Author Topic: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.  (Read 18284 times)


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #60 on: 09 April 2023, 21:43:54 »
Gone to Sovereign Cartegena

"Fixed defenses…

…are testimony to the illusions of man,"  Fleet Captain Foster mused.  "When they aren't being a royal bitch."

The truth is, even the smaller docking station was one of those aggravating paradoxes.  It was well defended against any sort of attack that might leave it intact.

Anything conventional strong enough to penetrate that defense, would likely also destroy the structure, rendering it useless.

Capture, not destruction, was the mission here.  "If we can not work out a way to take that station intact, we might as well hang it up and go back to Johnson."

"They're probably working slaves in those agro-domes," Amanda reminded him.

"I know how you feel, Captain, but we are, combined, lacking the Infantry or suit troops needed to guarantee a clean capture, and that assumes we can get them in close without accidentally destroying the stations-either of them presents the same problem-they are too fragile for a brute force approach, and we lack a means to suppress those guns… at least, a handy means of doing so, without wrecking what we need to capture intact."

"This is not a conventional forces mission," Wilhemina commented.  "Heat signature and outgassing vapor alone suggests that station has active capacity for close to a thousand crew, activity observed by telescopes say that's a solid number."

"It's a fortified city," Amanda mused.  "Cartagena."


"History," she said.  "Sixteen Ninety Seven-ish?"

"You're having an idea," Foster said.

"Maybe.  They've got regular dropship runs to the domes. Probably food, maybe water… But it means a drop-port is part of the defenses, and said drop-port is on the planet's surface… And I guarantee, that drop port is going to be more robust than the station… It has the ground for a backstop, after all."

"Getting past the early warning, Captain Roberts?"

"Distant insertion and a road march," Amanda was half in a trance.  "Everything is clustered around that port, I bet their early warning is horizon limited.  We approach in small craft on a tangential approach from the blind side, land the marine forces, and route march to the port, which will be defended by 'mechs, but I doubt they've had anyone challenge their territory in a long time, so a commando team slipping in and hitting the early warning…"

"Commando team disables whatever their early warning grid is, and maybe sabotages equipment before the main force hits,"  Wilhelmina Siegel contributed.  "We stage the attack and disable or capture the dropship."

"Goal is capture," Amanda said dreamily.  "It will have the recognition codes for the defense on the station. We come in with their IFF and only the manual systems can work, and those rely on the same computer systems and identification gear.  It's like when the pirates marched across the isthmus of panama to take the city of Cartagena from the Spanish."

"Do you regret sending Seron with the prize crews now??" Foster asked.

"A bit, but we can manage this one without him," Amanda blinked.  "I'll have to leave Larry in charge of the Evanescent."

"Wait one damn minute!  What??" Foster's tone turned hot-cold. 

"I am the best equipped for the commando," Amanda stated.  "I know how their security works, because it's practically a schoolbook model of how SLDF base security was set up, only with inbred amateurs instead of calm professionals."

"YOU are underestimating them again," Foster scolded.  "Stop doing that, and reevaluate as if you were facing the trained professionals.  Name five ways they can stop you or we drop this plan immediately."

Wilhelmina openly stared, "What??"

"Five ways, Roberts, if you were defending that base, how would you prepare to stop someone like you… with a Desmond unit, and all that information in your chip?  Five ways or we head back to Johnson and wait for reinforcement."
Star Captain Siegel's expression calmed and sharpened, "Oh… I see…"

"Timer begins now," Foster said, holding up an antique stopwatch.  "Five methods, go!"

In that same dreamy tone, Captain Roberts recited, “One, strong patrols in the surrounding area.  Two, regular changes to communications security protocols.  Three, immediate notification of an attack on the ground triggering an emergency change in communications security protocols.  Four, immediately launching the DropShip when the perimeter breach is detected.  Five, keeping the DropShip sealed while grounded.  Shall I go on?”

"Now, give me your best contingencies to counter those five," Foster told her.  "Then we're going to review and poke holes in it, until either you can't patch the plan with a contingency we actually have available?  In which case the mission is bust and we go back to Johnson and pick up more forces…or, until Star Captain Siegel and I can no longer poke holes in your ideas or find flaws..or three, the follow-on force arrives and we can take it by main force."

“One, we have seen no evidence of strong patrols yet, despite what the book says about doing them.  Two and Three, we have not seen the Sons of Plunder being anything but sloppy with their communications security protocols.  Four and Five: the shots we have of the ship are of several hatches open to the atmosphere, and neutrino readings indicate the ship is not close to launching.”

"Black paint," Star Captain Seigel commented.  "Can be, and often is, used to simulate openings where there are none, or to camouflage profiles.  These…persons…engage in slave raiding and slave trading, often against inhabited areas.  Do you suppose they make use of paint or dazzle type misdirection on a regular basis?"  She leaned back a bit,  "Lack of observed patrols does not mean a lack of patrols, especially when it is something even a first year sibko cadet would do…so, if you see an otherwise competent opponent making a critical, basic mistake, what does that tell you?"

“Being that we just stole five JumpShips out from under their noses, I’m not sure I would characterize them as ‘otherwise competent’.  But point taken.  I will approach with caution, and observe from the ground before proceeding to breach the perimeter…”

"That's a good first step.  Getting to the ground unobserved would be a better one." Foster commented.  "So, describe three ways that can go wrong, then, offer solutions for each."

“We have not yet seen a full planetary CAP, but it could be hidden from us.  We take more than one shuttle on the cold approach, and conduct a long baseline survey to determine if there is one.”

"I will take that one," Seigel said.  "If the Fleet Captain agrees?"

"Do that," Foster nodded.  "Get lots of pictures, comms intercepts if you can."

"Recon," Amanda said.

"Yes. First, recon, then plan the next step, or alter the plan for the next step. You still have two more, Captain.  What is the backup to your recon plan??"

“The easy answer, of course, is to simply conduct long range survey, as we are currently doing.  But I feel this strategy is more designed to delay our attack for the incoming backup.”

"You can feel however you want," Foster told her.  "That's two.  What's three?"

“Toujours l’audace… we feint an attack on the planet with Evanescent and PULL their CAP away from the insertion.”

Foster smiled.  "Workable," he said.  "We go with your first and second, and hold the third as a reserve if the data looks… like we need to.  Remember, until we have that fuel dock…"

"Yeah," Amanda nodded. "I understand."

"So…assuming your recon team gets to the ground…"

“Before or after the rest of the Fleet arrives?”

"An adequate plan, executed swiftly, is better than a perfect plan executed too late," Dave and Seigel said almost simultaneously.

“Exactly!” Desmond’s tone almost broke through in Amanda’s voice.  Returning to a more normal mode she said, “So assuming you give me the green light ahead of the Fleet, once we’re on the ground, we leave concealing the shuttles to the crews, and march the protos and Marines overland.  At night, sticking to cover, with maximum passive sensors.  I believe the protos can be configured with the appropriate gear, yes?”

"We have equipment for that, and you'll be taking the ground rovers to carry the infantry…from both your ship, and the Illusive's on board complement."


He shook his head, "THAT way, we still both have some Marines to resist boarding actions if, say, their friends show up and try to do to us, what we did to them…besides, the crawlers and the protomechs had to sit out the last fight, and that is…unpopular…with some of the warrior born personnel.  Ground action for them is good for morale, when you have a large complement of ground troops embarked with nowhere to play."


"Listen up," Trina announced in the bay-quarters area for the protomech detachment.  "We have been graciously invited by the Captain to attend a party!"

"Whoa, what kind of party?" Deeves was already flinching.  "The last one left me hung-the-****** over."

"The very best kind...for us," she said happily.  "A Landing Party!!"  She did a little dance, "We are going to get some AK-TSHUN!!"

Then, she straightened up, "With the Tankers, even.  Coordinating with the Marine element from Illusive, under Captain Roberts.  Covert landing, stealth approach, followed by a spaceport seizure mission, whereupon we will be stealing their dropships.  They expect 'mechs to be on site.  Does anyone need a brush up on their anti'mech and counterfortification training, or not?"

"Oh, goody…those converted Scorpions are gonna get killed," Point three Sierra groused.  "So, we load heavy weapons for this, quiaff?"

"Aff.  The techs are adjusting the equipment. The Fleet Captain has elected to name this mission 'Cartagena', and we will also have to be watching the back of our own Captain Roberts, because she is taking lead on this."  Trina paused, "Can I get a seyla on that one guys?"

"Huzzah," Amanda Roberts half-floated into the bay.  "Seyla is Clan slang in the touman, me hearties.  Where we're going, is where conventional officers don't, so it's a hearty 'Huzzah'."  She reached into her long coat, and handed Trina a filedeck container, "Orders."  She added, "I have to stop by Infantry country and let them know we're going groundside without Mister Seron this time, they have to cope with little old me."

"Hey, I heard about what you did on Devil's Breath," Trina stated.

"That was mostly Mister Seron being brilliant. I'm going to have to lean on you guys to make up for my deficiencies, I'm sorry to say."

"You can say that with a straight face…wow," Deeves commented.

"We're wheels up in seventy two hours," Amanda told them.  "Study the plan, maps and mission parameters, come up with anything I overlooked or screwed up, and have your points briefed in. One of the things Fleet Captain Foster insists on, is having a backup in case someone critical gets kakked.  If I die, the mission still has to go on, so work it out among you what to do if my plan backfires, then brief me on your contingencies before we land…and each other."


Somewhere toward…

…the center of it all, in a system mostly ignored by the main routes, a data point is being examined.

"She looks like Elizabeth might have looked.  Are you sure?"

The girl in the image is in her teens, a prosthetic eye glittering in the light and a bandage with dried brown wrapped to cover her temple.

The caption said, Director Amanda Roberts, Outworlds Alliance Privateer Squadron.

Could it really be her?  Did she somehow survive as well.  She survived herself.  Maybe someone else had gotten to her and got her out a different way?

Whatever the answer, she looked far too much like Elizabeth for it to be a coincidence.  She had to find out for herself.  If it was really her after all these years how could she do any less?

For far too long she had hidden from the outside world for fear of discovery and enslavement.  Yet here was this Amanda making a speech that sounded just like Elizabeth.  Even down to the inflections and tones.  Championing an M11 no less and their right to be treated as a sovereign citizen like any human being would be.

If for no other reason that would be enough to demand an introduction and meeting.  She owed that to her other family.  The one she had found and forged together for so long.  They were just as dear to her as her sister.  Or daughter.

"Find out more?" Vicky suggested.  "Sixty Six thinks it could be a trap by the Communications Ministry."

“Do we really have a choice?  We can’t find out from here or through our usual channels.  Plus at the very least it is an M11 we’re certain to find out there.  We have sacrificed a lot over the years.  It is time to start bringing the family back together again and make it all mean something,”  Helena answered.

“But she is still right,”  Samantha entered the channel.
“Yes.  Obviously we can’t just go in blind or without contingencies.  I’ll take Destroyer Division 1 with me as emergency back up.  We’ll do long range SIGINT before going in.  We can use the sub channel for the Lazarus Protocols to attempt to make contact with the M11 Erinyes.  If this all checks out we can proceed from there with updated information.”  Helena sighed.

The images of the Destroyers Samantha Booker Roberts, Joana Clarice Butler, Joana Vincente Johnston, Lucy Heerman, Otillie Lee Dennis, Regina Marbury Raymond and Billie Hoel saluted their First Lord and Director General.

Joana rendered a digitized clearing of her throat.  "What do we actually know about the Sons of Plunder-they seem to be… involved."

Sixty Six spoke up.  "Sons of Plunder, formerly the 199th Royal CAAN brigade, covertly active in the Outworlds Alliance since at least the Coup era.  You rejected making contact with them 300 years ago, but they were in contact with the Communications ministry's Word of Blake faction as recently as 50 years ago."


"She did not take it…

…well at all."   Dr. Huntington stated, "but she at least believes she is Elizabeth Cameron, and believes it hard enough to want to bury that identity."

"What could cause that, usually delusional personalities want to bury their true identities in a fantasy…"

Huntington mulled over her coffee and regarded the Snow Raven Scientist.  "Healed traumas to her body explains some of it." she said finally.  "Scarring from the removal of ova and at least three fetuses.  I'm going to hazard that my patient's been through repeated, probably long term sexual assaults, then there's the scarring from restraints..and your own evidence of her genetic profile.  Someone was using her as a breeding extension, and not being particularly gentle or civilized about it, and almost certainly not obtaining willing consent.  Thus, Jane wants to be Jane, not Elizabeth, because something about that other identity is too painful to live with."

The Scientist-General flinched visibly. "Savashri."

"Yah, savage." Huntington stated.  "Your fishing expedition may have caused some major setbacks in getting Jane healed enough emotionally, I'm going to need more budget for therapy for her, your recommendation will go a long way with the Parliament's budget committee."

"Are you having problems with your allocation, Doctor?"
"Yes." the doctor stated, "I am, actually."

"I will go to the Loremaster first, since your patient is on his hot-list."

"Please do.  You want me to make that woman functional, I'm going to need more resources and time."

"I will do what I can. This particular patient is very important, Doctor."


Habitable worlds look the same…

…even when they're only barely habitable.  Amanda rode outside the shuttle for a while, enjoying the sights from the portside wing inspection point as the formation of smallcraft drifted on velocity in a parabolic course bypassing the emanations of the local defense grid.

Just her space-suit, between her and hard vacuum.  Passively, Desmond showed her what the shuttle's passives were picking up, and spectrums that no natural eye will ever see, laid out in augmented reality.

The scientific information did not detract from the beauty and wonder she was looking at.

<You'll have to go inside soon, we are approaching the first burn in fifteen minutes.> Desmond reminded her.

"Right."  she gripped the inspection handhold, and unclipped her harness to space-walk to the mark VII's airlock.

Larry had gotten her into the habit of 'taking a walk' during long drifts or long burns.  It was a personal delight and she could indulge, so she did.

"Batten down!" she announced as soon as she was on the flight deck, taking the left hand seat from Cyrus, who returned to the loadmaster's position.  She didn't need to check the chronometer, it was in the corner of her vision already.  "Sound off in the troop bay, we're about to begin re-entry burn."  she took the stick, "three…two…one…"

The RCS thrusters fired, and she fired main engines in a deceleration burn at three gravities.

The key, is to make your re-entry as close to vertical with relation to your landing point, while still coming in slow enough that you don't break something critical.

The technique is a hot insertion, and easier with a spheroid craft, but an aerodyne like the Mark VII that has the right configuration can handle it too…with more difficulty.  She eased the throttles and began a spiral to ease up on fatigue life for the passengers, the rest of the shuttles following suit until they reduced speed enough, between air braking and maneuvers, to descend, like falling leaves, through the ionosphere, stratosphere, troposphere, tropopause, and finally, the lower altitudes where a more conventional flight profile actually works and the wings aren't excess mass.

None of the radar/lidar warning receivers in the formation triggered, as she banked down into a low altitude flight profile aimed at a dried out river valley between buttes, flared, and fired the final landing thrusters with gear extended, planting roughly where she had intended, plus or minus a few hundred meters.

The first steps of Operation: Cartagena had begun.


"Do you know what my lever…

…on Roberts really is? Why I have not reined her in yet?"  Khan Crowe was hosting a visiting Khan.

"That IS part of the doubts the Grand Council has on this whole…initiative of yours." Elsa Ward commented.  "Your tolerating, even supporting this…what is your lever on Roberts?"

"She is, beneath the implants, obvious traumas, and ridiculously overboard behavior, a Patriot."  Alberto Crowe stated.  "Her first contact, the one that led to her current status, was directly to President Avellar.  As were her second through fifteenth.  We had agents in place around her. She proved to be usefully pliable using that lever, and her obvious capability was not worth the effort to snuff it out."

He laid out documents on the table.  "This is her current operation.  Cartagena, it is the recon and capture of a spaceport held by the bandit caste faction 'The sons of plunder', which has proven to be larger than anyone realized."

"DO they realize you are using them?" Ward inquired.

"Yes." Alberto surprised her with his answer.  "They do, in fact, recognize they are being used, and that goes for the Roberts girl in particular…but she accepts the use because it conforms to her patriotism and idealism."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #61 on: 09 April 2023, 22:10:50 »
Ok, who is the destroyer group ...  I am really, really interested right now.
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

"We're sending a squad up."


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #62 on: 09 April 2023, 22:25:12 »
Ok, who is the destroyer group ...  I am really, really interested right now.  if you're not reading it, you should.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Trace Coburn

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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #63 on: 09 April 2023, 22:45:30 »  if you're not reading it, you should.
  Even before I look into that thread, just reading those names tells me this is gonna be a wild ride.


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #64 on: 10 April 2023, 03:33:55 »
WILD indeed!  :thumbsup:


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #65 on: 10 April 2023, 05:36:42 »  if you're not reading it, you should.

another add.  seriously, my geek time is being sucked up!
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

"We're sending a squad up."


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #66 on: 10 April 2023, 09:20:20 »
Yeah I had a horrible(in a good way) revelation in regards to my story.  Helena was now the leader of a bunch of Destroyers.  She had an enemy with Battleships.  And Caspars are supposed to be able to fight like Battleships.  So yeah the obvious historical parallel despite the ill fate of the origins of those names was too much for me to pass up.


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #67 on: 10 April 2023, 17:33:11 »
  Even before I look into that thread, just reading those names tells me this is gonna be a wild ride.

Any hints for those of us to whom those names mean nothing (and a quick Google fails to enlighten)?
>>>>[You're only jealous because the voices don't talk to you]<<<<


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #68 on: 10 April 2023, 17:36:07 »
Taffy 3
"Constructive critism is never a bad comment"

"By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."
- Socrates


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #69 on: 10 April 2023, 17:42:53 »


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #70 on: 10 April 2023, 20:09:24 »
Taffy 3

Not quite, they seem to have hopped to aisle, so to speak.
Which is probably why nothing came up when google-fu'd.
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #71 on: 10 April 2023, 20:47:12 »
Since my temporary repair to my office chair has failed and my back is now killing me I'll have to make this quick.

I did feminize the names a bit since the M5s are given predominantly female personas.

And I have way too much writing to do.  Uggh going to have to switch to the laptop.


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #72 on: 10 April 2023, 22:14:19 »
Can't wait, take care of yourself too.


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #73 on: 11 April 2023, 03:15:38 »
Indeed!  We'll be here!  :)


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #74 on: 11 April 2023, 06:57:28 »
Taffy 3

Not quite, they seem to have hopped to aisle, so to speak.
Which is probably why nothing came up when google-fu'd.

I guessed they would be real-world warships, mostly likely USN, so I was surprised when Google didn't help me.

I did feminize the names a bit since the M5s are given predominantly female personas.

And now I know why  :)

Thank you everyone!

>>>>[You're only jealous because the voices don't talk to you]<<<<


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #75 on: 11 April 2023, 13:10:21 »
I guessed they would be real-world warships, mostly likely USN, so I was surprised when Google didn't help me.

And now I know why  :)

Thank you everyone!

So then they would be incarnations of 'KanColle' Taffy 3. all Teen and Preteen Young ladies in Ruffin WWII USN enlisted uniformes.

Read this depiction of the "Battle off Samar Island!"

« Last Edit: 11 April 2023, 13:36:31 by georgiaboy »
"Constructive critism is never a bad comment"

"By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."
- Socrates


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #76 on: 11 April 2023, 14:20:51 »
I'd suggest more Arpeggio of Blue Steel.  Especially if the AIs have bodies they can use. 

So then they would be incarnations of 'KanColle' Taffy 3. all Teen and Preteen Young ladies in Ruffin WWII USN enlisted uniformes.

Read this depiction of the "Battle off Samar Island!"


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #77 on: 11 April 2023, 14:31:55 »
I'd suggest more Arpeggio of Blue Steel.  Especially if the AIs have bodies they can use.
too bad we never really saw much of the american fleet in that. we see the carrier Lexington's group [1] in the manga, and that's about it.

[1] CV-2 Lexington, BB-62 New Jersey, Fletcher-class destroyers DD-445 Fletcher, DD-446 Radford, DD-680 Melvin. and of the translated manga i've read, they'd only just showed up and haven't encountered any of the main protagonists yet. and only Lexington's mental model gets any page time. her carrier group mostly has been dealing with the european antagonist Zordan Stark and his U-2501. and both are basically "sir not appearing in this picture" as far as the anime went.


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #78 on: 11 April 2023, 19:02:44 »
too bad we never really saw much of the american fleet in that. we see the carrier Lexington's group [1] in the manga, and that's about it.

[1] CV-2 Lexington, BB-62 New Jersey, Fletcher-class destroyers DD-445 Fletcher, DD-446 Radford, DD-680 Melvin. and of the translated manga i've read, they'd only just showed up and haven't encountered any of the main protagonists yet. and only Lexington's mental model gets any page time. her carrier group mostly has been dealing with the european antagonist Zordan Stark and his U-2501. and both are basically "sir not appearing in this picture" as far as the anime went.
We should carry on that conversation on the manga/anime threads.  I'd be happy chat about it.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #79 on: 14 April 2023, 08:55:23 »
Let's take a walk right out there along the beach

They would need…

…to move 140 kilometers unobserved across scrubland, against an opposition on high ground.  The enemy doubtless had vehicles that could cover that in a few minutes, and the risk that the enemy had VTOL support, or worse, was pretty high.

The largest problem, was keeping everyone's position in the formation loose enough to avoid 'one hit wipeouts' if the enemy had artillery assets and spotters, while tight enough to ensure mutual supporting fire when, not if, the enemy detected their approach and actually did something about it.

They were stripping the cupboards for this, with some supplementary help because each of the three commands brought ground assets.

Enough to have a full Snow-Raven style 'star' of Protomechs (25),  The ten "Rovers" were SR 'Scorpion IIC' models-a quikcell chassis modified with a reduced turret and expanded hull, running on a used fusion engine, modified to carry either a point or squad of battlesuits in relative comfort.

Proper Clan forces would laugh at the layout, but this wasn't going into a trial against Clan forces.

"Seron is going to be quite put out you jumped this off without him,"  Trina observed

"He'll get over it," Amanda mused.  "Saddle up people, sun's almost down, scouts out first, form up by column."

<Just remember, Amanda, we can do everything right, and it can still go wrong.> Desmond cautioned.


"They Took...

…Our Jumpships!!" Lord Major Elwood Innslee wanted to scream, but he held it in.  "They took our jumpships, they're going to be coming to take more!"

Telescopes hidden outside of the compound took images, and the images were on display, composited with imagery from the mothball station in orbit. 

"I can do many things, sir, but shitting out more fighters isn't one of them.  Everything we've got is being put back together, but it's going to take time to get those fighters ready to fly.  Most of them have been living as spare parts sources for the Harvest fleet for decades, we're short of parts, and what we aren't short of, we're having to figure out how to make fit on airframes not designed to use them."

Elwood groaned, then, "I guess we have to beat them on the ground then." 

He dismissed his chief of aviation, "Get what you can ready as soon as you can.  They landed somewhere to the east, and I doubt it was far enough to give you days to finish."

Most of the fusion powered tanks had had their fusion engines stripped to support the 'mech forces used in Harvest operations, the conversion of some to ICE had worked…kind of.  A man on a bicycle can outrun the three Rhino class assault vehicles,  tanks that needed a tanker-truck to follow them.

The Alacorns were hopeless, gutted to provide parts to keep the 'mech units operating, their main guns either wired into fixed bunker installations, or supplied to other commands as spares for Highlanders, Excalibers, and so on. 

"We have 'mechs," he mused, then smiled.  "And they don't."

For defenses, a company and a half of maintained battlemechs, with full ammunition loadouts, might be enough to support the Infantry battalion.


"...a GROUND attack?  Have they…

…lost their minds?"  Seron looked up from studying the latest information dispatch.


The scoff was from a recently arrived officer, a Star Colonel from Rasalhague, Thorsen.

"I asked, if your…'colleagues' have lost their minds, they sent away half their ground force personnel and from what I gather, all of at least a third of their ship crewmen with this 'prize fleet' and are now launching a surface action against a fortified installation.  Have they… is Roberts insane?"

Seron chuckled, and waved his hand, "For a given value, she is as sane as anyone operating in the unincorporated zones thus far, Star Commander.  I admit to being a bit put-out that she decided this while I was away, but the plan is relatively solid for this far into what amounts to a deployment zone.  Our operation on Devil's Breath had less forethought and planning… welcome to the wastes.  I take it you were brought along with, by the 'B' crews taking the prizes back to Quatre Belle, quiaff?"

"Aff, I am here on Grand Council business to have a… look… at your operations."

"Caught us on a good day then,"  Seron said with a chuckle.  "I am… Star Commander Seron of the Raven Watch, Privateer branch, you may use 'Mister' for the purposes of this interview, or for interviews of most of our native personnel."

"So… you answered my inquiry with conditionals."

"Because insane conditions merit a different standard of sanity," Seron said easily.  "Most of the Unincorporated areas have small, vestigial or remnant habitations, but some worlds have sufficient people on them.  In between those are bandits, pirates, lunatics, criminals, and those whom are… not a good fit for normal, established, incorporated society.  Our organization is growing, but it is by no means a juggernaut either in terms of numbers, or support.  Thus, a relative view of sanity applies, at least until we can pave the way for order, law, and progress."

"And this is supposed to be a worthy use of resources, quineg?"

"Wrong.  It is, you see, those bandits, pirates and sundry riff-raff are a drain on resources, one that gets worse over time."  Seron explained as if to a child (a child in sibko, but still…), "We have uncovered a significant Bandit Caste organization out here, one that has access to, and makes use of, Star League equipment and property, one that has nearly established as much hold as a legitimate interstellar government. This is because for three and a half centuries,  more or less, there has been nothing like law or law enforcement to quell them… you have visited the planet below, quiaff?"

"Not yet."

"Well, while the drives charge we are all more or less stuck here. It is worth a visit," Seron said grimly.  "The work must be done. Someone must do it, until Amanda Roberts started doing it, nobody was.  The proof is on the surface of this world, and on the surfaces of every world the Privateer force has liberated so far, in a generation or two, they will all be up to at least Clan Homeworld standards of safety and development, if not reaching up to the levels of safety and development we have encouraged in the Incorporated portions of the Raven alliance… But you start where you stand, if you want a better more prosperous future for your clan.  I believe that was one of Tseng's arguments, quiaff?"

"Aff," the visitor nodded.  "WE would be using REAL warriors for this."

Seron Gazed at his visitor skeptically, frowned, then smiled viciously.

"You have a surplus of warriors who can go months between battles?  Who can spend weeks to months in transit, to fight for tiny colonies that are barely inhabited?" Seron cocked an eyebrow.  "Warriors willing to risk their lives for missions that have little to no glory?  Are things that peacefulwith the Draconis Combine?"

Thorsen winced, "Neg."

"Exactly.  Waiting for 'true warriors' to be available would see not a quarter the gains made with mixing solahama candidates, washouts, and volunteers has.  The training bases at Northsun and Joan's Post scrape out the worst of what is available and firm up the rest with local militias when we can find them.  This lets us do our duty with a minimum of resource outlay using equipment that would either be sent to degrade in storage, or to the recycler.  The task would have been the duty of Solahma back in the Homeworlds, and the gear provided reflects that lower status, even if the occasional mission is… higher risk than is normally the case for Warrior Caste units."  Seron half reclined in the interview chair, "Are we now on the same page, quiaff?"

"Why the Watch though??"

"Because most of the jobs out here are gathering intelligence and conducting civil affairs, just as most of the actual combat is… unconventional… in nature and execution.  The bulk of those duties are really traditionally Clan Watch duties, round pegs, round holes… and because technically, the Privateer fleet falls under Outworlds, not Snow Raven, purview. The budget is approved by the Parliament and the letter of marque is signed by the President.  We keep them on task, and prevent them from going bandit, while assuring that the Clan gains from their successes and learns from their defeats."

He laid his hands on the table between them, "AND, Star Commander Thorsen, it keeps potential bandit-caste from turning bandit-they have a path to promotion that would not exist without this agency, and believe me, we are channeling the most promising down the path of Legitimate Service, instead of into a situation where our charges, and our warriors, must deal with talented, dissatisfied criminals.  In a sense, we are removing future problems with the use of future, and sometimes, current ones."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #80 on: 14 April 2023, 09:16:33 »
The traditional role of privateers.. taking potential pirates, and directing their efforts along lines that should if not benefit the nation, at least prevent them from causing it harm.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #81 on: 14 April 2023, 10:34:34 »
Bravo, CS. Seron and his description represent an actual pragmatic, Clanlike (or actually Clanlike) attitude of "no resources wasted."


  • Private
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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #82 on: 14 April 2023, 11:20:04 »
The traditional role of privateers.. taking potential pirates, and directing their efforts along lines that should if not benefit the nation, at least prevent them from causing it harm.
Unfortunately the other traditional role of privateers was to turn pirate once peace broke out & they no longer have 'legitimate' targets for their depradations.


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #83 on: 14 April 2023, 11:23:57 »
Always have your contingencies in motion

"Murphy's Maxims…

…apply here."  Amanda mused.  They'd found a series of gullies and draws east of the spaceport, which was set on high ground of basalt and sandstone uplift, almost a bluff fifty meters above the surrounding area.

It made for half-decent concealment for the scouts, and she'd come forward riding Trina's Roc like a horse to have a look.

<You will need to send the tracked vehicles around to the south, which is likely to be…?>

"Mined." Amanda muttered, "The south and north.  They didn't here, because this is bad terrain for a vehicle borne approach and too rough for most 'mechs." <And a pain to patrol or monitor with the loose soil in the gully network.> Desmond contributed.

"The easy way is always mined, quiaff?" Trina asked over the tightbeam.

"Yeah.  I think so…" she surveyed the cliff face, "I think the infantry can climb this, and your protomechs, but the smart money says they've got obstacles at the peak."

"The conventional assault is not going to take the base." Trina observed, "Not against battlemechs and fixed defenses. The problem is firepower delivery and the ability for the opposition to concentrate forces."

Amanda frowned, and in her vision, the imagery was lit with possible attack plans.

None of them worked out.

"Contingency Bravo." Amanda ruled.  "Get the armored vehicles and most of the heavies from the protomech star back to the Ell-zee, we're going to call in airstrikes while we're waiting, a bombing campaign to loosen them up and cut down their numbers."



…Bravo.  You predicted it." Wilhelmina noted. 

Fleet Captain Foster nodded. "I did.  An airstrike and bombing campaign.  She can't overcome their defenses with what ground forces we have…or, at least, she does not THINK she can, which amounts to the same thing in the end."

"You are sure she did not simply get cold feet, quineg?"

"Neg." David asserted.  "If anyone in this organization needs to learn reasonable levels of caution, that person would be Amanda Roberts.  This is a good sign.  She is maturing."

"So…why do you sound disappointed?" the Star Captain asked.

David chuckled and shook his head, but did not give an answer to that question, instead, "Send binary alpha with air superiority loads, Billie, suppress the station using bravo star with alpha flying escort.  For the next few days, your force, my ship's forces, and the Evanescent are going to be raising hell on the target using guided bombs, and rocket attacks. The objective is to deny the enemy rest, sleep, and material to fight with."

"You are not going to position for bombardment?"

"Neg." he denied, "we are not going to be doing that, it is not merely inefficient, but leaves nothing of value on the target to take. The enemy has civil population nearby, and those civilians are likely to be in bondage, as slaves, so we are going to be very surgical until a relief force can come to help liberate the system."

Wilhemina Siegel regarded him, "You are thinking of a way to win."

"I am always thinking about ways to win, you knew that back when we were just out of Sibko." he grinned.

"And you are teaching the girl with the cybernetic augmented brain?"

"I am teaching the young woman, the augmentation has limits, she is going to learn to surpass them."

Siegel laughed, "you DO love your sweet victories." she said.

"I admit I do.  Let Glory-chasers have the pyrrhic ones, I like my wins to count."  He turned to Mr. Johnson, "Get on commo with the Evanescent, they already know we are in contingency Bravo."

"Aye sir."


"Orders from…

…Fleet Captain Foster is to set up ferry flights to Ell Zee One on Michtal, and stage ground-support missions with guided munitions."  Mister Nichols explained, "the standing posture is that we hold in high orbit until relieved, but avoid getting in line of sight of the station's probable defense weapons-not including fighters, we're to dust those as they come up with a relay of sensor data to the Illusive, who's going to be holding near the local moon."

"So, bottle up the enemy's air, conduct tac-air and strikes, and wait for backup." Bedwyr asked.

"Exactly that, Mister Bedwyr.  Captiain Roberts will be directing the airstrikes with forward scout elements.  We get to try out the guided bombs."

"Nice." Mister Samuel enthused, "I wanted to see if those new designs work!!"

"And you'll get the chance.  Contingency Bravo revolves around forcing the defenders to either fort up so tight they can't react, or come out in reaction force strengths we can dominate through air-power and ambushes on the ground.  It's old OMC tactics, but it should work with this enemy.  Either way, between ours, Kappa's air arm, and Illusive's strike wings, we should be able to maintain nearly 24 hour coverage for several days."

"What about their deep base at the gas giant?"

"If they want to relieve their guys on the ground, those dropships will have to burn hard, which is why Illusive is holding the observation position." Larry explained, "They won't be arriving in fit condition if we do this right, and that makes them easier to take down, while degrading that base's defense for our follow up from Kappa's 16th battle Cluster."

"Anything special?" Samuel asked.

"You know those weather sats you were playing with??" Larry asked.


"How many can you put together in the next three days? I'm thinking if we can establish a sat network, we can make this hurt them even more...and they'll be useful later when the Alliance moves in colonists to take over."

"I'll get on that, sir."


The second battle of Michtal…

…was laid out through the principles of force multiplication, rather than brute force.  This isn't that brute force wasn't involved…it was.  It had to be.

"...Her initial plan is not the plan they are going to use." Seron explained to the Ghost Bear investigator.  "It was, for lack of a better term, the 'best case' scenario.  Such scenarios never materialize outside of regulated trials.  Against Live enemies, best cases never happen when you might wish them to…thus, contingencies.  Their first contingency, will be to deploy force multiplier assets.  The key ones most likely to be used, are assets to improve communication and the view of the battlefield, while reducing the enemy's ability to see, to perceive, and to react."

'You are certain of this."

"I know David Foster, and I know Larry Nichols-one is a Clan trained Warship specialist, and the other is a professional Naval officer whose presence has more to do with traitor-lord political games than actual ability." Seron explained, "Amanda and her…augmentation, make for a potent tactical asset, Foster is a strategist and Nichols is a logistical savant.  They will use the enemy's strengths as levers to create weaknesses and break the defenses between the four of them."


"Star Captain Siegel, who is a superb organizer and an outstanding fighter commander, her placement in Kappa has more to do with an unfortunate tendency NOT to die in combat, thus allowing her to grow 'older than the Touman finds preferable'."  The almost ebony Elemental smiled, "This, Star Captain, is not glory, it is seeking victory."

"You are certain?"

"When someone grows old in a young man's game, they are, by definition, formidable players of that game."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #84 on: 14 April 2023, 11:41:18 »
 :clap: :clap: :clap:

Bravo, Cannonshop, bravo. I love Mr. Seron's commentary of the operation to the Ghost Bear ambassador. :thumbsup:


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #85 on: 14 April 2023, 16:44:53 »
Unfortunately the other traditional role of privateers was to turn pirate once peace broke out & they no longer have 'legitimate' targets for their depradations.
which is why the outworlds is setting them up to be a humanitarian and peacekeeping organization in focus, and not pure combat. Privateers usually went pirate because in times of peace no one had a need for their military skillsets and civilian work wasn't lucrative enough. by making their "privateers" basically a state supported PMC focused on police duties and helping colonies. they give them a skillset that is just as useful in peacetime as in times of conflict.


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #86 on: 14 April 2023, 18:14:23 »
Man, I go to work, and look what happens to the place!  :D

Seriously awesome story work!  :thumbsup:

As for privateers, don't forget the Lindon's Company version: Barret's Privateers...  8)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #87 on: 14 April 2023, 20:54:58 »
Walk with me in

The skies…

…screamed, weeping tears of fire.  The greenhouses bore witness as thunder slammed into the Lord's castle, the port, and the Lords themselves failed, time and again, to stop them.

The Star League's enemies had come, bringing with them a demonic fury that was oddly selective.

S'aeir peered through the forbidden gap at the street, where the Rhino burned, and with it, the Star League soldiers of the Lord Inslee also burned, screaming.

She had never seen the Lord's men screaming, or in pain.  Not even when Kally bit the one who took her to be his wife.

S'aeir knew she wasn't going to be honored like her big sister.  Even at eight, she was not pretty enough for them.  She was 'the ugly one'.

A man in helmet and breastplate, with a pulse-laser rifle, tried to dash toward the drainage hole, and a line of greenish, pulsing light dragged fire along the street behind his running feet,lighting his backplate on fire before he ruptured in a steam explosion.  His helmet landed near her hiding place, the dead remains of a face still staring into her eyes.

She stifled a scream.

The ground shook, as the Lord Major's 'mech came around the corner…


Trina crept…
… through streets, stepping between prime movers and avoiding stampeding horses.  Urban was the Roc's hunting ground, and her point was hunting.

Up ahead, the scouts were finding targets, and laying TAG on them.

Guided munitions struck fortified positions, forcing her prey into a mobile sort of warfare.

Five Roc class protomechs are thirty five tons.  Thirty five tons, five clan extended range medium lasers, moving at a walk of 50 kph and a run of 80, with a 150 meter jump.
Not quite on the level of the Lancelot class heavy 'mech that just stepped out of a fortified doorway sunk into the street between warehouses.

But then, Protomech Warriors are used to scrapping larger prey.

His PPC went past her shoulder, misjudging range, perhaps, while his large lasers passed helplessly by.

She hopped and danced, her star-mates/sibkin closing on multiple angles, a flying W with weapons nearly as powerful as his arm-mount lasers and a much smaller profile.

She fired, her sibkin fired.

Armor sloughed from his head, chest, one arm, and both legs.

The bigger 'mech stumbled at the unexpected damage.

She hopped with a burst from her jump jets, and laid another shot aimed at his head-mounted cockpit…

I live, I die, I die. You die forever.

Her reward was the gaseous venting of superheated air from melted and sublimated, cracked ferroglas.

The Heavy fell, revealing a Bombardier behind him.

"Oh ******."  She jumped as she landed, and pinprick missiles passed by.


The first passes…

…followed where the scouts found the minefields and detection emplacements.  Air strikes with thermobaric and concussion bombs cleared the path as the Snow Ravens played merry hell with the spaceport's other defenses.

"Yo ho ho." Amanda rode in with the Rovers, and the infantry, while two points of protomechs came up the valley wall and three more interleaved with the armored assault elements.

This was fast warfare.  The powered suits of the infantry rode on the outside, instead of in the compartments, with Homing grenades loaded in their launchers and linked data to call in airstrikes as they moved forward.  The homers would be applied… er, were being applied, to anything big and armored with major firepower.

Pulse lasers for anything soft and wearing a uniform or carrying a weapon.

For their part, the IFV crews used their main guns-Clan ER Mediums, as supplemental fire-support or to clear obstacles.

For the most part, the enemy weren't really prepared for this… and certainly weren't prepared for the kind of unified air-land battle that they were executing.

She brought up the tac plot and chose new targets, directing air-strikes through the comm system and directing the two tracks that were designated 'ambulances' to wounded showing on her screen.

And she was racking up wounded… but not like the Sons of Plunder were.

Their tactics showed they maybe had barely heard a rumor sometime in the distant past regarding the possibility of Battlesuit troops and battle suit tactics, but they clearly didn't know a single thing about Protomechs, or enemies who knew how to call in airstrikes while on the move.

It was as if…

<These guys never faced people like your grandfather, Amanda,> Desmond suggested.  <You're using Outworlds Alliance tactics with Clan equipment.>

"It’s working… so far, " she mumbled back.  "Second platoon turn right at the intersection,there's a bunkered mass with neutrino emissions on your current vector."

This was almost entirely not like storming a warship in dock, nor was it like sneaking into a fortified prison complex.  "Platoon three, by squad, north one nine zero meters, fire from that bunker, silence it if possible, point Third, move in support of platoon three two five zero meters southeast of your current heading."

Something flashed in her vision and she felt the shockwave enough to bring her up from her fugue.

Track C was halted, the front of it deformed by a pair of strikes.

"Unass! UNASS!!!"

The HGN-732 that stepped out of the shadow of a greenhouse intersection brought its gauss rifle up again.

Her vision outlined it in red as Desmond did his thing, marking it as a priority for all available units, then sending the order through the link to the comm system on the track.

Amanda did the only thing that came to mind, she matched actions to words, and rushed the enemy 'mech as it drew a bead on the IFV's behind her…

Only to watch as a salvo of rockets hit from the left, and front, and right and behind, matched with the cerulean green of Clan Laser weapons from four fighters draw across the enemy's 'mech, shattering plates and buckling structure, finally, detonating the long range missiles in the torso.

One piece of which, bigger than her AND her PAL suit, almost landed on her.

A Corax from Kappa did a victory roll as it streaked overhead.

"Yo, ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me…" she whistled, as the remains of the ninety ton machine collapsed in on itself, burning brightly as the fusion plasma vented through every hole and joint.

She checked the time.  Thirty minutes to dawn.  The city's structures reflected burning light in predawn darkness.


It was a nightmare that…

…did not seem inclined to end.  Out of nearly eighteen 'mechs, there were only four left.

Four.  'Mechs.  Elwood finally began to understand what it must be like, having a Harvest force strike a resource world, because the enemy was crushing his very best with relative ease.

He climbed into the cockpit of his Black Knight, a 'mech dating from the very days of Star League itself, lovingly maintained.

He waited as the doors opened on the 'mech bay.

He readied himself to step forward and salvage something from this debacle.

The screams of his men in his ears.

The doors opened.

There were shapes in the predawn darkness, and fires. 

And there were, in the smoke, lines of light illuminating him.

"Attention Dickbag, you might live, if you power down now, and get out of the 'mech."  It was on loudspeaker, a woman's voice.  "We have you indexed, with air-strikes in-coming, or you can surrender."

He raised his arm-mounted weapons,and suddenly, pulses of green and blue slammed him.

"See, I tried."

The detectors saw the bombs right before they entered the 'mechbay…They had to have released them before their leader-

Flash, and the world was no more for Elwood Innslee.


In the light…

 …of dawn, it was time to count bodies.  Among the living were nearly four hundred Sons of Plunder who threw down arms after the strike on what appeared to be their commander's 'mech bay, or out of despair, or shock.

From OWS Evanescent there were less than a dozen casualties.  The Illusive added another twenty casualties, and Kappa Galaxy lost five protomechs, but kept their warriors alive.

"We're going to need that garrison, Fleet Captain," Amanda said over the comm as she sat in the hatch of another track, this one with guns leveled on the collected live enemy personnel taken.  "When's our relief due?"

"They're in system and en-route."

Operation: Cartagena was a success, but what to do about the fifteen thousand civilians with slave collars?

<De Opresso Liber,>  Desmond whispered in her mind. <Liberate the Oppressed.>

She felt that rush again, and Desmond showed her his viewpoint when she manumitted Erinyes.

"We do seem to be doing a lot of that," she mumbled.

In the distance, a shuttle flared ahead of a grounding dropship.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #88 on: 14 April 2023, 21:00:25 »
Woo!  Another notch in that broad belt of hers...  8)


  • Major
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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #89 on: 15 April 2023, 09:20:02 »
Those who don't really play combined arms vrs those who do.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

