.

“Nor did I state I was withdrawing from bidding,” Sennet told her. “If you assumed that my Clan would not, given our other commitments, that was an error. Understandable, perhaps, but an error nonetheless.”

“Khan Sennet is in order,” Pershaw admitted. He indicated the holographic displays marking out the three bids that had been offered. “Please submit your bid now.” The three constellations of colored stars marking the current contenders split, opening room for another bid to appear between those of the Coyotes and the Star Adders.

Sennet touched a control, sending the data directly to the holo projector.

For a moment, Ulric thought that the file had not loaded. That nothing had changed. And then he saw it, one small red star in the middle of that space. Where the others were bidding clusters and trinaries, Sennet’s bid was absurdly tiny.

“Khan Sennet,” the old Jade Falcon asked, “This is an error, quiaff?”

The Diamond Shark smiled and Ulric knew that a trap had closed. “Neg. I bid Alpha Galaxy’s Twenty-First Assault Cluster’s Alpha Trinary, Alpha Star’s First Point: Galaxy Commander Ace Enders.”

Karianna Schmitt slammed her fists against the arms of her chair. “You cannot be serious! You are making a mockery of this?”

Natasha snickered. “I don’t know what Sennet is doing but…”

“She has cut a deal,” Ulric agreed.

“Enders is good, but he can’t fight an entire Clan.”

If the Burrocks send an entire Clan against one warrior they would look weak, Ulric thought. It would suggest that they felt they needed that advantage. If Sennet just wanted Enders dead there are easier ways, and why give the Burrocks an out…? Besides Enders is here in the Inner Sphere and there are only a few dozen Burrocks here. “He does not have to,” he answered out loud.

“Are you trying to let the treacherous Burrocks escape justice?” demanded Schmitt.

Sennet looked at the Blood Spirit and feigned surprise. “If I wanted that, Khan Schmitt, I could have simply not presented evidence of their crimes. I am bidding for right to absorb Clan Burrock.”

Robin Steele coughed. “One warrior is ridiculous,” she objected.

“Clan Wolf bid a single bondsman - not even a warrior - to conquer Gunzburg.”

All eyes went to Ulric and he feigned indifference. “Phelan Wolf has been welcomed into Clan Wolf as a warrior, but he was a bondsman at the time. We would be fools to refuse a warrior who can take a world single-handed, quiaff?”

“Does it matter how low I bid,” Sennet asked rhetorically. “I have confidence that my bid is sufficient. The lowest bid must win - currently that is me. Do you wish to bid lower?”

Cassius N’Buta shook his head. “Neg,” he said flatly and sat down. After a moment, Robin Steele did the same without further comment.

Only Karianna Schmitt still stood, trembling in rage. “You are supposed to champion the Council’s decision, not subvert it! This is not a valid bid.”

“I have every intention of absorbing Clan Burrock,” Sennet told her. “Bidding below cutdown has always been acceptable if you have the confidence.”

After a moment, Schmitt turned on her heel and marched out of the room, slamming the door behind her. All eyes went to Daryl Keller, the other Blood Spirit Khan.

“We withdraw from bidding,” he said flatly and then rose to his feet. “Since Leo Showers is no longer ilKhan, his dictate that all Khans must be present for the invasion is no longer in effect and we are free to depart.” The door slammed again behind him.

Kael Pershaw struck his desk with a gavel. “Clan Diamond Shark wins the bidding to Absorb Clan Burrock, with a bid of… one battlemech point.”

Jocelyn Siddiq stood. “A Khan must be responsible for their Clan’s deeds. Khan Polcyzk and I will personally fight to Refuse the Absorption and we choose to fight tomorrow - a circle ten kilometers in diameter, equally placed between Huntsvil and Colliervil. I am sure Khan Kerensky will not object.”

Ulric folded his arms. He’d pushed to host the Kurultai and by tradition that did make him responsible for overseeing any trials fought during it. “I will have a circle of equals marked, if the Council is willing to accept me as oathmaster for this trial.” If there was any irregularity, he wanted the chance to observe it personally - absorbing the Burrocks essentially intact would give the Diamond Sharks the largest touman - they might be able to field as many as fifteen galaxies!

“Keep your head down,” Natasha warned. “Enders likes PPCs and you remember what happened to the Founder.”
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #501 on: 29 July 2023, 02:35:45 »
Ah, so we have the Diamond Sharks pulling a Phelan Kell move. :D


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #502 on: 29 July 2023, 04:04:37 »
The Blood Spirits are bound to have an explosive temper tantrum, but with Khans in IS and trial beingdone in a day it will likely be less destructive than OTL. However, given how troublesome Burrocks ultimately proved for Adders, in long term this might prove a poisoned chalice for Sharks, though they will probably do some things differently and chance to go to the promised land of Inner Sphere might mollify many of them, but I reckon Ace's yandere will be one of the leading lights of discontent amongst the absorbed Burrocks.

Ulric was also surprised.

That makes two of us

You’re the boss. Don’t blame me if this blows up on you.”

How nice of Natasha to restrain herself from doing ''I told you so'' song and dance.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #503 on: 29 July 2023, 07:00:37 »
James McKenna was indeed a good answer... it seems the Primus is rubbing off on the rest of the First Circuit... :D

I'm really wondering how much of a fight the Burrocks are going to put up...

The Wobbly Guy

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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #504 on: 29 July 2023, 07:15:41 »
None, their khans will find some way to lose honorably to Ace, and then the Sharks will employ the Absorption-then-split off trick the Falcons used after the Refusal War, with maybe Ace as the new Burrock Khan but subordinate to the Sharks.

This bolsters their manpower and doesn't cripple eithe side, preserving their strength to garrison both the homeworlds and the IS.

However, as in OTL, I suspect the Blood Spirits will have their say.


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #505 on: 29 July 2023, 08:34:05 »
And does the Society get a say?
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.

David CGB

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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #506 on: 29 July 2023, 18:45:50 »
And does the Society get a say?
Only one, yes
Federated Suns fan forever, Ghost Bear Fan since 1992, and as a Ghost Bear David Bekker star captain (in an Alt TL Loremaster)


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #507 on: 29 July 2023, 22:16:38 »
I find myself wondering if the Sharks take it a step farther, and when they release the Burrocks, they become the Home Clan Diamond Burrocks with all the holdings there while Clan Diamond Shark becomes the Inner Sphere realm.  With the Diamond Sharks becoming more of a leading clan in their military successes with the Invasion, I wonder what happens when the Clan Snow Raven's creation of the Diamond Shark comes to light in this timeline.  So many interesting wrinkles to come.
"Like spirited Eridani stallions chasing after fat, clumsy Luthien cows" Anonymous Rasalhague Journalist, 2749


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #508 on: 30 July 2023, 01:29:08 »
The Snow Raven Khan involved gave himself away when the change of name was first proposed in 2985.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #509 on: 30 July 2023, 12:44:19 »
Opalescent Reflections

House of Cards
Chapter 12

Huntsvil, Camlann
Benjamin District, Draconis Combine
4 August 3051

It had amazed Tyra to be allowed out of bed so soon. However, the doctor assured her that she had mostly recovered and that it was more important for her to engage in moderate physical activity, even if her neck would need to remain braced for a week or two.

Silly her, she had assumed that this would be some kind of in-patient rehab.

“Bondswoman Tyra,” the clerk observed boredly, checking a status sheet. “Suited for light duties… bond-holder…” He shook his head. “General labor pool then.”

Tyra stood at something like parade rest. “And if I refuse to work for Clan Smoke Jaguar?”

The woman didn’t even look up. “Do you think you are the first to ask that? Your bond-holder could do anything they wanted but since they died in the fighting it defaults to caste discipline.” She looked up at Tyra. “No work, no food. Of course, in your medical condition that might have long term consequences. Do you really want to follow that route, quineg?”

“How many have?”

The woman looked down at her paperwork. “I could not tell you. Perhaps here in the luxury of the Inner Sphere you are used to layabouts being supported but that is not the case among the Clans.” She pointed over at a bench built into the wall. “Sit over there. If you are still unwilling to work by dinner time, you will be taken to somewhere you can starve quietly.”

“Why keep me if that’s all your Clan expects. You don’t have enough people to sweep floors?”

“Bondswoman, you are Clan Smoke Jaguar’s now. In what universe does anyone give up what is theirs? Much less to an enemy?” The clerk looked up, irritated now. “Records say that you are a pilot. With modest retraining you could serve as a technician maintaining or operating cargo aircraft or something similar. It is less expense to spend time making you trustworthy than to train someone from the beginning.”

Tyra would have laughed at that if it wasn’t so ridiculous. “I’m a fighter pilot, better than some of you Jaguars.”

“You were.” The woman stood. “Now you are a bondsman and Clan Smoke Jaguar does not trust freeborn with weapons. Now sit down or accept your assignment.” She slapped her desk and the papers there. “You are not the only person I must deal with today.”

Reflecting that right now she probably couldn’t overpower even this woman, much less back-up that could no doubt be called up, Tyra turned and walked to the bench. She sat on the hard surface, leant her head against the wall and considered her options, watching as a succession of men and women walked in, turning in assignments and being given new ones.

It all seemed innocuous, nothing really that she hadn’t seen being done at a dozen bases. The difference was mainly that rather than uniformed soldiers carrying out the work these were civilians - civilians and bondsmen wearing cords that marked them out. Were they Kungsarme? ComGuards? Few of them even looked at her, and save for the cords there seemed little between them.

Wasn’t it their duty to fight back? Wasn’t it hers? How could the daughter of the Iron Jarl bow to a conqueror, a tyrant?

Except, her father had.

All reports made it clear that Gunzburg had surrendered without a shot fired. To Clan Wolf, not Clan Smoke Jaguar, but all the same…

Draconis Ronin hadn’t beaten Tor Miraborg. Nor had Lyran mercenaries. But the Clans had… somehow.
How much did she even know about them? Tyra clenched her fists. They had burned Reykjavik. But the doctor had also seemed glad that the one who ordered it was dead. Aside from second-hand briefings based on information from the Wolf Dragoons almost all her contact with the Clans was through the crosshairs of her Shilone.

Not that she had a Shilone anymore. Or much of anything.

Everything Tyra had access to now was from her captors - her flightsuit and gear had been taken and it didn’t seem likely she’d get it back. What keepsakes she had left were back at the airbase and had probably been given to General Mansdottir by now. They might even believe she was dead.

What was left to her?

Tyra hung her head as far as she could with her neck trapped in the brace. Could she escape? She knew she had been moved from the Smoke Jaguar’s original landing zone to Huntsvil, one of the targets of Clan Wolf. She knew that that Clan had succeeded but that there had been enough failures that Camlann was safe and the Clans would eventually withdraw back to Orestes, Gunzburg and the scores of other worlds - hundreds of other worlds - that they had conquered.

Could she escape? Capture a vehicle - she would need one to reach friendly lines. The Midland Sea region being almost entirely uninhabited meant that she would have no real chance of local help.

And as much as she hated to admit it, even to herself, the neckbrace wasn’t the only reminder of her injury. Tyra wasn’t sure she had the stamina for days or weeks hiking. Particularly if she needed to carry supplies for that.

No, she would need time to recover. And by that point, she suspected she would not be on Camlann any more.

Which… might not be the worst thing. On another occupied world, chances are that she could find someone willing to help her get away from the Smoke Jaguars. There had to be resistance groups and her military training would be of some use.

But she couldn’t do that if she was starving, which meant…

Tyra went over the problem several times. Survival and escape, versus pride.

When the clerk took a break and began eating her lunch, hunger tipped the balance. Tyra waited for the woman to finish before pushing herself upright and walking to the desk.

The clerk looked up at her, not even slightly excited? “Well?”

“What do you want me to do?”

Checking her desk, the woman rifled through a stack of documents before finding the one she wanted. “This should be within your capabilities. Go to medical bay four and report to Star Captain Trent. He’s confined to bed so he will need someone to fetch and carry. The medical staff may also have requests for you, but the Star Captain takes priority.”

Tyra cursed inwardly. “Alright.” She was pretty sure she could find her way.

“And Bondswoman?” The clerk stamped the document and started scribbling on it. “Watch your language. We speak proper English and your superiors need not stop at verbally correcting whatever slurring comes out of your mouth.”

The pilot’s shoulders tightened at the reminder - not so much of the language issue but at her vulnerability. She wasn’t an officer, much less the daughter of a Valdherre. She was just property in their eyes. Little more than an animal.

The chill did not desert Tyra as she returned to the medical bays. Bay four was signposted clearly and it didn’t take her long to find it - one of a line of private recovery rooms. The door was slightly ajar and she heard a woman laugh. “Apparently, the battle damaged your memory as well as your body, Trent. If you ever get access to my reports of the incident, you will see that it was I who saved you.”

Tyra froze and then pressed herself against the wall. Whatever was going on in there, she doubted either side would appreciate a bondsman as a witness.

A second voice - the Star Captain she had been assigned to? - answered: “Benjamin Howell warned me that politics was another form of war. It strikes me that someone who falsifies battle reports is better at politics than they are at combat.”

“If you want something else to strike you, you can call for a trial of grievance,” the woman told him. “And we will see who is the better warrior there. Both of our ‘mechs are gone so there are no BattleROMs. Your word versus mine and we both know you are in no condition to challenge me.”

So much for the honor of Clan warriors, Tyra thought.

“I will not always be confined to this bed,” the man warned ominously. “I have known you since our days in the sibko. I know the truth and we were both taught that knowledge is a powerful weapon.”

“We were also taught that the victor receives the spoils. I have a list of victories over Rasalhague mechwarriors to offset our defeat here on Camlann, you have a catalog of wounds that mark you as one of those whose weakness led to our failure,” the woman crowed. “There is a bloodright open in the Howell bloodline and I have received nomination for it. By the time you are fit to pilot a ‘mech again, you will be challenging a bloodnamed warrior.”

Tyra almost burst in at the mention of her dead comrades, hating the woman for the boast. But that would just end her life. If she wanted justice for them, she would need to wait.

“Either that or you will be dead,” the man snapped. “Victory in a trial of bloodright is never assured, and no one will let you alter the records to claim a victory you have not earned.”

The door slammed open and Tyra had a brief impression of a tall, dusky woman before she was shoved off her feet and crashed against the other wall, slipping down it to sit facing the wall.

Apparently caring nothing for Tyra now that she had been pushed away, the warrior stormed out, leaving Tyra to pull herself upright. Her elbows and the back of her head hurt but it seemed not to be so bad. Nonetheless, she took a moment to check carefully for any bleeding. The last thing she needed was another concussion.

Finding no blood and reasonably confident she wasn’t showing any of the other symptoms of such, Tyra forced herself to enter the open door. At least the warrior in there was unlikely to be able to assault her.

There was, unsurprisingly, only one occupant now. The man who lay on the medical bed was covered as much by bandages as he was by skin or a thin hospital gown. Like every Clan Warrior that Tyra had met so far, he had an athletic build, but his lower face was a thing of horror. Flesh had been seared away from his jaw and throat, what remained covered with synth-skin that was far from a full reconstruction.

Despite herself, Tyra could only compare this to the scar that decorated her father’s face. This was far worse. On the other hand, she reminded herself, this Star Captain would be able to walk again.

“Who are you?” the man asked curiously.

“K…” She remembered her rank no longer mattered. “A bondswoman. I am told you need someone to fetch and carry.”

“Ah.” He raised his arm - a mechanical one - and moved the fingers slowly and deliberately. “Well, I have few needs at the moment, but it is… considerate for someone to be assigned. Close the door, please.”

Tyra obeyed, noting the last word. She hadn’t expected the courtesy.

“Manners cost me nothing,” he told her, apparently noticing her surprise. “And those who mistake it for weakness have paid the price. Thus far, at least. I am Star Captain Trent. Do you have a name, bondswoman?”

“Aff,” she said shortly.

He waited a moment and then what was left of his lips curled into a scowl. “Like that then. Tell me your name.”


That got her a nod from Trent. “You were with the Kungsarme?”


“What was your duty there?”


“You are tall for the role. How much did you hear earlier?”

“Most of -” She cut off, realizing it was a trap.

Trent nodded quietly. “I thought as much. Jez’s carelessness already almost killed her. I will not save her when it endangers her again. I have little ability to protect you if she notices that you learn, and if you cause me problems then I will have no motive to do so. Am I clear?”


The Star Captain shrugged. “Turn on the holovid,” he said. “And then you may as well sit down. Perhaps there will be something to take both our minds off the sorry state of our lives.”

Confused, Tyra found the controls and a little projector lit up, displaying a list of options in the air not far from the bottom of Trent’s bed.

He frowned. “Trial of Absorption?! What has been happening while I was unconscious?”

Tyra had no idea what that even was, but took the hint to select the designated option and the display shifted to split-screens showing three ‘mechs standing at the ready, two side by side and the third clearly some distance from the pair.

Huntsvil, Camlann
Benjamin District, Draconis Combine
4 August 3051

The cockpit of the Huntsman sat higher off the ground than Ace was accustomed to. The ‘mech was also brand new, whereas the omnimechs he’d used before had always been older than he was. He’d only had a day to get used to it, but at least he hadn’t had to wait for it to be configured.

The senior member of the Diamond Shark’s merchant caste present on Camlann had made a little ceremony of presenting the Huntsman to Ace. The first production shipment had arrived just in time to be assigned to warriors on Camlann, but this one had been held back specifically to be shipped to him on Luthien. Since he was now here, the merchant saw no reason to wait.

“Clan Diamond Shark recognises the valor of the warriors who fought to protect our right to the Huntsman,” Ace had been told. “Every mechwarrior who fought in that trial will be offered a Huntsman for their use in recognition of that victory.”

It reminded Ace of the Nova he’d used earlier in his career. The upright stature took some getting used to, but it had the same level of agility and protection. Not quite as much as he’d been able to enjoy with a Stormcrow, but not bad. There was also a little more payload, and the ‘mech was loaded with additional electronics and a small pulse laser, as well as his usual paired PPCs and the anti-missile system. The laser would be useful against infantry and Ace appreciated the gesture, even if it wouldn’t be much use to him in this particular Trial.

“I expected you to use a Stormcrow,” Orrel Polcyzk observed as the two sides moved into position on the circle of equals. They were out of direct line of sight - and ten kilometers apart - but until the trial actually began they could view each other on the public holovid channel that was broadcasting to those interested in Huntsvil. It was possible that even some of the ComGuards might be watching, gathering intelligence.

Ace settled back a little into his seat. “I am sorry to deny you the chance to find out who is the better Stormcrow pilot,” he offered graciously. “But we must take the opportunity to show off one of Clan Diamond Shark’s newest products for potential customers.” He was at least half-convinced that was why he hadn’t been given a spare Stormcrow for the occasion.

“It will be a poor advertisement when I kill you,” Polcyzk warned. “I appreciate the honor your Khan shows in giving us a chance to fight on favorable terms, but make no mistake: we intend to win.”

“I would be a fool to imagine that you intend anything else,” Ace confirmed. Two to one odds were a bit much, particularly as he wasn’t sure if the two Khans would honor zellbrigen and engage him one at a time, or if they would operate as a pair. He had to assume the latter, particularly given the stakes.

Both the Burrocks were in larger ‘mechs than he was. Polcyzk’s Stormcrow was loaded for short and medium range combat, a powerful autocannon in the left arm and a cluster of medium lasers in the other. He wouldn’t be able to use his full armament without overheating severely, but either limb had enough firepower to wreck the Huntsman in short order.

Jocelyn Siddiq had elected to use a Mad Dog instead, fitting missiles either side of the torso and lasers in the arms. The left side of her omnimech was fitted for long range battle, with LRMs and a pair of extended range large lasers, while the other mounted SRMs and a trio of pulse lasers.

I am outgunned, Ace thought. But neither of them has jump jets. On open ground, Polcyzk might be able to use his speed to keep me from staying out of range of him, but we are not fighting on open ground.

The midpoint between Huntersvil and Colliervil had the ruins of a small town, some of which fell inside the designated circle. A river cutting through the town occupied a gorge, which had been bridged in three places but no longer was, and local trees had had over a century to grow back. None were as large as a ‘mech but they would at least slow one down.

“Today we witness the Trial of Refusal called by Orrel Polcyzk against the motion to absorb Clan Burrock,” Ulric Kerensky announced. The public channel cut off, meaning that Ace could no longer see the other two ‘mechs. “Galaxy Commander Ace Enders defends the decision of the Grand Council and should he defeat the two Khans, Clan Burrock must surrender all its enclaves, warriors and other resources to Clan Diamond Shark. Should Khans Siddiq and Polcyzk prevail then Clan Burrock will stand reprieved of the Absorption. Do all participants swear to abide by this rede?”

“Seyla,” Ace confirmed. He heard both Khans say the same.

“As the oathmaster I recognise your oaths,” the Wolf Khan declared. “The trial begins, you may now exit the starting positions.”

Ace needed no further hint and started the Huntsman forward, angling to his right and into the city. He didn’t particularly want to run into either Burrock in the streets, but neither should have any experience of urban combat so there might be some advantages to him there that they wouldn’t expect.

If they could kill him, they would. The Khans wanted their Clan to survive. Wanted the option Sennet had offered - enclaves in the Inner Sphere where at least some of Clan Burrock could survive even when the other Clans turned on them (because even winning this Trial of Refusal wouldn't make their sins evaporate, so excuses would be found). That would serve Clan Diamond Shark almost as well as an absorption, but Ace was not going to settle for an outcome that would probably kill him.

The Huntsman loped forwards steadily, Ace adjusting the electronic options available to him. The electronic counter-measures wouldn’t make it possible for him to hide, as such, but they would make it harder to lock onto him with weapons. In particular, the tracking abilities of Khan Siddiq’s weapons should be greatly reduced.

More useful as he entered the town, the active probe swept the area and gave him a more detailed idea of what he was dealing with than he had expected. The sophisticated sensors and computers worked to build a picture of what might be lurking around every corner.

Most of the buildings were simple residences and had fallen into disrepair. Ace ignored them and moved up into the core of the town, looking for industrial or commercial structures that were more solidly built. He kept one eye on his map - much of the settlement was outside the notional circle of equals and if he was judged to have exited then that would be an immediate victory for Clan Burrock.

Striding down long-abandoned streets, long since stripped by looters, Ace dismissed a multi-storey carpark that lay just outside the edge of the circle. Another possibility, some sort of warehouse, was dismissed when his sensors showed that it couldn’t support the weight of his Huntsman.

Finally, he found what appeared to have been a school. Half the building had collapsed long ago but the active probe reported that the remainder had solid structural supports that should still be able to support his ‘mech. Ace fired his jump jets, pleased to find that they responded just a hair faster than those of his Stormcrow - an advantage of being newer perhaps? Or just that they were part of the chassis rather than pod mounted? He suspected the former, since he’d not noticed a similar difference between the Stormcrow and the Nova, which also had integral jump jets.

Perched on top of the school, Ace crouched the Huntsman and scanned what he could see of the area. A circle ten kilometers across was a large area, but ‘mechs weren’t exactly small. Combined with his elevation, Ace hoped to at least be able to spot signs of the two Burrocks.

Of course, that same elevation also made it relatively easy to see him. Ace’s sensors pinged a ‘mech’s location to him just an instant before the computer warned him of inbound missiles.

He backpedaled the Huntsman and dropped off the back of the school, using his jump-jets to control the fall. The anti-missile system spun to life, throwing packets of flechettes into the path of the missiles as the electronic counter-missiles fought to confuse the warheads’ sensors.

In the end, the combined effect of both systems and of the building itself reduced the missiles that got through to a tiny handful. Armor was still chipped away as those missiles struck home - first blood to Clan Burrock - but Ace was more focused on an interesting detail.

The ‘mech his sensors had spotted was not Siddiq’s Mad Dog. Her missiles had come from another direction.

Looking at the map, Ace moved through the streets and tried to get inside their heads. He had to assume that they were at least communicating with each other. They would have to assume he knew roughly where the senior of the two Khans was, simply by backtracking the missiles, but did they know he’d detected Polcyzk?

If they did not, then they might expect him to move up and try to take out the Mad Dog first. He would certainly benefit by taking one of them out early on, and destroying the Mad Dog would leave Ace with a range advantage over the Stormcrow.

If that was what they expected him to do… Ace eyed the best route towards where he’d seen the missiles come from. He’d be crossing the gorge, and that might leave him open to being ambushed.

The close confines of the gorge would deprive him of what advantages he had against Polcyzk, which could only climb down into it in a few places. They didn’t expect him to have a Huntsman, but if they expected a Stormcrow then they would know he had jump-jets and…

Ace smirked. The best place to jump across the gorge and avoid entering it at all was very close to where his sensors had picked up the Stormcrow. And if Polcyzk was trying to ambush him there…

Pushing the Huntsman as fast as it would go, Ace headed for the ruins of the nearest bridge across the gorge. It would be trickier to cross there without using his jump jets, but if he could manage it then he’d be across without making himself an obvious target and perhaps be able to catch the other mechwarrior offguard.

Reaching the bridge, Ace eyed the collapsed roadway. It had broken at an angle, each side forming a ramp down into the gorge. Years of erosion had damaged them but he was fairly sure he’d be able to walk down one and then up the other. It would take a little care, but…

An alarmed bleep gave him a fraction of a second to respond before the Stormcrow emerged from the shadow of a building overlooking the bridge.

Slamming both feet down, Ace fired his jump jets, sending the little ‘mech skittering sideways just ahead of the furious beams of the six lasers in the Stormcrow’s right arm. The one that connected carved a trench into his own ‘mech’s left arm.

Ace fired both PPCs, aiming for the left shoulder, but Polcyzk twisted aside and only one of the particle beams hit home. It tore apart the armor of the joint, but it wasn’t a crippling blow and the arm came up, tracking Ace’s mech.

He was well within the range bracket of the autocannon. Ace flung the Huntsman forward, deliberately tripping the ‘mech on the edge of the bridge. He was inverted in the cockpit as the fifty-ton mech slid face first down the fallen bridge, weaker rear armor exposed. However, the Burrock hadn’t anticipated the move and the stream of depleted uranium shells from his autocannon cut through the air above and behind the Huntsman.

Ace mis-judged the slide and the vertical fin jutting up above the Huntsman’s shoulders took the brunt of the slide coming to an end. He kicked off with one of the ‘mech’s legs and rolled it over and onto the other slope as Polcyzk tried to finish him off with his lasers - firing them in sequence to try to manage the heat burden he’d be unleashing. No doubt he would fire the autocannon as soon as the next clip of rounds loaded.

Throwing up both arms of the Huntsman, Ace fired both PPCs up and into the chin of the Stormcrow.

Twin beams of energized particles bit up into the ventral surface and dug up at an angle. Intimately familiar with the design, Ace knew that the beams were digging up and into the shielding of the fusion reactor. The blossoming heat signature showed he’d hit it at least once.

Polcyzk cut off his lasers, marking that he likely couldn’t risk the heat burden of them now. But the autocannon was tracking in and with the mess of damage to the Huntsman’s shoulders by the laser fire, it’d be more than enough.

Ace opened the jump-jets up and the Huntsman rocketed up the slope, cannoning into the Stormcrow’s underside as it stood at the top of the impromptu ramp.

The slightly heavier ‘mech was thrown backwards as the Diamond Shark was rocked against his restraints by the collision. The impact left both ‘mechs sprawled on their backs, what was left of the Huntsman’s fin between the Stormcrow’s broad feet.

Both PPCs were already up and aimed more or less at the other ‘mech, Ace triggered them one after the other.

His left shot hit the joint between the left arm and torso, tearing the shoulder apart. Autocannon rounds detonated as the ammo feed broke, safety mechanisms venting the cascade of explosions down and throwing the Stormcrow up off the ground briefly.

As it came down, Ace’s second shot speared into the damage caused by two other hits to the underside of the torso.

Reactor containment gave up, and the Stormcrow disappeared in a blaze of superheated air. The explosion slammed into Ace’s cockpit and the armorglass cracked. He blacked out briefly, vision hazy even when he opened his eyes again. He knew he had only been stunned for a moment, the heat of the ‘mech from the rapid salvos had not yet faded significantly.

On animal instinct, Ace scrabbled the Huntsman back onto the broken bridge and slid down, getting out of view in case Siddiq had arrived to finish him off. The ‘mech slid down, doing more damage to his rear armor, but landed more or less upright at the bottom of the gorge.

He opened his microphone, tried to speak and only coughed.

“Say again, Galaxy Commander?” Ulric Kerensky’s voice was faint, the channel full of static. “Do you wish to concede?”

Ace shook his head, then recalled that this was only a voice channel. “Neg. Khan Polcyzk appears to have been defeated, I did not see if he ejected?”

There was a disdainful note to Kerensky’s response: “Both Burrock Khans elected to disable their ejection seats, Galaxy Commander. You have succeeded in killing him.”

Ace closed his eyes for a moment. “Unfortunate,” he said at last and started the Huntsman down the gorge, heading back away from the town. He supposed that the pair felt obligated not to survive if defeated - taking full accountability for their predecessors’ crimes and for losing the trial.

Assuming, of course, that they failed.

Taking stock, Ace saw that armor across the top and the back of the Huntsman was in poor condition. Worse, the crushing impact against the fin had damaged his long range sensors. The active probe gave him excellent close range capability, but above what was middling range for his PPCs, he’d have to eyeball his shots.

“Perhaps so,” the Wolf Khan allowed in a more neutral tone and cut the channel.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018

